Re: Need advice

2014-04-19 Thread Ian Malone
On 19 April 2014 04:31, Thomas Cameron wrote:
 On 04/15/2014 10:40 PM, Digimer wrote:

 Please don't do that. Fedora is awesome, but it's a desktop OS, not a
 server OS. The life cycle is way to short and it's not hardened like a
 server-focused distro. RHEL/CentOS would make a much better OS, and if
 you needed something newer than it offers, check the EPEL repo.

 Bull. It absolutely is QA'd and it absolutely is hardened. It is
 protected by essentially the same or even newer security technologies as
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux - SELinux, SSL, disk encryption, iptables, etc.

No firewall... ;) (for those following the devel list, for everyone
else it *does* have a firewall. For the time being.)

 The life cycle is short, sure, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
 In fact, with everything moving more towards ephemeral (cloud)
 computing, Fedora may actually have an *advantage* over RHEL for some
 workloads. There is no distro which is perfect for all workloads, but
 that does not mean that any distro automatically sucks for one workload.
 The answer, as always, is it depends.

I'd certainly say it depends, and since the original question was
about developing a system to run on a platform that's what prompted me
to point to the short life cycle originally. The more stock work
you're doing the less it matters, and for something that's mainly
MySQL maybe it doesn't matter that you are changing the system you run
on annually or every six months (provided things are set up so
reinstalling OS causes minimal pain). But there are plenty of
situations where having to update all the components you use will mean
you have to do quite a bit of porting work, and the difference between
a new release and a stable one is mainly that major version numbers
will get changed on things.

For the OPs original question, about motherboard chipsets, it does
apply generally to Linux rather than Fedora, but generally intel
chipsets are well supported. If not going for server kit which is
certified to run linux then you will be either: googling for the
motherboard model and linux to find other people who've used it or
buying it and trying. However for those intel chipsets that have been
around for a while it's probably enough to check linux support for
them e.g.
and unless there's some added feature you think you'll need you're
probably good.

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Re: Autofs startup

2014-04-19 Thread Chris Kottaridis
Thanks guys. I got it up and running. Had to start ypbind, but it
started up same as autofs.

I need to study up a bit more on systemd I can see.

Chris Kottaridis
On 04/18/2014 04:48 PM, Greg Woods wrote:
 On Fri, 2014-04-18 at 16:30 -0500, Chris Kottaridis wrote:
 On 04/18/2014 03:57 PM, Rick Stevens wrote:
 On 04/18/2014 01:28 PM, Chris Kottaridis issued this missive:
 I had autofs working in an older Fedora Release, 14 I know it's very
 old. I am now trying to get the same autofs to work on my Fedora 19
 host. The man page on the Fedora 19 host for autofs says there should be
 a /etc/rc.d/init.d/autofs file.

 As you surmised, that is out of date. Now there is a systemd service
 file for autofs. Assuming you do have the autofs package installed, what
 you need to enable it is, configure your /etc/auto.master and any files
 it references (should be pretty much the same as before), then run

 # systemctl enable autofs; systemctl start autofs


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Re: Coding Practice [was Re: Serious OpenSSL vulnerability]

2014-04-19 Thread Jerry Feldman

On 04/09/2014 01:43 PM, Dave Stevens wrote:
 Quoting Tim

 Allegedly, on or about 08 April 2014, Jonathan Ryshpan sent:
 It's an interesting question why Net infrastructure code continues to
 be written in C, a language that provides no automatic checks for
 buffer overflow, which (if I understand right) is the opening for this
 security breach, along with so many others.  And why is the code run
 on hardware that provides no such checks?  There have been languages
 and system that check for overflow available for 40 years.  Why
 doesn't anyone use them?

 Only the other day I was thinking similarly:  That almost every exploit
 that I read about, over the last umpteen years, was a buffer overflow;
 and why is it so?  Are programmers such morons that they accept all data
 without care, rather than only accept what you actually expect?

 I would say they're badly trained. The cost/benefir ration between
 hardware and programmer time has changed drastically to the point
 where hardware is practically free but programmer time,
 notwithstanding offshoring, is expensive. The institutional inertia is
 so large that education consists largely of teaching the students to
 do well what their instructors would like to have been taught. Not a
 viable way forward.


