Re: [Vo]:TEST

2010-02-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

Kyle Mcallister wrote:

A few days ago, I attempted to post a message. It was rejected with 
the following message:

  - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
|flist vortex-l
(reason: Cannot open input)
(expanded from:

I had the very same problem.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Cold fusion journal list

2010-02-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

Horace Heffner wrote:

The journal name abbreviations are from an approved list that Ed 
Storms copied from Los Alamos years ago. I found an on-line version 
at U. British Columbia: 


Indian J. Theo. Phys.
Infinite Energy -

Nice to see Infinite Energy in the list.

Well, it isn't on the lists at Los Alamos or U. British Columbia. 
That's why it is not abbreviated.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:The Jed Rothwell Song

2010-02-22 Thread FZNIDARSIC
Good ideas all.  I was playing that song with my left hand on the  piano, 
right hand on the organ,
and feet on the drum and symbol.
Can you believe it, I never had a music lesson.
I could use a singer.  Jed, can you sing?

Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Don W.:

 Google the following:
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 bloom energy fuel cell
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Needless to say rampant blogging, both pro and con,  is in full swing
in regards to the legitimacy of this new technology. I hope they
succeed. Inevitably a few bloggers have already speculated that
certain fossil fuel energy companies will try to buy them out so that
the technology can be buried - out-of-sight out-of-mind. I find such
speculation to be absurd. If anything natural gas companies should be
jumping up and down for glee. They will help fund it! The rampant
manufacture of bloom boxes spreading across the planet like an
unchecked virus is likely to guarantee a bright  secure future for
all natural gas companies and their share holders for decades to come.

What interests me more is the likelihood that bloom boxes may help
usher in a subtle shift in global consciousness as individuals,
neighborhood, villages, and countries begin to realize the fact that
it is no longer necessary to rely on the construction of centralized
(and vulnerable to terrorism) power plants. The planet's consciousness
will gradually swing towards a novel concept: That energy
self-sufficiency starts in the home, and not at some massive power
plant located 300 miles away. Later, as newer and even more exotic AE
technologies, such as cold fusion, or BLP finally get their act in
gear and start manufacturing their own devices I suspect there will be
few BloomBox customers who will bat and eye and trade in their
bloomboxes for an even better and cleaner (a true CO2 free)

I suspect it's likely that most of the developing countries,
particularly those with undeveloped centralized power infrastructures
in place, are likely to reap tremendous benefits from the bloombox -
probably far more immediate benefits than most developed nations are
likely to feel.

Steven Vincent Johnson


2010-02-22 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

Here-here:  Yes indeed this is the 'classic' picture.  However; because we are 
a relatively 'low-density' energy 'bubble/universe' within a 
Hyper-density/hyper-speed/hyper-fluidic(thusly HYPER-GRAVIONIC) DarkEnergy 
Carrier wave AEXO-COSMOS;-- the BIG-CRUNCH 'classic' theory is fundamentally 
in error.  And in point of fact; the big-bang/big-crunch picture is exactly 
inverse/inside-out/and backwards.


The Einstein-Strange 'truth' is pretty much a mirror-image reverse of how we 
have 'interpreted' the data up until now.  THE GALAXIES/all-atomic-mass is 
HYPER ACCELERATING to be 'disolved'(indeed) but at the OUTER-UNIVERSE BORDER to 
the fanfare of the WELL-OBSERVED(a la' Saul 
360-degree-spherical array of HYPER-GAMMA-RAY BURSTER beacon phenomenon a 


In short this is a 'CONTINUOUS' fluid-dynamic system and the UNIVERSE 
well(although modulated  balanced since the PAROXISMAL Big-Band INITIAL 
OPENING MOMENT of the SUPER-WHITE-HOLE plasma-ingress-breach from 

The 'classic' view of 'Gravity' is OBSOLETE/REDUNDANT. 
is the 'classic-views' FACTUAL REPLACEMENT.-Jake Lev-Harbach/O'Sullivan-(not 
meant to be 'rude'//just fact)




 Subject: [Vo]:\'Gravity\' IS el GRAVION WAVE=The TACHYON-WAVE
 Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2010 04:17:23 +0200
 Gravity Simplified
 Gravity Is The Monotheism Of The Cosmos
 A. E=Total[m(1 + D)]
 Is the relationship between the cosmic energy(E), mass(m), and spatial
 expansion distance(D) since the cataclysmic E/m superposition resolution.
 At 10^-35 seconds since big bang, D was already a fraction of a second above
 zero. This is when gravity started. This is what started gravity. At this
 instance started the energy space texture, the straining of space texture,
 and started the space-texture-memory, gravity, that most probably will
 eventually overcome expansion and initiate impansion back to singularity,
 The clusters of galaxies behave as accelerating classical Newtonian bodies.
 Their motion is fueled with energy from myriads of mass-to-energy
 reconversions, in intertwined evolutions within the clusters.
 B. The mass-to-energy reconversions continuously diminish m, as D
 continuously increases
 The energy spent on increasing D, the clusters expansion, becomes the
 potential impansion energy that will eventually re-form singularity. This is
 gravity. This is the striving of the resolved-from-energy mass to return to
 its sigularity wholeness.
 m are ALL cosmic formats of mass, regardless of size and complexity,
 including astronomic-to-smallest-particle bodies and all energy-mass
 organizations such as black holes environs, biospheres-lifes, all sizes and
 varieties of spin-arrays.
 C. Mass is destined to dis-exist. It attempts to postpone-survive this by
 ingesting of energy
 The cosmic expansion will eventually nearly run out of fuel-energy, when at
 some value of D it will be overcome by gravity and impansion will thus set
 in. The universe will then revert towards singularity. D will go on a
 diminishing course and m will enter a growing course of evolution, very
 different from the present cosmic evolution course.
 D. Gravity Is The Monotheism Of The Cosmos
 The universe came into being with inflation, with the onset of gravity.
 Gravity has been setting the course and nature of all the aspects of its
 evolution. Gravity will eventually terminate cosmic expansion and reverse
 the course of cosmic evolution.
 Gravity Is The Monotheism Of The Cosmos
 Dov Henis
 (Comments From The 22nd Century)
 28Dec09 Implications Of E=Total[m(1 + D)]
 Cosmic Evolution Simplified

