Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-20 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From David,

> ... Further, they might conclude that finding this form of communications
> is the simplest test of intelligence which would warrant further contact

Careful what you wish for.

Speciously Packaged Alien Messages, aka: SPAM

Especially during the election season. Who represents us?

Hopefully getting on the list won't drive certain elements within the
Vort Collective into fits of apoplexy.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-20 Thread David Roberson

I was actually thinking of some other exotic form of communications instead of 
our current EM type.  People had no way to detect radio waves with normal 
senses until they were mathematically uncovered by the scientists of the day.  
No one would have believed it was possible until it was actually done; sound 
familiar?  Now, one might ask the question as to whether or not there are 
additional energies or forces waiting to be discovered as knowledge is 
improved.  I fall into the category of one of those curious people that have a 
strong suspicion that we have more to learn in physics than we currently know.  
Imagine that a new method of communicating is discovered which relies upon one 
of these unknown techniques and that it can travel great distances at super 
light speeds.  The aliens, and hopefully us, will sooner or later stumble upon 
the new method and radio is history.  Further, they might conclude that finding 
this form of communications is the simplest test of intelligence which would 
warrant further contact.

One might look upon entanglement of particles as a possible instantaneous 
method of sending information according to what I have seen.  Would this system 
work over a distance of many light years?  This is just one possibility out of 
who knows how many.  We limit ourselves to the speed of light which is far to 
slow if it is truly possible to travel between the stars.  If UFOs are indeed 
alien craft from far away then there must be another way to exceed this barrier.

Most wondrous discoveries are a result of good fortune (luck) where an 
observant person notices things that do not quite add up or operate outside of 
the understood physics principles.  Have you ever wondered why we virtually 
always find new and unique science as soon as an instrument is put into 
operation that looks deeper into nature?  When does this sequence of 
discoveries cease?  My suspicion is that we are babes in the woods with much 
too high of an opinion of ourselves.  And as we all have seen, those who are 
assumed to be the most knowledgeable tend to be the very ones that prevent new 
knowledge from being discovered to conceal the appearance of not knowing.

We must continue to ask questions of natural systems if we are to advance.  
That UFO that someone claims to have seen might actually be real.  The 
apparitions that are reported widely by others could be a clue to some new 
science.  Cold fusion might be prevalent in nature under some very demanding 
and precise conditions that are difficult to achieve.  When it is eventually 
tamed we will look back and say "That is obvious!".

Ok, I will vacate the soap box.  Once in a while it is relaxing to think with 
an open mind toward the future.


-Original Message-
From: Eric Walker 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 10:38 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:10 AM, David Roberson  wrote:

A thought just occurred to me.  Maybe the fact that we have not discovered 
radio signals from any of these aliens is a strong suggestion that there is an 
alternate superior method of communication that we will discover within the 
next few years, assuming that we progress as others have.  This is all the more 
reason for us to adequately fund new unknown energy sources.

I like that thought.

To further flesh out the idea about the novel form of EM radiation 
communication, imagine a GIF image of the Mona Lisa.  It looks just like any 
other such image, but some of the pixels have a slightly different color.  The 
modification is subtle enough that the human eye won't be able to see the 
difference.  And if the encoding is done very cleverly, even very good computer 
algorithms won't be able to pick it out.  But if you have the public key, you 
can run the image through decompression software and get a message out. The 
encoding scheme could involve the colors in the image as they relate to other 
colors, for example.

Now imagine doing this with radio communication across a spectrum.  The "image" 
in this case is whatever is passing through the transceiver at that moment.  
Since we're using a lot of redundancy in the encoding of the information, we 
can afford to make the modifications to the incoming signal very slight.  You 
might be able to get away with such a scheme with every little power consumed 
in relaying the modified signal -- I'm just guessing here, but perhaps it could 
be more energy efficient to transmit information this way.  And there could be 
different "channels" -- low frequencies together with their harmonics, which 
you could use for things like error correction.  This seems like something that 
might already be possible.  I wonder if militaries already have something like 

The quantum entanglement idea is an interesting one.


Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-20 Thread Eric Walker
I wrote:

But if you have the public key, you can run the image through decompression
> software and get a message out.

Obviously the private key is what is needed here. "Decompression" is being
used broadly.


Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread Eric Walker
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:10 AM, David Roberson  wrote:

 A thought just occurred to me.  Maybe the fact that we have not discovered
> radio signals from any of these aliens is a strong suggestion that there is
> an alternate superior method of communication that we will discover within
> the next few years, assuming that we progress as others have.  This is all
> the more reason for us to adequately fund new unknown energy sources.
> Dave

I like that thought.

To further flesh out the idea about the novel form of EM radiation
communication, imagine a GIF image of the Mona Lisa.  It looks just like
any other such image, but some of the pixels have a slightly different
color.  The modification is subtle enough that the human eye won't be able
to see the difference.  And if the encoding is done very cleverly, even
very good computer algorithms won't be able to pick it out.  But if you
have the public key, you can run the image through decompression software
and get a message out. The encoding scheme could involve the colors in the
image as they relate to other colors, for example.

Now imagine doing this with radio communication across a spectrum.  The
"image" in this case is whatever is passing through the transceiver at that
moment.  Since we're using a lot of redundancy in the encoding of the
information, we can afford to make the modifications to the incoming signal
very slight.  You might be able to get away with such a scheme with every
little power consumed in relaying the modified signal -- I'm just guessing
here, but perhaps it could be more energy efficient to transmit information
this way.  And there could be different "channels" -- low frequencies
together with their harmonics, which you could use for things like error
correction.  This seems like something that might already be possible.  I
wonder if militaries already have something like it.

The quantum entanglement idea is an interesting one.


Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread Eric Walker
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 12:05 AM, MarkI-ZeroPoint wrote:

> **
> Sounds way too close to A.C.C’s third law which states:
>   “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

Sounds right.  I'm sure I subconsciously picked up on that concept but
didn't realize it.


Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread Jed Rothwell
Terry Blanton  wrote:

> There are many who believe the hive mind is more of the rule than the
> exception.  It certainly appears to be the case in nature.  The flight
> of birds such as in the beginning of Take Shelter or this vid:

My guess is that there is some prosaic method of communication between the
birds, if anything in biology can be described as "prosaic." I say that
because there have been countless other astounding abilities discovered in
biology yet in every case I know of so far, when they were explained, the
explanation did not involve anything beyond the known set of senses such as
vision, hearing, sense of touch or magnetism (used by migrating birds). The
classic example is a bat's ability to navigate in semi-darkness from
hearing (echolocation). It is astounding, but it ain't ESP. Before they
discovered bat echolocation in 1938 it seemed like ESP.

Even if the means of communication are prosaic and  similar to our own
senses, I think it is perfectly reasonable to say that a flock of birds
does have a "hive mind." A hive of bees definitely does. A hive of bees is
capable of advanced, organized behavior such as scouting and bringing back
food, and building complex wax honeycomb shapes. A single bee could never
do this. I doubt it would even have enough brain cells to store the
information. Insects communicate by ordinary means such as movement and
pheromones that have been partially decoded by people.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread Jed Rothwell
MarkI-ZeroPoint  wrote:

> Eric wrote:
> “With sufficiently advanced encryption, we could mistake the signal for
> white noise.”
> ** **
> Sounds way too close to A.C.C’s third law which states:
>   “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

I discussed this very issue with Clarke. I said that data compression is
likely to make utilitarian interstellar communication invisible. He agreed.
He had a lot professional knowledge of data, communication, radio, radar
and so on, from WWII. (A lot more than me.)

That is to say, an advanced civilization communicating with a colony on
another star is likely to use a narrow beam that will not be intercepted in
the first place, and it is likely to compress the data even more than we
compress multichannel television broadcasts from satellites. It would end
up looking like a white light; just noise.

Years ago it was thought that TV and radio signals from the Earth would
reach distant stars. That was one of the themes of the movie "Contact"
(1997). Lately I have read that signals from Earth probably fade out
completely at less than 1 light year, and cannot be read even in principle.
I suppose that means planetary, satellite, and interplanetary communication
on other stars cannot be read by us. I expect the only signals we could
read with confidence would be ones that are intended to be read by any
civilization with radio; i.e. the signal in "Contact."

