Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Joseph Kessselman
I've just issued a pull request proposing that the Apache Xalan-Java 
project cut over from Ant-based to Maven-based build.

This is the first time I'm working with Maven, and I'm *sure* I have 
done things that are bad form. If anyone has time and energy to glance 
at it and sanity-check that I haven't made too much of a mess, that 
would be tremendously appreciated.

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Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Greg Chabala
That's certainly an ambitious changeset, but it takes courage to do great

I'd generally suggest trying to make smaller steps so it's easier on

For instance:

   - Could you make a basic Maven build that delegated most of the work to
   Ant with maven-antrun-plugin?
   - If so, then you could have separate follow up steps for moving code
   into the standard Maven layout, and converting from libraries in source to
   Maven retrieved versions.
   - Could you convert a smaller artifact first, like the samples directory?

As far as specific advice on your current PR:

   - I'd recommend taking this opportunity to remove IDE droppings from
   source control entirely. .classpath, .project, .settings/* are all Eclipse
   specific and will be regenerated when the project is imported, if needed.
   They are needless noise in source control and IntelliJ IDEA users don't
   care about them at all.
   - Everything in META-INF will be generated by Maven, so none of that
   should be in source control either.

escaping single quote for Exec Maven Plugin `exc.args`

2023-10-14 Thread Garret Wilson
Here's a fun one for your weekend. As you know from (almost) the 
beginning of time we could invoke a Java application using Maven using 
the Maven Exec Plugin, as in the following (although Maven's `--quiet` 
may be a recent addition):

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
-Dexec.args="test" --quiet


This passes a single command-line argument to my Java `main()` method 
args array: "test". If I want to pass a string with a space, I put it in 
single quotes, like this:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
-Dexec.args="'foo bar'" --quiet


That passes a single string "foo bar" to my application `main()` method 
args array.

Now … what if I want to pass a single string "foo'bar" (note just one 
single quote in the string) as a single string to my `main()` method 
args array? is there some way to escape the single quote? The 
doesn't give any clues.

I guess I could look at the Exec Maven Plugin source code (if it's 
available), but that would take half a day and I've already spent half 
of today going down other rabbit holes. So I thought I'd ask here to see 
if anyone knew; otherwise I'll investigate another day when I'm 
refreshed (or just put a temporary note in my Bash script about this 
corner case, but that's not really my style).


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Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Joseph Kesselman
There didn't seem to be a good intermediate point.

Maven wanted things organized differently, and I didn't know Maven well enough 
to argue with it.

Switching from private binaries to Maven packages was a driving force behind 
the cut-over, and the need to move from jlec to jflex forced the one 
significant  code change.

The "insignificant" ones in Javadoc were an attempt to get a Maven build with 
no errors before I found the control for turning off doclint. I could back them 
out but that doesn't seem a good use of resource at this point.

There really isn't that much actual code change. Most of it is moving things 
into different subdirectories.

It's a one time cost. There's really less needing review than may appear.

If someone wants to volunteer to take my changeset as the final goal and 
deliver it incrementally, I have no objection. I'm sure someone who knew Maven 
better could have done this more incrementally.

But I'm what was available, and this is what I could do. And it's actually 
pretty clean.

I think.

   /_  Joe Kesselman (he/him/his)
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From: Greg Chabala 
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 1:50:16 PM
To: Maven Users List 
Subject: Re: Feedback sought

That's certainly an ambitious changeset, but it takes courage to do great

I'd generally suggest trying to make smaller steps so it's easier on

For instance:

   - Could you make a basic Maven build that delegated most of the work to
   Ant with maven-antrun-plugin?
   - If so, then you could have separate follow up steps for moving code
   into the standard Maven layout, and converting from libraries in source to
   Maven retrieved versions.
   - Could you convert a smaller artifact first, like the samples directory?

