Re: [Vo]: If you were Steorm, what would YOU do?

2006-09-03 Thread thomas malloy

Zell, Chris wrote:

If I find a free energy electrical device, I will measure its performance by DC 
ONLY, no AC.  There will be no questions about reactive power!

I feel compelled to quote the late Otto Schmitt who said in regards to 
proving energy output, go heat water. To which I would add, measure 
the energy input with a multi frequency spectrum analyzer.

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Re: [Vo]: If you were Steorm, what would YOU do?

2006-09-03 Thread thomas malloy

Zell, Chris wrote:

Suppose you stumbled across the same thing that Steorm did.  Apparently those 
guys aren't aquainted with the history of FE fiascos.  (For example, what will 
they do when the burglaries start, or the anonymous
death threats are phoned in against their families?)

Excellent point. Only time will tell is that scenario is correct, or 
obfuscation to cover lies.

Now, suppose I wanted to give it away free,  for the good of the world, as Paul 
Brown said ( before he died).  In this case I would offer simple

I'll never for get a posting on Dale Pond's discussion group following 
Paul's death. Someone wanted to know why anyone would want to kill him. 
Dale pointed out that F E would upset various economic interests. Even 
more important are political agendas.

OTOH, Paul had a history of driving fast, and he was driving a '72 model 
car which lacked many of the modern saftey features. An investigative 
journalist wrote up Paul's story, it would make quite a movie. I wrote 
him an email, but was ignored.

to avoid being killed by oil companies/men in black/ Wackenhut people and to 
liberate mankind from Fascists and Islamofascists.

Don't worry about the Islamists, they'd commercialize it. Wackenhut OTOH 
marches to the beat of a different drummer.

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Re: [Vo]: If you were Steorm, what would YOU do?

2006-09-03 Thread thomas malloy

Zell, Chris wrote:

Get a copy of Confessions of an Economic Hitman and consider its contents.

I listened to the author being interviewed on C to C AM. I sent his URL 
to the Salem Radio Network Talkers and was ignored. They are  Center 
Right, and America can do no wrong, seems to be a fundamental tenant 
to their world view.

BTW, I just finished reading Kevin Phillip's American Dynasty. IMHO, 
Phillips takes a rather centerist position. OTOH on of the center right 
Talkers attacked him for twisting history to fit his own agenda, I'm 
still looking for the twisting of any historical  facts.

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Re: [Vo]: Fwd: MAHG at TeslaTech convention

2006-09-03 Thread thomas malloy

John Berry wrote:

Of course there are those that claim that, but this isn't about 
seperation and recombination of H2 and O but of H and H.

Hum, my friend said that he has some new spark plugs coming that are 
supposed to make it possible to run an ICE on Brown's Gas. So if the 
plugs could do the H and H, or H and D reaction, his claims might just 
comport with theory. My waiting to see an ICE that runs on the output of 
the alternator may be at an end.

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Re: [Vo]: Steorm

2006-09-03 Thread Wesley Bruce
Thanks Robin, I thought I had typed kW but missed the mistake. Well 
spotted. Damn Dyslexia.

Robin van Spaandonk wrote:

In reply to  Wesley Bruce's message of Fri, 01 Sep 2006 01:10:22

If it is 500 mW / cc [0.5 watts/ litre] then I have about a hundred 

Actually 0.5 kW / L. (A mW is a milli-Watt, not a microwatt).
Clearly there are millions of applications for it (i.e. just about
everything that uses power).


applications for it.
One key question is whether it generates gyroscopic forces; that could 
make it  hard to use on a vehicle.

Not at all, just use them in pairs that compensate for one
another. Besides cars already contain fly-wheels, and they don't
cause any problems. The new Tesla electric car has a single
electric motor which also rotates, and that doesn't cause a

Robin van Spaandonk

Competition provides the motivation,
Cooperation provides the means.


Re: [Vo]: Steorm - a great post!

2006-09-03 Thread Wesley Bruce

Fix the typo in it it says 0.5 W should be 0.5 kW, Sorry about that.

Mark Goldes wrote:


You have hit the nail directly on the head.  This is the best summary 
I've seen of Steorn's reasoning before they decided to follow the path 
they have taken.

Hope you don't mind, but I've copied it to another venue...

Excellent analysis!


From: Wesley Bruce [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Vo]: Steorm
Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2006 01:10:22 +1000

Your overlooking the problem of patents. The patent will not be 
allowed if the theory is disputed and it gets worse if there is no 
theory at all.Steorm wants the patents on this. Peer reviews wont 
help the reviewers must have hands on contact. They simply wont 
believe a paper.

There are several ways to do what needs to be done.

   * Publish a peer review paper and a patent at the same time. The
 publicize both. That was what Fleischmann and Pons tried and it
 did not work.
   * The Steorm jury, This is the process used in the past with several
 disputed discoveries. Including the latitude contest, some early
 discoveries in medicine including immunization and safe blood
 donations. It is common in classified work where public papers etc
 would kill the projects secrecy.
   * Build a car or boat and dive or sail it past large audiences. The
 first submarine, the first  steam train contests and of cause the
 Wright brothers.
   * Publish the design outside peer review and have hundreds duplicate
 the work. Paul C.W. Chu and his colleagues, the discoverers of
 high temperature Yittirium based superconductors followed this
 path in part. As far as I know they had to forgo the possibility
 of patents but got major awards and posts which is a compensation.
 [if I have this bit wrong tell me please.]

