[videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Steve Watkins
It can get quite confusing. Not exactly comparing like for like,
although the end results may be the same. 

Joomla is an existing opensource content management system, with a
wide variety of extensions, and the ability for developers to use it
like a framework and add their own functionality where needed, or hack
existing functionality. Jooma is written in php and so needs a
webserver with php  a db like mysql on it, which most hosting options

Zend offer a range of products which enhance php. These include stuff
that goes on the server to make the php run faster, development
environment for php developers to use when writing the code, and a
framework that provides many building blocks to make php development
easier  quicker. Id need to know which zend bits are being
recommended to you to comment further, and Ive never used that stuff

Ruby on Rails is a framework that is quite popular these days. Using
it will reduce your hosting options because you need a webserver thats
got the right stuff installed. Unlike the other options, it doesnt use
php at all.

Any of the above should be capable of being used to create the site
you desire, It will affect exactly what server you get, how well the
site will scale up if it becomes very busy, and which developers are
available to work on the project for you. But if done right the
end-user shouldnt notice any difference, the key really is picking the
right developer.

As for cost, that is also difficult to say, the devil is in the
detail. If Joomla is chosen then it may be possible that existing
modules do most of what you need, in which case someone skilled with
Joomla could probably create the site in a day or so, then spend a bit
longer tweaking things, and then messing with the theme/looks of the
site. If your functionality is more unique an an extension needs to be
written, or Joomla changed extensively in some other way, then time 
costs will rapidly increase. Whether the developer has to support 
maintain the site, and think about issues of scaleability and
futureproofing, will also affect cost.

Personally I use drupal which is a content management system like
Joomla, again written in php, with various extensions and the ability
to use it as a framework to build something far more customized. From
what you've said so far, Id say no, dont pay $15k, get someone to
spend a day or 2 trying to build a site to your requirements using
standard jooma or drupal, and then see where it fails you. Until you
know quite how much custom coding will be needed to make your site do
what you want, its hard to say what its really worth.  Because we
might only be talking about a day's work, or could be months work if
you want something really unusual or have complex ideas for site
theme/looks etc.

At the end of the day its easy to spend huge amounts of money and not
really get what you want, or spend very little and be really
impressed. Th choice of technologies may be secondary to finding the
right people to do the job, and being able to explain the required
features in detail. Using something like Drupal or Joomla will give
you the advantage that if our developer vanishes in the future,
someone else should be able to takeover, wheras if someones written
the code from scratch or using a framework, it may be a lot harder for
another developer to work ot how your system runs. But thats not
necessarily true, depends how well the original developer used a
framework, used best practice when coding, and documented their work.


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Dee Copeland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 My partners and I new to video blogging. We're getting RFPs for a Web
 2.0 community that will have a blog, member management, video linking
 from Bliptv or Youtube, and property listing uploads. 
 The suggestions by various developers were to use one of the following
 for programming:
 1. Ruby on Rails
 2. Joomla
 I wanted to use Bluehost or Hostmonster, but they don't support ZEND
 (from what I can find). Can you all help me clarify which to use? I'm
 pretty savvy on some of this stuff, but not really on the development
 end. I was leaning towards ROR because it's highly recommended by
 people in my tech community.
 I was also wondering if $15k is a lot to pay for someone developing on
 these platforms.

[videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Stan Hirson, Sarah Jones
--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It can get quite confusing. Not exactly comparing like for like,
 although the end results may be the same. 

I think Steve has given an excellent response to the question.  

I am not a programmer or developer and came at this as a documentary
film maker who needed something a bit more flexible than blogging
software.  I chose Joomla.  If you want to see how I integrated the
text and video, you can visit http://hestakaup.com. You can do a lot
in Joomla without writing code and it is very easy to maintain. I run
it on  Dreamhost.  


Stan Hirson

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Roxanne Darling
I'll be a contrarian here. We are developers and depending on what
requirements you have, $15K is not at all expensive. A person may be
able to set up a site in a day or two, but that is on the base code
and server config. Are you also requiring custom design? That adds a
few grand easily. And then customizing the design to the CMS? Another
day or two is reasonable as these CMS you mentioned are not that easy
to personalize outside of the built-in functions. Are you going to
need training and support? Then add more time to develop a user
manual.  Most clients we work with would not be able to go to a
message board for a CMS and get their questions answered.

Hoe many user groups aka permission groups will be required? Each
person can only belong to one group and it takes some serious planning
sometimes to map that

How much consultation will be required to develop your specifications?
 There are literally hundreds of options and questions that arise in
development where the client gets to choose between A and B. Or wants
C, when it doesn't exist until the developer writes some new code.
This could easily be several days of time, involving a project manager
and a programmer plus the people on the client side - who will require
time to make their decisions, once armed with information.

How much security do you need? Joomla in particular is known as being
very hackable and if your users/content are important, then this is a
CMS that will need expert installation and monitoring.

