RE: Tomcat copies context.xml to conf/Catalina/localhost/app.xml, but neverupdates it?

2009-08-07 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


It was always intended, and finally fixed in 6.0.19 (see the changelog).  The 
impetus was
this bug report:
Thank you very much for the reference. To be helpful to other people who 
stumble upon this thread when searching for information on this problem, 
here I found an early comment made by Mark about this issue:

Sep 4, 2008:
Is there a different handling for packaged webapps (wars) vs. an 
exploded directory? 
There is a slight one. For WARs with a context.xml, it will get copied 
to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ if a contextpath.xml 
does not exist. context.xml files in an exploded directory do not get 
copied. This is an inconsistency that is on my list to fix as part of 
Another related thread is this one:

Jul 20, 2009
What I want (as option): I know that developer/packager did it right 
and I never want to have local configuration. Always use the 
*context.xml* within the currently deployed application, updated every 
time I redeploy the app.
In this thread, Rainer Frey asks for the same thing, although the 
difference is that back then it was about .war deployments and not about 
exploded deployments.

The copying change makes it possible to edit 
conf/Catalina/[host]/[appName].xml, regardless
of whether the origin was a .war or a directory.
Charles, I understand the benefits of this for a production environment, 
especially when there is a dedicated deployment team. But why not go for 
the following simpler procedure:

1. If there is a context descriptor in 
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/[webappname].xml use this.
2. Otherwise, use the context descriptor 

If that would be all, wouldn't everybody be happy? System administrators 
can still override whatever is provided by the web application, but if 
nobody puts something in 
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/[webappname].xml then the 
version of the web application is used and the developer can simply 
update things like datasources without having to change stuff inside a 
local Tomcat installation.

It seems to me that for development the latter situation is much more 
desirable. In our case (and I figure in a lot of other cases), the 
source code for a web application is under version control. This 
includes the META-INF directory and thus context.xml. If I check in a 
change to context.xml, for instance if I created an additional 
datasource for my code, then previously all developers would get this 
change if they update their workspace.

With the recent changes however, I'll have to mail each and every 
developer on our project to inform them they have to clear their 
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ directory, or otherwise 
they will never get the change I just checked in. We have people working 
at several different locations and some of those include less 
technically inclined people who mainly work on texts. This kind of a 
procedure is quite painful for every team member, but is especially 
painful or perhaps even impossible for those less technically inclined 

How do others cope with this? I guess the problem would be solved if all 
existing Tomcat server connectors for every IDE (we use MyEclipse), 
takes this necessary cleaning of 
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/  into account. On the other 
hand, if this cleaning is a requirement for development, then it's 
basically just a workaround for the fact that at least in development 
mode, Tomcat might be better off not doing this 
copying-once-and-holding-on-to-the-copy thing?

I might be missing something, so I would be grateful if someone can 
enlighten me. At the moment this required copying seems plain wrong to 
me on every possible level, but I fully understand that I might not be 
seeing the bigger picture yet. As I said, I understand the benefits of 
doing this, but I don't understand what's bad on (optionally) not doing 
this copying.

But what counts as an undeploy for a static deployment? 

Using the manager to do a real undeploy; deletion of the expanded directory is 
only part of

H, but if you absolutely need the manager to do a proper deploy and 
undeploy, doesn't that somehow imply that static deployment (just 
copying and removing from the webapps directory) has become more or less 
deprecated? I think most IDEs take advantage of the static deployment 
method, although some of them (like Eclipse/WTP) do indeed have 
knowledge of the conf/Catalina convention. Maybe it's thus only a 
MyEclipse problem.

Besides the Context element, there are also files under Tomcat's work 
that must be removed.
Well, in practice this doesn't seem to be necessary that often. We have 
several web applications with 

RE: Tomcat copies context.xml to, conf/Catalina/localhost/app.xml,but neverupdates it?

2009-08-07 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


1. If there is a context descriptor in
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/[webappname].xml use this.
2. Otherwise, use the context descriptor

That is exactly how it works today.

