Re: dnf install from list file

2019-02-21 Thread stan via users
On Thu, 21 Feb 2019 15:36:08 +0100
"Patrick Dupre"  wrote:

> How can I make a dnf install "list of pkgs in a file"?
> I tried dnf install `file`
> but it does not work.

I usually use a python script to read the file and run dnf in a
subprocess for each package.  That way, a single problem doesn't stop
the whole update.

I haven't tried these, so I don't know if they work, but you could try
dnf update < $(cat file)
cat file | xargs dnf update

Because I haven't tried them, there may be syntax or grammar errors in
the commands.  The first should treat the file as a group, and will be
faster if there are no dependency errors.  The second should do each
package individually, so will be slower but error tolerant.

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Re: f29 : net-install error - anyone successful?

2019-02-23 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 23 Feb 2019 10:14:13 +0200
Adrian Sevcenco  wrote:

> Hi! It would seem that there is a bug in f29 net-install ..
> The installer breaks with :
> dnf.exceptions.TransactionCheckError: sssd-common < 2.0.0-5.f29 
> conflicts with sssd-nfs-idmap-2.0.0-5.f29.x86_64
> Does anyone have an idea about it?

Is this just with the basic install and no package install from
the network? That is, are you using only the packages on the
CD/DVD/USB? If so, that would be a bug in the f29 net-install ISO.
Otherwise, you could just do the  basic netinstall, then boot into it
and do the dnf install of other packages as normal.  Then it would just
be a package conflict, and skip-broken would skip it.

If it is a broken install image, you should bugzilla it at
I think the images are checked as part of the release process so this
shouldn't be true, but that is done by volunteers so it might not have
been checked.
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Re: f29 : net-install error - anyone successful?

2019-02-23 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 23 Feb 2019 19:55:14 +0200
Adrian Sevcenco  wrote:

> On 2/23/19 6:49 PM, stan via users wrote:

> > Otherwise, you could just do the  basic netinstall, then boot into
> > it and do the dnf install of other packages as normal.  Then it
> > would just be a package conflict, and skip-broken would skip it.  
> well, i commented out the fedora-update repo and the install worked ..
> so, i would say that it is a bug as i would expect that the update 
> repository to be compatible with the install image

The update repo changes with time while the install image doesn't.

> > If it is a broken install image, you should bugzilla it at
> >  
> yup, i submitted trough the included mechanism from anaconda

Probably going to be closed as notabug because they can't fix it.  It
is just the way fedora works.

> > I think the images are checked as part of the release process so
> > this shouldn't be true, but that is done by volunteers so it might
> > not have been checked.  
> well, i would say that always a net install should be checked with 
> update repository enabled...

It might have at freeze time, but the update repo changes constantly.
The fedora repo is frozen when the release is frozen, so that it works
with the released image, as you discovered.

The inconsistency you ran into is not uncommon with regular dnf updates.

Glad you got it worked out.
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Re: Stuck Kernel Version.....

2019-02-25 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 25 Feb 2019 10:06:01 -0500
"Eddie O'Connor"  wrote:

> Ok I have gone nuts trying to figure this out, and I'm just about
> ready to just re-install the OS. (Fedora 29) I have been using Fedora
> since likeversion 12, and have experienced all kinds of issues
> but this one baffles me. So:
> I had updated from fc26 to fc27 successfully, but I have noticed that
> since upgrading from 27 to 28 that the kernel versions while they
> have gone up (e.g. from 3.12.203 >> 3.12.207 and these numbers I use
> are for example only!) I notice that the "fc" number has remained the
> same (in other words the "fc27" bit of the kernel name!) I have tried
> everything I have found online from trying to upgrade the kernel
> through the Terminal to trying to download, install, and compile a
> newer kernel version and no matter what I've tried that part remains
> the same. So my last attempt/effort will be a transfer of all my data
> and a complete re-install of F29. But it would be nice to know what
> might have caused case it happens again!

Can you show a listing of /boot?
ls -n /boot/vmlinuz*
so things are one line per kernel.

How about your dnf.conf file?
cat /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

Do you have the versionlock plugin installed?  Have you locked the
kernel version using the versionlock plugin?

Have you protected the kernel using the /etc/dnf/protected.d/dnf.conf

Have you tried increasing the number of kernels allowed in dnf.conf?
man dnf.conf
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Re: updated fedora 28 and lost unicode characters

2019-03-14 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 19:39:32 +0200
Aleksandar Kostadinov  wrote:

> attaching characters that I lost after update today. See attached
> image from ff 65 and slack. It showed correctly in the past. Not sure
> how to debug what broke :/
> Any ideas?

No, I see this also in firefox, but not everywhere, only on some web
pages.  I just assumed it was because I was using noscript and blocking
access to images that were on a server I had blocked.  It has been
happening a lot longer for me than the last update. Since I use
nightly, the development version of firefox, I would suspect that it is
a code change that recently made into the production version.
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Re: updated fedora 28 and lost unicode characters

2019-03-16 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 16 Mar 2019 15:31:41 +1030
Tim via users  wrote:

> Well, to even start to debug it, you'd have to mention some particular
> webpage addresses that are failing.

I was going to put some examples in, but when I went looking for web
pages that had the problem, I couldn't find any.  :-)

> Commonly, things like that are down to missing characters in fonts. 
> They were present in the font the webauthor used, but not yours.  And
> for things that did work, but now don't, it could be that the font has
> changed (installs on your side, or, the author picked a different
> one).
> Related to that can be the author using bizarre characters.  They've
> picked some unusual thing that looks like what they want, but it only
> appears in some fonts.  If they'd picked the normal symbol for such a
> thing, it'd be more widely supported.
> Character encoding schemes can come into it, too.  If they've used
> UTF8, but erroneously said their page was using 8859-1 (which can be
> done as a meta statement in the HTML, or the webserver's HTTP
> headers), it's going to fail.  Or, if you've forced your browser to
> use a particular scheme, instead of obeying the website's
> instructions.

All of the above make sense.  I used to do this, checking the preference
that said to use my font and size on all pages, but I checked my
preferences and that appears to have disappeared.  I do block google
fonts so they can't track me that way, and many web pages use all the
free tracking tools of google on their pages because it is so
convenient.  Perhaps that is why.

> And, as you said, it can be down to missing graphics.  The website may
> have used a graphic symbol with a text fallback.  The graphic may have
> disappeared from their files, they may have got the address for it
> wrong on some pages, and their text fallback could be broken, too.

I'll keep an eye out, and if I run into a web page that shows the
problem, I'll post it here so experts like you can possibly track down
what is happening.
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Re: updated fedora 28 and lost unicode characters

2019-03-16 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 16 Mar 2019 12:37:52 -0400
Bob Goodwin  wrote:

> On 03/16/19 11:55, stan via users wrote:
> >   I do block google fonts so they can't track me that way, and many
> > web pages use all the free tracking tools of google on their pages
> > because it is so convenient.  
> .
> How do you do that? Google produced a suggestion to add " 
>" to the "hosts." I assume /etc/hosts but am not 
> sure what the line should look like ...

I suppose that is a simpler solution.  When the browser tries to find
the font, it goes to the local machine.  I am using noscript, and block
that site.

I think it would just be
But, there is already a line for for localhost in /etc/hosts
so you would probably have to append the to the
end of that line.
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Re: updated fedora 28 and lost unicode characters

2019-03-16 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 16 Mar 2019 12:18:09 -0400
Tom Horsley  wrote:

> From time to time I've seen web pages where the headers claimed
> UTF-8 encoding, but the actual text on the page was some windows
> encoding (determined experimentally by display the text in
> various codings till one of them made sense). I'm pretty sure there
> must be some windows html editor that just has the UTF-8 headers
> as boilerplate, but doesn't bother to convert the text to UTF-8 when
> saving the page.

This makes sense.  A windows developer would probably not think of
other platforms, and thus never encounter the error.  So it would
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Re: updated fedora 28 and lost unicode characters

2019-03-17 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 17 Mar 2019 14:46:49 +0100
David Dusanic  wrote:

> Sometimes if you force to use only your specified fonts e.g. in
> Firefox web pages will show garbled characters. If you allow the
> website's fonts it could be you are able to see the real characters.
> Just an idea, it happened on one site I use regularly and I did not
> know why until I went into Firefox's fonts settings.

I was mistaken earlier.  I had it set to use my fonts rather than page
fonts (the selection was under advanced).  I'll keep your suggestion in
mind, and if I encounter this again, I'll turn that off and see if it
fixes the problem.
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Re: how aliases for man pages are supported? [OT?]

2019-03-26 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 06:57:52 -0400 (EDT)
"Robert P. J. Day"  wrote:

>   how does one establish an alias for an existing man page if it's not
> done in the "obvious" way? as an example, currently on my system,
> under /usr/share/man/man5, i have these two entries:
>   -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 4807 Feb  1 15:19 utmp.5.gz
>   -rw-r--r--. 1 root root   36 Feb  1 15:19 utmpx.5.gz
> predictably, both of the following generate the same man page:
>   $ man 5 utmp
>   $ man 5 utmpx
> because the smaller of the two files is simply a reference to the
> other:
>   $ gunzip -c utmpx.5.gz
>   .so man5/utmp.5
>   $
> however, i recently installed the package
> "containers-common", which installed (among other things) the single
> man page file under /usr/share/man/man5:
>   /usr/share/man/man5/containers-storage.conf.5.gz
> with that installed, both of the following commands work fine and
> generate the same output:
>   $ man 5 containers-storage.conf
>   $ man 5 storage.conf
> but i see no "shortcut" file in that directory to support the second
> form, so i'm assuming there is some other mechanism by which this can
> be done, i just don't know what it is. thoughts?

I'm not sure, but the expansion of the file containers-storage.conf.5.gz
has it defined as 
.TH "storage.conf" "5" " Container Storage Configuration File" "Dan Walsh" "May 
I am guessing that man uses both the definitions and the actual
directory listing in combination to determine the presence of a man
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Re: "dracut: FAILED:" with dnf upgrade to the 5.0.3-200.fc29.x86_64 kernel.

2019-03-26 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 26 Mar 2019 16:38:13 -
"Doug Herr"  wrote:

> After a dnf upgrade that included the new 5.x kernel I did my regular
> check to make sure that the nvidia driver got built via akmod-nvidia-
> 340xx-340.107-5.fc29.x86_64. It was not there, so I looked more
> closely at the output of the 'dnf upgrade' and found that:
> dracut: FAILED:  /usr/lib/dracut/dracut-install -D
> /var/tmp/dracut.ReYjXp/initramfs -H --kerneldir /lib/modules/5.0.3-
> 200.fc29.x86_64/ -o -m =drivers/net/phy =drivers/  net/team
> =drivers/net/ethernet ecb arc4 bridge stp llc ipv6 bonding 8021q
> ipvlan macvlan af_packet virtio_net xennet
> Full output is at:
> Line 234 is where it shows the issue.
> I have not yet rebooted, but I tend to assume that a reboot into my
> current 4.20.16-200.fc29.x86_64 will still be fine but clearly it will
> have trouble trying to boot to 5.x

I think the new kernel version will require a new binary blob driver
from nvidia. It probably just hasn't arrived yet, so you will have to
use the previous kernel until it does.  You could go to nvidia's
website to see if it is there, and update it manually, but it is a lot
easier to let the good folks at rpmfusion do the driving for you.

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Re: Firefox does not connect to a secure page

2019-03-27 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 14:47:41 -
"Enrique Artal"  wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a problem with firefox trying to connect to a page of my
> university (address below). This is the error message: Secure
> Connection Failed
> An error occurred during a connection to Cannot
> communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).
> The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the
> authenticity of the received data could not be verified. Please
> contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
> It also occurs with seamonkey but it works without problems with
> chrome and chromium. Other colleagues with other linux systems do not
> have this issue. Other colleague installed fedora in a virtual
> machine and had the same problem. Best, Enrique.

There has been a discussion on the devel list about making obsolete
compromised algorithms in libssl2(?).  IIRC, it was agreed to do this,
but only using a switch that would default to off, and only in rawhide.
What version of Fedora are you using? It seems that you have this
switch set to on, and your university is using an insecure encryption
algorithm.  The people for whom login works have set their machines to
allow the insecure algorithm.

Since it is only occurring with mozilla products, it is possible that
mozilla unilaterally disabled these insecure protocols in their latest
offerings.  Alternatively, Fedora might have enabled it for the version
you are using, either because I was wrong in my recollection, or in

Here's a page that explains how to make your firefox browser less
secure, so you can log in.  It is old, but should still work if it is
the browser causing the problem, rather than Fedora.

For what it is worth, I can get to the login page at that address using
nightly, the development version of firefox.  I must be allowing
insecure protocols on my system (Fedora 28).  The first three settings
on the about:config page in nightly for security.tls.version are 4, 4,
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Re: IcedTeaWeb: (/usr/bin/javaws): how to run it from firefox with -noupdate option?

2019-04-26 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 26 Apr 2019 21:55:52 +0200
Dario Lesca  wrote:

> After some try, I also discovered that if I run javaws with -noupdate
> option
> /usr/bin/javaws   -noupdate  
> the application start and open immediately.
> It's possible to set this options so that firefox use it?

