enhancing hlsearch

2006-12-06 Thread Mohsin

Is it possible to display (highlight) matches for /Word
simultaneously in 3 different colors:

 1. Word  .. hlsearch
 2. \Word\   .. hlsearchword
 3. (?i)word  .. hlsearchicase

how hard would it be? I don't want to use script to it.

Re: enhancing hlsearch

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Mohsin wrote:

Is it possible to display (highlight) matches for /Word
simultaneously in 3 different colors:

 1. Word  .. hlsearch
 2. \Word\   .. hlsearchword
 3. (?i)word  .. hlsearchicase

how hard would it be? I don't want to use script to it.

Maybe you can do the following (untested):

:map Bslash/ :match DiffAdd /BslashltC-R/Bslashgt/CR
:map Bslash? :2match DiffChange /BslashcC-R//CR

- Search normally for case 1.
- Hit \/ to highlight the latest search in DiffAdd colours (by default in 
gvim: black on pale cyan) but only when present as a full word (case 2).
- Hit \? to highlight the latest search in DiffChange highlight (black on pale 
magenta) regardless of case (case 3).
- Hit \/ or \? again to update the highlights. Type :match none or :2match 
none to clear them.

- Change the highlight group names if you want different colours.

If, to you, this is already script, then you would need to hack the C source 
to get the desired result without script; but I wouldn't recommend it for 
something this trivial, which can be accomplished by a couple of mappings or 
(in a less obvious way) by using self-modifying mappings (map / to change the 
way we search and, in the mapping, cmap CR to both finalize the first 
mapping and unmap the second one...).

Best regards,

Re: enhancing hlsearch

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Mohsin wrote:


It has to be done with one mapping, the reason being *simultaneous*
display, since
sometimes the same word is with wrong case, should be immediately visible
without having to make a mental switch to find it.

I will try using with the syntax/highlight mappings.

Well, I won't give you an answer, because I'm too liable to stumble while 
writing it, but here is how it can be done:

- Make a permanent mapping for / and ?. Each of them should, as part of the 
{rhs}, issue a cmap for CR (see below), and map the start of the search 
command, until but not including the start of the search pattern.

- The cmap should not only finalize the search command but also issue :match 
and :2match with the variable part represented by C-R/ (Ctrl-R slash), and 
finally it should also unmap itself (and the next mapping) so the next use of 
Enter (or Esc) in command mode should not invoke these special cmaps.

- If you want completeness, the maps for / and ? should also create a 
temporary cmap for Esc to cancel the search, and also unmap itself and the 
cmap for CR.

I think it is doable, but it's not my province really. Some other Vim 
old-timers are much more versed than I in the creation of that kind of 
self-undoing mappings.

Best regards,

Re: enhancing hlsearch

2006-12-06 Thread Nikolai Weibull

On 12/6/06, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think it is doable, but it's not my province really. Some other Vim
old-timers are much more versed than I in the creation of that kind of
self-undoing mappings.

It can probably be simplified by mapping CR in command mode and
check if getcmdtype() is '/' or '?' and, if so, call :match as

However, there's no good way of doing this type of highlighting while
in 'incsearch' mode (i.e., while typing the pattern).

Anyway, here's something I cooked up for you 'incsearch' users that
actually thought this was sort of a neat idea, i.e., being able to
quickly toggle between the word anywhere in the buffer, the complete
word, and the case insensitive word.  It definitely needs work to deal
with anything but trivial patterns, e.g., only wrap the word under the
cursor, but you probably only want to do this for simple, word-type

cmap C-I C-\eSIDtoggle_word_style()CR

let s:word_types = [
 \ [ '^\\\|\\$', , 'g', '\c',  ],
 \ [ '^\\c', , , ,  ],
 \ [ '^', , , '\', '\' ]
 \ ]

function! s:toggle_word_style()
 let line = getcmdline()
 let type = getcmdtype()

 if type != '/'  type != '?'
   return line

 for word_type in s:word_types
   if line =~ word_type[0]
 let line = word_type[3] .
  \ substitute(line, word_type[0], word_type[1], word_type[2]) .
  \ word_type[4]
 call setcmdpos(len(line) + 1)
 return line

 return line

Actually sort of neat, although it's not what Mohsin wants.


^ vs 0 vs Home vs |

2006-12-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
Hello Vim Developers,

Here's what the docs say:

^   To the first non-blank character of the line.
|exclusive| motion.

0   To the first character of the line.  |exclusive|
motion.  When moving up or down, stay in same screen
column (if possible).

*Home* *kHome*
Home  To the first character of the line.  |exclusive|
motion.  When moving up or down, stay in same text
column (if possible).  Works like 1|, which differs
from 0 when the line starts with a Tab.  {not in

|   To screen column [count] in the current line.
|exclusive| motion.

(1) The sentence starting with When moving (in the help
for both '0' and 'Home' appears to also belong with
the help for '^'.

(2) The sentence starting with Works like (in the help for
'Home') does not appear to be correct.  'Home'
appears to work like '0'.  The movement is just like
'1|' (which is equivalent to '|') except for the
behavior of moving up or down.

(3) '0' and 'Home' appear to be identical.  Does anyone
see a difference?

Best regards,

Re: enhancing hlsearch

2006-12-06 Thread Nikolai Weibull

On 12/7/06, Nikolai Weibull [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/6/06, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think it is doable, but it's not my province really. Some other Vim
 old-timers are much more versed than I in the creation of that kind of
 self-undoing mappings.

It can probably be simplified by mapping CR in command mode and
check if getcmdtype() is '/' or '?' and, if so, call :match as

Hm, you of course need to know how you got /into/ search mode, so that
you only do this at the appropriate times.  Setting a variable and
checking for it would work, but you have to make sure to unset it if
the command line is abandoned as well.  We need
CmdLineEnter/CmdLineLeave and v:cmdexecuted or some such, so that we
can tell if the line was executed or not.  Or perhaps even better:
CmdLineEnter/CmdLineLeave/CmdLineExecutePre/CmdLineExecutePost.  With
the *Pre autocmd one can perhaps change the command line in some way
before executing it.  With *Post one can do stuff after it, like
:matching.  *Leave would be called when it is abandoned, although
perhaps the name suggests other cases as well?

