Re: Flashbuilder 4.7 for Mac

2021-05-26 Thread Scott Matheson
I have been using IntelliJ for the past 5 years as a paid account and had no 
issue, maybe your working in a different area if the product set

Sent from my iPad

> On 28 Apr 2021, at 19:02, Blake McBride  wrote:
> I'm surprised to hear so many people liking Flex under IntelliJ.  I
> switched from Flashbuilder to IntelliJ many years ago because of JetBrain's
> advertised Flex support.  It took a lot of work to switch only to find that
> IntelliJ's support for Flex has many errors.  Being a paying customer I
> tried to get support.  I was told they don't support that plugin.  I stuck
> with it because Flashbuilder no longer worked on modern machines.  Their
> support for Flex is very poor and full of errors.  It helps 50% of the time
> and is a meaningless annoyance the other 50%.
>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 12:39 PM Christian Kostenzer <
>>> wrote:
>> I was in the same situation and decided to switch to IntelliJ. This was
>> one of the best decisions.
>> Am 10. Dez. 2020, 19:33 +0100 schrieb Tucsonjhall :
>>> I made the mistake of installing Catalina on my Mac which apparently
>> doesn't
>>> support Flashbuilder 4.7. So I'm in the process of downgrading to Mojave
>> but
>>> I can't find the installer anywhere. It used to be in my Creative Cloud
>> but
>>> it seems that Adobe has removed that and made AIR 32 the only SDK
>>> downloadable. Does anyone know where I can download Flashbuild 4.7 for
>> Mac?
>>> Thanks
>>> --
>>> Sent from:

The end of a way of life

2021-01-01 Thread Scott Matheson
With the death of flash today, we are in a new world, due to timing we had to 
move to HTML, it has taken us 18 months we a few more months of small bug fixes 

It is interesting that flash dies off as the UK leave the EU, both driven by 
political adding nothing to the every day man 

As thy say ins the UK, there is no point is crying over spilt milk, I look back 
on the simple life we had 

Sent from my iPad

Re: Flashbuilder 4.7 for Mac

2020-12-11 Thread Scott Matheson
I think I may have a copy of 4.6 on an old time machine I would need to have a 
look,  you would need a key

I made the move to IJ like everyone else and after a few days I was fine 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 11 Dec 2020, at 21:27, Tucsonjhall  wrote:
> Is there a site where one can download Adobe AIR SDK Version 30 or 31?
> --
> Sent from:

Chris’s and Edge issues

2020-11-25 Thread Scott Matheson
Has anyone see this 

It appears that Flash Player in the latest update of any chromium based browser 
is no longer able to access the microphone using new versions of Chrome 
(version 87) and the latest Edge
Browsers that require the plug-in ,such as Internet Explorer and Opera, still 
have correct mic function even after updating to the latest version.

Sent from my iPad

Re: Future of Flex

2020-09-11 Thread Scott Matheson
   I have been in the business since 1982 seen a lot, I remember when our 
first IBM PC B/W screen with 64k memory,  single floppy dive arrived and we 
just looked at it and said what are we to do with that 

I started developing on PL1, is GO not copy, that a different thread 

I have been developing in Flex since 2010, and really enjoyed the experience, I 
100% agree with every thing you said

Unfortunately Royal was too late for us,  and we made the switch to React last 
year, we found electron for mobile was sufficient for our dneeds, we could 
still create a AIR app from out flex source code if we had, but why have 2 code 
bases if you do not need too

The new React application is designed to look identical to the Flex app, and it 
does, an end user would be  hard pressed see the difference 

I hate the React JS CSS design approach, but sometimes you just have to dig 

The world is not logical place 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 11 Sep 2020, at 03:55, Erik Thomas  wrote:
> Hey all:
> If you are a Flex devotee, like me, a longtime admirer of the beauty in Flex 
> that introduced a declarative + procedural model that preceded Microsoft's C 
> sharp and WPF models that essentially stole the idea from Flex for a 
> structural MVC where the view and controller were represented by the MXML and 
> as3 respectively, I believe there is much life left in Flex.
> It is still a very relevant platform for creating single-codebase mobile apps 
> for Android and iOS. It produces far smaller executables than Swift and most 
> all other competing platforms. The availability of ANEs to access native 
> capability provides near parity with native app development, not quite, but 
> close enough to get multiplatform support for a single platform.
> I've been developing Flex apps since 2007 with the release of Flex 3 by 
> Adobe. I was working for Intuit at the time Flex was a huge departure from 
> Intuit's C++/MFC centric development platform that was used for QuickBooks (I 
> was a QuickBooks engineer prior to accepting a challenge to develop a new 
> product using Flex). It was refreshing to start a new project and not have to 
> maintain and develop on a 6 million LOC C++ application.
> While I was at it I was also one of a team that was evaluating MS WPF so I 
> learned that too, and while I still think WPF was amazing, it stole much of 
> it's design from Macromedia that designed Flex, and I haven't seen a new 
> paradigm to challenge the declarative/procedural design even today, IMHO. But 
> the real power is in the runtime. Just like Java practically replaced C and 
> C++ based web development because of the amazing advantages of a sandboxed 
> runtime environment, the AIR runtime is brilliant, even today. No other major 
> platform for mobile (or web, though the flash player is definitely dying) can 
> equal the performance of the AIR runtime. One must compile to native and that 
> comes with a boatload of problems especially multi-platform support. A 
> runtime engine is still brilliant, just as Java runtimes still power nearly 
> half of the billions of web apps on the internet.
> What I don't understand is why Flex doesn't attract more developers, but I'm 
> sure it's because universities and colleges, and tech schools don't teach it 
> because it's considered fringe. If people really understood what it could do 
> we could see third party tools, ANEs, and new innovations that pushed it back 
> into the mainstream.
> Oh well. Sometimes the best ideas and designs don't achieve mindshare and 
> fail for reasons entirely unrelated to capability.
> Ancients like me will remember the VHS vs. Betacam wars where the latter was 
> 10X better and still failed because of marketing, mindshare, and somewhat 
> political reasoning.
> My company still has two very successful mobile apps built with Flex/AIR and 
> some ANEs by Distriqt (the very best ANE developer on the planet without 
> doubt): Linqto and Keiretsu Forum.
> Alas, we have even succumbed to pressure to replace these apps with REACT 
> Native and will be embarking on this road in the next month. It's a sad day. 
> But now that a big company like Adobe has relinquished the reins of both Flex 
> (some years ago) and AIR (to Harmann recently), it seems the fate of this 
> amazing development platform is destined to the graveyard.
> I know there's lots of great innovation with Royale to breathe live back into 
> Flex apps, and there are migration options as well. These are great things, 
> but in my opinion, unnecessary because the AIR runtime is FAR, FAR better 
> than relying on any browser-based rendering engine to render javascript, 
> html, and CSS.
> Just sharing my opinion as someone who has made his living with Flex since 
> 2007, was once a master/guru of MFC/C++ since Windows 1.5, and got my first 
> contract in 1983.
> Erik Thomas
> Chief Architect


2020-04-12 Thread Scott Matheson
Does anyone know if google etc all are considered pushing back the end of 
life for flash player do tie cb19?

Sent from my iPhone

Re: Tip/Solution after December/2020

2020-04-12 Thread Scott Matheson
We shipped a b electron as desk top install, electron provide the desk top 
browser, we disabled all options, it just ran out app in full window

In someone had not told you, you would think in was a native app

Worked well 

In the end we porter to html 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 12 Apr 2020, at 17:31, Carlos Rovira  wrote:
> Another option is to try Apache Royale...
>> El sáb., 11 abr. 2020 a las 19:43, Angelo Anolin ()
>> escribió:
>> Freezing Chrome only works if you are the systems administrator who can
>> allow such updates to happen to your client machines. Evergreen browsers
>> always require to be updated constantly.
>> I think the best alternative is to have a plan to migrate this app NOW or
>> port it to Adobe AIR which should still work past the end of life of Flash
>> in browsers.
>> On Sat, Apr 11, 2020 at 8:07 AM Diogo Vieira 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello people!
>>> I wonder if you can give me a tip or alternative to solve my problem.
>>> I have an application running in production and I won't have time to
>>> migrate it until December 2020.
>>> So, the first solution I thought of was trying to freeze a version of
>>> chrome. Can you tell me if this works?
>>> Is there any better alternative?
>>> I need my application to continue running for a few more months after the
>>> end of the flash in browsers.
>>> Att,
>>> Diogo Vieira
>> --
>> Sent from Mobile Device
> -- 
> Carlos Rovira

Re: Flash app -> AIR

2019-06-24 Thread Scott Matheson
   I Totally agree, back in 2009 I spend 1 year looking a frameworks, going 
round and round reading all the stuff trying to balance one evangelist vs 
another evangelist, then o read something that said there is no answer pick 
want  works for you, in my case I needed rich UX, at the time that meant Flex 
and off I went 

When I say " evangelist,”  these guys create a lot of noise and you need to 
understand how the get “paid” / ‘rewarded” cash clicks or  ego etc. you have to 
try and filter all this out and work out what's best for you or pick something 
that you think will be with us for a long time 

Angular was a the big hope, Goggle is a big player
Then React, well face book is a big player  
Now well maybe Vue.js 
I long for the day of Flash / Flex  rules the world 

PS keeps us all in a job :)

> On 24 Jun 2019, at 09:58, Olaf Krueger  wrote:
> Hi,
>> Royal is ... IMHO a dead end, in a few years your be porting again 
> I think this is valid for all of the tech stacks/frameworks out there.
> Depending on the use case, Royale could be the best option... or even not.
> But it's always worth to give it a try like any other tech stack or
> framework out there which might fits your needs.
> Nothing lives forever, maybe Google's Angular will be eaten by Googles
> Flutter, maybe Vue.js will take over React, maybe... nobody knows.
> I guess the time where we could stick with one tech stack over a decade is
> long gone.
> Things are changing incredibly fast these days, today's hottest hype may be
> forgotten tomorrow.
> I think we have to re-think our decisions from project to project, depending
> on the project's needs, the available tooling, libs, developers etc.
> Just my 2cents, even if this is not helpful ;-)
> Olaf
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Flash app -> AIR

2019-06-23 Thread Scott Matheson
   I fully understand and wish you all the best, but as a small developer i 
need to look at what is best for my development, i will keep a eye on Royal 

> On 23 Jun 2019, at 06:26, Alex Harui  wrote:
> One of the reasons Flex and Royale are at Apache is so no corporation can 
> pull the plug.  Apache specifically does not allow corporations to have any 
> say in their projects.  If Adobe decides to stop paying me to work on Flex 
> and/or Royale, if I can find some other way to get paid to do it, I can.
> As long as there are 3 PMC members who can get it together to approve 
> releases, the projects can live on at the ASF.  The community only has to be 
> large enough to keep 3 PMC members motivated to participate on the mailing 
> lists and process releases.
> -Alex
> On 6/22/19, 1:35 PM, "Scott"  wrote:
>So I am an old program  60 so I would say I have seen it all many time 
> over, we have tried/looked at royal a number of times 
>As for royal, sorry it is late, we needed royal to be in full production 2 
> years ago, when we tried royal we kept finding new issues or missing 
> elements, yes I know this is community code and I wish the project all the 
> success 
>Now for the real issue, community unless there is a big user community 
> then the key developed will do something else, just look at what happened to 
> flex when adobe pull the plug, this could happened again and who is to say it 
> will not, then royal will be  a dead end 
>Sorry that’s just my view, over 40 years of development I have seen this 
> happen many time
>Sent from my iPad
>> On 22 Jun 2019, at 16:48, Piotr Zarzycki  wrote:
>> Hi Scott,
>> I'm curious why are thinking that Royale is a dead end?
>> Thanks,
>> Piotr
>>> On Sat, Jun 22, 2019, 4:42 PM Scott  wrote:
>>> AIR is a good option but you have the update  install problems, the
>>> solutions are out there and air will do auto update etc ...
>>> Google web frame work well, you install a browser, that looks a desk top
>>> app but run the flex app like today, I have tried this and it work well the
>>> WebKit stuff is not difficult
>>> With the new commercial owners of air etc you should be able to come to a
>>> deal on the desk top install of flash, I have talked to Andrew about this
>>> approach
>>> In our case we had the skills and due to timing we went for a UX port to
>>> HTML5 but keeps all the as3 code, we converted to TrueType in less that 1
>>> day
>>> Royal is an option but to hard and IMHO a dead end, in a few years your be
>>> porting again
>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On 22 Jun 2019, at 16:25, Blake McBride  wrote:
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> I have a large Flex(3.5)/Flash app that (obviously) runs under a browser.
>>>> Since the Flash player is going away, I am wondering if I should consider
>>>> AIR.  What are my other options?  What's easiest?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Blake McBride

