[xwiki-users] WYSIWYG Editor Menu Missing in 3.1m1

2011-07-05 Thread Rob Gillen
I've recently deployed XWiki (3.1m1) in a Tomcat 6 container, and was
playing around with the editing features when I noticed that the WYSIWYG
editor menu, which is supposed to sit right above the editor toolbar, is
missing.  I've been unsuccessful in finding any posts regarding this issue,
and there doesn't seem to be very much information in the documentation
about it.  Is there something that I need to do to enable it? or maybe I've
done something wrong.  Perhaps someone can provide some hints to help.

In a similar note which may or may not be related, I've also noticed that
the Styles widget on the toolbar does not work.  I noticed that for most
buttons (features according to the docs), after you have added the
appropriate plugin, the feature name autofills when you begin typing its
name.  This never happened with the "style" plugin's "stylename" feature.
If I fill it out, the Style select box appears but does not contain any

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Re: [xwiki-users] WYSIWYG Editor Menu Missing in 3.1m1

2011-07-05 Thread Rob Gillen
On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea
> Hi Rob,
> On 07/05/2011 07:30 PM, Rob Gillen wrote:
> > I've recently deployed XWiki (3.1m1) in a Tomcat 6 container, and was
> > playing around with the editing features when I noticed that the WYSIWYG
> > editor menu, which is supposed to sit right above the editor toolbar, is
> > missing.  I've been unsuccessful in finding any posts regarding this issue,
> > and there doesn't seem to be very much information in the documentation
> > about it.  Is there something that I need to do to enable it? or maybe I've
> > done something wrong.  Perhaps someone can provide some hints to help.
> We need more details:
> * is it a clean 3.1M1? You didn't upgrade from a previous version and
> you have imported the default 3.1M1 XAR, right?
> * did you try to clear your browser cache?
> * what browser are you using and which version?
> * in the WYSIWYG editor administration section the menu configuration is
> not empty, right? Are you able to edit the menu configuration?

* Yes, it was a clean 3.1M1 installation, not an upgrade.
* I did import the default 3.1M1 XAR.
* Clearing the browser cache (and cookies) made no difference in any browser.
* I've been using Firefox 5.0, but tried Explorer 7 in response to
your question.  Both manifest the same issue.
* The menu configuration had some configured defaults (all that are
available, I believe).
* I've tried removing, re-adding, and rearranging the menu items.

I also haven't noted any errors in the tomcat logs; although, I
suspect this is probably a browser/client issue and not a server one.

I think I'll try out the all-in-one zip again.  It might be my
imagination, but I don't recall seeing the menu the last time I ran
that one when I was evaluating xwiki.

> > In a similar note which may or may not be related, I've also noticed that
> > the Styles widget on the toolbar does not work.  I noticed that for most
> > buttons (features according to the docs), after you have added the
> > appropriate plugin, the feature name autofills when you begin typing its
> > name.  This never happened with the "style" plugin's "stylename" feature.
> > If I fill it out, the Style select box appears but does not contain any
> > styles.
> This is normal because XWiki Enterprise doesn't provide any styles by
> default. If you want to use this feature you have to create the styles
> by defining CSS classes in your skin (e.g. .error{color:red}) and then
> registering them in the WYSIWYG editor administration section, at the
> bottom of the page (e.g. style name = error).

That wasn't clear to me when I asked the question (although I hadn't
looked too deeply into it).

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] WYSIWYG Editor Menu Missing in 3.1m1

2011-07-05 Thread Rob Gillen
On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Rob Gillen  wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea
>  wrote:
>> Hi Rob,
>> On 07/05/2011 07:30 PM, Rob Gillen wrote:
>> > I've recently deployed XWiki (3.1m1) in a Tomcat 6 container, and was
>> > playing around with the editing features when I noticed that the WYSIWYG
>> > editor menu, which is supposed to sit right above the editor toolbar, is
>> > missing.  I've been unsuccessful in finding any posts regarding this issue,
>> > and there doesn't seem to be very much information in the documentation
>> > about it.  Is there something that I need to do to enable it? or maybe I've
>> > done something wrong.  Perhaps someone can provide some hints to help.
>> We need more details:
>> * is it a clean 3.1M1? You didn't upgrade from a previous version and
>> you have imported the default 3.1M1 XAR, right?
>> * did you try to clear your browser cache?
>> * what browser are you using and which version?
>> * in the WYSIWYG editor administration section the menu configuration is
>> not empty, right? Are you able to edit the menu configuration?
> * Yes, it was a clean 3.1M1 installation, not an upgrade.
> * I did import the default 3.1M1 XAR.
> * Clearing the browser cache (and cookies) made no difference in any browser.
> * I've been using Firefox 5.0, but tried Explorer 7 in response to
> your question.  Both manifest the same issue.
> * The menu configuration had some configured defaults (all that are
> available, I believe).
> * I've tried removing, re-adding, and rearranging the menu items.
> I also haven't noted any errors in the tomcat logs; although, I
> suspect this is probably a browser/client issue and not a server one.
> I think I'll try out the all-in-one zip again.  It might be my
> imagination, but I don't recall seeing the menu the last time I ran
> that one when I was evaluating xwiki.

