Re: [Vo]:Randall Mills Debunks Rossi in Yahoo's SocietyforClassicalPhysics

2011-06-25 Thread MJ

On 25-Jun-11 01:57, wrote:

A patent must teach one skilled in the art how to make and use the 
invention. [...]

In what planet?

Mark Jordan

Re: [Vo]:New translations of papers into Portuguese

2011-09-06 Thread MJ

On 06-Sep-11 11:37, Jed Rothwell wrote:


Chubb, S.R., /O Reator Rossi de 10kW./ Infinite Energy, 2011(96): p. 31.

Bacchi, S., /Coletânea de artigos sobre o aparelho de fusão a frio 
Rossi/. 2011,

[That title doesn't survive conversion.]

- Jed

"Coletânea de artigos sobre o aparelho de fusão a frio de Andrea Rossi"


[Vo]:Another cold fusion generator?

2011-09-27 Thread MJ

Mark Jordan

[Vo]:Fwd: [EVGRAY] Major OU breakthrough unfolding.

2011-11-01 Thread MJ

 Original Message 
Subject:[EVGRAY] Major OU breakthrough unfolding.
Date:   Tue, 01 Nov 2011 21:38:31 -
From:   silverhealtheu 

Very interesting breakthru seams to be happening now from a small group @ using ferrite NMR ferroresonance with a modulated sub carrier. The claim 
so far is sig gen of only around 10 watts is providing 100w+ o/p and up to 1kw 
with spark.

First decent bit of news to happen in many months possibly years! Too early to 
confirm anything yet but i been waiting for a break like this (i been a bit 
pre-occupied with other things for forum chat but i been watching closely) to 
happen as we approach 2012 -it was ON THE CARDS!

These guys are real open source they have no plans to hide anything. In case 
you don't know stivep went on a fact finding mission to Kapanadze home a few 
months ago to try and unravel some more info but Kapanadze despite being very 
sick is fulfilling his contract gagging orders.

Re: [Vo]:Water Cannot Prevent Dehydration

2011-11-20 Thread MJ

On 20-Nov-11 02:14, Terry Blanton wrote:

On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 11:08 PM, Mary Yugo  wrote:

in Google scholar and got only 5 pages of returns, none of which was
relevant.  I did the same for "kidney failure" chlorine drinking water and
got 900+ returns.  However, most have to do with eliminating microorganisms
from water *using* chlorine.  So I dunno.  There may be a reason but I sure
can't find it.   If you find out the reason to avoid chlorinated (or
chloramine-ated) tap water, let me/us know.  Maybe it's a prohibition
against tap water and not chlorine?  I never heard it before.

Ackshully, it's the mineral content which concerns Dr. Jacobson.
Polycystic patients are prone to kidney stones.

(nice alliteration, eh?)


I had kidney stones until I discovered NQI:

Mark Jordan

Re: [Vo]:Water Cannot Prevent Dehydration

2011-11-20 Thread MJ

On 20-Nov-11 16:00, Mary Yugo wrote:

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 5:01 AM, MJ <>> wrote:

   I had kidney stones until I discovered NQI:

  Mark Jordan

The advice on that page is rather general.  What part of it seemed to 
solve your issue.  I am interested because I have a close friend who 
suffered repeated bouts of kidney stones and required several 
procedures to remove them.

It seems they don't advertise NQI for dissolving kidney stones, but 
it really works according to several testimonials:

Mark Jordan

[Vo]:Mysterious "white web" found growing on nuclear waste

2011-12-18 Thread MJ

[Vo]:Fwd: Re: [KeelyNet_Interact] Free EM energy from the Vacuum

2011-05-14 Thread MJ

Interesting research!

 Original Message 

Here are just a couple of examples where anyone can obtain an abstract, but 
will be asked for their membership ID or  for the full text -- many papers 
available so if interested enough buy them:

1. The Journal of Physical Chemistry

2. Nature

Here is a link to UC Davis where a related paper can be had for free:

This 2005 paper is also an indication of how long work has been going on in the 
Klimov Team in the area of the generation of multiple excitons.

Here is another free link to one of Klimov's presentations done back in 2006 
from the Center for Nonlinear Studies:

This talk is a good summary of what they were excited about in 2006. Goes into 
some details with an example of the maxium theoretical possible number of 
photogenerated excitons from a photon energy of 7.8 energy gaps based on energy 
conservation being 7, and how their experiments then indicated they were 
sometimes generating 7. This would meant 90% of the photon energy produced 
multiple charges and only 10% was lost as heat. The point was made that in bulk 
materials this same photon energy level only produced 1 exciton -- 90% of the 
photon energy was lost as heat and only 10% produced a single exciton. Notice 
the comment that 7 was the maxium possible based on energy conservation -- no 
claim here of free energy.

This period seems to be the time the free energy sites made the jump that since 
it had always been one photon in and one electron out in bulk material with 
Klimov's nano-crystals generating 7 electrons all you had to do was use one 
electron to create another photon, feed the photon back to the input, and use 
the continuous supply of 6 additional electrons to do useful work. The problem 
with this is the assumption that this one electron using only 1/7 of the output 
of the nano-crystal could be used to generate a new photon with the same 
wavelength -- photon energy varies with wavelength where shorter wave length 
equals more energy -- as the initial photon. Stated another way any photon 
generated would not have the photon energy of 7.8 energy gaps that the initial 
photon coming from an external source required to generated 7 electrons.

The ScienceDailey site has a good free article on how the team went back 
through their process after others reported they were unable to duplicate the 
full expected results -- additional related articles here as well.

The net of this 2009 article was on one hand they found they were counting some 
false positives -- so they actually were not generating 7 excitons as they 
thought in 2006, but on the other hand they were able to confirm without 
question that while the newly measured electron yields were lower that carrier 
multiplication was occurring and specifically the photon energy required to 
generate an extra electron in a nano-crystal was about half that required for a 
bulk material.

