[Vo]:Re: [Vo]: Dave’s Demon and Radiation Free LENR

2012-06-29 Thread Eric Walker
On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 9:23 AM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.com wrote:

 Your graphs clearly demonstrate the double balanced mix of a carrier
 signal and a modulation signal.  I have been working with radio design for
 many years and this is a classical view.  Even though the magnitude of the
 total waveform goes to zero based upon the modulation frequency, the actual
 signal consists of two individual sine waves.  If you place a narrow band
 filter centered on one of the components you will observe a steady sine
 wave with a ripple on its magnitude proportional to the amount of leakage
 afforded the filtered out signal.  I understand your point that strange
 things happen when non linear activity is present and I have seen some
 amazing behavior.

In your experience, would the interaction of such a waveform with the
environment be more like two separate, superposed waves, or like a new,
hybrid wave?  Is there some kind of emergent behavior, or is heterodyning
not all that interesting in this context?

Thanks for pointing out that nickel is opaque to a band of frequencies that
 begins at zero hertz and continues until x-rays are passed at somewhere
 beyond 50 keV.  I have always assumed that this is due to the reflection of
 the energy by free electrons within the metal but have never looked into
 the process in any detail.

By opaque I am thinking in relative terms.  I recall doing a calculation
in which the intensity of a beam at 50 keV through 1cm of nickel went
almost to zero, although I might have done the calculation wrong.  It's at
this energy that one sees a discontinuity in the linear attenuation
coefficient in the following table, where it is significantly greater than
coefficients for higher energies:


NIST provides a tool to calculate the intensity of electromagnetic
radiation passing through different materials at different wavelengths if
you're interested:


 My concern at the moment is for the high energy photons at the binding
 energy region, in this case near 8 MeV.  I worry that once released, these
 will be nearly impossible to attenuate.  I know of the WL theory that
 their proposed heavy electrons will accomplish the job, but there has never
 been any proof that this is true.  Also, how could this process influence
 virtually all of the gamma rays in every direction unless the nickel is
 literally crawling with heavy electrons?  The extremely tiny wavelength of
 these high energy gammas would not suggest to me that they impact many
 nearby electrons if any at all.  Couple this with the fact that no one has
 proven that the heavy electrons exist and you can see why I am skeptical.

I'm inclined to go along with those who don't like the heavy electron
patches for now.  I figure one has three cards, each of which will buy you
magic or a miracle of some kind, and I don't want to spend mine on heavy
electrons intercepting gammas.

My current thinking on the attenuation problem is that the cavity becomes
viscous to the gammas due to the x-rays, and as a result the gammas are
disrupted right at the source.  Perhaps you could get 100
percent suppression if you require that the emission of gammas occur if and
only if there are sufficient x-rays present, and that this occur away from
the ends of the cavity.

I like the concept of an x-ray laser and expect that one day it might be
 demonstrated.  Someone might already know of such a device, and it would be
 interesting for them to tell us of its nature.

I believe x-ray lasers have already been created; if I remember
correctly, Peter Hagelstein worked on them at one point.  I am not sure
whether they have been made at the scales that we have been discussing.  If
not, I think there are efforts underway.  These slides go into some of the
related effects at small scales:


 Have you calculated the number of coherent x-rays at the 50 keV energy
 level needed to impart upon a proton the coulomb barrier energy?  According
 to calculations that I have seen we need to obtain somewhere within the
 ballpark of 5 MeV of energy to breech that barrier.  This appears like an
 interesting path to explore.  I like the concept of x-rays trapped within a
 slot cavity.  In radio terms I wonder what Q is associated with this
 process?  This is another way of asking for information about the rate at
 which energy escapes your trap.

In the slides above, Q values of greater than 2000 are mentioned.  The
cavities were optical cavities but were not necessarily lasers.  I am most
interested in the mere presence and role of optical cavities in some form,
but if there is lasing as well, all the better.  I wondered about whether
the cavities needed to be straight and symmetric in order to work, and I
found some abstracts on chaotic scattering in deformed cavities that
seemed to involve 

Re: [Vo]:July 2nd LENR workshop at Palazzo Montecitorio

2012-06-29 Thread Moab Moab
LENR is also featured on the upcoming NIweek 2012


On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 11:43 PM, Akira Shirakawa
shirakawa.ak...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello group,

 On July 2nd there will be a LENR workshop in Rome. What's interesting it
 that it will be held in Palazzo Montecitorio, seat of the Italian Chamber of
 Deputies [1] . What's even more interesting is that a few politicians are
 actively involved in this as well.

