Re: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

2005-12-22 Thread Grimer
At 10:13 pm 21/12/2005 -0500, you wrote:
From *my* POV, it's

Happy ChristmaChannuKwanza

And I am in and of the Spirit!

The four rules of this CA are:

1)  Love the cell above you
2)  Love the cell below you
3)  Love the cell to your right
4)  Love the cell to your left

I'm afraid the above illustrates one of
the scientific traps that putting things
down on two dimensional paper leads to, 
i.e. the failure to think in three dimensions.

What you should have written is,

1)  Love the cell above you
2)  Love the cell below you
3)  Love the cell to your right
4)  Love the cell to your left
5)  Love the cell in front of you
6)  Love the cell behind you.

I loved the militant agnostic 
bumper sticker quote, by the way.  8-)

A bit like liberals who want freedom for everyone except
people who disagree with them. Unfortunately the Church 
has been almost completely taken over by such at this 
point in time. 

RE: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

2005-12-22 Thread R . O . Cornwall

(Don't take this badly this is not a personal attack, only observation.)

I see a lot of this in the middle classes. It's a kind of trendy fashionable
complacency that comes of being a cultural elite and not having to strive or
work fro a living. Post-modernism is what you'll hear the chattering
Islington classes around a dinner table party going on about, that feeling
that it has all been done before or anything of value is done by hugely
funded government co-operations. It's all anti-individual, anti-heroic,
small-minded and petty that which comes of being educated beyond one's
ability. Needless to say these people want the cushy, well-paid
administrative type jobs but get in the way of progress.

If you want to see post-modernism take a trip down an art-house cinema, or
look at modern architecture or music.

I don't subscribe to philosophies that say give up and that our lot in life
is to suffer in ignorance. Yes there is a limit to the amount of information
a brain can comprehend but like statistical mechanics we can with our
limited powers find a rationale.

I get annoyed when I see the elite in the society giving up. This can only
set a bad example for the young or the less intelligent. Ultimately the
intellectual police force of the universities must police itself.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Mike Carrell
Sent: 21 December 2005 16:28
Subject: Re: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

- Original Message - 
Subject: RE: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

 The bottom line is that the overwhelming complexity of the manifest 

 is arguably the result of the operation of something as simple as cellular
 automata, and that we have no hope of discovering the nature of that seed.

 Mike Carrell

 How's that? Prove it. Do we all give up and go home? Sounds like 
As I said, there is no substitiute for tackling Wolfram's book. There just 
isn't. The argument is advanced by the hundreds of illustarions of the 
operation of the cellular automata. This does not fit into any existing tidy

boxes except deterministic chaos theory, which is not tidy.

As for not being able to discover the seed, consider the Mandelbrot Set. The

operation of the generating equation produces a mathematical object of 
extreme complexity. However, examining the object will not disclose the 
equation which generated it. The Mandelbrot Set and Wolfram's cellular 
automata have the common feature that the generating operations are 
non-linear and recursive. A seminal book on the consequences of this is 
Godel Escher Bach.

A remarkable feature of Wolfram's thesis is that the product of the the 
cellular automata can be some order as found in our scientific exploration 
of natural phenomena.

I'm not sure what the term post modern means, especially when applied to 
science. Certainly Wolfram's work is a new bemchmark among many other 
current studies of deterministic chaos and cellular automata.

Mike Carrell 

RE: Civil Liberties, Correa attacks Wikipedia

2005-12-22 Thread R . O . Cornwall
I heard they want to chip us all as they do to pedigree horses and dogs. I
heard that on average 300 CCTV cameras will record one's image in the UK
coupled that to routine number plate scanning, mobile phone tracking.

Could it be that those who want this kind of power over us employ people to
write viruses or commit atrocities to scare us all in to giving up more

I just find it all sinister. I really want to unplug from it all, buy a plot
of land and live like the Amish (without the inbreeding though)!

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Stephen A. Lawrence
Sent: 21 December 2005 17:46
Subject: Re: Correa attacks Wikipedia

Um ... wouldn't this make identity theft awfully easy?


Re: First Publicly Traded Cold Fusion Company

2005-12-22 Thread thomas malloy

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Steven Krivit wrote:

Does anyone know of any other publicly-traded company or 
subsidiary besides D2Fusion that exists which is exclusively 
geared toward RD or commercialization of cold fusion?

I visited the above website, AFAIK, they have yet to demonstrate any 
usable energy. I found another website of an Israeli startup company, 
very little energy, but 100% reproducable, which is good.

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---

Re: weird glow from aluminum in baking soda solution

2005-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner

Another variation on electrospark:

No excess energy, but uses AC, LiOH electrolyte, 6061 alloy Al rods,  
and is way up in the electrospark regime at 400 V.  Nice photos and  

Horace Heffner

Unlocking the Mystery of Life

2005-12-22 Thread thomas malloy


I saw a preview of this video, Unlocking the Mystery of Life on 
Christian TV. Having studied enough biochemistry and cellular 
physiology to appreciate what they were animating, I find their 
argument quite convincing, although I sure that Jed Rothwell and Ed 
Storms will be unmoved. But, IMHO the video makes it plain that life 
at the molecular level is a machine and believing that random events 
produced it strains credulity.

Given the prejudiced actions of that appeals court judge who handed 
the I D advocates a defeat, I feel motivated to protest, if this be 
theology, than so be it.

The Liberals (Socialists) have no respect for the freedom of speech 
which goes against their world view, witness what has happened 
(banning of politically incorrect and religions speech) were they 
have gotten power, the Communist countries and most universities, 
Dennis Prager.

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---

Re: First Publicly Traded Cold Fusion Company

2005-12-22 Thread John Coviello
Does anyone know of any other publicly-traded company or subsidiary 
besides D2Fusion that exists which is exclusively geared toward RD or 
commercialization of cold fusion?

I visited the above website, AFAIK, they have yet to demonstrate any 
usable energy. I found another website of an Israeli startup company, very 
little energy, but 100% reproducable, which is good.

I agree that the website is short on details, but perhaps that 
is on purpose, why give all their secrets away.  They don't do a very good 
job keeping their news current.  The public press releases from their parent 
company are rarely reflected on the website in a timely manner, 
if ever.

Is the Israeli startup company Entergetics Technologies?  I tried to track 
down their website a few months ago without success.  If you could forward 
their website address, that would be great, I could add it to the write up I 
did on cold fusion commercial developments at:

Solar LTD/D2Fusion (Symbol: SLRE) is currently the only way to buy stock in 
a company that is publicly pursuing cold fusion.  The stock is now around 55 
cents per share and was around $1.40 per share a few months ago.  Obviously, 
if Solar LTD/D2Fusion actually made an announcement about a cold fusion 
device ready for the consumer market the stock would trade much higher.  A 
speculative stock if there ever was one, caution is advised.  But if they 
are serious about their intentions to market cold fusion it could take a 
wild ride higher at some point in the future. 

