Re: [Vo]:Shanahan is proposing the cigarette lighter hypothesis

2010-05-10 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 08:29 PM 5/10/2010, Jed Rothwell wrote:
Shanahan's arguments are pretty much the same as Morrison's circa 
1990. There has been no change in the skeptical camp; no learning, 
and argument worth discussing. These people understand nothing about 
conventional electrochemistry or cold fusion. In a sane world, 
Shanahan would not be able to publish this rubbish anywhere but his own blog.

Well, we don't know that it's been accepted, and it might not be. 
It's pretty bad.

It does appear, though, that Shanahan may have been funded to write 
this by the DoE. Now, there's a project for Krivit. What happened? 
Why Shanahan? 

Re: [Vo]:Shanahan is proposing the cigarette lighter hypothesis

2010-05-10 Thread Jed Rothwell
Roarty, Francis X wrote:

>  [quote] At the point where electrical contact was broken, the cell gas
> was very nearly a stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. . . .
I think that is a quote from Shanahan but anyway it is completely wrong, as
I said. The HAD cells described by Fleischmann and Pons were all open, and
the oxygen was long gone when the hydrogen emerges. The only thing in the
headspace after the boil-off is boiled off water vapor. It drives out the
oxygen, and air.

For a closed cell, there is a little orphaned oxygen in the headspace --
obviously just enough to recombine with the emerging hydrogen. But there is
hardly any gas. F&P used relatively large cathodes that held enough hydrogen
to produce ~600 J maximum, which -- as Fleischmann pointed out -- would last
a few seconds at this power level. Most cathodes nowadays are smaller.
Shanahan either did not realize that his hypothesis is preposterous and
innumerate, or he realized it and he plans to publish it anyway. Either way
he is no scientist.

Shanahan's arguments are pretty much the same as Morrison's circa 1990.
There has been no change in the skeptical camp; no learning, and argument
worth discussing. These people understand nothing about conventional
electrochemistry or cold fusion. In a sane world, Shanahan would not be able
to publish this rubbish anywhere but his own blog.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Shanahan is proposing the cigarette lighter hypothesis

2010-05-10 Thread Roarty, Francis X
[quote] At the point where electrical contact was broken, the cell gas was very 
nearly a stoichiometric mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. Significant hydrogen 
release will occur because the electrolytic loading was equivalent to many 
atmospheres of hydrogen gas pressure exposure, but the hydrogen present will 
inhibit complete Pd unloading. The equilibrium plateau pressure of Pd-D at 
~70-100 C is ~300-1000 mbar8, and that the cell pressure is ~1000 mbar since it 
is an open cell, with at least 2/3 of that consisting of D2. Thus initial 
unloading to ~0.6 D/M units should occur, and not much more, leaving plenty of 
hydrogen in the electrode
as hydride.[/quote]

Once power is removed disassociation drops off dramatically. Only atoms can 
translate freely in the lattice so the sudden majority of diatoms
Will also oppose unloading.  If these atoms were fractional then the diatoms 
are also fractional and as such store this transitional energy.


RE: [Vo]:Shanahan is proposing the cigarette lighter hypothesis

2010-05-10 Thread Jed Rothwell

Jones Beene wrote:

Can you cite the reference for this kind of bursting tube, due to internal
pressurization, having being actually performed?

See McKubre's replication of the Arata experiment.

Regarding the pressure from electrolysis, it far exceeds anything 
that can be accomplished with mechanical means such as pumps. See 
Mizuno's book, chapter 7. I think the fact that gas loading works 
means that high pressure is not required for a cold fusion effect. I 
guess it means that high pressure is not needed for high loading; 
there are other ways to achieve that, rather than brute force.

- Jed

[Vo]:NASA: David Adair\'s \'Quasi-Fusion:\' ?Cold, Warm, Hot?

2010-05-10 Thread Roarty, Francis X
I try to understand your posts and almost think I follow you 
for 2 or 3 paragraphs before it just turns into a word salad. You obviously 
have some
Insights but could you please dumb it down a little for those of us still 
trying to catch up with the pack.