Do you have a story that started on Hotmail? Tell us now


2010-02-22 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

THE EASY ADJUSTMENT: per John Wheeler would be:-- BAE-Constant @ 1E= {5.6 * 
10^94 g / cm^3}  and then 'work-up' from there.-Jack-

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 10:26:54 -0800

What do you arrive at for a mass-energy density of Space?  I trend to subscribe 
to John Wheeler's approach which leads to about .--5.6 * 10^94 g / 
cm^3(Relativistic Aether on Steroids!)

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 16:49:07 +

-Jack Harbach O'Sullivan- AEXODarkEnergy/GRAVION-TACHYON WAVE

Transdimensional/Transtemporally/Transpectrumally Fractallation-Viscosity LAW 
is INEXORABLE  UBIQUITOUS  provides universally that EINSTEIN-ROSEN 
of the Micro-Cosmos/Macro-Cosmos/HyperSpace-HyperEnergyAexocosmos.
The subsequent INFLOW energy can becontrolled in the ZPE-TOROID REACTOR via 
FIELD-DRAG and will/is availing us VIRTUALLY INFINITE cross-spectrum 
flow/induction energy.
* * *OR:  How the BIG-BANG left us ACCESS via the 
Electro-Plasmic-Gravion-Toroid 'BREACH REACTORS our ZPE-Einstein/Rosen 
connection to PARENT/PARALLEL/ADJACENT Gravion-Tachyon-speed DarkEnergy  
AEXOCOSMOS HYPER-SPACE.  The multi-Bubble Universes spawn Champagne like as 
relative LOW-DENSITY BUBBLES with Dark Energy Hyper Space via the 
SYPHON system that we call our UNIVERSE.

* * * In SHORT:  Gravity is a Tachyon-Speed-SUPER-WAVE; now seen as THE 
'The Weak Force,' but rather THE ONLY FORCE misunderstood when 'seen' at 
various functional levels within a self-attenuated force-gradient range due to 
micro-atomic structural process interactions * * *

* * * 
CASIMIR FORCEs:  Via this model Casimir Forces become far easier to 
define/understand and mathmatically plot; even though the 
AEXOTACHYON-GRAVION WAVE ingress-atomic-field lends itself to TRANSTEMPORAL 
distortions within said PROTON-CENTRAL TOROIDAL COMPRESSION field.  This cross 
correlates in macrocosm to the PROTON as a the 'micro-sized'  model of the 

* * * ZPE/Feynman* * **And the most 'simple-key' is recognizing a basic 
starting-foundational ENERGY CONSTANT which I have called the BAE-Constant /or 
Base Ambient Energy Constant for our 'Space-Time-Normal' Bubble Universe 
ofsimplyONE-ENERGY---1E; and the subtle profundity in this that 
subsequent calculations will 'ONLY WORK' via DELETING the concept of a 
ZERO-ENERGY speed-density level.  And 'bottom line,' since we are truely 
the large irony in accessing said ZPE is first accomplished by deleting the 
ZERO.  Obviously, although subtley, in modern mathmatical constructs the 
inclusion of a 0/ZERO-CONSTANT was GENIUS-HUGE.  But in ENERGY, ZERO is a 
FICTION.  And this alone has what has been hanging us up from Newton until Now.

IN SHORT:  There is NO SUCH STATE as a TOTAL ENERGY VOID/vacuum. ergo-'Empty' 
Insterstellar Space is 'relatively' the state of BAE-Constant energy 
speed-density level of ONE-'E'nergy, or, 1E-Space-Time-Normal.  This renders 
Einstein's E=MC^2quared a la' BAE-Constant at 1E to convert solving for 'M'ass 
being more clearly( CONSTANTly) to read--{M=EC^2quared)
BAE-Constant 1E at Light-Speed/'C' is simply LIGHT=EC
One Hydrogen ELECTRO-VALENT-SHELL-field= ONE QUANTUM-ELECTRON at speed-density 
formula--- 1EVS=E(C/2)^2quared  or ONE QUANTUM ELECTRON(/or 'current 
quantum-electron flow') energy speed-density at BAE-Constant 1E x 
Half-light-speed SQUARED.
In short(again) our Space-Time-Normal Universe is a 'Bubble' within(relatively 
inifinte) the AexoDarkEnergySpace AEXOCOSMOS which at AEXO-BAE=EC^3ubed which 
GREAT NEWS:  It's time to 'reboot' aka it's a 'NEW BALL GAME' with 'not merely' 
a NEW SCORE CARD; oh no;
IT. . . (also, Great news Spook, no gruel today!---Ok Screw, What are we 
having for lunch? CRAMPS~;-)
NEWTONIAN PHYSICS quantified Gravitational Attraction between 'object/bodies' 
within Space-Time-Normal
according to their Relative-Mass.  In the Newtonian Principia the old 
Alchemyst accomplished this with
Genius-Accuracy of mathmatic precision; and thusly in a real defacto sence 

[Vo]:Smoke ring collisions

2010-02-22 Thread Alexander Hollins
Attention Bill, I figured you'd find this interesting.

