[Vietlug] Lam the nao de make backup hdd trong FreeBSD

2005-01-15 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Minh dang dung FreeBSD 4.1, minh dung ghost thi khi ghost no lai nhan luon la 
120GB va tao file ghost lon qua. No khong bo cac phan free Space di nen minh 
muon dung lenh tar de tao backup 1 ban sao o cung trong FreeBSD.

HDD0 (Chay FreeBSD 4.10)
HDD1 (Blank Disk)

Backup from HDD0 - HDD1 all data.


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[Vietlug] Ethernet down.

2004-12-28 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Minh gap hien tuong ky quai la khong hieu sao tu dung may chu FreeBSD cua minh 
trong LAN khong the ping duoc, cac may client ko the ket noi den may chu 
FreeBSD thong qua Ethernet trong LAN, Ethernet ket noi WAN van chay binh 
thuong. Khi minh vao may chu de ping cac may trong LAN thi nhan duoc thong bao:

ping send to: no buffer space available

Nhu vay la co nghia sao nhi? Sao lai khong con bo dem cua Ethernet trong LAN? 
Phai chang la service down do viec gi day? Khoi dong lai may chay binh thuong 

Ai da gap truong hop nay chua nhi? Chi giup minh voi nhe! Lan sao con biet 
duong khac phuc.

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[Vietlug] Wget tra loi nhanh!

2004-12-25 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Bac nao biet trong freeBSD dung lenh de download file giong wget cua Linux ko 
nhi? Chi giup minh voi nhe!


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Re[2]: [Vietlug] Wget tra loi nhanh!

2004-12-25 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Cam on ban rat nhieu, minh cai xong roi, chay rat ok.

Tien day hoi luon moi nguoi, co cach nao minh dung PUTTY tu Windows ket noi SSH 
den FreeBSD va minh co the get files hoac directories ve thang may Windows cua 
minh duoc ko nhi? Minh nghe noi phai dung tool.

Minh muon hoi them 1 cau nua. Dung lenh nao de backup het toan bo o cung cua 
minh trong freeBSD? Minh muon backup het tat ca ./ lai de khi nao co van de chi 
can bung ra la chay. Dung ghost co tuong thich khong? va khi bung ra nhu vay co 
dam bao chay luon ko?

Cam on rat nhieu.
-Original Message-
To: vietlug-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 2004 20:04:16 +0100
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Wget tra loi nhanh!

|On Sat, 25 Dec 2004 20:29:09 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| Bac nao biet trong freeBSD dung lenh de download file giong wget cua Linux 
ko nhi? Chi giup minh voi nhe!
|Ba.n co' the^? install wget trong FreeBSD :)
|Xem ports.
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Re[4]: [Vietlug] Wget tra loi nhanh!

2004-12-25 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Ok, da giai quyet xong cai van de get file qua SSH tu Windows, bay gio chuyen 
tiep 1 van de nua la minh muon thiet lap VPN den LAN qua minh, Server cua minh 
chay FreeBSD, co Static IP (server cung cap Internet cho toan mang LAN), minh 
muon thiet lap VPN de ket noi den, mong cac ban chi giup hoac neu khong chi 
giup minh chuong trinh nao tot nhat de thuc hien, minh se vao magn Search.

-Original Message-
From: Nigel Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: vietlug-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Date: Sun, 26 Dec 2004 20:22:53 +1300
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Vietlug] Wget tra loi nhanh!

| Tien day hoi luon moi nguoi, co cach nao minh dung PUTTY tu Windows ket noi 
SSH den FreeBSD va minh co the get files hoac directories ve thang may Windows 
cua minh duoc ko nhi? Minh nghe noi phai dung tool.
|Thu+? du`ng WinSCP (ha^`u he^'t ca'c ma'y cho cha.y SSH dde^`u co'
|the^? du`ng scp).
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Re[2]: [Vietlug] IP conflict

2004-12-19 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Noi vay thi con gi de ban nua, minh la quan tri mang day, mang LAN toan nguoi 
ngo ngan lan than, chang biet ti gi, chi biet vao may trang web va chat thoi 
nen toan dat IP linh tinh. The moi chan chet, co tien minh mua ngay cai Switch 
Layer 2 ve dat het tat ca moi noi, lenh pheng block het ngay. Chi buc minh la 
cai thang Linux ko chiu bao conflict cho thang Windows the moi dien.