 A poster for this event can be seen on 22passi:

 Direct link:

 There is also a press release in Italian:

 It appears that physicist Stefano Concezzi, director of National
 Instruments' Science and Big Physics Segment will attend this event as well.
 You might remember him for his neutral comments toward Leonardo Corporation
 / Andrea Rossi last year [2].


 [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palazzo_Montecitorio

[Vo]:Defkalion Status Update 29-6-2012

2012-06-29 Thread Axil Axil

Defkalion Status Update 29-6-2012

Following our absence from the public sphere, the following is a status
We are conducting analyses of our materials using *XRF and ICP-MS*. We are
committed that this analysis be done with the highest standards. To ensure
these high standards, we are using multiple laboratories in Europe. When
those results are available, we shall present them in the appropriate

We also have designed and are operating a fully instrumented flow
calorimeter to measure the power production of our reactor. Outside
scientists and engineers are measuring the input power as well as our flow
calorimeter output performance. All these results will be presented when we
are confident that they will withstand the scrutiny demanded by our own
interests in product development, and the scrutiny of our customers.

We thank you for your continued interest in our challenging and important
work load.



In plain words, DEFKALION is trying to analyze their micro powder to
identify trace elements and possible transmutations.


*Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)* is a type of mass
spectrometry which is capable of detecting metals and several non-metals at
concentrations as low as one part in 10^^12 (part per trillion). This is
achieved by ionizing the sample with inductively coupled plasma and then
using a mass spectrometer to separate and quantify those ions.

*X-ray fluorescence (XRF)* is the emission of characteristic secondary
(or fluorescent) X-rays from a material that has been excited by bombarding
with high-energy X-rays or gamma rays. The phenomenon is widely used for
elemental analysis and chemical analysis, particularly in the investigation
of metals, glass, ceramics and building materials, and for research in
geochemistry, forensic science and archaeology.

 Cheers:  Axil

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Status Update 29-6-2012

2012-06-29 Thread Akira Shirakawa

On 2012-06-29 19:41, Axil Axil wrote:



Thanks for the update.
For the record, this is the news source:



Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Status Update 29-6-2012

2012-06-29 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

Axil, interesting

May I remind of this woomera guy:

March 25th he reported this on Chris Martenson's site:

I was told that they were trying to actually see what happens in their device 
with some glass with a melting point of 1500degc.  They saw it light up like 
the sun and then it melted the glass.  This just took a second or two.  I was 
told what their working theory was, but they really don't know what is going 
on.  They have brought in several academics with a myraid of explanations.  
comment #44

(We discussed this here already.)
His report is gaining credibility.

So the situation seems to be that this 'anomaly' haunts them.
They cannot put it under the rug and deny its existence, it seems.

The licensees surely want to know about this potential safety issue, which 
could seriously endanger the whole project.

I suspect that there is no easy way out without 

a) a theory or 

b) extensive series of tests, which would be the pragmatic approach, but 
eventually very costly and the need to make all the secrets public.
This is serious!

The LENR crowd is split on the issue:
a) the ones welcoming transmutations without recognizing what a can of worms 
would be opened by that
b) the others claiming only 'soft' transitions like Ni-Cu

Anyway. The whole issue seems to get a new quality.


 Von: Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com
An: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 19:41 Freitag, 29.Juni 2012
Betreff: [Vo]:Defkalion Status Update 29-6-2012

Status Update 29-6-2012

Re: [Vo]:First Interview Defkalion about Business

2012-06-29 Thread Axil Axil
This is pure speculation of course but…

From Peters last effort:

*Indeed, we have been offered large sums of money by entities who wish to
use this technology exclusively, which would have given us and our
grandchildren financially carefree lives. *

*However, while our core team values profit and growth, we are sincere and
committed to ensuring that this technology will have global social

I have often wondered how the US Navy would approach Defkalion in their
attempt to retain Ni-H technology under their veil of secrecy.

This gambit may be it.

No commercial for Profit Company whose business plan is to make earnings
for themselves and/or their stockholders; an organization that offers and
sells products to the world could ever hope to maintain exclusivity about
such technology because the Ni-H reaction would be exposed naked in public
and on display for the whole world to plainly see.

