RE: [Vo]: New Segway Products

2006-08-18 Thread John Steck
uh, Nick?  I can't speak for all of my fellow stupid, under-educated,
over-propagandized redneck fundamentalist Christian heartlanders but you
have left the bounds of civility and are treading on the rules of this list
with your insults.

Iraq is nothing more than *basic* military positioning to protect energy
interests in the region.  Period.  Anyone who wants to make it anything more
than that is either ignorant, naive, or a self-loathing masochist.   Pearl
Harbor was allowed to happen to strategically enter the pacific theater.
911 was allowed to happen to strategically enter the mid-east theater.

Oil is a pillar of the world economy and civilization as we know it.
America can never leave the region until either the oil or the need for it
is gone.  Soak it in, accept it.

This topic has already been over analyzed and pontificated upon extensively,
ad nauseum.  I am not going to retype what has already been typed go
read the frigg'n archive yourself.


---Original Message-
From: Nick Palmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: New Segway Products

It was only the stupid, under-educated over-propagandised redneck
Christian heartlands that wanted this new crusade.

[Vo]: ethanol production

2006-08-18 Thread thomas malloy

Harry Tuttle posted;

The amount of corn required to produce 25 gallons of ethanol can feed a human
in the third world for a whole year. 

True however, the story I heard, is that the ethanol production only 
consumes some of the starch in the corn. What  remains has a higher feed 
value than the raw corn.

--- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---

Re: [Vo]: New Segway Products

2006-08-18 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  John Steck's message of Fri, 18 Aug 2006 01:23:16
Iraq is nothing more than *basic* military positioning to protect energy
interests in the region.  Period.  Anyone who wants to make it anything more
than that is either ignorant, naive, or a self-loathing masochist.   Pearl
Harbor was allowed to happen to strategically enter the pacific theater.
911 was allowed to happen to strategically enter the mid-east theater.

Oil is a pillar of the world economy and civilization as we know it.
America can never leave the region until either the oil or the need for it
is gone.  Soak it in, accept it.
As concise descriptions go, this is pretty good. I would say that
there are a few ancillary issues around the edges, but this
certainly covers the core quite well.

Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: [Vo]: Magnetron application to water vortex

2006-08-18 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  RC Macaulay's message of Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:36:14
BlankHowdy Vorts,

We have made several modifications to our test setup and can produce a very 
stable eyewall in the water vortex. Suggestions made regarding applying a pair 
of magnetrons aimed at the vortex have been intriguing. I have some pdf pics 
of the test setup including a pic of trhe actual  eye produced. Before we 
fabricate  a stainless steel container for further testing, we would welcome 
input on ideas for the mounting of the megnetrons. 
Being a bunch of Vorts.. your ideas and suggestions may be as completely wild 
as you wish  grin
Yes, we know a microwave cannot be aimed or focused... thats why we have to 
do it. 
...surely radar does this all the time.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: [Vo]: [OT] Strong UN (was Re: New Segway Products)

2006-08-18 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Michel Jullian's message of Wed, 16 Aug 2006 12:30:33
(Robin your reply was private, but considering the contents I assume it's ok 
to answer on-list)

Good point, but even so don't you think it would be a better solution than 
letting the fighting parties, who are necessarily biased, decide who are the 
bad guys and what should be done to them?

This is a difficult issue. I suspect that a better (though
imperfect) solution would be an international court, but leave the
policing in the hands of individual nations (which with the recent
introduction of the International Criminal Court, is more or less
what is being done). I would take issue with having both policing
and courts under one roof, so to speak.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: [Vo]: Re: Air Independent Closed Cycle Diesel

2006-08-18 Thread Frederick Sparber
OTOH, would it be simpler to use the non-condensible O2 
as the working fluid, vent excess O2, and save the condensate
in a holding tank?
I haven't figured out yet  what happens with steam when
it's compressed at a 10-22 to 1 compression ratio
which puts it at temperatures above the critical point.

 From: Frederick Sparber

 Terry wrote.
  Geeze, Fred,
  It's hard enough to enforce illegal immigration as it is!

 Actually I'm thinking that using 250 F (15 PSI) steam as
 a working fluid in place of air or Argon in a two-cycle diesel
 in a Stainless Steamer (or ceramics?)  using the 
 2 HOOH  2 H2O + O2 plus 210 kJ reaction..
 It's easy to separate the O2 gas from steam condensate using
 off-the-shelf steam plumbing.



Re: [Vo]: Re: Air Independent Closed Cycle Diesel

2006-08-18 Thread Frederick Sparber

Robin wrote:

 they used it to power torpedos
Is there any difference between a HOOH powered torpedo or
cruise missile, and a modified 57 Chevy zipping along at
90 miles per hour, Robin ? 