All this is understood. But, consider the transition from C to a more
modern, safer coding language with respect to developing a new OS, or
even re-coding Linux and Unix. But that may be coming. For instance
almost all coding in Android is in Java. The Android runs 1 but JVM
(Dalvik). But, the underlying OS is still the Linux kernel. Possibly we
should design a chipset that is a JVM. But, regardless of the computer
language, bugs will be present. I've been moving some of our code from
Subversion (stable and written in C) to another source control system
written in Java. That source control system crashes frequently and
leaves core dumps..

My point is that it is not the computer language that causes the bugs,
it is the programmer. There are many tools out there a programmer can
use to analyze his/her code to find potential errors such as buffer
overflows. So, let's say that we built a chip that is essentially a JVM
and code everything in Java, will we have fewer bugs? No because sloppy
coding techniques will exist regardless of the computer language. 
Bounds-checking an array, or generating bounds-checking in the code has
been around C a long time. But we generally don't use it because it
costs too much in performance.

But, we are stuck with C for a while because that is what Linux and Unix
are written. While Java is an excellent language I don't see it
replacing C at the OS level, but it is almost there in Android.  

Jerry Feldman
Boston Linux and Unix
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Re: Fedora *is* for servers! [was Re: Need advice]

2014-04-19 Thread Russell Miller

On Apr 19, 2014, at 6:21 AM, Dave Ihnat wrote:
 I'm not currently running Fedora, either--it's just not in the mix for
 the five frankenstations and the server that I use for home and business
 right now.  But I've been in the field since I got my degree in '76--that's
 almost 40 years now, if you're counting--in Unix since 1980, and Linux
 since it was born.  If there's one thing I've most certainly learned
 is that no matter what it is, it's worth keeping an eye on it.  I keep
 track of software and systems I may never use--because, as a consultant,
 I never know when it'll show up.

I've been a sysadmin for nearly 20 years now.  Right now I work as a sysadmin 
for one
of the largest tech companies in the world.  It's a household name, you would 
it, in fact, you are very likely using one of its products right now.

I don't say this to brag, but as the reason why I am completely comfortable 
with my

An interesting thing I've noted is that when I first started with Linux, I 
loved messing with
things.  I was messing with it back when it was 0.99, and I remember when it 
compliant.  I've played with every single distro, and I used to absolutely love 
Fedora -
exactly BECAUSE it was something that was fun to mess around with.  I'd upgrade 
and swim out from problems, and it was fun.

But as I matured in the profession, I just stopped enjoying that part of the 
I don't know what it was.  Maybe I became far more pragmatic and less religious 
about the
Linux experience.  Maybe I spent so much time playing with Linux at my job   
Maybe a lot of
things.  But at some point, that just stopped being fun, and I moved on.  I 
kind of miss that in
a way, but it is what it is.

Fedora has its place.  For young people who want to play with Linux, or have a 
lot of time on
their hands to deal with the bleeding edge, it's perfect.  I don't know of 
any other distributions out
there that fills the niche that Fedora does (Maybe Ubuntu's non-LTS versions 
fit the bill).  And I
don't begrudge that at all.  But I stand by my opinion - do not use it for 
server use if you're not
willing to deal with the resulting problems and, yes, data losses.  At the 
least, make sure you
have very good backups.

I think I'll stick around on this list for a while (subject to change without 
notice).  If only because
occasionally questions come up like this, and people with the experience to 
answer correctly
need to speak up. :)

Please. use Fedora.  I'm not saying don't use it.  I'm just saying , do it with 
your eyes wide open.
Know why it's there, what it's used for, what the caveats are, and then enjoy 
if it's still right for you.

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Re: Fedora *is* for servers! [was Re: Need advice]

2014-04-19 Thread Robin Laing

On 2014-04-19 06:25, Tim wrote:

Rick Stevens wrote:

Fedora is, by definition, bleeding edge.

Ralf Corsepius:

No, Fedora is not supposed to the bleeding edge. It's supposed to be the
cutting edge, with some occasional warts sometimes.

