HP Fortify Critical Security Issues

2013-02-05 Thread sthomps

As part of an evaluation of web frameworks, one of the checkboxes to tick is
security vulnerabilities.  

In this case the tool being used to scan for those vulnerabilities is  HP

I wanted to get the communities feedback on critical security issues that
were presented based on this tool (I'll leave my opinion out of it for now)
and if other teams are using are using this software - what is their process
for evaluating/fixing/etc these kinds of issues in open-source software.

Appreciate your input.

Issue 1 - wicket-ajax-jquery.js:651 (Open Redirect)


The file wicket-ajax-jquery.js passes unvalidated data to an HTTP redirect
function on line 651. Allowing unvalidated input to control the URL used in
a redirect can aid phishing attacks.


Redirects allow web applications to direct users to different pages within
the same application or to external sites. Applications utilize redirects to
aid in site navigation and, in some cases, to track how users exit the site.
Open redirect vulnerabilities occur when a web application redirects clients
to any arbitrary URL that can be controlled by an attacker. 

Attackers can utilize open redirects to trick users into visiting a URL to a
trusted site and redirecting them to a malicious site. By encoding the URL,
an attacker can make it more difficult for end-users to notice the malicious
destination of the redirect, even when it is passed as a URL parameter to
the trusted site. Open redirects are often abused as part of phishing scams
to harvest sensitive end-user data.


Unvalidated user input should not be allowed to control the destination URL
in a redirect. Instead, a level of indirection should be introduced: create
a list of legitimate URLs that users are allowed to specify, and only allow
users to select from the list. With this approach, input provided by users
is never used directly to specify a URL for redirects.

Issue 2 - FileUpload:253 (Path Manipulation)


Attackers can control the filesystem path argument to createTempFile() at
FileUpload.java line 253, which allows them to access or modify otherwise
protected files.


Path manipulation errors occur when the following two conditions are met:

1. An attacker can specify a path used in an operation on the filesystem. 

2. By specifying the resource, the attacker gains a capability that would
not otherwise be permitted.

For example, the program may give the attacker the ability to overwrite the
specified file or run with a configuration controlled by the attacker. 

In this case, the attacker can specify the value that enters the program at
getId() in FileUpload.java at line 251, and this value is used to access a
filesystem resource at createTempFile() in FileUpload.java at line 253.


The best way to prevent path manipulation is with a level of indirection:
create a list of legitimate resource names that a user is allowed to
specify, and only allow the user to select from the list. With this approach
the input provided by the user is never used directly to specify the
resource name. 

In some situations this approach is impractical because the set of
legitimate resource names is too large or too hard to keep track of.
Programmers often resort to blacklisting in these situations. Blacklisting
selectively rejects or escapes potentially dangerous characters before using
the input. However, any such list of unsafe characters is likely to be
incomplete and will almost certainly become out of date. A better approach
is to create a white list of characters that are allowed to appear in the
resource name and accept input composed exclusively of characters in the
approved set.

Issue 3 - WicketServlet:327 (Race Condition: Singleton Member Field)


The class WicketServlet is a singleton, so the member field wicketFilter is
shared between users. The result is that one user could see another user's


Many Servlet developers do not understand that a Servlet is a singleton.
There is only one instance of the Servlet, and that single instance is used
and re-used to handle multiple requests that are processed simultaneously by
different threads. 

A common result of this misunderstanding is that developers use Servlet
member fields in such a way that one user may inadvertently see another
user's data. In other words, storing user data in Servlet member fields
introduces a data access race condition.


Do not use Servlet member fields for anything but constants. (i.e. make all
member fields static final).

Developers are often tempted to use Servlet member fields for user data when
they need to transport data from one region of code to another. If this is
your aim, consider declaring a separate class and using the Servlet only to
wrap this new class. 

View this 

Re: HP Fortify Critical Security Issues

2013-02-05 Thread sthomps
Thanks Igor for the quick response.

The bottom two are pretty self explanatory as to why they shouldn't be
issues when you look into the codebase.

The first one, I had the same response for but it's good to hear a similar
echo from a wicket maintainer.

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Re: Wicket Session Expiration - Ajax interactions

2013-01-22 Thread sthomps
Just reading through the description - the components only included 

StatelessLink and a StatelessAjaxFallbackLink

Browsing through the source code, it appears that there are stateless
behaviors that can be added to other Ajax components.

Best thing to do is to test it out :)

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Wicket Session Expiration - Ajax interactions

2013-01-21 Thread sthomps
I'm currently in the process of evaluating frameworks.  We are currently
using Wicket 1.4.

The ones I've looked at so far have been Vaadin, Tapestry 5.4, and Wicket

Vaadin I ruled out for various reasons.

