
Thanks for the clarification.


> An amusing anecdote: While they were signing the papers
> at one of the largest country clubs here, Paul said the
> waiter asked for RR's account number who gave the boy a
> three digit number. The waiter said that wasn't enough
> digits. RR said check it out. Of course they were
> sequentially assigned and RR had merely left off the
> leading zeros.
> :-)
> Anyway, it will all be public soon.
> Terry

And I look forward to reading about it too!

PS: There's an irrational part of me that sometimes thinks that some of those middle eastern countries would feel much happier about their circumstances and themselves if they could just find a way to get back to the basics in life - you know, the nomadic way of life, herding camels, and living in tents out in the pristine desert. Almost sounds romantic.

Let's see if we can help them out.

Steven Vincent Johnson

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