[videoblogging] Garage Cinema / Yahoo announcement

2005-07-15 Thread robert a/k/a r

Anyone know more about this?




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Re: [videoblogging] DVLabs

2005-07-15 Thread robert a/k/a r

congrats andrew, that's really great news. well deserved.


On Jul 15, 2005, at 9:11 PM, andrew michael baron wrote:

> ... to the greatest
> fortune, today Rocketboom was granted a FREE server account
> from. . .Drum Roll please!
> http://www.DVLABS.com



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[videoblogging] tutta la 'vlogosfera' con freevlog rivoluzione

2005-07-16 Thread robert a/k/a r


translation assist, please.


Re: [videoblogging] Re: Money Changers, out! (was: reality check?)

2005-07-16 Thread robert a/k/a r

Heh. The for-profit media are about selling advertising and the 
*nature* (cough cough, bias) of each media company is ruled by the 
ownership. If someone wants to judge them and call for-profit media 
evil, well, that's a judgement call. If for-profit media senses an 
earning threat, as most anyone would, they will seek to either crush or 
embrace the threat. In this case I'm hearing a some say they don't want 
to be embraced. Fair enough. Getting sucked in politics of a for-profit 
media may not be your thing (I will not argue). Or maybe it's a 
market-driven hesitation, perhaps the price they are offering doesn't 
clear you reckon of value, which is fine too (reminds me of old joke re 
guy at cocktail party enquiring re...).

I love the tools peeps are creating here and hope they are the 
instruments of choice as citizen journalism accelerates. I'd like to 
see peeps here rewarded for their efforts in the manner each individual 
desires. I love the donations system for helping altruistic toolmakers 
along tho I'm not sure sleep loss is recoverable via donations. I'd 
like to see donation buttons on more tool dev sites. And I love the 
spirit here in the group, that's the strongest currency. And I like the 
fact that Josh Wolf, as a content creator, is able to get media 
companies to honour his copyright by paying up, that's great. And I 
like it that a significant Rocketboom patron had appeared- go Andrew 
go. I'd like to see more money come in to support what the group does 
for those who want to supplement their income. I'd not like to see 
peeps here, or anywhere, get crushed by corporations cloning/stealing 
their work.

What I think I'm saying is at the end of the day is methinks vlogging 
is showing signs that it's reaching (reached?) critical mass thanks to 
you guys and no matter what for-profit media does you don't compete 
with them. There is no doubt in my mind that there will be people 
vlogging on behalf of for-profit media, purchase by for-profit media. 
It's not a big deal, nothing to worry about. And no doubt, there will 
be peeps purchasing services from for-profit companies that are not as 
good as what was invented here. Again, it's bound to happen. It's the 
nature of invention and development. Popularity of an any individual 
component of the vlog ecosystem or lack thereof has little to do with 
the reason for advancing vlogging. And measuring success in dollars at 
this early stage means little as well, I don't believe there is big 
bucks in this right now or any time soon, though projects like 
Rocketboom may prove me wrong.

Let's not get hung up about raking in big $$$, there's more at stake 
here than money. The donations model is probably appropriate for now. 
Maybe later too, perhaps that's the right way to support toolmakers and 
artists. And I'd be happy to be incorrect re my low probability of 
revenues forecast for the near term, in fact I'd be ecstatic to see 
JoshK or Ro or Peter or MattS (I'm not going to name everyone but you 
get what I'm saying) pull a rabbit out of his hat. My mind races with 
the possibilities of where vlogging can go, let's not worry about big 
money and Apple. And one closing thought, let's hesitate before 
discouraging individuals and vendors (i.e., foad) from participating in 
the conversation. In my short tenure here I've learned from some of 
those who have been on the receiving end of certain discouragement even 
though I appreciate the resistance here to 'tude.


N.B. please excuse typos and grammar this weekend, I'm in sleep_dep mode

On Jul 16, 2005, at 11:15 AM, Gena wrote:

> I gotta jump in on this. I am old enough to make distinctions:
> Altruism does not have to = poverty.
> Corporations does not = evil.
> ...



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Money Changers, out! (was: reality check?)

2005-07-17 Thread robert a/k/a r

Heh. Yesterday when I suggested I'd like to see more donation buttons I 
failed miserably in differentiating between toolmakers and content  
makers. Sorry about that, been running on  insufficient sleep.

In the case of toolmakers, to me it's an easy call, you transfer a 
reasonable amount into their account once (or twice) a year. I think of 
it as a proxy for a license plus a bonus for being altruistic. I give 
fireant, within a sd or so, the same as I give others, then it's 
out-of-sight-out-of-mind for six months to a year. I don't pay 
attention to the donation button, it's invisible to me.

Regarding content makers, my perception re financial contribution is 
different. I personally respond badly to the ppv model, it's like 
selling kisses. Argggh. I do think content makers should receive 
contributions, and personally my preferred method would be the same as 
for toolmakers.

I would be turned off seeing link saying pay-me every time I view a 
piece of content in an aggregator, it's the wrong kind of message.

Clearly it's all perception and none of this matters. I think the 
rel="payment" implementation is good but is still not fully developed. 
Again, let's get some bucks to content makers, a purchase decision that 
is clearly more difficult than the one for toolmakers. I'm not against 
the busking model however I think it puts vlogging in a light different 
from the one I imagine.

Again, nice going re the rel="payment" technology, let's figure out how 
to make it more social.


On Jul 17, 2005, at 3:53 AM, Jay dedman wrote:

>> I'd
>> like to see donation buttons on more tool dev sites. And I love the
>> spirit here in the group, that's the strongest currency.
> http://www.momentshowing.net/momentshowing/2005/07/video_relpaymen.html
> -- 
> http://www.momentshowing.net>
> Adventures in Videoblogging



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: itunes censorship?

2005-07-18 Thread robert a/k/a r

perhaps apple are too busy with this:




On Jul 18, 2005, at 12:35 PM, Mark Cyr wrote:

> As I posted earlier, I have used the 3vix codec only.  I have posted
> in both file formats .mov & .mp4 for other reasons.  There is no
> difference in how I made the files that itunes does not post (except
> for content, which I hope is not their issue) and the files that
> itunes does post.  I have a fairly comprehensive understanding of
> video, codecs, and the various flavors of MPEG.
> What is new here is how various folks are interpreting and re-
> publishing XML formatted information.  I believe that Apple reserves
> the right to censor anything available via itunes, this is one of the
> carrots for the RIAA and the MPAA to agree to the licensing deals.
> Mark
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, andrew michael baron
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Mark, .mov is a container which can include a variety of CODECS.
> You
>> may be using one that does not work. The same is true for .mp4
>> Is your .mp4 compressed with mpeg4? Is it an .mp4 ISA? Enhanced?
> Plain?
>> Most likely inside your .mov you are using an incompatible codec.
>> There are many in Quicktime that are not compatable with iTunes.
> You
>> can make an sorenson, cinpak, mpeg4, 3ivx, etc. so make sure you
> are
>> using a good one.
>> Also, the 3ivx can have settings that make it unplayable, make
> sure
>> you are not overkilling the compression req.
>> I'm not saying thats what your porblem is, though its helpful to
> have
>> an understanding of file compressions and compatibility issues
>> because it may be the poblem.
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Re: [videoblogging] for cheryl

2005-07-20 Thread robert a/k/a r
Search Results:


bigusdick.us is available

On Jul 20, 2005, at 12:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Domain Name Registration




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On Jul 19, 2005, at 3:34 PM, ro9core wrote:

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Cheryl Shuman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
By the way, I just had time to review some of the posts I noticed
that we now have a
"Cocky Bastard"

Maybe I should just call myself the "Fucking Bitch"

Whaddaya think?

Cheryl Shuman


I'm with you girl

(not quite) another lady vlogger

nice to see you keeping the boys in line

keep it up


[videoblogging] apple limiting .mac bandwidth?

2005-07-20 Thread robert a/k/a r

wouldn't surprise me if new podcast / vidcast hosting scheme soon 
coming from apple




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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Vloggercon II

2005-07-21 Thread robert a/k/a r

anyone know how long takes to transfer 3 minutes of 3gp via bluetooth?

On Jul 21, 2005, at 3:23 PM, andrew michael baron wrote:

> (1) Open video in Quicktime.
> (2) Export to 3gp
> (3) upload file to server
> (4) Tell people where the file is.
> See http://www.rboom.com for example.
> On Jul 21, 2005, at 3:18 PM, ro9core wrote:
>> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, andrew michael baron
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Its a VERY big and growing market with consumers that don't blog or
>>> have websites necessarily.
>> Where do these people post their video phone videos?  I want to see
>> them.  But if they're just watching videos, where do they find sites
>> to watch?
>> Can we just start re-encoding our videos into 3gp and then get the
>> people with videophones to watch them?
>> That would be neat, but I know that, I for one, venturing little into
>> the outside world, would usually watch the videos on my main computer.
>> When the price of video phones comes down and I can watch people on
>> it, that will be COOL.
>> Ro
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Vloggercon II

2005-07-21 Thread robert a/k/a r

thanks, dunno how many megs. made simplifying assumption re 3gp using 
average (is 3gp different bit rates?).

am asking question to understand feasibility of an idea lurking in the 
dark recesses of my mind.

so you're guessing the transfer time equals the runtime?

On Jul 21, 2005, at 3:46 PM, Pete Prodoehl wrote:

> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, robert a/k/a r
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> anyone know how long takes to transfer 3 minutes of 3gp via bluetooth?
> 3 minutes equals how many megs?
> I transferred a recent Rocketboom to my phone via bluetooth and it
> took maybe a few minutes.
> Pete
> -- 
> http://tinkernet.org/
> videoblog for the future...
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[videoblogging] boom-biquity

2005-07-29 Thread robert a/k/a r

wow, you can't turn around these days without running into rocketboom






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[videoblogging] backup-festival.de

2005-08-01 Thread robert a/k/a r

Any vloggers here participating in

or responding to the call for text?





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Re: [videoblogging] Announcing...I/ON: Internet Video Console!

2005-08-02 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey Jon & Nathan, this looks really sweet.

I'm experimenting with the ui now, looks like feeds are not fully updating fully but nonetheless it looks great!  CONGRATS!



On Aug 2, 2005, at 11:37 PM, nathan.freitas wrote:

Greetings videobloggers,

For the last seven (almost eight now!) months, I've been developing a desktop media aggregator (aka videoblog downloader/player). I'm happy to announce that the first public beta of I/ON is out, and its available for MacOS X and Windows XP, as a free download here: http://openvision.tv. You don't even have to give us your email address to get it!

I/ON is also the reason that the last entry to my own personal videoblog was over two months ago (argh!). In light of that, I have just posted a new video where I discuss I/ON with my collaborator, Jon Oakes. You can watch that here, if you'd like: http://openvision.tv/itcamefrombrooklyn

As I said before, I/ON is available for free, and its also licensed under the GNU Public License, which means its open-source. I really wouldn't have been able to accomplish this work without the benefit of open-source, so we figured why not give something back?

