Re: [wdvltalk] New list created

2009-03-17 Thread r937

Just to let you know, I've created the new list.

thanks david, it's nice to see someone take this on

just to let you know, i will not be joining

to all the friends i've made on wdvltalk over the years (it's been, what, 
about 7 or 8 years for me, if not longer) i wish continued success

and if anyone has an SQL question, please feel free to contact me directly


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Re: [wdvltalk] WDVLTalk list closing NOT

2009-03-05 Thread r937

... I don't have to fire up my browser and visit a particular
site in order to search for a thread that I once posted on

with a forum, you get an email every time someone replies in a thread that 
you're subscribed to

you are automatically subscribed to every thread in which you have posted, 
and you can subscribe to other threads as well

so this is ~much~ better than a mailing list, because

1. you get emails for every thread you're interested in, and

2. you ~don't~ get emails for ~everything~ that's posted on the forum

some people might view this second point as a drawback (i don't get to see 
everything that's going on any more) but it's really a feature -- you can 
easily see the everything list of posts by visiting the get new posts 
page in the forum

i've been on multiple forums for between 7 and 9 years, and forums are more 
member-friendly than mailing lists


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Re: [wdvltalk] WDVLTalk list closing

2009-03-04 Thread r937

On 03/03/2009 05:45 PM, Matthew Macdonald-Wallace wrote:

Quoting Cheryl D Wise

xWDVL list

linux is the best hosting platform ever and then some...

Rudy's guide to SQL


i must've missed some emails here (mail from wdvltalk sometimes ends up in 
my spam folder)

what's this about the list closing?

can somebody give me a quick recap?


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Re: [wdvltalk] WDVLTalk list closing

2009-03-04 Thread r937
Is this also a chance to update the rouges gallery (is that still  

hosted these days?) :oP


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Re: [wdvltalk] Hey Rudy!

2009-02-18 Thread r937

thanks sheila

yeah, i'm pretty pleased that it's finally been announced on sitepoint

(amazon had it listed since december, go figure)


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Re: [wdvltalk] Hey Rudy!

2009-02-18 Thread r937
/me reckons we should all get a free copy 'coz we know Rudy and we're 
just a generally nice bunch of people :oP

Whaddya say Rudy? :o)

free copies? sorry, no can do

but if you send me US$30 i will send you a signed copy

paypal preferred:

cheque accepted but i will need to wait until it has cleared before 


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Re: [wdvltalk] MySQL Query doing my head in!

2008-12-24 Thread r937

 Basically the query is sound ...

sorry, no, not quite

here's what i saw...

WHERE icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
AND resources.resourceTypeId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeId
AND categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId
AND resources.resourceId = resource2category.resourceId
AND resourceTitle LIKE %legal%
OR keywords LIKE %legal%
OR extract LIKE %legal%
OR resourceTitle LIKE %waste%
OR keywords LIKE %waste%
OR extract LIKE %waste%
AND resourceIsActive = '1'

the problem is that ANDs take precedence over ORs, and you neglected to use
parentheses to delineate your logical conditions

the above WHERE clause will be executed ~as though~ it had parentheses, like
this --

  icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
  AND resources.resourceTypeId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeId
  AND categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId
  AND resources.resourceId = resource2category.resourceId
  AND resourceTitle LIKE %legal%
   OR keywords LIKE %legal%
   OR extract LIKE %legal%
   OR resourceTitle LIKE %waste%
   OR keywords LIKE %waste%
   OR (
 extract LIKE %waste%
  AND resourceIsActive = '1'

notice that the join conditions are all clustered up there with the first

the other LIKEs are by themselves

this means that if, for example, the extract column contains the search
string, then that row is returned, JOINED TO **ALL** ROWS FROM THE OTHER
TABLES, completely disregarding the proper join conditions between tables --
which apply only to the LIKE for the resourceTitle column

you can see the disastrous effect this has by simply removing the DISTINCT
keyword from the SELECT, which i'm sure you tossed in there just to reduce
the amount of crap being returned -- icons with unrelated resources,
resources with unrelated resource types, resource types with unrelated
categories, resources which aren't active, and so on

there are two solutions

1. parenthesize your conditions properly

WHERE icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
  AND resources.resourceTypeId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeId
  AND categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId
  AND resources.resourceId = resource2category.resourceId
  AND (
  resourceTitle LIKE %legal%
   OR keywords LIKE %legal%
   OR extract LIKE %legal%
   OR resourceTitle LIKE %waste%
   OR keywords LIKE %waste%
   OR extract LIKE %waste%
  AND resourceIsActive = '1'