Ok, I tried the all-in-one zip, and there were no issues when
displaying the editor menu.  It was there, fully functioning.  Just
for kicks, I ran a diff between the all-in-one and the uncompressed
WAR contents and saw nothing significantly different between the two.
The differences mostly amounted to my changes to set up a JNDI
datasource (in the hibernate.cfg.xml file) for Oracle and turning on
stats.  I've also tried bouncing tomcat just to make sure that any
changes to configuration files were applied.
users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] WYSIWYG Editor Menu Missing in 3.1m1

2011-07-06 Thread Rob Gillen
On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 2:58 AM, Marius Dumitru Florea

>> Ok, I tried the all-in-one zip, and there were no issues when
>> displaying the editor menu.  It was there, fully functioning.  Just
>> for kicks, I ran a diff between the all-in-one and the uncompressed
>> WAR contents and saw nothing significantly different between the two.
>> The differences mostly amounted to my changes to set up a JNDI
>> datasource (in the hibernate.cfg.xml file) for Oracle and turning on
>> stats.  I've also tried bouncing tomcat just to make sure that any
>> changes to configuration files were applied.
> If the JavaScript code from resources/js/xwiki/wysiwyg/xwe is the same
> and the editor configuration is fine then the menu should be displayed
> both on Jetty and Tomcat. You should check three things:
> (1) View the HTML source when in WYSIWYG edit mode and search for
> "wysiwygConfig". The first match should be a JavaScript object that
> holds the WYSIWYG editor configuration. The value of the 'menu' property
> should be similar to: 'link image table macro import'.

I never saw anything quite that simple.  I did see a "menu"
associative array (hash) key used in a javascript variable named
"wysiwygConfigdJG4".  Here's the relevant key/value:


> (2) In Firefox, if you have Firebug extension installed you can open the
> Console tab and click on the "Break On All Errors" icon then reload the
> page. You should get only one or two "null has no properties" (harmless)
> exceptions.

It broke on two null values.  No issues there I guess.

> (3) Open the HTML tab of Firebug and search for "gwt-MenuBar" (use the
> search box in the right corner of the Firebug window). Does it find
> something? Maybe the menu is there but is hidden for some reason.

This is where I'm seeing nothing in my tomcat-deployed wiki.  I did
find the toolbar DIV (class="xToolBar") in the table having the
xRichTextEditorTabPanel class.  Within the xRichTextEditor DIV, there
is only the toolbar DIV.  Conversely, in the Jetty-based wiki (which
has the menubar) I can see  that the xRichTextEditor DIV does indeed
contain a gwt-MenuBar DIV above the toolbar DIV.

This really seems like it might be related to some configuration item
since the only thing that remains significantly different between the
Tomcat is the persistence layer.  I might just try blowing away the
schema in Oracle (10g) and restarting to see if I did something screwy
while setting it up.
users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] WYSIWYG Editor Menu Missing in 3.1m1

2011-07-07 Thread Rob Gillen
On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 2:59 AM, Marius Dumitru Florea
> On 07/06/2011 05:59 PM, Rob Gillen wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 6, 2011 at 2:58 AM, Marius Dumitru Florea
>>   wrote:
> [snip]
>> I never saw anything quite that simple.  I did see a "menu"
>> associative array (hash) key used in a javascript variable named
>> "wysiwygConfigdJG4".  Here's the relevant key/value:
>> menu: 
>> '[{\"feature\":\"link\",\"subMenu\":[\"linkEdit\",\"linkRemove\",\"linkWikiPage\",\"linkAttachment\",\"|\",\"linkWebPage\",\"linkEmail\",\"|\",\"alfrescoLink\"]},{\"feature\":\"image\",\"subMenu\":[\"imageInsertAttached\",\"imageInsertURL\",\"imageEdit\",\"alfrescoImage\",\"imageRemove\"]},{\"feature\":\"table\",\"subMenu\":[\"inserttable\",\"insertcolbefore\",\"insertcolafter\",\"deletecol\",\"|\",\"insertrowbefore\",\"insertrowafter\",\"deleterow\",\"|\",\"deletetable\"]},{\"feature\":\"macro\",\"subMenu\":[\"macroInsert\",\"macroEdit\",\"|\",\"macroRefresh\",\"|\",\"macroCollapse\",\"macroExpand\"]},{\"feature\":\"import\",\"subMenu\":[\"importOffice\"]}]'
> This is the issue. The menu configuration has been changed in 3.1M2 (see
> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/ReleaseNotes/ReleaseNotesXWikiEnterprise31M2#HWYSIWYGEditorConfiguration
> ). I suppose you have imported the Milestone 2 XAR instead of Milestone 1.
> The M1 XAR can be found here
> http://maven.xwiki.org/releases/org/xwiki/enterprise/xwiki-enterprise-wiki/3.1-milestone-1/

The XAR that I downloaded actually had no milestone markings, and it
was marked as the "stable" 3.1 release from the XWiki download page:


The link goes to:


which redirects to (an ultra slow download):


According to the checksum (sha1) values, the file is the same as the
file located at this maven repo link:


The date on that file is 20-Jun-2011, which is quite a bit newer than
even the 3.1m2 XAR file (i.e. 24-May-2011).  Not sure if someone
messed up on that, but it might be a good idea to change the file to
the correct one in the download page.  Any idea when milestone 2 is
going to arrive?

Thanks for all your help, Marius!

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