Re: OT2: The 'realness' of languages

2008-12-23 Thread viktoras didziulis
in this situation I would ask to show a portfolio CD or examples of 
software created by the person - the most important thing being 
experience and ability to complete a product in whatever language the 
person feels most comfortable.

I guess it would be also fair to say that GUI will be created using 
Revolution RAD and definitely one can expand it with modules written in 

BTW correct me please, this may be wrong impression, but it looks like 
C++/C adoration is something specific to the USA, isn't it? I know many 
IT companies in my country and elsewhere in Europe who do not do C and 
deliver their products (accounting systems, research software, etc...) 
in Delphi, Java, Abap and the fact that they do not do C seems having 
zero impact on their successful businesses...

Best wishes!

Peter Alcibiades wrote:

It still sounds as if you're failing to probe the question/objection, and it
will be impossible to answer it unless you find out exactly what it is.  Is
it support?  Is it a concern about robustness?  Is it a matter of internal
company policy?  What were they expecting it to be written in?  C?  Python? 
Perl? VB? It will take different things in each case to answer it.

Imagine someone is delivering a proposal to a company you work for, and when
asked exactly that same question, replies, it will be written in Scheme. 
She goes on to explain that she is more productive in Scheme than any other

language, she can deliver cross platform apps of the sort you are asking for
in a tenth of the time, and she offers to do an instant demo for you of
something that would take several hours in C, in about 10 minutes.

What do you say to her, and what do you think, and what do you say to your
colleagues when you talk to them about it?

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Re: OT2: The 'realness' of languages

2008-12-22 Thread viktoras didziulis
once Revolution collects the critical mass of developers and well 
known cross platform software products created with it, the transition 
should happen automagically. In general the situation is such that we 
have more than 50 other languages standing in front of Revolution if we 
sort them by popularity (, so the statistics is not on our 
side unless Revolution Ltd introduces something so valuable, so 
efficient, so universal (see list below) that everyone would not resist 
getting a copy of Rev...

I guess some people who explore potential of Revolution for their 
projects might dislike the following issues:
1) lack of hardware accelerated 3D engine (what if I wish to add a 
decent 3D visualization feature into my software, I will be stuck if I 
use Revolution..)
2) objects limited to GUI (I will not be able to create my own invisible 
object with its properties and use it in consistent manner like other 
objects of Revolution. e.g. set the height of object myCube or get the 
mass of object Planet). I am not speaking about complicated OOP here, 
just about lacking possibility to create simple non-GUI objects, not 
resorting to workarounds.
3) pixel by pixel image manipulation is slow, in Java one can create 
smooth animations by manipulating individual pixels in real-time, in 
Revolution it is still too slow.
4) can I easily use  library written in C/C++ ? No... I need to hire a 
C/C++ programmer to write a wrapper. Or C/C++/Revolution programmer 
which is yet more difficult to find. This inhibits the spread of 
Revolution. For example REXX language has The Generic Call Interface 
(GCI, which allows a REXX-only 
solution for calling external function packages without a wrapper 
library. Many would like a thing like this for Revolution.
5) syntax, well, at least Director folks say that popularity of Lingo 
increased once they introduced alternative dot syntax which requires 
less typing.

So, they might consider choosing Revolution if they are 100% sure they 
will never ever need smooth 3D graphics, direct image manipulation, own 
objects, external libraries and feel comfortable with its syntax. I 
still believe we will have those things in 5 years or so...

All the best!

George C Brackett wrote:

I'm wondering if this has happened to you:

I recently was talking with a prospective client about extending a 
program I wrote in Revolution for one school (the charter high school 
I helped found) to work with a group of schools sharing common 
interests.  My program has worked well on two platforms for four years 
(we're OS-agnostic), storing data on student behavior on a MySQL 
database accessed via internet, and displaying the data in a variety 
of ways (numeric, graphical, on the web) for teachers, students, 
families, and administrators.  Rev made it easy to write the program 
initially and to modify it as the requirements became clearer with use.

While demonstrating the program, the prospective client (who had made 
it clear to me that she had been involved with many software 
development projects before) asked what the program was written in.  
After I told her I used Revolution for its rapid-development and 
cross-platform capabilities, a subtle change occurred in the 
conversation.  She began talking about how I might help with the 
design, but that of course when the design was finished a software 
firm would take over the development (presumably in some 'real' 
language like C).  I didn't bother to tell her I COULD write in C, 
Java, PERL, PHP and so on, because it would be extraord inarily 
painful to do so.

Has anyone else run into this issue?  Do you dodge the 'what is it 
written in' question?  How can we raise the profile of Revolution as a 
'real' language?  (Never mind what religion it might resemble!)


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Re: [OT] If programming languages were religions...

2008-12-19 Thread viktoras didziulis


Revolution is like Jehovah Witnesses. Made up of a relatively small 
albeit stable and friendly community of followers and controlled by a 
small company Revolution somehow resists the power of mainstream beliefs 
with large evil corporations behind. Although well known for its 
pacifistic attitudes, it cherishes a hope since the very establishment 
that this evil World is moving to the end, and the Revolution is going 
to dominate the New World soon. Believing the God's name has to be 
written and pronounced using rules of the English language, its 
followers read and interpret the Scripts literally. However this might 
have raised some doubts about the trustworthiness of the word about 
Revolution because of experiences caused by diverse national, linguistic 
and religious identities. The partisans of Revolution strongly believe 
that many dogmas and assumptions of mainstream religions are incorrect 
interpretations, bad habits and even superstitions. Meanwhile adherents 
of the mainstream religions usually look at revolutionists from above. 
However the later tend to became converted after just a few days of 
hands on experience with Revolution.

sorry, I could not resist to write one more, as it was also missing from 
the original list of languages :-)

Assembly - the language in which the Universe has been created. Mastered 
only by the God himself. Currently known and used by ascended beings or 
inspired humans, and unfortunately, also demons and dark mags. While the 
former can do miracles with it, the dark side adherents use their 
knowledge to corrupt the World.

sincerely your
slightly inspired cafeteria christian permanently corrupted by voodoo 


Hugh Senior wrote:

I would quote this in full, but it's better on the webPage...

We now need one for Rev.

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Re: Looking for ugly code comparisons WAS: Slashdotter looking for kids' programming language

2008-12-13 Thread viktoras didziulis

Dave Cragg wrote:

I'll play Devil's Advocate.

There seems to be some assumptions about what is easier for a child. 
One of these assumptions is that a simple English-like syntax is 
simpler than other kinds of syntax. I wonder if that is not an adult 

Compare these two ways of representing properties:

the text of me

I should agree with Dave's point. Especially in countries, where English 
is not native language like Lithuania and Bulgaria ;-) or take the major 
part of Europe, where kids do not speak English yet, the assumption that 
English like language is easier to learn as a programming language is 
wrong. It might be true if it were Lithuanian-like, Polish-like, 
Russian-like, Czech-like, Finish-like, Bulgarian-like, Georgian-like or 
Chinese-like (outside Europe) though.

On the other, learning Revolution might help kids learn some English. 
That's a good point!

What we were taught at school was Fokal (sounds bad, and I doubt anyone 
on this list has heard anything about this :-) ), later Pascal, but as 
far as at that time PC was a very rare thing outside the school, I 
practiced most concepts of programming by writing programs for a 
programmable calculator MK-52 (likely not known outside the former ussr) 
and the language was somehow similar to assembly - sets of instructions, 
pushing and popping numbers from stack (memory, nothing in common with 
Revolution stacks), registers. So those who proposed assembly might well 
be right as well.. At the university we were taught Pascal/Delphi. Life 
forced to learn HTML/Javascript and finally Revolution RAD was a real 
discovery, but at that point I was not a kid anymore!.. So if kid is 
motivated to learn programming he will learn anything he has an easy 
access to.

So the question would be - do kids have easy access to Revolution ? 
Depends on their parents :-)..

Best regards!

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Re: Looking for ugly code comparisons WAS: Slashdotter looking for kids' programming language

2008-12-13 Thread viktoras didziulis

Dave Cragg wrote:

 I'll play Devil's Advocate.

 There seems to be some assumptions about what is easier for a child.
 One of these assumptions is that a simple English-like syntax is
 simpler than other kinds of syntax. I wonder if that is not an adult

 Compare these two ways of representing properties:

 the text of me

Sorry for possible double posting (my first attempt went in html and I 
hope it wont appear on this list :-) ).

I would like to agree with Dave's point. Especially in countries, where 
English is not native language or take the major part of Europe, where 
kids do not speak English yet, the assumption that English like language 
is easier to learn as a programming language is wrong. It might be true 
if it were Lithuanian-like, Polish-like, Russian-like, Czech-like, 
Finish-like, Bulgarian-like, Georgian-like or Chinese-like (outside 
Europe) though.

For example if we translate
put 3 into field Boo of card Mano of stack Programa  into correct 
Lithuanian it should look like

įdėk 3 į krūvos Programa kortos Mano lauką Boo..
So similarity to whatever spoken language is completely not a point to 
the most of children on this Earth .

On the other hand, learning Revolution might help kids learn something 
about thinking in English. And this is a very good point!

What we were taught at school was FOCAL, I doubt anyone on this list has 
heard anything about this. Later Pascal, but in that time PC was a very 
rare thing outside the school. Those who were interested  practiced most 
concepts of programming by writing programs for  programmable 
calculators like MK-52, etc.. likely not known outside the former ussr, 
and the language was somehow similar to assembly - sets of instructions, 
pushing and popping numbers from stack (memory, nothing in common with 
Revolution stacks), registers. So people who propose assembly might be 
right as well.. At the university we were taught Pascal/Delphi again. 
Life forced to learn HTML/Javascript and finally Revolution RAD was a 
real discovery, but at that point I was 10 years past my childhood and 
already had my own money to spend for Revolution ;-). Conclusion: if 
anyone is motivated to learn programming he will choose something he has 
an easier access to.

Do kids have easy access to Revolution ? It depends on their parents I 

Best regards!
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Re: Ugly ID memories

2008-12-10 Thread viktoras didziulis
Is there anything what can be done with ID that can't be done with altID 
? If not, then simply forgetting about existence of ID and using altID 
in all cases where we are used to refer to ID should solve the ID 
problem completely...


Richard Gaskin wrote:

Any problems using the altID property?

Since IDs increment for each object created, if restoring an object 
setting the altID should avoid any conflict with existing or new objects.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
 Revolution training and consulting:
 Webzine for Rev developers:
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Re: Sqlite remotely

2008-12-05 Thread viktoras didziulis
there is one trick to make it working like a multiuser database. The 
same trick was frequently used in all flat-file based multiuser 
environments (mostly websites). I did not try it with Revolution yet, 
but did many times in Perl (CGI) and it works. It is not lightning fast, 
but multiuser.

A verbal simplified description of this ancient recipe is:
(1) Before updating database check if file sem.txt is present.
(2) If it is present - wait a few milliseconds and check (1) again.
(3) Otherwise if it is not present, create sem.txt and start updating 
the database.
(4) When the job is finished, delete sem.txt, so that another process 
won't see it.

one implementation of sqlite that is able to access remote sqlite 
database is Apache modsqlite module. Ask Google for more info..

best wishes!

hershel fisch wrote:

On 12/4/08 4:31 PM, Kee Nethery [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks, to all.
Hershel Fisch


sqlite is is a sql database but it is not a multi-user database. Think
of it as a local file on your hard drive (in fact that is what it is).
If you want to use it remotely, you have to mount that hard drive
remotely, open the sqlite file, and then read and write to it. While
you are doing that, no one else can.

If you want multiple people to read and write from the same sqlite
database file, you will need to build an app that accepts requests
from remote users and it and only it opens and reads and writes to
that data file. That connecter server is not a standard part of
sqlite. You would have to build it yourself.

sqlite is great for applications that need local data storage. For
example, most (if not all) of the Apple apps running on a Mac store
all their data in sqlite data files. It's not a multi-user database.

Kee Nethery

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Re: [TT] When they ask, Who (or What) was this written by ?

2008-12-02 Thread viktoras didziulis
some say that Shakespeare should share his genius with Sir Francis 
Bacon, so may be not a standalone genius at all. Who knows...

best regards

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

[TT] - Totally Tangential.

