Re: Does Tomcat 9 still support AJP connections, REMOTE_USER, and tomcatAuthentication="false"?

2020-05-16 Thread ohaya
Hi Andre (and Christopher and Olaf),

I think that that is a good summary of where this is at this point.


 On Saturday, May 16, 2020, 08:23:54 AM EDT, André Warnier (tomcat/perl) 
 In summary, yes, I think you're right in your final conclusion below.

If the tomcat access log shows the authenticated user, it means that tomcat got 
it, and I 
see no other way than from Apache and through that "tomcatAuthentication=false" 
option of 
the tomcat AJP connector.

And that in turn means that, for Apache, this request was authenticated, which 
in turn 
means that OAM /did/ also set the Apache-internal R->user variable.

The values printed by your Apache cgi-bin script are maybe a bit confusing 
regarding what 
is going on, because they are the result of a different (and parallel) process 
: when 
Apache runs a cgi-bin script, it does this in a separate child process, and 
when it 
creates this process, it provides it with an environment. And that is what your 
script is showing (it's own environment values).
That in this environment, Apache creates a "remote-user" variable and populates 
it with 
the Apache authenticated user-id, is fortuitous but unrelated to the fact that 
Apache+mod_proxy_ajp *also* passes this authenticated user-id via AJP to tomcat.

So now indeed, you have to figure out why this tomcat webapp wants the browser 
to retrieve 
a login page, despite the fact that this access is already authenticated.
But indeed this is no longer an Apache or a tomcat or tomcat Connector issue, 
it is a 
webapp logic or configuration issue.

On 16.05.2020 08:40, ohaya wrote:
>  Hi,
> When I configure the OAM protection, they have the ability to configure 
> values that go into HTTP headers (among other things) upon successful 
> authentication (to OAM).
> I usually test this by protecting /cgi-bin/printenv on the Apache. printenv 
> has this :
> ##
> ## printenv -- demo CGI program which just prints its environment
> ##
> use strict;
> use warnings;
> print "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n";
> foreach my $var (sort(keys(%ENV))) {
>  my $val = $ENV{$var};
>  $val =~ s|\n|\\n|g;
>  $val =~ s|"|\\"|g;
>  print "${var}=\"${val}\"\n";
> and when do that test, it does dump out remote_user (among others).
> Also FYI, I was just looking at the Tomcat localhost_access_log..txt 
> file, and I am seeing lines like:
> xx.0.xx.xx -  [16/May/2020:06:18:41 +] "GET /xxx/login 
> HTTP/1.1" 302 -
> where  is the username of the user that authenticated to 
> OAM.
> I am not 100% about the format of that log, but does that line say that 
> Tomcat thinks that the user that is logged INTO TOMCAT is that 
> ?
> If so, then does that mean that I am already passing that user from Apache 
> into Tomcat successfully?
> If so, I have thinking that maybe the webapp that I am trying to get logged 
> into (it is Apache Syncope) is not leveraging the authentication mechanisms 
> that are inbuilt in Tomcat?
> That kind of makes sense, because I know that I didn't have to add that user 
> to the tomcat-users.xml.
> Finally if that is the case, this is no longer just a Tomcat-related issue.
> Jim
>      On Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:38:19 AM EDT, Christopher Schultz 
> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> Jim,
> On 5/15/20 08:42, ohaya wrote:
>> Yes, I am using Oracle Access Manager (OAM) so we have what they
>> call an "OAM webgate" that is integrated with the Apache. That
>> webgate automatically populates an HTTP header named "remote_user"
>> with the user that OAM authenticated.
>> So the problem I having is trying to figure out how to "integrate"
>> that with Tomcat.
> Okay.
>> So we have:
>> Browser <==> Apache+webgate <==> Tomcat (webapp)
> Good.
> First thing's first: Do you get your pages from Tomcat, but you aren't
> authenticated, or do you get some other kind of error? Sounds like you
> see your application, just no authentication.
> If this is your first time doing this, I assume you mean you're trying
> to figure out how to get it done, not trying to move a working
> configuration from another environment./version to Tomcat 9, right?
> There is nothing in the configuration you have posted so far that
> leads me to believe you'll be sending any REMOTE_USER HTTP header to
> Tomcat. Apache httpd doesn't (usually) auto-forward anything to
> Tomcat. Your OAS module is more likely setting an environment variable
> (remote_user) than an HTTP header. But it might be s

Re: Does Tomcat 9 still support AJP connections, REMOTE_USER, and tomcatAuthentication="false"?

2020-05-16 Thread ohaya

When I configure the OAM protection, they have the ability to configure values 
that go into HTTP headers (among other things) upon successful authentication 
(to OAM). 

I usually test this by protecting /cgi-bin/printenv on the Apache. printenv has 
this :

## printenv -- demo CGI program which just prints its environment
use strict;
use warnings;

print "Content-type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n\n";
foreach my $var (sort(keys(%ENV))) {
 my $val = $ENV{$var};
 $val =~ s|\n|\\n|g;
 $val =~ s|"|\\"|g;
 print "${var}=\"${val}\"\n";

and when do that test, it does dump out remote_user (among others).

Also FYI, I was just looking at the Tomcat localhost_access_log..txt 
file, and I am seeing lines like:

xx.0.xx.xx -  [16/May/2020:06:18:41 +] "GET /xxx/login 
HTTP/1.1" 302 -

where  is the username of the user that authenticated to OAM.

I am not 100% about the format of that log, but does that line say that Tomcat 
thinks that the user that is logged INTO TOMCAT is that ?

If so, then does that mean that I am already passing that user from Apache into 
Tomcat successfully?

If so, I have thinking that maybe the webapp that I am trying to get logged 
into (it is Apache Syncope) is not leveraging the authentication mechanisms 
that are inbuilt in Tomcat?

That kind of makes sense, because I know that I didn't have to add that user to 
the tomcat-users.xml.

Finally if that is the case, this is no longer just a Tomcat-related issue.


 On Friday, May 15, 2020, 09:38:19 AM EDT, Christopher Schultz 
Hash: SHA256


On 5/15/20 08:42, ohaya wrote:
> Yes, I am using Oracle Access Manager (OAM) so we have what they
> call an "OAM webgate" that is integrated with the Apache. That
> webgate automatically populates an HTTP header named "remote_user"
> with the user that OAM authenticated.
> So the problem I having is trying to figure out how to "integrate"
> that with Tomcat.


> So we have:
> Browser <==> Apache+webgate <==> Tomcat (webapp)


First thing's first: Do you get your pages from Tomcat, but you aren't
authenticated, or do you get some other kind of error? Sounds like you
see your application, just no authentication.

If this is your first time doing this, I assume you mean you're trying
to figure out how to get it done, not trying to move a working
configuration from another environment./version to Tomcat 9, right?

There is nothing in the configuration you have posted so far that
leads me to believe you'll be sending any REMOTE_USER HTTP header to
Tomcat. Apache httpd doesn't (usually) auto-forward anything to
Tomcat. Your OAS module is more likely setting an environment variable
(remote_user) than an HTTP header. But it might be setting a header.
That would be good information to know.

To send arbitrary headers (etc.) to Tomcat via mod_proxy_ajp, you need
to configuration to do that. Let's take a look at the Tomcat
documentation to see how tomcatAuthentication="false" works.

Awesome, the documentation says nothing about how to tie-into it.
Well, the code says that tomcatAuthentication="false" means that AJP
can accept the REMOTE_USER /request attribute/ which is a special
servlet-thing which isn't the same as a header. So you have to arrange
for mod_proxy_ajp to send your "remote_user" (header or environment
variable) to Tomcat as a request attribute.

Here's how to do that. According to the mod_proxy_ajp docs:

Environment Variables

Environment variables whose names have the prefix AJP_ are forwarded
to the origin server as AJP request attributes (with the AJP_ prefix
removed from the name of the key).

Cool, so we just need to set an environment variable AJP_REMOTE_USER
and it will be sent as an attribute. So I think we have all the
pieces, now. So try this:

  # Copy OAS's REMOTE_USER env variable -> AJP_REMOTE_USER for Tomcat

Just before your ProxyPass and friends.

I'm not entirely sure that will work. SetEnv doesn't say what "value"
can be; I'm hoping it will see that token and understand it's an
environment variable.

If that works, you're all set. Another option would be to tell OAS
that the environment variable you want is actually AJP_REMOTE_USER,
but if you want to use the environment variable "remote_user" for
other things, maybe making a copy like this is a better idea.

If that doesn't work, it may be that OAS is really setting an HTTP
header, which would be weird but, hey, Oracle is weird.

If you have to deal with HTTP headers, you'll want to do this:

  # Disallow any random client from masquerading as any user
  RequestHeader unset REMOTE_USER early
  # Copy OAS's REMOTE_USER header -> AJP_REMOTE_USER for Tomcat
  SetEnv AJP_REM

Re: Does Tomcat 9 still support AJP connections, REMOTE_USER, and tomcatAuthentication="false"?

2020-05-15 Thread ohaya

Yes, I am using Oracle Access Manager (OAM) so we have what they call an "OAM 
webgate" that is integrated with the Apache. That webgate automatically 
populates an HTTP header named "remote_user" with the user that OAM 

So the problem I having is trying to figure out how to "integrate" that with 

So we have:

Browser <==> Apache+webgate <==> Tomcat (webapp)


 On Friday, May 15, 2020, 08:36:18 AM EDT, André Warnier (tomcat/perl) 
 Let me give my 5 cent.

In the tomcat AJP Connector Tomcat, you use the tomcatAuthentication attribute :

This setting has the effect that tomcat will "believe" the authenticated 
user-id that 
Apache is passing to it in the AJP protocol messages that Apache sends to 
tomcat, and not 
try to re-authenticate again at the tomcat level.
(Note : this is not done by a "REMOTE_USER" HTTP header added by Apache; it 
happens via 
some internal variable specific to the AJP protocol).

Of course, for this, the request needs to be first authenticated in Apache (so 
that it has 
a user-id to pass to tomcat).

So do you have anything at the Apache httpd side, which authenticates the user 
before the 
request gets passed to tomcat (via AJP) ?

On 15.05.2020 14:08, ohaya wrote:
>  Hi Olaf,
> Thanks. I do appreciate that! I will do more digging.
> Jim
>      On Friday, May 15, 2020, 07:41:50 AM EDT, Olaf Kock  
> On 15.05.20 13:23, ohaya wrote:
>>    Hi,
>> I just tried adding the secret to the Apache side:
>> ProxyPass ajp://192.168.218.XXX:8009 secret="123"
>> ProxyPassReverse ajp://192.168.218.XXX:8009 secret="123"
>> and I get an error when I try to start Apache:
>> AH00526: Syntax error on line 554 of /apps/oracle/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
>> ProxyPass unknown Worker parameter
>> I am currently using Apache 2.4.39. Is there another way to specify the 
>> "secret"?
> With 9.0.20 you do not yet need to pass a secret - that came along later
> (somewhere around 30-33 AFAIR). However, you'll need to make sure that
> your AJP port is only available for the reverse proxy and nobody else -
> there was a recent security disclosure, which led to the change of many
> default settings for the AJP connector in the current releases.
> It boils down to the last sentence of my previous answer: I've never
> used REMOTE_USER headers for authentication, and there's no indicator in
> your setup that you're allowing Tomcat to trust such a header. I might
> be completely off here, but as nobody else answered yet, I thought I'd
> give it a try.
> Olaf
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
>>        On Friday, May 15, 2020, 07:04:44 AM EDT, ohaya 
>> wrote:
>>    Hi,
>> The Tomcat version I am using is 9.0.20. I will take a look at the changelog.
>> This is the first time I have tried this, and I couldn't find much info, so 
>> I appreciate the feedback. I will look for info about "secret".
>> I wasn't sure about the format on the Apache side for the 
>> ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse - does what I posted look all right?
>> Also, when I was searching around for info, I saw some comments that seem to 
>> be saying that the "tomcatAuthentication" parameter on the Tomcat connection 
>> was no longer supported or something like that?
>> Also re. "secret" on the Tomcat side: If that is set to, for example, 
>> "mysecret", how do I pass that on the Apache side?
>> Thanks again,
>> Jim
>>      On Friday, May 15, 2020, 03:33:19 AM EDT, Olaf Kock 
>> wrote:
>> On 15.05.20 09:06, wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using an Apache proxy in front of Tomcat 9, and I am using AJP 
>>> connection to connect from the Apache to Tomcat, and I have the Apache 
>>> sending a username to the Tomcat in a REMOTE_USER header.
>>> In the Tomcat server.xml I have:
>>>    >>tomcatAuthentication="false"/>
>>> In the Apache httpd.conf, to test, this I have:
>>> ProxyPass ajp://192.168.218.XX:8009
>>> ProxyPassReverse ajp://192.168.XX.224:8009
>>> But when I access the app via the Apache, it is not automatically logging 
>>> me into the app.
>>> Is there anything else that I have to do to get this to work besides what I 
>>> did above?  Is there something 

Re: Does Tomcat 9 still support AJP connections, REMOTE_USER, and tomcatAuthentication="false"?

2020-05-15 Thread ohaya
 Hi Olaf,

Thanks. I do appreciate that! I will do more digging.


 On Friday, May 15, 2020, 07:41:50 AM EDT, Olaf Kock  
On 15.05.20 13:23, ohaya wrote:
>  Hi,
> I just tried adding the secret to the Apache side:
> ProxyPass ajp://192.168.218.XXX:8009 secret="123"
> ProxyPassReverse ajp://192.168.218.XXX:8009 secret="123"
> and I get an error when I try to start Apache:
> AH00526: Syntax error on line 554 of /apps/oracle/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
> ProxyPass unknown Worker parameter
> I am currently using Apache 2.4.39. Is there another way to specify the 
> "secret"?

With 9.0.20 you do not yet need to pass a secret - that came along later
(somewhere around 30-33 AFAIR). However, you'll need to make sure that
your AJP port is only available for the reverse proxy and nobody else -
there was a recent security disclosure, which led to the change of many
default settings for the AJP connector in the current releases.

It boils down to the last sentence of my previous answer: I've never
used REMOTE_USER headers for authentication, and there's no indicator in
your setup that you're allowing Tomcat to trust such a header. I might
be completely off here, but as nobody else answered yet, I thought I'd
give it a try.


> Thanks,
> Jim
>      On Friday, May 15, 2020, 07:04:44 AM EDT, ohaya 
> wrote:  
>  Hi,
> The Tomcat version I am using is 9.0.20. I will take a look at the changelog. 
> This is the first time I have tried this, and I couldn't find much info, so I 
> appreciate the feedback. I will look for info about "secret". 
> I wasn't sure about the format on the Apache side for the 
> ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse - does what I posted look all right?
> Also, when I was searching around for info, I saw some comments that seem to 
> be saying that the "tomcatAuthentication" parameter on the Tomcat connection 
> was no longer supported or something like that?
> Also re. "secret" on the Tomcat side: If that is set to, for example, 
> "mysecret", how do I pass that on the Apache side?
> Thanks again,
> Jim
>     On Friday, May 15, 2020, 03:33:19 AM EDT, Olaf Kock  
> wrote:  
> On 15.05.20 09:06, wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am using an Apache proxy in front of Tomcat 9, and I am using AJP 
>> connection to connect from the Apache to Tomcat, and I have the Apache 
>> sending a username to the Tomcat in a REMOTE_USER header.
>> In the Tomcat server.xml I have:
>>   > tomcatAuthentication="false"/>
>> In the Apache httpd.conf, to test, this I have:
>> ProxyPass ajp://192.168.218.XX:8009
>> ProxyPassReverse ajp://192.168.XX.224:8009
>> But when I access the app via the Apache, it is not automatically logging me 
>> into the app.
>> Is there anything else that I have to do to get this to work besides what I 
>> did above?  Is there something that I have to modify in the app itself to 
>> get this to work?
> Hi Jim,
> which exact version of Tomcat 9 are you using? Note that there were
> significant changes for the default and required configuration for the
> AJP connector, in order to use it. Best to find all of them: Search for
> AJP in the change log
> Notable among them: Everything to do with "secret", and the default bind
> address, "localhost", for the AJP connector. i.e. I'd expect this
> configuration to be insufficient for any of the latest releases.
> I haven't ever used this REMOTE_USER authentication, but nothing in the
> configuration that you've posted gives any clue about what you do and
> what you send. I would expect Tomcat to *not* blindly accept any
> REMOTE_USER header by default, unless it's whitelisted and explicitly
> asked for - it otherwise would be a great way to exploit servers that
> don't have a remote proxy (or one where the remote proxy is configured
> to remove this header). Nothing in the configuration you post gives me a
> hint about what you do to make tomcat accept and trust this header.
> Olaf
> -
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Re: Does Tomcat 9 still support AJP connections, REMOTE_USER, and tomcatAuthentication="false"?

2020-05-15 Thread ohaya

I just tried adding the secret to the Apache side:

ProxyPass ajp://192.168.218.XXX:8009 secret="123"
ProxyPassReverse ajp://192.168.218.XXX:8009 secret="123"

and I get an error when I try to start Apache:

AH00526: Syntax error on line 554 of /apps/oracle/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
ProxyPass unknown Worker parameter

I am currently using Apache 2.4.39. Is there another way to specify the 


 On Friday, May 15, 2020, 07:04:44 AM EDT, ohaya  

The Tomcat version I am using is 9.0.20. I will take a look at the changelog. 

This is the first time I have tried this, and I couldn't find much info, so I 
appreciate the feedback. I will look for info about "secret". 

I wasn't sure about the format on the Apache side for the 
ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse - does what I posted look all right?

Also, when I was searching around for info, I saw some comments that seem to be 
saying that the "tomcatAuthentication" parameter on the Tomcat connection was 
no longer supported or something like that?

Also re. "secret" on the Tomcat side: If that is set to, for example, 
"mysecret", how do I pass that on the Apache side?

Thanks again,

    On Friday, May 15, 2020, 03:33:19 AM EDT, Olaf Kock  
On 15.05.20 09:06, wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using an Apache proxy in front of Tomcat 9, and I am using AJP 
> connection to connect from the Apache to Tomcat, and I have the Apache 
> sending a username to the Tomcat in a REMOTE_USER header.
> In the Tomcat server.xml I have:
>  tomcatAuthentication="false"/>
> In the Apache httpd.conf, to test, this I have:
> ProxyPass ajp://192.168.218.XX:8009
> ProxyPassReverse ajp://192.168.XX.224:8009
> But when I access the app via the Apache, it is not automatically logging me 
> into the app.
> Is there anything else that I have to do to get this to work besides what I 
> did above?  Is there something that I have to modify in the app itself to get 
> this to work?

Hi Jim,

which exact version of Tomcat 9 are you using? Note that there were
significant changes for the default and required configuration for the
AJP connector, in order to use it. Best to find all of them: Search for
AJP in the change log

Notable among them: Everything to do with "secret", and the default bind
address, "localhost", for the AJP connector. i.e. I'd expect this
configuration to be insufficient for any of the latest releases.

I haven't ever used this REMOTE_USER authentication, but nothing in the
configuration that you've posted gives any clue about what you do and
what you send. I would expect Tomcat to *not* blindly accept any
REMOTE_USER header by default, unless it's whitelisted and explicitly
asked for - it otherwise would be a great way to exploit servers that
don't have a remote proxy (or one where the remote proxy is configured
to remove this header). Nothing in the configuration you post gives me a
hint about what you do to make tomcat accept and trust this header.


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Re: Does Tomcat 9 still support AJP connections, REMOTE_USER, and tomcatAuthentication="false"?

