Re: Problème de dictionnaire

2014-05-24 Thread Claude Virlogeux

J'utilise la version 4.1.0 d'Apache Open Office.

J'ai tenté la manip :

- Français était sélectionné
- Je l'ai re-sélectionné
- J'ai demandé ensuite le rétablissement de la langue par défaut (j'ai bien
téléchargé la version française)


le courrier que je dois impérativement envoyer par lettre recommandé et
sans faute lundi est entièrement souligné en rouge sauf la première ligne
où figurent mon prénom et mon nom en capitale (mais je n'ai pas spécifié la
correction des textes en capital). Les chiffres ne sont pas non plus

Le mystère continue

Claude Virlogeux
Journaliste - Médiateur numérique de territoires réels ou virtuels

*ex - ARTESI*
*ex - La Fonderie, Agence numérique régionale*

*à suivre sur :*
*07 85 54 78 89*
Skype : cvirlo
Twitter : cvirlo


Site Perso

Le 24 mai 2014 14:11, eric b a écrit :

 Le 24 mai 2014 à 12:41, Claude Virlogeux a écrit :



  Je connais les limites des correcteurs d'orthographe (le meilleur étant à
  mon avis le correcteur 101 développé par les canadiens pour faire face à
  loi 101 qui impose le bilinguisme).
  Mon problème n'est pas tant dans le fait qu'il corrige plus ou moins
  mais actuellement, il tente de me faire corriger tous les mots des mes
  Professionnellement, le correcteur limite les coquilles et mes textes
  normalement relus, personnellement, je n'ai pas de relecteur et je me
  trop peu confiance (en fait je n'aime pas la relecture).
  J'aimerai bien que le programme revienne à ce qu'il était capable de
  il y a quelques jours : limiter au moins les coquilles et les fautes de

 Avant toute chose : on parle bien d'Apache OpenOffice (donc
 d', n'est ce pas ? (pour tout autre logiciel, merci d'aller
 voir sur le forum ad hoc).

 Si on parle bien d'Apache OpenOffice.Org ...

 Dans le bas de la fenêtre qui contient le document, il y a plusieurs
 cases.  Avec la version fr, il y a, en partant de la gauche :

 Numéro de page  |  Style  |  La langue du document  |  INS  |  STD   |
  ...autres informations

 C'est simplement une piste, mais est-ce que la langue du document est en
 français ?

 Note: on peut changer en faisant  : clic droit, puis sélectionner le

 En espérant avoir aidé un peu :-)

 Projet OOo4Kids :
 L'association EducOOo :

Re: Writer: Erste Seite wird nicht gedruckt

2014-05-24 Thread Michael Höhne
Hallo Wolfgang,

 Ich hab mal ein solches Dokument unter
 hoch geladen.

Da kommt eine lustige Seite mit 7(!) Knöpfen, bei denen 4 mit
Download beschriftet sind. Keiner dieser Knöpfe führt mich weiter. Im
Gegenteil: Es ist sogar eine Datei mit dem Namen


dabei, die ich nicht einmal ein einer virtuellen Maschine mit der
Kneifzange anfassen würde.

Sorry, aber das sieht mir definitiv nicht seriös aus.


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Re: Writer: Erste Seite wird nicht gedruckt

2014-05-24 Thread Jörg Schmidt
Hallo Michael, 

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael Höhne [] 
 Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 11:05 AM
 Subject: Re: Writer: Erste Seite wird nicht gedruckt
 Hallo Jörg,
   From: Michael Höhne [] 
   Da kommt eine lustige Seite mit 7(!) Knöpfen, bei denen 4 mit
   Download beschriftet sind. Keiner dieser Knöpfe führt mich 
  Wirklicvh nicht? s.u.
  Doch die Seite ist seriös, nur etwas verwirrend. Klicke auf die
  Schaltfläche Download unter der der Text steht Tipp Partnerprogramm
  Geld verdienen
 Ja. aber da fluppen dann _zwei_ Tabs auf. 

Das kann ich bei anderen der Schaltfläche so feststellen, nicht jedoch bei der 
konkret durch mich Genannten, dort kommt hier sofort der Download-Dialog mit 
Auswahl wo ich die Datei Simples-Pflegetagebuch.odt speichen will (Win 7 IE 

Mmh, wenn ich es mit Firefox teste sieht das anders aus was nun keine 
IE-Werbung ist sondern mich eher selbst kalt überrascht weil das ja nahezu so 
wirkt als sei die Seite nahezu darauf ausgelegt den eher allgemein als 
bessser/sicherer geltenden FireFox 'auszutricksen' (und man hat IE nir aus 
Nachlässigkeit übersehen?)