Speaking as a happily married person (just thinking about how that mucks 
up marriage statistics makes it even happier) both my wife and I would 
find it pretty tough to claim 100% authorship of anything; well, except in 
those arguments where she says that one of our sons is 100% like me :)

As a person who doesn't feel to bad about plundering code (as well as 
shoving a lot of mine around for others to plunder) I can honestly say 
that my maximum input on anyone project is about 75%; even if the other 
25% consisted of supplying hot drinks, keeping the kids out of the way, 
cooking meals, cleaning the house - I would have been hard-put to complete 
a lot of work without that support.

So, whether Albert Einstein's wives were quiet geniuses spoon-feeding 
stupid Bert, or whether they were just his support crew doesn't really 
matter: their contribution should be acknowledged.

Skaespeare ripped-off everything, left, right, and centre: it is what he 
did with the material he gathered that constitutes genius.

Of course there are Shakespearian 'scholars' (and those single quotes are 
meant to signify that they are a fairly worthless crowd) who worry about 
whether that wonderful turn of phrasing in Richard II's soliliquoy is 100% 
Shakespeare, or whether the first adjective was thought up by another 
lurking genius: does it matter? Not one wit: The play's the thing!

And so to a little coding . . . to misquote that unsung hero of 
software development, Mr Samuel Pepys.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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one launcher - many links

2008-12-01 Thread viktoras didziulis
hello! just wanted to ask what strategies can be used to solve the 
following issue 'correctly':
there is one launcher (compiled stack) and several modules (ordinary 
stacks). I would need to add several shortcuts to the Windows start 
menu/MacOSX applications folder pointing to same loader stack, but 
instructing it to load different module stack. How can this be done ?

best regards and thanks for any hints !
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Re: When they ask, what is this written in?

2008-12-01 Thread viktoras didziulis
what about recursive acronym like XIR meaning Xtalk Is Revolution (which 
is correct in many senses). Language names like Rex, R are already 
reserved and I do not know any language called XIR which is both Xtalk 
and Revolution and everyone is happy :-)))


Sadhunathan Nadesan wrote:

Personally I like xTalk, (snip)

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

I vote for xTalk or X-talk.

Part of the reason is that I use it mainly just as a stand alone scripting
language without the IDE, for the kinds of tasks I might use Bash shell
script for - (or Perl if I felt more affinity for it) when it happens
to be better suited _for me_, for the solution needed.  Examples: to
parse text, for CGI programs, data conversions, wrapper around SQL,
and so forth.

-- Sadhu
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Re: When they ask, what is this written in?

2008-12-01 Thread viktoras didziulis

sorry it is not recursive, but still acronym anyway...

viktoras didziulis wrote:

what about recursive acronym like XIR

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Re: When they ask, what is this written in?

2008-12-01 Thread viktoras didziulis
he knew too few about programming,- maybe it is better to avoid people 
like that, because their expectations sometimes may be unreal. You know, 
there are many Delphi/Pascal programmers around, the language being 
ranked 8th place by its spread and usage, tons of stuff's written in 
that language (in many cases it compiles to faster code than C/C++, 
because it allows to avoid silly mistakes and bugs, etc, etc..) and they 
also tell stories about meeting knowledgeable experts asking them to 
do things in C only. And there is nothing you can do about these 
people,- they just are... like people who care more about what car they 
will be riding rather than what is their destination ;-)

all the best

Jim Sims wrote:

I asked because recently a potential client told me that 'real' programs
are written in C++  (actually, he said C). He had heard of C, maybe
even seen it in  a book or a movie like The Matrix. His understanding
or knowledge of it all stopped there. However, he had money, wanted to
do something, and 'had to have' C - period, end of story.

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Re: When they ask, what is this written in?

2008-11-30 Thread viktoras didziulis
I say or point to Revolution. If the client's mind is not brainwashed 
with the only truth is C++ religion he usually accepts this fact 
without any fear of falling into an heresy :-). And today, when many 
programmers say single language is never enough because there is no 
perfect language I feel quite comfortable with Rev in my toolkit. You 
can also say that, according to the Tiobe index Revolution is among the 
first 150 languages (and there are thousands of other languages) used in 
business and industry and is assigned to the same group together with 
well known R, Mathematica and SPSS, AppleScript, PostScript, Oberon, 
VBScript and XSLT. Also they may be impressed by the fact that some 
software used in connection with Landsat 7 satellite is written in 
Revolution, and Revolution was also being used in European Community 6th 
framework projects.

all the best!

Jim Sims wrote:

When potential clients and/or investors ask you What language
did you make this in/with?  and after saying Revolution (I usually
say Transcript, I like that name much better) they say I've never
heard of that  What do you tell them?

The best counter, for me, for the above exchange is Mike Markkula,
the angel investor that got Apple off the ground has invested in Rev.

My project is a finalist at Le Web 2008, the largest startup event
in Europe (Wall Street Journal, LinkedIn founder, TED, etc etc will be
there along with lots of investors). There are 30 finalists, we do
presentations and then three are picked as co-winners.

The real prize is getting to speak with lots of  investors from
the US  Europe over several days. I need to make the most of this
as I like good food  wine, unfortunately those things cost cash  ;-)

 I need to take advantage of this opportunity.

What do you say about Rev (or MetaCard)?


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Re: When they ask, what is this written in?

2008-11-30 Thread viktoras didziulis
One could also look at Revolution as a C++ development framework. 
Depends on where you are looking from.. I guess you know a story about 
an elephant and six blind men :-)

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Making the new Apache module engine available for free will help 
tremendously in evangelizing the language, arguably more so than the 
browser plugin.  It's hard to beat the grace of chunk expressions for 
working with text, and whether HTML or JavaScript or CSS, most of the 
web is just text.
modRevolution, modRev or am I missing something? It would be a hit. Is 
it already available anywhere, or is it only in future plans of the Rev. 

Short of going open source, what might one do to better communicate 
the value of investing thousands of programmer hours in Rev?

Certainly the free Apache module will help, and a truly comprehensive 
list of both commercial products and add-on components would also be 
quite a boost.

What else could be done to make Rev as compelling for serious 
developers as open source languages?

Diversity of available choices, including free or open source product 
line, benefits many makers of development tools. An engine and Apache 
module might be distributed for free while IDE and deployment tools 
could remain proprietary. This approach is exploited by well known 
companies like Adobe, Borland or smaller ones like AdaCore, ActiveState, 
and many others...

As time passes by and once consumer is aware (in our times he really 
is...) about all the top-popular development tools being at least free, 
open source or under artistic licences at the 
engine/compiler/interpreter level, proprietaryness of  Rev. may become 
a real obstacle. Most developers and content providers are already used 
to free availability of many engines. These tools are becoming an air of 
the Internet, they ensure constant creation of new content, and most 
people can not accept an idea of  any air fee or air tax or air 
property, but are willing to pay for blowers, steroids, or anything 
that allows them to move more of their air from point A to point B in a 
more efficient way. In principle they want a free possibility to create 
and deploy using their 'favorite text editors' and command line tools, 
and would likely pay for an IDE that would efficiently free them from 
their 'favorite text editors' :-).

my 1 cnt
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Re: [meet up] Le Web 2008 in Paris

2008-11-12 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Jim,

I will not be there, but when I went to Paris last time (March, this 
year), I stayed at Hotel Des Allies (20 Rue Berthollet) for 1 week and 
it was not too expensive. Well, facilities are not shining (it is one 
star hotel), but it is extremely well located nearby the Latin quarter, 
just within 10-15 min walking distance from Notre Dame. And I would 
recommend taking a walk along the river Seine in the evening to relax 
after the competition :-)

All the best!

Jim Sims wrote:

Anyone going to Le Web 2008 Conference in Paris?
Want to meet up?

I have a Rev project in the competition there, we
placed in the top 30 so now we get to battle it out
via onstage presentation.  Big Fun - Great food!

Ummm... also looking for places to stay in Paris
Short notice, but the winners were just informed
a few days ago. Need room for myself and
Richard, co-founder of our startup.

Any couches/spare bedrooms available in Paris?   ;-)
Our budget is slim.

Looks to be a great time!


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Revolution finally appears in TIOBE

2008-11-12 Thread viktoras didziulis
I guess I was not the only one sending missing language message to 
TIOBE :-) and finally Revolution is THERE among the next 50 !


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Re: Frequent crashes of Rev 3.0

2008-11-11 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Tiemo,

crashes on my pc are not reproducible either, sometimes it is just a 
double-click on an empty text field in IDE - lots of hard drive noise 
and Rev IDE is gone... Similar situation was with early 2.7, but then it 
was gradually fixed and I think 2.9 is now the most stable of all 2.7 - 
3.0 Revolutions.

All the best!

Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:


My Rev 3.0 IDE on Win XP SP3 crashes about 1-10 times a day, not
reproducable. After I had some other mysteries in the past I thought it
would be something about my installation and my fault, but now I have read
Viktoras post and it seems not to be only me. Is it only Viktoras and me, or
is it 3.0? My experience is, the frequency of crashes gets up, the more I am
handling objects, like creating, deleting, positioning fields, images, etc.
but that's just a feeling. I also pretty often have error messages (produced
by programming faults, like bad object references) with the window, where I
am asked, if I want to cancel or go to the script, which hang and the only
solution is to kill the task. I don't know if it make sense to put it into
the QA, because I can't reproduce any situation.

Am I supposed to switch back to 2.9? What are your experiences





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Re: Hi, I'm new and i need help

2008-11-09 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Leonel!

I would consider Studio as the optimal choice to start with. When you 
need more you can upgrade to Enterprise. Telling the truth, I am still 
successfully working with Studio on MS Windows and deploying on both 
MacOSX and Linux. Planning to upgrade to Enterprise with my next purchase.

One more issue is (based on my own personal experience only) the most 
recent Revolution 3.0 gm-3 otherwise feature rich and nice is a little 
unstable and if you also start experiencing any sort of instability, do 
not get disappointed, just write to support and ask for an url to get a 
copy of Revolution 2.9. At least for me it is the best combination of 
feature-set and stability. Since I have upgraded to 2.9. it never 
crashed, so now is the default version of Revolution on my PC for most 
development projects. I guess these few issues will be fixed with the 
next release of Revolution 3.0 (gm-4, soon..).

All the best!

Leonel Flor�n Selles wrote:

Hi, As you can see I'm new on this list.

and my first question is

What is the deference between RunTime Revolution


Well, I'm happy to be here and thanks.


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Re: Presumably this is vaguely criminal ?

2008-10-28 Thread viktoras didziulis
MetaCard engine is neither free nor open source, because it is 
Revolution engine. MetaCard IDE is free and open source, but it is 
just an IDE. One can also freely choose to use Revolution demo... In 
both cases users need to buy a license to have a full featured IDE, 
otherwise, I guess, scriptlimits will show their power. The only product 
it theoretically can compete with, as far as I understand, is Galaxy 
IDE. But new users of Revolution usually start with what they can get 
with no additional payment and only later try or upgrade to Galaxy if 
they like it more than any of the free alternatives they already have 
(Native Rev IDE or MetaCard). So I think all the 3 IDEs have their own 
niches and do not compete too much... Btw does anyone know of any more 
alternative Revolution IDE's out there ;-)

best wishes

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

The following came up on my radar today:

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.


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Re: Overcoming overlapping (obscured) map areas

2008-10-24 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Adrian,

if you use blobs of ink and transparent backgrounds, everything should 
work in either environment... When I need bloby maps in Revolution, I 
draw vector drawings and then set the visible of graphic myMapNo to 
true or false. Works perfectly. You can not do this for webpages in 
html, but there are other well known vector graphics technologies for 
web out there (flash/flex, SVG, etc...).

Best wishes

Adrian Williams wrote:

In trying to create a clickable map (using a graphic of a blob of ink),
I encounter problems with overlapping areas when using the HTML method.
It is to be viewed online, but an application may do just as well.
The red areas that get highlighted at MouseOver represent letters of 
the alphabet.

In html, MouseOver a large area and the graphic is obscured by smaller 
areas that are on top...

A and C are OK because they are on top of each other.
J is obscured at the bottom tip.
Ideally, when J is highlighted, the whole of the tip should also be red.

