Re: [Announcement] Subversion repository location changed

2007-05-10 Thread Ilya Bobir

Edward L. Fox wrote:

On 5/10/07, Gautam Iyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I've a question, though: isn't bleeding-edge development done in ? That /would/ be the
 appropriate line for the latest sources, right?

I don't know. I'm still asking Bram for the latest sources. Currently,
trunk and 7.1 branch will be the same.

As for me there is actually no 7.1 branch, as there is no separate 
development on the main branch and the 7.1 branch.
As Vim is developed linearly all the source should go into trunk 
directory and at the moment a new version is announced this version 
should be tagged.
Branch would need to be created if someone will be developing some big 
change that will require a stable base, like 7.0 release, and this 
change will be developed separately and in parallel with the main branch.

Re: replace VimScript

2007-04-25 Thread Ilya Sher
Nikolai Weibull wrote:
 On 4/24/07, A.J.Mechelynck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Nikolai Weibull wrote:
  On 4/24/07, Ilya Sher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I mean, seriously, it's a lot more intuitive to write
  Vim.options['formatoptions'] =
  :set fo-=t
  It's all about domain specific languages.  It's said so on the

 More intuitive?
Yes, it would be more intuitive for me in case I did not know VimScript.
(and that's the context of the discussion if I understand correctly).

Of course something like

vim.options.format.auto_wrap_without_comments = false

would be even more intuitive but that's probably not the way
to go anyway (making it so much more verbose just for beginners).


For robots (please don't mail me there): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: replace VimScript (was: wish: allow a: in the function def)

2007-04-24 Thread Ilya Sher
Robert Lee wrote:

 Counterwish #2: Dump VimScript and replace it with EMCAScript (maybe
 using SpiderMonkey) so that people don't need to learn a new language
If I understand you correctly, you assume that
ECMAScript is the most popular language among
the people that wish to customize VIM. How
do you know the assumption is right?


For robots (please don't mail me there): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My real email is ilya @ same domain

Re: replace VimScript

2007-04-24 Thread Ilya Sher
Yakov Lerner wrote:
 So do not worry, replacement of vimscript by the favourite language
 of some vim's random user is not going to happen.
That is obvious. The point was the question why the OP named
language X and not Y for this.


For robots (please don't mail me there): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: syntax highlighting and very long lines vim7

2007-02-22 Thread Ilya Bobir

Sam Halperin wrote:
I am trying to syntax highlight a file containing one very long line.  
(A machine generated chunk of ascii that needs to be visually checked 
when an error occurs.)

The highlighting works up to about a screens worth of text (~2400 
char), but stops highlighting well before the end of the line.  If I 
insert a line break at the point that the highlighting ends, the first 
pages worth of the remaining block is highlighted.

wrap/nowrap does not seem to affect this.

If possible I would like to solve this without having to chop up the 

:help 'synmaxcol'

Re: Vim 8 enhancements

2007-01-31 Thread Ilya Bobir

Rene de Zwart wrote:

I would like it if vim could integrate more into a graphical application
for instances an ide.

The integration would allow  application builders to use vim as a component.
relief them of the burden of maintaining an editor
Give them access to 20+ years matured editor code base

If you take eclipse as an example then it integrate an editor with other
services. like

defining a project
keeping an eye on the files in the project
doing an update on the tags when the file has changed
handling the integration with source code control systems
handling the build.

Vim is good at editing files that is it intended purpose and it works very
well. I'm working with eclipse and a often hindered by its editor.

Vim does already integrate. In vim7 you can call on an existing vim and
open the file in a newtab.
If vim could signal to the calling process when the file is written.

I'm not suggesting that vim integrate into the graphical application. more
an api for editing files. something like
Hey Mr VIM here is my first file.
 BTW this is the tagfile and use this completion file
Hey Mr Vim here is an other file
 BTW this is the completion file for this
Thanks Mr Vim for telling me that the file has changed
Thanks Mr Vim for telling me that the file has changed and closed
Thanks Mr Vim for telling me that you closed down

Externalizing the client-server communication part as an library
and enhancing the interface?


Maybe you can try this: or this:

Re: JavaScript indentation

2007-01-25 Thread Ilya Bobir

Gregory Seidman wrote:

I'm finding that smartindent is routinely wrong about how I want things to
be indented in JS, but I haven't been able to find an indent script. I'd be
interested in working on it myself, but I don't know the first thing about
how the function referred to when setting indentexpr is expected to behave.

Is anyone already working on an indentation file for JavaScript? If so, I'd
be interested in helping. If not, would anyone be interested in
collaborating on it?



I have a pretty working JS indentation script - javascript.vim, but it 
handles only most common cases.  It uses the build in C indentation 
rules and does a bit of correction.  Really much more corrections is 
required in order to indent JavaScript correctly for all the cases.  
Maybe C indent is a bad starting point for a complete JavaScript 
indentation solution.  I've also tried using syntax in order to 
calculate indentation but this attempt lead me to even worth results - 
javascript.vim.bad.  Maybe you can fix the syntax based version, as it 
is more promising. IIRC some changes were required in the syntax script 
in order to get better indentation results...

Currently I'm not programming in JavaScript, so I doubt I can devote 
much time to fixing its indentation script.  But probably I will be, so 
I am interested in having a complete JavaScript indentation solution in Vim.
 Description:  ECMAScript indenter
 Author:   After Johannes Zellner [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Last Change:  Fri, 7 May 2004 20:00:00 +0200

 Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists(b:did_indent)
let b:did_indent = 1

 [-- local settings (must come before aborting the script) --]
setlocal indentexpr=ECMAScriptIndentGet(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys=o,O,*Return,BS,{,}

set cpo-=C

fun! SIDGetSyntax(lnum)
let s1Comment = 0
let s2Comment = 0
if syntax == ''
return ''
let s1 = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, matchend(getline(a:lnum), '^\s*') + 1, 
1), 'name')
if s1 == ''
let s1 = 'java'
if s1 =~? 'comment'
let s1Comment = 1
let s1 = matchstr(s1, '^\(java\)')
if strlen(getline(a:lnum)) = 1
let s2 = s1
let s2Comment = s1Comment
let s2 = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, match(getline(a:lnum), '\s*$') 
- 1, 1), 'name')
if s2 == ''
let s2 = 'java'
if s2 =~? 'comment'
let s2Comment = 1
let s2 = matchstr(s2, '^\(java\)')

if s1Comment  s2Comment
return 'comment'
if s1 == 'java'  s2 == 'java'
return 'java'
if s1 == s2
return s1
return ''

fun! ECMAScriptIndentGet(lnum)
 Syntax of current line
let curSyntax = SIDGetSyntax(a:lnum)

let restore_ic=ic
let ic=1  ignore case

let ind = 0  Indent in sw multipliers. Added to indent of previous 
let presizeIndent = -1  Indent in spaces. int is ignores if 
presizeIndent != -1.

 Script source is indented seperatly from commments.
if curSyntax == 'java'

 Find a non-empty line above the current line.
let plnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1)
let prevSyntax = SIDGetSyntax(plnum)
 Skip comments.
 BUG: will not work when comments is mixed with other text in 
the same line.
while plnum  0  (prevSyntax == 'comment' || prevSyntax == '')
let plnum = prevnonblank(plnum - 1)
let prevSyntax = SIDGetSyntax(plnum)

 Hit the start of the file, use zero indent.
if plnum == 0
presizeIndent = 0

 Add 1 sw indent for each non closed { or (.
let ind = strlen(substitute(getline(plnum), '[^{(]\+', 
'', 'g')) -
strlen(substitute(getline(plnum), '[^})]\+', '', 'g'))

 let restPos = matchend(getline(plnum), '^\s*}')
 if restPos == -1
   let ind = strlen(substitute(getline(plnum), 
'[^{]\+', '', 'g')) -
strlen(substitute(getline(plnum), '[^}]\+', '', 'g'))
   let rest = strpart(getline(plnum), restPos)
   let ind = strlen(substitute(rest, '[^{]\+', '', 
'g')) -

Re: Problems with AutoIndenting comment lines in VHDL files

2007-01-22 Thread Ilya Bobir

David le Comte wrote:

This is my 2nd attempt, but with smaller sample vhdl file,
The mail handler rejected my last email due to
its being too large.