Wie auch immer, für _diese_ Internet-/Browser-fragen bin ich kein besonderer 
Experte sondern nur Anwender der Browser.


 Dabei nervt dann z.B.
 OLLIS Bums Blog!, so dass ich den zweiten Tab gar nicht 
 bemerkt habe.
 Wie ich schrieb: Sorry, aber das sieht mir definitiv nicht seriös aus.

Das ist schon richtig, ich selbst bin in solchen Dingen nur eher kulant

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Re: Writer: Erste Seite wird nicht gedruckt

2014-05-24 Thread Isch

Hallo Wolfgang,

ohne jetzt deinen Datei angeschaut zu haben, Bei mir tritt so etwas 
immer auf, wenn ich ohne es an sich zu wollen, einen Druckbereich 
definiert habe. Da man das auch in den Vorlagen machen kann und es, 
zumindest bin ich der Meinung, generell für das Dokument keine 
Möglichkeit gibt, alle Druckbereiche zu löschen setze ich dann, wenn ich 
auf der Seite bin, einen Druckbereich genau für diese Seite und drucke 
dann eben die Seite die weg war.


Am 24.05.2014 10:42, schrieb Michael Höhne:

Hallo Wolfgang,

Ich hab mal ein solches Dokument unter

hoch geladen.

Da kommt eine lustige Seite mit 7(!) Knöpfen, bei denen 4 mit
Download beschriftet sind. Keiner dieser Knöpfe führt mich weiter. Im
Gegenteil: Es ist sogar eine Datei mit dem Namen


dabei, die ich nicht einmal ein einer virtuellen Maschine mit der
Kneifzange anfassen würde.

Sorry, aber das sieht mir definitiv nicht seriös aus.


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Re: Writer: Erste Seite wird nicht gedruckt

2014-05-24 Thread Wolfgang Jäth

Am 24.05.2014 10:52, schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
 From: Wolfgang Jäth [] 
 ich hab noch ein kleines Problem: auf dem Rechner meines Bekannten neu
 angelegte Writer-Dokumente lassen beim Drucken immer die erste Seite
 Das täuscht offensichtlich, mutmaßlich deshalb weil Du nur 2-Seitige Dokumente

Meistens eher 1-seitige; aber wie gesagt, ist der Rechner eines
Bekannten, dem ich halt so ab und zu [tm] mal ein bisschen den Rechner
wieder in Ordnung bringen muss.

 Das scheint eine Einstellung im Dokument selbst (bzw. in der
 Vorlage) zu sein, 
 Ja, im Beispieldokument ist nur das Drucken linker Seiten aktiviert (z.B.
 Datei-Druckereinrichtung Schaltfläche Zusätze Bereich Seiten), aktiviere 
 das Drucken rechter Seiten um diese zu drucken.

Argh; danke.

Nachfrage: Wo genau hat er das eigentlich verstellt (damit ich das nicht
nur für dieses eine Dokument sondern für alle zukünftigen Dokumente
korrigieren kann? Bin demnächst wieder bei ihm)?


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Re: Writer: Erste Seite wird nicht gedruckt

2014-05-24 Thread Wolfgang Jäth
Am 24.05.2014 11:01, schrieb Jörg Schmidt:
 From: Jörg Schmidt [] 
 Doch die Seite ist seriös, 
 Womit ich nur meine die Seite funktioniert auch irgendwie, was ich deshalb 
 weiß weil ich mich schon x-Mal über die Seite geärgert habe weil sie Anwender 
 im Forum häufig nutzen.

Ich verwende eigentlich üblicherweise auch einen anderen Dienst, aber
der wollte kein .odt hochladen. Sorry.


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Re: Suggestion.

2014-05-24 Thread Alan B
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 10:09 PM, Doug wrote:

 On 05/23/2014 08:43 PM, Larry Gusaas wrote:

 On 2014-05-23, 3:43 PM japples wrote:


  There is a huge difference between showing non-printing characters and
 showing formatting codes. Saying AOO shows non-printing characters is
 similar to WP reveal codes is ridiculous.

