Patch 7.0.159

2006-11-07 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Patch 7.0.159
Problem:When there is an I/O error in the swap file the cause of the error
cannot be seen.
Solution:   Use PERROR() instead of EMSG() where possible.
Files:  src/memfile.c

*** ../vim-7.0.158/src/memfile.cWed Nov  1 18:10:36 2006
--- src/memfile.c   Wed Nov  1 21:38:59 2006
*** 1028,1039 
  size = page_size * hp-bh_page_count;
  if (lseek(mfp-mf_fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
!   EMSG(_(E294: Seek error in swap file read));
return FAIL;
  if ((unsigned)vim_read(mfp-mf_fd, hp-bh_data, size) != size)
!   EMSG(_(E295: Read error in swap file));
return FAIL;
  return OK;
--- 1028,1039 
  size = page_size * hp-bh_page_count;
  if (lseek(mfp-mf_fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
!   PERROR(_(E294: Seek error in swap file read));
return FAIL;
  if ((unsigned)vim_read(mfp-mf_fd, hp-bh_data, size) != size)
!   PERROR(_(E295: Read error in swap file));
return FAIL;
  return OK;
*** 1085,1091 
offset = (off_t)page_size * nr;
if (lseek(mfp-mf_fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
!   EMSG(_(E296: Seek error in swap file write));
return FAIL;
if (hp2 == NULL)/* freed block, fill with dummy data */
--- 1085,1091 
offset = (off_t)page_size * nr;
if (lseek(mfp-mf_fd, offset, SEEK_SET) != offset)
!   PERROR(_(E296: Seek error in swap file write));
return FAIL;
if (hp2 == NULL)/* freed block, fill with dummy data */
*** ../vim-7.0.158/src/version.cWed Nov  1 21:24:58 2006
--- src/version.c   Tue Nov  7 17:58:58 2006
*** 668,669 
--- 668,671 
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+ 159,

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
171. You invent another person and chat with yourself in empty chat rooms.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Patch 7.0.160

2006-11-07 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Patch 7.0.160
Problem::@a echoes the command, Vi doesn't do that.
Solution:   Set the silent flag in the typeahead buffer to avoid echoing the
Files:  src/ex_docmd.c, src/normal.c, src/ops.c, src/proto/

*** ../vim-7.0.159/src/ex_docmd.c   Tue Oct 24 13:02:27 2006
--- src/ex_docmd.c  Tue Nov  7 17:42:52 2006
*** 8219,8226 
  c = *eap-arg;
  if (c == NUL || (c == '*'  *eap-cmd == '*'))
c = '@';
! /* put the register in mapbuf */
! if (do_execreg(c, TRUE, vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_EXECBUF) != NULL) == FAIL)
--- 8219,8227 
  c = *eap-arg;
  if (c == NUL || (c == '*'  *eap-cmd == '*'))
c = '@';
! /* Put the register in the typeahead buffer with the silent flag. */
! if (do_execreg(c, TRUE, vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_EXECBUF) != NULL, TRUE)
! == FAIL)
*** ../vim-7.0.159/src/normal.c Tue Oct 17 22:40:14 2006
--- src/normal.cTue Nov  7 17:42:59 2006
*** 8860,8866 
  while (cap-count1--  !got_int)
!   if (do_execreg(cap-nchar, FALSE, FALSE) == FAIL)
--- 8860,8866 
  while (cap-count1--  !got_int)
!   if (do_execreg(cap-nchar, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE) == FAIL)
*** ../vim-7.0.159/src/ops.cTue Oct 17 16:26:52 2006
--- src/ops.c   Tue Nov  7 17:52:30 2006
*** 95,102 
  static void block_insert __ARGS((oparg_T *oap, char_u *s, int b_insert, 
struct block_def*bdp));
  static intstuff_yank __ARGS((int, char_u *));
! static void   put_reedit_in_typebuf __ARGS((void));
! static intput_in_typebuf __ARGS((char_u *s, int colon));
  static void   stuffescaped __ARGS((char_u *arg, int literally));
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
  static void   mb_adjust_opend __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
--- 95,102 
  static void block_insert __ARGS((oparg_T *oap, char_u *s, int b_insert, 
struct block_def*bdp));
  static intstuff_yank __ARGS((int, char_u *));
! static void   put_reedit_in_typebuf __ARGS((int silent));
! static intput_in_typebuf __ARGS((char_u *s, int colon, int silent));
  static void   stuffescaped __ARGS((char_u *arg, int literally));
  #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
  static void   mb_adjust_opend __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
*** 1120,1129 
   * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
! do_execreg(regname, colon, addcr)
  int   regname;
  int   colon;  /* insert ':' before each line */
  int   addcr;  /* always add '\n' to end of line */
  static intlastc = NUL;
  long  i;
--- 1120,1130 
   * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
! do_execreg(regname, colon, addcr, silent)
  int   regname;
  int   colon;  /* insert ':' before each line */
  int   addcr;  /* always add '\n' to end of line */
+ int   silent; /* set silent flag in typeahead 
buffer */
  static intlastc = NUL;
  long  i;
*** 1173,1181 
/* When in Visual mode ',' will be prepended to the command.
 * Remove it when it's already there. */
if (VIsual_active  STRNCMP(p, ',', 5) == 0)
!   retval = put_in_typebuf(p + 5, TRUE);
!   retval = put_in_typebuf(p, TRUE);
--- 1174,1182 
/* When in Visual mode ',' will be prepended to the command.
 * Remove it when it's already there. */
if (VIsual_active  STRNCMP(p, ',', 5) == 0)
!   retval = put_in_typebuf(p + 5, TRUE, silent);
!   retval = put_in_typebuf(p, TRUE, silent);
*** 1186,1192 
p = get_expr_line();
if (p == NULL)
return FAIL;
!   retval = put_in_typebuf(p, colon);
--- 1187,1193 
p = get_expr_line();
if (p == NULL)
return FAIL;
!   retval = put_in_typebuf(p, colon, silent);
*** 1198,1204 
return FAIL;
!   retval = put_in_typebuf(p, colon);
--- 1199,1205 
return FAIL;
!   retval = put_in_typebuf(p, colon, silent);
*** 1213,1232 
 * Insert lines into typeahead buffer, from last one to first one.

Flickering of completion menu

2006-11-07 Thread Nikolai Weibull


As you've probably all noticed the completion menu flickers when you
move through the items rapidly.  Why is this?  Is it really necessary
to redraw the whole completion menu when it really only should require
redrawing the item previously selected and the item selected now [1]?

Anyway, would this be possible to implement?

Also, here's a set of mappings that make the digits move their value
number of items down the completion list (if displayed):

for digit in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9]
 execute 'inoremap silent ' . digit . ' C-R=pumvisible() ? ' .
repeat('\ltC-N', digit) . ' : ' . digit . 'CR'

(I guess this could be extended to include -n, for 1 = n = 9, which
would move n number of items upward.  Any takers?)

It flickers like mad, but at least it goes a lot faster than holding
down CTRL-N or CTRL-P.