Well, in my humble opinion this is how it worked yesterday. Doesn't it 
work like this today (for exploded archives):

1. If there is a context descriptor in 
$CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/[webappname].xml use this.
2. Otherwise, *copy* the context descriptor 
$CATALINA_BASE/webapps/[webappname]/META-INF/context.xml to 

3. Go 1.

I fully understand the need for global overrides, but the procedure of 
copying the very first encountered context.xml from a web application 
and then continue to use that as the global override variant, I'm sorry 
but I just don't see the logic in doing that. Are there any other 
systems out there using a similar mechanism? I'm thinking broadly here, 
trying to think of general Linux configuration systems, other web 
servers, programming languages, etc. I'm not sure that I've ever 
encountered a system where a local configuration can be overridden by a 
global configuration, but in absence of a global override the local 
version is copied and kept indefinitely.

It just seems really awkward. Basically what you're saying is that you 
don't trust the web application to provide a correct context.xml, 
-except- for the first time. Isn't that a little arbitrary? Either you 
trust the web application or you don't. If you don't trust the web 
application the maintainer of a Tomcat instance puts his own context.xml 
in conf/Catalina, thereby overriding whatever the web application 
defines. If you do trust the web application, you don't put anything in 
conf/Catalina. These are basic mechanics that you find in tons of 
systems where a global configuration overrides a local one or the other 
way around (depending on what you see as global or local).

It's just this 
copy-from-local-and-use-as-global-but-only-for-the-first-time that 
just raises questions with me. Sure, I can work around it. I can also 
use another servlet container or if I'm really desperate patch the 
Tomcat source code to not do this copying anymore. It's a free world and 
thankfully nothing is holding anyone to anything here. The reason for 
prolonging this discussion however is to hopefully get some light behind 
the rationale of doing this initial copying.

Not true; the only reason it becomes an issue in your case is because you're 
not doing a proper
redeployment.  You cannot simply copy a new .war file into the appBase 
directory and expect
it to work.
I see, that's my bad then. But to my defense, it has worked for many 
years this way, the manual suggests this is the way to do this and my 
IDE (not the highest authority of course, but really used a lot and not 
some obscure little known one) also does it this way and basically 
nearly every place where I ever came across does it this way. Up until 
recently I had very little reason to assume this was not the correct way.

Maybe the one who writes the Tomcat documentation could make this a 
little clearer? If I read the documentation here: it really 
says that just copying the exploded or compressed web application to the 
appBase location should work. It doesn't mention that officially this 
only works the first time and not the second time.

i.e. shouldn't the following:

If you are not interested in using the Tomcat Manager, or TCD, then 
you'll need to deploy your web applications statically to Tomcat, 
followed by a Tomcat startup. The location you deploy web applications 
to for this type of deployment is called the |appBase| which is 
specified per Host. You either copy a so-called /exploded web 
application/, i.e non-compressed, to this location, or a compressed 
web application resource .WAR file. 


If you are not interested in using the Tomcat Manager, or TCD, then 
you'll need to deploy your web applications statically to Tomcat, 
followed by a Tomcat startup. The location you deploy web applications 
to for this type of deployment is called the |appBase| which is 
specified per Host. You either copy a so-called /exploded web 
application/, i.e non-compressed, to this location, or a compressed 
web application resource .WAR file. *Warning: This only works the 
first time. For a redeployment you need to follow the following 
procedure [...]*

Not trying to be smart or anything, just hoping to help out.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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Re: Tomcat copies context.xml to conf/Catalina/localhost/app.xml, but never updates it?

2009-08-07 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


Michael wrote:

I always just copy my web application statically to Tomcat's webapps
directory ($CATALINA_BASE/webapps) for the production server

Insufficient, as Chuck has pointed out: use the manager app.

Does that, basically, mean that the static deployment method is 
deprecated? If that's true, why doesn't the Tomcat documentation mention 

Currently the documentation says:

If you are not interested in using the Tomcat Manager, or TCD, then 
you'll need to deploy your web applications

statically to Tomcat, followed by a Tomcat startup.