-Original Message-
From: Zatoichi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 18:02:24 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] IP conflict

|Ma.ng ma'y ti'nh na`o cu~ng co' pha?i co' su+. qua?n ly', mo^~i
|ma'y 1 IP rie^ng, kho^ng thi` la`m sao ma.ng cha.y ddu+o+.c.
|Ne^'u mi`nh dda~ dda(ng ky' IP ma` ma'y kha'c la^'y IP cu?a mi`nh 
|thi` ba'o cho ngu+o+`i qua?n tri. ma.ng, ho. se~ truy ra ma'y ddo'
|du`ng MAC address.  Co`n ne^'u mi`nh tu+ tie^.n cho.n IP dde^? xa`i
|se~ co' nhie^`u ha^.u qua? tai ha.i cho mi`nh va` ta^'t ca? mo.i
|--- Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Dung vay, cai thang no tranh IP chinh la cai thang Windows, mang Lan
| nay rong voi 200 may tinh nen khong biet duoc ai voi ai ma lan nen
| chi muon 1 dieu duy nhat la minh da chon IP roi, thang khac lay IP
| cua minh se ko lay duoc vi nhan duoc thong bao la IP Conflict. Khong
| ai biet dieu nay sao? Bac Larry dau, chi giup minh voi hoac co giai
| phap nao tot hon khong?
| -Original Message-
| From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 10:24:24 +0700
| Subject: Re: Re[4]: [Vietlug] Ai biet chi giup
| |
| |On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 01:10:55 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang
| | Nhu*ng thu*a ba'c la` em dang du`ng Linux chu*' ko du`ng Windows.
| Ma` hi`nh nhu* ba'c no'i la` die^`u khie^?n ba`ng domain thi pha?i.
| Co`n vie^.c ca`i da(.t ca^'u hi`nh DHCP thi` ko kha? thi vi` trong
| LAN co' 1 so^' ngu*o*`i du`ng Wingate ne^n no' tu*. do^.ng nha^.n
| DHCP cu?a Wingate chu*' ko pha?i cu?a mi`nh. Die^`u ma` mi`nh muo^'n
| o*? da^y la` la`m sao cho ca'i ma'y Linux no' pha?n ho^`i tho^ng tin
| cho tha(`ng kha'c trong LAN la` tao da~ la^'y IP na`y ro^`i ma`y
| cho.n ca'i kha'c di chu*' ko pha?i la` dem bie^'u ngay IP ne^'u ai
| da^'y do^?i sang. Tha^.t la` ngo^'c nghe^'ch. Xin ca'c cao thu? chi?
| giu'p.
| |
| |
| |The^' ca'i tha(`ng no' tranh IP cu?a ba'c thi` no' la` Windows ?
| |Wingate thi` control DHCP tre^n tha(`ng Wingate no' exclude ca'i IP
| |cho ma'y Linux cu?a ba'c ra !!!
| ---
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Re[2]: [Vietlug] IP conflict

2004-12-19 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Co, minh co toan quyen kiem soat mang LAN nhung trong mang LAN toan nhung nguoi 
chang biet gi moi chan, suot ngay dat IP nham lung tung, noi mai ko chiu hieu, 
nhu dan Dong TIMO ay.

-Original Message-
From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 17:53:43 -0800
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] IP conflict