If it is your own site, and you are the only ones who will be in there
for the most part, then the requirements are simpler. But when
developing a commercial site for multiple users, you have many more
considerations and you want a professional on your side IMO. If you
have the luxury of time, you could try to do a test install and see
what limitations you run into it. But you run the risk of having to
throw all that work away if you quickly run into limitations.  Better
we think to find a developer who can tell you what the best CMS will
be after spending some consult time with you to determine your must
have and want to have requirements.

I hope you find this helpful, and congrats to you for doing your
research. That makes you several steps ahead of the typical client!



On 5/21/07, Stan Hirson,  Sarah Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   It can get quite confusing. Not exactly comparing like for like,
   although the end results may be the same.

  I think Steve has given an excellent response to the question.

  I am not a programmer or developer and came at this as a documentary
  film maker who needed something a bit more flexible than blogging
  software. I chose Joomla. If you want to see how I integrated the
  text and video, you can visit http://hestakaup.com. You can do a lot
  in Joomla without writing code and it is very easy to maintain. I run
  it on Dreamhost.


  Stan Hirson


Roxanne Darling
o ke kai means of the sea in hawaiian


[videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Steve Watkins
Sounds good to me. So much comes down to the experience level of the
person who wants the site, from their technical skills to how far
theyve got a detailed concrete spec of what they need.

Im not much good with money, but I guess the issue of exactly how much
something should cost is not just about the work involved, but the
perceived value of whats delivered, any sort of standard industry
rates (eg programmers cost $xxx per day), and what the customer can
afford or expects to pay. Being in real estate I imagine Dee will have
come across similar issues in that field. Different developers will
price things differently but I imagine some may base it on who the
customer is, theres probably a perception that theres loads of money
in real estate, wheras some charity of personal thing could
potentially be done for love  time rather than oodles of cash.

Then there is the old sayings about beware of stuff that seems to
cheap. Develoeprs who are just starting, or just want to do little
work and throw together something thats mostly a site like they've
made 100 times before, could offer you a great price but the support
may not me there. There are surely no shortage of customers who have
had a bad time with developers inn the past, either through spiralling
costs  timescales or poor results, and there are also many frustrated
developers who have been driven wild by the customer changing mind on
the spec etc, or fallen out of love with the framework, language or
opensource project that they base their work on. 

Personally Id suggest, if you have more money than time or techie
abilities, I would continue your research for a bit longer, and then
ideally find a developer who has made sites with extremely similar
functionality in the past. If you can look in their portfolio and find
a site that is close to what you want in key ways,  and has ideally
been running for quite a while, with a similar number of users to what
you envisage for your site, you are onto a winner. A certain amount of
extra cost is worth it if it provides reasonable assurance that they
can deliver the results you want. Also if they've already done a site
with the same functionality, you will be armed with knowledge that
prevents them charging you too much for custom code that they've
actually already done for another client.

And yeah, certainly from the liited details on spec you gave, the
graphics design  theming cost could be a considerable chunk of the
total, as most of the functionality you mention already exists, there
isnt too much wheel reinventing to be done.

Oh yeah and you likely wont get any once answer to questions about
which system is better. It will depend on the develop as most usually
specialise in one or 2 systems, languages etc, have chosen those for
their own good reasons, and are likely to argue that the alternatives
are inferior. So long as they dont make your site out of something
really obscure that few other developers use, and their timescales 
costs are right for you, thats probably the most you can ensure, or
risk getting dragged into eternal techie argumnts about my drupal
being bigger than your joomla, ruby on rails blowing goats, or php
being inferior.


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Roxanne Darling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'll be a contrarian here. We are developers and depending on what
 requirements you have, $15K is not at all expensive. A person may be
 able to set up a site in a day or two, but that is on the base code
 and server config. Are you also requiring custom design? That adds a
 few grand easily. And then customizing the design to the CMS? Another
 day or two is reasonable as these CMS you mentioned are not that easy
 to personalize outside of the built-in functions. Are you going to
 need training and support? Then add more time to develop a user
 manual.  Most clients we work with would not be able to go to a
 message board for a CMS and get their questions answered.
 Hoe many user groups aka permission groups will be required? Each
 person can only belong to one group and it takes some serious planning
 sometimes to map that
 How much consultation will be required to develop your specifications?
  There are literally hundreds of options and questions that arise in
 development where the client gets to choose between A and B. Or wants
 C, when it doesn't exist until the developer writes some new code.
 This could easily be several days of time, involving a project manager
 and a programmer plus the people on the client side - who will require
 time to make their decisions, once armed with information.
 How much security do you need? Joomla in particular is known as being
 very hackable and if your users/content are important, then this is a
 CMS that will need expert installation and monitoring.
 If it is your own site, and you are the only ones who will be in there
 for the most part, then the requirements are simpler. But when
 developing a commercial 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Robyn Tippins
I've used Joomla, and from the point of view of a relative novice, Joomla
was a breeze to setup. I installed the bridge and created an SMF forum that
sat quite nicely in the middle of the Joomla setup.  The contacts were all
in the same database so there was no need to have people sign up for the
Joomla site and the forum, it was very easily integrated.

The Community Builder add-in was a boon as well, as many people are
developing (free and cheap) for this module.