Reading this gives me the impression that I can use it. If I should not 
use the static deployment mechanism, shouldn't this entry be removed 
from the documentation?


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Re: Tomcat copies context.xml to, conf/Catalina/localhost/app.xml,but neverupdates it?

2009-08-07 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms

Len Wrote:

Unfortunately it's not that simple. Take for example the most common case, a
Resource definition for a JDBC database connection. The app writer has to
provide part of the definition (the resource name, e.g. jdbc/myAppDB) and
the sysadmin has to provide another part (the address of the DB server).
When the application vendor is different from the installer/maintainer, the
context.xml has to be customized at install time.
That's true and I agree that it's handy that Tomcat has the ability to 
copy the context.xml file from the war archive and allow that to be 
edited. It fits the situation you describe nicely.

However, in a pure development situation, where I'm dealing with a local 
Tomcat installation of which I'm my own system administrator and an 
exploded deployment of which I'm both the developer and the user at that 
point, this mechanism doesn't make a lot of sense and in fact is more of 
a liability than an asset.

To me it all would make a lot more sense of there was an option to 
disable this copying-and-holding of the context.xml. For exploded 
development mode, this option could then be set to false and for 
production mode it could be set to true.


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Re: Tomcat copies context.xml to conf/Catalina/localhost/app.xml but never updates it?

2009-08-06 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


M4N - Arjan Tijms wrote:
I'm running Tomcat 6.0.20 using JDK 6 update 14 on a 64 bits Debian 
Lenny. I've unpacked a stock Tomcat 6.0.20 and deployed a web module 
to the webapps directory. After I started and stopped the web module, 
I noticed that the META-INF/context.xml had been copied to 
conf/Catalina/localhost/[name of web module].xml.
When I try to make the [tomcat install dir]/conf read only, I get the 
following exception when starting up:

INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080
Aug 6, 2009 6:52:07 PM org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket init
INFO: JK: ajp13 listening on /
Aug 6, 2009 6:52:07 PM org.apache.jk.server.JkMain start
INFO: Jk running ID=0 time=0/19  config=null
Aug 6, 2009 6:52:07 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina start
INFO: Server startup in 137 ms
Aug 6, 2009 6:53:17 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig 

SEVERE: Error deploying web application directory my_test 
/opt/apache-tomcat-6.0.20/conf/Catalina/localhost/my_test.xml (No such 
file or directory)

   at Method)

   at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.check(


It thus appears that Tomcat really wants to make this copy first and 
then process only this copy. I however very much want this not to 
happen. Is there any option that allows me to change this? What I need 
is the Tomcat 6.0.18 and earlier behavior where META-INF/context.xml is 
used from the webapps/someapp directory as-is, without any copying of 
any kind.

Thanks in advance for all help

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Tomcat copies context.xml to conf/Catalina/localhost/app.xml but never updates it?

2009-08-06 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


I'm running Tomcat 6.0.20 using JDK 6 update 14 on a 64 bits Debian 
Lenny. I've unpacked a stock Tomcat 6.0.20 and deployed a web module to 
the webapps directory. After I started and stopped the web module, I 
noticed that the META-INF/context.xml had been copied to 
conf/Catalina/localhost/[name of web module].xml.

I made a change to META-INF/context.xml and started Tomcat again, but 
the copy in conf/Catalina/localhost/ appeared to be not updated. I 
stopped Tomcat, removed the web module from webapps and started Tomcat 
again. The copy in conf/Catalina/localhost still wasn't updated/deleted 
and now Tomcat started complaining it couldn't find my webapp anymore.

I've been a long time Tomcat user and this has never ever been a problem 
for me. I never noticed conf/Catalina/localhost contained a copy of my 
context.xml files, but I could always modify context.xml and never 
needed to explicitly delete the contents of conf/Catalina/localhost. 
This is a rather scary situation. I'm not 100% sure why Tomcat does this 
copying in the first place and I'm not at all sure what's going on with 
the stale copies.

Anyone has any idea?