I would say, by way of what it actually is, it is bleeding edge.  But
you're arguing over pedantics.

The Fedora website may, now, say what /they/ want Fedora to be.  People
who've been using it since it used to be called Red Hat Linux, know what
it is.  I'm fairly sure I've seen Red Hat describe it similarly, way
back in the beginning, or at least I know I've seen the computer print
media say so (i.e. those who review different computer systems).

It's clear that we are a test bed, whether that be Red Hat pushing
things to be tested into it, themselves, or they're just looking at what
Fedora users put into it.  You can see that from what goes into Fedora
ends up on Red Hat's Linux.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it gets tiring to see some
people running around with their hands over their ears, la la laaing,
so they don't hear it.

And it can't possibly be considered as a general purpose distro, it's
just too unattractive to the casual user.  The release turnover time is
way too fast, and it doesn't support encumbered products (MP3, graphics
card drivers, etc.) without technical tinkering to add it in.

Fedora will work for servers but the upgrade cycle does cause problems. 
 I have seen enough of them in my job.

It is cutting edge and there are issues with each upgrade that cause 
problems.  Some programs that don't work at the issue and even months 
later are still not working due to library changes causing problems for 
the developers and maintainers.

For a production server, you don't need this issue to maintain security. 
 Better to go with something that has a longer support.

Where I work, people use a combination of Centos, Fedora and Ubuntu. 
With the Fedora users, one person is still using F14 due to the changes 
over time.  It is on a private network so most of the security issues 
are not a factor but he has tried F20 with problems.

It comes down to how many times you have to learn new procedures and how 
much time you can devote to the outside issues.  Learning firewalld over 
iptables is just one example that I struggled with.  At work many people 
have had issues with the way cups is now installed but once the 
information was found, it was an easy path for the rest.

I would use Fedora for a home server in most cases.  My father wouldn't. 
 He used Centos.  So it is up to a persons own choices.  For services, 
I use Raspian on my Raspberry Pi but am looking at Pidora due to 
familiarity of configuration.  This is a time issue.


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Re: FFTW with mpi support

2014-04-19 Thread Susi Lehtola
On Fri, 18 Apr 2014 10:16:15 -0400
Brahmanand Jogai wrote:
 I am attempting to compile an application (MPB from MIT) with support 
 for MPI.  It needs fast fourier transform with MPI support.  Fedora 20 
 provides several versions of fftw, but none has support for either 
 openmpi or mpich2.
 Does anyone know of a repo that has fftw with mpi?  I have not found 
 anything on google.  I tried compiling fftw from source, but it failed 
 its own self tests.  Besides, installing a home built fftw could affect 
 other applications that depend on the Fedora-supplied one.
 Any suggestion will be appreciated.

File a feature request in bugzilla against fftw.

mpi support hasn't been put in, because compiling even fftw is a mess:
four different flavors are built, consisting of single, double, long
double and quadruple precision.

Plugging in the mpi versions will require 3x4 = 12 separate compiles.
Also, if the flavors are put in separate subpackages, it'll also mean 8
more subpackages...
Susi Lehtola
Fedora Project Contributor
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Re: F20 Where's my system mail?

2014-04-19 Thread Timothy Murphy
Heinz Diehl wrote:

 Am I rignt in thinking that fetchmail actually passes the email
 on to postfix's sendmail-emulator?
 Judging from the header fragments you posted, I'm shure that your
 fetchmail connects to your postfix via localhost on port 25. You could
 avoid that step by telling fechmail to deliver your mail to something
 else (see the mda option). Here's an example (from my own setup).

That's an interesting suggestion -
I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere in the postfix documents I've read.

 Mail I send is delivered to postfix on localhost (via mutt),
 which connects with my uplink (smarthost) and pushes the mail

I never send email directly from the server,
though some administrative sent by root comes to me.
I always send email from my laptop using the laptop's sendmail.
This must go through the server on its way to my smart-host,
but I guess it isn't looked at by postfix on the server?

 Postfix delivers your mail to what you have specified in
 home_mailbox after processing, in your case. What you do with it
 afterwards is out of reach for postfix, which regards your mail as
 delivered when it's send to home_mailbox.

