2019-04-17 Thread liname...@outlook.com
Hello, I am doing an investigation.
Does Windows Server 2019 support the following products:

Apache Tomcat   6.0.35
Tomcat Connectors (mod_jk)   1.2.35-m1.0

Is the other version supported?
Can you tell me, thank you very much.

Using custom Configurator with WebSockets

2019-04-17 Thread Christopher Dodunski

Just a quick question with regard to extending
ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator to override Tomcat's default action of
instantiating the POJO class annotated with @ServerEndpoint on receiving a
WebSocket request.  My reason for doing this is that my endpoint class
depends on IoC dependency injection, and therefore needs to be got from
the registry to have its dependencies in place.

My Configurator method:

public  T getEndpointInstance(Class endpointClass) throws
InstantiationException {

The @ServerEndpoint annotation is placed on on my
HarbourServerEndpointImpl POJO class, not the interface that it
implements.  Based on the below runtime catalina.out error message the
problem appears to be that the registry is returning HarbourServerEndpoint
whereas Tomcat is expecting an instance of HarbourServerEndpointImpl?

I'm hoping someone can please explain what is going wrong with my custom

15-Apr-2019 12:45:28.488 SEVERE [http-nio-8080-exec-915]
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process Error reading
request, ignored
 java.lang.ClassCastException: Cannot cast
$HarbourServerEndpoint_39c9cc24eb8b2a to
at java.lang.Class.cast(Class.java:3369)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)

Finally, with no casting at all, the compiler gives the error:

Error:(17, 40) java: incompatible types: inference variable T has
incompatible bounds
equality constraints:
upper bounds: T,java.lang.Object

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Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread John Dale
Exactly .. this is part of the solution.  I am having tomcat behave
smartly in response to the certificate validation, and I have a nice
path to develop some cool tools, similar to HTTPD, around certbot (I
love that this is a free service, but I do have some concerns over
centralized CSA, so I do other symmetric key encryption in other areas
to help me sleep at night).

On 4/17/19, Christopher Schultz  wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> To whom it may concern,
> On 4/17/19 09:44, TurboChargedDad . wrote:
>> We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache to
>> avoid the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I want to
>> hear all I can on this subject.
> It's not necessary to handle JKS files to use Tomcat for TLS termination
> .
> You can use PEM-encoded DER files (same as httpd, nginx, etc.) if you
> use any connector along with the OpenSSL engine.
> You can also use PKCS12 files (similar to JKS files, but much more
> standard) which openssl knows how to manipulate (as does Java's
> "keytool") with any JSSE-based crypto engine.
> - -chris
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/
> pFhOwxAAtd5d0UDSp1SEjZWKu+AX970vUTZIc+UxeWAWcwG20MjBeHa4PBzrJFIK
> QVduzNGBJvi2oez9QV3LCnLo2jkIgpZG6EC/+TBQSSfAn8iGrL7lc59vWXg551PC
> 8+llFd9q3M13dqyx824YijMPptwFxH36z0K2pr34ytZOP1g/QDUA07dW5rW2rJKF
> tdOkHIE/QvEE+iSQnrYQbNNknBk/grzbxDwg7lZupSi1UBY080Hc8aPzWknBADKh
> zPKt6942WMvrIDmK8yCQSgkqjG8QWrZfR5QNkvnkRN4rridK4TevYm6Da/QI46w3
> NPSozJeNKGeaUylabH4jTcVBE3eynOcP0oyBJ7/MmMzu1a9jU9ar7mZmTlZEPaEV
> f3jxmfQ5m4AmbypNfwLzudo0ekVQceD33Ba04/VO9wGESMNSQTF6XIz69BSHvj1s
> KsIIFcgdWuVH5ae5UxgirWghecz2xZAu7BHXYtkPdLcmF/RgTR1lQQ34JDlB9VPM
> NdtZuVUWasnlWVGF4YDV6RzQwdhzGk4FUd38ULRzsc+ycyA0LtbdQfyear/N/dxl
> c4s+nPiub1lnggMbd990uPMhoy8AaEGq4GG6NyKXvBz1sUw72n27QO6tCEIinQSe
> E8OOofUgHAcLwuEQxLO/bvVnD77Vx95lxnIoludx51BvEM1ZbbU=
> =M18j
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