Re: [Vo]:Shanahan is proposing the cigarette lighter hypothesis

2010-05-10 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 09:10 AM 5/10/2010, Michel Jullian wrote:

No Abd, Shanahan may be wrong on many points but the "equivalent to
many atmospheres of hydrogen gas pressure exposure" assertion is
correct, it is even a gross understatement, in the P&F original paper
they computed something like 10^26 atm IIRC. That's electrolytic
compression: if you use a hollow Pd cathode, the pressure inside will
rise to tens of thousands of atmospheres, until the palladium envelope
bursts. It has been done.

Fascinating. So a very low voltage is equivalent 
to a very high hydrogen pressure. The real issue 
is how this information is being used. Shanahan 
uses the high pressure to imply that this kind of 
pressure is behind the outgassing, whereas the 
affinity of palladium for deuterium inhibits the 
outgassing. The cigarett lighter effect is 
important, for sure. If oxidation, or anything, 
at the surface of the cathode heats the cathode, 
it will increase outgassing (once the electrolytic pressure is removed).

Palladium deuteride is a truly remarkable 
material. It is, as it were, an alloy of 
palladium and hydrogen *metal.* That is, the 
density of hydrogen in it is close to that of 
hydrogen as a metal, which nornally requires 
tremendous pressure, partiuclarly at room temperature.

But a piece of hydrogen metal of the size of the 
cathode is still just that much material to 
oxidize. And it won't oxidize all at once, unless 
you could melt (?) or boil the palladium while you were feeding oxygen to it.

The cell only contains a little oxygen.

2010/5/8 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax :
> The kicker is this "equivalent to many
> atmospheres of hydrogen gas pressure exposure." No, the D2 pressure at the
> cathode is roughly one atmosphere through the whole experiment.

This is the original Shanahan statement:

K&M go on to discuss a specific type of 
calorimetric result obtained by F&P commonly
known as eheat-after-deathf (HAD). In the HAD 
experiment, a F&P electrolysis cell is
allowed to lose enough electrolyte via 
evaporation, entrainment, and electrolysis that
electrical contact is broken and current flow 
stops. Such an event is shown in K&Mfs
Figures 4 and 5, where an excess power signal is 
observed for approximately 3 hours

after this point is reached.
It is instructive to review this result with the 
prior discussion of the CCS in mind. Once
current stops, the driving force to load the Pd 
electrode with hydrogen is removed, and
the system seeks to obtain equilibrium under the 
new state by releasing gas, converting

the situation from an electrolysis cell to a gas 
unloading experiment. At the point where
electrical contact was broken, the cell gas was 
very nearly a stoichiometric mixture of
hydrogen and oxygen. Significant hydrogen 
release will occur because the electrolytic
loading was equivalent to many atmospheres of 
hydrogen gas pressure exposure, but the
hydrogen present will inhibit complete Pd 
unloading. The equilibrium plateau pressure
of Pd-D at ~70-100 C is ~300-1000 mbar8, and 
that the cell pressure is ~1000 mbar since
it is an open cell, with at least 2/3 of that 
consisting of D2. Thus initial unloading to ~0.6
D/M units should occur, and not much more, 
leaving plenty of hydrogen in the electrode

as hydride.

he's got the environment wrong. At the time the 
current flow stops, most of the gas in the cell 
is water vapor, not deuterium. The water has been 
boiling, at the same time as deuterium/oxygen 
evolution declines and then stops.

Yes, there is plenty left. And it takes a long time to diffuse out.

With the Pd and Pt electrodes exposed, a metal 
surface is presented which will catalyze
the recombination of hydrogen and oxygen. That 
process does three things; a) it reduces
the hydrogen pressure, causing the Pd to unload 
further, and b) it reduces the overall
pressure, causing air to be drawn back into the 
cell, resupplying the oxygen content of the
cell gas somewhat, and c) it produces heat, 
which will presumably be detected by

temperature sensing devices in the cell.

So he has burning of hydrogen as a 
pressure-relieving process. There goes the idea 
of using hydrogen to power an internal-combustion 
engine, except maybe by the vacuum formed as the 
hydrogen and oxygen gases collapse to form water.

 Clearly, the steady state is now radically
different and the system would have to be 
recalibrated under the new steady state to

translate those temperatures into heats.

To do so accurately, yes. To do so in bulk, no.