A quick set of I/ON features for you, while you're considering whether or not its worth your time to download:
• 	Subscribe to RSS 2.0 Feeds with Enclosures (of course) and MediaRSS (Preview thumbnails, yay!)
• 	Integrated playback of Quicktime, MPEG/MP3/MP4, Windows Media*, and Flash* (*windows only for now)
• 	Fast local searching, filtering of retrieved items
• 	Integrated searching and saving of clips from: Mefeedia, Yahoo Video, Blogdigger, and the Internet Archive (Archive.org)
• 	Bit Torrent Support (Works with Commonbits.org, any BlogTorrent/BroadcastMachine/DTV site, Prodigem, etc)
• 	A friendly, fun, easy-to-use interface! (we hope)
• 	Multiple ways to mark, forward, and share favorite videos with friends
If you've got a few minutes to spare, please try it out, as we would love to get your feedback, and maybe even gain a new loyal user. This is our first beta, so expect some bugs and missing features! Any feedback can be sent directly to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED], or you can just reply to this message. I'm also often on skype at 'nathanialfreitas'. We don't have a proper bug forum or report form at this point.

As an aside for developer geeks, the whole app is written in Java, developed in Eclipse, and utilizes the amazing Quicktime for Java API. On Windows, we also use JNI to access Windows Media Player and Flash controls. I/ON also includes the pluggable Java Media Framework, which allows us to (eventually) run on Linux while also supporting things like OGG VORBIS and FFMPEG plugins. Source will be released very soon either through Jave.net or Sourceforge (as soon as I get my act together).We hope users and developers alike will benefit from the work we've done. There are so many ways that I/ON could be used, specifically other than just on a desktop, so we're excited to see what happens.

I look forward to hearing from all or any your questions, concerns, or feedback- I'm all ears (and eyes, too, of course).

Best regards,
 co-founder/developer/videoblogger for ONTV
+my life: http://nathan.freitas.net
+my videoblog: http://openvision.tv/itcamefrombrooklyn
+my cause: http://studentsforafreetibet.org/blog
+my skype: nathanialfreitas 


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[videoblogging] Nokia

2005-08-03 Thread robert a/k/a r

This shouldn't surprise, Nokia are out there promoting mobile doc 
making and have announced a contest:


According to the contest rules and Matt's vlogmap several vloggers are 
geographically eligible





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[videoblogging] off on a (valuation) tangent

2005-08-03 Thread robert a/k/a r

hi all

i've been thinking about this too.

what's the right number, or perhaps better phrased what's the pricing  






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Re: [videoblogging] Re: off on a (valuation) tangent

2005-08-03 Thread robert a/k/a r
it's late and my brain is slowing down, worse than usual - sorry. 

here's the yahoo-proof link:



On Aug 4, 2005, at 12:17 AM, jadly6 wrote:

Rob check your link...


--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, robert a/k/a r
hi all

i've been thinking about this too.

what's the right number, or perhaps better phrased what's the pricing  




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Re: [videoblogging] The Friday Dialup Challenge

2005-08-05 Thread robert a/k/a r

Here's a 1.3 mb lightweight hot off the compressor



On Aug 5, 2005, at 11:53 AM, Stephanie Bryant wrote:

> My blog Hold My Beer and Watch This!  (mortaine.blogspot.com) has
> quite a few that are fewer than 2 MB, in particular the early ones and
> more recent ones (Day 1's .mov format, Day 2, Day 3, Day 5, Day 9, Day
> 38, Day 42, Day 43, and Day 44-- under 1 MB are Day 9, Day 3, and Day
> 42, as well as the Day 1 .mov file).
> After Meet the Vloggers, I realized I was letting my vlog entries
> bloat too much, and I've slimmed things down a lot recently. I gave
> myself an upper guideline to keep anything embedded below 10 MB, with
> a goal of <3 MB for most entries; if I have a rare entry that's more
> than that, I'll post it as an enclosure, but not embed it into the
> entry (so if you view my vlog at the website, you won't be tearing out
> your hair while your browser hangs).
> On 8/4/05, R. Kristiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 8/5/05, Philip Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> I'd like to issue a challenge to everyone on this list. You all seem
>>> like nice people--I just wish I could actually watch some of your
>>> videos. But I'm stuck out here in the woods on a 56K modem and there
>>> are only so many megabytes in a day.
> One might argue that video-over-the-web just isn't for a dialup
> audience. I know that sounds... cruel? Elitist? Whatever-- it's the
> barrier-to-entry, and not one that vloggers have a whole lot of
> control over, like web browser preference.
> When my husband was working on the Kerbango internet radio, the
> question came up repeatedly-- what about dialup users? The radio
> didn't have a phone cord, no modem inside the device at all. What were
> they going to do for those who didn't have a high-speed internet
> connection? The answer was pretty obvious-- if you didn't have high
> speed internet (this was 3-4 years ago), you weren't going to be
> streaming audio onto anything. Streaming audio, like video today, took
> too much bandwidth to reasonably download on a dialup.
> Frustrating for you, perhaps, on dialup, but there you have it.
> There's a design consideration that the content-producers (the
> vloggers) aren't going to take too seriously, because the dialup
> audience is small and getting smaller, not larger. Join the 21st
> century. Get a high-speed Internet connection, directional wireless,
> cable/satellite, whatever it takes, if you want to actually watch
> vlogs. You'll never regret it.
> Or, upload your own vlogs from within a "viewing vacuum" in which you
> post-only and never really get to see what others are doing. I started
> out that way, not really watching any vlogs until the second week or
> so, because I wanted to develop my own thing first, and it can be kind
> of refreshing to not be influenced by others' voices. But it means
> you'll be in a creative vacuum as well, so unless you have a steady
> source of inspiration (like I do), you may find yourself floundering
> for things to say/do.
> --Stephanie
> --  
> Stephanie Bryant
> http://www.mortaine.com
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: The innocence of the vlogosphere is at an end

2005-08-05 Thread robert a/k/a r

what's the entire list (proven and speculative) of models?

1) adverts within the production (rocketboom)
2) adverts on vlog entry (google ads in sidebar)
3) reputation enhancement (pro gigs resulting from visibility)
4) pay-per-view
5) software licensing
6) hosting for fee (or sharing revenues from ppv)
7) build it and wait for a takeout
8) lecture circuit / books (relates to #3)

what's missing from the list?


On Aug 5, 2005, at 4:19 PM, Joshua Kinberg wrote:

> It may not be *the* model, but it could be *a* model. There may be
> several, time will tell.
> -josh
> On 8/5/05, jmedakev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is Rocketboom the model for advertisment supported content?
>> Jamie
>> thekeverreport.com
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Re: [videoblogging] Disclosures, disclosures

2005-08-08 Thread robert a/k/a r

fwiw, i joined the group solely because vlogging captivated my 
attention. i had the good fortune to cross paths with JoshK and AndrewB 
and learned more about vlogging pretty quickly, later decided to pay 
more attention to this group. showed up at vloggercon, liked what i 
saw, interest continues. simple story. and i'm here because i'm into cj 
and the lighter/fun aspects of vlogging, not because i think i can make 
advertising dollars. )btw, i'd like to see money made from vlogging and 
interested in business models)

one project in the works is a filmic experiment. things vloggy play a 
role in the film, more on that later. regarding other projects, none 
are specifically in the vlog space. might that change, of course, a few 
ideas are always percolating. and isn't that what groups like this 

and hey, of course individuals have stakes in their own projects and 
may experience paranoia at times, it's somewhat knee-jerk to feel that 
way. i would suggest avoiding paranoid reaction. ultimately progress 
magically happens if these original/early thinkers can avoid defensive 
disruption the beautiful magic. of course *the competitition* is 
watching, if there's a secret you don't want *them* to know don't shout 
it in public, and at the same time don't discourage sharing of ideas, 
pie-in-the-sky or otherwise, you never know what fuel will propel cj to 
the next level. be original, do something others are not, and share it, 
move the group forward.

just my usd 0.02 worth.


On Aug 8, 2005, at 5:00 AM, R. Kristiansen wrote:

> How about we all disclose our affiliations? Too radical, eh?



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: I need to find influential videos about the vlogging revolution

2005-08-09 Thread robert a/k/a r

serra, you project sounds like it will help many in the future, am  
looking forward to seeing/hearing more


On Aug 9, 2005, at 12:20 PM, Serra Shiflett wrote:

> That's a great idea!  I dont need a name for my vlog for that - and it
> doesn't have to be just for me.  What if we start a "videoblogideas"
> tag or something?  I'd be so excited to subscribe to it!
> What do you think?  vlogrevolution?  vlogevolution?  influentialvlog?
>  videoblogideas?  vlogphilosophy?  I want to make it inclusive so its
> useful to more than just me.
> I feel like I should choose right now so that people can start
> tagging, but I'm a little afraid to define the tag alone.  This is
> such a great idea, though!
> Serra
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Devlon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>  I'm closely watching the feed on this today (I think I mentioned my
>>>  e-mail for the group isn't working at the moment) and so i will
>>>  probably see any related posts made today.  I'm certainly not saying
>>>  the thread should be kept off the group, I guess I was hoping that
>>>  anyone posting would also e-mail me privately just to make sure
> that I
>>>  notice them, in case they get lost in netnewswire (which doesnt
> have a
>>>  "sort by subject" or "sort by string" feature).
>> Once you decided on a name, people could just tag ones they felt would
>> be good for your projectthere might already be a tag or twenty now
>> that I think of it.
>> Just a thought...
>> --  
>> ~Devlon
>> http://8bitme.blogspot.com
>> http://whiteguyforeignfoods.blogspot.com
>> http://devlon.blogspot.com
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[videoblogging] Ourmedia, FireANT, Euro Vlogger Conf etc.

2005-08-09 Thread robert a/k/a r

Noticed post in blog of Rodrigo Sepulveda Schultz where he notes things 
vloggy such as Ourmedia, FireANT and Euro Vlogger Conf, etc






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[videoblogging] business models

2005-08-11 Thread robert a/k/a r

Money appears to be flowing into podcasting, is vlogging next up?

Congrats, Ev

Congratulations, Adam






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Re: [videoblogging] Re: When the video camera makes the reputation...

2005-08-11 Thread robert a/k/a r

The Mayor's Film Office here is pretty easy (ymmv so I've heard but not  
our experience) to work with, you fill in the forms (download, filling  
in takes 5 minutes), send someone up there with forms and they review  
them (can take from an hour to three), they may ask a few questions (of  
the person delivering the forms or they telephone you) as the forms  
seem never quite clear enough, and they issue a permit for specific  
locations for a specific term. No fees, but you must have the proper  
insurance in place since you are making a rep when you fill in the  
forms. Further, if you want to film in a park, after you receive your  
permit you must contact the the parks department person responsible for  
that park (it appears each has a few parks, is regional). It's not a  
big deal, get the permit. And people here are very friendly here and  
we've found it easy to chat with folks on camera. One more thought,  
when filming peeps the usual release concerns apply, and regarding  
audio you might want to avoid issues if a nearby boombox is pumping out  
copyrighted tunes.