As far as specific advice on your current PR:

   - I'd recommend taking this opportunity to remove IDE droppings from
   source control entirely. .classpath, .project, .settings/* are all Eclipse
   specific and will be regenerated when the project is imported, if needed.
   They are needless noise in source control and IntelliJ IDEA users don't
   care about them at all.
   - Everything in META-INF will be generated by Maven, so none of that
   should be in source control either.

Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Joseph Kesselman
Re "IDE droppings"... My experience is that they can actually be useful in 
expressing things like preferred code formatting style in importable/executable 
form. (I'd rather have a standard cross-editor way if representing that, but I 
don't know of one.) But I don't care that strongly; if consensus is to drop 
them, I won't object. Nitpick, but a valid one.

   /_  Joe Kesselman (he/him/his)
-/ _) My Alexa skill for New Music/New Sounds fans:

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From: Greg Chabala 
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 1:50:16 PM
To: Maven Users List 
Subject: Re: Feedback sought

That's certainly an ambitious changeset, but it takes courage to do great

I'd generally suggest trying to make smaller steps so it's easier on

For instance:

   - Could you make a basic Maven build that delegated most of the work to
   Ant with maven-antrun-plugin?
   - If so, then you could have separate follow up steps for moving code
   into the standard Maven layout, and converting from libraries in source to
   Maven retrieved versions.
   - Could you convert a smaller artifact first, like the samples directory?

As far as specific advice on your current PR:

   - I'd recommend taking this opportunity to remove IDE droppings from
   source control entirely. .classpath, .project, .settings/* are all Eclipse
   specific and will be regenerated when the project is imported, if needed.
   They are needless noise in source control and IntelliJ IDEA users don't
   care about them at all.
   - Everything in META-INF will be generated by Maven, so none of that
   should be in source control either.

Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Joseph Kesselman
Taking out the META-INF: I'll look at that.

NOTE that as long as this is basically an acceptable framework to replace the 
And build, and produces correct code, quibbles like editor configurations and 
unnecessary files can be cleaned up in subsequent edits; they shouldn't be 
considered blockers now. "Make it work, make it good, make it great. In that 

   /_  Joe Kesselman (he/him/his)
-/ _) My Alexa skill for New Music/New Sounds fans:

() Plaintext Ribbon Campaign
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From: Greg Chabala 
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 1:50:16 PM
To: Maven Users List 
Subject: Re: Feedback sought

That's certainly an ambitious changeset, but it takes courage to do great

I'd generally suggest trying to make smaller steps so it's easier on

For instance:

   - Could you make a basic Maven build that delegated most of the work to
   Ant with maven-antrun-plugin?
   - If so, then you could have separate follow up steps for moving code
   into the standard Maven layout, and converting from libraries in source to
   Maven retrieved versions.
   - Could you convert a smaller artifact first, like the samples directory?

As far as specific advice on your current PR:

   - I'd recommend taking this opportunity to remove IDE droppings from
   source control entirely. .classpath, .project, .settings/* are all Eclipse
   specific and will be regenerated when the project is imported, if needed.
   They are needless noise in source control and IntelliJ IDEA users don't
   care about them at all.
   - Everything in META-INF will be generated by Maven, so none of that
   should be in source control either.

Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Greg Chabala
On Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 9:15 PM Joseph Kesselman 

> Taking out the META-INF: I'll look at that. ... quibbles like editor
> configurations and unnecessary files can be cleaned up in subsequent edits;
> they shouldn't be considered blockers now.

Sure. Just an opportunity to remove files and thereby reduce the size of
the changeset. They may mostly be relocations, but GitHub's UI still
struggles under the weight of 1400 changes in a single PR.

Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Alexander Kriegisch
I have not even looked at the changeset yet, since last time I tried to
help with the taglet problem in the javadoc plugin. I was just following
the conversation a bit and want to drop a few general comments about
contributions and reviews in the OSS world:

If any of us ends up in the role of a reviewer:
  -- Let us remember than contributors often want to solve specific
 problems and have way less knowledge than we do, if we know the
 project in question or the technical domain better than them.
  -- Let us try to encourage them, not dishearten them. Let us
 acknowledge and commend their efforts.
  -- Let us even accept imperfect contrubutions, help fix them up in a
 feature branch and them merge if the changes look acceptable. In
 some instances, we can even merge first, if the PR does the right
 thing and only cosmetic things are to be improved.
  -- Let us abuse reviews as a tool to micro-manage the contributor to
 change what we would have done differently, until it looks exactly
 like a change we would have done. It is both disheartening and a
 waste of resources on both sides.
  -- Let us not force them to first and foremost cater to our needs as
 reviewers, as if our own time was more precious than heirs, just
 because we sit in front of the merge button and can exert power,
 blocking or accepting a PR.

I often sit on both sides of the table, being both the maintainer of an
OSS product and often a first-time or inexperienced contributor,
scratching my own itches by contributing, donating my time and effort to
do that. I have experienced many disheartening, a few condescending and
even occasionally cruel reivewers. Let us not end up being those
loathsome people, just because we switch seats.

Disclaimer (and back on topic): I agree with most recommendations about
the advantages of small, incremental commits, removing IDE config and
generated files from projects etc. But the latter two are all
imperfections which can be cleaned up later and were not even introduced
by the change itself.

To Greg Chabala: I did not mean *you* with my comments. :-) You were
friendly and professional in your wording and did nothing to scare
anyone off. You did not say anything wrong either. The trigger for me to
write this message was the recommendation to retrofit the big change
into smaller ones post factum now. Joseph was wrestling with Maven and
some of its plugins for the first time. I think, it would be too much to
expect from him to split the commits, just to make them more palatable
for reviewers. I am sure, he could do it, but is it really worth the

Back once more to us in the role of reviewers: If a change to be
reviewed is comple - which can always happen, because software
development occasionally is a complex busi8ness - the GitHub website is
IMO not an adequeste tool to conduct a review. In this case, any serious
reviewer should take the trouble to actually clone the project, check
out the branch in question and look at it in an IDE where it is easier
to navigate the code, slice and dice the changes and diffs, see what was
unchanged and has only been moved, added or deleted, maybe run a build
and see how the code and project structure really "feels" before/after
the change. There, the reviewer also directly has the chance to commit
on top of the contributor's changes and improve them, guiding the
reviewee by example. This kind of collaborative code review is more
welcoming and less disheartening.

Let us all remember: Today's first-time contributor might be tomorrow's
regular contributor who help to unburden from work we are too busy for
in the future. Win-win! Scaring off a first-time contributor is all but
a guarantee that she will never contribute again and use her time for
more rewarding efforts.

Sorry for getting this off my chest here and now, but I felt I wished to
send that message to the Apache Maven community (and actually many
others in the OSS world), even though the message might have been better
suited for the developers list.

Respectfully yours
Alexander Kriegisch

Joseph Kessselman schrieb am 14.10.2023 23:52 (GMT +07:00):

> I've just issued a pull request proposing that the Apache Xalan-Java 
> project cut over from Ant-based to Maven-based build.
> This is the first time I'm working with Maven, and I'm *sure* I have 
> done things that are bad form. If anyone has time and energy to glance 
> at it and sanity-check that I haven't made too much of a mess, that 
> would be tremendously appreciated.
> -
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Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Alexander Kriegisch
Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 15.10.2023 10:36 (GMT +07:00):

>   -- Let us abuse reviews as a tool to micro-manage the contributor to
OMG, of course I meant "let us NOT abuse".

>  change what we would have done differently, until it looks exactly
>  like a change we would have done. It is both disheartening and a
>  waste of resources on both sides.

