
2020-07-12 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning

To Bram:

Ok, got the source code. Again - still trying to get my system 
completely back up and running so it will be a while before I start 
looking at this. Might be a VERY long time. Still, hoping to help out later.

Mark Manning

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Q Freebasic.vim

2019-09-09 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning

So of course - the moment I send an e-mail - I remember.

Freebasic.vim file has been updated at :-)

Mark Manning

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Q new Freebasic.vim file

2019-09-09 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning
I was looking at the freeBasic.vim file and found some errors in it. 
Where do I upload it to? It has been so long I've forgotten. :-/


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Re: Freebasic.vim and ibasic.vim

2016-01-20 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning
Ok - Forgot to look at the syntax files I committed to  Got the 
freebasic.vim update.  Thanks to Michael Torrie!


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Freebasic.vim and ibasic.vim

2016-01-20 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning
A L time ago someone wrote to me to say that they wanted to 
update the freebasic.vim file and I told them to put their name on top 
of mine, make the update, and handle anyone's questions about the 
changes.  Well, I decided to put all of my stuff on GitHub so they can 
be downloaded any time a new update needs to be done.

So - first - I'm putting these two on GitHub so any future updates are 
going to go there.
Second, I would like to know the updates that were applied to the 
freebasic.vim file.
Third, I plan on making a new vim file for QB64.  I've been working on a 
lexer for QB64 and I thought I might as well do a vim file for it since 
it is KIND-OF like a lexer.  :-)  I actually thought I'd modify the PHP 
script I have to just generate the QB64.vim file automatically so 
updates to QB64 are automatically put in to the vim file too.

So if the current maintainer of the Freebasic.vim file could contact me 
I'd appreciate it.  I'll incorporate your file in to the GitHub 
repository and you can make any additional changes there.

Thank you and now back to more important things.  :-)


Oh!  I almost forgot!  I will be putting any/all testing files for VIM 
on GitHub also.  Not that they are going to appear magically overnight - 
but I'm working on them. :-)

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Re: To all syntax file maintainers: examples needed

2013-05-11 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning
I maintain the freebasic.vim and ibasic.vim files.  They are already a 
part of the vim release.  No changes have been made to them.  Do I need 
to resend them to you?


Mark Manning

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Re: Start Working Today

2012-03-26 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning
Too bad too - I'm looking at leaving my job and was going 
h.  :-)  But it looked too good to be true (it showed up 
in my junk folder so I had to look on the mailing list folder to see if 
anyone else got this).  Oh well - back to looking.  :-)

On 3/26/2012 6:30 PM, Marc Weber wrote:

Having (reasnoble) sallarys in job offers doesn't look like spam to me.
Origin looks suspicious - because AFAIK sourceforge does
not allow sending emails (at least it was so in the past). Bram also has
a different email he's been using in the past. does not exist - which clearly shows this is (close to) spam.

So does anybody have an idea whether this is a (badly written) real job
offer by Bram or whether it is what it looks like: spam?

And why is the sending email something

I would love to see a job site for vimmers :) But we should create a
dedicated mailinglist then.

Marc Weber

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Vim Update on my repository

2010-08-04 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning

 My repository has moved.  It was:  Login was Anonymous, password 
was blank

It is now:  Login is still Anonymous and 
password should still be blank.

Got a new server and had to reinstall everything.


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Re: Spam blacklists block my mail

2010-07-11 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning
 I don't know about anyone else, but I just use the built-in spam and 
message routing facilities within Thunderbird.  The message routing 
stuff I use to direct any/all vim related activities to the vim folder 
and spam just gets put into the junk folder where I review everything.  
I am a member of spamcop because I run an e-mail server but I review 
each and every message before sending it to them.  Vim mail has never 
been sent to spamcop.  Most of my real spam is easy to find.  It starts 
with or or some other fictitious e-mail 
address.  So that makes it really easy to tell.  There is one add-on I 
used to use (but haven't for a while now).  It used to use the 
blacklists.  However, you can direct it to just put the spam in the junk 
folder and then you can check it there.  Blacklists do help with spam 
but you also have to make sure that they, like anything else, aren't 
being abused.  So when the bad guys grab your site's id and start doing 
something bad with it - you sometimes get caught in the middle ground.  
I have and it took a while to clear my site's name.  But now better 
detections are showing the e-mail doesn't come from me.  And I have no 
idea why they decided to even start using my site's id.  They just did.  
So I fight back via Spamcop and, like I said, I am now a paid member.