Re: Flash app -> AIR

2019-06-22 Thread Scott
Yes with 450 screen that’s a big job, air or the local wed browse is the simple 

We went with royal, the design approach is the same as flex, we started by 
creating 1 to 1 components, the new compounded are JS CSS SVGS in our case 
about 30 components 

The royal component architecture is identical  to flex so your front end logic 
does not need to change, we had a simple, MVC design

As for AS3 we used a converter to TrueType, the code logic is the same, we used 
a tool and a bit manual work, we took the operation to add testing 

We do have a simpler application, 30 screens that generated about 1000 screens 
, we planned on 6 man months work, we are 3 into the project and on track, we 
will end up with a stand application, in the sweet spot of the industry, royal 
will never be in the sweet spot for the industry

It is a big hit on cost and time, but we have a future, this app has been 
running is some form or other for 20 plus years, this is our 3rd rewrite we 
started with a desk top products toolbook 1995, which was good for 15 years, 
then we moved to flex 2010, and html5 from 2200 

Happy to provide detailed information if you need 


Sent from my iPad

> On 22 Jun 2019, at 17:03, Blake McBride  wrote:
> Hi.  Thanks for the response.  I have some questions below.
>> On Sat, Jun 22, 2019 at 10:42 AM Scott  wrote:
>> AIR is a good option but you have the update  install problems, the
>> solutions are out there and air will do auto update etc ...
>> Google web frame work well, you install a browser, that looks a desk top
>> app but run the flex app like today, I have tried this and it work well the
>> WebKit stuff is not difficult
>> With the new commercial owners of air etc you should be able to come to a
>> deal on the desk top install of flash, I have talked to Andrew about this
>> approach
>> In our case we had the skills and due to timing we went for a UX port to
>> HTML5 but keeps all the as3 code, we converted to TrueType in less that 1
>> day
> Since my Flash front-end talks to the back-end with SOAP & REST, I am able
> to create an equivalent HTML front-end without changing the back-end.   But
> that is essentially a re-write of the front-end, and with 450 screens,
> that's a bit of a task.  I do not understand what you mean by "keeps all
> the as3 code" since the required JavaScript code for the HTML is very
> different.  I also don't know what "converted to TrueType" means since
> that's just a font.
>> Royal is an option but to hard and IMHO a dead end, in a few years your be
>> porting again
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jun 2019, at 16:25, Blake McBride  wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I have a large Flex(3.5)/Flash app that (obviously) runs under a browser.
>>> Since the Flash player is going away, I am wondering if I should consider
>>> AIR.  What are my other options?  What's easiest?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Blake McBride

Re: Flash app -> AIR

2019-06-22 Thread Scott
So I am an old program  60 so I would say I have seen it all many time over, we 
have tried/looked at royal a number of times 

As for royal, sorry it is late, we needed royal to be in full production 2 
years ago, when we tried royal we kept finding new issues or missing elements, 
yes I know this is community code and I wish the project all the success 

Now for the real issue, community unless there is a big user community then the 
key developed will do something else, just look at what happened to flex when 
adobe pull the plug, this could happened again and who is to say it will not, 
then royal will be  a dead end 

Sorry that’s just my view, over 40 years of development I have seen this happen 
many time

Sent from my iPad

> On 22 Jun 2019, at 16:48, Piotr Zarzycki  wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I'm curious why are thinking that Royale is a dead end?
> Thanks,
> Piotr
>> On Sat, Jun 22, 2019, 4:42 PM Scott  wrote:
>> AIR is a good option but you have the update  install problems, the
>> solutions are out there and air will do auto update etc ...
>> Google web frame work well, you install a browser, that looks a desk top
>> app but run the flex app like today, I have tried this and it work well the
>> WebKit stuff is not difficult
>> With the new commercial owners of air etc you should be able to come to a
>> deal on the desk top install of flash, I have talked to Andrew about this
>> approach
>> In our case we had the skills and due to timing we went for a UX port to
>> HTML5 but keeps all the as3 code, we converted to TrueType in less that 1
>> day
>> Royal is an option but to hard and IMHO a dead end, in a few years your be
>> porting again
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 22 Jun 2019, at 16:25, Blake McBride  wrote:
>>> Greetings,
>>> I have a large Flex(3.5)/Flash app that (obviously) runs under a browser.
>>> Since the Flash player is going away, I am wondering if I should consider
>>> AIR.  What are my other options?  What's easiest?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Blake McBride

Re: Flash app -> AIR

2019-06-22 Thread Scott
AIR is a good option but you have the update  install problems, the solutions 
are out there and air will do auto update etc ...

Google web frame work well, you install a browser, that looks a desk top app 
but run the flex app like today, I have tried this and it work well the WebKit 
stuff is not difficult 

With the new commercial owners of air etc you should be able to come to a deal 
on the desk top install of flash, I have talked to Andrew about this approach 

In our case we had the skills and due to timing we went for a UX port to HTML5 
but keeps all the as3 code, we converted to TrueType in less that 1 day 

Royal is an option but to hard and IMHO a dead end, in a few years your be 
porting again 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Jun 2019, at 16:25, Blake McBride  wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have a large Flex(3.5)/Flash app that (obviously) runs under a browser.
> Since the Flash player is going away, I am wondering if I should consider
> AIR.  What are my other options?  What's easiest?
> Thanks.
> Blake McBride

Re: Adobe AIR Maintenance and support changes

2019-05-31 Thread Scott
   All the best with this move, a bit to late for UofS, saying that 
we may look at some of the options once we see how our html5 project goes on 
mobile devices

Pricing is interesting, seen all versions of this, from Oracle in 1990’s trying 
to license end users for the web to consumption base approach 

Salesman get all hot and bothered, coming up with new models that will make 
billions in the first week, years letter you go back to what the really uses 
told you day one

unix / opens source is a good model for pricing that seems to work  


Sent from my iPhone

> On 31 May 2019, at 11:59, Paulus de B.  wrote:
> Our revenue model does not depend on the number of users but on how they use
> it. So each user (actually client) gets charged a different monthly amount
> depending on usage, not on how many users this client has. And by usage, we
> mean actual processing done on our servers for our clients. They use the app
> to determine what to do, but our servers do the processing (hence we can
> charge for usage).
> Therefore, with every development tool / IDE / platform / database we have
> to select, as soon as there is a per end user license we drop it from our
> list of options.
> Besides the cost, the per end user license is a nightmare to administer. We
> have thousands of users currently using our Flash app which we intend on
> migrating to Flex/AIR. With users being added / removed every week I can
> tell you upfront we are not going to setup an entire administration just for
> license fees. And remember, we are coming from the Flash player in the web
> browser which both have no per end user license model. 
> And what if you want a freemium model? With a per user license you can't
> roll out a freemium model because you want users to use your app for free to
> start with.
> The per end user limits the deployment of apps whereas AIR is such a great
> solution to the multi platform problem it should be all over the place.
> I completely understand if you are going to maintain and develop the AIR
> player you have to get paid. But the per end user route limits the AIR
> deployment severely (and thus in the end will actually give you less
> revenue).
> Don't get me wrong, I love the Flex/AIR combination and we don't mind paying
> a (reasonable) developer seat fee for it. But like I said, the per end user
> license is a no go will make us drop it from our list.
> --
> Sent from:

Flex on iPad

2019-04-06 Thread Scott Matheson
   Is this the correct place for AIR questions? 

can anyone point me at good resources to build me first iPad / Android app, 
once I am up and running, I have a large Flex app to port, all the stuff i can 
find seem to be very old 


Air Mentor needed

2019-04-01 Thread Scott Matheson
   We have an existing Flex app deployed over the web, we are looking at 
shifting elements of the app to iPad/ android, we looking for a paid mentor to 
kick start our project, this would be 1 hour at a time over a few weeks

Our weakness is the whole App Store models development issue, we been codding 
in flex for 10 years  

If you interests let me know

Re: Need Help compiling an old Flex Builder 3 mxml into SWF

2019-01-12 Thread Scott Matheson
I might even have an old PC in the garage with 3 I would need to look

Sent from my iPhone

> On 12 Jan 2019, at 11:03, Scott Matheson  wrote:
> I do have a working 4.6 which I have never upgraded 
> Might be able to load and recompile 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 12 Jan 2019, at 00:05, kmdguy  wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I have an old mxml project which I built using Flex Builder 3 on a Mac. I
>> would occasionally open up that project in Flex Builder and make a few quick
>> amendments and save out the SWF file, upload it to my server and it was all
>> good.
>> Recently I switched to a brand new iMac running Mojave and I cannot get my
>> Flex Builder 3 to run on it (no surprise as it is very old). I have the mxml
>> project though that I moved over to a PC, opened the mxml document in an
>> editor, made some minor amendments and am trying to use the Apache Flex
>> compiler in Windows to export it as a SWF. I've tested it with a super
>> simple "hello world" file and it compiles fine.
>> However, my main mxml project file bumps into numerous errors which I'm
>> simply not sure how to overcome. I'm an amateur Flex programmer and I did
>> this project almost 9 years ago. This project only needs ONE more update to
>> be exported as SWF and then it will be replaced by a new program written in
>> C#.
>> Is there anyone available that I can pay to simply take my project and
>> compile it into SWF for me one last time? Or help me overcome the error that
>> is tripping me up?
>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>> Best regards,
>> Dan
>> --
>> Sent from:

Re: Need Help compiling an old Flex Builder 3 mxml into SWF

2019-01-12 Thread Scott Matheson
I do have a working 4.6 which I have never upgraded 

Might be able to load and recompile 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 12 Jan 2019, at 00:05, kmdguy  wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have an old mxml project which I built using Flex Builder 3 on a Mac. I
> would occasionally open up that project in Flex Builder and make a few quick
> amendments and save out the SWF file, upload it to my server and it was all
> good.
> Recently I switched to a brand new iMac running Mojave and I cannot get my
> Flex Builder 3 to run on it (no surprise as it is very old). I have the mxml
> project though that I moved over to a PC, opened the mxml document in an
> editor, made some minor amendments and am trying to use the Apache Flex
> compiler in Windows to export it as a SWF. I've tested it with a super
> simple "hello world" file and it compiles fine.
> However, my main mxml project file bumps into numerous errors which I'm
> simply not sure how to overcome. I'm an amateur Flex programmer and I did
> this project almost 9 years ago. This project only needs ONE more update to
> be exported as SWF and then it will be replaced by a new program written in
> C#.
> Is there anyone available that I can pay to simply take my project and
> compile it into SWF for me one last time? Or help me overcome the error that
> is tripping me up?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Best regards,
> Dan
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Apache Flex AIR Application problems with a limitation of two HTTP request on windows

2018-12-24 Thread Scott Mathewson
Hi I may have to do the same encapsulation, as it is Xmas any learning you would
Like  to share 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 24 Dec 2018, at 10:00, Carlos Rovira  wrote:
> Hi,
> reposting this here, since maybe is better mailing list, instead of Apache
> Royale.
> This is the thread on Royale with some suggestions on how to fix the
> problem. But I was searching for something more easy and close to Adobe AIR
> and Apache Flex.
> thanks in advance for any help on this issue
> Carlos
> -- Forwarded message -
> From: Carlos Rovira 
> Date: lun., 17 dic. 2018 a las 11:31
> Subject: Apache Flex AIR Application problems with a limitation of two HTTP
> request on windows
> To: 
> Hi,
> we are in the process of encapsulate an existing Apache Flex app in Adobe
> AIR to overcome the #flash2020 problem with browsers.
> In this transition, we found a problem with Adobe AIR in windows with a
> limit of two HTTP request to the same server. This seems due to Adobe AIR
> using WinlNet on Windows that has this 2 limit http request.
> Seems we didn't saw this problem with Flex in browsers since those left
> behind this limit and allow this days 6 concurrent calls, but AIR, since
> used WinlNet, continues with the 2 concurrent call limit, that is a problem
> nowadays.
> In the other hand don't find any reference to this problem on the internet,
> or some solution to apply in Adobe ARI, so maybe there's something I'm
> missing, since this problem should be found by many people trying to
> leverage existing Flex apps in AIR (or even creating others).
> Must say this problem is seen with request that needs several time (due to
> some server processing) to complete and send a response.
> If anyone know some way to overcome this will be of great help
> Thanks in advance for your help
> -- 
> Carlos Rovira
> -- 
> Carlos Rovira

