Broken pipe on JDBCRealm

2006-11-16 Thread Leonhard Holzer
We are using tomcat 5.0.28 with jdk1.4.2_13 on redhat rhsl9. We 
configured the context with an JDBCRealm on a Oracle9i database

Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm debug=99
connectionName=yyy connectionPassword=xxx
userTable=grptusr0 userNameCol=login
userRoleTable=grpturl0 roleNameCol=role

From time to time we get the following error on the logfile.

2006-11-16 08:13:43 JDBCRealm[/GRIP]: Exception performing authentication
java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: Broken pipe
at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(

the strange behavior is, that the client is blocked and gets a white 
screen, but when he closes the browser and reopens it, the user is 
already logged in.

Has anybody encountered the same problem or can anybody give us some 

Best regards

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Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

2006-11-16 Thread Lars Nielsen Lind

Solved with mod_jk without JNI, and thanks for all the tips.

In my /etc/hosts there was this line:

::1   localhost.localdomain   localhost

And I added this line:   localhost.localdomain   localhost

and now I can ping localhost.

Christopher Schultz skrev:

Hash: SHA1


Lars Nielsen Lind wrote:

I have tried with mod_jk but can't make it work. I get this err msg in

[Wed Nov 15 00:32:34 2006] [16667:10448] [error]
ajp_validate::jk_ajp_common.c (1931): can't resolve tomcat address

This suggests a name resolution problem.


And mod_jk this way:

./configure --with-apxs=/opt/apache-2.2.3/bin/apxs
--with-java-home=/opt/jdk1.5.0_09 --enable-jni

I believe that the JNI connector is deprecated. Are you intending to run
mod_jk with JNI? I'd like to see what the rest of the list thinks about

mod_jk is telling you that it cannot resolve localhost. What do you
have in your /etc/resolv.conf? What about /etc/hosts? What happens if
you ping localhost?

- -chris

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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SEVERE: Error loading WebappClassLoader

2006-11-16 Thread Lars Nielsen Lind

I get this err msg when I am starting tomcat 5.5.20:

2006-11-16 09:22:02 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: Marking servlet CewolfServlet as unavailable
2006-11-16 09:22:02 org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
SEVERE: Error loading WebappClassLoader
 delegate: false
-- Parent Classloader:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.laures.cewolf.CewolfRenderer


My server.xml:

Host name= appBase=webapps unpackWARs=true 
autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false

   Context path=/ debug=0 docBase=application1 reloadable=true

I have tried with path= and with 
appBase=/opt/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/webapps/application1 and with 

Any solutions?


Lars Nielsen Lind

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Web.xml - mime-type definition for file without extension

2006-11-16 Thread Vincent Peytavin

Here is my situation: I have audio files that are not named foo.wav
but foo. As a consequence, Tomcat does not define a content-type for
these files as audio/x-wav since they are not matching with the
extension .wav. Finally, they are not correctly interpreted by the

I have tried to define the following mime-mapping in this way, but it does not 

!-- For files without extension, default mime-type is audio/x-wav --





!-- Of course, for *.wav files, the mime-type is also audio/x-wav --





Is there a way to define the content-type in Tomcat config files
to say files without extension have a mime-type set to audio/x-wav?

(If possible, I'd like to avoid using a servlet to set the mime-type for files 
without extension).

Your advice are very welcomed!

Thanks in advance.


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exception during deploy

2006-11-16 Thread Raffaele Viola

HI all,
at Tocat startup I get this error:

INFO: Deploying web application archive CMM_EU.war
- IOException while loading persisted sessions: writing aborted;

Can someone help me?


Re: JkMountFile not working

2006-11-16 Thread Rainer Jung
No way to look at the modification time inside mod_jk. The module will
log the followinf when loading the file during request processing:

Log-Level info: Reloaded urimaps from FILENAME

And a little later one can see the usual request mapping (Log-Level debug):

   Attempting to map URI 'REQUEST_URL' from NUM_OF_ENTIES maps

Please open a bugzilla and attach all your config files (including the
JkMountfile before and after the change). If you can easily reproduce
the problem, it would also be helpful, if you set your log level to
trace and attach the complete JkLogFile.



Gilberto E. Espinoza schrieb:
 Hi Rainer-
 I changed the file tonight and checked that the modified time was
 tonight's.  The update did not work and the server continued to map to
 the same webapp context.  I again restarted the apache2 server and the
 new mappings worked well.  Is there a way to see were the modification
 time is stored so that I can manually inspect it.
 Thanks for your help.
 Rainer Jung wrote:
 Hi Gilberto,

 automatic reloading of JkMountFile after changes happens only every 60
 seconds. More precisely, if a request comes in later than 60 seconds
 after the last check, mod_jk updates it's last check time and looks for
 the modification time of the file. If this is more trecent, than the
 modification time when it hass been loaded, it will be loaded again and
 the modification time gets saved.

 So the update of the mounts after the change to the file can happen any
 time between immediately and 60 seconds after your changes, assuming
 that requests are coming in.

 If this doesn't fit your experience: are the modification times of the
 file OK?



 Gilberto E. Espinoza schrieb:
 Hi -

 I am running Geronimo+Tomcat (1.1.1).  I have apache2 in front of it and
 I use the JkMountFile directive to map the webapp context to the apache
 server space.  I am not sure that the file I use for the JkMountFile
 gets reloaded every time I update it.  I do not know where to start
 troubleshooting the issue.

 I know my mount points work because they are mapped when I restart

 Below are the conf files.


 ### apache mod_jk conf ###
 # Load mod_jk module
 # Update this path to match your modules location
 IfModule !mod_jk.c
 LoadModulejk_module  /usr/lib/apache2/

 # Declare the module for IfModule directive (remove this line on
 Apache 2.x)
 # AddModule mod_jk.c

 # Where to put jk logs
 # Update this path to match your logs directory location (put mod_jk.log
 next to access_log)
 JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log

 # Where to find
 JkWorkersFile /somwhere/

 # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]

 # Select the log format
 JkLogStampFormat [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 

 # JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,
 JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories

 # JkRequestLogFormat set the request format
 JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %T

 # To automatically load the webapps
 JkAutoAlias //geronimo/webapps
 JkMountFile //geronimo/

 # For Tomcat within Geronimo
 JkAutoAlias //geronimo-1.1.1/var/catalina/work/
 JkAutoAlias //geronimo-1.1.1/config-store/

 Location /servlets-examples/WEB-INF/
AllowOverride None
deny from all

 Location /jsp-examples/WEB-INF/
AllowOverride None
deny from all

 Location /tomcat-docs/WEB-INF/
AllowOverride None
deny from all

 ### end ###

 ### ###
 # URI Mappings






 ### end ###

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Re: JkMountFile not working

2006-11-16 Thread Rainer Jung
Ah sorry, I didn't notice Mladen's changes when I wrote my answer a
minute ago. So yes, could you please try with his patch (build
1.2.20-dev) and try again and if the problem persists, open a bugzilla
as described.

Mladen Turk schrieb:
 Gilberto E. Espinoza wrote:

 I changed the file tonight and checked that the modified time was
 tonight's.  The update did not work and the server continued to map to
 the same webapp context.  I again restarted the apache2 server and the
 new mappings worked well.  Is there a way to see were the modification
 time is stored so that I can manually inspect it.
 Can you build the mod_jk from SVN trunk and check?
 On some systems the the time_t math gives wrong results,
 so I modified the code to use the difftime.
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Re: Virtual Host hiding JkMount directives?

2006-11-16 Thread Rainer Jung

I tried to reproduce. It looks like the mapping actually works, but the
logger is not correctly initialized for the virtual server.

Could you please confirm, that the mappings you enter to the virtual
servers work, and the problem is only the misleading log lines?