I'll shut-up now after adding other researchers and processes have shown 
carrier multiplication and we should get excited about all of these efforts 
because someday they will help lead to super-efficient solar cells, but none of 
these researchers are claiming or expected to see free energy.

Re: [Vo]:Many Worlds and Multiverse are the SAME THING (?)

2011-06-02 Thread MJ

Which god would be that?  There are so many "true gods" around...


On 02-Jun-11 11:11, Rich Murray wrote:

A Course in Miracles:

"Creation is the holy Son of God, for in creation is His Will complete
in every aspect, making every part container of the whole.
Its oneness is forever guaranteed inviolate; forever held within His
holy Will, beyond all possibility of harm, of separation, imperfection
and of any spot upon its sinlessness.
We are creation; we the Sons of God.
Let our function be only to let this memory return, only to let God's
Will be done on earth, only to be restored to sanity, and to be but as
God created us."

Re: [Vo]:Wikipedia E-Cat article for deletion

2012-09-09 Thread MJ

On 09-Sep-12 15:36, Alan Fletcher wrote:

From: "Kelley Trezise" 
Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2012 9:31:22 AM
Some time back I fought the battle of the E-Cat article on Wikipedia
but found it too frustrating and in the end even enfuriating as there
are some very tennatious editiors that really, really don't like cold
fusion articles in any way shape or form. Their obnoxious behavior
have driven off the more moderate people and as a result have had
their way and have written a very twisted article.

I think it's just time to give up on that wiki. Brian Josephson gave up. I gave 
up (Alanf777) . Others gave up.
It's so distorted that it's better just to delete it.

If and when something happens (and is reported in the main stream scientific 
journals and/or media) then it can be reconstructed -- one way or another.


Re: [Vo]:A new economic system will be needed in the next 20 to 100 years

2012-10-09 Thread MJ

Sorry, would need to wait at least a thousand years for that.

On 09-Oct-12 19:44, Jarold McWilliams wrote:
It's a lot better than trying to reform capitalism.  Also, you can 
have robots running the government and allocating resources, so there 
would be no bureaucracy.

[Vo]:Compressed air?

2012-10-09 Thread MJ

Copied from another list:

Guys not sure if its vortex steam reforming or what, may be fake dont know , 
its patented, please take a look



The patent describes how its proprietary technology compresses ambient air in several 
stages to drive micro-turbines. The compressed air passes through a Jet Propulsion 
Corridor. It intersects with the turbines which are semi-circular bucket shaped with 
internal and external flanges. The turbines drive shafts attached to the generators that 
produce the electricity. Exhaust compressed air gets recycled back into the unit through 
a pressurized air conduit in a continuous feedback loop.Mr. Obadan is described as a 
scientist, inventor and divinity. On the company website it states that he has broken 
three major laws of physics.He has created a machine that can run perpetually once primed 
without any additional external power source….a "perpetual motion machine."He 
has demonstrated that the law of thermodynamics can be broken by showing that less energy 
can create more sustainable energy, in fact in multiples well beyond the initial energy 
input.He has broken Isaac Newton's axiom that every action leads to an equal and opposite 
reaction because his reactor creates more of reaction than the initial action.

Re: [Vo]:WITTS 3kW Generator Video

2012-12-06 Thread MJ

Maybe using a water pump:

Mark Jordan

On 06-Dec-12 20:46, David Roberson wrote:
Brad, If you place a large flywheel on the shaft, you will get a much 
slower decay in speed.  Also, the efficiencies of the motor and the 
generator directly impact the energy loss of the system.

So, take an efficient generator and connect it to an efficient motor 
while driving a large flywheel and it will continue to turn for a long 


-Original Message-
From: Brad Lowe 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Dec 6, 2012 4:29 pm
Subject: Re: [Vo]:WITTS 3kW Generator Video

I can't find a very similar demo on youtube where a guy ran a drill.. 
Looked like it was filmed in the Philippians or but can't find it..

Here is a video showing what should happen when you try to power a 
motor with a generator:

Goes dead pretty quickly.

- Brad

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Esa Ruoho > wrote:

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 7:44 PM, James Bowery>> wrote:

The idea that WITTS is an on-going organization with 200 years
of history is bizarre.  While its reasonable to deride
criticism of technological development on the basis of the
engineer's religious beliefs, the claim that Nicola Tesla, and
prior scientists, were members of an organization that exists
to this day, but which has no  historical record other than
the testimony of one man, has the ring of an MK-ULTRA op if
not outright insanity.

Yeah, this is the part that I don't really care about. I mean,
when I spoke with them for a few hours on the phone, they said
something similar to Faraday and Maxwell having been involved in
this or that. I don't understand the reason for saying something
like that, but I don't consider it to be any reason to not fund
them, they have their own reasons for it.

I don't know if it's a kind of "we have 15 to 45 books" kind of
thing (when someone actually has 8 or 10 books), or what's going
on, but overall, the u.s. peeps have neat lotteries in there (or
so we poor scandinavians are lead to misbelieve) ranging from 250
to 350 million dollars as a first prize so to throw 15 or 35
million to WITTS/Thrapp people would still leave a ton of funding
for other projects (such as Erik Dollard (who is on Indiegogo) and
John Hutchison (who is on Gofundme). And then pick up some paypal
addresses for Tom Bearden, Dale Pond, Paul Pantone and so on. Call
it risk-money or what you will, but it would surely sort out the
wheat from the chaff very quickly - by allowing one to directly
see how these people are progressing and what they do with the money.

Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty concerning recent trolling activity

2012-12-23 Thread MJ

George Carlin on religion:

On 23-Dec-12 20:36, Jojo Jaro wrote:
As I was when people started calling the Bible a fairy tale written by 
goat herders.  You feel that I have no right to defend what I believe 
from lies, yet feel that Lomax has every right to defend his from the 
truth.  Every one went up in arms when I defended the Bible from lies; 
but when Lomax defends his from the truth; that is OK and celebrated.  
I wonder why people are afraid to criticize islam.  Could it be that 
muslims would not put up with it like Christians would turn the other 
I'm pretty sure that's it. People tiptoe around islam while having a 
field day with Christianity.  Why?  They know they can get away with 
criticizing Christianity, unlike with islam.
What exactly have I said about islam that is not the truth?  That you 
consider that trolling?
Have I not provided evidence from muslim scholars of what I said?  
Have I not provided incontrovertible evidence that muhammed is indeed 
a child molester who forcibly took a 6 year-old little girl barely out 
of diapers still playing with dolls, and had intercourse with her when 
she was 9 years old.  The "great" prophet, for whom great wars are 
being fought", molested a 9 year old little girl.  It seems to me that 
those who follow such a man would need to have his head examined.  Yet 
he has the audacity to proclaim himself an expert.  LOL


- Original Message -
*From:* Eric Walker 
*Sent:* Monday, December 24, 2012 1:49 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:[OT] Sent a message of query off to Mr. Beaty
concerning recent trolling activity

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 9:44 AM, Peter Gluck>> wrote:

(in contrast to those thoughtful contributors, such as Abd,
who simply feel the need to defend their religion against
blatant trolling).


Re: [Vo]:Robert Park on Newman free energy

2009-11-07 Thread MJ

   It's another SCAM:


Horace Heffner wrote:

From:  What's New 6 November 2009:


Re: [Vo]:Is Galileo's DNA still viable?

2009-11-20 Thread MJ

Jones Beene wrote:

BTW -- the implications of cloned DNA from the Shroud of Turin has 
already been explored in (poorly written) fiction.


In their book "The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud and the 
Great Secret of Freemasonry", Masonic historians Christopher Knight 
Robert Lomas  claim that the 
image on the shroud is actually that of Jacques de Molay 
Jacques de Molay was the last Grand Master of the Order of the Knights 
Templar , arrested for 
heresy  at the Paris Temple by 
Philip IV of France  
on 13 October 1307, and tortured under the auspices of the Chief 
Inquisitor of France, William Imbert.^[34] 
 Per Lomas 
and Knight, De Molay's arms and legs were nailed to a large wooden door 
or panel, creating wounds similar to crucifixion, and after one period 
of torture De Molay was wrapped in a piece of cloth in the fashion of a 
shroud and left to recover, during which time acids in the traumatised 
De Molay's perspiration created the image on the shroud.^[33] 
This is supported by the hypothesis of Dr. Alan A. Mills in his article 
"Image formation on the Shroud of Turin," in /Interdisciplinary Science 
Reviews/, 1995, vol. 20 No. 4, pp 319--326, who calls the chemical 
reaction auto-oxidation . 
He also notes that the image corresponds to what would have been 
produced by a volatile chemical if the intensity of the color change 
were inversely proportional to the distance from the body of a loosely 
draped cloth.

Per Knight and Lomas, De Molay was later executed together with a fellow 
Templar leader, Geoffroy de Charney 
, into whose family 
the possession of the shroud then passed, until Jeanne de Vergy, the 
widow of De Charney's grandson, put the shroud on display at a church in 

Re: [Vo]:REMOVING RULE2 VIOLATORS, 'subscribe' blocked.

2012-01-23 Thread MJ


Mark Jordan

On 23-Jan-12 07:48, William Beaty wrote:

 Vtx thoughtcriminals.  "Scoffing" and anti-fringe behavior, but didn't
 leave in disgust as suggested.  Ungood!  Time for Periodic Cleansing.


   "Mary" "Yugo"
   Dusty Bradshaw
   Shaun Taylor

 Vortex traffic temporarily suspended.  Getting everyone's attention.

 I'll leave "subscribe" turned off for weeks/months, "unsubscribe"
 remains active.  Email me directly for problems, suggestions.

 (( ( (  (   ((O))   )  ) ) )))
 William J. BeatySCIENCE HOBBYIST website
 billb at amasci com
 EE/programmer/sci-exhibits   amateur science, hobby projects, sci fair
 Seattle, WA  206-762-3818unusual phenomena, tesla coils, weird sci

Re: [Vo]:ET - Call home

2012-02-02 Thread MJ

Huh?  Have you read some of his books?


On 02-Feb-12 15:16, Daniel Rocha wrote:
Well, he was busted when dictionaries of sumerian were made widely 
available, including online. It seems he overused creative 
translation. But, who knows...

2012/2/2 OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson <>>


Interesting SA article.

I seem to recall scholar/archeologist Zecharia Sitchin speculating on
the premise that the Sumerian civilization was influenced by an
amphibian race of beings. Sitchin was a prolific author. He rote
numerous scholarly books on his ET hypothesis. I  haven't read any of
them, so I dunno.

I'm more inclined to think of the film "The Abyss" by James Cameron as
a reasonable example of a highly intelligent and technologically
advanced aquatic species who might chose to visit our world. Talk
about the manipulation  of water! ;-)

Steven Vincent Johnson <> <>

Daniel Rocha - RJ <>

Re: [Vo]:Eye-witness report from Rio de Janeiro disaster

2010-04-08 Thread MJ

On 08-Apr-10 11:46, Jed Rothwell wrote:
My daughter just got back from Rio de Janeiro where she was visiting 
schools and slums with a do-gooder Brazilian friend. This is what I 
call an Eleanor Roosevelt style vacation. Anyway, the day after she 
left the city was hit with the worst flooding in its history, which is 
widely ascribed to global warming. At least, the Brazilians think that 
is the cause.

This has not been widely reported in the U.S. news.

Her friend sent her the following account an hour ago:

The rain we had this week was the heaviest we ever had here, and the 
consequences of it were indeed worse than we could have ever conceived.

It affected the whole city, leaving no neighborhood free from the 

I couldn't leave my apartment for over 24 hours, for as you know, my 
street is very high and you can only access it from that avenue with 
the waterway.