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Re: RE: Occasional NoClassDefFoundError, but disappears after couple of restarts

2009-08-03 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

The problem I have is that occasionally after I restart Tomcat, the
startup fails with NoClassDefFoundError or ClassNotFoundException for
every servlet listener that's being added from web.xml.

This kind of error can be caused by having the same class(es) in multiple 
locations in a given branch of the classloader tree, such as in both a webapp's 
WEB-INF/lib and in Tomcat's lib directory (or on the system classpath).  Have 
you checked that?
I removed the obvious suspect, a duplicate postgresql driver that 
appeared in both WEB-INF/lib  and [tomcat install dir]/lib. 
Unfortunately this did not seem to help. Last night I needed to restart 
the production server for a configuration change and I needed 22(!) 
restarts for Tomcat to start up correctly.

It really seems that there's a race condition going on somehow. I mean, 
if it was a structural problem then Tomcat would simply never start up, 
wouldn't it?

These are the libraries the web app currently uses:

In WEB-INF/lib

In [tomcat install dir]/lib

The Jboss libraries are the Jboss client libraries and are needed to 
consume EJBs from a remote Jboss AS instance. Maybe there are some 
classes somewhere that conflict with those of Tomcat, but if that would 
be true it's still hard to understand why starting up fails in 
production but never on a local workstation.

Anyone has any idea?


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Occasional NoClassDefFoundError, but disappears after couple of restarts

2009-07-24 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


I'm running Tomcat 6.0.16 on a 32 bit Debian Etch using Java 6 update 
12. The problem I have is that occasionally after I restart Tomcat, the 
startup fails with NoClassDefFoundError or ClassNotFoundException for 
every servlet listener that's being added from web.xml.

If I restart Tomcat a couple of times, the  exceptions mysteriously 
vanish and startup succeeds. I've seen the exact same exceptions 
happening when starting up another Tomcat instance I manage, which is a 
Tomcat 6.0.18 on a 64 bit Debian Lenny also using Java 6 update 12.

The Tomcat 6.0.16 instance produces the following strack trace when 
starting up:

Jul 23, 2009 11:32:41 PM org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener init
INFO: The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal 
performance in production environments was not found on the 

Jul 23, 2009 11:32:41 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 506 ms
Jul 23, 2009 11:32:41 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Jul 23, 2009 11:32:41 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/6.0.16
Jul 23, 2009 11:32:42 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext 
INFO: The listener 
com.xmx.cyberdyme.system.settings.ApplicationSettings is already 
configured for this context. The duplicate definition has been ignored.
Jul 23, 2009 11:32:42 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext 
INFO: The listener is 
already configured for this context. The duplicate definition has been 
Jul 23, 2009 11:32:42 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext 
SEVERE: Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance 
of class com.xmx.cyberdyme.system.settings.ApplicationSettings

  at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(

  at Method)
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
  at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(


  at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
  at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
  at java.lang.Class.forName(






  at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
  at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

RE: Occasional NoClassDefFoundError, but disappears after couple of restarts

2009-07-24 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


This kind of error can be caused by having the same class(es) in multiple 
locations in a given
branch of the classloader tree, such as in both a webapp's WEB-INF/lib and in 
Tomcat's lib
directory (or on the system classpath).  Have you checked that?
Well, that's indeed a good suggestion. We added 3 libraries to [tomcat 
install dir]/lib, namely activation.jar, mail.jar and 
postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc3.jar. As it happens the web application's 
WEB-INF/lib does contain a postgresql-8.3-603.jdbc4.jar. This last .jar 
should of course not be there.

I have indeed seen applications on Jboss AS fail due to duplicate class 
definitions. The odd thing is that on Jboss AS it would fail both on 
localhost and on the production server, but in the case of Tomcat it 
only fails on the production server. Also, these (nearly) duplicate jar 
files seem to have been there for some time and restarts only started 
recently to fail on a regular basis. A recent upgrade from JDK 6 update 
6 to update 12 seems to be most likely candidate for causing the sudden 
change in behavior.

I'll remove the duplicate .jar, and hopefully the next restarts will 
happen smoothly again.

Thanks again for your reply.