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Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread John Dale
On 4/17/19, Christopher Schultz  wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> John,
> On 4/17/19 10:42, John Dale wrote:
>> My understanding is that the folks at SUN really put their backs
>> into it from the beginning:
>> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/479701/does-java-have-buffer-overf
> lows
>>  Since hot spot compilers have matured, Java is virtually as fast
>> as C/++ (the Java is slow argument falls in my deaf ears, even if
>> it is amazingly repeated still today by members of other
>> programming religions).
> Where it really sucks, though, is crypto. When JSSE decides to use
> hardware for crypto, things go really well. But it often does not make
> that decision due to a few bugs here and there that still appear to
> remain in the runtime.
> Tomcat benchmarks comparing JSSE versus OpenSSL are at least an order
> of magnitude different, sometimes two, in favor of OpenSSL.
> Have a look at any of the slides Jean-Frederic Clere has presented at
> any recent ApacheCon conferences and you can see his benchmarks
> comparing them.
> The good news is that Tomcat+OpenSSL is comparable to httpd+OpenSSL,
> so if you are able to use tcnative (required for OpenSSL use from
> Tomcat), then the performance argument is pretty much moot.
> I myself always front Tomcat with another web server, but that is for
> other reasons. Security and performance are nice-to-haves but aren't
> really justified IMHO. Flexibility is the primary reason I front my
> Tomcat instances with web servers. Tomcat doesn't make a great
> load-balancer.
> - -chris

You mean on its own without modification?  I think Tomcat makes a
great load balancer, but I had to write a little code.

HTTPD has a lot of plugins and ad-ons and a history of integration
with lots of tools from firewall to email and beyond.  It's a crazy
piece of software that is very mature, but I found it to be overkill
for my purposes .. I just use LFD/CFS manually, and I will continue to
improve my DDOS, other exploit mitigation code.

> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/
> pFiRrg//QcXdcysOx18yEpadFhuUekcTvogC5BGhZe5lV3AY4fgXeXQH46YZOkeY
> Lit5F6JRFb9qVwFs9Uc9Ot9hwvVt9ldFMKOKAkxMIAp1yxRk8sWuaI99OLiNBAyf
> qKmfwI0bx4H73oR22jhP5mlIITzJShZc86R9apb/v34ofncxQ6bLlAQMxu98Wo7W
> G4kBXTjnn7UzNFtpAXiZLd8t22IeBbN6CDFgM5urhOb3g7rTNdqW8Q28ik7qwenK
> gK5KmSek7+LZTsx5UD3N4WxdRkUKB30ZIvPt+cH1HMntvulQKJ39Giw9XjXHv8Hc
> VIsrh/S+2fbfG+4F0aqYmR5WuEXK30mG76DU3DW2o3v8sZ+pvuJ3C37mc0biWGy7
> fS722Uh3s6tucs4ToQtwwYkhS93NIUm8uLZJnv3FAUW5EOY7THzf0pplv/ZZEQ62
> Sg1bZ4mA7/Tdt25MKM2K04h2ERLTsAiB7Qneh2Ch4yVt3cwnGbZUFCAbXMSq01xE
> TP6j0zfLAtEx3b6Av22WLqnq5NdSDUYbvVzTQPH/TUERf4ztLRadBjHPEN0gM2vL
> zQi7BGiJix2K/fjWLicGkZKTPCWvSnknkwPgQ1JzxZwEQmCUA+hRANaZljp7KVwP
> mObnaRL5QQ/S2NhCRHFdvyLqXMgmbSsMe+FMmN2P8/mADwSdeK8=
> =4xik
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

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Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread John Dale
I manage dozens of contexts/domains using loosely coupled code.

Chris - of course it's amazing.  I would also call it super and profound. :)

I am in the middle of some TI at our office today .. can't really stop
to do this.

I have the code used to identify and validate the certbot requests and
a few scripts that use the certbot to do the work.