2020-05-15 Thread ohaya

The Tomcat version I am using is 9.0.20. I will take a look at the changelog. 

This is the first time I have tried this, and I couldn't find much info, so I 
appreciate the feedback. I will look for info about "secret". 

I wasn't sure about the format on the Apache side for the 
ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse - does what I posted look all right?

Also, when I was searching around for info, I saw some comments that seem to be 
saying that the "tomcatAuthentication" parameter on the Tomcat connection was 
no longer supported or something like that?

Also re. "secret" on the Tomcat side: If that is set to, for example, 
"mysecret", how do I pass that on the Apache side?

Thanks again,

 On Friday, May 15, 2020, 03:33:19 AM EDT, Olaf Kock  
On 15.05.20 09:06, wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using an Apache proxy in front of Tomcat 9, and I am using AJP 
> connection to connect from the Apache to Tomcat, and I have the Apache 
> sending a username to the Tomcat in a REMOTE_USER header.
> In the Tomcat server.xml I have:
>  tomcatAuthentication="false"/>
> In the Apache httpd.conf, to test, this I have:
> ProxyPass ajp://192.168.218.XX:8009
> ProxyPassReverse ajp://192.168.XX.224:8009
> But when I access the app via the Apache, it is not automatically logging me 
> into the app.
> Is there anything else that I have to do to get this to work besides what I 
> did above?  Is there something that I have to modify in the app itself to get 
> this to work?

Hi Jim,

which exact version of Tomcat 9 are you using? Note that there were
significant changes for the default and required configuration for the
AJP connector, in order to use it. Best to find all of them: Search for
AJP in the change log

Notable among them: Everything to do with "secret", and the default bind
address, "localhost", for the AJP connector. i.e. I'd expect this
configuration to be insufficient for any of the latest releases.

I haven't ever used this REMOTE_USER authentication, but nothing in the
configuration that you've posted gives any clue about what you do and
what you send. I would expect Tomcat to *not* blindly accept any
REMOTE_USER header by default, unless it's whitelisted and explicitly
asked for - it otherwise would be a great way to exploit servers that
don't have a remote proxy (or one where the remote proxy is configured
to remove this header). Nothing in the configuration you post gives me a
hint about what you do to make tomcat accept and trust this header.


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Does Tomcat 9 still support AJP connections, REMOTE_USER, and tomcatAuthentication="false"?

2020-05-15 Thread ohaya

I am using an Apache proxy in front of Tomcat 9, and I am using AJP connection 
to connect from the Apache to Tomcat, and I have the Apache sending a username 
to the Tomcat in a REMOTE_USER header.

In the Tomcat server.xml I have:


In the Apache httpd.conf, to test, this I have:

ProxyPass ajp://192.168.218.XX:8009
ProxyPassReverse ajp://192.168.XX.224:8009

But when I access the app via the Apache, it is not automatically logging me 
into the app.

Is there anything else that I have to do to get this to work besides what I did 
above?  Is there something that I have to modify in the app itself to get this 
to work?


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Re: NullPointerException/java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5 when have load-on-startup

2012-07-09 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  Mark Thomas wrote: 
  On 07/07/2012 17:33, wrote:
  Trace A:
   java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5
   at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
   at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
   at java.util.logging.Formatter.formatMessage(
   at org.apache.juli.FileHandler.publish(
   at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
   at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
   at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
   at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.doFinalize(
   at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.access$300(
   at jrockit.memory.Finalizer$
   java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5
  Trace B:
   at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
   at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
   at java.util.logging.Formatter.formatMessage(
   at java.util.logging.StreamHandler.publish(
   at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
   at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
   at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
   at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.doFinalize(
   at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.access$300(
   at jrockit.memory.Finalizer$
  Do you see any Tomcat code in Trace B? No? Neither do I. So what makes
  you think there is a Tomcat problem here?
  Given the only difference in Trace A is that you are using a Tomcat
  Handler rather than the console I don't see anything here to suggest a
  Tomcat bug.
  Looking at the source for java.util.ListResourceBundle, the key or the
  value being used for the log message is null. That makes this an OAM
  bug, not a Tomcat one.
 Hi Mark,
 Just to be clear, I wasn't pointing to a Tomcat bug :(...  
 I'm just trying to figure out why the NullPointerException doesn't happen 
 when I don't have load-on-startup in my servlet's web.xml, but does happen 
 when I have load-on-startup in the web.xml.  Also, BTW, if I stop then 
 start the servlet app using the Tomcat manager app, I don't get the 
 What might the difference be between when the load-on-startup is in the 
 web.xml vs. not being in the web.xml?  Doesn't Tomcat just load and call the 
 servlet's init() method when the load-on-startup is present?  I'm kind of 
 guessing it may be a timing type issue, as in my servlet's init() method, I 
 initialize the Oracle stuff.  My initialization call returns, but it may be 
 that there's still something going on behind-the-scenes that's not quite done.
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For the record, it turned that there was a bug in the Oracle SDK, as you 
suggested.  I got a patched SDK JAR, and the problem got fixed.


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NullPointerException/java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5 when have load-on-startup

2012-07-07 Thread ohaya

I have a simple servlet deployed to Tomcat 6.0.35, and when I enable 
load-on-startup in the web.xml, so that the servlet's init() method gets run 
when Tomcat starts up, I get:

In LoginServlet.init: Returned from calling CreateDefaultInstance...
In LoginServlet.init: FINISHED initializing!!
Jul 7, 2012 8:21:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory showhdrs
Jul 7, 2012 8:21:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory docs
Jul 7, 2012 8:21:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory ROOT
Jul 7, 2012 8:21:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory examples

java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
at java.util.logging.Formatter.formatMessage(
at java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format(
at org.apache.juli.FileHandler.publish(
at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
at java.util.logging.Logger.log(

i.e., It appears that my servlet's init() method completes successfully, but 
then later in the startup, Tomcat throws this exception (actually twice).

If I remove the load-on-startup from the servlet's web.xml, Tomcat starts 
fine, and processing in my servlet works ok (the init() method runs on first 
request, and service() method processes requests ok).

I think that that 5 indicates a format error in the (Tomcat) logging, but I'm 
not currently using/invoking any logger in my servlet.

Can anyone tell me what might be causing the error, and how I can eliminate the 


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Re: NullPointerException/java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5 when have load-on-startup

2012-07-07 Thread ohaya

 Mark Thomas wrote: 
 On 07/07/2012 13:40, wrote:
  Can anyone tell me what might be causing the error, and how I can eliminate 
  the problem? 
 Since you have removed the part of the stack trace that might tell use
 what the cause is, no.

Hi Mark,

Sorry about that.  Here's part of the catalina.out again, with the rest of the 
stack trace, plus showing it happens twice

In LoginServlet.init: FINISHED initializing!!
Jul 7, 2012 8:21:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory showhdrs
Jul 7, 2012 8:21:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory docs
Jul 7, 2012 8:21:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory ROOT
Jul 7, 2012 8:21:31 AM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig deployDirectory
INFO: Deploying web application directory examples
java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
at java.util.logging.Formatter.formatMessage(
at java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format(
at org.apache.juli.FileHandler.publish(
at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.doFinalize(
at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.access$300(
at jrockit.memory.Finalizer$
java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
at java.util.logging.Formatter.formatMessage(
at java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format(
at java.util.logging.StreamHandler.publish(
at java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.publish(
at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.doFinalize(
at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.access$300(
at jrockit.memory.Finalizer$
Jul 7, 2012 8:21:31 AM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol start
INFO: Starting Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8080

The oracle ones are because I'm using stuff from the Oracle OAM SDK, and I am 
initializing the SDK in the servlet init() method (which appears to be working).


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Re: NullPointerException/java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5 when have load-on-startup

2012-07-07 Thread ohaya

 Mark Thomas wrote: 
 On 07/07/2012 17:33, wrote:
 Trace A:
  java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5
  at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
  at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
  at java.util.logging.Formatter.formatMessage(
  at java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format(
  at org.apache.juli.FileHandler.publish(
  at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
  at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
  at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
  at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.doFinalize(
  at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.access$300(
  at jrockit.memory.Finalizer$
  java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5
 Trace B:
  at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
  at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
  at java.util.logging.Formatter.formatMessage(
  at java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format(
  at java.util.logging.StreamHandler.publish(
  at java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.publish(
  at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
  at java.util.logging.Logger.doLog(
  at java.util.logging.Logger.log(
  at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.doFinalize(
  at jrockit.memory.Finalizer.access$300(
  at jrockit.memory.Finalizer$
 Do you see any Tomcat code in Trace B? No? Neither do I. So what makes
 you think there is a Tomcat problem here?
 Given the only difference in Trace A is that you are using a Tomcat
 Handler rather than the console I don't see anything here to suggest a
 Tomcat bug.
 Looking at the source for java.util.ListResourceBundle, the key or the
 value being used for the log message is null. That makes this an OAM
 bug, not a Tomcat one.

Hi Mark,

Just to be clear, I wasn't pointing to a Tomcat bug :(...  

I'm just trying to figure out why the NullPointerException doesn't happen when 
I don't have load-on-startup in my servlet's web.xml, but does happen when I 
have load-on-startup in the web.xml.  Also, BTW, if I stop then start the 
servlet app using the Tomcat manager app, I don't get the NullPointerException.

What might the difference be between when the load-on-startup is in the 
web.xml vs. not being in the web.xml?  Doesn't Tomcat just load and call the 
servlet's init() method when the load-on-startup is present?  I'm kind of 
guessing it may be a timing type issue, as in my servlet's init() method, I 
initialize the Oracle stuff.  My initialization call returns, but it may be 
that there's still something going on behind-the-scenes that's not quite done.


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Followup old thread(s) about Apache, AJP, and tomcatAuthentication, and roles

2012-06-03 Thread ohaya

Awhile ago, I had this thread, where I originally trying to see if I could get 
Tomcat, using the AJP connector and tomcatAuthentication to work, when I had 
an OAM webgate installed on the Apache proxy fronting the Tomcat:

The bottom line at the time was that it didn't seem to work, probably because 
the user name wasn't being populated in the AJP packet.

I'm picking this subject up again, from scratch, because I happened to find out 
that mod_ssl has a directive, SSLUserName that is suppose to populate the user 
name after 2-way SSL authentication.

So, I set up a new Apache and Tomcat, and I added that SSLUserName directive to 
the Apache httpd-ssl.conf, but not with the OAM agent yet, and did some tests, 
and it looks like it ALMOST worked, i.e., it looks like *A* user name is being 
passed to Tomcat (in Tomcat logs, I see already authenticated and the 
username from the SSL client cert.

However, I get a 403/access denied on my test web app.  

This is even though I have a role in the realm (the original/default flatfile 
realm), so it looks like even though the tomcatAuthentication=false is kind 
of working, the user is not picking up the Tomcat roles.

So, I've been googling, and found this:

which seems to describes the problem I'm encountering, but that thread didn't 
seem to conclude.

So, does anyway know, when a user is asserted into Tomcat via 
tomcatAuthentication='false', does that authenticated user pickup the Tomcat 
roles from the realm?

There's one msg in the thread from Pid saying that a custom realm is needed, 
and then Andre Warnier seemed to think that wasn't the case, but then nothing 
after that.


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How to get debug output from

2012-05-17 Thread ohaya

I'm trying to debug some problems while enabling JNDIRealm in Tomcat 6.0.33.

I've gotten Tomcat itself to output debug logging, but looking at the code, e.g.:

It looks like there's a bunch of debug output that the Java code *can* output.

The problem is that I don't know how to enable that debug output/logging?

I'm assuming that something needs to be added to the Tomcat, 
but can anyone tell me what that should be to get the messages such as would be 
output by the following code in

1044   if (username == null || username.equals()
 1045   || credentials == null || credentials.equals()) {
 1046   if (containerLog.isDebugEnabled())
 1047   containerLog.debug(username null or empty: returning 
null principal.);
 1048   return (null);



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Re: How to get debug output from

2012-05-17 Thread ohaya

 Konstantin Kolinko wrote: 
  I'm trying to debug some problems while enabling JNDIRealm in Tomcat 6.0.33.
  I've gotten Tomcat itself to output debug logging, but looking at the code, e.g.:
  It looks like there's a bunch of debug output that the Java code *can* 
  The problem is that I don't know how to enable that debug output/logging?
  I'm assuming that something needs to be added to the Tomcat, but can anyone tell me what that should be to get the 
  messages such as would be output by the following code in
  1044           if (username == null || username.equals()
   1045               || credentials == null || credentials.equals()) {
   1046               if (containerLog.isDebugEnabled())
   1047                   containerLog.debug(username null or empty: 
  returning null principal.);
   1048               return (null);
 The containerLog writes to a category that has name similar to the 
 If your realm in in Context, then you will get the full name.
 If it is in Host, you will get [engine][host] only,
 and so on.
 You may also want to run under debugger,
 Best regards,
 Konstantin Kolinko
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 For additional commands, e-mail:


Here's a partial stripped down version of my server.xml, to show the JNDIRealm 
part in context.  I guess that it's in the Engine?

So, how do I enable the output from the JNDIRealm?

I checked the link you included, but it reflected what you said, but I'm 
unclear about exactly what I need to do (e.g., add to to 
get the debug output?


P.S.  Per other responses, if you could help explain, it might clarify things 
for others on the mailing list, who also appear to not know how to do this?

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Re: How to get debug output from

2012-05-17 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  Konstantin Kolinko wrote: 
   I'm trying to debug some problems while enabling JNDIRealm in Tomcat 
   I've gotten Tomcat itself to output debug logging, but looking at the code, e.g.:
   It looks like there's a bunch of debug output that the Java code *can* 
   The problem is that I don't know how to enable that debug output/logging?
   I'm assuming that something needs to be added to the Tomcat, but can anyone tell me what that should be to get the 
   messages such as would be output by the following code in
   1044           if (username == null || username.equals()
    1045               || credentials == null || credentials.equals()) {
    1046               if (containerLog.isDebugEnabled())
    1047                   containerLog.debug(username null or empty: 
   returning null principal.);
    1048               return (null);
  The containerLog writes to a category that has name similar to the 
  If your realm in in Context, then you will get the full name.
  If it is in Host, you will get [engine][host] only,
  and so on.
  You may also want to run under debugger,
  Best regards,
  Konstantin Kolinko
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:
 Here's a partial stripped down version of my server.xml, to show the 
 JNDIRealm part in context.  I guess that it's in the Engine?
 So, how do I enable the output from the JNDIRealm?
 I checked the link you included, but it reflected what you said, but I'm 
 unclear about exactly what I need to do (e.g., add to to 
 get the debug output?
 P.S.  Per other responses, if you could help explain, it might clarify things 
 for others on the mailing list, who also appear to not know how to do this?
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:

P.P.S.  In case it helps, here is my current

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the License); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

handlers =,,,, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler

.handlers =, 

# Handler specific properties.
# Describes specific configuration info for Handlers. = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs = catalina.

# JL - FOLLOWING ADDED FOR DEBUG PER: = -1 = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs = localhost. = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs = manager. = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs = host-manager.

java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINE
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = 

Re: How to get debug output from

2012-05-17 Thread ohaya wrote: wrote: 
   Konstantin Kolinko wrote: 
I'm trying to debug some problems while enabling JNDIRealm in Tomcat 
I've gotten Tomcat itself to output debug logging, but looking at the code, e.g.:
It looks like there's a bunch of debug output that the Java code *can* 
The problem is that I don't know how to enable that debug 
I'm assuming that something needs to be added to the Tomcat, but can anyone tell me what that should be to get 
the messages such as would be output by the following code in
1044           if (username == null || username.equals()
 1045               || credentials == null || credentials.equals()) {
 1046               if (containerLog.isDebugEnabled())
 1047                   containerLog.debug(username null or empty: 
returning null principal.);
 1048               return (null);
   The containerLog writes to a category that has name similar to the 
   If your realm in in Context, then you will get the full name.
   If it is in Host, you will get [engine][host] only,
   and so on.
   You may also want to run under debugger,
   Best regards,
   Konstantin Kolinko
   To unsubscribe, e-mail:
   For additional commands, e-mail:
  Here's a partial stripped down version of my server.xml, to show the 
  JNDIRealm part in context.  I guess that it's in the Engine?
  So, how do I enable the output from the JNDIRealm?
  I checked the link you included, but it reflected what you said, but I'm 
  unclear about exactly what I need to do (e.g., add to 
  to get the debug output?
  P.S.  Per other responses, if you could help explain, it might clarify 
  things for others on the mailing list, who also appear to not know how to 
  do this?
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:
 P.P.S.  In case it helps, here is my current
 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 # contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 # (the License); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 # the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS,
 # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 # limitations under the License.
 handlers =,,,, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
 .handlers =, 
 # Handler specific properties.
 # Describes specific configuration info for Handlers. = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs = catalina.
 # JL - FOLLOWING ADDED FOR DEBUG PER: = -1 = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs = localhost. = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs = manager. = FINE = ${catalina.base}/logs

Re: How to get debug output from

2012-05-17 Thread ohaya

 Konstantin Kolinko wrote: 
  Here's a partial stripped down version of my server.xml, to show the 
  JNDIRealm part in context.  I guess that it's in the Engine?
  So, how do I enable the output from the JNDIRealm?
  I checked the link you included, but it reflected what you said, but I'm 
  unclear about exactly what I need to do (e.g., add to 
  to get the debug output?
  P.S.  Per other responses, if you could help explain, it might clarify 
  things for others on the mailing list, who also appear to not know how to 
  do this?
  P.P.S.  In case it helps, here is my current
  # For example, to log debug messages in ContextConfig and HostConfig
  # classes and to log only warnings and errors in other
  # org.apache.catalina.** classes, uncomment these lines:
  #org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.level = FINE
  #org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.level = FINE
  #org.apache.catalina.level = WARNING
 I have not see your server.xml, but let's suppose that your Realm is
 in the Engine.
 The logging category for engine will be
 To enable debug logging for it you have to
 1. add the following line to file and
 2. restart Tomcat:
 org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].level = FINE
 Best regards,
 Konstantin Kolinko
 To unsubscribe, e-mail:
 For additional commands, e-mail:


FYI, I posted a msg with the server.xml snippet, which I had forgotten.

Also, I just tried adding the line you suggested to, then 
bounced Tomcat.  

On startup, I do see some new messages:

May 17, 2012 1:40:48 PM org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase init
FINE: Register Realm Catalina:type=Realm,realmPath=/realm0
May 17, 2012 1:40:48 PM org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm 
FINE: Connecting to URL ldap://oidoif:6501

but, just to test if the logging was outputing anything, I access Tomcat 
/manager, with incorrect username/password, and I don't see anything from 
JNDIRealm in the logs.

Looking at code, I see this code:

  944   // Authenticate the specified username if possible
  945   principal = authenticate(context, username, 
  947   } catch (NullPointerException e) {
  948   /* BZ 42449 - Kludge Sun's LDAP provider
  949  with broken SSL
  950   */
  951   // log the exception so we know it's there.
  952   containerLog.warn(sm.getString(jndiRealm.exception), 

Shouldn't the logs show some kind of exception message for the above lines?