Anyway, good night.


Two minor requests for the TODO list

2006-12-06 Thread Eggum, DavidX S
Hello All,

I've found two tasks that are done in vim scripts routinely and it would be 
nice to streamline them:

Here's the first one: If some variable isn't set yet, then set it to a default 
value. The code always looks something like this:

if !exists(g:MyScriptSetting)
   let g:MyScriptSetting = default_value

To make this easier, I would love to see is the vim 7.0 get() function 
expanded to handle regular variables. The get() function is currently defined 
this way:
get({list}, {idx} [, {default}])
    Get item {idx} from List {list}.  When this 
item is not
    available return {default}.  Return zero when 
{default} is
get({dict}, {key} [, {default}])
    Get item with key {key} from Dictionary 
{dict}.  When this
    item is not available return {default}.  Return 
zero when
    {default} is omitted.

How about adding this:
get({string} [, {default}])
    Get value from variable {string}.  When this 
variable does not
    exist, return {default}.  Return zero when 
{default} is

The second one is: Make these vim settings during this function call only, so 
save the current values first, set them to what I want, then restore them 
before leaving. There is an item on the TODO list to make this easier:

:with option=value | command: temporarily set an option value and restore it 
after the command has executed.

The problem is that this could get ugly if many options need to be changed, and 
those settings have to be made *every time* the routine is called. Typically, 
the function only works correctly when those settings are set. It would be nice 
to see something like the current setlocal command instead:

:sett[emp] ... 
Like :set but set only the value local to the current function.  The value is 
restored to the value set before the current function was called when the 
function ends. Not valid outside of a

What do you think?


Re: ^ vs 0 vs Home vs |

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Bill McCarthy wrote:

Hello Vim Developers,

Here's what the docs say:

^   To the first non-blank character of the line.
|exclusive| motion.

0   To the first character of the line.  |exclusive|
motion.  When moving up or down, stay in same screen
column (if possible).

*Home* *kHome*
Home  To the first character of the line.  |exclusive|
motion.  When moving up or down, stay in same text
column (if possible).  Works like 1|, which differs
from 0 when the line starts with a Tab.  {not in

|   To screen column [count] in the current line.
|exclusive| motion.

(1) The sentence starting with When moving (in the help
for both '0' and 'Home' appears to also belong with
the help for '^'.

(2) The sentence starting with Works like (in the help for
'Home') does not appear to be correct.  'Home'
appears to work like '0'.  The movement is just like
'1|' (which is equivalent to '|') except for the
behavior of moving up or down.

(3) '0' and 'Home' appear to be identical.  Does anyone
see a difference?

(1) After ^ followed by j or k I see the cursor staying (as far as 
possible) in the same _screen_ column regardless of preceding hard tabs. When 
this would place the cursor halfway a tab, the cursor will shift temporarily, 
and come back if you go on hitting j or k. This is normal behaviour when 
moving up or down, so it doesn't need to be mentioned.

(2) Here, Home works like 1| (not like 0), see below.

(3) Yes I do. Notice the one mentions the same _text_ column and the other 
the same _screen_ column. Hit 0 on a line starting with a hard tab, then 
j : Vim will try to keep the cursor in column 8 (except, of course, on 
lines shorter than 1 tab or 8 other characters). After Home or 1| it would 
try to keep the cursor in column 1 (if possible: when the first character on a 
line is a hard tab the cursor will move temporarily to column 8).

I have

*motion.txt*For Vim version 7.0.  Last change: 2006 Jun 18
[...] (next line is #170)
0   To the first character of the line.  |exclusive|
motion.  When moving up or down, stay in same screen
column (if possible).

*Home* *kHome*
HomeTo the first character of the line.  |exclusive|
motion.  When moving up or down, stay in same text
column (if possible).  Works like 1|, which differs
from 0 when the line starts with a Tab.  {not in

^   To the first non-blank character of the line.
|exclusive| motion.
[...] (next line is #235)
|   To screen column [count] in the current line.
|exclusive| motion.


VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Dec  5 2006 22:18:11)
Included patches: 1-178
Huge version with GTK2-GNOME GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

Best regards,

Re: Two minor requests for the TODO list

2006-12-06 Thread Luc Hermitte

* On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 04:11:24PM -0800, Eggum, DavidX S [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 I've found two tasks that are done in vim scripts routinely and it
 would be nice to streamline them:
 Here's the first one: If some variable isn't set yet, then set it to
 a default value. The code always looks something like this:
 if !exists(g:MyScriptSetting)
    let g:MyScriptSetting = default_value
 How about adding this:
 get({string} [, {default}])
    value from variable {string}.  When this variable does not
    exist, return {default}.  Return zero when {default} is

Well, I've started to refactor my plugins to isolate a similar similar
function in an autoload plugin. My function also takes another argument:
a list of scopes in which the variable can be defined.

 Function: lh#option#Get({name}, {default} [, {scope}])
 @return b:{name} if it exists, of g:{name} if it exists, or {default}
 The order of the variables checked can be specified through the optional
 argument {scope}

Then, in my script, I systematically call this function, and never
directly use a variable. Indeed, I have no way of knowing if the
variable is b:goo, g:foo, w:foo or even s:foo.

The support of non global options is very important to me as I mainly
maintain ftplugins, and work on the files from various projects that
don't share the same configuration (like different targets used in the

A typical use is:
let l:foo = lh#option#Get('foo', s:foo_default, 'wbg')
Which will return the value of the first variable found among w:foo,
b:foo and g:foo. Or s:foo_default otherwise. 