Chris Mayes schrieb:
 Hi, all.
 I seem to be having a bit of trouble with virtual hosts and mod_jk. 
 JkMount directives in a VirtualHost are ignored:
 VirtualHost *
  JkMount /* ajp13
  ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/censea_error_log
  TransferLog /var/log/apache2/censea_access_log
  DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/
  DirectoryIndex index.jsp
 mod_jk log:
 [Wed Nov 15 21:02:08 2006] [11224:] [debug] init_jk::mod_jk.c
 (2355): Initialized shm:/var/log/apache2/memory.shm
 [Wed Nov 15 21:02:08 2006] [11224:] [debug]
 uri_worker_map_open::jk_uri_worker_map.c (361): rule map size is 0
 [Wed Nov 15 21:02:08 2006] [11224:] [debug]
 build_worker_map::jk_worker.c (236): creating worker ajp13
 If I move the directive outside of the VirtualHost block, it gets picked
  JkMount /* ajp13
 VirtualHost *
 mod_jk log:
 [Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug] init_jk::mod_jk.c
 (2355): Initialized shm:/var/log/apache2/memory.shm
 [Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug]
 uri_worker_map_open::jk_uri_worker_map.c (361): rule map size is 1
 [Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug]
 uri_worker_map_add::jk_uri_worker_map.c (298): wildchar rule /*=ajp13
 was added
 [Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug]
 build_worker_map::jk_worker.c (236): creating worker ajp13
 Here's my tomcat server.xml:
 Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
  Service name=Catalina
Connector port=8080 /
!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
Connector port=8009
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
 protocol=AJP/1.3 /
Engine name=Catalina
  Host appBase=nothing
Context path= docBase=/usr/local/tomcat/censea/trawler.war/
Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger/
 I'm running Ubuntu Edgy Eft (6.10) with:
 Apache Tomcat/5.5.15 (dropped in /usr/local/tomcat; not a distro package)
 apache2 2.0.55-4ubuntu4
 libapache2-mod-jk 1.2.18-1ubuntu1
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problem at startup

2006-11-16 Thread Raffaele Viola

Hi all,

when I try to start Tomcat in the catalina.out I can find these lines

16-Nov-2006 10:07:34 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListenerlifecycleEvent
INFO: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in
production environments was not found on the java.library.path

Can You help me?


Re: AW: Problem with RemoteAddrValve in Context.xml

2006-11-16 Thread David Smith
You can't split a webapp into protected and not protected with the 
valve.  It's all or nothing.  You'd be better off implementing a filter 
in your webapp that pay's attention to request.getRemoteAddr() and 
either chains the request or redirects to an error page.


Peter Neu wrote:

I just tried some more but I can't get it to work. Is there another way to
resolve the problem? 

I need one part of the application /app/public open for everybody and
another part of the application /app/internal open only for people with a
certain ip address 192.168.200.*

Any ideas?



-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. November 2006 16:16
An: Tomcat Users List
Betreff: RE: Problem with RemoteAddrValve in Context.xml

From: Peter Neu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: AW: Problem with RemoteAddrValve in Context.xml

Yes. And when I deleted it. Then I must restart the app and this
automatically triggers the creation of a new context.xml file
in the dir conf/Catalina/localhost.

Hopefully this one is an exact copy of the one in META-INF/context.xml.
I haven't yet determined under exactly what conditions Tomcat chooses to
make a copy of the Context element, but doing so does cause some
confusion if you don't realize it happened.  May have something to do
with the deployOnStartup and autoDeploy settings, but I'm only
speculating on that.

 - Chuck

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Re: Daylight Saving Time Impact

2006-11-16 Thread David Smith
Tomcat doesn't track DST begin and end.  That's taken care of in the JRE 
or JVM.  Take a look at you Java vendor's website (Sun or IBM) for support.


Ranendra N Ghoshal wrote:


As you are aware Beginning in 2007, DST will start the second Sunday of
March and end on the first Sunday of November. Does TomCat v3 or v5.5
impacted by Daylight Savings Time change ?

If so, then are there fixpacks / patches available.


Rupam Ghoshal
IBM Global Business Services
Project Manager
Office: 845-892-8816, (T/L): 532-8816
CSQA® - Certified Software Quality Analyst

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Re: problem at startup

2006-11-16 Thread Markus Schönhaber
Raffaele Viola wrote:
 when I try to start Tomcat in the catalina.out I can find these lines

 16-Nov-2006 10:07:34
 org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListenerlifecycleEvent INFO: The
 Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production
 environments was not found on the java.library.path

 Can You help me?

As the word INFO indicates, this is simply an informational message. No need 
to worry about. If you want to get rid of it, either
- install the native lib to make use of APR
- comment the AprLifecycleListener in server.xml


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org.apache.jasper.JasperException: the useBean class attribute List is invalid.

2006-11-16 Thread Lijin

Please help me in the following problem occuring in my project.
One of our project is running currectly in the Tomcat 4 version with one old
version of Jasper report. Now we our requirment is that, we have to trasfer
it to new Tomcat 5 environment. But when we transfer this into the new
Tomcat version, it pops up the following Jasper exception.

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /pendingtranscriptions.jsp(6,0) The value
for the useBean class attribute List is invalid.








We tried with the new Jasper versions in the new environment of Tomcat. But
the same error occured. 
Please help me in this matter

Thanks in Advance...

View this message in context:
Sent from the Tomcat - User mailing list archive at

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: useBean class attribute List is invalid.

2006-11-16 Thread Lijin

Please help me in the following problem occuring in my project.

One of our project is running currectly in the Tomcat 4 version with one old
version of Jasper report. Now we our requirment is that, we have to trasfer
it to new Tomcat 5 environment. But when we transfer this into the new
Tomcat version, it pops up the following Jasper exception.

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /pendingtranscriptions.jsp(6,0) The value
for the useBean class attribute List is invalid.








We tried with the new Jasper versions in the new environment of Tomcat. But
the same error occured. 
Please help me in this matter

Thanks in Advance...

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How to start and stop Tomcat server using Java binaries

2006-11-16 Thread Harihara Kumar, Juttu Satchidaanandam
Hello All,

I have a requirement to start and stop the Tomcat server through a perl
script on Windows platform.

I know that I can use the command net START \Apache Tomcat\  to
start the Tomcat server and similarly the command net STOP \Apache
Tomcat\  to stop the Tomcat server through the perl script.

But the problem is that, this command will work only if it is installed
as service and at the same time the service name is Apache Tomcat. If
the user has installed the Tomcat as service with a different name other
than Apache Tomcat then this command will not work.

Hence I need to directly access the java binaries that is used to start
and stop the tomcat server.

Can any one let me know what command should I use in perl script to
start and stop the tomcat server using it's java binaries.

Thanks and Regards,
Harihara Kumar. J.S

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Re: Virtual Host hiding JkMount directives?

2006-11-16 Thread Chris Mayes
Sadly, no.  The mapping isn't functional when it's in the VirtualHost.  
It works outside of the VH definition, but that's obviously not where I 
want it :-)  I'll try to provide more details when I get home.



Rainer Jung wrote:


I tried to reproduce. It looks like the mapping actually works, but the
logger is not correctly initialized for the virtual server.

Could you please confirm, that the mappings you enter to the virtual
servers work, and the problem is only the misleading log lines?



Chris Mayes schrieb:

Hi, all.

I seem to be having a bit of trouble with virtual hosts and mod_jk. 
JkMount directives in a VirtualHost are ignored:

VirtualHost *
 JkMount /* ajp13

 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/censea_error_log
 TransferLog /var/log/apache2/censea_access_log

 DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/
 DirectoryIndex index.jsp

mod_jk log:

[Wed Nov 15 21:02:08 2006] [11224:] [debug] init_jk::mod_jk.c
(2355): Initialized shm:/var/log/apache2/memory.shm
[Wed Nov 15 21:02:08 2006] [11224:] [debug]
uri_worker_map_open::jk_uri_worker_map.c (361): rule map size is 0
[Wed Nov 15 21:02:08 2006] [11224:] [debug]
build_worker_map::jk_worker.c (236): creating worker ajp13

If I move the directive outside of the VirtualHost block, it gets picked

 JkMount /* ajp13
VirtualHost *

mod_jk log:

[Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug] init_jk::mod_jk.c
(2355): Initialized shm:/var/log/apache2/memory.shm
[Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug]
uri_worker_map_open::jk_uri_worker_map.c (361): rule map size is 1
[Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug]
uri_worker_map_add::jk_uri_worker_map.c (298): wildchar rule /*=ajp13
was added
[Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug]
build_worker_map::jk_worker.c (236): creating worker ajp13

Here's my tomcat server.xml:
Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
 Service name=Catalina
   Connector port=8080 /

   !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
   Connector port=8009
  enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

   Engine name=Catalina

 Host appBase=nothing
   Context path= docBase=/usr/local/tomcat/censea/trawler.war/
   Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger/


I'm running Ubuntu Edgy Eft (6.10) with:
Apache Tomcat/5.5.15 (dropped in /usr/local/tomcat; not a distro package)
apache2 2.0.55-4ubuntu4
libapache2-mod-jk 1.2.18-1ubuntu1



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Re: org.apache.jasper.JasperException: the useBean class attribute List is invalid.