|Co' ve? ba'c ko hie^?u to^i no'i gi`, gio+` ba'c tra? lo+`i to^i ca^u na`y :
|Ba'c co' toa`n quye^`n kie^?m soa't ta^'t ca? ca'c ma'y ti'nh trong LAN ko ?
|tra? lo+`i xong to^i se~ no'i tie^'p !
|On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 20:14:37 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| Dung vay, cai thang no tranh IP chinh la cai thang Windows, mang Lan nay 
rong voi 200 may tinh nen khong biet duoc ai voi ai ma lan nen chi muon 1 dieu 
duy nhat la minh da chon IP roi, thang khac lay IP cua minh se ko lay duoc vi 
nhan duoc thong bao la IP Conflict. Khong ai biet dieu nay sao? Bac Larry dau, 
chi giup minh voi hoac co giai phap nao tot hon khong?
| -Original Message-
| From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 10:24:24 +0700
| Subject: Re: Re[4]: [Vietlug] Ai biet chi giup
| |
| |On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 01:10:55 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| | Nhu*ng thu*a ba'c la` em dang du`ng Linux chu*' ko du`ng Windows. Ma` 
hi`nh nhu* ba'c no'i la` die^`u khie^?n ba`ng domain thi pha?i. Co`n vie^.c 
ca`i da(.t ca^'u hi`nh DHCP thi` ko kha? thi vi` trong LAN co' 1 so^' ngu*o*`i 
du`ng Wingate ne^n no' tu*. do^.ng nha^.n DHCP cu?a Wingate chu*' ko pha?i cu?a 
mi`nh. Die^`u ma` mi`nh muo^'n o*? da^y la` la`m sao cho ca'i ma'y Linux no' 
pha?n ho^`i tho^ng tin cho tha(`ng kha'c trong LAN la` tao da~ la^'y IP na`y 
ro^`i ma`y cho.n ca'i kha'c di chu*' ko pha?i la` dem bie^'u ngay IP ne^'u ai 
da^'y do^?i sang. Tha^.t la` ngo^'c nghe^'ch. Xin ca'c cao thu? chi? giu'p.
| |
| |
| |The^' ca'i tha(`ng no' tranh IP cu?a ba'c thi` no' la` Windows ?
| |Wingate thi` control DHCP tre^n tha(`ng Wingate no' exclude ca'i IP
| |cho ma'y Linux cu?a ba'c ra !!!
| ---
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Re[4]: [Vietlug] IP conflict

2004-12-19 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Noi nhu bac lam khi gi, the toi da lam xong tu lau roi khong them hoi bac. De 
DHCP thi lai co nhieu thang trong LAN no chia se net cho nhau nen no dung 
WINGATE, ma cac may client lai nhan DHCP tu may gan nhat the ra la cong toi. 
Viec cac client dat IP trung moi may chu la do kem hieu biet, chang nhe minh 
lai di cat cua ho, neu vay thi chang con tinh nghia gi nua. Nguoi khong co toi 
khong dang phat ma. The thoi, cau hoi quan trong nhat thi cung chang ai tra 
loi, toan tra loi lien mien lan man van de dau dau ay, bac CHAIRUOU xem lai di, 
lam sao de no bao Conflict chu con DHCP thi toi xong tu lau roi.

Kinh bac 1 ly, mong co gi chi giup.

-Original Message-
From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 11:53:15 +0700
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Vietlug] IP conflict