It is hackable, as I was hacked on Joomla and they got into all my sites
through this hole (they were on the same server).  However, once hacked I
hired a Joomla security expert and for $50 solved this issue.  It took him
about 5 minutes to fix it, and if you are more adept than I, you can even
find the answer on the forums.  I think he had to create a file and place it
on the server and turn editing off on a few files.  Was not a big deal at

Drupal would be another I'd suggest.  Wish I knew more about the other two
platforms you mentioned.  I mean, I know Ruby is hot and people seem to
adore it, but it's WAY over my head so I'll stay mum on it.

Good luck!

Robyn Tippins
MyBlogLog.com | Sleepyblogger.com | Gamingandtech.com

On 5/21/07, Steve Watkins [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Sounds good to me. So much comes down to the experience level of the
 person who wants the site, from their technical skills to how far
 theyve got a detailed concrete spec of what they need.

 Im not much good with money, but I guess the issue of exactly how much
 something should cost is not just about the work involved, but the
 perceived value of whats delivered, any sort of standard industry
 rates (eg programmers cost $xxx per day), and what the customer can
 afford or expects to pay. Being in real estate I imagine Dee will have
 come across similar issues in that field. Different developers will
 price things differently but I imagine some may base it on who the
 customer is, theres probably a perception that theres loads of money
 in real estate, wheras some charity of personal thing could
 potentially be done for love  time rather than oodles of cash.

 Then there is the old sayings about beware of stuff that seems to
 cheap. Develoeprs who are just starting, or just want to do little
 work and throw together something thats mostly a site like they've
 made 100 times before, could offer you a great price but the support
 may not me there. There are surely no shortage of customers who have
 had a bad time with developers inn the past, either through spiralling
 costs  timescales or poor results, and there are also many frustrated
 developers who have been driven wild by the customer changing mind on
 the spec etc, or fallen out of love with the framework, language or
 opensource project that they base their work on.

 Personally Id suggest, if you have more money than time or techie
 abilities, I would continue your research for a bit longer, and then
 ideally find a developer who has made sites with extremely similar
 functionality in the past. If you can look in their portfolio and find
 a site that is close to what you want in key ways, and has ideally
 been running for quite a while, with a similar number of users to what
 you envisage for your site, you are onto a winner. A certain amount of
 extra cost is worth it if it provides reasonable assurance that they
 can deliver the results you want. Also if they've already done a site
 with the same functionality, you will be armed with knowledge that
 prevents them charging you too much for custom code that they've
 actually already done for another client.

 And yeah, certainly from the liited details on spec you gave, the
 graphics design  theming cost could be a considerable chunk of the
 total, as most of the functionality you mention already exists, there
 isnt too much wheel reinventing to be done.

 Oh yeah and you likely wont get any once answer to questions about
 which system is better. It will depend on the develop as most usually
 specialise in one or 2 systems, languages etc, have chosen those for
 their own good reasons, and are likely to argue that the alternatives
 are inferior. So long as they dont make your site out of something
 really obscure that few other developers use, and their timescales 
 costs are right for you, thats probably the most you can ensure, or
 risk getting dragged into eternal techie argumnts about my drupal
 being bigger than your joomla, ruby on rails blowing goats, or php
 being inferior.


 Steve Elbows

 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com videoblogging%40yahoogroups.com,
 Roxanne Darling [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I'll be a contrarian here. We are developers and depending on what
  requirements you have, $15K is not at all expensive. A person may be
  able to set up a site in a day or two, but that is on the base code
  and server config. Are you also requiring custom design? That adds a
  few grand easily. And then customizing the design to the 

[videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Adrian Miles
around the 21/5/07 Stan Hirson,  Sarah Jones mentioned about 
[videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 comm that:
I am not a programmer or developer and came at this as a documentary
film maker who needed something a bit more flexible than blogging
software. I chose Joomla. If you want to see how I integrated the
text and video, you can visit 
http://hestakaup.com.http://hestakaup.com. You can do a lot
in Joomla without writing code and it is very easy to maintain. I run
it on Dreamhost.

I run some stuff on joomla, and work with others in some stuff on 
drupal. I prefer drupal only because it is fully open source. Joomla 
is open source but most of the modules (that Ive found anyway) cost 
$ and I don't have a budget.

On the other hand I found joomla easier to get to a workable point, I 
never quite understood the drupal content model (stories, nodes etc) 
but that was from being in a hurry and not just spending a few hours 
going through it properly.

I have found a lot of people with drupal skills, less with joomla, 
and most with joomla are making money while the drupal people I have 
worked with are all building social software sites for university 
backed research projects.

Oh, and in my brief experience there seem to be many many more 
modules/plugins for drupal than joomla, drupal seems to have a much 
more active user/developer community.
Adrian Miles
this email is bloggable [ ] ask first [ ] private [x]

[videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Steve Watkins
Theres tons of Joomla modules, many free ones, but certainly there are
quite a lot of commercial ones out there too, especially media
handling ones. Same with templates, there are way more Joomla
templates out there than Drupal ones. So there may be more Joomla
developers out there than Drupal ones, and maybe there are more
commercial plugins because the market is perceived as much larger. Its
also possible that commercial drupal options are more often custom
solutions written for a single client, and are not then sold to the
masses for $ like people are doing with some Joomla modules. I know
some drupal modules are 'sponsored' by companies and then released
back opensource to the community, which is good.