On Aug 11, 2005, at 6:29 PM, Jack Nelson wrote:

> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Pete Prodoehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>> Frank Carver wrote:
>>> Thursday, August 11, 2005, 7:55:12 PM, Pete Prodoehl wrote:
 Permit for what? Do you need a permit to shoot video on the subway  
 other locations? (I'm asking because I really don't know. Are the
 videographers rights the same as the well known photographers  
>>> What you need to remember is that traditionally TV and moviemaking  
>>> has
>>> meant big budgets. Many big cities in the USA (where lots of such  
>>> things
>>> are shot), long ago decided to cash in on these lucrative activities.
>>> In such places (which (AFAIK) include LA, NY, and Chicago, for  
>>> example)
>>> you need to pay up front for a permit to shoot, and will be nabbed if
>>> spotted doing something that looks like pro filmmaking without a
>>> permit.
>>> In these cases, looking like a dumb tourist is actually an advantage
>>> :)
>> Hmmm, "what I need to remember" sounds just all wrong... I was never
>> involved in traditional tv or moviemaking, so I would have no idea I'd
>> need a permit to walk around a major city with a video camera.
>> See? It always comes back around to money. The cities wanted to make
>> money off of big media, and we have to suffer because of it. Sigh...
> It's not money really. I was told that the NYC permits were free. I  
> think they said you get
> one cop for free with the permit. They are concerned mostly with a big  
> mass of cameras,
> lights, equipment etc. blocking sidewalks and access. That's why the  
> permits started.
> We also filmed several segments on the sidewalks of NYC where you are  
> also supposed to
> have permits. We had a camera and tripod (the tripod is potentialy  
> bad, blocking sidewalks
> again). We spent the time to tell the locals what we were doing and  
> even got some
> volunteer actors. I also was very concious of where I setup and I was  
> quick to take the
> tripod down after each shot. We had no trouble.
> We even had a guy who became our unofficial guide. We wanted people of  
> various ethnic
> backgrounds to say "Hi" to the everyman guy. This one shopkeeper took  
> us around the
> neighborhood intorducing us to all the other shopkeepers. "You want  
> Brazilians? I can talk
> to the girls in the hairdressing shop. You want Italian? There's a  
> great place around the
> corner" and so on. I just wish we could have gotten that on film.
> We got turned down only once. There was one woman who was very pretty  
> but did not
> want to be filmed. Eventually she told us she was in the US without  
> papers, so we just
> moved on.
>> Pete
>> --  
>> http://tinkernet.org/
>> videoblog for the future...
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[videoblogging] link to Amsterdam invitation

2005-08-16 Thread robert a/k/a r

Can someone post the link to the page inviting all seasoned and the 
curious to the Amsterdam event, I assume there is something resembling 
a pretty single-page invite somewhere but I'm too lame to locate it at 
the moment.


Blog/Vlog http://r.24x7.com>
iTunes http://itunes.24x7.com>





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Re: [videoblogging] link to Amsterdam invitation

2005-08-16 Thread robert a/k/a r

any think it would be clearer if there was a "you are cordially  
invited" type invitation on the main page above the links to the blog  
and wiki?

imho, the page works great for those who follow this list religiously  
however for those who we invite or ask to publicise to their readers  
there is no *simple* read-it-in-five-seconds-and-get-it invitation.  
reason i think this is first hand experience.


Blog/Vlog http://r.24x7.com>
iTunes http://itunes.24x7.com>

On Aug 16, 2005, at 1:20 PM, Jan wrote:

> http://vlogeurope.com is the metasite
> check out the wiki link first i'd think.
> j
> --  
> "It isn't done alone. Pay more."
> http://fauxpress.blogspot.com - motion
> http://blog.urbanartadventures.com - sound
> http://vlogpresskit.blogspot.com - community
> http://the-hold.blogspot.com - literature
> .
> - Original Message -
> From: "robert a/k/a r" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:08 PM
> Subject: [videoblogging] link to Amsterdam invitation
> Can someone post the link to the page inviting all seasoned and the
> curious to the Amsterdam event, I assume there is something resembling
> a pretty single-page invite somewhere but I'm too lame to locate it at
> the moment.
> cheers
> r
> --
> Blog/Vlog http://r.24x7.com>
> iTunes http://itunes.24x7.com>
> Yahoo! Groups Links
> Yahoo! Groups Links





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Re: [videoblogging] New High Definition Vlog.

2005-08-18 Thread robert a/k/a r

Great videos, Kyle. New Age is Amazing, love the shooting, editing and  

BTW, is the squirrel part of some theme, I think I've seen him before.

I think I remember reading, or maybe you mentioned in the vid conf one  
night that you were getting the new Sony cam, is that what you shot New  
Age with?


Blog/Vlog http://r.24x7.com>
iTunes http://itunes.24x7.com>

On Aug 18, 2005, at 4:40 PM, kylefasanella wrote:

> Hey guys I have my newest High definition video blog relesed.
> http://vilekylefasanella.blogspot.com/
> does anyone know if I am the first High definition video blogger or  
> not?
> PS make sure you have quicktime 7 for the footage! and a decent  
> computer doesn't hurt.
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Re: [videoblogging] New member!

2005-08-21 Thread robert a/k/a r

Hi Claudio, welcome.

You may have already seen the details for the Vlog_Europe event, if not  
here's the link:


It's in mid September, held in Amsterdam.

There's a video conference today (sunday) regarding the event if you  
would like to participate (or just lurk :)

Again, welcome.


Blog/Vlog http://r.24x7.com>
iTunes http://itunes.24x7.com>

On Aug 21, 2005, at 2:20 AM, claudio gherardini wrote:

> Hi! I am italian and 100% new about vlog. Please give me some link to
> visit some of them. Thanks!
> claudio
> Yahoo! Groups Links



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Re: [videoblogging] true 60fps

2005-08-23 Thread robert a/k/a r
 ixsus 700 is known in the usa as cannon sd500

anyone else on here using that camera?

do you feel there any limitations making vlogs with this camera?

find the audio acceptable? any known audio deficiencies?



On Aug 23, 2005, at 11:39 AM, duncan speakman wrote:

Hi all,

does anyone here have a camera that shoots true 60fps (or higher?) I use a Canon Ixus that lets me shoot at 60fps (although the process to get it into FCP at 60fps is not so straightforward) .. I know all the ixus range do it but i was just wondering if anyone owns any other makes that do it (either DV or stills camera) 


(p.s. i think in the US the ixus range is called Powershot SD or something.. they are the tiny ones that look like a silver brick)



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: crappy-looking video

2005-08-23 Thread robert a/k/a r

freakin brilliant, philip

u coming to amsterdam?

On Aug 23, 2005, at 12:58 PM, Adam Quirk wrote:

> On 8/23/05, Philip Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  The specific answer is that I've started a new videoblog whose sole
>>  purpose is to mangle porn mpegs.
> I can't tell you how great this is.  Excellent work.
> -- 
> _ Quirk
> _ Bullemhead.com



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[videoblogging] filming cops

2005-08-26 Thread robert a/k/a r
Interesting story picked up by boingboing re filming cops and what the 




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[videoblogging] Re: Lavalier mic recommendations

2008-01-29 Thread robert a/k/a r
I've used this lav mic a few times and recommend it highly. The spec  
are here:

I'm selling this one, if you email me from this list I will make a  
better price than I put on craigslist. It's like new, you will love it.



Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively
my vlog: http://r.24x7.com
reliable hosting: http://foo.24x7.com

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Cheryl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > I don't own a wireless lav, but I do have an audio technica wired lav
 > that I like very much. I haven't seen anyone mention Shure yet,
 > apologies if I missed it.
 > I used to work in media services at a local college, and had occasion
 > to host an audio workshop with a bunch of uber techies from Shure.
 > Evidently if you buy their gear, they have a free service where
 > they'll look up frequencies for you for certain areas. In other words
 > they take into account things like nearby local news stations and
 > stadium-type venues and help you select frequencies to tune your mics
 > to that are least likely to pick up interference. I don't remember
 > what it was called, or how you access it, and this was 5 yrs ago so
 > things may have changed. But I always thought that was pretty cool.
 > Has anyone else heard of anything like this? Is it common and I'm  
 > clueless?
 > Cheryl
 > --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Richard Amirault"
 >  wrote:
 > > $100 each for a good wireless lav??  Ain't no such animal, sorry.
 > Yes, you
 > > can find some for around that price .. but they are little more  
 > toys ..
 > > and unless you use them in a cornfield in Iowa (away from  
 > > computers, pager transmitters and the like) you *will* get  
 > >
 > > ALSO, you said you want to get two.  Do you want to *use* both at
 > the same
 > > time?? Into the same camera?  That may be a problem also. You'll
 > need both
 > > on different frequencies that will not interer with each other,  
and two
 > > receivers, and then figure out how to combine the output of both
 > receivers
 > > into one plug for your camcorder.
 > >
 > > Richard Amirault
 > > Boston, MA, USA
 > > http://n1jdu.org
 > > http://bostonfandom.org
 > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7hf9u2ZdlQ
 > >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[videoblogging] vlog passion

2008-01-29 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hello fellow vloggers, hope this slightly off topic (apologies in  
advance for the interruption of your day) finds you well :)

If you're a vlogger looking for a little side income now and then, I  
may be able to direct some business your way.

Typical interests and skills range include:
  [  ] CSS gurus
  [  ] Wordpress template wranglers
  [  ] Google maps API
  [  ] Amazon web services (experienced) aws.amazon.com
  [  ] Green energy writers / vloggers

Please contact me off-list for more information, indicate which of  
the above interests you.

Thank you.


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively
my vlog: http://r.24x7.com
reliable hosting: http://foo.24x7.com

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [videoblogging] Spirit can not be spoken for

2005-11-26 Thread robert a/k/a r
Heh. If you have a name that begins with a numeric (i.e., 29 fragile 
days or 24x7), some of the directories don't have links.

For example, mefeedia put links for A through Z but no 0-9. Go figure.

Guess we'll have to wait until someone figures out we exist and creates 
a more accurate directory, until then...


http://r.24x7.com >
Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

On Nov 26, 2005, at 3:15 AM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen wrote:

> On Sat, 26 Nov 2005 03:03:40 +0100, Randolfe Wicker
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think vlogging can be greatly impacted through directories.  That is
>> why we as a community should work to set up an "open directory" that
>> will become the accepted norm.  Otherwise, others will set up slanted
>> and manipulated and even "closed" directories.
> vlogdir.com mefeedia.com and soon a fireant directory. Knock yourself 
> out
> with them. :o)
> - Andreas
> -- 
> http://www.solitude.dk/>
> Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology.
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[videoblogging] open vs closed, attention, trust

2005-11-27 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hi all

Feel like getting your brain wrapped around something more satisfying 
perhaps than how to conform to Apple's scheme for adding your content 
to an iPod?

I stripped out the audio track from video we shot with Brad Templeton 
and Jerry Michalski, it's posted as an audio podcast (if you subscribe 
to my "everything" feed you it will have showed up this morning in your 
reader along with my vlogs) here:

The conversation, imho, is def interesting, they cover some of the 
issues we debate on this list and elsewhere such as DRM, attention and 
trust. Yeah, it's not a vlog entry but it's relevant so please don't 
shoot me, I was considering posting the video too but I think it works 
with just the audio.

Perhaps download the podcast for your commute and come away with a 
fresh thought for a vlog post. I'm realising my taste buds these days 
are in search of vlogs that address societal issues, though I still 
enjoy little concept pieces like the "Is this a dream" clip ER posted 
earlier today and some of the personal ones (i.e., today's pick is 
Ryanne's mom's first vlog).

Enjoy.  It was a really fun and educational shoot down in Palo Alto 
with the two of them. Come and comment if you agree or disagree with 
what they say, I'm curious re what you think.