Problem Description:

When editing VHDL files, autoindent mode
does not behave as expected with comment lines.
I suggest that there is a problem with

I can not find function with name GetVHDLInsert in my vim source.  Maybe 
you mean GetVHDLindent?.

The problem may have something
to do with how tabstop and softtabstop are set.

Detailed Description:

With tabstop=4, when either opening a new comment line,
or continuing in text insert mode from one comment line
to the next, the new comment line will autoindent as one
expects, ie it will start in-line with the previous comment
line, BUT, after typing some text, the line will suddenly
re-indent itself, usually a couple of spaces from the
beginning of the line.

I can not reproduce this behavior.  But I can see that indentation is 
incorrect when tabstop is not 1.  Maybe we have different versions of 
an indent file?  I have version 1.36 by Gerald Lai 
laigera+vim?  I can see that there is an updated version - 
1.40 on, but it does not differ in the indentation logic from 1.36.

After changing from tabstop=4 to tabstop=8, and setting
softabstop=4, a new comment line will autoindent itself a
long way in to the right from the previous line.
This is purely a guess, but it seems to be treating spaces
as though they were tabs?

I have attached bugreport.txt as created by bugreport.vim,
and also one of my VHDL files.

Except for the vim version this bugreport is useless as for me.  You 
shall use bugreport.vim just after you've reproduced the bug.  Otherwise 
it contains rather general information, while your bug is very specific.
In any case, automatically generated bug report does not contain script 
versions, so you shall include them in order to ensure we are on the 
same page.

And the file you have attached it is so huge.  Can the bug be reproduced 
on a small file?  One or two lines length.

Anyway, I have fixed a bug in my version of a VHDL indent script.  Maybe 
this is the same bug you are experiencing.  Please, try it.  You should 
put the attached file into a $HOMEPATH\vimfiles\indent folder.

Description: application/octetstream

Re: BOF Vim 8 - Suggestions

2007-01-19 Thread Ilya Bobir

John Beckett wrote:


Then, I could write an email to a friend saying
Run gvim and do stuff to select a theme.
Then you can press F11 to do clever thing.
For example, perhaps F11 = :cn, Shift-F11 = :cp.

This sounds very like file types.  When you are opening a file 
appropriate actions can be done automatically in order to adjust vim or 
you can do it yourself.  So your do stuff to select a theme is 
spelled in vim like :set ft=file type.  If you are writing an e-mail 
and you have vim set as your e-mail text editor it is possible that vim 
will detect you are writing an e-mail and will automatically adjust 
itself for e-mail editing.  You may also add additional file types by 
downloading them from or somewhere else...

So, most part of a file type specific settings should reside in a file 
type script.  And if you have some general preferences them you should 
add them to your .vimrc.  If a preference is file type specific you can 
add a FileType event to your .vimrc.  I see no point in adding 
themes.  As for me, everything that can be done using themes can 
already be done using things that already exists in vim.

If you think that you can provide a better defaults for novice users you 
can just write a script that will adjust vim the way you see it and ask 
Bram to add it into the distribution along with a note in the tutor, 
like If you feel that vim is too difficult to master you may try 
another set of defaults specially crafted for novice users.  In order to 
turn them on just add the following line to your .vimrc: here goes 
command to source your script.

Re: recent.vim plugin

2007-01-10 Thread Ilya Bobir

Ilia N Ternovich wrote:

Hi all!

I'm trying to make recent.vim plguin working with vim-7.0
There is some kind of problem with mapping keys inside plugin:

function! OptionFiles()
let file = bufname(%)
if bufname()==recent_files
map Enter gf
set number
set noswapfile
set nonumber
set swapfile
   if hasmapto('gf')
unmap gf

command Recent edit ~/.vim/recent_files
autocmd BufEnter * :call OptionFiles()

I wonder why this function doesn't map Enter key to gf combination, when
I start vim... There is succesfully created recent_files buffer... But
keybinding doesn't work :(

Can anybody help me with this question

This is a bit off topic, but you probably want your function to look 
like this:

function! OptionFiles()
   let file = bufname(%)
   if bufname()==recent_files
   map buffer Enter gf
   setlocal number
   setlocal noswapfile

Not sure it will help with your problem, but this way all the changes are 
buffer local.

autocmd and netrw

2006-11-16 Thread Ilya Hegai

Hello, I have such line in my .gvimrc

autocmd BufEnter * :lcd %:p:h

(this is vim tip:

but when I work with remote files via netrw it produces warning every
time, 'cause scp copies remote files to /tmp dir

Is there any way to determine whether file is opening via netrw to
disable that autocmd?

regards, Hegai Ilya

Re: syntax region match with braces

2006-11-01 Thread Ilya Sher
Peter Hodge wrote:

 I have the same problem with large PHP files, Vim gets confused in the midst 
 all the curly braces ... :-S  Unfortunately I'm not yet familiar with the 'syn
 sync' commands, partly because they're so hard to test.
Haven't followed the thread but

:syntax sync fromstart

usually works fine for me


For robots (please don't mail me there): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My real email is ilya @ same domain

Re: FW: elastic tabstops and gvim's GTK text widget

2006-10-30 Thread Ilya Bobir

Peter Hodge wrote:

--- Nick Gravgaard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi Zdenek,

On 30/10/06, Zdenek Sekera [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi, Nick,


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nick Gravgaard
Sent: 19 October 2006 13:42
Subject: elastic tabstops and gvim's GTK text widget

Hi all,

I am the creator of a mechanism called elastic tabstops (see Right now, my plan is to try and
implement this in as many text widgets as possible so that the editors
that use them will be able to easily add this as a feature. Since vim
(well, gvim really) is my editor of choice I thought I'd start with
that. Could someone tell me which GTK widget gvim uses and what
problems they think I might encounter?

Any other comments are also welcome.

I went to your side and read all about it, sounds very
(read *very*) interesting. I would surely love it.
As a comment, I'd suggest you reconsider implementing it
only for gvim+GTK (as that's what I understood from all
I read). First, it will quite significantly limit number
of people who would be interested (not all have GTK when
you go outside Linux) second, some people just do not
use gvim (I for one use almost only console vim, I can't
get gvim running with pleasing fonts and if it is not pleasing
to my eyes, I don't like it). You seem to see a big advantage
is being able to use non-monospce fonts. Sure, it is an
advantage (perhaps even a big one), however, one gets very
far with monospaced fonts, and I feel lots of people
would think that way. In other words, those who can/want
to run non-monospaced, great!, but don't leave out all
the rest of us who have accomodated themselves well with monospaced
outside of your project.

Brief: consider seriously also the console vim.

I think you may be right - I have a feeling vim is probably just
treating it's GTK widget in a similar way to how it treats a console.
If that's true, adding proportional font support is probably a much
bigger task than I would like to solve right now...

BTW, does anyone know if it's possible to implement elastic tabstops
as a vim script? It would need to be called whenever a character is
inserted or deleted and would then modify the size of the tabstops.
The tabstops would need to have different widths on different lines.
Is this possible?