Re: simple one

2018-12-14 Thread scott matheson
Thats is  thanks 

> On 14 Dec 2018, at 20:43, kamcknig  wrote:
> You can use encoded ampersands like this:
> visible="{data.accountType != 1  data.aPage  }"
> --
> Sent from:

simple one

2018-12-14 Thread scott matheson
Hi, not been writing code for a while, how do I add  && in a dynamic binding

this is the code 

i want  visible="{data.accountType != 1  && data.aPage  }"

Re: In-app Purchases

2018-10-22 Thread Scott Mathewson
Or maybe the issue is individually purchase which you had move to the web

In the case of SF etc is purchased by the company and the app users are 
“employees” of the purchasing company 

If that’s the case maybe your need to change your business model if that’s 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Oct 2018, at 20:56, Scott Mathewson  wrote:
> I have been following this thread, my company sell a service for lot of $$ 
> and we have a iPad app that you need to login to 
> look at sales force or work day, no way are they paying apple 30%
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 22 Oct 2018, at 20:21, bilbosax  wrote:
>> Erik, I am hoping that you may be able to apply your sharp mind to this, but
>> I think I may be in an unrecoverable situation with Apple :(  I just got off
>> the phone with App Review, and at this point, they KNOW that I am offering a
>> paid subscription service, so it does not seem to matter to them that I move
>> the account handling and payment services to my website and just offer a
>> login in my app.  That may have worked when they didn't know that users paid
>> a subscription, but now that they know that payment is taken, they said the
>> app would be rejected unless I utilize in-app purchase.  I told them that I
>> do not want any new users to sign up through the app, just for current users
>> to be able to log in, and they said that if my app did not offer in-app
>> purchase, that it would be rejected.  I don't know if that means that I just
>> have to import classes and have code that can be recognized as in-app
>> purchase, or if that means that I actually have to offer a way for new
>> clients to sign up.
>> I know that they keep a lot of notes on all of these apps.  It probably
>> wouldn't work, but I thought about dropping the app from the app store and
>> submitting a new App with just a login feature, but I don't know if the
>> notes are attached to the app, or to my account.
>> Can you think of any other argument that I could make to Apple that would
>> allow me to take signups on my website, but only logins in the app?  How did
>> you get around all of this with Keiretsu Forum??
>> --
>> Sent from:

Re: In-app Purchases

2018-10-22 Thread Scott Mathewson
I have been following this thread, my company sell a service for lot of $$ and 
we have a iPad app that you need to login to 

look at sales force or work day, no way are they paying apple 30%

Sent from my iPhone

> On 22 Oct 2018, at 20:21, bilbosax  wrote:
> Erik, I am hoping that you may be able to apply your sharp mind to this, but
> I think I may be in an unrecoverable situation with Apple :(  I just got off
> the phone with App Review, and at this point, they KNOW that I am offering a
> paid subscription service, so it does not seem to matter to them that I move
> the account handling and payment services to my website and just offer a
> login in my app.  That may have worked when they didn't know that users paid
> a subscription, but now that they know that payment is taken, they said the
> app would be rejected unless I utilize in-app purchase.  I told them that I
> do not want any new users to sign up through the app, just for current users
> to be able to log in, and they said that if my app did not offer in-app
> purchase, that it would be rejected.  I don't know if that means that I just
> have to import classes and have code that can be recognized as in-app
> purchase, or if that means that I actually have to offer a way for new
> clients to sign up.
> I know that they keep a lot of notes on all of these apps.  It probably
> wouldn't work, but I thought about dropping the app from the app store and
> submitting a new App with just a login feature, but I don't know if the
> notes are attached to the app, or to my account.
> Can you think of any other argument that I could make to Apple that would
> allow me to take signups on my website, but only logins in the app?  How did
> you get around all of this with Keiretsu Forum??
> --
> Sent from:

Re: setStyle on a Label

2018-09-21 Thread scott matheson
the first message that was sent out did not show up, so it was a duplicate 

> On 21 Sep 2018, at 11:59, Olaf Krueger  wrote:
> I just wonder why you've created this additional thread which seems to me to
> describe the same issue which already was resolved here [1]
> Did I miss something?
> Thanks,
> Olaf
> [1]
> --
> Sent from:

Re: setStyle on a Label

2018-09-21 Thread scott matheson
the_lsn.setStyle("textAlign", "center”);   only works if you have a width


>var _lsn:Label = new Label();
> _lsn.text = _”hellow”
> _lsn.setStyle("textAlign", "center");

works as it should, I had  assumed the width would have been inherited fro the 

> On 20 Sep 2018, at 23:33, Alex Harui  wrote:
> Can you post a small test case?
> On 9/20/18, 1:52 PM, "Scott Matheson"  wrote:
> How do I make a text label appear in the center of an lable using AS3 
> code
> var _lsn:Label = new Label();
> _lsn.text = _”hellow”
>     _lsn.setStyle("textAlign", "center");
>the issue must be setStyle 

setStyle on a Label

2018-09-20 Thread Scott Matheson

 How do I make a text label appear in the center of an lable using AS3 code

 var _lsn:Label = new Label();
 _lsn.text = _”hellow”
 _lsn.setStyle("textAlign", "center");

the issue must be setStyle 


Re: Label

2018-09-20 Thread scott matheson
thanks that works 

> On 19 Sep 2018, at 18:23, Erik Thomas  wrote:
> Another option is to center all objects in the parent container, but the 
> parent container must also set width or percentWidth. When width is not 
> specified, a container or Label will size to fit the content only, so there 
> is no concept of centering.
> var _sln:Label = new Label();
> _sln.text = _uofsModel.tempLessonTestResults.aUofS[i];
> _bgs.setStyle("horizontalAlign", "center"); 
> _bgs.width = 800;
> _bgs.addElement(_sln);

Re: Label

2018-09-19 Thread Scott Matheson
yes the width works fine 

var _sln:Label = new Label();
_sln.text = _uofsModel.tempLessonTestResults.aUofS[i];
_sln.setStyle("textAlign", "center");

> On 19 Sep 2018, at 16:06, Olaf Krueger  wrote:
>> How do I make a text label appear in the center of an lable using AS3 code
> Did you try to also set the width of the label?
> IIRC the alignment only works in conjunction with a width?
> HTH,
> Olaf
> --
> Sent from:


2018-09-19 Thread Scott Matheson
 How do I make a text label appear in the center of an lable using AS3 code
 var _lsn:Label = new Label();
 _lsn.text = _”hellow”
 _lsn.setStyle("textAlign", "center");
the issue must be setStyle 

Re: Converting many FXGs to SVGs?

2018-07-03 Thread Scott Mathewson
You need CS5(maybe 4) has an fxg import, that’s how we convert our fxg to svg 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 3 Jul 2018, at 11:22, chris_flex  wrote:
> Thanks... I think it will not work with Photoshop (CS6 cannot import FXG) but
> with Illustrator (also using CS6).
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Converting many FXGs to SVGs?

2018-07-03 Thread Scott Matheson
I had some use an old version (v5) of the adobe photo shop  tool, the tool can 
convert FXG to SVG in batch, took 1 hour worth the few $

> On 3 Jul 2018, at 08:03, chris_flex  wrote:
> Does anyone know a tool to "batch convert" fxg files to svg files or have any
> other trick to get a lot of fxgs converted to svgs? 
> --
> Sent from:

Re: [Discussion] Life after FlashPlayer

2018-05-14 Thread scott matheson
So I am not a deep deep developer, i have been working with Flex for web 
apps for 7 years and I love it, however from what i have read, it is a 
significant amount of work to move, there is no one to one mapping of MXML, I 
also think you have to change code, so there is significant effort, 

In use mostly simp,e text box, buttons, repeaters and grids

I am missing something, is Royal real simple ? 

from what i can see 
<>  royal is 
good if you have AS3 app with no MXML 

MXML is not there and will be some it (if every) to come


> On 14 May 2018, at 12:28, Olaf Krueger <> wrote:
> Hi,
>> What frameworks are most people doing Flash-like work in the browser these
> days? 
> I guess you find particular ideas of the Flex/Flash world at a lot of those
> frameworks out there.
> Most mentioned are probably Angular and React.
>> Is FlexJS a possible way to do this...
> First, please notice that FlexJS is now "Apache Royale [1]"!
> Any framework out there is "just" an abstraction layer on top of
> HTML5/JS/CSS, including "Apache Royale" (Even if Royale targets not only the
> browser).
> That said, no framework out there is able to provide more features than the
> target browsers are able to process.
> The only meaning to use such frameworks is to increase productivity... 
>> is  FlexJS limited in the components that it can support?  
> Apache Royale is designed to provide different component sets.
> It provides e.g. a basic component set and e.g. a wrapper around the MDL lib
> [2].
> Carlos Rovira is currently working on a brand new and very promising
> component set which is called "Jewel", very exciting! [3].
> Moreover, you should be able to use most of the JS libs out there with
> Royale.
> "Many other JavaScript frameworks could be made to work with Royale if they
> support dynamic instantiation of components." (Taken from the "Apache Royale
> Docs" [4])
> Hope this helps,
> Olaf
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> --
> Sent from:

AlovePDF text with question

2018-02-28 Thread Scott
   I am using the http://alivepdf to build pdf output from my flex app, I need 
to add an image directly after text, the problems is how do I work out the with 
in MM of the text 

Anyone got any ideas 


Checking browser version form Flex

2018-01-03 Thread scott matheson
I tried some code  to check the browser versions, but i get back a NULL

userAgent ="window.navigator.userAgent.toString");

following this 

any one point me in the right direction 


sound levels

2017-12-13 Thread scott matheson
   can anyone share some working code, that returns a value for recorded 
sounded, I have having a lot of problems with students not being able to setup 
the they Mic and want to add some visual indicators, i have tried before i just 
can not get the example of voice levels to work 

Re: File Progress event

2017-12-11 Thread Scott Matheson
No I am running on a Mac, the speed to download is proportional to the number 
of report pages

Sent from my iPhone

On 11 Dec 2017, at 18:34, Alex Harui 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Scott,

Are you running on Windows with anti-virus software?  See this post [1].
I've had similar experiences with Flash/AIR and File I/O.  To the runtime,
the write happens quickly, into a memory buffer, then the AV software
takes 1-2 mins to scan it before writing it.



On 12/11/17, 2:51 AM, "scott matheson" 
<<>> wrote:

  The buffer is the default size, the save take 1-2 mins elapsed
time, thats way I wanted to add a indicator , i can spoof something if i
need too


On 11 Dec 2017, at 02:20, Alex Harui 
<<>> wrote:

How big is the buffer ByteArray and where are you writing the file?  If
the write can happen fast enough, no Progress events are fired.  From
link you posted:

"In some cases, progress events are not received. For example, when the
file being transmitted is very small or the upload or download happens
very quickly a progress event might not be dispatched."