So far, {default} is not optional as I have both integer and string
variables, and I can't easily tell the exact type of the variable.

Having such function as builtin would be nice. I can easily cope without
it. But still, it would be nice.

Luc Hermitte

Re: ^ vs 0 vs Home vs |

2006-12-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 6-Dec-06 6:24pm -0600, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:

 Bill McCarthy wrote:

 (3) '0' and 'Home' appear to be identical.  Does anyone
 see a difference?

 (3) Yes I do. Notice the one mentions the same _text_
 column and the other the same _screen_ column. Hit 0 on
 a line starting with a hard tab, then j : Vim will try
 to keep the cursor in column 8 (except, of course, on
 lines shorter than 1 tab or 8 other characters). After
 Home or 1| it would try to keep the cursor in column 1
 (if possible: when the first character on a line is a hard
 tab the cursor will move temporarily to column 8).

Thanks Tony, that clears it up nicely.  Somehow I just
wasn't seeing the difference - I certainly see it now!

Best regards,

Re: Do a grep -r without match .svn directory ?

2006-12-06 Thread john_oshea
KLEIN Stéphane wrote:
 In vim, I would like do a :grep -r but don't match .svn directory.
 Grep or vim have this feature ?

You may, possibly, be interested in 'ack':


ack is a replacement for grep, aimed at programmers with large trees of
heterogeneous source code.

Top 10 reasons to use ack instead of grep.

   1. Searches recursively through directories by default, while
ignoring .svn, CVS and other VCS directories.
  * Which would you rather type?
$ grep pattern $(find . | grep -v .svn)
$ ack pattern
   2. ack ignores most of the crap you don't want to search
  * VCS directories
  * blib, the Perl build directory
  * backup files like foo~
  * binary files
   3. Lets you specify file types to search, as in --perl or --nohtml.
  * Which would you rather type?
$ grep pattern $(find . -name '*.pl' -or -name '*.pm' -or
-name '*.pod' | grep -v .svn)
$ ack --perl pattern 

John O'Shea
Wordbank Limited
33 Charlotte Street, London W1T 1RR
Direct line: +44 (0) 20 7903 8829
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7903 

Re: using the convert 2 html utility without opening the file

2006-12-06 Thread Muddassirali Mirzani
Thanks for the scripts.. I tried running it on AIX and
got the following error message..

vim2html3.pl C++/*.cpp 
Don't know (yet) how to fetch variables from Vim! at
VimDetect.pm line 388.

--- Luc Hermitte [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 * On Sat, Dec 02, 2006 at 02:43:54AM -0800,
 Muddassirali Mirzani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i'd like to know how can use the vim convert to
  html utility without opening the file.. I have a
  of files  i need in html format with the syntax
  highlighted and would like to write a script to do
 There is a perl script that does that.
 Sometimes ago, I forked it to fix a few things, and
 suit my needs.
 - http://hermitte.free.fr/vim/ressources/tools
 +- vim2html3.pl (the main script)
 +- VimDetect.pm (perl module the script depends
 Luc Hermitte


Need a quick answer? Get one in minutes from people who know.
Ask your question on www.Answers.yahoo.com

Re: sourcing

2006-12-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Tue 5-Dec-06 1:19pm -0600, C.G.Senthilkumar. wrote:
 On Tue, 5 Dec 2006, Alan G Isaac wrote:
 On Mon, 4 Dec 2006, Bill McCarthy apparently wrote:

 Instead of using an autocmd, you could place those maps in a
 file called tex.vim in your local ftplugin directory.  Place
 this single line in such a file:
 map buffer c-a :echo 'It worked!'CR

 I did this. It worked. I didn't have a problem.

One thing I meant to mention in a recent post is that you
should use your local after/ftplugin/ instead of your local
ftplugin/.  In is possible for a map from $VIMRUNTIME to
overwrite your maps in local ftplugin/.

Best regards,

How to replace cp1252 characters

2006-12-06 Thread Andreas Otto

I would like to know how I can replace cp1252 characters with other strings.

If I open a file in vim some charcters are displayed like 96.

The file which contains these characters is encoded with cp1252.

Any ideas?

Iconv fails with illegal input sequence at position 33152487.

The file I am trying to convert is a MySQL dump.


Seit 31958000 Sekunden.
Since 31958000 seconds.

Fingerprint: C657 2759 FD22 7612 3238  99C1 1BEB 20D4 7574 A959

Re: How to replace cp1252 characters

2006-12-06 Thread Andrei A. Voropaev
On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 12:54:23PM +0100, Andreas Otto wrote:
 I would like to know how I can replace cp1252 characters with other strings.
 If I open a file in vim some charcters are displayed like 96.
 The file which contains these characters is encoded with cp1252.
 Iconv fails with illegal input sequence at position 33152487.

Well, if iconv fails, then it means that those characters are not from
CP1252. Or maybe you've provided wrong options to iconv :)

Minds, like parachutes, function best when open

Re: How to replace cp1252 characters

2006-12-06 Thread Andreas Otto
Hi Andrei,

On Wednesday, 6. December 2006 13:37, Andrei A. Voropaev wrote:
 Well, if iconv fails, then it means that those characters are not from
 CP1252. Or maybe you've provided wrong options to iconv :)

The iconv command used is:

iconv -f CP1252 -t UTF-8 latin1.sql  utf8.sql

It looks like there are character sequenzes in the database which iconv cannot 
deal with for conversion.

Since iconv does not help here I thought it might be possible to replace the 
characters which are displayed with the marker hex, e. g. 96 which is a 
dash symbol.

However searching in vim for /96 doesn't find the pattern, which makes me 
think that what I see in the terminal might be something different inside 
vim. I just don't know what to look for.

Seit 31962195 Sekunden.
Since 31962195 seconds.

Fingerprint: C657 2759 FD22 7612 3238  99C1 1BEB 20D4 7574 A959

Re: Do a grep -r without match .svn directory ?