The most annoying thing about the commercial Joomla modules is I
couldnt find an easy way to filter them out of joomla.orgs list of
addons, so many times Ive found an interesting-looking module that
then turns out to have a license I dont love, but never mind.

The nature of the modules available on Joomla and Drupal can sometimes
differ in other ways. There are more Joomla modules for bridging to
other existing apps, which is very good for people who want to glue
together disparate web apps into one site. Drupal has a more puritan
approach, with many of its modules focusing on providing more basic
building blocks that people will use to make a functional site. Both
approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, can often find much
more choice of modules for mashing up Joomla with other web apps,
sites, and services, at the expense of a clean elegant design, things
can get messy behind the scenes. Whereas with drupal, things are setup
to ensure that modules are more likely to work with eachother, eg by
modules using the node system to store content, rather than using a
totally seperate set of database tables or just being a basic bridge
to a totally program, with just user tables shared.

Both approaches will work really well for various different sorts of
sites, I settled on Drupal as my preference because I assumed the
possile messes created by using loads of different Joomla modules
together, could eventually lead me into a nightmare dead-end, despite
probably offering the ability to build interesting functionality more
quickly than with drupal.

All of these opensurce CMS systems, and indeed programming frameworks
that arent a full CMS out of the box, worry me slightly in terms of
scaleability and inefficient use of server resources, compared to
totally custom code written from scratch and so (hopefully) optimised
for the specific site in question. But unless you are likely to have
insane amounts of users from day one, they are usually more than
suffient for early versions of the site, and if things are a raving
sucess you can always throw money at beefy servers and getting the
site remade.

Security is a mixed bag. On the one hand with a framework or CMS
you've got other people to worry about finding  fixing security flaws
, all you have to do is keep the system up to date, and not make
changes that break security. On the other hand, you lose 'security
through obscurity'. The more popular Joomla or Drupal or whatever are,
the more of a target they become. Most attacks are random, scripts
searching for commonly exploitable versions of things running on
servers. phpbb would be an example of opensource software thats free
and has a very large user base, and so has been targeted a lot in the
past, often made easy if people dont update to the latest version. I
havent followed whether exploits in drupal or joomla have also been
exploited so ruthlessly at times, if I had to guess Id say Joomla may
be more of a target. 

See although Joomla and Drupal offer similar things in many ways,
there is a definite difference in sorts of sites using them, and some
of this is down to history. Some of Joomla's roots are more with what
was sometimes called 'portal software', older popular systems of the
time suck as phpnuke, postnuke and others. These were often
addons/partnered with messageboard/forum software, and the pre-web 2.0
era of content management. Times have changed quite a bit but its
still possible to see these origins are responsible for a lot of the
differences betweek joomla and drupal, though Im not sure it actually
matters or is useful to know this stuff, even though it loops back
round and helps explain why there are a lot more themes available for
Joomla than Drupal. I would guess for example that a lot more
adolescents have installed Joomla than Drupal, and that gaming clans
looking to knock up a quick community for their mates would have been
more likely to use something like Joomla than drupal in the past,
although these days they may use services someone else provides and
not need their own site. 

Theres a rather nice Drupal book out. http://www.drupalbook.com/
Its called Pro Drupal Development, and a bulk of the contents is only
needed if you want to touch drupal code, write modules etc. But 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Ron Watson
I am running a couple of joomla sites:


I've also administrated Drupal.

I find Drupal to require more coding and programming skills, a better  
understanding of workflow and such, but I think that it is probably  
easier to administrate if you have the super geek skill set.

On the other hand, Joomla is more user friendly to get set up and  
running, but you wind up with problems in getting exactly what you  
need done, done.

I guess I am just repeating what Steve said here, really.

The templates I am running on my sites are from Template Plazza  
( http://templateplazza.com ), a template club that cost $30 for 6  
months of access. I happen to like the look of them quite a bit, and  
made the decision to join the club on that alone.

I also think that there are quite a few more usable modules out there  
for Joomla than Drupal, but I guess I could be wrong about that.

I'll continue to paraphrase Steve where he mentions that the costs of  
development for Drupal seem to be in one off implementations (custom  
work) which cost serious dough, where as joomla seems to be a bit  
smaller scale on the costs, but nevertheless nickel and dime you.

I have $30 invested in my 2 sites, and a whole bunch of time figuring  
out the ins and outs of the software.

At this point in time, I can get a Joomla/SMF/Virtuemart (online  
store) site off the ground - if I have a decent internet connection -  
in just a few hours including basic content. It's quite simple.

These 2 sites took 2 weeks to get running smoothly - creating images,  
writing stories, troubleshooting, and uploading content. This would  
have been about 3 days, I would guess, if I didn't have to wait 30  
seconds for each page to load.


