Re: [SOGo] Messages not displayed

2018-08-01 Thread "albert.solana"

Hello Francis,

it seems last nightly builds solve the issue.

Is this issue related with bug 4518?

0004518  	6 
 		Web Mail 	minor 
	resolved (francis ) 
2018-07-31 	Email content not displayed in Firefox

Could we apply the patched file and recompile .js files following 
] ?

El 31/07/18 a les 15:15, Francis Lachapelle ( ha 

Hi Thomas

On Jul 17, 2018, at 12:45 PM, Tom Plancon ( 

YES! This is exactly the behavior I'm experiencing! We are running 4.0 and have an office 
intranet. I've placed a link on the intranet homepage with a target="_blank" 
attribute to the Sogo login page. If a user accesses Sogo using that link the email body 
is not displayed! BUT, if a user puts the Sogo address directly into the browser 
everything is fine! I am so glad it is a bug! It was driving me crazy!

Try to add the attribute rel="noreferrer" to your link.

Or try the next nightly build.



Albert Solana
Service Operation
Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
Telèfon centraleta: 93.401.1600


Responsable: UPCNET, Serveis d'Accés a Internet de la Universitat Politècnica 
de Catalunya, SLU   |   Finalitat: gestionar els contactes i les relacions 
professionals i comercials amb els nostres clients i proveïdors   |   Base 
legal: consentiment, interès legítim i/o relació contractual   |   
Destinataris: no seran comunicades a tercers excepte per obligació legal   |   
Drets: pots exercir els teus drets d’accés, rectificació i supressió, 
així com els altres drets reconeguts a la normativa vigent, enviant-nos un 
missatge a   |   Més informació: consulta la nostra 
política completa de protecció de dades a


[SOGo] How can a SOGo 4.0.0 user session be killed?

2018-06-29 Thread "albert.solana"


today a couple of users have been receiving a lot of event creation 
notification messages.

Every 15 minutes a message was sent from another "evil" user calendar, a 
lot of PUT lines in sogo.log, always the same URL from  same calendar item.

It seems this notifications has been stopped when "evil"user has closed 
his session.

So my question: how can a specific  SOGo 4.0.0 user sessions be killed?

In this post it was explained

   If you want to kill the session of one user only, you have to go to the
   session table defined by OCSSessionsFolderURL and delete the entry for
   that user by hand.

Is there a similar action in SOGo 4.0.0?


Albert Solana
Service Operation
Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
Telèfon centraleta: 93.401.1600


Responsable: UPCNET, Serveis d'Accés a Internet de la Universitat Politècnica 
de Catalunya, SLU   |   Finalitat: gestionar els contactes i les relacions 
professionals i comercials amb els nostres clients i proveïdors   |   Base 
legal: consentiment, interès legítim i/o relació contractual   |   
Destinataris: no seran comunicades a tercers excepte per obligació legal   |   
Drets: pots exercir els teus drets d’accés, rectificació i supressió, així com 
els altres drets reconeguts a la normativa vigent, enviant-nos un missatge a   |   Més informació: consulta la nostra política completa de 
protecció de dades a



Re: [SOGo] Change "Links to this Calendar" from http to https ?

2018-04-06 Thread "albert.solana"

Hello MJ,

Removing "env=HTTP_HOST" causes a general Sogo website malfunction.

El 05/04/18 a les 10:19, mj ( ha escrit:


On 04/02/2018 06:15 PM, Pierre Fumet ( wrote:

  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "443"
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-name" "%{HTTP_HOST}e" 
  RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" "https://%{HTTP_HOST}e"; 

  RequestHeader unset "x-webobjects-remote-user"

Perhaps remove "env=HTTP_HOST" after both lines..?



Albert Solana
Service Operation
Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
Telèfon centraleta: 93.401.1600

Aquest correu electrònic pot contenir informació confidencial o legalment 
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revelar el seu contingut. Si ha rebut aquest correu electrònic per error, li 
preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu sistema el missatge i el 
material annex que pugui contenir.
Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

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*** Please, don't print me. I want to remain digital ***


Re: [SOGo] Increased caldav sync issues on Android mobile phones

2018-03-05 Thread "albert.solana"

Hello, Ludovic,

I've reported the issues to caldav client developers and Huawei too .

El 28/02/18 a les 20:44, Ludovic Marcotte ( ha escrit:

On 2018-02-28 9:21 AM, "albert.solana" ( wrote:

We've tried to change several phone and app settings (disable all 
power saving settings) but the issue still remains.

This issue doesn't appears en a Samsung Galaxy A5 by now.

I would suggest you to bring this to the Android app developers.



Albert Solana
Service Orchestration
Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
Telèfon centraleta: 93.401.1600

Aquest correu electrònic pot contenir informació confidencial o legalment 
protegida i està exclusivament dirigit a la persona o entitat  destinatària. Si 
vostè no és el destinatari final o persona encarregada de recollir-lo, no està 
autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a 
revelar el seu contingut. Si ha rebut aquest correu electrònic per error, li 
preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu sistema el missatge i el 
material annex que pugui contenir.
Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

*** Si us plau, no m'imprimeixis. Vull seguir sent digital ***
*** Por favor, no me imprimas. Quiero seguir siendo digital ***
*** Please, don't print me. I want to remain digital ***


Re: [SOGo] Increased caldav sync issues on Android mobile phones

2018-02-28 Thread "albert.solana"

Hello Stefan,

We noticed diferent issues, sometimes phones gets a blank calendar after 
losing sync, some events are not synchronized.