Come to think of it,  my certs will need renewal soon.  I'll take a
pass over what I have and send it out after I renew .. thank you for
your patience.


On 4/17/19, Christopher Schultz  wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> To whom it may concern,
> On 4/17/19 10:22, TurboChargedDad . wrote:
>> I would have the opposite feeling.  I would not want a java process
>>  parked out in the internet.  Not saying you're wrong just my
>> personal feeling.
> It would be interesting to compare the number of remotely-exploitable
> vulnerabilities there have been in e.g. httpd versus e.g. Tomcat in a
> given period of time. My guess is that the Java-based servers have had
> a better track record. The difference is that typically if you own a
> web server, you just own the web server. But if you own an application
> server, you typically get access to lots of great stuff like the
> application's database.
>> Maybe things have shifted in a different direction over the year.
> Any particular year?
>> I do agree that something like that would be helpful to other
>> tomcat admins.  Would you consider putting it into github ?
> certbot does almost everything you need. There is also this:
> https://people.apache.org/~schultz/ApacheCon%20NA%202018/Let's%20Encrypt
> %20Apache%20Tomcat.pdf
> So unless John has done something truly amazing, maybe adding more
> tools to what MUST be a secure toolchain isn't a great move.
> - -chris
>> On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:18 AM John Dale 
>> wrote:
>>> I have a really nice process that works great with certbot.
>>> Single command to renew all of my certs and I'm finished.
>>> I get some piece of mind having a Java process guarding the
>>> front door.  Seems to be more impervious to overflows.  What am I
>>> missing?
>>> I think what I have might be easily developed into something to
>>> help other Tomcat users.
>>> On 4/17/19, TurboChargedDad .  wrote:
 We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache
 to avoid the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I
 want to hear all I can on this subject.

>>> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org
>>> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/
> pFjFUA//Q5HiqvarK/NO/o2tjtVUVs75RJaTEao7T1eUCwMIf/F9nkpZpNG8TxK7
> slT0zu3GMaB5+Z5PK753M3+vZ9nytbat4ODbUNpUMrqeT1/U0eaF1LdbY0jeUmKH
> hmzQFTtLEtJ9mMYn+KJ3sA8D3sIECWwFuKD+BdYmOkzAZn37HlzyI+1CMr4mEA6C
> LnhlD/hEeG4HiO5FtE4BxRKZ0vcLhBp10/m27E6j6KDiiwT7+tlNfwD53S5P94vv
> f/FbwSP8GJfkFu13ot+ce1IVerMNpMpc6nay1efJmYtT4oHyNP0YUVMZyN8YyCTO
> 5yiLYOj8yXLxLatdKBWJ+1fsqd5DXuOEv0KmaIaqi3pLHg5oJQp5CtsLKTSFVTmV
> FBoWew1JFhh5DBI27uJntGzlwIGjKAq7Cq0qitL2gVCiDr6HFaI/gkvVriDjoZL/
> L3E5JDSpYL/iSzBeBd5qKbGVz7+/bdsHoxdHGRFrvcNYyPZIT871bVoNjvyaSFsM
> KZGYcgZgruzN6hT3+jmJpHHoINb+XQeViM140HvYJP1zrcyCZ9ejqpw1BSB+WbT0
> OutjYugoJwORD2SWFTXAc5g6flP5I6JYogexzlj0UPx6v0969I6OBPkLRyMzyKnr
> RTSLV2mYJifNFjLvJ98blhhRmZG3BgAJR4ussur1NTZzs6I03Bc=
> =4l6s
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org
> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

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Re: how to enable OCSP for Tomcat w OpenSSL

2019-04-17 Thread John Palmer
I'm still struggling with getting APR/OpenSSL to do the OCSP check.

I'd appreciate some tips:
versions: Java 8 (1.8.0_202), 64-bit, tomcat 8.5.38, APR 1.2.21
using APR/OpenSSL (the tc-native-1.dll binary for Windows, compiled w OCSP
support - the X64 dll from

I can't get certificate revocation checking, specifically OCSP to happen
from the APR/OpenSSL code;
it seems to be happening instead from the Java (JSSE) code instead.

