RE: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-06 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson
>From Jed:


> I think that he [Levi] and other observers who have seen the test
> are convinced, but you have to calibrate his way of talking. Academic
> scientists tend to hedge everything they say so much it sometimes
> sounds as if they lack confidence. It is a style of speaking. You
> don't say "I am sure of X." You put it in the passive voice and wrap
> it in semantic cotton wool: "strong indications with reliable
> instrumentation that give a reliable approximation within the known
> error bounds that X is highly probable . . ."

Last week 31 I touched on some of these linguistic issues out in a local
Yahoo Science Fiction literary group where I'm an active participant. Many
who belong to this yahoo group tend to be very skeptical of "cold fusion"
claims. As such it's occasionally challenging for me to get the relevant
points across before some self-appointed skeptic decides it's time to set me
straight concerning the truth about "cold fusion".  Here's a portion of what
I posted:


Before concluding my on-going report on the Rossi/Hyde saga, I feel
compelled to add a final point in regards to the scientific lingo often
employed by scientists and professors, including those who independently
analyzed Focardi & Rossi's prototype. Reports of these kinds tend to be
encapsulated in both turgid and emotionally unsatisfying ways, as read by
Mr. Joe Six-Pack. Linguistic protocols and formulaic rituals must be
observed, scrupulously. And always, always, ALWAYS, at the end of the
report, clearly state that more thorough testing is warranted.

In regards to the Focardi-Rossi demonstration, one is not likely to read a
scientific report couched in "Six-Pack" language such as:

"HOLY MERDA! Rossi's four foot tin foiled-wrapped stogie really smokes! It
was like watching picante bologna strapped on top of a solid fuel booster!
What a blast! Give'em hell, Rossi!"

One is more likely to read carefully parsed scientific-jargon-speak coached
in phrases such as the following, as written by David J Nagel, who is a
prominent cold fusion researcher residing out of George Washington

"Given the measured input and output temperatures, that flow rate, and a
measurement that the steam was dry, it is easy to compute that the device
delivered over 10kW of thermal energy to the water. The data indicate power
and energy gains of more than 10. That amplification is what the
International Thermonuclear Experimental reactor (ITER) seeks to achieve in
about a decade for well over $10B."


Give'em hell, Rossi!

I divided my yahoo essay into four separate posts. I think (I hope) the
contents are still reasonably accurate, considering the timeframe in which
it was written .

"Dr Rossi and Mr. Hyde, PART 1 of 4 - Warp 7 NOW, Scottie!"

Dr Rossi and Mr. Hyde, PART 2 of 4 - Say What?

Dr Rossi and Mr. Hyde, PART 3 of 4 - Mr. Hyde, I presume

Dr Rossi and Mr. Hyde, PART 4 of 4 - Holey Bologna, Batman!

So far, no one has cared to respond. That's a tad unusual.


Steven Vincent Johnson 

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-06 Thread Horace Heffner

On Feb 6, 2011, at 10:34 AM, wrote:

If you look at a barometer you will see that hot weather almost  
invariably comes

with high (not low) air pressure.

It is just the opposite here in the far north. High pressure areas  
produce clear skies here, but the high air pressure is due to the  
cold of the high pressure area, which often originates in the north  
over land or ice.  The clear skies don't provide enough solar energy  
to make things hot and therefore humid overcast and cool, except in  
summer when the skies are clear in the morning during high pressures  
but cumulus clouds and cooling showers can form in the late  
afternoon. Low pressure often involves being in the center of humid  
low pressure cyclonic winds, often originating over the oceans, and  
which bring warming weather, in the winter warming back up to near  
freezing, bringing overcast, clouds and snow.

Best regards,

Horace Heffner

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-06 Thread mixent
In reply to  Jed Rothwell's message of Sun, 6 Feb 2011 02:16:19 -0500:
>they could crash spectacularly or that in hot weather with low air pressure
>they could not fly. 
If you look at a barometer you will see that hot weather almost invariably comes
with high (not low) air pressure.


Robin van Spaandonk

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-05 Thread Peter Gluck
Anyway, I would summarize the situation as "doubts melting away"- the
process is real and important. and on the way to become a technology.
It has NO theory yet, OK - but which variant of cold fusion has a first
(i.e. one that predicts what to do)- usable theory?
Obviously development is always risky.Cousin Jed could tell more about the
risks in early aviation- for example.

On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:

> Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:
>> >> He [Levi] emphasizes that the experiment must be carefully
>> >> prepared with a very strict protocol to avoid any doubt.
>> >>
>> And implies that there needs to be a further replication. If he's so
>> convinced, why the need for further testing?
> There is always a need for further testing. Seriously. Getting back to my
> favorite example, the Wrights proved they could stagger off the ground and
> barely fly in a semi-controlled fashion in December 1903. In 1904 they
> proved they could do it again sometimes, but often they proved only that
> they could crash spectacularly or that in hot weather with low air pressure
> they could not fly. It took more tests to prove to non-expert observers that
> the first flight was not a fluke or a carnival stunt. (The Wrights
> themselves were expert enough to judge the first 4 flight tests on Dec. 17
> as complete success, but they were the only experts in the world on that
> day.)
> In the case of Rossi, many loopy skeptical objections have been raised, but
> one or two plausible ideas that might explain away the results have been
> proposed. It would be good to disprove these objections by doing a long run.
> We are not accusing Rossi of being dishonest by asking for something like a
> 10-hour run. That is just dotting the i and crossing the t.
>> Again, this sounds like future tense -- Levi thinks this still needs to
>> be verified. At least, that's how I read this.
> Well . . . Maybe he is just talking the way a careful academic scientist
> talks. Or maybe he thinks, as I do, that this is such an astounding
> breakthrough it calls for additional verification. It does NOT call for
> "extraordinary proof" as skeptics love to say (quote the "Cosmos" TV
> series). More ordinary proof is fine.
> Rossi told me that Levi et al. are doing additional tests. That's good.
> They may not report on them for some time. I see no need to rush.
>> No, not in the least. His statements are thoroughly hedged. He's
>> obviously not accusing Rossi of anything, but he sure doesn't sound
>> "totally convinced" to me.
> I think that he and other observers who have seen the test are convinced,
> but you have to calibrate his way of talking. Academic scientists tend to
> hedge everything they say so much it sometimes sounds as if they lack
> confidence. It is a style of speaking. You don't say "I am sure of X." You
> put it in the passive voice and wrap it in semantic cotton wool: "strong
> indications with reliable instrumentation that give a reliable approximation
> within the known error bounds that X is highly probable . . ."
> - Jed

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:

> >> He [Levi] emphasizes that the experiment must be carefully
> >> prepared with a very strict protocol to avoid any doubt.
> >>
> And implies that there needs to be a further replication. If he's so
> convinced, why the need for further testing?