I think this is what you want.

In about:config in firefox there is an option
If you set that to false, it should only update manually (when you
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Re: IcedTeaWeb: (/usr/bin/javaws): how to run it from firefox with -noupdate option?

2019-05-01 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 01 May 2019 23:04:42 +0200
Dario Lesca  wrote:

> Il giorno mar, 30/04/2019 alle 17.28 +0200, Louis Lagendijk ha
> scritto:
> > I can confirm the extremely long delay here. I have not tried to
> > debug it, so no solution  
> Then? I must fill a bugzilla?
> The only work around I have fount is create a local application
> launcher with "-noupdate" option and download or open web jnlp file
> with it
> [lesca@dodo ~]$ cp -a /usr/share/applications/javaws.desktop
> ~/.local/share/applications/.[lesca@dodo ~]$ sed -i
> 's|^Exec=/usr/bin/javaws.itweb %u|Exec=/usr/bin/javaws.itweb -noupdate
> %u|' ~/.local/share/applications/javaws.desktop 
> Some other suggest?  

Since this is an issue with firefox, you could ask at the
site.  They are likely to have a better understanding of the way that
icedtea-web is launched from firefox.  They also have a bugzilla site,
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Re: PSA: All Firefox extensions are getting disabled, one by one

2019-05-05 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 5 May 2019 12:27:26 +0200
François Patte  wrote:

> Le 04/05/2019 à 13:07, Heinz Diehl a écrit :
> > On 04.05.2019, Sam Varshavchik wrote: 
> >   
> >> Basically, an "all your extensions are belong to us" situation.  
> > 
> > You can enter about:config and set "xpinstall.signatures.required"
> > to "false" until the problem is fixed.  
> This does not work with français language pack

You already received an answer, so this is just an additional option.
The latest nightly downloadable from the site as a tar.bz2
file does not have this issue.  It allows install of extensions.  And
it keeps a separate namespace for nightly, so it won't impact existing
configuration of other firefox versions.  Possibly a workaround until
the fix is in.

Three choices, I used the nightly one for nightly, future firefox 68.
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Re: Laptop's display not visible in setting

2019-05-11 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 10 May 2019 07:24:02 +0300
Ester Muñoz  wrote:

> Hi everyone.
> I upgraded yesterday my HP Pavilion from Fedora 29 to 30. Everything
> went wonderfully, thank you all. I have a second monitor attached to
> it via HDMI. All run perfectly and when I came back I realized the
> laptop's screen was gray with the fedora logo on it. It is there but
> I can't use it, like it is not part of the desktop.
> In the GNOME settings I do not see any other screen than the monitor.
> Did not give much thought to it, and went to sleep.
> This morning, I disconnected the second monitor to see if booting
> only with its own monitor would do something and no... gray screen
> again. The grub screens appear on the laptops monitor but the login
> screen is on the external monitor. I also tried the NVIDIA X server
> settings where both screens were earlier and there is only one screen
> listed :-( Can anyone help me out to make the laptop's monitor work
> again?

I don't have any direct knowledge of this problem, but it sounds like
the built in monitor is not being recognized on boot. You could look at
the last boot in the journal using
journalctl -b
in a terminal to see what happens to the built in monitor during boot.
and hit enter to take you to the video setup.
Report any error back here.

Is it possible that you are missing the driver for the built-in
graphics?  This would especially apply if the graphics are nvidia and
using the nvidia proprietary driver.  Maybe you need to set up the
rpmfusion repositories to get the new drivers, then do a system update.
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Re: Laptop's display not visible in setting

2019-05-12 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 12 May 2019 08:37:27 +0300
Ester Muñoz  wrote:

> Thank you stan
> I investigated a bit more and the laptop's screen is on but black. If
> I change to a tty using CTRL + ALT + Fn, it will show in the laptop's
> screen. It's only the graphical environment that does not show up.
> Nvidia is installed and updated. I tested that already. The Nvidia
> configuration GUI only sees the external monitor.

Are both graphics cards Nvidia?

> I'll send the information about the commands in a little while.
> I might need to reinstall f29 today after all, as I cannot make this
> work and tomorrow I have to leave for a work trip and need my laptop
> working.

From your description the OS recognizes the monitor, so it sounds like a
problem in Gnome.  Are you using the default wayland in Gnome?  If so,
have you tried X?  Or vice versa.

You could try another desktop, but I agree that if you need the laptop
in the short term you are better off re-installing F29 until this is
resolved.  Unless someone else here recognizes the problem and gives you
a quick fix.

It won't be me since my lack of familiarity with both Gnome and dual
monitor setup has me floundering.  I think there has to be a setting
that was changed during the upgrade, but I have no idea where to look
for that.

You could also try asking for help on the new askfedora site,
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Re: fixrefox 67 - support for CSS media query prefers-color-scheme not working

2019-05-25 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 24 May 2019 11:58:01 +0100
Barry Scott  wrote:

> I have firefox 67 install on f30 and its not honouring the
> prefers-color-scheme CCS media query.
> I use KDE in dark mode.
> This works for Firefox 67 on macOS.
> Is this expected to be working? Should I create bug report for this?

I am using firefox 67 in dark mode on F28 in LXDE and it is working as
expected.  So, I suspect that the problem resides in KDE rather than
firefox.  However, open it against firefox; if it isn't firefox the
maintainer will move it to KDE.

Maybe someone on KDE in F30 can confirm that it doesn't work for them
also, or that it does and it is something in your configuration
causing the problem.
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Re: is grubby a dumb software?

2019-05-26 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 26 May 2019 10:49:00 +0200
François Patte  wrote:

> Bonjour,
> For a long time now grubby has replaced grub2-mkconfig to update the
> grub.cfg file. From this time, I have to correct the kernel update
> manualy with grub2-mkconfig because every time grubby chooses a wrong
> partition as the / partition.
> The choosen partition is not mounted, it is empty, with no boot
> flag
> Why grubby chooses this partition? It is so stupide that I am
> wondering what is the way followed by grubby to to this?

As far as I know, grubby used to merely copy the previous first entry in
the grub.cfg file and replace the old kernel with the new kernel.
So, that would imply that there is something wrong with the grub.cfg
file. Of course, grubby could have a bug, but as you say it has worked
fine for a long time. 

And, there is the new setup in F30, where it seems instead of a config
file there are scriptlets that emulate a config file.  I have no first
hand experience with that, but I've seen people having trouble with it
on this list. You might be running into that.
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Re: is grubby a dumb software?

2019-05-26 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 27 May 2019 07:14:03 +0200
François Patte  wrote:

> > My understanding is that grubby has been replaced for a standard
> > install  
> I don't understant what you mean here...
> >
> >   

That should be  

> > 5. BLS installation by default !?  
> ???
I think he means btr filesystem

> Moreover my system uses raid-1 + lvm
> Do you mean that grubby --- which seems to be the grub configuration
> tool chosen by fedora --- cannot handle my installation? What can I
> do: change to another distrib?
> another answer to my post says:
> > As far as I know, grubby used to merely copy the previous first
> > entry in the grub.cfg file   
> I can say: no! If this was the case there will not be any problem...

I think that grubby has been bypassed with the new method of booting in
F30.  Note the 'used to' in my comment.
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Re: is grubby a dumb software?

2019-05-27 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 26 May 2019 23:32:35 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

>  From that URL, BLS = Boot Loader Specification.
> Instead of having a monolithic grub config file, there are individual 
> files describing each boot option.

Thanks, I just came back to correct my answer, and see that you have
done that for me.  :-)
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Re: Why Must I Do "dnf clean all" Before Updating Will Proceed?

2019-05-31 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 31 May 2019 10:40:45 -0400
Garry Williams  wrote:

> On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 4:21 AM Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> > Can't you just use "--refresh"?  
> Nether one of those suggestions gets around the problem I seem to
> have:
> garry@ifr$ sudo dnf makecache;sudo dnf upgrade
> Fedora 30 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64 1.3 kB/s | 542
> B 00:00 Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates  51 kB/s
> |  16 kB 00:00 Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates
> 84 kB/s |  89 kB 00:01 Failed to synchronize cache for repo
> 'updates' Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates'
> Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates  50 kB/s |  16
> kB 00:00 Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates 2.5
> kB/s | 108 kB 00:43 Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates'
> Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates'
> garry@ifr$ sudo dnf --refresh upgrade
> Fedora 30 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64 2.0 kB/s | 542
> B 00:00 Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates 130 kB/s
> |  17 kB 00:00 Fedora 30 - x86_64 - Updates
> 89 kB/s | 101 kB 00:01 Failed to synchronize cache for repo
> 'updates' Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'updates'
> garry@ifr$
> The only way I found is to clean all.  :-(

It sounds like it is using a stale repository.  Have you any plugins
that restrict repositories or is there some setting in
the /etc/dnf/dnf.conf file?

What happens if you do 
dnf clean metadata
instead of
dnf clean all?

What happens without the makecache?
Are there any anomalies in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory?  Things that
are enabled that should be disabled, and vice versa.
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Re: xmms2 fails to update

2019-06-02 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 19:30:01 +0800
Ed Greshko  wrote:

> On 6/2/19 7:22 PM, Temlakos wrote:
> > Everyone:
> >
> > When trying to update the xmms2 package, I'm getting this error
> > from the dnfdragora application:
> >  
> >> Transaction check error: file /usr/lib64/xmms2/ from
> >> install of xmms2-0.8-60.fc29.x86_64 conflicts with file from
> >> package xmms2-mad-0.8-24.fc29.x86_64 Error Summary -  
> >
> > Comments? Suggested resolutions?
> >  
> xmms2 is a fedora package
> xmms2-mad is an rpmfusion package 
> Wait until rpmfusion has caught up with fedora.

Since all the mpeg patents have now expired, it might be that the
rpmfusion package is obsolete, and is being replaced with the fedora
package.  I don't know that, I'm just guessing, but mad is an mp3
library, and since mp3 is now off patent, there is no reason it can't
be included in Fedora.
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Re: bugzilla and python2-virtualenv

2019-06-02 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 2 Jun 2019 19:00:32 -0300
Martín Marqués  wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to file a bug report in and seem to be
> having a hard time finding the package in question.
> For some reason, even though the package exists in fc30, the bugzilla
> interface doesn't have python2-virtualenv in it's database and so I
> can't file the bug report.
> FYI, it seems that down the road between fc28 and fc30 (don't have an
> fc29 handy to test this) the python2-virtualenv package doesn't come
> with `/usr/bin/virtualenv`. Is there a reason for the missing binary?

I can't answer the question about why /usr/bin/virtualenv isn't present
in the python2 package, but it might have to do with the deprecation of
python2 in fc30, and drop from fc31 to the extent possible (end of
python2 maintenance is in 2020).  It might only be in the python3

> And in any case, how is it that bugzilla doesn't list a package that
> is clearly in the fc30 release?
> # rpm -qa | grep python2-virtualenv
> python2-virtualenv-16.0.0-7.fc30.noarch

The src.rpm is python-virtualenv, and it creates 


So you should file the bugzilla against python-virtualenv.

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Re: xmms2 fails to update

2019-06-03 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 3 Jun 2019 08:02:20 -0400
Temlakos  wrote:
> So what do I do know? Remove xmms2-mad and then allow the update? Or 

Yes, if you want the update now.

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Re: Cloning of existing fedora install failing at switch root. Does systemd keep system state?

2019-06-04 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 12:37:04 -0500
Roger Heflin  wrote:

> Did you check the kernel command line in grub.cfg to see what root= is
> set to?   That is the only place I know specifically references what
> to look for on the switch root.

Yep, converted all the old UUIDs for boot and root to the new UUIDs in
grub.cfg, including that one.

I tried having systemd print out to the terminal any error messages by
changing the configuration in /etc/systemd/system.conf.  But it didn't
add anything, only saying that there were 27 printk messages not shown
because of ratelimiting.  Not sure what that is, but they might shed
some light on the situation.
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Re: What to prune?

2019-06-04 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 16:52:18 - (UTC)
Beartooth  wrote:

>   BQ1 (Big Question 1) If I were to remove all of KDE, how
> would I do it? Find KDE in dnfdragora and follow my nose?? I had
> thought I could command "dnf remove kde" or "dnf remove KDE," and
> then go through the resulting list with a fine-tooth comb; but
> neither of those commands does anything, claiming instead not to have
> found anything.

You could try removing Konqueror and K3B and seeing what they want to
take with them.  Make sure you don't have --assumeyes set, so that you
can just say n when it asks for confirmation to avoid doing anything.
dnf autoremove Konqueror

>   BQ2 How much, at an educated guess, would I remove? Or is
> there a way actually to ascertain how much? Would it be worth it?

Unless disk space is an issue, why do you care?  Is it the updates?  Is
it space for backups?  Personally, I keep all the desktops installed so
that if I want to use something from them, or try one of them, I don't
have to wait.  You don't have to go that far, but if you want to use an
application that depends on a specific desktop, you have to have those
dependency parts installed.  If the package brought them in, they are
needed because they were explicitly coded into the spec file.

Translation:  You're chasing wild geese here.
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Re: Cloning of existing fedora install failing at switch root. Does systemd keep system state?