Re: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

2005-12-22 Thread hohlrauml6d
In which case one should append:

7) Love the cell which came before you.
8) Love the cell which comes after you.

and deliberately avoid superstring theory.  :-)

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

What you should have written is,

1)  Love the cell above you
2)  Love the cell below you
3)  Love the cell to your right
4)  Love the cell to your left
5)  Love the cell in front of you
6)  Love the cell behind you.
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Mandelbrot Set fractal images

2005-12-22 Thread John Steck
Check this out... Pretty cool.


-Original Message-
From: Mike Carrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

As for not being able to discover the seed, consider the Mandelbrot Set. The

operation of the generating equation produces a mathematical object of 
extreme complexity. However, examining the object will not disclose the 
equation which generated it. The Mandelbrot Set and Wolfram's cellular 
automata have the common feature that the generating operations are 
non-linear and recursive. A seminal book on the consequences of this is 
Godel Escher Bach.

Re: Unlocking the Mystery of Life

2005-12-22 Thread OrionWorks
 From: thomas malloy 


Setting the Mysteries of Life aside for the moment...


You quote Dennis Prager:

 The Liberals (Socialists) have no respect for the freedom of speech 
 which goes against their world view, witness what has happened 
 (banning of politically incorrect and religions speech) were they 
 have gotten power, the Communist countries and most universities, 
 Dennis Prager.

My spouse and I have been invited over to our neighbor's house for a Christmas 
eve dinner. We will meet their parents, have turkey and consume other wonderful 
things to eat as well. We will bring the Jewish bread, calla, as our 
contribution to the culinary celebration. I'll take a moment to pet their kitty 
and complement him on the large ground squirrel he caught the previous summer. 
I'll admire our neighbor's sparkling aluminum Christmas tree which I have been 
told is a shade of pink. Pink aluminum Christmas trees, I understand, are 
collector's items these days, and would fetch a pretty price on eBAY. The 
couple we're visiting, John and Fred, (not their real names) have lived next to 
us for close to five years now.

When individuals like Prager finally acquire the decency to allow individuals 
like John and Fred the same God given rights that he assumes God has given 
himself is the day I'll stop considering him to be a hypocrite. 

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: Lautzenhiser paper uploaded

2005-12-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
By the way, this was the paper that made John Huizenga turn green 
around the gills and flee, at an ICCF conference. It was a memorable moment.

- Jed

Re: Atmospheric electric polarization

2005-12-22 Thread Merlyn
It was my understanding that the electric polarization
has more to do with interaction with the earth's
magnetic field than with gravity.  You also need to
take into account cosmic radiation being absorbed into
the upper atmosphere.

--- David Jonsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I read in vortex-l many years ago about the
 atmosphere on Jupiter or
 Saturn being electrically polarized. The author said
 that ions were
 more attracted by gravity than electrons.
 It is also known on earth that there is an electric
 field of 90-150
 V/m. Is it caused by the same effect?
 I am basically interested in electric polarization
 in pressure gradients.

Magickal Engineer and Technical Metaphysicist

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Re: Mandelbrot Set fractal images

2005-12-22 Thread hohlrauml6d
Careful you don't become a victim of Mandelmania like Edith Craig in 
Sir Clarke's The Ghost From the Grand Banks.

-Original Message-
From: John Steck

Check this out... Pretty cool.

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Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

2005-12-22 Thread Jones Beene
To further elaborate on a previous hypothesis for the appearance 
of significant 3H without excess heat - let's begin by suggesting 
the controversial proposition that any robust LENR cell is most 
likely operating on more than one modality - Ockham be damned - 
even if those modalities must interlock before success is 

For instance, it is almost inconcievable that the basic underlying 
reactions of LENR do not involve quantum tunneling in addition to 
whatever normal macro EM processes (quasi-Lawson criteria) might 
be involved - and this sets the field far outside the range of 
normal nuclear physics. If the 'hydrino' or something like it it - 
is real - then it is almost inconcievable that in LENR the 
mechanics of the hydrino (deuterino) are not somehow involved in 
promoting nuclear reactions, such as transmutation or actual 
fusion (presumably with reduced output as no gamma signature is 

The appearance of tritium could be just such a hybrid - as there 
are two potential sources of this isotope - and these two 
modalities might be so intertwined that achieving higher than 
quantum-probability demands that both be active at the same site 
at the same time.

First - the endothermic photofission of lithium:

1)   7Li -- 4He + 3H  requiring  -2.43 MeV  (endotherm) of 

and then there is:

2)   D + D -- 3H(1.01 MeV) + 1H(3.02 MeV)

which is normally a branched reaction of nearly equal probability 

3)   D + D -- 3He(0.82MeV) + n(2.45MeV)

The second reaction is the source of neutrons, which are seldom 
seen in LENR reactions, especially with lithium electrolytes.

Notice that the reation 2) produces a proton of sufficient energy 
to cause the photofission reaction 1) which will proceed with much 
higher probability then if a direct nuclear impact of the proton 
was needed. The can be autocatalytic in the reversed sense as 
well - for an arcane but proven QM reason.

Given that there are no other sources for such a fast proton, then 
the net reaction may depend on a tandem reaction of 2) followed 
by 1) which in turn increases the probability of 2) in an 
adjoining spatial geometry. IOW there is mutual synergy.

The actual photon involved in 1) which is a high energy gamma 
but is never witnessed externally for well-known reasons (direct 
exchange) comes from the Feynman exchange - the electroweak 
process (and his famous diagrams) as the proton passes-by on a 
close but non-impact interaction. That is: the close proximity 
of of an accelerating proton with a relatively stationary 7Li 
nucleus. The reaction will proceed much faster at lower 
temperatures, and in a confined matrix (even if it is a surface 
interface) since the Lithium provides a more stationary target at 
lower temps + partial confinement. The cross-section for 
photofission of lithium could in fact be as much as 10^6 times 
higher, based on the penetration needed for actual fusion (which 
is very low for H + Li).

This suggestion also provides an avenue for falsifiability - as an 
actively cooled cell, especially a crogenic cell, should produce 
more tritum than a warm one.

As mentioned, given that there are no other sources for such a 
fast proton, then the net reaction may depend on a tandem 
reaction of 2) followed by 1). It turns out that the required 
endotherm is very close to this exotherm ... so perhaps these 
reactions occur in tandem and with one further (gigantic) QM 
benefit - that being the enhancement of QM probability based on 
proximity considerations of like reactions(more on that later when 
I dig it out of some old files).