There is always a need for further testing. Seriously. Getting back to my
favorite example, the Wrights proved they could stagger off the ground and
barely fly in a semi-controlled fashion in December 1903. In 1904 they
proved they could do it again sometimes, but often they proved only that
they could crash spectacularly or that in hot weather with low air pressure
they could not fly. It took more tests to prove to non-expert observers that
the first flight was not a fluke or a carnival stunt. (The Wrights
themselves were expert enough to judge the first 4 flight tests on Dec. 17
as complete success, but they were the only experts in the world on that

In the case of Rossi, many loopy skeptical objections have been raised, but
one or two plausible ideas that might explain away the results have been
proposed. It would be good to disprove these objections by doing a long run.
We are not accusing Rossi of being dishonest by asking for something like a
10-hour run. That is just dotting the i and crossing the t.

> Again, this sounds like future tense -- Levi thinks this still needs to
> be verified. At least, that's how I read this.

Well . . . Maybe he is just talking the way a careful academic scientist
talks. Or maybe he thinks, as I do, that this is such an astounding
breakthrough it calls for additional verification. It does NOT call for
"extraordinary proof" as skeptics love to say (quote the "Cosmos" TV
series). More ordinary proof is fine.

Rossi told me that Levi et al. are doing additional tests. That's good. They
may not report on them for some time. I see no need to rush.

> No, not in the least. His statements are thoroughly hedged. He's
> obviously not accusing Rossi of anything, but he sure doesn't sound
> "totally convinced" to me.

I think that he and other observers who have seen the test are convinced,
but you have to calibrate his way of talking. Academic scientists tend to
hedge everything they say so much it sometimes sounds as if they lack
confidence. It is a style of speaking. You don't say "I am sure of X." You
put it in the passive voice and wrap it in semantic cotton wool: "strong
indications with reliable instrumentation that give a reliable approximation
within the known error bounds that X is highly probable . . ."

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-05 Thread Jed Rothwell
Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:

> So, stsalikoglou is clearly associated with (which is
> presumably where the "Defkalion Energy" confusion came from, please note) .
> . .

I think so. From what Rossi told me, I gather he did not think the exact
name mattered. He said -- in effect -- there are many Greek companies
named Defkalion this or that, and so what? He did not realize that people
were trying to verify his claims. In retrospect I don't think he was trying
to stop people from doing that, or trying to cover up anything. He seemed
genuinely surprised to hear that reporters were calling around
contacting Defkalion Energy. He apologized for giving us the wrong

Mixing up the name of company that plays a key role in your affairs and not
correcting the problem for a week while people ask questions about it seems
like odd behavior to me. Most people would consider it suspicious. Many
readers here were suspicious, and probably still are. I don't blame you! If
I did something like this, you might worry that I was suffering
from Alzheimer's disease or a tumor. (Seriously) But many people have told
me that Rossi lives in his own world, with his own standards, and he does
things that seem outlandish by normal standards.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-05 Thread Terry Blanton
On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

> Anybody get Greek TV on their cable?

Ecat was covered on national TV in Greece today:


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-04 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/04/2011 05:46 PM, Man on Bridges wrote:
> Terry e.a.,
> The whois information for the domain lists a
> different email address as you may have noticed.
> *** *

Which is kind of irrelevent, since there's a web page at , and the web page
lists stsalikoglou's email address.

So, stsalikoglou is clearly associated with (which
is presumably where the "Defkalion Energy" confusion came from, please
note), and the web page also says, right there in big green letters,
that it's Defkalion Green Technologies.  Ergo, we can be reasonably sure
stsalikoglou and Andreas Meintanis are associates of one sort or
another, and both are associated with Defkalion Green Technologies.

Whether Defkalion consists of anything more than a single "Under
Construction" web page, OTOH, is a different question.

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-04 Thread Man on Bridges

Terry e.a.,

The whois information for the domain lists a 
different email address as you may have noticed.
*** *

Did anyone already send an email to this email address of Andreas?

B.t.w. for official business I don't like any gmail, hotmail, etc. email 
address; this doesn't look professional at all to me
(to use it for email on a mailing list to filter spam etc. is a total 
different ballgame ;-)
I think they should use something like 
and not

or to be contacted.


On 4-2-2011 2:11, Terry Blanton wrote:

I did a research on Defkalion energy. It seems that the company is
located in number 3, Xenofondos street, in Halandri, Athens. A few
days ago, I emailed Defkalion Energy

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-04 Thread Terry Blanton
Tibetan monks always survivein another body.


Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Much of the on-going speculation, of which I, too, am guilty of having
propagated, reminds me of a poignant and all-too-brief scene I recall
from the recent apocalyptic film titled, "2012", - which by the way
was a really awful film. 100% special effects - 0% plot.

Out in the wild snow-capped mountains of Tibet we see two monks who
are conversing with each other, a young student, and a wise old
master. The young student is in an agitated state. The student is
trying to talk his way through a multitude of personal misgivings
pertaining to a spate of global warning signs for which he recently
has become aware of. It's all in the news, he tells his master! And
what are all these government officials doing near our village -
digging and excavating vast tunnels within the mountain. What is
happening to the world! What can we do! This is terrible!

