Re: how to replace ESC to some other key?

2007-04-10 Thread panshizhu
map something to , and it will insert a real tab character for
for example:
will map F6 for you, replace it with anything you want.

I always need such a map, since I've set 'expandtab' all the time.
Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-11 23:16:08:

> That's a very good tip: )
> I also wanna know how to insert a "Tab" when I editing files like
> /etc/hosts?
> Can I?
> > wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-05 21:08:43:
> >
> >> but in this situation,is there any way to auto-indent *.py?
> >>
> >>
> >
> >  << is "decrease indent" (hold on Shift, then '<' twice)
> >  >> is "increase indent"
> > You can use << or >> command in Normal mode and Visual mode. which is
> > good as, if no better than, the  key.
> >
> > --
> > Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Using variables in syntax definitions

2007-04-10 Thread Ian Tegebo

On 4/10/07, Peter Hodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


You'll probably need to use 'execute':

  execute 'syn match myPattern' s:mypattern

but again, highlighting won't work for you then.

I see what you're talking about in the syntax files like rst, c, sql, and gdb.
I wonder how hard it would be to modify the vim.vim syntax file to highlight
just that construct, e.g. execute 'syn...'.

--- Ian Tegebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is doesn't seem possible to store my patterns in variables for use in syntax
> definitions like the following:
> let s:mypattern = '#.*'
> syn match myPattern s:mypattern
> I get 'pattern delimiter not found' and what not.  Is there a way to achieve
> this?
> The general "problem" I'm trying to solve is having to update patterns in
> syntax files when they're used in multiple places and to reduce the line
> length of syntax definitions; I've tried using line continuations but
> highlighting in the definition file itself seems to fail in this case.
> --
> Ian Tegebo

Send instant messages to your online friends

Ian Tegebo

Re: how to replace ESC to some other key?

2007-04-10 Thread Zhaojun WU

On 4/11/07, wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That's a very good tip: )
I also wanna know how to insert a "Tab" when I editing files like
Can I?

What I did for indenting is I usually use space to replace the TAB
with the following settings:

set expandtab
set tabstop=4

But if I indeed need a realy TAB, I press "CTRL+V TAB" to get one.

This may be not what you want, because I didn't go through the whole
thread. Anyway, hope that helps a bit. :)

Zhaojun (Joseph)

> wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-05 21:08:43:
>> but in this situation,is there any way to auto-indent *.py?
>  << is "decrease indent" (hold on Shift, then '<' twice)
>  >> is "increase indent"
> You can use << or >> command in Normal mode and Visual mode. which is as
> good as, if no better than, the  key.
> --
> Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: how to replace ESC to some other key?

2007-04-10 Thread wangxu
That's a very good tip: )
I also wanna know how to insert a "Tab" when I editing files like
Can I?

> wangxu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 写于 2007-04-05 21:08:43:
>> but in this situation,is there any way to auto-indent *.py?
>  << is "decrease indent" (hold on Shift, then '<' twice)
>  >> is "increase indent"
> You can use << or >> command in Normal mode and Visual mode. which is as
> good as, if no better than, the  key.
> --
> Sincerely, Pan, Shi Zhu. ext: 2606

Re: Using variables in syntax definitions

2007-04-10 Thread Peter Hodge

You'll probably need to use 'execute':

  execute 'syn match myPattern' s:mypattern

but again, highlighting won't work for you then.



--- Ian Tegebo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is doesn't seem possible to store my patterns in variables for use in syntax
> definitions like the following:
> let s:mypattern = '#.*'
> syn match myPattern s:mypattern
> I get 'pattern delimiter not found' and what not.  Is there a way to achieve
> this?
> The general "problem" I'm trying to solve is having to update patterns in
> syntax files when they're used in multiple places and to reduce the line
> length of syntax definitions; I've tried using line continuations but
> highlighting in the definition file itself seems to fail in this case.
> -- 
> Ian Tegebo

Send instant messages to your online friends 

Using variables in syntax definitions

2007-04-10 Thread Ian Tegebo

Is doesn't seem possible to store my patterns in variables for use in syntax
definitions like the following:

let s:mypattern = '#.*'
syn match myPattern s:mypattern

I get 'pattern delimiter not found' and what not.  Is there a way to achieve

The general "problem" I'm trying to solve is having to update patterns in
syntax files when they're used in multiple places and to reduce the line
length of syntax definitions; I've tried using line continuations but
highlighting in the definition file itself seems to fail in this case.