On 12/10/17, 11:04 AM, "scott matheson" 
<<>> wrote:

 i have copied this code off the flex site








but the progress does not seem to fire,

 private function saveReport():void {

   var buffer:ByteArray =;
   var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
   configureListeners(file);, "Overview Report.pdf");


private function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void



protected function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void
   var file:FileReference = FileReference(;
   trace("progressHandler name=" + + " bytesLoaded=" +
event.bytesLoaded + " bytesTotal=" + event.bytesTotal);

Re: File Progress event

2017-12-11 Thread scott matheson
The buffer is the default size, the save take 1-2 mins elapsed time, 
thats way I wanted to add a indicator , i can spoof something if i need too 


> On 11 Dec 2017, at 02:20, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> How big is the buffer ByteArray and where are you writing the file?  If
> the write can happen fast enough, no Progress events are fired.  From the
> link you posted:
> "In some cases, progress events are not received. For example, when the
> file being transmitted is very small or the upload or download happens
> very quickly a progress event might not be dispatched."
> HTH,
> -Alex
> On 12/10/17, 11:04 AM, "scott matheson" <> wrote:
>> Hi
>>   i have copied this code off the flex site
>> %7C5145f08e886e42dd00ef08d54000d165%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C0
>> %7C0%7C636485294617358223=t0JXnVPLx%2BtytYlHob%2B2kjcAm4VexBH%2FYrls
>> PTnyOTY%3D=0
>> <
>> m%7C5145f08e886e42dd00ef08d54000d165%7Cfa7b1b5a7b34438794aed2c178decee1%7C
>> 0%7C0%7C636485294617358223=t0JXnVPLx%2BtytYlHob%2B2kjcAm4VexBH%2FYrl
>> sPTnyOTY%3D=0>
>> but the progress does not seem to fire,
>>   private function saveReport():void {
>> cursorManager.removeBusyCursor();
>> var buffer:ByteArray =;
>> var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
>> configureListeners(file);
>>, "Overview Report.pdf");
>>  }
>>  private function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
>> dispatcher.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS,
>> progressHandler);
>>  }
>>  protected function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void
>>  {
>> var file:FileReference = FileReference(;
>> trace("progressHandler name=" + + " bytesLoaded=" +
>> event.bytesLoaded + " bytesTotal=" + event.bytesTotal);
>>  }

File Progress event

2017-12-10 Thread scott matheson
i have copied this code off the flex site

but the progress does not seem to fire,

private function saveReport():void {

  var buffer:ByteArray =;
  var file:FileReference = new FileReference();
  configureListeners(file);, "Overview Report.pdf");


   private function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
  dispatcher.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);

   protected function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void
  var file:FileReference = FileReference(;
  trace("progressHandler name=" + + " bytesLoaded=" + 
event.bytesLoaded + " bytesTotal=" + event.bytesTotal);

Re: Print/Export to PDF TLF

2017-11-17 Thread scott matheson

 Ghazi told me that  alivePDF AlivePDF ownership has been transferred 
to RIADVICE. It now lives in
this repository 
<>. I would be happy
to assist or need implementing new features, so | will upgrade soon this is a 
clip form my code that show a lot of the common elements

  [Embed(source="Records_Badge.jpg", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
  protected var jpgBytes:Class;

  [Embed(source="Records_Logo_BW.jpg", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
  protected var LogoBytes:Class;

  [Embed(source="Records_Star_Y.jpg", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
  protected var starOn:Class;

  [Embed(source="Records_Star_N.jpg", mimeType="application/octet-stream")]
  protected var starOff:Class;

  public function genPDF():void {
 var _hvbold:IFont = new CoreFont(FontFamily.HELVETICA_BOLD);
 var _hv:IFont = new CoreFont(FontFamily.HELVETICA);

 var _roset:Image

//set up the page size
 var myPDF:PDF = new PDF(Orientation.PORTRAIT, Unit.MM, Size.A4);

// add a blank page

// set a font
 myPDF.setFont(_hvbold, 34);
 myPDF.addText("Dictation", 10, 20);

// add an image 
 // add images to
 myPDF.addImageStream(new jpgBytes() as ByteArray, 
ColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB, null, 168, 1, 19.9, 22.01, 0, 1, "normal", null);


// reset font

 myPDF.setFont(_hv, 12);
 myPDF.addText(dateResult, 10, 41);

// add a line across the page 

 // Report boddey
 //set fint size

//-- bottom  ---

 var _rec4:Rectangle = new Rectangle(10, 260, 190, 0.05);

 // the hight and with will scale the object
 myPDF.addImageStream(new LogoBytes() as ByteArray, 
ColorSpace.DEVICE_RGB, null, 70, 255, 50, 20, 0, 1, "normal", null);

// save the work 

 var buffer:ByteArray =;
 var file:FileReference = new FileReference();, “report.pdf");


> On 16 Nov 2017, at 23:42, hugo <> wrote:
> Hello Scott,
> Yes, please.
> I will share want I can improve.
> Thank you,
> Hugo.
> --
> Sent from:

Re: Print/Export to PDF TLF

2017-11-16 Thread Scott Matheson
Hi for my flex web app I use

Works ok for 1 page, I have built a report generator to produce 20 page output 
to a pdf file, The save file works in my IDE but fails when I deploy, could be 
me or a bug in the library

Happy to share the basic code of that will help

I am now looking as JS library to handle PDF output

Sent from my iPhone

On 16 Nov 2017, at 19:30, hugo 
> wrote:


How to print TLF or better, anyone knows a way to export to PDF ?
I would like to avoid dependency from print driver or backend.


Sent from:

Re: [OT] Looking for work

2017-08-10 Thread Scott Matheson

Sent from my iPhone

> On 9 Aug 2017, at 20:46, Philip Keiter  wrote:
> I have just completed a project and am looking for a new project. If your
> team needs another developer please email directly (without emailing

excluding item in layout

2017-08-09 Thread scott matheson
   I have a data driven dynamic layout out, in this small example, when i show 
the page i could have  1 to  6 BrorderContainer, how can i exclude items form 
the layout and have the  dynamically fill the remaining space, State would get 
overly complex 


b1.excludFromLayout = true; 





Re: Flash & The Future of Interactive Content

2017-07-25 Thread Scott Matheson
Not sure I understand your comment about flash player inside Air HTML

I read this as the end of FP so the only option for web based apps is flashJS 
(which is a big port) or 100% rewrite 

Or am I wrong?

Sent from my iPhone

> On 25 Jul 2017, at 18:18, Gary Yang  wrote:
> I am curious about what they are going to change for running flash player
> inside AIR HTML.
> On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 1:07 PM, OmPrakash Muppirala 
> wrote:
>> Looks like AIR will live on
>>> On Jul 25, 2017 10:00 AM, "Gary Yang"  wrote:
>>> It didn't say anything about AIR ...
>>> On Tue, Jul 25, 2017 at 12:11 PM, <
>>>> wrote:
 View this message in context: http://apache-flex-users.
>>> Content-tp15489.html
 Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

off topping a bit

2017-06-24 Thread scott matheson
  i have been told the Puffin Web Browser many of us have used a solution to 
the flash on iOS is to be delisted form apply story, anyone else seen this, is 
there an alternative?


microphone activity code / widget

2017-05-21 Thread scott matheson
  has anyone got a bit of code that will detect microphone input, maybe so a 
level  ? 

I can record off the mic, however i have tried a  few times to get flex app to 
show the level of input with out any success 

thanks Scott

Re: Selecting all items on a dataGroup

2017-03-26 Thread scott matheson
thanks that’s working 

> On 26 Mar 2017, at 09:47, Hans Nuecke <> wrote:
> I use something like this:
>var allIndices:Vector. = new Vector.();
>var i:int;
>for (i = 0; i < finalSelection.length; i++) {
>dgMyElements.selectedIndices = allIndices;// your   id="dgMyElements"/>
> Hans
> Am 25.03.2017 um 20:05 schrieb scott matheson:
>> Hi
>> i want to selecta ll the items in a dataGrid, i was trying to populate 
>> the selectedItems,  any ideas
>> thanks
>> private function selectAll():void{
>> dg.selectedItems = null;
>>var _user;
>>for each( _user in this._listofUser){
>> dg.selectedItems.push(_user);
>> }
>> > dataProvider="{this._listofUser}"
>>  selectionMode="multipleRows"
>>  > minWidth="50"  />
>>  > minWidth="70"  />
> -

Selecting all items on a dataGroup

2017-03-25 Thread scott matheson
i want to selecta ll the items in a dataGrid, i was trying to populate the 
selectedItems,  any ideas 


private function selectAll():void{

dg.selectedItems = null;

   var _user;
   for each( _user in this._listofUser){





Re: FDB in INtellij

2017-02-03 Thread scott matheson

in was told this may be a memory problem, due to to deep 

> On 3 Feb 2017, at 14:34, kamcknig  > wrote:
> debugging, it can't ever inspect static variables. I had read this was a

Re: Help with debugging

2017-01-12 Thread scott matheson
Alex thanks for the input, I have removed the break in this code are and other 
parts of the code  seem to be working so this could be the issue 


> On 12 Jan 2017, at 19:09, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> For me, Flash most often crashes when running out of memory or recursing
> too deep and blowing up the stack.  And yes, it can just happen to you and
> not thers because Garbage Collection has mor or less garbage based on
> other things happening in the system.
> Does it crash right away?  If not, watch the Activity Monitor to see f
> the app is sucking up huge amounts of memory.
> Also try commenting out large chunks of code to see if that stops the
> crashing.  Then see if the code you commented out has an issue or
> commeting out any large chunk solves the probem.
> HTH,
> -Alex
> On 1/12/17, 10:29 AM, "scott matheson" <> wrote:
>> Hi i know this off topic but… i run on a Mac
>> recently my flsh debugger has be crashing, V24.0.0.194  latest vrsion,
>> i tried to install an older V18 version with the same results, the code
>> works on our other developers machine
>> does any one have any idea what i could try next I run the app in the
>> player directly nt the plugins, however when I try the Chrome and
>> firefox plug ins i get the same result
>> i must say i do not understand the differance beteen
>> Download the Flash player content debuger for Firefox, Safari - NPAPI
>> <
>> _24_plugin_debug.dmg>
>> Downlad the Flash Player projector content debugger
>> <
>> _24_sa_debug.dmg
>> Download the Flash Player projector
>> <
>> _24_sa.dmg>
>> Download the Flash Player content debugger for Opera and Chomium based
>> applications – PPAPI
>> <
>> installed Download the Flash Player projector content debugger
>> <
>> _24_sa_debug.dmg> 
>> Process:   Flash Player Debugger [1369]
>> Path:  /ApplicationsFlash
>> Player Debuger
>> Identifier:com.macromedia.Flash Player
>> Version: (
>> Cod Type: X86-64 (Native)
>> Parent Process:   ??? [1]
>> Responsible:   Flash Player Debugger [1369]
>> User ID:   501
>> Date/Time: 2017-01-12 18:28:38.532 +
>> O Version:Mac OS X 10.10.5 (1F27)
>> Report Version:11
>> Anonymous UUID:52620894-16EC-7F25-75C0-904BA1A81FD8
>> Tim Awake Since Boot: 4300 seconds
>> Crashed Thread:0  Dispatch queue:
>> Exception Type:EXC_BAD_ACCES (SIGSEGV)
>> Exception Codes:   KERNINVALID_ADDRESS at 0x02d8
>> VM Regions Near 0x2d8:
>> --> 
>>   __TEXT 0001-0001013ff000 [ 20.0M]
>> r-x/rwx SM=COW  /Applications/Flash
>> Player Debugger
>> Thread 0 Crashed:: Disatch queue:
>> 0   com.macromedia.Flash Player 0x00010086bb16 main +
>> 3918630
>> 1   com.macromedia.Flash Plaer  0x000100872633 main 
>> 3946051
>> 2   com.macromedia.Flash Player 0x0001008737dc main +
>> 3950572
>> 3   com.macromedia.Flash Player 0x02f9762
>> 0x1 + 3118946
>> 4   com.macromedi.Flash Player  0x0001002f9b35
>> 0x1 + 3119925
>> 5   com.macromedia.Flash Player 0x0001002587ad
>> 0x1 + 2459565
>> 6  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.ap   0x0001002562ac
>> 0x1 + 2450092
>> 7   com.macromedia.Flash Player 0x00010025acab
>> 0x1 + 2469035
>> 8   com.macromedia.Flash Player 0x001001df130
>> 0x1 + 1962288
>> 9   com.macromedia.Flash Payer  0x0001001df27a
>> 0x1 + 1962618
>> 10  com.macromedia.Flash Player 0x00010011726b
>> 0x1 + 1143403
>> 11  com.macrom