So as you may imagine, both ends of my street turned into massive 
waterfalls and that waterway overflew.

I was completely isolated, but very fortunately for me, safe. so were 
all of the girls you met. All we had to deal with was the 
inconvenience of not being able to leave our homes.

The streets were completely full of water, that went as high as 
people's knees, so the transportation system in Rio collapsed. Nobody 
was able to work that day , and those who were brave enough to try had 
to go home all soaked and frustrated. The lagoon was also overflown 
until yesterday, and many roads and tunnels have been blocked ever since.

Luckly, I think all of my friends were somehow safe, as well as my 
family. One other risk of being out in the streets had to do with 
opportunist robbers, that would take advantage of stuck cars, for 

The biggest problems happended, of course, in the poorest areas. The 
slums (or as we call them, the "favelas") are usually uphill and since 
the huts are irregular constructions, as the earth slid it brought 
them all down with it. So far the official number of deads is around 
138 and growing by the hour.

It was a catastrophe like no other we have ever seen here, but i guess 
thats only nature's response to men and the destruction we've been 
causing for so long now.

- Jed

It just got worse this night.

Mark Jordan from southern Brasil.

Re: [Vo]:The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

2010-09-08 Thread MJ

 On 08-Sep-10 11:58, Terry Blanton wrote:

Well, there's always the return of Nibiru.


Not in 2012.


Re: [Vo]:The strange case of solar flares and radioactive elements

2010-09-08 Thread MJ

 On 08-Sep-10 13:50, Mauro Lacy wrote:

We don't need to do anything; we only have to
wait, and in a matter of weeks, or even days, all of our serious problems
will be magically swept away by a sequence of "galactic waves" of higher
frequency, that will automatically bring a new age to Earth.

Or, the other version: the world will be miserably destroyed. And it's
none of your bussiness. You are powerless and helpless, there's nothing
you can do about it. Just surrender to the idea of the inminent collapse
of civilization, the destruction of mankind, and the absolute lack of any
meaning and sense in anything you can do.
There are serious efforts going around to propagate those kind of ideas
too, and to instill the fear and desolation they bring.

Maybe by the same guys that promote wars:


Re: [Vo]:hello

2011-01-08 Thread MJ

I think your Yahoo account is compromised too.


On 08-Jan-11 09:09, John Berry wrote:

It is a hacker from China (Beijing?) that hacked my gmail account.

My password was random characters, but I have used the password before.

Re: [Vo]:Also Not So Sprach Dr. Robert Park

2011-01-30 Thread MJ

On 30-Jan-11 13:24, Terry Blanton wrote:

I think Park waits until the meme has sufficiently propagated so that
he maximizes the impact of his criticism.


Maybe he already has some privileged information...


[Vo]:THEAC-25 converts the heat directly into cold

2019-01-25 Thread MJ


[Vo]:[EE] Wireless power transmission

2020-08-04 Thread MJ

Re: [Vo] submission now at 360

2009-01-16 Thread MJ

I'm not sure, but it seems that fake IDs can vote too.

Mark Jordan

On 16 Jan 2009 at 14:02, Jed Rothwell wrote:

> As of 14:00 it has dropped to 350.
> If people do not vote for this it will submerge.
> It is a shame this web site does not show all votes pro and con.
> You have to wonder what sort of person opposes academic freedom so 
> much they vote against this:
> "Senior researchers at National Laboratories, the U. S. Navy and 
> other government laboratories have done outstanding cold fusion 
> research in the past, and they would like to do more, but they have 
> not been adequately funded."
> - Jed

[Vo]:Bismuth + Dr. Schwartz = 3kW free energy

2009-07-28 Thread MJ

Re: [Vo]:Self Runner

2008-06-05 Thread MJ

There is this Yahoo group trying to replicate the Testatika:


Mark Jordan

On 5 Jun 2008 at 18:02, Mike Carrell wrote:

> - Original Message - 
> From: "Terry Blanton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 5:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [Vo]:Self Runner
> > The Testatika's technology is guarded by a European sect as I recall.
> > This is the device which taps static electricity?
> ===
> The general appearance of the Testatika is a electrostatic generator. No 
> electrostatic genmerator has the Testatika perfomance of a) self running and 
> b) power to light a large incandescent lamp. I have seen a ideo purporting 
> to show this, but it is so counter-intuitive as not to be trusted. Yet many 
> have seen it and there are may attempts to replicate it, but no successes 
> that I know of. Supposedly several of these machines provide power to the 
> community.
> Mike Carrell

Re: [Vo]:Blacklight Power stuff

2008-08-17 Thread MJ

Downloaded fine here. It's a 130-page PDF document (80 blank pages).

Do you want me to send you the PDF?

Mark Jordan

On 16 Aug 2008 at 19:41, Jones Beene wrote:

> --- Hi Robin,
> > Going by the old paper I have ("Anomalous
> Argon-Hydrogen-Strontium Discharge") we are both
> wrong...
> I see this paper is apparently available online from a
> source I haven't used before, and am trying to
> download it, but not yet successful ...
> AB466D858A4664EA1F27?doi=
> Jones

[Vo]:(Fwd) Evidence for correlations between nuclear decay rates and Earth-Sun distance

2008-08-29 Thread MJ

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Date sent:  Fri, 29 Aug 2008 11:03:10 -0400
Subject:Evidence for correlations between nuclear decay rates 
Earth-Sun distance

Evidence for correlations between nuclear decay rates and Earth-Sun

Unexplained periodic fluctuations in the decay rates of 32 Si and 226
Ra have been reported
by groups at Brookhaven National Laboratory ( 32 Si), and at the 
Bundesandstalt in Germany( 226 Ra). We show from an analysis of the 
raw data in these experiments
that the observed fluctuations are strongly correlated in time, not 
only with each other, but also with
the distance between the Earth and the Sun. Some implications of 
these results are also discussed,
including the suggestion that discrepancies in published half-life 
determinations for these and other
nuclides may be attributable in part to differences in solar activity
during the course of  the various
experiments, or to seasonal variations in fundamental constants.