Ian Tegebo

remote-silent and stdin

2007-04-10 Thread Mahesh Sivasubramanian

I am trying to do something to the effect of

ls | gvim - --remote-client.  or ls | gvim --remote-client -

However, vi sees the - as a file name and opens a new filename. Is there
way to open the stdin output on a gvim server?

Re: Help on search and replace

2007-04-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Dudley Fox wrote:

Hello Vim List,
I have used vim for a while, and though no expert I am fairly
comfortable with the common commands. Recently I ran into a situation
where I just couldn't find a way to do a search and replace. I was
hoping some of you experts could help me out.

Starting text:
nameTable[pattern with spaces0] = ("pattern with spaces0", 12345)
nameTable[pattern with spaces1] = ("pattern with spaces1", 67890)
nameTable[pattern with spaces2] = ("pattern with spaces2", 243)
nameTable[pattern with spaces3] = ("pattern with spaces3", 421)
nameTable[pattern with spaces4] = ("pattern with spaces4", 3455)
nameTable[pattern with spaces5] = ("pattern with spaces5", )

Desired Text:
nameTable[patternwithspaces0] = ("pattern with spaces0", 12345)
nameTable[patternwithspaces1] = ("pattern with spaces1", 67890)
nameTable[patternwithspaces2] = ("pattern with spaces2", 243)
nameTable[patternwithspaces3] = ("pattern with spaces3", 421)
nameTable[patternwithspaces4] = ("pattern with spaces4", 3455)
nameTable[patternwithspaces5] = ("pattern with spaces5", )

Notice that the only difference is that the spaces are removed from
the pattern in between the square brackets. I think I want to use \zs
and \ze, but I couldn't wrap my head around the syntax. Any help would
be appreciated.

In addition to the various regexp solutions you've been given:

if what you want done is actually contiguous linewise as shown, then vis.vim
makes it fairly straightforward 


  select  pattern with spaces0 ... pattern with spaces5 using ctrl-v 
and motion.

  :B s/ //g

Chip Campbell

Re: copy pasting HTML code into vim

2007-04-10 Thread fREW

On 4/10/07, Jürgen Krämer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


me wrote:
> actually, the selected HTML code might be available from the clipboard.
> E.g., both Firefox and Internet Explorer put it there in multiple
> formats. The following are lists of the available formats after copying
> from FF and IE, respectively:
>   49161: DataObject
>   49422: text/html
>   49366: HTML Format
>   49776: text/_moz_htmlcontext
>   49778: text/_moz_htmlinfo
>   1: CF_TEXT
>   49171: Ole Private Data
>  16: CF_LOCALE
>   49161: DataObject
>   1: CF_TEXT
>   49366: HTML Format
>   49330: Rich Text Format
>   49171: Ole Private Data
>  16: CF_LOCALE
> The formats starting with CF_ are pre-defined clipboard formats, the
> remaining ones are registered through Windows' RegisterClipboardFormat()
> function. I don't know how widely understood they are, but at least
> Microsoft Word is able to render headlines and other HTML-formatting
> instructions when text copied from Firefox is pasted into a document.
> It seems, the clipboard object associated with "HTML Format" contains
> enough information for correct rendering.
> A different point is how to access the HTML content in VIM. I doubt it
> would be a good idea to always paste the HTML source when accessing the
> clipboard through the + or * register. Probably a "pasteclipboard()"
> function which takes an argument for determining the preferred format
> would be a better way. This function function could then be used inside
> a mapping whenever a VIM user wants to paste the original HTML source.

sorry, I forgot to mention explicitly that this is totally Microsoft
Windows-centric. But I think other OSs might also support multiple
formats on the clipboard.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

Yeah, I know it is somehow available in linux, even though most of the
time it drives me crazy.  I will copy paste a bunch of stuff into OO
and it will format it all the way it was on the site.  I'll bet that
this could be done with a vim plugin that used a small external tool
to get the html data copied.  I assume external because I don't know
how you could use vim to get at that information, but with C/C++ or
even some scripting language it could probably be done.


Re: How to recognize a single line via regexs

2007-04-10 Thread Tim Chase

how can I identify a single line no longer than e.g. 60 characters
preceded and followed by a blank line via regexs. This way I want to
identify section headings. What I did was mark every blank line with

%s/^$/>>>/ and than chomp the CR %s/\n//g and if the text
between the >>>'s isn't longer than 60 characters put it into
\section{}, and replace every >>> with \r\r. But in larger files

this takes a while. Is there a smarter solution to the problem?

You might try:


which should find what you describe (the former allows a "blank" 
line to contain whitespace while the latter looks for a truely 
"blank" line with zero whitespace).