2019-06-04 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 18:49:29 -0500
Roger Heflin  wrote:

> I would check these modules in dracut: dracut --list-modules, some of
> them are rescue and debug and a few other modules may help.
> The tools may allow you to get a prompt inside the boot when it fails
> and/or give you some tools to do some debugging.

I'm not sure that the issue is in dracut, since it is systemd that
prints the final messages.  But, this is still something I will
implement, just in case.
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Re: Cloning of existing fedora install failing at switch root. D

2019-06-04 Thread stan via users
On Tue,  4 Jun 2019 19:48:58 + (UTC) wrote:

> Try adding the kernel configuration boot option "printk.devkmsg=on"
> and reboot your computer.

When I tried that, dracut went to the next item in the menu for some
reason.  I also tried ignore_loglevel and early_printk=ttys0 with no
effect.  The message implies that it is systemd doing the ratelimiting,
not the kernel.  Something like 
... systemd: printk: [25] messages were suppressed because of
The number of messages seems to change, but is always in the 20s.

I'll see if I can find ratelimiting in the systemd documentation.
There is nothing that sounds like that in system.conf; I've turned up
everything for logging I could in there to no effect. That's

Since the original system boots and runs fine, I think it must be
something simple.  I'll keep looking.
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Re: Cloning of existing fedora install failing at switch root. Does systemd keep system state?

2019-06-04 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 20:58:48 -0500
Chris Adams  wrote:

> Once upon a time, stan via users  said:
> > I'm not sure that the issue is in dracut, since it is systemd that
> > prints the final messages.  But, this is still something I will
> > implement, just in case.  
> Check SELinux - rsync doesn't copy that IIRC, so you may need to
> force a relabel.  You can either touch /.autorelabel or add
> autorelabel=1 to the kernel boot options.

I think the -A and -X options to rsync ensure this.  When I look at the
system (ls -nZ), all files have the SELinux context and it is correct.
But this is something easy to test by trying a boot in permissive mode
to avoid the time to relabel.  If that succeeds, then relabel it is.
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Re: Cloning of existing fedora install failing at switch root. Does systemd keep system state?

2019-06-04 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 20:58:48 -0500
Chris Adams  wrote:

> Once upon a time, stan via users  said:
> > I'm not sure that the issue is in dracut, since it is systemd that
> > prints the final messages.  But, this is still something I will
> > implement, just in case.  
> Check SELinux - rsync doesn't copy that IIRC, so you may need to
> force a relabel.  You can either touch /.autorelabel or add
> autorelabel=1 to the kernel boot options.

No cigar.  I added enforcing=0 to the kernel command line, and nothing
changed in the output of the boot.
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Re: Cloning of existing fedora install failing at switch root. Does systemd keep system state?

2019-06-04 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 18:49:29 -0500
Roger Heflin  wrote:

> I would check these modules in dracut: dracut --list-modules, some of
> them are rescue and debug and a few other modules may help.
> The tools may allow you to get a prompt inside the boot when it fails
> and/or give you some tools to do some debugging.

I added debug to the nohostonly initrd file, and there was no change in
the output during a boot.  I tried using the rescue that was copied
over, but it just booted the original system (successfully).  I've been
thinking of taking apart the rescue initrd, editing the UUIDs of the
drives, and putting it back together so it would rescue the new
system.  Getting closer to that.
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Re: Cloning of existing fedora install failing at switch root. Does systemd keep system state?

2019-06-05 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 07:31:46 -0500
Roger Heflin  wrote:

> Based on not finding bash, I would think that t may not be finding
> your rootlv.
> That generally means either the driver for the disk controller/scsi,
> or a critical filesystem component, or something else is missing in
> the required pieces to find the rootlv.  You said you aren't using LVM
> so that simplifies some things.

I can edit the partitions when I boot from another partition.

> If you have a serial port and a serial crossover cable and/or enough
> scroll back if you remove quiet you should be able to see the disk
> controller init and other messages so you can confirm what is or is
> not getting found.

Don't have.

> Ripping apart the initrd and/or using lsinitrd to check various
> components to see if all the pieces are there and/or all of the
> settings are right in the initrd files is probably a good idea.
> I have had dracut get confused and not include critical parts because
> of system config issues when dracut was being run, but most of those
> should have went away when you did hostonly=no.

I used the protocol in the man page for dracut to modify the grub.cfg
in the new clone and have all kernel output during initialization sent
to the terminal.  It made no difference to the final output.

Here is that output, that I finally wrote down.

Starting Switch Root
systemd-journald received SIGTERM from PID1 (systemd).
systemd[1] No /sbin/init, trying fallback
Failed to execute /sbin/init
systemd[1] Failed to execute /bin/sh, giving up: No such file or
systemd[1] Freezing execution

There were 15 suppressed messages with the kernel sending to the
terminal in this case.

The messages make no sense.  It looks like systemd is starting, which
means that it found  /usr/lib/systemd/systemd on the root filesystem in
order to start it.  But that is just a link from /sbin/init, a link
that exists on the new filesystem.  And once it is started, it has no
access to the filesystem that it was just started from, because it then
says /sbin/init failed even though it is running.  What?

Existing system:

# ls -nZ /sbin/init
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 0 0 system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0 22 Feb 20 10:06 /sbin/init -> 
# ls -nZ /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 0 0 system_u:object_r:init_exec_t:s0 1793800 Feb 20 10:07 
# ls -nZ /usr/bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 0 0 system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0 4 Jun 18  2018 /usr/bin/sh -> bash
# ls -nZ /bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 0 0 system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0 4 Jun 18  2018 /bin/sh -> bash

New system:

# ls -nZ /mnt/s2r4/sbin/init
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 0 0 system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0 22 Feb 20 10:06 
/mnt/s2r4/sbin/init -> ../lib/systemd/systemd
# ls -nZ /mnt/s2r4/usr/lib/systemd/systemd
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 0 0 system_u:object_r:init_exec_t:s0 1793800 Feb 20 10:07 
# ls -nZ /mnt/s2r4/usr/bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 0 0 system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0 4 Jun 18  2018 
/mnt/s2r4/usr/bin/sh -> bash
# ls -nZ /mnt/s2r4/bin/sh
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 0 0 system_u:object_r:bin_t:s0 4 Jun 18  2018 /mnt/s2r4/bin/sh -> 

Could dracut be using some internal logic to start systemd from the
existing system during switch root?  And then passing the wrong root
UUID (the old one) to that systemd, which then fails because it isn't
mounted?  How would it even do that when that partition isn't mounted?
Unless it is keeping an internal copy, and that copy is somehow branded
with the old system root.  But that would contravene the nohostonly

The man page says,

Specifying the root Device
   This is the only option dracut really needs to boot from
   your root partition. 

Because device node names can change, dependent on the drive ordering, you are 
encouraged to use the filesystem identifier (UUID) or filesystem label (LABEL) 
to specify your root partition:


From the grub.cfg on the new system.
From the grub.cfg on the old system.

And blkid confirms these are accurate.


Is this a bug in dracut? i.e. nohostonly isn't nohostonly.

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Re: a stop job.... systemd again and again....

2019-06-05 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 12:05:08 +0200
François Patte  wrote:
> "a stop job is running for rc.local compatibility   no limit"
> This a new fantasy of systemd on my system when I shut it down and
> there is "no limit": after half a hour, the computer stops with this
> message: "forcibly powering off: job timed out".

Do you start any jobs in /etc/rc.d/rc.local?  These are jobs that you
want started at boot, but aren't system jobs.  Usually, it is an
application that a user has built and installed themselves, but it can
be anything.

If a stop job doesn't terminate, it usually means that the job it is
trying to stop is in non-interruptable sleep, or does not catch SIGTERM
signals, and so misses the SIGTERM sent to all running processes for
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Re: Cloning of existing fedora install failing at switch root. Does systemd keep system state?

2019-06-05 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 10:14:01 -0500
Roger Heflin  wrote:

> There is a systemd started in the initrd, after the switchroot it
> restarts/execs  init and that is the real systemd on the real disk
> that will run the system.

That's what I'm seeing then.

> If you have quiet removed you should see the kernel say it mounted a
> filesystem (it won't tell you what it mounted, but it will say it
> mounted one).   I have yet to see this sort of issue be a systemd
> issue, it has generally been a failure to find and mount the rootlv.

It shows dracut mounting, and then unmounting before switch root,
several filesystems, including /boot and /sysroot.  That's with the
dracut kernel printing to terminal turned on.

> Mount up the new disks on someplaces like you did and cd into the /
> for the new image and chroot .  and then do ls -lL against the files
> it is complaining about, it will show you the file at the end of the
> lin, and this should be exactly what is seen when it is booting.  If
> the chroot . complains about started /bin/bash, either it is missing
> or some libraries are not all there.

It is as you say.  When I do a chroot to the system that won't boot, it
won't because it says it can't find /bin/sh.  Yet they *are* there.  It
is like the path hasn't been set.

I unpacked the rescue image, expecting to find something which pointed
to the old system, and there was nothing obvious.  If it is there, I
couldn't find it. Maybe it is created during initial boot before the 
switch root.

Anyway, the core issue seems to be that path is not set up on the new
system, so once it switches root it can't find anything even though it
is there.
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Re: How do I regenerate the grub files for a UEFI system ?

2019-06-05 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 14:05:39 -0600
linux guy  wrote:

> Also, what files and symlinks need to be in place for grub to boot on
> an UEFI system.
> (I'm trying to get a non booting UEFI system booting again.)
> On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 2:04 PM linux guy 
> wrote:
> > How do I regenerate the grub files for a UEFI system to boot from ?
> >
> > Thanks
> >  

I have no experience with this, but since I am having problems with a
UEFI install, and will probably have this problem at some point, I
decided to do a search, and found this. It's a few years old, but
*should* at least get you started.
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Re: How do I regenerate the grub files for a UEFI system ?

2019-06-05 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 16:16:25 -0400
Ted Roche  wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 4:05 PM linux guy 
> wrote:
> > How do I regenerate the grub files for a UEFI system to boot from ?
> >  
> This might help:
Much better than my answer.  Thanks, saved for future reference.
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SOLVED - Re: Cloning of existing fedora install failing at switch root. Does systemd keep system state?

2019-06-06 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 5 Jun 2019 18:16:44 -0500
Roger Heflin  wrote:

> It sounds like once you get the chroot . to
> work things may work right.  Something odd happened with the rsync I
> would suspect.

You were exactly right.  When I started comparing the /usr directories,
I noticed discrepancies.  I re-examined my options to rsync and found
they were improper for cloning as they didn't handle links properly.  I
originally developed them for backing up home and important data.  When
I fixed the rsync, the clone would chroot properly.  I then just booted
into the rescue image from the original system, and from there I had a
running system, and made it bootable.

Thanks for your help.  I don't think I would have solved this without

For future searchers wanting to do this, I give a procedure below.
Certainly not global, but provides a good basis.

In the running system, make sure the rescue image is up to date.  As
root, in /boot, remove the rescue image and rescue initramfs.  Then run
5.1.0-300.20190511.fc28.x86_64 /boot/vmlinuz-5.1.0-300.20190511.fc28.x86_64
substituting the kernel you want the rescue for.  Then edit
grub2/grub.cfg or run a grub2-mkconfig to pick up the new rescue image.

Clone the system using rsync,
rsync --delete -a -l -u -x -A -H -X /mnt/s2r1/ /mnt/s2r2
The first mount is the source and the second mount is the destination.
The / on the first mount is important, as is the lack of one on the
second.  See man rsync.  You can throw in a -v to see the files scroll
by, or a --progress to get progress updates.  This can take a long
time, depending on disk speed.

Once the system is cloned, check that it is coherent by running
chroot /mnt/s2r2
It should successfully bring up a shell.  exit to get out of the chroot.

Edit the /etc/fstab and /boot/grub2/grub.cfg on the new system to
reflect the UUIDs (or labels) of the new root, and /boot if you have
separate boot.  If changing to a different type of disk, msdos to gpt,
also edit the hinting for the boot drive in grub terms.  e.g.
(hd0,msdos6) or (hd1,gpt2)

Run a grub2-mkconfig in the existing system to pick up altered new
grub.cfg from the newly installed system.

Reboot the existing install, and from it's menu select the rescue
stanza of the new install.  It should successfully boot, and you can
regenerate the grub.cfg so it can boot independently, and without the
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Re: rpmbuild

2019-06-10 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 10 Jun 2019 10:10:54 +0200
"Patrick Dupre"  wrote:

> Same issue with Tk-JFileDialog.spec
> In addition, I get:
> rpmbuild -bb perl-Tk-JFileDialog.spec 
> error: Failed build dependencies:
>   perl(Tk::JBrowseEntry) >= 4.63 is needed by
> perl-Tk-JFileDialog-2.20-1.fc30.noarch
> while the installed version is 5.22
> Could you tell me what is wrong?

It will be almost impossible to tell what is wrong without the build
output.  When you run rpmbuild add the following at the end of it.
That will put the regular output in out.msg and the error output in
out.ror.  Then you have files of the output to analyze.  Or post /
paste (fedora has a facility called fpaste for this) for other people to
analyze if you can't. You can view them with less out*

> out.msg 2> out.ror

From the information you provide, it seems unlikely that this is the
actual issue causing the build abort.  Computers don't get things like
a simple >= wrong.
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How to sign a locally compiled kernel so it can be booted with UEFI.