2006-11-16 Thread David Smith
General diagnostics:

1. The bean class has to be in a package

2. The bean has to be declared public

3. The bean has to have a default, public, no-arguement constructor.


Lijin wrote:

Please help me in the following problem occuring in my project.
One of our project is running currectly in the Tomcat 4 version with one old
version of Jasper report. Now we our requirment is that, we have to trasfer
it to new Tomcat 5 environment. But when we transfer this into the new
Tomcat version, it pops up the following Jasper exception.

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
from fulfilling this request.


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: /pendingtranscriptions.jsp(6,0) The value
for the useBean class attribute List is invalid.








We tried with the new Jasper versions in the new environment of Tomcat. But
the same error occured. 
Please help me in this matter

Thanks in Advance...


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Tomcat5,Apache2,mod_ssl and mod_jk

2006-11-16 Thread Marx

I configured Tomcat5,Apache2,mod_ssl and mod_jk.
I use certification, but I want some of directiories not tu require 

Choosing which directories needs cetrtificate is configured via
Directory /
SSLVerifyClient none
Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/xxx/yyy
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 2
It works ok with Apache (without certificate I can't access yyy 
directory). Hovewer if I anable ajp13 connector like this:

JkMount /xxx/*.jsp ajp13
it works only with non-jsp files (served by Apache in this example) - I 
can access JSP files in yyy directory without certificate (I shoudn't).

So directive 'SSLVerifyClient require' doesn't work together with 
connector - I can read every file served via connector without certificate.

One another word - if I enable cerificate requirements globally, it 
works globally (can't access anything, even jsp files, without 
certificate) and whatever directive I would write I can't unblock some 
directories to not need certificate.

Last word - such configuration worked with Apache 1.3, Tomcat 4, mod_ssl 
and mod_jk.


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Problem it Cyrillic records in my Database

2006-11-16 Thread Plamen.Ivanov
Good day,

my name is Plamen Ivanov and i am looking for solution regarding my =
problem. I user Apache Tomcat 5.5.12 and MySQL database. When i am =
submitting forms with cyrillic characters in the fields i receive =
records in the database like ??. Can you tell me what =
configuraiton i must change or where can be the problem.

Kindest regards,
Eng. Plamen Ivanov
Magister in Information Technologies and Systems

1407 Sofia, Bulgaria
71A Cherni vruh Blvd. 2-nd fl.
tel: +359 2 9628690
fax: +359 2 9621428

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Problem with Cyrillic records in myDatabase

2006-11-16 Thread Plamen.Ivanov
Good day,

my name is Plamen Ivanov and i am looking for solution regarding my =
problem. I user Apache Tomcat 5.5.12 and MySQL database. When i am =
submitting forms with cyrillic characters in the fields i receive =
records in the database like ??. Can you tell me what =
configuraiton i must change or where can be the problem.

Kindest regards,
Eng. Plamen Ivanov

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Tomcat directories location

2006-11-16 Thread Didier Croutz


I'm working for an University. Our workstations are unmarked so each 
student is able to work on every workstations. But we must save students 
data on their home directoy wich is a network drive mounted on a Windows 

They' ll use Tomcat 5.5.20 so we must configure this software to work 
this network drive.

The first step was to redirect the application directory and the users 
database. I modified the server.xml the following way:

_*server.xml file*_

Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

 Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener /


   Environment name=simpleValue type=java.lang.Integer value=30/

   Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container 
type=org.apache.catalina.UserDatabase description=User database that 
can be updated and saved 
pathname=H:/Tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml /


 Service name=Catalina

   Connector port=8080 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192 maxThreads=150 
minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75 enableLookups=false 
redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=100 connectionTimeout=2 
disableUploadTimeout=true /

   Connector port=8009
  enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

   Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

 Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm 

 Host name=localhost appBase=H:/Tomcat/webapps 
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true xmlValidation=false 





Moreover we have to start Tomcat not as a service but as a simple 
application with the script below (*). Otherwise Tomcat doesn't 
recognize redirected application directory even if we change the user 
who launch the Tomcat service to the ower of the network drive.

(*) *_Tomcat.bat file_*

/set TOMCAT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.5
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java

%TOMCAT_HOME%\bin\tomcat5.exe \
-install tomcat \
%JAVA_HOME%\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll \

-Dcatalina.home=%TOMCAT_HOME% \
-Xrs -Xms128m -Xmx256m \
-start org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params start \
-stop org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params stop \
-out H:\Tomcat\Logs\stdout.log -err H:\Tomcat\Logs\stderr.log

That's ok for users database but not all the log files are redirected 
into H:\Tomcat\Logs, it's the first trouble.

Next I'd like to redirect temp, work and may be conf directories 
on the network drive but dont't know how to do this. Anybody can help me ?


Didier Croutz.

Re: CSS not being used when a Servlet is involved

2006-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


Robbert wrote:
 Christopher Schultz-2 wrote:
 Whether or not you use struts, I highly recommend that you avoid tricks
 like calling a servlet from a JSP in order to execute your business
 logic. If you have a waterfall-style logical flow (i.e. execute servlet
 first, then JSP), it's only natural to have the flow actually do that.
 It's okay if you application isn't 100% pull-based ;)

 It seemed like a good way of doing things at the time, since the Servlet's
 output is not needed for the page itself. :p But I am doing more things than
 necessary, yeah.

Aah, I see that you're saying. Often, servlets emit no output. I would
say that /almost all/ servlets emit no output, but that they are
generally used to set up the request so that control can be passed to an
output-generating mechanism (JSP, Velocity, whatever). This is the
natural way that pretty much everybody does servlet programming.

The best reason to switch is that you are having problems with your
awkward setup, eh? ;)

Good luck,
- -chris
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Re: Tomcat5,Apache2,mod_ssl and mod_jk

2006-11-16 Thread Rainer Jung

Hi Marx,

I didn't go into the details, but I find it normal, that Directory 
directives don't apply to mod_jk. The module simply forwards URLs and 
not requests mapped to a file system. So using it together with Location 
seems natural to me (and you can argue, if this is more secure or less 
than using Directory).

You could block access via apache using Directory, to be on the safe 
side, if you misconfigured mod_jk forwarding, and additionally configure 
Location based access control for the case of mod_jk forwards.



Marx wrote:
One more information, everything works ok if I use directive Location, 
bu I want to be more secure and I want to use Directory


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Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

2006-11-16 Thread Rainer Jung

Hi Michael,

I didn't want to shoot at you, and yes, mod_jk documentation could be 
much better.

Concerning the docs: Documentation contribution will be welcome. We try 
to add all new things in there, but parts of the documentation are 
indeed rudimentary.

Concerning Apache 2.2: There is no known problem special to Apache 2.2 
with mod_jk. You set it up exactly the same way, as you do with Apache 
2.0. Of course, during build time, you have to use apxs from an 
installed Apache 2.2, so the binary module will be different. But 
features and configuration are exactly the same.




On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 11:25:20PM +0100, Rainer Jung wrote:


On Wed, Nov 15, 2006 at 12:22:02AM +0100, Lars Nielsen Lind wrote:

Everything I have read says that mod_jk will not work with 2.2.  What
little information is available says use the proxy modules.

There is no known problem concerniong usage of mod_jk in combination
with Apache 2.2. Grab mod_jk 1.2.19 and build it against apache 2.2
using the same flags as for 2.0. This will work.

All I can say is that I googled around extensively, trying to learn
how to set up Tomcat 5.5 with Apache 2.2 as the front end, and found
many sites saying to stay away from mod_jk, along with mailing list
messages about the problems people were having with it.  It goes
without saying, that when you have to depend on mailing list messages
for documentation of any problem, you have a high likelihood of
getting it wrong.  Especially when you are under the gun and trying to
complete a project and not wanting to spend all this time figuring out
how to do what ought to be quite straightforward.

The Apache Software Foundation produces some of the best and most
useful software in the world.  They simultaneously produce some of the
worst user documentation for that software.  If you want to achieve a
shortlived feeling of amazement, go to and
search for the expression mod_jk.  You'll get four hits for
mod_proxy.  Now search for mod_jk (with quotation marks).  You'll
get two mailing list messages from the httpd mailing list.  I can but
shake my head.