It breaks down as

 ^  the start of line
 \s*(the optional whitespace, as described)
 \n a newline
 \zstreat this as the beginning of the match
 .\{1,60}   1-60 non-newline characters
 \zeyou could optionally use this here
to treat this as the end of the match
 \n another newline
 \s*(more optional whitespace, as described)
 $  the end of a line

The above regexp(s) (with or without the "\s*" or the "\ze") can 
also be used in ":s" commands to do things like


to uppercase all your titles, or

'.', '=', 'g')

which will underline all your hits with a row of "=" the same 
length as your section-title.

Just a few ideas,


Re: How to recognize a single line via regexs

2007-04-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Informationen wrote:


how can I identify a single line no longer than e.g. 60 characters
preceded and followed by a blank line via regexs. This way I want to
identify section headings. What I did was mark every blank line with

%s/^$/>>>/ and than chomp the CR %s/\n//g and if the text
between the >>>'s isn't longer than 60 characters put it into
\section{}, and replace every >>> with \r\r. But in larger files

this takes a while. Is there a smarter solution to the problem?


The following regexp will do the match:


^ beginning of line
\n newline
\zs pattern really starts here (but must be precededed by the foregoing)
.\{1,60}   one to sixty characters
\ze pattern really ends here (but must be followed by the trailing pattern)
\n newline
$ end-of-line

Please read:   :help regexp  for (much) more.

Chip Campbell

How to recognize a single line via regexs

2007-04-10 Thread Informationen

how can I identify a single line no longer than e.g. 60 characters
preceded and followed by a blank line via regexs. This way I want to
identify section headings. What I did was mark every blank line with
>>> %s/^$/>>>/ and than chomp the CR %s/\n//g and if the text
>>> between the >>>'s isn't longer than 60 characters put it into
>>> \section{}, and replace every >>> with \r\r. But in larger files
this takes a while. Is there a smarter solution to the problem?

Thanks in advance


Re: Fwd: Perl colour coding bug

2007-04-10 Thread Charles E Campbell Jr

Jon Combe wrote:

The following snippet of code, when saved with a ".pl" file extension
breaks the colour coding in Vim

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

my $surname = "ABC-DEF GHI";

@split = split ( / |-|\/|\"/ , $surname , -1 );

foreach ( @split )
  print "$_\n";

The lines after the split (that contains a regular expression) are
highlighted as if they are within a double quoted string. The colour
coding is being confused by the " character in the regular expression
and thinks (incorrectly) that it marks the start of a string. Is it
possible to fix this problem? For example the "foreach" text should
appear in yellow.

The maintainer for perl is:  Nick Hibma ;
he's the appropriate contact for this sort of thing.  I found his name in
vim70/syntax/perl.vim; syntax file maintainers generally put their contact
information in the syntax file they maintain.

Chip Campbell

Re: CTRL+gf new tab position

2007-04-10 Thread Dave Land


I use shift-control-g to open the file under the cursor in a new
tab, placing the new tab at the end of the tablist thusly:

map   gf:tabm 999

Oddly enough, this mapping also takes over plain old control-g,
which is fine for me.

When I'm editing JSP files that have lots of includes, it helps
me be SO much more productive than my poor work-mates scrolling
and scrolling through 100s of similarly-named files with
Dreamweaver or whatever.


On Apr 10, 2007, at 6:05 AM, Ralf Schmitt wrote:


I often use CTRL-gf to open the word under cursor in a new tab  
page. This

opens a new tab for the file at tab pos 0. Is it possible to control
at which position CTRL-gf opens the new tab?

I tried it with an autocommand on event "TabEnter" but that also  

when I change into a already present tab. Any suggestions?


Fwd: Perl colour coding bug

2007-04-10 Thread Jon Combe

The following snippet of code, when saved with a ".pl" file extension
breaks the colour coding in Vim

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

my $surname = "ABC-DEF GHI";

@split = split ( / |-|\/|\"/ , $surname , -1 );

foreach ( @split )
  print "$_\n";

The lines after the split (that contains a regular expression) are
highlighted as if they are within a double quoted string. The colour
coding is being confused by the " character in the regular expression
and thinks (incorrectly) that it marks the start of a string. Is it
possible to fix this problem? For example the "foreach" text should
appear in yellow.


Re: Basic question, CTRL+Wh on Gvim, Win XP

2007-04-10 Thread Samuel Wright

On 10/04/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The comma does a reverse-search of the last thing you searched
for using t/T/f/F which many folks don't use (so they use it for
leader), but I use regularly.

Yes, have seen , used as leader before. Will look at the other usage
though, as it is not something I've encountered.

The forward slash does searching...something used quite regularly.