--- End of forwarded message ---

[Vo]:Re: ***Dr. Al Swimmer Endorses Joseph Newman's Energy Machine!

2008-09-28 Thread MJ

It seems this Dr. Al Swimmer doesn't exist.
Someone on another list tried to find references from him at any 
university but can't find nothing using Google.

Mark Jordan

On 28 Sep 2008 at 22:00, Esa Ruoho wrote:

> can you write us down a transcript of what dr. al swimmer says about
> newmans machine?
> 2008/9/28 JNPCo. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[Vo]:Technology Review: Mass Production of Plastic Solar Cells

2008-10-18 Thread MJ

A novel photovoltaic technology moves into large-scale production:

Mark Jordan

Re: [Vo]:Dead Sea Saga

2008-10-21 Thread MJ
> Howdy Jones,
> One may speculate on an account of the  "dead sea" event recorded in
> Gen 19. 
> The description of the destruction of Sodom could be interpreted as
> an 
> atomic explosion.. however, the wife, while looking back, became a
> "pillar 
> of salt". hmmm. According to Abraham's eyewitness account from his
> view some 
> distance in the hill country, a smoke cloud covered the valley.. An
> earlier 
> account recorded of Abraham and Lot parting of the ways described
> the area 
> east as a fertile plain. This dead sea area today is anything but a
> fertile 
> plain. Below sealevel could indicate a sudden collapse indicating an
> immense. earthquake.
> For sure.. sum'tin very strange happened there. Something that left
> an 
> unexplainable land change that refuses to follow the rules of
> geology.. much 
> less chemistry.
> One  may also  engage in pure conjecture while reading about
> "Solomon's lost 
> mines". Supposedly ,they were located in Opher.. whereever that was.
> However, since the gold was real and enough to gold plate the
> temple, it 
> sure had to come from somewhere. so why not from the dead sea..
> hmmm. 
> Transmutation???.  Not so unbelievable as reports outa Ole Calif
> during the 
> Sutter's mill gold rush where some suggested the gold nuggets formed
> from " 
> bacteria" in the mountain streams since no mother lode was ever
> found 
> upstream.
>  Never to be outdone by a really good story.. now the Russians are
> investigating creating exotic metals using bio-nuclear transmutation
> theory
> Shades of  chicken little and the sky falling.. what will they
> comeup with 
> next... speaking of chickens.. anyone want to hazard a guess as to
> why a 
> chicken can lay an egg ( calcium shell ),.. even IF.. their food
> intake has 
> NO calcium content??
> Richard 

Quote from:

"The traditional and literal translation of the Hebrew term Netsiv melah has 
been 'pillar of salt,' and tracts have been written in the 
Middle Ages explaining the process whereby a person could turn into crystalline 
salt. However, if - as we believe - the mother 
tongue of Abraham and Lot was Sumerian, and the event was first recorded not in 
a Semitic language but in Sumerian, an 
entirely different and more plausible understanding of the fate of Lot's wife 
becomes possible.
  "In a paper presented to the American Oriental Society in 1918 and in a 
followup article in Beitrage zur Assyriologie, Paul Haupt 
had shown conclusively that because the early sources of salt in Sumer were 
swamps near the Persian Gulf, the Sumerian term 
NIMUR branched off to mean both salt and vapor. Because the Dead Sea has been 
called, in Hebrew, The Salt Sea, the biblical 
Hebrew narrator probably misinterpreted the Sumerian term and wrote 'pillar of 
salt' when in fact Lot's wife became a 'pillar of 

Mark Jordan

[Vo]:Electron Power Systems Technology

2008-10-24 Thread MJ

Re: [Vo]:'Heavy' drinkers live longer

2008-12-02 Thread MJ

Mark Jordan

On 2 Dec 2008 at 10:28, Harry Veeder wrote:

> Cholesterol can be separated into two categories:
> "good" cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol.
> Transfats are unhealthy because they increase levels of the bad kind
> and decrease levels of the good kind.
> hmmm I wonder if there is "ugly" cholesterol too.
> harry
> - Original Message -
> From: "Taylor J. Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tuesday, December 2, 2008 9:52 am
> Subject: [Vo]:'Heavy' drinkers live longer
> > 
> > Nick Palmer wrote:
> > 
> > Also there is quite a lot of evidence that eating
> > cholesterol laden substances does not necessarily translate
> > to a high blood cholesterol level which would support your
> > theory about healthy animal fats but would not suggest
> > that vegetable oils were unhealthy...
> > 
> > Hi All,
> > 
> > My cholesterol is normally in the 160's.  A few years
> > ago I experimented with a pure fat diet (e.g. butter on
> > the pork rinds) and brought my cholesterol down to 150.
> > Of course I couldn't keep that up since I'm a carb junkie.
> > 
> > Personally, I think a cholesterol of 200 is about right,
> > since apparently people with low cholesterol don't live
> > any longer than people with high cholesterol -- they just
> > die more frequently from accidents, homocides and suicides.
> > 
> > Jack Smith
> > 
> > 
> > 

Re: [Vo]:New more powerful image

2013-04-19 Thread MJ

Have tried every image you posted and feel nothing besides the heat 
from the monitor's backlight.

In hope,
Mark Jordan

On 19/4/2013 09:51, John Berry wrote:

BTW an added interesting detail.

I am finding that my hand can deflect the energy making there little 
to feel.
So to feel it, one should have your hand a few feet away from the 
screen inline with the assumed output and bring it in closer.

Just waving it up and down close to the right side of the screen might 
just result in the energy being bent by your hand.

Please keep an open mind, I have sent images to many people and had 
very few negative reports indeed, and generally from people who felt 
later or previous images successfully.