2. (preferred) use JOIN syntax

cheryl was trying to say the same thing (although it didn't come across too

change this --

FROM resources,
WHERE icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
AND resources.resourceTypeId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeId
AND categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId
AND resources.resourceId = resource2category.resourceId

to this --

 FROM resources
 JOIN resourceTypes
   ON resourceTypes.resourceTypeId = resources.resourceTypeId
 JOIN icons
   ON icons.iconId = resourceTypes.resourceTypeIconId
 JOIN resource2category
   ON resource2category.resourceId = resources.resourceId
 JOIN categories
   ON categories.categoryId = resource2category.categoryId

then your WHERE clause simplifies to --

WHERE resourceIsActive = '1'
  AND (
  resourceTitle LIKE %legal%
   OR keywords LIKE %legal%
   OR extract LIKE %legal%
   OR resourceTitle LIKE %waste%
   OR keywords LIKE %waste%
   OR extract LIKE %waste%

note that you still need parentheses

try that without DISTINCT and watch the correct results roll in -- and much
more quickly, too


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Re: [wdvltalk] MySQL Query doing my head in!

2008-12-23 Thread r937

matt, did you ever get this resolved?  the answer is real easy

sorry i did not reply sooner, but for some reason wdvltalk mail often ends 
up in my spam bucket, and i only go in there once a week (or less) just to 
double-check the false positives

if you ever have sql problems, please feel free to CC: when 
you post to the discussion list (assuming the list software allows it)

I'd try some LEFT, RIGHT, and INNER Joins and see if you get the results 
you were hoping for.

cheryl, please, that's like handing a child a lighter who is playing with 
matches and can't get them lit



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Re: [wdvltalk] mail not showing up

2008-11-11 Thread r937
Hi, anyone else having trouble with this list? Three of my messages in the 
last week did not get posted. Is this some kind of error or I just do not 
write good enough for the moderator :)?

check your spam mailbox

quite a large proportion of wdvltalk posts end up in mine, not sure why


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Re:[wdvltalk] query help correction

2008-07-08 Thread r937

select * from table where id=! and mysql complains!

all you need to do is to enclose the strange id strings in single quotes,
and watch out for special characters, of which there are several in mysql

I'm sorry, but my last post should have said MS sql and not mysql!

in that case, the only character that you need to worry about is the single

make sure you use a fixed width font to view the following...

all of these have no problem at all --

WHERE id = '!#^'
WHERE id = '$%'
WHERE id = '!!'
WHERE id = '#'

the only time you'd need to worry is when one of the 3 characters in the ID
is a single quote

WHERE id = '!''^'

see that? the enclosed single quote needs to be represented by two single
quotes in succession

by the way, this is the Standard SQL approach -- two consecutive single
quotes inside a string represents one single quote character


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Re: [wdvltalk] Limited Records - ASP

2008-06-06 Thread r937

Anything that does SQL should be able to handle the LIMIT clause - even
MS SQL Server.  Just stick it on the end of your query and job done :)

in a word, no


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Re: [wdvltalk] Limited Records - ASP

2008-06-06 Thread r937

I also tried using Top, and that doesn't produce the right results
(select top 5 * from table...)

this is, indeed, what you use for SQL Server

do you have an ORDER BY clause?


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Re: [wdvltalk] Limited Records - ASP

2008-06-06 Thread r937

Yeah, I do have an ORDER BY.  Maybe I don't have it in the right place?

if it isn't at the end, you'd get a syntax error

could you perhaps show us the entire query?  or did i miss it already?