[1] Excepting the case where one begins to scroll in the menu, when
all items need to be redrawn, as they move up or down one step - which
leads to a second question, wouldn't it be a lot more economical to
scroll like half a menu or something, so that scrolling wouldn't
require so many redraws?  Or at least utilize the terminal codes that
enable scrolling in a buffer to be done with only redrawing the first
or last line when scrolling by a single line in a buffer?

Patch 7.0.161

2006-11-07 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Patch 7.0.161
Problem:Win32: Tab pages line popup menu isn't using the right encoding.
(Yongwei Wu)
Solution:   Convert the text when necessary.  Also fixes the Find/Replace
dialog title. (Yegappan Lakshmanan)
Files:  src/gui_w48.c

*** ../vim-7.0.160/src/gui_w48.cTue Aug 29 21:30:15 2006
--- src/gui_w48.c   Tue Nov  7 19:03:52 2006
*** 2217,2226 
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) || defined(PROTO)
  static void
  HMENU tab_pmenu;
  long  rval;
  POINT pt;
--- 2217,2270 
  #if defined(FEAT_GUI_TABLINE) || defined(PROTO)
  static void
+ add_tabline_popup_menu_entry(HMENU pmenu, UINT item_id, char_u *item_text)
+ {
+ #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+ WCHAR *wn = NULL;
+ int   n;
+ if (enc_codepage = 0  (int)GetACP() != enc_codepage)
+ {
+   /* 'encoding' differs from active codepage: convert menu name
+* and use wide function */
+   wn = enc_to_ucs2(item_text, NULL);
+   if (wn != NULL)
+   {
+   MENUITEMINFOW   infow;
+   infow.cbSize = sizeof(infow);
+   infow.fMask = MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_ID;
+   infow.wID = item_id;
+   infow.fType = MFT_STRING;
+   infow.dwTypeData = wn;
+   infow.cch = (UINT)wcslen(wn);
+   n = InsertMenuItemW(pmenu, item_id, FALSE, infow);
+   vim_free(wn);
+   if (n == 0  GetLastError() == ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
+   /* Failed, try using non-wide function. */
+   wn = NULL;
+   }
+ }
+ if (wn == NULL)
+ #endif
+ {
+   info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
+   info.fMask = MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_ID;
+   info.wID = item_id;
+   info.fType = MFT_STRING;
+   info.dwTypeData = item_text;
+   info.cch = (UINT)STRLEN(item_text);
+   InsertMenuItem(pmenu, item_id, FALSE, info);
+ }
+ }
+ static void
  HMENU tab_pmenu;
  long  rval;
  POINT pt;
*** 2236,2256 
  if (tab_pmenu == NULL)
! minfo.cbSize = sizeof(MENUITEMINFO);
! minfo.fMask = MIIM_TYPE|MIIM_ID;
! minfo.fType = MFT_STRING;
! minfo.dwTypeData = _(Close tab);
! InsertMenuItem(tab_pmenu, TABLINE_MENU_CLOSE, FALSE, minfo);
! minfo.dwTypeData = _(New tab);
! InsertMenuItem(tab_pmenu, TABLINE_MENU_NEW, FALSE, minfo);
! minfo.dwTypeData = _(Open tab...);
! InsertMenuItem(tab_pmenu, TABLINE_MENU_OPEN, FALSE, minfo);
  rval = TrackPopupMenuEx(tab_pmenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, s_tabhwnd,
--- 2280,2289 
  if (tab_pmenu == NULL)
! add_tabline_popup_menu_entry(tab_pmenu, TABLINE_MENU_CLOSE, _(Close 
! add_tabline_popup_menu_entry(tab_pmenu, TABLINE_MENU_NEW, _(New tab));
! add_tabline_popup_menu_entry(tab_pmenu, TABLINE_MENU_OPEN,
!_(Open tab...));
  rval = TrackPopupMenuEx(tab_pmenu, TPM_RETURNCMD, pt.x, pt.y, s_tabhwnd,
*** 2455,2460 
--- 2488,2517 
+ static void
+ set_window_title(HWND hwnd, char *title)
+ {
+ #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
+ if (title != NULL  enc_codepage = 0  enc_codepage != (int)GetACP())
+ {
+   WCHAR   *wbuf;
+   int n;
+   /* Convert the title from 'encoding' to ucs2. */
+   wbuf = (WCHAR *)enc_to_ucs2((char_u *)title, NULL);
+   if (wbuf != NULL)
+   {
+   n = SetWindowTextW(hwnd, wbuf);
+   vim_free(wbuf);
+   if (n != 0 || GetLastError() != ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)
+   return;
+   /* Retry with non-wide function (for Windows 98). */
+   }
+ }
+ #endif
+ (void)SetWindowText(hwnd, (LPCSTR)title);
+ }
  gui_mch_find_dialog(exarg_T *eap)
*** 2470,2477 
s_findrep_hwnd = FindText((LPFINDREPLACE) s_findrep_struct);
!   (void)SetWindowText(s_findrep_hwnd,
!  (LPCSTR)_(Find string (use '' to find  a '\\')));
s_findrep_is_find = TRUE;
--- 2527,2534 
s_findrep_hwnd = FindText((LPFINDREPLACE) s_findrep_struct);
!   set_window_title(s_findrep_hwnd,
!  _(Find string (use '' to find  a '\\')));
s_findrep_is_find = TRUE;
*** 2495,2502 
s_findrep_hwnd = ReplaceText((LPFINDREPLACE) s_findrep_struct);
!   (void)SetWindowText(s_findrep_hwnd,
!   (LPCSTR)_(Find  Replace 

Current buffer name after :python os.chdir()

2006-11-07 Thread Xavier de Gaye

Assuming the current buffer is the file 'foobar' in the current
directory. After running the following Vim commands:

:python import os
:python os.chdir(subdir)

the current buffer name is not changed as it is when you run
the Vim command ':cd subdir' (but the output of ':pwd' is Ok),
and when the following command is run afterwards:


Vim writes the buffer to the file 'subdir/foobar', instead of the
original file.

This happens with Vim 7.0 compiled with Python 2.5.


--   gdb support in Vim

[RFC] Add a new getAnno function to the netbeans protocol

2006-11-07 Thread Xavier de Gaye

During the compile-debug-edit development cycle, the signs placed in
the Vim buffers by the IDE with the netbeans protocol can have their
line numbers changed when the buffers are edited (a Vim sign sticks with
the line it has been set upon, and moves with it).

It would be nice to allow the IDE to query Vim for these updated line
numbers, so that when the IDE restarts gdb after a new make and the IDE
is capable of restoring the breakpoints set on a previous session, the
breakpoints and their corresponding signs can be automatically set by
the IDE to their new position.

The netbeans function documentation can be:

10.4 Functions and Replies  *nb-functions*

getAnno serNum  Return the line number of the annotation in the buffer
   serNum  serial number of this placed annotation
The reply is:
lnum = line number of the annotation

The implementation can be based on the existing sign_list_placed()
function in buffer.c. I can propose a patch if this request for change
is acceptable.