Then, there are about a zillion ways to proxy and next to NO
documentation on actually using them.  

If you want to use mod_proxy, it is important to know, that most
documentation for mod_proxy_balancer is contained in apaches
documentation page for mod_proxy, not on the page for
mod_proxy_balancer :)

Well, good luck.  I wanted to set up Apache 2.2 with Tomcat 5.5, to
proxy user directories (/home/user/public_html) with Apache to serve
static content and Tomcat to serve JSP/servlets.  Nothing.
Zip. Nada.  I know I'm not the only person that ever wanted to do
this.  But I could not find documenation anywhere.  Hell, I'd buy the
book if there was one available.

It really made me appreciate how well-organized other free software
projects are, that do provide targeted documentation for their end



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Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

2006-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


 All I can say is that I googled around extensively, trying to learn
 how to set up Tomcat 5.5 with Apache 2.2 as the front end, and found
 many sites saying to stay away from mod_jk, along with mailing list
 messages about the problems people were having with it.

I have no idea why so many people have problems with mod_jk. I have
never had a single problem with it. It's stupid simple to install:

1. Download and untar (gnu tar!)
2. $cd native
3. ./configure --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs
4. make
5. make install (as root)

It works for me every time. Setup is slightly more complex, because you
need to have a workers file (but you can avoid that in recent versions
of mod_jk) which trips some folks up.

 It goes
 without saying, that when you have to depend on mailing list messages
 for documentation of any problem, you have a high likelihood of
 getting it wrong.

This list is highly active, and with Rainer Jung on the list (who knows
more than anyone really should about mod_jk ;) ), you should always be
able to get good advise.

 Especially when you are under the gun and trying to
 complete a project and not wanting to spend all this time figuring out
 how to do what ought to be quite straightforward.

Agreed. At this point, since it's been a few days, you have probably
tried something already. What did you try and how did it go?

 The Apache Software Foundation produces some of the best and most
 useful software in the world.  They simultaneously produce some of the
 worst user documentation for that software.

I completely agree. Many software developers are simply terrible
writers. It's not their fault, it's just the truth. Most folks who get
into OSS are coders because, well, software is the name of the game.
There aren't too many professors of literature on these projects ;)

 If you want to achieve a
 shortlived feeling of amazement, go to and
 search for the expression mod_jk.  You'll get four hits for
 mod_proxy.  Now search for mod_jk (with quotation marks).  You'll
 get two mailing list messages from the httpd mailing list.  I can but
 shake my head.

Aah. I think the problem is that you were searching,
instead of the Tomcat-related pages. Yes, mod_jk is an Apache httpd
module, but it's a non-standard module (that is, it isn't bundled with
the source or binary distributions). It should be considered a 3rd-party

Essentially all information about mod_jk is available through the Tomcat
website, not Sorry about that. :(

 Well, good luck.  I wanted to set up Apache 2.2 with Tomcat 5.5, to
 proxy user directories (/home/user/public_html) with Apache to serve
 static content and Tomcat to serve JSP/servlets.  Nothing.
 Zip. Nada.  I know I'm not the only person that ever wanted to do
 this.  But I could not find documentation anywhere.  Hell, I'd buy the
 book if there was one available.

I had the same experience. One of the engineers on my team decided to
install all the latest versions of everything on his dev environment
instead of matching production. That meant using Apache httpd 2.2
instead 2.0, and he pointed out that somewhere, there was the wild-ass
claim that mod_proxy_ajp was the way to connect to Tomcat in 2.2.

Well, we looked for documentation on how to connect them and it just
doesn't exist. Just a lot of people saying yeah, yeah... use
mod_proxy_ajp. mod_proxy_ajp has (or at least had) no documentation
whatsoever and so you have to read all about mod_proxy. No problem. You
read all about mod_proxy and it's all about proxying HTTP, not ajp13.
So, on a hunch, I simply changed the example do something like this:

Proxy /someURI ajp13://localhost/someOtherURI

and it worked. Lucky guess without any indication from the mod_proxy
documentation that this was even possible.

After getting that simple thing set up, we tried some of our more exotic
configuration settings. For instance, we have /most/ of our webapp's
URIs going to one worker (Tomcat running our app), but some of them need
to go to another worker (Cocoon running in a separate Tomcat instance).
It appears that mod_proxy only supports blindly proxying everything in a
particular URL space, so we were out of luck.

Not to be beaten by mod_proxy, we came up with a solution that involved
re-writing the URIs using mod_rewrite so that the URL was outside of the
URI space of the webapp, and then proxying it appropriately. Something
like this (forgive the completely incorrect syntax):

RewriteRule /myApp/something/special - /outside/something/special

Proxy /myApp ajp13://localhost:8185/myApp
Proxy /outside ajp13://localhost:8285/myApp

Since we had like a dozen special URIs like this, we had re-writes all
over the place. When we looked at the final configuration, we both
nearly vomited and just went back to using mod_jk, which does patch

I hope this gives you some more insight into why I 

Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

2006-11-16 Thread Joe Riopel

I am not saying this is 100% correct, or the best documentation ever
but I wrote a small install guide for Apache 2.2 and Tomcat 5.5 with
mod_jk. I used the same steps on a RH7.3 box and a Slackware 10.2 box.

On 11/16/06, Christopher Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1


 All I can say is that I googled around extensively, trying to learn
 how to set up Tomcat 5.5 with Apache 2.2 as the front end, and found
 many sites saying to stay away from mod_jk, along with mailing list
 messages about the problems people were having with it.

I have no idea why so many people have problems with mod_jk. I have
never had a single problem with it. It's stupid simple to install:

1. Download and untar (gnu tar!)
2. $cd native
3. ./configure --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs
4. make
5. make install (as root)

It works for me every time. Setup is slightly more complex, because you
need to have a workers file (but you can avoid that in recent versions
of mod_jk) which trips some folks up.

 It goes
 without saying, that when you have to depend on mailing list messages
 for documentation of any problem, you have a high likelihood of
 getting it wrong.

This list is highly active, and with Rainer Jung on the list (who knows
more than anyone really should about mod_jk ;) ), you should always be
able to get good advise.

 Especially when you are under the gun and trying to
 complete a project and not wanting to spend all this time figuring out
 how to do what ought to be quite straightforward.

Agreed. At this point, since it's been a few days, you have probably
tried something already. What did you try and how did it go?

 The Apache Software Foundation produces some of the best and most
 useful software in the world.  They simultaneously produce some of the
 worst user documentation for that software.

I completely agree. Many software developers are simply terrible
writers. It's not their fault, it's just the truth. Most folks who get
into OSS are coders because, well, software is the name of the game.
There aren't too many professors of literature on these projects ;)

 If you want to achieve a
 shortlived feeling of amazement, go to and
 search for the expression mod_jk.  You'll get four hits for
 mod_proxy.  Now search for mod_jk (with quotation marks).  You'll
 get two mailing list messages from the httpd mailing list.  I can but
 shake my head.

Aah. I think the problem is that you were searching,
instead of the Tomcat-related pages. Yes, mod_jk is an Apache httpd
module, but it's a non-standard module (that is, it isn't bundled with
the source or binary distributions). It should be considered a 3rd-party

Essentially all information about mod_jk is available through the Tomcat
website, not Sorry about that. :(

 Well, good luck.  I wanted to set up Apache 2.2 with Tomcat 5.5, to
 proxy user directories (/home/user/public_html) with Apache to serve
 static content and Tomcat to serve JSP/servlets.  Nothing.
 Zip. Nada.  I know I'm not the only person that ever wanted to do
 this.  But I could not find documentation anywhere.  Hell, I'd buy the
 book if there was one available.

I had the same experience. One of the engineers on my team decided to
install all the latest versions of everything on his dev environment
instead of matching production. That meant using Apache httpd 2.2
instead 2.0, and he pointed out that somewhere, there was the wild-ass
claim that mod_proxy_ajp was the way to connect to Tomcat in 2.2.

Well, we looked for documentation on how to connect them and it just
doesn't exist. Just a lot of people saying yeah, yeah... use
mod_proxy_ajp. mod_proxy_ajp has (or at least had) no documentation
whatsoever and so you have to read all about mod_proxy. No problem. You
read all about mod_proxy and it's all about proxying HTTP, not ajp13.
So, on a hunch, I simply changed the example do something like this:

Proxy /someURI ajp13://localhost/someOtherURI

and it worked. Lucky guess without any indication from the mod_proxy
documentation that this was even possible.