Bottom line: ...isn't it a bit too coincidental that in carefully 
documented experiments, you can come out to nearly net neutral 
on the energy equation yet - still have lots of tritium? ... what 
happend to the excess heat ?

Tiritum,by the way, is easy to find and document because of the 
well-known decay curve. The is almost 100% certainty that Claytors 
experiments are rick solid evidence for some of this. And 
furthermore this is all in keeping with the observation of the 
'absence' of noticable excess heat when  large amounts of 3H are 

Now - is it fair to say (albeit a bit immodestly) that there is a 
hypothetical rationale for explaining many previously 
contradictory observations of LENR ? - at least in the specialized 
set of experiments involving lithium and significant tritum.


Re: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

2005-12-22 Thread Grimer
At 09:37 am 22/12/2005 -0500, you wrote:
In which case one should append:

7) Love the cell which came before you.
8) Love the cell which comes after you.

and deliberately avoid superstring theory.  :-)

Veerry good.

We only need two more and Jed can come down
from the mountain bearing Cold Fusion's
10 commandments.   8-)

Re: Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

2005-12-22 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

I had one point of slight interest to add here.

Jones Beene wrote:
To further elaborate on a previous hypothesis for the appearance of 
significant 3H without excess heat - let's begin by suggesting the 
controversial proposition that any robust LENR cell is most likely 
operating on more than one modality - Ockham be damned - even if those 
modalities must interlock before success is guaranteed.

For instance, it is almost inconcievable that the basic underlying 
reactions of LENR do not involve quantum tunneling in addition to 
whatever normal macro EM processes (quasi-Lawson criteria) might be 
involved - and this sets the field far outside the range of normal 
nuclear physics. If the 'hydrino' or something like it it - is real - 
then it is almost inconcievable that in LENR the mechanics of the 
hydrino (deuterino) are not somehow involved in promoting nuclear 
reactions, such as transmutation or actual fusion (presumably with 
reduced output as no gamma signature is witnessed).

The appearance of tritium could be just such a hybrid - as there are two 
potential sources of this isotope - and these two modalities might be so 
intertwined that achieving higher than quantum-probability demands that 
both be active at the same site at the same time.

First - the endothermic photofission of lithium:

1)   7Li -- 4He + 3H  requiring  -2.43 MeV  (endotherm) of mass-energy

and then there is:

2)   D + D -- 3H(1.01 MeV) + 1H(3.02 MeV)

This indicates that we _might_ expect 4MeV per tritium atom.

In the Iyengar paper Jed uploaded recently a number of tritium 
measurements were done which very nicely included an estimate of the 
total number of tritium atoms produced in each run.  The largest number 
they cited was about 10^16.  Let's go with this for a moment.

The Lautzenhiser paper, also uploaded recently, documented a successful 
2 month wet cell run.  Total (net) heat produced appears to have been 
about 50 kilojoules.  Total tritium produced doesn't seem to have been 
computed, unfortunately.

Let's suppose, arbitrarily, that the Lautzenhiser run also produced 
10^16 tritium atoms.  That would have been about 4e+16 MeV of energy, or 
about 6400 joules, unless I messed up the division.

That's about 13% of the total energy generated in the run.

I'm not sure it's necessary to explain away the missing heat from the 
tritium production, at least in this run; even if a totally conventional 
reaction produced the tritium it would have amounted to just a fraction 
of the total OU out.

For whatever that's worth (which, given the fact that I got here by 
slobbing together data from two totally unrelated experiments, is 
probably not much)...

which is normally a branched reaction of nearly equal probability with:

3)   D + D -- 3He(0.82MeV) + n(2.45MeV)

The second reaction is the source of neutrons, which are seldom seen in 
LENR reactions, especially with lithium electrolytes.

Notice that the reation 2) produces a proton of sufficient energy to 
cause the photofission reaction 1) which will proceed with much higher 
probability then if a direct nuclear impact of the proton was needed. 
The can be autocatalytic in the reversed sense as well - for an arcane 
but proven QM reason.

Given that there are no other sources for such a fast proton, then the 
net reaction may depend on a tandem reaction of 2) followed by 1) 
which in turn increases the probability of 2) in an adjoining spatial 
geometry. IOW there is mutual synergy.

The actual photon involved in 1) which is a high energy gamma but is 
never witnessed externally for well-known reasons (direct exchange) 
comes from the Feynman exchange - the electroweak process (and his 
famous diagrams) as the proton passes-by on a close but non-impact 
interaction. That is: the close proximity of of an accelerating proton 
with a relatively stationary 7Li nucleus. The reaction will proceed much 
faster at lower temperatures, and in a confined matrix (even if it is a 
surface interface) since the Lithium provides a more stationary target 
at lower temps + partial confinement. The cross-section for photofission 
of lithium could in fact be as much as 10^6 times higher, based on the 
penetration needed for actual fusion (which is very low for H + Li).

This suggestion also provides an avenue for falsifiability - as an 
actively cooled cell, especially a crogenic cell, should produce more 
tritum than a warm one.

As mentioned, given that there are no other sources for such a fast 
proton, then the net reaction may depend on a tandem reaction of 2) 
followed by 1). It turns out that the required endotherm is very close 
to this exotherm ... so perhaps these reactions occur in tandem and with 
one further (gigantic) QM benefit - that being the enhancement of QM 
probability based on proximity considerations of like reactions(more on 
that later when I dig it out of some old files).

Bottom line: ...isn't it a bit too coincidental that in carefully 

Re: Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

2005-12-22 Thread Jones Beene


1)   7Li -- 4He + 3H  requiring  -2.43 MeV  (endotherm) of 

and then there is:

2)   D + D -- 3H(1.01 MeV) + 1H(3.02 MeV)

This indicates that we _might_ expect 4MeV per tritium atom.

Not really - if the two reactions are (approximately) interlocking 
and mutually dependent (in the sense of high probability).

All but ~600 keV for the proton is lost - and then the rest 
divided between the two tritium's - so there is a net of ~800 keV 
per tritium produced - not exactly chump change but over five 
times less than would be expected from straight fusion of 


Re: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

2005-12-22 Thread hohlrauml6d

10 were written in concrete; but, Mosaic law includes over 600.

Speaking of string theory, you might like this:

Lenny Susskind's theory is running up against the anthropic principle.  
He acknowledges that string theory likely predicts not merely 1,000,000 
universes but 10^500 such vacuums.  His last two statements:

Without any explanation of nature's fine-tunings we will be hard 
pressed to answer the ID critics. One might argue that the hope that a 
mathematically unique solution will emerge is as faith-based as ID.

of course speak of those six numbers Sir Martin Rees discussed in his 

Amazin' that you Brits were able to avoid genetic degeneration what 
living on an island and all.