I suspect a logic error is setting the OpenSSL revocation configuration
(callback?) code to be set, then reset with the JSSE revocation
configuration (due to the Catlina log excerpts shown below).
I've tried following the APR initialization logic in the tomcat 8.5.35
source, (but I get lost)...
OpenSSLContext.java has
I suspect this is getting called correctly, then getting stepped on by the
JSSE configuration being called (when it should be skipped).

But I may just have something misconfigured.

steps to reproduce:

First, get Java revocation checking working without tc-native:
UNcomment ocsp.enable=true in the Java\jre\lib\security\java.security file
to the SSLHostConfig / Connector section of the server.xml config file.

add -Djava.security.debug="certpath" to the Tomcat Java options (shows the
JSSE cert validation - including OCSP if any - in the std-err log)
-Djava.security.debug="certpath ocsp"  (adds hexdumps of the OCSP REQUEST
and RESPONSE. Generally not needed)
(add -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=NONE to prevent the default truststore from
being loaded - just because it clutters the std-out log)

added to loggin.properties to see some of what Tomcat is logging:

Restart tomcat,
access via a browser with an appropriate cert (or OpenSSL or other client
with options to send a client cert).

You now can see JSSE doing OCSP checks in the (tocat)stderr logs (wireshark
confirms this).

stop tomcat, copy the tc-native-1.dll compiled with OCSP support, restart
access via browser (or client) with a cert etc...

You'll see the tomcat stderr logs show that JSSE is STILL doing the OCSP

Catalina and stdout logs show that APR/OpenSSL is loading the server and
trusted certs, doing the SSL handshakes etc, but not the certificate
verification. this seems to be falling through to the JSSE certificate
(and that JSSE is ALSO loading the trusted certs (and the server cert, I

the Catlina log shows that the APR/OpenSSL stuff is loading and configuring
properly first:

org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent Loaded APR
based Apache Tomcat Native library [1.2.21] using APR version [1.6.5].
org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR
capabilities: IPv6 [true], sendfile [true], accept filters [false], random
org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.lifecycleEvent APR/OpenSSL
configuration: useAprConnector [false], useOpenSSL [true]
org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener.initializeSSL OpenSSL
successfully initialized [OpenSSL 1.1.1a  20 Nov 2018]
The ["https-openssl-nio2-A.B.C.D-443"] connector has been configured to
support negotiation to [h2] via ALPN
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.init Initializing ProtocolHandler
org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SSLUtilBase.getEnabled The [protocols] that are
active are : [[TLSv1.3, TLSv1.2]]
org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SSLUtilBase.getEnabled The [ciphers] that are
active are : [[TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CCM_8,

Re: Is there a problem with the digest?

2019-04-17 Thread Richard Huntrods
Nothing changed since before your server crashed to after, and I've 
checked all junk and spam filters.

I am still not receiving any of the digests anymore. Are the digests 
even being sent out?



On 12/04/2019 16:32, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 12/04/2019 16:29, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> Which address did you use to subscribe to the digest list? It wasn't
>> this one...
> Ignore that. ezmlm cmd line error on my part. I see your digest

> subscription in the logs from this address. Hmmm.
> Let me go and dig into the mail logs...

Nothing obvious. And my test digest subscription is working. Are you
still having issues?


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This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 4/17/19 10:42, John Dale wrote:
> My understanding is that the folks at SUN really put their backs
> into it from the beginning: 
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/479701/does-java-have-buffer-overf
>  Since hot spot compilers have matured, Java is virtually as fast
> as C/++ (the Java is slow argument falls in my deaf ears, even if
> it is amazingly repeated still today by members of other
> programming religions).

Where it really sucks, though, is crypto. When JSSE decides to use
hardware for crypto, things go really well. But it often does not make
that decision due to a few bugs here and there that still appear to
remain in the runtime.

Tomcat benchmarks comparing JSSE versus OpenSSL are at least an order
of magnitude different, sometimes two, in favor of OpenSSL.

Have a look at any of the slides Jean-Frederic Clere has presented at
any recent ApacheCon conferences and you can see his benchmarks
comparing them.