Even if we assume those who ignored me outright actually tried and 
didn't feel anything (which I very much doubt) then there are still 
far more who have felt than not.

Unless you count everyone of Vortex who is ignoring me of course :)

Another note about feeling energy from images, if you put your hand 
closer than 3 inches to the screen most will stop working as the light 
does not convey far enough.


On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:05 PM, John Berry > wrote:

To the RIGHT side of your monitor.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:00 PM, John Berry>> wrote:

Place your palm to the side of your monitor with palm facing
edge of the monitor.

Another person from the list has emailed me privately to say
they felt something very subtle in their hand inline with the
horizontal line running through an earlier version of the image.


Re: [Vo]:New more powerful image

2013-04-20 Thread MJ

That image should work at any zoom level?  I'm using a 24 inches 
LCD monitor.

Mark Jordan

On 19-Apr-13 21:35, John Berry wrote:

Mark, I have made a new one especially for you.

Now this image deals heavily with colour so it may not work if your 
monitor or videocard is at fault.

Feel about 1.5 to 2 feet away from the image, this will make it easier 
to tell the sensation apart from the monitor and will give the image 
more space to 'structure'.

I have no idea if you will be able to feel it, but is is tuned to 
replicate an angle I found I was automatically putting my fingers at 
which increased the sensation in my hand.


On Sat, Apr 20, 2013 at 1:21 AM, MJ <>> wrote:

Have tried every image you posted and feel nothing besides the
heat from the monitor's backlight.

In hope,
Mark Jordan

On 19/4/2013 09:51, John Berry wrote:

BTW an added interesting detail.

I am finding that my hand can deflect the energy making there
little to feel.
So to feel it, one should have your hand a few feet away from the
screen inline with the assumed output and bring it in closer.

Just waving it up and down close to the right side of the screen
might just result in the energy being bent by your hand.

Please keep an open mind, I have sent images to many people and
had very few negative reports indeed, and generally from people
who felt later or previous images successfully.

Even if we assume those who ignored me outright actually tried
and didn't feel anything (which I very much doubt) then there are
still far more who have felt than not.
Unless you count everyone of Vortex who is ignoring me of course :)

Another note about feeling energy from images, if you put your
hand closer than 3 inches to the screen most will stop working as
the light does not convey far enough.


On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:05 PM, John Berry>> wrote:

To the RIGHT side of your monitor.

On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:00 PM, John Berry>> wrote:

Place your palm to the side of your monitor with palm
facing edge of the monitor.

Another person from the list has emailed me privately to
say they felt something very subtle in their hand inline
with the horizontal line running through an earlier
version of the image.


[Vo]:Re: [Vo] RAR gravity engine

2014-02-09 Thread MJ

The other machine built here in my city seems to be not aligned 

Mark Jordan

On 09-Feb-14 20:55, Brad Lowe wrote:

The Gilman machine appears aligned North and South.
The building it is housed in is parallel to "600 East Rd.",+Gilman,+IL+60938&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x880daff58a57d933:0xe98a8990679a2e17,1795+N+600+East+Rd,+Gilman,+IL+60938&gl=us&ei=RaxIUvHcGYqo2wWnoYBA&ved=0CCsQ8gEwAA

This is from looking at "Foto Oficial 07".
The "back" of the machine is on the East wall, lengthwise (and 
longitudinally) running N-S.

- Brad

[Vo]:Online Cosmic Rays Moscow Neutron Monitor

2013-01-31 Thread MJ


Mark Jordan

Re: [Vo]:What every happened to these guys?

2015-02-18 Thread MJ


On 18-Feb-15 22:46, Blaze Spinnaker wrote:

It was so big and fancy.  I thought it had to be real.

Re: [Vo]:The Ahmed Mohamed case and distrust of experts

2015-09-17 Thread MJ

He could move to Poland. They teach how to make realistic fake 
bombs in electronic magazines:


On 17-Sep-15 18:24, Blaze Spinnaker wrote:
Any reasonably cautious person would say this thing looks like a hoax 

Making something that LOOKS LIKE A BOMB is a felony.  It's akin to 
shouting fire in a crowded theatre.  Again, I think the teachers over 
reacted a little, but I think it fell within a not so completely 
unexpected range of reasonable reactions.

Re: [Vo]:Brief explanation of Volkswagen scandal technical details

2015-09-25 Thread MJ

So, if the problem was the software, why they didn't fix it?

Mark Jordan

On 25-Sep-15 16:29, Jed Rothwell wrote:

This is somewhat off-topic but . . .

I have had trouble understanding the news reports about the Volkswagen 
scandal. I have not found a clear technical description of what 
happened. I think the reporters do not understand.

The gist of it is that when someone plugs a computer into the 
automobile onboard computer, something changes. Press reports seem to 
indicate that either the actual performance changes, or that the 
onboard computer begins to generate fake data. It turns out to be the 
former. When you disengage from the onboard computer, NOx emissions 
increase to a level ~40 times above US allowed standards. Furthermore, 
fixing this problem will probably degrade the performance or fuel 
efficiency of the car.

Here is a short but clear explanation:

Zoom into the graphic box, "how Volkswagens defeat device works."

The article says they are thinking of installing a Urea injection 
system to fix the problem. Piss on it, in other words. Bringing to 
mind the saying, "If you was on fire I wouldn't bother to . . ."

The people at Volkswagen were unbelievably stupid thinking they could 
get away with this indefinitely.

- Jed

Re: [Vo]:new images RAR Energia gravity motor

2015-12-18 Thread MJ

Last year RAR stated they have a working small model before 
designing the big ones.

Mark Jordan

On 18-Dec-15 13:24, a.ashfield wrote:

"Hmmm... anyone got a clue about what the small gadget is - which is 
mounted to the bottom rail, just to the right of the main weight - and 
is moved slightly one every revolution by an elbow of one of the cranks?"