--   gdb support in Vim

Re: Current buffer name after :python os.chdir()

2006-11-07 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Xavier de Gaye wrote:

 Assuming the current buffer is the file 'foobar' in the current
 directory. After running the following Vim commands:
 :python import os
 :python os.chdir(subdir)
 the current buffer name is not changed as it is when you run
 the Vim command ':cd subdir' (but the output of ':pwd' is Ok),
 and when the following command is run afterwards:
 Vim writes the buffer to the file 'subdir/foobar', instead of the
 original file.
 This happens with Vim 7.0 compiled with Python 2.5.

Well, you should not use Python to change directory.  But it may happen
unintentionally...  Checking the current directory after each :python
command is a bit inefficient, but that's probably what needs to be done
then.  An alternative is to always chdir back to where we were to undo
the side effect of the Python command.

If Apple would build a car...
... it would be powered by the sun, be reliable, five times
as fast and twice as easy to drive; but would only run on
five percent of the roads.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: [RFC] Add a new getAnno function to the netbeans protocol

2006-11-07 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Xavier de Gaye wrote:

 During the compile-debug-edit development cycle, the signs placed in
 the Vim buffers by the IDE with the netbeans protocol can have their
 line numbers changed when the buffers are edited (a Vim sign sticks with
 the line it has been set upon, and moves with it).
 It would be nice to allow the IDE to query Vim for these updated line
 numbers, so that when the IDE restarts gdb after a new make and the IDE
 is capable of restoring the breakpoints set on a previous session, the
 breakpoints and their corresponding signs can be automatically set by
 the IDE to their new position.
 The netbeans function documentation can be:
 10.4 Functions and Replies  *nb-functions*
 getAnno serNum  Return the line number of the annotation in the buffer
serNum  serial number of this placed annotation
 The reply is:
 lnum = line number of the annotation
 The implementation can be based on the existing sign_list_placed()
 function in buffer.c. I can propose a patch if this request for change
 is acceptable.

It makes sense.  The only alternative is to listen to insert and
delete messages to keep track of the position, which probably requires
keeping a copy of the text.

If Microsoft would build a car...
... the oil, water temperature, and alternator warning lights would
all be replaced by a single General Protection Fault warning light.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Patch 7.0.162

2006-11-07 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Patch 7.0.162
Problem:vim -o a b when file a triggers the ATTENTION dialog,
selecting Quit exits Vim instead of editing b only.
When file b triggers the ATTENTION dialog selecting Quit or
Abort results in editing file a in that window.
Solution:   When selecting Abort exit Vim.  When selecting Quit close the
window.  Also avoid hit-enter prompt when selecting Abort.
Files:  src/buffer.c, src/main.c

*** ../vim-7.0.161/src/buffer.c Fri Oct 20 20:15:05 2006
--- src/buffer.cTue Nov  7 21:08:02 2006
*** 4220,4226 
  /* Use the name from the associated buffer if it exists. */
  bp = buflist_findnr(aep-ae_fnum);
! if (bp == NULL)
return aep-ae_fname;
  return bp-b_fname;
--- 4222,4228 
  /* Use the name from the associated buffer if it exists. */
  bp = buflist_findnr(aep-ae_fnum);
! if (bp == NULL || bp-b_fname == NULL)
return aep-ae_fname;
  return bp-b_fname;
*** ../vim-7.0.161/src/main.c   Tue Sep  5 12:57:14 2006
--- src/main.c  Tue Nov  7 22:35:49 2006
*** 2392,2398 
(void)open_buffer(FALSE, NULL); /* create memfile, read file */
!   check_swap_exists_action();
dorewind = TRUE;/* start again */
--- 2392,2414 
(void)open_buffer(FALSE, NULL); /* create memfile, read file */
!   if (swap_exists_action == SEA_QUIT)
!   {
!   if (got_int || only_one_window())
!   {
!   /* abort selected or quit and only one window */
!   did_emsg = FALSE;   /* avoid hit-enter prompt */
!   getout(1);
!   }
!   /* We can't close the window, it would disturb what
!* happens next.  Clear the file name and set the arg
!* index to -1 to delete it later. */
!   setfname(curbuf, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
!   curwin-w_arg_idx = -1;
!   swap_exists_action = SEA_NONE;
!   }
!   else
!   handle_swap_exists(NULL);
dorewind = TRUE;/* start again */
*** 2432,2437 
--- 2448,2455 
  int   arg_idx;/* index in argument list */
  int   i;
+ int   advance = TRUE;
+ buf_T *old_curbuf;
  # ifdef FEAT_AUTOCMD
*** 2440,2470 
  # endif
  arg_idx = 1;
  for (i = 1; i  parmp-window_count; ++i)
!   if (parmp-window_layout == WIN_TABS)
!   if (curtab-tp_next == NULL)/* just checking */
!   break;
!   goto_tabpage(0);
!   else
!   if (curwin-w_next == NULL) /* just checking */
!   break;
!   win_enter(curwin-w_next, FALSE);
/* Only open the file if there is no file in this window yet (that can
!* happen when .vimrc contains :sall) */
if (curbuf == firstwin-w_buffer || curbuf-b_ffname == NULL)
curwin-w_arg_idx = arg_idx;
!   /* edit file from arg list, if there is one */
(void)do_ecmd(0, arg_idx  GARGCOUNT
  ? alist_name(GARGLIST[arg_idx]) : NULL,
if (arg_idx == GARGCOUNT - 1)
arg_had_last = TRUE;
--- 2458,2522 
  # endif
+ /* When w_arg_idx is -1 remove the window (see create_windows()). */
+ if (curwin-w_arg_idx == -1)
+ {
+   win_close(curwin, TRUE);
+   advance = FALSE;
+ }
  arg_idx = 1;
  for (i = 1; i  parmp-window_count; ++i)
!   /* When w_arg_idx is -1 remove the window (see create_windows()). */
!   if (curwin-w_arg_idx == -1)
!   ++arg_idx;
!   win_close(curwin, TRUE);
!   advance = FALSE;
!   continue;
!   if (advance)
!   if (parmp-window_layout == WIN_TABS)
!   {
!   if (curtab-tp_next == NULL)/* just checking */
!   break;
!   goto_tabpage(0);
!   }
!   else
!   {
!   if (curwin-w_next == NULL) /* just checking */
!   break;
!   win_enter(curwin-w_next, FALSE);
!   }
+   advance = TRUE;
/* Only open the file if there is no file in this window yet (that can
!* happen when .vimrc contains :sall). */

Re: Current buffer name after :python os.chdir()

2006-11-07 Thread Xavier de Gaye

--- Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Xavier de Gaye wrote:

  Assuming the current buffer is the file 'foobar' in the current
  directory. After running the following Vim commands:
  :python import os
  :python os.chdir(subdir)
  the current buffer name is not changed as it is when you run
  the Vim command ':cd subdir' (but the output of ':pwd' is Ok),
  and when the following command is run afterwards:
  Vim writes the buffer to the file 'subdir/foobar', instead of the
  original file.
  This happens with Vim 7.0 compiled with Python 2.5.