The good news is that Tomcat+OpenSSL is comparable to httpd+OpenSSL,
so if you are able to use tcnative (required for OpenSSL use from
Tomcat), then the performance argument is pretty much moot.

I myself always front Tomcat with another web server, but that is for
other reasons. Security and performance are nice-to-haves but aren't
really justified IMHO. Flexibility is the primary reason I front my
Tomcat instances with web servers. Tomcat doesn't make a great

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/


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For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256

To whom it may concern,

On 4/17/19 10:22, TurboChargedDad . wrote:
> I would have the opposite feeling.  I would not want a java process
>  parked out in the internet.  Not saying you're wrong just my 
> personal feeling.
It would be interesting to compare the number of remotely-exploitable
vulnerabilities there have been in e.g. httpd versus e.g. Tomcat in a
given period of time. My guess is that the Java-based servers have had
a better track record. The difference is that typically if you own a
web server, you just own the web server. But if you own an application
server, you typically get access to lots of great stuff like the
application's database.

> Maybe things have shifted in a different direction over the year.
Any particular year?

> I do agree that something like that would be helpful to other
> tomcat admins.  Would you consider putting it into github ?
certbot does almost everything you need. There is also this:

So unless John has done something truly amazing, maybe adding more
tools to what MUST be a secure toolchain isn't a great move.

- -chris

> On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:18 AM John Dale 
> wrote:
>> I have a really nice process that works great with certbot.
>> Single command to renew all of my certs and I'm finished.
>> I get some piece of mind having a Java process guarding the
>> front door.  Seems to be more impervious to overflows.  What am I
>> missing?
>> I think what I have might be easily developed into something to
>> help other Tomcat users.
>> On 4/17/19, TurboChargedDad .  wrote:
>>> We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache
>>> to avoid the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I
>>> want to hear all I can on this subject.
>> -
To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org
>> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/


To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256

To whom it may concern,

On 4/17/19 09:44, TurboChargedDad . wrote:
> We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache to
> avoid the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I want to
> hear all I can on this subject.

It's not necessary to handle JKS files to use Tomcat for TLS termination

You can use PEM-encoded DER files (same as httpd, nginx, etc.) if you
use any connector along with the OpenSSL engine.

You can also use PKCS12 files (similar to JKS files, but much more
standard) which openssl knows how to manipulate (as does Java's
"keytool") with any JSSE-based crypto engine.

- -chris
Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - https://www.enigmail.net/


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Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread Sean Dawson
On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:20 AM Sean Dawson 

> Hello, I have a widlcard certificate from GoDaddy. Can I use this with
> Tomcat? (8.5)
> I have the files crt (primary certificate?), p7b (intermediate?), pfx
> (private key?), and a .key file. I did not generate a certificate request
> prior to this.
> Google is telling me that either I need to generate a certificate request
> first, or it's telling everything I need to know about wildcard
> certificates except how to use the above files.
> This is for Tomcat 8.5 with Java 8 on CentOS 7, and Windows Server 2016.
> Thank you.
Ok just for others' benefit if they want to go this way, I was able to get
it working by concatenating the .key and the .crt file into one .pem. Then
do this:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in combined.pem -out cert.p12

And then this:

keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore cert.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12
-destkeystore cert.jks

(from this page:

Sorry for the earlier top posting.

Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread John Dale
My understanding is that the folks at SUN really put their backs into
it from the beginning:

Since hot spot compilers have matured, Java is virtually as fast as
C/++ (the Java is slow argument falls in my deaf ears, even if it is
amazingly repeated still today by members of other programming

Other proxies/balancers also do threat mitigation (DDOS, flooding,
etc).  I have written some of my own code to deal with this .. because
of the way I handle data and MVC, I have a central place to park all
of the heuristics.  I bet these heuristics could become robust and
maintainable over time.

I would be happy to share (would need a little time to isolate and
deliver). I have always wondered how difficult it is to have
Apache/Tomcat evaluate new projects.  Part of  this certbot solution
requires providing some automated validation for the certbot CSA
agent.  This code can stand alone, but I have it integrated with some
other tools that have also proven helpful.  I wonder if I might
attract a sponsorship from someone within ASF for my project?