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Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-30 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


M4N - Arjan Tijms wrote:

The problem I'm encountering is that for a percentage of the POST 
requests, Tomcat seems to loose all parameters. Our application uses a 
filter that logs the (first few characters of) post parameters.

To follow up on this issue, I think that I have probably found the cause 
of this issue. In the AJP/1.3 connector configuration in server.xml, the 
connectionTimeout had been set to a very low value (200). In the 
catalina.[date].log this resulted in entries like:

Aug 29, 2007 4:27:21 PM org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest invoke
INFO: Unknown message 31
Aug 29, 2007 4:27:23 PM org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest invoke
INFO: Unknown message 31
Aug 29, 2007 4:27:25 PM org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest invoke
INFO: Unknown message 31
Aug 29, 2007 4:27:26 PM org.apache.jk.common.HandlerRequest invoke
INFO: Unknown message 31

Except for message 31, there were also entries for Unknown message 8, 
1, 19, 20, 22, 0, 29, 11 and 15, although 31 was the most common. I 
missed these messages earlier (which is stupid of me, I know). I 
compared the time stamps of these messages with those of the empty 
posts in the other log file and found out they matched exactly or 
almost exactly.

Looking up the code of HandlerRequest it appears to switch on a byte, 
defined in org.apache.jk.common.AjpConstants. It actually switches on a 
subset of these. The default action is to print the Unknown message line 
and continue, which happens for the numbers I mentioned above.

Perhaps the connector is closing the connection early, but tomcat 
somehow isn't signalled about that event and switches on a random byte 
from the message the AJP connector was sending. Anyway, the result is 
that the post request continues to be processed, but with missing 
request parameters.

Setting the timeout value too low is of course our fault, but perhaps it 
would be better if Tomcat could just abort the request and throw some 

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

It's a cult. If you've coded for any length of time, you've run across someone 
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Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-28 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Uh, I'm not really sure what you're saying, here. TCs auth code /will/
run before any of your code if you are using it.

Of course, but that's exactly what I'm saying. If Tomcat's auth code 
runs first, than the possible error would be in Tomcat's code.

Do you implement authentication and authorization as a filter? Or, do
you have something else going on? I'm asking because it's possible your
own authentication mechanism has a bug or two that is somehow killing
the request parameters.

The custom authentication method is filter based. I installed the filter 
that prints the request parameters to the log as the very first filter 
in the chain; this means it gets called before any other filter does. 
So, the logging is the very first piece of my code that gets called when 
processing a single request.

Like I said earlier: in the AJP connector the parameters are there and 
at the first opportunity that my own code can run they are gone. They 
get lost somewhere in between. Since none of my code runs in between, 
it's hard to say what happens. I might try building a debug Tomcat that 
does some extra logging at key points in the request handling, but for a 
high volume production server this would really be my last resort.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-27 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


Martin Gainty wrote:

Fiddler lets you construct the request

Thanks for your suggestion, but I already tried that:

Using a proxy server to
monitor what my browser was sending, I clearly saw in the raw HTTP
headers that parameters where being send

In my case I was using Burpproxy, which seems to do more or less the 
same as fiddler.

Arjan Tijms

- Original Message - From: thebugslayer 

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2007 8:06 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

I would suggest a TCP sniff tool like one found from axis or grinder
to peek at your http track to be sure.

On 8/24/07, M4N - Arjan Tijms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We're hosting a fairly high traffic web application based on Tomcat.
It's running on Debian-Etch, JDK 5.0U10 and Tomcat 5.5.20. We're using
Apache as a front-end with the AJP connector.

The problem I'm encountering is that for a percentage of the POST
requests, Tomcat seems to loose all parameters. Our application uses a
filter that logs the (first few characters of) post parameters. This
filter is installed as the first one in the filter chain, so nothing
else can interfere with it. For requests originating from pages which
logically can not produce such an empty post request, the log clearly
shows there are no parameters.