One of the problems that our users have complained quite a bit about is the
dreaded PageExpiration problem.

In Wicket 6.0 the issue is resolved somewhat by the framework recreating the
page and then issuing a redirect.

While understand why it does this

// If the page is stateful then we cannot assume that the listener interface
// invoked on its initial state (right after page initialization) and that
// component and/or behavior will be available. That's why the listener
// should be ignored and the best we can do is to re-paint the newly
// page.

it's still not the solution we want.  The Ajax interaction should continue
on as normal.

Due to how Tapestry is architected, this is not an isssue.

In Wicket 1.4, I got around this somewhat by extending the
WebRequestCycleProcessor and recreating the request when a PageExpiration
was encountered.

It doesn't appear that I can carry this forward in Wicket 6.0.

I just want to make sure that I'm not missing anything.


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Re: Wicket Session Expiration - Ajax interactions

2013-01-21 Thread sthomps
It's just not efficient.

We have users that will let their pages sit for hours before they come back
to them.

I would rather have these sessions/memory be reclaimed, and if a user has a
stale page, the Ajax action continues on as normal.

We also have a sudo portal that contains applications contained in iframes -
most of them are wicket applications.

Depending on the # of iframes opened, ajax timers, this can cause issues
with the # of concurrent connections opened in the browser.

When I went through this in 1.4 to recreate the request, a lot of the issues
were related to the use of back button support and PageMaps, which most of
our applications have no use for.

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Re: Wicket Session Expiration - Ajax interactions

2013-01-21 Thread sthomps
You can read the Tapestry response a

Essentially there are no PageMaps/versions per users session.

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Re: Apache Wicket is a Flawed Framework

2011-11-19 Thread sthomps
Again address the content and not the speaker.  I prompted him to post this to 
get some good feedback on why Wicket is a better alternative than the UI 
frameworks than we have come across.

Frameworks in the ui space are numerous and all serve a different need or 

If all you have to say is essentially you suck, you haven't done anything to 
promote the virtues of wicket and it's ideals.

I like wicket and I've seen
It put to good use  based on the ideals it try's to follow by.

If all you have to say is you suck you're stupid etc don't fucking post.

He's obviously done some research and has as an informed opinion - give him the 
respect by offering a intelligent counter argument to his points or dont post 
at all. 

You really just come off as a  jerkoff zealot.
Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 19, 2011, at 5:29 PM, Eelco Hillenius [via Apache 
Wicket]ml-node+s1842946n408747...@n4.nabble.com wrote:

 Really, is this what you do, go around posting to user lists of 
 frameworks you don't like? I imagine one can have a full time job 
 doing that. 
 On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 7:44 AM, Eric Kizaki [hidden email] wrote:
  Violates Dry:  You must repeat the component hierarchy of your widgets that 
  are in HTML in Java Code for no good reason.  If you move your widget 
  in the html it will break the Java and you get a stack trace if you change 
  the nesting.  You have to keep these two files synched.  A JSP file is more 
  maintainable.  At least the view code is in one place. 
  Not previewable:  One of the supposed benefits of Wicket is a clean 
  that could make pages previewable for designers.  First, we don't have 
  seperate designers at my company.  Second, it is better if the samer person 
  does development and design.  Third, if you use extends your page will not 
  be priviewable outside an application server running Wicket.  This supposed 
  benefit does not exist. 
  Violates MVC:  It smashes view and controller code into the same Java file. 
  You have code that regulates page flow and code that changes css attributes 
  in the same file.  Even Spring MVC had better separation of concerns. 
  JSP/Servlets with Spring MVC is better. 
  Excessively verbose and complicated:  What is a LoadableDetachableModel? 
  The learning curve for Wicket is immense. 
  Breaks POJOS:  A real POJO does not need to implement an interface or 
  a class.  Wicket forces your beans to be Serializable.  This is like using 
  EJBs in how it forced you to implement interfaces. 
  Terrible AJAX:  Compared to a few lines of jQuery AJAX is excessively 
  complicated and verbose in Wicket.  A lot of things like “AJAX” links 
  not be done via “AJAX” at all.  Hiding a div on the client would simply be 
  done with JavaScript on the client.  Wicket better not require a server 
  request for that.  You also have no JSON support and good luck debugging 
  JavaScript or AJAX in Firefox.  Instead you have to use the subpar Wicket 
  HTML5:  No support for HTML 5 form elements unless you upgrade to Wicket 
  1.5.  You will get a stack trace.  The upgrade to Wicket 1.5 is painful and 
  will break your code.  Good luck getting this to work with jQuery mobile. 
  Bad Defaults:  Most pages are stateless.  The default for Wicket is 
  stateful.  So if I want a decent URL and a bookmarkable page I have to 
  the page and use a bookmarkable page link with page parameters.  Using page 
  parameters is worse than how Spring MVC does binding.  I have to keep doing 
  this over and over for each page.  There is too much work involved to get a 
  decent stateless page with a nice URL. This should be the default. 
  Interferes with other libraries:  It screws up your jQuery code.  It forces 
  you into a restrictive way of doing web-development:  the Wicket Way. 
  Causes a redeploy whenever you add anything:  Maybe Java developers are 
  to this, but in any other web development environment I do not need to 
  redeploy after adding a text box to the page.  It is completely absurd. 
  Only with JRebel is this alleviated.  No, embedded Jetty in debug mode 
  slow.  Even a simple JSP file has hot reloading on Tomcat and if I make a 
  change to my view code the changes are immediately viewable in the browser 
  when I refresh.  This is WITHOUT JRebel. 
  HTTPSession Objects are not hard:  Most pages do not need state.  If you do 
  use HTTPSession it is simple.  Can you use a map?  Then you can use 
  HTTPSession.  This is less comlicated than most Wicket code. 
  Stateful Component based framework are a terrible idea:  Even at the 
  theoretical level this is a bad idea. It is a leaky abstraction over a 
  simple request/response cycle.  It made something simple and made it overly 
  complicated.  This remind me of Hibernate and ORMS.  I disagree that we 
  should abstract things to this level and do 