Ron Watson

On the Web:

On May 21, 2007, at 8:45 PM, Steve Watkins wrote:

 Theres tons of Joomla modules, many free ones, but certainly there are
 quite a lot of commercial ones out there too, especially media
 handling ones. Same with templates, there are way more Joomla
 templates out there than Drupal ones. So there may be more Joomla
 developers out there than Drupal ones, and maybe there are more
 commercial plugins because the market is perceived as much larger. Its
 also possible that commercial drupal options are more often custom
 solutions written for a single client, and are not then sold to the
 masses for $ like people are doing with some Joomla modules. I know
 some drupal modules are 'sponsored' by companies and then released
 back opensource to the community, which is good.

 The most annoying thing about the commercial Joomla modules is I
 couldnt find an easy way to filter them out of joomla.orgs list of
 addons, so many times Ive found an interesting-looking module that
 then turns out to have a license I dont love, but never mind.

 The nature of the modules available on Joomla and Drupal can sometimes
 differ in other ways. There are more Joomla modules for bridging to
 other existing apps, which is very good for people who want to glue
 together disparate web apps into one site. Drupal has a more puritan
 approach, with many of its modules focusing on providing more basic
 building blocks that people will use to make a functional site. Both
 approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, can often find much
 more choice of modules for mashing up Joomla with other web apps,
 sites, and services, at the expense of a clean elegant design, things
 can get messy behind the scenes. Whereas with drupal, things are setup
 to ensure that modules are more likely to work with eachother, eg by
 modules using the node system to store content, rather than using a
 totally seperate set of database tables or just being a basic bridge
 to a totally program, with just user tables shared.

 Both approaches will work really well for various different sorts of
 sites, I settled on Drupal as my preference because I assumed the
 possile messes created by using loads of different Joomla modules
 together, could eventually lead me into a nightmare dead-end, despite
 probably offering the ability to build interesting functionality more
 quickly than with drupal.

 All of these opensurce CMS systems, and indeed programming frameworks
 that arent a full CMS out of the box, worry me slightly in terms of
 scaleability and inefficient use of server resources, compared to
 totally custom code written from scratch and so (hopefully) optimised
 for the specific site in question. But unless you are likely to have
 insane amounts of users from day one, they are usually more than
 suffient for early versions of the site, and if things are a raving
 sucess you can always throw money at beefy servers and getting the
 site remade.

 Security is a mixed bag. On the one hand with a framework or CMS
 you've got other people to worry about finding  fixing security flaws
 , all you have to do is keep the system up to 

[videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Dee Copeland
Ron, I'm digging your sites. I think Joomla is very cool and I hadn't
really checked it out. It's way to go for a personal web 2.0 project
that I had in mind.

I agree with the community here that PHP or Ruby is the way to go for
our commercial project. We plan on having hundreds or thousands of
members and will sell the site if it becomes profitable. The surprise
is that our Ruby bids are $40-90k (yikes!) compared to $15k for PHP.
Those companies had extra fees and were assiging project managers. One
even had an Engagement Manager that was paid $10k per month. Hmm.

The poster who suggested that we focus on the developer and not
necessarily the programming language is right. We may go with PHP bid
because the developers seem to be skilled and on top of it. 


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ron Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am running a couple of joomla sites:
 I've also administrated Drupal.
 I find Drupal to require more coding and programming skills, a better  
 understanding of workflow and such, but I think that it is probably  
 easier to administrate if you have the super geek skill set.
 On the other hand, Joomla is more user friendly to get set up and  
 running, but you wind up with problems in getting exactly what you  
 need done, done.
 I guess I am just repeating what Steve said here, really.
 The templates I am running on my sites are from Template Plazza  
 ( http://templateplazza.com ), a template club that cost $30 for 6  
 months of access. I happen to like the look of them quite a bit, and  
 made the decision to join the club on that alone.
 I also think that there are quite a few more usable modules out there  
 for Joomla than Drupal, but I guess I could be wrong about that.
 I'll continue to paraphrase Steve where he mentions that the costs of  
 development for Drupal seem to be in one off implementations (custom  
 work) which cost serious dough, where as joomla seems to be a bit  
 smaller scale on the costs, but nevertheless nickel and dime you.
 I have $30 invested in my 2 sites, and a whole bunch of time figuring  
 out the ins and outs of the software.
 At this point in time, I can get a Joomla/SMF/Virtuemart (online  
 store) site off the ground - if I have a decent internet connection -  
 in just a few hours including basic content. It's quite simple.
 These 2 sites took 2 weeks to get running smoothly - creating images,  
 writing stories, troubleshooting, and uploading content. This would  
 have been about 3 days, I would guess, if I didn't have to wait 30  
 seconds for each page to load.
 Ron Watson
 On the Web:
 On May 21, 2007, at 8:45 PM, Steve Watkins wrote:
  Theres tons of Joomla modules, many free ones, but certainly there are
  quite a lot of commercial ones out there too, especially media
  handling ones. Same with templates, there are way more Joomla
  templates out there than Drupal ones. So there may be more Joomla
  developers out there than Drupal ones, and maybe there are more
  commercial plugins because the market is perceived as much larger. Its
  also possible that commercial drupal options are more often custom
  solutions written for a single client, and are not then sold to the
  masses for $ like people are doing with some Joomla modules. I know
  some drupal modules are 'sponsored' by companies and then released
  back opensource to the community, which is good.
  The most annoying thing about the commercial Joomla modules is I
  couldnt find an easy way to filter them out of joomla.orgs list of
  addons, so many times Ive found an interesting-looking module that
  then turns out to have a license I dont love, but never mind.
  The nature of the modules available on Joomla and Drupal can sometimes
  differ in other ways. There are more Joomla modules for bridging to
  other existing apps, which is very good for people who want to glue
  together disparate web apps into one site. Drupal has a more puritan
  approach, with many of its modules focusing on providing more basic
  building blocks that people will use to make a functional site. Both
  approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, can often find much
  more choice of modules for mashing up Joomla with other web apps,
  sites, and services, at the expense of a clean elegant design, things
  can get messy behind the scenes. Whereas with drupal, things are setup
  to ensure that modules are more likely to work with eachother, eg by
  modules using the node system to store content, rather than using a
  totally seperate set of database tables or just being a basic bridge
  to a totally program, with just user tables shared.
  Both approaches will work really well for various different sorts of
  sites, I settled on Drupal as my preference because I assumed the
  possile messes created by using 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Roxanne Darling
You guys are doing a great job of making my points for me! :-)