The wise old monk gazes at his troubled student. The master picks up a
tea kettle and proceeds to pour tea into his student's empty cup. He
pours, and continues to pour while the student watches on. Inevitably,
the tea begins to flow over the brim of the student's cup. The student
exclaims to his master to stop pouring more tea. Can't the old master
see that his cup is overflowing?

That was precisely the point the master was trying to make to his
young agitated student. The student's incessant agitation, all that
speculation about things he had no control over was nothing more than
tea overflowing over the top of his cup.

* * * *

I truly grieved when in the movie the special effects artist depicted
a massive tidal wave rushing over the tops of the Himalayan mountains
- fast approaching the wise old monk who sat calmly in the center of
his hut, a hut that had been built on top of a mountain. When the old
master spotted the first wave he got up and began ringing a warning
bell. All he could do was witness the spectacle heading straight for
him, as if he was nothing more than a fly facing a fly swatter. Damn!
If anyone should have survived the ensuing global disaster, it should
have been that wise old monk. BTW, the young student monk DID survive
the calamity, minus one of his extremities, but hopefully wiser from
the experience.

Bah! Hollywood!

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-04 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/04/2011 10:01 AM, OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:
> Please keep in mind that the following quotes have been extracted from
> individuals whose opinions may have changed (or  moderated) in subtle
> ways later on in the on-going thread.
> ...
>> He [Levi] emphasizes that the experiment must be carefully
>> prepared with a very strict protocol to avoid any doubt.

And implies that there needs to be a further replication. If he's so
convinced, why the need for further testing?

>> It includes measuring any amount of copper produced – a
>> sign of fusion between nickel and hydrogen.

Right. Someone besides Rossi needs to measure it -- that's how I read this.

>> “I know that Focardi (professor emeritus and Rossi’s
>> scientific advisor) and Rossi have seen copper. I have
>> known Focardi for years and have worked with him (...)

He has known Focardi for years, and trusts him. Clearly.

And "Focardi and Rossi have seen copper" -- but it's only Rossi who goes
inside the gadget, so, as Levi must realize, this really means Rossi has
seen copper, and Rossi could be putting one over on Focardi here.

>> and do not doubt his ability or his professionalism – nor
>> Rossi’s, as I’ve had the opportunity to meet him and he
>> seems very serious. But to verify this, we need to use
>> very stringent methods so that no one will have any doubt.”

Again, this sounds like future tense -- Levi thinks this still needs to
be verified. At least, that's how I read this.

>> “I would like to organize it calmly. Next week engineer
>> Rossi will be here and then we discuss the set up. He
>> said he’s willing to repeat the experiment.

Again, Levi doesn't seem convinced -- he wants more testing.

> Again, please note commentary directly attributed to Levi:
> "I have known Focardi for years and have worked with him (...)

Yes, he trusts Focardi. But Focardi isn't privy to what's actually
inside the reactor, as Levi knows perfectly well.

>> and do not doubt his ability or his professionalism – nor
>> Rossi’s, as I’ve had the opportunity to meet him and he
>> seems very serious.

He says Rossi "seems very serious". That's not exactly a ringing

> Seems to me that speculation suggesting that Levi (inwardly) suspects
> that Rossi's & Focardi's prototype isn't for real would, by default,
> leave no other alternative than to imply that Levi, himself, is
> nothing more than a big fat liar. 

No, not in the least. His statements are thoroughly hedged. He's
obviously not accusing Rossi of anything, but he sure doesn't sound
"totally convinced" to me.

Again, this thing is an incredible breakthrough, and Levi (and everybody
else involved) knows it. But he sure doesn't sound to me like somebody
who has Seen The Millennium Arrive.

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-04 Thread Terry Blanton
Nope, wrong first name.

"update on Defkalion Green Technologies
I am uploading this since I see more traffic towards this blog

So, it's not "Defkalion energy". It's Defkalion green Technologies".
Or isn't it?

I don't know what to make of it. I got a phone call --from a cell
phone-- by a person claiming to be Symeon Tsalikoglou calling on
behalf of Defkalion Green Technologies. I have no reason to doubt him
at this point. He repeated that they are not willing to share any
contact details of their company and hinted that there will be an
announcement on national TV tomorrow related to the Rossi reactor.
Tomorrow is saturday, february the 5th. I will be watching the news."

Anybody get Greek TV on their cable?


On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 8:01 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> ?

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-04 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Please keep in mind that the following quotes have been extracted from
individuals whose opinions may have changed (or  moderated) in subtle
ways later on in the on-going thread.

>From Mr. Lawrence:

>> I would bet a dollar to a doughnut that Levi
>> doesn't believe it's for real, no matter what
>> he says in interviews.

Rothwell responds:

> Hmmm . . . That is not my impression, but you
> could be right. Villa expresses many doubts.
> Perhaps Levi shares them with him.

Keep in mind, in the NyTeknic article out at:

Levi is quoted as allegedly saying the following 2/3 of the way down:


> He [Levi] emphasizes that the experiment must be carefully
> prepared with a very strict protocol to avoid any doubt.
> It includes measuring any amount of copper produced – a
> sign of fusion between nickel and hydrogen.
> “I know that Focardi (professor emeritus and Rossi’s
> scientific advisor) and Rossi have seen copper. I have
> known Focardi for years and have worked with him (...)
> and do not doubt his ability or his professionalism – nor
> Rossi’s, as I’ve had the opportunity to meet him and he
> seems very serious. But to verify this, we need to use
> very stringent methods so that no one will have any doubt.”
> “I would like to organize it calmly. Next week engineer
> Rossi will be here and then we discuss the set up. He
> said he’s willing to repeat the experiment.

Again, please note commentary directly attributed to Levi:

"I have known Focardi for years and have worked with him (...)
> and do not doubt his ability or his professionalism – nor
> Rossi’s, as I’ve had the opportunity to meet him and he
> seems very serious.

Seems to me that speculation suggesting that Levi (inwardly) suspects
that Rossi's & Focardi's prototype isn't for real would, by default,
leave no other alternative than to imply that Levi, himself, is
nothing more than a big fat liar. ...just another sinister cog in the
disinformation wheel - deliberately leading observers astray.