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Re: How to get debug output from

2012-05-17 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  Konstantin Kolinko wrote: 
   Here's a partial stripped down version of my server.xml, to show the 
   JNDIRealm part in context.  I guess that it's in the Engine?
   So, how do I enable the output from the JNDIRealm?
   I checked the link you included, but it reflected what you said, but I'm 
   unclear about exactly what I need to do (e.g., add to to get the debug output?
   P.S.  Per other responses, if you could help explain, it might clarify 
   things for others on the mailing list, who also appear to not know how 
   to do this?
   P.P.S.  In case it helps, here is my current
   # For example, to log debug messages in ContextConfig and HostConfig
   # classes and to log only warnings and errors in other
   # org.apache.catalina.** classes, uncomment these lines:
   #org.apache.catalina.startup.ContextConfig.level = FINE
   #org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.level = FINE
   #org.apache.catalina.level = WARNING
  I have not see your server.xml, but let's suppose that your Realm is
  in the Engine.
  The logging category for engine will be
  To enable debug logging for it you have to
  1. add the following line to file and
  2. restart Tomcat:
  org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].level = FINE
  Best regards,
  Konstantin Kolinko
  To unsubscribe, e-mail:
  For additional commands, e-mail:
 FYI, I posted a msg with the server.xml snippet, which I had forgotten.
 Also, I just tried adding the line you suggested to, then 
 bounced Tomcat.  
 On startup, I do see some new messages:
 May 17, 2012 1:40:48 PM org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase init
 FINE: Register Realm Catalina:type=Realm,realmPath=/realm0
 May 17, 2012 1:40:48 PM org.apache.catalina.realm.JNDIRealm 
 FINE: Connecting to URL ldap://oidoif:6501
 but, just to test if the logging was outputing anything, I access Tomcat 
 /manager, with incorrect username/password, and I don't see anything from 
 JNDIRealm in the logs.
 Looking at code, I see this code:
   944   // Authenticate the specified username if possible
   945   principal = authenticate(context, username, 
   947   } catch (NullPointerException e) {
   948   /* BZ 42449 - Kludge Sun's LDAP provider
   949  with broken SSL
   950   */
   951   // log the exception so we know it's there.
 containerLog.warn(sm.getString(jndiRealm.exception), e);
 Shouldn't the logs show some kind of exception message for the above lines?


I think that the code snippet I sent earlier was the wrong one, but it seems 
like I still should have gotten some output logging for the following code from

 1003   } catch (NamingException e) {
 1005   // Log the problem for posterity
 1006   containerLog.error(sm.getString(jndiRealm.exception), e);
 1008   // Close the connection so that it gets reopened next time
 1009   if (context != null)
 1010   close(context);
 1012   // Return not authenticated for this request
 1013   if (containerLog.isDebugEnabled())
 1014   containerLog.debug(Returning null principal.);
 1015   return (null);

i.e., I should have seen Returning null principal in the Tomcat logging?


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Re: How to get debug output from

2012-05-17 Thread ohaya

 Christopher Schultz wrote: 
 Hash: SHA1
 On 5/17/12 1:56 PM, wrote:
  I think that the code snippet I sent earlier was the wrong one, but
  it seems like I still should have gotten some output logging for
  the following code from
  1003   } catch (NamingException e) { 1004 1005
  // Log the problem for posterity 1006
  containerLog.error(sm.getString(jndiRealm.exception), e); 1007
   1008   // Close the connection so that it gets
  reopened next time 1009   if (context != null) 1010
  close(context); 1011 1012   // Return not
  authenticated for this request 1013   if
  (containerLog.isDebugEnabled()) 1014
  containerLog.debug(Returning null principal.); 1015
  return (null);
  i.e., I should have seen Returning null principal in the Tomcat
 Why do you think that a NamingException is being caught?
 - -chris
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I didn't say that I didn't think that the exception was not being caught, but 
rather that I'm not seeing any associated output in any of the Tomcat logs (or 
the console out), e.g., I don't see a log msg with Returning null principal.

What else do I need to configure in or otherwise to get the 
output logged?


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RE: Custom realm.authenticate() that would work with any realm - possible?

2011-12-09 Thread ohaya
Hi Chuck,

Thanks for the pointer to the CombinedRealm, but, as I've been working with the 
test implementation that I mentioned for extending the JNDIRealm, I *think* 
that I'm coming to the realization that I was asking for is probably not 
possible, or at least not practical, unless I'm totally missing something.

The reason I'm thinking this is that, for example, in the case where I'm 
extending the JNDIRealm, in my custom JNDIRealm, I've had to make calls to the 
super.set() methods to set parameters in the JNDIRealm class that I'm 
extending, in order for the calls that I then make to the super class (e.g., 
super.getUser()) to work.

Again, I may be missing something, or doing things completely wrong, but if 
not, then that means that if I was going to try go design my realm extender to 
support all of the normal realm types, my code would get fairly complex, 
because it'd have to know all of the parameters for all of the different 
realm types, in order to set the parameters in the super class.  It was messy 
enough doing that for just one realm type (JNDIRealm), and for just calling two 
methods in the super JNDIRealm class, but I imagine if I was trying to extend 5 
or 6 realm types, all in one piece of code, it'd be a real mess.

Anyway, if anyone has some insight into doing something like this, please post 

Otherwise, I think the best approach is to implement one realm extension for 
each of the normal Tomcat realms that we'll want to be able to support.

Thanks again,


 Caldarale wrote: 
  From: [] 
  Subject: Custom realm.authenticate() that would work with any realm - 
  I was wondering if there might, perhaps, be another way to do what 
  I'm trying to do (basically have an realm.authenticate() method that
  doesn't require a password, but that would work with any realm? 
 Look at the CombinedRealm; you might be able to use your no-password realm in 
 conjunction with one of the others, since the doc says Authentication 
 against any Realm will be sufficient to authenticate the user.  I don't know 
 if that will get you the necessary roles established.
  - Chuck
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Re: Custom realm.authenticate() that would work with any realm - possible?

2011-12-09 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: 
 Hi Jim.
 As I recall, your original issue was that there is no OAM plugin for 
 Tomcat, and 
 therefore, you are doing the OAM authentication within the front-end Apache, 
 and then 
 passing the user-id to Tomcat.
 And then, you find yourself in Tomcat with a user-id, but without any roles 
 corresponding to this user-id.
 And in order to get such roles, you are now facing a rather complex 
 programming issue at 
 the Tomcat level.
 I wrote this before, but let me repeat it : are you not doing a lot of work 
 there, and should you not look at this another way ?
 As far as I understand these Tomcat-level matters, a role in Tomcat is used 
 to control 
 access to resources.
 And you seem to use Tomcat's declarative type of acess-control, which means 
 that you 
 allow access or not to a given webapp, in function of whether the user-id 
 (which is passed 
 to Tomcat by the front-end) has or not a particular role.
 And, in the OAM system globally, the fact that a user has or not access to a 
 resource, is already managed at the OAM level; but to which OAM level, 
 unfortunately right 
 now, you do not have access from Tomcat.
 But in this case, all your accesses to Tomcat webapps *always* happen through 
 front-end, because it is this front-end which obtains the user-id (from OAM) 
 and later 
 passes it to Tomcat.  And this front-end thus *has* access to the OAM data.
 So what is stopping you from :
 - not using any authentication/access-control at the Tomcat level
 - but checking all this at the Apache httpd front-end level
 Example : suppose you have 3 webapps app1, app2, app3.
 You could have at the front-end level these sections :
 Location /app1
SetHandler jakarta-servlet   (same as JkMount /app1)
AuthType Oblix
require valid-user
require .. (whatever)
 Location /app2
SetHandler jakarta-servlet   (same as JkMount /app2)
AuthType Oblix
require valid-user
require .. (whatever)
 Location /app3
SetHandler jakarta-servlet   (same as JkMount /app3)
AuthType Oblix
require valid-user
require .. (whatever)
 If the user does not pass muster for /app1 according to OAM, then the call 
 will never 
 even make it Tomcat.
 If the user passes muster, then you can let them access Tomcat's /app1 
 application, as 
 they have been checked for it.
 Or am I missing something ?


Yes, you are missing something, something akin to the last mile.

Following your example, of /app1, suppose that that is a webapp that requires a 
known user (principal).  The security JSP example in Tomcat is an example of 

You can use something like OAM to protect (permit or deny) access, but once you 
get to the /app1, you wouldn't be logged into the app itself, not only for 
declarative type constraints, but also, for example, if the app does things 
like give you access to only specified resources (e.g., database tables, etc.) 
based on who you are.  So, for example with the security example, with just 
OAM, and without anything else, you end up on the form login page, instead of 
it saying Hi, x.

Just some examples there...


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Re: Custom realm.authenticate() that would work with any realm - possible?

2011-12-09 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   André Warnier wrote: 
  Hi Jim.
  As I recall, your original issue was that there is no OAM plugin for 
  Tomcat, and 
  therefore, you are doing the OAM authentication within the front-end 
  Apache, and then 
  passing the user-id to Tomcat.
  And then, you find yourself in Tomcat with a user-id, but without any 
  corresponding to this user-id.
  And in order to get such roles, you are now facing a rather complex 
  programming issue at 
  the Tomcat level.
  I wrote this before, but let me repeat it : are you not doing a lot of 
  work un-necessarily 
  there, and should you not look at this another way ?
  As far as I understand these Tomcat-level matters, a role in Tomcat is 
  used to control 
  access to resources.
  And you seem to use Tomcat's declarative type of acess-control, which 
  means that you 
  allow access or not to a given webapp, in function of whether the user-id 
  (which is passed 
  to Tomcat by the front-end) has or not a particular role.
  And, in the OAM system globally, the fact that a user has or not access to 
  a particular 
  resource, is already managed at the OAM level; but to which OAM level, 
  unfortunately right 
  now, you do not have access from Tomcat.
  But in this case, all your accesses to Tomcat webapps *always* happen 
  through the 
  front-end, because it is this front-end which obtains the user-id (from 
  OAM) and later 
  passes it to Tomcat.  And this front-end thus *has* access to the OAM data.
  So what is stopping you from :
  - not using any authentication/access-control at the Tomcat level
  - but checking all this at the Apache httpd front-end level
  Example : suppose you have 3 webapps app1, app2, app3.
  You could have at the front-end level these sections :
  Location /app1
 SetHandler jakarta-servlet   (same as JkMount /app1)
 AuthType Oblix
 require valid-user
 require .. (whatever)
  Location /app2
 SetHandler jakarta-servlet   (same as JkMount /app2)
 AuthType Oblix
 require valid-user
 require .. (whatever)
  Location /app3
 SetHandler jakarta-servlet   (same as JkMount /app3)
 AuthType Oblix
 require valid-user
 require .. (whatever)
  If the user does not pass muster for /app1 according to OAM, then the 
  call will never 
  even make it Tomcat.
  If the user passes muster, then you can let them access Tomcat's /app1 
  application, as 
  they have been checked for it.
  Or am I missing something ?
  Yes, you are missing something, something akin to the last mile.
  Following your example, of /app1, suppose that that is a webapp that 
  requires a known user (principal).  The security JSP example in Tomcat is 
  an example of this.
  You can use something like OAM to protect (permit or deny) access, but once 
  you get to the /app1, you wouldn't be logged into the app itself, not 
  only for declarative type constraints, but also, for example, if the app 
  does things like give you access to only specified resources (e.g., 
  database tables, etc.) based on who you are.  So, for example with the 
  security example, with just OAM, and without anything else, you end up on 
  the form login page, instead of it saying Hi, x.
  Just some examples there...
 Ok, I may be misunderstanding the scope of OAM within your organisation, 
 maybe because I 
 am going by the OAM documentation as I was browsingt it on the web.
 If you are using it only as an SSO system and only to get a user-id, then 
 your example is 
  From the documentation, it just sounded like it is much more than that.
 What I was trying to say is more or less this : if all accesses to your 
 applications necessarily go through the front-end, then for all intents and 
 purposes the 
 front-end and Tomcat are functionally one and the same system.  Or, to put it 
 another way, 
 you could consider the front-end as just a part of Tomcat; or again to put it 
 yet another 
 way, your front-end /is/ your Tomcat authentication realm.
 And whatever information you can obtain at the front-end level, you can pass 
 to Tomcat as 
 request attributes, which attributes you can retrieve in Tomat and pass to 
 applications, for them to use to make any access decision they want.

Hi Andre,

The thing is, as you yourself mentioned earlier, some (maybe a lot) of systems 
(apps), utilize declarative security constraints (e.g., in web.xml), in order 
to avoid having to put code in the app that does stuff like (this is just 

if (user.isInRole(xyz) {

If the app/webapp utilizes declarative security (constraints, etc.), then just 
protecting the app's URIs at the Apache isn't sufficient.

I'm not wanting to get in to a debate about the pros/cons of declarative vs. 
programmatic.  The area that I'm in (my job) is 

Custom realm.authenticate() that would work with any realm - possible?

2011-12-08 Thread ohaya
This is a followup to an earlier thread, Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms 
support no password authentication?. 
As I mentioned in that earlier thread, I'm still new to Tomcat, and still 
trying to find my way around, and understand (somewhat) its security design, so 
apologies in advance if my terminology is incorrect. 
I've been experimenting with writing what I think is called a custom realm, 
that would have a no password authenticate() method. 
What I think that I've been able to do is to implement a new realm where all I 
do in my code is override the uthenticate(Context, string, string) method. 
For my initial attempt, I'm just extending the JNDIRealm, and just overriding 
that one method, and I think that this works. 
However, ideally, I really want to be able to do this (override the 
authenticate() method with any of the default realms that come with Tomcat, 
whereas with the approach that I'm currently working (extending the JNDIRealm), 
in order to do this for all the different realm types, I'd have to implement 
something similar, with a custom realm corresponding to each of the out-of-box 
Tomcat realm types. 
That might be ok, but I was wondering if there might, perhaps, be another way 
to do what I'm trying to do (basically have an realm.authenticate() method that 
doesn't require a password, but that would work with any realm? 

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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-05 Thread ohaya

 Rainer Jung wrote: 
 On 02.12.2011 17:49, André Warnier wrote: wrote: wrote:
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
  Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443
  tomcatAuthentication=false /
  That is correct. The false means that Tomcat will not do it's own
  authentication, and will instead rely on the authenticated user-id
  passed by the front-end server.
  Now could you also show us the section of your Apache front-end
  configuration, containing the directives which forward the requests
  to Tomcat ?
  (proxy or rewrite stanzas)
  Note: the fact that the Apache/Tomcat connector (the one at the
  Apache level) passes the authenticated user-id to Tomcat along with
  the proxied request, depends on the fact that within Apache (more
  precisely within the internal Apache request record), the request
  is really authenticated (*).
  I am saying this because in an earlier post, you mentioned that you
  were using a third-party authentication package at the Apache httpd
  It is unlikely, but possible, that this authentication package would
  use its own logic, and never populate the internal Apache request
  record with this user-id (**).
  In such a case, the automatic forwarding of the user-id by the
  Apache-level connector module (mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk) would of
  course not work, because they check the internal Apache request
  record, and have no knowledge of another user-id source.
  (*) in Tomcat terms, the equivalent of populating the userPrincipal
  (**) for example, it may act as a filter, and rely on each request
  always containing a cookie which authenticates the request, and do
  its own access control independently of Apache httpd itself
  Sure. Here's the section from httpd.conf. This is testing where I
  purposely insert a REMOTE_USER HTTP header into the request being
  proxied. As I said, I have a sniffer on the line, and I can see the
  REMOTE_USER header, but still, when I get to my test JSP hosted on
  the Tomcat, getUserPrincipal() is returning null (don't mind the
  hostname in the ProxyPass, etc. I just happen to be hosting Tomcat on
  that machine, and WebLogic is shutdown there).
  # Proxy to Tomcat on weblogic1 machine, using AJP
  Location /samplesajp
  RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER 9test
  ProxyPass ajp://
  ProxyPassReverse ajp://
  BTW, I asked about this earlier, but is it possible to turn on some
  debugging on the Tomcat side, that might help diagnose why the AJP
  connector is not working the expected way? I'm not that familiar with
  Tomcat or AJP logging, but I've only been able to set logging in so that there's either almost no logging or it
  generated a ton of logging (but not stuff on AJP
  connection/processing) :(...
  Sorry, dunno. Logging is not my favorite area in Tomcat..
  Also, to tell the truth, I do not know exactly /how/ the Apache user-id
  is passed to Tomcat. I strongly suspect that the REMOTE_USER HTTP
  header may not be it, and that it may be via what Tomcat calls request
  attributes, and Apache calls environment variables (but not in the
  usual shell sense). But I don't know how this particular one may be named.
  Since you seem better at Java that I am, you may be able to find it in
  the Tomcat AJP Connector code somewhere. I would start looking for
  request attribute rather than header.
  This page :
  seems to hint at ditto, and even mentions a request attribute named
  remote_user (lowercase).
  Maybe you could try to set this environment variable in Apache, and
  see where it leads you ?
  In this page :
  it shows how to do that (but there it calls them server variables).
  The terminology is not very consistent..
 Although this thread has moved forward towards the role topic, I want to 
 give some infos about the user forwarding by mod_jk. Some of it was 
 already present in previous posts.
 1) In order to let Tomcat accept the user, you need to set 
 tomcatAuthentication to false
 2) mod_jk will always forward the user as detected by the
 following logic:
 - the user as authenticated by Apache
 - if this doesn't exist it will forward the value of
   an Apache environment variable. The default name of the
   variable is JK_REMOTE_USER, but it can be changed using
   the configuration directive JkRemoteUserIndicator
 3) The user ID will *not* be forwarded in the form of a request header
 4) The forwarded user id is logged in the JK log file on level debug
 as the user field in the line:
 Service protocol=%s method=%s ssl=%s host=%s addr=%s name=%s port=%d 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-05 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   Rainer Jung wrote: 
  Although this thread has moved forward towards the role topic, I want to 
  give some infos about the user forwarding by mod_jk. Some of it was 
  already present in previous posts.
  1) In order to let Tomcat accept the user, you need to set 
  tomcatAuthentication to false
  2) mod_jk will always forward the user as detected by the
  following logic:
  - the user as authenticated by Apache
  - if this doesn't exist it will forward the value of
an Apache environment variable. The default name of the
variable is JK_REMOTE_USER, but it can be changed using
the configuration directive JkRemoteUserIndicator
  3) The user ID will *not* be forwarded in the form of a request header
  4) The forwarded user id is logged in the JK log file on level debug
  as the user field in the line:
  Service protocol=%s method=%s ssl=%s host=%s addr=%s name=%s port=%d 
  auth=%s user=%s laddr=%s raddr=%s uri=%s
  5) There is no need to use JkEnvVar
  6) When not using a real Apache authentication, you can instead
  set the Apache environment variable JK_REMOTE_USER
  e.g. via mod_setenvif or the E= syntax of mod_rewrite.
  If you change the name of the env var using JkRemoteUserIndicator
  use the variable name given there instead.
  7) The Apache authenticated user can be logged in the Apache AccessLog
  using %u. Any environment variable XXX can be logged using
  8) The user can be logged in the Tomcat AccessLog using %u.
  9) The user is returned by request.getRemoteUser() on the Tomcat side.
  Hi Rainier,
  Thanks for the great info above, esp. re. the JK_REMOTE_USER and 
  I'm kind of well along the way with my valve, but I still have mod_jk for 
  one proxy section, so I'll give those a try.
 Hi Rainer.
 Thanks also for the precise information.  We've missed you..
 Jim, one more question :
 At the Apache httpd level, when the user has been authenticated by OAM, /can/ 
 you get the 
 authenticated user's user-id ? and how ?


On the HTTP connection from Apache httpd to Tomcat, there's an HTTP header that 
gets populated by the OAM agent, called OAM_REMOTE_USER.