|On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 07:17:36 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| Co, minh co toan quyen kiem soat mang LAN nhung trong mang LAN toan nhung 
nguoi chang biet gi moi chan, 
|to^i no'i ba'c ddu+`ng gia^.n, to^i ma` la boss to^i cho ba'c nghi? vie^.c !
|suot ngay dat IP nham lung tung, noi mai ko chiu hieu, nhu dan Dong TIMO ay.
|dda^y la` ca'ch gia?i quye^'t:
|1-dda(.t ca'c ma'y du`ng che^' ddo^. nha^.n IP tu+` DHCP server
|2-setup 1 HDCP server ca^'p pha't vu`ng ddi.a chi? sau :
|3- ba'c co`n la.i ca'c ddi.a chi? tu+` dde^'n 192.168.20
|cho ca'c mu.c ddi'ch kha'c ( du`ng cho server, thie^'t bi. ma.ng,
|gateway) ca'c ddi.a chi? la` co^' ddi.nh, ko ca^'p pha't trong
|DHCP server ( nho+' exclude no' kho?i issue range )
|tra? lo+`i the^' na`y ma` ba'c va^~n ko la`m ddu+o+.c thi` to^i cha('c
|ko co' ai muo^'n tra? lo+`i ba'c nu+~a
|co`n chuye^.n user tu+. thay ddo^?i thi` ba'c ca^`n co' chi'nh sa'ch
|qua?n ly, ky? lua^.t, khen thu+o+?ng v.v...
|TIP: theo do~i ca'c MAC address, tha(`ng na`o co^' ti`nh cu+o+'p IP
|thi` banned luo^n, sau 1 tua^`n dda?m ba?o co'c tha(`ng na`o da'm ,
|ye^u cho roi cho vo.t ba'c a.
|PS: ne^'u ba'c va^~n ho?i la`m DHCP the^' na`o nu+~a thi` to^i nghi~
|ba'c ne^n ta.m nghi? ro^`i ddi mua 1 cuo^'n sa'ch da.ng Essential
|Networking ve^` ddo.c 1 lu+o+.t dda~
|PS1: to^i kho^ng hay no'i ngo.t, ba'c nge co' bu+.c thi` cu+' chu+?i
|rie^ng to^i, ddu+`ng chu+?i le^n list nha :-D
| -Original Message-
| From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 17:53:43 -0800
| Subject: Re: [Vietlug] IP conflict
| |
| |Co' ve? ba'c ko hie^?u to^i no'i gi`, gio+` ba'c tra? lo+`i to^i ca^u na`y :
| |Ba'c co' toa`n quye^`n kie^?m soa't ta^'t ca? ca'c ma'y ti'nh trong LAN ko ?
| |
| |tra? lo+`i xong to^i se~ no'i tie^'p !
| |
| |
| |
| |On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 20:14:37 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| | Dung vay, cai thang no tranh IP chinh la cai thang Windows, mang Lan nay 
rong voi 200 may tinh nen khong biet duoc ai voi ai ma lan nen chi muon 1 dieu 
duy nhat la minh da chon IP roi, thang khac lay IP cua minh se ko lay duoc vi 
nhan duoc thong bao la IP Conflict. Khong ai biet dieu nay sao? Bac Larry dau, 
chi giup minh voi hoac co giai phap nao tot hon khong?
| |
| | -Original Message-
| | From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| | Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 10:24:24 +0700
| | Subject: Re: Re[4]: [Vietlug] Ai biet chi giup
| |
| | |
| | |On Sun, 19 Dec 2004 01:10:55 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL 
| | | Nhu*ng thu*a ba'c la` em dang du`ng Linux chu*' ko du`ng Windows. Ma` 
hi`nh nhu* ba'c no'i la` die^`u khie^?n ba`ng domain thi pha?i. Co`n vie^.c 
ca`i da(.t ca^'u hi`nh DHCP thi` ko kha? thi vi` trong LAN co' 1 so^' ngu*o*`i 
du`ng Wingate ne^n no' tu*. do^.ng nha^.n DHCP cu?a Wingate chu*' ko pha?i cu?a 
mi`nh. Die^`u ma` mi`nh muo^'n o*? da^y la` la`m sao cho ca'i ma'y Linux no' 
pha?n ho^`i tho^ng tin cho tha(`ng kha'c trong LAN la` tao da~ la^'y IP na`y 
ro^`i ma`y cho.n ca'i kha'c di chu*' ko pha?i la` dem bie^'u ngay IP ne^'u ai 
da^'y do^?i sang. Tha^.t la` ngo^'c nghe^'ch. Xin ca'c cao thu? chi? giu'p.
| | |
| | |
| | |The^' ca'i tha(`ng no' tranh IP cu?a ba'c thi` no' la` Windows ?
| | |Wingate thi` control DHCP tre^n tha(`ng Wingate no' exclude ca'i IP
| | |cho ma'y Linux cu?a ba'c ra !!!
| |
| | ---
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| | https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/vietlug-users
| |
| |
| |
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Re[2]: [Vietlug] Ai biet chi giup

2004-12-18 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Minh khong hieu y cua Cahiruoi noi the nao? Mang cua minh la mang LAN ngang 
hang nen ai cung co the doi IP sang duoc. Dieu kho chiu la thang Linux lai 
khong bao cho thang Windows biet la IP Conflict nen no doi IP sang la no dung 
duoc ngay, khong nhu Windows voi nhau no se bao la da co nguoi su dung. Mong 
chairuou chi ro giup hon, cam on nhieu. Con viec ma de chan lai thi cung kho vi 
nhu vay phai mua Swith Layer 2 rat dat tien, khoang 300-350$ cho loai 24ports. 
Va ko hieu lam sao de chan nguoi ta lay IP minh.