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Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

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Re: [videoblogging] random thoughts about vlogging and open media in 2006

2005-11-29 Thread robert a/k/a r
Nice post (again!), MM.

This piece linked below by another MM -- Michael Massing 
 -- may provide you'll with a bit of 
inspiration to get your vlog on.

The End Of News:


http://r.24x7.com >
Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

On Nov 29, 2005, at 1:07 PM, Michael Meiser wrote:

> Also, of course... I f'n love the processes by which media and 
> messages bubble up so I'll be trying to help blip.tv and mefeedia and 
> whoever wants help with creating the web based infrastructure and 
> space through which media and messages find the eyeballs that want to 
> see it. The grand vision being how videos get from the camera, through 
> the internet and back out to any computer or portable media device 
> anywhere in the world, that being the engineering, and how they bubble 
> up, that being the information architecture and mediation.

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Re: [videoblogging] Land of 5,000 vlogs

2005-12-01 Thread robert a/k/a r
Don't forget Matt's VlogMap.

And let's enumerate the names the people behind and who have indirect 
relationships with the tools in parenthesis for the noobs to see who's 
involved in what.

Keep on building!

On Dec 1, 2005, at 3:49 PM, Jay dedman wrote:

>> I think what we have right know is a cool new tool for distribution.  
>> I would like to share
>> and teach others that hey this is available do they want to learn?
> there are tools that were built out of this community to help teach 
> and share:
> How to videoblog:
> --freevlog.org
> --feeblog.org
> Smart Servers:
> --blip.tv
> --ourmedia.org
> Aggregators/Directories:
> --mefeedia.com
> --vlogdir.org
> --getFireAnt.com
> and if i forget anyone...just add it in.
> jay
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Re: [videoblogging] chinese ourmedia?

2005-12-02 Thread robert a/k/a r
50k users

700k hits /day

podcasts and video

On Dec 2, 2005, at 10:05 AM, Jay dedman wrote:

>> it's kinda famous in china..
>> it's for both vlog and podcast
>> it's only have 100mb with p2p transfer
> cool!
> so can you give any background--
> how long has it been up?
> do many people post?
> what kinds of work are people posting?
> is podcasting and videoblogging well known inside china?
> Jay
> --
> Adventures in Videoblogging
> http://www.momentshowing.net>
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Fwd: [videoblogging] chinese ourmedia?

2005-12-02 Thread robert a/k/a r
please disregard previous message, intended to send off list.


Begin forwarded message:

From: robert a/k/a r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: December 2, 2005 10:11:08 AM EST
To: videoblogging@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [videoblogging] chinese ourmedia?

50k users

700k hits /day

podcasts and video

On Dec 2, 2005, at 10:05 AM, Jay dedman wrote:

it's kinda famous in china..
it's for both vlog and podcast
it's only have 100mb with p2p transfer

so can you give any background--
how long has it been up?
do many people post?
what kinds of work are people posting?

is podcasting and videoblogging well known inside china?


Adventures in Videoblogging

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Re: [videoblogging] Yahoo! Video Search for vlog

2005-12-02 Thread robert a/k/a r
I think they scrape a site called vlogdigest (or something like that:)

On Dec 2, 2005, at 3:07 PM, Randolfe Wicker wrote:

 I wonder if you know how these search engines work? 

[videoblogging] Question for QT / viPod gurus

2005-12-02 Thread robert a/k/a r
Is there a simple method for making / compressing a (keynote or other) 
slide presentation containing an audio track for each slide wherein the 
viewer on her viPod can (i) replay slides and with audio track without 
advancing to next slide, (ii) at her option play the slideshow in 
manual or automatic mode wherein automatic is driven by the length of 
the audio track on each slide, (iii) jump through the slide 
presentation manually, (iv) play just the audio of the slide 
presentation as if it were a podcast?


http://r.24x7.com >
Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

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Re: [videoblogging] First Known Motion Picture

2005-12-04 Thread robert a/k/a r
Sweet. Inspired. Hypnotic.



Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

On Dec 4, 2005, at 5:48 PM, daniel liss wrote:

The remix!



On Dec 4, 2005, at 11:22 AM, andrew michael baron wrote:


Produced by Louis Aimé Augustin Le Prince at Roundhay House, Leeds, UK some time before October of 1888.

via digg


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: External camcorder mic suggestions?

2005-12-04 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey Erik

Tinymike was recommended to me by someone who I quite respect (he has 
filmed in Iraq, you've probably seen/heard his work). I would trust 
this fellow's advice, he's pretty savvy. I didn't purchase it for the 
rig I use (I have XLR inputs and went with Senn shotgun), however I 
would have if my cam was the mini plug variety.



http://r.24x7.com >
Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

On Dec 4, 2005, at 6:37 PM, bottomunion wrote:

> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Jay dedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
>>> I'm in desperate need of an external mic for a small camcorder.  
>>> I've been shopping
> around
>>> for one, but haven't found any ones I like.  This would have to be 
>>> compact, and fit on
> a
>>> handsized camcorder, small enough to keep the whole package 
>>> (camcorder and mic)
> small.
>>> Just throwing this out to see if anyone might have suggestions, 
>>> possible solutions.
> Thanks.
>> what kind of input?
>> mini plug or XLR?
>> price range?
>> jay
> Sorry...It would be a stereo mini, 1/8 plugprice range, I'd go up 
> to 200$.
> Compact is a must though.
>> --
>> Adventures in Videoblogging
>> http://www.momentshowing.net>
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Re: [videoblogging] making directories

2005-12-05 Thread robert a/k/a r
Perhaps my read is too simplistic, I interpret the "personal" and 
"show" types as the same. It's identity. Public sphere invokes 
identity. Social intercourse is, well, social intercourse and that's 
all that matters. Fsck style. Fsck rank. Fsck enclosures. Just do it. 
Blog, vlog, sing and dance, stick you head out the window and yell, 
express yourself and let the conversation flourish. IMHO it's 
preferable to discount style when listening to arguments, strip it away 
and get to the meat of the matter. Perhaps someone could write a mental 
greasemonkey script so we can all hoover up information on our own 
terms, so we can see it how we best like.


On Dec 5, 2005, at 12:12 PM, andrew michael baron wrote:

> On Dec 5, 2005, at 11:51 AM, Michael Sullivan wrote:
>>  if its within a videoblog form the word 'show' would be hard
>> to use.  they would just be videos.
> I disagree. And so, what you are getting at here is the word "blog".
> It is important. As you all know, I have always looked to the history
> of "the blog" when discussing "format" for videoblogs. How can you
> not when using that word?
> Its not "personal vs. show" that distinguishes the qualities that so
> many outspoken people here on this list focus on in order to separate
> all of us into two camps where one does not get to use the word
> "videoblog' because its show. We can also leave "podcasting" out of
> it; Podcasting is a matter of fact: it is or it isn't because its
> based on technology (rss enclosure), not format.
> Videoblogging is more lose in definition because it is defined by
> many factors, some technologically based, and others "format based".
> When a word is in flux based on "format", then what you have is a
> bunch of linguistic, metaphysical referents that do not have clear
> borders. Like the word 'love' can not be defined.
> Yet, in doing our best to not speak in universals when discussing
> these things, we can notice patterns and attitudes, whether they are
> informed or not.
> With blogging, you have personal diaries, and you have show, but
> there is so much more that it's silly to just focus on these two. Its
> shortsighted because what we see now is only just the obvious. The
> real beauty has yet to show itself, as more and more people begin to
> consider these same questions.
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: vodcasts in cellphones

2005-12-05 Thread robert a/k/a r
I remember this one time at vlog camp...

On Dec 5, 2005, at 11:21 AM, Richard Bennett-Forrest wrote:

> Me too, including the flashlight.

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[videoblogging] News Video/Audio/Pics Hosting Service

2005-12-05 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hi all,

A new hosting company on my radar that might be worth a look, it's 
called BoltFolio. (Disclosure: I have NO relationship with them.)

The say they host pics, video and audio. Claim unlimited storage.

If anyone has tried them or you see anything good or bad over there I'd 
like hear your report, feel free to email offlist if you prefer.


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Re: [videoblogging] News Video/Audio/Pics Hosting Service

2005-12-06 Thread robert a/k/a r
Wouldn't that just mean users of the service are giving permission to 
quote their blogs, which doesn't seem unreasonable?

On Dec 6, 2005, at 2:53 AM, Steve Garfield wrote:

> Terms of Service:
> "With respect to Content other than photos, graphics, audio or video
> you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas
> of the Service, the perpetual, irrevocable and fully sublicensable
> license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish,
> translate, publicly perform and publicly display such Content (in whole
> or in part) and to incorporate such Content into other works in any
> format or medium now known or later developed. "
> On Dec 6, 2005, at 2:07 AM, robert a/k/a r wrote:
>> <http://www.boltfolio.com/>
> --Steve
> -- 
> Home Page - http://stevegarfield.com
> Video Blog  - http://stevegarfield.blogs.com
> Text Blog - http://offonatangent.blogspot.com
> Like Paul Revere, leading the citizen's media revolution.
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Re: [videoblogging] News Video/Audio/Pics Hosting Service

2005-12-06 Thread robert a/k/a r
I'm not trying to defend their TOS. And IANAL , I'm only looking to see 
if they, as I do for many new services, have anything of value to 

I've tried out Vimeo and Blip without reading their TOS first, was 
curious about this one too. If you're saying stay clear of them then...

On Dec 6, 2005, at 12:16 PM, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen wrote:

> when the words "irrevocable" and "perpetual" ar eused together a 
> warning
> light should go off. You are giving these guys rights to do whatever 
> they
> want with your content forever (like sellin DVDs). And the kicker is 
> that
> you can never withdraw from the deal!
> In the words of my gamer friends: pnwned.
> Without having checked it looks an awful lot like a copy+paste job from
> the Youtube terms that were previously criticized on this list.
> - Andreas
> On Tue, 06 Dec 2005 17:22:26 +0100, robert a/k/a r
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Wouldn't that just mean users of the service are giving permission to
>> quote their blogs, which doesn't seem unreasonable?
>> On Dec 6, 2005, at 2:53 AM, Steve Garfield wrote:
>>> Terms of Service:
>>> "With respect to Content other than photos, graphics, audio or video
>>> you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible 
>>> areas
>>> of the Service, the perpetual, irrevocable and fully sublicensable
>>> license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish,
>>> translate, publicly perform and publicly display such Content (in 
>>> whole
>>> or in part) and to incorporate such Content into other works in any
>>> format or medium now known or later developed. "
>>> On Dec 6, 2005, at 2:07 AM, robert a/k/a r wrote:
>>>> <http://www.boltfolio.com/>
>>> --Steve
>>> --
>>> Home Page - http://stevegarfield.com
>>> Video Blog  - http://stevegarfield.blogs.com
>>> Text Blog - http://offonatangent.blogspot.com
>>> Like Paul Revere, leading the citizen's media revolution.
>>> Yahoo! Groups Links
>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> -- 
> http://www.solitude.dk/>
> Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology.
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: [videoblogging] News Video/Audio/Pics Hosting Service

2005-12-06 Thread robert a/k/a r
Thanks, Steve. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, I thought they were saying:
>>> "Content other than photos, graphics, audio or video"

On Dec 6, 2005, at 11:52 AM, Steve Garfield wrote:

> I'll let Luke answer for Bolt. He just emailed me and is going to take
> a look at the terms.
> It says, "incorporate such Content into other works in any format or
> medium now known or later developed"
> To me that means they can sell DVD's of my content if they choose to.
> On Dec 6, 2005, at 11:22 AM, robert a/k/a r wrote:
>> Wouldn't that just mean users of the service are giving permission to
>> quote their blogs, which doesn't seem unreasonable?
>> On Dec 6, 2005, at 2:53 AM, Steve Garfield wrote:
>>> Terms of Service:
>>> "With respect to Content other than photos, graphics, audio or video
>>> you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible
>>> areas
>>> of the Service, the perpetual, irrevocable and fully sublicensable
>>> license to use, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish,
>>> translate, publicly perform and publicly display such Content (in
>>> whole
>>> or in part) and to incorporate such Content into other works in any
>>> format or medium now known or later developed. "
>>> On Dec 6, 2005, at 2:07 AM, robert a/k/a r wrote:
>>>> <http://www.boltfolio.com/>

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: News Video/Audio/Pics Hosting Service

2005-12-06 Thread robert a/k/a r

On Dec 6, 2005, at 1:38 PM, Steve Watkins wrote:

> I dont see whats confusing about the term 'with respect to'. OK it
> isnt the simplest language possible, but neither is the rest of the
> terms and conditions. What would probably be a good idea would be for
> their to also be a much sorter version written in plainspeak that
> outlines the terms of service, but keep the detailed legal version in
> place.