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-05 Thread ohaya

 Rainer Jung wrote: 
 On 05.12.2011 10:42, wrote:
   André  wrote: wrote:
   Rainer  wrote:
  Although this thread has moved forward towards the role topic, I want to
  give some infos about the user forwarding by mod_jk. Some of it was
  already present in previous posts.
  1) In order to let Tomcat accept the user, you need to set
  tomcatAuthentication to false
  2) mod_jk will always forward the user as detected by the
   following logic:
   - the user as authenticated by Apache
   - if this doesn't exist it will forward the value of
 an Apache environment variable. The default name of the
 variable is JK_REMOTE_USER, but it can be changed using
 the configuration directive JkRemoteUserIndicator
  3) The user ID will *not* be forwarded in the form of a request header
  4) The forwarded user id is logged in the JK log file on level debug
   as the user field in the line:
  Service protocol=%s method=%s ssl=%s host=%s addr=%s name=%s port=%d
  auth=%s user=%s laddr=%s raddr=%s uri=%s
  5) There is no need to use JkEnvVar
  6) When not using a real Apache authentication, you can instead
   set the Apache environment variable JK_REMOTE_USER
   e.g. via mod_setenvif or the E= syntax of mod_rewrite.
   If you change the name of the env var using JkRemoteUserIndicator
   use the variable name given there instead.
  7) The Apache authenticated user can be logged in the Apache AccessLog
   using %u. Any environment variable XXX can be logged using
  8) The user can be logged in the Tomcat AccessLog using %u.
  9) The user is returned by request.getRemoteUser() on the Tomcat side.
  Hi Rainier,
  Thanks for the great info above, esp. re. the JK_REMOTE_USER and 
  I'm kind of well along the way with my valve, but I still have mod_jk for 
  one proxy section, so I'll give those a try.
  Hi Rainer.
  Thanks also for the precise information.  We've missed you..
  Jim, one more question :
  At the Apache httpd level, when the user has been authenticated by OAM, 
  /can/ you get the
  authenticated user's user-id ? and how ?
  On the HTTP connection from Apache httpd to Tomcat, there's an HTTP header 
  that gets populated by the OAM agent, called OAM_REMOTE_USER.
 So if you want mod_jk to use the value of this header as the 
 authenticated user name and forward it to Tomcat, you either:
 a) have to rely on the Oracle module to correctly set the Apache 
 internal request user field
 b) or have to find a way to copy the value of this header into the 
 environment variable JK_REMOTE_USER
 Concerning a): Usually there's %u in the default LogFormat used by 
 AccessLog. So have a look at the access log to check, whether Apache 
 outputs the correct user name. In that case mod_jk should automatically 
 forward it. This in turn can be checked by the mentioned Service debug 
 log line in the JK log.
 If %u in the access log is empty, and the docs of the Oracle module do 
 not give a solution how to set the real Apache request user, we are up 
 to b).
 First add %{OAM_REMOTE_USER} to the format/pattern configuration of your 
 Apache and Tomcat access logs, so you can easily check, what both think 
 about the value of that header. Check, that it is populated for both 
 with the right user id.
 Now we try to copy the value of the header OAM_REMOTE_USER to the Apache 
 environment variable JK_REMOTE_USER.
 As you can see in
 It works like this (assuming you have enabled/loaded mod_setenvif):
 Unfortunately this will only work, if the Oracle module that populates 
 the header runs before mod_setenvif.
 Check, whether the copying works by adding %{JK_REMOTE_USER}e to the 
 format of your Apache AccessLog.
 Finally look at the Service line in the jk debug log to see, whether 
 the right user info is now being forwarded. If so, the rest is to be 
 done in Tomcat land.
 Set tomcatAuthentication to false and check via 
 request.getRemoteUser() whether you received the right user id.
 I would do all this first using a basic test webapp in Tomcat, not your 
 real app.
 Finally: this is probably not secure, because
 - everyone can send a request which already has a populated 
 OAM_REMOTE_USER header. You would rely on the implementation detail, 
 that the Oracle module might always overwrite that header. Not sure if 
 it does!
 - everyone having access to the network port could start talking AJP13 
 directly to your Tomcat adding whatever remote user id she likes. The 
 protocol is easy to fake.


I've tried both SetEnvIf approach, and the setting 

RE: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-04 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  Caldarale wrote: 
   From: [] 
   Subject: Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password 
   In other words, even though my valve code can assert a user 
   into Tomcat, and even if that same user already exists in the
   Tomcat realm, the asserted user seems to be 'disassociated'
   from the same user in the Tomcat realm?  
  Need to get some terminology correct here.  A Realm does not normally 
  contain users, roles, or any other authentication or authorization _data_; 
  rather, it is a Java class that embodies rules for examining the 
  credentials supplied by a login attempt and comparing them to credentials 
  and roles stored in some external location.  By default (and never meant to 
  be used in production), the external location is the file tomcat-users.xml, 
  and the Realm is UserDatabaseRealm (augmented by LockOutRealm to discourage 
  probing).  Several other Realm classes are supplied with Tomcat, to allow 
  access to credentials from LDAP servers, relational databases, JAAS, etc.
  I think what you need is essentially a Realm that does no authentication of 
  its own (trusting httpd to do that), but does perform the authorization 
  function.  It can then map the userid to whatever set of roles are 
  appropriate for that user, and return the appropriate response when 
  queried.  See the doc for details:
  It would seem likely that someone out there has written a Realm that 
  performs the above functions in conjunction with httpd authentication.  
  (Note: you keep using the word Apache - which is a software organization 
  with many products - when you're referring to httpd, a specific Apache 
  product, as is Tomcat.)
   - Chuck
 Hi Chuck,
 Corrections understood, and I'll try to be more careful.  As you point out, 
 and as I mentioned earlier in the thread, it seems like I've come all the way 
 around to the original subject ...Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no 
 password authentication?.
 I've been and still am looking around for something like that, but haven't 
 found it yet.
 I'm still puzzled by something though.  Even if I did find (or implement) a 
 realm that was a no password realm, how do I tie the two pieces that I end 
 up with, the valve and the no-password realm, together?
 In other words, I can pull the userID from the incoming header in the valve, 
 but then I think that the valve code then needs to authenticate against the 
 no-password realm.  Is that correct?
 And, if so, how to do that?  
 I've been looking for a way (API?) to programmatically authenticate the 
 user against Tomcat, so that I could add that into my valve code, but 
 haven't been find anything yet.


I've had some success, so I thought that some of you might be interested.  
After much more searching, I still haven't been to find anything like a no 
password realm, so what I've been hacking around is to add an authenticate() 
method to my valve, where that calls an realm.authenticate(), then a register() 

This is more of an experiment than something realistic.

Anyway, doing the above, I've been able to successfully authenticate the 
incoming userID into the Tomcat realm.  What I mean by into the Tomcat 
realm is that I get a MemoryUser object back, that has the roles (via 
MemoryUser.getRoles()) that are configured in the tomcat-users.xml.

In other words, a header comes into Tomcat with, say, userID of foobar.  My 
valve code authenticates the user into the Tomcat realm, and then things like 
isInRole(), etc. seem to all work.

What I'm still trying to figure out is that the realm.authenticate() is still 
requiring a password match.  I thought that I could coerce the 
realm.authenticate() to do a cert authentication, because I've read that with 
that, it basically just tries to do a match of the user string in 
tomcat-users.xml, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that (coerce 
the authentication method) yet.  If anyone knows how to do that, please post 


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: 
 André Warnier wrote: wrote: wrote:
  P.S.  I forgot to mention:
  As you know, I'd been using a sniffer, to see the data on the 
  Apache-to-Tomcat connection.  I have a sniff from earlier, where I 
  was using ProxyPass ajp://, and, comparing that sniff vs. a sniff 
  that I have from when I tested with your suggested Location, in the 
  latter sniff, I can see the userID (testuser), whereas in the former, 
  that same area in the hex dump is basically just null-terminated 
  So, it appears like, when the OAM stuff and the ajp: stuff is in the 
  Apache .conf, as you were guessing, the userID isn't making it into 
  the Apache-to-Tomcat/AJP connection at all.
  Sorry for the top-post :(...
  Here're the sniffs from the tests that I did:
  a) Working (OAM disabled, Location per Andre):
    12 34 02 AB 02 02 00 08  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31   .4.« 
  HTTP/1.1 0010  00 00 1F 2F 73 61 6D 70  6C 65 73 61 6A 70 2F 73   
  .../samp lesajp/s 0020  73 6F 41 4D 54 6F 6D 63  61 74 54 65 73 74 
  2E 6A   soAMTomc atTest.j 0030  73 70 00 00 0B 31 39 32  2E 31 36 
  38 2E 30 2E 37   sp...192 .168.0.7 0040  00 FF FF 00 14 61 70 61  
  63 68 65 31 2E 77 68 61   .ÿÿ..apa che1.wha 0050  74 65 76 65 72 
  2E 63 6F  6D 00 01 BB 01 00 09 A0 m..»...  0060  0B 00 
  14 61 70 61 63 68  65 31 2E 77 68 61 74 65   ...apach e1.whate 
  0070  76 65 72 2E 63 6F 6D 00  A0 0E 00 3F 4D 6F 7A 69  
  ..?Mozi 0080  6C 6C 61 2F 35 2E 30 20  28 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73   
  lla/5.0  (Windows 0090  20 4E 54 20 36 2E 31 3B  20 72 76 3A 38 2E 
  30 29NT 6.1;  rv:8.0) 00A0  20 47 65 63 6B 6F 2F 32  30 31 30 
  30 31 30 31 20Gecko/2 0100101  00B0  46 69 72 65 66 6F 78 2F  
  38 2E 30 00 A0 01 00 3F   Firefox/ 8.0. ..? 00C0  74 65 78 74 2F 
  68 74 6D  6C 2C 61 70 70 6C 69 63   text/htm l,applic 00D0  61 74 
  69 6F 6E 2F 78 68  74 6D 6C 2B 78 6D 6C 2C   ation/xh tml+xml, 
  00E0  61 70 70 6C 69 63 61 74  69 6F 6E 2F 78 6D 6C 3B   applicat 
  ion/xml; 00F0  71 3D 30 2E 39 2C 2A 2F  2A 3B 71 3D 30 2E 38 00   
  q=0.9,*/ *;q=0.8. 0100  00 0F 41 63 63 65 70 74  2D 4C 61 6E 67 75 
  61 67   ..Accept -Languag 0110  65 00 00 0E 65 6E 2D 75  73 2C 65 
  6E 3B 71 3D 30   e...en-u s,en;q=0 0120  2E 35 00 00 0F 41 63 63  
  65 70 74 2D 45 6E 63 6F   .5...Acc ept-Enco 0130  64 69 6E 67 00 
  00 0D 67  7A 69 70 2C 20 64 65 66   ding...g zip, def 0140  6C 61 
  74 65 00 00 0E 41  63 63 65 70 74 2D 43 68   late...A ccept-Ch 
  0150  61 72 73 65 74 00 00 1E  49 53 4F 2D 38 38 35 39   arset... 
  ISO-8859 0160  2D 31 2C 75 74 66 2D 38  3B 71 3D 30 2E 37 2C 2A   
  -1,utf-8 ;q=0.7,* 0170  3B 71 3D 30 2E 37 00 A0  06 00 0A 6B 65 65 
  70 2D   ;q=0.7.  ...keep- 0180  61 6C 69 76 65 00 A0 05  00 1A 42 
  61 73 69 63 20   alive. . ..Basic  0190  64 47 56 7A 64 48 56 7A  
  5A 58 49 36 59 6D 56 7A   dGVzdHVz ZXI6YmVz 01A0  64 44 46 69 00 
  A0 08 00  01 30 00 03 00 08 74 65   dDFi. .. .0te 01B0  73 74 
  75 73 65 72 00 04  00 05 42 61 73 69 63 00   stuser.. ..Basic. 
  01C0  08 00 12 44 48 45 2D 52  53 41 2D 41 45 53 32 35   ...DHE-R 
  Yes, this is probably it.
  Refer to this to know what you are looking for :
  The sections Request Packet Structure, then Headers and Attributes.
  We are seeing a HTTP header like this :
  Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
  but since the Authorization header is a common one, the name of the 
  header has been replaced by a code (0xA005).
  That looks like the last header, and then starts the attributes part, 
  where we seem to have indeed these two :
  (auth_type is Basic here, because that is what is configured in the 
  Apache AuthType directive.)
  So now disable the Basic Auth, and put the OAM auth instead, and let's 
  see what happens.
  If with OAM, we cannot find the remote_user attribute in the packet 
  trace, then it must mean that OAM is /not/ really authenticating the 
  user as far as Apache is concerned.
  (Meaning, it does not set the user-id where Apache would expect it, it 
  does its own thing somehow; but maybe in the configuration of OAM, there 
  exists a parameter to tell OAM to do it right ?).
 I browsed a bit on the web, and found some OAM documentation.
 According to this :
 (and if I am using the correct documentation)
 you should be able to do this :
 Location /sampleajp
 # AuthType Basic
 # AuthName toTomcat
 # AuthUserFile /some-path/passwords
 # Require user testuser
 # leave these as they are :
  SetHandler jakarta-servlet
  SetEnv JK_WORKER_NAME tomcatA   (- or 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  André Warnier wrote: 
  André Warnier wrote: wrote: wrote:
   P.S.  I forgot to mention:
   As you know, I'd been using a sniffer, to see the data on the 
   Apache-to-Tomcat connection.  I have a sniff from earlier, where I 
   was using ProxyPass ajp://, and, comparing that sniff vs. a sniff 
   that I have from when I tested with your suggested Location, in the 
   latter sniff, I can see the userID (testuser), whereas in the former, 
   that same area in the hex dump is basically just null-terminated 
   So, it appears like, when the OAM stuff and the ajp: stuff is in the 
   Apache .conf, as you were guessing, the userID isn't making it into 
   the Apache-to-Tomcat/AJP connection at all.
   Sorry for the top-post :(...
   Here're the sniffs from the tests that I did:
   a) Working (OAM disabled, Location per Andre):
     12 34 02 AB 02 02 00 08  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31   .4.« 
   HTTP/1.1 0010  00 00 1F 2F 73 61 6D 70  6C 65 73 61 6A 70 2F 73   
   .../samp lesajp/s 0020  73 6F 41 4D 54 6F 6D 63  61 74 54 65 73 74 
   2E 6A   soAMTomc atTest.j 0030  73 70 00 00 0B 31 39 32  2E 31 36 
   38 2E 30 2E 37   sp...192 .168.0.7 0040  00 FF FF 00 14 61 70 61  
   63 68 65 31 2E 77 68 61   .ÿÿ..apa che1.wha 0050  74 65 76 65 72 
   2E 63 6F  6D 00 01 BB 01 00 09 A0 m..»...  0060  0B 00 
   14 61 70 61 63 68  65 31 2E 77 68 61 74 65   ...apach e1.whate 
   0070  76 65 72 2E 63 6F 6D 00  A0 0E 00 3F 4D 6F 7A 69  
   ..?Mozi 0080  6C 6C 61 2F 35 2E 30 20  28 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73   
   lla/5.0  (Windows 0090  20 4E 54 20 36 2E 31 3B  20 72 76 3A 38 2E 
   30 29NT 6.1;  rv:8.0) 00A0  20 47 65 63 6B 6F 2F 32  30 31 30 
   30 31 30 31 20Gecko/2 0100101  00B0  46 69 72 65 66 6F 78 2F  
   38 2E 30 00 A0 01 00 3F   Firefox/ 8.0. ..? 00C0  74 65 78 74 2F 
   68 74 6D  6C 2C 61 70 70 6C 69 63   text/htm l,applic 00D0  61 74 
   69 6F 6E 2F 78 68  74 6D 6C 2B 78 6D 6C 2C   ation/xh tml+xml, 
   00E0  61 70 70 6C 69 63 61 74  69 6F 6E 2F 78 6D 6C 3B   applicat 
   ion/xml; 00F0  71 3D 30 2E 39 2C 2A 2F  2A 3B 71 3D 30 2E 38 00   
   q=0.9,*/ *;q=0.8. 0100  00 0F 41 63 63 65 70 74  2D 4C 61 6E 67 75 
   61 67   ..Accept -Languag 0110  65 00 00 0E 65 6E 2D 75  73 2C 65 
   6E 3B 71 3D 30   e...en-u s,en;q=0 0120  2E 35 00 00 0F 41 63 63  
   65 70 74 2D 45 6E 63 6F   .5...Acc ept-Enco 0130  64 69 6E 67 00 
   00 0D 67  7A 69 70 2C 20 64 65 66   ding...g zip, def 0140  6C 61 
   74 65 00 00 0E 41  63 63 65 70 74 2D 43 68   late...A ccept-Ch 
   0150  61 72 73 65 74 00 00 1E  49 53 4F 2D 38 38 35 39   arset... 
   ISO-8859 0160  2D 31 2C 75 74 66 2D 38  3B 71 3D 30 2E 37 2C 2A   
   -1,utf-8 ;q=0.7,* 0170  3B 71 3D 30 2E 37 00 A0  06 00 0A 6B 65 65 
   70 2D   ;q=0.7.  ...keep- 0180  61 6C 69 76 65 00 A0 05  00 1A 42 
   61 73 69 63 20   alive. . ..Basic  0190  64 47 56 7A 64 48 56 7A  
   5A 58 49 36 59 6D 56 7A   dGVzdHVz ZXI6YmVz 01A0  64 44 46 69 00 
   A0 08 00  01 30 00 03 00 08 74 65   dDFi. .. .0te 01B0  73 74 
   75 73 65 72 00 04  00 05 42 61 73 69 63 00   stuser.. ..Basic. 
   01C0  08 00 12 44 48 45 2D 52  53 41 2D 41 45 53 32 35   ...DHE-R 
   Yes, this is probably it.
   Refer to this to know what you are looking for :
   The sections Request Packet Structure, then Headers and Attributes.
   We are seeing a HTTP header like this :
   Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
   but since the Authorization header is a common one, the name of the 
   header has been replaced by a code (0xA005).
   That looks like the last header, and then starts the attributes part, 
   where we seem to have indeed these two :
   (auth_type is Basic here, because that is what is configured in the 
   Apache AuthType directive.)
   So now disable the Basic Auth, and put the OAM auth instead, and let's 
   see what happens.
   If with OAM, we cannot find the remote_user attribute in the packet 
   trace, then it must mean that OAM is /not/ really authenticating the 
   user as far as Apache is concerned.
   (Meaning, it does not set the user-id where Apache would expect it, it 
   does its own thing somehow; but maybe in the configuration of OAM, there 
   exists a parameter to tell OAM to do it right ?).
  I browsed a bit on the web, and found some OAM documentation.
  According to this :
  (and if I am using the correct documentation)
  you should be able to do this :
  Location /sampleajp
  # AuthType Basic
  # AuthName toTomcat
  # AuthUserFile 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya

 Now let me ask another question :
 Why do you need to authenticate the user at the Apache level, and pass this 
 user-id to 
 Tomcat ?
 Obviously, from the OAM documentation I scanned, there must exist an OAM 
 module directly 
 for Tomcat, to authenticate users there.  Why are you not using that ?

It seems like they should have one, but, unfortunately, they don't.


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
  Now let me ask another question :
  Why do you need to authenticate the user at the Apache level, and pass 
  this user-id to 
  Tomcat ?
  Obviously, from the OAM documentation I scanned, there must exist an OAM 
  module directly 
  for Tomcat, to authenticate users there.  Why are you not using that ?
  It seems like they should have one, but, unfortunately, they don't.
 Mmm. Browsing the documentation, I seem to remember seeing something about 
 Weblogic, no ?
 Is that not usable ?
 (As an aside, send your messages only to the list. I get all messages to the 
 list anyway, 
 so if you send them to me too, I get them twice).