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
Perhaps we, or more specifically, our gene pool, is considered
something akin to a game preserve by many species out yonder. Future
"selves" (containers?) occasionally coming back to sample the
indigenous DNA of their ancient ancestors. Such a hypothesis would
certainly make more sense as compared to ET's that evolved completely
independently from us trying to splice our genes into theirs.
Personally, I suspect there has been "contamination" going on for
millions of years. In the final analysis, we are all bastards, and
we're probably related to everyone. Welcome to the family!
Unfortunately, that includes the In Laws too. ;-)

Regarding ACC's CE, (Indeed, a great novel).  This, of course, goes to
the heart of what comprises a unique identity - a soul if you will. I
suspect older souls like ACC and Carl Jung inevitably become more
attuned to the illusion of the "self" and all the baggage associated
with it. Perhaps at first such revelations disturb them. They end up
writing novels and turgid scientific journals on the matter as a way
to confront their internal struggles. Later, I think most simply
accept the inevitability of it all. Life & Consciousness... Even if it
does transform to something else that is currently perceived as
unknown, it still goes on. We go on.

Do individual identities exist, or are "identities" nothing more than
an evolutionary construct that seems to have certain advantages over
the more instinctual "hive minded" approach. From an evolutionary POV,
it would seem that both approaches of awareness have their advantages
and disadvantages.

Do "I" exist? (Personally: "I" think not... therefore "I" am not!) I
am not "I". Perhaps I/we-all are observers who are playing with an
infinite number of "I's" on the planar field of the Universe.

I think a number of eastern approaches have got a much better handle
on such vexing matters. Western philosophies and our quaint relig'ns
are only now beginning to grasp the ramifications of what certain
eastern POVs managed to grok thousands of years ago.

My, oh my! Such a recent spat of OT discussions! ... about the nature
of consciousness. Makes my wet ware quiver! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread Harry Veeder
Even if you are caged like zoo animal, or work in labour camp or
struggle to "make ends meet", everyday you will have the "free will"
to acquiesce.


On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:22 AM, David Roberson  wrote:
> It sounds like you should author a new book titled 'The Matrix'(joking of
> course).  I hope that we are of free will and have at least a small say as
> to how our lives are to proceed.
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From: Terry Blanton 
> To: vortex-l 
> Sent: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 9:43 am
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis
> These theories are all well and good; but, there are much greater
> possibilities regarding the evolution of sentience.  If you are
> unfamiliar with Childhood's End, I would highly recommend a reading.
> There are many who believe the hive mind is more of the rule than the
> exception.  It certainly appears to be the case in nature.  The flight
> of birds such as in the beginning of Take Shelter or this vid:
> implies an innate extrasensory form of communication.  In Childhood's
> End, it takes the tranquility created by the Overlords for the mankind
> hatchling; but, in other scifi, the mind merge is created by such as
> the internet.  One could certainly expect that when our wet ware links
> are installed as predicted by Gibson in Neuromancer.
> Indeed, Whitley Streiber (et. al. - no pun intended) has conjectured
> that the hive-minded little abductors who walk in lockstep while
> probing his nether regions are actually time travelling humans who
> have returned to the past in hopes of retrieving those genes which
> allowed individual thought.
> Maybe we are the exception using EM waves to communicate.  Maybe most
> nascent sentience uses quantum entanglement for communication.
> Indeed we are living in a fairly old universe.  Maybe we are just pets
> or a zoo for more mature species.
> It goes on.  I won't.
> T

Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread David Roberson

It sounds like you should author a new book titled 'The Matrix'(joking of 
course).  I hope that we are of free will and have at least a small say as to 
how our lives are to proceed.


-Original Message-
From: Terry Blanton 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 9:43 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

These theories are all well and good; but, there are much greater
ossibilities regarding the evolution of sentience.  If you are
nfamiliar with Childhood's End, I would highly recommend a reading.
There are many who believe the hive mind is more of the rule than the
xception.  It certainly appears to be the case in nature.  The flight
f birds such as in the beginning of Take Shelter or this vid:
implies an innate extrasensory form of communication.  In Childhood's
nd, it takes the tranquility created by the Overlords for the mankind
atchling; but, in other scifi, the mind merge is created by such as
he internet.  One could certainly expect that when our wet ware links
re installed as predicted by Gibson in Neuromancer.
Indeed, Whitley Streiber (et. al. - no pun intended) has conjectured
hat the hive-minded little abductors who walk in lockstep while
robing his nether regions are actually time travelling humans who
ave returned to the past in hopes of retrieving those genes which
llowed individual thought.
Maybe we are the exception using EM waves to communicate.  Maybe most
ascent sentience uses quantum entanglement for communication.
Indeed we are living in a fairly old universe.  Maybe we are just pets
r a zoo for more mature species.
It goes on.  I won't.

Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread David Roberson

A thought just occurred to me.  Maybe the fact that we have not discovered 
radio signals from any of these aliens is a strong suggestion that there is an 
alternate superior method of communication that we will discover within the 
next few years, assuming that we progress as others have.  This is all the more 
reason for us to adequately fund new unknown energy sources.


-Original Message-
From: Eric Walker 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Tue, Jun 19, 2012 2:05 am
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Eric Walker  wrote:

Perhaps they're using quantum cryptography with an enormously large key 
strength.  With sufficiently advanced encryption, we could mistake the signal 
for white noise.

Just to elaborate -- you would need to do more than simply encrypt the contents 
of the signal to achieve some kind of cloaking, since the way we transmit radio 
these days lends itself to detection in various ways, even if the contents 
cannot be decrypted.  You could look for sharp peaks of intensity across the 
radio spectrum, for example, and figure out that there are other people using 
radios.  In order to have cloaking, you would need to get rid of all obvious 
trace of a signal, perhaps along these lines:

Take a large sample of the background noise across the full range of the 
human-safe EMF spectrum detected in the vicinity of the antenna.
Encrypt your message with very strong encryption.
Using the background as the carrier signal, introduce small bits of your 
message here and there, amplifying and attenuating the background just a tiny 
bit across the full range of frequencies.
Use incredibly massive redundancy to ensure that the encrypted signal survives 
errors in transmission so that it can be successfully decrypted.


Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread Michele Comitini
2012/6/19 Terry Blanton :
> Maybe we are the exception using EM waves to communicate.  Maybe most
> nascent sentience uses quantum entanglement for communication.

I agree.  We are using EM to communicate since 200yrs only considering
the telegraph.  Could be that in 100 years EM will be obsoleted by new
means of communication.  Compared to Universe age 500 yrs are nothing
so our own EM emission could remain undetected forever by any other
form of life even on Earth.


Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread Terry Blanton
These theories are all well and good; but, there are much greater
possibilities regarding the evolution of sentience.  If you are
unfamiliar with Childhood's End, I would highly recommend a reading.

There are many who believe the hive mind is more of the rule than the
exception.  It certainly appears to be the case in nature.  The flight
of birds such as in the beginning of Take Shelter or this vid:

implies an innate extrasensory form of communication.  In Childhood's
End, it takes the tranquility created by the Overlords for the mankind
hatchling; but, in other scifi, the mind merge is created by such as
the internet.  One could certainly expect that when our wet ware links
are installed as predicted by Gibson in Neuromancer.

Indeed, Whitley Streiber (et. al. - no pun intended) has conjectured
that the hive-minded little abductors who walk in lockstep while
probing his nether regions are actually time travelling humans who
have returned to the past in hopes of retrieving those genes which
allowed individual thought.

Maybe we are the exception using EM waves to communicate.  Maybe most
nascent sentience uses quantum entanglement for communication.

Indeed we are living in a fairly old universe.  Maybe we are just pets
or a zoo for more mature species.

It goes on.  I won't.


RE: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-19 Thread MarkI-ZeroPoint
Eric wrote:

“With sufficiently advanced encryption, we could mistake the signal for white 


Sounds way too close to A.C.C’s third law which states:

  “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”'s_three_laws





From: Eric Walker [] 
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2012 11:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis


On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Eric Walker  wrote:


Perhaps they're using quantum cryptography with an enormously large key 
strength.  With sufficiently advanced encryption, we could mistake the signal 
for white noise.


Just to elaborate -- you would need to do more than simply encrypt the contents 
of the signal to achieve some kind of cloaking, since the way we transmit radio 
these days lends itself to detection in various ways, even if the contents 
cannot be decrypted.  You could look for sharp peaks of intensity across the 
radio spectrum, for example, and figure out that there are other people using 
radios.  In order to have cloaking, you would need to get rid of all obvious 
trace of a signal, perhaps along these lines:

*   Take a large sample of the background noise across the full range of 
the human-safe EMF spectrum detected in the vicinity of the antenna.
*   Encrypt your message with very strong encryption.
*   Using the background as the carrier signal, introduce small bits of 
your message here and there, amplifying and attenuating the background just a 
tiny bit across the full range of frequencies.
*   Use incredibly massive redundancy to ensure that the encrypted signal 
survives errors in transmission so that it can be successfully decrypted.



Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-18 Thread Eric Walker
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 8:56 PM, Eric Walker  wrote:

Perhaps they're using quantum cryptography with an enormously large key
> strength.  With sufficiently advanced encryption, we could mistake the
> signal for white noise.

Just to elaborate -- you would need to do more than simply encrypt the
contents of the signal to achieve some kind of cloaking, since the way we
transmit radio these days lends itself to detection in various ways, even
if the contents cannot be decrypted.  You could look for sharp peaks of
intensity across the radio spectrum, for example, and figure out that there
are other people using radios.  In order to have cloaking, you would need
to get rid of all obvious trace of a signal, perhaps along these lines:

   - Take a large sample of the background noise across the full range of
   the human-safe EMF spectrum detected in the vicinity of the antenna.
   - Encrypt your message with very strong encryption.
   - Using the background as the carrier signal, introduce small bits of
   your message here and there, amplifying and attenuating the background just
   a tiny bit across the full range of frequencies.
   - Use incredibly massive redundancy to ensure that the encrypted signal
   survives errors in transmission so that it can be successfully decrypted.


Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-18 Thread Eric Walker
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Terry Blanton  wrote:

Take that, Fermi:
> T

Assume that the odds that there are sentient beings on other planets is
nonzero, and that, further, this proposition understates things for a
universe where we have every reason to believe that the number of planetary
systems is large.  A problem to be explained, then, is that we have not
detected any sign of such beings.  If they survive and advance
technologically, one can presume that they will eventually discover
electromagnetic radiation and its ability to carry information.  If they
had something analogous to television and radio stations for an extended
period of time, wouldn't we pick up the signal at some point?  If they made
use of anything comparable to what we presently have, it should be
straightforward to infer from such a signal that it is not background noise.

So perhaps we have one of the following: (1) there are no sentient beings
on other planets (this contradicts our hypothesis); or (2) all other
sentient groups did not advance to the point of controlling EM radiation
(unlikely, given the numbers we're talking about); or (3) such groups
quickly move to a mode of communication that is difficult for us to pick up
on with our present technology.  Perhaps they're using quantum cryptography
with an enormously large key strength.  With sufficiently advanced
encryption, we could mistake the signal for white noise.

Possibility (3) could be for reasons unrelated to us; i.e., the other
civilizations simply like the domestic privacy such technology affords.  Or
it could be for evolutionary reasons, as the article suggests; but even
then, the alien civilizations could have made the evolutionarily dubious
choice of sending out a probe over an extended period before they came to
their senses, as we earthlings already have.  Or there could be something
along the lines of Star Trek's prime directive -- don't interfere with the
development of alien societies, with a possible corollary of not permitting
them to detect you until they're sufficiently advanced.

So to detect alien civilizations in our third scenario, we will either need
to crack the ciphers once we get quantum computers rolling or we will need
to happen upon the brief period of time (200 years, say) before which they
figured out how to super-encrypt things.  Even if we assume a large number
of alien civilizations, their number will be vanishingly small compared to
the surrounding cosmos, so that window of 200 years or so will be a very
fleeting thing to attempt to pick up on, and presumably, given the relative
weakness of the signal, you will need to point the radio telescope in
exactly the right direction.  (Here I am going beyond my knowledge of radio
telescopes.)  One moral of this story is that we need not conclude anything
about the existence of alien civilizations on the basis of the SETI results.


Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-18 Thread Terry Blanton
On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Jed Rothwell  wrote:
> See: A. C. Clarke, "Childhood's End."

You once asked ACC (for me) what was his inspiration for CE and he
said to read 3010.  I have, but, do not still find the answer.  CE was
one of my favorite works by ACC.  I always sort of equated him with
Chris Tinsley in a way.  I miss them both.


Re: [Vo]:Transcension Hypothesis

2012-06-18 Thread Jed Rothwell
See: A. C. Clarke, "Childhood's End."

- Jed