The most weird issue we are having in Huwaei P9 and P8 Lite phones is 
some events from a shared calendar are not displayed.

To reproduce this weird issue:

   We have

 UserA: usuari.elena2
 UserB: usuari.ana


   1. UserA shares his personal sogo calendar with UserB

   2. UserB adds his caldav account to his mobile phone, using
   caldav-sync or davdroid clients.

   These caldav clients shows the shared UserA personal calendar twice.

   It seems caldav clients get two different URLs targeting same shared

  - URL 1:

  - URL 2:

   3. UserB configures caldav client to displaythe UserA calendar twice
   , just in order to see what is displayed.

   4. After that, all UserA calendar events have to appear twice of
   course, but then we noticed that some repeated or single events are
   not displayed, sometimes they  doesn't appear in one calendar
   instance, sometimes they doesn't appear in the other one.

   It's a weird issue, the two calendars are targeting  same shared

   So UserB has to display both calendars in order to see all events
   but this is annoying because calendar is full of duplicated (almost
   all) events.

   We've tried to change several phone and app settings (disable all
   power saving settings) but the issue still remains.

   This issue doesn't appears en a Samsung Galaxy A5 by now.

El 27/02/18 a les 18:03, Stefan Klatt ( ha 

Hello Albert,

which kind of sync issues?



Am 27.02.2018 um 17:11 schrieb "albert.solana" (

Hello Stefan,

Thanks for your information

In our case, these apps

  Caldav-sync 0.4.17
  Caldav-sync 0.4.32


are having sync issues with Huawei P8 Lite and P9 phones.

We've tried to tweak the settings phones, disabling all saving 
battery settings to avoid caldav clients to be stopped, but sync 
issues reappears again.

No issues with a Samsung Galaxy A5 phone (with similar disabled 
saving battery settings).

El 20/02/18 a les 23:42, Stefan Klatt ( 
ha escrit:

Hello Albert,

caldav-sync 0.4.32 from dmfs works on my Android 7.1.1, Samsung Note 
8, with SOGo. I don't see any problems.



Am 20.02.2018 um 20:23 schrieb "albert.solana" 

this my first email to this list.

This message is about an increased number of caldav sync issues 
appeared when our users tries to use Android mobile phones.

It's not about SOGo, we still have users on old Horde 5 server (to 
be closed) and their users have caldav sync issues too.

It seems are more issues on Android 7 than on 6 version with same 
caldav client versions installed on devices.

Perhaps it's just bad luck: a bad combination of mobile phone, 
Android version, propietary UI and caldav client app.

Have you noticed that?. Any experiences with caldav sync issues 
with Android 6 and specially on 7 version?

Any caldav client app recomendation for Android devices?

We've tested or are testing this caldav client apps

  Kerio (last version, uses Caldav-sync)

  Caldav-sync 0.4.17
  Caldav-sync 0.4.32


with several phone devices and we haven't still found a good 
combination without important sync issues (I know its complicated 
to get it, but we try).

*CaC, Computer and Communication*
Inhaber Stefan Klatt
End-2-End Senior Network Consultant
CISSP / CISM / ISO27001 Lead Implementer / TOGAF9
Triftstrasse 9
60528 Frankfurt
USt-IdNr.: DE260461592

Tel.: +49-(0)172-6807809
Tel.: +49-(0)69-67808-900
Fax: +49-(0)69-67808-837


Albert Solana
Service Orchestration
Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
Telèfon centraleta: 93.401.1600


Aquest correu electrònic pot contenir informació confidencial o 
legalment protegida i està exclusivament dirigit a la persona o 
entitat destinatària. Si vostè no és el destinatari final o persona 
encarregada de recollir-lo, no està autoritzat a llegir-lo, 
retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a revelar el 
seu contingut. Si ha rebut aquest correu electrònic per error, li 
preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu sistema el missatge 

Re: [SOGo] Increased caldav sync issues on Android mobile phones

2018-02-27 Thread "albert.solana"

Hello Stefan,

Thanks for your information

In our case, these apps

  Caldav-sync 0.4.17
  Caldav-sync 0.4.32


are having sync issues with Huawei P8 Lite and P9 phones.

We've tried to tweak the settings phones, disabling all saving battery 
settings to avoid caldav clients to be stopped, but sync issues 
reappears again.

No issues with a Samsung Galaxy A5 phone (with similar disabled saving 
battery settings).

El 20/02/18 a les 23:42, Stefan Klatt ( ha 

Hello Albert,

caldav-sync 0.4.32 from dmfs works on my Android 7.1.1, Samsung Note 
8, with SOGo. I don't see any problems.