Its two vortex rings of different colored smoke hitting each other
head on.  Very cool.

[Vo]:96% Solar

2010-02-22 Thread Wm. Scott Smith

California Institute of Technology (Caltech) researchers have demonstrated 
flexible solar cells that absorb up to 96 percent of incident light, by growing 
arrays of silicon wires in a polymer substrate.,9497514579,2010-02-23,EEOL,ARTICLE_ALERT


Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 16:05:52 +

THE EASY ADJUSTMENT: per John Wheeler would be:-- BAE-Constant @ 1E= {5.6 * 
10^94 g / cm^3}  and then 'work-up' from there.-Jack-

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 10:26:54 -0800

What do you arrive at for a mass-energy density of Space?  I trend to subscribe 
to John Wheeler's approach which leads to about .--5.6 * 10^94 g / 
cm^3(Relativistic Aether on Steroids!)

Date: Sat, 13 Feb 2010 16:49:07 +

-Jack Harbach O'Sullivan- AEXODarkEnergy/GRAVION-TACHYON WAVE

Transdimensional/Transtemporally/Transpectrumally Fractallation-Viscosity LAW 
is INEXORABLE  UBIQUITOUS  provides universally that EINSTEIN-ROSEN 
of the Micro-Cosmos/Macro-Cosmos/HyperSpace-HyperEnergyAexocosmos.
The subsequent INFLOW energy can becontrolled in the ZPE-TOROID REACTOR via 
FIELD-DRAG and will/is availing us VIRTUALLY INFINITE cross-spectrum 
flow/induction energy.
* * *OR:  How the BIG-BANG left us ACCESS via the 
Electro-Plasmic-Gravion-Toroid 'BREACH REACTORS our ZPE-Einstein/Rosen 
connection to PARENT/PARALLEL/ADJACENT Gravion-Tachyon-speed DarkEnergy  
AEXOCOSMOS HYPER-SPACE.  The multi-Bubble Universes spawn Champagne like as 
relative LOW-DENSITY BUBBLES with Dark Energy Hyper Space via the 
SYPHON system that we call our UNIVERSE.

* * * In SHORT:  Gravity is a Tachyon-Speed-SUPER-WAVE; now seen as THE 
'The Weak Force,' but rather THE ONLY FORCE misunderstood when 'seen' at 
various functional levels within a self-attenuated force-gradient range due to 
micro-atomic structural process interactions * * *

* * * 
CASIMIR FORCEs:  Via this model Casimir Forces become far easier to 
define/understand and mathmatically plot; even though the 
AEXOTACHYON-GRAVION WAVE ingress-atomic-field lends itself to TRANSTEMPORAL 
distortions within said PROTON-CENTRAL TOROIDAL COMPRESSION field.  This cross 
correlates in macrocosm to the PROTON as a the 'micro-sized'  model of the 

* * * ZPE/Feynman* * **And the most 'simple-key' is recognizing a basic 
starting-foundational ENERGY CONSTANT which I have called the BAE-Constant /or 
Base Ambient Energy Constant for our 'Space-Time-Normal' Bubble Universe 
ofsimplyONE-ENERGY---1E; and the subtle profundity in this that 
subsequent calculations will 'ONLY WORK' via DELETING the concept of a 
ZERO-ENERGY speed-density level.  And 'bottom line,' since we are truely 
the large irony in accessing said ZPE is first accomplished by deleting the 
ZERO.  Obviously, although subtley, in modern mathmatical constructs the 
inclusion of a 0/ZERO-CONSTANT was GENIUS-HUGE.  But in ENERGY, ZERO is a 
FICTION.  And this alone has what has been hanging us up from Newton until Now.

IN SHORT:  There is NO SUCH STATE as a TOTAL ENERGY VOID/vacuum. ergo-'Empty' 
Insterstellar Space is 'relatively' the state of BAE-Constant energy 
speed-density level of ONE-'E'nergy, or, 1E-Space-Time-Normal.  This renders 
Einstein's E=MC^2quared a la' BAE-Constant at 1E to convert solving for 'M'ass 
being more clearly( CONSTANTly) to read--{M=EC^2quared)
BAE-Constant 1E at Light-Speed/'C' is simply LIGHT=EC
One Hydrogen ELECTRO-VALENT-SHELL-field= ONE QUANTUM-ELECTRON at speed-density 
formula--- 1EVS=E(C/2)^2quared  or ONE QUANTUM ELECTRON(/or 'current 
quantum-electron flow') energy speed-density at BAE-Constant 1E x 
Half-light-speed SQUARED.
In short(again) our Space-Time-Normal Universe is a 'Bubble' within(relatively 
inifinte) the AexoDarkEnergySpace AEXOCOSMOS which at AEXO-BAE=EC^3ubed which 
GREAT NEWS:  It's time to 'reboot' aka it's a 'NEW BALL GAME' 

Re: [Vo]:Smoke ring collisions

2010-02-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
That's astounding! Who would have though it would be so symmetrical. 
It must be perfectly still air inside the test box.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread Terry Blanton

I think Bloom Energy is looking to install 100 Kilowatt power units
in everyone's houses. These will be flex-fuel, but likely running
mostly on natural gas. They will also probably produce heat, and
cooling, as well as power, making the devices roughly 85% efficient
(thus generating two times less greenhouse gas emissions than a power
plant per unit of power used.) 