I'm guessing that it is intended to capture the momentum somehow. Just 
how is not clear.

What is intriguing is that someone bright enough to have accumulated 
enough money to make these two gigantic machines, would not have the 
sense to try it on a small model first and then build just one machine 
not two, without being very confident that it worked.

RAREnergia wrote that it did work.
"Final pieces and weights of our motor moved by the power of gravity 
can be assembled in many positions, forming different but similar 
forms. We tested the final part, in several assembling models. The 
motor worked perfectly in all models, varying between bigger and minor 
power or torch (torque?). We choose (chose?) one of the models to 
conclude the assembling of the equipment and we posted more pictures."

But if it works, why have we not seen a video of it and why not a 
press conference to show the world that what we learned at school was 
wrong?  RAR must know if it works.  I was expecting no further news 
indefinitely so that they are back is a surprise.


2017-02-16 Thread MJ

Leon Dragone also observed the cooling effect related to magnetism:

Mark Jordan

On 16-Feb-17 19:42, David Roberson wrote:
When a hot object radiates IR into space the temperature also drops.  
Perhaps there is a low frequency form of magnetic coupling that can be 
encouraged to do a similar thing. According to my observations there 
seems to be a method available to convert energy among the different 
forms under most conditions.


-Original Message-
From: Chris Zell 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Thu, Feb 16, 2017 3:02 pm
Subject: RE: [Vo]:Regarding what BOB COOK THINKS ABOUT THE NAE

If a specially shaped magnetic field can drop the temperature of an 
apparatus, shouldn’t we conclude that random motion (heat) is somehow 
being converted into directed, useful motion?  That Maxwell’s Demon 
has been found?


2017-02-22 Thread MJ

Would it be the same if I glue together side-by-side nine squared 
magnets but reversing the one at the center?

Mark Jordan

On 22-Feb-17 17:40, Brian Ahern wrote:

Imagine placing 4 - 50 cent coins at each corner. Then place one  in 
the center.

Starting with an annealed billet one can impress these fields with a 
cylinder of NdFeB magnet.  You just reverse the polarity for the center.

This process is called 'conditioning'.  That is the condition for the 
billet that worked for two years.

Another salient feature.   The Manelas device was powering batteries 
for his house. He had 48 lithium ion batteries  accepting pulses from 
his unit. On a Sunday morning in April 2012 he called me to say his 
battery pack spontaneously over charged and several of the batteries 

It happend between midnight and 6 AM. I visited him that day 
and confirmed that all the batteries were overcharged.

I observed the same charging effect in July 2014 with the Manelas my home lab.

*From:* Bob Higgins 
*Sent:* Wednesday, February 22, 2017 3:22 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Vo]:DESCRIBING THE MANELAS Phenomenon

You previously said that the strontium ferrite block was 4" x 6" x 
1".  Can you explain how the 3 coils are wound to produce a "north 
pole" at each of the 4 corners with a common center south pole in the 
center?  Are 2 of the coils wrapped around the block like wrapping a 
box with ribbon in a plus?  Then is the third coil wrapped around the 
1" wide circumference?

A diagram would be great.


On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 1:08 PM, Brian Ahern > wrote:

I have the original billet and all three axises are wound with the
suggested length of wire (170 feet).

I welcome any suggestions and directions.

I am not skilled with AC circuits, but I have significant
experience with high voltage pulsed systems.

I will take it to my grave that the Manelas system worked and that
we were not fooled. I just do not know how to proceed

Re: [Vo]:Kamen's New Segue

2017-04-19 Thread MJ

On 19-Apr-17 14:45, Jones Beene wrote:

Wow and whoa. Notice about 1:47 in the vid there could be some lose 
ends, so to speak ...

...have they rigged up some rope to keep the wings stabilized? Well 
that is a possible explanation. :-)

This concept, no matter how beautiful and intriguing -- will never 
happen... at least not until it can be completely robot controlled, 
and essentially "state controlled" which is to say, independent of the 
desires of the owner/driver.

The terrorism risk is too great... OTOH, it is a beautiful way to 
accomplish regime change.

On 4/19/2017 7:58 AM, Terry Blanton wrote: 

Well, he's one of the advisors.

Re: [Vo]:LENR in a battery?

2018-03-17 Thread MJ

    It can be dowloaded here:

    Mark Jordan

On 17-Mar-18 05:03, Nigel Dyer wrote:

It appears to be a real patent, finally published on March 1st


On 17/03/2018 01:53, JonesBeene wrote:

Strange that there is no patent number – only an application number 
but they call it a patent.

Justia has been know to screw up in the past and the Inventor: Victor 
M. Villalobos has claimed fantastical inventions before. I would love 
to see this proved with an actual experiment -  but as of now, 
serious doubts are raised. Of course, it is possible that 
Goodenough’s device relates to ZPE and this inventor could lay claim 
to it -- but will we ever know what is going on scinetifically, now 
that there are legal ramifications?

In the past USPTO would never grant a patent on anything to do with 
ZPE or cold fusion, but things change…

Anyway this is curious – shall we say…?

*From: *Nigel Dyer **

And there is this 'Zero Point Energy Magnetic Battery'


JonesBeene wrote:

The recent announcement from University of Texas of a far more
powerful solid-state "glass” battery technology from John
Goodenough's lab has yet to sink in for most of the scientific
community. There is evidence of a ten-fold increase in energy
density between charges, so long as there are rest periods. IOW
the device seems to recharge itself when given the time to do so.

The extreme interest in this technology is due to the reputation
of Goodenough, the inventor the Li-ion battery in several
versions including the one used by the Tesla automobile.
 Goodenough is still active in the field at 94 years of age and
that is another miracle in this unfolding story about a device
that seems to defy physics. Curiously, this technology is
reminiscent of EESTOR which is just down the road and still
operating (under the radar) after disappointing dozens of VCs
with millions of dollar spent and no product. Must be something
in the water down there in the Lone Star state, even though both
technologies are water free.