The only organization on this planet that could work in such a restrictive
way to sequester information, to insure use of this technology exclusively,
to keep a technology under wraps as it were, is the US Navy. They could
develop the technology and keep it away from any possible public view until
they were compelled to reveal it to the world when they needed it to power
the weapons required to win their next war.

And Rossi did succumb; he is working under a well-orchestrated illusion
that he can act freely in the market place. But those Navy project managers
are devilish clever, Rossi is completely under control;  those captains and
admirals are well schooled in the time honored military arts of deception,
misdirection, subterfuge and lies; they have dedicated themselves wholly
and absolutely…they have make it their life’s work to master the art of

Fortunately, Defkalion has a different agenda, an agenda that advances all
mankind, an agenda of global social benefits. Luckily for all of us,
Rossi’s secret could not be kept before Rossi made his deal with the Navy.

Cheers:   Axil

On Wed, Jun 27, 2012 at 7:26 PM, Terry Blanton hohlr...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thank you, Peter!  One comment by PDGT:

 :Indeed, we have been offered large sums of money by entities who
 wish to use this technology exclusively, which would have given us and
 our grandchildren financially carefree lives. However, while our core
 team values profit and growth, we are sincere and committed to
 ensuring that this technology will have global social benefits.

 makes me wonder if Rossi succumbed.


RE: [Vo]:Defkalion Status Update 29-6-2012

2012-06-29 Thread Jones Beene

From: Guenter Wildgruber 

The LENR crowd is split on the issue:
a) the ones welcoming transmutations without recognizing
what a can of worms would be opened by that
b) the others claiming only 'soft' transitions like Ni-Cu

There is a much deeper split than this, Günter - and in fact the transition/
transmutation of nickel to copper is closer to hard than soft if we use
~1MeV as the crossover (depending on the isotopes).
Anyway, in the soft category, you have the EUV transitions of Mills, or else
some form of the ZPE/Casimir explanation ... or .. most insightful of all, a
combination of the two, such as found in Fran Roarty's blog. He suggests
that the driving force for hydrogen redundancy is a dynamical Casimir
effect, and it can be a continuing energy sink.

I am amazed that observers so frequently will marginalize this explanation:
the dynamical or relativistic Casimir effect, while at the same time
admitting that the Ni-H reaction happens at what are exactly Casimir
dimensions. Why not connect the dots?

It is almost as if they think it could be coincidental that Takahashi could
not get consistent results at 20 nm, but when he went on to try Ahern's 10
nm powder, got his best results- as he stated at ACS last year. BTW - Ahern
saw zero gamma radiation. 

Then, there is the newer (older) explanation: the DDL (deep Dirac layer)
which itself can be compatible with a relativistic Casimir effect. The DDL
of Maly predicts a fast electron on decay, so it is harder radiation than
Mills, or else it could result in a cascade or electron avalanche which is
softer but should show some gammas. Curiously this is precisely in the
spectrum that Bianchini/Levi was looking at, in Rossi's original
demonstration (the positron spectrum). Why were they looking there?

I never looked closely at that data, if it was even released - since it was
said to be near background. Now I am wondering how near? Even if not
statistically relevant, in terms of a high sigma statistical deviation -
what was seen could represent the tip of an iceberg, if most of the DDL
electrons ended in an Auger cascade, or something similar.

Still, in the end - the coincidence of FRET/Casimir geometry along with no
gamma radiation, is too much to overlook, if searching for the best
available explanation.

Say, did anyone ever determine if woomera was our old pal Greg?


attachment: winmail.dat

[Vo]: Dave’s Demon and Radiation Free LENR

2012-06-29 Thread David Roberson

Eric, I have analyzed interactions of waveforms such as you pointed out that 
consist of two sidebands on several occasions.  You can treat the final output 
as the superposition of the responses of each signal separately.  This is true 
for any linear system, but if the system is highly nonlinear then it becomes 
more complex quickly.  Your application concept falls within the time domain to 
frequency domain transformation.  You can get the correct answer by both 
methods if you are careful, but usually one technique will simply the operation.
I am not sure that the heterodyne operation will buy you much in this case.