The problem is often fairly random, although I have been able to
consistently reproduce it on one occasion. Using a proxy server to
monitor what my browser was sending, I clearly saw in the raw HTTP
headers that parameters where being send, yet they weren't received in
Tomcat. I also enabled TCP/IP packet logging at the server for a while.
For requests that appeared with empty parameters in Tomcat, the tcp/ip
log showed the parameters did arrive at the server.

Next to that I enabled debug logging in the AJP connector, and again 

POST parameters were in the HTTP request but not present when the
mentioned filter logged the request in Tomcat.

I did notice though that the overwhelming majority of the empty post
requests concerned Faces requests (we're using MyFaces 1.1.4). We store
state on client, so typical Faces HTTP post requests are at least 22KB
in size. Nevertheless, thousands of requests from the same pages from
all kinds of different browsers arrive with the post parameters intact.

I'm at a loss here how to proceed. Naturally I could change JSF to keep
state on server, but because of the way some custom components work
that's currently not an option. It would also not really solve the
underlying problem of course.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-27 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


thebugslayer wrote:

I would suggest a TCP sniff tool like one found from axis or grinder
to peek at your http track to be sure.

Thanks for your reply. The TCP Sniffer from The Grinder is an HTTP 
proxy, and I already tried that:

Using a proxy server to
monitor what my browser was sending, I clearly saw in the raw HTTP
headers that parameters where being send, yet they weren't received in

As I wrote in my original mail, I traced the problem two levels deeper; 
both at the TCP/IP level at the server and in the connector between 
Apache and Tomcat. Post parameters are still there, but are gone once in 

Arjan Tijms

On 8/24/07, M4N - Arjan Tijms [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


We're hosting a fairly high traffic web application based on Tomcat.
It's running on Debian-Etch, JDK 5.0U10 and Tomcat 5.5.20. We're using
Apache as a front-end with the AJP connector.

The problem I'm encountering is that for a percentage of the POST
requests, Tomcat seems to loose all parameters. Our application uses a
filter that logs the (first few characters of) post parameters. This
filter is installed as the first one in the filter chain, so nothing
else can interfere with it. For requests originating from pages which
logically can not produce such an empty post request, the log clearly
shows there are no parameters.

The problem is often fairly random, although I have been able to
consistently reproduce it on one occasion. Using a proxy server to
monitor what my browser was sending, I clearly saw in the raw HTTP
headers that parameters where being send, yet they weren't received in
Tomcat. I also enabled TCP/IP packet logging at the server for a while.
For requests that appeared with empty parameters in Tomcat, the tcp/ip
log showed the parameters did arrive at the server.

Next to that I enabled debug logging in the AJP connector, and again the
POST parameters were in the HTTP request but not present when the
mentioned filter logged the request in Tomcat.

I did notice though that the overwhelming majority of the empty post
requests concerned Faces requests (we're using MyFaces 1.1.4). We store
state on client, so typical Faces HTTP post requests are at least 22KB
in size. Nevertheless, thousands of requests from the same pages from
all kinds of different browsers arrive with the post parameters intact.

I'm at a loss here how to proceed. Naturally I could change JSF to keep
state on server, but because of the way some custom components work
that's currently not an option. It would also not really solve the
underlying problem of course.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

It's a cult. If you've coded for any length of time, you've run across someone 
from this warped brotherhood. Their creed: if you can write complicated code, 
you must be good.

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from this warped brotherhood. Their creed: if you can write complicated code, 
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Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-27 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms

Hehl, Thomas wrote:

I've read other responses and don't know much more about what to tell you.

It seems to be the first order of business is to figure out how to
consistently re-create the problem.

Indeed. We've been trying that for a couple of weeks now but no luck 
yet. As of now the only thing we can do is indeed fire a high load on 
the system, and trace back in the log which instances went wrong.

The seemingly randomness of the problem is making this quite hard. For 
instance, at one moment the problem seemed to be reproducable on a 
certain page in a certain account. However when I plugged the laptop 
with which I could reproduce the problem to an internet connection at 
another location, the problem could not be reproduced.

If this doesn't re-create the issue, then the problem is probably outside of
tomcat's realm.