Help with debugging

2017-01-12 Thread scott matheson
Hi i know this off topic but… i run on a Mac

recently my flash debugger has be crashing, V24.0.0.194  latest version, i 
tried to install an older V18 version with the same results, the code works on 
our other developers machine 

does any one have any idea what i could try next, I run the app in the  player 
directly not the plugins, however when I try the Chrome and firefox plug ins i 
get the same result 

i must say i do not understand the differance between

 Download the Flash player content debugger for Firefox, Safari - NPAPI 

Download the Flash Player projector content debugger 

Download the Flash Player projector 

Download the Flash Player content debugger for Opera and Chromium based 
applications – PPAPI 

installed Download the Flash Player projector content debugger 


Process:   Flash Player Debugger [1369]
Path:  /Applications/Flash 
Player Debugger
Identifier:com.macromedia.Flash Player
Version: (
Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:??? [1]
Responsible:   Flash Player Debugger [1369]
User ID:   501

Date/Time: 2017-01-12 18:28:38.532 +
OS Version:Mac OS X 10.10.5 (14F27)
Report Version:11
Anonymous UUID:52620894-16EC-7F25-75C0-904BA1A81FD8

Time Awake Since Boot: 4300 seconds

Crashed Thread:0  Dispatch queue:

Exception Codes:   KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x02d8

VM Regions Near 0x2d8:
__TEXT 0001-0001013ff000 [ 20.0M] r-x/rwx 
SM=COW  /Applications/Flash Player Debugger

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010086bb16 main + 
1   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x000100872633 main + 
2   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x0001008737dc main + 
3   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x0001002f9762 0x1 
+ 3118946
4   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x0001002f9b35 0x1 
+ 3119925
5   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x0001002587ad 0x1 
+ 2459565
6   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x0001002562ac 0x1 
+ 2450092
7   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010025acab 0x1 
+ 2469035
8   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x0001001df130 0x1 
+ 1962288
9   com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x0001001df27a 0x1 
+ 1962618
10  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010011726b 0x1 
+ 1143403
11  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x0001002fb276 0x1 
+ 3125878
12  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010087065c main + 
13  ??? 0x20211166a07c 0 + 35326397948028
14  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093cbea main + 
15  ??? 0x20211102929f 0 + 35326391390879
16  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093cbea main + 
17  ??? 0x20203169 0 + 35326392283497
18  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093cbea main + 
19  ??? 0x20204d65 0 + 35326392290661
20  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093dc34 main + 
21  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093e87b main + 
22  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093cc8a main + 
23  ??? 0x2021115a834f 0 + 35326397154127
24  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093dc34 main + 
25  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093e87b main + 
26  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093cc8a main + 
27  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x000100416f2c 0x1 
+ 4288300
28  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010041597b 0x1 
+ 4282747
29  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010034c550 0x1 
+ 3458384
30  com.macromedia.Flash Player Debugger.app0x00010093d7db main + 
31  ??? 

Re: Flash Player and Windows 10

2017-01-07 Thread Scott
So I can see form That 
24.0.0186 is the up to date version, however I am sure there is issue with the 
environments not working together 

Any ideas 


Sent from my iPad

> On 7 Jan 2017, at 18:23, scott matheson <> wrote:
> Hi
>   i have just completed a remote session with a user, with W10, in my code i 
> test for the Mic being enabled buy flashplayer, if  the mic is not enabled 
> the code creates and error, this did not happen, is this an old bug on 
> flashplayer ?
> the user is W10  Flash player,   it seem   is the up 
> to date version, so why does the number go from 24.  to 19. ?

Flash Player and Windows 10

2017-01-07 Thread scott matheson
   i have just completed a remote session with a user, with W10, in my code i 
test for the Mic being enabled buy flashplayer, if  the mic is not enabled the 
code creates and error, this did not happen, is this an old bug on flashplayer ?

the user is W10  Flash player,   it seem   is the up to 
date version, so why does the number go from 24.  to 19. ?


2017-01-03 Thread scott matheson
I am using as3xls to expor data, does anyone have a giuide toi functions, 
ir how do i send na cell to date ?  

I know this is an old site,


Re: [OT/WORK] Looking for Flex work

2017-01-02 Thread Scott Mathewson
We have not started this project however you said you do not have 
experience in this area ? 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 2 Jan 2017, at 12:44, piotrz  wrote:
> Hi,
> It is still valid.
> Thanks,
> Piotr
> -
> Apache Flex PMC
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

Recording widget

2016-12-13 Thread scott matheson
Hi, has anyone seen / got a simple widget the show the user that we are 
capturing input from a mic, I want to add something to my setup page to check 
the mic is actually working 

i could write this code but… someone one have down this 


SVG file

2016-11-02 Thread scott matheson
 long story but, I have ended up with one SVG file, all other are FXG, and 
I seem not to be able to A, convert to FXG to embed this file, I end up with a 
black secure 

can anyone help ?; viewBox="0 0 40.83 40.83">



Re: Custom skin based on SDK version

2016-09-28 Thread Scott Mathewson
Would you not use skins and make the design conditional ?

Sent from my iPhone

> On 28 Sep 2016, at 12:33, Kyle McKnight  wrote:
> Is there a standard way to edit a skin based upon the SDK version?
> I want to change the MXML in the skin file based upon whether we are
> working in the old adobe 4.6 or the new apache 4.15.
> Is this possible and if so can someone point me in the right direction?
> Kyle McKnight
> Senior UI Engineer - Accesso
> 602.515.1444 (M)


2016-09-07 Thread Scott
I have been using a AlivePDF to create a few single page prints out, 
however AlivePDF is not easy and IMHO not that flexible

I need to create a number of reports from MongoDB database, this could be 
server based or Client side, as the client holds the full data model 

Any suggestions 

Sent from my iPad

form layout

2016-09-07 Thread scott matheson
i am developing a web app,i want the labels for the filed to be on 2 lines 

Password   X
Reset  X

with the   formitem i can get the fields close together,. but how do i get the 
labels onto 2 lines 

this code work, however the text is on 1 line 

dragEnabled on a button

2016-09-04 Thread scott matheson
   i am making my own draggable switch, I was expectin g to set the dragEnabled 
on the Button 

 id=“indicatorButton”   but this does not seem to be a propriety 

can you Drag buttons ?


Re: Downloading Large Amounts of Data from Database

2016-08-28 Thread scott matheson
sorry i only know about web apps, the browse does all the work

it seems you need to write your own applications server logic, or MySQL stored 

see this 

1, pass down data in chunks (my preferred approach) 
2, comprises your data, there are may tools to do this, i would loom for a ZIP 
tool, these tools  or create you own coding ie  10,000  could be 1~04  ie 1 + 4 
zeros, it all depends on you data, replacing pattens with codes can save 
download time 

> On 28 Aug 2016, at 02:11, bilbosax  wrote:
> If I compress the datastream coming from my database, do I have to somehow
> decompress it in my AIR application, or does that happen automatically?
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

Re: Downloading Large Amounts of Data from Database

2016-08-27 Thread Scott
PS you can create a node web server in a few lines of code this will give you 
good control on the round trip 

Sent from my iPad

> On 27 Aug 2016, at 21:51, bilbosax  wrote:
> Thanks for the tip!  I have never heard of http compression before with
> databases.  Is that something that you enable on the server side, or
> something that you set up when creating services in Flex?
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

Re: Downloading Large Amounts of Data from Database

2016-08-27 Thread Scott
Compression is just standard web server configuration, I pull a lot of sound 
and enabled compression and it made a big difference 

Sent from my iPad

> On 27 Aug 2016, at 21:51, bilbosax  wrote:
> Thanks for the tip!  I have never heard of http compression before with
> databases.  Is that something that you enable on the server side, or
> something that you set up when creating services in Flex?
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

Re: Downloading Large Amounts of Data from Database

2016-08-27 Thread Scott Matheson
Just checking have you enabled HTTP compressional it makes a big difference 

The standard approach is a SQlL causer, this is one SQL quire the server will 
pass you say 1 records, the client then ask is for the next and so on  

Or you could do the same by limiting the data retuned you would write some 
server side code to pass 1 records at a time 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 27 Aug 2016, at 03:22, bilbosax  wrote:
> That was my thinking as well, I just need a little direction. I know how to
> use SQL in Flex when connecting to a local SQLite database. But the only way
> I have connected to a MySQL database is by using data services and you are
> only given a few options like GetAll and Get_paged and count(). Is there a
> way to send more specific SQL commands to a MySQL database than the preset
> data service commands?
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

Re: forcing a screen redraw

2016-08-22 Thread scott matheson
the show  event is firing the first time i display the screen, i then open a 
model to do work, the issue is when i come back the show evend does not fire, 
as the screen is still on the display,  i will try the validateNow() otherwise 
i just bind a function 

> On 22 Aug 2016, at 12:15, Krüger, Olaf  wrote:
> I guess regardless of whether using AS3 or binding the first time the view is 
> displayed the "show" event is not fired. It probably has to be invisible 
> before.
> However, I understand that you set the current state doing it like this: 
> currentState = "NewState".
> Maybe you could listen to the "currentStateChange" event to do whatever you'd 
> like to do after the view state changed?
> If we misunderstood you, some code might help ;-)
> Olaf
> Edscha Holding GmbH
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Remscheid
> Registergericht: Wuppertal, HRB 22889
> Geschäftsführung: Francisco J. Riberas Mera, Francisco López Peña, David 
> Vázquez Pascual, Torsten Greiner, Markus Kirchner, Hans-Peter Schulz und 
> Volker Weiss
> Vertretungsberechtigt sind nur Geschäftsführer und schriftlich 
> Bevollmächtigte.
> Solely Managing Directors or employees with a written proxy have got power of 
> representation.
> Der Inhalt dieser E-Mail einschließlich etwaiger beigefügter Dateien ist 
> vertraulich und nur für den Empfänger bestimmt. Sollten Sie nicht der 
> bestimmungsgemäße Empfänger sein, ist Ihnen jegliche Offenlegung, 
> Vervielfältigung, Weitergabe oder Nutzung des Inhalts untersagt. Bitte 
> informieren Sie in diesem Fall unverzüglich den Absender und löschen Sie die 
> E-Mail einschließlich etwaiger beigefügter Dateien von Ihrem System. Vielen 
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> The contents of this e-mail including any attachments are confidential and 
> may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, any 
> disclosure, copying, distribution or use of its contents is strictly 
> prohibited, and you should please notify the sender immediately and then 
> delete this e-mail including any attachments from your system. Thank you.

forcing a screen redraw

2016-08-22 Thread scott matheson
   I have a complex screen, due to complexity and then number of data items i 
have use AS3 code to setup the currentStates, rather then bindings, how can i 
force the “show” event so the screen will redraw ? 


Re: Groups

2016-08-15 Thread scott matheson
thanks my silly i used a group, i give it a go  

> On 15 Aug 2016, at 15:02, OK  wrote:
> ScottM wrote
>> or is there a someway, to containing this path in a object capable of
>> generating event but but staying within 
> If I understand you right, just wrapping your path inside a graphic
> component should do the trick:
> mouseEnabledWhereTransparent="false"
>  useHandCursor="true"
>  click="'test click');" 
> mouseOver=""'test mouse
> over');">
>data="M0 26.9082
> 19.6162 38.2334C23.4395 31.5615 25.1646 27.3408 27.1924 19.7744 29.2192
> 12.21 29.8354 7.69238 29.8604 0L7.20996 0C7.18457 5.38086 6.7417 8.58301
> 5.31396 13.9121 3.88525 19.2432 2.66748 22.2383 0 26.9082Z">
> Source:
> HTH,
> Olaf
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at


2016-08-15 Thread scott matheson
   My graphic artist has build a really nice looking segment, which I have 
converted in to vector graphics, however   to create events i place the path in 
a group, as the group is a square shape these groups are interfering  

my OO coding is not good, so can I extent  to generate click, mouse over. 
mouse out events ? 

or is there a someway, to containing this path in a object capable of 
generating event but but staying within the path  


Re: Multithreading

2016-08-14 Thread Scott Matheson
I think this is more a question of architecture 

Can you write simple code that takes a bit of data process this and puts the 
data back on the stack, if so you could run say 1400 process (aws or the likes) 
for 1 min each day 

You could also afford to run less efficient code as AS3 on the server 

Time is expensive CPU is cheap 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 14 Aug 2016, at 05:54, Justin Mclean  wrote:
> Hi,
>> Therefore, I assumed that a single threaded process used one virtual core on 
>> a CPU.  Is that
>> incorrect?
> Yep.
>> Thanks for putting Spark on the map for me, I had never even heard of it,
>> but is it as fast as a C program?
> On a single core probably not, but it's much more scalable and could easily 
> finish the quicker given enough cores/CPU. How many it would need I couldn’t 
> guess at. But I done a little bit of Apache Spark programming and found it 
> quite fast. On my laptop things like work out what are the most common words 
> in the entire works of Shakespeare took 10 seconds or so including read and 
> parsing the text.
> One other option on a single machine for fast number crunching is to use the 
> GPU for calculations [1], but I’ve not played about with that.
> Justin
> 1.