-Original Message-
From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 10:31:44 +0700
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Ai biet chi giup

|On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 04:10:33 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| Minh gap 1 van de rat la la, May cua minh dung Linux Redhat 9.0 ket noi vao 
mang LAN co IP la Khi co 1 may khac trong mang LAN chuyen IP thanh khi do se co hien tuong IP Conflict nhung khong hieu sao no lai 
khong xay ra va nguoi kia van co the dung ngay lap tuc IP binh 
thuong. Da ai gap truong hop nay chua nhi? Ai biet chi giup minh nhe! Cau hinh 
cu the luon, cam on nhieu.
|ma'y kia sao la^'y tru`ng ddu+o+.c ? they have local administration
|right ? why you don't limit them to access to change their settings
|and use DHCP server to issue IP address for your LAN ?
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SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
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Re[4]: [Vietlug] Ai biet chi giup

2004-12-18 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Nhu*ng thu*a ba'c la` em dang du`ng Linux chu*' ko du`ng Windows. Ma` hi`nh 
nhu* ba'c no'i la` die^`u khie^?n ba`ng domain thi pha?i. Co`n vie^.c ca`i 
da(.t ca^'u hi`nh DHCP thi` ko kha? thi vi` trong LAN co' 1 so^' ngu*o*`i du`ng 
Wingate ne^n no' tu*. do^.ng nha^.n DHCP cu?a Wingate chu*' ko pha?i cu?a 
mi`nh. Die^`u ma` mi`nh muo^'n o*? da^y la` la`m sao cho ca'i ma'y Linux no' 
pha?n ho^`i tho^ng tin cho tha(`ng kha'c trong LAN la` tao da~ la^'y IP na`y 
ro^`i ma`y cho.n ca'i kha'c di chu*' ko pha?i la` dem bie^'u ngay IP ne^'u ai 
da^'y do^?i sang. Tha^.t la` ngo^'c nghe^'ch. Xin ca'c cao thu? chi? giu'p.

-Original Message-
From: chairuou [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 19:29:01 +0700
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Vietlug] Ai biet chi giup

|On Sat, 18 Dec 2004 11:45:02 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| Minh khong hieu y cua Cahiruoi noi the nao? Mang cua minh la mang LAN ngang 
hang nen ai cung co the doi IP sang duoc. Dieu kho chiu la thang Linux lai 
khong bao cho thang Windows biet la IP Conflict nen no doi IP sang la no dung 
duoc ngay, khong nhu Windows voi nhau no se bao la da co nguoi su dung. Mong 
chairuou chi ro giup hon, cam on nhieu. Con viec ma de chan lai thi cung kho vi 
nhu vay phai mua Swith Layer 2 rat dat tien, khoang 300-350$ cho loai 24ports. 
Va ko hieu lam sao de chan nguoi ta lay IP minh.
|ne^'u ca'c ma'y Windows du`ng Windows 2000 hay XP thi` co' the^? cho
|user logon va`o ba(`ng normal user account thi` ho. se~ kho^ng thay
|ddo^?i network settings ddu+o+.c, ne^'u la` Win9x thi` ba.n ca^`n ca'c
|software tweak system nhu+ Winboost cha(?ng ha.n ( comercial
|softwaren), ba.n co' the^? t`im xem co' free software na`o ko, ne^'u
|du`ng Linux thi` qua' de^~ ro^`i :-D
|sau khi ca^'m ddoa'n user thi` dda(.t co^' ddi.nh IP cho tu+`ng ma'y
|ne^'u co' i't ma'y, ne^'u nhie^`u thi` setup 1 DHCP server dde^? ca^'p
|pha't IP tu+. ddo^.ng ( khoe? re )
|PS: la^`n sau nho+' go~ VIQR cho de^~ ddo.c
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Re[4]: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux ?