2006-12-06 Thread Pádraig Brady
 On 12/4/06, KLEIN Stéphane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In vim, I would like do a :grep -r but don't match .svn directory.
 Grep or vim have this feature ?

Have a look at http://www.pixelbeat.org/scripts/findrepo


Re: soft line breaks + limited width display?

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Karsten Gerloff wrote:


I'm currently writing a lot of text in vim that will later need to
transfer to a word processor (OpenOffice 2.0 in this case). 

Since it makes reading easier, I want to make lines wrap at 66
chars; this has long worked fine with

set textwidth=66

But this inserts hard line breaks (EOL), which I don't want to
show up later in the word processor. No luck at vim.org. So I
tried the vim FAQ at 


and it told me to put the following into my .vimrc:

:set wrap
:set linebreak
:set textwidth=0
:set showbreak=

which works nicely as far as the EOLs are concerned. But the lines
still run over the whole width of the screen. Setting textwidth=66
re-introduces the unwanted EOLs.

Any hints? 

(yes, I know that this is wanting to have my cake and eat it too
-- but that's why I started using vim in the first place :-)


In gvim, and in some but not all console terminals, you can use

:set wrap linebreak textwidth=0 columns=66

in order to place the right margin of the screen where you want the lines to 

Best regards,

Re: soft line breaks + limited width display?

2006-12-06 Thread A. S. Budden

On 06/12/06, Karsten Gerloff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm currently writing a lot of text in vim that will later need to
transfer to a word processor (OpenOffice 2.0 in this case).

Since it makes reading easier, I want to make lines wrap at 66
chars; this has long worked fine with

set textwidth=66

But this inserts hard line breaks (EOL), which I don't want to
show up later in the word processor. No luck at vim.org. So I
tried the vim FAQ at


and it told me to put the following into my .vimrc:

:set wrap
:set linebreak
:set textwidth=0
:set showbreak=

which works nicely as far as the EOLs are concerned. But the lines
still run over the whole width of the screen. Setting textwidth=66
re-introduces the unwanted EOLs.

Any hints?

I find that the easiest way is to set tw to whatever you want it to
be, write the text and then (just before pasting into OpenOffice):

:set tw=1

To reformat the text with long lines.  Assuming formatoptions is set
to something sensible, this works a treat.

Hope that helps,


Re: Caps lock with keymap

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Anatoli Sakhnik wrote:

Hi, vim users!

Some regular alphabet letters of many languages are placed on
punctuation signs of the English keyboard. Let's suppose I use the
keymap command to design desired keyboard layout. But then a little
annoying oddity appears. When the caps lock is on, mapped letters on
[;'\,./ ...] don't appear in upper case, as I expected. Obviously,
this is due to that fact, that the caps lock doesn't influence on
those keys in English layout.

So, the question is, if there's a possibility to map keys with
explicit caps lock value, say



Thank you in advance!

-- Anatoli Sakhnik.

The functioning of the Caps Lock key is totally transparent to Vim, because 
vim uses cooked keyboard input. Vim doesn't get the Caps Lock keypress 
separately, it gets whatever character is assigned by your keyboard driver to 
whatever it was that you pressed.

I use a different Russian keymap, based on the phonetic values of my letter 
keys, as follows:


I seldom use Caps Lock, but since e.g. B and b are mapped respectively to Б 
and б, while most punctuation characters (except % and = ) are not remapped, 
it doesn't give me any problems.

Всего хорошего,

Re: Caps lock with keymap

2006-12-06 Thread Anatoli Sakhnik

Well, I see. The proposed solution is quite simple and reliable, but
there's a little disadvantage. Using standard keyboard layout means
that you can use 'ten-finger blind typing method'. So do I, that is
why remapping keys one more time to customize layout is a game that
isn't worth the candle (игра не стоит свеч). It's simpler either not
to use the caps lock at all, nor to accommodate to press the shift key
every time I need to type capital letters Б, Ю, Ж, Є, Ґ, Х, Ї.
Actually the latter manner also harms generic typing skills.

You'll admit that in the ideal word a human wouldn't have to tune to
the pitch of a machine, won't you?

-- Anatoli Sakhnik.

On 06/12/06, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anatoli Sakhnik wrote:

The functioning of the Caps Lock key is totally transparent to Vim, because
vim uses cooked keyboard input. Vim doesn't get the Caps Lock keypress
separately, it gets whatever character is assigned by your keyboard driver to
whatever it was that you pressed.

I use a different Russian keymap, based on the phonetic values of my letter
keys, as follows:


I seldom use Caps Lock, but since e.g. B and b are mapped respectively to Б
and б, while most punctuation characters (except % and = ) are not remapped,
it doesn't give me any problems.

Всего хорошего,

Re: How to replace cp1252 characters

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Andreas Otto wrote:

Hi Andrei,

On Wednesday, 6. December 2006 13:37, Andrei A. Voropaev wrote:

Well, if iconv fails, then it means that those characters are not from
CP1252. Or maybe you've provided wrong options to iconv :)

The iconv command used is:

iconv -f CP1252 -t UTF-8 latin1.sql  utf8.sql

It looks like there are character sequenzes in the database which iconv cannot 
deal with for conversion.

Since iconv does not help here I thought it might be possible to replace the 
characters which are displayed with the marker hex, e. g. 96 which is a 
dash symbol.

However searching in vim for /96 doesn't find the pattern, which makes me 
think that what I see in the terminal might be something different inside 
vim. I just don't know what to look for.


When Vim displays 96 in blue, it isn't less-than, nine, six, greater-than (4 
bytes) but 0x96 (one byte). You can search for it by hitting (in Normal mode) 
slash, Ctrl-V, x-for-X-Ray, nine, six, Enter. What you'll see on the 
command-line may be one of


or something else but it should find your 96 bytes.

See :help i_CTRL-V_digit which applies in both Insert/Replace and 
Command-line modes.