Not very geeky considering that the mean electric power consumption
for an average house is 1 kW.  A 10 kW unit should be adequate.



2010-02-22 Thread Rick Monteverde
Don't forget the electric car in the garage.

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton [] 
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 9:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

I think Bloom Energy is looking to install 100 Kilowatt power units
in everyone's houses. These will be flex-fuel, but likely running
mostly on natural gas. They will also probably produce heat, and
cooling, as well as power, making the devices roughly 85% efficient
(thus generating two times less greenhouse gas emissions than a power
plant per unit of power used.) 

Not very geeky considering that the mean electric power consumption
for an average house is 1 kW.  A 10 kW unit should be adequate.


Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread Jed Rothwell

Terry Blanton wrote:

I think Bloom Energy is looking to install 100 Kilowatt power units
in everyone's houses. These will be flex-fuel, but likely running
mostly on natural gas. They will also probably produce heat, and
cooling, as well as power, making the devices roughly 85% efficient
(thus generating two times less greenhouse gas emissions than a power
plant per unit of power used.) 

Not very geeky considering that the mean electric power consumption
for an average house is 1 kW.  A 10 kW unit should be adequate.

Adequate, yes, but if you have huge house and you want keep 
everything running because you use the generator full time, you need 
something bigger. The Generac corporation has a web page used to size 
their stand-by generators: 

I just told the configuration page that I live in Atlanta and have a 
5000 sq. ft. house and I want to turn on absolutely everything they 
have listed at the same time. The page figured I would need 46 kW to 
59 kW of capacity.

The Generac Guardian Series 60 kW unit costs $16,122 retail from

Actually my house is 2000 sq. ft. and I don't even have most of the 
high demand stuff they list on the config page such as an electric 
range and electric water heater or a hot tub. Configuring it for my 
real house, which has a heat pump, it tells me I need 12 kW to 16 kW 
and recommends the 17 kW unit, which Amazon sells for $3,600, 
including the panel and equipment for the automatic transfer switch. 
It is powered by natural gas. Very reasonable cost. If I had someone 
in the house with a medical condition that requires electricity (as a 
neighbor of mine used to have) I would get one of these.

I suppose it would cost a few grand to have this installed . . .

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Rick Monteverde wrote:
 Don't forget the electric car in the garage.

Nope.  That's where I put the blooming Bloombox.

The car needs about 20 hp to take me to work.  That's about 30 kWh
both ways.  Considering I sleep with the lights off, I should be able
to top it off before work.

It's the HVAC that will be the kicker.  I foresee a business in
residential load management centers.

Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread Terry Blanton
My friend who lives in the St. Ives Country Club has a 50 kW diesel.
His house is about 8,000 ft^2.

100 kW is just ridiculous.  You have to supply fuel still.

Buy the 10 kW unit and one my my fine load management centers I am
presently designing.  :-)


On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:39 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
 Terry Blanton wrote:

 I think Bloom Energy is looking to install 100 Kilowatt power units
 in everyone's houses. These will be flex-fuel, but likely running
 mostly on natural gas. They will also probably produce heat, and
 cooling, as well as power, making the devices roughly 85% efficient
 (thus generating two times less greenhouse gas emissions than a power
 plant per unit of power used.) 

 Not very geeky considering that the mean electric power consumption
 for an average house is 1 kW.  A 10 kW unit should be adequate.

 Adequate, yes, but if you have huge house and you want keep everything
 running because you use the generator full time, you need something bigger.
 The Generac corporation has a web page used to size their stand-by

 I just told the configuration page that I live in Atlanta and have a 5000
 sq. ft. house and I want to turn on absolutely everything they have listed
 at the same time. The page figured I would need 46 kW to 59 kW of capacity.

 The Generac Guardian Series 60 kW unit costs $16,122 retail from

 Actually my house is 2000 sq. ft. and I don't even have most of the high
 demand stuff they list on the config page such as an electric range and
 electric water heater or a hot tub. Configuring it for my real house, which
 has a heat pump, it tells me I need 12 kW to 16 kW and recommends the 17 kW
 unit, which Amazon sells for $3,600, including the panel and equipment for
 the automatic transfer switch. It is powered by natural gas. Very reasonable
 cost. If I had someone in the house with a medical condition that requires
 electricity (as a neighbor of mine used to have) I would get one of these.

 I suppose it would cost a few grand to have this installed . . .