2004-12-04 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Ban hinh nhu cung o Rus a ma biet ro nhieu dieu the? Biet cai gia 10rup = 10 
cai banh mi den?

-Original Message-
Date: Sat, 4 Dec 2004 12:27:05 +0300
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux ?

|cha`o ca'c ba'c
|On Fri, 03 Dec 2004 16:54:05 +0300, Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
| Co biet tieng Nga teppi82 a, cau co bai bao nao hay a? Gu ilen day to dich 
giup cho mac du trinh do khong duoc cao cho lam. To dang la sinh vien hoc tai 
Nga ma. Cung biet lom bom vai chu :)
|http://samag.ru/img/uploaded/2003/1/s1.zip (da.ng djvu, ca^`n djview
|ta.i http://djvu.sf.net/)
|sinh vie^n ma` dda~ ddu+o+.c ddie^`u khie^?n ma.ng lo+'n the^'. Khie^'p!!
|cho+` ba?n di.ch va` 10 ru'p (=1 ba'nh my` dden)
| | Mi`nh 0 co' hi`nh nhu+ng ca'i ba'c ca^`n co' le~ Linux go.i la` How to 
| | up Samba as primary domain controller.
| |
| | Ba'c co' the^? search tre^n http://search.yahoo.com
| |
| | DDa^y la` mo^.t vi' du.
| |
| | http://thegoldenear.org/toolbox/unices/samba/samba-setup.html
| |
| | -Larry
|Phan Vinh Thinh
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Re[2]: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux ?

2004-12-03 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Co biet tieng Nga teppi82 a, cau co bai bao nao hay a? Gu ilen day to dich giup 
cho mac du trinh do khong duoc cao cho lam. To dang la sinh vien hoc tai Nga 
ma. Cung biet lom bom vai chu :)

-Original Message-
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 14:44:07 +0300
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux ?

|cha`o ca'c ba'c,
|On Mon, 29 Nov 2004 12:25:14 -0600, Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| On 11:34:40 am 11/29/04 Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  |Minh dang dung Linux Redhat 9.0 muon chuyen qua domain ma ko dung
|  mang ngang hang thi phai cau hinh the nao? Windows Users co the login
|  vao duoc ko? Xin cac ban chi giup. Co hinh anh cang tot.
| Mi`nh 0 co' hi`nh nhu+ng ca'i ba'c ca^`n co' le~ Linux go.i la` How to set
| up Samba as primary domain controller.
| Ba'c co' the^? search tre^n http://search.yahoo.com
| DDa^y la` mo^.t vi' du.
| http://thegoldenear.org/toolbox/unices/samba/samba-setup.html
| -Larry
|bie^'t tie^'ng Nga kho^ng ba'c Quang, em co' 1 ba`i ba'o Tie^'ng Nga
|(ra^'t hay va` nga('n go.n :p) gio+'i thie^.u ca'i na`y.
|can share for ... 10 ru'p :) j/k
|no^ng da^n vnoss
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Re[2]: [Vietlug] Mong Larry tra loi giup! Cau hoi ve Boot va IP cua LINUX

2004-12-03 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Chao Bach,

Nhu ban da biet may minh sau khi ghost LINUX thi boot khong chay duoc GRUB, 
minh da lam theo giong cach ban chi o trang chu cua Symantec nhung ma khong 
duoc vi minh khong hieu sao trong thu muc /boot/grub/stage1 ton tai file nay ma 
khi go lenh find thi no khong the tim ra. Neu minh rua thu muc grub den noi 
khac vi du /grub/stage1 thi nhan duoc file nay. Ban xem the nao chi giup minh 
voi nhe!

1 van de nua la ban noi ve conflict IP tren LAN bang DNS? Ban co the chi giup 
minh duoc khong? Cam on ban rat nhieu.