After getting that simple thing set up, we tried some of our more exotic
configuration settings. For instance, we have /most/ of our webapp's
URIs going to one worker (Tomcat running our app), but some of them need
to go to another worker (Cocoon running in a separate Tomcat instance).
It appears that mod_proxy only supports blindly proxying everything in a
particular URL space, so we were out of luck.

Not to be beaten by mod_proxy, we came up with a solution that involved
re-writing the URIs using mod_rewrite so that the URL was outside of the
URI space of the webapp, and then proxying it appropriately. Something
like this (forgive the completely incorrect syntax):

RewriteRule /myApp/something/special - /outside/something/special

Proxy /myApp ajp13://localhost:8185/myApp

No stacktrace in stdout logfile

2006-11-16 Thread janw


I know that the default behavior of Tomcat is to print all error messages /
exception stacktraces to stdout, for me this is to catalina.out.
In some cases the exception stacktrace is printed to catalina.out, but there
are errors where the stacktrace without the root cause is printed only to
the screen, 
under the common HTTP Status 500 title. Below the stacktrace there is the
The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
Tomcat/5.5.15 logs..

But there I do not find the stacktrace, in no file (checked it under linux
with ll -tr).

I have a JSF application with JSPs.
I think it once worked for every exception, but now it doesn't. And I do not
catch the exception.

Any ideas how to regain the standard behaviour?

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Re: Tomcat5,Apache2,mod_ssl and mod_jk

2006-11-16 Thread Marx
Apache 1.3 get request and map it to local system, and when Directory 
with required is hit, it denies access and will not even try to 
forward to mod_jk.
In Apache 2.0 it first try to forward using mod_jk and then if no 
JKmount fits it checks Directory

In both situations it firsts checks Location so Location always work.

So something have changed between Apache 1.3 and 2.0 that it works in 
different order. Maybe it's logical but I didn't find any word about it 
in migration docs.

Would it be better to use mod_proxy_ajp instead of mod_jk?
Documentation on Apache page for mod_proxy_ajp is not too good, for 
example I know I need mod_proxy together with mod_proxy_ajp, hovewer 
mod_proxy is strict http I don't want to have (need to secure his port), 
I would like to have only connector with ajp13 protocol whch seems 
rather safe.


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Re: Tomcat is sometimes very slow using mod_jk

2006-11-16 Thread Henk Fictorie

The problem reproduces itself automagically, but not at the moment I
I think I will snoop the traffic with Tomcat during one hour or so (appr. 1
Gig of data, on a different filesystem). Using editcap to divide the
capturefile in reasonable sized parts. Examining the logfile will reveal at
what moment and from which ip-adres the slow requests are coming.  I can
then use ethereal to examine the traffic and timing for that particular

I will report back my findings, but that will take a couple of days.

regards Henk Fictorie

Rainer Jung-3 wrote:
 Can you reproduce the problem? This would help a lot.
 Henk Fictorie schrieb:
 - will adding 'JkOptions +FlushPackets' to the apache config help?
 If the pain is big enough for you, you could try, but it will also come
 with a performance penalty.
 - can I somehow disable sending the Keep-Alive header to tomcat and will
 that help?
 You can disable HTTP Keep-Alive on the apache side.
 No idea, what the solution will be, but I'm willing to investigate, if
 we are able to make it reproducible.
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Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

2006-11-16 Thread Jim Jagielski

On Nov 16, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Rainer Jung wrote:

Hi Michael,

I didn't want to shoot at you, and yes, mod_jk documentation could  
be much better.

Assuming it's up to date :)

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Tomcat5.exe from 5.5.20 is half the size of 5.5.17, any change log to read?

2006-11-16 Thread Marziou, Gael

Tomcat5.exe from 5.5.20 is half the size of 5.5.17 but I can't find any
change mentioned in Tomcat's change log page.

Is there a place to find out what has changed?



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Re: Tomcat is sometimes very slow using mod_jk

2006-11-16 Thread Rainer Jung

Henk Fictorie wrote:

The problem reproduces itself automagically, but not at the moment I

Well ...

I think I will snoop the traffic with Tomcat during one hour or so (appr. 1
Gig of data, on a different filesystem). Using editcap to divide the
capturefile in reasonable sized parts. Examining the logfile will reveal at
what moment and from which ip-adres the slow requests are coming.  I can
then use ethereal to examine the traffic and timing for that particular

Sounds like a good plan. I'm very interested in your findings. Keep your 
original packet capture files around, not only the ascii versions. If 
possible, snoop inclusing the whole packet contents, not only the first 
1200 Bytes or so.

I will report back my findings, but that will take a couple of days.

regards Henk Fictorie

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Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

2006-11-16 Thread Jim Jagielski

On Nov 15, 2006, at 5:42 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Rainer Jung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

If you want to use mod_proxy, it is important to know, that most
documentation for mod_proxy_balancer is contained in apaches
documentation page for mod_proxy, not on the page for
mod_proxy_balancer :)

My brain 'urts!  (Spoken with a thick Yorkshire accent :-)

Why? Let's see, I want to use mod_proxy's ProxyPass. I should
look someplace other than mod_proxy docs for that info :)

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Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

2006-11-16 Thread michael
On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 03:13:48PM +0100, Rainer Jung wrote:

 I didn't want to shoot at you, and yes, mod_jk documentation could be 
 much better.

 Concerning the docs: Documentation contribution will be welcome. We try 
 to add all new things in there, but parts of the documentation are 
 indeed rudimentary.

 Concerning Apache 2.2: There is no known problem special to Apache 2.2 
 with mod_jk. You set it up exactly the same way, as you do with Apache 
 2.0. Of course, during build time, you have to use apxs from an 
 installed Apache 2.2, so the binary module will be different. But 
 features and configuration are exactly the same.

Of course, it goes almost without saying that the reason I'm looking
for documentation is that I don't know how to do it.  ;-)

As far as producing documentation goes, I am willing to offer my time
to write up or help write tutorials and how-to's related to Tomcat and
even Apache (though that is a bit far from my normal channels of
usage).  As a part of my job, I write implementation documents for my
company's software, so I have experience in that area.  What I am
short on is what you might call research time.

So, if you (anybody) have partially completed documentation or notes
on a how-to, I can help you get that properly finished.  And, I'm glad
to do so.



Michael Powe[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Naugatuck CT USA
The liberty I contend for is more than toleration.  The very idea of
toleration is despicable; it supposes that some have a pre-eminence
above the rest to grant indulgence; whereas all should be equally
free, Jews, Turks, Pagans and Christians.  Test Oaths and established
creeds should be avoided as the worst of evils. -- Baptist minister
John Leland (1754-1841)

Description: PGP signature

Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

2006-11-16 Thread Rainer Jung

Hi Jim,

It's not the right list to discuss, but:

As a user I would expect configuration info for load-balancing with 
mod_proxy_balancer on the mod_proxy_balancer page.

The fact, that all configurations for the proxy balancer are done by 
attributes, and the only full size apache directives concerning 
mod_proxy_balancer are in fact handled by mod_proxy unfortunately leads 
to the result, that the doc is only on the mod_proxy page.

The user doesn't yet know, that he wants to use ProxyPass, he only knows 
he wants to add load balancing and looks at the page of 
mod_proxy_balancer, because this component is supposed to implement the 
balancing. At this point the user usually hasn't read the code to find 
out, that the configs are in fact handled by mod_proxy itself :)



Jim Jagielski wrote:

On Nov 15, 2006, at 5:42 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Rainer Jung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

If you want to use mod_proxy, it is important to know, that most
documentation for mod_proxy_balancer is contained in apaches
documentation page for mod_proxy, not on the page for
mod_proxy_balancer :)

My brain 'urts!  (Spoken with a thick Yorkshire accent :-)

Why? Let's see, I want to use mod_proxy's ProxyPass. I should
look someplace other than mod_proxy docs for that info :)

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Re: JkMountFile not working

2006-11-16 Thread Gilberto Espinoza

Thanks for the help.  I will try Mladen's suggestion over the weekend and
post the outcome then.

On 11/16/06, Rainer Jung [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ah sorry, I didn't notice Mladen's changes when I wrote my answer a
minute ago. So yes, could you please try with his patch (build
1.2.20-dev) and try again and if the problem persists, open a bugzilla
as described.