This is one point that confuses me somewhat.
Does postfix actually deposit the mail in my home_mailbox,
which in my case is ~/Maildir?
I had the impression that email is passed through unix or other sockets,
and is never actually deposited anywhere until it finishes its journey
through the server.
And I'm not clear how postfix and amavis interact.
You seem to suggest that postfix finishes its job,
and then passes the email in some way to amavis,
which I presume sends it through clamav and spamassassin?

 Maybe I begin to understand what confuses you:
 don't think of mail only going into two directions (in/out) when you think
 of a fully-fledged MTA as e.g. postfix, exim, sendmail and
 similar. Otherwise, you miss through. The MTA can not know if mail
 which comes in (fetchmail) or shall out (mail you send) should go
 these ways unless you told it explicitely. This is why mydestination, the
 smarthost and other parameters are crucial. You could e.g. set up
 postfix solely as a relay/mail gateway.

I don't think I am confused about that.
In fact I'm not sure I'm confused at all.
I'm just trying to work out exactly how postfix, amavis and dovecot
interact with each other -
in effect, what is the journey through the server
taken by an individual piece of email?

I found in setting up postfix and amavis
that some settings could only be determined by experiment,
eg I found I had to add $domain to
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain
before it worked properly,
although in my view it is not possible to deduce this
from the lengthy description of mydestination in

That is why I suggested that setting up postfix,
at least with amavis and dovecot, is far from simple.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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Fedora 20 freezes at the login screen. System Temperature over limit.

2014-04-19 Thread Sudhir Khanger
I am having a really terrible experience with Fedora 20 KDE on Thinkpad

I installed Fedora 20 KDE on Thinkpad 420i, upgraded it to the latest and
system freezes at the login screen. System temperature goes over limit
either burning the system or shutting it down. Load average goes as high as
10. Fedora 20 is shipped with kernel 3.11.10 and I can confirm that I faced
the problem on 3.13.8, 3.13.9 and 3.13.10 is a hit and miss.

I have filed a bug but it hasn't cracked a noise at Redhat Bugzilla. No
response either from KDE Mailing list here and this is my last resort
before I might have to forcibly switch to a more stable distro like Kubuntu
(and that would be really sad).



Sudhir Khanger.
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Re: Fedora 20 freezes at the login screen. System Temperature over limit.

2014-04-19 Thread Ed Greshko
On 04/20/14 10:51, Sudhir Khanger wrote:
 I am having a really terrible experience with Fedora 20 KDE on Thinkpad 420i.

 I installed Fedora 20 KDE on Thinkpad 420i, upgraded it to the latest and 
 system freezes at the login screen. System temperature goes over limit either 
 burning the system or shutting it down. Load average goes as high as 10. 
 Fedora 20 is shipped with kernel 3.11.10 and I can confirm that I faced the 
 problem on 3.13.8, 3.13.9 and 3.13.10 is a hit and miss.

 I have filed a bug but it hasn't cracked a noise at Redhat Bugzilla. No 
 response either from KDE Mailing list here and this is my last resort before 
 I might have to forcibly switch to a more stable distro like Kubuntu (and 
 that would be really sad).

To say you've not gotten any response on the KDE mailing list is incorrect.  
You did get some input from Dhaval Anjaria.

You indicate you see a load average of 10?  And in top is there a process 
taking the CPU?

Also, have you tried to boot to level 3?

FWIW, sometimes the best way to get people to ignore your plight is to threaten 
to flee to another distribution.  :-)

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Re: Fedora 20 freezes at the login screen. System Temperature over limit.

2014-04-19 Thread Ed Greshko
On 04/20/14 11:26, Sudhir Khanger wrote:
 Although I appreciate Dhaval commenting but response sounded like off-topic.

Not so sure that his suggestions where that off topic.  But anyway...

 If I were to see any process eating CPU would have solved the problem but as 
 far as I can see there are no obvious indicators of the problem.