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Re: [wdvltalk] Limited Records - ASP

2008-06-06 Thread r937

Here is the original - SELECT * FROM events ORDER BY StartDate

Without anything, I will get 10 events listed on the page.  If I try
SELECT TOP 5 * FROM events ORDER BY StartDate,
then I only get the first 2 events.

quite frankly, i just do not believe that

try running it in Query Analyzer or whatever your front-end-tool-du-jour

many times, what people think is an SQL problem turns out to be a problem in
their app logic dealing with a perfectly good SQL result set


besides, you want


because you want the latest 5

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Re: [wdvltalk] Limited Records - ASP

2008-06-06 Thread r937

Ugh - After I started looking at this I realized that it's an Access DB -
not SQL Server (which I'm used to working with).  I'm guessing that might 

the difference?

in general, you cannot use the same SQL in different database systems

in particular, you can almost never use the same SQL in one microsoft 
product (Access) as another microsoft product (SQL Server)

however, in this case, bofadem* support TOP, so you're okay


* i just cannot pass up an opportuinity to use one of my favourite words, 

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Re: [Bulk] [wdvltalk] [PHP] Converting a mulitdimentional array to a valid XML doc (for a flash file to read from)...

2008-05-09 Thread r937

Firstly (~Rudy ;-p ) is there a way to get all this data in an array,
from a single MySQL query?

there might be, if you could explain how the tables are related


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Re: [wdvltalk] [MySQL / PHP] - Getting a specific row and then a few either side of it?

2008-04-16 Thread r937

Rudy, I took 100 out of a hat.. it's more likey to be 100,000

todd, you really should stop doing that  ;o)

you ask a question, you get an answer, and then you change the question!!!

no fair!!!

it makes the guy who answered the question look silly

and furthermore, it makes him RELUCTANT to answer any more of your questions


So I'll use Jure's suggestion for now...


where will you be getting the rank from?

good luck


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Re: [Bulk] RE: [wdvltalk] OT: where to purchase a full version of XP Media Edition?

2008-03-30 Thread r937
This may sound strange but if my computer is off, 
it doesn't record. So apparently, it doesn't work 
like a regular DVD recorder for a tv set, right?

are you saying a DVD recorder will record when it is off?



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Re: [Bulk] RE: [wdvltalk] OT: where to purchase a full version of XP Media Edition?

2008-03-29 Thread r937

I just like to have the tv availability.

i have xp media center and i totally agree

once you have a system like this, you will never again want a system where 
you cannot (a) record and watch later, (b) fast forward through commercials 
~in 30-sec jumps~, (c) instant replay, (d) mute with captions

i have not missed a single episode of coronation street in two years, 
because i have my computer set to record it no matter when it airs

we are the masters, computers are our slaves


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Re: [wdvltalk] MYSQL - join a table, to itself?

2007-09-21 Thread r937

tris, i would opt for the simple approach

  SELECT calctype
   , SUM(points)
FROM statement
  BY calctype


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Re: [wdvltalk] SQL... group by prob...

2007-09-18 Thread r937

Am I being a tool...?

possibly   ;o)

GROUP BY offer_id ORDER BY date DESC doesn't work...

have you by any chance oversimplified the problem? 

when there are only two columns the answer is easy -- 

  select offer_id, max(date) from daTable group by offer_id


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Re: [wdvltalk] HELP! Alout to lose my hosting!

2007-08-29 Thread r937

try (where i host my sites)

200GB/month for US$17

unparalleled world-class support included


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Re: [wdvltalk] mysql and CONCAT...

2007-08-21 Thread r937

CONCAT(field1,  - , field2) as field1

there are several ways to deal with NULLs here

check each field individually --

  CONCAT( COALESCE(field1,'') , ' - ' , COALESCE(field2,'') )

however, if field1 is NULL, then the result starts with the dash, so...