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Re: escaping single quote for Exec Maven Plugin `exc.args`

2023-10-14 Thread Alexander Kriegisch
Java CLI program arguments containing spaces are usually enclosed by
double quotes, so I would recommend to use:

  -Dexec.args="one 'number two' three"

This works in both UNIX-like shells (say, Git Bash on Windows) and in the 
Cmd.exe Windows shell, while

  -Dexec.args='one "number two" three'

only works in UNIX-like shells, but *not* in Cmd.exe.

Alexander Kriegisch

Garret Wilson schrieb am 15.10.2023 05:31 (GMT +07:00):

> Here's a fun one for your weekend. As you know from (almost) the 
> beginning of time we could invoke a Java application using Maven using 
> the Maven Exec Plugin, as in the following (although Maven's `--quiet` 
> may be a recent addition):
> ```bash
> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
> -Dexec.args="test" --quiet
> ```
> This passes a single command-line argument to my Java `main()` method 
> args array: "test". If I want to pass a string with a space, I put it in 
> single quotes, like this:
> ```bash
> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
> -Dexec.args="'foo bar'" --quiet
> ```
> That passes a single string "foo bar" to my application `main()` method 
> args array.
> Now … what if I want to pass a single string "foo'bar" (note just one 
> single quote in the string) as a single string to my `main()` method 
> args array? is there some way to escape the single quote? The 
> [documention](
> doesn't give any clues.
> I guess I could look at the Exec Maven Plugin source code (if it's 
> available), but that would take half a day and I've already spent half 
> of today going down other rabbit holes. So I thought I'd ask here to see 
> if anyone knew; otherwise I'll investigate another day when I'm 
> refreshed (or just put a temporary note in my Bash script about this 
> corner case, but that's not really my style).
> Garret
> -
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Re: escaping single quote for Exec Maven Plugin `exc.args`

2023-10-14 Thread Alexander Kriegisch
It seems as if today is not my day. First, I wrote a message in another thread 
with tons of typos, making it look as if I am not just bad in typing but 
actually unable to speak proper English. Now, I sent an incomplete message not 
addressing the actual question. Sorry for that to everyone.

Let us settle on only using double quotes to enclose arguments containing 
spaces. Then, we do not need to escape single quotes and can use them 
literally. But we do need to escape nested double quotes.

In UNIX-like shells like Bash, a double quote is escaped by a backslash:

  -Dexec.args="one \"it's OK\" three"

In Windows Cmd.exe, a double quote is escaped by another double quote:

  -Dexec.args="one ""it's OK"" three"

Alexander Kriegisch

Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 15.10.2023 11:17 (GMT +07:00):

> Java CLI program arguments containing spaces are usually enclosed by
> double quotes, so I would recommend to use:
>   -Dexec.args="one 'number two' three"
> This works in both UNIX-like shells (say, Git Bash on Windows) and in the
> Cmd.exe Windows shell, while
>   -Dexec.args='one "number two" three'
> only works in UNIX-like shells, but *not* in Cmd.exe.
> -- 
> Alexander Kriegisch
> Garret Wilson schrieb am 15.10.2023 05:31 (GMT +07:00):
>> Here's a fun one for your weekend. As you know from (almost) the 
>> beginning of time we could invoke a Java application using Maven using 
>> the Maven Exec Plugin, as in the following (although Maven's `--quiet` 
>> may be a recent addition):
>> ```bash
>> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
>> -Dexec.args="test" --quiet
>> ```
>> This passes a single command-line argument to my Java `main()` method 
>> args array: "test". If I want to pass a string with a space, I put it in 
>> single quotes, like this:
>> ```bash
>> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
>> -Dexec.args="'foo bar'" --quiet
>> ```
>> That passes a single string "foo bar" to my application `main()` method 
>> args array.
>> Now … what if I want to pass a single string "foo'bar" (note just one 
>> single quote in the string) as a single string to my `main()` method 
>> args array? is there some way to escape the single quote? The 
>> [documention](
>> doesn't give any clues.
>> I guess I could look at the Exec Maven Plugin source code (if it's 
>> available), but that would take half a day and I've already spent half 
>> of today going down other rabbit holes. So I thought I'd ask here to see 
>> if anyone knew; otherwise I'll investigate another day when I'm 
>> refreshed (or just put a temporary note in my Bash script about this 
>> corner case, but that's not really my style).
>> Garret
>> -
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> -
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Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Joseph Kesselman
Don't worry, we recognized your intent.