Can Rev offer a better solution?
If the MouseOver triggered the display of another layer (instead of 
just another image on the same page) it would work.

Club Type

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Re: [OT] Laptops for alcoholics ?

2008-10-21 Thread viktoras didziulis
Those usually have plenty of sunlight. They would probably like having 
something this:


Richmond Mathewson wrote:
This might be just the thing for those who do their programming 
while the whisky still is bubbling away in the garage. 

I wonder how well batteries filled with booze are going to do 
in countries where alcohol is either forbidden by law or 
frowned on by either religion or tradition?

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development Life Cycle.

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Re: [Heads Up:] OLED Buttons

2008-09-05 Thread viktoras didziulis
Oh, they have finally released this! Some time ago Art. Lebedev studio 
offered to pre-order their keyboards when the final product was just in 
a stage of concept. Its good to see they have succeeded. When I saw 
their Optimus Maximus concept the first thought was that it would be 
much simpler to use touch-sensitive lcd screen and to display any 
keyboard on it. One could even get real 3D buttons with a lenticular 
or parallax barrier screen and a feeling of click feedback via 
vibration on touch. Their last concept seems to be close to this, but 
not there yet...


Stephen Barncard wrote:
Here's a line of new HUI devices for human input... those involved in 
KIOSKS and super-custom and multi-lingual applications might want to 
know about these...

Awesome... each button on the keyboard has a little CPU and a 48x48 
color screen.

they have a 3 button version, a little affordable one, APIs available

and a kiosk big button thing n- expandable

this is on the drawing board

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scanners and Rev

2008-08-19 Thread viktoras didziulis
is there any way to communicate with scanners in Revolution ? I would 
need my app to be able to invoke a default scanner dialog window and 
then put the scanned image into an image object. Dictionary says nothing 
about scanners...

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Re: error in revdb_connect with special chars in path

2008-08-19 Thread viktoras didziulis


if the folder is one of the special folders might the 
specialFolderPath()  help? On Windows it can be used in combination with 
folder ids' as listed here:

Best wishes

Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:


Win XP, Rev 2.9. I just detected that revdb_connect has problems with
special chars in the db path. When having a special sign - in my case german
umlaut - the revdb_connect fails. A path with standard chars works perfect.
I coded:

put revdb_connect(sqlite,gPfadDB  lexikon.db) into gConID

where the path in gPfadDB has a german umlaut. I also tested the standalone
with the same effect. Is it really that I have to tell my customers they
can't use german chars in their installation path or is there any

Thanks for any tipp





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Re: AW: error in revdb_connect with special chars in path

2008-08-19 Thread viktoras didziulis
possible workaround would be using relative path instead of absolute and 

put lexikon.db into dbPath
put revOpenDatabase(sqlite,dbPath) into dbId

When working in IDE first change your defaultFolder to be applications 
folder. Or alternatively you might set your default folder to whatever 
is in your gPfadDB


Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

Hi Viktoras,
could be, but must not.
Thanks for your hint


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:use-revolution-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von viktoras didziulis
Gesendet: Dienstag, 19. August 2008 10:08
An: How to use Revolution
Betreff: Re: error in revdb_connect with special chars in path


if the folder is one of the special folders might the
specialFolderPath()  help? On Windows it can be used in combination with
folder ids' as listed here:

Best wishes

Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:


Win XP, Rev 2.9. I just detected that revdb_connect has problems with
special chars in the db path. When having a special sign - in my case


umlaut - the revdb_connect fails. A path with standard chars works


I coded:

put revdb_connect(sqlite,gPfadDB  lexikon.db) into gConID

where the path in gPfadDB has a german umlaut. I also tested the


with the same effect. Is it really that I have to tell my customers they
can't use german chars in their installation path or is there any

Thanks for any tipp


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Re: scanners and Rev

2008-08-19 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Mikey!

document scanner, not a barcode scanner. This application is a frontend 
for the taxonomic database of species including images of plants scanned 
with scanner.

Mikey wrote:

Do you mean a barcode scanner, or a document scanner?
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Re: Rev browser exporting pdf

2008-08-19 Thread viktoras didziulis

try these tips:

paolo mazza wrote:

How can I export a web page as PDF  using the internal browser of

I tryed with Quartam PDF Library for Revolution but I could not find a

Have you a clue? Thanks



Paolo Mazza
Società partecipata da Università di Padova
via N. Tommaseo 84
35131 - Padova (Italy)
Tel 049- 2050147 - Fax 049-7964386

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Re: scanners and Rev

2008-08-19 Thread viktoras didziulis

Franz, thank you for the hint!

Best regards


we have made an App in revolution interacting with scanservers of Axis. But because these scanservers are expiring it is not the right point to start with. But there are similar techniques on the market. Then you just get the scan by http.

Another application uses scanners which scan directly in a dir on the pc which 
is permanently checked by a runrev application which works with the scanned 
images (jpg and pdf).
Regards, Franz Böhmisch
Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Franz Böhmisch
GF Animabit Multimedia Software GmbH
Am Sonnenhang 22
D-94136 Thyrnau
Tel +49 (0)8501-8538
Fax +49 (0)8501-8537


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Re: Correct way to import icons?

2008-08-15 Thread viktoras didziulis
I am not sure if it is the correct way, but I usually creating a new 
card (not seen by the end user) and import all icons, backgrounds and 
other reusable graphics there.


Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

Hi there, again a beginners question, sometimes I think I have to stick with
every new feature I'll try. What is the correct way to import icons for
using as button icons?

I experienced the way to import them as an image control and assign them to
the buttons. But this way I have the icon images present on the card. I
think there must be a way to import them as a resource, to use them for
buttons, but not having them on the card. I have seen the menu to create a
new image library and import my icons into that new library, but when trying
to assign the icons out of this new library I don't have this new library as
a choice to select and don't see it. I also tried start using stack my
icons, but rev doesn't knows this stack.

What am I missing?

Thank you





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Re: AW: AW: missing a basic with drag

2008-08-14 Thread viktoras didziulis

try this alternative (put into your graphic object):

#click to select and drag, click again to release
on mouseDown
 set the dragMe of me to NOT the dragMe of me
end mouseDown

on mouseMove X,Y
 if the dragMe of me is TRUE then
   #will set the limits for the drag space to minY, maxY, minX, maxX
   if Y = minY and Y =maxY and X =minX and X = maxX then
 set the loc of me to X  comma  Y
   end if
 end if
end mouseMove

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Re: Getting the text content of a HTML page

2008-08-04 Thread viktoras didziulis

one more way to do things using regular expressions:

put the replaceText(myText,/?[A-Za-z]+,) into myText

will simply replace all tags with empty string. Where myText is the text 
where replacements have to be made. /?[A-Za-z]+ is a regular 
expression matching most html tags and  is empty replacement string.


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Re: Getting the text content of a HTML page

2008-08-04 Thread viktoras didziulis
whoops sorry, I tested this with basic tags like bjsajka/b. The next 
'thing' seem to work OK (the text is in fText field):

put replaceText(fld fText,/?[A-Za-z1-9 ='  quote  ]+,) into 
fld fText

A small explanation:
/? means zero or 1 occurence of / - because tags may be either opening 
(without /) or closing (with /)
[A-Za-z1-9 ='  quote  ]+ - one or more occurrences of any symbol 
from A to Z and a to z and 1 to 9 including space, single and double 
quote. Sorry, I used  quote  fo double quote because I could not 
figure it out how to escape quotes in Revolution...


Richard Gaskin wrote:

viktoras didziulis wrote:

one more way to do things using regular expressions:

put the replaceText(myText,/?[A-Za-z]+,) into myText

will simply replace all tags with empty string. Where myText is the 
text where replacements have to be made. /?[A-Za-z]+ is a regular 
expression matching most html tags and  is empty replacement string.

Always looking for potential optimizations, I was going to benchmark 
that here but couldn't get it to work, even after removing the. :(

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Re: Semi-automatic Index generation?

2008-07-31 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi David,

you might wish to discard the 1000 most frequently used words from your 


Another approach is statistical - take the whole text, sort words by 
their frequency (count) of appearance in the text. If you put them on a 
graph you would notice  characteristic 'power law' distribution. Set the 
absolute or relative frequency or count value at which to cut the tail. 
This tail is what holds all the rare or interesting words of the text. 
For example if the text is large you may discard the first 500-1000 
words in the list sorted by word count. All words that remain should be 
the ones that are more-less interesting.

The easy way produce such a frequency list is by using arrays. The 
principle is like this:

local arrayWords
repeat for each word myWord in theText
add 1 to arrayWords[myWord]
end repeat

now the keys are words and values are word counts in arrayWords.

Best wishes

David Bovill wrote:

Is there a resource/ index that any one knows of for plain uninteresting
dull words. I want to take arbitrary chunks of text and search for
interesting words - that is domain specific words that might be useful to
links to create dictionary entries. This would mean creating a list of words
and stripping the it etc. I am imagining it working like a spelling
dictionary with the ability to manually edit entries - but I'd like a good
starting list? Not sure what to search for :)
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Re: icons

2008-07-09 Thread viktoras didziulis
etc, etc, etc...


Mikey wrote:

Does anybody have any recommendations for some good free application icon
sets - add, next, prev, print, find, exit, etc.?


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Re: how to store imagedata in a custom property?

2008-07-07 Thread viktoras didziulis
but ctrl+z is a single step undo, isn't it? I haven't done this with 
imagedata, but for text changes in fields I store the text of field in 
an array 'undooArray' before each space, enter, return, backspace, 
delete, dot, comma, colon, paste, copy, cut, insert (or any other action 
of context menu) in that field. Then I can undo or redo as many times as 
I like by adding or subtracting from current key of the array. E.g. undo 
as put undooArray[currentKey - 1] into fld myField; redo as put 
undooArray[currentKey + 1]. Only available memory sets the limit.

best wishes!

J. Landman Gay wrote:

Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:
I want to provide my user a undo function in the standalone with the 

tool, not while developing.

In that case you may need to write a commandKey handler that traps for 
z and issues the undo command. If you have menus with that 
keyboard shortcut, they should work too.

By the way, what is AW: in the subject line?

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Re: Who is the customer? (RE: rev apps on iPhone?)

2008-06-29 Thread viktoras didziulis

adding to the wish list a few of us would very much like:
1) faster image object where image text is not png, rle but 
uncompressed as in imageData (I already voted for faster image object 
enhancement in QC last year);
2) openGL 3D or some sort of integration or an ability to talk to some 
3-rd party crossplatform 3D engine like UNITY or Blender. B.t.w. UNITY 
announced iPhone support this year, so if RR also targets this platform...

Both options are very attractive to all sorts of visualizers like 
architects, engineers, CAD and GIS people, scientists or game developers 
because at the moment they mostly make a potential but not yet (fully) 
realized ecological niche of RR's customers. Now you can do some sort of 
limited 3D or 2D graphics manipulation via RR matrix manipulation 
functions or Animation engine. But this is too slowww.

1cnt from Viktoras
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Re: Call too all one-liners !

2008-06-28 Thread viktoras didziulis

or a little obfuscated with regexps but without any conditionals:
1. get matchText(myFile,([^.jpg])$, a);  put 
replaceText(myFile,([^.jpg])$,a  .jpg) into myFile

2. replaceText(myFile,.jpg,)

best wishes :-)

Francis Nugent Dixon wrote:

Hi from Paris,

You guys have always spoofed me with what you can do with
Transcript. Some of your coding makes me look silly.
I obviously don't grab Transcript like you do !

So I have a little test for you. I want to :

1 -add
2 -remove

a .jpg suffix from a file name that I'm holding in a variable.

Have you got a couple of one-liners to do that ?

With Thanks


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Re: Call too all one-liners !