COALESCE(CONCAT(field1,' - '),'')

, COALESCE(field2,'') )

which is esthetically better but rather clumsy

my favourite approach --

CONCATE_WS( ' - ' , field1, field2 )

check out CONCAT_WS in the manual for how it works with NULLs  


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Re: [wdvltalk] SQL query - one for Rudy :D (Joining same table twice)

2007-08-17 Thread r937

I could do a join on this easily enough if was just comparing the value
of the other row, but I'm struggling to see how to do what I'm after.

if there are only these two conditions, then the easiest solution is a 

  select yay.domain 
from servicedata as yay

  left outer
join servicedata as nay
  on nay.domain = yay.domain
 and nay.prefname = 'bar'
   where yay.prefname = 'foo'
 and yay.prefvalue = 1
 and nay.domain is null


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Re: [wdvltalk] Missing image, then it's back...?

2007-08-17 Thread r937

I tried to design my homepage... this is as far as I got...

what are you talking about? that design is fine!

i would change the sequence of nav links, though, from

portfolio contact about code home


home code portfolio about contact 


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Re: [wdvltalk] OT: Recording with WinXP Media Center PC

2007-08-08 Thread r937

 1) Where are the recordings stored?

documents and settings \ all users \ shared documents \ recorded tv

2) Can I copy them over to a cd to take to

another computer to watch that is *not* a media
pc?  I'm thinking the recordings might work in the Media Player?


my computer came with a light version of some roxio software (forget what 
it was called) which was able to read the dvr-ms files, and was even able 
to create a mpg or wmv copy (i forget which)

but i wanted to edit, so i upgraded to roxio mydvd9 studio


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Re: [wdvltalk] Postcode checker...

2007-08-01 Thread r937

Where is m2b?


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Re: [wdvltalk] [SCR]

2007-05-31 Thread r937
Heck - my twins are now 41 and our baby is 32 - what does that make 
me? (Polite answers only thank you! LOL)

about my age, mebbe a couple years older


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Re: [wdvltalk] Lazy PHPMyAdmin Question....

2007-05-02 Thread r937

I've got a list of codes that I wanna import into a database (65k of them)
can I import that list withough adding 'INSERT INTO `code`' etc...

yes, you can


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[wdvltalk] Fw: your email message

2007-05-02 Thread r937


i'm still getting these spurious messages when posting -- what gives?

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Re: [wdvltalk] WAY [OT] - Google homepage...

2007-04-26 Thread r937

All my bookmarks and custom modules are gone... :-(

what happen

someone set up us the bomb

we get signal


main screen turn on

it's you !!

how are you gentlemen !!


you are on the way to destruction

what you say !!

you have no chance to survive, make your time

ha ha ha ha

oh, never mind

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Re: [wdvltalk] Joining tables... in MySQL

2007-04-04 Thread r937

I've googled OUTER joins, but Im getting errors...?? Hm

funny, google never gave me any errors, and i've been using it since it came 

what you want, young paduan, is a LEFT OUTER JOIN instead


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Re: [wdvltalk] Joining tables... in MySQL

2007-04-04 Thread r937

my bad, i meant padawan, not paduan



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Re: [wdvltalk] Joining tables... in MySQL

2007-04-04 Thread r937

It's going through the jobs table and only returning jobTypes that
have been flagged in jobs..
not ALL job types...

i tested the LEFT OUTER JOIN on the data you supplied and it works 

maybe you have some other conditions that are clouding the issue 

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Re: [wdvltalk] Joining tables... in MySQL

2007-04-04 Thread r937

Ah, i'm on 4.1.11
that make a difference?

none whatsoever


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Re: [wdvltalk] Joining tables... in MySQL

2007-04-04 Thread r937

Here I go again...
it really doesn't work... ? :-(

yes it does, but you have to be really careful with WHERE conditions in
outer joins

SELECT, jobs.user, jobs.jobNo, jobs.jobType, jobs.hours,
FROM jobType
LEFT OUTER JOIN jobs ON jobs.jobType =
OR (
jobs.user = '4'
AND jobs.week = '2007-03-19'
AND ( = '3'
OR = '0'

this yields the Other jobtype, with no matching rows


i'm guessing that what you really want (which you never explained) is
something like this --

, jobs.user
, jobs.jobNo
, jobs.jobType
, jobs.hours
 FROM jobType
 JOIN jobs
   ON jobs.jobType =
  AND (
 jobs.user = 4
 AND jobs.week = '2007-03-19'
  OR ( in ( 0, 3 )

in outer joins, there is a big difference between conditions in the ON
clause and conditions in the WHERE clause

oh, and p.s., please do not make strings out of numbers to compare to 
numeric columns, it makes them soggy and hard to light


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Re: [wdvltalk] Stupid ol..