I hope you don't think people should assume what work you have and have not 
done.  I hope you don't assume your experience level is well known by everyone 
here.  Sometimes it is helpful to have others look at what you've tried.  Many 
times on this list I've watched and laughed at folks who blow off others and 
don't answer queries simply because they didn't think it relevant only to have 
it turn out to be so.

 When I boot into command line (by disabling display manager) it seems to work 
 fine. KDE with kernel 3.11.10 works fine. And kernel 3.13.8 and 9 won't boot 
 at all but kernel 3.13.10 might boot from time to time.

To me, all of what you said is confusing

When you boot into level 3 it seems to work fine.  Are you saying it works fine 
for all kernels or only 3.11.10?  And, does it continue to work fine if you do 
startkde or does the problem show itself when you switch to graphics (KDE) 

What does won't boot at all mean?  You get a kernel ooops?  It gets stuck? 
Blank screen?   Have you tried booting with rhgb quiet removed to see if any 
errors are reported?

In your bugzilla I see the lines in one of your attachment

Apr 09 17:21:14 fedora thinkfan[586]: WARNING: Using default fan control in 
Apr 09 17:21:14 fedora thinkfan[586]: WARNING: You're using simple temperature 
limits without correction values, and your fan will only start at 55 °C. This 
can be dangerous for your hard drive.

Have you considered looking into that?

Additionally, what does  lsmod | grep acpi show?   Curious to see if 
thinkpad_acpi is being loaded.

 Fleeing to another distribution is a sign of uber desperation and not threat 
 as you say. It's morning here and I am troubleshooting my system instead of 
 getting my work down.

And it is Sunday or Saturday night and many *volunteers* are still sleeping or 
still having other fun.   Sorry to hear you're troubleshooting your system and 
haven't gotten any work done since 4/8 when you filed the bugzilla.  I still 
see no point in telling folks you're going to be forced to flee to another 

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Re: Fedora 20 freezes at the login screen. System Temperature over limit.

2014-04-19 Thread Russell Miller

On Apr 19, 2014, at 7:51 PM, Sudhir Khanger wrote:

 I am having a really terrible experience with Fedora 20 KDE on Thinkpad 420i.
 I installed Fedora 20 KDE on Thinkpad 420i, upgraded it to the latest and 
 system freezes at the login screen. System temperature goes over limit either 
 burning the system or shutting it down. Load average goes as high as 10. 
 Fedora 20 is shipped with kernel 3.11.10 and I can confirm that I faced the 
 problem on 3.13.8, 3.13.9 and 3.13.10 is a hit and miss.
 I have filed a bug but it hasn't cracked a noise at Redhat Bugzilla. No 
 response either from KDE Mailing list here and this is my last resort before 
 I might have to forcibly switch to a more stable distro like Kubuntu (and 
 that would be really sad).

Though there may be a kernel issue, this sounds like it might actually be a 
hardware problem.  Have you checked that your fan is functioning properly?  I 
had a Lenovo
IdeaPad (still have it, actually, it runs Ubuntu) whose fan gave up the ghost.  
$40 later and a few minutes and it was good as new.

The kernel can cause overtemperature, but the temperature/fan is usually 
controlled in the BIOS.  Since you mention that it works when you turn off the 
display manager..
that would make sense since on a laptop the processor actually creates less 
heat than the graphics chip sometimes.

You might try it with different distributions just to rule out a hardware issue.

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advice needed before changing inotify max_user_watches

2014-04-19 Thread M. Fioretti

a while ago, I noticed that on my Fedora box digiKam would not load
and display picture galleries anymore, and when launched from the
prompt would produce this message:

digikam(14981)/digikam (core): Reached inotify limit

which IIUC means this is a general problem on that computer, not
digikam specific.

An online search returned always the same fix described e.g. at, that is:
To change the limit, run:

# echo 16384  /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches

To make the change permanent, edit the file /etc/sysctl.conf and add
this line to the end of the file:


(the current value now is 8192)

I could not, however, find any clear (to me at least) explanation of
possible unwanted side-effects of this. Should I check/do something
else (but what?) or can I safely apply those suggestions and reboot?
Is there risk that doing that stuff as is messes things up and
forces me to spend a day or so recovering the system?


M. Fioretti

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