2008-06-28 Thread viktoras didziulis
actually we do not need the second pair of brackets in #1 making it a 
very little bit shorter:

1. get matchText(myFile,([^.jpg])$, a);  put 
replaceText(myFile,[^.jpg]$,a  .jpg) into myFile

2. replaceText(myFile,.jpg,)

best wishes :-)

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Re: The Definitive List of RR Projects

2008-06-26 Thread viktoras didziulis
.. or at least a simple list  [developer, app name, brief description, 
url] and a form to submit our projects/software to a page on an official 
RR website. Today I happened to browse Tiobe programming community index 
which ranks programing languages by their popularity. Revolution still 
isn't there :-( (while Real Basic, Lingo, Action Script and rarities 
like ABAP, REXX, Pike or Natural are present). Such a public list of 
software might help to persuade ranking sites like this one at least to 
notice the presence of the Runtime Revolution. I think RR developers 
produce more apps that are now distributed commercially or for free 
comparing with something like Rebol, which, again, is ranked there... 
B.t.w. does anyone know any ranking site which is fair enough to mention 
Runtime Revolution?

Best wishes!

Mikey wrote:

Well, I'll propose AGAIN that we get some sort of Wiki going, which I'm
betting would have a pretty good following.  It would be nice if RR would
host it, because then it would become the OFFICIAL source, but they have to
actually make it happen.

I would start with the commercial products, since that's where the rubber
meets the road, so I'm all eyes at this point.


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Re: Manipulating Raw Picture Data

2008-06-26 Thread viktoras didziulis
just played around a little with this handler on 600x500 image (MS 
Windows XP, RR 2.9, Intel Celeron 1500 MHz):

on  repColor
local myData
local myTimer
local myColor1
local myColor2

put binaryEncode(C3,myRed,myGreen,myBlue) into myColor1  
put binaryEncode(C3,myRed2,myGreen2,myBlue2) into myColor2

 put the milliseconds into myTimer
 put the imageData of img im1 into myData 
 replace myColor1 with myColor2 in myData

 set the imageData of img im1 to myData
 put (the milliseconds) - myTimer  return after fld fTimer
end repColor

in development environment with paintcompression set to default (PNG) 
it takes around 635 milliseconds.
If before loading your image you do this: set the paintcompression to 
RLE (which is the default in standalones)
the same color replacement handler takes just 77 milliseconds, which is 
~ 9 times faster!

Now if only we'd know what exactly rle format is used by RR, then we 
should be able to do:
put the text of img im1 into myData 
replace myColor1 with myColor2 in myData

set the text of img im1 to myData

unfortunately now this damages the image but otherwise it would take 
only ~25 milliseconds.

All the best!

Mark Greenberg wrote:
I have an image where different regions consist of known colors. I 
would like to fill a region with color at runtime as a sort of 
highlight. The situation does not lend itself to using separate 
transparent png images. I have been using the floodfill bucket tool to 
achieve this, but it is slow and doesn't work right when I compile to 

I've read various threads on manipulating the raw picture data and 
seen a couple of stacks like that. It seems a bit beyond my skills as 
a casual programmer, but I may need to give it a try. Two questions: 
would sampling every pixel in a 600x400 image and possibly changing 
the pixel's color be fast enough to seem like a highlight to the user? 
and how would I go about doing that?

Thanks in Advance,

Mark Greenberg
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Re: OT: Resurgence of Indian Games

2008-06-25 Thread viktoras didziulis

Thank you, Sivakatirswami, for the link!

One more exhaustive resource on games is University of Waterloo, Elliot 
Avedon Museum and Archive of Games at:
featuring virtual game (~700) exhibits:
Lots of good ideas...

All the best!

Sivakatirswami wrote:

Fodder for all you game creators

Some of these appear well suited to an online digital version with 
remote players.

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[OT] desktop.dll and iPod

2008-06-23 Thread viktoras didziulis
it is off topic, but maybe someone knows how to fix this issue. I let my 
antivirus delete desktop.dll from an iPod device. Antivirus complained 
that it is a troyan TR/Agent.bve.1... But the result is that after the 
deletion on MS Windows iPod contents are not longer displayed in file 
explorer. iTunes shows contents of Music folder. But when I try to 
explore it as an usb disk, it reports a rundll eror: desktop.dll not 

Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Thanks for any hints :-)

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interception of put

2008-06-17 Thread viktoras didziulis
is there a way to intercept put command? For example there is a group 
myGroup having fields F1 and F2. What I would like to do is to put 
something1 or something2 into group myGroup and have script that 
would sort out something1 going into field F1 and something2 into 
field F2.

I could create a handler putIntoMyGroup somethingX and use it, but 
what I would like to do is to use simple put and to avoid adding any 
new function names, so that the group behaves like an independent object 
with properties of objects (fields, buttons, menus) that it holds and 
its script sorts out where all the set/get properties and put things 
are redirected to. Is it possible somehow to intercept a put into 
group myGroup with setProp/getProp control structure ?

And, what's more to this, is there a way to define group with new name 
so i could address group myGroup as myObject myGroup?

All the best :-)!
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Re: How to create invisible a stack?

2008-06-17 Thread viktoras didziulis
hi Tiemo, set these properties for the templateStack and then simply 
create new stacks. They will inherit all properties of the templateStack 
automatically. B.T.W. check the definition of the templateStack in 

All the best!

Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

Hi all,

probably an easy one :-)

I want to create in a loop a lot of stacks as data storage. What I do is:

Create .

Set the visble . to false

Set myCustomProperty to foo

Set the destroystack . to true

Save .

Close .


This works so far, but there are two issues:

1. Every stack blinks up  for a second, when created (even with lockscreen
true). But I would like not to see anything of the creation, but I can't set
any properties like the visibility, before the stack is created., so how do
you handle this issue?

2. Though I set the DestroyStack to true, my feeling is that after a loop of
a couple of hundred created stacks the memory is completely filled up.
Everything slows down to a crawl and I have to close RunRev. Is this a bad
memory management of RunRev, or what can I do additionally to release the


Thanks for any hints





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Re: AW: How to create invisible a stack?

2008-06-17 Thread viktoras didziulis

how about delete stack myStack when it is not in use anymore ?

Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

Sorry for asking, it works like a charm ;)
Any idea to issue 2?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:use-revolution-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Tiemo Hollmann TB
Gesendet: Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008 14:21
An: 'How to use Revolution'
Betreff: AW: How to create invisible a stack?

Labas Viktoras,
didn't thought about that :), good issue!
and you think /know ;) that the visibility property of the template stack
works already before creation, so that you don't see anything of the

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Re: AW: AW: How to create invisible a stack?

2008-06-17 Thread viktoras didziulis

Sėkmės (good luck ;-))!

Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

I have to keep it for further use

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Re: How to select a cell instead of a line in a table

2008-06-15 Thread viktoras didziulis
an alternative for a small number of fields (7 in your case) might be 
using 7 grouped text fields (naming them f1, f2,..., f7, and naming the 
group myTable) with horizontal gridlines to represent each field in 
table. Selection, hiliting and editing of a cell in this kind of table 
is a trivial task, besides you can hide any additional information in 
each field. Populating the table from file is also an easy task as is 
saving the results.

Here is a functional example with open, save, hiliting and cell edit 
(execute in Revolution's message box):

go url;

Best wishes

Kresten Bjerg wrote:

I have a function in a standalone, where user can select an item in a scolling 
( with locked text and list behavior),and do things with the thus selected 
Now I want to improve the users interface, and replace the inconvenient long 
 to see the bottom of the list.
I will instead present all the selectable  items in a wide rectangular field,
 so all can be seen at once. 
I found an approach, by placing the items in a 7 collumn table, but found, that the select 
would select a whole line of items 
(logicaly enough , as list behaviour had to be set, in order to produce a selected item).

Is there a way, where the handler can limit its choice to the precise cell 
clicked in the table ?.
Kresten Bjerg (


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Re: Interface question

2008-06-12 Thread viktoras didziulis
I would expect user wishing to see the layout before it is printed. So 
would put detail view and list view as options of View e.g.

Detail view
List view

And Print would simply print the current view.

Best wishes!

J. Landman Gay wrote:

I'm wondering how people would do this.

I have two print layouts, detail and list, and the user needs to 
be able to print data using the layout of their choice. I can think of 
three ways to allow this:

1. Have two Print menu items in the File menu, like this:

   Print Detail View
   Print List View

2. I could make a submenu from the Print menu item (but I don't think 
I've ever seen this done before):

   Print - Detail View
List View

3. Or I could put an option in the Preferences and Print would use 
whichever option was selected there. But this doesn't sound very 
intuitive to me, and forces the user to go to Prefs to change it each 

How would you present this, and did I miss any options?

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OT: tenders

2008-06-11 Thread viktoras didziulis

forwarding a tender proposal:
- Gold Undercover Search and Delivery Channel Project - Tender RFT 304746

if there are any Revolutionaries from Australia on this list - you may 
find this and a few more opportunities for your business at:

best wishes!

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Re: PNG with No Alpha Channel?

2008-06-10 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Trevor,

if you export image as paint, then it is exported in ppm (portable 
pixelmap) format (uncompressed RGB without alpha channel). You can load 
ppm files with Rev too.


Trevor DeVore wrote:
I need to export a PNG image from a Revolution image control that has 
no alpha channel information whatsoever.

The 'export' command seems to always include the alpha channel even if 
there are no transparent areas in the image.

I've also tried loading an image file into an image control an 
transferring the imageData to another image and then storing the text 
of the second image in a file (paintCompression set to png). The 
file still appears to have an alpha channel though. qrtPDF says the 
file does and Preview on OS X gives me the option of whether or not to 
include the Alpha channel if I try to export the resulting image from 

Anyone know how to produce a PNG without an alpha channel using 


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ask file with filter/type - how to read the selected type ?

2008-06-10 Thread viktoras didziulis
is there any way to know what file type user selects in ask file with 
filter dialog ? I need to specify different handlers for file Save as, 
and now am first asking user to select the type of a desired output 
(i.e. raw binary, ascii text, png image or ppm image) and next opening 
ask file dialog to get the path for saving the data. But I know this is 
not good, because users are used to a single dialog for file saving 
where they choose save as type and the data is processed without any 
additional disturbances... The problem is that the selection of ask file 
dialog is returned in 'it' variable but the selected type of file in the 
dropdown list of that dialog is not returned in any readable way, or is 

Best regards
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Re: ask file with filter/type - how to read the selected type ?

2008-06-10 Thread viktoras didziulis

Jacqueline, Thanks for the suggestion,

still 'the result' after execution is empty. It would probably contain 
something if path selection failed. The other 'result' (path stored in 
'it') does not always contain an extension. If user types it in, or 
chooses from a list of existing file names, then it is there. But 
otherwise if user provides file name without an extension, script has to 
check what was the file type selected, appends correct extension and 
directs output to a necessary processing handler. It knows file type 
just because it asked about it before asking for the path. Now I guess 
if I wish to avoid displaying a chain of dialogs, I have to design own 
custom askFile() function or handler. The only role of ask file with 
type or ask file with filter that is described in the dictionary seems 
to be limited to displaying existing filenames whose types match the one 
selected in the file type list...

All the best!

J. Landman Gay wrote:

viktoras didziulis wrote:
is there any way to know what file type user selects in ask file with 
filter dialog ? I need to specify different handlers for file Save 
as, and now am first asking user to select the type of a desired 
output (i.e. raw binary, ascii text, png image or ppm image) and next 
opening ask file dialog to get the path for saving the data. But I 
know this is not good, because users are used to a single dialog 
for file saving where they choose save as type and the data is 
processed without any additional disturbances... The problem is that 
the selection of ask file dialog is returned in 'it' variable but the 
selected type of file in the dropdown list of that dialog is not 
returned in any readable way, or is it?..

Check the result after the user selects a file. The tag is in there.

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Re: Bringing a Window to the Front?

2008-06-10 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Dave,

i just noticed that if I set the Float above everything of stack in 
inspector then staks window comes to front of windows of any other 
applications (Rev 2.9, MS Windows XP). But unfortunately I do not know 
how Float above everything property translates into rev, neither was I 
able to find it in the dictionary. In principle one should be able to 
set Float above everything to true when the window has to come to 
front and set it back to false or whatever else is the default to let it 
to be hidden.


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Re: Bringing a Window to the Front?

2008-06-10 Thread viktoras didziulis
OK, it translates to systemWindow. E.g. you can set the systemWindow of 
stack yourStack to true/false to bring your window to front/back.