1) The very fact that you can research all of this and get it going
means you are a techie; client here is not.

2) I'd prefer it if you had certain key phrases in bold, like:
I have $30 invested in my 2 sites, and a whole bunch of time
figuring out the ins and outs of the software.***
What is your time worth to work for someone else who wants a
commercial application?  As a client, how many corners does it take to
have a developer who only wants the job done so s/he can leave you?

3) No one has mentioned Expression Expression, which we think is the
ideal software for a multi-user, RSS-based, CMS -  based on high
levels of security, ease of customization (for a developer, not a
client), extensive integration with its many modules (including a wiki
and a forum), a very active support and extensions forum, and so many
more features. The software costs a few hundred bucks, and that's a
definite hurdle for many do-it-yourselfers. But if you are building a
commercial application to make the client a lot of money, $200 is
utterly insignificant however the security, stability, and scalability
of the platform is not.


4) Templates are nice unless the client wants to change the colors, or
column widths, or any other little details. This seemingly simple
task can be a real challenge, depending how well the template's CSS is
written and documented. It can take considerable time customizing
these things, while EE allows you to write your own CSS to get exactly
what you want. Lean, mean, flexible code!

5) A lot of this boils down to a distinction between a personal web
site built by a tech-savvy person and a commercial web-based
application for a third party. Those are two different development and
pricing structures IMO.

Back to working on a proposal here myself...



P.S. Dee: please let us know if you found this discussion helpful.

On 5/21/07, Ron Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am running a couple of joomla sites:


  I've also administrated Drupal.

  I find Drupal to require more coding and programming skills, a better
  understanding of workflow and such, but I think that it is probably
  easier to administrate if you have the super geek skill set.

  On the other hand, Joomla is more user friendly to get set up and
  running, but you wind up with problems in getting exactly what you
  need done, done.

  I guess I am just repeating what Steve said here, really.

  The templates I am running on my sites are from Template Plazza
  ( http://templateplazza.com ), a template club that cost $30 for 6
  months of access. I happen to like the look of them quite a bit, and
  made the decision to join the club on that alone.

  I also think that there are quite a few more usable modules out there
  for Joomla than Drupal, but I guess I could be wrong about that.

  I'll continue to paraphrase Steve where he mentions that the costs of
  development for Drupal seem to be in one off implementations (custom
  work) which cost serious dough, where as joomla seems to be a bit
  smaller scale on the costs, but nevertheless nickel and dime you.

  I have $30 invested in my 2 sites, and a whole bunch of time figuring
  out the ins and outs of the software.

  At this point in time, I can get a Joomla/SMF/Virtuemart (online
  store) site off the ground - if I have a decent internet connection -
  in just a few hours including basic content. It's quite simple.

  These 2 sites took 2 weeks to get running smoothly - creating images,
  writing stories, troubleshooting, and uploading content. This would
  have been about 3 days, I would guess, if I didn't have to wait 30
  seconds for each page to load.


  Ron Watson

  On the Web:

  On May 21, 2007, at 8:45 PM, Steve Watkins wrote:

   Theres tons of Joomla modules, many free ones, but certainly there are
   quite a lot of commercial ones out there too, especially media
   handling ones. Same with templates, there are way more Joomla
   templates out there than Drupal ones. So there may be more Joomla
   developers out there than Drupal ones, and maybe there are more
   commercial plugins because the market is perceived as much larger. Its
   also possible that commercial drupal options are more often custom
   solutions written for a single client, and are not then sold to the
   masses for $ like people are doing with some Joomla modules. I know
   some drupal modules are 'sponsored' by companies and then released
   back opensource to the community, which is good.
   The most annoying thing about the commercial Joomla modules is I
   couldnt find an easy way to filter them out of joomla.orgs list of
   addons, so many times Ive found an interesting-looking module that
   then turns out to have a license I dont love, but 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Ron Watson
 2) I'd prefer it if you had certain key phrases in bold, like:
 I have $30 invested in my 2 sites, and a whole bunch of time
 figuring out the ins and outs of the software.***
 What is your time worth to work for someone else who wants a
 commercial application? As a client, how many corners does it take to
 have a developer who only wants the job done so s/he can leave you?