  Now tell me again how there are no similarities (include examples other
 than ones I have given above).  The OO's limited source has been the topic
 for requesting to expand.  The ability to edit is there just not in a
 separate window as WP.  I don't know if OO has the ability to edit a text
 box but someone with more time and energy could respond.

 Using reveal non-printing charters in AOO does not show any formatting
 codes.  The purpose of WP reveal codes is to change the documents
 formatting (font size and type, bold, italic, underline, superscript, etc).
  There is no similarity to AOO.

 I have found the Reveal Codes feature to be most useful in finding oddball
 things that may have come in with an imported file, and to debug minor
 mishaps that are
 not obvious from just looking at the text. One use of Reveal Codes will
 tell you whether a tab or a set of spaces is used in a text. Also, to spot
 double spaces, if you don't

 I'm in agreement w Larry. Finding extra/misplaced characters, non-printing
or otherwise, is not at all equivalent to reveal codes. With reveal codes
it is/was possible to literally see where formatting or styles were applied
in a document. It would reveal such things as two different formats
applied one after the other to a block of text which would help make
apparent why removing one type of formatting didn't cause the text to be
displayed as expected.

e.g. format_code1a whole bunch of textf_c2f_c3some other text.

Remove f_c3 and some other text would now display as f_c2 not f_c1
as would be expected when reveal codes was off. But turn on reveal codes
and it became immediately apparent why the text was not displaying as

Simple advice on how to get Reveal Codes inplemented please

2014-05-24 Thread DaveMainwaring
  the Reveal Codes feature to be most useful in finding oddball
 things that may have come in with an imported file, and to debug minor
 mishaps that are
 not obvious from just looking at the text. One use of Reveal Codes will
 tell you whether a tab or a set of spaces is used in a text. Also, to spot
 double spaces, if you don't

Some of the threads are so long I don't have the energy to follow all the
stuff :_)

How do I  vote, and support this initiative (or any other) ?
My Avocation: Building Knowledge Networks where participants share, learn
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Writer Jane Ayres: If I'm not learning, I'm not living.

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Re: Suggestion.

2014-05-24 Thread Richard Detwiler

Doug wrote:
One use of Reveal Codes will tell you whether a tab or a set of spaces 
is used in a text. Also, to spot double spaces, if you don't
just do a find/replace to get rid of them. I think this kind of use 
could be done in OO or LO just as well. 

Just to clarify, and as I think most users of OpenOffice realize, these 
particular things will be shown fine using View  Non-printing 
characters (or Ctrl+F10). So there is no need for any additional reveal 
code features for these items. (I'm not saying there are no other needs 
for reveal codes.)

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Re: Simple advice on how to get Reveal Codes inplemented please

2014-05-24 Thread Andrew Douglas Pitonyak

On 05/24/2014 07:02 AM, DaveMainwaring wrote:

Some of the threads are so long I don't have the energy to follow all the
stuff :_)

How do I  vote, and support this initiative (or any other) ?

This is where you vote for that particular issue

You must have an account to vote, but it is easy to create one. If you 
have trouble creating the account, be sure to post back and say so.

Andrew Pitonyak
My Macro Document:

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Re: try to clear/default formatting causes lock-ups

2014-05-24 Thread Andrea Pescetti

On 19/05/2014 John Deaton wrote:

you could put any text, etc., and clear formats, and get rid of fonts,
paging, paragraphing, and linksall at once. ...
But lately (and I've been using it in multiple computer types), it locks up.
I mean IT IS CRASHED.  No use waiting for it to solve anything.

If you can provide a 100% reproducible way to repeat the crash (e.g., 
open this specific web page with Firefox, copy from here to there, open 
a new document in Writer and paste) we can investigate the issue. 
Otherwise, we don't have enough elements to understand where your 
problems come from.


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Re: try to clear/default formatting causes lock-ups

2014-05-24 Thread Ariel Constenla-Haile
Hello John,

On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 01:34:16PM -0500, John Deaton wrote:
 One of the many great things about OO, until now---and not sure if
 4.1.0 is worse (but pretty sure),
 Is you could put any text, etc., and clear formats, and get rid of
 fonts, paging, paragraphing, and linksall at once.
 I've tried default formatting, too, but same result.
 But lately (and I've been using it in multiple computer types), it
 locks up.  I mean IT IS CRASHED.  No use waiting for it to solve
 I've searched online for such a thing, but I see nothing related, yet. 