Re: Move / Wipe in effect

2016-08-02 Thread Scott Matheson
  My fault, I nee to add a direction and target to 

On 02/08/2016 03:22, "jude" <> wrote:

Does it show at all? Is the button bar in a vgroup? Is it the last item in
MXML (so it is not hidden underneath)?

On Aug 1, 2016 8:33 AM, "scott matheson" <> wrote:

   i want a panel to slide in from the bottom of the  screen, this is my
first animation and i just missing something

code that drives the effect

private function clickShowBottomMenu():void{
if(currentState == "bottomSlideIn"){
currentState = "noShow"
currentState = "bottomSlideIn";


Move / Wipe in effect

2016-08-01 Thread scott matheson
   i want a panel to slide in from the bottom of the  screen, this is my first 
animation and i just missing something

code that drives the effect

private function clickShowBottomMenu():void{
if(currentState == "bottomSlideIn"){
currentState = "noShow"
currentState = "bottomSlideIn";


Checking the Microphone

2016-03-22 Thread scott matheson
   I record my student voices and i wan to check the Mic is actually “work” buy 
checking for data in the recording stream, any one got some code they could 



Re: Flex 3x vs 4x security

2016-03-08 Thread Scott
2 points of view if it works why change, my companies 3.x apps process $20T 
last year , so I think we are secure 

The new v4 is nice if you need it, my upgrade took about 2 weeks, as I took 
advantage on new graphic 

Sent from my iPad

> On 8 Mar 2016, at 18:10, Matthew Weir  wrote:
> I'm trying to decide if I should take the time to upgrade a very large 
> application from 3.6 to 4.{stable}.
> The main focus is on security and speed advantages.  I'm thinking all the 
> security stuff that I've seen has all been player based, but what about from 
> the SDK itself?
> Thanks,

Re: Flex on Win10

2016-02-19 Thread Scott
Try running flash builder as 'administrator' (right click on flash
builder icon).

On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 11:41 PM, Oleg Konovalov  wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently started doing Flex development on Win10 with FB4.7/Flex SDK4.6
> on Flash player 20
> Got a few strange issues:
> 1) tried to create a simple Flex App (Hello World),
> it gave me security error 2148 that my app SWF can't trust SDK4.6 SWF
> I have never seen it before
> 2) tried to use trace() inside the app.  created mm.cfg, put in the root.
> Running Flash player 20 in Chrome with Debug.
> It still did not create the log or even the Logs directory where it
> supposed to go:
> c:\users\myid\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player\...
> Are these Flash20 issues or Win10?  How to fix it?
> Please advise.
> TIA,
> Oleg.
> .

Re: Puffin Browser

2016-02-16 Thread Scott Matheson
it is a good tool to see how your Flex app will look, I seen a number of issue 
with my Flex app when on iPad 

On 2/16/16, 9:04 AM, "Tom Chiverton"  wrote:

>Make it available on a public IP address.
>That's how Puffin works - they stand between you and the content and 
>adapt it for the phone. See also "man in the middle".
>On 16/02/16 08:09, mark goldin wrote:
>> want to just try Puffin out and see how my app looks like on a phone what I
>> can do?

MDI for Apache Flex?

2016-02-02 Thread Scott
Are there any current / working MDI libraries, for Apache Flex?

I downloaded the source for flexlib, but when I run the MDI example
nothing happens (nothing is displayed).  It compiles, but I just see
nothing in the browser.   Some of the other examples work fine. So
I am not sure if it's an incompatibility with the Apache Flex, or some
other issue.



2016-01-19 Thread Scott Matheson
   I want to add a messaging capability to my flex app, basically let the end 
user leave messages we can answer, we do not need real time chat (nice to 
have), this is a relatively simple app and we could build the app, I was 
thinking someone must have done this or can recommend a 3rd party tool


Re: Chat/Messaging

2016-01-19 Thread Scott Matheson
Thanks this is more that I was looking for :)   has anyone found a tool that 
will allow an agent to see the end user flash screen in real time, this would 
support remote teaching  

On 1/19/16, 4:05 PM, "Saul Diaz" <> wrote:

>Yes, you probably can. But then the customer receive the msg in WhatsApp with 
>the cheap FB charge for. ;) using something like union you don't need the buy 
>that app for the customers, ;)  heck you can even program something similar to 
>WhatsApp and distribute to your base, really not that hard. I am not related 
>at  all with union platform 
>Matthew you can have MMS with union too, a  bit harder than Twilio  (require 
>more work) but still in flex, and we use union to connect to an asterisk 
>server (pbx, softswitch etc etc ) to send calls/text using a demon that pretty 
>much connects to both acting as a middleware, and twilio is more specific but 
>modifying the datasource of union you can track whatever you want.  
>-Original Message-
>From: Javier Guerrero García [] 
>Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 7:32 AM
>To: users <>; Matthew Weir <>
>Subject: Re: Chat/Messaging
>Hi Scott:
>If you want to keep things REALLY simple, just relay messaging in "mailto:;
>/ "whatsapp:" / "sms:" uri schemes and you're done :)
>My 2 cents ;)
>On Tue, Jan 19, 2016 at 3:00 PM, Matthew Weir <
>> wrote:
>> Twilio may also be an option for you.  It is not flex based in and of 
>> itself, but can allow for things such as MMS, texting, phone calls, 
>> etc that can all be linked to your database and web APIs.
>> On Tuesday, January 19, 2016 8:57 AM, Matthew Weir < 
>>> wrote:
>>  I have also used Union before.  It's very easy to work with.
>> On Tuesday, January 19, 2016 8:56 AM, Saul Diaz 
>> <>
>> wrote:
>>  Hey scott
>> We use union platform for something similar to what you are trying to do..
>> Regards
>> Saul
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Scott Matheson []
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 4:56 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Chat/Messaging
>> Hi
>>   I want to add a messaging capability to my flex app, basically let 
>> the end user leave messages we can answer, we do not need real time 
>> chat (nice to have), this is a relatively simple app and we could 
>> build the app, I was thinking someone must have done this or can 
>> recommend a 3rd party tool
>> Scott

Re: [Non-DoD Source] Scaleing and Center popups

2016-01-10 Thread scott matheson
   Sorry for the delay i have not been coding this week, i have not see the 
problem, however i use different code in my item renders

protected function showTestResults(event:Event):void {
 var popupMem:MemoryTestResults;
 popupMem = PopUpManager.createPopUp(FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as 
DisplayObject, MemoryTestResults, true) as MemoryTestResults;
 PopUpManager.centerPopUp(popupMem as IFlexDisplayObject);


> On 7 Jan 2016, at 11:19, Kessler CTR Mark J <> wrote:
>> PopUpManager.addPopUp(_class3, this.parentApplication as DisplayObject, 
>> true);
> On a side note, have you experienced that null parenting issues in the popup 
> while using the parentApplication object as a DisplayObject?  I've 
> experienced things like custom itemRenderers in datagrids in popups giving me 
> null parent checks on groups.
> -Mark
> -Original Message-
> From: scott matheson [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, January 06, 2016 4:27 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [Non-DoD Source] Scaleing and Center popups
> Hi
>   I use this code to centre my popups 
>   var _class3:ReportsDialogDictation = new ReportsDialogDictation();
>   PopUpManager.addPopUp(_class3, this.parentApplication as DisplayObject, 
> true);
>   PopUpManager.centerPopUp(_class3);
> }
> this works fine
> when i let the user scale the application 
> var visibleWidth:Number = systemManager.getVisibleApplicationRect().width;
> var visibleHeight:Number = systemManager.getVisibleApplicationRect().height;
> var smallestScale:Number = Math.min(visibleHeight / 768, visibleWidth / 
> 1024); appHolder.scaleX = smallestScale; appHolder.scaleY = smallestScale;
> I still end up with centre popups, but these are popups are small
> when i scale the popup it self with this code in the creationComplete
> private function init():void {
>   var visibleWidth:Number = systemManager.getVisibleApplicationRect().width;
>   var visibleHeight:Number = systemManager.getVisibleApplicationRect().height;
>   var smallestScale:Number = Math.min(visibleHeight / 768, visibleWidth / 
> 1024);
>   this.scaleX = smallestScale;
>   this.scaleY = smallestScale;
> }
> I end up with the popup not centred 
> any ideas ?
> scott 

Scaleing and Center popups

2016-01-06 Thread scott matheson
   I use this code to centre my popups 
   var _class3:ReportsDialogDictation = new ReportsDialogDictation();
   PopUpManager.addPopUp(_class3, this.parentApplication as DisplayObject, 

this works fine

when i let the user scale the application 

var visibleWidth:Number = systemManager.getVisibleApplicationRect().width;
var visibleHeight:Number = systemManager.getVisibleApplicationRect().height;
var smallestScale:Number = Math.min(visibleHeight / 768, visibleWidth / 1024);
appHolder.scaleX = smallestScale;
appHolder.scaleY = smallestScale;

I still end up with centre popups, but these are popups are small

when i scale the popup it self with this code in the creationComplete


private function init():void {
   var visibleWidth:Number = systemManager.getVisibleApplicationRect().width;
   var visibleHeight:Number = systemManager.getVisibleApplicationRect().height;
   var smallestScale:Number = Math.min(visibleHeight / 768, visibleWidth / 
   this.scaleX = smallestScale;
   this.scaleY = smallestScale;


I end up with the popup not centred 

any ideas ?


Re: RSLs

2015-12-13 Thread Scott Matheson
When we have schools in far off location, (poor networks or expensive Internet, 
Canada, rural US, saterlight connections etc) we where thinking we could add 
all the sound in to the air app and just push the students progress to the 
backend, this way the kids can work outside school time at home with access to 
there own progress 

Sent from my iPad

> On 13 Dec 2015, at 06:33, Alex Harui  wrote:
> There is a separate cache for RSLs, but unfortunately, only Adobe RSLs can
> go in that cache.  Every other SWF goes in the browser cache and can get
> kicked out.
> What were the objections to an AIR app?  I think an AIR app can have its
> own cache of SWFs and other media.
> -Alex
>> On 12/12/15, 8:52 PM, "PKumar"  wrote:
>> Use Flex Modules instead of RSL.  You can use write common code to load a
>> skill module and these  module will be cached in browser cache. So second
>> time that module will not load from network.
>> -
>> Prashant
>> Sr. Product Specialist, Sungard
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

Re: RSLs

2015-12-13 Thread Scott Matheson
Ok thanks I did not know that modules persisted between sessions, Will flash 
eventual replace old not used modules ? 

Sent from my iPad

> On 13 Dec 2015, at 04:52, PKumar  wrote:
> Use Flex Modules instead of RSL.  You can use write common code to load a
> skill module and these  module will be cached in browser cache. So second
> time that module will not load from network.
> -
> Prashant
> Sr. Product Specialist, Sungard
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at


2015-12-12 Thread Scott Matheson
Hi in our app we have a lot of MP3s 1Gb in total, these are spread over 150 
skills, a skill would the about 6Mb of sound, in toto we have about 15,000 2sec 
sound clips 

In a school you may a number of students all working on the same skills, a 
skill would be about 100 sound clips, there No shared sound between skills 

Today we download the sound clips as we render the item, this has worked well 
for 18 months however a small number of schools have issue with networks, also 
some schools are in remote location, Jamaica, Falkland Island or just out of 
the way location in the US, these schools may be using caching capability but 
we have no control on this, network cost can be high for these schools 

We have consider an AIR app, however this approach has other issue in schools 

I was thinking we could create a RSL for each skill, then let flex download as 
needed, we believe this library would stay on the PC so the second time the 
kids need this skill the sound will be there, is there limits to the size of 
SRL that can be stored ?

