Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-21 Thread Chuck Hill
On 2011-11-17, at 8:09 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 18, 2011, at 2:10 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:
 On 2011-11-16, at 8:24 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 17, 2011, at 7:48 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 On 17/11/2011, at 10:08 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a 
 relationship 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 
 'userRoles' from Role back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on 
 User, so I also have a 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Wait. Also?!? That's insane. That's two distinct relationships 
 representing the same DB information, and one is hiding a huge piece of 
 the action. You are just asking for trouble.
 User.userRoles is not a class property.  All that's exposed is the 
 flattened User.roles.
 Okay, then that should be alright then, and I think nullify is the proper 
 setting for the non-class real relationships.
 I don't _think_ I'm talking about anything particularly unusual here, just 
 the standard result of creating a many-to-many relationship with Entity 
 Modeler, with a join entity and Flatten relationships checked.
 Not unusual, just something that you really shouldn't even be thinking 
 about. That's what flattened relationships do to you. I don't like them. 
 Every time I've tried to use them, I end up regretting it. I find it much 
 better to leave the real relationship and write cover methods that 
 approximate what flattening it would have done. That many-to-many join 
 entity always seems to end up having additional parameters, or be just the 
 right place to put a certain piece of business logic. Then I have to 
 refactor everything that was dependent upon the flattened relationship.
 I have very rarely had that need to change a to-many relationship.  In my 
 experience, they are just an implementation artifact from having to use an 
 RDBMS to store an object graph.  Flattening and hiding the join table avoids 
 adding artificial constructs to the Java code.  A Good Thing (tm) IMO.   Now 
 if the join table is a real object in your system, then by all means don't 
 Huh. I guess our experiences with many-to-many relationships is just 
 different. Every (seriously, every!) time I've said I'll never need more 
 attributes on, or relationships from or to this many-to-many join entity, I 
 discover some requirement that mandates it.

Maybe the difference is that I never think about join entities until I need one 
in my model to keep the database happy.  I just think about object 
relationships and if it is a simple aggregate, then I use a to-many.  If the 
relationship is ordered or stageful, or whatever, that needs to be modelled in 
an object and a join table does not enter into it.

 I have to disagree that because the join table is an implementation artifact 
 that it can be ignored.

I am not saying that it can be, I am saying that it should be.  :-)

 I often times thinl that a well conceived model gives the same level of 
 importance to relationships between entities as the entities themselves.

But the EOModel is not the true object model.  It is a mapping of the true 
object model to a bastardized, partially relational version.  So the 
relationship that is actually important is the flattened one.  The one that 
references the join table is just noise.

 How long have these objects been related? Is it an active relationship? What 
 type of relationship is it? Will it stop being active?

None of which are about aggregation.

 There's a lot of meta data surrounding a relationship and a join table is the 
 perfect place to carry it.

No. No.  No.  That is not a join table, that is an intermediate object.  They 
are not the same.  One is an artifact of the relational model, the other is a 
an object in your graph.

 Maybe that information isn't needed now, but what about later? Do you trust 
 that the next developer isn't going to just add some attributes or additional 
 relationships and leave the compound-PK in place? I don't trust the next dev. 
 Why give them the opportunity to go wrong?

If they are that bad, they probably don't even need this as a starting place.  
You can't use code to prevent stupidity.

 The real dangerous situation isn't even the obvious (to me) problem with 
 compound PKs themselves. It is when you discover that your Whatzawhozit 
 entity needs a to-one relationship to the UserRole. Whatzawhozit is now is 
 required to have a compound-FK. That's fine too. No big deal. It properly 
 expresses the relationship of two entities and, as you always say, FKs are 
 just implementation artifacts of a RDBMS. Ignore them. Let EOF worry about 
 them. Your job as a WO developer is to worry about EOs!
 Then one day a new WO dev comes along and says Well, gee golly! I have the 
 FK for both User and Role! I'll just create 

Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-17 Thread Chuck Hill
On 2011-11-16, at 8:24 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 17, 2011, at 7:48 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 On 17/11/2011, at 10:08 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from 
 Role back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also 
 have a 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Wait. Also?!? That's insane. That's two distinct relationships 
 representing the same DB information, and one is hiding a huge piece of the 
 action. You are just asking for trouble.
 User.userRoles is not a class property.  All that's exposed is the flattened 
 Okay, then that should be alright then, and I think nullify is the proper 
 setting for the non-class real relationships.
 I don't _think_ I'm talking about anything particularly unusual here, just 
 the standard result of creating a many-to-many relationship with Entity 
 Modeler, with a join entity and Flatten relationships checked.
 Not unusual, just something that you really shouldn't even be thinking about. 
 That's what flattened relationships do to you. I don't like them. Every time 
 I've tried to use them, I end up regretting it. I find it much better to 
 leave the real relationship and write cover methods that approximate what 
 flattening it would have done. That many-to-many join entity always seems to 
 end up having additional parameters, or be just the right place to put a 
 certain piece of business logic. Then I have to refactor everything that was 
 dependent upon the flattened relationship.