[Vo]: Re: Re: [SPAM] Re: [Vo]: New Segway Products

2006-08-18 Thread Nick Palmer
Kyle - read John Berry's post. Be ashamed of being American. If you're not, 
then it is people like you who are the problem that needs solving.

Kyle wrote:-

Would you prefer the nice red-black-white swastika as your flag
instead of your current one?

America only really came in when it seemed as if there might be a threat to 
them (the Japanese), not earlier when they were asked by those threatened by 
Germany. Elements in your Government are on record as claiming that a 
European war had nothing to do with them, so why should they help. Thanks, 
Yanks - not.  Incidentally, one of my first memories of the States when 
visiting America was going to a motel where the owner had a shrine to 
Hitler and the red,black and white flag visible in the living room behind 
the reception desk. Seeing my raised eyebrows she said that he (Hitler) had 
been misrepresented and that the holocaust was a lie told by those dirty 
Jews to blacken his name (this was in liberal California!) BTW, I didn't 
find the room suitable and went elsewhere...

Kyle Wrote:-

Incidentally, the prominent Democrats in our (so-called) government wanted
it just as badly as anyone else did. If you don't realize this, you either
didn't watch the news clips of them demanding that we attack Iraq, or are
far lower on the scale of education than the so-called under-educated you
speak of above

Both Republican and Democrats (and Tony Blair) were misled by so called 
intelligence that claimed that Saddam had developed weapons of mass 
destruction that could be armed and ready to go in 45 minutes. As Saddam 
had fired Scud missiles at Israel (to encourage support from the Arab 
nations during the first Gulf war) this was seen as giving an imperative 
to stop his regime. WMD fired at Israel would have probably caused the 
Israelis to use their nukes and ignite the whole middle East. The 
intelligence was wrong (maybe deliberately so. Any person educated in the 
history of the US would put almost nothing past your intelligence 
services - whether they are incompetent, stupid or just plain evil remains 
to be proved). Absolutely no-one is claiming that Saddam's regime was in any 
way good, but there are many similar or worse regimes in the world that not 
only has the USA done nothing to overturn but has also positively encouraged 
(see John Berry's post again). The rhetoric about spreading democracy and 
freedom by military intervention is close to being one of the all time most 
evil big lies ever told.

I did not know that piece John Berry quotes about the US's prior messing 
with Afghanistan that apparently precipitated the Soviet invasion. It sounds 
very possible. When I was growing up, the biggest scare was the Cuban 
missile crisis around 1961/62 when those rascally Commies were threatening 
the forces of good by stationing nuclear weapons on Cuban soil. No-one at 
all at the time (apart from the socialist underground media) reported that 
that was a response to the US stationing nuclear weapons on (I think it 
was ) Turkish soil pointing at Moscow. What was portrayed to the public as 
evil Russian aggression and expansionism was merely tit for tat strategy to 
a tactic thought up and executed by the paranoid good ole' boys of the USA. 

Re: [Vo]: New Segway Products

2006-08-18 Thread Philip Winestone
Currently, America and Israel are the greatest threats to world stability 
with China a fair way behind. Elements of power in both America and Israel 
have still got this Us first, and only us mentality.

So if the Israelis had lit a big bonfire and destroyed their arms in 1948, 
1956, 1967, 1973, etc., etc., - or if they did so now, the world would be a 
better/safer place - all hugs and kisses?

The stability you talk about is the same kind of stability that you get 
when dogma - scientific or otherwise - rules.  It's the stability of the 
grazing herd.  Nothing of value is accomplished through this kind of 

...accurate TV portrayal of the base character of too many 
Americans...  Now there's an interesting oxymoron - accurate TV 
portrayal.  You need to get out and see life a little more.  Look, I'm not 
American, but I resent that crap.  There are nice Americans and not-so-nice 
Americans.  I've had dealings with many and have enjoyed the experiences 
greatly.  That's a lot better food for thought than watching staged TV 


At 11:25 AM 8/17/2006 +0100, you wrote:

Kyle wrote:-

If it gets so far gone that we have had
Islamic radicals detonate nuclear weapons on our (American) soil, hopefully
someone will have the guts to retaliate massively. Or, to clarify, nuke
the whole bloody place

It's not a place so you can't target it, Kyle. It's an idea. There are 
countries where the idea is more concentrated but if you wish to wipe out 
the idea with nukes then you have to vaporise just about the whole world. 
Most of the suicide bombers and extremists who attend the legendary 
training camps come from outside the countries where the camps are 
supposed to be located. The recent plot in Britain to smuggle liquid 
explosive on to planes bound for the US was entirely staffed by British 
residents. Would you nuke Britain too?