Best regards,

Re[2]: Bug? (Re: local map and vmap not cleared when buffer deleted)

2006-12-06 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Bill McCarthy apparently wrote: 
 I repeated this starting with a file name file: 
 gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N file 
 Here I see what appears to be a cosmetic bug.  I am seeing: 
 i   @ buffer 
 v   @ 

I am using Vim 7.0.
Starting with
gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N file
I see that maps and vmaps that are local to the buffer are 
not cleared when the buffer is deleted (:bd).  Peter is also 
reporting this behavior.  Are you saying you see something 
else? If so, what is your version?

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Re: soft line breaks + limited width display?

2006-12-06 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Karsten Gerloff apparently wrote: 
 I'm currently writing a lot of text in vim that will later need to 
 transfer to a word processor (OpenOffice 2.0 in this case). 

If you use reStructuredText you can use rst2html and have 
OpenOffice open the HTML document.  (Alternatively, there is 
also an OpenOffice writer in the docutils sandbox, but 
I have not used it.)

Alan Isaac

Strange O-behaviour

2006-12-06 Thread Thomas Michael Engelke


I'm using vim excessively for developing in Progress 4GL. Sometimes, I
stumble upon an odd behaviour and don't know if it's due to a setting
in the syntax file (progress.vim) or due to a problem in vim itself.
Finally, I have a reproducable for one of those oddities.

In the attached file, I have the cursor on line 52. I use O from the
command mode to insert a new line below. The cursor stands in column
37. I would have expected it to stand in column 5, like the beginning
of the line before.

For proper reproduction, use the Progress syntax file included in vim.

I am using gvim 7 for Windows 32 (7th of May 2006).

Any ideas?



GPG-Key: tengelke.de/thomas_michael_engelke.asc

Description: Binary data

Re: Caps lock with keymap

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Anatoli Sakhnik wrote:

Well, I see. The proposed solution is quite simple and reliable, but
there's a little disadvantage. Using standard keyboard layout means
that you can use 'ten-finger blind typing method'. So do I, that is

You can, maybe. I never learnt whatever keyboard layout is standard in 
Russia. In fact, my own keyboard has a Belgian AZERTY layout.

why remapping keys one more time to customize layout is a game that
isn't worth the candle (игра не стоит свеч). It's simpler either not

We use that same phrase in French too: le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle.

to use the caps lock at all, nor to accommodate to press the shift key
every time I need to type capital letters Б, Ю, Ж, Є, Ґ, Х, Ї.
Actually the latter manner also harms generic typing skills.

If you can afford never to use Caps Lock, that should do it. I don't know why 
someone decided someday that Caps Lock should apply to letters but not to 
other keys: on typewriters, of course, Caps Lock applies to everything.

You'll admit that in the ideal word a human wouldn't have to tune to
the pitch of a machine, won't you?

-- Anatoli Sakhnik.

We don't live in an ideal world, so we have to cope with whatever tools we got.

Best regards,

Wron Block-Insert (p)

2006-12-06 Thread Thomas Michael Engelke


I have found an oddity in vim which I'm not sure is a bug and/or known.

I have yanked a visual block of some lines of code and try to put it
in somewhere else. There a strange effect happens: depending on if
there is either a character or a beginning of line left besides the
cursor, paste via p works different.

When I have a BOL or a char to the left, it gets pasted and uses the
cursor position as upper left corner. When there's no char/BOL, it
uses the char right beside the cursor position as upper left corner.

It's easily reproducable by just moving the cursor one position to the
right and paste the block again.

Anybody that can reproduce the problem and/or shed some light on it?

Note: Shift+P works as a workaround.



GPG-Key: tengelke.de/thomas_michael_engelke.asc

Re: Strange O-behaviour

2006-12-06 Thread Gary Johnson
On 2006-12-06, Thomas Michael Engelke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using vim excessively for developing in Progress 4GL. Sometimes, I
 stumble upon an odd behaviour and don't know if it's due to a setting
 in the syntax file (progress.vim) or due to a problem in vim itself.
 Finally, I have a reproducable for one of those oddities.
 In the attached file, I have the cursor on line 52. I use O from the
 command mode to insert a new line below. The cursor stands in column
 37. I would have expected it to stand in column 5, like the beginning
 of the line before.

O will insert a new line _above_ the current line; o will insert 
a new line below.

 For proper reproduction, use the Progress syntax file included in vim.
 I am using gvim 7 for Windows 32 (7th of May 2006).
 Any ideas?

You have 'cindent' set.  There is no ftplugin/progress.vim or 
indent/progress.vim in the standard vim distribution, and 
syntax/progress.vim doesn't set 'cindent', so you must have set it 
in your _vimrc.  You can see where it was set by executing

:verbose set cindent?

Just make sure you have 'nocindent' set when you edit progress 
files.  Since you seem to have filetype detection set, I would just 
delete the (assumed) set cindent command from your _vimrc and let 
vim automatically set 'cindent' as needed.


Gary Johnson | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Wireless Division
 | Spokane, Washington, USA

Re: Wron Block-Insert (p)

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Thomas Michael Engelke wrote:


I have found an oddity in vim which I'm not sure is a bug and/or known.

I have yanked a visual block of some lines of code and try to put it
in somewhere else. There a strange effect happens: depending on if
there is either a character or a beginning of line left besides the
cursor, paste via p works different.

When I have a BOL or a char to the left, it gets pasted and uses the
cursor position as upper left corner. When there's no char/BOL, it
uses the char right beside the cursor position as upper left corner.

It's easily reproducable by just moving the cursor one position to the
right and paste the block again.

Anybody that can reproduce the problem and/or shed some light on it?

Note: Shift+P works as a workaround.