This seems to be bug 124877
The fix for this bug will be available in the next release.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

Description: Digital signature


2014-05-24 Thread Ariel Constenla-Haile
On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 12:32:51PM -0500, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
 Also shouldnt be hard to include in the core of AOO, just edit the UI
 default menu calling the function that does the process.
 Example here:
 and the code here:
 The question is how and why do we do this this way and if those points are
 still valid.

A nonsense. .uno:WordCountDialog shows the Word Count dialog, and
the user can already customize a toolbar by adding this command, as it
was suggested to the OP (the command is under Category Options with
the name Word Count.

 It does make sense to have it on Properties and Tools. Having them on the
 taskbar seems out of place. Just cuz MSO does it, is not a good excuse.

Another nonsense. These are completely different features: a modal
dialog that blocks all user input until it is closed vs. a live status
indicator that gets updated as the user works with her/his document.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

Description: Digital signature


2014-05-24 Thread Andrea Pescetti

Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

You can try this extension
It adds a word counter on the status bar.

It works nicely! Any reasons not to integrate it (as a preinstalled 
extension or directly as part of the source code, as you wish) directly 
in OpenOffice? License is OK and functionality is unobtrusive and useful.

I got the Linux-64 version from the Extensions site and OpenOffice froze 
just after installing it (I generated dummy text and selected some, and 
it froze without showing the selected count). But after restarting 
OpenOffice everything worked correctly. If you wish I can do further 
tests, but probably it was just a coincidence.


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2014-05-24 Thread Ariel Constenla-Haile
Hi Andrea,

On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 09:15:50PM +0200, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
 Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
 You can try this extension
 It adds a word counter on the status bar.
 It works nicely! Any reasons not to integrate it (as a preinstalled
 extension or directly as part of the source code, as you wish) directly in
 OpenOffice? License is OK and functionality is unobtrusive and useful.

Well, the code is a modified version of what I already committed on
devtools in order to make it production-ready (the code there was just
a draft to test the underlaying implementation). Preregistered
extensions are evil (they don't work on Linux, among other bugs), so
including code-extensions in the install set is a no-go.

On the other hand, implementing this in OpenOffice will require
a developer knowing Writer internal code, while doing it in an extension
you just need to know the client API; that's the fun in making

 I got the Linux-64 version from the Extensions site and OpenOffice froze
 just after installing it (I generated dummy text and selected some, and it
 froze without showing the selected count). But after restarting OpenOffice
 everything worked correctly. If you wish I can do further tests, but
 probably it was just a coincidence.

This is a bug with the live deployment of extensions, it is broken
by design (Mozilla does it more cleaver, installing/removing addons
requires a restart); I assume it is already reported in bugzilla.

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina

Description: Digital signature


2014-05-24 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Sat, 24 May 2014 21:15:50 +0200
Andrea Pescetti wrote:

 Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
  You can try this extension
  It adds a word counter on the status bar.
 It works nicely! Any reasons not to integrate it (as a preinstalled 
 extension or directly as part of the source code, as you wish) directly 
 in OpenOffice? License is OK and functionality is unobtrusive and useful.
 I got the Linux-64 version from the Extensions site and OpenOffice froze 
 just after installing it (I generated dummy text and selected some, and 
 it froze without showing the selected count). But after restarting 
 OpenOffice everything worked correctly. If you wish I can do further 
 tests, but probably it was just a coincidence.
I tried on AOO 4.1 running on Xubuntu 14.04 (fully updated); installation 
aborted with message Word Counter does not run on this computer.

I'll try again tomorrow on another similar computerl

Rory O'Farrell

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2014-05-24 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Sat, 24 May 2014 21:34:50 +0100
Rory O'Farrell wrote:

 On Sat, 24 May 2014 21:15:50 +0200
 Andrea Pescetti wrote:
  Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
   You can try this extension
   It adds a word counter on the status bar.
  It works nicely! Any reasons not to integrate it (as a preinstalled 
  extension or directly as part of the source code, as you wish) directly 
  in OpenOffice? License is OK and functionality is unobtrusive and useful.
  I got the Linux-64 version from the Extensions site and OpenOffice froze 
  just after installing it (I generated dummy text and selected some, and 
  it froze without showing the selected count). But after restarting 
  OpenOffice everything worked correctly. If you wish I can do further 
  tests, but probably it was just a coincidence.
 I tried on AOO 4.1 running on Xubuntu 14.04 (fully updated); installation 
 aborted with message Word Counter does not run on this computer.
 I'll try again tomorrow on another similar computerl
 Rory O'Farrell