I do appreciate the feedback I'm getting. I asked for it, and hopefully the 
parts that don't make sense to apply right now will be useful in the future.

But, yes, let's focus on whether what I've done is worth living forward with 
rather than the details of how we got here. I realize that this large a 
changeset is a pain to review, and I wouldn't normally do it this way. But it 
isn't as much actual change as it appears to be, and I *think* it's stable 
enough to seriously consider cutting over to or I wouldn't have issued the PR.

I'd love to see the maven build tested on a few more systems, too. I've run it 
on Fedora (under WSL) and Windows 10; it would be good to have someone 
sanity-check it on a Mac.

   /_  Joe Kesselman (he/him/his)
-/ _) My Alexa skill for New Music/New Sounds fans:

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From: Alexander Kriegisch 
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 11:40:52 PM
Subject: Re: Feedback sought

Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 15.10.2023 10:36 (GMT +07:00):

>   -- Let us abuse reviews as a tool to micro-manage the contributor to
OMG, of course I meant "let us NOT abuse".

>  change what we would have done differently, until it looks exactly
>  like a change we would have done. It is both disheartening and a
>  waste of resources on both sides.

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Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Joseph Kesselman
... And I committed my own typo; it should of course have been "moving forward 
with", not living. Darned auto-correct; I really need to learn to proofread 
more carefully when typing on the phone.

   /_  Joe Kesselman (he/him/his)
-/ _) My Alexa skill for New Music/New Sounds fans:

() Plaintext Ribbon Campaign
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From: Joseph Kesselman 
Sent: Sunday, October 15, 2023 12:48:38 AM
To: Maven Users List 
Subject: Re: Feedback sought

Don't worry, we recognized your intent.

I do appreciate the feedback I'm getting. I asked for it, and hopefully the 
parts that don't make sense to apply right now will be useful in the future.

But, yes, let's focus on whether what I've done is worth living forward with 
rather than the details of how we got here. I realize that this large a 
changeset is a pain to review, and I wouldn't normally do it this way. But it 
isn't as much actual change as it appears to be, and I *think* it's stable 
enough to seriously consider cutting over to or I wouldn't have issued the PR.

I'd love to see the maven build tested on a few more systems, too. I've run it 
on Fedora (under WSL) and Windows 10; it would be good to have someone 
sanity-check it on a Mac.

   /_  Joe Kesselman (he/him/his)
-/ _) My Alexa skill for New Music/New Sounds fans:

() Plaintext Ribbon Campaign
/\ Stamp out HTML mail!

From: Alexander Kriegisch 
Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2023 11:40:52 PM
Subject: Re: Feedback sought

Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 15.10.2023 10:36 (GMT +07:00):

>   -- Let us abuse reviews as a tool to micro-manage the contributor to
OMG, of course I meant "let us NOT abuse".

>  change what we would have done differently, until it looks exactly
>  like a change we would have done. It is both disheartening and a
>  waste of resources on both sides.