Yeah, I agree.

> I have a few thoughts on other aspects of the terms & conditions. Its
> one of the most detailed TOS Ive seen when it comes to discussing
> types of content that arent permitted. They reserve the right to
> remove content and discontinue the service at any time without
> notification for a variety of reasons.

I think everyone does that to cover their butts, but IANAL so you would 
have to do some research.

Again, have no involvement with their company, only looking to see if 
BoltFolio have anything to offer.

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Re: [videoblogging] hi guys, how about this meet the vloggers in NY, then?

2005-12-06 Thread robert a/k/a r

On Dec 6, 2005, at 11:52 PM, Paul Knight wrote:

> I am seriously thinking of coming to the NY meet the vloggers thingy
>> in April, which means a 7 hour flight and hoping that my camera
>> battery can be charged over there, don't worry I know which kind of
>> adaptor I will need etc, but I was wondering, how much cheap
>> accomodation would be over there and how I would find it

Cheap hotel run USD 150, sometimes you can find a USD125 accommodation 
if you look hard. First check the usual places (i.e., travelocity and 
expedia), if I have time I'll dig up a few budget-oriented places and 
post them for you'll who are coming to town.

>> I also have
>> the trip from JFK to new york to worry about

If you want to economise, there are buses. I don't know the exact 
figure but it's relatively inexpensive. Lots of folks travel to/from 
the int'l airports (JFK and EWR) on the cheap and survive it.

>> and then where I will
>> stay, I also have trouble driving in big cities, so cabs and or buses
>> or trains has got to be the only option, due to me only being able to
>> drive on the left hand side of the road.  So any ideas.

There is absolutely no reason to rent a car, put that thought out of 
your mind. Public transport will get you around just fine.

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Re: [videoblogging] hi guys, how about this meet the vloggers in NY, then?

2005-12-06 Thread robert a/k/a r

The first three hotels listed (Wellington, Park Central, Metro) are all  
located in very central areas on Manhattan. I can't say I've ever  
stayed any of those three, because I have not, so you might want to  
check them out to ensure they meet your requirements before booking. If  
you want to pay up a bit the W hotels are typically good (been those)  
and the W bar scene(s) is almost always very good.

On Dec 7, 2005, at 12:02 AM, robert a/k/a r wrote:

> On Dec 6, 2005, at 11:52 PM, Paul Knight wrote:
>> I am seriously thinking of coming to the NY meet the vloggers thingy
>>> in April, which means a 7 hour flight and hoping that my camera
>>> battery can be charged over there, don't worry I know which kind of
>>> adaptor I will need etc, but I was wondering, how much cheap
>>> accomodation would be over there and how I would find it
> Cheap hotel run USD 150, sometimes you can find a USD125 accommodation
> if you look hard. First check the usual places (i.e., travelocity and
> expedia), if I have time I'll dig up a few budget-oriented places and
> post them for you'll who are coming to town.
>>> I also have
>>> the trip from JFK to new york to worry about
> If you want to economise, there are buses. I don't know the exact
> figure but it's relatively inexpensive. Lots of folks travel to/from
> the int'l airports (JFK and EWR) on the cheap and survive it.
>>> and then where I will
>>> stay, I also have trouble driving in big cities, so cabs and or buses
>>> or trains has got to be the only option, due to me only being able to
>>> drive on the left hand side of the road.  So any ideas.
> There is absolutely no reason to rent a car, put that thought out of
> your mind. Public transport will get you around just fine.
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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Re: [videoblogging] hi guys, how about this meet the vloggers in NY, then?

2005-12-07 Thread robert a/k/a r
Qui est le rendez-vous?

On Dec 7, 2005, at 12:19 AM, Ted Tagami wrote:

Any tips on hotels closest to the main venue(s)?

On 12/6/05, robert a/k/a r <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:<http://hotels.travelocity.com/hotel/World/United-States/New-York/New- 

 The first three hotels listed (Wellington, Park Central, Metro) are all  
 located in very central areas on Manhattan. I can't say I've ever  
 stayed any of those three, because I have not, so you might want to  
 check them out to ensure they meet your requirements before booking. If  
 you want to pay up a bit the W hotels are typically good (been those)  
 and the W bar scene(s) is almost always very good.

 On Dec 7, 2005, at 12:02 AM, robert a/k/a r wrote:

 > On Dec 6, 2005, at 11:52 PM, Paul Knight wrote:
 >> I am seriously thinking of coming to the NY meet the vloggers thingy
 >>> in April, which means a 7 hour flight and hoping that my camera
 >>> battery can be charged over there, don't worry I know which kind of
 >>> adaptor I will need etc, but I was wondering, how much cheap
 >>> accomodation would be over there and how I would find it
 > Cheap hotel run USD 150, sometimes you can find a USD125 accommodation
 > if you look hard. First check the usual places (i.e., travelocity and
 > expedia), if I have time I'll dig up a few budget-oriented places and
 > post them for you'll who are coming to town.
 >>> I also have
 >>> the trip from JFK to new york to worry about
 > If you want to economise, there are buses. I don't know the exact
 > figure but it's relatively inexpensive. Lots of folks travel to/from
 > the int'l airports (JFK and EWR) on the cheap and survive it.
 >>> and then where I will
 >>> stay, I also have trouble driving in big cities, so cabs and or buses
 >>> or trains has got to be the only option, due to me only being able to
 >>> drive on the left hand side of the road.  So any ideas.
 > There is absolutely no reason to rent a car, put that thought out of
 > your mind. Public transport will get you around just fine.
 > Yahoo! Groups Links



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Ted Tagami

U N I V E R S U S  



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Re: [videoblogging] Re: hi guys, how about this meet the vloggers in NY, then?

2005-12-07 Thread robert a/k/a r
Matt, yeah, health is of course of paramount importance.

What NYC hotels should we avoid, sounds like you have had a bad  
experience in NYC.

Let's make visits as safe/comfortable as possible for out-of-town  
visitors, eh, please share with us your bad-hotel list.

On Dec 7, 2005, at 12:56 AM, LeanBackVids.com wrote:

> Don't let the bed bugs bite.
> http://news.google.com/news?q=bed+bugs
> -Matt
> ---
> http://ridertech.com
> http://leanbackvids.com
> http://vlogmap.org
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, Ted Tagami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Any tips on hotels closest to the main venue(s)?
>> On 12/6/05, robert a/k/a r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <http://hotels.travelocity.com/hotel/World/United-States/New-York/New-
>>> York-City-Hotels/>
>>> The first three hotels listed (Wellington, Park Central, Metro)
> are all
>>> located in very central areas on Manhattan. I can't say I've ever
>>> stayed any of those three, because I have not, so you might want to
>>> check them out to ensure they meet your requirements before
> booking. If
>>> you want to pay up a bit the W hotels are typically good (been those)
>>> and the W bar scene(s) is almost always very good.
>>> On Dec 7, 2005, at 12:02 AM, robert a/k/a r wrote:
>>>> On Dec 6, 2005, at 11:52 PM, Paul Knight wrote:
>>>>> I am seriously thinking of coming to the NY meet the vloggers
> thingy
>>>>>> in April, which means a 7 hour flight and hoping that my camera
>>>>>> battery can be charged over there, don't worry I know which
> kind of
>>>>>> adaptor I will need etc, but I was wondering, how much cheap
>>>>>> accomodation would be over there and how I would find it
>>>> Cheap hotel run USD 150, sometimes you can find a USD125
> accommodation
>>>> if you look hard. First check the usual places (i.e.,
> travelocity and
>>>> expedia), if I have time I'll dig up a few budget-oriented
> places and
>>>> post them for you'll who are coming to town.
>>>>>> I also have
>>>>>> the trip from JFK to new york to worry about
>>>> If you want to economise, there are buses. I don't know the exact
>>>> figure but it's relatively inexpensive. Lots of folks travel to/from
>>>> the int'l airports (JFK and EWR) on the cheap and survive it.
>>>>>> and then where I will
>>>>>> stay, I also have trouble driving in big cities, so cabs and
> or buses
>>>>>> or trains has got to be the only option, due to me only being
> able to
>>>>>> drive on the left hand side of the road.  So any ideas.
>>>> There is absolutely no reason to rent a car, put that thought out of
>>>> your mind. Public transport will get you around just fine.
>>>> Yahoo! Groups Links
> Individual<http://groups.yahoo.com/gads? 
> t=ms&k=Individual&w1=Individual&w2=Fireant&w3=Typepad&w4=Use&c=4&s=51&. 
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> Fireant<http://groups.yahoo.com/gads? 
> t=ms&k=Fireant&w1=Individual&w2=Fireant&w3=Typepad&w4=Use&c=4&s=51&.sig 
> Typepad<http://groups.yahoo.com/gads? 
> t=ms&k=Typepad&w1=Individual&w2=Fireant&w3=Typepad&w4=Use&c=4&s=51&.sig 
> =bK2vbSrJUIzcRadddW7krQ>
> Use<http://groups.yahoo.com/gads? 
> t=ms&k=Use&w1=Individual&w2=Fireant&w3=Typepad&w4=Use&c=4&s=51&.sig=RO4 
> 6LszR1YSPWsK2mib1pA>
>>>  --
>>>-  Visit your group
> "videoblogging<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/videoblogging>"
>>>on the web.
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>>>  --
>> --
>> Ted Tagami
>> tagami.com
>> U N I V E R S U S
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[videoblogging] And speaking of rendez-vous...

2005-12-07 Thread robert a/k/a r
This is one of my fav films, go order the DVD and enjoy on your big 
screen and sub-woofies:


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[videoblogging] Grouper - another video blogging resource

2005-12-07 Thread robert a/k/a r
Another name on the radar - Grouper (Disclosure: I have NO relationship 
with the company).

looks like in addition to video they also host still images


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: AVID parties

2005-12-07 Thread robert a/k/a r
Speaking of Walter Murch, if you have not yet read his book *In the 
Blink Of An Eye*...