Mladen Turk schrieb:
 Gilberto E. Espinoza wrote:

 I changed the file tonight and checked that the modified time was
 tonight's.  The update did not work and the server continued to map to
 the same webapp context.  I again restarted the apache2 server and the
 new mappings worked well.  Is there a way to see were the modification
 time is stored so that I can manually inspect it.

 Can you build the mod_jk from SVN trunk and check?
 On some systems the the time_t math gives wrong results,
 so I modified the code to use the difftime.


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Re: Apache 2.2.3 Tomcat 5.5.20 - mod_jk or proxy?

2006-11-16 Thread michael
On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 05:03:29PM +0100, Rainer Jung wrote:

 It's not the right list to discuss, but:

 As a user I would expect configuration info for load-balancing with
 mod_proxy_balancer on the mod_proxy_balancer page.

 The fact, that all configurations for the proxy balancer are done by
 attributes, and the only full size apache directives concerning
 mod_proxy_balancer are in fact handled by mod_proxy unfortunately
 leads to the result, that the doc is only on the mod_proxy page.

 The user doesn't yet know, that he wants to use ProxyPass, he only
 knows he wants to add load balancing and looks at the page of
 mod_proxy_balancer, because this component is supposed to implement
 the balancing. At this point the user usually hasn't read the code
 to find out, that the configs are in fact handled by mod_proxy
 itself :)

There are at least several underlying issues.  At the top of the list,
I would put that does not have an overall design of the
relationships between the various categories of information.
Basically, information is burped out into a category, based on
someone's assessment of where it belongs.  But, without a plan in
place to link that information to all the other categories to which it
would be relevant, those links are only made when it happens to occur
to that hypothetical someone that they should be in there.

At least, that is the way it appears to this someone from the
outside. is, fundamentally, a gigantic, unindexed reference manual.
If you need the technical information about a directive, you've got
it.  If you need to know which directive to use, it is not the best
first place to look.  Unfortunately, when you depend on third parties
to produce your user documentation, the most widely-read documentation
is going to be far behind the development (_Tomcat: The Definitive
Guide_, last updated 2003).

Yes, of course, there are all kinds of reasons why this turned out to
be this way.  I won't go on beating up on the ASF.  I just want the
this great software project and all its worthwhile subprojects to have
a web site that reflects the quality of the product.  And, in
particular, of course, to have the information I want when I want it!!



Michael Powe[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Naugatuck CT USA

And your crybaby whiny opinion would be.?

Description: PGP signature

Re: Problem it Cyrillic records in my Database

2006-11-16 Thread Leon Rosenberg

i would say you have to check your encoding through all layers.
Default encoding in java is latin1 (iso-8589-1). You should rely on
cp-1251. Utf-8 could also do the job, but I'm not sure about it :-)



Good day,

my name is Plamen Ivanov and i am looking for solution regarding my =
problem. I user Apache Tomcat 5.5.12 and MySQL database. When i am =
submitting forms with cyrillic characters in the fields i receive =
records in the database like ??. Can you tell me what =
configuraiton i must change or where can be the problem.

Kindest regards,
Eng. Plamen Ivanov
Magister in Information Technologies and Systems

1407 Sofia, Bulgaria
71A Cherni vruh Blvd. 2-nd fl.
tel: +359 2 9628690
fax: +359 2 9621428

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Re: Tomcat5.exe from 5.5.20 is half the size of 5.5.17, any change log to read?

2006-11-16 Thread Mladen Turk

Marziou, Gael wrote:


Tomcat5.exe from 5.5.20 is half the size of 5.5.17 but I can't find any
change mentioned in Tomcat's change log page.

Is there a place to find out what has changed?

There is no change.
The latest build used dynamically linked MSVCRT,
while the previous was having that statically linked.
That's why the size is much smaller
(uses system msvcrt.dll)


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Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread Robert Harper
This has probably been covered before but I'm having a hard time getting an
applet on a servlet generated page to load. I keep getting a ClassNotFound
exception even though the class is in several possible areas for it to load.
It is a package that is like If Tomcat
can provide the images, why can't it find and send the applet class?


Robert S. Harper
Senior Engineer
Information Access Technology, Inc.
1100 East 6600 South, Suite 300
Salt Lake City Utah USA 84121-7411

(801)265-8800 Ext. 255 
FAX (801)265-8880


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contact us immediately at 801-265-8800. Although this e-mail and any
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in the event that such a virus or defect exists.


RE: Tomcat5.exe from 5.5.20 is half the size of 5.5.17, any change log to read?

2006-11-16 Thread Marziou, Gael


Do you know if it's actively supported? 

I submitted a bug report 2 months ago (maybe in the worng place) and got
no feedback.

I also would like to submit an enhancement request to be able to set the
processor affinity mask from the procrun monitor GUI.

Best regards,

-Original Message-
From: Mladen Turk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 6:43 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat5.exe from 5.5.20 is half the size of 5.5.17, any
change log to read?

Marziou, Gael wrote:
 Tomcat5.exe from 5.5.20 is half the size of 5.5.17 but I can't find 
 any change mentioned in Tomcat's change log page.
 Is there a place to find out what has changed?

There is no change.
The latest build used dynamically linked MSVCRT, while the previous was
having that statically linked.
That's why the size is much smaller
(uses system msvcrt.dll)


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Get non-ROOT applications to return for getContextPath?

2006-11-16 Thread Eric Jain
Is it possible to trick an application into believing that it is the ROOT 
application (i.e. getContextPath returns ), even when it isn't?

The reason for this is that managing virtual hosts with Tomcat can be a bit 
cumbersome, and some management applications won't work in such a setup.

The requests in our setup all pass through Apache, so I would prefer to 
just tell mod_proxy to serve content from specific subdirectories on the 
Tomcat server rather than having to duplicate the entire virtual host 
configuration. The only problem with this is that generated links are 
broken as the point to /subdir/* instead of /*.


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RE: a discrepancy in webapp behavior in two environments

2006-11-16 Thread Aronszajn, Mark
I've encountered the problem again that I described in some posts from
last month.

I had figured that the problem was resolved when I explicitly included
the jsessionid as a param with the URL. The situation was this: I have a
page that refreshes every few seconds with updates to a list of results
being processed on the server. Each refresh page also includes a cancel
and a switch-to-batch-mode button. These are the buttons that are
accompanied by URLs to which I've now attached jsessionid params. The
refreshes work fine, the session gets retained across each refresh.
However, if I submit either a cancel or switch-to-batch request by
clicking on one of the buttons, the session is lost. This has now
started happening even though I explicitly include the sessionId in the
request's URL... !

Now here's some further info: I tried running the app on the same
platform (client: Windows XP, server: Tomcat 5.5.17 on a Sun Solaris
machine) but using Internet Explorer instead of Firefox, and the problem
didn't occur. The cancelling and switch-to-batching worked fine.

And here's another piece of info: I went back to Firefox and cleared all
cache and cookies and tried again, and this time it worked fine, and has
been working okay since then (all of 10 minutes...).

So the thing is working now, but I'm left w/out an understanding of why
the problem would occur in the first place. I want people to be able to
use this web app with Firefox, and I don't want to see this problem
occurring off  on if I can help it. It sort of looks like it might be a
Firefox issue, but I'm not sure.

Can anyone suggest a cause  solution given the information here?



 -Original Message-
 From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2006 5:15 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: a discrepancy in webapp behavior in two environments
  From: Aronszajn, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: a discrepancy in webapp behavior in two environments
  Could you explain how the configuration of a firewall would 
 have such 
  effect on whether the original HttpSession object gets retained?
 If you're not appending jsessionid ro the URL, you must be 
 using cookies to allow the server to identify the client.  
 Some smart (?) firewalls (or proxy servers) can be configured 
 to drop cookies.  For an example, see this thread:
 Note that it could be a firewall installed on your Windows 
 box, not just an external one.
  - Chuck
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Re: Get non-ROOT applications to return for getContextPath?

2006-11-16 Thread David Smith
You could implement a filter that passes on a request wrapper.  Then
just override the getContextPath() method to return .

Eric Jain wrote:

 Is it possible to trick an application into believing that it is the
 ROOT application (i.e. getContextPath returns ), even when it isn't?

 The reason for this is that managing virtual hosts with Tomcat can be
 a bit cumbersome, and some management applications won't work in such
 a setup.

 The requests in our setup all pass through Apache, so I would prefer
 to just tell mod_proxy to serve content from specific subdirectories
 on the Tomcat server rather than having to duplicate the entire
 virtual host configuration. The only problem with this is that
 generated links are broken as the point to /subdir/* instead of /*.