-Original Message-
From: Grimer

We only need two more and Jed can come down
from the mountain bearing Cold Fusion's
10 commandments.   8-)

Try the New Netscape Mail Today!
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Re: Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

2005-12-22 Thread Frederick Sparber
As an aside.

What would be wrong with applying a high electrostatic field
across a D-loaded Pd  foil?
This should unbalance the internal charges in the interstices
enough to let the Pd charge push the deuterons over the
repulsive D-D coulomb barrier. No?

Then take what you can get CF-wise.


Re: Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

2005-12-22 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Jones Beene wrote:


1)   7Li -- 4He + 3H  requiring  -2.43 MeV  (endotherm) of mass-energy

and then there is:

2)   D + D -- 3H(1.01 MeV) + 1H(3.02 MeV)

This indicates that we _might_ expect 4MeV per tritium atom.

Not really - if the two reactions are (approximately) interlocking and 
mutually dependent (in the sense of high probability).

All but ~600 keV for the proton is lost - and then the rest divided 
between the two tritium's - so there is a net of ~800 keV per tritium 
produced - not exactly chump change but over five times less than would 
be expected from straight fusion of deuterium.

Yes, I followed that.  I was just wondering how much heat would be 
produced by the tritium production in the _absence_ of a balancing 
reaction, _and_ with the assumption that it's the conventional 
2H+2H-3H+1H reaction that's producing it.

Tritium never seems to appear in large quantities; perhaps, I thought, 
whatever reaction is causing it is just at so low a rate that its heat 
of production is overlooked or below the detection threshhold -- perhaps 
it's just dwarfed by the 2H+2H-4He reaction.  (I believe this is what 
Ed Storms has suggested in the past.)

If that's the case then there may be no need to assume a balancing 
reaction, which in turn depends on some rather uncertain additional 
assumptions about as yet undiscovered properties of neutrons in order to 
make it possible.

One would need to look closely at experiments which showed excess heat 
and tritium, and which included enough data to compute total energy 
generated and total number of tritium atoms produced to come to any sort 
of conclusion.  The very crude calculation I did just produced a very 
squishy rough ballpark number, but it suggests that perhaps this line of 
reasoning is not so far off.

Based on other comments on this list, and particularly those by Ed 
Storms, I'm reasonably confident that this calculation has already been 
done, a number of times, and the conclusion drawn was that the heat of 
tritium production was indeed a small fraction of the total excess. 
Unfortunately I haven't been paying close enough attention to be sure of 


Re: evolution, diversity vs complexity

2005-12-22 Thread Harry Veeder
OrionWorks wrote:

 From: Harry Veeder
 When you look at life what do you see?
 'Complexity' or 'diversity'?
 The science of complexity has a long history, but the science
 of diversity is really just beginning. We can now define, construct and
 measure complexity in great mathematical detail, but what of diversity?
 While diversity can be simulated by complexity, I do not think
 it is the same thing.
 It seems to me the debate between the intelligent designers and the
 Darwinians is a debate about the extent to which life is diverse or whether
 life is complex. Unfortunately confusion, arrogance and fear dominates the
 Indeed, much arrogance exists on this subject, and probably on both sides of
 the fence too.
 At present my brain can't wrap itself around the concept of determining if
 there really is that much of a difference between those two words. There
 probably is and I just can't perceive it. Perhaps some in this group will take
 some satisfaction in my confession as it would imply that I'll shut my mouth.

A possible approach is to consider the number of invariants in each system.
Complexity manifests a small number of invariants which means it is allied
with reductionism. Diversity manifests an unlimited number of invariants.


Re: Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

2005-12-22 Thread Edmund Storms

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Jones Beene wrote:


1)   7Li -- 4He + 3H  requiring  -2.43 MeV  (endotherm) of mass-energy

and then there is:

2)   D + D -- 3H(1.01 MeV) + 1H(3.02 MeV)

This indicates that we _might_ expect 4MeV per tritium atom.

Not really - if the two reactions are (approximately) interlocking and 
mutually dependent (in the sense of high probability).

All but ~600 keV for the proton is lost - and then the rest divided 
between the two tritium's - so there is a net of ~800 keV per tritium 
produced - not exactly chump change but over five times less than 
would be expected from straight fusion of deuterium.

Yes, I followed that.  I was just wondering how much heat would be 
produced by the tritium production in the _absence_ of a balancing 
reaction, _and_ with the assumption that it's the conventional 
2H+2H-3H+1H reaction that's producing it.

Tritium never seems to appear in large quantities; perhaps, I thought, 
whatever reaction is causing it is just at so low a rate that its heat 
of production is overlooked or below the detection threshhold -- perhaps 
it's just dwarfed by the 2H+2H-4He reaction.  (I believe this is what 
Ed Storms has suggested in the past.)

If that's the case then there may be no need to assume a balancing 
reaction, which in turn depends on some rather uncertain additional 
assumptions about as yet undiscovered properties of neutrons in order to 
make it possible.

One would need to look closely at experiments which showed excess heat 
and tritium, and which included enough data to compute total energy 
generated and total number of tritium atoms produced to come to any sort 
of conclusion.  The very crude calculation I did just produced a very 
squishy rough ballpark number, but it suggests that perhaps this line of 
reasoning is not so far off.

Based on other comments on this list, and particularly those by Ed 
Storms, I'm reasonably confident that this calculation has already been 
done, a number of times, and the conclusion drawn was that the heat of 
tritium production was indeed a small fraction of the total excess. 
Unfortunately I haven't been paying close enough attention to be sure of 

You are right, these calculations have been made.  However,  the 
calculations are based on the rate of tritium production, not on the 
total number of atoms because heat is measured as power.  The amount of 
 calculated power is always too small to measure.



Re: Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

2005-12-22 Thread Frederick Sparber

For a short term high field applied to a deuterated Pd foil as opposed to
electrostatic induction.

250DP Capacitive Discharge Welder 
 Microprocessor Controlled 
 Energy Selectable up to 250 Watt-seconds 
 Weld Function: Basic, Dual Pulse, Roll Spot, Repeat 
 Stores up to 128 Different Weld Schedules 
 Programmable Squeeze Time

Weld Head Choices: 

 [Original Message]
 From: Frederick Sparber [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 12/22/2005 12:17:55 PM
 Subject: Re: Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

 As an aside.

 What would be wrong with applying a high electrostatic field
 across a D-loaded Pd  foil?
 This should unbalance the internal charges in the interstices
 enough to let the Pd charge push the deuterons over the
 repulsive D-D coulomb barrier. No?

 Then take what you can get CF-wise.


Science and Reality

2005-12-22 Thread revtec

One definition of reality could be this: 
Matter and energy distributed in various combinations across a finite 
space. Within these confines we have the natural. Anything outside 
of this is unnatural, or supernatural.