Recently I upgraded my server from a desktop unit to a laptop unit to 
run the sites.  I did this because the laptop has a built-in battery (so 
no more brown-out shutdowns of the system) and because the laptop has 
two cpus.  In doing this I found out that someone had installed 
something that allowed spammers to use our system to redirect the e-mail 
out into the internet.  I reset all of the ports so no one could send 
e-mail at all, waiting a while, and then began allowing e-mail to go 
again.  This reset everything in the e-mail program and now I see 
hundreds of rejected attempts to redirect e-mail.  I'm keeping a log so 
I can notify all of those people that their computers are sending spam.  
I've also notified the company (in South Africa called Capesoft) that 
there is a problem with their software.  They are investigating to find 
out why it did this.  So you have to be on the lookout for things 
happening when you are not expecting them to be happening.  The e-mail 
server was running just fine.  It was human error that didn't notice 
others were using the server to send out spam.  (ie: My fault)  At least 
I have corrected the problem.

On 7/11/2010 9:04 AM, Bram Moolenaar wrote:

This appears to happen more often these days: I send a message to a user
and some blacklist system blocks my message.  I have no control over
what my ISP does, these services simply block my message without a way
for me to fix this.

Please, don't use these blacklist services, they are very annoying.
They think they can reduce spam, but only by blocking legitimate
messages.  I rather have 100 spam messages than losing one real message.
Also, there is no reliable way to tell if a message is spam or not.
Some of these services even ask money to be removed from the list, which
is close to extortion.

Specifically my message to George Reilly started failing today.
Messages to Mattias Winther were blocked for a longer time.

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Re: Unsubscrible vim_dev

2010-05-02 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning
Then maybe he should have bought the game of Scrabble?  You know - just 
for the rabble to dabble in.

On 5/1/2010 6:49 PM, Charles E Campbell Jr wrote:

John Beckett wrote:

Simson Liu wrote:

I have subscrible the list with new gmail box. But I can't
unsubscrible the list with my current work mail box. I have
sent the the empty mail message
many times, but have no any effect.

So other managers don't have to look, I have done the unsubscribe.

But what if he didn't want to unsubscribe, but wanted to unscribble?  :)

Chip Campbell

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List of $VARIABLEs

2009-11-21 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning

I was wondering if there is a list anywhere on all of the $VARIABLES 
which VIM has.  For instance, if you do a help on $VIM (i.e.: :h $VIM) 
you get information on the $VIM variable.  But if you do the same for 
$OS you get an error.

However, if you do

:echo $OS

Vim comes back with what operating system you are currently running 
under.  I am sure there are more of these variables - but I can not find 
a list of them.  Thus - the question.

TIA!  :-)


PS: I know someone's going to say Why do you need to do this?  
Example:  How to get the current date/time.  Mac and Linux do it one 
way, Windows does it another.  If you want to write a function that acts 
according to a given OS - you need to know the OS.  True - there are not 
a lot of reasons to need this, but there are sometimes when you do need 
it.  :-)

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Re: Hey everyone! Two pathces to syntax files.

2009-09-28 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning
Peter Hodge wrote:

 --- On Fri, 25/9/09, Mark Manning wrote:

 From: Mark Manning
 Subject: Re: Hey everyone! Two pathces to syntax files.
 Received: Friday, 25 September, 2009, 11:02 PM

 So to put this in to perspective - the PHP code does
 generate HTML code
 (or just data) and that is inserted into the HTML
 code.  I'm just using
 the .htm extension so Dreamweaver will display
 it properly as well
 and allow me to change things in it.  This is why I
 made the change. 
 Now the PHP.vim file correctly does the coloration even if
 the source
 code is in an HTML file.  Which it wasn't doing
 before for me.