Actually, you might be able to get it done with Vimscript, but you'd need to
use space characters instead of tabs.  You would map TAB to call a function
which examines the current line, the line above, the line below, and inserts
correct number of spaces, and also adjusts the lines above or below
accordingly.  Also, if you're inserting spaces instead of tabs, it's backwards
compatible with just about everything, which would be great.

But how will you save information about where is a tab and where is a space?
You have to save tabs in a file on disk and in vim you'll have to 
remember where those tab were in some buffer local variable.


Send instant messages to your online friends 


Re: insert-mode :map-alt-keys and 8-bit locales

2006-10-25 Thread Ilya Sher
A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
 Ilya Sher wrote:
 A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
 Alexey I. Froloff wrote:
 * Bram Moolenaar Bram@ [061022 17:41]:
 I don't want to support that, because it causes mistakes.  Consider
 being in Insert mode and typing Esc o to open a new line or
 n to find the next match.  A timeout won't help, the two keys can be
 typed within ten msec.
 So, all plugins that imap something to Alt+Key a screwed up in
 all non-ascii 8-bit locales.  Moreover, such maps breaks normal
 text entering.

 There is something outside your latin-1 world.  Take a look
 around, you, 7-bit racists.

 - Maybe Bram Moolenaar can type at 100 keystrokes / second, I can't.
 Especially if one of the keys is Esc, which is far away from almost
 everything else.
 Assuming one-handed typing, (especially for Esco and Escn)
 which is almost always not true for vim users.

 Assumption that people use keyboard mappings
 where Esc is far away is true most of the time
 but not always. (Common exception is caps lock
 generating Esc).


 When I say I can't, I'm talking about me on my keyboard, where the
 Esc key is at top left, and the nearest keys are (²³¬) (1|) (é2@) and
 F1 (Between round brackets: unshifted, with Shift, and with AltGr, in
 that order, for a single key).

 I'm not assuming that _you_ cannot type 100 keystrokes per second,
 though I would bet that the Vimmers who can are a minority at best. ;-)
I was probably not clear enough.

The point is that one does not even have to type at
that speed to hit pretty fast Esco if the Esc
is not far away and both hands are used.
... the first condition is optional.

 Best regards,

For robots (please don't mail me there): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My real email is ilya @ same domain

Re: [PATCH] cygwin: Trouble recognizing absolute path

2006-10-13 Thread Ilya Bobir

Yakov Lerner wrote:

I mean, I tried 'ls c:\windows' in cygwin and it does not work ..
strange  is it issue of version of cygwin ? I saw even
weirder  differences in cygwin behaviour ... fat32 vs ntfs differences...
Maybe this is because \ have a special meaning for bash or some other 
shell you use.  Try

   ls c:\\windows

works fine for me.

It is 100% off-topic on vim-dev list, so I'm sorry.


Re: BUG: syntax region overlaps keyword *sometimes*

2006-10-06 Thread Ilya Bobir

Peter Hodge wrote:

Thanks for your help, I had another look and found out you need another syntax
command to reproduce it properly.  Here is the revised bug report

Start vim using

  vim -u NONE

insert the following test code (note that the 4th line must be indented).

  is_array $foo

Apply the following syntax commands:

  syn on

  syn keyword Function is_array
  syn region r1 matchgroup=Type start=/array(/ end=/)/
  syn keyword Error foo containedin=NOTHING

You will find that the keyword is_array and region r1 are confused over how to
highlight is_array(...) when it doesn't start at the beginning of the line, and
it has something to do with the 'foo' keyword having a 'containedin=' option.


Yep, now I see this.  Kind a strange highlight.

I found that the highlight would be OK until foo is added, but then the 
bug could be seen even after :syn clear Error.

Re: BUG: syntax region overlaps keyword *sometimes*

2006-10-05 Thread Ilya Bobir

Peter Hodge wrote:


I have discovered that it is possible for a syntax region to overlap a syntax
keyword, even though the region is not contained in the keyword.  Take the
following code example and apply the syntax commands below:


( is_array($foo) )


syntax keyword Function is_array
syntax region r1 matchgroup=Typedef start=/array(/ end=/)/ keepend extend

Now what is even more odd, if I add another region for the ( and ) arround the
test code, the overlap doesn't happen in the first example:

syntax region r2 matchgroup=Delimiter start=/(/ end=/)/ keepend extend 

What is going on here?

I do not see anything special.  For me r1 does not contribute to 
highlighting at all, and r2 cause parenthesis to be highlighted.

I have VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Sep 22 2006 22:03:35)
MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-109

Also with changes from patch 117.

Re: Do Not Reply To This Message

2006-10-03 Thread Ilya Sher
A.J.Mechelynck wrote:


 The problem is, not only the KNBT pseudo-bounce is misdirected, it is
 incomplete. In particular, it doesn't say which address was not found,
 so all Felix (or Bram or someone) can know is that someone
 is no longer a valid address. But they can't go forcibly unsubscribing
 _every_ subscriber, can they? Quite probably there are more
 than one.
Anyone knows how much of [EMAIL PROTECTED] are subscribed ?
If they are not many we can even do manual check(s)...

 Best regards,

For robots (please don't mail me there): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
My real email is ilya @ same domain

Re: compilation of regular expressions/ enhancement?

2006-10-03 Thread Ilya Bobir

Marc Weber wrote:

When doing something like
map([a,b],matchstr(v:val, \(.\)))
will the regular expression \(.\) be compiled on every iteration?

How about this:

for l in lines
	if l =~regex 


How about :help profile ? ;)


matchparen highlight bug

2006-09-27 Thread Ilya Bobir


I've found bug in highlighting when matchparen is used.  Not sure it is 
because of a matchparen thought.

Test case

Now I can see first line with one character background been highlighted 
and an insert cursor over it and '{}' on a second line, both highlighted.

Not sure how to reproduce this on -u NONE -U NONE...

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Sep 22 2006 22:03:35)
MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-109
Huge version with GUI.  Features included (+) or not (-):
+arabic +autocmd +balloon_eval +browse ++builtin_terms +byte_offset 
+cindent +clientserver +clipboard +cmdline_compl +cmdline_hist 
+cmdline_info +comments
+cryptv +cscope +cursorshape +dialog_con_gui +diff +digraphs -dnd 
-ebcdic +emacs_tags +eval +ex_extra +extra_search +farsi +file_in_path 
+folding -footer +gettext/dyn -hangul_input +iconv/dyn +insert_expand 
+jumplist +keymap +langmap +libcall +linebreak +lispindent +listcmds 
+localmap +menu
+mksession +modify_fname +mouse +mouseshape +multi_byte +multi_lang 
-mzscheme +netbeans_intg +ole -osfiletype +path_extra -perl -postscript 
+profile -python +quickfix +reltime +rightleft -ruby +scrollbind +signs 
+smartindent -sniff +statusline -sun_workshop +syntax +tag_binary 
-tag_any_white -tcl -tgetent -termresponse +textobjects +title +toolbar 
+user_commands +vertsplit +virtualedit +visual +visualextra +viminfo 
+wildignore +wildmenu +windows +writebackup -xfontset -xim -xterm_save 

  system vimrc file: $VIM\vimrc
user vimrc file: $HOME\_vimrc
2nd user vimrc file: $VIM\_vimrc
 user exrc file: $HOME\_exrc
 2nd user exrc file: $VIM\_exrc
 system gvimrc file: $VIM\gvimrc
   user gvimrc file: $HOME\_gvimrc
2nd user gvimrc file: $VIM\_gvimrc
   system menu file: $VIMRUNTIME\menu.vim
Compilation: cl -c /W3 /nologo  -D_MT -D_DLL -MDd -I. -Iproto 
-DWINVER=0x0500 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500  /Fo.\ObjGOd/ -D_DEBUG -DDEBUG /Od 
Linking: link /DEBUG /DEBUGTYPE:cv /nologo /subsystem:windows 
/incremental:no /nodefaultlib:libc advapi32.lib shell32.lib gdi32.lib 
comdlg32.lib ole32.lib uuid.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib gdi32.lib 
version.lib   winspool.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib  
/machine:i386 /nodefaultlib /fixed:no msvcrtd.lib oleaut32.lib  
user32.lib WSock32.lib  /PDB:.\ObjGOd/gvimd.pdb -debug


syntax. Contained items should not contribute to highlight outside of a containing keepend item highlighting area