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Re: escaping single quote for Exec Maven Plugin `exc.args`

2023-10-14 Thread Alexander Kriegisch
Escape hell, part 3: Powershell. Similar to Cmd.exe, but additionally,
you need to use '--%' right after the 'mvn' command to stop PS from
parsing the parameters any further as PS commands or whatever. The full
command would be something like (my local testing example:

mvn --% -pl some-app exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.demo.AspectjDemoApplication 
-Dexec.args="one ""it's OK"" three" --quiet

Condensed to the important part:

mvn --% (...) -Dexec.args="one ""it's OK"" three"

Alexander Kriegisch

Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 15.10.2023 11:31 (GMT +07:00):

> It seems as if today is not my day. First, I wrote a message in another thread
> with tons of typos, making it look as if I am not just bad in typing but
> actually unable to speak proper English. Now, I sent an incomplete message not
> addressing the actual question. Sorry for that to everyone.
> Let us settle on only using double quotes to enclose arguments containing
> spaces. Then, we do not need to escape single quotes and can use them
> literally. But we do need to escape nested double quotes.
> In UNIX-like shells like Bash, a double quote is escaped by a backslash:
>   -Dexec.args="one \"it's OK\" three"
> In Windows Cmd.exe, a double quote is escaped by another double quote:
>   -Dexec.args="one ""it's OK"" three"
> -- 
> Alexander Kriegisch
> Alexander Kriegisch schrieb am 15.10.2023 11:17 (GMT +07:00):
>> Java CLI program arguments containing spaces are usually enclosed by
>> double quotes, so I would recommend to use:
>>   -Dexec.args="one 'number two' three"
>> This works in both UNIX-like shells (say, Git Bash on Windows) and in the
>> Cmd.exe Windows shell, while
>>   -Dexec.args='one "number two" three'
>> only works in UNIX-like shells, but *not* in Cmd.exe.
>> -- 
>> Alexander Kriegisch
>> Garret Wilson schrieb am 15.10.2023 05:31 (GMT +07:00):
>>> Here's a fun one for your weekend. As you know from (almost) the 
>>> beginning of time we could invoke a Java application using Maven using 
>>> the Maven Exec Plugin, as in the following (although Maven's `--quiet` 
>>> may be a recent addition):
>>> ```bash
>>> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
>>> -Dexec.args="test" --quiet
>>> ```
>>> This passes a single command-line argument to my Java `main()` method 
>>> args array: "test". If I want to pass a string with a space, I put it in 
>>> single quotes, like this:
>>> ```bash
>>> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.example.MyApplication" 
>>> -Dexec.args="'foo bar'" --quiet
>>> ```
>>> That passes a single string "foo bar" to my application `main()` method 
>>> args array.
>>> Now … what if I want to pass a single string "foo'bar" (note just one 
>>> single quote in the string) as a single string to my `main()` method 
>>> args array? is there some way to escape the single quote? The 
>>> [documention](
>>> doesn't give any clues.
>>> I guess I could look at the Exec Maven Plugin source code (if it's 
>>> available), but that would take half a day and I've already spent half 
>>> of today going down other rabbit holes. So I thought I'd ask here to see 
>>> if anyone knew; otherwise I'll investigate another day when I'm 
>>> refreshed (or just put a temporary note in my Bash script about this 
>>> corner case, but that's not really my style).
>>> Garret
>>> -
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>>> For additional commands, e-mail:
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
>> For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
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Re: Feedback sought

2023-10-14 Thread Mark Derricutt
Tangential topic - a while ago there was a thread/discussion about 
adopting something like spotless/palantir-java-format for automated 

Whilst a massive change to the code base, which can (potentially) cause 
horrors for open branches/PRs unless rebased with care and also 
reformatted - but also quite useful /once/ adopted, as such concerns as 
the above largely disappear, and any wonky/horrible formatting that 
comes up is often more a smell that maybe the code should be cleaner, or 
split up more.

I don't recall any definitive decision being made either way, the topic 
just seemed to stalemate (at least as far as I saw).

Palantir/spotless does at least require JDK 11+ I believe so that's a 
big blocker, at least as far as the build JDK goes.

Mark (with 2cents)

On 15/10/23 3:10 pm, Joseph Kesselman wrote:
My experience is that they can actually be useful in expressing things 
like preferred code formatting style in importable/executable form.