 If you just wanted to have .htm files treated as PHP files, all you need to 
 do is add filetype detection in your .vimrc:

 autocmd! filetypedetect *.htm setfiletype php

No - I want HTM files treated as HTML files like they are supposed to be 
treated.  But PHP code can reside within HTML files.  My change allows 
HTML files to act like HTML files but it also makes the PHP within it 
act like PHP code.  There is a difference.  :-)

PHP code, whether it is contained within HTML, VBScript, C/C++, COBOL, 
FORTRAN, or any other language should still look like PHP code when 
viewed within VIM.  Mine was all green, red, and other colors  
associated with some other language's color scheme.  My simple change 
makes that go away and instead I now see the PHP code like it should be 
seen (as well the HTML, VBScript, et al).  The HTML.vim file did not add 
in the PHP code because the PHP code adds in the HTML.vim syntax file.  
Thus causing a circular reference.  By adding in the little bit of code 
I have to the PHP.vim and HTML.vim files the circular reference is short 
circuited and the PHP.vim file can now be safely added to the HTML.vim 
file.  So now, if you happen to have an HTML file that contains PHP code 
- you see it properly syntax highlighted.  More importantly - you also 
still see the HTML file properly highlighted even if you do not have PHP 
included in your HTML file.

Something else to consider is that your proposed change would require 
VIM to carry around the overhead of PHP.vim no matter what.  So even if 
all I have is a simple web page I would still be carrying around all of 
the PHP.vim commands.  My changes though, only come into effect if/when 
there is PHP contained within the HTML file.  If VIM detects the 
?php, script language='php', or the new %= tag - it adds in 
the PHP.vim file so it can be used.  Otherwise (at least I believe that 
is what is happening) it does not add it in.  I could be wrong on that 
though.  I'm not a perfect programmer.  :-P  Still, I don't think we 
should commit all of HTML to be moved under the banner of PHP anymore 
than it should be moved under the Javascript, VBScript, or any other 
script that is out there other than HTML.vim.  Which, HTML.vim already 
loads in for Javascript and VBscript.  So why not PHP?  (Or Perl - or 
whatever other language someone wants to use.  VIM is smart enough to 
know when to load in the other syntax files.  It just wasn't smart 
enough to know that it had already done so once and should not do so 
again.  Which is what I found out and wrote some simple code to deal 
with that problem.)

I believe it is a good set of patches (at least, I like to see my PHP 
code correctly highlighted).  Do you have a problem with what I 
submitted?  If so, could you post why?  If you have a valid reason for 
not wanting the change - then I see no reason for you to change the 
code.  But if you do not have a valid reason then I think you should add 
in the change so others might enjoy the benefit of being able to see 
their PHP code highlighted properly.  :-)


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Re: Hey everyone! Two pathces to syntax files.

2009-09-24 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning
Charles Campbell wrote:
 Mark Manning wrote:
 Argh!  Just got up and not thinking properly.  For subversion you need 
 the other address.  :-(

 Same username and password though.  :-)


 Please bottom post -- its list policy.

 Chip Campbell

 Sorry - haven't been on the list for quite a while.  Forgot.  :-/
Mark Manning

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Hey everyone! Two pathces to syntax files.

2009-09-22 Fir de Conversatie Mark Manning

I don't know if this has already been done or if my update e-mails 
reached their destinations.  Since I've not gotten a reply from either 
person I'm posting here.

I decided that, since I'm programming in PHP and I wanted to embed PHP 
code into my HTML code - I wanted to see the PHP code with syntax 
highlighting.  It took me a while to figure out what was going on with 
the PHP.vim file (ie: That it was being cyclic) and then to figure out 
how to fix the problem.  but I did.  I've posted the new HTML.vim and 
PHP.vim files to my SVN server.  User name is Anonymous.  The password 
is vim.

If you have questions you can e-mail me at  If possible, 
can someone else try to contact the people in the headers of the files?  
I have tried but there is no response.

Have fun everyone! :-)


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