I'm not sure. Even if it would be MyFaces that sometimes causes invalid 
POST requests to happen, it's Tomcat that drops them without giving any 
warning or error message. Don't forget, before the request hits the 
MyFaces filter, we're still in 'plain Tomcat' (for lack of a better 
term). At the top of the filter chain I installed a servlet filter that 
only prints the post parameters. There is no MyFaces or anything else 
active at that point.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

Something's going on in your MyFaces or some such.

Sorry not more help.

-Original Message-
From: M4N - Arjan Tijms [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 12:43 PM

Subject: Tomcat looses POST parameters


We're hosting a fairly high traffic web application based on Tomcat. 
It's running on Debian-Etch, JDK 5.0U10 and Tomcat 5.5.20. We're using 
Apache as a front-end with the AJP connector.

The problem I'm encountering is that for a percentage of the POST 
requests, Tomcat seems to loose all parameters. Our application uses a 
filter that logs the (first few characters of) post parameters. This 
filter is installed as the first one in the filter chain, so nothing 
else can interfere with it. For requests originating from pages which 
logically can not produce such an empty post request, the log clearly 
shows there are no parameters.

The problem is often fairly random, although I have been able to 
consistently reproduce it on one occasion. Using a proxy server to 
monitor what my browser was sending, I clearly saw in the raw HTTP 
headers that parameters where being send, yet they weren't received in 
Tomcat. I also enabled TCP/IP packet logging at the server for a while. 
For requests that appeared with empty parameters in Tomcat, the tcp/ip 
log showed the parameters did arrive at the server.

Next to that I enabled debug logging in the AJP connector, and again the 
POST parameters were in the HTTP request but not present when the 
mentioned filter logged the request in Tomcat.

I did notice though that the overwhelming majority of the empty post 
requests concerned Faces requests (we're using MyFaces 1.1.4). We store 
state on client, so typical Faces HTTP post requests are at least 22KB 
in size. Nevertheless, thousands of requests from the same pages from 
all kinds of different browsers arrive with the post parameters intact.

I'm at a loss here how to proceed. Naturally I could change JSF to keep 
state on server, but because of the way some custom components work 
that's currently not an option. It would also not really solve the 
underlying problem of course.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms


It's a cult. If you've coded for any length of time, you've run across someone 
from this warped brotherhood. Their creed: if you can write complicated code, 
you must be good.

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Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-27 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


Christopher Schultz wrote:

The problem I'm encountering is that for a percentage of the POST
requests, Tomcat seems to loose all parameters.

Are you observing this in log files, or by actually doing it and having
it fail.

Both actually.

I have installed a top-level filter, and the very first thing it does 
when its doFilter method is being called is calling 
request.getParameterMap(), iterating over its values, and logging the 
name and first chars of each parameter. Logging happens to a standard 

Before this filter is being called, none of my own code has been 
executed in the context of the current request.

After that, if the page required a specific parameter an error is being 
generated. This indeed happens. Other pages ignore the request if 
parameters are missing. I have observed this too.

I'm wondering if
something is happening to the saved request during the login.

It's a good thought, and such a thing could have happened. Only in this 
case the parameters are already missing before any request processing is 
being done. Also, 99.9% of the requests execute well, only in 0.1 orso 
the parameters are missing. That doesn't sound like much but 0.1% of a 
high traffic site is still a lot of requests. (I made the 0.1 number up 
and haven't calculated it exactly, but it's a small number)

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

Just looking for other possibilities.

- -chris

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from this warped brotherhood. Their creed: if you can write complicated code, 
you must be good.

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Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-27 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


Ben Souther wrote:

One thing that you've go on your side, as far as isolating the problem
is concerned, is that Tomcat is a busy project and has thousands of
users.  If it had a bug that caused it to miss or drop form parameters
hundreds or thousands of apps would be breaking right now and this, the
dev list, and bugzilla would be getting flooded with reports.

I absolutely agree with you. It's the exact same line of reasoning that 
went on during our internal discussions about this problem.