I like the reference material you located and feel confident that it will be 
I did a bit of exploring to get a better understanding of the pressures that 
arise from X-rays used within the hydrogen weapons.  The article I found in 
wikipedia leads me to believe that most of the pressure by several orders of 
magnitude is due to ablation of material from a tamper as a result of X-ray 
illumination.  I believe that process relies upon the conservation of momentum 
for the pressure pulse.  Material is blasted off  the tamper and the resulting 
reaction conserves momentum.  I find this process very interesting but it is 
not clear how it would help in our attempt to push hydrogen smoothly into the 
nickel nucleus.
I need to buy a deck of those magic cards.  Does Amazon carry them?
I suspect that the optical cavities with a Q or 2000 do a good job of storing 
energy for a normal laser.  Is that Q based upon the escape of a very small 
percentage of the light rebounding within the cavity through one of the 
mirrored end surfaces?  Do you know if that happens to be the optimum value for 
the type of laser you are discussing?  This leaves me wondering how one goes 
about reflecting X-Rays so that they can gain energy with time.  A thought just 
occurred to me.  Could you use a torroid ring of material that keeps X-rays 
reflected in a circular path that is a multiple of a wavelength?  I assume that 
the size of the ring could be adjusted so that each small reflection angle does 
not allow the X-rays to be absorbed.  Pure speculation on my part here!

You mention that the most probable fusion reaction taking place ends with the 
generation of helium.  That might be the case, but Rossi will have a lot of 
explaining to do if this is true.  I am making a special effort to take him at 
his word on the reaction products at this point but hope to explore the other 
concepts soon if nothing pans out.  There must be some way to prevent the 
formation of gammas during the fusion process.  A retarding of the proton 
acceleration during the strong force interaction is the best I can come up with 
at this time.  Where are the demons when you really need them?


-Original Message-
From: Eric Walker eric.wal...@gmail.com
To: vortex-l vortex-l@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, Jun 29, 2012 2:37 am
Subject: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]: Dave’s Demon and Radiation Free LENR

On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 9:23 AM, David Roberson dlrober...@aol.com wrote:

Your graphs clearly demonstrate the double balanced mix of a carrier signal and 
a modulation signal.  I have been working with radio design for many years and 
this is a classical view.  Even though the magnitude of the total waveform goes 
to zero based upon the modulation frequency, the actual signal consists of two 
individual sine waves.  If you place a narrow band filter centered on one of 
the components you will observe a steady sine wave with a ripple on its 
magnitude proportional to the amount of leakage afforded the filtered out 
signal.  I understand your point that strange things happen when non linear 
activity is present and I have seen some amazing behavior.

In your experience, would the interaction of such a waveform with the 
environment be more like two separate, superposed waves, or like a new, hybrid 
wave?  Is there some kind of emergent behavior, or is heterodyning not all that 
interesting in this context?

Thanks for pointing out that nickel is opaque to a band of frequencies that 
begins at zero hertz and continues until x-rays are passed at somewhere beyond 
50 keV.  I have always assumed that this is due to the reflection of the energy 
by free electrons within the metal but have never looked into the process in 
any detail.

By opaque I am thinking in relative terms.  I recall doing a calculation in 
which the intensity of a beam at 50 keV through 1cm of nickel went almost to 
zero, although I might have done the calculation wrong.  It's at this energy 
that one sees a discontinuity in the linear attenuation coefficient in the 
following table, where it is significantly greater than coefficients for higher 


NIST provides a tool to calculate the intensity of electromagnetic radiation 
passing through different materials at different wavelengths if you're 

[Vo]:Florentin Smarandache

2012-06-29 Thread Jones Beene
This is a prolific fellow who espouses, or at least tries to explain LENR...
with a number of theories that come into view on searches for arcane
details, like the Yukawa potential.  He is at UNM by way of Romania (it is a
small world after all).


Peter must know of him... and he has come up before on Vortex in this


He has a compilation of papers online:
Hadron Models and Related New Energy Issues
available on Google Books.

Smarandache is a Poet, playwright, novelist, prose writer, tales for
children, translator from many languages, experimental painter, philosopher,
physicist,  mathematician.

... wonder if Smarandache means jack of all trades in Valcea...


BTW - the Yukawa potential is also known as a screened Coulomb potential
which is always attractive... in more ways than one.

attachment: winmail.dat

Re: [Vo]:First Interview Defkalion about Business

2012-06-29 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

to cite woomera again:
Defkalion had decided the US is in the 'too-hard-basket' and won't manufacture 
or sell to the US.

from his post #44.
Not to consider that authoritative. Far from that. But it signals a general 

Maybe the Navy is different and does business anyway with DGT.
Sort of a black knight in this power-game.

There have been similar statements from Rossi. Rossi obviously changed his mind.