 - Jed

Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

2010-02-22 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From Terry:

 I think Bloom Energy is looking to install 100 Kilowatt power units
 in everyone's houses. These will be flex-fuel, but likely running
 mostly on natural gas. They will also probably produce heat, and
 cooling, as well as power, making the devices roughly 85% efficient
 (thus generating two times less greenhouse gas emissions than a power
 plant per unit of power used.) 

 Not very geeky considering that the mean electric power consumption
 for an average house is 1 kW.  A 10 kW unit should be adequate.

Indeed, I was also under the impression that you only need to produce
50 kw units to power most cars. American households OTOH typically
need far less than 100 kw. I was told: Possibly up to 20 - 25 kw for
peak performance.

If this company actually does start selling 100 kw units in-mass for
American household there is obviously the potential to generate a lot
of excess electricity that could be fed back into the grid, a kind of
collective insurance energy program that benefits the local
neighborhood. As Mike Carrell once commented, it would become crucial
that any excess electricity destined to be fed back into the grid be
synchronized in order to avoid explosive power transmission
disasters.I envision a lot of regulation will soon be in store for
anyone who wishes to generate their own electricity. Soon in the works
will be new rules and regulations that everyone must adhere to in
order to practice safe grid procedures.

It's my understanding that at present these 100 kw units cost hundreds
of thousands of dollars using current manufacturing
techniques.Obviously they plan on reducing current costs significantly
within 5 - 10 years. They have even speculated on the possibility of
being able to sell 100 kw units for a mere $3000. That's a tall order
considering their current price tag. Nevertheless, necessity is the
mother of invention, so I gather it's not entirely impossible.

IMO, what might be a more lucrative approach would be to manufacture
smaller Bloom boxes, boxes a quarter of the current size, where they
only generate 25 kw at peak performance. In theory that could mean
individual unit costs might be be reduced to around $1000. Very

Steven Vincent Johnson


2010-02-22 Thread Rick Monteverde
The thing's huge! And add the fuel tank too. Not practical for a car. 

-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton [] 
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 9:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:The BLOOM BOX

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Rick Monteverde wrote:
 Don't forget the electric car in the garage.

Nope.  That's where I put the blooming Bloombox.

The car needs about 20 hp to take me to work.  That's about 30 kWh
both ways.  Considering I sleep with the lights off, I should be able
to top it off before work.

It's the HVAC that will be the kicker.  I foresee a business in
residential load management centers.

[Vo]:Casimir effect, Time and Lorentzian Ether Theory

2010-02-22 Thread Roarty, Francis X

Numerous claims of anomalous heat between atomic hydrogen and catalysts 
supports the [url=]relativistic; 
hydrogen theory of Jan Naudts[/url]. Naudts theory resolved the controversy 
regarding fractional hydrogen but introduced relativistic hydrogen inside a 
stationary reactor! This is not hydrogen accelerated through space to luminal 
velocities; this concept requires equivalent motion between time and space 
but unlike the slowing of time by a gravitational mass associated with normal 
equivalence; this solution accelerates time. When defects or cavities occur in 
a conductive mass meeting Casimir geometry the opposition to time flow is 
reversed, the cavity is comparable to a small whole in a large sail that 
releases the pressure accumulated by the plates into an accelerated stream 
many times faster than the isotropic rate outside the cavity. The accelerated 
stream inside the Casimir cavity relative to the spatial axis places any matter 
inside the cavity into a different inertial frame relative to matter outside 
the cavity through equivalence. Applying Naudts interpretation to Casimir 
effect reveals that larger virtual particles are not displaced instead the 
virtual particles are in a different inertial frame and only appear smaller 
like the fractional hydrogen this theory is based on. The theory dictates a 
moving time stream like 
[url=]Lorentz Ether 
theory[/url] which is presently less preferred than Special relativity but 
equally valid mathematically. The conclusion extends Lorentz Ether theory to an 
ether with a variable rate based on mass and Casimir effect. 
[url=]see animation[/url], It means that Time 
is only isotropic at the mesoscopic scale and can be broken abruptly inside a 
Casimir cavity. There is growing reason to consider that Casimir force is based 
on the same principle as the strong nuclear force. The Puthoff atomic model is 
kept from decaying by this etheric motion and Tesla's conjecture that the sun 
consumes more energy than it generates also appears supported by this concept. 
IMHO time is a stream of ether that manifests itself as virtual particles when 
it intersects the spatial axis in the present. These virtual particles 
permeate all atomic and subatomic matter, driving both orbital motion and the 
stiction we call the strong force in the nucleus.

From Wikipedia: Lorentz's initial theory created in 1892 and 1895 was based on 
a completely motionless ether. It explained the failure of the negative ether 
drift experiments to first order in v/c by introducing a auxiliary variable 
called local time for connecting systems at rest and in motion in the ether. 
In addition, the negative result of the Michelson-Morley experiment led to the 
introduction of the hypothesis of length contraction in 1892. However, other 
experiments also produced negative results and so Lorentz was forced in 1899 
and 1904 to expand his theory to (nearly) all orders in v/c by introducing the 
Lorentz transformation, and to assume the electromagnetic nature of all 
forces. Guided by the principle of relativity the theory (The New Mechanics) 
was further developed in 1905 by Henri Poincaré, and also by Lorentz in 1909. 
Poincaré corrected some mistakes of Lorentz's theory, and maintained that also 
non-electromagnetic forces had to be taken into account. Many aspects of 
Lorentz's theory were incorporated into special relativity (SR) with the works 
of Albert Einstein and Hermann Minkowski.
Today LET is often treated as some sort of Lorentzian or neo-Lorentzian 
interpretation of special relativity. The introduction of length contraction 
and time dilation for all phenomena in a preferred frame of reference (which 
plays the role of Lorentz's immobile ether), leads to the complete Lorentz 
transformation. Because of the same mathematical formalism it is not possible 
to distinguish between LET and SR by experiment. However, in LET the existence 
of an undetectable ether is assumed and the validity of the relativity 
principle seems to be only coincidental, which is one reason why SR is commonly 
preferred over LET. Another important reason for preferring SR is that the new 
understanding of space and time was also fundamental for the development of 
general relativity.