2006-09-22 Thread Ilya Bobir


I'm continuing my investigation on Vim's syntax highlight for the 
following syntax rules:

:syn cluster Top contains=Block,String,Identifier
:syn region Block start=+{+ end=+}+ keepend extend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:syn region String start=++ end=++ contains=Identifier
:syn region Identifier start=+\${+ end=+}+ extend

and I've found that this code

{ block string } extra

is highlighted not exactly as I want it to be.  Highlight is as follows:

{ block string } extra

The problem is that closing brace '}' is highlighted as a String because 
Block does not have any kind of highlight and contained String region is 
forcefully terminated at the same character as enclosing Block is.

So, I thought, that it would be logical that if I would limit Block 
highlight to be completely inside braces then String would not highlight 
brace character itself.  It appears to be not the case.  Here is a new 
matching rule for Block:

:syn region Block start=+{+hs=e end=+}+he=s-1 keepend extend [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Problem is that when a region is terminated because an enclosing keepend 
region is terminated, then the contained region highlight end is at the 
same point as the keepend region match end is, while, from my point of 
view, it should be where the keepend region highlight end is.

Here is a patch that makes Vim do as I want.  Version 1 is for an 
original syntax.c as it is in CVS now.  Version 2 is for syntax.c that 
was modified by my previous patch from extend inside normal inside 
keepend e-mail.

Ilya Bobir
Index: syntax.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/vim/vim7/src/syntax.c,v
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -c -r1.62 syntax.c
*** syntax.c26 Apr 2006 23:58:59 -  1.62
--- syntax.c22 Sep 2006 19:38:24 -
*** 2564,2569 
--- 2564,2570 
  int   i;
+ lpos_Tmaxpos_h;
  stateitem_T   *sip;
*** 2583,2595 
  maxpos.lnum = 0;
  for ( ; i  current_state.ga_len; ++i)
sip = CUR_STATE(i);
if (maxpos.lnum != 0)
limit_pos_zero(sip-si_m_endpos, maxpos);
!   limit_pos_zero(sip-si_h_endpos, maxpos);
limit_pos_zero(sip-si_eoe_pos, maxpos);
sip-si_ends = TRUE;
--- 2584,2597 
  maxpos.lnum = 0;
+ maxpos_h.lnum = 0;
  for ( ; i  current_state.ga_len; ++i)
sip = CUR_STATE(i);
if (maxpos.lnum != 0)
limit_pos_zero(sip-si_m_endpos, maxpos);
!   limit_pos_zero(sip-si_h_endpos, maxpos_h);
limit_pos_zero(sip-si_eoe_pos, maxpos);
sip-si_ends = TRUE;
*** 2600,2605 
--- 2602,2614 
|| (maxpos.lnum == sip-si_m_endpos.lnum
 maxpos.col  sip-si_m_endpos.col)))
maxpos = sip-si_m_endpos;
+   if (sip-si_ends
+(sip-si_flags  HL_KEEPEND)
+(maxpos_h.lnum == 0
+   || maxpos_h.lnum  sip-si_h_endpos.lnum
+   || (maxpos_h.lnum == sip-si_h_endpos.lnum
+maxpos_h.col  sip-si_h_endpos.col)))
+   maxpos_h = sip-si_h_endpos;
*** syntax.cFri Sep 22 22:39:57 2006
--- syntax.c.newFri Sep 22 22:26:23 2006
*** 2574,2579 
--- 2574,2580 
  int   i;
+ lpos_Tmaxpos_h;
  stateitem_T   *sip;
*** 2593,2605 
  maxpos.lnum = 0;
  for ( ; i  current_state.ga_len; ++i)
sip = CUR_STATE(i);
if (maxpos.lnum != 0)
limit_pos_zero(sip-si_m_endpos, maxpos);
!   limit_pos_zero(sip-si_h_endpos, maxpos);
limit_pos_zero(sip-si_eoe_pos, maxpos);
sip-si_ends = TRUE;
--- 2594,2607 
  maxpos.lnum = 0;
+ maxpos_h.lnum = 0;
  for ( ; i  current_state.ga_len; ++i)
sip = CUR_STATE(i);
if (maxpos.lnum != 0)
limit_pos_zero(sip-si_m_endpos, maxpos);
!   limit_pos_zero(sip-si_h_endpos, maxpos_h);
limit_pos_zero(sip-si_eoe_pos, maxpos);
sip-si_ends = TRUE;
*** 2610,2615 
--- 2612,2624 
|| (maxpos.lnum == sip-si_m_endpos.lnum
 maxpos.col  sip-si_m_endpos.col)))
maxpos = sip-si_m_endpos;
+   if (sip-si_ends
+(sip-si_flags  HL_KEEPEND)
+(maxpos_h.lnum == 0
+   || maxpos_h.lnum  sip-si_h_endpos.lnum
+   || (maxpos_h.lnum == sip-si_h_endpos.lnum
+maxpos_h.col  sip-si_h_endpos.col)))
+   maxpos_h = sip-si_h_endpos;

Re: text is gone

2006-09-07 Thread Ilya

scott wrote:


why would cindent kick in if i'm not editing c?

Maybe you set it yourself or some plugin set it for you.  A.J.Mechelynck 
proposed you really good thing.  Remove code that turns cindent off, 
restart vim and type

 :verbose set cindent?

and you will see where this option was set last. If this would not make 
it clear for you who is setting cindent, then, I believe, you can post 
result of this command here and somebody could help you understand vim a 
bit better.

Re: Syntax matching. extend inside normal inside keepend

2006-09-04 Thread Ilya

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 9/3/06, Ilya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yakov Lerner wrote:
 On 9/2/06, Ilya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have a question regarding syntax matching.  I have some kind of 
 and I have some solution to highlight it, but it does not work the 
way I

 expect it to.

 What I want:  match syntax that consists of blocks (enclosed in {}),
 strings (enclosed in ) and identifiers (starts with ${ and ends 
 }).  Block end should also end any string that starts inside this 

 My solution:

 :syn cluster Top contains=Block,String,Identifier
 :syn region Block start=+{+ end=+}+ keepend extend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 :syn region String start=++ end=++ contains=Identifier
 :syn region Identifier start=+\${+ end=+}+ extend

  Your 'keepend' option clearly causes '}' which is end of
 identifier to terminate the enclosing block, in full accordance
 with :help syn-keepend.
No, it does not because of an extend option. Here is a picture (I've
already included it in my previous mail):
{ string ${var} string }
  SS   SS
B - Block region
S - String region
I - Identifier region

I got this information using synID function.
  If I read ':help syn-keepend' right, then 'keepend' does not
 allow a region on which it is used to have proper subregions.
Except for 'extend' regions.  That is why Block is 'keepend' and 

What if  'extend'  can override only the 'keepend' of only
immediately enclosing region ? The example in :help syn-extend
only has examlpe of overriding 'keepend' of immediately containing
region. Does not say whether 'extend' acts all the way up
the stack of enclosing regions.
That is nearly my question (look at the topic).  But, if you consider 
the way Vim currently takes an extend region that is inside a normal 
region that is inside a keeped you can see (as I've pictured) that 
external keepend region is not ended but middle normal region is.  And 
this is strange to me.  I was expecting someone to comment on this 
matter. Is there any sense in this approach or it is kind of a bug?