The time involved was to set up and configure the site. I had to  
learn how to set up an apache emulator (xampp) then I learned a bit  
about MySQL. Then I had to learn a whole bunch of stuff about the  
administrator interface and workflow. It was pretty brutal.

My buddy, Gary Isse, from http://garyisse.com was thinking about it,  
but he decided it was easier for him to hand code another version  
than it was to move to joomla. I understand his argument, for sure,  
but could not make that decision myself.

I could teach someone to administer Joomla in a few hours.

As far as techie goes, I fit, but consider myself an advanced user,  
really, and not a programmer, which is why I gravitated towards  
Joomla. It was quite easy for me to understand. Much less techie than  
Drupal, and the other CMSs that I looked into.

I agree though...

If you are doing anything substantial and have capital investment,  
skip Joomla. It's not worth the savings in dollars, and is probably  
not robust enough for an enterprise solution.

I've heard great things about Plone though, and seen some nice  
implementations, but I do not have the technical skills to implement it.

Good luck with the project.


Ron Watson

On the Web:

On May 21, 2007, at 10:44 PM, Roxanne Darling wrote:

 You guys are doing a great job of making my points for me! :-)

 1) The very fact that you can research all of this and get it going
 means you are a techie; client here is not.

 2) I'd prefer it if you had certain key phrases in bold, like:
 I have $30 invested in my 2 sites, and a whole bunch of time
 figuring out the ins and outs of the software.***
 What is your time worth to work for someone else who wants a
 commercial application? As a client, how many corners does it take to
 have a developer who only wants the job done so s/he can leave you?

 3) No one has mentioned Expression Expression, which we think is the
 ideal software for a multi-user, RSS-based, CMS - based on high
 levels of security, ease of customization (for a developer, not a
 client), extensive integration with its many modules (including a wiki
 and a forum), a very active support and extensions forum, and so many
 more features. The software costs a few hundred bucks, and that's a
 definite hurdle for many do-it-yourselfers. But if you are building a
 commercial application to make the client a lot of money, $200 is
 utterly insignificant however the security, stability, and scalability
 of the platform is not.


 4) Templates are nice unless the client wants to change the colors, or
 column widths, or any other little details. This seemingly simple
 task can be a real challenge, depending how well the template's CSS is
 written and documented. It can take considerable time customizing
 these things, while EE allows you to write your own CSS to get exactly
 what you want. Lean, mean, flexible code!

 5) A lot of this boils down to a distinction between a personal web
 site built by a tech-savvy person and a commercial web-based
 application for a third party. Those are two different development and
 pricing structures IMO.

 Back to working on a proposal here myself...



 P.S. Dee: please let us know if you found this discussion helpful.

 On 5/21/07, Ron Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am running a couple of joomla sites:
  I've also administrated Drupal.
  I find Drupal to require more coding and programming skills, a  
  understanding of workflow and such, but I think that it is probably
  easier to administrate if you have the super geek skill set.
  On the other hand, Joomla is more user friendly to get set up and
  running, but you wind up with problems in getting exactly what you
  need done, done.
  I guess I am just repeating what Steve said here, really.
  The templates I am running on my sites are from Template Plazza
  ( http://templateplazza.com ), a template club that cost $30 for 6
  months of access. I happen to like the look of them quite a bit, and
  made the decision to join the club on that alone.
  I also think that there are quite a few more usable modules out  
  for Joomla than Drupal, but I guess I could be wrong about that.
  I'll continue to paraphrase Steve where he mentions that the  
 costs of
  development for Drupal seem to be in one off implementations (custom
  work) which cost serious dough, where as joomla seems to be a bit

[videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Steve Watkins
Im not sure the the overall advice here is that you should go for php
or Ruby rather than a CMS. At the end of the day drupal and joomla are
php, just that lots of people have already written most of what you
need I php, rather than getting someone to write a php site from scratch.