Granted, we can continue speculating all we wish on matters of this
nature. Nevertheless, all I can say is that at present such
speculation isn't the impression the article gives me.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
I wrote:

> Even with a megawatt, assuming there is power input some questions need to
> be addressed and a professional report has to be written, or the results
> will not convince people. Done properly, it will convince everyone.

And let me add that I think any professional engineer could take the 12 kW
gadget and use it in a demo that convinces everyone. Heck, I could do that!
Get a proper video camera crew and proper lighting. Write a script. Show the
audience the components and tubes and instruments. Anticipate and answer all
reasonable skeptical objections, which is easy to do, given the simplicity
of the system. Point out what's what, how it works, then let 'er rip and let
it run all afternoon. Piece of cake.

Anyone who has conducted a trade show demo or taught elementary school kids
could do a better job than Levi et al. did.

No need to go overboard on the production values. You don't have to be
Hollywood. On the contrary it enhances credibility when you look geeky or

That is the most ironic aspect of this crazy situation. Rossi does not need
a 1 MW reactor to convince people. If he does another poorly planned, poorly
conducted demo with the 1 MW unit, he will not convince people. He imagines
that scaling up will give him credibility. Maybe it will, depending on the
nature of the demo, but not necessarily.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Abd ul-Rahman Lomax  wrote:

Rothwell was trying to tell him how to involve investors, so that he'd have
> the money to hire help, arrange for manufacturing, etc. He wants to do it
> his way, again, that's his privilege.

I have been telling him that *politely*, I might add, for about a year. I
blew my top today with for the first time. I got sick of the wild goose

Other people have been offering to help him, sometimes with no strings
attached. He says no. And then complains he is overworked.

I'll bet he doesn't want to hear from me again! I have asked others
connected to him to make the following suggestion --

He should allow others to make arrangements for the 1 MW reactor
demonstration. Someone should hire an independent engineering consulting
firm, expert in heat measurements. I met some people like that while
investigating Hydrodynamics, Inc. They should bring in power meters,
flowmeters, and temperature sensors of various types: thermocouples, IR
sensors and so on. Even with a megawatt, assuming there is power input some
questions need to be addressed and a professional report has to be written,
or the results will not convince people. Done properly, it will convince

A forlorn hope, I suppose . . .

Making a demonstration large does not necessarily make it easier to
understand or more convincing. The large-scale demos I saw at Hydrodynamics
were sometime tricky to interpret. It will depend on how much electric power
the gadget needs, how big the gadget is, the layout and how easily you can
see the components and identify them, and various other factors. I recommend
practicing the demo for a month or two before calling in formal observers.
It should be thoroughly rehearsed and scripted, like a trade-show demo put
on by IBM. No surprises, no ad-libbing, plenty of pre-printed take-home
material,  and videos, data uploaded to the web and so on.

When people say "demo" they envision watching the first time someone cranks
up the machine, like seeing the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk. I have in
mind seeing Orville Wright at Fort Meyer, Virginia in 1908, when he flew for
an hour. * I want to see a professional demonstration put on by someone who
has done it dozens of times and knows the machine inside-out.

- Jed

* Sept. 9, 1908. On Sept. 17 he crashed and killed his passenger. It should
serve as a warning that even consummate professionals make mistakes with new

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

At 05:13 PM 2/3/2011, Jed Rothwell wrote:
{quoting Rossi]

3. About your suppositions, I will make no more tests on 
modulbecause it is clear that people like you will also find something wrong.

It's all Rothwell's fault that Rossi will disappear, no more demonstrations?

Wait until october, you will have surprises.
Andrea Rossi

Personally, I'm happy to wait. You know, if the scientific community 
had waited, in 1989, until they had better information from Pons and 
Fleischmann, we'd probably be way ahead today.

What's to be surprised about? Yeah, okay, maybe what Rossi has made 
look like a fraud turns out to be real. Jed has pointed out that 
sometimes appearances aren't real. But what do we bet on?

The shame would be if other cold fusion reearch came to a halt while 
everyone falls over themselves to try to figure out what Rossi has 
done. Nickel has always been considered an important possible 
approach. But I'll point out that we don't know what is actually in 
the Rossi reactor, and "gee, there must be something in there" just 
doesn't cut it.

Anyone who wants to develop something secretly is welcome to do it, 
but they shouldn't be suprrised if the world doesn't fall all over 
itself rushing to support the "secret process that will revolutionize 
energy production." If there are those funding Rossi, I certainly 
hope, for their sakes, that they've done due diligence, but that 
Rossi is complaining about doing this with his own money, and working 
20 hours a day, showing signs of instability in what he wrote to 
Rothwell, well, who is to blame for that?

Rothwell was trying to tell him how to involve investors, so that 
he'd have the money to hire help, arrange for manufacturing, etc. He 
wants to do it his way, again, that's his privilege. If he has some 
real invention here, great, I hope he shares it with someone so that 
if he keels over from the stress, it won't be lost.

Does he have family?

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Stephen A. Lawrence  wrote:

Can you name *one* person who made what turned out to be a breakthrough in
> physics, and who was known to be unreliable and dishonest, *and* who had *no
> formal training* in the field?

Davy, especially in his later years and his treatment of Faraday. In
technology, Edison, and Steve Jobs.

People with no formal training seldom have an opportunity to contribute, so
there are only a handful of them. Not a good statistical sample. There are
many famous, unreliable and dishonest professional scientists.

Amateurs can seldom contribute for two reasons:

1. They can only take a role at the beginning. After a few years when a body
of knowledge builds up, you need professional training just to catch
up. Cold fusion is just beginning, so Rossi may have a role to play.