Re: Syntax matching. extend inside normal inside keepend

2006-09-04 Thread Ilya

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 9/3/06, Ilya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yakov Lerner wrote:
 When I removed both 'keepend' and 'extend', it
 started to work as expected.
No, it would not work as I want it to.  Block would not end unclosed
String.  Like this:
{ Some string with a quote (  ) inside }

What about the following example:
  1 }
Do you want to distinguish mismatched double-quotes
within one line only, or across multiple lines ? As you
syntax is currently written, your intention is ambiguoius.
On one hand, your 'syntax region String' can span multiple lines.
On other hand, you want that '}' inside quoted string terminate a block.

  Do you want to consider line ' 1 }' a line with
mismatched quote, or it's supposed to match quote on
after ' {' ? NB that your 'syntax region String' does allow
strings spanning multilpe lines.

In your example, according to the rules in my solution, there should be 
2 Blocks with 2 Strings inside.  And both Strings would be without 
closing .

Like this:

 1 }

And my solution work just as I expect it to on this code.


Re: Syntax matching. extend inside normal inside keepend

2006-09-03 Thread Ilya

Yakov Lerner wrote:

When I removed both 'keepend' and 'extend', it
started to work as expected.
No, it would not work as I want it to.  Block would not end unclosed 
String.  Like this:

{ Some string with a quote (  ) inside }

With ''kepend extend', it
apparently takes identifier-closing brace for a
block-closing brace. I don't know why.

Again no.  I've wrote wrote about it in my original email:
 For some reason an Identifier region ends a String region and a 
second word 'string' is not highlighted as a string (and Vim says that 
it has Block match there).

So Block is not ended, but String is.

You might also try another solution: the 'syn match'
for identifier  instead of region.

I've tried using match.  And there is not difference to using region.


Re: Syntax matching. extend inside normal inside keepend

2006-09-03 Thread Ilya

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 9/3/06, Ilya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yakov Lerner wrote:
 When I removed both 'keepend' and 'extend', it
 started to work as expected.
No, it would not work as I want it to.  Block would not end unclosed
String.  Like this:
{ Some string with a quote (  ) inside }

Ah, I have a guess what can be the problem. Maybe
region does not like it when ending pattern ([]) is same as
beginning pattern. It does not know then whether to treat 2nd
double-quote as a  beginning of new nested
region (string), or end of previous block (string).
I do not understand how ending pattern for the String region could be 
connected to my case, could you please explain in more detail what is 
your point?

Note that I want ` ) inside ' to be highlighted as a String, but with 
`}' String highlight should stop.  And this could be easily achieved 
with proposed solution.  Problem arises only when String contains 
Identifier.  In this case Identifier region ends also enclosing a String 
region, but not enclosing Block region.  Here is  picture:

{ string ${var} string }
 SS   SS
B - Block region
S - String region
I - Identifier region

I believe that matching could be as follows:
{ string ${var} string }

Here is a picture for Block that contains only one quote.  It is 
perfectly legal and match my expectations:

{ string with a quote (  ) inside }


Maybe you should try
'syn match' for both strings and identifiers.
I've tried using match for both the String and the Identifier - there is 
absolutely no difference from using two regions or using one region and 
one match.

(nested 'syn match'). Maybe you should look into perl.vim
how it does it.
I'll gladly look there, but could you please be more specific?  Where in 
Perl syntax there is such a situation when outer block ends all 
contained blocks of different type?  I've used perl syntax highlight for 
some time and I cannot remember if I thought something similar there and 
rereading and understanding whole syntax highlight scheme, I believe, is 
quite a bit of work...

In Perl everything could be understood from syntax.  There is no need 
to force some region to end unexpectedly.  I'm trying to improve Tcl 
highlight - there you could not tell whether some Block contains code 
and thus should be highlighted appropriately or it contains some 
arbitrary data that does not follow any of the Tcl code rules or follow 
some other code rules (like been SQL code), without evaluation program 


Re: Syntax matching. extend inside normal inside keepend

2006-09-03 Thread Ilya
Sorry for duplicating, but my mailer for some reason removed several 
spaces from my pictures.

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 9/3/06, Ilya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Yakov Lerner wrote:
 When I removed both 'keepend' and 'extend', it
 started to work as expected.
No, it would not work as I want it to.  Block would not end unclosed
String.  Like this:
{ Some string with a quote (  ) inside }

Ah, I have a guess what can be the problem. Maybe
region does not like it when ending pattern ([]) is same as
beginning pattern. It does not know then whether to treat 2nd
double-quote as a  beginning of new nested
region (string), or end of previous block (string).

I do not understand how ending pattern for the String region could be
connected to my case, could you please explain in more detail what is
your point?

Note that I want ` ) inside ' to be highlighted as a String, but with
`}' String highlight should stop.  And this could be easily achieved
with proposed solution.  Problem arises only when String contains
Identifier.  In this case Identifier region ends also enclosing a String
region, but not enclosing Block region.  Here is  picture:
{ string ${var} string }
  SS   SS
B - Block region
S - String region
I - Identifier region

I believe that matching could be as follows:
{ string ${var} string }

Here is a picture for Block that contains only one quote.  It is
perfectly legal and match my expectations:
{ string with a quote (  ) inside }


Maybe you should try
'syn match' for both strings and identifiers.

I've tried using match for both the String and the Identifier - there is
absolutely no difference from using two regions or using one region and
one match.

(nested 'syn match'). Maybe you should look into perl.vim
how it does it.

I'll gladly look there, but could you please be more specific?  Where in
Perl syntax there is such a situation when outer block ends all
contained blocks of different type?  I've used perl syntax highlight for
some time and I cannot remember if I thought something similar there and
rereading and understanding whole syntax highlight scheme, I believe, is
quite a bit of work...

In Perl everything could be understood from syntax.  There is no need
to force some region to end unexpectedly.  I'm trying to improve Tcl
highlight - there you could not tell whether some Block contains code
and thus should be highlighted appropriately or it contains some
arbitrary data that does not follow any of the Tcl code rules or follow
some other code rules (like been SQL code), without evaluation program


Re: Syntax matching. extend inside normal inside keepend

2006-09-03 Thread Ilya

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 9/2/06, Ilya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have a question regarding syntax matching.  I have some kind of syntax
and I have some solution to highlight it, but it does not work the way I
expect it to.

What I want:  match syntax that consists of blocks (enclosed in {}),
strings (enclosed in ) and identifiers (starts with ${ and ends with
}).  Block end should also end any string that starts inside this block.

My solution:

:syn cluster Top contains=Block,String,Identifier
:syn region Block start=+{+ end=+}+ keepend extend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:syn region String start=++ end=++ contains=Identifier
:syn region Identifier start=+\${+ end=+}+ extend

 Your 'keepend' option clearly causes '}' which is end of
identifier to terminate the enclosing block, in full accordance
with :help syn-keepend.
No, it does not because of an extend option. Here is a picture (I've 
already included it in my previous mail):

{ string ${var} string }
 SS   SS
B - Block region
S - String region
I - Identifier region

I got this information using synID function.