I meant backslash there, should be more careful.


Re: Basic question, CTRL+Wh on Gvim, Win XP

2007-04-10 Thread Tim Chase

In general, the safest keys to use for the {lhs} (left-hand
side) of mappings are the F keys. Almost everything else
already has a function in Vim. Among

Worth knowing. Thanks. What about when using a leader such as
"," or "/" ?

The comma does a reverse-search of the last thing you searched 
for using t/T/f/F which many folks don't use (so they use it for 
leader), but I use regularly.

:help ,
:help ;

The forward slash does searching...something used quite regularly.

:help /

I think the only key that isn't reserved (in that Vim doesn't 
already have meaning assigned to it) is the backslash, which is 
what the leader defaults to (so in a way, it is used...but only 
for the purpose you describe).  I tend to use the default 
backslash as my leader (on those rare occasions I use the leader) 
because I know it's available and it's vim-portable.

One other candidate might be the underscore, though it's a 
shifted key which makes it a little more difficult, it is usually 
in a pretty predictable place (unlike the backslash/pipe key 
which I find all over the keyboard depending on whose machine I'm 
using...makes typing DOS file-paths a pain).

Just my $0.02


Re: use variable in substitute

2007-04-10 Thread Tim Chase

Can I use variable in pattern of substitute() in script?

let row = getline(j) " 'trallala'
let rownext = getline(j+1) " 'bimbam'
let row = substitute(row, "^\\\(.*\\\)$", "\\1 rownext", "g") "
'trallala bimbam'

"yes" is the short answer, though you have to

1) concat it (if there's something to which it must be 
added...i.e. it must not be within a string) and

2) escape it if there are any metachars in it...something like

  let row=substitute(row, '$', ' '.escape(rownext, '\\*.'), 'g')

If you use the single quotes rather than the double-quotes, 
you'll have less backslash escaping to do.

This doesn't actually change the line in your document.  You can 
do that, however, by doing something like

  :s/$/\=' '.getline(line('.')+1)

This can be handily combined with a :g command to do things like

  :g/regexp/s/$/\=' '.getline(line('.')+1)

which will find every line containing "regexp" and append a space 
in addition to a copy of the following line.

If you just want to join the two lines, you can just use the "J" 
command...or if you want to join the two variables, you can just 
concat them:

  let row = row.' '.rownext

but your example may have been a simplified version of things for 
which this wouldn't work.

You can

:help expr
:help sub-replace-\=
:help J
:help expr-.

Just a few ideas...HTH,


Re: use variable in substitute

2007-04-10 Thread Horvath Adam

Great! Thank you!

let row = substitute(row, "^\\\(.*\\\)$", "\\1 " . rownext, "g")


CTRL+gf new tab position

2007-04-10 Thread Ralf Schmitt


I often use CTRL-gf to open the word under cursor in a new tab page. This
opens a new tab for the file at tab pos 0. Is it possible to control
at which position CTRL-gf opens the new tab?

I tried it with an autocommand on event "TabEnter" but that also triggers
when I change into a already present tab. Any suggestions?


Re: use variable in substitute

2007-04-10 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 4/10/07, Horvath Adam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


One question again for me.

Can I use variable in pattern of substitute() in script?

let row = getline(j) " 'trallala'
let rownext = getline(j+1) " 'bimbam'
let row = substitute(row, "^\\\(.*\\\)$", "\\1 rownext", "g") "

let row = substitute(row, "^\\\(.*\\\)$", "\\1 " . rownext, "g")


use variable in substitute

2007-04-10 Thread Horvath Adam


One question again for me.

Can I use variable in pattern of substitute() in script?

let row = getline(j) " 'trallala'
let rownext = getline(j+1) " 'bimbam'
let row = substitute(row, "^\\\(.*\\\)$", "\\1 rownext", "g") "
'trallala bimbam'

Thanks, b. r.

Re: Basic question, CTRL+Wh on Gvim, Win XP

2007-04-10 Thread Samuel Wright

On 10/04/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In general, the safest keys to use for the {lhs} (left-hand side) of mappings
are the F keys. Almost everything else already has a function in Vim. Among

Worth knowing. Thanks. What about when using a leader such as "," or "/" ?

"Hit any key to continue" is a lie.



Re: Basic question, CTRL+Wh on Gvim, Win XP

2007-04-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Samuel Wright wrote:

Thanks for the response!

Albie, yes I was talking about split windows. not vim tabs or windows 

Tony, thanks for reminding me of :map to check what a mapping does.
Yes, it was mapped in an obscure corner of my vimrc, that will teach
me to cut and paste 'useful' stuff into my vimrc without checking it
out completely first.