2. Nowadays, they are locked out by funding agencies, professional journals,
venture capitalists and other establishment institutions.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Terry Blanton
I did a research on Defkalion energy. It seems that the company is
located in number 3, Xenofondos street, in Halandri, Athens. A few
days ago, I emailed Defkalion Energy

Defkalion thanks you for your interest in the Energy Catalyzer
regarding licensince, sales and marketing opportunities. This truly
remarkable technological breakthrough has received too many requests
from a wide spectrum of industries and countries. As such, individual
replies cannot be issued for the time being. Please forward your
preferred contact details for our future consideration. A public
announcement shall be made in the near future with more precise

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Terry Blanton

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Terry Blanton
Nice apartment.  Wonder who lives there?


On Thu, Feb 3, 2011 at 7:23 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:
> Florida Profit Corporation
> Filing Information
> Document Number P1091220
> FEI/EIN Number  NONE
> Date Filed      11/08/2010
> State   FL
> Status  ACTIVE
> Principal Address
> 1331 LINCOLN RD., APT 505
> Mailing Address
> 1331 LINCOLN RD., APT 505
> Registered Agent Name & Address
> 1331 LINCOLN RD., APT 505
> Officer/Director Detail
> Name & Address
> Title PD
> 1331 LINCOLN RD., APT 505
> Title SD

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Terry Blanton
Florida Profit Corporation
Filing Information
Document Number P1091220
Date Filed  11/08/2010
State   FL
Status  ACTIVE
Principal Address
1331 LINCOLN RD., APT 505
Mailing Address
1331 LINCOLN RD., APT 505
Registered Agent Name & Address
1331 LINCOLN RD., APT 505
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title PD
1331 LINCOLN RD., APT 505
Title SD

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Terry Blanton
Domain name:

Registrant Contact:

Andrea Rossi ()

Via Carlo Ragazzi 28
Bondeno, Ferrara 44012

Administrative Contact:

Andrea Rossi (
Fax: +.
Via Carlo Ragazzi 28
Bondeno, Ferrara 44012

Technical Contact:

Andrea Rossi (
Fax: +.
Via Carlo Ragazzi 28
Bondeno, Ferrara 44012

Status: Locked

Name Servers:

Creation date: 22 Sep 2009 07:55:32
Expiration date: 22 Sep 2011 07:55:00

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/03/2011 05:39 PM, Harry Veeder wrote:
> from Rossi's blog
> DEFKALION Energy Group 
> February 3rd, 2011 at 6:28 AM 
> On behalf of Defkalion, we w?uld like to clarify the following:
> The full name of Defkalion comapny is: Defkalion Green Technologies S.A. 
> registered in Athens Greece.
> A photovoltaic comapny by the name Defkalion has no connection with us nor do 
> they know anything on this technology.
> For inquiries please forward your messages only to or 
> to 

Whoo hoo -- there's something there!  It's a one-page website, marked
"Under Construction"!

So who owns it?  Looks like somebody named Andreas Meintanis in Elefsina.

Visit for more information about";>AboutUs:

Registration Service Provided By: IP.GR

Domain name:

Registrant Contact:

Administrative Contact:
   Fax: +30.2105546559

Technical Contact:
   Fax: +30.2105546559

Status: Locked

Name Servers:
Creation date: 13 Jan 2011 20:00:00
Expiration date: 13 Jan 2013 15:00:00

Hey, it was registered on *January 13 of this year!*  It's over two
weeks old already!  Could this be for real, after all?

So what does know about them (it's mentioned on the
registration page, after all)?

"We don't know about yet"

Oh, well.  It was worth a try.

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Jed Rothwell

Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

loud! -- while assuming other people will not notice these things, it 
is impossible not to entertain profound uneasiness about the claims.

Understated, Jed.

Darn right it's understated. I bit my tongue. I have been biting it for 
a year. You can see the scars.

I would bet a dollar to a doughnut that Levi doesn't believe it's for 
real, no matter what he says in interviews.

Hmmm . . . That is not my impression, but you could be right. Villa 
expresses many doubts. Perhaps Levi shares them with him.

The good news -- we hope -- is that Levi says he will do further tests, 
lasting at least one day or more. See:

In his blog, Rossi denied there would be more tests. More confusion, 
more misinformation.

Levi's report is a travesty, which could have been bettered by any 
12th grade chemistry student.  I cannot believe that that was a report 
prepared by someone who thinks he has just witnessed the biggest 
breakthrough in the last three decades.  (I don't mean his 
/measurements/ were poor; I mean the /report/ was D- material, totally 
slipshod, just thrown together.)

The report was thrown together in a week. It was a rush job. But I think 
you should cut him some slack. In my experience, elderly professors 
often do a poor job writing papers of this nature. They usually take a 
lot longer to write a short report. Plus, I think a big problem may be 
that English is Levi's second language. I would have a heck of a time 
writing a report like that in Japanese, and I might sacrifice some 
quality because I spend so much time getting the language right.

(On the other hand, if it were me writing in a second language, you can 
be darn sure I would run it past a native speaker, so there would be no 
gross mistakes. I made some corrections to the English version of the 
Levi paper in the version, as I noted at the top of the 
first page.)

As I said in one of my responses to this list,

"after reading Levi's report, that's what it looks to me like it
is.  In short, it's a disaster on wheels for the field of cold fusion"

I hope not! That's what I fear. That's why I am so upset about the 
confusion and misdirection, or whatever it is. And assuming the thing is 
real, it would so easy to get it right! It would be easy to provide 
convincing information. That galls me to no end. That's the story of 
cold fusion. Good experiments. Good results. Botched communication.

I had been starting to think I believed this, until I read Levi's 
report.  Even if he'd only written it up for a few friends (or his 
Facebook page), if he thought this was for real, I have to believe 
he'd have done a more thorough job of reporting on it.

Actually, I thought the slipshod writing and the obvious haste gave it a 
note of verisimilitude. I thought "ah, that's a genuine Italian 
professor alright." I have edited some first-draft papers as bad as that.

Ed Storms called it "amateurish." I agree.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/03/2011 05:13 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
- Steven V Johnson wrote:
  Ideally, it remains our hope that personality
flaws won't adversely

influence the alleged authenticity of extraordinary scientific

evidence collected by said "personality". And yet, here we are,

seemingly unable to avoid participating in the very mess we detest.