I have very rarely had that need to change a to-many relationship.  In my 
experience, they are just an implementation artifact from having to use an 
RDBMS to store an object graph.  Flattening and hiding the join table avoids 
adding artificial constructs to the Java code.  A Good Thing (tm) IMO.   Now if 
the join table is a real object in your system, then by all means don't 

 That and flattening mandates that you use compound primary keys, which are 

I will argue that they are not evil if they consist only of immutable FKs.  
Otherwise, yes, avoid them unless you have a really good reason not to.  And 
even then they must be immutable.

 Evil like Vertical Inheritance and running without containment on your 
 reactor … er … I mean without FK constraints defined in the database (yes, 
 that was aimed at all you MySQL/MSSQL Reavers out there). All these 
 technologies/features reside in the Eighth Circle of Hell (8th trench, to be 
 specific.). They seem to be great time/money savers, but in the end they bind 
 you to servicing their restrictive shortcomings and tempt you into further 
 wobauchery like compound Foreign Keys and sharing individual attributes of 
 compound Foreign Keys between multiple relationships. It's just sick what 
 some people will do.

That sounds like The Voice of Experience.  :-P

 I firmly believe that the only time you should use any of them is when you 
 are given a legacy database that you have to write an app for. If you are 
 creating the db to support your own App, don't be tempted by their siren call.
 I know that it's not a popular view, and likely Chuck or Mike or many others 
 with greater experience will say that they can be used safely.

Yes, they can.  And should be.

 They'll say things like Flattened Many-to-Many Relationships don't kill 
 apps, Developers kill apps.

Flattened Many-to-Many Relationships don't kill apps, Davids kill apps.

 Flattened Many-toManys just make it so much easier.

... to write WO applications, yes.


Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.

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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-17 Thread David Avendasora

On Nov 18, 2011, at 2:10 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 On 2011-11-16, at 8:24 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 17, 2011, at 7:48 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 On 17/11/2011, at 10:08 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a 
 relationship 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 
 'userRoles' from Role back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on 
 User, so I also have a 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Wait. Also?!? That's insane. That's two distinct relationships 
 representing the same DB information, and one is hiding a huge piece of 
 the action. You are just asking for trouble.
 User.userRoles is not a class property.  All that's exposed is the 
 flattened User.roles.
 Okay, then that should be alright then, and I think nullify is the proper 
 setting for the non-class real relationships.
 I don't _think_ I'm talking about anything particularly unusual here, just 
 the standard result of creating a many-to-many relationship with Entity 
 Modeler, with a join entity and Flatten relationships checked.
 Not unusual, just something that you really shouldn't even be thinking 
 about. That's what flattened relationships do to you. I don't like them. 
 Every time I've tried to use them, I end up regretting it. I find it much 
 better to leave the real relationship and write cover methods that 
 approximate what flattening it would have done. That many-to-many join 
 entity always seems to end up having additional parameters, or be just the 
 right place to put a certain piece of business logic. Then I have to 
 refactor everything that was dependent upon the flattened relationship.
 I have very rarely had that need to change a to-many relationship.  In my 
 experience, they are just an implementation artifact from having to use an 
 RDBMS to store an object graph.  Flattening and hiding the join table avoids 
 adding artificial constructs to the Java code.  A Good Thing (tm) IMO.   Now 
 if the join table is a real object in your system, then by all means don't 

Huh. I guess our experiences with many-to-many relationships is just different. 
Every (seriously, every!) time I've said I'll never need more attributes on, 
or relationships from or to this many-to-many join entity, I discover some 
requirement that mandates it.

I have to disagree that because the join table is an implementation artifact 
that it can be ignored. I often times thing that a well conceived model gives 
the same level of importance to relationships between entities as the entities 
themselves. How long have these objects been related? Is it an active 
relationship? What type of relationship is it? Will it stop being active? 
There's a lot of meta data surrounding a relationship and a join table is the 
perfect place to carry it. Maybe that information isn't needed now, but what 
about later? Do you trust that the next developer isn't going to just add some 
attributes or additional relationships and leave the compound-PK in place? I 
don't trust the next dev. Why give them the opportunity to go wrong?