 However, K&M report that the energy detected
was gfar beyond the quantity of possible stored 
chemical energyh. No recalibration was
reported in the 1993 F&P paper, so one wonders 
how this was determined accurately.

Something had to heat the cell.

At an even more subtle level is the 
consideration of the rate of hydrogen release from the

Pd electrode, which would impact the amount of time heat would be produced by
recombination. It is well known

[Vo]:NASA: David Adair's 'Quasi-Fusion:' ?Cold, Warm, Hot?

2010-05-10 Thread Jack Harbach-O'Sullivan

-blame Jack Harbach O'Sullivan-:-)

Re comment:  THUSWISE realizing this 'model' for epanding-dialating Protons(as 
micro-singularities) enhances the description of NOT ONLY CHEMICAL REACTIONS 
but also of FUSION REACTION be they 'cold,' warm, or hot.
And Dave Adair's rocket in a magnetic bottle(EMF-Toriod-Plasma Breach) was 
fairly accurately described as a 'chemical-reaction' rising to DIALATED-PROTON 
quasi-FUSION levels of energy output.  And thusly he called his motors(now 
state of the art in missile technology) as 'Controlled-Chemical-Fusion' rocket 
NASA:  David Adair's 'Quasi-Fusion:' ?Cold, Warm, Hot?
ADAIR BOTTLE IGNITION CHAMBER Re:  Saline Mist H2O Jets, Vandegraaf Hi-density 
static charge hyrolysis-ignition nodes fired by Hi-EMF-density Capacitors.  
Sodium capacitative ionic-charge disperses-facilitates-catalizes the charge 
throughout the Adair Chamber.
*SPRITES & JETS emulation: The Adair quasi-fusion rocket is copying the 
atmospheric flux-tornadoes-vortices that such up oceanic saline mist and then 
conduct inductive(lightning)hi-density charge and thusly become a 'natural' 
Adair-bottles which in turn foment a H2O-hydrolytic-then-firing sequence.  The 
H2 + O2 reaction is attenuated in that 'some' of the O2 is becomes rather 
O3-Ozone and some H2 in the  hydrolytic-split is form of  H1-H1.  
Within the High-Charge electo-plasmic medium the Proton-singularity-centres are 
expanded allowing a 'dialated-eye'/induction-amplification of the Proton and 
its axial-flow Electro-Valent quantum-electron-flux-plasma shell with a 
marginal surge of ingress electro-Aexoplasma.  
The Proton as a balanced gray-hole singularity-&-shell 'micro-system' thus 
becomes 'whitish'(marginally more ingress electro-plasma from parallel 
AexoDarkEnergy HyperSpace); and thus in this High-Energy state also with the 
free Hydrogens, the futher energetic chemical firing of the 
hydrolytically-split Hydrogen & Oxygen completes the 'total' energy situation 
that causes 'some' of the free-hydrogen to FUSE in He-Helium.  This is the 
chemistry/fusion piggy-back process of the Adair Mag-Vortex Bottle firing 
chamber rocket motor as well as the causal process for the 
meteorological-atmospheric phenomena of Sprites & Jets.
It's 'not' for-nothing that Werner Von Braun made (then) 17-year-old David 
Adair(now of NASA) his protege' after David demonstrated his 'mag-vortex-bottle 
quasi-fusion motor' at his high-school science fair that he had constructed in 
his father's machine shop.  
And thusly the 'wild-card' factor can never be discounted as a critical adjunct 
to the more conventional inputs of classically univerity trained 
science-mathematicians-physics engineers & theorists.