Reality only feels real because we have five 
senses, composed of sensors which are also made of matter and energy, that feed 
our conscious mind (whatever that is), and allows us to be aware of the 

Science investigates specific aspects and details 
of this interaction of matter and energy to give us better understanding of our 
surroundings. With this understanding we are then better able to 
manipiulate our surroundings to make our existence more enjoyable and perhaps 
more meaningful. Technology is then a measure of our ability to manipulate 
our surroundings.

A.C. Clarke once said that "technology, 
sufficiently advanced, will always be mistaken for magic." If this is 
true, then even the most amazing observations we make in our reality should have 
a foundation based on scientific principles that can ultimately be 
understood. But, is there real magic that goes beyond the confines of our 
"matter and energy" reality?

Consider the term: magic trick

It is an oxymoron. A trick is not magic, and 
magic is no trick. A trick is the manipulation of matter and energy, in an 
artful manner, so as to fool the senses of observers, and convince them that the 
event falls outside the boundaries of reality. This is routinely done by 
skilled practitioners with some very basic technology.

Real magic, if it exists, by definition eminates 
from beyond our "matter and energy" reality. Real magic could include 
anything from miracles down to evil spells. Are these things beyond 
science, or is the problemmerely that present scientific tools are just 
too primitive to deal with these incidents? Do we ignore these intrusions 
on our comfortable reality because we are not up to the task of investigating 
them, or do we face it head on? Do we say that we are going to do our 
science in our comfortable little corner of reality, and turn our backs on the 
big picture? Do we say, "This is too tough for me to face. I'm not 
going to deal with it."?

I have seen responses of fear and denial on this 
forum. Should our discussions be controlled by either of those? We 
are all considered lunatics anyway for contemplating the existence of hydrinos, 
among other things. Let us keep open minds on anything that can affect the 
path of alternate energy development, even if itseems off topic to 
some. Perhaps we could have a set of spam codesmore 
specificthan "off topic" to protect the fearful, the scoffers, and the 
thoroughly annoyed.

P.S. I have responded to many religious 
threads on this forum, but avoided starting any. This is the brightest 
group of people I have ever corresponded with. The diversity of beliefs 
and opinions voiced here is absolutely astounding. I am having a really 
good time with some of these discussions.

Aether Theory

2005-12-22 Thread ThomasClark123

I read some links on Aether Theory which described that there were7 Layers of Higher Aether, then7 Astral Layers, then thePhysical Layers, and7 Lower Ether Layers. The Lower Ether is said to have been 2000 times more dense than lead but passes through physical objects - perhaps due to being scalar or longitudinal whereas the physical emf waves and energies are transverse. The counter universe of the physical universe follows inverse laws to the physical, so that the more denser an object in the counter universe then the more it will pass through physical matter in the physical universe, whereas the more dense an object is in the physical universe the more it cannot pass through physical matter.

Nikola Tesla and Richard Wagner stated that they could connect their minds to an Aether information network and computer system located in secrettemples on Earth and between planets which allowed them to pull up information, do work, and save informationdirectly from their minds connected to the Aether information network computer system on Earth. The same book stated that Tesla was brought to Earth from the planet Venus. Tesla lived alone separate from others most of his life, since his spiritual body and energy frequencies were to high and sensitive that he could not be around others with lower frequencies for very long. The book also stated that Tesla faked his death and relocated to a secret city that he and some of his associates built in an empty underground cavern under a mountain in Venezuela, where they perfected their flying saucer technologies, and flew to the moon and mars around the 1940's to 1950's.

Baron Von Volsung,, Email: Thomas D. Clark, Email:, Personal Web Page: Age Production's Inc., Haven Community Services, at Health Foundation Trust at a difference one person at a timeGet informed. Inform others.

Re: Biefeld-Brown Effect by Carl Frederick Krafft (Electrogravitation Antig...

2005-12-22 Thread ThomasClark123

"Occult Ether Physics Tesla's Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It By William Lyne, 2000:

Teslas technology which electromagnetically canceled inertia and synthesized a new momentum instantaneously

Inertia is the momentum which a body at rest already posses because it is in a state of uniform motion, but which to us appears to be at rest, Teslas technology uses the electromagnetic interaction, which is 10^40 times stronger than gravity to create a tremendous propelling force which instantaneously reprograms the atoms and molecules of a ship with new microhelical tubes of force along a new trajectory and destroys the memories of the tubes of force which created its prior inertia momentum. 

Electropulsion is a free energy process in which energy existing in the environment - gravity and momentum are overcome by and replaced with the naturally stronger force of electromagnetism to perform a greater amount of work during a given time which theoretically is 10^40 times more work using a smaller amount of input energy to trigger the change. 

The process which makes electropulsion possible, is the dynamis of the universe, which naturally exchanges weaker and stronger forces to conserve perpetual motion, with any lost momentum being resupplied by the ZPR. Quoted >From Pg 41 Occult Ether Physics Teslas Hidden Space Propulsion System and the Conspiracy to Conceal It By William Lyne, 2000"

Beta Aether Involved?

2005-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner
The AIP article below notes an unexpected collimated behavior of sand  
even in a vacuum.  It says the anomalous thinner spiky jet remains  
even in a vacuum.  The lower, thicker jet is accounted for by sand- 
air interaction, but no reason for the spiky jet effects remaining in  
a vacuum are given.  Beta Aether Involved?

Begin Quote:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 759   December 22, 2005  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

FAST X-RAY PICTURES OF SAND JETS.  Granular materials---possessing
both solid-like and liquid-like characteristics---exhibit much
strange emergent behavior even in the simplest of experiments.
When, for example, a heavy sphere is dropped into a bed of sand,
what happens, if you look carefully enough, can still surprise
seasoned researchers.  Heinrich Jaeger of the University of Chicago
and his colleagues watched the jets kicked up by the sphere: they
used high speed video and ordinary light to view the outside of the
jets and high-speed radiography (the x rays supplied by the Advanced
Photon Source at Argonne) of the jet interior.  The impact kicked up
a bizarre two-tiered jet structure: a thick shaft at the bottom and,
projecting up out of the top, a further and thinner shaft (see
figures at ).
That the jets are so well collimated is a surprise: why doesn't the
sand just fly out at all angles?  In moving up in a sort of directed
beam, with very little lateral motion, it seems to act like an
ultracold gas (at least in the sideways direction).  Another
surprise is the twofold jet structure.  The lower, thicker jet is
surely sculpted by collisions between sand grains and air molecules
since it gets progressively scantier until, at pressures close to
vacuum, it goes away altogether, leaving only the thinner spiky
jet.  The jet interior pictures are unprecedented: taken with an
exposure rate of 5000 frames per second, the x ray flux provided the
equivalent of a 50-watt halogen lamp illumination---only at x-ray
wavelengths.  The x-ray pictures proved that air squeezed among the
grains was the driving force in forcing up the thick stage of the
jet formation, and not as one might have expected a force for
dissipating the jet.  (Royer et al., Nature Physics, December 2005;
by the way, Nature Physics is a new journal that began publication
in October 2005.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
End quote of AIP article.