We could also request a RSL before the student needs this skill, we know what 
the kids will work on next 

Are there limits of RSL, are the any downsides to RSL, is this a good 
architectural approach ?

Any input is welcomed 


Sent from my iPad

Asset loading

2015-12-09 Thread Scott Matheson
   We are having some issues loading assets in schools with poor internet, or 
with the firewalls killing connections, anyway we believe our only solution is 
to subclass “something” not sure what we need tio subclass, has any one tried 
this or can give us any hints so we  can add business logic that will retry to 
load the asset or replace the asset with an embedded file 

This is the issue we have --

When the url fails to load the custom effect replaces its own source property 
with white space (embedded files) successfully. However the "sound effect 
instance" has already been created and has not got a valid sound so errors when 
attempting to play.

At what time during the event/eventinstance  life-cycle is it good to fall back 
and replace with white space?

Is there a way to modify the effect instance after the init instance has been 
called? i.e. when the sound actually loads.


Re: Asset loading

2015-12-09 Thread Scott Matheson
Sorry when we can not get the asset off our site, the URL load fails on the 
instance of the effect we would replace the sound we are trying to download 
with a emended MP3 of 1 sec of nothing (white space)  this way the effect has 
something to play 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 9 Dec 2015, at 17:33, Alex Harui <> wrote:
> I don't understand what you mean by "white space".  Maybe a code snippet
> will help.
>> On 12/9/15, 7:21 AM, "Scott Matheson" <> wrote:
>> Hi
>>  We are having some issues loading assets in schools with poor
>> internet, or with the firewalls killing connections, anyway we believe
>> our only solution is to subclass “something” not sure what we need tio
>> subclass, has any one tried this or can give us any hints so we  can add
>> business logic that will retry to load the asset or replace the asset
>> with an embedded file
>> This is the issue we have --
>> When the url fails to load the custom effect replaces its own source
>> property with white space (embedded files) successfully. However the
>> "sound effect instance" has already been created and has not got a valid
>> sound so errors when attempting to play.
>> At what time during the event/eventinstance  life-cycle is it good to
>> fall back and replace with white space?
>> Is there a way to modify the effect instance after the init instance has
>> been called? i.e. when the sound actually loads.

SoundEffect, reload an IO_ERROR

2015-12-03 Thread scott matheson
We have been looking at this for some time and can not find a solution, 

when using soundEffect, if  we pick up an IO_ERROR  most often due to network 
issue, we would like to try and re-load the the sound, but we can not seem to 
get this to work, maybe we are just taking the wrong approach ?

this is our code, this code is part of an item render

package com.peach.uofs.common
import com.peach.Analytics;
import com.peach.uofs.model.UofSModel;

import flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName;

import mx.effects.SoundEffect;
import mx.logging.ILogger;
import mx.logging.Log;

public class UofSSoundEffect extends SoundEffect
  public var _uofsModel:UofSModel = UofSModel.getInstance(); 

  public function UofSSoundEffect(target:Object=null)
  this.instanceClass = UofSSoundEffectInstance;
 logger = Log.getLogger(getQualifiedClassName(this).replace('::', '.'));
 this.source = whitespace;
  private var logger:ILogger;
  private var fileSize:Number;
  [Embed(source="whitespace.mp3", mimeType="audio/mpeg")]
  private var whitespace:Class;

  private var queueTime:Date = new Date();
  private var startDownloadTime:Date;
  private function handleSoundDownloadError(event:IOErrorEvent):void {

 if (this.source is String) {
logger.error("[error] sound could not download url=" + 

>> want to reload at this point

 } else {
logger.error("[error] some sort of non URL sound went wrong");
>> we try to fix the issue, by replacing the sound with a local emebed sound
>> this does not wormk 

 this.source = whitespace;
  override public function load():void
 this.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, handleSoundDownloadError);

Re: Flex 4.15.0

2015-11-04 Thread Scott Matheson
What is Captive Runtime  do your mean creating product for iOS

On 11/4/15, 3:57 PM, "Kessler CTR Mark J"  wrote:

>Flex will be around a long time.  Flash and Air are not the same targets.  
> Adobe will continue pushing Air forward even if Flash fades away one day.  
> Not to mention the ability to use a captive runtime(packing similar to a 
> standalone app).   As for FlexJS, it has good momentum and well on the path 
> to being a solid target.
>Summary:  Building in Flex and targeting:  Flash / Air / Captive Runtime / 
>-Original Message-
>From: Kunal Jaura [] 
>Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 10:04 AM
>Subject: RE: Flex 4.15.0
>Hi Alex,
>We've been working on Mobile apps using Flex-AIR for the last 4 years. With 
>all the hoopla around 'Flash dying' my boss has been after me to figure out if 
>we need to move to a new technology with 'more community support'.
>The reason I asked about this was to get an idea on what Apache Flex has in 
>terms of a roadmap for enhancements/ new features for Flex. I do see a lot of 
>activity & excitement around FlexJS but haven’t heard much on the Flex SDK 
>I've been a fan of Flex for years now and I guess I'm looking for help from 
>this group to get something to counter my boss's point that  'the support for 
>Flex is diminishing & it’s a dying toolset'.
>Kunal Jaura | Director of Architecture |  | office +1 (415) 
>839 9672 | mobile +1 (415) 272 4868 | 
>-Original Message-
>From: Alex Harui [] 
>Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2015 11:49 AM
>Subject: Re: Flex 4.15.0
>It is “when”, not “if”, but there is no date planned right now.  What are you 
>expecting to find in 4.15?
>From: Kunal Jaura >
>Reply-To: "" 
>Date: Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 11:16 AM
>To: "" 
>Subject: Flex 4.15.0
>Does anyone know if/ when Flex 4.15.0 will be released?
>Kunal Jaura | Director of Architecture | 
>  | office +1 (415) 839 9672 | 
>mobile +1 (415) 272 4868 | 

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Re: The future of Adobe AIR is right?

2015-07-26 Thread Scott Matheson
Let's not get Flex confused with flash player and HTML

From my point of view the execution is unimportant as long as it works, if 
flexJS lets me continuer to code in flex why should I care how it executes, am 
I bothered the flex create specific code for iPad, no 

As a developer I spend all my time in the IDE and code structures, maybe the 
future is position flex as a true cross platform language, flash player is just 
a legacy option 

Comments please  

Sent from my iPad

 On 25 Jul 2015, at 23:21, Gerald Hollinka wrote:
 Hi Jeffry!!
 Your sentence
 I believe FlexJS is functional and you'll be able to use your existing
 Flex in the transition to HTML(5) based apps.
 is not enough. Your are our heroe.
 So many developers all over the world believe in you. And all you could
 express is ...
 a very disappointent Gerry (Austria - Europe)
 ps: Your are still my heroe!
 2015-07-25 17:58 GMT+02:00 Jeffry Houser
 For specific questions about Adobe AIR; you are going to have to ask
 Adobe.  You may start by looking here: .
 64 bit support for Windows and Mac is listed.  in the New Features
 section; but no AIR version for Linux has been released later than version
 I believe FlexJS is functional and you'll be able to use your existing
 Flex in the transition to HTML(5) based apps.
 On 7/25/2015 10:06 AM, Udirley Otoni Pesse wrote:
 Hello, I have several applications in flex which until then were being
 executed by the browser, with the increasing bombing the flash player has
 been suffering I find it very hard that it lasts for a long time, and for
 this reason I'm switching to air adobe, so I no longer use the browser.
 But me there arise some questions, which assures me that Adobe will
 continue the AIR support?
 There site for dounload can only download for Windows 32 and Mac. What
 about Windows 64 and Linux. Am I following the right path?
 I have many time s work and I can not lose them.
 I have eagerly awaited by FlexJS, but I see that the project is still at a
 very high level of development and has little documentation.
 I'm being pressured to migrate to HTMH5 but I did not want to, I like the
 Flex, but I am employee in a company do not know how long I'll be able to
 I need to make a decision soon, and your opinions will count a lot in this
 Adobe AIR will be kept? This is a sure future?
 I migrate to AIR?
 You can now use FlexJS?
 In short ... I'm desperately trying to save years of work and my job.
 Jeffry Houser
 Technical Entrepreneur

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be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender 
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any attachments. Thank you. 

Re: The future of Adobe AIR is right?

2015-07-26 Thread Scott Matheson
So the key issue is how Adobe is managing the flash debate, or in fact not, and 
as long as flash own player these issues will not go away

Flash will be around for years however Adobe will eventually give up on the 
player, but too late for the world

This could all be changed if Adobe was to make flash player open source, just 
like flex 

Sent from my iPad

 On 26 Jul 2015, at 20:36, wrote:
 So the comment I have is that the runtime is very different and better than 
 interpreted html, by definition. That's why having the full runtime available 
 is so valuable with AIR and the Flash player on desktop and windows tablets. 
 The way the runtime works is totally different in terms of the full set of 
 libraries and packages and actionscript language but also the way rendering 
 takes place. So every object would be like a complete canvas of every feature 
 that a web browser offers and much more. So instead of individual xml 
 elements, div etc, being rendered out individually and separately with only a 
 given set of available properties, all objects in Flash can be modified at 
 the lowest rendering level and manipulated with any or all available objects 
 or packages. Similarly, all of this happens within a single layered 
 environment where objects are displayed transparently on one another.
 So all of the things on the most cutting edge of html today, web components, 
 es6, data binding, 3d context, CSS transitions and transformations etc, have 
 always been available in Flex and Flash and rendered in a much better, more 
 flexible, fully programmable pipeline that makes sense and is easy to use and 
 The fact is that html will never be as good as the runtime because it simply 
 can't be because it's entire structure and rendering is completely different. 
 So the best options is for Flex content to basically be read and mapped out 
 to some corresponding html, which will function in its own constrained way.
 So an example of all of this would be once when I needed to a small graphic 
 of an arrow pointing down below a pop-up menu in Flex. I was able to target 
 the actual graphic object itself in actionscript and programmatically create 
 a vector object I wanted and attach it as a child to the parent object as a 
 single object oriented component. In html I would have to go to a lot of 
 trouble to create a bunch of nested elements and put in a separate svg 
 element or background image and have all sorts of cross browser issues and 
 the concept of layering the popup would be difficult and confusing. So in 
 general everything is just simpler, easier and completely better from a 
 programming perspective.
 That's what it's really all about, Flash is simply the better platform when 
 you look at it. However with the current state of the market we are all 
 probably having to work with html based Web apps as well in their own terms 
 and formats. At least I am ... If given and honest comparison and choice 
 though it's pretty obvious that Flash/Flex/Air are vastly superior, and they 
 always have been.
 David H.
 -Original Message-
 From: Jeffry Houser
 To: Gerald Hollinka,
 Sent: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 11:58 AM
 Subject: Re: The future of Adobe AIR is right?
  I should have said Existing Flex Skills; I did not mean to say 
 existing Flex code.  ;)
  You should thank Alex and the rest of the team.  I'm just watching the 
 FlexJS stuff from the sidelines.
 On 7/25/2015 6:12 PM, Gerald Hollinka wrote:
 Hi Jeffry!!
 Your sentence
 I believe FlexJS is functional and you'll be able to use your 
 existing Flex in the transition to HTML(5) based apps.
 is not enough. Your are our heroe.
 So many developers all over the world believe in you. And all you 
 could express is ...
 a very disappointent Gerry (Austria - Europe)
 ps: Your are still my heroe!
 2015-07-25 17:58 GMT+02:00 Jeffry Houser
 For specific questions about Adobe AIR; you are going to have to
ask Adobe.  You may start by looking here: .
 64 bit support for Windows and Mac is listed.  in the New
Features section; but no AIR version for Linux has been released
later than version 3.
 I believe FlexJS is functional and you'll be able to use your
existing Flex in the transition to HTML(5) based apps.
On 7/25/2015 10:06 AM, Udirley Otoni Pesse wrote:
Hello, I have several applications in flex which until then
were being
executed by the browser, with the increasing bombing the flash
player has
been suffering I find it very hard that it lasts for a long
time, and for
this reason I'm switching to air adobe, so I no longer use the
But me there arise some 

Re: Flex/Flash Viable still?