However, the thing is that by far not all post parameters are dropped. I 
happened to stumble about it at first when inspecting the log files 
manually for some other problems. There was a log line that showed an 
empty post was done, for a page of which I knew this was impossible. I 
did some grepping on the logs and discovered a few hundred of occasions 
where it happened. Between thousands upon thousands of requests 
something like this might go unnoticed for a long time.

When post parameters are dropped, most users would either see nothing 
happening and simply click again, or some error page comes up, they use 
the back button and click again.

The fact that they're not, is a pretty good indicator telling you that
the problem is not with Tomcat.  If it is a problem with Tomcat, you're
doing something very rare to get this bug to surface.

Indeed. I wonder what that could be. We're running on a quad core 
server. Maybe it's some race condition?

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

It's a cult. If you've coded for any length of time, you've run across someone 
from this warped brotherhood. Their creed: if you can write complicated code, 
you must be good.

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Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-27 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


c. wrote:

I experienced some problems with missing POST parameters.  I'm not sure
where the problem lay but I was using apache 2, tomcat 5.5, mod_ajp_proxy
and dwr.  I upgraded to tomcat 6 using mod_proxy and NIO and have not seen
the problem since.

Chris, this sounds very interesting and is consistent with what I 
understood about possible race problems in Tomcat 5.5 being (perhaps) 
fixed in Tomcat 6. Unfortunately I can not upgrade a live production 
server overnight, certainly not with a whole major version, but I'll 
definitely will push for an early upgrade. In the mean time I will try 
if 5.5.23 or better the soon to be released 5.5.25 makes any difference.

Arjan Tijms

It's a cult. If you've coded for any length of time, you've run across someone 
from this warped brotherhood. Their creed: if you can write complicated code, 
you must be good.

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Re: Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-27 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


Christopher Schultz wrote:

No, your filter will only be executed after the login has been handled,
since Tomcat's authentication is done using a valve, which is processed
before any filters.

I see. The thing is, I'm not using any container managed authentication 
at all. All authentication is handled by the application. But even if I 
used the container's (Tomcat's) authentication, then it still would be 
Tomcat's code than ran before my code, right?

Arjan Tijms

It's a cult. If you've coded for any length of time, you've run across someone 
from this warped brotherhood. Their creed: if you can write complicated code, 
you must be good.

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Tomcat looses POST parameters

2007-08-24 Thread M4N - Arjan Tijms


We're hosting a fairly high traffic web application based on Tomcat. 
It's running on Debian-Etch, JDK 5.0U10 and Tomcat 5.5.20. We're using 
Apache as a front-end with the AJP connector.

The problem I'm encountering is that for a percentage of the POST 
requests, Tomcat seems to loose all parameters. Our application uses a 
filter that logs the (first few characters of) post parameters. This 
filter is installed as the first one in the filter chain, so nothing 
else can interfere with it. For requests originating from pages which 
logically can not produce such an empty post request, the log clearly 
shows there are no parameters.

The problem is often fairly random, although I have been able to 
consistently reproduce it on one occasion. Using a proxy server to 
monitor what my browser was sending, I clearly saw in the raw HTTP 
headers that parameters where being send, yet they weren't received in 
Tomcat. I also enabled TCP/IP packet logging at the server for a while. 
For requests that appeared with empty parameters in Tomcat, the tcp/ip 
log showed the parameters did arrive at the server.

Next to that I enabled debug logging in the AJP connector, and again the 
POST parameters were in the HTTP request but not present when the 
mentioned filter logged the request in Tomcat.

I did notice though that the overwhelming majority of the empty post 
requests concerned Faces requests (we're using MyFaces 1.1.4). We store 
state on client, so typical Faces HTTP post requests are at least 22KB 
in size. Nevertheless, thousands of requests from the same pages from 
all kinds of different browsers arrive with the post parameters intact.

I'm at a loss here how to proceed. Naturally I could change JSF to keep 
state on server, but because of the way some custom components work 
that's currently not an option. It would also not really solve the 
underlying problem of course.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

It's a cult. If you've coded for any length of time, you've run across someone 
from this warped brotherhood. Their creed: if you can write complicated code, 
you must be good.

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