-Original Message-
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 08:29:26 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Mong Larry tra loi giup! Cau hoi ve Boot va IP cua LINUX

|--- Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Minh bi mat boot ghi ghost tu 1 HDD A - HDD B, cong viec hoan tat va
| boot bang HDD B thi thong bao la khong khoi dong duoc, 1 thong bao
| GRU to tuong lu lu xuat hien. Xin chi giup minh lam cach nao de tao
| boot cho HDD B khoi dong binh thuong. Bay gio minh muon khoi dong
| toan phai cho Floppy vao de khoi dong.
|Ghost version cu~ kho^ng hie^?u GRUB.  Coi link sau dda^y dde^? 
|xem ca'ch install GRUB tre^n HDD B.
| Trong Windows trong phan Advance cua TCP/IP minh co the add them IP.
| Vi du nhu minh co 1 IP la, vao do minh co the IP them IP
| cho Ethernet vi du nhu, trong khi do
| trong LAN van co the truy cap vao cac IP kia nhu la truy cap vao
| Xin Larry chi giup trong LINUX co lam the duoc khong?
| Minh da thu add them vao trong muc ROUTE cua Ethernet trong
| NETWORKING cua REDHAT nhung ma khong duoc.
| Xin chan thanh cam on.
|Linux go.i ca'i na`y la` IP aliasing.  Trong Redhat, Ip alias na(`m
|trong ifcfg-eth0-range0.  Search goggle dde^? ti`m hie^?u the^m...
|Vi' du.: 
|cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0-range0
| ---
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Re[4]: [Vietlug] Mong Larry tra loi giup! Cau hoi ve Boot va IP cua LINUX

2004-12-03 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Day bac oi thong tin day:

hdb khong co, chi co hda thoi:

fdisk -l /dev/hda
/dev/hda1 113104391   83  Linux
/dev/hda2   *14 14465 116085690   83  Linux
/dev/hda3 14466 14593   1028160   82  Linux swap

splashimage=(hd0,2) /boot/grub/splash.xpm.gz
title Red Hat Linux (2.4.20-8)
  root (hd0,2)
  kernel /vmlinuz-2.4.20-8 ro root=LABEL=/
  initrd /initrd-2.4.20-8.img

ls -al /boot/grub
[EMAIL PROTECTED] pub]# ls -al /boot/grub
total 187
drwxrwxrwx2 root root 1024 Dec  3 17:38 .
drwxrwxrwx4 root root 1024 Dec  3 18:37 ..
-rw-r--r--1 root root   82 May 31  2004 device.map
-rw-r--r--1 root root 7840 May 31  2004 e2fs_stage1_5
-rw-r--r--1 root root 7536 May 31  2004 fat_stage1_5
-rw-r--r--1 root root 6880 May 31  2004 ffs_stage1_5
-rw---1 root root  541 Dec  3 18:32 grub.conf
-rw-r--r--1 root root 8448 May 31  2004 jfs_stage1_5
lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   11 Dec  3 18:16 menu.lst - ./grub.conf
-rw-r--r--1 root root 7040 May 31  2004 minix_stage1_5
-rw-r--r--1 root root 9408 May 31  2004 reiserfs_stage1_5
-rw-r--r--1 root root11050 Feb 25  2003 splash.xpm.gz
-rw-r--r--1 root root  512 May 31  2004 stage1
-rw-r--r--1 root root   106364 May 31  2004 stage2
-rw-r--r--1 root root 6528 May 31  2004 vstafs_stage1_5
-rw-r--r--1 root root 9320 May 31  2004 xfs_stage1_5

Cac bac xem ho nhe!

-Original Message-
From: Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri,  3 Dec 2004 15:16:59 -0600
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [Vietlug] Mong Larry tra loi giup! Cau hoi ve Boot va IP 

|On 7:59:05 am 12/03/04 Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Chao Bach,
| Nhu ban da biet may minh sau khi ghost LINUX thi boot khong chay duoc
| GRUB, minh da lam theo giong cach ban chi o trang chu cua Symantec
| nhung ma khong duoc vi minh khong hieu sao trong thu muc
| /boot/grub/stage1 ton tai file nay ma khi go lenh find thi no khong the
| tim ra. Neu minh rua thu muc grub den noi khac vi du /grub/stage1 thi
| nhan duoc file nay. Ban xem the nao chi giup minh voi nhe!
|Ba'c post le^n dda^y cho mo.i ngu+o+`i xem nhu+~ng tho^ng tin sau:
|1. Output cu?a fdisk -l /dev/hdb
|2. No^.i dung cu?a grub.conf hay menu.lst
|3. No^.i dung cu?a ls -al /boot/grub
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[Vietlug] Lam sao de biet duoc minh bi Synflood?