2019-06-10 Thread stan via users
I compiled a fedora kernel locally.  When I tried to boot it in UEFI,
it failed because it wasn't signed.  Which it is supposed to.  

I then searched and found the procedure for generating local keys
using openssl, getting the public key into mok, generating the
certificate, the pkcs12 structure, putting it in the pesign database,
signing the kernel, and rebooting.

It still doesn't boot.  Is there anyone here who has a successful
technique for signing a locally compiled kernel so it will boot under

I found some extreme measures like taking over all signing, but I think
it is a little early for those.  And, of course, I could turn off
secure boot, but I'll give it a chance before doing that.

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Re: mariadb vs community-mysql on F30

2019-06-10 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 10 Jun 2019 13:38:50 -0700
Paolo Galtieri  wrote:

> Folks I have an issue with mariadb and community-mysql.  I installed 
> mysql-workbench.  When I run it it shows a conflict between it and
> the running mysql server, namely mysql-workbench is version 8.0.16
> and mariadb is 10.3.12.  So I decided to remove mariadb, i.e. I did:
> yum remove mariadb-common mariadb-connector-c mariadb-embedded 
> mariadb-errmsg

yum, not dnf?

> In doing this a total of 62 packages were removed:


> I then did an install of community mysql:
> yum install community-mysql-common.x86_64
> community-mysql-devel.x86_64 community-mysql-errmsg.x86_64
> community-mysql-libs.x86_64 community-mysql-server.x86_64
> community-mysql-test.x86_64
> This failed miserably:
> Transaction Summary
> Install    20 Packages
> Downgrade   4 Packages


> So how do I install the community-mysql instead of the mariadb
> server, and why are so many packages removed when I remove the
> mariadb packages?
> Why are libreoffice-calc, libreoffice-draw, libreoffice-math removed?

I think you are caught in a fork conflict.  Both are a fork of mysql,
and I vaguely recall there was a disagreement about the direction of
mariadb that led to the creation of community-mysql.  Or maybe
it was with the actual mysql, at Oracle now.  It's kind of
like the python2 / python3 imbroglio.  Eventually they will co-exist, or
one will triumph, but until then, users are stuck.
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Re: Email Client

2019-06-10 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 00:55:42 +0100
Douglas G Mckendrick via users  wrote:

> Is there still an rpm repository you can search?  I'm not too keen on
> the new software list.  It doesn't seem to want to show all searches
> of software, more fedora recommendations?   Unless maybe it was the
> updates needed doing first.

If you ran 
dnf update
then it would only show you updates for already installed packages.

dnf search  | less
to see what is available with that phrase associated.  Can be a lot,
thus the pipe to less.
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Re: How to sign a locally compiled kernel so it can be booted with UEFI.

2019-06-10 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 10 Jun 2019 18:22:49 -0700
Gordon Messmer  wrote:

> On 6/10/19 11:39 AM, stan via users wrote:
> > It still doesn't boot.  Is there anyone here who has a successful
> > technique for signing a locally compiled kernel so it will boot
> > under UEFI?  
> Red Hat has a guide for this, but some details vary from motherboard
> to motherboard.

Thanks.  According to that, not only the kernel has to be signed, but
all the modules that the kernel will load.  Whew!  That is a real
hurdle, and a show stopper, unless there is a process to do that during
build. I'll have to investigate.  It is probably why my custom kernel
wouldn't boot, as I didn't sign any modules, only the kernel vmlinuz.
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Re: How to sign a locally compiled kernel so it can be booted with UEFI.

2019-06-10 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 00:46:20 -0400
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> On 6/10/19 6:57 PM, stan via users wrote:
> > Thanks.  According to that, not only the kernel has to be signed,
> > but all the modules that the kernel will load.  Whew!  That is a
> > real hurdle, and a show stopper, unless there is a process to do
> > that during build. I'll have to investigate.  It is probably why my
> > custom kernel wouldn't boot, as I didn't sign any modules, only the
> > kernel vmlinuz.  
> You also used mokutil to load the key in the firmware?  You should
> have received a prompt at boot to accept it.

Yes, I did, and it accepted it.  When I run pesign -S -i on the signed
kernel it shows that it was signed, 

 pesign -S -i vmlinuz-5.2.0-0.rc3.git3.1.20190609.fc31.x86_64
certificate address is 0x7f254f09c4a8
Content was not encrypted.
Content is detached; signature cannot be verified.
The signer's common name is Red Hat Test Certificate
No signer email address.
Signing time: Sun Jun 09, 2019
There were certs or crls included.
certificate address is 0x7f254f09cfa0
Content was not encrypted.
Content is detached; signature cannot be verified.
The signer's common name is Organization signing key
The signer's email address is e-mail address
Signing time: Mon Jun 10, 2019
There were certs or crls included.

Based on things I've discovered while building a new kernel, I think
that the problem might be a missing ISO8859-1 module in the kernel.
When I boot the custom kernel with secure boot turned off, it fails
because it cannot load /boot/efi because it is missing that module.
When I add it to the build, the boot succeeds.  I wonder if the error
message is misleading, and it is actually failing because it can't get
to the information in the /boot/efi directory that it needs to check
the signature.  Will be checking that after I sign the new kernel that
successfully boots.  I'm thinking of creating new keys now that I am
more familiar with the process, keys I specify rather than accepting
defaults.  Maybe writing a simple script for creating and signing.

The other thing that is a positive, is that the kernel automatically
signs all modules during build if configured to do so, which I have, so
I don't have to worry about that. I'm using sha512, while the stock
kernels use sha256, but that shouldn't make a difference, as long as
the validation takes its cue from the kernel declaration, rather than
being hard coded.
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SOLVED: Re: How to sign a locally compiled kernel so it can be booted with UEFI.

2019-06-11 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 10 Jun 2019 22:24:11 -0700
stan via users  wrote:

> The other thing that is a positive, is that the kernel automatically
> signs all modules during build if configured to do so, which I have,
> so I don't have to worry about that. I'm using sha512, while the stock
> kernels use sha256, but that shouldn't make a difference, as long as
> the validation takes its cue from the kernel declaration, rather than
> being hard coded.

The solution is that the kernel is already signed by the build process,
when it is built from the Fedora kernel spec.  The problem wasn't
the signing, it was a missing code page for 8859-1.  This is the
default code page for vfat in the kernel, so it couldn't read
the /boot/efi partition.  Once I added the code page, the boot succeeds
as UEFI.   I'm going to try changing that default to utf-8 so I don't
have to keep the 8859-1 code page.

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Re: SOLVED: Re: How to sign a locally compiled kernel so it can be booted with UEFI.

2019-06-12 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 11 Jun 2019 08:39:12 -0700
stan  wrote:

> The solution is that the kernel is already signed by the build
> process, when it is built from the Fedora kernel spec.  The problem

This signature is the problem, as it is a red hat signature and has to
be removed.  That was the other part of the solution.

> wasn't the signing, it was a missing code page for 8859-1.  This is
> the default code page for vfat in the kernel, so it couldn't read
> the /boot/efi partition.  Once I added the code page, the boot
> succeeds as UEFI.   I'm going to try changing that default to utf-8
> so I don't have to keep the 8859-1 code page.

The code page was a legitimate issue, but only part of the issue.
When I tried utf-8 for the /boot/efi partition booting failed. There
must be some hardcoded linking of vfat and ISO8859 somewhere.  I don't
think there is a technical reason precluding the use of utf-8 with vfat.

For the process that actually worked to yield a signed custom kernel,
see additional information in
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Re: SOLVED: Re: How to sign a locally compiled kernel so it can be booted with UEFI.

2019-06-12 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 12 Jun 2019 14:03:04 -0500
Chris Adams  wrote:

> Once upon a time, stan via users  said:

> > The code page was a legitimate issue, but only part of the issue.
> > When I tried utf-8 for the /boot/efi partition booting failed. There
> > must be some hardcoded linking of vfat and ISO8859 somewhere.  I
> > don't think there is a technical reason precluding the use of utf-8
> > with vfat.  
> The UEFI standard defines its own filesystem format that is a fixed
> subset of FAT32.  Only ASCII and UCS-2 character encodings are
> officially supported for long filename support.  Windows FAT32
> includes UTF-16 for LFN, but that's not supported in UEFI (UTF-8 is
> not even mentioned).
Thanks, that clears things up.
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Method to create local font server so that browser gets fonts from locally installed fonts.

2019-06-13 Thread stan via users
Fedora provides lots of fonts, and I have lots of them installed.  I
would like the browser to use them instead of going out on the web to
find fonts for pages it is rendering.  A nice to have feature would be a
mapping of common fonts to substitute fonts if they aren't available.
For instance, if a web page calls for Times-Roman, and I don't have that
installed, the server substitutes a reasonable alternative.  This would
be mapped to things like so that I would still get
a reasonable font when the browser wants to call there, but gets the
local font server instead.

Is there such a thing already in Fedora?  If there isn't, would it be
easy to create such a thing with existing tools?

As an alternative, could I compile the local fonts into firefox so that
they are directly available?
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Re: Method to create local font server so that browser gets fonts from locally installed fonts.

2019-06-13 Thread stan via users
On Thu, 13 Jun 2019 14:49:55 -0400
Tom Horsley  wrote:

> Considering all the css and ads and images on
> every web page, I doubt the font download is
> measurable:-).

It isn't the download time so much as the tracking.  With browser
signature, it is like a trail of bread crumbs to call fonts.blah on
every page.  Just like the capcha, etc.

With scripting turned off for third party sites, a lot of the overhead
is gone.  My position is that if they want to push the ads with their
content, I'll see them, but I won't let them use my computer to fetch
ads for them, or track me so they can sell the information.
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Re: grub entry

2019-06-16 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 16 Jun 2019 16:10:21 +0200
"Patrick Dupre"  wrote:

> On one machine, when booting and entering in grub menu to choice the
> OS, it points on the 4th one and not on the 1st one.
> How can I manage this ?

I've never had that happen.  Bizarre!  If it happened to me I would
check /etc/default/grub to be sure that the grub defaults are what I
want, and then run
grub2-mkconfig -o grub.cfg
in the directory where grub.cfg is.
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Re: please... help me about grubby!

2019-06-16 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 15 Jun 2019 23:23:36 +0200
François Patte  wrote:

> I have now destroyed these partitions but grubby still uses them and
> writes a faulty /boot/grub2/grub.cfg file.
> Where does it find that these partitions still exist?

Posted by Tom Horsley, from another thread.
No doubt the "default" boot is set in the grub environment file.
Investigate the grub2-editenv tool to list and edit the
environment. Here's what "list" shows for me:

zooty> sudo grub2-editenv - list  
kernelopts=root=UUID=fb156e65-9621-4242-b334-0994a1301b04 ro selinux=0
audit=0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0
menu_auto_hide=0 boot_success=1

That saved_entry is probably the one it is stuck on.

Maybe it points you to the problem.
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Re: please... help me about grubby!

2019-06-17 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 17 Jun 2019 07:34:43 +0200
François Patte  wrote:

> ]# grub2-editenv - list
> saved_entry=Fedora (4.10.8-200.fc25.x86_64) 25 (Twenty Five)
> boot_success=1
> boot_indeterminate=1
> What does it mean?

I think it means that your last booted kernel is not saved.

> f25 is over since years now, why this reference?

Because of a setting in /etc/default/grub.

What's in there?

> I recall that my problem occurs since f29 and when I upgraded to f29
> kernel updates had not this problem, it occurs only since a few
> months.

Can't speak to this, I wonder if it was kernel version shift from 5.0 to
5.1, but don't know.

Try adding this to /etc/default/grub
And of course removing any other directives like this.

grub2-mkconfig -o grub.cfg in /boot/grub2 
to generate a new grub.cfg with the changes.
Then reboot and select the kernel you want to run.

Then edit /etc/default/grub and remove

Then run again
grub2-mkconfig -o grub.cfg in /boot/grub2
to generate a new grub.cfg with the change.

From now on, you should default to the kernel you selected.
I think.  I haven't had this problem, so I can't be sure.
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Re: please... help me about grubby!

2019-06-17 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 17 Jun 2019 07:34:43 +0200
François Patte  wrote:

> I recall that my problem occurs since f29 and when I upgraded to f29
> kernel updates had not this problem, it occurs only since a few
> months.

There is some more information about setting the default here.
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Re: No microphone audio -

2019-06-20 Thread stan via users
On Thu, 20 Jun 2019 15:06:59 -0400
Bob Goodwin  wrote:

> I rarely have computer audio problems, it usually just works. But
> today I need to record voice and it does not do anything, pulse audio
> shows rear microphone plugged in and the level is turned up. aplay
> produces a test sound from the speaker and sound works as expected,
> just no mic audio.

> Any ideas welcome,  Bob

It's a configuration problem.  If pulse sees the mic, then alsa has
recognized it.  

First thing, run 
alsamixer -c 
Then hit F4 to get to the capture screen.  Make sure that the capture
is turned on in alsa, and at a high enough level.