The :wincmd also worked fine, so I could conceivable remap that if I 


In general, the safest keys to use for the {lhs} (left-hand side) of mappings 
are the F keys. Almost everything else already has a function in Vim. Among 
the F keys, F1 is equivalent to ":help" and F10 is used by some OSes as a 
synonym of Alt-Space, but the rest you can use -- if Vim sees them. (On my 
Linux system, the window manager preempts Ctrl-Fn and Alt-Fn so I'm mostly 
limited to Fn and Shift-Fn).

Best regards,
"Hit any key to continue" is a lie.

Re: Basic question, CTRL+Wh on Gvim, Win XP

2007-04-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Albie Janse van Rensburg wrote:

Samuel Wright wrote:

Hi All,

On my gvim 7 running on Win Xp none of the following work to move to
another window (I'm actually using the project plugin, but I don't
think that's relevant)..

CTRL-W hMove cursor to Nth window left of current one.  Uses the
cursor position to select between alternatives.

If this intended behaviour for Win Xp, or have I enabled this
somewhere? I have behave mswin turned off.
Just checking - You do realize that in Vim-speak, a "window" is a 
section of the current tab, right?  As in, if you open Vim and enter


you end up with 2 Vim "windows".   To switch to another Windows 
"windows", you will have to use ALT-Tab as for all applications.

...and in addition, to move sideways between Vim "windows" (which in 
MS-Windows terminology would be called "panes"), you must first have used 
":vsplit" (or ":vertical split", ":vertical help", ":vertical diffsplit", etc.).

When I was on XP, all those commands worked perfectly for me. Check


(where  is five separate keypresses) to see if you haven't remapped 
Crl-W. Even if you have, though,

:wincmd h

should do the same as Ctrl-W h

Best regards,
"Life would be much simpler and things would get done much faster if it
weren't for other people"
-- Blore

Re: Basic question, CTRL+Wh on Gvim, Win XP

2007-04-10 Thread Albie Janse van Rensburg

Samuel Wright wrote:

Hi All,

On my gvim 7 running on Win Xp none of the following work to move to
another window (I'm actually using the project plugin, but I don't
think that's relevant)..

CTRL-W hMove cursor to Nth window left of current one.  Uses the
cursor position to select between alternatives.

If this intended behaviour for Win Xp, or have I enabled this
somewhere? I have behave mswin turned off.
Just checking - You do realize that in Vim-speak, a "window" is a 
section of the current tab, right?  As in, if you open Vim and enter


you end up with 2 Vim "windows".   To switch to another Windows 
"windows", you will have to use ALT-Tab as for all applications.

[Maturity consists in the discovery that] there comes a critical moment 
where everything is reversed, after which the point becomes to 
understand more and more that there is something which cannot be 
understood. -- S. Kierkegaard

Basic question, CTRL+Wh on Gvim, Win XP

2007-04-10 Thread Samuel Wright

Hi All,

On my gvim 7 running on Win Xp none of the following work to move to
another window (I'm actually using the project plugin, but I don't
think that's relevant)..

CTRL-W hMove cursor to Nth window left of current one.  Uses the
cursor position to select between alternatives.

If this intended behaviour for Win Xp, or have I enabled this
somewhere? I have behave mswin turned off.


Re: Vim freezes system ?!

2007-04-10 Thread Yakov Lerner

On 4/10/07, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Zdenek Sekera wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: A.J.Mechelynck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 10 April 2007 09:10
>> To: Zdenek Sekera
>> Cc: Yakov Lerner;; Meino Christian Cramer; Bram Moolenaar
>> Subject: Re: Vim freezes system ?!
>> Zdenek Sekera wrote:
>> [...]
>>> Just to add more to the confusion, on my box (RedHat Enterprise
>> Linux,
>>> 512Mb Ram) I have
>>> maxmapdepth=1000
>>> maxmempattern=1000
>>> maxmem=257676
>>> maxmemtot=257676
>>> Which tells me the last two can hardly be in kb and all over I don't
>>> understand what really they mean.
>>> ---Zdenek
>> According to the help, they _are_ in KB and can reach up to two million
>> (i.e.,
>> 2 gig). I sure wonder according to what Vim sets themat startup.
>> Why do you think they can't be in KB? The above would mean slightly
>> over 256
>> meg, which sounds "reasonable" for a 512MB box (more reasonable at
>> least, than
>> the "249 K" which I see).
> Arrgh, I guess the batteries in my mental calculator are flat after
> Easter vac :-).
> But what do these numbers really mean? You are right that mine look
> more acceptable than yours. Yours are really strange.
> ---Zdenek

Maybe there has been an arithmetic wraparound in my case? I have 2 gig of RAM
installed, which is slightly /more/ than 2 million KB.