Horace Heffner

Christmas present from M. Srinivasan

2005-12-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
Mahadeva Chino Srinivasan sent me a nice Christmas present: an 
original Polaroid autoradiograph showing the tritium generated in a 
Plasma Focus device with deuterium gas loading. It even looks like a 
Christmas tree decoration. See:

I scanned this at high resolution (1200 dpi), so if someone would 
like to see a larger copy, contact me. I was not sure whether to call 
this the negative or the positive image, since x-rays are reversed.

Chino also sent me a collection of papers in a book, roughly 60 pages 
long, titled, BARC Studies in Cold Fusion (April -- September 
1989), December 1989, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, India. 
This is a large book but I plan to scan the entire thing and upload 
it. That will take weeks, if not months.

- Jed

Added autoradiograph to Wikipedia

2005-12-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

This should rile the bastards. Maybe even make them think. See:

- Jed

Concerning Reality in an Arbitrary Universe

2005-12-22 Thread Zell, Chris
In science , we are accustomed to think in reductionist terms and search
for a cause whenever we see an interesting effect - but what if we
looked at
the world in the other direction?  Suppose we started with the fact that
the universe is ultimately arbitrary?

To some, the idea that the universe just is on its most basic level
seems shocking at first and unexpected.  Even so,  some scientists are
brave enough to
expound on it ( such as Victor Mansfield in his books) or use it as an
explanation for puzzling observations ( Stenger - in explaining
decoherence as an
alternative to non-locality).  At some point, you just 'run out' of
fundamental particles or physical constants to explain stuff. After
that, the universe just is.

If we accept that the quantum world is the bottom rung of the reality
ladder, then it is the ultimate, arbitrary reality.  The quantum world
just is.
However,  what aspects of the macro world are purely arbitrary?
Schrodinger's cat suggests that macro effects could be uncaused,  they
just are.

While the thought of dropping reductionism probably seems repellent to
the current climate of science,  it may be inevitable.  Non-locality,
organisms that rely on feeble amounts of genetic code ( do we really
share 30% of our genes with a banana?) , the failure of artificial
development by the Japanese ( after spending hundreds of millions on it)
and the appearance of emergent behavior all suggest that reductionism
may not be enough. Does it ever seem that, although the Newtonian view
of a mechanical universe is obsolete, we are still struggling to
a mechanical viewpoint, while nature keeps slipping effects between the
moving gears, somehow?

Ghosts? UFOs?  ESP? Life after death?  I don't know.  I only know that
appeals to structures of scientific reasoning can't exclude anything as
Impossible.  Einstein's cozy comforts that the universe is knowable and
consistent may go the way of the dinosaur if contradictory theories
are practical - but permanently unresolved. 

Is biology really just a subset of physics and chemistry in its
entirety?  It doesn't look that way to me - and, if so,  I've got bad
news for the nanotech
people - you may be doomed to failure if you think of imitating life in
mechanical terms. There's too much just is-ness involved in living
The same goes for past artificial intelligence research that looked for
axioms or rules that weren't there.  

I think that the controversy over Intelligent Design is very useful in
that it forces academics to begin to analyse exactly what's reduceable
and what isn't, rather than papering over difficulties solved by God -
or just so stories told by Darwinists. 

Re: ZPE, Naked Women and UFOs

2005-12-22 Thread revtec

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 2:46 AM
Subject: RE: ZPE, Naked Women and UFOs

 How about this explanation?

 During many a theological debate with my mother, who is a Seventh Day
 Adventist, over the existence of Aliens etc. she stated that her/the
 churches belief is that there are many other sentient beings in this
 universe. She tried to explain that there are many beings that have their
 eyes on us as it is humanity that has been selected by GOD to have free
 will as a test and to represent all sentient life in this Universe etc.
 etc. etc. blah blah blah.(this is when I really turned off!)

This explanation of your mom's explains some difficult things.  With all the
reports and sightings on file, we seem to be overrun with UFO's and aliens.
It's like we are the center of the universe.  Yet, we have no real contact.
Perhaps the human race is in a boxing ring duking it out, and all these
aliens are spectators who sometimes get too close to the action.


Re: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference

2005-12-22 Thread Mike Carrell

- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:44 AM
Subject: RE: NKS 2006 Wolfram Science Conference


(Don't take this badly this is not a personal attack, only observation.)

I took a look at the link on 'post-modern' and from my view see a lot of 
garbage created by people with nothing better to do, sterile babble.

Wolfram's work is a hard grind and challenging. 

Beta Aether Involved?

2005-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner

This post resent as a test of the thread handling of

The AIP article below notes an unexpected collimated behavior of sand  
even in a vacuum.  It says the anomalous thinner spiky jet remains  
even in a vacuum.  The lower, thicker jet is accounted for by sand- 
air interaction, but no reason for the spiky jet effects remaining in  
a vacuum are given.  Beta Aether Involved?

Begin Quote:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 759   December 22, 2005  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

FAST X-RAY PICTURES OF SAND JETS.  Granular materials---possessing
both solid-like and liquid-like characteristics---exhibit much
strange emergent behavior even in the simplest of experiments.
When, for example, a heavy sphere is dropped into a bed of sand,
what happens, if you look carefully enough, can still surprise
seasoned researchers.  Heinrich Jaeger of the University of Chicago
and his colleagues watched the jets kicked up by the sphere: they
used high speed video and ordinary light to view the outside of the
jets and high-speed radiography (the x rays supplied by the Advanced
Photon Source at Argonne) of the jet interior.  The impact kicked up
a bizarre two-tiered jet structure: a thick shaft at the bottom and,
projecting up out of the top, a further and thinner shaft (see
figures at ).
That the jets are so well collimated is a surprise: why doesn't the
sand just fly out at all angles?  In moving up in a sort of directed
beam, with very little lateral motion, it seems to act like an
ultracold gas (at least in the sideways direction).  Another
surprise is the twofold jet structure.  The lower, thicker jet is
surely sculpted by collisions between sand grains and air molecules
since it gets progressively scantier until, at pressures close to
vacuum, it goes away altogether, leaving only the thinner spiky
jet.  The jet interior pictures are unprecedented: taken with an
exposure rate of 5000 frames per second, the x ray flux provided the
equivalent of a 50-watt halogen lamp illumination---only at x-ray
wavelengths.  The x-ray pictures proved that air squeezed among the
grains was the driving force in forcing up the thick stage of the
jet formation, and not as one might have expected a force for
dissipating the jet.  (Royer et al., Nature Physics, December 2005;
by the way, Nature Physics is a new journal that began publication
in October 2005.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
End quote of AIP article.