Sorry about the emails.  

Yes, they do support integrating with WebLogic, and we do use that for other 
cases, but that's probably a bit off-topic here.


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
  Now let me ask another question :
  Why do you need to authenticate the user at the Apache level, and pass 
  this user-id to 
  Tomcat ?
  Obviously, from the OAM documentation I scanned, there must exist an OAM 
  module directly 
  for Tomcat, to authenticate users there.  Why are you not using that ?
  It seems like they should have one, but, unfortunately, they don't.
  Mmm. Browsing the documentation, I seem to remember seeing something about 
  Weblogic, no ?
  Is that not usable ?
  (As an aside, send your messages only to the list. I get all messages to 
  the list anyway, 
  so if you send them to me too, I get them twice).
  Sorry about the emails.  
  Yes, they do support integrating with WebLogic, and we do use that for 
  other cases, but that's probably a bit off-topic here.
 We don't mind the competition here. Keeps us on our toes.
 Just kidding.
 What I meant to ask (me being the not-so-Java specialist see) was, since 
 Weblogic is a 
 servlet engine, and Tomcat is a servlet engine, both ought to abide by the 
 servlet spec 
 and such, so isn't the Weblogic-oriented module usable with Tomcat ?
 Or is this too much of a rosy view of the world ?
 Anyway, the only other thing that comes to mind is, since you seem to be an 
 OAM customer, 
 can you not ask the OAM support people if OAM sets the internal Apache 
 user-id or not ?


I'll answer the last question first:  We have asked, but they don't support 
integration with Tomcat out-of-the-box.  That was why I've been looking into it 
for our organization.

Re. your 1st question, yes, WebLogic is J2EE, but the integration that Oracle 
has with WebLogic is based on providers that leverage the (old) WebLogic/BEA 
security framework, which is/was proprietary to WebLogic, so those providers 
are not compatible with or usable with anything other than WebLogic.

The situation is similar to Tomcat and valves I guess, i.e., Tomcat is J2EE 
compliant (for JSPs, servlets, etc., but valves are proprietary'' to Tomcat.


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
  Now let me ask another question :
  Why do you need to authenticate the user at the Apache level, and pass 
  this user-id to 
  Tomcat ?
  Obviously, from the OAM documentation I scanned, there must exist an 
  OAM module directly 
  for Tomcat, to authenticate users there.  Why are you not using that ?
  It seems like they should have one, but, unfortunately, they don't.
  Mmm. Browsing the documentation, I seem to remember seeing something 
  about Weblogic, no ?
  Is that not usable ?
  (As an aside, send your messages only to the list. I get all messages to 
  the list anyway, 
  so if you send them to me too, I get them twice).
  Sorry about the emails.  
  Yes, they do support integrating with WebLogic, and we do use that for 
  other cases, but that's probably a bit off-topic here.
  We don't mind the competition here. Keeps us on our toes.
  Just kidding.
  What I meant to ask (me being the not-so-Java specialist see) was, since 
  Weblogic is a 
  servlet engine, and Tomcat is a servlet engine, both ought to abide by the 
  servlet spec 
  and such, so isn't the Weblogic-oriented module usable with Tomcat ?
  Or is this too much of a rosy view of the world ?
  Anyway, the only other thing that comes to mind is, since you seem to be 
  an OAM customer, 
  can you not ask the OAM support people if OAM sets the internal Apache 
  user-id or not ?
  I'll answer the last question first:  We have asked, but they don't support 
  integration with Tomcat out-of-the-box.  That was why I've been looking 
  into it for our organization.
 Ok. But the question here is different : you are not asking if they support 
 What you are asking is if OAM can set the Apache internal user-id, once the 
 user is 
 authenticated by OAM.
 The situation is the same as if you had to support, say, some legacy 
 application, and this Apache-based application needs the user-id, and it 
 normally gets it 
 from Apache.
 For example, imagine that your organisation has some pre-existing 
 system based on Apache and Perl.  Now you purchase OAM as a global SSO 
 mechanism, and you 
 want to use OAM to authenticate the users for your content-management 
 application.  For 
 that, the easiest way is for OAM to just set the Apache user-id, because then 
 you don't 
 have to change anything to your existing application.


I didn't say anything about it before, but I've been, in parallel with our 
discussion, mucking around both the OAM innards and the Apache source code, as 
best I can, trying to find out why that internal remote_user string (it is, I 
believe, only internal to Apache), to see why it isn't being set.  Notice also 
that I said remote_user string, rather than remote_user variable.

The reason is that, in looking through the Apache source code, I haven't (yet) 
been able to find a variable like that.  Rather, it looks like the Apache code 
just dumps the string representing the user into some buffer that its building 
to send out via AJP protocol.

On the OAM side, I haven't been able to find any configuration tweaks that 
would make their webagent populate (or not populate) whatever data structure 
inside of Apache either.

I may or may not decide to try to bug Oracle about why their webagent doesn't 
do appear to do that.  Probably not though, as in the past, it's hard to find 
someone who knows their stuff well enough to answer such an esoteric question.  
Plus, the valve seems to work at the moment.

Having said that, and having started to work more with my valve code, I do have 
a more on-topic question for you and for the list, in general.  

To recall, my test Tomcat is pretty much vanilla, including the default realm 
that uses the tomcat-users.xml.

Earlier, you and Chuck said that when my valve code asserts a user into Tomcat 
(e.g., via the setUserPrincipal()), that that asserted user didn't have to even 
be in the Tomcat realm.

I'm finding that that part does work as we've discussed, but the question that 
I have is what roles in Tomcat would that user have (in Tomcat)?  

In my testing, and as I've mucked around with my valve code, I found that I 
could assert not only a user, but it looks like I can also assert that user's 
roles in Tomcat.  

And, I can even assert roles that don't exist in the realm!!

In other words, suppose my valve gets a request with a userID of foobar.   
Then, it appears that my valve code can not only assert the foobar user into 
Tomcat, but can also assert that the foobar user has roles foobarRole1 and 
foobarRole2, EVEN when those roles don't exist/aren't defined in the Tomcat 

Is this correct?

If it is, I may have a problem. 

Let me explain:

My original 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  André Warnier wrote: wrote:
    André Warnier wrote: wrote:
    André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   Now let me ask another question :
   Why do you need to authenticate the user at the Apache level, and 
   pass this user-id to 
   Tomcat ?
   Obviously, from the OAM documentation I scanned, there must exist an 
   OAM module directly 
   for Tomcat, to authenticate users there.  Why are you not using that 
   It seems like they should have one, but, unfortunately, they don't.
   Mmm. Browsing the documentation, I seem to remember seeing something 
   about Weblogic, no ?
   Is that not usable ?
   (As an aside, send your messages only to the list. I get all messages 
   to the list anyway, 
   so if you send them to me too, I get them twice).
   Sorry about the emails.  
   Yes, they do support integrating with WebLogic, and we do use that for 
   other cases, but that's probably a bit off-topic here.
   We don't mind the competition here. Keeps us on our toes.
   Just kidding.
   What I meant to ask (me being the not-so-Java specialist see) was, since 
   Weblogic is a 
   servlet engine, and Tomcat is a servlet engine, both ought to abide by 
   the servlet spec 
   and such, so isn't the Weblogic-oriented module usable with Tomcat ?
   Or is this too much of a rosy view of the world ?
   Anyway, the only other thing that comes to mind is, since you seem to be 
   an OAM customer, 
   can you not ask the OAM support people if OAM sets the internal Apache 
   user-id or not ?
   I'll answer the last question first:  We have asked, but they don't 
   support integration with Tomcat out-of-the-box.  That was why I've been 
   looking into it for our organization.
  Ok. But the question here is different : you are not asking if they support 
  What you are asking is if OAM can set the Apache internal user-id, once the 
  user is 
  authenticated by OAM.
  The situation is the same as if you had to support, say, some legacy 
  application, and this Apache-based application needs the user-id, and it 
  normally gets it 
  from Apache.
  For example, imagine that your organisation has some pre-existing 
  system based on Apache and Perl.  Now you purchase OAM as a global SSO 
  mechanism, and you 
  want to use OAM to authenticate the users for your content-management 
  application.  For 
  that, the easiest way is for OAM to just set the Apache user-id, because 
  then you don't 
  have to change anything to your existing application.
 I didn't say anything about it before, but I've been, in parallel with our 
 discussion, mucking around both the OAM innards and the Apache source code, 
 as best I can, trying to find out why that internal remote_user string (it 
 is, I believe, only internal to Apache), to see why it isn't being set.  
 Notice also that I said remote_user string, rather than remote_user 
 The reason is that, in looking through the Apache source code, I haven't 
 (yet) been able to find a variable like that.  Rather, it looks like the 
 Apache code just dumps the string representing the user into some buffer that 
 its building to send out via AJP protocol.
 On the OAM side, I haven't been able to find any configuration tweaks that 
 would make their webagent populate (or not populate) whatever data structure 
 inside of Apache either.
 I may or may not decide to try to bug Oracle about why their webagent doesn't 
 do appear to do that.  Probably not though, as in the past, it's hard to find 
 someone who knows their stuff well enough to answer such an esoteric 
 question.  Plus, the valve seems to work at the moment.
 Having said that, and having started to work more with my valve code, I do 
 have a more on-topic question for you and for the list, in general.  
 To recall, my test Tomcat is pretty much vanilla, including the default realm 
 that uses the tomcat-users.xml.
 Earlier, you and Chuck said that when my valve code asserts a user into 
 Tomcat (e.g., via the setUserPrincipal()), that that asserted user didn't 
 have to even be in the Tomcat realm.
 I'm finding that that part does work as we've discussed, but the question 
 that I have is what roles in Tomcat would that user have (in Tomcat)?  
 In my testing, and as I've mucked around with my valve code, I found that I 
 could assert not only a user, but it looks like I can also assert that user's 
 roles in Tomcat.  
 And, I can even assert roles that don't exist in the realm!!
 In other words, suppose my valve gets a request with a userID of foobar.   
 Then, it appears that my valve code can not only assert the foobar user 
 into Tomcat, but can also assert that the foobar user has roles 
 foobarRole1 and foobarRole2, EVEN when those 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya wrote: wrote: 
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
Now let me ask another question :
Why do you need to authenticate the user at the Apache level, and 
pass this user-id to 
Tomcat ?
Obviously, from the OAM documentation I scanned, there must exist 
an OAM module directly 
for Tomcat, to authenticate users there.  Why are you not using 
that ?
It seems like they should have one, but, unfortunately, they don't.
Mmm. Browsing the documentation, I seem to remember seeing something 
about Weblogic, no ?
Is that not usable ?
(As an aside, send your messages only to the list. I get all 
messages to the list anyway, 
so if you send them to me too, I get them twice).
Sorry about the emails.  
Yes, they do support integrating with WebLogic, and we do use that 
for other cases, but that's probably a bit off-topic here.
We don't mind the competition here. Keeps us on our toes.
Just kidding.
What I meant to ask (me being the not-so-Java specialist see) was, 
since Weblogic is a 
servlet engine, and Tomcat is a servlet engine, both ought to abide by 
the servlet spec 
and such, so isn't the Weblogic-oriented module usable with Tomcat ?
Or is this too much of a rosy view of the world ?
Anyway, the only other thing that comes to mind is, since you seem to 
be an OAM customer, 
can you not ask the OAM support people if OAM sets the internal Apache 
user-id or not ?


I'll answer the last question first:  We have asked, but they don't 
support integration with Tomcat out-of-the-box.  That was why I've been 
looking into it for our organization.

   Ok. But the question here is different : you are not asking if they 
   support Tomcat.
   What you are asking is if OAM can set the Apache internal user-id, once 
   the user is 
   authenticated by OAM.
   The situation is the same as if you had to support, say, some legacy 
   application, and this Apache-based application needs the user-id, and it 
   normally gets it 
   from Apache.
   For example, imagine that your organisation has some pre-existing 
   system based on Apache and Perl.  Now you purchase OAM as a global SSO 
   mechanism, and you 
   want to use OAM to authenticate the users for your content-management 
   application.  For 
   that, the easiest way is for OAM to just set the Apache user-id, because 
   then you don't 
   have to change anything to your existing application.
  I didn't say anything about it before, but I've been, in parallel with our 
  discussion, mucking around both the OAM innards and the Apache source code, 
  as best I can, trying to find out why that internal remote_user string (it 
  is, I believe, only internal to Apache), to see why it isn't being set.  
  Notice also that I said remote_user string, rather than remote_user 
  The reason is that, in looking through the Apache source code, I haven't 
  (yet) been able to find a variable like that.  Rather, it looks like the 
  Apache code just dumps the string representing the user into some buffer 
  that its building to send out via AJP protocol.
  On the OAM side, I haven't been able to find any configuration tweaks 
  that would make their webagent populate (or not populate) whatever data 
  structure inside of Apache either.
  I may or may not decide to try to bug Oracle about why their webagent 
  doesn't do appear to do that.  Probably not though, as in the past, it's 
  hard to find someone who knows their stuff well enough to answer such an 
  esoteric question.  Plus, the valve seems to work at the moment.
  Having said that, and having started to work more with my valve code, I do 
  have a more on-topic question for you and for the list, in general.  
  To recall, my test Tomcat is pretty much vanilla, including the default 
  realm that uses the tomcat-users.xml.
  Earlier, you and Chuck said that when my valve code asserts a user into 
  Tomcat (e.g., via the setUserPrincipal()), that that asserted user didn't 
  have to even be in the Tomcat realm.
  I'm finding that that part does work as we've discussed, but the question 
  that I have is what roles in Tomcat would that user have (in Tomcat)?  
  In my testing, and as I've mucked around with my valve code, I found that I 
  could assert not only a user, but it looks like I can also assert that 
  user's roles in Tomcat.  
  And, I can even assert roles that don't exist in the realm!!
  In other words, suppose my valve gets a request with a userID of foobar.  
   Then, it appears that my valve code 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya

   I didn't say anything about it before, but I've been, in parallel with 
   our discussion, mucking around both the OAM innards and the Apache source 
   code, as best I can, trying to find out why that internal remote_user 
   string (it is, I believe, only internal to Apache), to see why it isn't 
   being set.  Notice also that I said remote_user string, rather than 
   remote_user variable.
   The reason is that, in looking through the Apache source code, I haven't 
   (yet) been able to find a variable like that.  Rather, it looks like the 
   Apache code just dumps the string representing the user into some buffer 
   that its building to send out via AJP protocol.
   On the OAM side, I haven't been able to find any configuration tweaks 
   that would make their webagent populate (or not populate) whatever data 
   structure inside of Apache either.
   I may or may not decide to try to bug Oracle about why their webagent 
   doesn't do appear to do that.  Probably not though, as in the past, it's 
   hard to find someone who knows their stuff well enough to answer such an 
   esoteric question.  Plus, the valve seems to work at the moment.
   Having said that, and having started to work more with my valve code, I 
   do have a more on-topic question for you and for the list, in general.  
   To recall, my test Tomcat is pretty much vanilla, including the default 
   realm that uses the tomcat-users.xml.
   Earlier, you and Chuck said that when my valve code asserts a user into 
   Tomcat (e.g., via the setUserPrincipal()), that that asserted user didn't 
   have to even be in the Tomcat realm.
   I'm finding that that part does work as we've discussed, but the question 
   that I have is what roles in Tomcat would that user have (in Tomcat)?  
   In my testing, and as I've mucked around with my valve code, I found that 
   I could assert not only a user, but it looks like I can also assert that 
   user's roles in Tomcat.  
   And, I can even assert roles that don't exist in the realm!!
   In other words, suppose my valve gets a request with a userID of 
   foobar.   Then, it appears that my valve code can not only assert the 
   foobar user into Tomcat, but can also assert that the foobar user has 
   roles foobarRole1 and foobarRole2, EVEN when those roles don't 
   exist/aren't defined in the Tomcat realm.
   Is this correct?
   If it is, I may have a problem. 
   Let me explain:
   My original plan/thought/idea/thinking was that if I could get my valve 
   code to assert the user into Tomcat as a principal in the Tomcat 
   environment, then, at least to Tomcat itself, that user/principal would 
   pick up the roles that that user would have within the Tomcat realm.
   In other words, if I asserted foobar into Tomcat, and if there was 
   already a user named foobar in the Tomcat realm, that then the asserted 
   user would have all of the roles within Tomcat that he/she should have, 
   via the realm.
   However, that doesn't appear to be the case :(.  
   Rather it appears that even if the user that I'm asserting actually 
   exists in the Tomcat realm, after my valve asserts the user into Tomcat, 
   the user doesn't appear to have any roles in Tomcat.  I'm using the 
   security example app in the /examples that comes with Tomcat to check if 
   Tomcat 'believes that the asserted user has  role.
   In other words, even though my valve code can assert a user into Tomcat, 
   and even if that same user already exists in the Tomcat realm, the 
   asserted user seems to be 'disassociated' from the same user in the 
   Tomcat realm?  
   I'm not sure if I'm explaining that clearly, but let me know?
   Here's an example:
   In tomcat-users.xml, I have a user, 0test with role manager-gui.
   I send a header into my valve with userID 0test, and it asserts the 
   0test user into Tomcat.
   Then I go to the Tomcat security example app, and I search for role of 
   manager-gui, and the app tells me that user 0test has not been 
   granted the manager-gui role.
   So the question that I really have here is:  Can I connect the user 
   that my valve asserts into Tomcat with the corresponding user in the 
   Tomcat realm (so that the asserted user can have all of the roles in 
   Tomcat that he/she should have)?
  I just found the following, which seems to confirm what I'm finding with 
  asserted users, as described above: 
  Note where it says:
  This requires that any acess to /jsp-examples/snp/* be authenticated to 
  any of 
  the roles declared to Tomcat elsewhere in the web.xml file. The problem 
  this when receiving authentication information from Apache httpd via mod_jk 
  that we have not found any way to associate role membership with the 

RE: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-03 Thread ohaya

 Caldarale wrote: 
  From: [] 
  Subject: Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password 
  In other words, even though my valve code can assert a user 
  into Tomcat, and even if that same user already exists in the
  Tomcat realm, the asserted user seems to be 'disassociated'
  from the same user in the Tomcat realm?  
 Need to get some terminology correct here.  A Realm does not normally contain 
 users, roles, or any other authentication or authorization _data_; rather, it 
 is a Java class that embodies rules for examining the credentials supplied by 
 a login attempt and comparing them to credentials and roles stored in some 
 external location.  By default (and never meant to be used in production), 
 the external location is the file tomcat-users.xml, and the Realm is 
 UserDatabaseRealm (augmented by LockOutRealm to discourage probing).  Several 
 other Realm classes are supplied with Tomcat, to allow access to credentials 
 from LDAP servers, relational databases, JAAS, etc.
 I think what you need is essentially a Realm that does no authentication of 
 its own (trusting httpd to do that), but does perform the authorization 
 function.  It can then map the userid to whatever set of roles are 
 appropriate for that user, and return the appropriate response when queried.  
 See the doc for details:
 It would seem likely that someone out there has written a Realm that performs 
 the above functions in conjunction with httpd authentication.  (Note: you 
 keep using the word Apache - which is a software organization with many 
 products - when you're referring to httpd, a specific Apache product, as is 
  - Chuck

Hi Chuck,

Corrections understood, and I'll try to be more careful.  As you point out, and 
as I mentioned earlier in the thread, it seems like I've come all the way 
around to the original subject ...Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no 
password authentication?.