Amen to that. And I say it is Rossi's fault. He is either inadvertently
spreading confusion and misinformation, or he is deliberately deceiving
people. He responded offline to my posting on his blog. Why the heck he
did not make his response public I cannot say, but I shall publish it
here, along with my response.

Oh my we've seen that behavior before.

[Rossi wrote:]

3. About
your [Jed's] suppositions, I will make no more tests on modulbecause it
is clear that people like you will also find something wrong.

You are asking legitimate questions and Rossi is responding with anger
and accusations. 

Where have we seen this sort of behavior before?

The fact that you've consistently been a supporter makes no difference
-- you ask sensitive questions, and he lashes out.   "people like you"
-- yeah, right.

[Rossi wrote:]
You just
talk too much, I prefer to make facts.

Rossi sez:  Don't ask questions.

Where have we seen this sort of behavior before?

[Rossi wrote:]

  1- Leonardo Corp exists and it is sound. It
is clear that you have found another leonardo corp ( there are many
Leonardos). My one is sound, believe me.


Yeah, sound as a bell.  An alarm bell, specifically.
"No such domain
  Your request for
could not be fulfilled, because the domain name
could not be resolved."

So whois leonardocorp, anyway?  It seems funny, if it's Rossi's
company, in New Hampshire, that the domain is registered to a Ronald
Leonardo in Connecticut:
Domain Name..
  Creation Date 2005-04-24
  Registration Date 2005-04-24
  Expiry Date.. 2011-04-24
  Organisation Name Ronald Leonardo
  Organisation Address. 42 Country Club Drive
  Organisation Address. 
  Organisation Address. Hamden
  Organisation Address. 06514
  Organisation Address. CT
  Organisation Address. UNITED STATES

Admin Name... Ronald Leonardo
  Admin Address 42 Country Club Drive
  Admin Address 
  Admin Address Hamden
  Admin Address 06514
  Admin Address CT
  Admin Address UNITED STATES
  Admin Email..
  Admin Phone.. +1.2032881699
  Admin Fax 

Tech Name YahooDomains TechContact
  Tech Address. 701 First Ave.
  Tech Address. 
  Tech Address. Sunnyvale
  Tech Address. 94089
  Tech Address. CA
  Tech Address. UNITED STATES
  Tech Email...
  Tech Phone... +1.4089162124
  Tech Fax. 
  Name Server..
  Name Server..

Anybody feel like emailing Ronald at and asking
him about Rossi?

[Rossi wrote:]

  2. Same for Defkalion: you found another one.
Also Defkalion is a common name in Greece.

Okay. Why did you repeatedly refer to it as "Defkalion Energy" when the
name is "Defkalion Green Technologies"? 

And why does Google say " No results found for "defkalion green
technologies"." ?

Why do
you claim you have a degree from a non-existent university? Why don't
you post the name of the company in Florida? 

Maybe because there isn't one?  But that's just a guess.

Let me
say, however, that Rossi has been giving me and others one story after
another for a year now, with no supporting evidence, and I am fed up
with it. Consider for a moment how ridiculously easy it would be for
him to provide confirmation for these claims. For example, he said
there was a reactor in a factory in Italy operating continuously for
six months. He claims hundreds of units are being fabricated. Okay, why
not give us things like:
* The street address of these factories and photos of the equipment.

Because it doesn't exist.

This one has smelled bad from the start -- if he's had
this thing running so long, so well, why is it big news that he can run
it for 1/2 hour in a public demo?  (And didn't I hear a claim of two
years at one point?)

The mysterious factory powered by the first law PMM is old news.  We've
heard it before.  The trouble is they never turn out to exist.  The
only thing new here was that Rossi's claim wasn't totally ruled out by
basic physics.

When I first heard about this factory of Rossi's it struck me as a red
flag -- like the little additional note on the end of a child's story, "And
then he died!" that, instead of strengthening the tale,
makes it collapse completely into a heap of unbelievable assertions.

* Brief technical reports or affidavits from qualified exp

RE: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Jones Beene
At the EON plant in Italy, where one test was said to take place, there are at 
least a dozen cars in the lot - so it is a real factory

Google maps: EON Bondeno Ferrara, Italy

Interesting ... vegetable powered GENSET

Partnered with EON of Italy.

Now we are getting somewhere without smoke and mirrors

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Harry Veeder
from Rossi's blog
DEFKALION Energy Group 
February 3rd, 2011 at 6:28 AM 
On behalf of Defkalion, we wοuld like to clarify the following:
The full name of Defkalion comapny is: Defkalion Green Technologies S.A. 
registered in Athens Greece.
A photovoltaic comapny by the name Defkalion has no connection with us nor do 
they know anything on this technology.
For inquiries please forward your messages only to or to

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Harry Veeder
Is this the correct Leonardo Corp?


RE: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Jones Beene

Interesting ... vegetable power

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Jed Rothwell

OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson wrote:

Ideally, it remains our hope that personality flaws won't adversely
influence the alleged authenticity of extraordinary scientific
evidence collected by said "personality". And yet, here we are,
seemingly unable to avoid participating in the very mess we detest.

Amen to that. And I say it is Rossi's fault. He is either inadvertently 
spreading confusion and misinformation, or he is deliberately deceiving 
people. He responded offline to my posting on his blog. Why the heck he 
did not make his response public I cannot say, but I shall publish it 
here, along with my response.

- Jed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dear Mr Jed Rothwell,
I am answering to your email of today.
1- Leonardo Corp exists and it is sound. It is clear that you have found 
another leonardo corp ( there are many Leonardos). My one is sound, 
believe me.
2. Same for Defkalion: you found another one. Also Defkalion is a common 
name in Greece.
3. About your suppositions, I will make no more tests on modulbecause it 
is clear that people like you will also find something wrong. The 
answers will arrive from our 1 MW plant which will start in October. At 
that point all the discussions will be over, in front of a reactor 
working 24 hours per day, at a power of 1 MW, in the factory of a Customer.