On Dec 7, 2005, at 3:12 PM, Enric wrote:

> 1991.
> Final Cut Pro has been competing and taking away customers from Avid
> recently.  The film editor Walter Murch ("Apocalypse Now", "The
> Godfather II", "The Conversation", "The Engligh Patient", etc.) has
> been using Final Cut Pro for editing motion pictures since 2003 on
> "Cold Mountain".

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: hi guys, how about this meet the vloggers in NY, then?

2005-12-07 Thread robert a/k/a r
LOL. that would be the chelsea hotel.

the chelsea hostel is nearby, though.


http://r.24x7.com >
Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

On Dec 7, 2005, at 4:47 PM, Bill Streeter wrote:

> The Chelsea? Isn't that where Sid killed Nancy? I'm staying there!!
> Bill Streeter
> www.lofistl.com
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, WWWhatsup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Dec 6, 2005, at 11:52 PM, Paul Knight wrote:
>>> how much cheap
> accomodation would be over there and how I would find it
>> http://www.chelseahostel.com/
>> $28 - $70 depending on degree of privacy
> I also have
> the trip from JFK to new york to worry about
>> $5 airtrain each way   (buy $10 metrocard just for this )
>> + 7 day metrocard  $24  (unlimited travel on all buses and subways)
> and then where I will
> stay, I also have trouble driving in big cities, so cabs and
> or buses
> or trains has got to be the only option, due to me only being
> able to
> drive on the left hand side of the road.  So any ideas.
>> see above
>> ---
>>  WWWhatsup NYC
>> http://pinstand.com - http://punkcast.com
>> ---
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[videoblogging] Fair Use

2005-12-08 Thread robert a/k/a r
I noticed a post on Lessig's blog,

he mentions a report re “fair use” from The Center For Social Media.

Their statement of best practices in fair use (.pdf) looks like it's  
intended to make clear what documentary filmmakers currently regard as  
reasonable application of the copyright fair use doctrine.

IMO, It's definitely worth a read.


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Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

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[videoblogging] Fair Use

2005-12-08 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey all, I sent this last night but it may not have gone through, my  
apologies if this is a duplicate.

I noticed a post on Lessig's blog,

he mentions a report re “fair use” from The Center For Social Media.

Their statement of best practices in fair use (.pdf) looks like it's  
intended to make clear what documentary filmmakers currently regard as  
reasonable application of the copyright fair use doctrine.

IMO, It's definitely worth a read.


http://r.24x7.com >
Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

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[videoblogging] del.icio.us

2005-12-09 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey all,

Noticed that all of us tagging over at del.icio.us are now tagging at a 
new location :)



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Re: [videoblogging] another win for Andrew and Amanda

2005-12-09 Thread robert a/k/a r
heh, can one make rocketboom a v/blog again by, after watching an episode on tivo, then comment on rocketbooms site or ones own site? rocketboom reborn 

On Dec 9, 2005, at 4:52 PM, Michael Sullivan wrote:

so then, what you mean to wsay is, each video... when watched on the tivo, is not a videoblog post.  fine, we can all live with that for awhile... until tivo get bloggy with it.  akimbo might already?  

just to be clear though, lets not say that rboom is no longer a videoblog... 
we'll agree that the daily video 'if' viewed on the tivo is not a vlog post... and thats about it =)

On 12/9/05, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:On Fri, 09 Dec 2005 22:27:46 +0100, Michael Sullivan 

>> Ain't no blog, yo.
> sure it is well i mean rocketboom.com is a vlog...
> so, the content is derived from a vlog...
> where it ends up doesnt change that fact.

Yes, it does. The video isn't the blog entry. Inbound links, outbound
link, comments and so on all make up the blog entry. The blog entry is a 
network object. What you get on the Tivo is just the video. Same thing if
you print out a blog entry and put it in a newspaper. You wouldn't have a
blog entry anymore, you'd have an opinion article (or an article or 

> what it really is is a VODCAST, yo!

Yes, not the same thing as a videoblog. :o)

- Andreas
Commentary on media, communication, culture and technology.

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"The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born" 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
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http://videobloggers.org - Free Videoblog Hosting / Vlogosphere Aggregator 
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: another win for Andrew and Amanda

2005-12-09 Thread robert a/k/a r
i would not choose to make a religious war out of a set of ideas 
(generally, participatory media) that is evolving, methinks it more 
productive for the future of pm to not promulgate exclusionary 
definitions at this juncture. but, horses for courses.

if anything, let's grow a tree out of it, OPML-ise if you will, and 
arrange vodcast, videoblog, and the rest into a structure that handles 
the uni and bi directional aspects without getting into pissing 
contests every other week.

that do-able (the tree part that is)?

one more thing:  CONGRATS ROCKETBOOMERS!  and thanks for the great 
attention you have brought for everyone creating in this space.


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On Dec 9, 2005, at 5:51 PM, Enric wrote:

> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, robert a/k/a r
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> heh, can one make rocketboom a v/blog again by, after watching an
>> episode on tivo, then comment on rocketbooms site or ones own site?
>> rocketboom reborn
> A manual system is not the same.  You can take 96 cameras in front of
> a race horse and make a flip book out of the pictures a la Muybridge.
>   But it wouldn't be a motion picture system.
>   -- Enric
>> On Dec 9, 2005, at 4:52 PM, Michael Sullivan wrote:
>>>  so then, what you mean to wsay is, each video... when watched on
> the
>>> tivo, is not a videoblog post.  fine, we can all live with that for
>>> awhile... until tivo get bloggy with it.  akimbo might already?Â
>>> just to be clear though, lets not say that rboom is no longer a
>>> videoblog...
>>> we'll agree that the daily video 'if' viewed on the tivo is not a
> vlog
>>> post... and thats about it =)
>>> On 12/9/05, Andreas Haugstrup Pedersen < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:On
>>> Fri, 09 Dec 2005 22:27:46 +0100, Michael Sullivan
>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> Ain't no blog, yo.
>>>>> sure it is well i mean rocketboom.com is a vlog...
>>>>> so, the content is derived from a vlog...
>>>>> where it ends up doesnt change that fact.
>>>> Yes, it does. The video isn't the blog entry. Inbound links, 
>>>> outbound
>>>> link, comments and so on all make up the blog entry. The blog entry
>>>> is a
>>>> network object. What you get on the Tivo is just the video. Same
>>>> thing if
>>>> you print out a blog entry and put it in a newspaper. You wouldn't
>>>> have a
>>>> blog entry anymore, you'd have an opinion article (or an article or
>>>> whatever).
>>>>> what it really is is a VODCAST, yo!
>>>> Yes, not the same thing as a videoblog. :o)

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[videoblogging] NYT NYC Hotels Article

2005-12-11 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey all

The NYT has an article this weekend re budget hotels, might be worth a read if you planning to come to town for vloggercon and other events:




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[videoblogging] can you figure this out?

2005-12-11 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hi all

Just posted a video and curious how many peeps can, within the first 
let's say 10 or 15 seconds, figure out who is speaking on screen.

If you are a music and pop culture guru you prolly have it in the three 
seconds, else it might take a little longer.

No cheating. Don't check my blog first. Here's the link to the video:

Please post the number of seconds it took you to figure it out in the 
blog post comments, even if it took you longer than 10 seconds :)


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Fwd: The Indie TV Movement is Here

2005-12-12 Thread robert a/k/a r
Someone with a geeky predisposition might write a skype plugin so that 
one could assigns a skype-in number to their (wordpress) vlog and with 
a wordpress plugin the audio comments could go directly into the post. 
I guess you would need to indicate a suffix (i.e., and extension) that 
would associate the vlog post with the audio message.

BTW on a different matter, anyone else finding YAHOO mail posts to this 
board slower/worse than ever then past few days, it's completely 
dropped one I sent earlier this afternoon.


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On Dec 12, 2005, at 6:15 PM, Pete Prodoehl wrote:

> Enric wrote:
>> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, "Kent Nichols"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think that's absolutely correct.  And after they've finished seeing
>> the show they're very motivated to respond:  "That's great, I really
>> love the...", "That sucks the way you showed that guy...", etc.
>>> But the interaction after the fact -- emails, comments, etc. -- that
>>> is where the video podcasts are alive.
>> Yup!  The more immediately after, the better.  Sometimes people are
>> into it during.  Like, "Hey, why did you bring that character into the
>> story?" (which they may forget by the time it's over.)
> Maybe the videobloggers should follow what many of the podcasters do, 
> at
> the end of the video supply a phone number: "Comments on this video?
> Call 206-555-"
> Of course it's not exactly as bloggy as text, but you could use the
> calls in a video, or as audio on the site, or in it's own feed, or...
> there are some interesting possibilities I'd imagine...
> Pete
> -- 
> http://tinkernet.org/
> videoblog for the future...
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Re: [videoblogging] What camera should I ask Santa for?

2005-12-12 Thread robert a/k/a r
I've found portability to be key.

Whilst I heart my Sony PD150 and the amazing quality, I find I prefer 
to have a camera I can keep in my pocket or backpack all the time. This 
cam takes up too much room in my pack, though if it's a planned shoot I 
don't mind this particularly since it has powered XLR inputs so you can 
easily grab a pair of lavs or shotguns and have great audio too. I 
can't say enough great things about this cam other.

I'm experimenting now with the Canon S80, which has a higher resolution 
video setting than most still cams; my recent post of the cube was shot 
with that camera (though I compressed the heck out of it to put it on 
the interweb but it still looks pretty darn good).

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On Dec 12, 2005, at 3:19 PM, Loiez D. wrote:

> I have a Panasonic NV-GS120
> 3CCD
> with a good optic Leica
> This is too small to make good films ( i want to buy an HDV)
> and this his too big ( and expensive) to be alway on my pocket.
> When you buy a camera ( AMHA) the only question is :
> "what do you want to do with your camera ?"

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: What camera should I ask Santa for?

2005-12-12 Thread robert a/k/a r

recorded at 1024 x 768. reduced the image size to what you see via the 
link, which was compressed using apple compressor - h.264 and i ran the 
audio through a very modest high pass to loose the bottom of the street 

with less aggressive vid compression it's, as one would expect, better. 
what i'm keen on is that this (S80) is a small-ish stills cam shooting 
such video. of course you shouldn't expect a camera like this to take 
professional quality stills, which it doesn't (canon have even 
abandoned raw output in this model, geez). but it does take a decent 
pic, which is all i am really after in a cam this size.

i can put the original capture on my server if you all are interested 
in downloading it to see how it looks full screen (it's awesome!) or 
experiment with it. let me know.