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Re: Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread Martin Gainty
Hi Robert

Which class is throwing the ClassNotFoundException?

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  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Harper 
  To: Tomcat Users 
  Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:45 PM
  Subject: Serving up applets

  This has probably been covered before but I'm having a hard time getting an 
applet on a servlet generated page to load. I keep getting a ClassNotFound 
exception even though the class is in several possible areas for it to load. It 
is a package that is like If Tomcat can 
provide the images, why can't it find and send the applet class?


  Robert S. Harper
  Senior Engineer
  Information Access Technology, Inc.
  1100 East 6600 South, Suite 300
  Salt Lake City Utah USA 84121-7411

  (801)265-8800 Ext. 255 
  FAX (801)265-8880


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RE: Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread Robert Harper
The browser is. The Java console and an error box is displayed by IE when it
tries to load the applet. I see nothing in the Tomcat logs. Either for
security problems or not finding the class.

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:33 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Serving up applets

Hi Robert

Which class is throwing the ClassNotFoundException?

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distribution or copying of it or its 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Harper 
  To: Tomcat Users 
  Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:45 PM
  Subject: Serving up applets

  This has probably been covered before but I'm having a hard time getting
an applet on a servlet generated page to load. I keep getting a
ClassNotFound exception even though the class is in several possible areas
for it to load. It is a package that is like If Tomcat can provide the images, why
can't it find and send the applet class?


  Robert S. Harper
  Senior Engineer
  Information Access Technology, Inc.
  1100 East 6600 South, Suite 300
  Salt Lake City Utah USA 84121-7411

  (801)265-8800 Ext. 255 
  FAX (801)265-8880


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Re: Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread David Smith
Where are you putting the applet class?  It can't be in WEB-INF because
that isn't available to the client.


Robert Harper wrote:

The browser is. The Java console and an error box is displayed by IE when it
tries to load the applet. I see nothing in the Tomcat logs. Either for
security problems or not finding the class.

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:33 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Serving up applets

Hi Robert

Which class is throwing the ClassNotFoundException?

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distribution or copying of it or its 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Harper 
  To: Tomcat Users 
  Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:45 PM
  Subject: Serving up applets

  This has probably been covered before but I'm having a hard time getting
an applet on a servlet generated page to load. I keep getting a
ClassNotFound exception even though the class is in several possible areas
for it to load. It is a package that is like If Tomcat can provide the images, why
can't it find and send the applet class?


  Robert S. Harper
  Senior Engineer
  Information Access Technology, Inc.
  1100 East 6600 South, Suite 300
  Salt Lake City Utah USA 84121-7411

  (801)265-8800 Ext. 255 
  FAX (801)265-8880


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David Smith
Network Operations Supervisor
Department of Entomology
College of Agriculture  Life Sciences
Cornell University
2132 Comstock Hall
Ithaca, NY  14853
Phone: 607.255.9571
Fax: 607.255.0939

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Re: Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


Robert Harper wrote:
 This has probably been covered before but I’m having a hard time getting
 an applet on a servlet generated page to load. I keep getting a
 ClassNotFound exception even though the class is in several possible
 areas for it to load. It is a package that is like If Tomcat can provide the images,
 why can’t it find and send the applet class?

Give us the relevant code from your HTML page that shows the applet.
We'll start from there.

- -chris

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Filters, Security, Tomcat and Configuration

2006-11-16 Thread James Crosson


I am attempting to configure Tomcat (5.5.9) to disregard URL requests that  
contain ../ and similar high-risk expressions. So far I have been  
unsuccesful. I recognize two possibilities here:

A. Use url-pattern in the web.xml to identify this URL and disregard it
B. Configure a filter that intercepts requests and dissects the URL.

I am wondering if anybody has had experience using Tomcat in this manner,  
and if there may be some examples, working filters/strategies that I could  
view to get me going.

I believe that a url-pattern strategy will be more trouble than it is  
worth beacuse it seems you can't pass a regular expression, but so far I  
have not been able to nail down a Filter.

James Crosson

Google Talk: James Crosson

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RE: Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread Robert Harper
Snippet of the HTML

applet code=com.iat.ctimpact.CTImpactStatisticsApplet.class height=300
param name=Link
param name=Timer value=5000

Snippet from Java Console
network: Connecting
/class.class with proxy=DIRECT
load: class com.iat.ctimpact.CTImpactStatisticsApplet.class not found.
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
at Method)
... 10 more
basic: Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
at Method)
... 10 more
basic: Modality pushed

I have plastered the class all over the place with the full path from the
app root out. I started with it landing in the same location as the servlet
code and then added it to the application root. 

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:20 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Serving up applets

Hash: SHA1


Robert Harper wrote:
 This has probably been covered before but I'm having a hard time getting
 an applet on a servlet generated page to load. I keep getting a
 ClassNotFound exception even though the class is in several possible
 areas for it to load. It is a package that is like If Tomcat can provide the images,
 why can't it find and send the applet class?

Give us the relevant code from your HTML page that shows the applet.
We'll start from there.

- -chris

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Filters, Security, Tomcat and Configuration

2006-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


James Crosson wrote:
 I believe that a url-pattern strategy will be more trouble than it is
 worth beacuse it seems you can't pass a regular expression, but so far I
 have not been able to nail down a Filter.

Filters are really the way to go, here, and they're relatively easy to
write and use. First, you have to write your filter, which is pretty
simple, right?

public class BadURLFilter
   implements Filter
   public void doFilter(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response,
FilterChain chain)
 throws IOException, ServletException
  // Check the URL -- need an HttpServletRequest for that
  if(request instanceof HttpServletRequest)
  String URI = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getURI();

  // Bomb if there is a bad URI
  // Not sure what you want to do here.



  chain.doFilter(request, response);

That's the simplest filter that could possibly work. A few things to

1. What do you want to do when you find a bad URL. I simply
   return a 403 FORBIDDEN status code.
2. Are there any URIs that might be okay to contain ..?
   For instance, if you have a servlet that uses the extra
   path info to do something might allow a URI to contain
   .., in which case this filter will break your app.

I hope that can get you started.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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Re: Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA1


Robert Harper wrote:
 Snippet of the HTML
 applet code=com.iat.ctimpact.CTImpactStatisticsApplet.class height=300
 param name=Link
 param name=Timer value=5000

You need to provide the codebase attribute for the applet tag, which
tells the browser where to find your code.

You can find more information here:
or here:

Hope that helps.

- -chris

 Snippet from Java Console
 network: Connecting
 /class.class with proxy=DIRECT
 load: class com.iat.ctimpact.CTImpactStatisticsApplet.class not found.
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
   at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
 Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
   at Method)
   ... 10 more
 basic: Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
   at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
   at Source)
   at Source)
 Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
   at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
   at Method)
   ... 10 more
 basic: Modality pushed
 I have plastered the class all over the place with the full path from the
 app root out. I started with it landing in the same location as the servlet
 code and then added it to the application root. 
 Robert S. Harper
 Information Access Technology, Inc.
 -Original Message-
 From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:20 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Re: Serving up applets
 Robert Harper wrote:
 This has probably been covered before but I'm having a hard time getting
 an applet on a servlet generated page to load. I keep getting a
 ClassNotFound exception even though the class is in several possible
 areas for it to load. It is a package that is like If Tomcat can provide the images,
 why can't it find and send the applet class?
 Give us the relevant code from your HTML page that shows the applet.
 We'll start from there.

- -
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Re: Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread Martin Gainty
Not to mention security permissions one must grant thru either 
updates to policy files  OR
running your bundled code thru SecurityManager PlugIn

Be mindful that this will have to work in every browser and every JVM your 
client supports 
so I would opt to install Sun Java Security Manager plugin
RSA Security Manager plugin

and configure the jar to execute/read/write within the plugin environment-

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distribution or copying of it or its 
- Original Message - 
From: David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Serving up applets

 Where are you putting the applet class?  It can't be in WEB-INF because
 that isn't available to the client.
 Robert Harper wrote:
The browser is. The Java console and an error box is displayed by IE when it
tries to load the applet. I see nothing in the Tomcat logs. Either for
security problems or not finding the class.

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:33 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Serving up applets

Hi Robert

Which class is throwing the ClassNotFoundException?