All the best!

viktoras didziulis wrote:

Hi Dave,

i just noticed that if I set the Float above everything of stack in 
inspector then staks window comes to front of windows of any other 
applications (Rev 2.9, MS Windows XP). But unfortunately I do not know 
how Float above everything property translates into rev, neither was 
I able to find it in the dictionary. In principle one should be able 
to set Float above everything to true when the window has to come to 
front and set it back to false or whatever else is the default to let 
it to be hidden.


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Re: ask file with filter/type - how to read the selected type ?

2008-06-10 Thread viktoras didziulis

Thanks A LOT! With type it  the result works now!

All the best!

J. Landman Gay wrote:

viktoras didziulis wrote:

Jacqueline, Thanks for the suggestion,

still 'the result' after execution is empty. It would probably 
contain something if path selection failed. The other 'result' (path 
stored in 'it') does not always contain an extension. If user types 
it in, or chooses from a list of existing file names, then it is 
there. But otherwise if user provides file name without an extension, 
script has to check what was the file type selected, appends correct 
extension and directs output to a necessary processing handler.

I misread your post, I didn't notice you were using filter. But I 
just did a test using with type and it works.

on mouseUp
  ask file Export picture as: with type JPEG File|jpg|JPEG or type 
GIF File|gif|GIFf

  put the result into tResult
  put it  tResult
end mouseUp

I typed in a file name without an extension. The message box contained 
the path to the file and JPEG File.

Will that work for you?

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Re: Is the revFont external unreliable?

2008-06-02 Thread viktoras didziulis
just noticed when using the uniencode/unidecode method (as was described 
in revdataFromQuery and umlauts etc. thread some time ago) to diplay 
data loaded from sqlite database in compiled application (Windows, Rev 
2.9) some unicode Eastern European fonts turn into black sticks. In 
development environment everything works and fonts are rendered 
correctly. Fonts are included during compilation and revfont.dll is 
present in externals folder. What else is there to check for ? Or is 
this a failure of revFont external and it is time to visit the QC?

Best wishes

Ian Wood wrote:

On 20 May 2008, at 14:42, Trevor DeVore wrote:

You are probably dealing with encoding issues. Maybe the data is 
stored as UTF8? In that case you would have to do the following:

put uniencode(tVID, UTF8) into tVID -- change to UTF16 which Rev 
put unidecode(tVID) into tVID -- Now it is in a format specific to 

I store all unformatted text in SQLite as UTF8 and run it through 
similar functions.

Bingo! Presumably SQLite Browser and the SQLite command tool are both 
doing this step automatically.

Thanks Trevor!


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Re: Is RunRev marketed to developers mainly?

2008-05-29 Thread viktoras didziulis
many times I have been wondering, why so many people know of Air, and 
all these fresh new things about flash, Flex 3, Python, Java, MySQL, 
SQLite, PHP, even Logo, etc... Those are babies of Adobe, Sun or not so 
well known companies or even open source projects. And why do they 
usually know next to nothing about Revolution, which is not a new IDE 
product at all... Then I realized that Revolution is absent from press 
releases of major printed IT/PC/MAC magazines. On each new release or 
upgrade of its products Adobe and even open source project leaders 
shout out a press release appearing on printed pages of many journals, 
that's why we know. But when Revolution Released 2.9 no IT magazine 
(please correct me if I am wrong) ever covered it. Why? Doesn't Run Rev 
Ltd do press releases on its products and upgrades ? Maybe those press 
releases are somehow limited... Printed words still have a big weight in 
this Internet age, maybe because people tend to associate them with some 
sort of credibility of printed text, etc...

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Re: Is RR too easy? Or too hard? (was) Is RunRev marketed to developers mainly?

2008-05-29 Thread viktoras didziulis
Thats why it would be nice to have Revolution name mentioned regularly 
in the big IT magazines. Once it gets there the snowball effect will 
start working as local national magazines tend to replicate news printed 
in the greater ones. These news in turn get replicated by IT columns 
in local newspapers. For the old school we can probably say that 
indeed, you can enjoy coding by writing your own externals in C++. 
B.t.w, now as we know how to do it in C++ it would be also nice to 
have tutorials on writing externals (if possible) in C, Visual Basic, 
Pascal, D, Ada (check the tiobe programming language ranking at to see why). Learning by example is the most 
efficient (and likely the only) approach to learn new things.

The old school is actually now being replaced by folks that do php, 
perl, python, rubby. And finally there is a growing community of 
javascript/ajax, xml, flash/flex/actionscript programmers and database 
people. The situation now is that more and more software is being 
written in interpreted languages then in compiled ones. But if 
Revolution remains unprinted (=unheard), then it can't reach people 



Computer programming is a fluid situation.  There is a momentum that 
must be hit for a language to be accepted within the old school 
programming community.  And frankly I don't ever see RR hitting those 
folks.  Which is ok with me, lets move forward instead of trying to 
convert a bunch of old ways are best programmers.

In the end, whatever tool you use to accomplish the task at hand is 
the one you want to use.  I just think if you can do it in a much 
simpler and faster fashion, that it is just that much more fun :)

 - Noel

At 10:34 AM 5/29/2008, you wrote:

Is it true that most programmers say that hypercard isn't
programming?  Do they say that about RR?  I'm running into that issue
a little bit.

Some of my students (8th grade and up) think that RR is not a real
programming language.  Why?  It's too easy!  They have the notion --
shared by a good portion of the general public -- that programming is
incredibly difficult to do, hard to learn, and mastered only by
geeks.  Thus, since making things (even executables) using RR is so
easy, it must not be programming.  This viewpoint is especially
expressed by students who have dabbled in other languages, like java.

On the other side of the aisle, I'd like to begin urging other
teachers to begin making their own software to use with their
classes.  But they think it's too hard!  (Granted, most of them
haven't really tried it -- they hear words like programming or
writing software and shy away.)

  - marty

Marty Billingsley
The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools

Recently, william humphrey wrote:

Since my only experience in programming is with hypercard (and most
programmers say that isn't programming) and with web stuff like PHP
JAVAscript which has thousands of carefully indexed examples that
you can
just snip and paste into your projects then I am really not the one to
answer this question.

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Re: Is RR too easy? RevCode

2008-05-29 Thread viktoras didziulis

my vote too! What about filling in the wish report in the Quality Center :-)


Mikey wrote:

I SO vote for RevCode.
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Re: PAYPAL [was] [ANN] The reason why I was so quiet recently.

2008-05-19 Thread viktoras didziulis

check this alternative:

Any number of web stores for $59 per month + 7% commission. Hmmm... 
Seems a little too expensive, but maybe their service is great...

All the best!

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Re: RunRev Accessibility

2008-05-05 Thread viktoras didziulis
you may already know this, but if not, you can find some general rules 
on diverse accessibility issues related to web applications here:

It is mostly about websites, but it helped me to figure out in one 
project how should an 'accessible' application behave...

also there is a relatively old but still useful document at:

bets regards

Tereza Snyder wrote:

On May 5, 2008, at 10:12 AM, David Bovill wrote:

My guess is that this would all be much harder than making the app -

and Mark Schonewille wrote:

I have tried a few screen readers and none can work with Revolution. 
The screen readers I tried usually use the mouse cursor to determine 
which control or text should be described by means of audio. You can 
easily do this with Revolution's speech features

It looks like self-voicing is the way to go. Not too different from 
single-switch access, code-wise.

Thank you. You've spared me endless tests and incidentally let me 
sound like I know what I'm talking about in front of a client.


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[OT] applestore...

2008-04-23 Thread viktoras didziulis
sorry, OT'ing again, a silly situation, I seem to be unable to order 
things via the apple store... Is there something wrong or maybe it is 
just me. I am trying to purchase a serial key for iWork '08 package - 
my trial period expired and now I can't live without the Keynote. 
Registered with the apple store. Selected the downloadable software, 
then checked iWork'08, clicked checkout. Everything went smoothly, but 
the order wasn't processed. It does not appear neither in Order status 
nor in saved carts sections of my account either. No confirmation email 
was sent... They even did not ask my VISA or Paypal information. Any 
ideas where and how can I order that serial key ? It is twice as 
expensive in our local shops, so I would prefer to order that key online 
from ;-)

Many thanks in advance for sharing your experience :-)
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Re: Getting things the wrong way round . . .

2008-04-19 Thread viktoras didziulis
Well, I do not insist anyone looking through all the world languages for 
possible associations of the new worlds we create to be used in 
marketing, but by chance it just happened so that the correct 
pronunciation of Myrie [mirai] at least in Lithuanian (now one of the 
official languages of the EU) looks like it is directly associated with 
death [mirti, mire, mirei]... But due to nature of our language most 
people will tend to pronounce it as [Miri:e], which sounds different.

B.t.w. this is just a funny fact, not a complaint. Lithuanian market is 
comparatively very small - there are more people living in Athens then 
speaking our language. I know of only 2 programmers using Revolution 
here (though likely there are more), and we do not pay too much 
attention to funny associations in names of foreign companies and 
products unless it is a direct match :-). So just relax and go on...

All the best!

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Lynn Fredricks wrote:

Mirai is very meaningful in Japanese 

...but not in English.  It sounds like an excellent name for the 
Japanese market, but I have misgivings about using it domestically.

20 years ago Japanese-sounding names had a certain cache, but tides 
have long since changed. Today English names resonate more strongly 
with US consumers.

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Re: Table Fields

2008-04-18 Thread viktoras didziulis
As far as I know table fields are reliable now. A while ago some nasty 
bugs were reported (e.g. in compiled apps modifying a cell in a table 
did not in fact updated the underlying table in some cases) and now they 
are fixed. However, I already got used to using ordinary text fields 
with table gridlines switched on and a bunch of scripts to make these 
fields behave more like tables. I think given enough motivation (stress, 
fun, money ;-) ) someone should be able to create such a perfect 
generic standard reusable table object using combination of existing 
text fields and other objects in rev. And I know a few examples that can 
be reused. Nevertheless, for most tasks gridded text field with a few 
scripts is more than sufficient (displaying database contents, 
calculations, etc...)...

However, a few default features that would be nice to have in those text 
fields would be possibility to resize the cells by dragging vertical 
gridlines with mouse. This is based on feedback from my own clients - 
they usually ask why in my apps they can not contract or expand table 
collumns by dragging column borders with mouse, or make cell resize to 
match its contents on left-doubleclick... I know this is possible to 
script, however, somehow did not try yet to create such a useful script 
myself :-). Also cell addressing with commands like answer the cell A3 
of fld myTable or get the cells A1:B10 of fld myTable  or put the 
cells A1:Z1 of field myTable into fld myHeader would be very useful for 
any text field, not just tables... Any recipes?..

All the best!

Gregory Lypny wrote:

Do table fields work reliably now or are they still to be avoided?

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[way OT...] emerging 'business' opportunities - legal or not...

2008-04-17 Thread viktoras didziulis
This is a way of topic for this list, anyway, this is an excerpt from an 
advertisement letter (spam) that arrived to my inbox today. However it 
seems somehow not too far in nature from the question and answers on 
reuse of copyrighted code. Is this legal or not? What a moral dilemma to 

-snip-- in Pakistan and India it is not illegal to sell your 
organ and because many people live in abject poverty, 
they are willing to sell their organs to fulfill their 
financial needs. That is why Pakistan is considered the 
most congenial place to have a kidney at an affordable 
rate and also its transplantation in a shorter length of time.

We at -removed- specialise in obtaining organs from willing 
donors. These we make available to those that need them 
at a fair market price. We also have ultra-modern surgical 
facilities and several professionally trained transplant 
surgeons having over 20 years experience who can perform 
the transplant under industry standard hygienic conditions.


I used to think this is a criminal activity and not a business, but now they 
start open advertising... Organ trade from live persons... A little shocking, 
isn't it?

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Re: copyright infringement question

2008-04-16 Thread viktoras didziulis
b.t.w. some products even won't install if they find reverse engineering 
(disassembling, etc..) tools present on the machine. But those days as 
interpreted languages are becoming more and more common, trying to 
disassemble software seems to be worthless activity, because the code is 
not compiled but rather obfuscated or encrypted in some way.  Still, 
once the post appeared on the Rev list, I wonder, if it is possible to 
reverse engineer a rev application which stores the scripts in encrypted 
stacks? Reading and exploring RAM contents during execution of an 

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Re: 2.9 Freeze on OSX

2008-04-15 Thread viktoras didziulis
I did/do not experience this, but I remember Bill in one of his messages 
to beta testers asking to help create a reproducible recipe of the 
freeze on OSX. It was reported to the QC (#6256) but could not be 
reproduced by the developers and therefore could not be fixed. Its 
status is still pending, which may mean there still is no recipe to 
reproduce the bug...