I tried  it on the machine with 8GB of RAM. The 'mmt' values are 1024.
By the vimhelp, these values are in KB, as Tony said.

Another strange thing is:
these "low" values do not seem to have any effect on vim rmemory usage.

Nor when they are "correct" (like 643272 on 1.3 G ram machine),
neither  when they are suspicously low (like 1024 on 8G ram machine).
Yakov "look, these numbers are suspicously low" Lerner

Re: script boolean operators

2007-04-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Horvath Adam wrote:

Thanks, it's really straightforward, but where is it in the manual? - here I can not find.

see the help topic in my post of a few minutes ago.

Rather than searching vimdoc, man or google, in Vim your first resource should 
be the online help. To learn how it works, open Vim and enter one of the 

:help :help
:help {subject}
:help :helpgrep

In addition, ":help pattern" tries to find a subject corresponding to the 
pattern. Hit  again for more possibilities. Or set 'wildmenu' and see 
them all on the bottom statusline (select by  and , accept by 
, abort by ). Or replace  by  and see all possible 
completions at once.

Best regards,
Death is only a state of mind.

Only it doesn't leave you much time to think about anything else.

Re: script boolean operators

2007-04-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Jürgen Krämer wrote:


Horvath Adam wrote:

I can not find (manual, list-archiv, google) how to use boolean
operators (and, or) in script.

I prefer this:
if i>500 and i<1000

"boolean and" is written as "&&" and "boolean or" is written as "||". So
your example becomes

  if i>500 && i<1000.

One working solution:

normal G
let numberofrows = line(".")
normal gg
let i = 1
while i<=numberofrows
if i>500
if i<1000
" do something
let i += 1

Any other way?

  normal G
  let numberofrows = line(".")

oh, and the above two statements can also be replaced by

let numberofrows = line("$")

  normal gg
  let i = 1
  while i<=numberofrows
  if i>500 && i<1000
  " do something
  let i += 1


Best regards,
In Lexington, Kentucky, it's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your

Re: script boolean operators

2007-04-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Horvath Adam wrote:


I can not find (manual, list-archiv, google) how to use boolean
operators (and, or) in script.

I prefer this:
if i>500 and i<1000

if (i > 500) && (i < 1000)

The parentheses are not really necessary but I use them for clarity.

see ":help expression-syntax"

One working solution:

normal G
let numberofrows = line(".")
normal gg
let i = 1
while i<=numberofrows
   if i>500
   if i<1000
   " do something

if (i > 500) && (i < 1000)
" do something

   let i += 1

Any other way?


or in the exact case above,

let nrows = line(".")
let i = 501
while i <= min([999, nrows])
" do something
let i += 1
let i = 1000

Best regards,
"Hit any key to continue" is very confusing when you have two keyboards.

Re: script boolean operators

2007-04-10 Thread Horvath Adam

Thanks, it's really straightforward, but where is it in the manual? - here I can not find.

  while i<=numberofrows
  if i>500 && i<1000
  " do something

Re: script boolean operators

2007-04-10 Thread Jürgen Krämer


Horvath Adam wrote:
> I can not find (manual, list-archiv, google) how to use boolean
> operators (and, or) in script.
> I prefer this:
> if i>500 and i<1000

"boolean and" is written as "&&" and "boolean or" is written as "||". So
your example becomes

  if i>500 && i<1000.

> One working solution:
> normal G
> let numberofrows = line(".")
> normal gg
> let i = 1
> while i<=numberofrows
> if i>500
> if i<1000
> " do something
> endif
> endif
> let i += 1
> endwhile
> Any other way?

  normal G
  let numberofrows = line(".")
  normal gg
  let i = 1
  while i<=numberofrows
  if i>500 && i<1000
  " do something
  let i += 1