2015-07-15 Thread Scott Matheson
  The fact that there is a security issue in flash is not new, in fact they are 
security issue with almost all technology all the time, the real issue us the 
speed that these issue are fixed

There are those in the industry that would like to see the end of flash, long 
live HTML5, this is IMHO an agenda driven by $ and Power and has little to do 
with technology, maybe the upside of all this would be Adobe giving flash 
player (will never happene) to Apache foundation am move Adobe should have made 
4 years go, a move that has more to do with $ and Power ( Adobe we own the 

As for developer this is still a hard problem, Flash is a bit like supporting 
Arsenal when the world is behind Chelsea or Man U, we all know Arsenal is the 
best team in the  world, it is just the rest of the world are looking at 
glamour team   

If you want to be safe code, in HTML5, no frame works, no extension, no Anglia 
JS  as these will all come and go, you life will be simpler but you life will 
not be worth living 


On 7/15/15, 9:17 AM, Nigel Hillier wrote:

If I uninstall flash from my dev machine to protect it . (which has all
manner of passwords, confidential data etc, just like yours, I guess?) 
it makes it rather difficult to continue as a flex dev ;)

-Original Message-
From: Nigel Hillier [] 
Sent: 15 July 2015 09:15
Subject: Flex/Flash Viable still?

I have approx. 1000 days invested in flex programming


Is there any point in continuing, if the security reputation is so poor that
users have almost no choice but to uninstall ( or run it only on equipment
disconnected from real life, surrounded by firewalls, moats, Doberman dogs )


For those with apps already in-the-wild, is user reassurance becoming a
large part of your standard month task-list?

How many have a standard email template for another security flaw
discovered, update flash player immediately again (and scan for this
malware) ?


I'm on the fence but learning over it somewhat- Giving up the ghost?


I must look to see if VB has improved in the 7 years since I last used it.




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Re: Flex/Flash Viable still?

2015-07-15 Thread Scott Matheson

It is all about sales 

There is no truth in the world 

Sent from my iPhone

 On 15 Jul 2015, at 13:26, Tomislav Pokrajcic wrote:
 Well, HackingTeam company, the source of all the mess that happened these 
 days is actually using Flex for building their user interfaces.
 Not sure about what they think about Flash, but it seems that they find Flex 
 pretty cool :)
 On 15.7.2015. 10:14, Nigel Hillier wrote:
 I have approx. 1000 days invested in flex programming
 Is there any point in continuing, if the security reputation is so poor that
 users have almost no choice but to uninstall ( or run it only on equipment
 disconnected from real life, surrounded by firewalls, moats, Doberman dogs )
 For those with apps already in-the-wild, is user reassurance becoming a
 large part of your standard month task-list?
 How many have a standard email template for another security flaw
 discovered, update flash player immediately again (and scan for this
 malware) ?
 I'm on the fence but learning over it somewhat- Giving up the ghost?
 I must look to see if VB has improved in the 7 years since I last used it.
 This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

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Re: Max Upload Limit from Flex Web App

2015-06-29 Thread Scott Matheson
HTTPS uploads to 2 Gb works fine


Sent from my iPad

 On 29 Jun 2015, at 00:50, Mario Souza wrote:
 I'm not sure, but I guess two possible cause:
 1) that's a flash player limitation.
 2) HTTP upload limit
 A good test should trying upload your in any public service, just to make
 sure is not a problem with your application before losing your hair.
 *Mario de Souza*
 UI Developer
 Skype: vizexplorer-mariosouza
 M +6421 082 71135
 Level 3, 54-56 Cambridge Terrace
 PO Box 19204, Wellington 6149
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 On 26 June 2015 at 18:41, Om Prakash wrote:
 I am trying to upload 10GB file from my flex web app to my jetty server.
 Buy upload of more that 2Gb is not working from flex web app( flex app in
 running in browser).
 Anyone knows how to fix it?
 Please help

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Re: Events with itemRenders

2015-06-28 Thread Scott Matheson
I know, that's what my son tells me all the time, 30 years programming and 
still making basic errors 

Anyway thanks and I will update the code with statics, I have the class in 
place, I was just to lazy to use them 

Sent from my iPad

 On 28 Jun 2015, at 21:16, Peter Ginneberge wrote:
 On 28/06/2015 20:24, Scott Matheson wrote:
   i tried popup.addEventListener(OKTODELETE, deleteThisRecords)
 all seems to be working, must have been a type-o
 That's why you use static constants rather than string literals.
popup.addEventListener(CustomEvent.EVENT_TYPE, deleteThisRecords);

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Re: Events with itemRenders

2015-06-28 Thread Scott Matheson
yes with out any luck, also tried this.

From: Frédéric THOMAS
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 6:52 PM
Subject: RE: Events with itemRenders

 var popup:Object ;
 popup = PopUpManager.createPopUp( FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as 
 DisplayObject, DeleteStudentConfirmation , true);
 PopUpManager.centerPopUp(popup as mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject);
 addEventListener(OKTODELETE, deleteThisRecords)

Did you try popup.addEventListener(OKTODELETE, deleteThisRecords); instead ?

Frédéric THOMAS

 Subject: Events with itemRenders
 Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2015 17:41:02 +


 I have a grid with an itemRender, I want to centre the popup in the overall 
 frame, so i am using  FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as DisplayObject

 this is snip on my code in the GridItemRender,

 my problem is the addEventListener is not picking up the event from 
 DeleteStudentConfirmation popup

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 s:GridItemRenderer xmlns:fx=;

 private function deleteAlert():void{

 // open the PopUp Window as a modal popup window
 // and store it in a variable for later use

 var popup:Object ;
 popup = PopUpManager.createPopUp( FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as 
 DisplayObject, DeleteStudentConfirmation , true);
 PopUpManager.centerPopUp(popup as mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject);
 addEventListener(OKTODELETE, deleteThisRecords)

 the popup

 private function deleteClosewindows():void {
 // PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);

 _ep = new Event(OKTODELETE, true);

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Re: Events with itemRenders

2015-06-28 Thread Scott Matheson
  i tried popup.addEventListener(OKTODELETE, deleteThisRecords)

all seems to be working, must have been a type-o 


From: Frédéric THOMAS
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 6:52 PM
Subject: RE: Events with itemRenders

 var popup:Object ;
 popup = PopUpManager.createPopUp( FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as 
 DisplayObject, DeleteStudentConfirmation , true);
 PopUpManager.centerPopUp(popup as mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject);
 addEventListener(OKTODELETE, deleteThisRecords)

Did you try popup.addEventListener(OKTODELETE, deleteThisRecords); instead ?

Frédéric THOMAS

 Subject: Events with itemRenders
 Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2015 17:41:02 +


 I have a grid with an itemRender, I want to centre the popup in the overall 
 frame, so i am using  FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as DisplayObject

 this is snip on my code in the GridItemRender,

 my problem is the addEventListener is not picking up the event from 
 DeleteStudentConfirmation popup

 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
 s:GridItemRenderer xmlns:fx=;

 private function deleteAlert():void{

 // open the PopUp Window as a modal popup window
 // and store it in a variable for later use

 var popup:Object ;
 popup = PopUpManager.createPopUp( FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication as 
 DisplayObject, DeleteStudentConfirmation , true);
 PopUpManager.centerPopUp(popup as mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject);
 addEventListener(OKTODELETE, deleteThisRecords)

 the popup

 private function deleteClosewindows():void {
 // PopUpManager.removePopUp(this);

 _ep = new Event(OKTODELETE, true);

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any attachments. Thank you. 

Re: Flex list like tinder layout

2015-04-26 Thread Scott Matheson
Simple approach 

Add a background button left and right, make the button and background colour 
the same (in visible buttons ) 

Then you can pickup the mouse over event 

Sent from my iPad

 On 26 Apr 2015, at 21:03, Rami Tarabay wrote:
 Any idea how to create a list in flex like Tinder app where you swipe right
 and left to like or dislike a person ?
 Kind Regards,
 Rami Tarabay
 Mobile App Developer | Codefish Apps |
 t +961 5 450824 | m +961 70 170857

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RE: Help with modules

2015-04-25 Thread Scott Matheson
   i have 2 prts, the first loa the module the seconds removes 


 if (_myModuleLoaderLesson != null) {

_myModuleLesson = null;
_myModuleLoaderLesson = 

_myModuleLoaderLesson.addEventListener(ModuleEvent.READY, onModuleReadyLesson);
_myModuleLoaderLesson.load(null, null, null, 

  function to handler the Add Event Listner 

private function onModuleReadyLesson(e:ModuleEvent):void {
_myModuleLesson = 
_myModuleLoaderLesson.factory.create() as Module;



if (_myModuleLoaderLesson) {  // if myModuleLoder is null then no module to 

try {

catch (error:Error) {
// do nother this is becuse theye clicn 
2 time on home button


From: jfb []
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 2:27 PM
Subject: Re: Help with modules

Thanks for your reply and help.
Anyone have a code in how to work with SWFLoader programmatically?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Apache Flex Users mailing list archive at

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Re: security certificates

2015-03-25 Thread Scott Matheson
Hi, what about the iOS platform, commercial signatures are about $500 for 2 

Sent from my iPad

 On 25 Mar 2015, at 05:36, Tom Chiverton wrote:

 On 25/03/15 10:08, Kessler CTR Mark J wrote:
 Well the problem with self-signed is other people cannot easily validate the 

 This is a non-issue if you are distributing via a 3rd party store like Google 
 Play of course.
 We use self-signed for our Android apps.


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alivepdf questions

2015-03-25 Thread Scott Matheson
Hi, I use alivePDF to generate PDF client side, all works well, I end up saving 
the PDF to disk, the user can then open the PDF and print

However the client would now like the PDF to be open after generation so the 
user can print from the PDF or save, saving becomes the users options

Does anyone know if alivePDF can support this, ie opens a PDF window after 
creation, I find the document very difficult to follow, example would be nice :)

Sent from my iPad

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Re: alivepdf questions

2015-03-25 Thread Scott Matheson
Can you point me at how to do this ?

Sent from my iPad

 On 25 Mar 2015, at 15:11, Carlos Velasco 

 Use the html container to open the created file inside the application.

 2015-03-25 16:00 GMT-04:00 Scott Matheson

 Hi, I use alivePDF to generate PDF client side, all works well, I end up
 saving the PDF to disk, the user can then open the PDF and print

 However the client would now like the PDF to be open after generation so
 the user can print from the PDF or save, saving becomes the users options

 Does anyone know if alivePDF can support this, ie opens a PDF window after
 creation, I find the document very difficult to follow, example would be
 nice :)

 Sent from my iPad


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Re: Flash to Air

2015-03-02 Thread Scott Matheson
Jeffrey. When you a at library project is this a standard project? Or some sort 
of special  definition

Sent from my iPad

 On 2 Mar 2015, at 23:43, Jeffry Houser wrote:

 Under the assumption that there will be differences between an AIR app and 
 the web version; I like to put as much as possible in a library project.  
 Then I can override / tweak files as needed.

 If all else is the same; the you can just have two different application 
 files; one for the Flex app (Application) and one for the AIR App 
 (WindowedApplication, I Think) that instantiate your main view.

 On 3/2/2015 10:57 AM, Subs wrote:
 You should be able to publish as an AIR app without making any changes to 
 your code.

 There are a few ways to handle publishing to multiple targets; its a matter 
 of personal preference (and which IDE you are using).

 Easiest way (assuming you are using FB) is probably to create a new project 
 for AIR version - and in project properties-flex build path-source path, 
 add folder to point to src folder of your web project. Then you only need to 
 maintain one set of code.

 On 02/03/2015 15:41, Scott Matheson wrote:
 I have just completed my first Flash / Web app and all is running well,
 I need to now build an AIR version of the same app, is there an recommend
 approach/efficient , do I simply have 2 version of the app, or do I just
 need a new AIR project and some how reference the code for the Flex projects

 I was looking at SRL but I cannot get my head round these, or do I just
 compile the full app as  a module  and build 2 starts, one for WEB ons for
 AIR and have both MAIN¹s load the same module

 I know for mobile you need to change some of the MXML code, with Air I
 assume all the code is the same


 Jeffry Houser
 Technical Entrepreneur

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