2 cents from

Steve Flavel wrote:

Tom, I have had 4 freezes in the last 3 days.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Thomas 
McGrath III

Sent: Thu 10-Apr-08 4:19 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: 2.9 Freeze on OSX

Ok, now that the 2.9 version has been out for a little while I need to
know how many people are experiencing the Freeze while performing a
Save problem (computer lock up with force restart the only way out).

I can not use 2.9 at all since it now happens every time I go to save
after writing some code. I have installed RR from scratch and repaired
permissions on my HD and removed most extra preference panes etc. from
my system and still have the instant freezes when saving with 2.9.

This does NOT happen with 2.8 which I am using everyday. The same
stacks will freeze in 2.9 but not in 2.8.

How many people are experiencing this Freeze on Save???


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Steve Flavel

Macbook Pro 2.2
OS 10.5.2
2.9.0 build 610

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Re: sort by two paremeters?

2008-04-14 Thread viktoras didziulis

one more way to do the same if your table is stored in the database is:
SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY 1 asc, 2 asc

best wishes

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Re: MacNN | First Look: Revolution 2.9, cross-platform compiler

2008-04-08 Thread viktoras didziulis
But, I guess, this is not quite correct: Both the Media and Studio 
versions only let you compile programs for a single operating system 
while the Enterprise edition lets you compile programs for Windows, Mac 
OS X, and Linux.


Richard Gaskin wrote:

Stephen Barncard wrote:

except the article says:

Revolution's programming language is based on the AppleScript 
programming language, which comes with Mac OS X, and the HyperTalk 
programming language used in the once-popular HyperCard program. 
Although Revolution's language may seem wordy compared to the sparse


Out of context that snippet might seem cause for alarm, but the full 
sentence makes a very positive point:

   Although Revolution’s language may seem wordy compared to the
   sparse commands of C++, Revolution’s language makes programs
   easier to read, write, and understand.

And then the author went on to drive this home:

   More importantly, Revolution’s language allows you to perform
   functions that might require a dozen or more equivalent
   commands in any other language.

I'm glad the reviewer understood and articulated the difference 
between statement verbosity and total verbosity.  While not exactly a 
subtle point, it's been lost on many over the years.

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[OT] one more Revolution exposure...

2008-04-08 Thread viktoras didziulis
just returned back from an international conference on marine data and 
information systems that took place in Athens 
( or google for imdis 2008). 254 
participants, 41 country represented. Lots of talks about metadata 
standards, formats and profiles (ISO 19115, ISO 19139, netcdf, etc...), 
data semantics and ontologies, as well as various combinations of GIS 
and relational databases. Current trends in information systems were 
discussed and many examples of working systems and technologies in use 
were presented during both talks and poster sessions. It was interesting 
to observe a noticeable increase of Apple macosx and linux pc laptops 
brought by participants :-). Fortran is still in wide use, Adobes' Flex 
is on the rise. Lots of posters about use of google maps, mashups, a 
noticeable boost of different open source and related technologies 
(postgresql, mysql) in use. Increasing interest in near-real-time 
monitoring systems.

Revolution (logo, brief description and url in the tools section) was 
exposed in 2 posters. However no participant, or at least those that I 
had an opportunity to talk to, have heard anything about it before and I 
had to explain what it is.

The next conference - IMDIS 2010 will take place in Paris.


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OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread viktoras didziulis
I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their 
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user interface 
or Revolution engine...

Let's say I need an object City having properties: minLatitude, 
maxLatitude, minLongitude, maxLongitude, area, populationSize, 
growthRate, dateFounded, currentDate so it can be handled using specific 
handlers and functions (e.g. its methods). Or, well, it would be more 
correct to start with creation of a class City or templateCity and 
then use it to create new city objects (NewYork, Paris, etc...) that 
can be processed by their functions like populationGrowth(Paris, 
start_year, end_year) and so on...

The three approaches that I can imagine are somehow inter-tangled: (1) 
creating an object as a custom property set of a stack or (2) creating 
it as an array or (3) creating it as an invisible control with custom 
properties. But all these have their drawbacks.

The (1) and (3) approach allows attaching handlers to custom properties 
and allows accessing object (e.g. a custom property set) properties 
using both an array notation (somehow an equivalent to an array-like 
behavior of objects in javascript) and in a way consistent with handling 
of properties in Rev e.g. set the .. of .. to ... or get .. the .. of 
 Unfortunately (1) allows only a single object to be active and 
thus accessible. The (3) is a dirty one, because object is created using 
empty controls with their own additional properties and methods. The (2) 
looks promising, one can create a class, write a constructor function 
that would create new objects from the class, etc... But it lacks 
consistency with the existing OOP style in Rev - e.g. you can not get or 
set an element of an array using get the element/property of 
array/object or set the element/property of array/object to 
value. Besides you can not use getProp or setProp handlers with 
array's elements.

Did anyone try doing something like this kind of OOP in Rev? I would 
appreciate if you can share your thoughts, warnings, tricks and 
approaches :-). I am not looking for a complex C++ like style of OOP in 
Rev. Anything simpler like the OOP model of javascript would be OK. In 
general, I think, it would be nice if one could treat and access 
Revolution arrays as objects with custom properties, with all the 
getProp, setProp and templateObject stuff... Or is it possible somehow? 
If not, is this already posted to QC as an enhancement request - I would 
vote for it? Otherwise going to post it there myself...

All the best!

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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread viktoras didziulis


me too like rOOP, but I feel it is a little incomplete, just one more 
step. The ones that you call real objects are limited to user interface 
controls only. The thing I was curious about is a possibility to create 
an independent data object which is nor control neither a gui element. 
Which in this case may simply mean enhanced arrays...

What for ?.   I think this would make code cleaner and reduce amount of 
commenting in larger projects.. Also facilitate creation or adoptions of 
existing  libraries in C or C++ for very specific purposes - like 
reading shapefiles, netcdfs, doing geographical transformations, 
astronomy, bioinformatics, etc... This consequently will increase the 
scope of applications that can be created in Rev and hopefully 
availability of diverse libraries.

In general it would make creation of complex software easier. We can 
already simulate objects using arrays, but at least the code would be 
more readable (!!!) if I were able to distinguish array operations from 
object manipulations.

Best wishes

Mark Schonewille wrote:


I just don't get it. I never ever felt a need for OOP and I just can't 
imagine I ever will, using xTalks. I'd call xTalk rOOP (really object 
oriented programming) because xTalk uses real objects, like fields, 
buttons, etc.

Why don't you simply forget about OOP? What does OOP have that rOOP 



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Op 19-mrt-2008, om 13:25 heeft viktoras didziulis het volgende 

I would like to define a class, an object (the both with their 
properties) and methods that are not a part of graphical user 
interface or Revolution engine...

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Re: OOP in Rev...

2008-03-19 Thread viktoras didziulis
this is the web page from which I started looking into MetaCard and 
finally came to Revolution website a few years ago. One more interesting 
thing Scot mentioned there is right before the paragraph about the 
completion of OO features where he wrote about possibility to output 
java bytecodes:

A method for outputting Java byte-codes equivalent to MetaCard scripts 
has been designed, but implementation has been delayed until the serious 
performance, compatibility, and functionality limitations in Java have 
been rectified. 

Nice idea :-).


Richard Gaskin wrote:

I believe Mark Waddingham has hinted in the past that adding OOP 
extensions to Rev would be an interesting thing to do.  Even going 
back to when Scott Raney owned the engine, there were some ideas along 
these lines floating around -- see the bottom of this page:


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Re: Revolution Reading GPS Data

2008-03-05 Thread viktoras didziulis
you might also be interested to read Universal Serial Bus - the easy way 
(4 pages) and virtual com port drivers described at:

Best regards

Graham Samuel wrote:
Thanks Phil for that insight. I had a quick look at your link and 
staggered back, appalled. It reminded me of what a gentleman named 
Robert Lipe said to me on another list when he thought I was trying to 
reverse engineer the USB interface of my device (maybe I was - I had 
not considered Rev in the equation at that stage and had even less 
idea what I was doing). His advice started off:

Reverse engineering USB protocols from scratch is possible, but only
if you pass the entrance exam:

Repeatedly jam a fork into your left eyeball.If, after about 40 
jabs, your
thought is man, this is great - my right eyeball needs a piece of 
this action,

then reverse engineering USB protocols just might be your calling.

I think I will just go back to sleep on this unless and until I can 
find out something more about the device I wanted to interface with. I 
suppose that I was seduced by the enormous number of USB-connected 
devices that surround me - right here where I'm sitting I can count 2 
digital cameras, a printer, a scanner, a hard disk, an ADSL modem, a 
keyboard, three mice, a GPS training device, a SatNav, an Elgato TV 
receiver, a webcam, a digital storage card reader and a data key. Who 
knows what else I might find if I go into the other rooms in the 
house? And to think that the people who engineered them all had to 
write drivers for PCs and Macs, and (no doubt) they are all different. 
Compared to that, Rev programming seems so easy, doesn't it?

Back to the day job.


On Tue, 04 Mar 2008 09:55:31 -0800, Phil Davis [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi Graham,

Graham Samuel wrote:

--- snip ---
It looks to me as if my wish to create better software for it (on a
Mac primarily) is pretty much a dead end - although if I can get hold
of a serial-to-USB converter I might be able to experiment a bit.

BTW I wonder why Rev has never entered the world of USB - I don't know
about Linux, but for PCs and Macs, USB appears to be a completely
standard interface and one which has been mandatory on all models of
machine for many years. There must by a USB API for these operating
systems - is it much more of a challenge to RunRev than the many other
things they've had to incorporate? I do believe there is at least some
level of demand.


You're certainly correct that USB is well-defined standard, evidenced by
the many uses of it on all computing platforms and beyond. And as you
might imagine, the USB standard is necessarily complex to do all it 

Here's a good introduction to USB:

I manage development of a system that uses a USB HID input/output
device. The device has 9 backlit input keys whose lighted states and key
events are managed/handled by a Rev-based app. The Rev app has no direct
interface with the device driver; it interacts with the driver via a
pass-through background app that provides a socket interface to the Rev
app. On the Mac, the driver is actually a custom-built Kernel Extension
(.kext) file; on Windows it's the Win32 version of the libUSB
open-source library ( ). I imagine
there may be better ways to implement this, but it is what it is.  :o)
It's the way we found we could make it work when it was initially 

I know I haven't answered any questions here, but maybe it gives a
little perspective.
Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development

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Re: Revolution Reading GPS Data

2008-03-05 Thread viktoras didziulis

FTDI drivers (including macosx):

applications to eavesdrop usb communication (windows only):
usb snoopy:

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real time monitoring, etc... was Revolution Reading GPS Data,

2008-03-04 Thread viktoras didziulis
 ...trying to figure out more than one (well... two) way of  how one 
can make Revolution read a constant data stream coming via sockets, 
never ending log files,  GPSes or any other real time monitoring 
system. Application has to display the changing status of these readings 
and in the same time have the user interface with all the buttons and 
menus completely responsive to user actions.

So far the only way I can imagine is creating 2 separate applications - 
app_1 reading the monitoring data constantly and displaying it, app_2 
controlling the first via shared file, socket or a database. The shared 
resource has to be scanned repeatedly by the app_1 for the control 
commands. However the problems with this approach are:
1) data flow reading process has to be interrupted to scan for control 
parameters and therefore readings are incomplete. Otherwise if I specify 
 read from ... until end   app_1 will turn into something user losses 
the control over, because there is no end. In this case the only 
remaining control is to switch the app_1 off by killing its process;
2) application GUI has to be split into 2 separate windows, I would 
prefer having both app_1 and app_2 in a single window.

Are the other ways to handle this in Revolution without having to write 
an external handler in C++?

Best regards

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Re: Team Development / Exporting stuff to text files

2008-03-04 Thread viktoras didziulis
not necessarily all. Majority of them have default values that in many 
cases mean empty :-).