[Vo]:RE: Smoke ring variables and the ring of ringlets

2010-02-22 Thread Wm. Scott Smith

I was wondering if all the little rings persisted.  I also wondered what would 
happen if both rigns were emitted from the same side but took different paths 
so that one ring could come up behind the other ring.

Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

[Vo]:Let's Test the Relativistic Cavity Concept

2010-02-22 Thread Wm. Scott Smith

Hey Guys!


(This could really be significant.  I smell a Nobel Prize cooking here!!!)  


If this relativistic cavity thing is true, then the nuclear reactions will be 
accelerated!  This opens up the Cold-Fusion thing, the Z-PEC concept, not to 
mention, this experiment might release significant amounts of nuclear 
heat--expecially if we used Kr 85 instead of Kr 81.


Let's pin this thing down and figure out how we can do the experiment where 
slightly radioactive Kr 81 gas is exposed to a powdered Raney Nickel that has 
been activated---in other words, it has lots of little cavities in the 
remaining spongey Nickel.


Surely, somebody out there has access to a lab---or has a business that is in 
an industrially zoned area that could receive shipments of these material since 
they won't ship to non-industrially zoned areas or non-commercial addresses.


Perhaps somebody else will pay--probably 50-100USD.  Maybe someone else knows a 
business that handles commercial gases or actually uses Kr81 (or Kr85)


We need to come up with a geiger-counter.  


If you see how we can do any part of this please speak up!



Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 15:55:29 -0500
Subject: [Vo]:Casimir effect, Time and Lorentzian Ether Theory

Numerous claims of anomalous heat between atomic hydrogen and catalysts 
supports the [url=]“relativistic” 
hydrogen theory of Jan Naudts[/url]. Naudts theory resolved the controversy 
regarding fractional hydrogen but introduced “relativistic” hydrogen inside a 
stationary reactor! This is not hydrogen accelerated through space to luminal 
velocities; this concept requires “equivalent motion” between time and space 
but unlike the slowing of time by a gravitational mass associated with normal 
equivalence; this solution accelerates time. When defects or cavities occur in 
a conductive mass meeting Casimir geometry the opposition to time flow is 
reversed, the cavity is comparable to a small whole in a large sail that 
releases the pressure accumulated by the “plates” into an “accelerated” stream 
many times faster than the isotropic rate outside the cavity. The accelerated 
stream inside the Casimir cavity relative to the spatial axis places any matter 
inside the cavity into a different inertial frame relative to matter outside 
the cavity through “equivalence”. Applying Naudts interpretation to Casimir 
effect reveals that larger virtual particles are not “displaced” instead the 
virtual particles are in a different inertial frame and only appear smaller 
like the fractional hydrogen this theory is based on. The theory dictates a 
moving time stream like 
[url=]Lorentz Ether 
theory[/url] which is presently less preferred than Special relativity but 
equally valid mathematically. The conclusion extends Lorentz Ether theory to an 
ether with a “variable” rate based on mass and Casimir effect. 
[url=]see animation[/url], It means that Time 
is only isotropic at the mesoscopic scale and can be broken abruptly inside a 
Casimir cavity. There is growing reason to consider that Casimir force is based 
on the same principle as the strong nuclear force. The Puthoff atomic model is 
kept from decaying by this “etheric motion” and Tesla’s conjecture that the sun 
consumes more energy than it generates also appears supported by this concept. 
IMHO time is a stream of ether that manifests itself as virtual particles when 
it intersects the spatial axis in the “present”. These virtual particles 
permeate all atomic and subatomic matter, driving both orbital motion and the 
stiction we call the strong force in the nucleus. 
From Wikipedia: Lorentz's initial theory created in 1892 and 1895 was based on 
a completely motionless ether. It explained the failure of the negative ether 
drift experiments to first order in v/c by introducing a auxiliary variable 
called local time for connecting systems at rest and in motion in the ether. 
In addition, the negative result of the Michelson-Morley experiment led to the 
introduction of the hypothesis of length contraction in 1892. However, other 
experiments also produced negative results and so Lorentz was forced in 1899 
and 1904 to expand his theory to (nearly) all orders in v/c by introducing the 
Lorentz transformation, and to assume the electromagnetic nature of all 
forces. Guided by the principle of relativity the theory (The New Mechanics) 
was further developed in 1905 by Henri Poincaré, and also by Lorentz in 1909. 
Poincaré corrected some mistakes of Lorentz's theory, and maintained that also 
non-electromagnetic forces had to be taken into account. Many aspects of 
Lorentz's theory were incorporated into special relativity (SR) with the works 
of Albert Einstein and Hermann Minkowski.
Today LET is often treated as some sort of Lorentzian or 

Re: [Vo]:Storms’ Theory “Explains All Known Cold Fusion Phenomena”

2010-02-22 Thread Steven Krivit

Storms responds, Krivit responds:

Re: [Vo]:Smoke ring collisions

2010-02-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
That's a splendid little video, and an elegant demonstration of spin
conservation. I urge people to see it.