Re: Apache Wicket is a Flawed Framework

2011-11-17 Thread sthomps
As gerald mentioned address the content - not the speaker, much more

i'll address a few of your points and bring up a few of my own.  I'm sure
the others can be addressed with thoughtful/intelligent responses.

*Violates DRY*:  There is a reason that HTML is separated from your
corresponding Java component (not every html snippet has to have a component
btw).  Behavior is not allowed in your HTML and that makes me happy.  I can
have a Human Factors/Web designer do what they do best.  Design a beautiful,
high fidelity prototype that has taken actual user need in mind with plain

I've seen data driven UI's done by backend programmers - not so nice. I know
because I've done them myself.

Not having behavior embedded in your view like a JSP/Facelet means that when
something goes wrong with a page, I have one place to look - in the
corresponding Java component.  No hidden loops tucked away in that page, no
calls to a Java API embedded within a mess of HTML code - clean separation.

*Breaks POJOS*:  The data being stored in your model doesn't have to
implement an interface.  See this response

A couple of things I think Wicket could improve upon is when you *don't*
want back button support and having to worry about PageMaps being stored in
the users session  disk.  As this is a corner case for the most part in the
web app world, I can live with what I have.

In that same vein, having to deal with PageExpiration exceptions when back
button support is not needed and I don't want my users to encounter this
when an Ajax action takes place.  Again this is not the norm and there's a
workaround but it's hacky.

As mentioned no UI framework is perfect.  All have their strengths and
weaknesses and usually those depend on your point of view, coding style,
time of day...

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PageExpiredException - ajax request

2009-02-04 Thread sthomps

I'm running into an issue with PageExpiredExceptions and ajax responses.

Here's what I would like to do.

1.  Have sessions timeout at 20 minutes.
2.  Once a session has timed out and the user clicks an ajax link on the
expired page - the link should process as normal and do whatever was tied to
that link - such as show a modal window.

Here's what I have so far.  The ajax link works but the returned response is
the entire page + whatever component was added to the AjaxRequestTarget -
because of the Page.render() I would assume.  It's starting to feel like
more of a hack and I'm pretty sure there's a better way to do this.

public class MyWebRequestCycleProcessor extends WebRequestCycleProcessor
protected IRequestTarget resolveRenderedPage(RequestCycle requestCycle,
RequestParameters requestParameters)
String componentPath = requestParameters.getComponentPath();
Session session = requestCycle.getSession();
Page page = session.getPage(requestParameters.getPageMapName(),
componentPath, requestParameters.getVersionNumber());
if (page != null)
return resolveRenderedPage(requestCycle, 
requestParameters, page, false);
// Try to resolve the page instead of throwing an 
expired page exception
page = newPage(requestCycle, requestParameters);
if (page != null)
IPageMap pageMap = 
resolveRenderedPage(requestCycle, requestParameters, page,
catch (Exception e)
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;

protected Page newPage(RequestCycle requestCycle, RequestParameters
requestParameters) throws Exception
PageParameters params = new
IPageFactory pageFactory =
if ((params == null) || (params.size() == 0))


private IRequestTarget resolveRenderedPage(RequestCycle requestCycle,
RequestParameters requestParameters, Page page, boolean newRequest)
IRequestTarget target = null;