Am 20.02.2018 um 20:23 schrieb "albert.solana" (

this my first email to this list.

This message is about an increased number of caldav sync issues 
appeared when our users tries to use Android mobile phones.

It's not about SOGo, we still have users on old Horde 5 server (to be 
closed) and their users have caldav sync issues too.

It seems are more issues on Android 7 than on 6 version with same 
caldav client versions installed on devices.

Perhaps it's just bad luck: a bad combination of mobile phone, 
Android version, propietary UI and caldav client app.

Have you noticed that?. Any experiences with caldav sync issues with 
Android 6 and specially on 7 version?

Any caldav client app recomendation for Android devices?

We've tested or are testing this caldav client apps

  Kerio (last version, uses Caldav-sync)

  Caldav-sync 0.4.17
  Caldav-sync 0.4.32


with several phone devices and we haven't still found a good 
combination without important sync issues (I know its complicated to 
get it, but we try).

*CaC, Computer and Communication*
Inhaber Stefan Klatt
End-2-End Senior Network Consultant
CISSP / CISM / ISO27001 Lead Implementer / TOGAF9
Triftstrasse 9
60528 Frankfurt
USt-IdNr.: DE260461592

Tel.: +49-(0)172-6807809
Tel.: +49-(0)69-67808-900
Fax: +49-(0)69-67808-837


Albert Solana
Service Orchestration
Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
Telèfon centraleta: 93.401.1600

Aquest correu electrònic pot contenir informació confidencial o legalment 
protegida i està exclusivament dirigit a la persona o entitat  destinatària. Si 
vostè no és el destinatari final o persona encarregada de recollir-lo, no està 
autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a 
revelar el seu contingut. Si ha rebut aquest correu electrònic per error, li 
preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu sistema el missatge i el 
material annex que pugui contenir.
Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

*** Si us plau, no m'imprimeixis. Vull seguir sent digital ***
*** Por favor, no me imprimas. Quiero seguir siendo digital ***
*** Please, don't print me. I want to remain digital ***


Re: [SOGo] Change "Links to this Calendar" from http to https ?

2018-02-23 Thread "albert.solana"


I have the same issue in my a 3.2.10 Sogo servers, all links appear as 
http instead https.

I'ts annoying for the users.

El 22/02/18 a les 15:19, Pierre Fumet ( ha escrit:

is there a way to generate CalDAV/WebDAV links to 
calendars/addressbooks in https instead of http ?
I have them in https in SOGo2 instance, but not in SOGo3 instance, 
even though i can't see any difference in config.

Couldn't find any option available nor a bug about that.

Thks in advance.


Albert Solana
Service Orchestration
Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
Telèfon centraleta: 93.401.1600

Aquest correu electrònic pot contenir informació confidencial o legalment 
protegida i està exclusivament dirigit a la persona o entitat  destinatària. Si 
vostè no és el destinatari final o persona encarregada de recollir-lo, no està 
autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a 
revelar el seu contingut. Si ha rebut aquest correu electrònic per error, li 
preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu sistema el missatge i el 
material annex que pugui contenir.
Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

*** Si us plau, no m'imprimeixis. Vull seguir sent digital ***
*** Por favor, no me imprimas. Quiero seguir siendo digital ***
*** Please, don't print me. I want to remain digital ***


[SOGo] Increased caldav sync issues on Android mobile phones

2018-02-20 Thread "albert.solana"

this my first email to this list.

This message is about an increased number of caldav sync issues appeared 
when our users tries to use Android mobile phones.

It's not about SOGo, we still have users on old Horde 5 server (to be 
closed) and their users have caldav sync issues too.

It seems are more issues on Android 7 than on 6 version with same caldav 
client versions installed on devices.

Perhaps it's just bad luck: a bad combination of mobile phone, Android 
version, propietary UI and caldav client app.

Have you noticed that?. Any experiences with caldav sync issues with 
Android 6 and specially on 7 version?

Any caldav client app recomendation for Android devices?

We've tested or are testing this caldav client apps

  Kerio (last version, uses Caldav-sync)

  Caldav-sync 0.4.17
  Caldav-sync 0.4.32


with several phone devices and we haven't still found a good combination 
without important sync issues (I know its complicated to get it, but we 


Albert Solana
Service Orchestration
Edifici Vèrtex - Pl. Eusebi Güell, 6
Telèfon centraleta: 93.401.1600

Aquest correu electrònic pot contenir informació confidencial o legalment 
protegida i està exclusivament dirigit a la persona o entitat  destinatària. Si 
vostè no és el destinatari final o persona encarregada de recollir-lo, no està 
autoritzat a llegir-lo, retenir-lo, modificar-lo, distribuir-lo, copiar-lo ni a 
revelar el seu contingut. Si ha rebut aquest correu electrònic per error, li 
preguem que informi al remitent i elimini del seu sistema el missatge i el 
material annex que pugui contenir.
Gràcies per la seva col.laboració.

*** Si us plau, no m'imprimeixis. Vull seguir sent digital ***
*** Por favor, no me imprimas. Quiero seguir siendo digital ***
*** Please, don't print me. I want to remain digital ***