Most of the 911 terrorists/freedom fighters (depending on which side of 
the fence you are) were Saudis. The US backed Saudi dynasty (which is so 
extremely close to the Bush regime) is a MAJOR cause of the Islamic 
resentment. Osama's own family are a part of it and probably caused his 
extreme beliefs and so he is now pursuing jihad as some kind of twisted 
family therapy. If the US had stopped backing this regime many events 
would not have occurred. But they didn't. Like characters from  Jackass, 
that accurate TV portrayal of the base character of too many Americans, 
the unpleasant, idiot jerks continued on. Change the bullying, greedy, 
America first way of politics and the problem will solve itself.

Currently, America and Israel are the greatest threats to world stability 
with China a fair way behind. Elements of power in both America and Israel 
have still got this Us first, and only us mentality. Most of your West 
and East coasts were against the Iraq invasion in the first place. It was 
only the stupid, under-educated over-propagandised redneck fundamentalist 
Christian heartlands that wanted this new crusade.

In the history of many of the older nations there was this colonialist 
view. Britain, Germany, Japan, France Portugal, Spain, Russia did it. We 
all fell for this we are the most important country rhetoric. Hopefully 
we have now grown up. For God's sake America, grow up too.

Nick Palmer

Re: [Vo]: New Segway Products

2006-08-18 Thread Nick Palmer

Philip Winestone wrote:-

...accurate TV portrayal of the base character of too many
Americans...  Now there's an interesting oxymoron - accurate TV
portrayal.  You need to get out and see life a little more.

The sister of my step son's wife has just come out of the British Army after 
serving in Iraq until a few weeks ago. We had dinner with her two days ago. 
She was seriously unimpressed at the morals or education or basic niceness 
of  too many US grunts even compared to the Brit grunts - she was scared at 
the spoken motivations of some US officers. I have been to American BBQs and 
heard the drunken deeper beliefs of too many Yanks. I lived in America for 
three months meeting people from all over America. Those with uber faith 
and/or patriotism are dangerous and there are too many of them who claim my 
country, right or wrong. In the sixties the opposition used to say my 
country, right or wrong - when right, to be kept right - when wrong, to be 
put right.

Look, I'm not American, but I resent that crap.  There are nice Americans 
and not-so-nice


It's not crap, sadly. As I said elsewhere, we are necessarily writing in 
shorthand. Your response shows that you are responding to a logical fallacy. 
You appear to believe that I said that all Americans are rubbish and you are 
pointing out that not all are. Clearly, there are many who are educated, 
historically aware and against what your Government has done, and is still 
doing.  As the US claims to be a democracy, this means that the majority 
will of the people has and is being served by this long term selfish messing 
about with the world. Go and figure out if I am wrong when I slate too many 
Americans - count them for yourself. 

Re: [Vo]: New Segway Products

2006-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell

Nick Palmer wrote:

In the sixties the opposition used to say my country, right or 
wrong - when right, to be kept right - when wrong, to be put right.

The 1860s, you mean. That is a quote from Carl Schurz (1829-1906), a 
German revolutionary, a U.S. reformer and a Union general in the Civil War.

Actually, he said that in 1872.

- Jed

[Vo]: Re: Magnetron application to water vortex

2006-08-18 Thread Jones Beene


I think I mentioned this before in a private email, but one possible tactic 
for what you want to do is to set up two standing waves in your vortex chamber, 
which overlap. There should be a focusing effect in the overlappingnodes 
of the standing waves.

Lets say you are using two magnetrons which have a wavelength of5 
inches, which is about what the standard oven-magnetron produces (2.35 GHz). 

The ideal situation would be a "waveguide" which is your vortex chamber, 
which is two (or four wavelengths long). This would be a smaller size than your 
present size, which is a large vortex machine.The "tube"can be 
rectangular, rather than round. 

The two magnetrons are mounted at 1/3 and 2/3 the total tube length. For a 
20 inch tube, you would have them at 6 2/3 and 13 1/3 inches from one end. These 
will produce standing waves with 8 nodes of overlap.

Better yet, this may be a good time to hire a consultant who is specialist 
in microwaves g.There are probably lots of these around 


  - Original Message - 
  RC Macaulay 
  Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:36 
  Subject: [Vo]: Magnetron application to 
  water vortex
  Howdy Vorts,
  We have made several modifications to our test setup andcan 
  producea very stable eyewall in the water vortex. Suggestions made 
  regarding applying a pair of magnetronsaimed at the vortex have been 
  intriguing. I have some pdf pics of the test setup including a pic of trhe 
  actual " eye" produced. Before wefabricate a stainless steel 
  container for further testing, we would welcome input on ideas for the 
  mounting of the megnetrons. 
  Being a bunch of Vorts.. your ideas and suggestions may be as completely 
  wild as you wish  grin
  Yes, we know a microwave cannot be "aimed" or focused... thats why 
  wehave to do it. 
  Ask me and I will send you the two pics to view.