The real dangerous situation isn't even the obvious (to me) problem with 
compound PKs themselves. It is when you discover that your Whatzawhozit 
entity needs a to-one relationship to the UserRole. Whatzawhozit is now is 
required to have a compound-FK. That's fine too. No big deal. It properly 
expresses the relationship of two entities and, as you always say, FKs are 
just implementation artifacts of a RDBMS. Ignore them. Let EOF worry about 
them. Your job as a WO developer is to worry about EOs!

Then one day a new WO dev comes along and says Well, gee golly! I have the FK 
for both User and Role! I'll just create two to-one relationships directly to 
User and Role. Why mess with going through UserRole to get them? That's just DB 
overhead I don't need to do! I am an optimization genius!

And so begins the mouldering of your model.

A few days/weeks/months/years later a new requirement comes up Oh hey, 
Whatzawhozit also needs a relationship to the many-to-many UserDepartment 
entity. Okay, it already knows the userID so I can use that as half of this 
compound-FK too. Look at how smart I am to keep my DB so nicely normalized! No 
duplicate data!

Pretty soon the Whatzawhozit userID attribute (hopefully it's not a class 
property, but userID is such a useful real-world number … I digress) is 
participating in 3 different FKs and the database is well and truly fucked, 
only nobody knows it yet because it's very likely that not _every_ transaction 
corrupts the database. 

Maybe users will get some weird validation errors on things they weren't even 
trying to change, but that can be entirely dependent upon your delete rules, 
ownership settings and the non-deterministic sequence in which EOF executes 


Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-16 Thread Chuck Hill

On 2011-11-16, at 3:38 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

 On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from Role 
 back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also have a 
 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Wait. Also?!? That's insane. That's two distinct relationships representing 
 the same DB information, and one is hiding a huge piece of the action. You 
 are just asking for trouble.

I am hopeful that one of them is just in the model, you know, normal flattening 
through a join table?  

 Pick one. Get rid of the other. I vote for getting rid of the flattened 
 relationship. I find flattened relationships to be on the same level as 
 compound PKs. Sure they seem great, but eventually they come back to bite 
 you. They paint you into a long-term corner for short-term convenience sake.

Except when hiding key only join tables.

 Proper relationship molding seems simple,

Yep, just get them damp and put them someplace warm and dark.

 but it is full of subtleties and complexities and you can easily do things 
 that work fine in all but a few specific conditions and then they can corrupt 
 your data without you knowing it until it's too late. Having two 
 relationships that represent the same information makes database corruption 
 at least 10x more likely.
 Here's Dave's Rules of Happy Modeling™ *
 1) No flattened relationships
 2) No compound primary keys
 3) One path to data (no cyclical relationships)

No  What if you have a Foo and want the Bar?

 4) Model Inheritance only as the very last resort.

Pfft.  Use inheritance where is makes sense (Liskov sense, not for 
implementation or when you really want a Role).

 *Oftentimes you are stuck with an existing/legacy DB and it is great that WO 
 gives you the tools to work with a sub-optimal (from an OO perspective) 
 architecture, but you should be very hesitant to use those tools when 
 creating a new architecture.

True.  But I want to hear more about relationship molding.   I wonder if 
attributes would mold too


Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.

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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-16 Thread Chuck Hill

On 2011-11-09, at 4:08 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:

 On 10/11/2011, at 8:25 AM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from Role 
 back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also have a 
 'roles' relationship on that entity.

So User.userRoles and Role.userRoles are not class attributes, right?  They are 
just modelled.  User.roles and Role.users are the to-many relationships that 
you see in the Java code.

 Say I delete a User.  I want User.userRoles to Cascade.  And I want both 
 UserRole.user and UserRole.role to Nullify.  And at that point, isn't the 
 work done?  So in this case, wouldn't I want No Action on User.roles?  And 
 hence isn't this a counter-example to your advice above?  (It may well not 
 be—tell me if I'm wrong!)

This is making my head hurt.  I have the public to-many User.roles as Nullify.  
I was under the impression that you needed that to remove that User from the 
Role.users relationship.  But I could be wrong.  That might just be a habit.  
The non-class attribute User.userRoles is set to Cascade.  The to-one 
relationships from UserRole to User and to Role is Nullify.