You just talk too much, I prefer to make facts.
Wait until october, you will have surprises.
Andrea Rossi

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Sent to info and uploaded to blog]

You completely misunderstand my comments. I have NEVER doubted the 
results of the Levi test. I have pointed out that others including Prof. 
Villa still have questions.

You wrote:

1- Leonardo Corp exists and it is sound. It is clear that you have 
found another leonardo corp ( there are many Leonardos). My one is 
sound, believe me.
2. Same for Defkalion: you found another one. Also Defkalion is a 
common name in Greece.

Okay. Why did you repeatedly refer to it as "Defkalion Energy" when the 
name is "Defkalion Green Technologies"? Why do you claim you have a 
degree from a non-existent university? Why don't you post the name of 
the company in Florida? You cannot have a factory there without a proper 
registration and telephone number. You should give the name, address and 
telephone number.

You are saying things and doing things that make you look bad. You are 
inviting attacks by skeptics. You should publish COMPLETE and ACCURATE 
information, instead of mixing up the names of your companies. 
Journalists and newspaper reporters worldwide are trying to get accurate 
facts about you, but you have spread so much confusion they think you 
are a fake. I have been trying to reassure them for months that your 
claims have merit. You are making it impossible for me and your other 

You just talk too much, I prefer to make facts.

YOU DO NOT TALK ENOUGH! Make yourself clear. Publish accurate 
information. Do not confuse the name of your company with some other 
company. Be careful!!!

- Jed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another message I wrote to people trying to make sense of this mess:

Brian Ahern informed me that the Leonardo Technologies that Rossi formed 
is in New Hampshire, not Florida, although Rossi has moved it and the 
production line to Florida.

Based on my experience in business, I doubt that. You are not allowed to 
open a production line in a state without registering and licensing a 
corporation. However, if Ahern gives me additional information I will 
report it, and retract my previous assertion.

Let me say, however, that Rossi has been giving me and others one story 
after another for a year now, with no supporting evidence, and I am fed 
up with it. Consider for a moment how ridiculously easy it would be for 
him to provide confirmation for these claims. For example, he said there 
was a reactor in a factory in Italy operating continuously for six 
months. He claims hundreds of units are being fabricated. Okay, why not 
give us things like:

* The street address of these factories and photos of the equipment.

* Brief technical reports or affidavits from qualified experts (even 
anonymous ones). No engineer or scientist on earth would fail to take 
notice of a device that works for months. No one would ignore it.

When I investigated the Griggs gadget, Hydrodynamics gave me a mountain 
of supporting evidence for their claims. They gave me documents and 
testimonials from customers, from qualified engineers, the County 
Property Manager, the Fire Department manager, the Dean of Mech. 
Engineering at Georgia Tech. I ran my own tests, and I observed other 
tests too, and that is the basis of the claim, but there was plenty of 
evidence that qualified experts had independently verified the claims. 
Rossi has been doing this for at least a year and probably much longer. 
Is Levi et al. the first independent test? Why didn'

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/03/2011 03:39 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
>  History is full of genius inventors who were unreliable, unstable or
> dishonest people.

Can you name *one* person who made what turned out to be a breakthrough
in physics, and who was known to be unreliable and dishonest, /and/ who
had *no formal training* in the field?

I can't.

> Some people have also suggested I should not say this because I might
> upset or offend Rossi.

Who cares?

He set himself up for a lot worse than being "offended" or "upset" by
something like this.

The lies all come from Rossi, for crying out loud -- how can /anyone/
worry about offending the liar by pointing them out?

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Stephen A. Lawrence

On 02/03/2011 03:04 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:
> I do not think we should judge the results of a test based on the
> personal integrity of the person doing the experiment, especially when
> the people actually conducting the test are legitimate university
> professors using their own instruments. But when the person making the
> claim goes to such extremes as this -- listing non-existent
> universities and referring inquiries to a company that has never heard
> of him, for crying out loud! -- while assuming other people will not
> notice these things, it is impossible not to entertain profound
> uneasiness about the claims.

Understated, Jed.

I would bet a dollar to a doughnut that Levi doesn't believe it's for
real, no matter what he says in interviews.

Levi's report is a travesty, which could have been bettered by any 12th
grade chemistry student.  I cannot believe that that was a report
prepared by someone who thinks he has just witnessed the biggest
breakthrough in the last three decades.  (I don't mean his
/measurements/ were poor; I mean the /report/ was D- material, totally
slipshod, just thrown together.)

As I said in one of my responses to this list,

"after reading Levi's report, that's what it looks to me like it
is.  In short, it's a disaster on wheels for the field of cold fusion"

I had been starting to think I believed this, until I read Levi's
report.  Even if he'd only written it up for a few friends (or his
Facebook page), if he thought this was for real, I have to believe he'd
have done a more thorough job of reporting on it.

(Just my opinion, of course ... keep in mind I know a /whole/ lot *less*
about this than a lot of other people, including Jed, so take my
opinions with a lot of salt.  The smart money will listen to the
experts, and not to me!)

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
From: S. Krivit's NET Installment  #31

16. Cold Fusion Versus LENR: Competing Ideologies

Paragraph excerpt:

> In January 2010, Melich and his second wife, Marianne Macy,
> who writes for Infinite Energy magazine, began producing
> documents that appear to be promoting the commercial value of
> the Andrea Rossi (Italy) LENR device demonstrated in Italy
> earlier this month. According to ICCF-16 conference chairman
> Mahadeva Srinivasan, Melich is slated to be an unofficial
> spokesman for a newly added discussion of the Rossi LENR device
> at the ICCF-16 conference next week. Rossi told
> New Energy Times that Melich will not be speaking on his
> behalf.

Is it true that ICCF-16 added a program on recent events concerning
Rossi and Focardi? If so, who will participate? Of particular interest
would be who will speak on Rossi & Focardi's behalf - particularly on
Rossi's behalf. If it's not Rossi himself, and presumably that will be
the case, heaven help whoever he/she might be. Some very pointed
questions need to be asked, and rightly so.