I've been and still am looking around for something like that, but haven't 
found it yet.

I'm still puzzled by something though.  Even if I did find (or implement) a 
realm that was a no password realm, how do I tie the two pieces that I end up 
with, the valve and the no-password realm, together?

In other words, I can pull the userID from the incoming header in the valve, 
but then I think that the valve code then needs to authenticate against the 
no-password realm.  Is that correct?

And, if so, how to do that?  

I've been looking for a way (API?) to programmatically authenticate the user 
against Tomcat, so that I could add that into my valve code, but haven't been 
find anything yet.


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
  Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443 
  tomcatAuthentication=false /
 That is correct. The false means that Tomcat will not do it's own 
 authentication, and 
 will instead rely on the authenticated user-id passed by the front-end server.
 Now could you also show us the section of your Apache front-end 
 configuration, containing 
 the directives which forward the requests to Tomcat ?
 (proxy or rewrite stanzas)
 Note: the fact that the Apache/Tomcat connector (the one at the Apache level) 
 passes the 
 authenticated user-id to Tomcat along with the proxied request, depends on 
 the fact that 
 within Apache (more precisely within the internal Apache request record), 
 the request is 
 really authenticated (*).
 I am saying this because in an earlier post, you mentioned that you were 
 using a 
 third-party authentication package at the Apache httpd level.
 It is unlikely, but possible, that this authentication package would use its 
 own logic, 
 and never populate the internal Apache request record with this user-id 
 In such a case, the automatic forwarding of the user-id by the Apache-level 
 module (mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk) would of course not work, because they check 
 the internal 
 Apache request record, and have no knowledge of another user-id source.
 (*) in Tomcat terms, the equivalent of populating the userPrincipal object
 (**) for example, it may act as a filter, and rely on each request always 
 containing a 
 cookie which authenticates the request, and do its own access control 
 independently of 
 Apache httpd itself


Sure.  Here's the section from httpd.conf.  This is testing where I purposely 
insert a REMOTE_USER HTTP header into the request being proxied.  As I said, 
I have a sniffer on the line, and I can see the REMOTE_USER header, but still, 
when I get to my test JSP hosted on the Tomcat, getUserPrincipal() is returning 
null (don't mind the hostname in the ProxyPass, etc.  I just happen to be 
hosting Tomcat on that machine, and WebLogic is shutdown there).

# Proxy to Tomcat on weblogic1 machine, using AJP
Location /samplesajp
RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER 9test
ProxyPass   ajp://


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443 
   tomcatAuthentication=false /
  That is correct. The false means that Tomcat will not do it's own 
  authentication, and 
  will instead rely on the authenticated user-id passed by the front-end 
  Now could you also show us the section of your Apache front-end 
  configuration, containing 
  the directives which forward the requests to Tomcat ?
  (proxy or rewrite stanzas)
  Note: the fact that the Apache/Tomcat connector (the one at the Apache 
  level) passes the 
  authenticated user-id to Tomcat along with the proxied request, depends on 
  the fact that 
  within Apache (more precisely within the internal Apache request record), 
  the request is 
  really authenticated (*).
  I am saying this because in an earlier post, you mentioned that you were 
  using a 
  third-party authentication package at the Apache httpd level.
  It is unlikely, but possible, that this authentication package would use 
  its own logic, 
  and never populate the internal Apache request record with this user-id 
  In such a case, the automatic forwarding of the user-id by the Apache-level 
  module (mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk) would of course not work, because they 
  check the internal 
  Apache request record, and have no knowledge of another user-id source.
  (*) in Tomcat terms, the equivalent of populating the userPrincipal object
  (**) for example, it may act as a filter, and rely on each request always 
  containing a 
  cookie which authenticates the request, and do its own access control 
  independently of 
  Apache httpd itself
 Sure.  Here's the section from httpd.conf.  This is testing where I purposely 
 insert a REMOTE_USER HTTP header into the request being proxied.  As I 
 said, I have a sniffer on the line, and I can see the REMOTE_USER header, but 
 still, when I get to my test JSP hosted on the Tomcat, getUserPrincipal() is 
 returning null (don't mind the hostname in the ProxyPass, etc.  I just happen 
 to be hosting Tomcat on that machine, and WebLogic is shutdown there).
 # Proxy to Tomcat on weblogic1 machine, using AJP
 Location /samplesajp
 RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER 9test
 ProxyPass ajp://
 ProxyPassReverse  ajp://


BTW, I asked about this earlier, but is it possible to turn on some debugging 
on the Tomcat side, that might help diagnose why the AJP connector is not 
working the expected way?  I'm not that familiar with Tomcat or AJP logging, 
but I've only been able to set logging in so that there's 
either almost no logging or it generated a ton of logging (but not stuff on AJP 
connection/processing) :(...


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote: wrote: 
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
  Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443 
  tomcatAuthentication=false /
  That is correct. The false means that Tomcat will not do it's own 
  authentication, and 
  will instead rely on the authenticated user-id passed by the front-end 
  Now could you also show us the section of your Apache front-end 
  configuration, containing 
  the directives which forward the requests to Tomcat ?
  (proxy or rewrite stanzas)
  Note: the fact that the Apache/Tomcat connector (the one at the Apache 
  level) passes the 
  authenticated user-id to Tomcat along with the proxied request, depends 
  on the fact that 
  within Apache (more precisely within the internal Apache request 
  record), the request is 
  really authenticated (*).
  I am saying this because in an earlier post, you mentioned that you were 
  using a 
  third-party authentication package at the Apache httpd level.
  It is unlikely, but possible, that this authentication package would use 
  its own logic, 
  and never populate the internal Apache request record with this user-id 
  In such a case, the automatic forwarding of the user-id by the 
  Apache-level connector 
  module (mod_proxy_ajp or mod_jk) would of course not work, because they 
  check the internal 
  Apache request record, and have no knowledge of another user-id source.
  (*) in Tomcat terms, the equivalent of populating the userPrincipal object
  (**) for example, it may act as a filter, and rely on each request always 
  containing a 
  cookie which authenticates the request, and do its own access control 
  independently of 
  Apache httpd itself
  Sure.  Here's the section from httpd.conf.  This is testing where I 
  purposely insert a REMOTE_USER HTTP header into the request being 
  proxied.  As I said, I have a sniffer on the line, and I can see the 
  REMOTE_USER header, but still, when I get to my test JSP hosted on the 
  Tomcat, getUserPrincipal() is returning null (don't mind the hostname in 
  the ProxyPass, etc.  I just happen to be hosting Tomcat on that machine, 
  and WebLogic is shutdown there).
  # Proxy to Tomcat on weblogic1 machine, using AJP
  Location /samplesajp
  RequestHeader set REMOTE_USER 9test
  ProxyPass  ajp://
  ProxyPassReverse   ajp://
  BTW, I asked about this earlier, but is it possible to turn on some 
  debugging on the Tomcat side, that might help diagnose why the AJP 
  connector is not working the expected way?  I'm not that familiar with 
  Tomcat or AJP logging, but I've only been able to set logging in so that there's either almost no logging or it generated 
  a ton of logging (but not stuff on AJP connection/processing) :(...
 Sorry, dunno.  Logging is not my favorite area in Tomcat..
 Also, to tell the truth, I do not know exactly /how/ the Apache user-id is 
 passed to 
 Tomcat.  I strongly suspect that the REMOTE_USER HTTP header may not be it, 
 and that it 
 may be via what Tomcat calls request attributes, and Apache calls 
 variables (but not in the usual shell sense).  But I don't know how this 
 particular one 
 may be named.
 Since you seem better at Java that I am, you may be able to find it in the 
 Tomcat AJP 
 Connector code somewhere.  I would start looking for request attribute 
 rather than header.
 This page :
 seems to hint at ditto, and even mentions a request attribute named 
 remote_user (lowercase).
 Maybe you could try to set this environment variable in Apache, and see 
 where it leads you ?
 In this page :
 it shows how to do that (but there it calls them server variables).
 The terminology is not very consistent..


Ok, I'll take a look at those.  FYI, I have debug level on the Apache side, and 
there is some stuff there, which I think confirms that I am indeed including 
REMOTE_USER in the requests to Tomcat/AJP:

[Fri Dec 02 02:55:41 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_ajp.c(44): proxy: AJP: 
canonicalising URL //
[Fri Dec 02 02:55:41 2011] [debug] proxy_util.c(1412): [client] 
proxy: ajp: found worker ajp:// for 
[Fri Dec 02 02:55:41 2011] [debug] mod_proxy.c(819): Running scheme ajp handler 
(attempt 0)
[Fri Dec 02 02:55:41 2011] [debug] mod_proxy_http.c(1683): proxy: HTTP: 
declining URL ajp://
[Fri Dec 02 02:55:41 2011] [debug] 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya

 Christopher Schultz wrote: 
 Hash: SHA1
 On 12/2/11 11:26 AM, wrote:
  Sure. Here's the section from httpd.conf. This is testing where I 
  purposely insert a REMOTE_USER HTTP header into the request
  being proxied. As I said, I have a sniffer on the line, and I can
  see the REMOTE_USER header, but still, when I get to my test JSP
  hosted on the Tomcat, getUserPrincipal() is returning null (don't
  mind the hostname in the ProxyPass, etc. I just happen to be
  hosting Tomcat on that machine, and WebLogic is shutdown there).
 The problem is that AJP sends the authentication information as part
 of the AJP protocol, not as a request header. You are setting a
 request header which is not the mechanism AJP uses to transfer the userid.
 You might want to check to see if your SSO module works the way that
 other httpd modules expect -- like the other mod_auth_[xyz], for instance.
 Specifically, the JkRemoteUserIndicator directive which allows you to
 override the environment variable whose value will be used to
 send-over the username to Tomcat.
 I wouldn't think you'd have to do that (REMOTE_USER should already be
 set by your auth module and mod_proxy_jk should already be using
 that), but you might be able to force it for some testing.
 - -chris


FYI, that link you posted give as 404 error.

To be clear, in the discussion before now, I was just using mod_ajp (built 
into/included with Apache), and NOT mod_jk.  

I'm now in the process of trying to switch my Apache conf to use mod_jk.  The 
reason is that I'm starting to get the feeling that the Apache 3rd party agent 
(it's Oracle's OAM webgate, which I haven't said till now, sorry) might not be 
setting things in the Apache environment that are needed for AJP.  I've been 
checking, and there's very little (= none) that I can do with trying to change 
the OAM webgate behavior, and if it's not setting whatever Apache/AJP needs, 
then I'm stuck, so I'm trying mod_jk, hoping that that'll give me some way to 
set what AJP needs.

Now that I'm doing that, I'm starting to remember how confusing (to me at 
least) configuring mod_jk is :) (vs. mod_ajp).

I just got the initial part of the re-configuration done.  I got the 
(my test Apache is on Windows, BTW), and added the LoadModule.  I have the 
Apache pointed to a new simple file, and the Apache comes 
up, but it doesn't seem to be proxing my test URLs to the Tomcat anymore 

Here's what I added to my Apache httpd.conf:

# 2011-12-02 - ADDING MOD_JK
LoadModule jk_module modules/
JkWorkersFile c:/Apache2.2/conf/
 # some other configuration
 JkLogFile c:/Apache2.2/logs/jk.log
 JkLogLevel debug
 JkShmFile c:/Apache2.2/logs/jk.shm
 JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
 # forwarding URL prefixes to Tomcat instances
 JkMount /samplesajp/* tomcatA


And, here's the

IfModule mod_jk.c
 # a list of Tomcat instances
 #JkWorkerProperty worker.list=tomcatA
 # connection properties to instance A on localhost
# JkWorkerProperty worker.tomcatA.type=ajp13
# JkWorkerProperty
# JkWorkerProperty worker.tomcatA.port=8009


And, here's what I'm seeing in jk.log when I try to access my test URL (via the 

[Fri Dec 02 14:04:26.468 2011] [444:1724] [debug] jk_set_time_fmt::jk_util.c 
(459): Pre-processed log time stamp format is '[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S.000 %Y] '
[Fri Dec 02 14:04:26.468 2011] [444:1724] [debug] 
uri_worker_map_open::jk_uri_worker_map.c (770): rule map size is 1
[Fri Dec 02 14:04:26.468 2011] [444:1724] [debug] 
uri_worker_map_add::jk_uri_worker_map.c (720): wildchar rule 
'/samplesajp/*=tomcatA' source 'JkMount' was added
[Fri Dec 02 14:04:26.468 2011] [444:1724] [debug] 
uri_worker_map_dump::jk_uri_worker_map.c (171): uri map dump after map open: 
index=0 file='(null)' reject_unsafe=0 reload=60 modified=0 checked=0
[Fri Dec 02 14:04:26.468 2011] [444:1724] [debug] 
uri_worker_map_dump::jk_uri_worker_map.c (176): generation 0: size=0 nosize=0 
[Fri Dec 02 14:04:26.468 2011] [444:1724] [debug] 
uri_worker_map_dump::jk_uri_worker_map.c (176): generation 1: size=1 nosize=0 
[Fri Dec 02 14:04:26.468 2011] [444:1724] [debug] 
uri_worker_map_dump::jk_uri_worker_map.c (186): NEXT (1) map #0: 
uri=/samplesajp/* worker=tomcatA context=/samplesajp/* source=JkMount 
type=Wildchar len=13
[Fri Dec 02 14:04:26.468 2011] [444:1724] [debug] jk_set_time_fmt::jk_util.c 
(459): Pre-processed log time stamp format is '[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S.000 %Y] '
[Fri Dec 02 14:04:26.468 2011] [444:1724] [debug] init_jk::mod_jk.c (3179): 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  Christopher Schultz wrote: 
  Hash: SHA1
  On 12/2/11 11:26 AM, wrote:
   Sure. Here's the section from httpd.conf. This is testing where I 
   purposely insert a REMOTE_USER HTTP header into the request
   being proxied. As I said, I have a sniffer on the line, and I can
   see the REMOTE_USER header, but still, when I get to my test JSP
   hosted on the Tomcat, getUserPrincipal() is returning null (don't
   mind the hostname in the ProxyPass, etc. I just happen to be
   hosting Tomcat on that machine, and WebLogic is shutdown there).
  The problem is that AJP sends the authentication information as part
  of the AJP protocol, not as a request header. You are setting a
  request header which is not the mechanism AJP uses to transfer the userid.
  You might want to check to see if your SSO module works the way that
  other httpd modules expect -- like the other mod_auth_[xyz], for instance.
  Specifically, the JkRemoteUserIndicator directive which allows you to
  override the environment variable whose value will be used to
  send-over the username to Tomcat.
  I wouldn't think you'd have to do that (REMOTE_USER should already be
  set by your auth module and mod_proxy_jk should already be using
  that), but you might be able to force it for some testing.
  - -chris
 FYI, that link you posted give as 404 error.
 To be clear, in the discussion before now, I was just using mod_ajp (built 
 into/included with Apache), and NOT mod_jk.  
 I'm now in the process of trying to switch my Apache conf to use mod_jk.  The 
 reason is that I'm starting to get the feeling that the Apache 3rd party 
 agent (it's Oracle's OAM webgate, which I haven't said till now, sorry) might 
 not be setting things in the Apache environment that are needed for AJP.  
 I've been checking, and there's very little (= none) that I can do with 
 trying to change the OAM webgate behavior, and if it's not setting whatever 
 Apache/AJP needs, then I'm stuck, so I'm trying mod_jk, hoping that that'll 
 give me some way to set what AJP needs.
 Now that I'm doing that, I'm starting to remember how confusing (to me at 
 least) configuring mod_jk is :) (vs. mod_ajp).
 I just got the initial part of the re-configuration done.  I got the (my test Apache is on Windows, BTW), and added the LoadModule.  I 
 have the Apache pointed to a new simple file, and the 
 Apache comes up, but it doesn't seem to be proxing my test URLs to the Tomcat 
 anymore (/samplesajp/*).
 Here's what I added to my Apache httpd.conf:
 # 2011-12-02 - ADDING MOD_JK
 LoadModule jk_module modules/
 JkWorkersFile c:/Apache2.2/conf/
  # some other configuration
  JkLogFile c:/Apache2.2/logs/jk.log
  JkLogLevel debug
  JkShmFile c:/Apache2.2/logs/jk.shm
  JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories
  # forwarding URL prefixes to Tomcat instances
  JkMount /samplesajp/* tomcatA
 And, here's the
 IfModule mod_jk.c
  # a list of Tomcat instances
  #JkWorkerProperty worker.list=tomcatA
  # connection properties to instance A on localhost
 # JkWorkerProperty worker.tomcatA.type=ajp13
 # JkWorkerProperty
 # JkWorkerProperty worker.tomcatA.port=8009
 And, here's what I'm seeing in jk.log when I try to access my test URL (via 
 the Apache):


I stripped the jk.log stuff (too long) above.

I've made some progress.  I have a VirtualHost, so I had to add a JkMountCopy 
'on' inside the VirtualHost, and now, it's at least proxying through to the 
Tomcat using mod_jk!!

BUT, it's still not logging me into the Tomcat :(...

I don't want to post the entire jk.log, so can someone point me to what to look 
for in there, maybe?


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
 .. re-synchronising..
  I've made some progress.  I have a VirtualHost, so I had to add a 
  JkMountCopy 'on' inside the VirtualHost, and now, it's at least 
  proxying through to the Tomcat using mod_jk!!
  BUT, it's still not logging me into the Tomcat :(...
  I don't want to post the entire jk.log, so can someone point me to what to 
  look for in there, maybe?
 Ok, so let's now continue on the mod_jk track, since you've got that part 
 What you are looking for, is an AJP request attribute named remote_user 
 in the packets which mod_jk sends to Tomcat.
 I don't know if that would be in the log, nor if there is any way to coerce 
 mod_jk into 
 putting it in the log.
 But since your Tomcat is not authenticating, chances are that it isn't there.
 So let's try to cheat, and force it to be there.
 In your Apache configuration, add this line :
 JkEnvVar remote_user blablabla
 and let's see what happens.
 (and after that, we'll try mod_rewrite or a combination)


I had already tried including a JkEnvVar as you suggested in my httpd.conf, 
in order to try to hard-code getting SOMETHING  to show up, but no joy :(...

I've also tried a bunch of other variants:



JkEnvVar remote_user foobar



Nothing works :(...

This is really getting discouraging :(.  It almost seems to me like that 
'tomcatAuthentication' functionality doesn't even exist at all.

I've searched the jk.log for multiple things, attr, remo, etc., and find 
nothing relevant/significant at all in there...