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distribution or copying of it or its 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Harper 
  To: Tomcat Users 
  Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:45 PM
  Subject: Serving up applets

  This has probably been covered before but I'm having a hard time getting
an applet on a servlet generated page to load. I keep getting a
ClassNotFound exception even though the class is in several possible areas
for it to load. It is a package that is like If Tomcat can provide the images, why
can't it find and send the applet class?


  Robert S. Harper
  Senior Engineer
  Information Access Technology, Inc.
  1100 East 6600 South, Suite 300
  Salt Lake City Utah USA 84121-7411

  (801)265-8800 Ext. 255 
  FAX (801)265-8880


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 David Smith
 Network Operations Supervisor
 Department of Entomology
 College of Agriculture  Life Sciences
 Cornell University
 2132 Comstock Hall
 Ithaca, NY  14853
 Phone: 607.255.9571
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[SOLVED] Re: Migrating from TC 4 - 5

2006-11-16 Thread Jon Wynacht

Turns out the issue was I had:


when I should have had each of the roles entered.

Whew! The things we learn by trial and error...thanks everybody who  
had advice for me on this, especially here: 


On Nov 15, 2006, at 10:36 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

From: Jon Wynacht [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Migrating from TC 4 - 5

More clearer anybody authenticating a webapp on Tomcat
5.5.20 using JDBCRealm?

We're using JAASRealm, not JDBCRealm, without any problems.

Anybody know if the JDBCRealm class isn't included with TC
5.5.20? Or am I just off my rocker?

Can't answer the latter, but the JDBCRealm class is in
server/lib/catalina-optional.jar, as is the one for JAASRealm.

 - Chuck


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Jon Wynacht

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RE: Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread Robert Harper
I'm not trying to do any extra work with Swing or such. I want to keep this
as dumb as possible so I don't have to require the latest and greatest or
test in every browser. This is very minimalist. I have tried playing with
the codebase attribute in other testing and IE just got even more confused.

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 2:21 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Serving up applets

Not to mention security permissions one must grant thru either 
updates to policy files  OR
running your bundled code thru SecurityManager PlugIn

Be mindful that this will have to work in every browser and every JVM your
client supports 
so I would opt to install Sun Java Security Manager plugin
RSA Security Manager plugin

and configure the jar to execute/read/write within the plugin environment-

This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain confidential and
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this communication in error and that any review, disclosure, dissemination,
distribution or copying of it or its 
- Original Message - 
From: David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Serving up applets

 Where are you putting the applet class?  It can't be in WEB-INF because
 that isn't available to the client.
 Robert Harper wrote:
The browser is. The Java console and an error box is displayed by IE when
tries to load the applet. I see nothing in the Tomcat logs. Either for
security problems or not finding the class.

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:33 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Serving up applets

Hi Robert

Which class is throwing the ClassNotFoundException?

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this communication in error and that any review, disclosure,
distribution or copying of it or its 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Harper 
  To: Tomcat Users 
  Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2006 12:45 PM
  Subject: Serving up applets

  This has probably been covered before but I'm having a hard time getting
an applet on a servlet generated page to load. I keep getting a
ClassNotFound exception even though the class is in several possible areas
for it to load. It is a package that is like If Tomcat can provide the images, why
can't it find and send the applet class?


  Robert S. Harper
  Senior Engineer
  Information Access Technology, Inc.
  1100 East 6600 South, Suite 300
  Salt Lake City Utah USA 84121-7411

  (801)265-8800 Ext. 255 
  FAX (801)265-8880


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attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect, it is
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in the event that such a virus or defect exists.


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 David Smith
 Network Operations Supervisor
 Department of Entomology
 College of Agriculture  Life Sciences
 Cornell University
 2132 Comstock Hall
 Ithaca, NY  14853
 Phone: 607.255.9571
 Fax: 607.255.0939
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RE: Serving up applets

2006-11-16 Thread Robert Harper
It looks like the codebase attribute helped. Now I'll see what I can do from

Thanks. Just don't let preliminary testing dictate what you don't try later
I guess.

Robert S. Harper
Information Access Technology, Inc.

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Re: Webapps inexplicably losing access to common/shared classloaders

2006-11-16 Thread Timothy Collett

On Nov 15, 2006, at 5:12 PM, Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

I hope you're aware that 6.0 is still highly experimental - the fact
that it is downloadable has not even been officially announced.   
pretty much on your own with that level at the moment.  That said,  

is a 6.0.1 at the download site.

OK, I've moved it back to the 5.5.20 container I moved it from in the  
first place for exactly the same issue (in between my 2 previous  
emails on this thread)'s working OK so far, but I have no  
particular reason to believe it will continue to do so.

Timothy Collett


It may be doubted whether human ingenuity can construct an enigma of  
this kind which human ingenuity may not, by proper application, resolve

~Edgar Allen Poe

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Re: Virtual Host hiding JkMount directives?

2006-11-16 Thread Chris Mayes
Well, it's turned out that the log messages were misleading.  I wiped 
out my old Apache config and re-assembled it piece by piece.  I haven't 
re-added everything, but mod_jk now functions properly.



Chris Mayes wrote:
Sadly, no.  The mapping isn't functional when it's in the 
VirtualHost.  It works outside of the VH definition, but that's 
obviously not where I want it :-)  I'll try to provide more details 
when I get home.



Rainer Jung wrote:


I tried to reproduce. It looks like the mapping actually works, but the
logger is not correctly initialized for the virtual server.

Could you please confirm, that the mappings you enter to the virtual
servers work, and the problem is only the misleading log lines?



Chris Mayes schrieb:

Hi, all.

I seem to be having a bit of trouble with virtual hosts and mod_jk. 
JkMount directives in a VirtualHost are ignored:

VirtualHost *
 JkMount /* ajp13

 ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/censea_error_log
 TransferLog /var/log/apache2/censea_access_log

 DocumentRoot /usr/local/www/
 DirectoryIndex index.jsp

mod_jk log:

[Wed Nov 15 21:02:08 2006] [11224:] [debug] init_jk::mod_jk.c
(2355): Initialized shm:/var/log/apache2/memory.shm
[Wed Nov 15 21:02:08 2006] [11224:] [debug]
uri_worker_map_open::jk_uri_worker_map.c (361): rule map size is 0
[Wed Nov 15 21:02:08 2006] [11224:] [debug]
build_worker_map::jk_worker.c (236): creating worker ajp13

If I move the directive outside of the VirtualHost block, it gets 


 JkMount /* ajp13
VirtualHost *

mod_jk log:

[Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug] init_jk::mod_jk.c
(2355): Initialized shm:/var/log/apache2/memory.shm
[Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug]
uri_worker_map_open::jk_uri_worker_map.c (361): rule map size is 1
[Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug]
uri_worker_map_add::jk_uri_worker_map.c (298): wildchar rule /*=ajp13
was added
[Wed Nov 15 21:03:36 2006] [11576:] [debug]
build_worker_map::jk_worker.c (236): creating worker ajp13

Here's my tomcat server.xml:
Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN
 Service name=Catalina
   Connector port=8080 /

   !-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
   Connector port=8009
  enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

   Engine name=Catalina

 Host appBase=nothing
   Context path= 

   Logger className=org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger/


I'm running Ubuntu Edgy Eft (6.10) with:
Apache Tomcat/5.5.15 (dropped in /usr/local/tomcat; not a distro 

apache2 2.0.55-4ubuntu4
libapache2-mod-jk 1.2.18-1ubuntu1



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Tips needed: restarting tomcat without risk of

2006-11-16 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
We have a Tomcat application, which binds to port 8080 and AJP 6135.  At
3 am we restart this application (because of a memory leak).  But
sometimes it is unable to bind to it's own port, and it just dies and
never starts.  Naturally this causes unhappiness.  The server.xml is:

Connector port=6135 protocol=AJP/1.3
Connector port=8080 maxHttpHeaderSize=8192
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25 maxSpareThreads=75
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=100
   connectionTimeout=2 disableUploadTimeout=true /

And the Java exception we get is:

INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
Nov 16, 2006 7:08:02 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 3501 ms
Nov 16, 2006 7:08:02 AM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer await
SEVERE: StandardServer.await: create[7135]: Address already in use
  at Method)
  at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
Nov 16, 2006 7:08:13 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11BaseProtocol destroy
INFO: Stopping Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080

We're using Fedora Core 5 (fc5), and the dtomcat5 startup script.  Do we
have to wait at least 20 seconds to be sure the port is clear?

--  Visit



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