2004-12-02 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Ban co the chi cho minh la ban lay thong tin Synflood Attacked o dau khong vay? 
Log no lai bang cach nao? Minh co van de muon hoi them Larry trong viec gioi 
han 5 ket noi den Server. Server cua minh cung cap Internet cho LAN voi 100 may 
ket noi Internet, theo ban nen dat so duong truyen bao nhieu cho moi giay la 
hop ly? Cam on ban rat nhieu.

Trich theo Link nay:


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[Vietlug] Cau cuu bac Viet Bach va moi nguoi tiep

2004-12-01 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Theo nhu bac noi thi la giai quyet van de conflict IP trong mang LAN thi phai 
dung den DNS nghia la sao? O day trong mang LAN co nguoi co chu y muon doi 
thanh IP cua Server Webservice the nen ko lam cach nao de chan duoc. Mong bac 
chi giup cai, rat can do, webservice cu chet hoai met qua. Khong hieu sao 1 van 
de nua la 1 may nao do trong LAN doi sang IP cua may cung cap Webservice (Linux 
Redhat 9.0) thi khong thay thong bao conflict ma tu dung la dung duoc ngay dan 
den viec mat IP :(.

Bac da noi cai viec lam DMZ thi noi giup not voi, lam cach nao de nhom lai nhom 
nay? Minh cung co 1 cai Wireless Route cung ho tro DMZ ma khong biet de lam gi.

Cam on Viet Bach va moi nguoi rat nhieu.

SF email is sponsored by - The IT Product Guide
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Discover which products truly live up to the hype. Start reading now. 
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[Vietlug] Lam the nao de cai dat domain cho Linux?

2004-11-29 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
|Minh dang dung Linux Redhat 9.0 muon chuyen qua domain ma ko dung mang ngang 
hang thi phai cau hinh the nao? Windows Users co the login vao duoc ko? Xin cac 
ban chi giup. Co hinh anh cang tot.

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[Vietlug] Ket noi domain vao server Linux.

2004-10-27 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Minh co 1 server Linux va dedicated IP, domain xcatcher.com minh muon cau hinh de 
xcatcher.com co the ket noi den server cua minh. Ai biet chi giup minh chi tiet nhe. 
Cam on nhieu.

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Re[2]: [Vietlug] Ket noi domain vao server Linux.

2004-10-27 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Oi, that tuyet voi, cam on LARY rat nhieu nhe! Dung cai minh dang can.

-Original Message-
From: Larry Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 09:28:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [Vietlug] Ket noi domain vao server Linux.

|On 8:47:49 am 10/27/04 Quang Nguyen Dang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Minh co 1 server Linux va dedicated IP, domain xcatcher.com minh muon
| cau hinh de xcatcher.com co the ket noi den server cua minh. Ai biet
| chi giup minh chi tiet nhe. Cam on nhieu.
|Nghe nhu+ ba.n muo^'n cha.y dns server dde^? host xcatcher.com. Mi`nh
|*strongly* recommend du`ng djbdns. Ra^'t de^~ su+? du.ng va` *very* secure.
|Ta'c gia? tha^.m chi' co`n se~ thu+o+?ng tie^`n ne^'u ai ti`m ddu+o+.c lo^~
|ho^?ng cu?a no'.
|Xem http://djbdnsrocks.org/ co' ca'ch hu+o+'ng da^~n ra^'t de^~.
|This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
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This SF.Net email is sponsored by:
Sybase ASE Linux Express Edition - download now for FREE
LinuxWorld Reader's Choice Award Winner for best database on Linux.
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[Vietlug] Thiet lap tuong lua cho Linux

2004-10-27 Hội thoại Quang Nguyen Dang
Cac ban chi giup minh cach nao de thiet lap tuong lua cho Linux, dung lenh ra sao? 
Minh muon thiet lap tuong lua la chan het tat ca thong tin vao ra server den tu cac 
may. Va duong dan cua Iptable nam o dau? No nam tai file nao tren o cung?

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