The air particles and spin both rotate 90 degrees as a result of the
collision. Fascinating!

It would be interesting to see how this works in a low pressure cell, close
to vacuum. I wonder if it would resemble the computer simulations of
colliding galaxies, in which the stars fly out in all directions, presumably
because individual particle interactions (particles being stars in this
case) predominate. Not at all like the ordered behavior of the air molecules
in this video.

Maybe the disordered effect I am thinking of could only be achieved with a
noble gas at low pressure.

- Jed

[Vo]:Sci. Am. bats plasma fusion

2010-02-22 Thread Jed Rothwell
I have the print edition. I don't know why I keep giving these jerks my
money . . . Anyway, see:

Fusion's False Dawn ( Preview )

Scientists have long dreamed of harnessing nuclear fusion—the power plant
of the stars—for a safe, clean and virtually unlimited energy supply. Even
as a historic milestone nears, skeptics question whether a working reactor
will ever be possible.

The only mention of CF is a plug for Seife's book.

- Jed

RE: [Vo]:Smoke ring collisions

2010-02-22 Thread Jones Beene
From: Jed Rothwell 


*  That's a splendid little video, and an elegant demonstration of spin
conservation. I urge people to see it.


. if it is authentic, it is splendid indeed.


*  The air particles and spin both rotate 90 degrees as a result of the
collision. Fascinating!


. that is the part that almost looks too contrived to me - to be accepted
as true without a thorough investigation (at least to my thinking). There
simply does not seem to be enough momentum in the initial colliding tori to
carry forward and retain the spin structure for that kind of orthogonal
change and transfer.


It would be relatively easy to fake with computer graphics, if someone were
so inclined . but I hate to even mention that possibility, since there is
absolutely no apparent reason to believe that deception was involved - other
than there are plenty of geeks who would delight in the challenge.



Re: [Vo]:Smoke ring collisions

2010-02-22 Thread Harry Veeder
better quality video here


From: Jed Rothwell
Sent: Mon, February 22, 2010 8:13:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Smoke ring collisions

That's a splendid little video, and an elegant demonstration of spin 
conservation. I urge people to see it.

The air particles and spin both rotate 90 degrees as a result of the 
collision. Fascinating!

It would be interesting to see how this works in a low pressure cell, close to 
vacuum. I wonder if it would resemble the computer simulations of colliding 
galaxies, in which the stars fly out in all directions, presumably because 
individual particle interactions (particles being stars in this case) 
predominate. Not at all like the ordered behavior of the air molecules in this 

Maybe the disordered effect I am thinking of could only be achieved with a 
noble gas at low pressure.

- Jed

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[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Storms’ Theory “Explains All Known Cold Fusion Phenomena”

2010-02-22 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/22/2010 04:56 PM, Steven Krivit wrote:

The article begins:

 According to an Oct. 5, 2009, press release on the Lyndon LaRouche
 Political Action Committee Web site,

Say ... what??

Re: [Vo]:Smoke ring collisions

2010-02-22 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/22/2010 08:38 PM, Jones Beene wrote:

 *From:* Jed Rothwell

 Ø That's a splendid little video, and an elegant demonstration of spin
 conservation. I urge people to see it.

 … if it is authentic, it is splendid indeed.

It looks authentic enough -- but it's *NOT* smoke rings.

It's dye in water.

It doesn't move like smoke in air; it moves like dye in water.

It seems obvious that's liquid, not gas, we're seeing in these videos.

The YouTube post doesn't say what it's in; it's only the low res copy
which was asserted to be smoke rings, but that assertion obviously
didn't come from the original author of the video.

 Ø The air particles and spin both rotate 90 degrees as a result of the
 collision. Fascinating!

 … that is the part that “almost” looks too contrived to me – to be
 accepted as true without a thorough investigation (at least to my
 thinking). There simply does not seem to be enough momentum in the
 initial colliding tori to carry forward and retain the spin structure
 for that kind of orthogonal change and transfer.

 It would be relatively easy to fake with computer graphics, if someone
 were so inclined … but I hate to even mention that possibility, since
 there is absolutely no apparent reason to believe that deception was
 involved – other than there are plenty of geeks who would delight in
 the challenge.


Re: [Vo]:Smoke ring collisions

2010-02-22 Thread Alexander Hollins

the creators

National University of Singapore

On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:38 PM, Jones Beene wrote:
 From: Jed Rothwell

 Ø  That's a splendid little video, and an elegant demonstration of spin
 conservation. I urge people to see it.

 … if it is authentic, it is splendid indeed.

 Ø  The air particles and spin both rotate 90 degrees as a result of the
 collision. Fascinating!

 … that is the part that “almost” looks too contrived to me – to be accepted
 as true without a thorough investigation (at least to my thinking). There
 simply does not seem to be enough momentum in the initial colliding tori to
 carry forward and retain the spin structure for that kind of orthogonal
 change and transfer.