2007-03-29 Thread r937

Has an ol tag and a few items...
However, it's not showing a n ordered list...

looks fine in IE6


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Re: [wdvltalk] Stupid ol..

2007-03-29 Thread r937

Fixed now...

oh do please share

Aren't you in Canada...? What you doing up at this hour!!! ;-p

indeed i am

i was clearing out my email while waiting for my daughter to quit primping 
so i could drive her to school


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Re: [wdvltalk] [MySQL] - REPLACE or INSERT IGNORE

2007-02-27 Thread r937

Anyone care to tell me what I'm doing wrong?

probably forgot to declare a primary or unique key


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Re: [wdvltalk] [MySQL] - REPLACE or INSERT IGNORE

2007-02-27 Thread r937

And THAT... is why they pay Rudy the big bucks..

not on this discussion list they don't


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Re: [wdvltalk] [MySQL] - REPLACE or INSERT IGNORE

2007-02-27 Thread r937

So you admit they do elsewhere? grin

not at all, sir

it is entirely plausible that they don't on any discussion list

but my statement is still correct -- not on this list they don't


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Re: [wdvltalk] test

2007-02-21 Thread r937

Just ignore me.  :)

you mean just this once, or always?


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Re: [wdvltalk] test

2007-02-21 Thread r937
btw, the annoying mail from TFS that you get every time you post to 
the list should stop now.

but what about this one --

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Re: [wdvltalk] test

2007-02-21 Thread r937

This is a different test.  You can ignore it too. :)

this is also a different reply (linda knows why)


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[wdvltalk] test for linda

2007-02-21 Thread r937
Do you get those messages when you send mail directly to the 

list, or only when you reply?

here's a new one, not a reply

we shall see

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[wdvltalk] Fw: your email message

2007-02-21 Thread r937

yup, i got it again

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Re: [wdvltalk] [OT] Biiiig files in temp folder

2007-01-26 Thread r937
In Windows\Temp 

everything in Windows\Temp can be safely deleted


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Re: [wdvltalk] [PHP] reformat date...

2007-01-25 Thread r937

(string)3/MAY/07   -- (date for MySQL)2007-05-03

   select  str_to_date('3/MAY/07','%e/%M/%y')
   from daTable...


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Re: [wdvltalk] [PHP] reformat date...

2007-01-25 Thread r937

sorry, it's for inclusion into a db.. so I need to convert the date
before I create my MYSQL satement...

no you don't ;o)

insert into mytable ( ... mydatecol, ... )
values ( ... , str_to_date('3/MAY/07','%e/%M/%y'), ... )

also, please be kind enough to trim your replies



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Re: [wdvltalk] [PHP] reformat date...

2007-01-25 Thread r937

also, please be kind enough to trim your replies

awww, be kind to the guy, he's hung over...

i thought my request was actually very polite

and i'm afraid there ~is~ no excuse for ignoring list etiquette

as for your php, did you see my STR_TO_DATE solution?

why would you want to take time to write code for something that a mysql 
function handles easily?


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Re: [wdvltalk] Search Engine Optimization

2007-01-18 Thread r937

Any suggestions where to start studying up on SEO

yes, i have a really good one, and would be happy to pass it on to you, once 
you understand the meaning of please trim your replies


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Re: [wdvltalk] Search Engine Optimization

2007-01-18 Thread r937

Sorry about that.  I'll be sure to trim them in the future.
I'd be very interested in the info you have about seo.

the SEO forums at

start with the sticky threads at the top of the forum, particularly the 


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Re: [wdvltalk] Fetching rows 5 above and 5 below a target row...