 Well, you should not use Python to change directory.  But it may happen
 unintentionally...  Checking the current directory after each :python
 command is a bit inefficient, but that's probably what needs to be done
 then.  An alternative is to always chdir back to where we were to undo
 the side effect of the Python command.

I am trying to use Vim as a python interpreter. So, I have mapped:

:map F4 :exe pyfile  . expand(%)CR

I edit some python stuff in a foobar file, and hit F4 to run it.

When the foobar file content is:

import os

I run into the above problem.

It is probably safer to run python as:

:map F4 :exe !python  . expand(%)CR

But you lose the capability to do some investigation on the variables
contents after the script has run.


--   gdb support in Vim

Re: Flickering of completion menu

2006-11-07 Thread mzyzik
I would also love a flicker-less popup menu. I use the completion
excessively, since I've found it makes coding faster and less error
prone. I noticed the menu only flickers in some cases.


On Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 10:10:09AM +1100, Peter Hodge wrote:
 I agree, it would be great if the popup-menu could be optimized.  One of the
 best features of Vim is that is fast enough to keep up with my keystrokes 
 editors will begin to 'lag' when given commands too rapidly, and I have to 
 and wait for them).  I often have to slacken my pace when it comes to Vim's
 popup-menu, because it takes at least .2 seconds to redraw each time I press
 --- Nikolai Weibull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As you've probably all noticed the completion menu flickers when you
  move through the items rapidly.  Why is this?  Is it really necessary
  to redraw the whole completion menu when it really only should require
  redrawing the item previously selected and the item selected now [1]?
  Anyway, would this be possible to implement?
  Also, here's a set of mappings that make the digits move their value
  number of items down the completion list (if displayed):
  for digit in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9]
execute 'inoremap silent ' . digit . ' C-R=pumvisible() ? ' .
  repeat('\ltC-N', digit) . ' : ' . digit . 'CR'
  (I guess this could be extended to include -n, for 1 = n = 9, which
  would move n number of items upward.  Any takers?)
  It flickers like mad, but at least it goes a lot faster than holding
  down CTRL-N or CTRL-P.
  [1] Excepting the case where one begins to scroll in the menu, when
  all items need to be redrawn, as they move up or down one step - which
  leads to a second question, wouldn't it be a lot more economical to
  scroll like half a menu or something, so that scrolling wouldn't
  require so many redraws?  Or at least utilize the terminal codes that
  enable scrolling in a buffer to be done with only redrawing the first
  or last line when scrolling by a single line in a buffer?
 Send instant messages to your online friends 

vimtutor bug

2006-11-07 Thread Shannon -jj Behrens

In vimtutor, I see:

   NOTE:  A count between the operator  d  and the motion works similar to
  using the motion without an operator.

However, it seems that 2dw works the same as d2w.  I think the tutor
needs to be updated.

I'm using Vim 7.0.35.



UTL plugin query

2006-11-07 Thread Samuel Wright

Hi All,

I'm using the UTL plugin to navigate local files. I have a markdown
formatted file (which should not affect things), and a list of files
in a directory

* file.txt
* other.txt

When the cursor is on one of the files, leadergu opens it, which is
the desired effect. However sometimes it is opened in the current
window, and sometimes the window is split. I can't seem to find why
this happens, but it seems file dependent.

Any help?


Re: UTL plugin query

2006-11-07 Thread Thomas

* file.txt
* other.txt

Why not simply use gf in such a situation? The (shameless plug) viki 
plugin also provides advanced hyperlinking facilities.


conceal-ownsyntax vim7-patches: 1-158 errors

2006-11-07 Thread pizomer
Hi all
I can't patch vim with conceal-ownsyntax.
The patch it's applied with only 2 errors

patching file src/spell.c
Hunk #14 FAILED at 2042.
Hunk #24 FAILED at 9271.

Someone here ecountered the same problem?

The real problems is because I don't know how 
to program in C , i do ok with './configure' 
and 'make' but that is all I can do.

If some kind soul can take a look at the problem
I'll appreciate the help.

Thanks in advance

patch taken from

Re: UTL plugin query

2006-11-07 Thread Stefan Bittner
Hi, Sam,

On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 11:27:33AM +, Samuel Wright wrote:
 Hi All,
 I'm using the UTL plugin to navigate local files. I have a markdown
 formatted file (which should not affect things), and a list of files
 in a directory
 * file.txt
 * other.txt
 When the cursor is on one of the files, leadergu opens it, which is
 the desired effect. However sometimes it is opened in the current
 window, and sometimes the window is split. I can't seem to find why
 this happens, but it seems file dependent.

Supposably the file containing these two references is modified!?

\gu opens in the current window unless the current buffer cannot
be abandoned ( see URL:vimhelp:abandon ). This is a feature, in
order to avoid annoying No write since last change vim messages
( see URL:vimhelp:E37 ).

If interested, see utl.vim, lines 785 - 791, for the code that
handles this behaviour. You can just remove these lines if you do
not like this smart open feature.

 Any help?

Stefan refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Panos Laganakos

I made a mockup of a refreshed version of, trying to maintain
as much of the original look as possible:

vim tangofied icon by toZth

Panos Laganakos

Re: active links for opening files

2006-11-07 Thread Stefan Bittner
Hi Michal,

On Fri, Nov 03, 2006 at 11:49:19PM +0100, Michael M. Tung wrote:
  Hi Samuel:
  Thanks for the link to GtdWithVim! Actually I saw it
  on the vim script site just after writing my hack.
  I didn't have a chance yet to try it out, but as far
  as I understand from the script description it's
  philosophy is quite different.
  GtdWithVim seems to work independently from any
  external program. With vimGTD I just wanted to quickly
  write a frontend to PyGTD. So all the power is in there...
  I use vimGTD in mutt and it works well. The UTL plugin
  sounds great stuff. Maybe it also resolves some of my
  other problems with various links in email which I want
  to combine with external launchers.

The upcoming version utl.vim V2.1 will support preliminary
support to reference emails via a new mail: URL like

URL:mail:///Inbox?07.11.2006 18:38

This would open the email which you received on the
specific date. Other example:

URL:mail:///Sent Items?07.11.2006 18:40 .

Currently I only have an implementation for MS-Outlook
(which is implemented using OLE Automation via Visual
Basic Script). It seems you are using the mutt mailer
though. Anyway, I would be interested to know what
you mean with other problems with various links in
emails...; perhaps we can dicuss some requirements.
An implementation for mutt mailer / mbox format should
not be to difficult then.