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On Dec 12, 2005, at 7:53 PM, Bill Streeter wrote:

> Wow that looked really good! How did you compress that?
> Bill Streeter
> www.lofistl.com
> --- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, robert a/k/a r
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I've found portability to be key.
>> Whilst I heart my Sony PD150 and the amazing quality, I find I prefer
>> to have a camera I can keep in my pocket or backpack all the time. 
>> This
>> cam takes up too much room in my pack, though if it's a planned shoot 
>> I
>> don't mind this particularly since it has powered XLR inputs so you 
>> can
>> easily grab a pair of lavs or shotguns and have great audio too. I
>> can't say enough great things about this cam other.
>> I'm experimenting now with the Canon S80, which has a higher 
>> resolution
>> video setting than most still cams; my recent post of the cube was 
>> shot
>> with that camera (though I compressed the heck out of it to put it on
>> the interweb but it still looks pretty darn good).
>> <http://www.24x7.com/blog/2005-11/cube-astor-place/>
>> --
>> http://r.24x7.com >
>> Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively
>> On Dec 12, 2005, at 3:19 PM, Loiez D. wrote:
>>> I have a Panasonic NV-GS120
>>> 3CCD
>>> with a good optic Leica
>>> This is too small to make good films ( i want to buy an HDV)
>>> and this his too big ( and expensive) to be alway on my pocket.
>>> When you buy a camera ( AMHA) the only question is :
>>> "what do you want to do with your camera ?"
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[videoblogging] MT on Yahoo, is this vlog-compatible?

2005-12-13 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey all

Anyone check to see if Yahoo's new hosting plan is suitable for video 


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[videoblogging] Nokia N90 phone - video (real life) example

2005-12-15 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey all

Check the quality of the video Rodrigo Sepúlveda Schulz posted, shot in 
low light outdoors with a Nokia N90 phone.

The image is pretty decent and the audio is good too.

And he presents the video in Flash (via his new vpod.tv scheme we're 
all dying to check out:)


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[videoblogging] More vlogger reportage, Amanda "una gran estrella de las pantallas más pequeñas"

2005-12-16 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hi all, Amanda's rocks SA today on the cover of the international 
section of Las Últimas Noticias.

Amanda "a big star on the smallest screens" (please pardon my poor 

"Every day, monday through friday, Amanda Congdon presents a little 3 
minute parody of the news on Rocketboom, the site of video blogging 
that's television for the internet. Between followers and fans they 
load the spots to watch on video iPods. Rocketboom surpasses 100 
thousand visits daily, making the analysis in the [New York] Times 
about this girls place in the galaxy correct.


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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Define Videoblogging

2005-12-17 Thread robert a/k/a r
which would make videobloggers all gen(i)uses  ;-/

On Dec 17, 2005, at 6:42 PM, Matthew Clayfield wrote:

> If cinema is a phylum, videoblogging is a genus.

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Re: [videoblogging] what's this

2005-12-18 Thread robert a/k/a r
yeah, i'd be interested too. it looks like a nice site.

On Dec 18, 2005, at 4:32 PM, Jay dedman wrote:

>> Anybody know ?
>> http://www.videoart.net/
> i believe this is run by a guy who lives here in NYC.
> he came to one of our meetups a couple months ago.
> i can track down his email if youre interested.
> jay
> --
> Adventures in Videoblogging
> http://www.momentshowing.net>
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Videoblogging: potential dark side

2005-12-20 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hi Kitka. Welcome, love your work.

Regarding your comments, below, you seriously saying "real" 
videobloggers are good (whatever real is) and the others are bad, 
surely you don't really mean what you say do you?

Are you saying the more work you do the more real you are?

And once you define this realness, this good and evil (sit Chris, sit), 
are you seriously proposing you and others should start cleansing 
directories of the evil ones?

Shouldn't we welcome diversity?


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On Dec 20, 2005, at 11:35 AM, ms.kitka wrote:

> ... Sure,
> this is fine... but compared to the work that real videobloggers put
> into making their shows...
> ... We will have to
> start weeding out the ads at some point.
> Kitka

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Videoblogging: potential dark side

2005-12-20 Thread robert a/k/a r
And others are, Kitka. Perhaps some directories will provide a means for you to select via tags or some another scheme.

However when you say directories should exclude videos such as this:

and this:

(or the tiny: )

methinks you would be doing a disservice to everyone. 

Let them be. 

On Dec 20, 2005, at 12:35 PM, Ms. Kitka wrote:

...When I go to vlog
directories, I'm not looking to find a videoblog of advertisements.  

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Videoblogging: potential dark side

2005-12-20 Thread robert a/k/a r
Kitka, I happen to enjoy discovering promotional video, and you said 
(see your quote below) you don't. Big deal, it's not worth getting 
yourself kerfuffled over, I was pointing out that there's room for 
everything, and we should not exclude work from directories. The videos 
I linked for you are ones that I think are clever and they make me 
chuckle, I hope they at least brought a small smile to your face; but 
if not, I apologise.

> On Dec 20, 2005, at 12:35 PM, Ms. Kitka wrote:
>> ...When I go to vlog
>> directories, I'm not looking to find a videoblog of advertisements.

If you now think it's ok to have such videos in directories, reverse 
you position. If not, then stay your ground and stick to your quote. 
Bottom line, I think it's cool to change your mind, we all do sometimes 
as we learn, and on this board I think many of us are on here to learn 
and discover.

One more thing, if you hear anyone argue on this board, rest assured 
the intent is salutary.

So again, welcome to the group, and I look forward to more of your 


On Dec 20, 2005, at 2:10 PM, Ms. Kitka wrote:

> Gees, Robert, don't be a jerk.  You keep saying that I "said" this and
> that and it's untrue.  Stop assuming things by putting words in my
> mouth and have a decent conversation.
> Kitka

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Re: [videoblogging] new vlogger (sort of)

2005-12-21 Thread robert a/k/a r

(heh, it's not every day i get to use the one word i know)



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On Dec 21, 2005, at 7:59 PM, miglsd27 wrote:


My son, music "Koyal" by Nitin Sawhney. 1/2 hour old...

Merry Christmas to all,


[videoblogging] Creative Commons, 10 day window

2005-12-22 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey all (apologies in advance for the crosspost)

A lot of us release works under Creative Commons licenses, which is a 
cool thing.

Alert: An UNCOOL sword is dangling a bit close however, the IRS demands 
proof of public support for CC.

Bottom line, CC has a very short window to prove "public support" to 
the IRS, Lessig (and all of us who release under CC) request support, 
please click a few bucks over to CC NOW.

If you read nothing else today, read Lessig's message, then make a 

***And if you are a business (i.e., aggregator, video hosting, etc.) 
benefiting from those who release under CC licenses, please forward 
this message to your CEO and make him/her aware, the deadline is 10 


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Re: [videoblogging] Creative Commons, 10 day window

2005-12-22 Thread robert a/k/a r
Markus, in my post there was no suggestion that we form a committee of 
joint vlogger fund, perhaps you misunderstood.

Of course there is always allocation of scarce resources questions, I 
assumed it a given since we are all grown ups on here and already know 

The sole purpose of the post was to alert any on the list who might not 
be aware of the CC situation and individually care to support it.

Further, if you are directing your parenthetical remark re "pressing 
the paypal button towards me", I not only contribute to the media 
makers on this list and elsewhere I have also dropped a few bucks 
towards the tool makers.

Lastly, if Lessig says he is worried about the future of CC if the NFP 
status is cancelled, I'm willing to give his word the benefit of the 


On Dec 22, 2005, at 3:41 PM, Markus Sandy wrote:

> ...
> continued existence; although Lessig claims it is essential).
> ...
> second, i think the question arises as to if and how we should pull
> together and help out one single organization with so much money?
> maybe we should be asking some hard questions here.
> ...
>  (how many paypal buttons
> have you pressed this year?)
> ...
> i do appreciate their services, but I question their needs over others
> markus

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Vlogs - interview on BBC World Service Radio

2005-12-23 Thread robert a/k/a r
hehehe, if rocketboom merged with bottomunion you'd get...

On Dec 23, 2005, at 8:08 AM, Joan Khoo wrote:

Did anyone get an email like this? I thought it was genuine and given them my phone number until I realised it said "Rocketbottom". Can someone tell me what's going on?

On 12/23/05, Allis Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Hi Joan, 

Andrew Michael Baron at  Rocketbottom gave me your name. We're doing a piece on vlogs on the World Today programme tonight and may well take it on tomorrow.  Could you send us your phone numbers as we'd love to talk to a vlogger outside Europe/States?

Re: [videoblogging] MP4... driving me nuts.

2005-12-28 Thread robert a/k/a r
Brings to mind the comedy-is-all-in-the-delivery video clip with Mr 

Happy new year all!



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On Dec 28, 2005, at 12:01 AM, Michael Meiser wrote:

> ... "I couldn't help but
> notice those two little golden things
> ...
> A it's driving me nuts.

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Creative Commons, 10 day window

2005-12-29 Thread robert a/k/a r
Lessig reports the remaining window is 3 days (from yesterday) and a 
remaining amount of USD 25,000 is required for them to not loose their 
tax-exempt status, more explanation of the reason and how the money is 
used via Lessig's post:

Click thru and send a few bucks if you support the work CC does. (This 
is my last post re this fund raising.)


On Dec 22, 2005, at 5:01 PM, Dave Huth wrote:

> ...That's precisely why I responded to the original post by heading to 
> the Creative Commons
> web site and donating money.
> ...

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Re: [videoblogging] I Dream of Rocketboom

2006-01-02 Thread robert a/k/a r
Yahoo mail must be way backed up again, by now I had expected to 
receive linkage to a poll :)

(a) 7x / week
(b) 5x
(c) 3x
(d) 1x
(e) only during short naps

On Jan 2, 2006, at 9:07 PM, Ms. Kitka wrote:

> In the past four days, Amanda Congdon has been in my dreams five
> times.  ...

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Re: [videoblogging] LibSyn won't embed QT in Safari?

2006-01-04 Thread robert a/k/a r
Awesome video, Matt. Made me check the upcoming weekend flight 

Who cares if libsyn doesn't load embedded in Safari:)
(it's doesn't here either, btw)

Have you seen the high altitude footage Charlie and Tim are making at 

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On Jan 5, 2006, at 1:39 AM, LeanBackVids.com wrote:

> I just signed up for LibSyn today since my bandwidth is out of
> control, but it looks like Quicktime videos do not load in Safari when
> embedded inside a page.
> Here is my test page...
> http://ridertech.com/test.php
> Any other LibSyn users notice this?  I think it may be caused by all
> their backend redirect.  Sadly, this may be my first and last month.
> -Matt
> ---
> http://vlogmap.org
> http://leanbackvids.com
> http://ridertech.com
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Another CES post

2006-01-05 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey Jim

Earlier Pat Cook posted re a site http://www.vidilife.com/ where they talk about divx being the missing ingredient if the videos on their site don't play.

What's the deal, why is divx such a pain to use and why can't all of this be made easier for the average user.

Why does it have to be so difficult, is it the vidilife peeps or the browser peeps making life complicated? i think I have the darn stuff downloaded and it's not working. Or is it a MS issue?

I've got to believe there is an easier way to make video work for the masses. Is there something we all can do to make it easier, short of downloading a client that also downloads the divx bits?

This is not urgent by any means, however I think it's important for the long haul. When you have a minute I'd like to hear your thoughts when you're back in the office. It's 2006 and we're still making users fuss too much, IMO.


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On Jan 6, 2006, at 1:54 AM, JV wrote:

Sounds very cool.

We just started puting up videos on http://labs.divx.com. The intro is
the only one live, but we have day one footage on the way.

One bit is with Creative about the zencast. I am hoping to get
together with josh so we can get fireant on the site too.