Then, if you don't have it installed already, install pavucontrol.
Bring it up and play around with the default settings (last tab) for the
mic until you can see waveforms for capture in the capture tab.

You could instead use arecord to try to capture some sound in a .wav
file. I haven't done that for a long time, so you will have to read the
man page, man aplay, to figure out how if you decide to do so.

Another alternative is to use audacity to capture the sound from the
mic.  It also allows configuration for direct record from alsa, I think.
So, you could disable the card in pulseaudio, and use alsa directly if
you just can't get pulse to record.
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Re: Just did an upgrade and it took 12 hours??

2019-06-20 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 21 Jun 2019 08:44:16 +1000
"Michael D. Setzer II"  wrote:

> Ended up taking just over 12 hours?
> Just wondering why the process took so long.
> Is that normal??

The speed of the hard drive is a big factor.  The next update you do,
open iotop in a terminal and see what kind of IO speeds you get for
your disk.
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Re: EFI partition

2019-06-21 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 21 Jun 2019 10:35:10 +0200
"Patrick Dupre"  wrote:
> What is the advantage in having the /boot/efi on a single partition,
> and not /boot for example (which was the case before EFI)?
> In addition, the /boot/efi is a fat32.
> Thank to clarify this point.

It's not really an advantage, it's a requirement.  Hardware vendors
mande EFI dependent on windows, and the windows standard calls for a
fat32 partition.  So if linux wants to have secure boot, they have to
have an efi partition that is fat32.  But everything else in boot is
for the OS and uses the OS filesystem, not fat32.  Thus, separate /boot
and /boot/efi.
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Re: Akonadi, Baloo, etc

2019-06-21 Thread stan via users
On Thu, 20 Jun 2019 23:13:43 -0700
Jonathan Ryshpan  wrote:

> What is akonadi?  What is baloo?  Why does akonadi usually crash on

There's this thing called web search now.  I was curious, so I did the
search.  Here are the results.

Akonadi is a storage service for personal information management data
and metadata named after the oracle goddess of justice in Ghana. It is
one of the "pillars" behind the KDE SC 4 project, although it is
designed to be used in any desktop environment. It is extensible and
provides concurrent read, write, and query...

Baloo is the file indexing and file search framework for KDE Plasma,
with a focus on providing a very small memory footprint along with with
extremely fast searching.

> system startup?  Why does akonadi or maybe baloo sometimes use 100% of
> cpu?  Why does akonadi or baloo cause a great deal of disk activity? 

If akonadi is crashing, it is probably misconfigured.  Do you have a
configuration file in home that is old, that has come through many
upgrades?  Try moving it to a backup name, and letting akonadi write a
new configuration file on your next reboot.

baloo is indexing, and storing, things so that lookups can
be very fast when you are looking for something.

> Is there any way to run KDE alarm without akonadi?

Try to remove KDE alarm and see if it wants to remove akonadi.  i.e. it
has a dependency on it.  It might be integrated.  You could also try
disabling akonadi and see if kde alarm still works.  I suspect the
answer is no, but I am just guessing.
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Re: Lenovo Ryzen 2500U - will not boot without amd_iommu=off

2019-06-21 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 21 Jun 2019 12:03:06 +0100
lejeczek via users  wrote:

> I've been waiting for this hoping newer versions of kernel will not
> need this but still, not even 5.1.11-300.fc30.x86_64 would boot.
> I want to ask you guys if your Ryzens (APUs) are good and do NOT need
> that option?

I don't have that hardware, but I took a look at the configuration for
kernel 5.2, and I see AMD_IOMMU and AMD_IOMMU2 available as
configuration options.  5.2 is about half way through the testing
cycle, so will probably be available in stable versions in a month or
two (maybe three).

You could check whether your kernels have it turned on by doing a grep
for it.
grep -i amd_iommu 

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Re: F30 install problem on Lenovo x131e

2019-06-21 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 21 Jun 2019 11:54:52 -0400
Robert Moskowitz  wrote:

> I am very concerned that the Lenovo x131e is bricked.

> Any recommendations on what I can do with this system?  I will check
> on memory, but otherwise, HELP.  Please?

First recommendation is relax.  The system won't get worse by letting
it sit.  But urgency and panic will lead you to make mistakes.  Be
methodical.  Before you do something, write down why you are doing
it, write down the steps to take, and follow the recipe.  At the end,
mark it success or fail, so you have a record of what you've done.

Second, someone else already suggested it, but reseat all the
components.  You've been pulling things out and putting them in, you
could have jostled something, especially memory, but other connectors

It might be memory, but it could also be the power supply.  Or a bad
battery on the motherboard (if they still have those little pancake
batteries that preserve settings).  Unless you zapped something with
ESD (electrostatic discharge), if things were working before, they
should still work.

Make sure the interior is clear of dust while you are in there,
including the power supply.
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Re: Akonadi, Baloo, etc

2019-06-22 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 21 Jun 2019 23:31:50 -0700
Jonathan Ryshpan  wrote:

> I have taken the advice in 
> how to get akonadi to restore itself.  My system now starts without
> the errors described.
> And after a modest amount of dinking around, several akonadictl stops
> and starts,  and some modifications to kalarm, I can now set alarms.

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Re: Fedora 30 jobmemd-daemon

2019-06-22 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 21 Jun 2019 23:11:37 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> Oh, I wonder if it's a vmware thing.  But still, strange that it
> doesn't show up in a web search at all.

It's a virus sucking all the memory contents and sending them to a
server on the net.  What's to wonder?  ;-)
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Re: Booting impossible

2019-06-25 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 19:20:32 +0200
"Patrick Dupre"  wrote:
> The situation is becoming worst and worst.
> I tried an grub2-install /dev/sda
> Now, I cannot boot at all.
> I just enter in to a grub menu from here I am stuck.
> Can I collect a bit of help?

It sounds like you are throwing mud at the wall, and hoping something
will stick.  That's a recipe for disaster when troubleshooting computer
systems.  Calm and methodical, that's the way.

I know only a little about UEFI booting, though I recently got it
working.  My understanding is that there can be only one
default uefi /boot/efi.  So, if you wanted the second system installed
to be bootable directly, you should have created a /boot/efi for the
second install on the disk where it was installed. You then could use
the firmware boot selection to switch to the alternate if the default
isn't what you want.  I *think* the last installed uefi system is the
default in the firmware. Do you have a rescue CD / USB stick you can
boot from? You can then mount /mnt/sysimage for the system you want to
repair, and chroot there to do your repairs.  I think you need to
re-install the shim and grub-efi. e.g.
dnf reinstall grub2-efi shim-ia32 shim-x64
That system will then be the default boot for uefi.  You should
probably run 
grub2-mkconfig -o grub.cfg
in /boot/efi/EFI/fedora after you do the reinstall.  That should give
you a bootable system to work from.

This is a little out of date, but has useful information.  It says
there that grub-install will render a uefi system unbootable, which is
your experience.

Here's the official Fedora uefi docs.

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Re: Booting impossible

2019-06-25 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 11:23:49 -0700
stan  wrote:

> dnf reinstall grub2-efi shim-ia32 shim-x64

This should be 
dnf reinstall grub2-efi-x64 shim-ia32 shim-x64
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Re: Booting impossible

2019-06-25 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 11:23:49 -0700
stan  wrote:

> working.  My understanding is that there can be only one
> default uefi /boot/efi.

To clarify, there can only be one fedora bootable from each /boot/efi.
A single version of any other OS can also be booted from the
same /boot/efi.  So you could have fedora, suse, ubuntu, debian,
windows, etc. installed, and they could all be selected and boot from
that same /boot/efi, but not a second version of any of them.

Kind of clumsy, and makes it hard to run a backup version of Fedora
other than by putting it on a different disk, and booting from the
firmware selection menu. i.e. hitting F2 or Delete during boot.
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Re: Booting impossible

2019-06-27 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 25 Jun 2019 21:59:27 +0200
"Patrick Dupre"  wrote:

> Hello,
> Thank for your suggestions.
> Here is the current situation.
> After I installed the 2nd boot system on sda6 with a /boo/efi on the
> sdb1 (the 2 systems could mount the same /boot/efi), I have never
> been able to boot on the original system.

This accords with my understanding: there is no chainloading of efi
systems.  A single /boot/efi boots a single OS instance.

> I have a grub2-mkconfig to generate a grub.cfg which has never work
> properly to boot the 1st OS (which has originally installed in fedora
> 28, actually, I noted large differences between the fedora 28 and
> fedora 30 grub.cfg files). Then, I made a grub2-install -o /dev/sda.
> This created a "mess", I only got a grub shell.
> Fortunately, I have a mbr saved for sda and I reinstalled the default
> mbr, and I also had a /boot/efi saved. Hence, I reinstalled the old
> /boot/efi.

So, you updated a bios F28 to efi F30?  I don't know how well that is
supported, but it sounds like a recipe for trouble.

> Lucky, I was able to boot on my "old" system.
> I booted 2 times and then I run
> grub2-mkconfig /boot/efi/fedora/grub.cfg because I wanted to be able
> to have the option of booting of 2 systems. But, then, no way to
> reboot, any of the systems. I tried tons of times from the bios
> configuration. No way. I tried to boot by using the "old" (the one
> which has working for the last boot) grub.cfg, and the new one, but
> same result. In the best situation, I could read something like:
> error file /EFI/x64_86-efi/increment.mod not incremented.
> (it was fast that it was hard to read).
> I do not understand, because I have 2 other machines with 2 or 3
> boots (with 1 or 3 disks, one in efi and one is legacy) in fedora 30
> and I cannot complain.

But on those other systems are you trying to boot a second efi OS from
the first /boot/efi system?  On my efi install, when I run
grub2-mkconfig, it finds all the bios installations and creates menu
entries for them, so I can boot them from the efi system.

I will be installing a second efi system on a different disk, so I will
be able to test how this works with two efi systems in a setup similar
to yours.  I just don't think I will be able to boot the second efi
install from the first, and vice versa.

> I just see one difference for this one: it has 2 disks,
> the ssd in mounted in sdb (with the /boot/efi in sdb1) with one
> system on sdb, and the second (new) system in sda (sda6).
> I just do not understand why it is so much a problem.
> Now, what to do?
> It seems that I am stuck with the bios!
> options
> 1) destroy the sda6? and try to boot !!!
> 2) boot on the stick and make a chroot?
> and fix what has to be fixed? But I have no idea.
> 3) Reinstall the sda6, but then how to have the 2 systems running?
> Why I would be more successful the 2nd time?
> 4) Other options?

I think you should create the EFI partitions on /dev/sda, EF00 (2MB),
EF01 (2MB), EF02 (1GB), and then reinstall the OS on /dev/sda putting
the /boot/efi in the newly created EF02 partition on /dev/sda.  That
will get you a working efi install of F30.  From there you can clean up
the F28-F30 upgrade to ensure that it too can boot efi.  But I don't
think you can expect to boot either of the efi installs from the
other.  You will have to select the non-default efi install from the
firmware boot menu.
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Re: Booting impossible

2019-06-27 Thread stan via users
On Thu, 27 Jun 2019 16:12:10 +0200
"Patrick Dupre"  wrote:

> Hello,
> The issue is fixed. But I cannot really gives a recipes.
> The issue was in the generation of the grub.cfg
> 1) It did let boot on system 1 when generated by system 2 (it looks
> that a efilinux and efiinitrd were missing). This let me boot on
> system 1. 2) When I booted on system 1, the new grub.cfg yjay
> generated did not let me boot on system 2. However, after I did it
> again and gain, it finally generated a correct file which let me boot
> both systems.
> I noted that the structure of the grub.cfg files generated differ
> according to with system generates it.
> I also noted that sometimes, some partitions which were not mounted
> because there were not in the fstab, could never be mounted: busy! A
> rebooting solves the issue!

Good effort!  But, as you say, not a recipe.  And the inconsistency in
behavior, whew; that's not how computers are supposed to work.  I hope
I have better luck.
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Re: Disable Caps Lock -

2019-06-28 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 28 Jun 2019 12:24:25 -0400
Bob Goodwin  wrote:

> J am a poor typist and usually disable Caps Lock in a script with: 
> /usr/bin/xmodmap -e 'keycode 66=Shift_L'
> That no longer works as it should in Fedora-30 for whatever reason,
> now it just locks Caps Lock on and all I can get is caps unless I
> hold a Shift key which is inconvenient to say the least ...
> What can I use instead of "Shift_L" to make it simply do nothing?

After reading the man page for xmodmap, I'm surprised that your command
worked.  There, it calls the fact it doesn't work a known bug.  Try the
following to make the caps_lock the left_shift.

/usr/bin/xmodmap -e 'remove Lock = Caps_Lock'
/usr/bin/xmodmap -e 'keysym Caps_Lock = Shift_L'
/usr/bin/xmodmap -e 'add Lock = Caps_Lock'

I think using NoSymbol instead of Shift_L will do nothing if you want
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Re: Disable Caps Lock -

2019-06-28 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 28 Jun 2019 14:43:55 -0400
Bob Goodwin  wrote:

> Yes I found that does it and is a lot better than inadvertently
> trying to enter a password in all caps.