2006-12-18 Thread r937

Is this easy

no it is not

select userName
, score
 from resultsTable  as T
where userName = '$myUserName'
   or ( userName  '$myUserName'
   and ( select count(*)
   from resultsTable
  where userName  '$myUserName'
   and userName = T.userName ) = 5 )
   or ( userName  '$myUserName'
   and ( select count(*)
   from resultsTable
  where userName = T.userName
   and userName  '$myUserName' ) = 5 )
order by userName desc


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Re: [wdvltalk] Fetching rows 5 above and 5 below a target row...

2006-12-18 Thread r937

You're a clever clever man..

Yep, it is scary what someone who is really good can do in a very short 

To paraphrase, I am awestruck, I bow in admiration.

you guys are too kind

how about sending me some referrals, people looking for paid sql consulting?


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Re: [wdvltalk] pulling one row where it matches in another table, many times... MySQL

2006-12-04 Thread r937

I need to say, optionId = 1 AND (4 or 6 or 6)  etc...

that's what the HAVING clause does ;o)

I don't understand whats happening at teh bottom of the query..
can you dumb it down for me?

use the ON clause of the join to select only those rows you're interested 
in --

  and assetPropertyOption.optionId
   in ( 2, 8, 12 )

and then, after applying the GROUP BY clause to group the option rows for 
each asset, use the HAVING clause to count the option rows for each asset 
according to your specific requirements

having sum(case when assetPropertyOption.optionId = 2
   then 1 else 0 end ) = 1

there must be exactly one option 2

  and sum(case when assetPropertyOption.optionId in ( 8, 12 )
   then 1 else 0 end )  0

there must be at least one option which is either 8 or 12 

Whee do you live? anywhere beerable?

centre of the universe -- toronto canada


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Re: [wdvltalk] pulling one row where it matches in another table, many times... MySQL

2006-12-04 Thread r937

I tried to adda  region filter, which is in a table jsut liek the
option select..

no, sorry

asset-to-assetPropertyOption is one-to-many

if you add another join to the query with a ~different~ one-to-many 
relationship, you will end up with cross join effects (each of three regions 
will join with each of 3 options, giving 9 result rows for the GROUP BY)

i would do it with an EXISTS subquery

  select ...
from ...
   where exists
 ( select 1
 from assetregion
where assetId =
  and regionId IN ( 1, 2, 3 )  )

by the way, you've messed up the max version logic again

this is wrong --

SELECT, asset.naturalName, assetVersion.fileName,
assetVersion.fileNameThumb, assetVersion.dateCreated,
assetVersion.size, asset.assetVersionId, MAX(
assetVersion.versionNumber )
FROM ...

use the subquery in the join as shown in the previous query 

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Re: [wdvltalk] Replacing a JavaScript on a page

2006-11-28 Thread r937
maybe a way 
to replace the .js file with something else?

yeah, there is

the NOSCRIPT tag


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[wdvltalk] request to linda for list moderation

2006-11-28 Thread r937

linda, could you action this please --

- Original Message - 
From: Louis Willhauck [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you get this and you are operating a mailing list, you might as well just 
take me off of it, 'cause ya just ain'ta gonna get through!

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Re: [wdvltalk] IE7 bad, IE6 good ... but how to get back

2006-11-26 Thread r937
How, she exclaims, how do I 
return to that which was before?

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Re: [wdvltalk] SQL - picking out data where duplicates exist...

2006-11-15 Thread r937

Can I do this in one query?


add location.location_name to the GROUP BY clause


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Re: [wdvltalk] SQL - picking out data where duplicates exist...

2006-11-15 Thread r937

Sadly not?

happily yes, unless you added it wrong

can i see the changed query?

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Re: [wdvltalk] SQL - picking out data where duplicates exist...

2006-11-15 Thread r937

Don't you want to GROUP BY the company name reather than the location
name?  By definition, grouping by the location name will only return one
row per location...

the GROUP BY should include both

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Re: [wdvltalk] SQL - picking out data where duplicates exist...