Each has its challenges and it risks.
A test requires several things:

   * The starting impulse, if required, must be filly controlled and
 measured. I.e. do you start it with a shove or not?
   * It must run a load.
   * All wires,etc must be visible labeled and reasonably tamper proof.

If placed in an air tight box filled will it still run. This will get 
submarine designers interested.
If it still runs if it is turned upside down it will get a lot of 
Nasa attention.

The best test of a scam is to ask the two key questions.

  1. How do they intend to make a buck from the scam?
  2. How do they intend to escape prosecution if it is a scam. Can they
 run and hide somehow?

Steorm is not asking for money in any way and I can't see how they 
could be pulling a scam. Where's the money in it if their not telling 
the truth?
There is too much data on the people involved for them to up and run 
if it is a scam. A good conman never gets his photo all over the web.

These guys seem to be real. There may be an error that they can't see 
but there does not seem to be scam.

I doubt that the laws of thermodynamics are under any threat. Any 
demonstration of free energy is in effect simply a demonstration that 
we have not yet measured and named all of the energy fluxes in the 
the universe. Once we have a powerplant running in we can measure its 
out put from place to place,or over time or in proximity to other 
things. Any slight variations in output will allow us to map and then 
define the underlying energy flow.

If it is 500 mW / cc [0.5 watts/ litre] then I have about a hundred 
applications for it.
One key question is whether it generates gyroscopic forces; that 
could make it  hard to use on a vehicle.

William Beaty wrote:

On Sat, 26 Aug 2006, Mark Goldes wrote:

That is great news!

I have not listened to the interview.

All the more likely they have done what they claim.

If they just published detailed plans and construction info on their
website, (and if the device is relatively easy to get working,) 
there'd be

no need for this jury stuff.  It looks like a publicity stunt, not a
legit tactic.  On the other hand, their device could be like SMOT, 
and be

extremely difficult to work with.  That would be a good reason *not* to
just post the plans and let everyone try building it.  (The 

problem also involved a large number of failed replications.)

But if secrecy wasn't their philosophy, they could just *say* that 

otherwise just release everything ...but that their device is finicky.

Where FE is concerned, secrecy has always been the major evil in the 
The secrecy keeps onlookers from knowing whether it's a scam.  The 

sets up a catch-22 for selling OU products or even finding legit
investors.  And I suspect that if any groups want to suppress the
discovery, inventor's secrecy is absolutly critical to successful

Watch closely.   We'll see if I'm right again.

(( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
William J. Beaty

Re: [Vo]: If you were Steorm, what would YOU do?

2006-09-03 Thread OrionWorks
>From Terry:


> If I could spend more time on the project, I am almost
> certain we could close the loop.  But this waveform
> represents the gradient and is difficult to turn into
> the 1 joule pulse we need to fire the electromagnet. 
> However, Paul is bored with this device having first
> built it in 2003.  Plus he now has a billionaire investor.

Hmmm... Interesting. That billionaire investor's initials aren't B.G. are they?

It would be nice to see some serious investment in these controversial areas - finally.

Steven Vincent Johnson
Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]: If you were Steorm, what would YOU do?

2006-09-03 Thread Terry Blanton

On 9/3/06, OrionWorks [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hmmm... Interesting. That billionaire investor's initials aren't B.G. are

It would be nice to see some serious investment in these controversial areas
- finally.

Nope, R.R., from a totally energy unrelated business.  AAMOF the
presentation we gave was to RR and his head technical advisor, an ME.
RR said that he did not think that his holding company would be
interested since it was totally outside their line of business.
However, he said he was personally interested.  He presented it to his
BoD and they declined for the stated reason.

He is not in it for the money.  He has lived over four score years and
wants to leave a legacy.  His goal is to feed the hungry of the world.
Imagine what a fuel less energy source of only 1 kW could do for the
third world!

An amusing anecdote:  While they were signing the papers at one of the
largest country clubs here, Paul said the waiter asked for RR's
account number who gave the boy a three digit number.  The waiter said
that wasn't enough digits.  RR said check it out.  Of course they were
sequentially assigned and RR had merely left off the leading zeros.

Anyway, it will all be public soon.


Re: [Vo]: If you were Steorm, what would YOU do?

2006-09-03 Thread OrionWorks

Thanks for the clarification.


> An amusing anecdote:  While they were signing the papers
> at one of the largest country clubs here, Paul said the
> waiter asked for RR's account number who gave the boy a
> three digit number.  The waiter said that wasn't enough
> digits.  RR said check it out.  Of course they were
> sequentially assigned and RR had merely left off the
> leading zeros.
> :-)
> Anyway, it will all be public soon.
> Terry

And I look forward to reading about it too!

PS: There's an irrational part of me that sometimes thinks that some of those middle eastern countries would feel much happier about their circumstances and themselves if they could just find a way to get back to the basics in life - you know, the nomadic way of life, herding camels, and living in tents out in the pristine desert. Almost sounds romantic.

Let's see if we can help them out.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]: Coming Alive with biofuel

2006-09-03 Thread thomas malloy

Jones Beene wrote:

The Lesser of Evils. When you hear that phrase, you can bet that 
'political expediency' is waiting to take the stage.

There is said to be no humor (and little sanity) in the Biofuel arena- 
at least in the 'big picture' - especially if it were to 'boil down' 
the issue to either distilling ethanol from edible grain, or else 
buying Arab oil (which among other things subsidizes the purchasing 
the bombs by extremists used to kill our troops, allies and whatever 
collateral damage is inevitable).

Coal can be turned into ethanol by making it into ethalyene oxide and 
then hydrogenating it.

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