String interfaceName = requestParameters.getInterfaceName();
String componentPath = requestParameters.getComponentPath();
MyAjaxMarkupContainer container = null;
if (newRequest)
if (componentPath.indexOf(ajax_link) != -1)
container = ((MyPage) 
// needed for wicket to find the ajax link to make the 

// Render the page so wicket finds the markup for the 
ajax link making
the request
if (interfaceName != null)
target = resolveListenerInterfaceTarget(requestCycle, 
componentPath, interfaceName, requestParameters);
target = ((new PageRequestTarget(page)));

return target;
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Re: PageExpiredException - ajax request

2009-02-04 Thread sthomps

Thanks - that's the path I went down after i posted.  Didn't know if there
was a cleaner way or not.

igor.vaynberg wrote:
 requestcycle rc=getrequestcycle();
 response orig=rc.getresponse();
 rc.setresponse(new noopresponse());
 On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 2:10 PM, sthomps stho...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm running into an issue with PageExpiredExceptions and ajax responses.

 Here's what I would like to do.

 1.  Have sessions timeout at 20 minutes.
 2.  Once a session has timed out and the user clicks an ajax link on the
 expired page - the link should process as normal and do whatever was tied
 that link - such as show a modal window.

 Here's what I have so far.  The ajax link works but the returned response
 the entire page + whatever component was added to the AjaxRequestTarget -
 because of the Page.render() I would assume.  It's starting to feel like
 more of a hack and I'm pretty sure there's a better way to do this.

 public class MyWebRequestCycleProcessor extends WebRequestCycleProcessor
protected IRequestTarget resolveRenderedPage(RequestCycle
 RequestParameters requestParameters)
String componentPath =
Session session = requestCycle.getSession();
Page page =
 componentPath, requestParameters.getVersionNumber());
if (page != null)
return resolveRenderedPage(requestCycle,
 requestParameters, page, false);
// Try to resolve the page instead of throwing an
 expired page exception
page = newPage(requestCycle,
if (page != null)
IPageMap pageMap =
 resolveRenderedPage(requestCycle, requestParameters, page,
catch (Exception e)
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;

protected Page newPage(RequestCycle requestCycle,
 requestParameters) throws Exception
PageParameters params = new
IPageFactory pageFactory =
if ((params == null) || (params.size() == 0))

private IRequestTarget resolveRenderedPage(RequestCycle
 RequestParameters requestParameters, Page page, boolean newRequest)
IRequestTarget target = null;

String interfaceName =
String componentPath =
MyAjaxMarkupContainer container = null;
if (newRequest)
if (componentPath.indexOf(ajax_link) != -1)
container = ((MyPage)
// needed for wicket to find the ajax link to make
 the request

// Render the page so wicket finds the markup for
 the ajax link making
 the request
if (interfaceName != null)
target =
 resolveListenerInterfaceTarget(requestCycle, page,
 componentPath, interfaceName, requestParameters);
target = ((new PageRequestTarget(page)));

return target;
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Re: Wicket Modal Window - IFrame

2008-09-03 Thread sthomps


Just to be clear - it's not that a modal window in Wicket App A is sourcing
content from Wicket App B.  It's that in this scenario Wicket App A has an
generic iframe - not wicket produced - who's src is Wicket App B.

The code here when run from B on modal creation pulls the Wicket.Window from
A which I don't want.  I want all modal content to be created in the iframe
document that Wicket App B is sourced in.

Wicket.Window.create = function(settings) {
var win;

if (typeof(settings.src) != undefined  Wicket.Browser.isKHTML() ==
false) {

try {
win = window.parent.Wicket.Window;
} catch (ignore) {

Matej Knopp-2 wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 10:13 PM, Shaun Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm currently running into an issue with the wicket modal window.

 My situation is this.

 Wicket App A contains an IFrame sourcing Wicket App B.

 B has an Wicket IFrame modal window on one of it's pages.

 When Wicket.Window.create in modal.js is called from B, the
 Wicket.Window is pulled from window.parent.Wicket.Window which has
 been created in A.

 Now the remaining functions called on Wicket.Window are referencing
 functions from A modal.js

 This becomes a problem when the createDOM in modal.js is called.  The
 div tag containing the modal html from B is created in A's document.
 The iframes src is relative so the content for the modal is not found.

 One solution is to have Wicket App B use WebRequestCodingStrategy and
 encode all it's url's from relative to absolute.  This is not an
 optimal solution as I have no control over the multiple wicket apps
 that will be sourced in Wicket App A's iframe.

 Is there anyway to essentially namespace the Wicket.Window so B does
 not pick up A's objects?

 I don't think so. And the modal window wasn't really meant to be able
 to contain different/multiple applications.

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