I don't understand what you mean.

p means put after cursor; P (shift-p) is put before. Depending on whether 
the selection to be pasted is characterwise, linewise or blockwise, the result 
will be different. Now let's assume it's blockwise, and that 'virtualedit' is 
off (e.g. empty). Using p inserts the selection after the cursor character, 
and after the character in the same column on successive lines. If some of the 
lines are shorter, spaces are inserted so that the block will be inserted as a 
rectangle. The exception is when the cursor is on an empty line: in that case 
there is no character at the cursor, and the block gets pasted after 
character zero, i.e., at the start of the current line and of successive 
lines after that. I don't see any problem. What is it that you don't understand?

Best regards,

Re: Wron Block-Insert (p)

2006-12-06 Thread Thomas Michael Engelke

2006/12/6, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thomas Michael Engelke wrote:

 I have found an oddity in vim which I'm not sure is a bug and/or known.

 I have yanked a visual block of some lines of code and try to put it
 in somewhere else. There a strange effect happens: depending on if
 there is either a character or a beginning of line left besides the
 cursor, paste via p works different.

 When I have a BOL or a char to the left, it gets pasted and uses the
 cursor position as upper left corner. When there's no char/BOL, it
 uses the char right beside the cursor position as upper left corner.

 It's easily reproducable by just moving the cursor one position to the
 right and paste the block again.

 Anybody that can reproduce the problem and/or shed some light on it?

 Note: Shift+P works as a workaround.



I don't understand what you mean.

p means put after cursor; P (shift-p) is put before. Depending on whether
the selection to be pasted is characterwise, linewise or blockwise, the result
will be different. Now let's assume it's blockwise, and that 'virtualedit' is
off (e.g. empty). Using p inserts the selection after the cursor character,
and after the character in the same column on successive lines. If some of the
lines are shorter, spaces are inserted so that the block will be inserted as a
rectangle. The exception is when the cursor is on an empty line: in that case
there is no character at the cursor, and the block gets pasted after
character zero, i.e., at the start of the current line and of successive
lines after that. I don't see any problem. What is it that you don't understand?


I'll try to elaborate here.

Sometimes, I have to align statements in a large assign-statement like this:

 var1 =
 var2 =

I block-yank a block containing, left-upper, v of var1, right-lower 2
of var2, to insert both variable names after the equal-signs. So my
cursor stands in the spot behind the equals on the first row. I press
p. This is what I get:

 var1 =var1
 var2 =var2

I think: Oh, it gets pasted from exactly where my cursor is. I must be
standing wrong. I undo the change, go 1 spot to the right and press p
again. I end up with this:

 var1 =  var1
 var2 =  var2

Note that there are 2 spaces after each equal-sign. that is what I do
not understand. Doing the same action, modified by 1 column to the
right, should paste the same, but all one spot to the right. Is that
assumption wrong?

Assuming that what you said hits the spot, p at the described spot
should insert the block with only 1 space between the equal-sign and
the first column of the block.

Hope this clears it up.



GPG-Key: tengelke.de/thomas_michael_engelke.asc

Re: Wron Block-Insert (p)

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Thomas Michael Engelke wrote:

2006/12/6, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Thomas Michael Engelke wrote:

 I have found an oddity in vim which I'm not sure is a bug and/or known.

 I have yanked a visual block of some lines of code and try to put it
 in somewhere else. There a strange effect happens: depending on if
 there is either a character or a beginning of line left besides the
 cursor, paste via p works different.

 When I have a BOL or a char to the left, it gets pasted and uses the
 cursor position as upper left corner. When there's no char/BOL, it
 uses the char right beside the cursor position as upper left corner.

 It's easily reproducable by just moving the cursor one position to the
 right and paste the block again.

 Anybody that can reproduce the problem and/or shed some light on it?

 Note: Shift+P works as a workaround.



I don't understand what you mean.

p means put after cursor; P (shift-p) is put before. Depending on 
the selection to be pasted is characterwise, linewise or blockwise, 
the result
will be different. Now let's assume it's blockwise, and that 
'virtualedit' is
off (e.g. empty). Using p inserts the selection after the cursor 
and after the character in the same column on successive lines. If 
some of the
lines are shorter, spaces are inserted so that the block will be 
inserted as a
rectangle. The exception is when the cursor is on an empty line: in 
that case

there is no character at the cursor, and the block gets pasted after
character zero, i.e., at the start of the current line and of successive
lines after that. I don't see any problem. What is it that you don't 


I'll try to elaborate here.

Sometimes, I have to align statements in a large assign-statement like 

 var1 =
 var2 =

I block-yank a block containing, left-upper, v of var1, right-lower 2
of var2, to insert both variable names after the equal-signs. So my
cursor stands in the spot behind the equals on the first row. I press
p. This is what I get:

 var1 =var1
 var2 =var2

I think: Oh, it gets pasted from exactly where my cursor is. I must be
standing wrong. I undo the change, go 1 spot to the right and press p
again. I end up with this:

 var1 =  var1
 var2 =  var2

Note that there are 2 spaces after each equal-sign. that is what I do
not understand. Doing the same action, modified by 1 column to the
right, should paste the same, but all one spot to the right. Is that
assumption wrong?

Assuming that what you said hits the spot, p at the described spot
should insert the block with only 1 space between the equal-sign and
the first column of the block.

Hope this clears it up.



I don't see what you describe. Which version and patchlevel are you using? (as 
shown by the first 4 lines of the output of :version; see :help :redir 
about how to capture that output)

I'm using:
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Dec  5 2006 22:18:11)
Included patches: 1-178
Huge version with GTK2-GNOME GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):

(The purpose of the 178 patches so far is summarized at 
http://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/README )

When I hit p with the cursor at the end of a line, the first line of the block 
is appended to the current line. If I undo, move the cursor one character 
left, and hit p again, then the last character of the current line (and only 
the last one) ends up after the block.

Note that the cursor ends up on the first character of the pasted block, i.e., 
not where it was before the paste. Undo moves it back. The fact that the 
character at the cursor (before the paste) is or isn't a space changes nothing.