I call it DB2DOM.COM - it's a "pseudosingularity" because it is used
to extend and maintain itself.

Any ideas I'd love to hear them.

Have a good one,


On 4/17/19, TurboChargedDad .  wrote:
>   I would have the opposite feeling.  I would not want a java process
> parked out in the internet.  Not saying you're wrong just my personal
> feeling.  Maybe things have shifted in a different direction over the
> year.  I do agree that something like that would be helpful to other tomcat
> admins.  Would you consider putting it into github ?
> Thanks,
> J
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:18 AM John Dale  wrote:
>> I have a really nice process that works great with certbot.  Single
>> command to renew all of my certs and I'm finished.
>> I get some piece of mind having a Java process guarding the front
>> door.  Seems to be more impervious to overflows.  What am I missing?
>> I think what I have might be easily developed into something to help
>> other Tomcat users.
>> On 4/17/19, TurboChargedDad .  wrote:
>> >   We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache to
>> > avoid
>> > the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I want to hear all I
>> > can
>> > on this subject.
>> >
>> -
>> To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org
>> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

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Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread TurboChargedDad .
  I would have the opposite feeling.  I would not want a java process
parked out in the internet.  Not saying you're wrong just my personal
feeling.  Maybe things have shifted in a different direction over the
year.  I do agree that something like that would be helpful to other tomcat
admins.  Would you consider putting it into github ?


On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:18 AM John Dale  wrote:

> I have a really nice process that works great with certbot.  Single
> command to renew all of my certs and I'm finished.
> I get some piece of mind having a Java process guarding the front
> door.  Seems to be more impervious to overflows.  What am I missing?
> I think what I have might be easily developed into something to help
> other Tomcat users.
> On 4/17/19, TurboChargedDad .  wrote:
> >   We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache to avoid
> > the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I want to hear all I can
> > on this subject.
> >
> -
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Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread John Dale
I have a really nice process that works great with certbot.  Single
command to renew all of my certs and I'm finished.

I get some piece of mind having a Java process guarding the front
door.  Seems to be more impervious to overflows.  What am I missing?

I think what I have might be easily developed into something to help
other Tomcat users.

On 4/17/19, TurboChargedDad .  wrote:
>   We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache to avoid
> the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I want to hear all I can
> on this subject.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: users-unsubscr...@tomcat.apache.org
For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org

Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread TurboChargedDad .
Multi-tenant or single tenant system?

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 8:54 AM Sean Dawson 

> Thanks for the replies - I'm willing to use NGINX to handle this for us -
> can you point me to a good page on that?
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:46 AM John Larsen 
> wrote:
> > We do the same - via mod_jk we utilize apache httpd to handle the SSL.
> > Keeps things simple and works well.
> > John Larsen
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 7:44 AM TurboChargedDad .  >
> > wrote:
> >
> > >   We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache to
> avoid
> > > the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I want to hear all I
> can
> > > on this subject.
> > >
> >

Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread Sean Dawson
Thanks for the replies - I'm willing to use NGINX to handle this for us -
can you point me to a good page on that?

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 9:46 AM John Larsen 

> We do the same - via mod_jk we utilize apache httpd to handle the SSL.
> Keeps things simple and works well.
> John Larsen
> On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 7:44 AM TurboChargedDad . 
> wrote:
> >   We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache to avoid
> > the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I want to hear all I can
> > on this subject.
> >

Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread John Larsen
We do the same - via mod_jk we utilize apache httpd to handle the SSL.
Keeps things simple and works well.
John Larsen

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 7:44 AM TurboChargedDad . 

>   We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache to avoid
> the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I want to hear all I can
> on this subject.

Re: Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread TurboChargedDad .
  We terminated SSL above the tomcat layer using NGINX or Apache to avoid
the complexities that come with managing a JKS.  I want to hear all I can
on this subject.