Horace Heffner

Re: Beta Aether Involved?

2005-12-22 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

Horace Heffner wrote:

This post resent as a test of the thread handling of

The AIP article below notes an unexpected collimated behavior of sand  
even in a vacuum.  It says the anomalous thinner spiky jet remains  
even in a vacuum.  The lower, thicker jet is accounted for by sand- 
air interaction, but no reason for the spiky jet effects remaining in  a 
vacuum are given.  Beta Aether Involved?

Speaking from a near total ignorance of the subject of behavior of 
near-fluids, couple with a total ignorance of fluid dynamics theory in 
general (beyond a general impression that simulating it involves finite 
element analysis, particle-in-cell, and exotic programs with names like 
ALE and Miranda), my first thought was Was the sand _charged_?

Supposing the sand grains picked up a static charge, and supposing 
furthermore than the charges weren't distributed evenly on each grain 
(so that each grain had a nonzero dipole moment), could that account for 
any part of the behavior seen?

Begin Quote:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News

Number 759   December 22, 2005  by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein

FAST X-RAY PICTURES OF SAND JETS.  Granular materials---possessing
both solid-like and liquid-like characteristics---exhibit much
strange emergent behavior even in the simplest of experiments.
When, for example, a heavy sphere is dropped into a bed of sand,
what happens, if you look carefully enough, can still surprise
seasoned researchers.  Heinrich Jaeger of the University of Chicago
and his colleagues watched the jets kicked up by the sphere: they
used high speed video and ordinary light to view the outside of the
jets and high-speed radiography (the x rays supplied by the Advanced
Photon Source at Argonne) of the jet interior.  The impact kicked up
a bizarre two-tiered jet structure: a thick shaft at the bottom and,
projecting up out of the top, a further and thinner shaft (see
figures at ).
That the jets are so well collimated is a surprise: why doesn't the
sand just fly out at all angles?  In moving up in a sort of directed
beam, with very little lateral motion, it seems to act like an
ultracold gas (at least in the sideways direction).  Another
surprise is the twofold jet structure.  The lower, thicker jet is
surely sculpted by collisions between sand grains and air molecules
since it gets progressively scantier until, at pressures close to
vacuum, it goes away altogether, leaving only the thinner spiky
jet.  The jet interior pictures are unprecedented: taken with an
exposure rate of 5000 frames per second, the x ray flux provided the
equivalent of a 50-watt halogen lamp illumination---only at x-ray
wavelengths.  The x-ray pictures proved that air squeezed among the
grains was the driving force in forcing up the thick stage of the
jet formation, and not as one might have expected a force for
dissipating the jet.  (Royer et al., Nature Physics, December 2005;
by the way, Nature Physics is a new journal that began publication
in October 2005.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
End quote of AIP article.

Horace Heffner

Re: Notes on ICCF12 from T. J. Dolan

2005-12-22 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

A couple items on the list caught my eye.

Jed Rothwell wrote:
Notes from the 12th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear 

November 27 – December 2, 2005, Yokohama

T. J. Dolan

The following brief summary refers to only some of the 60 papers 
presented at the conference.


Yasuhiro Iwamura (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries) presented more data on 
transmutations of Cs to Pm, Ba to Sm, and Sr to Mo, using a variety of 
diagnostic techniques, including a detailed surface mapping using a 
synchrotron microbeam (100 x 100 micrometers). They found that the 
transmutations occurred in small concentrated sites on the surface. 
Afterward I asked him what labs have reproduced some of his 
transmutations, and he said Osaka University, Shizuoka University, 
Francesco Celani (Italy), and NRL (in progress).

A. Kitamura (Kobe University) coated films on the vacuum side of the Pd 
foil (Iwamura coated the gas side) and reported transmutation of Sr into 

Irina Savvatimova (“Luch” Institute, Moscow) reported transmutation of 
Ba into Sm.

A. El-Boher (Energetics Technologies, Israel) used superwave 
modulation of the current in electrolysis cells to increase yield. He 
achieved 600% excess heat for 24 hours, and 150% for 134 hours.  Irving 
Dardik (a physician) developed the superwave technique with regard to 
curing human illnesses, and it is found to have applications in several 

The numbers on this one sound fabulous: 600% excess heat sounds 
stunning.  Is this paper online?  I didn't see it in the index, though 
there appears to be other superwave stuff from El-Boher on your site 
going back at least to ICCF-10.

Anyone got any idea where breakeven is for a typical cold fusion 
cell?  (Yes, I know, they're all different, there is no typical 
cell...)  At what level of excess heat is total energy in likely to be 
less than recoverable energy out?  (For that matter, what's the right 
way to even ask the question?  It's pretty obvious what breakeven is 
for hot fusion, but for CF it seems a bit less clear.)

In other words, is 600% excess heat anywhere near breakeven?

Vittorio Violante (ENEA, Italy) used a HeNe laser to enhance excess 
power generation during electrochemical loading.

Yoshiaki Arata (Osaka University) observed intense heat generation 
during ingress of deuterium into a thin cylinder containing Pd 

Alexander Karabut (Luch laboratory, Russia) observed excess heat 
generation and transmutations during deuterium glow discharges, but not 
during Kr or Xe discharges. Using spark mass spectrometry, SIMS, and 
secondary neutral mass spectrometry they identified the emergence of 
many impurities, including abnormal isotope ratios for several elements. 
They also observed emission of gamma rays and x-rays.

Andrei Lipson and George Miley (Lebedev Institute, Moscow, and 
University of Illinois) reported emissions of energetic protons and 
alpha particles during controlled exothermic deuterium desorption from 
the surface of a Pd/PdO:Dx heterostructure.  Using CR-39 detectors they 
found 1-3 MeV proton tracks and 11-16 MeV alpha tracks, with a yield 
about 0.005 alphas/cm2-s, reproducible during about 20 experiments. They 
also reported data indicating superconductivity in Pd hydride and 

This appears to be a PowerPoint slide set.  Is there a paper to go with it?

The slides are fascinating, though, sad to say, mostly pretty 
incomprehensible to this yokel.  I had no idea that signs of 
superconductivity had been observed in loaded Pd, but it appears from 
your index that there are hints of this going back to at least ICCF-10.

Might it be possible to parley this aspect into back-door access to 
conventional money for research into CF, I wonder?  30K for a 
transition temperature isn't exactly sweltering, but it still qualifies 
as HT and it's totally different from conventional HT superconductors, 
I think, and that should interest people.