 If I read ':help syn-keepend' right, then 'keepend' does not
allow a region on which it is used to have proper subregions.

Except for 'extend' regions.  That is why Block is 'keepend' and 'extend'.


Re: Fixing cweb.vim

2006-09-01 Thread Ilya

Benji Fisher wrote:

On Fri, Sep 01, 2006 at 09:36:55AM +0300, Ilya wrote:

David Brown wrote:


However, tex.vim frequently will enclose large sections of the document
within a region and the cweb.vim which the webCRegion is not part of.

I think I can fix this by adding an appropriate containedin=... field to
the definition of webCRegion.

What I'm having difficulty with is figuring out what to put there.  Is
there a way of finding out what region a given part of the buffer is in?

From :help synID
   Example (echoes the name of the syntax item under the cursor): 

   :echo synIDattr(synID(line(.), col(.), 1), name)

 IIUC, synIDattr() always returns a syn-match or syn-keyword group.
It does not tell you whether you are in a syn-region.

HTH --Benji Fisher

It does return region names for me.

Syntax matching. extend inside normal inside keepend

2006-09-01 Thread Ilya


I have a question regarding syntax matching.  I have some kind of syntax 
and I have some solution to highlight it, but it does not work the way I 
expect it to.

What I want:  match syntax that consists of blocks (enclosed in {}), 
strings (enclosed in ) and identifiers (starts with ${ and ends with 
}).  Block end should also end any string that starts inside this block.

My solution:

:syn cluster Top contains=Block,String,Identifier
:syn region Block start=+{+ end=+}+ keepend extend [EMAIL PROTECTED]
:syn region String start=++ end=++ contains=Identifier
:syn region Identifier start=+\${+ end=+}+ extend

Here is a sample that shows that this solution does not work:

 string ${var} string

For some reason an Identifier region ends a String region and a second 
word 'string' is not highlighted as a string (and Vim says that it has 
Block match there).

Question: why the String region is not restored after the Identifier 
region ends?

P.S. Removing keepend from a Block makes highlighting right in this 
example but then an important point that Block should end unmatched 
String is lost.

P.P.S.  Solution code is in 1.vim and test code is in 1.vim.test so you 
may try it on your vim with

   vim -s 1.vim 1.vim.test


Description: application/octetstream
  string ${var} string

Re: Unable to use :setf from $VIMRUNTIME/ftdetect/*.vim

2006-08-30 Thread Ilya

Alexey I. Froloff wrote:

filetype.vim looks like:

augroup filetypedetect


 Generic configuration file (check this last, it's just guessing!)
au BufNewFile,BufRead,StdinReadPost *
\ ... some files are being setf'ed to conf

 Use the plugin-filetype checks last, they may overrule any of the previously
 detected filetypes.
runtime! ftdetect/*.vim

augroup END

So, if Vim sets filetype to conf, it is not possible to use
:setf from ftdetect/*.vim, because of but only if not done yet
in a sequence of (nested) autocommands. setf feature.

Solution is simple - source ftdetect/*.vim before conf

You can do set filetype=... if you want unconditionally set file type.

Re: yanking into register and using that in command

2006-08-02 Thread Ilya

Denis Perelyubskiy wrote:


I am trying to emulate textpad. In textpad, when cursor is over some
word and you press ctrl-f5 the search box pops up, and a word is in the
input area.

So, an equivalent behavior (at least for now :-)) in vim is to press
ctrl-f5 and have a word show up in the string
:vimgrep/WORD/j c:/projects/foo/**/*.[ch]

I know how to do this in a kludgy way, by yanking the word with viwy.
However, that kills the * register. The question is whether it is
possible to do what i want through some temp register, without killing
the * (or using the * and then restoring it):

I could map ctrl f5 to something like (kludgy):
nmap C-F5 ESCviwy:vimgrep/S-Insert/j c:/projects/kopera/**/*.[ch]
map! C-F5 ESCviwy:vimgrep/S-Insert/j c:/projects/kopera/**/*.[ch]

nmap C-F5 ESC:vimgrep/C-RC-W/j c:/projects/kopera/**/*.[ch]
map! C-F5 ESC:vimgrep/C-RC-W/j c:/projects/kopera/**/*.[ch]

:help c_C-R_C-W

There must be a prettier way of doing that (and a way which does not
kill the *)

Could someone please point me to the right direction?


Re: Suggestion for a change to compiler/gcc.vim

2006-07-22 Thread Ilya

Nikolai Weibull wrote:

I am the maintainer of compiler/gcc.vim and I would like to propose
the following change to its errorformat:

@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ setlocal errorformat=
  \\%f\\\,\ line\ %l%*\\D%c%*[^\ ]\ %m,
  \%D%*\\a[%*\\d]:\ Entering\ directory\ `%f',
  \%X%*\\a[%*\\d]:\ Leaving\ directory\ `%f',
-  \%DMaking\ %*\\a\ in\ %f
+  \%DMaking\ %*\\a\ in\ %f,
+  \%-G%.%#

let cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save

The reason for this change is that I find it tiresome that whenever a
successful build it built, I have to press enter twice to first get
through the shell output is finished, please hit Enter prompt and
then Hi, I'm gcc command-line number one that successfully compiled
file so and so, and hey, there are 18 more of these commands waiting
for you to look through, so please begin by hitting Enter.
I'm not quite sure that it may help, but do you know that you may mark 
line as been general information line? Specially for compiler version 
strings or other headers that can be skipped. See :help efm-ignore

So the addition of %-G%.%# to exclude anything but the defined formats
from the listing saves us the trouble of seeing useless compiler
command-lines in the list of changes.

However, this is a rather drastic measure, and may cause messages that
people rely on to go missing.  If so, then this patch is perhaps not
for public consumption.  We do have the chance to add these messages
to the errorformat, however, so if someone has any suggestions, please
do pass them on.

Any comments?



Re: [PATCH] Ask and you shall...em, find?

2006-07-22 Thread Ilya

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
I prefer answers given on the command-line (with more if necessary) 
to appear in the default colors with the following exceptions:

- It's OK for titles (as in the listing of autocommands) to appear in 
another colour;
- It's OK for the xxx of :highlight display to appear in the 
concerned highlight group's colours.
- It's OK for the More? prompt, the Hit-Enter prompt and the 
scroll menu (which are not part of the text) to appear in a distinct 

So I agree with Bram that no special highlighting is needed for the 
reply to the :pwd command (and friends). Even if the netrw directory 
listing has subdirectories in a different colour (which is 
commendable), I don't want that colour to carry over into the 
command-line output of :pwd.

Best regards,
If color would be set using highlighting group, would not it be possible 
to turn in on and off according to your preferences?

Re: [PATCH] Ask and you shall...em, find?

2006-07-22 Thread Ilya

Ilya wrote:

A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
I prefer answers given on the command-line (with more if necessary) 
to appear in the default colors with the following exceptions:

- It's OK for titles (as in the listing of autocommands) to appear in 
another colour;
- It's OK for the xxx of :highlight display to appear in the 
concerned highlight group's colours.
- It's OK for the More? prompt, the Hit-Enter prompt and the 
scroll menu (which are not part of the text) to appear in a distinct 

So I agree with Bram that no special highlighting is needed for the 
reply to the :pwd command (and friends). Even if the netrw 
directory listing has subdirectories in a different colour (which is 
commendable), I don't want that colour to carry over into the 
command-line output of :pwd.

Best regards,
If color would be set using highlighting group, would not it be 
possible to turn in on and off according to your preferences?
Maybe it would be good to use some special highlighting group for 
command line results. Say CmdDirectory, this way one could adjust it 
without affecting directory highlighting in other places.

