Re: not opening correct syntax file for .prg files

2006-05-16 Thread Donal

At 10:30 PM 5/15/2006, you wrote:

On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 12:01:35PM -0500, Donal wrote:
> Here is my vim\myfiletypes.vim
> " myfiletypes.vim
> augroup filetype
> " FoxPro
> au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.prg,*.mpr,*.sprset filetype=foxpro
> " Cold Fusion
> au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cfm,*.cfi,*.cfc setf cf
> au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.cfml,*.cfm set filetype=cf
> augroup END
> What am I doing wrong?

 My first guess is that

:au filetype BufRead

will give you the hint you need.

This is from vim70\filetype.vim:

" Clipper (or FoxPro; could also be eviews)
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.prg
\ if exists("g:filetype_prg") |
\   exe "setf " . g:filetype_prg |
\ else |
\   setf clipper |
\ endif

And I have confirmed that clipper.vim IS the script being used. Here 
is a question... is myfiletypes.vim still being used, or has it been 
deprecated? I started using vim way back in 3.x... all I can find in 
the help files refers to filetypedetect and the ftdetect directory...

By searching on filetype I found a reference to myfiletypefile that 
mentions that myfiletypes.vim is for backward support for vim 5.x 
only... so it looks like it may have been recently removed. This 
would explain alot... I guess I better read up on using the ftdetect 
directory :(

Donal, SysAdmin of the Brewers' Witch BBS
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:422928  CMA: 20639  WitchVox: 1494
Soc.Religion.Paganism (Modkinus Primus, Ret.)  news:soc.religion.paganism
Moderator: Houston Pagans Online
Council of the Magickal Arts (Brewers Society Coord, 

Pagans' Night Out (Founder)
Everquest II: Florence Sopher (Templar & Sage) Co-Guild Leader of 
Helanic Frost; Lucan D'Lere server My BOINC Credits: 2579.85   Avg: 
29.44   ET's found: 0

not opening correct syntax file for .prg files

2006-05-15 Thread Donal
Here is my second issue. Now that I have found my improved foxpro.vim 
file I can't seem to get vim to open the correct syntax file! It 
seems to be opening the one that came with vim, but I cannot figure 
out where it is getting it from! I put my foxpro.vim in 
vimfiles\syntax and, when that did not work, relpaced the foxpro.vim 
in vim70\syntax with mine. Nothing seems to fix it BUT if, after 
opening my .prg file, I go to Syntax->Show filetypes in Menu, then I 
select foxpro it DOES get my foxpro.vim!!!

Here is my vim\myfiletypes.vim

" myfiletypes.vim
augroup filetype
" FoxPro
au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.prg,*.mpr,*.sprset filetype=foxpro
" Cold Fusion
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cfm,*.cfi,*.cfc setf cf
au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.cfml,*.cfm set filetype=cf
augroup END

What am I doing wrong?

Donal, SysAdmin of the Brewers' Witch BBS
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:422928  CMA: 20639  WitchVox: 1494
Soc.Religion.Paganism (Modkinus Primus, Ret.)  news:soc.religion.paganism
Moderator: Houston Pagans Online
Council of the Magickal Arts (Brewers Society Coord, 

Pagans' Night Out (Founder)
Everquest II: Florence Sopher (Templar & Sage) Co-Guild Leader of 
Helanic Frost; Lucan D'Lere server My BOINC Credits: 2579.85   Avg: 
29.44   ET's found: 0

How to auto-set font and size?

2006-05-15 Thread Donal
Now that my primary issue of getting Windows Explorer to use gvim to 
open .prg files has been fixed, I have 2 further issues. I will 
seperate them so they do not get confused...

My eyes are not what they once were, and I use a high-res monitor. I 
don't want to decrease my screen res as I  am used to all the real 
estate I need to keep multiple things going at once :) but I need to 
increase the default font size for my program files in gvim. I need a 
line for _vimrc, I suppose, that will set the default font to Lucida 
Console and 14pt.


Donal, SysAdmin of the Brewers' Witch BBS
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:422928  CMA: 20639  WitchVox: 1494
Soc.Religion.Paganism (Modkinus Primus, Ret.)  news:soc.religion.paganism
Moderator: Houston Pagans Online
Council of the Magickal Arts (Brewers Society Coord, 

Pagans' Night Out (Founder)
Everquest II: Florence Sopher (Templar & Sage) Co-Guild Leader of 
Helanic Frost; Lucan D'Lere server My BOINC Credits: 2579.85   Avg: 
29.44   ET's found: 0

Syntax file foxpro.vim - orphaned?

2006-05-12 Thread Donal
I finally located a copy of the corrected foxpro.vim file I made a 
few years ago! :) 
Who should I send it to? The maintaner, Powing Tse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
never answered the last email I sent him, so I suspect the file is 
orphaned or he has changed email addresses and never updated the file.

I don't know if this list allows attachments but I have attached it 
to this email.