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

Re: copy pasting HTML code into vim

2007-04-10 Thread Jürgen Krämer


me wrote:
> actually, the selected HTML code might be available from the clipboard.
> E.g., both Firefox and Internet Explorer put it there in multiple
> formats. The following are lists of the available formats after copying
> from FF and IE, respectively:
>   49161: DataObject
>   49422: text/html
>   49366: HTML Format
>   49776: text/_moz_htmlcontext
>   49778: text/_moz_htmlinfo
>   1: CF_TEXT
>   49171: Ole Private Data
>  16: CF_LOCALE
>   49161: DataObject
>   1: CF_TEXT
>   49366: HTML Format
>   49330: Rich Text Format
>   49171: Ole Private Data
>  16: CF_LOCALE
> The formats starting with CF_ are pre-defined clipboard formats, the
> remaining ones are registered through Windows' RegisterClipboardFormat()
> function. I don't know how widely understood they are, but at least
> Microsoft Word is able to render headlines and other HTML-formatting
> instructions when text copied from Firefox is pasted into a document.
> It seems, the clipboard object associated with "HTML Format" contains
> enough information for correct rendering.
> A different point is how to access the HTML content in VIM. I doubt it
> would be a good idea to always paste the HTML source when accessing the
> clipboard through the + or * register. Probably a "pasteclipboard()"
> function which takes an argument for determining the preferred format
> would be a better way. This function function could then be used inside
> a mapping whenever a VIM user wants to paste the original HTML source.

sorry, I forgot to mention explicitly that this is totally Microsoft
Windows-centric. But I think other OSs might also support multiple
formats on the clipboard.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

script boolean operators

2007-04-10 Thread Horvath Adam


I can not find (manual, list-archiv, google) how to use boolean
operators (and, or) in script.

I prefer this:
if i>500 and i<1000

One working solution:

normal G
let numberofrows = line(".")
normal gg
let i = 1
while i<=numberofrows
   if i>500
   if i<1000
   " do something
   let i += 1

Any other way?


Re: copy pasting HTML code into vim

2007-04-10 Thread Jürgen Krämer


A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
> >
> > Let's say I open up a webpage, select some text and paste it into vim. Then
> > all I see in vim is the text I see on the browser. While this is OK most of
> > the times, sometimes I wish there is a way to paste the actual HTML code
> > directly into the vim.
> >
> > Selecting "view source of the webpage" and then copy pasting into vim will
> > work. But it is very cumbersome and time consuming. So this is not an
> > option for me.
> >
> > Currently the editor in does what I need, Is there any way
> > the same can be achieved by vim?
> Vim cannot get from the clipboard what isn't there: when you select text in a 
> browser (other than in View Source), what gets put onto the clipboard is the 
> text, not the source; IOW, the formatting tags aren't there.

actually, the selected HTML code might be available from the clipboard.
E.g., both Firefox and Internet Explorer put it there in multiple
formats. The following are lists of the available formats after copying
from FF and IE, respectively:

  49161: DataObject
  49422: text/html
  49366: HTML Format
  49776: text/_moz_htmlcontext
  49778: text/_moz_htmlinfo
  1: CF_TEXT
  49171: Ole Private Data

  49161: DataObject
  1: CF_TEXT
  49366: HTML Format
  49330: Rich Text Format
  49171: Ole Private Data

The formats starting with CF_ are pre-defined clipboard formats, the
remaining ones are registered through Windows' RegisterClipboardFormat()
function. I don't know how widely understood they are, but at least
Microsoft Word is able to render headlines and other HTML-formatting
instructions when text copied from Firefox is pasted into a document.
It seems, the clipboard object associated with "HTML Format" contains
enough information for correct rendering.

A different point is how to access the HTML content in VIM. I doubt it
would be a good idea to always paste the HTML source when accessing the
clipboard through the + or * register. Probably a "pasteclipboard()"
function which takes an argument for determining the preferred format
would be a better way. This function function could then be used inside
a mapping whenever a VIM user wants to paste the original HTML source.


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

Re: Vim freezes system ?!

2007-04-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Zdenek Sekera wrote:

-Original Message-
From: A.J.Mechelynck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 April 2007 09:10
To: Zdenek Sekera
Cc: Yakov Lerner;; Meino Christian Cramer; Bram Moolenaar
Subject: Re: Vim freezes system ?!

Zdenek Sekera wrote:

Just to add more to the confusion, on my box (RedHat Enterprise


512Mb Ram) I have


Which tells me the last two can hardly be in kb and all over I don't
understand what really they mean.


According to the help, they _are_ in KB and can reach up to two million
2 gig). I sure wonder according to what Vim sets themat startup.

Why do you think they can't be in KB? The above would mean slightly
over 256
meg, which sounds "reasonable" for a 512MB box (more reasonable at
least, than
the "249 K" which I see).

Arrgh, I guess the batteries in my mental calculator are flat after
Easter vac :-).
But what do these numbers really mean? You are right that mine look
more acceptable than yours. Yours are really strange.


Maybe there has been an arithmetic wraparound in my case? I have 2 gig of RAM 
installed, which is slightly /more/ than 2 million KB.

Best regards,
Never be led astray onto the path of virtue.

RE: Vim freezes system ?!