[Vo]: What's The Deal With Steorn?

2006-08-18 Thread Zell, Chris
These Irish guys are claiming to have discovered free energy  and
have challenged the world by putting an ad in the Economist to evaluate
stuff.   One of their patents is WO2006035419 but I can't get espace to
open the document.

Is this a version of Bearden's MEG all over again?


2006-08-18 Thread Zell, Chris
I think it's

Re: [Vo]: Re: Magnetron application to water vortex

2006-08-18 Thread Jones Beene
True ... but just as all the clocks in a clock store line-up in 
phase, on their own (like magic ?)  one would expect microtrons, 
especially if wired in parallel, to do the same, no?

- Original Message - 
From: Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sent: Friday, August 18, 2006 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Re: Magnetron application to water vortex

On 8/18/06, Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I think I mentioned this before in a private email, but one 
possible tactic
for what you want to do is to set up two standing waves in your 
chamber, which overlap. There should be a focusing effect in 
the overlapping

nodes of the standing waves.

But if the two sources are not phase synchronous, the nodes will 
skittle about.


Re: [Vo]: Re: Magnetron application to water vortex

2006-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton

On 8/18/06, Jones Beene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

True ... but just as all the clocks in a clock store line-up in
phase, on their own (like magic ?)  one would expect microtrons,
especially if wired in parallel, to do the same, no?

Not really.  The resonant frequency of the microwave cavity will vary
with the mechanical variations in the device.  The frequencies have to
be exact to be phase synchronous.


Re: [Vo]: What's The Deal With Steorn?

2006-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton

On 8/18/06, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Nope, more like a Sprain Magmo.  Here's the gist:

This should allow you to view the patent:


Re: [Vo]: What's The Deal With Steorn?

2006-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton

On 8/18/06, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/18/06, Terry Blanton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Nope, more like a Sprain Magmo.  Here's the gist:

This should allow you to view the patent:

If that doesn't work for you, here's the whole kit:


Re: [Vo]:

2006-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton

On 8/18/06, Zell, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think it's

Yeah, it made Reuters:


Re: [Vo]: New Segway Products

2006-08-18 Thread Harry Veeder
Philip Winestone wrote:

 The stability you talk about is the same kind of stability that you get
 when dogma - scientific or otherwise - rules.  It's the stability of the
 grazing herd.  Nothing of value is accomplished through this kind of


Do you think meaningful change ONLY happens through violence?

e.g. Canada did not take the America path to independence.


Re: [Vo]:

2006-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell

Terry Blanton wrote:

On 8/18/06, Zell, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think it's

Yeah, it made Reuters:

This is very sad. I do not understand the mindset of inventors who do 
this kind of thing, and say, . . . until this thing is validated by 
science we won't be doing anything commercial with it . . . That is 
nonsense. Inventors often say this, but they are wrong, and they have 
missed the point. Or three points:

1. Science is not a monolithic institution. There is no one single 
source of validation, and no unity of opinion.

2. As things stand, mainstream science institutions and researchers 
will never look at this gadget or validate it. Even if one did, he 
would never admit to himself or anyone else that what he saw was 
real. That simply will not happen and anyone who thinks he can 
trigger such an event with an advertisement in a newspaper is a pathetic fool.

3. You do not need science to validate something like this; you 
need a dozen or so good engineers. If the people with this gadget 
could convince 10 or 20 people on this list that the machine is real 
beyond any doubt, word would soon spread and someone with money would 
show up at their door. In the first phase, you need only convince 
your friends and people who are inclined to be sympathetic. You can 
ignore your enemies until later.

- Jed

[Vo]: Message from Amini

2006-08-18 Thread Jed Rothwell

August 2, 2006

From: f.amini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Jed Rothwell' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Cold Fusion- New Paper

Dear Mr. Rothwell,

 I hope you are well. I have recently written a paper titled' Cold 
Fusion by Jet  Plasma Process in Hydro Machinery' in 18 pages. The 
purpose of the paper is to study the process of Plasma formation on 
the surface of runner blades when a hydro turbine operates at partial 
condition. By comparing the theoretical and measured power of 
turbine, it is revealed that energy and hydrogen are generated by the 
Plasma process.