Correction!  I've realised I have tried to install the 32 bit version on a 64 
bit OO and 64 bit Xubuntu. I'll download the 64 bit version of the Wordcounter 
and try it tomorrow
Rory O'Farrell

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2014-05-24 Thread Rory O'Farrell
On Sat, 24 May 2014 21:40:31 +0100
Rory O'Farrell wrote:

 On Sat, 24 May 2014 21:34:50 +0100
 Rory O'Farrell wrote:
  On Sat, 24 May 2014 21:15:50 +0200
  Andrea Pescetti wrote:
   Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
You can try this extension
It adds a word counter on the status bar.
   It works nicely! Any reasons not to integrate it (as a preinstalled 
   extension or directly as part of the source code, as you wish) directly 
   in OpenOffice? License is OK and functionality is unobtrusive and useful.
   I got the Linux-64 version from the Extensions site and OpenOffice froze 
   just after installing it (I generated dummy text and selected some, and 
   it froze without showing the selected count). But after restarting 
   OpenOffice everything worked correctly. If you wish I can do further 
   tests, but probably it was just a coincidence.
  I tried on AOO 4.1 running on Xubuntu 14.04 (fully updated); installation 
  aborted with message Word Counter does not run on this computer.
  I'll try again tomorrow on another similar computerl
  Rory O'Farrell
 Correction!  I've realised I have tried to install the 32 bit version on a 64 
 bit OO and 64 bit Xubuntu. I'll download the 64 bit version of the 
 Wordcounter and try it tomorrow
 Rory O'Farrell
Correct version installed with no problem, - hung OO on first startup after 
install, then OK on subsequent startups. No appreciable delay on file opening 
(10 word file opened across the network)

I shouldn't try installing at the end of a long day! 

Rory O'Farrell

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2014-05-24 Thread Alexandro Colorado
On Sat, 24 May 2014 09:13:00 -0500, Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 12:32:51PM -0500, Alexandro Colorado wrote:

Also shouldnt be hard to include in the core of AOO, just edit the UI
default menu calling the function that does the process.

Example here:
and the code here:
The question is how and why do we do this this way and if those points  

still valid.

A nonsense. .uno:WordCountDialog shows the Word Count dialog, and
the user can already customize a toolbar by adding this command, as it
was suggested to the OP (the command is under Category Options with
the name Word Count.

Why this is not included by default on the xcu from the toolbar is the  
real question, shuffling code around, is really not the biggest issue.

It does make sense to have it on Properties and Tools. Having them on  

taskbar seems out of place. Just cuz MSO does it, is not a good excuse.

Another nonsense. These are completely different features: a modal
dialog that blocks all user input until it is closed vs. a live status
indicator that gets updated as the user works with her/his document.

Not sure how you define feature, for a user, a word counting tool is the  
same feature regarding of its on a modal dialog or a live status. It  
serves the same porpouse. And yes, originally I just advocate to have the  
modal dialog triggered from the toolbar or from a different menu option  
(maybe the panels). Live status was only clear now. This 'live' features  
is a different workflow of code but not a different solution for the user  


Alexandro Colorado
Apache OpenOffice Committer

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reading the help files in open office

2014-05-24 Thread Rosemarie Chavarria

Hi, everyone,

I am new to open office. I just installed it today but I'm having trouble 
reading the help files. What could I be doing wrong?

Thanks for your help in advance.


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2014-05-24 Thread Julian Thomas

On 24 May 2014, at 15:15, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

 Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:
 You can try this extension
 It adds a word counter on the status bar.

On my mac it says that ‘this does not work on this computer’ [or words to that 
effect]  :-(  jt
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2014-05-24 Thread Larry Gusaas

On 2014-05-24, 8:20 PM Julian Thomas wrote:

On 24 May 2014, at 15:15, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

Ariel Constenla-Haile wrote:

You can try this extension
It adds a word counter on the status bar.

On my mac it says that ‘this does not work on this computer’ [or words to that 
effect]  :-(  jt

Go to and download the Mac 

For AOO 4.1.0 get the 64 bit version – macosx-x86-64.oxt
For older versions of AOO get the 32 bit version – macosx-x86.oxt


Larry I. Gusaas
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Canada
An artist is never ahead of his time but most people are far behind theirs. - 
Edgard Varese

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