2007-04-10 Thread Zdenek Sekera

> -Original Message-
> From: A.J.Mechelynck [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 10 April 2007 09:10
> To: Zdenek Sekera
> Cc: Yakov Lerner;; Meino Christian Cramer; Bram Moolenaar
> Subject: Re: Vim freezes system ?!
> Zdenek Sekera wrote:
> [...]
> > Just to add more to the confusion, on my box (RedHat Enterprise
> Linux,
> > 512Mb Ram) I have
> >
> > maxmapdepth=1000
> > maxmempattern=1000
> > maxmem=257676
> > maxmemtot=257676
> >
> > Which tells me the last two can hardly be in kb and all over I don't
> > understand what really they mean.
> >
> > ---Zdenek
> >
> >
> According to the help, they _are_ in KB and can reach up to two million
> (i.e.,
> 2 gig). I sure wonder according to what Vim sets themat startup.
> Why do you think they can't be in KB? The above would mean slightly
> over 256
> meg, which sounds "reasonable" for a 512MB box (more reasonable at
> least, than
> the "249 K" which I see).

Arrgh, I guess the batteries in my mental calculator are flat after
Easter vac :-).
But what do these numbers really mean? You are right that mine look
more acceptable than yours. Yours are really strange.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Vim freezes system ?!

2007-04-10 Thread A.J.Mechelynck

Zdenek Sekera wrote:

Just to add more to the confusion, on my box (RedHat Enterprise Linux,
512Mb Ram) I have


Which tells me the last two can hardly be in kb and all over I don't
understand what really they mean.


According to the help, they _are_ in KB and can reach up to two million (i.e., 
2 gig). I sure wonder according to what Vim sets themat startup.

Why do you think they can't be in KB? The above would mean slightly over 256 
meg, which sounds "reasonable" for a 512MB box (more reasonable at least, than 
the "249 K" which I see).

Best regards,
"Hit any key to continue" does _not_ mean you should hit the power switch.

***SPAM*** Re: Vim70's hignlighting -- Has been solved! thanks all! :)

2007-04-10 Thread yhntgbty
Sorry to trouble you all to help me.
I have install a complete Version of Vim7.0,and it has been solved.
Thank you again.

Happy vimming.


- Original Message - 
From: "Zhaojun WU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "yhntgbty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:42 PM
Subject: Re: Vim70's hignlighting

> Hi,
> That's good. :)
> Next time, try to reply or CC to "" so that others will
> know your problem has been solved and they will not spend time on it
> any more.
> Happy vimming.
> Zhaojun
> On 4/10/07, yhntgbty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> thanks,Zhaojun. I just install a new Ubuntu6.10, the default version of 
>> vim is Vim-7.0-tiny. I have install Vim70 by apt-get
>> Thank you again. :)
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Zhaojun WU" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "李长青" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Cc: 
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 2:11 PM
>> Subject: Re: ***SPAM*** Re: Re: ***SPAM***_Vim70's hignlighting
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Seems you are using Debian? Which package do you choose (I suppose you
>> > installed "vim-tiny" not "vim")? If so, replace the "vim-tiny" with
>> > "vim" via apt-get or aptitude.
>> >
>> > Best,
>> > Zhaojun
>> >
>> > On 4/10/07, 李长青 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >> hi,all:
>> >> thank you.
>> >> I install vim70 as a new software ,not update from other 
>> >> version.
>> >> And there is not a file named vimrc_example.vim at the 
>> >> path /usr/share/vim/vim70,just a file named debian.vim.And when I install 
>> >> vim70 completely,Thers is only one file like *.vim,and only one file 
>> >> named "vimrc" "vimrc.tiny".
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> === 2007-04-10 10:02:48 您在来信中写道:===
>> >>
>> >> >If you updated vim to 7.0 using apt-get, perhpas you could check if the
>> >> >runtimepath also be old in your vimrc.
>> >> >
>> >> >for example, replaced /usr/share/vim/vim64 to /usr/share/vim/vim70
>> >> >
>> >> >李长青 wrote:
>> >> >> hi,all:
>> >> >>I am new to Vim,I am using Vim7.0 now,and it has no Syntax even 
>> >> >> when I set "Syntax on",It stell has no syntax hignlighting,why?  
>> >> >> Please help me. On Vim6.4 ,It has syntax hignlighting, but now 
>> >> >> (vim7.0) it doesn't.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> Thanks.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> yhntgbty
>> >> >> 2007-04-10
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >> = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 致
>> >> 礼!
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> 李长青
>> >> 2007-04-10
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
> -- 
> Best,
> Zhaojun (Joseph)