 It would be relatively easy to fake with computer graphics, if someone were
 so inclined … but I hate to even mention that possibility, since there is
 absolutely no apparent reason to believe that deception was involved – other
 than there are plenty of geeks who would delight in the challenge.


RE: [Vo]:Smoke ring collisions

2010-02-22 Thread Jones Beene
-Original Message-
From: Stephen A. Lawrence 

 It looks authentic enough -- but it's *NOT* smoke rings... It's dye in

That is more likely, but unless the speed has been altered, water viscosity
would likely not permit that kind of apparent speed.

I suspect that if it is not smoke but instead is a liquid setup - then the
best candidate for the clear liquid is not water but ether.

Diethyl ether, also known as ether, is colorless and only slightly soluble
in water so that could account for some of the unusual visual mixing
phenomena that happens - if the two are being mixed: i.e. the tori are
water-based but the clear liquid is ether.


[Vo]:Extraordinary Error -- no electric field exists inside a conducting liquid in an insulated box with two external charged metal plates, re work by SPAWAR on cold fusion since 2002 -- also hot spot

2010-02-22 Thread Rich Murray

Extraordinary Error -- no electric field exists inside a conducting liquid
in an insulated box with two external charged metal plates, re work by
SPAWAR on cold fusion since 2002 -- also hot spots from H and O
microbubbles: Rich Murray 2010.02.22
Monday, February 22, 2010

Each charged plate attracts enough ions of the opposite charge right to
the side of the conducting electrolyte against its insulating wall, until
charge on the plate is exactly balanced -- thus each side is a separate
charged capacitor, connected by the wire of the liquid.

All the electric field exists only in the insulating walls of the two
capacitors -- no electric field exists inside the liquid.

Abd ul-Rahman Lomax, a brilliant amateur on Vortex-L cold fusion
group, made me aware of all the activity re the SPAWAR claims, at
noon Monday, January 4, and the next day from 10 AM to 1 PM at
SF Community College library, I explored the complex results and
issues reported by Ludwik Kowalski:

370) What is going on?  11 pages
Ludwik Kowalski
Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA
June 11, 2009
his journal rejected paper

I notice that the clear plastic cell with its clear electrolyte and
contrasting dark metal external plates with the hazardous high voltage
of 6,000 volts comprise a riviting archtypal image, not easy to relate
to ideas I grasped in 1960 in freshman physics at MIT.

Perhaps personal experience is involved, living in the high dry climate
of Santa Fe, where, as a senior ambulatory electrolyte, shuffling
barefoot across the carpet, I often get shocked touching the radiator.

Since Scott and Melissa Little, familiar with most cold fusion research,
had not thought of this, and since I found no clear evidence that
anyone else had publicly discussed it, I wanted to render service for
mutual benefit, by explaining the error in ways clear to all, and noting
some of the history of this error by the earnest, competent, and high
minded SPAWAR team.  It is hard to believe that none of the equally
skilled hundreds of experts involved in almost eight years have not
noticed.  Surely the same error has occurred times in research in
recent centuries.

In my case, the counterintuitive insight into the error took a few
hours to arise in my mind. About 4 PM, I called Hal Puthoff and
then Marissa Little at Earthtech International in Austin, Texas, airing
the idea.  They hadn't heard about it, and were receptive.

I had cooperated as a volunteer amateur consultant with Scott Little
on fair critical reviews of many cold fusion studies from December,
1996 to July, 1998.

In fact, that morning she had received a copy of Journal of Scientific
Exploration with their 3 page review, Cold Fusion: Fact or Fantasy?,
stating, We have never seen a successful cold fusion experiment.,
and also Extraordinary Evidence Replication Effort, a 7 page
version of their lengthly website report on 28 replication attempts,
concluding, Our results do not provide a positive identification of
the origin of SPAWAR pits.  However, they do show that chemical
origin is a distinct possibility and therefore that nuclear origin is not a

They describe 28 experiments -- the last two, 9 and 18, are not in
their JSE review -- no Experiment 17 was listed on the website:

Nickel Cathode

Pam Boss reported (during the March 2007 APS meeting) that a
nickel cathode in the absence of an external electromagnetic field
would not produce SPAWAR pits.
However, we observed moderate densities of SPAWAR pits when
using this arrangement.
We also performed an experiment with a Ni fibrex cathode and
no Pd in the electrolyte (or any other plating metal).
The nickel fibrex was intended to mimic the dendritic palladium.
This test did not produce SPAWAR pits.

Experiment - Protocol - Electrolyte - Cathode - SPAWAR pits?
9 -- TGP - TGP --- Ni wire --  yes
18 - B2IP - light water and LiCL -- Ni fibrex -- no

[ TGP: The Galileo Project protocol for independent replications ]

[ Selected items from their report's beginning ]

Magnetic Effect

The first version of the protocol we received for the TGP specified
magnets on the active cell and no magnets on the control cell.
The magnets are 2.5 cm square by 0.635 cm thick NdFeB
magnets placed on the outside of the cell on the sides closest to
the electrodes.
It was reported in Extraordinary Evidence that an external field
was necessary to create the SPAWAR pits.
It can be seen from our initial replication effort that we did not
observe any difference with the use of magnets.
This observation was later confirmed by Pam Boss and the TGP
protocol was changed