 Although David Adair's 'piggy-back chemical/quasi-fusion' system is 'not 
exactly' LENR-CANR cold-fusion; its significance cannot be dismissed. 
RE Anti-Matter & Cern-Hadron, Fermilab, etc.  It needs be noted that the Proton 
in the balanced Gray-State micro-singularity state creates a magneflux 
core-flow circulation creating its 'atmospheric' 
electro-valent-QUANTUM-ELECTRON SHELL.  The directional flow accounts for the 
polarity of the Proton with its singularity-directional-axial electro-plasma 
flow(say northward) vs the EV-Shell circulating the 
same-electro-plasma/magna-flux-field  'southward.'  So in short this is the 
same electro-flux magnetic field phenomenon that we are so prozaically familiar 
with; but the Nikola Tesla, for instance, did so very 'much' with that we are 
stilll 'catching-up' to in 'theory' that we have never yet thoroughly defined.
HOWEVER:  When the Super-Collided H-single-Protons are 'smashed' the axial-flow 
of said Proton Singularities is converted BLACK-SINGULARITY so that both poles 
are paroxismally 'flowing' back into the 'centre' and thus the QUANTUM-ELECTRON 
SHELL is immediately 'swallowed' and subsequently at the 'micro-black-hole' 
level the energy of the Proton is absorbed through it's singulartiy centre back 
in to parallel-AexoDarkenergy-Hyperspace; and at which point the 
micro-black-hole winks shut.
CASE IN POINT:  This IS 'really' what is happening ref. the anti-matter 
explosive-phenomenon.  Actually what is happening is that the 
micro-Hawking's-Radiant 'electro-plasmic-back-wash' at the 'wink-out' point is 
trapped within a very brief hyper-compressed-cavitated state, but then 
explosively 'realeased' upon the 'wink-shut-closure' of the micro-black-hole.  
THUSLY:  Anti-matter is a Fiction & a Red-Herring.  Any 
'normal-stable-matter-atoms' within immediate contact of this process will 
perforce be 'ripped-asunder' and will thus release its energy explosively as a 
quasi-fission reaction.  And this is the actual story on what has been 
'misnomered' as 'anti-matter-contacting-matter' reaction. 
THEORY based on the Anti-Matter conceptual model as a 
'quasi-equal-state(quanity)-to-matter' at the B

RE: [Vo]:Shanahan is proposing the cigarette lighter hypothesis

2010-05-10 Thread Jones Beene

Can you cite the reference for this kind of bursting tube, due to internal
pressurization, having being actually performed? 

I have heard this before but not been able to verify it. 

The reason that I think it would be unlikely is that it presents an easy
avenue for demonstrating gain - via direct conversion of oscillating
pressure into electricity (via a magnet/coil attached to a bellows tube).
I've mentioned this before.

Someone with a little inventive curiosity would have done it by now if
enormous pressure results from applied current only, and should have at
least reported the results (if null). A high internal pressurization would
be easily oscillated by AC in a palladium bellows tube of course, since it
would have to be reversible - even if not gainful. A putative gain would be
the expected result of the added heat from fusion.

"Direct conversion" alone (of oscillating pressure into electricity) would
be an important advance in getting LENR to market on a small scale without
the need for lossy systems like TEG (5-7% efficiency) or steam (hard to
scale down). 

Well - not just an important advance but *huge*. If I had not mentioned this
possibility several times in past years, to no avail - then I might be
inclined to rush off to the patent office, but methinks the "bursting tube"
is a myth.


-Original Message-
From: Michel Jullian 

No Abd, Shanahan may be wrong on many points but the "equivalent to
many atmospheres of hydrogen gas pressure exposure" assertion is
correct, it is even a gross understatement, in the P&F original paper
they computed something like 10^26 atm IIRC. That's electrolytic
compression: if you use a hollow Pd cathode, the pressure inside will
rise to tens of thousands of atmospheres, until the palladium envelope
bursts. It has been done.


2010/5/8 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax :
> The kicker is this "equivalent to many
> atmospheres of hydrogen gas pressure exposure." No, the D2 pressure at the
> cathode is roughly one atmosphere through the whole experiment.

Re: [Vo]:Shanahan is proposing the cigarette lighter hypothesis

2010-05-10 Thread Michel Jullian
No Abd, Shanahan may be wrong on many points but the "equivalent to
many atmospheres of hydrogen gas pressure exposure" assertion is
correct, it is even a gross understatement, in the P&F original paper
they computed something like 10^26 atm IIRC. That's electrolytic
compression: if you use a hollow Pd cathode, the pressure inside will
rise to tens of thousands of atmospheres, until the palladium envelope
bursts. It has been done.


2010/5/8 Abd ul-Rahman Lomax :
> The kicker is this "equivalent to many
> atmospheres of hydrogen gas pressure exposure." No, the D2 pressure at the
> cathode is roughly one atmosphere through the whole experiment.