Donal, SysAdmin of the Brewers' Witch BBS
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:422928  CMA: 20639  WitchVox: 1494
Soc.Religion.Paganism (Modkinus Primus, Ret.)  news:soc.religion.paganism
Moderator: Houston Pagans Online
Council of the Magickal Arts (Brewers Society Coord, 

Pagans' Night Out (Founder)
Everquest II: Florence Sopher (Templar & Sage) Co-Guild Leader of 
Helanic Frost; Lucan D'Lere server My BOINC Credits: 2579.85   Avg: 
29.44   ET's found: 0
" Vim syntax file
" Language: FoxPro for DOS v2.x
" Maintainer:   Powing Tse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
" Last Change:  06 September 2001

" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
" modified for use with FoxPro for UNIX v2.6
" Last Change:  12 May 2006
" Change Log:   added support for FoxPro Codebook highlighting
"   corrected highlighting of comments that 
do NOT start in col 1
"   corrected highlighting of comments at 
end of line (&&)
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")

" FoxPro Codebook Naming Conventions
syn match foxproCBConst "\<[c][A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\>"
syn match foxproCBVar "\<[lgrt][acndlmf][A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\>"
syn match foxproCBField "\<[a-z0-9]*\.[A-Za-z0-9_]*\>"
" PROPER CodeBook field names start with the data type and do NOT have _
syn match foxproCBField "\<[A-Za-z0-9]*\.[acndlm][A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*\>"
syn match foxproCBWin "\"
" CodeBook 2.0 defined objects as follows
" This uses the hotkey from the screen builder as the second character
syn match foxproCBObject "\<[lgr][bfthnkoli][A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\>"
" A later version added the following conventions for objects
syn match foxproCBObject "\"
syn match foxproCBObject "\"
syn match foxproCBObject "\"
syn match foxproCBObject "\"
syn match foxproCBObject "\"
syn match foxproCBObject "\"
syn match foxproCBObject "\"
syn match foxproCBObject "\"
syn match foxproCBObject "\"
syn match foxproCBObject "\"

syntax case ignore

" Highlight special characters
syn match foxproSpecial "^\s*!"
syn match foxproSpecial "&"
syn match foxproSpecial ";\s*$"
syn match foxproSpecial "^\s*="
syn match foxproSpecial "^\s*\\"
syn match foxproSpecial "^\s*"
syn match foxproSpecial "^\s*?"
syn match foxproSpecial "^\s*??"
syn match foxproSpecial "^\s*???"
syn match foxproSpecial "\\."

" @ Statements
syn match foxproAtSymbol contained "^\s*@"
syn match foxproAtCmdcontained 
syn match foxproAtStart  transparent "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" contains=ALL

" preprocessor directives
syn match foxproPreProc "^\s*#\s*\(\\|\\|\\|\\)"
syn match foxproPreProc "^\s*#\s*\(\\|\\)"
syn match foxproPreProc "^\s*#\s*\"

" Functions
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1
syn match foxproFunc "\\s*("me=e-1

gVim no longer added to Open With...

2006-05-12 Thread Donal
Why is gVim not being added during installation to the list of 
programs a file may be associated with?
Additionally, if I use Browse to select gVim MS seems to ignore the 
selection and opens .prg files using Visual Foxpro instead of 
gvim.exe. I cannot seem to get WinXP to accept the change!

Donal, SysAdmin of the Brewers' Witch BBS
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:422928  CMA: 20639  WitchVox: 1494
Soc.Religion.Paganism (Modkinus Primus, Ret.)  news:soc.religion.paganism
Moderator: Houston Pagans Online
Council of the Magickal Arts (Brewers Society Coord, 

Pagans' Night Out (Founder)
Everquest II: Florence Sopher (Templar & Sage) Co-Guild Leader of 
Helanic Frost; Lucan D'Lere server My BOINC Credits: 2579.85   Avg: 
29.44   ET's found: 0

Open With does not list Vim

2006-05-10 Thread Donal
I had this same problem after installing Vim 6.4 and I finally found 
a way to fix it, but now that 7.0 has done it again, I cannot 
remember how I did it...

Prior to Vim 6.4 Vim was always listed in the Open With... dialog so 
that I could change file associations. I don't know if this is 
standard MS shenanigans, but I no longer can change it. I am a Foxpro 
2.6 for UNIX programmer and prefer to use Vim for my editing (who 
doesn't?). When I go to Tools->Folder Options->File Types, locate 
.PRG and try to change the preferred program to auto-open this type 
of file VIM is not listed and if I go to Change->Open With->Browse 
and select vim\vim70\gvim.exe it STILL does not show up. WinXP 
INSISTS on opening .PRG files with Foxpro 8. I CANNOT CHANGE IT!

While I am on the subject and have your ears... I had a HIGHLY 
modified foxpro.syn prior to vim 6.4 but 6.4's installer REMOVED it 
and I have been unable to find any backups of it... I had Foxpro 
Codebook highlighting for variable names (i.e. gcMyVarName, 
lnLocalNumeric, etc), CORRECT highlighting for comments (the default 
foxpro.syn ONLY highlights a comment correctly if the FIRST character 
on the line is * and fails if it is indented or && is used to append 
a comment to the end of a line), complete function highlighting for 
ALL Foxpro 2.6 functions, and considerably improved colors for all 
highlighting. I had sent my updated files to the file maintainer for 
foxpro.syn but never heard from him. I did all this years ago and it 
took months of trial and error for me to work out the regexp 
modifications. If ANYONE out there that is better at regexp than I am 
(that would not be hard to find) cares to help me re-create my 
improved foxpro.syn I would be eternally grateful. Of course I would 
re-submit it to for inclusion in future releases.

I thank you all in advance for any assistance you can give me.

Donal, SysAdmin of the Brewers' Witch BBS
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ:422928  CMA: 20639  WitchVox: 1494
Soc.Religion.Paganism (Modkinus Primus, Ret.)  news:soc.religion.paganism
Moderator: Houston Pagans Online
Council of the Magickal Arts (Brewers Society Coord, 

Pagans' Night Out (Founder)
Everquest II: Florence Sopher (Templar & Sage) Co-Guild Leader of 
Helanic Frost; Lucan D'Lere server My BOINC Credits: 2579.85   Avg: 
29.44   ET's found: 0