I dont know what to make of the large difference in price between ruby
and php developers. One of Ruby on Rails appeals is that it makes it
easy to write clean stuff, and php is also well known as a language
that is relatively easy to start messing with. So its not like Ruby is
superior in ways that mean it should cost more to develop with than
php does. The differences in price may reflect other differences with
the approach and profesionalism of the developers, or raise questions
about excessive profiteering, or reflect underestimation of task size
by cheaper offers, or may reflect wider trends I dont know about ith
developer costs, dont tell me that hype about Ruby has translated into
inflated developer costs, ugh if thats true Because at the end of the
day its what the developer of choice does with these systems, and what
you ask for, that will affect the user experience, far more than
whether its Ruby or php. At the end of the day these are the server
technologies, the user is still getting html  javasript  css etc in
their browser to create the site. RoR came along at the same time as
some web 2 and ajax stuff and so showcases some nice elements of this
stuff, but the same can be achieved in many other langauges and

Ive no idea what these choices mean to eventual site resell value.
Potential purchasers may be more confortable if the site is based on
existing CMS, rather than a unique system made by developers they may
have no access to. Where will the value in your site come from? The
actual community  domain name may be more important than the
infrastructure. The basic ideas and the building blocks to make them
happen, are relatively easy to imitate these days. So Id also
recommend that you dont spend too much money without having more
certainly for assuming you'll get large numbers of users - thousands
of peoples dreams have been wrecked by this miscalculation. Meanwhile
the lucky ones, whether by design or chance, end up with problems at
the other end of the scale, failure of the site to scale up to massive
demand. Chance would be a fine thing, I fully expect the 3 drupal
sites Im working on to be underwhelmed by the lack of the ever-elusive
'contributing members' who are needed to make such sites tick.

Certainly I gain more faith that my Drupal  Joomla scaleability
worries are silly, from the ever increasing list of large  sometimes
corporate sites that are built using Drupal or Joomla. I think I was
just reading that Ozzy.com is drupal powered. Aha yes, here we are:


Steve Elbows

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Dee Copeland [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Ron, I'm digging your sites. I think Joomla is very cool and I hadn't
 really checked it out. It's way to go for a personal web 2.0 project
 that I had in mind.
 I agree with the community here that PHP or Ruby is the way to go for
 our commercial project. We plan on having hundreds or thousands of
 members and will sell the site if it becomes profitable. The surprise
 is that our Ruby bids are $40-90k (yikes!) compared to $15k for PHP.
 Those companies had extra fees and were assiging project managers. One
 even had an Engagement Manager that was paid $10k per month. Hmm.
 The poster who suggested that we focus on the developer and not
 necessarily the programming language is right. We may go with PHP bid
 because the developers seem to be skilled and on top of it. 
 --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ron Watson k9disc@ wrote:
  I am running a couple of joomla sites:
  I've also administrated Drupal.
  I find Drupal to require more coding and programming skills, a
  understanding of workflow and such, but I think that it is probably  
  easier to administrate if you have the super geek skill set.
  On the other hand, Joomla is more user friendly to get set up and  
  running, but you wind up with problems in getting exactly what you  
  need done, done.
  I guess I am just repeating what Steve said here, really.
  The templates I am running on my sites are from Template Plazza  
  ( http://templateplazza.com ), a template club that cost $30 for 6  
  months of access. I happen to like the look of them quite a bit, and  
  made the decision to join the club on that alone.
  I also think that there are quite a few more usable modules out
  for Joomla than Drupal, but I guess I could be wrong about that.
  I'll continue to paraphrase Steve where he mentions that the costs
  development for Drupal seem to be in one off implementations (custom  
  work) which cost serious 

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Joomla versus Zend PHP for Web 2.0 community

2007-05-21 Thread Erick Papadakis
Joomla and Drupal are CMSes, written in PHP. You may want to read up
on Drupal having teething troubles with MySQL and the way their tables
are structured, considering huge changes to the system, hitting a wall
in the process. Joomla is no better. It's a great system to play
around with, but it's painful to see their 'templates' looking just
like each other. And none of these systems can really do a site that
is based on static pages, which are a big boon on a heavy traffic

Expressions Engine (old pMachine www.pmachine.com) is a very well
structured software, but a pain in the butt to customize to a point
where cruft-free URLs work and the system is intuitive. Yes they have
forums and wiki integrated into the base code, but these wiki and
forums are half-baked at best. (The best forum software bar none is
PunBB -- www.punbb.com -- should you ever need one, not even SMF comes

Ruby on Rails in a hot new technology that has gotten a good deal of
media blather in the Web 2.0 age and is just about as hyped as the
term itself. It structures your coding. Something you can easily
accomplish with Java, PHP, Perl, or any other language. The bigger
issue is performance. ROR is just not at the same level of performance
that PHP can accomplish, especially with Zend or eAccelerator type
caches installed (latter is free and easily installed). It is much
easier to find developers for PHP, and probably cheaper.

The biggest site I have run, with about 25,000 visitors every hour at
its peak, was based on a Movable Type (www.movabletype.org) platform
with RightFields plugin. MovableTYpe itself is CGI, which I was not
crazy about, but we grew to a traffic stage where we couldn't live
with dynamic pages (however well designed) and MT gave us an excellent
mix of static and dynamic (it spews out regular HTML pages).

My point: it is easy to get caught up in this selection of technology.
From starting up several businesses, some with huge traffic, some not,
here's my simple advice: LAPP makes a good chocie (Linux, Apache,
PostgreSQL, PHP) as it is very cheaply available, is proven to work
for many hugely successful sites, and is easy to find
developers/experts for.

What you should instead focus on is to build a website/service that
will attract people. If your traffic proves to be a burden for your
infrastructure, trust me, it'll be a lovely problem to have :)