2006-11-15 Thread r937

this could only have come up in mysql, by the way

writing this (which is what you had) --

   select a, b, c, count(*) ... group by a, b

is invalid in all other databases

you will find that in the result set, there will be one row for each 
combination of a,b, but the value for c in the results is unpredictable

GROUP BY and HAVING with Hidden Fields

however, in your case what you actually wanted was this after all --

   select a, b, c, count(*) ... group by a, b, c

so you're okay


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Re: [wdvltalk] SQL - picking out data where duplicates exist...

2006-11-15 Thread r937

If I understand right, you're saying that using an aggregating function on
a field you haven't included in the GROUP BY clause is illegal in real
databases, and unpredictable in MySQL (like most things in MySQL ;) )?

no, it isn't using an aggregating function on that is the problem

you ~can~ do this in any database --

 select a, b, c, count(d) ... group by a, b, c

see, you are aggregating d but it's not in the GROUP BY

what's not legal is having a non-aggregate in the SELECT that isn't in the 

  select a, b, c, count(*) ... group by a, b

see, c is in the SELECT but it is hidden (missing) from the GROUP BY

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Re: [wdvltalk] Hijacked forms

2006-10-27 Thread r937

Obviously my bosses aren't
too happy that they have to put up with the crap

why are bosses opening mail from the web site?

it should go through an administrative assistant, who will
purge the crap manually

purge in this case means moving the offending mail to a special archive 
folder, where a web wonk such as yourself can periodically review the source 
IPs to detect patterns


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Re: [wdvltalk] MySQK query takes 24 seconds!! help me! :-(

2006-10-20 Thread r937

scroll down, please

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you guys have ~got~ to learn (1) how to trim, and (2) not to top-post

A: this

Q: what's wrong with top-posting? 

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Re: [wdvltalk] Mysql Query help!

2006-10-10 Thread r937

I'm building a shop for a client.

this would be a good time to change the table design;o)

never put a comma-delimited string of ids into a single field

you need another table, ProductCategories, to contain two columns, productid 
and categoryid

the reason? because sql like this...

WHERE products.styleCategory LIKE ''

... will (a) not work like you think it will, and (b) never scale well, 
since it will always require a full table scan


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Re: [wdvltalk] Directories - more

2006-09-20 Thread r937
Well, my client actually meant that he is looking for companies who do the 
directory submissions for you. Any ideas on that?

everything i've heard is that a company which submits your site to search 
engines and/or directories knows less about your client's business than your 
client, and further, that you can do as good a job yourself even if you just 
manage to submit to the three or four major search engines

as i said earlier, specialized directories (e.g. for a market niche) should 
already be known to you or your client, and you can submit to those quite 


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Re: [wdvltalk] Directories

2006-09-19 Thread r937

Does anyone else have lists that they rely on?

a, lassie, do it need to be a list?

i've found a wonderful crew of varmints on

avast, ye need to see it online, it's not the same as email


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Re: [wdvltalk] Directories

2006-09-19 Thread r937
Anyone have the URL for the old photo gallery which used to be floating 

arrr, matey, what a foine scurvy crew this be...


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Re: [wdvltalk] Definition of a sticky topic

2006-08-07 Thread r937

it's a topic (thread) that has been stuck

when you visit a forum you usually see a list of threads in descending 
sequence by date of last posting

if a thread gets no additional posts, it will soon sink from sight (as it 

a sticky thread remains stuck at the top of the list

this technique is often used for Please Read The Guidelines Before Posting 
threads and similar stuff

only moderators can stick a thread


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Re: [wdvltalk] Script from Google

2006-07-24 Thread r937
A client of mine was asking me about a script from Google to anazlye 
traffic generated from Google ads. Does anyone know anything about 
this? Is it a good idea or not?


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Re: [wdvltalk] Links conditions

2006-06-20 Thread r937

What do you think of these conditions?


it must be really hard to get PR5 for casinos

no sympathy from this quarter


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[wdvltalk] Re: Server sniffing

2002-10-06 Thread r937


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