All the best!

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

I wrote (probably in a moment of fairly naive

it would be perfectly possible to write a
description in the text format and write a reader to
reimport that to make a stack!

Well, I suppose it would.


It would probably then be necessary to spit out
details of ALL properties for each object (472 last
time I looked) which would be both silly and involve a
lot of redundancy . . .

feedback required . . .

sincerely, Richmond

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Re: Revolution Reading GPS Data

2008-03-02 Thread viktoras didziulis
usually GPS devices use NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) 

Check this:

Best wishes

Andre Garzia wrote:


I never did that but I think there's a protocol and it's all ascii
based. I think you just open the right com port or something and then
reads chars...


On 3/1/08, R. Hillen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 is there anybody who succeeded in reading data from a gps device into
 a revolution application?

 How did you do it? Which device did you use?

 Thank you.

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Re: Team Development using Run Rev

2008-03-01 Thread viktoras didziulis
Unfortunately a few functions in Rev require use of ID (or long ID) when 
referring to objects...
RevDictionary says: use the altID property to specify an additional ID 
for an object. Both the ID and the altID property are checked when you 
refer to an object by ID.

Of course it would be nice to have a possibility to set any ID from 
script (should we ask for an enhancement, is this possible at all?). 
Meanwhile I wonder whether altID approach works reliably in all cases.

B.t.w the dictionary warns:  be careful not to set an object's altID 
property to the ID of an object of the same type. Since both properties 
are checked when you refer to an object by ID, doing this may cause the 
wrong object to be found because its altID property is the same as the 
ID of the object you want.

Gotcha: how do we know in advance what ID will be assigned to an object 
to avoid matching ID and altID of two different objects? Will the 
Revolution engine check uniqueness of both IDs and altIDs?  Is there any 
way to ensure that no ID and altID for any two objects match ?

All the best!

Thierry wrote:

Well, if you're able to *not* set 'hard' values of any ids in your code,
then the serialization ( dump ) of a stack is not a problem, no ?
and then, you can use any CVS/SVN/BZR tool to manage your versions
in a very subtle way.

I've done that for an old project, but didn't serialize ( export ) all
properties, only a few but it did work !


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Re: DP 4 for Linux: Aaaarrrggg!

2008-02-26 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Peter,

just tested this on my Linux (ubuntu 6.06 xfce, kernel 2.6.15-29-386) 
and it looks like it is working. E.g. I open Rev beta dp-4 and it loads 
in the 2nd desktop, then I opened Rev dictionary and send it to 3 
desktop, created new stack and sent it to the 4th workspace. Then 
searched the dictionary, went to 2 workspace to check if IDE is still 
there, then went to the 4th and closed the stack. It works so far 
without collapsing to a single workspace. Maybe there are some desktop 
settings to explore, although I used all defaults...

All the best

Peter Alcibiades wrote:
Andre, you say well, it works on my EEE PC with multiple workspaces, I can 
carry rev to workspace 1 to 4 with no problem...

Yes, of course.  So can I.  

But that is not what is meant by working with no problem.  Can you put the 
different windows on different workspaces, in the way Sarah describes, and 
work on them?  Can you, for instance, put the script editor and the 
application browser on one desktop, the dictionary on a different desktop, 
and your app you are designing on a third, and have them all stay where you 
put them and work in the different windows as you choose, by flipping from 
one desktop to another?  I cannot.  They all move instantly back to the same 
desktop the moment I use anything.

I'll have to do some research on locking. Maybe there are hacks.  But at the 
moment, it does not work like I expect it to - like OO works for instance, 
where the dictionary equivalent can be moved to a different desktop and just 
stay there while you work on your spreadsheet.

Which, thankfully, I do less and less these days...

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Re: DP 4 for Linux: Aaaarrrggg!

2008-02-26 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Peter,

indeed, in KDE and Gnome it collapses to a single desktop... Hmmm, why 
it works on XFCE and fluxbox and doesn't on KDE and Gnome?.. I have no 
idea whether it is a bug of Rev or these desktop managers. I'll se what 
google says...

All the best

Peter Alcibiades wrote:
Viktoras, you are quite right.  I have just tried out a few window managers.  
On Xfce multiple windows work fine on my installation also.  They also work 
fine on fluxbox. 

However they do exactly what I described earlier on both kde, which I just 
tested, and gnome, that is, all the windows collapse onto one desktop.

This is on Debian testing, pretty up to date.  Default settings for all WMs.

Could you try on Ubuntu using gnome or kde?  If you can bear the bloat!

At least there is a workaround - just use xfce, which I quite like these days, 
though whether it is any longer the low cholesterol desktop is another 
matter...  And if it works on two WMs it should be a fairly simple matter to 
make it work on kde and gnome.  

Or maybe it is a bug in kde and gnome?  Seems unlikely.

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Re: OT: New threat to our way of life: giant pythons

2008-02-24 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Mark,

invasive alien species are an increasing problem globally. Species that 
were introduced deliberately or accidentally into new areas now have 
more chances to adopt and survive also because of the global climate 
change. Not all species are as bad, some are endangered, but some are 
nasty indeed causing damage to natural ecosystems, human health or 
economies. For example there are around 10 000 species like this in 
Europe that counts to 45 000 distinct introduction events. If you are 
interested in this topic you can visit and take a 
look at the poster presented in the conference  Biological invasions in 
Europe and the DAISIE initiative - current threats and future 
perspectives at, ~3 Mb.

Actually this is not a big OT, because Revolution was used extensively 
and intensively to create the European Alien Species Database and data 
exploration tools to be released for public access in 2009 (database is 
still being polished, besides scientists wanted to make all their 
relevant publications before the database content is completely 
exposed). I will be taking that poster to at least 3 other conferences, 
so Revolution will get its exposure there too :-).

Some facts on the best known aliens... Freshwater bivalve mollusk 
Dreisenna polymorpha caused huge losses in the USA by clogging water 
intake/release pipes and other submerged structures in Great Lakes. A 
tiny crustacean Cercopagis pengoi upon its arrival to the Baltic sea 
caused what was called nets plaque nearly destroying marine coastal 
fishery business in a few European countries at the turn of XX / XXI 
centuries. Xilophagous mollusk Teredo navalis destroyed nearly all 
wooden constructions in San Francisco bay in the beginning of XX century 
causing loses as high as 200 000 000 dollars in just one year. And very 
recently documented new invader Mnemiopsis leyidyi is a major threat to 
fish resources in the Baltic sea, because it preys upon juvenile fish 
and has no natural enemies. This really beautiful creature already 
caused collapse of fisheries when it invaded the Black sea some time ago.

More facts (from other projects):

and some videos (not mine):

All the best!

Mark Wieder wrote:
No on-topic content, but it's Friday on my planet and I just had to share 
this gem:


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Re: 2.9 dp-3 for linux has expired...!

2008-02-23 Thread viktoras didziulis
i did not receive it too :-( or at least cant't find it in my inbox - 
the latest message is about dp3...


Horst wrote:

Hi RunRev,

why don´t all 2.9 testers get dp-4?

Is there a selection or is it just a mistake?

best regards


Peter Alcibiades wrote:
OK, all good things come to an end.  

So where do I get the next one?

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Re: 2.9 dp-3 for linux has expired...!

2008-02-23 Thread viktoras didziulis

We can't, dp-3 has already expired...

Stephen Barncard wrote:

What happens when you use check for update?

Hi RunRev,

why don´t all 2.9 testers get dp-4?

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Re: UI performance and large data set in Table Object

2008-02-22 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Mark,

use scrolling field object with vgrid and hgrid set to true (table to 
false), so you will get it formatted correctly without all the overheads 
of the table object. I always use this when I need table and it for me 
handles a few thousand records without any slowing downs.

One more option would be to play with LIMIT and OFFSET in SQL SELECT's 
and display only parts of the query that you want to.

All the best

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Re: Anyone interested in learning more about Rev on Rockets?

2008-02-21 Thread viktoras didziulis
Me too is interested. Would it be possible to additionally have a 
documentation of handlers and functions and what they do and how do you 
use them :-). Or anything like Rev IDE dictionary with documented 
functions, handlers and properties?

All the best!

Chipp Walters wrote:

So, if you're interested, holler at me or Andre, or just respond here. If
there are enough folks, we'll create a few free ROR tutes. Just let us know!

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Re: 2.9 b4

2008-02-20 Thread viktoras didziulis
Just intended to ask the same question... E.g. me is interested in 
Revolution to be improved as much as possible. So many of us do this by 
participating in beta program, hunting those nasty bugs, reporting them, 
etc... And as a reward and motivation participation in the Improve 
list is limited by our personal incomes and looks rather like 
Investor-Relationship list instead :-).

I really can't afford it - being a phd student in my part of the world 
is a financial challenge too...

Sorry for making waves ;-) and
all the best!

Ian Wood wrote:

On 20 Feb 2008, at 08:10, Lynn Fredricks wrote:

The Improve List is where all things beta live

How about those of us that have Studio licences instead of Enterprise 
and are therefore not on the Improve List?


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Re: RevCGI Hosts?

2008-02-20 Thread viktoras didziulis
possibility of the direct access to revolution engine (or any other file 
in cgi-bin) can be completely eliminated by putting .htaccess file with 
the following content into the cgi-bin directory:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)(rev|revolution)(.*) http://localhost/cgi-bin/ [nc]

Now everyone trying to invoke rev or revolution from the outside world 
will be redirected to his own localhost.

best wishes!

Dave Cragg wrote:

On 20 Feb 2008, at 01:54, J. Landman Gay wrote:

I think we can relax as long as we don't script anything stupid. Here 
are a couple of quotes from Scott Raney about it:

Hi Jacque

It wasn't the script content I was concerned about. Scripting problems 
exist wherever the engine is.

My concern was that if the engine is in the cgi-bin folder, you can 
attempt to call the engine directly. For example, if the engine is 
named rev, then what happens when you request the url;

Will Apache try to start the engine? My understanding of Apache and 
the cgi-bin folder suggests that it will. (But am not certain.) 
Normally, I think nothing will happen and the engine will immediately 
close. But if it were possible to coerce Apache to send parameters 
when opening the engine, the risks seem higher. In the case of the 
Windows Perl executable, I think Apache sent any query string attached 
to the url as a parameter. In some circumstances (forget details) the 
Perl executable will attempt to execute scripts passed as parameters. 
It was possible to craft a query string that would cause Perls to 
execute scripts.

As I said, I'm reasonably confident this can't be done with Rev. (But 
it will accept parameters.) But it's usually not a problem to put the 
engine somewhere outside of the cgi-bin folder and adjust the top line 
of the script accordingly.

The other advantage is that starting a script with 
#!usr/bin/revbin/rev or #!../rev makes you look more knowledgeable 
than simply using #!rev   It's like the subtle difference between 
quiche and egg pie. You'll swear your scripts run faster. :-)


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Re: upgrade pricing

2008-02-19 Thread viktoras didziulis
i just noticed that for those who buy/upgrade Revolution in February the 
package comes with a free set of icons ( 
Unfortunately I renewed my license just 3 days before February, so no 
icons for me and I will continue using open source Tango and Crystal 
icon libraries. However it would be nice to hear that from 2.9 or 3.0 
onwards any paying customer would receive a default library of icons 
with each Revolution download :-). While it is not a big chalenge for me 
anymore, I guess it would be very encouraging for any new customer new 
in software development with Rev to have a complete set of tools to 
start learning and working with at once.

All the best!

Stephen Barncard wrote:
I'd say the 2.9 release is very closethe DP-4 beta rocks with just 
a few things to fix.

This release has a lot more value of a .1 release (the numbering 
system was redone to accomodate the future  features in the next big 
release 3.0).

for all practical purposes there are so many fixes and new features 
addes since 2.8.1 that one can't really pigeonhole the progress made 
by calling it a point-release.  2.9 will be the most solid, feature 
packed release yet.

Besides, sooner or later you'll want 3.0 which is expected perhaps by 
the middle of this year.  (Remember 'Revolution Live' was rescheduled 
to accomodate the announcement, if not release of version 3.0.)