  If you want to get in touch with me about some more
  thoughts, just write me directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Samuel Wright [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Michal,
   I notice you are working on a GTD plugin. Have you tried the existing 
   The other thing of interest (perhaps) is vim outliner
   I started playing around with that a few days ago.
   Mor sepcifically regarding your questions, the UTL plugin lets you
   open plain text 'links' including emails, and other files.
   I'd be interested to swap thoughts on where you are going with GTD on vim.
Dr. Michael M. Tung  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia  Phone: +34 96 3877000 x88287
Inst. de Matemática Multidisciplinar+34 96 38-79777   
Edificio 8-G, 2º pisoIM: ICQ96423950
Camino de Vera, s/n  
46022 Valencia (Spain)
PGP Public Key

Re: gvim cut paste selection

2006-11-07 Thread Stahlman Family

   Although it fixed the problem (or perhaps only masked it, as the underlying problem is with Cygwin X), the patch I submitted to 
Vim was rejected. Bram maintained that since the bug pertained to Cygwin XWindows, so should the fix. I actually did not disagree 
with him on this point. The reason I had started with Vim rather than XWindows was that I was more familiar with Vim's source code. 
However, since Bram refused to incorporate the patch, I proceeded to post to the XWindows list. It was suggested that I write a 
patch and submit it. I wrote a patch, and Colin Harrison (who was more familiar with the patch submission process) tested the patch 
and submitted it to the Bugzilla bug tracking database. I also tested on my own PC running Cygwin X and gVim compiled from unix 
sources. Months after patch submission, the patch was accepted and the issue changed to FIXED / RESOLVED. I have not yet checked to 
see whether the patch has actually been rolled into the most recently released version of XWin. You can see a full description of 
the bug and how I fixed it by reading the thread below. Also, I've included the link to the Bugzilla submission page, so you can 
obtain and apply the Xwin patch if you like. Alternatively, you could obtain and apply the Vim patch, but since it's not likely ever 
to find its way into Vim (and really is kind of a kludge anyways), I'd recommend the former approach...

Hope this helps,
   Brett Stahlman

Thread subject: Serious flaw in Cygwin X clipboard integration prevents paste from 
X to Windows app

Bugzilla entry 5375:

- Original Message - 
From: Ujjal Bose

Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 3:16 AM
Subject: Fwd: gvim cut paste selection


I saw ur patch that you have posted to the URL mentioned below. So will the same patch work for a unix vim or is it only for Win32 ? 
As you can see from the thread below that I am also facing similar problems , but from Unix Gvim  Windows Apps.


Forwarded Conversation
Subject: gvim cut paste selection

From: Ujjal Bose [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, Nov 4, 2006 at 9:30 PM

Hi ,

I was having problem with cut-paste selections from X - Windows
for gvim (6.2) , and this is the reply I got from the RealVNC team .
So is there a way to solve this in gvim ?

Thanks in advance !


-- Forwarded message --
From: James Weatherall [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Date: Nov 3, 2006 9:59 PM
Subject: RE: Xvnc cut paste problem

Hi Ujjal,

It sounds like gvim doesn't set the timestamp on the X selection correctly
when it sets it, so vncconfig doesn't think it's changed.  Selecting text in
another X application, then selecting the desired text in gvim should cause
vncconfig to see the selection ownership change and to then send the gvim
text to the viewer.


Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ] On
Behalf Of Ujjal Bose
Sent: 01 November 2006 19:09
Subject: Xvnc cut paste problem

For the laste few days my cut paste selections from
Unix-Windows is not working properly but Windows-Unix works
I was using autocutsel to enable cut-paste between various
X11 selections, and also had a line for vncconfig -nowin
-iconic in my VNC xstartup file but nothing seems to help.

0) I am using Xvnc 4.2.1 server in my Linux m/c and TightVNC
viewer on Windows XP side.

1) A Copy selection from a unix application (gvim) seems to
work intermittently.

2) If I do a mouse based visual selection (also called
PRIMARY selection in X11) from my gvim windows , and paste it
in Windows notepad, only a partial paste happens for the
first time, and then onwards , the same stuff is pasted over
and over again, in spite of selecting some other text in gvim.

3) Pasting from xterm-Notepad(Windows) seems to work correctly.

4) I even started a new VNC session on another Linux m/c
(same xstartup file) but didnt help.

5) Another thing I observed : from gvim , irrespective of my
selection method (copy or mouse based) , the paste in
Notepad seems to work only (partially in case of mouse
selection and fully in case of Copy) for the first time. If
I select something else now and then try to paste , the last
stuff only gets pasted. BUT IF I COPY BACK SOME TEXT FROM
WINDOWS-UNIX and then try again , IT WORKS FOR THE NEW
SELECTION , but again , only for once, till I repeat the process.

6) Again, pasting from xterm always works perfectly.

Any help appreciated.


# My xstartup file 

vncconfig -nowin 
if ($OSTYPE == Linux) then
# Linux
 xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
 \xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title $VNCDESKTOP Desktop 

RE: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
I made a mockup of a refreshed version of, trying to maintain
as much of the original look as possible:
vim tangofied icon by toZth

Uhhh, light-gray text on a gray/white checkerboard background?  Ouch...

Just my 2c worth, maybe ditch the checkerboard background, as it makes
even clear dark text harder to see (and makes my head hurt).  Gray text
simply vanishes.

Other'n that, it looks nice.

Re: gvim cut paste selection

2006-11-07 Thread Ujjal Bose

On 11/8/06, Stahlman Family [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Although it fixed the problem (or perhaps only masked it, as the underlying 
problem is with Cygwin X), the patch I submitted to
Vim was rejected. Bram maintained that since the bug pertained to Cygwin 
XWindows, so should the fix. I actually did not disagree
with him on this point. The reason I had started with Vim rather than XWindows 
was that I was more familiar with Vim's source code.
However, since Bram refused to incorporate the patch, I proceeded to post to 
the XWindows list. It was suggested that I write a
patch and submit it. I wrote a patch, and Colin Harrison (who was more familiar 
with the patch submission process) tested the patch
and submitted it to the Bugzilla bug tracking database. I also tested on my own 
PC running Cygwin X and gVim compiled from unix
sources. Months after patch submission, the patch was accepted and the issue 
changed to FIXED / RESOLVED. I have not yet checked to
see whether the patch has actually been rolled into the most recently released 
version of XWin. You can see a full description of
the bug and how I fixed it by reading the thread below. Also, I've included the 
link to the Bugzilla submission page, so you can
obtain and apply the Xwin patch if you like. Alternatively, you could obtain 
and apply the Vim patch, but since it's not likely ever
to find its way into Vim (and really is kind of a kludge anyways), I'd 
recommend the former approach...

Hope this helps,
   Brett Stahlman

Thread subject: Serious flaw in Cygwin X clipboard integration prevents paste from 
X to Windows app

Bugzilla entry 5375:

- Original Message -
From: Ujjal Bose
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 3:16 AM
Subject: Fwd: gvim cut paste selection


I saw ur patch that you have posted to the URL mentioned below. So will the 
same patch work for a unix vim or is it only for Win32 ?
As you can see from the thread below that I am also facing similar problems , but 
from Unix Gvim  Windows Apps.


Hi Brett,

I tested your vim patch on my machine and its working for me in Unix,
after removing the ifdef WIN32 macros from the patch. Now cut/paste
across gvim (unix) -- Windows apps is perfect !

As noted earlier by Brett, this may not be the best approach, but it
pretty much solves my problem :)

Thanks to Brett and Yakov !