No kidding.  You've inspired me to look at what I could change that key
to.  I rarely use it, and I'm thinking of altering it to another tab,
since I use tab completion a lot because it saves me so much typing,
and I find myself missing the tab key and hitting the caps lock key
pretty regularly.  Or maybe a combination ctrl-alt for switching
between virtual consoles.  Then if I missed the tab key, nothing would
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Re: Disable Caps Lock -

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 13:01:57 -0400
Bob Goodwin  wrote:

> On 6/28/19 7:57 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:
> > .
> > You're right, that would be a better location for "Tab." I'll try 
> > that  ...  
> .
> I /tried replacing NoSymbol with Tab. Oddly the result was a caps
> lock that toggled on and off, almost as bad as Caps Lock. There must
> be something in the code I don't understand. I'm happy with it
> disabled, good enough.
> /
I tried this as well, and didn't do as well as you; it shows as set,
but does nothing in a terminal, nor does alt-caps_lock switch to
alternative windows. These are from xmodmap -pk

Caps lock

66 0xff09 (Tab)0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab)   0xff09 (Tab)
0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab)

actual Tab

23 0xff09 (Tab)0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab)   0xff09 (Tab)
0xfe20 (ISO_Left_Tab)

I just tested in gvim, and here in claws-mail, and caps lock does work
as a tab.  I'll leave it and see what happens over time.  Easy enough
to switch back.
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Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
I switched DNS from my ISP to free dns services on the web to avoid
tracking and data being sold. I started seeing a lot of "looking up" in the browser, so I decided to set up bind as a locally
caching name server.  However, even though it seems to be configured
the way it is supposed to be, I am still seeing those messages, even
when I hit back in the browser, so for pages I just visited that I
think should be cached.

Here is my /etc/named.conf.

// named.conf
// Provided by Red Hat bind package to configure the ISC BIND named(8)
DNS // server as a caching only nameserver (as a localhost DNS resolver
only). //
// See /usr/share/doc/bind*/sample/ for example named configuration
files. //

options {
listen-on port 53 {; };
//  listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
  forwarders  {;; };
directory   "/var/named";
dump-file   "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
secroots-file   "/var/named/data/named.secroots";
recursing-file  "/var/named/data/named.recursing";
allow-query { localhost;; };
allow-query-cache { localhost;; };

 - If you are building an AUTHORITATIVE DNS server, do NOT
enable recursion.
 - If you are building a RECURSIVE (caching) DNS server, you
need to enable recursion. 
 - If your recursive DNS server has a public IP address, you
MUST enable access control to limit queries to your legitimate
users. Failing to do so will cause your server to become part
of large scale DNS amplification attacks. Implementing BCP38
within your network would greatly reduce such attack surface 
recursion yes;

dnssec-enable yes;
dnssec-validation yes;
dnssec-lookaside auto;

managed-keys-directory "/var/named/dynamic";

pid-file "/run/named/";
session-keyfile "/run/named/session.key";

/* */
include "/etc/crypto-policies/back-ends/bind.config";

logging {
channel default_debug {
file "data/";
severity dynamic;

zone "." IN {
type hint;
file "";

include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
include "/etc/named.root.key";

Would I be better off using something like privoxy or squid?  I saw
something on the web about squid not working for https addresses, which
is problematic since the movement is to everything https.  Is this a
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 01 Jul 2019 17:29:14 -0400
Sam Varshavchik  wrote:

> Execute
> rndc dump
> If everything is set up correctly, and with the default settings,
> bind should dump its cache into /var/tmp/named_dump.db, or  
> /var/named/chroot/var/tmp/named_dump.db
> You can grep through it for recently visited hostnames.

Thanks, this got me started, but the results were negative.  At least
that is what I think "Bad cache" and "SERVFAIL cache' mean.  So it
seems it isn't actually working.

The command is actually 
rndc dumpdb
and redhat has specified a dumpfile in /etc/named.conf as

Would cache entries have the URL name with the IP address?

; Start view _default
; Cache dump of view '_default' (cache _default)
$DATE 20190701230228
; Address database dump
; [edns success/4096 timeout/1432 timeout/1232 timeout/512 timeout]
; [plain success/timeout]
; Unassociated entries
; [srtt 573690] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/19] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 621280] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 0/18] 
[ttl 764]
; [srtt 564510] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
;   2001:500:9f::42 [srtt 622890] [flags ] [edns 0/1/1/1/1] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 615460] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 599290] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
;   2001:503:ba3e::2:30 [srtt 587160] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] 
[plain 0/18] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 575540] [flags ] [edns 0/2/2/2/2] [plain 
0/19] [ttl 764]
;   2001:7fd::1 [srtt 613040] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
;   2001:500:2d::d [srtt 800870] [flags ] [edns 0/1/1/1/1] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
;   2001:500:2f::f [srtt 619190] [flags ] [edns 0/4/4/4/4] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 565040] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
;   2001:500:200::b [srtt 595920] [flags ] [edns 0/2/2/2/2] [plain 
0/19] [ttl 764]
;   2001:500:1::53 [srtt 616240] [flags ] [edns 0/2/2/2/2] [plain 
0/17] [ttl 764]
;   2001:503:c27::2:30 [srtt 589830] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] 
[plain 0/18] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 587370] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 617730] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/19] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 527000] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 541770] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
;   2001:dc3::35 [srtt 626880] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
;   2001:500:2::c [srtt 594560] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 601630] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/19] [ttl 764]
; [srtt 619680] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/19] [ttl 764]
;   2001:7fe::53 [srtt 564980] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
;   2001:500:a8::e [srtt 594560] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/18] [ttl 764]
;   2001:500:12::d0d [srtt 621350] [flags ] [edns 0/3/3/3/3] [plain 
0/19] [ttl 764]
; Bad cache
; SERVFAIL cache
; Start view _bind
; Cache dump of view '_bind' (cache _bind)
$DATE 20190701230228
; Address database dump
; [edns success/4096 timeout/1432 timeout/1232 timeout/512 timeout]
; [plain success/timeout]
; Unassociated entries
; Bad cache
; SERVFAIL cache

In the man page for named, it says

 It is not necessary to run named in a chroot environment if the Red
 Hat SELinux policy for named is enabled. When enabled, this policy is
 far more secure than a chroot environment. Users are recommended to
 enable SELinux and remove the bind-chroot package.

How do I tell whether I am using a chroot or SELinux?

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Re: Fresh install of Fedora 30 boots to flashing underscore

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 17:09:44 -0500
Steven Ulrick  wrote:

> On Monday, July 1, 2019, Steven Ulrick  wrote:
> > Hello, Everyone
> > I just booted the live DVD of Fedora Workstation 30. I chose to
> > install to harddrive. It appeared to install fine, but it boots to
> > nothing but a black screen with a flashing underscore character.
> > So, where do I go from here? I have been successfully running
> > Fedora 27 on this same system for quite a while. Again, this is NOT
> > an attempted upgrade from Fedora 27.
> >
> > Steven P. Ulrick
> >
> > Tried to boot into single user mode, and since I wasn't given an  
> >opportunity to set a root password, "the root account is locked.
> >" ...

When you try to boot the new system directly, hit ESC or space during
boot to try to bring up the menu.  Then edit the boot line to remove
rhgb and quiet. That should show you the actual output during boot, and
what is causing the problem will usually be the last thing displayed.
That's a good place to start looking for the issue.

You could also check your firmware configuration by pressing F2 or Del
during boot to bring up the firmware menu.  What is the default boot
set to?

Do you have any way of examining the system?  Usually the install media
will have an option to boot in rescue mode, and then you can mount the
new system under /mnt/sysimage to see it.  The install media should
have commands like /blkid, etc. to see what is happening, and vi should
be present (actually vim minimal) for editing.

At the very least you want to look
at /etc/fstab, /boot, /boot/efi/EFI/fedora and /boot/loader/entries.  
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 02 Jul 2019 10:25:21 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> I've been using (an old version of) BIND for years, because my ISP's
> have had slow, failing, and censoring DNS servers.

[snipped lots of good info]

I think the failure might have something to do with NetworkManager.  It
seems that it has no way to set it to use a local bind / named
instance as its nameserver. It always uses DNS servers set by the
router (etc/resolv.conf), or systemd-resolved, or dnsmasq.

I am trying a file dns.conf added to /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d with

to see if I can get NetworkManager leave dns alone so queries will use
named, instead of trying to manage dns itself.

dnsmasq also provides a minimal caching dns server, but I can't see a
way to tell it to use the local named caching dns server instead of
going to dns servers on the web for forwarding.  Perhaps I will be
forced to use it if I can't get NetworkManager to use the local dns

I must be missing something.  I can't believe there is no way that
NetworkManager can be set to use a local bind based dns server.
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Re: Fresh install of Fedora 30 boots to flashing underscore

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 20:33:19 -0500
Steven Ulrick  wrote:

> Does it matter that my system is pre-EFI?

It matters.  Is it incapable of EFI or you just aren't using EFI and
using bios boot instead?  If your system is capable of EFI, the install
might default to EFI.  When you boot the install media, stop it at the
menu, edit the kernel line to remove rhgb and quiet.  You should see
something like "EFI secure boot enabled" if it is booting in EFI mode.

There was an error for systems that had older versions of grub boot
record on bios systems.  If you still get the error, and you *are*
booting via bios boot record, you should boot the rescue system and do
on the drive where you are installing the new version of the OS.

You could also use a netinstall version to give you more control of the
install process.  A live install is basically just a dd of the install
media to the drive.  A netinstall will allow you to set the root
password, create a user, and custom configure the drive setup.  Part of
that will be the ability to choose whether to boot EFI or bios.
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 01 Jul 2019 21:18:19 -0400
Sam Varshavchik  wrote:

> At this point, my dump file includes all the cached records. Yours
> appears to not have anything here, so, yes, something's wrong with
> your caching nameserver.

I think it might be that NetworkManager is pre-empting the local
caching dns server by going to the external dns servers defined in the
router instead.
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Re: Fresh install of Fedora 30 boots to flashing underscore

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 21:02:07 -0500
Steven Ulrick  wrote:

> >  Dependency failed for GNOME Display Manager, Network Man & Login  
> Services! L1TF CPU bug present and SMT on, data leak possible. See
> CVE-2018-3646 and

The link is dead, but the bug is a sidechannel attack that certain
intel processors are vulnerable to.  It should have nothing to do with
the dependency error.  I think the mitigation is enabled in all Fedora

> I'll go see what that's all about. But why would there be missing
> dependencies if I just chose to install a fully functional live DVD of
> Fedora 30 to my harddrive...

Good question.  There should be nothing missing *unless* there was a
failure to write properly to the disk.  Is the install downloading
anything from the net?  If it is going to repositories, they might
have a dependency problem for new versions if they are trying to
install them.
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 19:15:59 -0700
jdow  wrote:
> For that I'd check the dhcpd settings.
> {^_^}

I don't think that is it, because the default is none, and
the /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf file is empty.

ddns-update-style style;

The  style  parameter  must  be  one  of standard, interim
or none.  The ddns-update-style statement is only
meaningful in the outer scope - it is evaluated once after
reading the dhcpd.conf file, rather than each time a client
is assigned an IP address, so there is no way to use
different DNS update styles for different clients. The
default is none.
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-01 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 02 Jul 2019 14:08:32 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> Do you mean you can't find anywhere to set such options, or it ignores
> what you do?

There isn't an option in NetworkManager.conf to tell it to use bind /
named.  I can only tell it to not manage DNS.
> Using MATE, here, but I can "Edit Connections" from the network icon
> in the title bar.  Make my way through to the IPv4 settings, and
> choose options where everything is left up to DHCP, I can override
> various aspects, or go fully manual.  Likewise with IPv6.

I also have that, and it sounds compatible with the NetworkManager.conf
options, where manual is telling it not to manage DNS.  Do you have dhcp
set to handle IP addresses only?

> I haven't done it for a while, and don't want to try in the middle of
> doing my mail, but it's always worked in the past.  I could set up one
> profile to use my LAN DNS server, another to use my router's.

I see the additional DNS server entry, but what would I put in there to
tell it to use the bind / named dns server?  localhost:53? I assume that if I turn off all other dns, then it would
be the only dns server left if I could set it.  I don't see a way to
set that in the configuration file for NetworkManager.  Perhaps it is
only available through the gui?
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-02 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 22:22:09 -0700
Mike Wright  wrote:

> I use three dns servers on one host: an authority, a caching server, 
> then dnsmasq in front of all that to return a localhost address for
> ad servers I want to block (they all hit a web server that returns
> status 200 content-length 0).
> Here is my very limited dnsmasq.conf:
> #no local IPs
> except-interface=lo
> # don't reference /etc/hosts
> no-hosts
> # use eth0
> interface=eth0
> # you need this when running another nameserver on the same machine
> bind-interfaces
> # let dnsmasq front run
> listen-address=  # all other hosts have this IP in
> resolv.conf
> #upstream server (dnscache)
> server= # only dnsmasq accesses my caching server
> #location of sites to be proxied
> conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d/  # where my file of ad servers lives
> I don't use NetworkManager.  I have too many nics and bridges and NM 
> spends all its time taking my interfaces up and down and assigning
> them dhcp addresses, rendering my network more or less unusable.
> Using dnsmasq to tie the various pieces together works very well,
> reliably.