Actually, if I were a decider at DGT, I would avoid doing business with any 
US-institution like the plague. Even more than any Chinese.
The Russians being a distant third.

Actually the outskirts of Athens seem like a good place to keep the flies at a 
distance nowadays.
Btw, Cyprus, the financial home of DGT has strong connections to Russia.

But on the other hand, this is conspiracy-theory, which has a life by its own.


 Von: Axil Axil janap...@gmail.com
An: vortex-l@eskimo.com 
Gesendet: 22:43 Freitag, 29.Juni 2012
Betreff: Re: [Vo]:First Interview Defkalion about Business

I have often wondered how the US Navy would approach Defkalion in their attempt 
to retain Ni-H technology under their veil of secrecy.
This gambit may be it. 

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Status Update 29-6-2012

2012-06-29 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jones Beene's message of Fri, 29 Jun 2012 13:53:06 -0700:
Curiously this is precisely in the
spectrum that Bianchini/Levi was looking at, in Rossi's original
demonstration (the positron spectrum). Why were they looking there?

Because 98% of the time, the Copper isotope Cu59 decays via positron decay with
a half life of 81.5 seconds. Cu59 is what you get when you add a proton to Ni58,
which is the principle constituent of Ni.
Hence the transmutation that Rossi claimed was happening should have produced
copious positrons, which in turn would have annihilated ambient electrons
resulting in pairs of 511 keV gammas, which is what they were looking for.


Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]: Dave’s Demon and Radiation Free LENR

2012-06-29 Thread mixent
In reply to  Eric Walker's message of Thu, 28 Jun 2012 00:36:58 -0700:
X-rays are what are used in atomic
bombs to exert pressure on fusion fuel, so their credentials for creating
pressure are good. 

I've always wondered if this were a red herring designed to lead astray those
intent upon creating bombs. ;)


Robin van Spaandonk


Re: [Vo]:The future belongs to those who prepare for it.

2012-06-29 Thread mixent
In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Wed, 27 Jun 2012 23:07:48 -0400:
*Yes, there are other reasons but they involve the other properties of the
reactor all made possible by the high melting point of tungsten; most
important among them is power density. Let me explain… Let us spin a dream
that conjures this grand conception. We all know down deep in our hearts
that the road to the stars lies through LENR. Let us now think about the
history of the things to come.*

My design is simpler, cheaper and more efficient. The reaction actually takes
place in the vacuum of space, and the energetic particles never touch anything
except a magnetic field, so the efficiency is very high.

Hence the requirement for refractory materials is small.


Robin van Spaandonk


[Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]:Re: [Vo]: Dave’s Demon and Radiation Free LENR

2012-06-29 Thread Eric Walker
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 7:10 PM, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

I've always wondered if this were a red herring designed to lead astray
 intent upon creating bombs. ;)

Creating pressure with x-rays does sound highly implausible, when you stop
to think about it.  I wouldn't be surprised at all.


Re: [Vo]:The future belongs to those who prepare for it.

2012-06-29 Thread Axil Axil
Your post brings to mind the astounding words of Dr. Morbius when he
expounds on the civilization of the super-race, the Krell to Doc Ostrow  in
the 1956 classic SiFi movie “Forbidden Planet”

The Krell had been applying their entire racial energies...to a new
project...one which they actually seemed to hope...might somehow free them
once and for all...from any dependence on physical instrumentalities.

A civilization without instrumentalities?



And when the Krill technology runs amok and Altir is destroyed, the skipper
tells Alta 100,000,000 miles from the blast…

Alta, about a million years from now the human race...will have crawled up
to where the Krell stood...in their great moment of triumph and tragedy.

And your father's name will shine again...like a beacon in the galaxy.

It's true, it will remind us...that we are, after all, not God.

Cheers:   Axil

On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 10:26 PM, mix...@bigpond.com wrote:

 In reply to  Axil Axil's message of Wed, 27 Jun 2012 23:07:48 -0400:
 *Yes, there are other reasons but they involve the other properties of the
 reactor all made possible by the high melting point of tungsten; most
 important among them is power density. Let me explain… Let us spin a dream
 that conjures this grand conception. We all know down deep in our hearts
 that the road to the stars lies through LENR. Let us now think about the
 history of the things to come.*

 My design is simpler, cheaper and more efficient. The reaction actually
 place in the vacuum of space, and the energetic particles never touch
 except a magnetic field, so the efficiency is very high.

 Hence the requirement for refractory materials is small.


 Robin van Spaandonk