Wildcard certificates

2019-04-17 Thread Sean Dawson
Hello, I have a widlcard certificate from GoDaddy. Can I use this with
Tomcat? (8.5)

I have the files crt (primary certificate?), p7b (intermediate?), pfx
(private key?), and a .key file. I did not generate a certificate request
prior to this.

Google is telling me that either I need to generate a certificate request
first, or it's telling everything I need to know about wildcard
certificates except how to use the above files.

This is for Tomcat 8.5 with Java 8 on CentOS 7, and Windows Server 2016.

Thank you.

Re: Upgrade from Tomcat 7 to Tomcat 9.0.17

2019-04-17 Thread Luis Rodríguez Fernández
Hello Akram,

If you can not put the jars inside each webapp perhaps you could define a
shared.loader in your catalina.properties [1]. It works for us.

Hope it helps,



El mar., 16 abr. 2019 a las 23:21, Christopher Schultz (<
ch...@christopherschultz.net>) escribió:

> Hash: SHA256
> Akram,
> On 4/16/19 16:21, Akram Hussain wrote:
> > Hi Christopher,
> >
> > I have almost 27-30 apps in my tomcat.
> >
> > Do I need to declare in every applications's META-INF\context.xml.
> Yes. If every application needs those libraries, then you'll need to
> configure them. Just like you had to configure your custom class
> loader for each application in the past.
> Why not simply put the JAR files into the applications as usual? Then
> each web application is self-contained and you don't have to go
> through all these back-flips.
> > And also I have a listener class which is in tomcat\lib folder,
> > which also access these shared classes using CustomSharedLibrary.
> Then you can put all the libraries into Tomcat's lib/ directory and
> you don't have to do any of this.
> > How can I access those shared libraries in listener which is in
> > tomcat\lib folder?
> What does your Listener do? You might not even need it...
> - -chris
> > On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 1:02 AM Christopher Schultz <
> > ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
> >
> > Akram,
> >
> > On 4/16/19 12:41, Akram Hussain wrote:
>  I have gone through it, But it was not clear to me.
>  If an example is provided, how to pass resources to
>  SharedClassLoader, it could be helpful.
> >
> > If you configure something like this in your META-INF/context.xml:
> >
> >   > base="/path/to/your/shared/libraries"
> > className="org.apache.catalina.webresources.DirResourceSet" />
> > 
> >
> > That should allow your application to load JAR files from your
> > /path/to/your/shared/libraries directory.
> >
> > You should completely remove your custom class loader. Completely.
> >
> > -chris
> >
>  On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 7:57 PM Christopher Schultz <
>  ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:
>  Akram,
>  On 4/16/19 06:29, Akram Hussain wrote:
> >>> I have Custom SharedClassLoader in Tomcat 7 to load
> >>> shared library jars, which is used by different
> >>> applications in that tomcat. We migrated to Tomcat 9,
> >>> now it is not working. How to achieve the same
> >>> functionality in tomcat 9.
>  Have a look at the  which should be able to do
>  what you need without any custom code:
>  http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/resources.html
> >>>
> In Tomcat 9 it expects resources to be passed. I don't find
> >>> any sample Code on how to populate resources.
> >>>
> >>> I tried like below
> >>>
> >>> public CustomSharedClassLoader(ClassLoader parent)
> >>> throws Exception { super(parent); //The below three
> >>> lines are added by me to work for Tomcat 9.
> >>> StandardRoot standardRoot = new StandardRoot();
> >>> standardRoot.addPreResources(new DirResourceSet());
> >>> setResources(standardRoot);// End for tomcat 9
> >>> changes.
> >>>
> >>> for (URL urlForJars : getClassPath(SHARED_LIB)) {
> >>> addURL(urlForJars); } start(); }
> >>>
> >>> It didn't work.
> >>>
> >>> public class CustomSharedClassLoader extends
> >>> WebappClassLoader{//Which takes shared folder libarary,
> >>> it returns those classes.}
>  You should be able to ditch your custom ClassLoader
>  entirely.
>  -chris
> >
> > --
> - ---
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> >
> >
> >>
> >> -
> >>
> >>
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> >> For additional commands, e-mail: users-h...@tomcat.apache.org
> >>
> >>
> >
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