The investigation on several turbines of various hydro power plants 
vividly reveals that plasma process in hydro machinery generates 
hydrogen. In future, it may be possible to design hydro turbines 
based on the plasma process that generates hydrogen; or there may 
exist turbines that rotate with a mixture of hydrogen and water energies.

It is tried to present any required data to verify this issue.

Now, I would like to know how I could have this paper reviewed to 
verify the claims in the paper.  Please provide your advice.

Best regards

Farzan Amini 

[Vo]: FW: [4DWorldx] FW: [Vo]: ethanol production

2006-08-18 Thread Harry Veeder

Forwarded from 4dworldx.

 Forwarded from Vortex-L

 The amount of corn required to produce 25 gallons of ethanol can feed a
 in the third world for a whole year.

 True however, the story I heard, is that the ethanol production only
 consumes some of the starch in the corn. What  remains has a higher feed
 value than the raw corn.

Yes it has but it is not usable as raw food anymore.
Recent technologies, slowly adapted in the US ( Xethanol,
Pacific ethanol, and some more ) allow for a higher efficiency of producing
ethanol from starch, but this won't solve the problem as this method
consumes about as much of primary energy as is contained in the ethanol -
factor is
1.5 i.e. for 1.5 kwh ethanol energy one has to invest 1 kwh primary energy.
Possibly the way to go is a quite old
process of coal liquification ( Fischer-Tropsch or Nazi gasoline ) because
the world sits  , in terms of thermal units, on far more coal than on oil.
South African company Sasol produces about 40% of the country's demand of
gas from coal for about 1.3 US$/gallon ( premium grade ).
Stocks of coal miners ( Peabody, Arch coal, Massey, James River ) are
expected to rise.

Hans Dieter

Re: [Vo]:

2006-08-18 Thread Harry Veeder
Terry Blanton wrote:

 On 8/18/06, Zell, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think it's
 Yeah, it made Reuters:

The advertisement in the Economist can be downloaded here:


Re: [Vo]: Message from Amini

2006-08-18 Thread Robin van Spaandonk
In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Fri, 18 Aug 2006 15:56:58
Now, I would like to know how I could have this paper reviewed to 
verify the claims in the paper.  Please provide your advice.
Perhaps the author doesn't consider Vortex to be an adequate
review panel, but personally, I would love to see the paper.


Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.

Re: [Vo]:

2006-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton

On 8/18/06, Zell, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think it's

Grimer is still on the international filter list.

--- Grimer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 18:48:32 +0100
Subject: Re: [Vo]:

At 11:01 am 18/08/2006 -0500, Zell wrote:
I think it's

It was. I've has a look at their website and
they seem pretty plausible.

Let's hope they have made the breakthrough
in harnessing the Beta-atmosphere magnetic

I shall certainly follow developments with
full attention.

They seem to be taking the path that Jed
recommends - which is good.


Frank Grimer

P.S. This was bounced from Vortex so I'm
sending it via you Terry - and thanks very
much for the patent. It seems well written
and easy to understand. I've down loaded it
an will scutinize it with interest.


[Vo]: George Got One

2006-08-18 Thread Terry Blanton

Clooney that is:,1,1776320.story?coll=la-headlines-business


Re: [Vo]: New Segway Products

2006-08-18 Thread Philip Winestone
H I didn't say that meaningful change only happens through 
violence.  If you read that into my note, you're simply reading your own 

When people say a stable world it could mean many things.  I deliberately 
spoke about scientific dogma, as this scientific stability, is, 
apparently, what the Vorts are continuously fighting against.

There is no such thing as stabiity either in the external or internal 
worlds, and so far, it seems to me that all those who have tried to create 
a stable world, have tried to force stability on the masses.  Take a look 
at a number of dictatorships and see if all the dictators of the world were 
or were not prepared to use violence to enforce stability, because they 
knew that instability could be their downfall.  So it seems in fact that 
stability is often gained - or attempted - through violence, the overall 
idea being If only everybody believed and behaved as I do, we would have a 
nice, stable world.

Our enemies - and we do have enemies - would like to impose their type of 
stability on us; they've said as much: that eveyone should think and dress 
and behave (and pray, if you're into that) one way only - their 
way.  Stability.

You want a reasonable way to unseat the terrorists?  Make their lives 
continuously unstable.


At 03:18 PM 8/18/2006 -0500, you wrote:

Philip Winestone wrote:

 The stability you talk about is the same kind of stability that you get
 when dogma - scientific or otherwise - rules.  It's the stability of the
 grazing herd.  Nothing of value is accomplished through this kind of


Do you think meaningful change ONLY happens through violence?

e.g. Canada did not take the America path to independence.