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
  .. re-synchronising..
  I've made some progress.  I have a VirtualHost, so I had to add a 
  JkMountCopy 'on' inside the VirtualHost, and now, it's at least 
  proxying through to the Tomcat using mod_jk!!
  BUT, it's still not logging me into the Tomcat :(...
  I don't want to post the entire jk.log, so can someone point me to what 
  to look for in there, maybe?
  Ok, so let's now continue on the mod_jk track, since you've got that part 
  What you are looking for, is an AJP request attribute named 
  remote_user (lowercase), 
  in the packets which mod_jk sends to Tomcat.
  I don't know if that would be in the log, nor if there is any way to 
  coerce mod_jk into 
  putting it in the log.
  But since your Tomcat is not authenticating, chances are that it isn't 
  So let's try to cheat, and force it to be there.
  In your Apache configuration, add this line :
  JkEnvVar remote_user blablabla
  and let's see what happens.
  (and after that, we'll try mod_rewrite or a combination)
  I had already tried including a JkEnvVar as you suggested in my 
  httpd.conf, in order to try to hard-code getting SOMETHING  to show up, but 
  no joy :(...
  I've also tried a bunch of other variants:
  JkEnvVar remote_user foobar
  JkEnvVar AJP_REMOTE_USER foobar
  Nothing works :(...
  This is really getting discouraging :(.  It almost seems to me like that 
  'tomcatAuthentication' functionality doesn't even exist at all.
  I've searched the jk.log for multiple things, attr, remo, etc., and 
  find nothing relevant/significant at all in there...
 Do not get discouraged.  I can guarantee that the 
 tomcatAuthentication=false works, when 
 the Apache front-end really does authenticate the user.  I use this all the 
 (Just not with the same SSO mechanism as you).
 I also know that JkEnvVar does work in general for setting request 
 attributes at the 
 Apache level, and have them passed to Tomcat by mod_jk, because I also us 
 that regularly.
 (And there exists a similar functionality in mod_proxy_ajp).
 What may not work in the trials above, is that specifically this 
 remote_user request 
 attribute may be overwritten by mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp, even when you have 
 set it 
 explicitly in Apache.
 After all, this feature is designed to do one thing : examine the request 
 record of 
 Apache for an authenticated user-id, and if one is set, pass it along to 
 Tomcat over the 
 AJP channel.  If mod_jk/mod_proxy_ajp do not find such a user-id in the 
 request record, 
 they may just /clear/ the remote_user attribute, thus voiding our attempts at 
 To verify this is relatively simple.
 Create the following Location section in Apache :
 Location /sampleajp
AuthType Basic
AuthName toTomcat
AuthUserFile /some-path/passwords
Require user testuser
SetHandler jakarta-servlet
SetEnv JK_WORKER_NAME tomcatA   (- or whatever name your worker has)
 Note: the SetHandler and SetEnv lines above, in that Location, are 
 equivalent to saying :
JkMount /sampleajp/* tomcatA
 Then follow the instructions here to create the password file and the user 
 testuser in it :
 section : Getting it working
 If you try to access such a URL /sampleajp/*, the browser will popup a 
 bssic auth dialog 
 and force you to login.
 This will result in the request being duly authenticated for Apache, which 
 /will/ result 
 in the Apache user-id being passed to Tomcat.
 Then, once you have verified (in Tomcat) that it is so, have another look at 
 the mod_jk 
 logfile, to see if then you spot the attribute being passed.
 (You will know that it is passed, but it may still not show up the logs).
 If all of that works, then we know that in order for your scheme to work, you 
 must somehow 
 force the user-id obtained by your SSO system, to be also set in the Apache 
 record.  Which should be a solvable problem.
 And if not, then you still have your Valve..


I haven't tried your full suggestion yet, but I removed all of the OAM SSO 
stuff out of my Apache httpd.conf, just to see what happens, but even after 
that, still am not getting logged into Tomcat, so it may be as you suggest, 
that mod_jk tries to get the userid from somewhere deep inside of Apache.

So, I will try adding what you suggested, to get authenticated with just the 
Apache, and then see what happens, and will post back.  If that works, we can 
go from there.

Thanks for following up with this!


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  André Warnier wrote: wrote:
    André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   .. re-synchronising..
   I've made some progress.  I have a VirtualHost, so I had to add a 
   JkMountCopy 'on' inside the VirtualHost, and now, it's at least 
   proxying through to the Tomcat using mod_jk!!
   BUT, it's still not logging me into the Tomcat :(...
   I don't want to post the entire jk.log, so can someone point me to what 
   to look for in there, maybe?
   Ok, so let's now continue on the mod_jk track, since you've got that 
   part running.
   What you are looking for, is an AJP request attribute named 
   remote_user (lowercase), 
   in the packets which mod_jk sends to Tomcat.
   I don't know if that would be in the log, nor if there is any way to 
   coerce mod_jk into 
   putting it in the log.
   But since your Tomcat is not authenticating, chances are that it isn't 
   So let's try to cheat, and force it to be there.
   In your Apache configuration, add this line :
   JkEnvVar remote_user blablabla
   and let's see what happens.
   (and after that, we'll try mod_rewrite or a combination)
   I had already tried including a JkEnvVar as you suggested in my 
   httpd.conf, in order to try to hard-code getting SOMETHING  to show up, 
   but no joy :(...
   I've also tried a bunch of other variants:
   JkEnvVar remote_user foobar
   JkEnvVar AJP_REMOTE_USER foobar
   Nothing works :(...
   This is really getting discouraging :(.  It almost seems to me like that 
   'tomcatAuthentication' functionality doesn't even exist at all.
   I've searched the jk.log for multiple things, attr, remo, etc., and 
   find nothing relevant/significant at all in there...
  Do not get discouraged.  I can guarantee that the 
  tomcatAuthentication=false works, when 
  the Apache front-end really does authenticate the user.  I use this all the 
  (Just not with the same SSO mechanism as you).
  I also know that JkEnvVar does work in general for setting request 
  attributes at the 
  Apache level, and have them passed to Tomcat by mod_jk, because I also us 
  that regularly.
  (And there exists a similar functionality in mod_proxy_ajp).
  What may not work in the trials above, is that specifically this 
  remote_user request 
  attribute may be overwritten by mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp, even when you have 
  set it 
  explicitly in Apache.
  After all, this feature is designed to do one thing : examine the request 
  record of 
  Apache for an authenticated user-id, and if one is set, pass it along to 
  Tomcat over the 
  AJP channel.  If mod_jk/mod_proxy_ajp do not find such a user-id in the 
  request record, 
  they may just /clear/ the remote_user attribute, thus voiding our attempts 
  at cheating.
  To verify this is relatively simple.
  Create the following Location section in Apache :
  Location /sampleajp
 AuthType Basic
 AuthName toTomcat
 AuthUserFile /some-path/passwords
 Require user testuser
 SetHandler jakarta-servlet
 SetEnv JK_WORKER_NAME tomcatA   (- or whatever name your worker has)
  Note: the SetHandler and SetEnv lines above, in that Location, are 
  equivalent to saying :
 JkMount /sampleajp/* tomcatA
  Then follow the instructions here to create the password file and the user 
  testuser in it :
  section : Getting it working
  If you try to access such a URL /sampleajp/*, the browser will popup a 
  bssic auth dialog 
  and force you to login.
  This will result in the request being duly authenticated for Apache, which 
  /will/ result 
  in the Apache user-id being passed to Tomcat.
  Then, once you have verified (in Tomcat) that it is so, have another look 
  at the mod_jk 
  logfile, to see if then you spot the attribute being passed.
  (You will know that it is passed, but it may still not show up the logs).
  If all of that works, then we know that in order for your scheme to work, 
  you must somehow 
  force the user-id obtained by your SSO system, to be also set in the Apache 
  record.  Which should be a solvable problem.
  And if not, then you still have your Valve..
 I haven't tried your full suggestion yet, but I removed all of the OAM SSO 
 stuff out of my Apache httpd.conf, just to see what happens, but even after 
 that, still am not getting logged into Tomcat, so it may be as you suggest, 
 that mod_jk tries to get the userid from somewhere deep inside of Apache.
 So, I will try adding what you suggested, to get authenticated with just the 
 Apache, and then see what happens, and will post back.  If that works, we can 
 go from there.
 Thanks for following up with this!

Hi Andre,

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya
P.S.  I forgot to mention:

As you know, I'd been using a sniffer, to see the data on the Apache-to-Tomcat 
connection.  I have a sniff from earlier, where I was using ProxyPass ajp://, 
and, comparing that sniff vs. a sniff that I have from when I tested with your 
suggested Location, in the latter sniff, I can see the userID (testuser), 
whereas in the former, that same area in the hex dump is basically just 
null-terminated strings.

So, it appears like, when the OAM stuff and the ajp: stuff is in the Apache 
.conf, as you were guessing, the userID isn't making it into the 
Apache-to-Tomcat/AJP connection at all.

Jim wrote: wrote: 
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
.. re-synchronising..
I've made some progress.  I have a VirtualHost, so I had to add a 
JkMountCopy 'on' inside the VirtualHost, and now, it's at least 
proxying through to the Tomcat using mod_jk!!
BUT, it's still not logging me into the Tomcat :(...
I don't want to post the entire jk.log, so can someone point me to 
what to look for in there, maybe?
Ok, so let's now continue on the mod_jk track, since you've got that 
part running.
What you are looking for, is an AJP request attribute named 
remote_user (lowercase), 
in the packets which mod_jk sends to Tomcat.
I don't know if that would be in the log, nor if there is any way to 
coerce mod_jk into 
putting it in the log.
But since your Tomcat is not authenticating, chances are that it isn't 
So let's try to cheat, and force it to be there.
In your Apache configuration, add this line :
JkEnvVar remote_user blablabla
and let's see what happens.
(and after that, we'll try mod_rewrite or a combination)


I had already tried including a JkEnvVar as you suggested in my 
httpd.conf, in order to try to hard-code getting SOMETHING  to show up, 
but no joy :(...

I've also tried a bunch of other variants:



JkEnvVar remote_user foobar



Nothing works :(...

This is really getting discouraging :(.  It almost seems to me like 
that 'tomcatAuthentication' functionality doesn't even exist at all.

I've searched the jk.log for multiple things, attr, remo, etc., and 
find nothing relevant/significant at all in there...

   Do not get discouraged.  I can guarantee that the 
   tomcatAuthentication=false works, when 
   the Apache front-end really does authenticate the user.  I use this all 
   the time.
   (Just not with the same SSO mechanism as you).
   I also know that JkEnvVar does work in general for setting request 
   attributes at the 
   Apache level, and have them passed to Tomcat by mod_jk, because I also us 
   that regularly.
   (And there exists a similar functionality in mod_proxy_ajp).
   What may not work in the trials above, is that specifically this 
   remote_user request 
   attribute may be overwritten by mod_jk or mod_proxy_ajp, even when you 
   have set it 
   explicitly in Apache.
   After all, this feature is designed to do one thing : examine the 
   request record of 
   Apache for an authenticated user-id, and if one is set, pass it along to 
   Tomcat over the 
   AJP channel.  If mod_jk/mod_proxy_ajp do not find such a user-id in the 
   request record, 
   they may just /clear/ the remote_user attribute, thus voiding our 
   attempts at cheating.
   To verify this is relatively simple.
   Create the following Location section in Apache :
   Location /sampleajp
  AuthType Basic
  AuthName toTomcat
  AuthUserFile /some-path/passwords
  Require user testuser
  SetHandler jakarta-servlet
  SetEnv JK_WORKER_NAME tomcatA   (- or whatever name your worker has)
   Note: the SetHandler and SetEnv lines above, in that Location, are 
   equivalent to saying :
  JkMount /sampleajp/* tomcatA
   Then follow the instructions here to create the password file and the 
   user testuser in it :
   section : Getting it working
   If you try to access such a URL /sampleajp/*, the browser will popup a 
   bssic auth dialog 
   and force you to login.
   This will result in the request being duly authenticated for Apache, 
   which /will/ result 
   in the Apache user-id being passed to Tomcat.
   Then, once you have verified (in Tomcat) that it is so, have another look 
   at the mod_jk 
   logfile, to see if then you spot the attribute being passed.
   (You will know that it is passed, but it may still not show up the logs).
   If all of that works, then we know that in order for 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-02 Thread ohaya wrote: 
 P.S.  I forgot to mention:
 As you know, I'd been using a sniffer, to see the data on the 
 Apache-to-Tomcat connection.  I have a sniff from earlier, where I was using 
 ProxyPass ajp://, and, comparing that sniff vs. a sniff that I have from 
 when I tested with your suggested Location, in the latter sniff, I can see 
 the userID (testuser), whereas in the former, that same area in the hex dump 
 is basically just null-terminated strings.
 So, it appears like, when the OAM stuff and the ajp: stuff is in the Apache 
 .conf, as you were guessing, the userID isn't making it into the 
 Apache-to-Tomcat/AJP connection at all.


Sorry for the top-post :(...

Here're the sniffs from the tests that I did:

a) Working (OAM disabled, Location per Andre):

  12 34 02 AB 02 02 00 08  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31   .4.« HTTP/1.1 
0010  00 00 1F 2F 73 61 6D 70  6C 65 73 61 6A 70 2F 73   .../samp lesajp/s 
0020  73 6F 41 4D 54 6F 6D 63  61 74 54 65 73 74 2E 6A   soAMTomc atTest.j 
0030  73 70 00 00 0B 31 39 32  2E 31 36 38 2E 30 2E 37   sp...192 .168.0.7 
0040  00 FF FF 00 14 61 70 61  63 68 65 31 2E 77 68 61   .ÿÿ..apa che1.wha 
0050  74 65 76 65 72 2E 63 6F  6D 00 01 BB 01 00 09 A0 m..»...  
0060  0B 00 14 61 70 61 63 68  65 31 2E 77 68 61 74 65   ...apach e1.whate 
0070  76 65 72 2E 63 6F 6D 00  A0 0E 00 3F 4D 6F 7A 69  ..?Mozi 
0080  6C 6C 61 2F 35 2E 30 20  28 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73   lla/5.0  (Windows 
0090  20 4E 54 20 36 2E 31 3B  20 72 76 3A 38 2E 30 29NT 6.1;  rv:8.0) 
00A0  20 47 65 63 6B 6F 2F 32  30 31 30 30 31 30 31 20Gecko/2 0100101  
00B0  46 69 72 65 66 6F 78 2F  38 2E 30 00 A0 01 00 3F   Firefox/ 8.0. ..? 
00C0  74 65 78 74 2F 68 74 6D  6C 2C 61 70 70 6C 69 63   text/htm l,applic 
00D0  61 74 69 6F 6E 2F 78 68  74 6D 6C 2B 78 6D 6C 2C   ation/xh tml+xml, 
00E0  61 70 70 6C 69 63 61 74  69 6F 6E 2F 78 6D 6C 3B   applicat ion/xml; 
00F0  71 3D 30 2E 39 2C 2A 2F  2A 3B 71 3D 30 2E 38 00   q=0.9,*/ *;q=0.8. 
0100  00 0F 41 63 63 65 70 74  2D 4C 61 6E 67 75 61 67   ..Accept -Languag 
0110  65 00 00 0E 65 6E 2D 75  73 2C 65 6E 3B 71 3D 30   e...en-u s,en;q=0 
0120  2E 35 00 00 0F 41 63 63  65 70 74 2D 45 6E 63 6F   .5...Acc ept-Enco 
0130  64 69 6E 67 00 00 0D 67  7A 69 70 2C 20 64 65 66   ding...g zip, def 
0140  6C 61 74 65 00 00 0E 41  63 63 65 70 74 2D 43 68   late...A ccept-Ch 
0150  61 72 73 65 74 00 00 1E  49 53 4F 2D 38 38 35 39   arset... ISO-8859 
0160  2D 31 2C 75 74 66 2D 38  3B 71 3D 30 2E 37 2C 2A   -1,utf-8 ;q=0.7,* 
0170  3B 71 3D 30 2E 37 00 A0  06 00 0A 6B 65 65 70 2D   ;q=0.7.  ...keep- 
0180  61 6C 69 76 65 00 A0 05  00 1A 42 61 73 69 63 20   alive. . ..Basic  
0190  64 47 56 7A 64 48 56 7A  5A 58 49 36 59 6D 56 7A   dGVzdHVz ZXI6YmVz 
01A0  64 44 46 69 00 A0 08 00  01 30 00 03 00 08 74 65   dDFi. .. .0te 
01B0  73 74 75 73 65 72 00 04  00 05 42 61 73 69 63 00   stuser.. ..Basic. 
01C0  08 00 12 44 48 45 2D 52  53 41 2D 41 45 53 32 35   ...DHE-R SA-AES25 
01D0  36 2D 53 48 41 00 09 00  40 35 41 38 35 44 36 33   6-SHA... @5A85D63 
01E0  44 46 33 32 42 35 42 38  36 34 44 42 32 37 31 34   DF32B5B8 64DB2714 
01F0  38 39 37 31 31 31 41 42  34 44 35 30 33 32 30 45   897111AB 4D50320E 
0200  39 41 33 38 41 42 46 36  46 38 37 44 30 46 42 43   9A38ABF6 F87D0FBC 
0210  42 38 36 38 31 35 38 37  30 00 0B 01 00 0A 00 0F   B8681587 0... 

b) Not working (w/OAM enabled and ajp: ProxyPass):

  12 34 09 28 02 02 00 08  48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 31   .4.( HTTP/1.1 
0010  00 00 1F 2F 73 61 6D 70  6C 65 73 61 6A 70 2F 73   .../samp lesajp/s 
0020  73 6F 41 4D 54 6F 6D 63  61 74 54 65 73 74 2E 6A   soAMTomc atTest.j 
0030  73 70 00 00 0B 31 39 32  2E 31 36 38 2E 30 2E 37   sp...192 .168.0.7 
0040  00 FF FF 00 14 61 70 61  63 68 65 31 2E 77 68 61   .ÿÿ..apa che1.wha 
0050  74 65 76 65 72 2E 63 6F  6D 00 01 BB 01 00 0E A0 m..»...  
0060  0B 00 14 61 70 61 63 68  65 31 2E 77 68 61 74 65   ...apach e1.whate 
0070  76 65 72 2E 63 6F 6D 00  A0 0E 00 3F 4D 6F 7A 69  ..?Mozi 
0080  6C 6C 61 2F 35 2E 30 20  28 57 69 6E 64 6F 77 73   lla/5.0  (Windows 
0090  20 4E 54 20 36 2E 31 3B  20 72 76 3A 38 2E 30 29NT 6.1;  rv:8.0) 
00A0  20 47 65 63 6B 6F 2F 32  30 31 30 30 31 30 31 20Gecko/2 0100101  
00B0  46 69 72 65 66 6F 78 2F  38 2E 30 00 A0 01 00 3F   Firefox/ 8.0. ..? 
00C0  74 65 78 74 2F 68 74 6D  6C 2C 61 70 70 6C 69 63   text/htm l,applic 
00D0  61 74 69 6F 6E 2F 78 68  74 6D 6C 2B 78 6D 6C 2C   ation/xh tml+xml, 
00E0  61 70 70 6C 69 63 61 74  69 6F 6E 2F 78 6D 6C 3B   applicat ion/xml; 
00F0  71 3D 30 2E 39 2C 2A 2F  2A 3B 71 3D 30 2E 38 00   q=0.9,*/ *;q=0.8. 
0100  A0 04 00 0E 65 6E 2D 75  73 2C 65 6E 3B 71 3D 30    ...en-u s,en;q=0 
0110  2E 35 00 A0 03 00 0D 67  7A 69 70 2C 20 64 65 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-01 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
  I'm new here, and hope that someone can help.
  I was wondering if any of the LDAP-type realms (e.g., JNDIRealm, etc.) 
  support an authentication mode where no password or credentials are 
  required?  In other words, where just a userID/username is presented, and 
  if that userID/username is present in the LDAP, then the user gets 
 You have to be VERY specific here about what you mean, because this is a very 
 delicate area.
 If you mean : does there exist any way by which Tomcat can authenticate a 
 user, without 
 forcing this user to go through a login dialog with userid and password ?
 then the answer is : yes, several (*).  But the applicability of each depends 
 very much on 
 the exact circumstances.
 If you mean : does there exist any /standard/ authentication mechanism in 
 Tomcat whereby, 
 /with/ a login dialog, the user could be authenticated without providing a 
 although the authentication back-end (e.g. LDAP) has a non-empty password 
 registered for 
 that user ?
 then the answer is no, definitely.  Because such a mechanism would be a HUGE 
 hole, so it is certainly not provided as any standard authentication 
 (which does not mean that you could not invent your own mechanism).
 Also, when you are mentioning LDAP, do you really mean the standard LDAP 
 (which is just 
 basically a database, and is not per se an authentication mechanism), or do 
 you mean 
 Windows domain authentication, backed up by an Active Directory server ?
 Or something else ?
 There is so much variation possible here, that it may be better to describe 
 what you want 
 to achieve really, rather than asking questions about this or that mechanism 
 right away.
 (*) for example, look here :

Hi Andre,

Sorry.  I should have been clearer in my explanation and my question, so let me 
try again.