Best regards,

Re: Bug? (Re: local map and vmap not cleared when buffer deleted)

2006-12-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Wed 6-Dec-06 9:17am -0600, Alan G Isaac wrote:

 On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Bill McCarthy apparently wrote: 
 I repeated this starting with a file name file: 
 gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N file 
 Here I see what appears to be a cosmetic bug.  I am seeing: 
 i   @ buffer 
 v   @ 

 I am using Vim 7.0.
 Starting with
 gvim -u NONE -i NONE -N file
 I see that maps and vmaps that are local to the buffer are 
 not cleared when the buffer is deleted (:bd).  Peter is also
 reporting this behavior.  Are you saying you see something 
 else? If so, what is your version?

I sure tried to say that :-)

I'm running version 7.0 patch level 178.

Best regards,

Patched VIM 7.0 reboots Windows 2000 on forced write to read-only file (?)

2006-12-06 Thread Paul Stone

Is anyone else seeing this problem?

My Windows 2000 system reboots when I issue :w! to overwrite a
read-only file.  (I normally do this when I forget to mark a file
writeable.  I force the write and then mark it writeable with a
function key mapped to :!attribspace-rspaceC-R%CR )

I am using VIM 7.0, compiled on Nov 7, 2006, with patches 1-161.

I obtained this version of VIM from here:


I was trying to install a non-Cream version of VIM with the latest
patches.  I followed the link from the Cream page, which points to
non-Cream VIM installers:


Re: Patched VIM 7.0 reboots Windows 2000 on forced write to read-only file (?)

2006-12-06 Thread Paul Stone

Further clarification -- I went to the Cream web page because the VIM
Downloads page links there as a way of getting a fully patched version
of VIM for the PC:


For the latest version with all patches included see Cream below.
These versions are unofficial, but the number of downloads is high and
the number of complaints is nil.

On 12/6/06, Paul Stone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Is anyone else seeing this problem?

My Windows 2000 system reboots when I issue :w! to overwrite a
read-only file.  (I normally do this when I forget to mark a file
writeable.  I force the write and then mark it writeable with a
function key mapped to :!attribspace-rspaceC-R%CR )

I am using VIM 7.0, compiled on Nov 7, 2006, with patches 1-161.

I obtained this version of VIM from here:


I was trying to install a non-Cream version of VIM with the latest
patches.  I followed the link from the Cream page, which points to
non-Cream VIM installers:


regular expression search and replace in normal mode

2006-12-06 Thread james pentland
in command line mode i can run a search and replace
which extracts part of a pattern and uses it in the

is there any way to do this in normal mode?

here is an example:

command line search and replace:
:s/\[\([0-9]*\)\]/a href=#n\1\/a[\1]/

of course, in normal mode i can search for

repeatedly with N, and examine each stop to see if
the change should be done, but how do i suck out the
guts of the target so as to stick them into the


Do you Yahoo!?
Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail beta.

Re: Patched VIM 7.0 reboots Windows 2000 on forced write to read-only file (?)

2006-12-06 Thread Alan Isaac
On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Paul Stone wrote: 
 I went to the Cream web page because the VIM Downloads 
 page links there as a way of getting a fully patched 
 version of VIM for the PC 

Can this be installed over the previous Vim 7,
or do I need to uninstall first? (Windows.)

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

Re: Patched VIM 7.0 reboots Windows 2000 on forced write to read-only file (?)

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Paul Stone wrote:

Further clarification -- I went to the Cream web page because the VIM
Downloads page links there as a way of getting a fully patched version
of VIM for the PC:


For the latest version with all patches included see Cream below.
These versions are unofficial, but the number of downloads is high and
the number of complaints is nil.

Yes, AFAIK these are unofficial distributions of the official runtime files, 
packaged with executables compiled from the official patched sources, and an 
installer, different from the one Bram uses for his patchlevel-zero 
distributions for Windows but doing the same things to your Vim installation 
directory (C:\Program Files\vim/vim70 or similar), your registry, etc. The 
unofficial character of these (Steve Hall's) distributions results mainly 
IIUC from the fact that Bram has no (enforcement) control over how they are 

What happens when you clear the readonly flag by using ATTRIB in a CMD.EXE Dos 
Box? The result ought to be the same as when you issue the :!attrib 
command in Vim.

Best regards,

Re: Patched VIM 7.0 reboots Windows 2000 on forced write to read-only file (?)

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Alan Isaac wrote:
On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Paul Stone wrote: 
I went to the Cream web page because the VIM Downloads 
page links there as a way of getting a fully patched 
version of VIM for the PC 

Can this be installed over the previous Vim 7,
or do I need to uninstall first? (Windows.)

Thank you,
Alan Isaac

I think the installer uninstalls a previous patchlevel if it finds one. When 
I was on Windows, I used to install every patchlevel on top of the previous 
one. In the rare case that a runtime file name becomes obsolete (as happened 
when plugin/netrw.vim was replaced by plugin/netrwPlugin.vim plus other 
netrw*.vim scripts in other subdirectories of $VIMRUNTIME) you may need to 
make sure that the obsolete file is deleted.

Best regards,

Re: regular expression search and replace in normal mode

2006-12-06 Thread Tim Chase

in command line mode i can run a search and replace
which extracts part of a pattern and uses it in the

is there any way to do this in normal mode?

here is an example:

command line search and replace:
:s/\[\([0-9]*\)\]/a href=#n\1\/a[\1]/

of course, in normal mode i can search for

repeatedly with N, and examine each stop to see if
the change should be done, but how do i suck out the
guts of the target so as to stick them into the

It sounds like you want to do search and replace with confirmation:


which will visit each foo match in your file and prompt you 
regarding whether you want to replace it with bar.

If the cursor is hard to spot, you can set

:set scrolloff=

which will keep the cursor centered in the screen.

As an alternative, you can use macros (x in this case):

qxci[a href=#n^R/a[^R]^[x2F[x

(where ^R is control+R and ^[ is escape) and then


the first time and use


subsequent times.