Myself, I agree with Bram, highlighting pwd results is an overkill. pwd 
prints nothing but directory name, so there is nothing there to highlight.

Re: tab split scrolling problem

2006-06-25 Thread Ilya



I mentioned this problem once on the list before; however, the issue
wasn't reproducible. Now I found a way to consistently reproduce it.

1. Open a new plain vim in a terminal.
2. :h to open a help window.
3. :wincmd o to close all other windows except the help window.
4. G to go to the last line.
5. c-e a few times (around 5) to scroll down.
6. :tab split to open a new tab.
7. :tabclose to close the new tab and return to the previous.

After all of this, the space generated by scrolling (via c-e)



Reproduced as described on
VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled Jun 24 2006 14:17:06)
MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-35

Make_mvc.mak cosmetic patch

2006-06-24 Thread Ilya


In Make_mvc.make there is such a sequence of characters that is 
understood ok by make but, because of a rough syntax definition, vim 
treats this sequence as a start of a character literal and highlights 
half of the file as a string.  Fixing this issue inside syntax 
definition is not that easy, but Make_mvc.mak could be fixed just by 
adding a comment with additional  in it.
*** Make_mvc.mak26 Apr 2006 23:50:26 -  1.33
--- Make_mvc.mak24 May 2006 22:26:41 -
*** 960,966 

  # $CFLAGS may contain backslashes and double quotes, escape them both.
  E0_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS:\=\\)
! E_CFLAGS = $(E0_CFLAGS:=\)

  $(PATHDEF_SRC): auto
@echo creating $(PATHDEF_SRC)
--- 960,966 

  # $CFLAGS may contain backslashes and double quotes, escape them both.
  E0_CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS:\=\\)
! E_CFLAGS = $(E0_CFLAGS:=\) #

  $(PATHDEF_SRC): auto
@echo creating $(PATHDEF_SRC)

Re: A patch to allow tabline wrapping

2006-06-15 Thread Ilya

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

In my opinion the tabline should be one line.  When it wraps the UI
looks ugly.  Esp. if the currently selected tab page is in the first
Maybe if lines would swap, so that line with selected tab would alway be 
the lowest one it would look nicer?

Re: New feature: bind layout of windows to keys?

2006-06-09 Thread Ilya

Eric Arnold wrote:

I found that the contents of a particular ordinal tab number was too
fluid to be of much use to me, so I concentrated on making relative
navigation easier, but I could be alone in that.

The way it stands, you can make a macro sequence from inside the 
script using:

{m}isc menu - {ma}cro keys

... from key: S-F1
... to keys: :1 tabnextCR

using the (: ex command passthrough).

SImilarly, outside the script,

nnoremap S-F1 :1 tabnextCR

accomplishes the same thing.

IIUC, gt is the same as S-F1 after :nnoremap S-F1 :1 tabnextCT

Re: New feature: bind layout of windows to keys?

2006-06-08 Thread Ilya

Markus Mottl wrote:


I'm new to the developer list so I don't know whether this has already
been discussed here.

One thing I encounter frequently is that I have tons of open buffers,
especially also from different projects, and I would like to switch
between sets of windows very quickly.  It would be great if Vim had a
feature that allowed me to bind the current layout of windows (buffers
contained, positions + dimensions, etc.) to a key.  Jumping between
projects would then be really easy.

One can, of course, use several terminals and start multiple
Vim-instances in them, but this is inconvenient, because one cannot
easily share data between them (registers, etc.).

It seems to me that this feature should be fairly easy to implement.
Any suggestions on how to approach this problem?


There is tabs in vim 7.0.  They are almost exactly what you are talking 
about, except that, IIUC, there is no binding to a key.  But it is 
possible, that some scripts could help.

:help tabpage.txt

Re: New feature: bind layout of windows to keys?

2006-06-08 Thread Ilya

Yakov Lerner wrote:

On 6/8/06, Markus Mottl [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm new to the developer list so I don't know whether this has already
been discussed here.

One thing I encounter frequently is that I have tons of open buffers,
especially also from different projects, and I would like to switch
between sets of windows very quickly.  It would be great if Vim had a
feature that allowed me to bind the current layout of windows (buffers
contained, positions + dimensions, etc.) to a key.  Jumping between
projects would then be really easy.

One can, of course, use several terminals and start multiple
Vim-instances in them, but this is inconvenient, because one cannot
easily share data between them (registers, etc.).

It seems to me that this feature should be fairly easy to implement.
Any suggestions on how to approach this problem?

Vim has mechanism of mapping keys to user-defined
commends/scripts/functions. If you can write vim function(s)
that, say, delete current windows and then re-create
desirable windows layout (using sequence of vim commands)
then it's definitely possible to bind call to such a function to
the key. You'll probably need one window-creating function
per project. Only you know your window layout, so
only you can write such function. Once you wrote the function, we'll
help you to map it to the keys yuo select.

I don't think vim is missing any elemental functionality
needed for such scripts yuo describe. For more info:

   :help vim-script-info
   :help key-mapping


There is a concept of sessions in vim (:help session) - close to what 
you are describing, but I doubt it is the very best way to work with 
several project at the same time.

Re: matchparen bug?

2006-06-06 Thread Ilya

Benji Fisher wrote:

 Perhaps you have set 'matchpairs' so that it does not include
matchpairs does include [:] - as by default.  And brackets are 
highlighted when cursor is near one of them.

  Since you snipped the three sample lines, here is another

long line

After going to long line and doing $iDown do you have the cursor
after the parentheses, with the parentheses highlighted?

Yes, I do.  And after doing Down I have cursor after 'r' in 'another'.

HTH --Benji Fisher


Re: matchparen bug?

2006-06-05 Thread Ilya

Benji Fisher wrote:

 I can reproduce it.  Perhaps we just need more explicit
instructions on how to reproduce it.  Using the text above, go to the
g:loaded_autoit_completion line and (starting in Normal mode) type


to reproduce.

 I can see the problem in $VIMRUNTIME/plugin/matchparen.vim .  In
this situation, the plugin moves the cursor left one character, onto the
], and then back.  When this happens, vim forgets that it is trying to
keep the cursor in the same column as the 1.

 I do not see any way to fix this in the plugin.  Perhaps the
getpos() and setpos() functions can be changed so that they will keep
the information that is being lost.

HTH --Benji Fisher

Hm, strange, but it does not happen to me, even if I do as you say

My action:
1. Open gvim.
2. Paste text from first mail.
3. $iDownDown

and cursor is to the left of 'o' in 'onmifunc'.

Re: matchparen bug?

2006-06-01 Thread Ilya

Jared wrote:

When I'm in Insert mode and moving across lines, if the cursor passes over a
paren (defined here as any character in the matchpairs option), the cursor
will stay in the column position when moving to the next line.  See the
following code for an example:

let g:loaded_autoit_completion = 1
let s:cache_name = []
 This function is used for the 'omnifunc' option.

Now, if my cursor is on the '1' in the first line and I press down twice,
I'd expect the cursor to end up on the 'o' in 'omnifunc' in the third line.
 However, if I'm in Insert mode and matchparen is active, then my cursor
will instead end up on the 'e' in 'used'.


I do not have this bug.

I'm having

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled May 25 2006 04:17:33)
MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-17

that I've compiled myself from current CVS version.

Matchparen.vim is dated 2006 May 11.

Redraw bug on WinXP with non-GUI tab line.

2006-06-01 Thread Ilya


I've found bug in vim version

VIM - Vi IMproved 7.0 (2006 May 7, compiled May 25 2006 04:17:33)
MS-Windows 32 bit GUI version with OLE support
Included patches: 1-17

In case incremental search is on, tab line some times is not visible.