I'll see if I see doug around tomorrow. We will probably be in
automobiles in the morning and then play it by ear in the afternoon.
back to the cave around 4 to edit up pieces.

What does everyone want to see? We can probably split up tasks among
everyone here with cameras on the floor.


Jim V 

p.s. this morning we were all handheld, this afternoon with the
tripod. It is funny how much respect a tripod gets you.

--- In videoblogging@yahoogroups.com, David Meade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Update from my brother who's on the floor (Doug of DougMeade.com) ...

He's back on the main floor carying around a cool little product that
RCA is going to market:  its a video camera about the size of a 
digitial camera -  It takes about 30-45min of video, saves AVI, and
has USB output.  He said it will sell from between 130-150 dollars
most likely.

I believe this is made by the same people that made the CVS-sold
version that didnt have a usb out.

If anyone wants to check it out, look for him :-)  He's carying a
small vid camera ... surely that would narrow it down? :-)  You should
also be able to send him a message to his phone via: phone @

- Dave

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Re: [videoblogging] Thinking outside the box...

2006-01-06 Thread robert a/k/a r
You know how when you wake up in the morning and as you're opening your 
eyes you do that long stretch you feel down deep from your shoulders to 
your calves, and you feel s good.

Well, that feeling is the same one I get when making video. Anything 
else is just more gravy. If there is additional comp then that's cool, 
but the really good feeling comes from making a piece.

Po: When you wake up tomorrow morning and do the stretch decide for 
yourself if it feels good because of what you made yesterday or because 
you got paid. Revenue doesn't have to be expressed in dollars, though 
when it is it's because your audience is collaborating with you 
remotely, it's a proxy for their in-person applause.

Just an opinion from a guy who likes moving images, do what you want 
with it.

BTW, I'm all for figuring out how to get dollars into the hands of 
vloggers and have a few ideas how to do so, but I don't think it's the 
dollars that motivate us to create. Am I wrong?


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively


On Jan 6, 2006, at 1:04 AM, Ron Watson wrote:

>  It seems to me that we are already stuck in a rut in terms of usage 
> of this medium.

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Re: [videoblogging] Questions on Formats to Post for Vlog.

2006-01-06 Thread robert a/k/a r
Josh, from a risk management perspective is there any reason to think 
Apple may in future harden their m4v scheme at some point making it a 
requirement to have mv4 extension to sync to ipod, making a nightmare 
scenario for peeps with renamed m4v > mp4 assets on servers and links 
on their feeds?


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively


On Jan 6, 2006, at 11:52 AM, Joshua Kinberg wrote:

> iPod will play mov and mp4. It depends more on the resolution and 
> bitrate.
> m4v is not actually anything other than an mp4 with h.264 codec, aac
> audio, and specific resolution and bitrate settings optimized for
> iPod. So really, m4v is a made up file extension. It should actually
> be mp4, as that's really the correct file type. It is often preferable
> to edit the filename replacing .m4v extension with .mp4 as that is
> more accurately what the file *is*.
> -Josh

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Pay Per View Video Coming From Google

2006-01-06 Thread robert a/k/a r
heh. i experimented with open step on solaris pizza boxes, but i didn't 
inhale. does that count?

and gawd, while digging through old memories, how many peeps on this 
list are old enough to have installed netscape commerce server?


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively


On Jan 6, 2006, at 10:05 AM, Pete Prodoehl wrote:

> Joshua Paul wrote:
>> Are there NeXTsteppers here?
> I've got a NeXTStation in my basement that needs some loving...
> It hasn't booted up since 1999 or so.
> Pete
> -- 
> http://tinkernet.org/
> videoblog for the future...
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Re: [videoblogging] Re: Pay Per View Video Coming From Google

2006-01-06 Thread robert a/k/a r
That's awesome, Markus. I love the camerawork, the shots of the Sun prog from above, the photography (and edit) really tells a good story in this one. 

While on the subject of images analysis, I discovered an interesting site (via esorabbit) which I gave brief mention on my blog:

And hey, do you remember the demo when the Steve had a next step airlines res interface and actually booked a flight, it was another great Steve moment.


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively


On Jan 6, 2006, at 4:21 PM, Markus Sandy wrote:

ok, now look what you guys went and made me do ...

i knew i had this old video tape around somewhere,
a promo by Next with an application development competition against Sun!


i don't have any fancy VHS capture tools, so I just shot the thing directly to my Xacti and uploaded it

18 minutes of pure nostalgia!

enjoy!  I knew I kept this for a reason.



[videoblogging] shiny 720p HD cam

2006-01-07 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey all

Just noticed there's a new HD camera coming that looks like it will be  
fun to experiment with, it writes to sd cards, shoots 720p and has  
external mic inputs.


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

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Re: [videoblogging] shiny 720p HD cam

2006-01-07 Thread robert a/k/a r
heh j, sorry for the late reply. link to hd cam still works for me. try 
again, maybe there was routing problem when you first tried.

on a different matter, here's another link.
this one is of spicy entertainment genre, if into hot stuffs in the 
kitchen :-O)


btw, has anyone else noticed that youtube seems to be catching on?


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

On Jan 7, 2006, at 8:42 PM, Jan McLaughlin wrote:

> Hey, r,
> :(
> Link broken.
> Jan
> -- 
> "It isn't done alone. Pay more."
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/roadnode101/ - education
> http://fauxpress.blogspot.com - motion
> http://blog.urbanartadventures.com - sound
> http://vlogpresskit.blogspot.com - media
> http://the-hold.blogspot.com - literature
> .
> On Jan 7, 2006, at 5:07 PM, robert a/k/a r wrote:
>> Hey all
>> Just noticed there's a new HD camera coming that looks like it will be
>> fun to experiment with, it writes to sd cards, shoots 720p and has
>> external mic inputs.
>> <http://stadium.weblogsinc.com/engadget/videos/ces06/
>> EngCES06_SanyoHD1.mov>
>> --
>> cheers
>> r
>> Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively
>> My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
>> A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com
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[videoblogging] Brightcove interview

2006-01-09 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hi all

Just saw an another interview with Jeremy Allaire go up, this time on itvt's site. It appears Brightcove's focus is big media, but maybe they will come around later and support us vloggers and small producers too. 

In the interview Allaire also mentions their flash scheme (see quote, below) and also re their DRM, I've linked the full interview on vlognews:


Allaire: ...We're currently offering free Flash 8 video encoders using On2's Flix Pro encoding software, so if you have video you can launch it immediately. All you need are your video assets themselves, and whatever graphics you want to brand them with.

[itvt]: So the service delivers video in the Flash format…

Allaire: Yes. During the commercial preview stage, all of the video is being delivered in the Flash video format. As I just mentioned, we're offering a free version of the On2 Flix Pro video encoder, so if you have video in QuickTime or .avi, DV, MPEG or whatever, you can encode it into the Flash 7 or 8 format. We're running this commercial preview over the coming months, and in the near future we will start to make available a range of avenues for publishers to generate revenue from their broadband channels. You'll have the option of delivering advertising in your content, charging users to watch or download your content, or syndicating the content to other Web properties.


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

Re: [videoblogging] Re: Pay Per View Video Coming From Google

2006-01-10 Thread robert a/k/a r
heh, hows about having played on a PDP10, which we all now can again 
thanks to Paul Allen:

this is awesome.

On Jan 6, 2006, at 2:01 PM, Pete Prodoehl wrote:

> How about old enough to remember the days before Netscape, when NCSA's
> Mosaic roamed the earth...? :)

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Re: [videoblogging] Re: PORN, yes, I said it PORN.

2006-01-11 Thread robert a/k/a r
Thanks for posting the zappa link, Chris.

This FOIA request response will take only one minute to read and is 

On Jan 10, 2006, at 9:08 PM, Christopher Weagel wrote:
> ...
> Here's the Zappa clip:
> http://www.ifilm.com/ifilmdetail/2658805?htv=12
> ...

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[videoblogging] http://youare.tv/

2006-01-13 Thread robert a/k/a r
Anyone tried this one yet?
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Re: [videoblogging] http://youare.tv/

2006-01-13 Thread robert a/k/a r
the terms look generic, not unlike the other hosting services. anything jump out at you?

am noticing content that i don't see elsewhere, appealing content, to me anyway.


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

On Jan 13, 2006, at 12:48 PM, Michael Sullivan wrote:

Yet Another Video Service!

had'nt heard of it, no.  
read this? http://www.youare.tv/terms.php

On 1/13/06, robert a/k/a r <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

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"The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and revelation from which new form is born"
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http://vlogdir.com - The Videoblog Directory
http://videobloggers.org - Free Videoblog Hosting / Vlogosphere Aggregator 
 http://interdigitate.com - on again off again personal vlog  



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Re: [videoblogging] http://youare.tv/

2006-01-13 Thread robert a/k/a r
i'm wondering if that's not standard language for such hosting sites. i'll bet if you look at the others you'll find their lawyers included the same language. i see it elsewhere.

what harm would such language cause the user of such a hosting service?

btw, IANAL but wouldn't those bits in your agreement to enable you to sell your site or merge it into a new entity without breaching you agreement with your users?


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

On Jan 13, 2006, at 1:21 PM, Brad Webb wrote:

The "irrevocable, transferable" bits jumped out at me.. maybe that's 
just because we don't have those, tho =)

robert a/k/a r wrote:

the terms look generic, not unlike the other hosting services. 
anything jump out at you?

am noticing content that i don't see elsewhere, appealing content, to 
me anyway.


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

On Jan 13, 2006, at 12:48 PM, Michael Sullivan wrote:

Yet Another Video Service!

had'nt heard of it, no. 
read this? http://www.youare.tv/terms.php

On 1/13/06, *robert a/k/a r* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

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"The hybrid or the meeting of two media is a moment of truth and
revelation from which new form is born"
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http://vlogdir.com - The Videoblog Directory
http://videobloggers.org - Free Videoblog Hosting / Vlogosphere
http://interdigitate.com - on again off again personal vlog



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Brad Webb, Director of Social Media Technology

vSocial | Custom One Media, LLC
51 W. Third Street, #301
Tempe, AZ 85281
(480) 967-9575 - Fax

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[videoblogging] Windown Media Player For Mac Gonzo?

2006-01-13 Thread robert a/k/a r

>From the ZDnet article:
"Microsoft has officially halted development of its Windows Media Player for the Mac and plans no future Apple Computer versions of its music-playing software, CNET News.com has learned."


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

[videoblogging] youtube / flickr reportage

2006-01-16 Thread robert a/k/a r
Can this reportage re youtube and flickr be accurate, that's one steep 
curve, eh?


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
Get A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

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[videoblogging] short vid shot with canon eos20d

2006-01-17 Thread robert a/k/a r
Hey all

I just viewed a short shot with a Canon eos 20d that you might enjoy, 
it's great cinematography and story telling. Possibly inspirational, 
even :)

I wonder if Patryk knows about our videoblogging group.

Ah, there's also an audio interview with him here:


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

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[videoblogging] VideoEgg round

2006-01-18 Thread robert a/k/a r
Congrats to the VideoEgg team (are you guys participating on this  
list?) on your venture round.


Deconstructing the status quo, collaboratively

My Vlog: http://r.24x7.com
A Good Deal: http://foo.24x7.com

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