Thanks for this.  I will save it for future reference.  After I get the
caching server working.
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-02 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 12:53:14 +0800
Ed Greshko  wrote:

> For a connection you specify IPv4 Method as "Automatic (addresses
> only)" and you define the DNS server you wish to use.  If it is on
> the local host you can use

I did this, and it shows up in the connection info, and NetworkManager
/etc/resolv.conf as
and systemctl shows named.service active and running
and iftop shows queries going to and, the forwarders,
but any name resolution times out.

I had to revert to the original configuration in order to do anything
on the web.
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-02 Thread stan via users
On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 23:53:18 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> On 7/1/19 10:04 PM, stan via users wrote:
> > On Tue, 02 Jul 2019 14:08:32 +0930
> > Tim via users  wrote:
> >   
> >> Do you mean you can't find anywhere to set such options, or it
> >> ignores what you do?  
> > 
> > There isn't an option in NetworkManager.conf to tell it to use
> > bind / named.  I can only tell it to not manage DNS.  
> Why are you editing that file?  You need to edit the network

I just assumed that if I wanted to configure NetworkManager, I would
use its configuration file.

> connection settings.  I'm using Gnome, and when I edit the network
> connection, under the IPv4 tab, there's a toggle for automatic DNS.
> Turn that off and enter in the DNS server box.

I did this, and it shows up in the connection info, and NetworkManager
/etc/resolv.conf as
and systemctl shows named.service active and running
and iftop shows queries going to and, the forwarders,
but any name resolution times out.

I had to revert to the original configuration in order to do anything
on the web.
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-02 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 02 Jul 2019 14:18:37 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> Okay, I've just tested it, and it still works like I expect:  I can
> add extra DNS servers, I can override DHCP and only use manually
> enterred DNS servers.

Is there something else you are doing?

I did this, and it shows up in the connection info, and NetworkManager
/etc/resolv.conf as
and systemctl shows named.service active and running
and iftop shows queries going to and, the forwarders,
but any name resolution times out.

I had to revert to the original configuration in order to do anything
on the web.
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Re: Thinkfan

2019-07-02 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 2 Jul 2019 13:09:03 -0400
Robert Moskowitz  wrote:

> Anyone have experience with this?
> My new x140e's fan is running at 590rpm with the CPU/GPU temp at low
> 50s C.  I have a SSD, so drive temp is not much of an issue.
> The fan is noisy.  The old x120e ran at 450rpm with temp of 60s C and 
> was just fine.
> I am going through the various docs and samples, but have yet to
> figure out what to do.  The fan variables for the x140 look to be the
> same as the x120.
> thanks for any help

It's been a long time since I looked at this, but there are various
settings in the kernel for how aggressive to be with the fan. From run
full tilt all the time for power users to maximum power conservation.  I
think there is a way to even set the option from the /proc hierarchy,
but all such detail is forgotten by me, and you will have to search for
the details or wait for someone more knowledgeable to respond.  Or
maybe you have already been through this and it is something else.
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-03 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 03 Jul 2019 13:02:52 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> No, that was it.


> You haven't firewalled things into non-functionality?

I'm running the default firewalld setting of public.  And nothing has
difficulties accessing the web with the router serving as dns.  Just in
case I set it to allow dns receive and sending in firewall-config.

> Use the dig command.  See how your local DNS server responds.  Check
> that you can directly query outside servers.
> This will query the default server:
> dig

This is the router serving as dns server .
$ dig

; <<>> DiG 9.11.7-RedHat-9.11.7-2.fc31 <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 5231
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1452
;   IN  A


;; Query time: 31 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Jul 03 08:32:22 MST 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 56

This is with the named dns server enabled.
~  08:32 AM  stan  4
$ dig

; <<>> DiG 9.11.7-RedHat-9.11.7-2.fc31 <<>>
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 29932
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
; COOKIE: 54379ff525f36c2fd4559fa05d1ccafd9be3183a7324435a (good)
;   IN  A

;; Query time: 1 msec
;; WHEN: Wed Jul 03 08:34:21 MST 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 68
> This will query specific servers:
> dig @

When the first failed, skipped this.

I am seeing entries like this in the logs when the named dns server is
running and I try to resolve a name. and are the
forwarding dns servers.

Jul 03 08:40:24 localhost.Home named[11573]: timed out resolving 
Jul 03 08:40:23 localhost.Home named[11573]: timed out resolving 

And these, that look like ipv6 addresses, though I have it disabled.

Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:7fd::1#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:500:2d::d#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:500:1::53#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:500:2f::f#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:500:12::d0d#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:503:ba3e::2:30#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:500:200::b#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:500:a8::e#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:7fe::53#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:dc3::35#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:500:9f::42#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:503:c27::2:30#53
Jul 03 08:40:25 localhost.Home named[11573]: network unreachable resolving 
'localhost.Home.localhost.Home/A/IN': 2001:500:2::c#53

I also tried adjusting the firewall in the router to pass dns, both as
a service and just as port 53, with no better results.  I wonder if my
ISP is filtering dns responses that don't go to the router connection?
Their dns servers are good, Level3, but Level3's privacy policy doesn't
include not keeping records of all transactions.  And once they are
kept, they can be sold.

I also tried having bind / named use the router dns as a resolver with
no better luck.

I think there is something obvious that I am missing, but I am at an
impasse.  I might just set up dnsmasq or knot-resolver.  Bind / named
is really overkill for my usecase, but I thought it would be relatively
easy to get working.  I'll put this on the back-burner for the time

Thanks for your help.  And a thank you to everyone else who responded,
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-03 Thread stan via users
On Thu, 04 Jul 2019 11:16:00 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> In what way did it fail?  Using the dig tool will directly query DNS
> servers.  So a test of "dig @", for example, will
> see if you can access an external DNS server.  This test won't make
> use of any of your DNS servers, nor your ISPs, it'll directly query
> the DNS server at:

$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.11.8-RedHat-9.11.8-1.fc31 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

> If that kind of thing fails, then you won't be able to run your own
> DNS server, there's something blocking necessary network traffic.

That explains the bind / named failure I'm seeing.
> It's not unusual for an ISP to block access to other servers, forcing
> all queries through their own.  That way they can control you.

Yeah, businesses seem to like that.

> It wouldn't be impossible for a modem/router to intercept DNS queries
> and put them through their own server.  That way your LAN would just
> work, even if not properly configured.  But, you would get name
> resolution answers, not broken service.  It acts like a transparent
> proxy.

I suspect that is what the router is doing.  Or the ISP upstream is
monitoring traffic, and blocking inbound port 53.

> That's an odd hostname.  Traditionally resolved to just
> "localhost", and (doing things its own way) Linux liked to add in an
> additional "localhost.localdomain" (which seemed to be more about
> having at least one dot in a faked fully-qualified domain name, than
> any other reason).

I wonder if my thrashing around on this issue did something that is
somehow causing the change.  I don't recall seeing it before.

Jul 03 08:18:22 localhost.Home systemd-hostnamed[858]: Changed host name to 
Jul 03 08:18:22 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service.
Jul 03 08:18:21 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[20472]:   
[1562167101.6542] policy: set-hostname: set hostname to 'localhost.Home' (from 
address lookup)

Definitely something I did.  I should probably figure out what I did
and reverse it in case there are things that expect localdomain instead
of Home.

> If I recall correctly, the .home suffix is used by things using link-
> local automatic IP addressing.  Where, in the absence of something
> (like a DHCP server) giving it an address, devices assign themselves
> their own IPs by randomly picking a 168.254.x.y address, and seeing if
> nothing else is apparently using it on the LAN (if something responds,
> it tries another random IP address).  Thereafter, networking with
> other things on your LAN works by just putting out feelers, and
> seeing what responds (want to connect to  asks
> anything on the LAN to respond, rather than DNS resolving name to IP
> and trying that IP).
> Link-local addresses are not resolved by traditional DNS servers, on
> port 53.  It uses multicast DNS (mdns) on a different port, such as
> 5353.  It runs independently, and is not co-operative with traditional
> DNS.

That doesn't sound like my system, since I get assigned a dhcp address
by the router.

> If your network/ISP doesn't support IPv6, then disable settings in
> your servers so they don't try to use it.  It can really be a
> bottleneck if something thinks it can use IPv6, but the network
> doesn't support it. There's these long delays while it attempts.

It doesn't support IPv6.  But given the dig failure above, I probably
won't be running a server.  I have it disabled in the router, and in
the connection (well, ignore).

> What assigns your machines their LAN IP addresses?  A DHCP server in
> your router, in a server PC, nothing?  Do you manually set IPs?

DHCP in the router.

> What IP range does your LAN use?  192.168.x.y  10.x.y.z  168.254.x.y

I'm in the 192.168.x.y category.
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-05 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 05 Jul 2019 11:36:19 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> You could test whether its your service provider or your router
> blocking that traffic.  Set the router to use as its DNS
> server, and see if it can still resolve names.  Use the dig command
> with the @ portion set to the router's IP.  Try and resolve a name it
> won't have an already cached answer for.
> If the router is the problem, look for its firewall settings.

I set the dns resolver in the router to

$ dig @  


; <<>> DiG 9.11.8-RedHat-9.11.8-1.fc31 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

~  10:27 AM  stan  4
$ dig @  


; <<>> DiG 9.11.8-RedHat-9.11.8-1.fc31 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 16103
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 512
;   IN  A


;; Query time: 31 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Jul 05 10:27:25 MST 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 56

Same results with if I set it as the dns resolver in the
router.I see that the router is using the set dns forwarders by
watching the transactions in iftop.

I then restarted the bind/named server, told it that its forwarder was, the router, and

$ dig @


; <<>> DiG 9.11.8-RedHat-9.11.8-1.fc31 <<>> @  

;; global options: +cmd 

;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached

But, if I do the dig using the router address, it succeeds even with
the dns resolver set to for the connection and bind/named
running as dns server:

$ dig @


; <<>> DiG 9.11.8-RedHat-9.11.8-1.fc31 <<>> @  

;; global options: +cmd 

;; Got answer:  

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 7887

;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1 



; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1452   


Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-08 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 06 Jul 2019 10:47:26 +0930
Tim via users  wrote:

> From your recent command line tests, you appear to have missed a step
> to prove that (you queried the router, and tried to query DNS servers
> on the WWW, but didn't query your own router).

$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.11.8-RedHat-9.11.8-1.fc31 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 63917
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
; COOKIE: c1c3426a72f01e7bff3ec2cd5d23536f093aaa28fbe35249 (good)
; IN  A

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Jul 08 07:30:07 MST 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 70

> There's many ways BIND can be configured, not all of them will act in
> the way you've been hoping.  Though nothing jumps out at me from your
> initial posting with your named.conf file, other than have you changed
> the named.conf forwarders from the unreachable and to
> your router IP?

Yes, I did so.

options {
  listen-on port 53 {; };
//  listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
  forwarders  {; };

# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain
localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

> Subsequent posts show that things are still trying to use IPv6, and
> you've said your network can't support it.  So you do want to disable
> IPv6 activity.  That should get some of the failures out of the way.

It's disabled in the dhcp server in the router, and I have it set to
ignore in the connection.  Where else would I turn it off?  Actually, I
think these are the authorative servers being queried from the named
server, part of the includes in named.conf.

> It looks that way.  It could be due to firewalling at the router, that
> may be user-configurable.  If your router has any parental filtering
> features, switch them off.  And check your computer's firewall, again.

The firewall explicitly allows dns in both router and firewalld.

I'm done with this.  Pounding my head against the wall is a waste of
time.  I'll use dnsmasq or knot-resolver to get caching from the router
being used as dns.
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Re: Using bind for a local caching name server, is this configuration correct?

2019-07-08 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 5 Jul 2019 17:49:11 -0700
Samuel Sieb  wrote:

> Because you didn't ask it.  You need to use @

$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.11.8-RedHat-9.11.8-1.fc31 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 33696
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
; COOKIE: f6efe6837c0ec785830c77a65d2345ab25f6d7cc67762264 (good)
; IN  A

;; Query time: 1 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Jul 08 06:31:23 MST 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 70

From the current named.conf,
options {
  listen-on port 53 {; };
//  listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
  forwarders  {; };

So, it should be forwarding resolve queries to the router, which has no
problem resolving the request.  

$ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.11.8-RedHat-9.11.8-1.fc31 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 3131
;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1452
; IN  A

;; ANSWER SECTION:  1800IN  A  1800IN  A

;; Query time: 84 msec
;; WHEN: Mon Jul 08 06:31:59 MST 2019
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 74

$ cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain
localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

> It definitely looks that way.  Just change your router's DNS to
> forward to what you want instead of the one it gets from your ISP.
> Then you don't have to change anything on your computer.  Much
> simpler and it works for everything on your network.