The stuff that's coming is awesome! Due to an NDA, I can't mention 
what -- and if one is really curious then one will have to go to Las 
Vegas this summer.  -- or join the beta testers.

Do we have a date for the 2.9 release? I am anxiously waiting!


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Re: UPDATE table and quote in a text

2008-02-18 Thread viktoras didziulis

in sqlite ' should be escaped with '' (e.g. ' and ') that's it...

Horst wrote:

Holá Mark,

ik wil u danken. 

I know, the easiest way would be to encode the data with base64encode. But
there must also be a way to  save a text f.e. like 1234'5'6öä'ioup# in a
varchar or text type. With base64encode it will f.e. not be possible to use
the fulltext indexing, which I will need. No, there must be another way.
SQL is not that silly and I learned, that RR is a a powerfull tool, if you
(or someone else) knows the tricks. Once again the question: How to save
any text via RR to a SQL-Table as described before.

best regards


Mark Schonewille-3 wrote:

Hallo Horst,

You could write a function to escape all special characters, but the  
easiest and most reliable way is to encode the data with base64encode 
() before storing it.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille


Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Convert colours between different colour spaces with Color Converter.  
Download at

Op 17-feb-2008, om 17:09 heeft Horst het volgende geschreven:

Holá Mark,

The main question seems to be: How to include a textfile for  

put 1234'5'6öä'ioup# into mytext ## I know, this text is  
senseless, but

never mind, it should be able to be saved
replace quote with \  quote in mytext ## and then, how to  
replave the '

put UPDATE table set textfile = '  mytext  '... into sql_messqage
revexecutesql (my_ID), sql_message
put the result  ## shows an SQL-Error message and mytext will not  
be saved


best regards and, as usual, a big thank You for answering



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Re: Cgi and Database (stick to standards)

2008-02-16 Thread viktoras didziulis
from my experience mysql is faster than sqlite in joins, unless you 
manually optimise your sql queries for sqlite ;-), in most cases using 
subqueries. Plus mysql is multiuser  and omnipresent, which matters... 
To make sqlite multiuser you will have to implement your own database 
locking mechanism, or use tools that have it already implemented (like 
modsqlite for apache). Possibly valentina db is one of the best choices 
(and I am waiting for my valentine days license to test it without 
limitations :-) ), but if you buy hosting services, then I guess you are 
limited to mysql, sqlite and sometimes postrgresql (which people say is 
slower than mysql...).


Sadhunathan Nadesan wrote:


PostgreSQL is free.



From: Hershel Fisch [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Cgi and Database (stick to standards)
To: How to use Revolution

Bernard Devlin wrote:

I'm not sure what kind of database requirements you have.

SQL  rdbms, and I was thinking to use sqLITE because its fast even with
big bases and most hosting sites use mySql which slows down as the database
grows. I wanted to use PostgreSQL but I don¹t find any body with it for a
decent price

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Re: Many Cards vs. Lists vs. XML

2008-02-16 Thread viktoras didziulis
working with lists is much much faster. XML is just plain flat text file 
with more text to process. If you have large and complex dataset with 
items, children items their relations and properties, then it is more 
efficient to use relational database for data storage and retrieval... 
XML suits best to present data stored elsewhere it is rather like 
document on steroids or interactive document or communication/data 
exchange protocol that can be formatted, trasformed or scripted itself 
(e.g. XHTML) to present data in different ways.

Although it is fashionable to use XML everywhere, including data 
storage, i would tolerate it only in those cases where you have 
relatively small amount of complex data. E.g. like rss feeds that are 
usually limited to 10-15 items. For large amounts of simple data in form 
of key-value pairs ordinary list is possibly the best solution. In all 
other cases use real databases.

The perfect delimiter is tab :-). If you use list and data already 
contains tabs, then before populating the list replace tab with some 
unlikely combination of symbol(s) like \t and replace those back to 
tab when retrieving data. Same can be done with multiline data - replace 
return with e.g \n for storage and then replace \n with return for 
displaying. If you go with relational databases (sqlite, valentina 
etc...) there will be no problems because you won't need to deal with 
any field delimiters then (except those cases where you have to import 
data from delimited text file).

All the best

Russell Martin wrote:

So, I've been reading up on Rev's XML features and I'm wondering if
that isn't a better route to go than using lists? Any thoughts?

Also, for those that use lists to store data, how do you handle placing
multiline data into your list structure?

And, what do you do to deal with data that might contain instances of
your delimiter before you place it in your list? Or, is there some
perfect delimiter that I just haven't thought of?

Thanks in advance for your responses.


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Re: Inter-Application Communication on Windows

2008-02-15 Thread viktoras didziulis


I wonder whether it is because the instances change the schema of the 
database or because they do it simultaneously ? Maybe if you implement a 
simple locking mechanism it would work ?.. The simplest way, which I 
never tried in Rev, but many times in Perl when programming multiuser 
shared flat file based solutions is using a semaphore file.

When an instance of app needs to write data to a shared flat file it:
1) checks if semaphore file (an empty file with known name, e.g anything 
like busy.sem, busy) is present
2) if it is present it waits and returns to 1) in a few milliseconds 
otherwise it

3) creates the semaphore file and writes data into the shared file
4) then deletes the semaphore

All the best!

Dave wrote:


The problem with my Application is that whole Tables can be renamed or 
deleted. Just tried running two apps at the same time accessing one 
database and it instantly crashed and the database is in pieces!

All the Best

On 14 Feb 2008, at 13:30, viktoras didziulis wrote:

Hi Dave,

in one of my applications I use shell to communicate with sqlite for 
data .import and revolution's sqlite to query and modify the same 
database. It was never corrupted... Maybe just because .importing and 
modification are sequential and do not attempt to modify the same 
database in the same time.

I am frequently using an instance of commandline sqlite  and an 
instance of sqlitespy for some database tests - it possibly can 
corrupt the database, but so far this has never happened.

Accessing the same sqlite database should not make any big troubles 
unless both sqlite instances modify the database simultaneously. In 
this case you may try implementing some sort of locking mechanism. 
But then the solution with file would be simpler.

I did a test with a very very simple sqlite app - it did not corrupt 
the database even if many instances of it were running... So you can 
read, insert or delete a record in a table with one instance and read 
it with another and vice versa... But I guess there are scenarios 
when the database can get corrupt.

The zipped folder with both the compiled app (for Windows) and the 
source can be downloaded from:

Best wishes

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Re: Inter-Application Communication on Windows

2008-02-14 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Dave,

in one of my applications I use shell to communicate with sqlite for 
data .import and revolution's sqlite to query and modify the same 
database. It was never corrupted... Maybe just because .importing and 
modification are sequential and do not attempt to modify the same 
database in the same time.

I am frequently using an instance of commandline sqlite  and an instance 
of sqlitespy for some database tests - it possibly can corrupt the 
database, but so far this has never happened.

Accessing the same sqlite database should not make any big troubles 
unless both sqlite instances modify the database simultaneously. In this 
case you may try implementing some sort of locking mechanism. But then 
the solution with file would be simpler.

I did a test with a very very simple sqlite app - it did not corrupt the 
database even if many instances of it were running... So you can read, 
insert or delete a record in a table with one instance and read it with 
another and vice versa... But I guess there are scenarios when the 
database can get corrupt.

The zipped folder with both the compiled app (for Windows) and the 
source can be downloaded from:

Best wishes

Dave wrote:


Since they are two standalone applications they will have different 
engine's and different SQLite libraries, so I don't think you could 
access the same database with it getting corrupted. If you know a way 
do this this I'd be VERY interested.


All the Best

On 13 Feb 2008, at 19:08, viktoras didziulis wrote:

What about the 2 applications connecting to the same sqlite database 
- one updates the db, the other checks whether and how it was updated?..


Richard Gaskin wrote:

Dave wrote:
I have an application that periodically creates or updates an 
SQLite  database (actually there are lots of databases (separate 
SQLite  files), but only one is worked on at a time) and then sends 
the  results to the server. This process can take upwards of 15 
minutes to  complete. In the meantime I want to be able to still 
use the  application to do other things (such as create playlists 
in iTunes).

I'd use sockets, or polling for a file.  While polling a file's 
content can eat some cycles, polling for the existence of a file is 
pretty darn fast.  Given the scenario you describe, where you're not 
really expecting a result for several minutes, you could probably 
get away with polling for a file every few seconds.  Cheap, simple, 
reasonably efficient.

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Re: Inter-Application Communication on Windows

2008-02-13 Thread viktoras didziulis
What about the 2 applications connecting to the same sqlite database - 
one updates the db, the other checks whether and how it was updated?..


Richard Gaskin wrote:

Dave wrote:
I have an application that periodically creates or updates an SQLite  
database (actually there are lots of databases (separate SQLite  
files), but only one is worked on at a time) and then sends the  
results to the server. This process can take upwards of 15 minutes 
to  complete. In the meantime I want to be able to still use the  
application to do other things (such as create playlists in iTunes).

I'd use sockets, or polling for a file.  While polling a file's 
content can eat some cycles, polling for the existence of a file is 
pretty darn fast.  Given the scenario you describe, where you're not 
really expecting a result for several minutes, you could probably get 
away with polling for a file every few seconds.  Cheap, simple, 
reasonably efficient.

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Re: Threshold filters (Rev Newsletter #48)

2008-02-13 Thread viktoras didziulis
...from my observations put before tends to slow down with larger files. 
So put after is the fastest of all...


Björnke von Gierke wrote:

A very interesting read, and it fits nicely into your expertise.

However, you use put into in the last example (repeat for each). 
This negates the speed gain you'd get by using for each. try to use 
put after or put before. I made some tests, and it increased the 
speed of the loop alone by up to 10% for me. Of course it also needs 
double the ram :)

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taskbar applications

2008-02-12 Thread viktoras didziulis
i would appreciate a few hints on how do we create taskbar applications 
in Revolution on Windows. I.e. something like Revolution player, skype 
or anything like that where user sees an icon of a running application 
sitting in the taskbar. If he clicks that icon with mouse - context menu 
appears... How do we set application to be loaded on startup 
automatically ? I would like to add this option to preferences of my 
app, will it have to mess with windows xp registry or are there other 
ways? Any hints, online tutorials also on how do we do this on Mac, Linux ?

Many thanks in advance!
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Re: db encryption and multiuser question

2008-02-06 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Tiemo,

try this sqlite database editor (for windows):

Or you can install an sqlite plugin for Mozilla web browser.

Regarding the encryption and a few other issues (like loading tables 
into the database using sqlite's .import function) it is possible to 
communicate with sqlite using shell. From time to time I am forced to 
resort to this option.

Best wishes

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Re: AW: db encryption and multiuser question

2008-02-06 Thread viktoras didziulis

Hi Tiemo,

it won't work that way. Sqlitespy uses its own disqlite for 
encryption, etc.
In your case you should consider any of the database servers (Valentina, 
MySQL, etc...) that support both multiuser databases and encryption.

Best wishes

Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

Hi Viktoras,
ok, as I see I could encrypt the db with sqlitespy, but I think I would need
sqlite-crypt for decrypting the db from within my app. What I am not clear
in is, how sqlite-crypt works together with runrev. Do I just have to copy
the crypt-dll into my app folder and call the open function instead of the
standard revdb function (what about registering / declaring of
sqliste-crypt), or how does the communication between runrev and
sqlite-crypt looks like? Perhaps I am asking the wrong questions?


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:use-revolution-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von viktoras didziulis
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2008 12:26
An: How to use Revolution
Betreff: Re: db encryption and multiuser question

Hi Tiemo,

try this sqlite database editor (for windows):

Or you can install an sqlite plugin for Mozilla web browser.

Regarding the encryption and a few other issues (like loading tables
into the database using sqlite's .import function) it is possible to
communicate with sqlite using shell. From time to time I am forced to
resort to this option.

Best wishes

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Re: filling a db on CD, what happens?

2008-02-06 Thread viktoras didziulis
what about storing data to an external database on a remote server ?.. 
Or is the data too user specific or privacy sensitive (or how is it 
called correctly in English?..) and there is no point to save it at all? 
What about using usb flashdrive instead of CD ? Or simply putting the 
application online to be downloaded and installed locally or maybe load 
and run directly from the web server, if it is small enough ?

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