RE: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Uhhh, light-gray text on a gray/white checkerboard background?   
I musta missed something - no checkerboard here.  Looks nice!

Hang on a sec...

Just looked at it again from the above link, and yeah, it's a white
checkerboard pattern, 'though the gray matches the background of the
viewer (M$ Photo Editor? whatever comes out-of-the-box on LoseXP), so it
might be a transparency color/layer that just lets the background poke

If it's a .png, maybe it's something with the alpha channel being set,
like the transparency color of GIF89A (also usually bright-white,
fwiw)?  No idea, no time to look in more detail.

White on white wouldn't be discernable, but on a darker background
(even light gray, as I have here;  a blinding-white background fries my
retinas), it shows up a *lot*.  Washes out the light-gray text almost

If it were me, I'd just check the background graphic, if any, on the
actual site.  But that's just me...  ;)

Re: gvim cut paste selection

2006-11-07 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 11/5/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ujjal Bose wrote:

 I was having problem with cut-paste selections from X - Windows
 for gvim (6.2) , and this is the reply I got from the RealVNC team .
 So is there a way to solve this in gvim ?

 Thanks in advance !


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: James Weatherall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Nov 3, 2006 9:59 PM
 Subject: RE: Xvnc cut paste problem

 Hi Ujjal,

 It sounds like gvim doesn't set the timestamp on the X selection correctly
 when it sets it, so vncconfig doesn't think it's changed.  Selecting text in
 another X application, then selecting the desired text in gvim should cause
 vncconfig to see the selection ownership change and to then send the gvim
 text to the viewer.


 Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.

This is a known problem that nobody has found a solution for yet.  The
Time type is some special kind of timestamp.  I don't even know how to
get the timestamp for now.  That's why CurrentTime is used.  Getting
the timestamp from an event (e.g. a mouse click) is not always possible
(e.g., in an xterm we don't get it) and certainly difficult to pass all
the way from the input to the selection.

Problem with Xvnc is that they stick to the specification instead of
to what applications do in practice.


I know how to fill the correct non-0 time in own_selection()
for xterm clipbpard and for Xt gui (we need to generate dummy
self-NotifyEvent to get timestamp). I did not know how to do it for gtk,
but looks like Brett have the solution for gtk.

What do you say about adding option xcliptime with values
0=use 0L timestamp, 1=fill non-0 timestamp ? It might be even
possible to auto-guess whether server  supports 0L timestamp in
OwnSelection (can be xcliptime==2).


Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Aaron Griffin

On 11/7/06, Gene Kwiecinski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Just looked at it again from the above link, and yeah, it's a white
checkerboard pattern, 'though the gray matches the background of the
viewer (M$ Photo Editor? whatever comes out-of-the-box on LoseXP), so it
might be a transparency color/layer that just lets the background poke

Why are you looking at it outside of a browser it's a URL

RE: Search all text files in a directory for text

2006-11-07 Thread Chuck Mason
Sorry to bring this up again.  Was there every any solution to this?  Do
I just need the latest netrw?  I was trying to get :Explore **/pattern
But as I do see the Match n of N in the lower right, the cursor never
moves in the browse buffer (with S-Down/S-Up) and occasionally I get

Error detected while processing function netrw#Explore:
line 165:
E121: Undefined variable: w:netrw_longlist
E15: Invalid expression: w:netrw_longlist == 0 || w:netrw_longlist == 1

I'm using vim7.0 (2006 may 7), and tried this with -N -u NONE.  Maybe
someone here knows how to get this working?  

-Original Message-
From: Gary Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2006 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: Search all text files in a directory for text

FWIW, I just tried this on Windows using vim-7.0 without patches, 
downloaded from, and netrw 103g.  I started vim from the 
Command Prompt in a directory that contained one Python file and a 
number of subdirectories, each containing several Python files.

vim -N -u NONE -i NONE

:runtime plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
:Explore **/*.py
Error detected while processing function netrw#Explore:
line 178:
E63: invalid use of \_

the buffer was empty and the status line contained Match 1 of 222.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Wireless Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Panos Laganakos wrote:

I made a mockup of a refreshed version of, trying to maintain
as much of the original look as possible:

vim tangofied icon by toZth

Well, I don't see any checkerboard pattern, but I do find dark grey text 
on a dark blue background

a bit difficult.  Seems like something isn't being specified in the display.

Chip Campbell

Re: Search all text files in a directory for text

2006-11-07 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Chuck Mason wrote:

Sorry to bring this up again.  Was there every any solution to this?  Do
I just need the latest netrw?  I was trying to get :Explore **/pattern
But as I do see the Match n of N in the lower right, the cursor never
moves in the browse buffer (with S-Down/S-Up) and occasionally I get

Error detected while processing function netrw#Explore:
line 165:
E121: Undefined variable: w:netrw_longlist
E15: Invalid expression: w:netrw_longlist == 0 || w:netrw_longlist == 1

I'm using vim7.0 (2006 may 7), and tried this with -N -u NONE.  Maybe
someone here knows how to get this working?  

netrw is up to v107g (Nov 03, 2006).

I suggest upgrading!

You'll also need an up-to-date version of vimball to extract netrw, 
which is also available at:
see Vimball Archiver

Also, to make these new plugins work, you first need to completely remove
all older vestiges of netrw and vimball from your runtimepath.  Under Linux,
that usually means

   cd /usr/local/share/vim/vim70
   /bin/rm plugin/netrw*.vim   plugin/vimball*.vim
   /bin/rm autolaod/netrw*.vim autoload/vimball*.vim

Under Windows, check your runtimepath to determine where your vim 7.0's
runtime directories are:

   :echo rtp

should give you a clue.

Chip Campbell

Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Richard Querin

On 11/7/06, Charles E Campbell Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Well, I don't see any checkerboard pattern, but I do find dark grey text
on a dark blue background
a bit difficult.  Seems like something isn't being specified in the display.

Funny, I don't see any dark blue background in the image at all. I do
see light grey text on white background for the dates which is hard to
read as are the light green links to the bottom right of each post.

I don't mind pastellized (sp?) colours and the rounded corners, but a
little darker text on those items would help immensely.

Overall very simple clean layout which I like.

Of course it needs a rotating (and maybe flashing) gif or two doesn't it? :)

Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Richard Querin

On 11/7/06, Brian McKee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

It's IE that adds the dark blue I think


Yeah. Just checked. It shows a blue background instead of white in
IE6. I assume it's just a .png support problem.