For that matter, is that possibly what Lipson and Miley are already 

[ snip snip ]


In his summary of the ICCF-12 conference Prof. Xing-Zhong Li said that 
CMNS has three “legs”:

·excess heat generation
·nuclear reaction products  transmutations
·good reproducibility.
Many experiments have achieved the first two legs, but reproducibility 
has only been demonstrated in a few experiments, such as those of 
Iwamura.  Prof. Arata is building a larger device (3 x 30 cm) to 
demonstrate reliable higher power operation.

That will be really interesting!  I have no idea if using Pd as a sort 
of catalyst for high-temp D2 gas will every produce useful energy, but 
the tiny amounts I've read about it make it sound like the process may 
be a lot more reproducible than the wet-cell CF.

Re: Added autoradiograph to Wikipedia

2005-12-22 Thread Steven Krivit

Jed man, you come out with both fists flying and all brain cells firing!

I encourage all Vortexians to watch that page and help defend (if 
neccessary) what Jed just posted. It is a major step in the right direction.

Hey Jed, I just though of somethingthe gremlins like to call in a 
parlamentarian type rule sometimes to disqualify evidence that they don't 
like. The rule, if you look it up, as you may know it, goes something like 
You can't cite yourself, or your own work, or web site for references on 

Soif any of those boys try to pull that one on you.let me know, 
I'll post the paper on NET I don't think they have a rule about citing 
things on friends' Web sites.


At 05:26 PM 12/22/2005 -0500, you wrote:

This should rile the bastards. Maybe even make them think. See:

- Jed

Re: Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

2005-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 22, 2005, at 10:16 AM, Frederick Sparber wrote:

As an aside.

What would be wrong with applying a high electrostatic field
across a D-loaded Pd  foil?
This should unbalance the internal charges in the interstices
enough to let the Pd charge push the deuterons over the
repulsive D-D coulomb barrier. No?

Then take what you can get CF-wise.


I think this was the idea behind the Szpak cell.  I had some  
suggestions along that line in the Variation on Szpak cell thread  
in Nov. 2004.

Fig. 3 below is my suggested modified version of  Fig. 1 in the Szpak  
paper at:

The electrolysis anode is a platinum screen with a hole cut in its  
center to accomodate the cathode.  The cathode is in effect the edge  
of Szpak's cathode.

 I  I
|I  I|
  (++)  |I  I|Key:
c   |#  I|
c   |#  I|   I - Electrolysis power  

c   |#  I|   # - Platinum screen anode
c   |#  I|   g - Gold foil
c   |#  I|   s - Piezo substrate
c   |   I|   p - Deposited Pd
c   | ggg   I|  -| - Clear plastic cell  
c   |pgsg|   c - Copper foil HV  

c   |pgs |
c   |pgs |
c   |pgs |
c   |pgs |
c   |pgsg|
c   | ggg|
c   ||
c   |#   |
c   |#   |
c   |#   |
c   |#   |
c   |#   |
c   ||
c   --
c  Foil 1

   Fig. 3 - Diagram of variation on Szpak's cell

Note that ascii figure viewing requires use of a fixed font, like  
Courier, and Microsoft Outlook users may need to select fixed in  
the textsize submenu of the view menu.

The intent of this configuration is to maximize the imposed  
electrostatic field imposed perpendicular to the surface of the  
cathode.  I suggested earlier that this might increase the electron  
density at the surface of the cathode.  After seeing the  
configuration in Fig. 3 it is fairly clear that the vast amount of  
the potential drop should be across the plastic surface of the cell.   
Still, the E field is present at the interface, countered by ion  
redistribution and polarized molecule orientation.  Within the  
cathode the electron distribution should be skewed toward the active  
surface.  There may be unexpected results similar to what Szpak  

Horace Heffner

Re: Concerning Reality in an Arbitrary Universe

2005-12-22 Thread Harry Veeder
Zell, Chris wrote:

 Does it ever seem that, although the Newtonian view
 of a mechanical universe is obsolete, we are still struggling to
 a mechanical viewpoint, while nature keeps slipping effects between the
 moving gears, somehow?

Yes, and what is both good and bad about quantum mechanics is that it allows
us to prolong the struggle indefinitely.


Re: Tandem-LENR: was- paper by Iyengar

2005-12-22 Thread Horace Heffner

On Dec 22, 2005, at 8:34 AM, Jones Beene wrote:

Bottom line: ...isn't it a bit too coincidental that in carefully  
documented experiments, you can come out to nearly net neutral on  
the energy equation yet - still have lots of tritium? ... what  
happend to the excess heat ?

Electron catalysis might explain that - given an assumption or two.  
When two deuterons collide and fuse in hot fusion, it takes a lot of  
energy.  The resulting nucleus has a lot of pent up potential energy,  
which ends up released in the form of decay particle energy, or gammas.

If the waveforms of two deuterons tunnel to the locus of an electron,  
i.e. the quantum waveforms of two deuterons and a centrally located  
electron collapse at the locus of the electron center of charge, then  
the resulting nucleus is not energetic.  This concept was more fully  
described here in 2001. See 

Now, supposing T is the final result of the fusion, and no neutron.   
We then have:

   D + D + e-  ---  He*  ---  T + P + 2 e-

where here He* here is not really helium at all, and certainly not an  
energetic isomer.  Within He*, to produce this reaction, there is an  
accelerated decay of a neutron, producing a P and e- which have to  
leave the nucleus, and some nominal energy.  The work to eject the P  
and e- is a wash.  The work to eject the second electron, the  
catalytic electron, further de-energizes the nucleus.  There will be  
no energetic gamma.  Additionally, the ejection of P + 2 e- could be  
expected to produce EM radiation, and not all in one high energy  
photon, but rather in smaller chunks.  The only signatures of this  
reaction are thus low order heat and tritium.  That's my guess.

Horace Heffner

Physics Today article

2005-12-22 Thread Harry Veeder

(free article from Physics Today)

Albert Einstein as a Philosopher of Science

Einstein's philosophical habit of mind, cultivated by undergraduate training
and lifelong dialogue, had a profound effect on the way he did physics.

Don A. Howard

Nowadays, explicit engagement with the philosophy of science plays almost no
role in the training of physicists or in physics research. What little the
student learns about philosophical issues is typically learned casually, by
a kind of intellectual osmosis. One picks up ideas and opinions in the
lecture hall, in the laboratory, and in collaboration with one's supervisor.
Careful reflection on philosophical ideas is rare. Even rarer is systematic
instruction. Worse still, publicly indulging an interest in philosophy of
science is often treated as a social blunder. To be fair, more than a few
physicists do think philosophically. Still, explicitly philosophical
approaches to physics are the exception. Things were not always so...