Steps to reproduce:

gvim -u NONE -U NONE
:e 1.txt
:set is
:tab sp

after hitting 's' text is scrolled to a line containing 'six1' and 
tabline is empty - cleared with background color.

Re: Runtime error in explorer.exe when right clicking with vim70f gvimext.dll installed

2006-05-29 Thread Ilya

Mathias Michaelis wrote:

Hello Vim List

I have a similar problem with the final vim 7.0, if I try to compile
it with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition. I don't get a
runtime error, but simply get no Edit with vim ... context menu
entries when I right-click on any file.

Solution to this problem partly depends on a Windows version you have.

When I right click on a file in explorer I get an MSVC Runtime error

msvcr80.dll is the problem, but it isn't that the dll is missing,
gvimext.dll loads it from c:\windows\system32.  The problem is that
gvimext.dll is loading the dll incorrectly (according to the error
dialog). Obviously the source for gvimext.dll hasn't changed in a
while, but I believe this means that the gvimext.dll can't be built
against VC 8.0 until this problem is resolved. :/
Starting from Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2003, msvcr80.dll should be 
loaded from C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\directory for the correct version of 
MSVCR 8.0\msvcr80.dll.  At least runtime linker now uses this 
approach.  This is part of Windows Side by Side Components subsystem.

Try copying src\GvimExt\gvimext.dll.manifest to wherever you've placed

This would not work - DLLs does not use manifest files.  For a DLL 
manifest should be embedded as a resource inside the DLL itself.

This was the first thing I tried. Then I checked with Dependency
Walker and saw that MSVCR80.DLL was now found. But in spite of
that: I got no context menus.
This also happened to me - Dependency Walker reported that DLL could be 
found, but runtime linker fails to load the DLL.  Maybe, Dependency 
Walker does not load a DLL, just checks that it could be found using 
algorithm, that is outdated.

Then I tried

mt -outputresource:gvimext.dll -manifest gvimext.dll.manifest

to include the dll into the resources of gvimext.dll. That helped
To include the manifest as a resource into the dll?  I don't know 
exactly why this was not working for you - maybe your manifest was wrong 
or maybe it was included with wrong resource id.

Then I tried to add a file/file session to gvimext.dll.manifest:

file name=gvimext.dll
description=VIM Editor Context Menu Handler

Helped nothing, independent of running mt.exe or not.

I am searching for solutions for days now, browsed all the msdn
library, but found nothing: gvimext.dll doesn't work when linked
against MSVCR80.DLL with Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition.

This issue is explained in MSDN in section about SxS - Side by Side 
Components.  I've attached patch against current GvimExt/gvimext.rc that 
would make resource compiler add manifest inside generated DLL - this is 
what is required to make it run on WinXP SP2 and Win2k3.  And you'll 
have to put these two manifests in GvimExt directory, resource compiler 
would embed one of them depending on build type.

The only workaround is: I have to link gvimext.dll statically
against the C runtime library. Then, gvimext.dll needs about five
times more space on disk, but like that the context menu entries
appear although I hardly can't believe it any more %-]

Thanks in advance for any suggestions or hints!

With best regards


In case you compile and link gvimext.dll on Windows with installed 
Visual Studio 2005, then it automatically links DLL with the most recent 
version of MSVCR - 8.0.  This version is installed during VS 2005 
installation.  So, you would not be able to run this DLL on any other 
version of Windows, without installing new version of MSVCR.  There is a 
redistributable for this, on comes with VS 2005 itself.  VS 2005 even 
knows when it is required and can automatically (at least sometimes) 
merge this redistributable when you are creating an installation inside 
VS 2005.
?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?
assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'
  assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='Microsoft.VC80.DebugCRT' version='8.0.50608.0' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b' /
?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?
assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'
  assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='Microsoft.VC80.CRT' version='8.0.50608.0' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b' /
Index: gvimext.rc
RCS file: /cvsroot/vim/vim7/src/GvimExt/gvimext.rc,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -c -r1.2 gvimext.rc
*** gvimext.rc  6 Mar 2006 23:16:53 -   1.2
--- gvimext.rc  21 Mar 2006 22:49:44 -
*** 2,7 
--- 2,14 
  #include resource.h
+ #include winver.h
+ #if 

Re: Using py commands to evaluate text for balloon commands..

2006-05-24 Thread Ilya

Yakov Lerner wrote:

Note that :py commands are not available in the sandbox.
I dont know whether Balloon function is executed in the
sandbox. Maybe it is not (then :py is available in the Balloon func),
maybe it is (then :py is not available in the Balloon func). If you
find out, I'm interested to hear your result.
Sandbox and balloon function issue was discussed ~5 month ago and vim 
was patched

allowing bexpr to run non-sandbox
commands _if_ it wasn't set in a modeline (this is so
that bexpr could potentially get values from an
external debugger or somewhere via Python/Perl

page scrolling

2006-05-18 Thread Ilya Hegai
please, point me to the command, which allow to scroll page line by line, like 
in mc viewer (F3) with arrow keys

Thank you

regards, Hegai Ilya

Re: new + TabEnter is crashing

2006-05-06 Thread Ilya

Eric Arnold wrote:

BTW, I can't get WinDbg to recognize the .pdb files, although I've set
the Symbol path to the directory containing them.  Is there some trick
to this?

IIRU, you should set Symbol path one directory higher.  At least this is 
true for Windows symbols.  Thous are extracted to 
C:\Windows\Symbols\{dll,exe,drv,sys,...} and you should set your Symbol 
path to point to C:\Windows\Symbols.

Re: new + TabEnter is crashing

2006-05-06 Thread Ilya

Eric Arnold wrote:

BTW, I can't get WinDbg to recognize the .pdb files, although I've set
the Symbol path to the directory containing them.  Is there some trick
to this?

IIRU, you should set Symbol path one directory higher.  At least this is 
true for Windows symbols.  Thous are extracted to 
C:\Windows\Symbols\{dll,exe,drv,sys,...} and you should set your Symbol 
path to point to C:\Windows\Symbols.

Re: some problem with vim7f Beta

2006-04-26 Thread Ilya

Linsong wrote:

Martin Stubenschrott wrote:

But I am still not very clear why the first entry in the menu is not 
highlighted? Is it not reasonable?  I don't get any point that 
highlighting the first entry will make the behavior unreasonable. I 
think there shoud be an very good reason and I really want to know. 
Anyone can give some hints?  :)
I think, that you are saying that you want to highlight entry that is 
not inserted into buffer.  And Bram and others, assume that if entry is 
highlighted than it means that it is inserted.  That's why C-N 
highlights entry - because it inserts it into buffer.

Re: Code completion and entries with duplicate 'word' attributes.

2006-04-23 Thread Ilya

Bram Moolenaar wrote:

Since we are talking about completion, there is only one word to be
completed toLowerCase.  That it can have different arguments doesn't
matter for inserting toLowerCase.  You could have a function name ten
times and need to type CTRL-N ten times to get to another word.

I suggest you put alternate function arguments together with one word.
Thus toLowerCase would have a menu item and info that shows both
possible forms of arguments.
I think it would be useful, if info window would allow more than one 
item of information associated with a word completion.  And it would 
be possible to switch all of the info items with some additional pair of 
keys.  Visual Studio uses such a scheme (though it uses tool tips 
instead of an info window) and some other IDEs.

It would be cool, if such possibility would not be coded inside Vim 
core, but if it would be possible to implement it using scripts, by 
means of some events, that would be fired during completion process, for 
example.  This way, it is possible that script authors would invent some 
other ways of representation of completion information.