Just a few ideas,


Re: Patched VIM 7.0 reboots Windows 2000 on forced write to read-only file (?)

2006-12-06 Thread Paul Stone

On 12/6/06, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Paul Stone wrote:
 Further clarification -- I went to the Cream web page because the VIM
 Downloads page links there as a way of getting a fully patched version
 of VIM for the PC:


 For the latest version with all patches included see Cream below.
 These versions are unofficial, but the number of downloads is high and
 the number of complaints is nil.

Yes, AFAIK these are unofficial distributions of the official runtime files,
packaged with executables compiled from the official patched sources, and an
installer, different from the one Bram uses for his patchlevel-zero
distributions for Windows but doing the same things to your Vim installation
directory (C:\Program Files\vim/vim70 or similar), your registry, etc. The
unofficial character of these (Steve Hall's) distributions results mainly
IIUC from the fact that Bram has no (enforcement) control over how they are

What happens when you clear the readonly flag by using ATTRIB in a CMD.EXE Dos
Box? The result ought to be the same as when you issue the :!attrib
command in Vim.

Best regards,

Hi Tony,

:!attrib works fine for me.

:w! causes the reboot (with read-only file).

Normally, :w! should overwrite a read-only file.

Paul Stone

Re: your best vim scripting tip

2006-12-06 Thread Bill McCarthy
On Tue 5-Dec-06 10:29pm -0600, Sibin P. Thomas wrote:

 While we are at the subject of tips for budding Vim
 scripters - I had created this mapping --

 nmap com ^:if search('\/\*.*\*\/','c',line(.))!=0CR
 :.s/\/\*\(.*\)\*\//\1/gCR :elseCR
 :.s/\(\s*\)\(.*\)\(\s*\)/\1\/\*\2\*\/\3/gCR :endifCR :nohCR

 this command basically toggles C-style commenting on a
 line i.e. if the line wasn't commented it comments out the
 entire line and vice-versa. I spent an intense hour of
 exploring the help pages and plenty of effort in trial and
 error before I could reach the 'Eureka' moment.

The first thing I would do is ask myself whether the
approach is adequate.  For example, how does it handle
common lines of code such as:

/**/ a = b; /* comment */
/**/ a = b;
 a = b; /* comment */

It converts them to:

*/ a = b; /* comment
 a = b;
 a = b;  comment 

Is that intended?

Also, will the user only want to work with one line at a
time or will a typical use be for a block of code?

Two other solutions would be to use (1) the preprocessor
'#if 0' start and '#endif' end, or (2) use the c99 '//'
(perhaps with a following character to identify code your
map has commented out.

 What I wanted to know is could the same functionality have
 been achieved by a better sequence of commands? Can an
 experienced 'vimmer' do better?

Without changing functionality of the provided code, you
could preserve both the command line (with silent and
:silent) and the '/' register (which also prevents the
visible flashing).  You don't need to escape '/' in the
first arg of search() and can avoid escaping them in the
:substitute commands if you use another separator.  The 'g'
flag doesn't appear to do anything in this context (for both
:substitute commands).

Finally, you code is apparently intended to be on one long
line.  Using continuation allows you to keep lines no longer
than 80 characters.  Here's a quick rewrite:

nmap silent com ^:let com_hold=@/
\\|if search('/\*.*\*/','c',line(.))!=0
\\|silent s#/\*\(.*\)\*/#\1#
\\|silent s#\v(\s*)(.*)(\s*)#\1/\*\2\*/\3#
\\|let @/=com_hold\|unlet com_holdCR

Best regards,

Re: Patched VIM 7.0 reboots Windows 2000 on forced write to read-only file (?)

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Paul Stone wrote:

:!attrib works fine for me.

:w! causes the reboot (with read-only file).

Normally, :w! should overwrite a read-only file.

Paul Stone

Strange... Do you have the W flag in 'cpoptions' ?

Best regards,

Re: Patched VIM 7.0 reboots Windows 2000 on forced write to read-only file (?)

2006-12-06 Thread Steve Hall
On Wed, 2006-12-06 at 23:14 +0100, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
 Alan Isaac wrote:
  On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Paul Stone wrote: 
   I went to the Cream web page because the VIM Downloads 
   page links there as a way of getting a fully patched 
   version of VIM for the PC 
  Can this be installed over the previous Vim 7,
  or do I need to uninstall first? (Windows.)
 I think the installer uninstalls a previous patchlevel if it finds

No, the Cream project's Windows installers do not uninstall a previous
one if found. (Can't say about the official Vim Windows installer.)

 When I was on Windows, I used to install every patchlevel on top of
 the previous one. 

Yes, this is the way we do it...

 In the rare case that a runtime file name becomes obsolete (as
 happened when plugin/netrw.vim was replaced by
 plugin/netrwPlugin.vim plus other netrw*.vim scripts in other
 subdirectories of $VIMRUNTIME) you may need to make sure that the
 obsolete file is deleted.

Exactly, from time to time, it's probably a good idea to delete/rename
your Vim directory prior to installing a new version.

Both these situations could probably be remedied pretty easily, I've
just never found time to write it into the installer and the side
effects have been negligible to date (in 3-4 years?). Patches welcome.

Steve Hall  [ digitect dancingpaper com ]

Vim Online Error ?

2006-12-06 Thread Swaroop C H

Hello all,

When I visit the link
http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273 , I see the
following error :  script:Can't open file: 'vs_scripts.MYI' (errno:
145) , is anybody else facing the same issue?


Re: Vim Online Error ?

2006-12-06 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Swaroop C H wrote:

Hello all,

When I visit the link
http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=273 , I see the
following error :  script:Can't open file: 'vs_scripts.MYI' (errno:
145) , is anybody else facing the same issue?


Yes, and both at www.vim.org and at vim.sourceforge.net -- there seems to be 
something wrong with vim-online at the moment.

Best regards,