Re: gvim cut paste selection

2006-11-07 Thread Bram Moolenaar

Yakov Lerner wrote:

 On 11/5/06, Bram Moolenaar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ujjal Bose wrote:
   I was having problem with cut-paste selections from X - Windows
   for gvim (6.2) , and this is the reply I got from the RealVNC team .
   So is there a way to solve this in gvim ?
   Thanks in advance !
   -- Forwarded message --
   From: James Weatherall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Nov 3, 2006 9:59 PM
   Subject: RE: Xvnc cut paste problem
   Hi Ujjal,
   It sounds like gvim doesn't set the timestamp on the X selection correctly
   when it sets it, so vncconfig doesn't think it's changed.  Selecting text 
   another X application, then selecting the desired text in gvim should 
   vncconfig to see the selection ownership change and to then send the gvim
   text to the viewer.
   Wez @ RealVNC Ltd.
  This is a known problem that nobody has found a solution for yet.  The
  Time type is some special kind of timestamp.  I don't even know how to
  get the timestamp for now.  That's why CurrentTime is used.  Getting
  the timestamp from an event (e.g. a mouse click) is not always possible
  (e.g., in an xterm we don't get it) and certainly difficult to pass all
  the way from the input to the selection.
  Problem with Xvnc is that they stick to the specification instead of
  to what applications do in practice.
 I know how to fill the correct non-0 time in own_selection()
 for xterm clipbpard and for Xt gui (we need to generate dummy
 self-NotifyEvent to get timestamp). I did not know how to do it for gtk,
 but looks like Brett have the solution for gtk.
 What do you say about adding option xcliptime with values
 0=use 0L timestamp, 1=fill non-0 timestamp ? It might be even
 possible to auto-guess whether server  supports 0L timestamp in
 OwnSelection (can be xcliptime==2).

I don't like using an option for something that is actually something
system-dependent.  It's like telling the user we are incapable to
figure it out so he has to do all the work to figure out how it should
work himself.

As mentioned before, using CurrentTime for the timestamp, as we do now,
should work anyway.

If Microsoft would build a car...
... Occasionally your car would die on the freeway for no
reason. You would have to pull over to the side of the road,
close all of the car windows, shut it off, restart it, and
reopen the windows before you could continue. For some reason
you would simply accept this.

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] --   \\\
///sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\download, build and distribute --
 \\\help me help AIDS victims --

Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I made a mockup of a refreshed version of, trying to 
 as much of the original look as possible:

A clear improvement. However, the light-gray text is hard to read.

How about having a search form directly on every page, instead of 
having to go to a special page? Also, allow users to log in directly 
from the home page.


/George V. Reilly  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The biggest mistake is not learning from all your other mistakes.

Re: gvim cut paste selection

2006-11-07 Thread Stahlman Family

- Original Message - 
From: Ujjal Bose [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: gvim cut paste selection

On 11/8/06, Stahlman Family [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Although it fixed the problem (or perhaps only masked it, as the underlying problem is with Cygwin X), the patch I submitted 

Vim was rejected. Bram maintained that since the bug pertained to Cygwin 
XWindows, so should the fix. I actually did not disagree
with him on this point. The reason I had started with Vim rather than XWindows was that I was more familiar with Vim's source 

However, since Bram refused to incorporate the patch, I proceeded to post to 
the XWindows list. It was suggested that I write a
patch and submit it. I wrote a patch, and Colin Harrison (who was more familiar with the patch submission process) tested the 

and submitted it to the Bugzilla bug tracking database. I also tested on my own 
PC running Cygwin X and gVim compiled from unix
sources. Months after patch submission, the patch was accepted and the issue changed to FIXED / RESOLVED. I have not yet checked 

see whether the patch has actually been rolled into the most recently released 
version of XWin. You can see a full description of
the bug and how I fixed it by reading the thread below. Also, I've included the 
link to the Bugzilla submission page, so you can
obtain and apply the Xwin patch if you like. Alternatively, you could obtain and apply the Vim patch, but since it's not likely 

to find its way into Vim (and really is kind of a kludge anyways), I'd 
recommend the former approach...

Hope this helps,
   Brett Stahlman

Thread subject: Serious flaw in Cygwin X clipboard integration prevents paste from 
X to Windows app

Bugzilla entry 5375:

- Original Message -
From: Ujjal Bose
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 3:16 AM
Subject: Fwd: gvim cut paste selection


I saw ur patch that you have posted to the URL mentioned below. So will the same patch work for a unix vim or is it only for 
Win32 ?

As you can see from the thread below that I am also facing similar problems , but 
from Unix Gvim  Windows Apps.


Hi Brett,

I tested your vim patch on my machine and its working for me in Unix,
after removing the ifdef WIN32 macros from the patch. Now cut/paste
across gvim (unix) -- Windows apps is perfect !

As noted earlier by Brett, this may not be the best approach, but it
pretty much solves my problem :)

   I'm glad you got it working. Although the XWin patch is probably the ideal solution, building Vim is probably easier than 
building XWin, and a working non-ideal solution is always better than none at all. However, I am meaning to download the latest XWin 
source distribution to see whether my patch is in it yet. When I see that it is, I'll notify the list, since there are probably 
other Vim users who have been affected by this...

Brett Stahlman

Thanks to Brett and Yakov !


RE: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Gene Kwiecinski
Just looked at it again from the above link, and yeah, it's a white
checkerboard pattern, 'though the gray matches the background of the
viewer (M$ Photo Editor? whatever comes out-of-the-box on LoseXP), so
might be a transparency color/layer that just lets the background poke

Why are you looking at it outside of a browser it's a URL

??  He posted a link to a *png* file, probably a snapshot pic of the

Wherever the problem lies, whether in the background pic, the .png file,
M$PE on this machine here, or elsewhere, all I'm doing is pointing out
that there's potentially a problem with viewability.  If it looks good
to y'all, great.   Might be something different here than there that's
giving me checkerboards.

Only thing I can suggest in looking at the pic is to stick it on its own
wrapper page where the background is anything *other* than #FF, then
have a look-see.

Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Ricardo SIGNES
* Panos Laganakos [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-11-07T12:59:57]
 I made a mockup of a refreshed version of, trying to maintain
 as much of the original look as possible:
 vim tangofied icon by toZth

I like it.  The light grey used in the dates/names in the sripts section is a
bit too light for easy reading.  I think that if the V icon is going to be
used (as opposed to the (unofficial?) Vim icon), you should do SOMETHING to
get Vim in the header.  After all, it isn't V the editor.

I think putting a  on the left, instead of a  on the right, will make the
current selection clearer; otherwise it will move left and right and be harder
to pick out.

I liked the search on every page suggestion a lot.


Re: Search all text files in a directory for text

2006-11-07 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2006-11-07, Charles E Campbell Jr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Chuck Mason wrote:
  Sorry to bring this up again.  Was there every any solution to this?  Do
  I just need the latest netrw?  I was trying to get :Explore **/pattern
  But as I do see the Match n of N in the lower right, the cursor never
  moves in the browse buffer (with S-Down/S-Up) and occasionally I get
  Error detected while processing function netrw#Explore:
  line 165:
  E121: Undefined variable: w:netrw_longlist
  E15: Invalid expression: w:netrw_longlist == 0 || w:netrw_longlist == 1
  I'm using vim7.0 (2006 may 7), and tried this with -N -u NONE.  Maybe
  someone here knows how to get this working?  
 netrw is up to v107g (Nov 03, 2006).
 I suggest upgrading!