Ideally, it remains our hope that personality flaws won't adversely
influence the alleged authenticity of extraordinary scientific
evidence collected by said "personality". And yet, here we are,
seemingly unable to avoid participating in the very mess we detest. I
fear it may soon get much worse. Revelations of this nature will make
it easy for skeptics and debunkers to tear Rossi, the individual,
apart. Will his work survive the personality mess that is likely to

These kinds of revelations concern me deeply. How could it not cause
one, myself included, to doubt the authenticity of Rossi & Focardi's
claims. In all honesty, I don't know what to believe.

Steven Vincent Johnson
Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
I have known about these problems for some time. Some people 
investigating this situation urged me to keep quiet a little longer 
while they investigated. I am not Steve Krivit, and I have never felt it 
is my role to investigate the private lives or credibility of cold 
fusion researchers. I never discuss people's personal lives and I have 
no interest in gossip or rumors. I do not plan to put this information 
on, unless it is independently confirmed and reported in 
the mass media. On the other hand, I informed everyone I know in the 
mass media and at places like

I wrote to the people who urged me to withhold this another week:

"I will not be accused of covering up appalling information that calls 
this whole thing into question. . . .

[Rossi] may have discovered a real phenomenon. History is full of genius 
inventors who were unreliable, unstable or dishonest people. Or -- who 
knows -- he might have taken the discovery from someone else without 
acknowledging it, the way Griggs did. Whatever he has, we should not 
believe it until more and better independent tests can be done."

Flavio Tarallo just wrote to me:

"I think that we cannot say that Rossi is a cheater, because we don't 
have the evidences, but there is too much strange things around him and 
at least we have to pretend a new test with a well defined, shared and 
approved method and protocol of measurements."

I agree with that 100%.

Some people have also suggested I should not say this because I might 
upset or offend Rossi. Some have suggested that if his claim is real, he 
may soon be the most powerful person on earth. Indeed, he may soon be 
Bill Gates and Andrew Carnegie rolled together. However, I am never 
inclined to curry favor with the rich and powerful, and I am never 
furtive. I do not mind when people refuse to give me information, but I 
resent it when they lie to me. So, to ensure that everyone knows where I 
stand, I uploaded a copy of that Vortex message to Rossi's blog.

- Jed

[Vo]:Defkalion Energy has no knowledge of Rossi, and Leonardo Company is defunct

2011-02-03 Thread Jed Rothwell
Rossi claims that he is being funded by the Defkalion Energy of Athens, 
Greece. On his blog, someone with the e-mail address says he is the contact at Defkalion Energy. He 
says his devices are being manufactured by the Leonardo Company of Florida.

I did some elementary background checks with the help of a friend who 
speaks Greek. So far I have discovered:

1. Defkalion Energy of Athens, Greece is a real registered company, but 
the people there say they have never heard of Rossi, his device or 
stsalikoglou. They have never heard of Bologna U.

2. The person who answers messages to stsalikoglou responds in English 
and gives no sign of understanding Greek.

3. The Leonardo Company of Florida is defunct. See:

It is registered at 49757 Mars St Fort Myers, FL 33905. Google street 
view shows only small houses and mobile homes (beat up old trailers) 
there. There is no way anyone could be manufacturing 100 devices at this 
location, and I doubt anyone with the money to do this would live there.

Rossi also claims a degree from a non-existent university, and a 
technical adviser Prof. George Kelly, University of New Hampshire – USA, 
who does not exist.

This is appalling.

If Rossi deliberately set out to give the impression he is a fraud and a 
con man, he could not do a better job. If he is trying to fool people, 
he is using methods that cannot possibly work in the Internet era.

I do not know what to think Maybe he is just making a spectacle of 
himself, or trying to throw people off his trail.

I was planning to hold off reporting this. I have asked some other 
people to confirm it. However, I just discovered the page about the 
Leonardo Company. Ironically, I found it because there is a link from 
that page to, because one of our reports lists the 
Leonardo Company. The street view was the last straw.

I have revisited the notion that his demonstration may be fake. Several 
skeptics offered reasons why that might be the case. Most reasons can be 
dismissed out of hand, for example, the notions that the flow rate is 
changed, or there are hidden wires, or hidden chemical fuel. However 
Flavio Tarallo has proposed an idea that is at least plausible, although 
highly unlikely in my opinion. He believes the flow of water might be 
diverted inside the machine, such that one tube leads to the 
thermocouple and RH meter, and another bypasses them. The flow of water 
is then joined and it empties out of the end. Let me quote his message 
describing this:

"The temperature and 'air quality' measurements were taken INSIDE the 
reactor, (in holes prepared by Rossi) instead at its final output. 
Nobody could see inside the reactor so there are a lot of possibility. 
One possibility I thought is that an amount of the water flow have been 
diverted. One part of the water flow actually goes inside the "hot 
core", heats and became vapour and another part simply bypass everything 
in another internal pipe and go directly to the output where it is 
re-mixed with the first part. Nobody measured the output steam flow or 
its speed (should be around 74 m/s for 5 g/s flow!!!) The electric power 
input was sufficient to vaporize the fraction of
the water flow that goes into the core and that is measured. With a 
divertor commanded by a simply thermo-sensor, all can you see from 
outside is a behaviour like a start of internal energy generation insted 
it's only the start of a flow fractioning. All this consideration is 
independent from the honesty of Rossi, there is this possibility so it 
has to be denied by a new measure (possibly without steam production)."

I do not know if the holes were prepared by Rossi. Anyway, this method 
would call for a complex set of hidden remote controls, to accommodate 
observations such as the one that the temperature was higher when input 
power was reduced from 1000 W to 400 W.

I do not think we should judge the results of a test based on the 
personal integrity of the person doing the experiment, especially when 
the people actually conducting the test are legitimate university 
professors using their own instruments. But when the person making the 
claim goes to such extremes as this -- listing non-existent universities 
and referring inquiries to a company that has never heard of him, for 
crying out loud! -- while assuming other people will not notice these 
things, it is impossible not to entertain profound uneasiness about the 

- Jed