That is essentially what I have done, though I had to set the
connection to not provide dns service with the dhcp address, and set the
dns to be the router address.  That still doesn't provide caching, the
original purpose of setting up named as a caching nameserver, so I will
use dnsmasq or knot-resolver.  Done with named.
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Re: Failed to upgrade to F-30

2019-07-10 Thread stan via users
On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 14:14:28 -0600
JD  wrote:
> Justtried to download some things that are on rpmfusion. I got
> several lines of the type:
> Public key for x265-libs-3.0-2.fc30.x86_64.rpm is not installed.
> Failing package is: x265-libs-3.0-2.fc30.x86_64
>   GPG Keys are configured as: 
> file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-free-fedora-30
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Re: Update to F30 problem

2019-07-11 Thread stan via users
On Thu, 11 Jul 2019 10:26:24 +0200
Frank Elsner  wrote:

> I guess I can remove python2-rpkg because of 


> Right?

Yes, and then try to re-install the packages after the update is
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Re: Equalizer for pulseaudio

2019-07-27 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 27 Jul 2019 13:13:22 -0500
SternData  wrote:

> I just did a clean install of F30 on this system and am trying to get
> things back to work.
> I've got pulseeffects installed because the install of
> pulseaudio-equalizer fails
> $ sudo dnf install pulseaudio-equalizer
> Error:
>  Problem: conflicting requests
>   - nothing provides ladspa-swh-plugins needed by
> pulseaudio-equalizer-2.7-21.fc29.noarch

You can get the last build at
and it works fine in F30.  I compiled the src.rpm in F31 and that also
worked.  This should be a dependency of pulseaudio-equalizer.
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Re: Nouveau crashes

2019-08-13 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 13 Aug 2019 07:12:01 -0500
Javier Perez  wrote:

> My question is this. If I change to Radeon, how is the experience with
> those cards? Is the linux driver for these cards fine?
> I am not a heavy game player, mostly web browsing, and lately FreeCAD,
> Meshmixer though wine, PlayonLinux, user. Probably will get into
> Blender, therefore I might need a good video card, but not something
> top notch, I think.

I used to have nvidia, and the intermittent lockup of the nouveau driver
was one of my irritants.  I compile my own kernel using the Fedora test
kernels, so using nvidia's binary blob was problematic.

I switched to an older radeon, and it just works.  I can't remember the
last time I had a video issue.  But, I think I am even less demanding
of my video card than you are, so it might be an issue for you if you
use a newer, and more powerful, card.  I think they use a different
driver than the radeon driver I use (amdgpu?).

I think that AMD publishes the API of their cards, while nvidia
doesn't, so the AMD cards open source drivers aren't reverse
engineered, while nouveau has to be because of that.  Thus the nouveau

I recently saw an article that the video performance of intel graphics
has taken a big leap forward with the latest generation.  The graphs of
performance in that article looked like double or more of older
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Re: kswapd?

2019-08-21 Thread stan via users
On Tue, 20 Aug 2019 16:52:27 -0400
Tom Horsley  wrote:

> I have vast amounts of free memory, yet I keep catching kswapd
> running at 100% every so often. Top also says I'm using
> a tiny bit of swap (for no reason I can fathom):
> MiB Mem :  15976.1 total,979.6 free,723.4 used,  14273.1
> buff/cache MiB Swap:  32767.0 total,  32680.5 free, 86.5 used.
> 14920.2 avail Mem 
> This is with kernel 5.2.8-200.fc30.x86_64
> I never noticed this before. Anyone know what is going on?

A guess only.  The small amount of swap used is used by the swap
manager. And the 100% is the swap manager periodically cycling to see
if it is needed and checking swap status.
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Re: F30: latest kernel no external monitor

2019-08-22 Thread stan via users
On Thu, 22 Aug 2019 22:49:56 +0800
Ed Greshko  wrote:

> On 8/22/19 2:49 PM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> > On Wed, Aug 21, 2019 at 9:51 AM Ed Greshko  > > wrote:
> >
> >
> > Just an idea.
> >
> > Is there a difference in the output of "lsmod" when run on the
> > 5.2 v.s. 5.1 kernel?
> >
> >  
> > If both with kernel 5.2.9 and 5.1.20 I execute "lsmod | sort" and
> > then a diff of the output produced I get:
> >
> >  
> Sadly, the resulting reformatting of email made the output
> incomprehensible to me.
> What I was hoping to determine was if some module was loaded in the
> working case but not the failing case.
> At this point I'd go with Samuel's advice and file a bug report
> upstream.

I noticed that the working version had module ecc, and the non-working
version doesn't.

Also, the working version had intel_ishtp_loader, and the non-working
version doesn't.

And the working version had typec_displayport, and the non-working
version doesn't.

Those seem like they might be pertinent to your problem.  I can't say
*why* they are missing.  Are they obsolete?  Are they folded into other
modules?  Has fedora changed its kernel parameters to stop building
them?  Asking in a ticket is probably the best way to get some answers.
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Re: Something has gone seriously wrong: import_mok_state() failed

2019-08-25 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 24 Aug 2019 14:06:50 -0700
Lonni J Friedman  wrote:

> I'm attempting to install Fedora 30 on an old Macbook Air (7.1), and
> as soon as it tries to boot from the USB stick, it fails, printing the
> following errors:
> ##
> Failed to start MokManager: Not Found
> Something has gone seriously wrong: import_mok_state() failed
> ##
> after which the laptop powers off on its own.  This is before any sort
> of GRUB menu or anything interactive appears.  Its literally this bug:
> But I'm puzzled how the Fedora 30 grub bits could be broken in this
> fashion?

I don't know, but my fabricated explanation.  That was a centos bug.
If the patch didn't make it upstream, then it wouldn't be in Fedora.
So, you should open a Fedora bugzilla for the issue, and include the
link to the centos bug, and the fact that it is fixed there.  That is,
the Fedora install media probably includes the unpatched version that
caused the bug in centos because it wasn't reported in Fedora, so no
one was aware there was a bug.

Did any of the workarounds suggested in that centos bug, before the
patch was built, work for you?  You could mention that in the Fedora
bugzilla also, so anyone searching for the issue finds your bug and
knows there is a workaround.
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Re: Something has gone seriously wrong: import_mok_state() failed

2019-08-26 Thread stan via users
On Sun, 25 Aug 2019 09:32:22 -0700
Lonni J Friedman  wrote:

> OK, i filed a bug:
> All of the work arounds in the Centos bug are for people who have
> already installed the OS, but can no longer boot it.  I can't even
> install Fedora.  I'd have to somehow edit the install image, and
> rebuild it to attempt those work arounds.  That's significantly more
> effort than I'm willing to put forth to install an OS.  I'll just
> install a different Linux distro, and move on with my life.

A caveat.  Other distros will work if they have either the patched new
version (unlikely, if not CentOS), or the old version.  The good news
is that if it is using the old version, if / when they update to the
latest version, you will know what to do when your system no longer

What I got from the workaround thread is that old macs can't use uefi.
So, if you get the fedora netinstall image, and choose legacy boot (MBR)
during the install, it should install and boot just fine.  The same
should be true for any other distro.  Then this problem won't happen in
the future, regardless of what the distro does with uefi.

I am not familiar enough with macs to know if they have a bios setting
that tells the system to boot in non-uefi mode.  If they do, you should
be able to boot the F30 image as non-uefi, and have no issues, because
it isn't possible to install a uefi system from a non-uefi boot.  The
images default to uefi because that is best for new systems.  When I
booted the netinstall image, I hit the Del or F2 key, got to the
firmware boot menu screen, and was able to explicitly select legacy
boot for the image.  You could try that before going to the trouble of
downloading a new image.
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Re: reinstall package on Atomic host

2019-08-29 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 30 Aug 2019 00:22:11 +0200
arnaud gaboury  wrote:

> I run Fedora atomic 29. I made a mistake by removing one very
> important SELinux module: su.
> I can no more su (I can sudo), which is very annoying. To get back the
> module, I need to reinstall the selinux-policy-targeted  package.
> How can I delete/install or reinstall it? Is there a way to get back
> the su module?

I don't know rpm-ostree, but is there a reinistall command like dnf or
an force install option like rpm?  Or maybe a distrosync to bring the
install into alignment with latest packages?
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Re: Gnome Shell crashes when playing sound in Chrome

2019-08-30 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 30 Aug 2019 07:42:58 -0500
SternData  wrote:

> I thought this was a video related, but it turns out to be audio. If I
> play a video or audio via Chrome, gnome-shell crashes as soon as I
> un-mute the media player.  Unfortunately, the crash does not leave a
> reportable dump file.
> Any ideas of what to look at?
Have you looked in journalctl?  If you run 
journalctl -r
immediately after the crash, you should have the latest messages at the
top (the -r reverses the log so latest are first).  Is there anything
there about the crash?  Also, if you do a
journalctl -b
and look at the boot messages, see if your sound device is recognized
properly.  You could instead do an
aplay -lv
to see that alsa has recognized your sound devices.  If you run
ps alx | grep pulse
do you see pulseaudio running?  If pulseaudio is running and you run
pavucontrol, is your default device set correctly?

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Re: Fix to stable version of Fedora after system upgrade.

2019-08-30 Thread stan via users
On Fri, 30 Aug 2019 12:58:39 -
Cătălin George Feștilă  wrote:

> I follow this bug, but same problem:
> [root@desk mythcat]# dnf system-upgrade download --refresh
> --releasever=31 --setopt=module_platform_id=platform:f31
> --skip-broken Before you continue ensure that your system is fully
> upgraded by running "dnf --refresh upgrade". Do you want to continue
> [y/N]: y Fedora Modular 31 -
> x86_64
> 17 kB/s |  19 kB 00:01 Fedora - Rawhide - Developmental packages
> for the next Fedora release 19 kB/s |  19
> kB 00:01 Fedora Modular 31 - x86_64 -
> Updates  28
> kB/s |  23 kB 00:00
> google-chrome
> 9.2 kB/s | 1.3 kB 00:00 RPM Fusion for Fedora 31 - Free -
> Updates 72 kB/s
> |  76 kB 00:01 Failed to download metadata for repo
> 'rpmfusion-free-updates' RPM Fusion for Fedora 31 -
> Free   27
> kB/s |  12 kB 00:00 RPM Fusion for Fedora 31 - Nonfree -
> Updates 123 kB/s |
> 76 kB 00:00 Failed to download metadata for repo
> 'rpmfusion-nonfree-updates' RPM Fusion for Fedora 31 -
> Nonfree15
> kB/s |  12 kB 00:00 Fedora 31 - x86_64 -
> VirtualBox
> 2.4 kB/s | 6.9 kB 00:02 Failed to download metadata for repo
> 'virtualbox' Ignoring repositories: rpmfusion-free-updates,
> rpmfusion-nonfree-updates, virtualbox Error: Problem 1: problem with
> installed package rpmfusion-nonfree-release-30-1.noarch
>   - rpmfusion-nonfree-release-30-1.noarch does not belong to a
> distupgrade repository
>   - nothing provides system-release(31) needed by
> rpmfusion-nonfree-release-31-0.3.noarch Problem 2: problem with
> installed package rpmfusion-free-release-30-1.noarch
>   - rpmfusion-free-release-30-1.noarch does not belong to a
> distupgrade repository
>   - nothing provides system-release(31) needed by
> rpmfusion-free-release-31-0.3.noarch Problem 3: package
> python2-pwquality-1.4.0-12.fc30.x86_64 requires libpwquality(x86-64)
> = 1.4.0-12.fc30, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - libpwquality-1.4.0-12.fc30.x86_64 does not belong to a
> distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package
> python2-pwquality-1.4.0-12.fc30.x86_64 Problem 4: package
> system-config-users-1.3.8-6.fc29.noarch requires python2-libselinux,
> but none of the providers can be installed
>   - python2-libselinux-2.9-1.fc30.x86_64 does not belong to a
> distupgrade repository
>   - problem with installed package
> system-config-users-1.3.8-6.fc29.noarch Problem 5: package
> qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld-5.12.4-2.fc31.x86_64 requires
>, but none of the providers can be installed
>   - problem with installed package
> qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld-5.12.4-2.fc30.x86_64
>   - re2-1:20160401-11.fc30.x86_64 does not belong to a distupgrade
> repository
>   - qt5-qtwebengine-freeworld-5.12.4-2.fc30.x86_64 does not belong to
> a distupgrade repository

Fedora 31 has not been released, so you are trying to do an upgrade to
a release that is under construction.  If you look at the error
messages, you can see that your system has no upgrade path for the
rpmfusion repositories.

You can try a couple of things:
-Go to /etc/yum.repos.d and set enabled to 0 in the rpmfusion repository
-Go to rpmfusion and get the repo files for f30 and install them
manually using dnf -C.
-Wait until F31 is officially released.
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Re: firefox in f30

2019-08-31 Thread stan via users
On Sat, 31 Aug 2019 15:08:22 +0200
François Patte  wrote:
> I have just upgraded to f30 from f29.
> As I wanted to use firefox, I had a warning: "create a new
> profile".
> Why I can't use my previous profile?
> I tried to create a new profile and: all my bookmarks, all my addons
> all my previous config have disappeared.
> How can I recover? How can use my old config, bookmarks etc.

Ed's suggestion will work, but you can also use
firefox --new-instance --ProfileManager
to bring up a dialog in order to select the profile you want to use.
This enables having different profiles for different uses.  A little
extra security if you want to use it.
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