I just updated to vim 7.0.161 from the Cream site and to netrw 107g 
from your (Chip's) web site.  I don't know how to get anything more 
up-to-date than that.  I renamed all the *netrw* files under vim70 
with a .orig extension to hide them.  I had already downloaded a 
recent vimball.vim, which is version 18a.  Repeating my experiment,

vim -N -u NONE -i NONE
:runtime plugin/netrwPlugin.vim
:Explore **/*.py

from a Command Prompt in a directory with no .py files below it, 

Match 1 of 0

in the status line and the following messages:

***netrw***  no more files match Explore pattern
Error detected while processing function netrw#Explore:
line  192:
E684: list index out of range: 0
E15: Invalid expression: w:netrw_explore_list[0]
line  194:
E121: Undefined variable: dirfile
E116: Invalid arguments for function substitute(dirfile,'/[^/]*$','','e')
E15: Invalid expression: substitute(dirfile,'/[^/]*$','','e')
line  198:
E121: Undefined variable: newdir
E116: Invalid arguments for function netrw#LocalBrowseCheck
line  203:
E121: Undefined variable: dirfile
E116: Invalid arguments for function 
E116: Invalid arguments for function search

Then I exited vim, cd'd to a directory with a bunch of .py files
under it and repeated the commands above.  This time there were no
error messages and the status line said Match 1 of 394.  However,
the status line also showed a buffer name of [No Name] and the
buffer itself was empty.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Wireless Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

Re: BufEnter Oddity After TabEnter

2006-11-07 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Mon 6-Nov-06 11:02pm -0600, you wrote:

 There is not-a-solution-but-weird-workaround at
 Tip #1379: make echo seen when it would otherwise disappear and go unseen

Nice idea.  I've expanded it a bit by changing the
CursorHold to get rid of itself and restore the previous
value of 'updatetime'.  The following was added to your tip:

 The following is a self destructive version of the
 CursorHold autocmd.  It also restores 'updatetime'.

let s:Pecho=''
fu! s:Pecho(msg)
  if ut!=11|let s:hold_ut=ut|let ut=11|en
  let s:Pecho=a:msg
  aug Pecho
  au CursorHold * if s:Pecho!=''|echo s:Pecho
\|let s:Pecho=''|let ut=s:hold_ut|en
\|aug Pecho|exe 'au!'|aug END|aug! Pecho
  aug END

 Test of above

au! BufEnter foo call s:Pecho(Entered foo)

 Now even changing to foo in a different tab page
 will print the message.

Best regards,

Re: refreshed mockup

2006-11-07 Thread Peter Hodge

--- Ricardo SIGNES [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * Panos Laganakos [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2006-11-07T12:59:57]
  I made a mockup of a refreshed version of, trying to maintain
  as much of the original look as possible:
  vim tangofied icon by toZth
 I like it.  The light grey used in the dates/names in the sripts section is a
 bit too light for easy reading.  I think that if the V icon is going to be
 used (as opposed to the (unofficial?) Vim icon), you should do SOMETHING to
 get Vim in the header.  After all, it isn't V the editor.

No, 'V' is in fact an energy drink, quite well-known in Australia, so it's good
to keep the whole 'Vim' name on the page!


Send instant messages to your online friends 

Howto inserting multiline completefunc text?

2006-11-07 Thread Marc Weber
I want the first completion entering

and the second entering
2nd example
2nd lne

How to do this?

example (source this the following lines)

function! CompleteExample(findstart, base)
  if a:findstart
 locate the start of the word
let [bc,ac] = vl#lib#buffer#splitlineatcursor#SplitCurrentLineAtCursor()
return len(bc)-len(matchstr(bc,'\%(\a\|\.\|\$\|\^\)*$'))
  call complete_add( { 'word' : abc\ndef
   \ , 'abbr' : completion1
   \ } )

  call complete_add( { 'word' : 2nd exapmle\n2ndline
   \ , 'abbr' : completion2
   \ } )
set completefunc=CompleteExample


syn sync fromstart in modeline

2006-11-07 Thread Alan Isaac
How can I put the equivalent of
:syn sync fromstart
in a modeline for a file?

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Spurious undefined variable error generated for certain valid ternary expressions

2006-11-07 Thread Stahlman Family

The following expression


generates the following errors:

   E121: Undefined variable: var:10
   E15: Invalid expression: var10?var:10

The reason is that find_name_end uses eval_isnamec unconditionally to decide whether a character is a valid variable name character, 
with the result that `:' is always gobbled up as part of the variable name, even if it's not the second character in the name string 
(ie, even if it doesn't separate the scope prefix from the variable name). find_var_ht, on the other hand, will not permit a colon 
anywhere but at character index 1 in the variable name; hence, E121, and ultimately, E15.

Since `:' is part of a valid VimL operator, and is not valid anywhere other than at index 1 in a non-curly-brace variable name, 
there is no ambiguity in the expression shown above. For expressions such as


the ambiguity would be resolved according to the relative precedence of the ternary operator and the variable scope separator (`:'). 
I would assume that the precedence of the scope operator would be higher (since Vim treats it as part of 'variable', whose 
precedence is much higher than that of the ternary operator); hence, in the preceding example, the expression would be evaluated as


which would indeed be a syntax error...

Should eval_isnamec (or perhaps its caller) take into consideration the character index when deciding whether `:' is to be 
considered part of the variable name?

   Brett Stahlman

Re: syn sync fromstart in modeline

2006-11-07 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Alan Isaac wrote:

How can I put the equivalent of
:syn sync fromstart
in a modeline for a file?

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

You can't. Modelines only allow setting options (and not all of them). :syn 
sync fromstart is not a :setlocal statement.

Best regards,

Re: command line completion on several lines

2006-11-07 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

koxinga wrote:

koxinga wrote:



It won't work with multibyte.


Any feedback appreciated, of course ...


No feedback at all ? Not even a nice you dumbass, it doesn't even 
compile or a this is not a feature, this is a bug, moron ?


Anything doesn't work with multibyte, I'm not interested. UTF-8 is essential 
to my use of Vim.

Best regards,

Creating a custom browser window.

2006-11-07 Thread Alan Young
Please forgive me if I use the incorrect terms ... I've been using vim
for years, but am just now getting into more than just the editing part.

I am writing a vim plugin using perl's Net::Blogger so I can make my
blogs entries from vim.  What I'd like to do, if possible, is create a
window that lists the blogs and entries in a window like the one created
when you try to edit a directory.  You can move the cursor up and down
but you can't modify the contents of the buffer.  When you press enter
on an entry it either displays the directory or edits the file.

So, something like this initially:


When you press enter on Blog1 you'll get:


When you press enter on Article1 you'll get a buffer with the contents
of Article1 to modify and repost.

I've gotten the perl/vim interaction down I think, and I program in perl
professionally--this isn't my problem.  I have no idea as to how to go
about doing the above.  Any pointers?

With VIm7 I think I can use the Lists and/or Dictionaries data types
(they seem to be the same as perls array/list and hash types) but I'm
just clueless on how to get the data into the buffer I described, or
even how to create that buffer.