Our configuration has an Apache in front of the Tomcat, with the Apache 
reverse-proxying (using mod_proxy, for now) to the Tomcat.

In the Apache proxy, we do client-authenticated certificate authentication, and 
we also have a web agent/module that authenticates the user into a commercial 
SSO product.  After the user is authenticated, the requests that go to/get 
proxied to the Tomcat have some HTTP headers, including a header containing the 
userID of the user that got authenticated by the SSO product.

I've been working on Tomcat valve that does ID assertion, i.e., when the code 
in my valve sees the HTTP header with the authenticated userID, it asserts 
the user into Tomcat.  

Specifically,  my valve code calls 
 where paramRequest is the org.apache.catalina.connector.Request object.

When I posted my message, I had just started on my valve code.  As I said, I'm 
kind of new to Tomcat security, but at that time, I *thought* that after my 
valve did the setUserPrincipal(), that the user had to somehow be authenticated 
into the Tomcat realm (i.e., that the asserted userID had to actually exist in 
the Tomcat realm).

I've since gotten an initial version of my valve code kind of working, but I'm 
still a little.  

I can get the userID from the request header and call the setUserPrincipal() in 
the valve code successfully, and from some test JSP pages I use, I can see that 
when the JSP calls request.getUserPrincipal(), it appears to return the 
asserted user.

The thing that is puzzling me is that, on my test Tomcat, I just have the 
default realm (the one that uses tomcat-user.xml for the user base), with only 
the default set of dummy users.

And yet, when I test with my valve and the test JSP, it appears that everything 
just works, even when the userID that I assert is not in the Tomcat realm!

For example, I guess in the default realm, there's only a comple of users 
(tomcat, etc.), but if I send a request into the Tomcat with a header with a 
userID of foobar (and even though there is no user foobar in the Tomcat 
realm), things seem to work ok, i.e., my JSP displays foobar for 

Having said all of that, I guess that my question has changed somewhat.  
Specifically, now I'm wondering:  With what I described above, and with my 
valve as described above, does the asserted user NOT have to be in the Tomcat 
realm at all?

It's almost like, with Tomcat, when my valve code calls setUserPrincipal(), 
Tomcat doesn't care whether the user that I'm asserting actually exists or 
doesn't exist in the Tomcat realm?

Again, as I said, I'm new, so I may  (and probably am) misunderstanding 
something about how Tomcat security works...

Sorry for the longish post, but I hope that things are clearer now?


Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-01 Thread ohaya

 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
  I'm new here, and hope that someone can help.
  I was wondering if any of the LDAP-type realms (e.g., JNDIRealm, etc.) 
  support an authentication mode where no password or credentials are 
  required?  In other words, where just a userID/username is presented, and 
  if that userID/username is present in the LDAP, then the user gets 
  You have to be VERY specific here about what you mean, because this is a 
  very delicate area.
  If you mean : does there exist any way by which Tomcat can authenticate a 
  user, without 
  forcing this user to go through a login dialog with userid and password ?
  then the answer is : yes, several (*).  But the applicability of each 
  depends very much on 
  the exact circumstances.
  If you mean : does there exist any /standard/ authentication mechanism in 
  Tomcat whereby, 
  /with/ a login dialog, the user could be authenticated without providing a 
  although the authentication back-end (e.g. LDAP) has a non-empty password 
  registered for 
  that user ?
  then the answer is no, definitely.  Because such a mechanism would be a 
  HUGE security 
  hole, so it is certainly not provided as any standard authentication 
  (which does not mean that you could not invent your own mechanism).
  Also, when you are mentioning LDAP, do you really mean the standard LDAP 
  (which is just 
  basically a database, and is not per se an authentication mechanism), or 
  do you mean 
  Windows domain authentication, backed up by an Active Directory server ?
  Or something else ?
  There is so much variation possible here, that it may be better to 
  describe what you want 
  to achieve really, rather than asking questions about this or that 
  mechanism right away.
  (*) for example, look here :
  Hi Andre,
  Sorry.  I should have been clearer in my explanation and my question, so 
  let me try again.
  Our configuration has an Apache in front of the Tomcat, with the Apache 
  reverse-proxying (using mod_proxy, for now) to the Tomcat.
  In the Apache proxy, we do client-authenticated certificate authentication, 
  and we also have a web agent/module that authenticates the user into a 
  commercial SSO product.  After the user is authenticated, the requests that 
  go to/get proxied to the Tomcat have some HTTP headers, including a header 
  containing the userID of the user that got authenticated by the SSO product.
  I've been working on Tomcat valve that does ID assertion, i.e., when the 
  code in my valve sees the HTTP header with the authenticated userID, it 
  asserts the user into Tomcat.  
  Specifically,  my valve code calls 
   where paramRequest is the org.apache.catalina.connector.Request object.
  When I posted my message, I had just started on my valve code.  As I said, 
  I'm kind of new to Tomcat security, but at that time, I *thought* that 
  after my valve did the setUserPrincipal(), that the user had to somehow be 
  authenticated into the Tomcat realm (i.e., that the asserted userID had to 
  actually exist in the Tomcat realm).
  I've since gotten an initial version of my valve code kind of working, but 
  I'm still a little.  
  I can get the userID from the request header and call the 
  setUserPrincipal() in the valve code successfully, and from some test JSP 
  pages I use, I can see that when the JSP calls request.getUserPrincipal(), 
  it appears to return the asserted user.
  The thing that is puzzling me is that, on my test Tomcat, I just have the 
  default realm (the one that uses tomcat-user.xml for the user base), with 
  only the default set of dummy users.
  And yet, when I test with my valve and the test JSP, it appears that 
  everything just works, even when the userID that I assert is not in the 
  Tomcat realm!
  For example, I guess in the default realm, there's only a comple of users 
  (tomcat, etc.), but if I send a request into the Tomcat with a header with 
  a userID of foobar (and even though there is no user foobar in the 
  Tomcat realm), things seem to work ok, i.e., my JSP displays foobar for 
  Having said all of that, I guess that my question has changed somewhat.  
  Specifically, now I'm wondering:  With what I described above, and with my 
  valve as described above, does the asserted user NOT have to be in the 
  Tomcat realm at all?
  It's almost like, with Tomcat, when my valve code calls setUserPrincipal(), 
  Tomcat doesn't care whether the user that I'm asserting actually exists 
  or doesn't exist in the 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-01 Thread ohaya

 Mark Thomas wrote: 
 On 01/12/2011 18:17, wrote:
  Having said all of that, I guess that my question has changed
  somewhat.  Specifically, now I'm wondering:  With what I described
  above, and with my valve as described above, does the asserted user
  NOT have to be in the Tomcat realm at all?
 Correct. If you populate the user Principal, Tomcat doesn't care whether
 or not it is in the Realm.

Hi Mark,

See my response to Andre's last msg.  If you happen to be able to pinpoint that 
thread that he mentions about this, I'd really like to look at it.


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Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-01 Thread ohaya wrote: 
  André Warnier wrote: wrote:
    André Warnier wrote: wrote:
   I'm new here, and hope that someone can help.
   I was wondering if any of the LDAP-type realms (e.g., JNDIRealm, etc.) 
   support an authentication mode where no password or credentials are 
   required?  In other words, where just a userID/username is presented, 
   and if that userID/username is present in the LDAP, then the user gets 
   You have to be VERY specific here about what you mean, because this is a 
   very delicate area.
   If you mean : does there exist any way by which Tomcat can authenticate 
   a user, without 
   forcing this user to go through a login dialog with userid and password 
   then the answer is : yes, several (*).  But the applicability of each 
   depends very much on 
   the exact circumstances.
   If you mean : does there exist any /standard/ authentication mechanism 
   in Tomcat whereby, 
   /with/ a login dialog, the user could be authenticated without providing 
   a password, 
   although the authentication back-end (e.g. LDAP) has a non-empty 
   password registered for 
   that user ?
   then the answer is no, definitely.  Because such a mechanism would be a 
   HUGE security 
   hole, so it is certainly not provided as any standard authentication 
   (which does not mean that you could not invent your own mechanism).
   Also, when you are mentioning LDAP, do you really mean the standard LDAP 
   (which is just 
   basically a database, and is not per se an authentication mechanism), 
   or do you mean 
   Windows domain authentication, backed up by an Active Directory server 
   Or something else ?
   There is so much variation possible here, that it may be better to 
   describe what you want 
   to achieve really, rather than asking questions about this or that 
   mechanism right away.
   (*) for example, look here :
   Hi Andre,
   Sorry.  I should have been clearer in my explanation and my question, so 
   let me try again.
   Our configuration has an Apache in front of the Tomcat, with the Apache 
   reverse-proxying (using mod_proxy, for now) to the Tomcat.
   In the Apache proxy, we do client-authenticated certificate 
   authentication, and we also have a web agent/module that authenticates 
   the user into a commercial SSO product.  After the user is authenticated, 
   the requests that go to/get proxied to the Tomcat have some HTTP headers, 
   including a header containing the userID of the user that got 
   authenticated by the SSO product.
   I've been working on Tomcat valve that does ID assertion, i.e., when 
   the code in my valve sees the HTTP header with the authenticated userID, 
   it asserts the user into Tomcat.  
   Specifically,  my valve code calls 
where paramRequest is the org.apache.catalina.connector.Request object.
   When I posted my message, I had just started on my valve code.  As I 
   said, I'm kind of new to Tomcat security, but at that time, I *thought* 
   that after my valve did the setUserPrincipal(), that the user had to 
   somehow be authenticated into the Tomcat realm (i.e., that the asserted 
   userID had to actually exist in the Tomcat realm).
   I've since gotten an initial version of my valve code kind of working, 
   but I'm still a little.  
   I can get the userID from the request header and call the 
   setUserPrincipal() in the valve code successfully, and from some test JSP 
   pages I use, I can see that when the JSP calls 
   request.getUserPrincipal(), it appears to return the asserted user.
   The thing that is puzzling me is that, on my test Tomcat, I just have the 
   default realm (the one that uses tomcat-user.xml for the user base), with 
   only the default set of dummy users.
   And yet, when I test with my valve and the test JSP, it appears that 
   everything just works, even when the userID that I assert is not in the 
   Tomcat realm!
   For example, I guess in the default realm, there's only a comple of users 
   (tomcat, etc.), but if I send a request into the Tomcat with a header 
   with a userID of foobar (and even though there is no user foobar in 
   the Tomcat realm), things seem to work ok, i.e., my JSP displays foobar 
   for request.getUserPrincipal().
   Having said all of that, I guess that my question has changed somewhat.  
   Specifically, now I'm wondering:  With what I described above, and with 
   my valve as described above, does the asserted user NOT have to be in the 
   Tomcat realm at all?
   It's almost like, with 

Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-01 Thread ohaya wrote: wrote: 
   André Warnier wrote: wrote:
 André Warnier wrote: wrote:
I'm new here, and hope that someone can help.
I was wondering if any of the LDAP-type realms (e.g., JNDIRealm, 
etc.) support an authentication mode where no password or credentials 
are required?  In other words, where just a userID/username is 
presented, and if that userID/username is present in the LDAP, then 
the user gets authenticated?
You have to be VERY specific here about what you mean, because this is 
a very delicate area.
If you mean : does there exist any way by which Tomcat can 
authenticate a user, without 
forcing this user to go through a login dialog with userid and 
password ?
then the answer is : yes, several (*).  But the applicability of each 
depends very much on 
the exact circumstances.
If you mean : does there exist any /standard/ authentication 
mechanism in Tomcat whereby, 
/with/ a login dialog, the user could be authenticated without 
providing a password, 
although the authentication back-end (e.g. LDAP) has a non-empty 
password registered for 
that user ?
then the answer is no, definitely.  Because such a mechanism would be 
a HUGE security 
hole, so it is certainly not provided as any standard authentication 
(which does not mean that you could not invent your own mechanism).
Also, when you are mentioning LDAP, do you really mean the standard 
LDAP (which is just 
basically a database, and is not per se an authentication 
mechanism), or do you mean 
Windows domain authentication, backed up by an Active Directory 
server ?
Or something else ?
There is so much variation possible here, that it may be better to 
describe what you want 
to achieve really, rather than asking questions about this or that 
mechanism right away.
(*) for example, look here :

Hi Andre,

Sorry.  I should have been clearer in my explanation and my question, 
so let me try again.

Our configuration has an Apache in front of the Tomcat, with the Apache 
reverse-proxying (using mod_proxy, for now) to the Tomcat.

In the Apache proxy, we do client-authenticated certificate 
authentication, and we also have a web agent/module that authenticates 
the user into a commercial SSO product.  After the user is 
authenticated, the requests that go to/get proxied to the Tomcat have 
some HTTP headers, including a header containing the userID of the user 
that got authenticated by the SSO product.

I've been working on Tomcat valve that does ID assertion, i.e., when 
the code in my valve sees the HTTP header with the authenticated 
userID, it asserts the user into Tomcat.  

Specifically,  my valve code calls 
 where paramRequest is the org.apache.catalina.connector.Request 

When I posted my message, I had just started on my valve code.  As I 
said, I'm kind of new to Tomcat security, but at that time, I *thought* 
that after my valve did the setUserPrincipal(), that the user had to 
somehow be authenticated into the Tomcat realm (i.e., that the asserted 
userID had to actually exist in the Tomcat realm).

I've since gotten an initial version of my valve code kind of working, 
but I'm still a little.  

I can get the userID from the request header and call the 
setUserPrincipal() in the valve code successfully, and from some test 
JSP pages I use, I can see that when the JSP calls 
request.getUserPrincipal(), it appears to return the asserted user.

The thing that is puzzling me is that, on my test Tomcat, I just have 
the default realm (the one that uses tomcat-user.xml for the user 
base), with only the default set of dummy users.

And yet, when I test with my valve and the test JSP, it appears that 
everything just works, even when the userID that I assert is not in the 
Tomcat realm!

For example, I guess in the default realm, there's only a comple of 
users (tomcat, etc.), but if I send a request into the Tomcat with a 
header with a userID of foobar (and even though there is no user 
foobar in the Tomcat realm), things seem to work ok, i.e., my JSP 
displays foobar for request.getUserPrincipal().

Having said all of that, I guess that my question has changed somewhat. 
 Specifically, now I'm wondering:  With what I 

RE: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-12-01 Thread ohaya

 Caldarale wrote: 
  From: [] 
  Subject: Re: Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password 
  In my sniffer, I can see the REMOTE_USER set to the hard-coded 
  string, but in my test JSP on Tomcat, there getUserPrincipal()
  is returning null.  I've tried this test with 'tomcatAuthentication'
  attribute in server.xml set to both true and false, with the
  same results :(...
 You might want to post (not attach) your server.xml so we can see exactly 
 what you're setting.  Simple typos are often difficult for the author to see. 
  Please remove comments beforehand to reduce the amount of crud we have to 
 wade through.
  - Chuck


Thanks for the suggestion.  Here it is, minus most of the curd :).  It's 
basically vanilla Tomcat (note:  what I posted below has false for 
tomcatAuthentication, but I tried with both true and false).

?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
Server port=8005 shutdown=SHUTDOWN

  !--APR library loader. Documentation at /docs/apr.html --
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener 
SSLEngine=on /
  !--Initialize Jasper prior to webapps are loaded. Documentation at 
/docs/jasper-howto.html --
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener /
  !-- Prevent memory leaks due to use of particular java/javax APIs--
className=org.apache.catalina.core.JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener /
  !-- JMX Support for the Tomcat server. Documentation at 
/docs/non-existent.html --
  Listener className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener /
className=org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener /

Resource name=UserDatabase auth=Container
  description=User database that can be updated and saved
  pathname=conf/tomcat-users.xml /

  Service name=Catalina
Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1 
   redirectPort=8443 /

Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443 
tomcatAuthentication=false /

Engine name=Catalina defaultHost=localhost

  Realm className=org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm

  Host name=localhost  appBase=webapps
unpackWARs=true autoDeploy=true
xmlValidation=false xmlNamespaceAware=false


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Do any of the Tomcat LDAP-type realms support no password authentication?

2011-11-30 Thread ohaya

I'm new here, and hope that someone can help.

I was wondering if any of the LDAP-type realms (e.g., JNDIRealm, etc.) support 
an authentication mode where no password or credentials are required?  In other 
words, where just a userID/username is presented, and if that userID/username 
is present in the LDAP, then the user gets authenticated?


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Getting 403 (Access Denied) when running Tomcat under Eclipse

2010-01-18 Thread ohaya

I have a web application that works when run directly under Tomcat.  This web 
app has the following in web.xml:

description accessible by authenticated users of the tomcat 
descriptionThese roles are allowed access/description


descriptionOnly 'tomcat' role is allowed to access this web 

However, when I run the webapp under Eclipse (i.e., do a Run on server), and 
attempt to login as the same user, with the same password, I get a 403 (Access 
denied) error.

If I remove the constraint, it then works under Tomcat and Eclipse

I've checked the Tomcat logs, and I don't see any info there.

Can anyone tell me why this is happening??


P.S.  Tomcat version is, under Windows.  Eclipse is latest Galileo.

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Re: Getting 403 (Access Denied) when running Tomcat under Eclipse

2010-01-18 Thread ohaya


I was only looking through the Eclipse GUI settings, and hadn't noticed that 
under Servers--Tomcat v5.5 in the Eclipse Project Explorer, there were 
catalina.policy, etc. files, including tomcat-users.xml :(...

So, I added my role and user definitions to that tomcat-users.xml, and it 

I'm still a little puzzled though.  In Eclipse Servers, there was also a 
web.xml, but I *did NOT* have to modify that web.xml, and it's picking up the 
web.xml from my webapp's WEB-INF\web.xml.  Is that because the web.xml under 
Eclipse Servers is server-scoped, and so the web.xml in my webapp is overriding 
the Eclipse Servers web.xml?



 Ziggy wrote: 
 Doesnt eclipse use use a $CATALINA_BASE to run tomcat? I think the tomcat
 instance on eclipse is not the same as the one on $CATALINA_HOME. Look at
 the server project files under eclipse they will have their own
 configuration files.
 On Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 10:43 PM, wrote:
  I have a web application that works when run directly under Tomcat.  This
  web app has the following in web.xml:
 description accessible by authenticated users of the
  tomcat role/description
 descriptionThese roles are allowed access/description
 descriptionOnly 'tomcat' role is allowed to access this web
  However, when I run the webapp under Eclipse (i.e., do a Run on server),
  and attempt to login as the same user, with the same password, I get a 403
  (Access denied) error.
  If I remove the constraint, it then works under Tomcat and Eclipse
  I've checked the Tomcat logs, and I don't see any info there.
  Can anyone tell me why this is happening??
  P.S.  Tomcat version is, under Windows.  Eclipse is latest Galileo.
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