Similarly to that EESTOR fiasco, the reaction among the “experts”
in the battery field strong skepticism tinged with jealousy. But
Goodenough and his reputation makes things more interesting this
time around. The growing conclusion from published early data is
 that this battery breaks the laws of thermodynamics and that is
the most significant aspect of story from our perspective… but in
truth the gain could be coming from ambient heat and not the
chemicals in device – which technically is more like a
self-charging capacitor than a redox battery. This sounds a bit
like “water memory” in that we have mobile molecules that want to
return to a earlier state even after giving up energy and
dropping to a more stable state.

Although lithium is one of the chemicals, sodium works as well or
better so this is apparently not anything nuclear with respect to
Li, or is it? The glass electrolyte apparently contains lithium,
even in the case of  sodium as the  charge carrier. Nor is dense
hydrogen involved (unless it is trade secret). The one critical
material required is an alkali from Column 1, which indicates
that the manipulation of loosely bound electrons is the key. Many
here on vortex might remember back in the previous century there
were experiments and much talk about self-charging capacitors.
Even data. This not a new claim and in fact there is little doubt
that there are anomalies when you get to level of hundreds of
Farads in a small area, which is due to some kind of paradigm
shit … but the conservative opinion remains that these are
measurement problems and not thermodynamic violations.

Given everything that is unfolding, it is even likely that there
will be a fit between the extreme dielectrics of EESTOR and the
glass electrode of Goodenough. I would like to see a merger of
the two. Ultra dielectrics have not gone away.

Bottom line: Imagine the repercussions of  an electric car with
ten times less battery cost than the new Tesla… or even four time
less. The market for crude oil would crash, no?

That possibility will ruffle some feathers, especially in Texas
where even students are armed. If I were John Goodenough, I would
insist on adding some guards around the Texas Materials Institute
and more security. He has a few good years left, it would seem.

The only bad news from this technology is that there will not be
very much demand for LENR if you can produce a low cost battery
which recharges itself … unless of course the recharging is
itself a form of LENR. This is not ruled out.

Re: [Vo]:Bold attempt at OverUnity via gravity

2013-07-07 Thread MJ


There is another one from Maranhão. It seems to be based on the 
Kapanadze device.

They are working with an Energy Company.

Mark Jordan

On 07-Jul-13 15:36, Daniel Rocha wrote:
Wow, something really crazy from my country! I wonder if I should give 
them a call.

2013/7/7 Jones Beene>>

Is this a case of
1)  More money than brains
2)  Tilting at windmills
3)  Mad genius at work
4)  Extreme limits of self-delusion
5)  Perpmo heaven
6)  All of the above

Daniel Rocha - RJ 

Re: [Vo]:Bold attempt at OverUnity via gravity

2013-07-07 Thread MJ

Here is the link about the other Brasilian company:

Watch the two videos.

Mark Jordan

On 07-Jul-13 15:36, Daniel Rocha wrote:
Wow, something really crazy from my country! I wonder if I should give 
them a call.

2013/7/7 Jones Beene>>

Is this a case of
1)  More money than brains
2)  Tilting at windmills
3)  Mad genius at work
4)  Extreme limits of self-delusion
5)  Perpmo heaven
6)  All of the above

Daniel Rocha - RJ 

Re: [Vo]:Bold attempt at OverUnity via gravity

2013-07-07 Thread MJ

On 07-Jul-13 20:17, Eric Walker wrote:
On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 11:52 AM, Jed Rothwell > wrote:

They sure started out on a large scale! No lack of confidence.

This looks like a gadget right out of the Renaissance.

It seems like if you're making a prototype, you should start small, so 
that it costs less to iterate on any changes that will be needed. 
 Perhaps they have the COP optimized already.


They wrote they already have a small working prototype.

Mark Jordan

Re: [Vo]:Waltzing Hammers

2013-10-25 Thread MJ

They said they already have more than one smaller prototype working.
That's the reason for building the large machine.

Mark Jordan

On 25-Oct-13 15:51, Jones Beene wrote:

Yes. I thought of this RAR machine in the context of a multi-axis pendulum,
but there could be something else going on with it.

It is almost crazy to think that these people would spend so much money on a
large version - without having a smaller version as an operating PoC.

... but then again, there are a few crazy rich people in the World.

One almost has to conclude that RAR, which is in agricultural processing as
a going concern - has built this machine as a dual-use contraption - which
could be converted to another "real" use (such as crushing grain) if it does
not work as a gainful device to produce net energy.

Given the obvious amount of friction, almost certainly it will fail as a way
extract mechanical energy from gravity - so there must be more to the

-Original Message-
From: a.ashfield

I think this gravity machine was on Vortex earlier, but in the last few
days, more photos have been published that show the final configuration,
together with the claim that it works.  Clearly RARenergia think that it
does and have spent a lot of money on it.

What is an interesting question is what would it take to prove the
machine really does work.  Obviously videos would not be enough.


Re: [Vo]:Facebook solar airplane

2016-08-05 Thread MJ

"small towers and dishes" ?  Will the plane be stationary?

Mark Jordan

On 05-Aug-16 17:28, Stephen A. Lawrence wrote:

Thanks -- that makes sense.

On 08/05/2016 02:26 PM, Jed Rothwell wrote:

Ah, here we are:

"With Aquila, we've designed a new aircraft architecture, one that 
can support staying in the air for months at a time. Aquila is solar 
powered, and when launched, it will create a 50-km communications 
radius for up to 90 days, beaming a signal down to the people in that 
area. This signal will be received by small towers and dishes that 
will then convert it into a Wi-Fi or LTE network that people can 
connect to with their cellphones and smartphones." 

In other words, the airplane replaces the infrastructure between 
towers, and it also allows for smaller towers. Probably cheaper ones 

It says they want to reduce communication costs by an order of 

- Jed