 I looked a second time.  The cascade is actually on the non-class property.  
 The flattened is nullify... so maybe it would work with no action.  I'm not 
 recommending anything, just noting something I saw which seemed odd.
 Sorry, not trying to pin you down to anything!  In my example above, because 
 UserRole.role is Nullify, probably having User.roles set to Nullify would not 
 make any difference.  I would have to work a bit hard to contrive an example 
 where it mattered.  Say if UserRole.role was Cascade (obviously it wouldn't 
 be)—then if User.roles was Nullify they would conflict, but if it was No 
 Action, the Cascade would happen.
 Obviously you could look at each flattened relationship on a case-by-case 
 basis.  I'm just trying to tease out whether No Action would be correct 100% 
 of the time, as long as you had the right delete rules along the chain of 
 actual relationships that constituted the flattened relationship.

Chuck Hill Senior Consultant / VP Development

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall 
knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems.

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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-16 Thread Paul Hoadley
On 17/11/2011, at 1:21 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from 
 Role back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also 
 have a 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 So User.userRoles and Role.userRoles are not class attributes, right?  They 
 are just modelled.  User.roles and Role.users are the to-many relationships 
 that you see in the Java code.


 Say I delete a User.  I want User.userRoles to Cascade.  And I want both 
 UserRole.user and UserRole.role to Nullify.  And at that point, isn't the 
 work done?  So in this case, wouldn't I want No Action on User.roles?  And 
 hence isn't this a counter-example to your advice above?  (It may well not 
 be—tell me if I'm wrong!)
 This is making my head hurt.  I have the public to-many User.roles as Nullify.

Yeah, that's what Entity Modeler will give you as the default.

 I was under the impression that you needed that to remove that User from the 
 Role.users relationship.  But I could be wrong.  That might just be a habit.

I forced myself to sit down and write a test app.  You're completely correct.  
Problem solved.

 The non-class attribute User.userRoles is set to Cascade.  The to-one 
 relationships from UserRole to User and to Role is Nullify.


To summarise, my original question amounted to, Do you really need to think 
about whether the delete rules on the flattened and the underlying 
relationships are consistent, couldn't you just set the flattened to No 
Action?  And the answer is: No, you really need to think about it and make 
sure they're consistent.

Thanks Ramsey, Dave, and Chuck.


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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-16 Thread David Avendasora

On Nov 17, 2011, at 7:48 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:

 On 17/11/2011, at 10:08 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from Role 
 back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also have a 
 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Wait. Also?!? That's insane. That's two distinct relationships 
 representing the same DB information, and one is hiding a huge piece of the 
 action. You are just asking for trouble.
 User.userRoles is not a class property.  All that's exposed is the flattened 

Okay, then that should be alright then, and I think nullify is the proper 
setting for the non-class real relationships.

 I don't _think_ I'm talking about anything particularly unusual here, just 
 the standard result of creating a many-to-many relationship with Entity 
 Modeler, with a join entity and Flatten relationships checked.

Not unusual, just something that you really shouldn't even be thinking about. 
That's what flattened relationships do to you. I don't like them. Every time 
I've tried to use them, I end up regretting it. I find it much better to leave 
the real relationship and write cover methods that approximate what flattening 
it would have done. That many-to-many join entity always seems to end up having 
additional parameters, or be just the right place to put a certain piece of 
business logic. Then I have to refactor everything that was dependent upon the 
flattened relationship.

That and flattening mandates that you use compound primary keys, which are 
Evil. Evil like Vertical Inheritance and running without containment on your 
reactor … er … I mean without FK constraints defined in the database (yes, that 
was aimed at all you MySQL/MSSQL Reavers out there). All these 
technologies/features reside in the Eighth Circle of Hell (8th trench, to be 
specific.). They seem to be great time/money savers, but in the end they bind 
you to servicing their restrictive shortcomings and tempt you into further 
wobauchery like compound Foreign Keys and sharing individual attributes of 
compound Foreign Keys between multiple relationships. It's just sick what some 
people will do.

I firmly believe that the only time you should use any of them is when you are 
given a legacy database that you have to write an app for. If you are creating 
the db to support your own App, don't be tempted by their siren call.

I know that it's not a popular view, and likely Chuck or Mike or many others 
with greater experience will say that they can be used safely. They'll say 
things like Flattened Many-to-Many Relationships don't kill apps, Developers 
kill apps.

Flattened Many-toManys just make it so much easier.

Dave ___
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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-16 Thread Paul Hoadley
On 17/11/2011, at 2:54 PM, David Avendasora wrote:

 On Nov 17, 2011, at 7:48 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 On 17/11/2011, at 10:08 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from 
 Role back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also 
 have a 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Wait. Also?!? That's insane. That's two distinct relationships 
 representing the same DB information, and one is hiding a huge piece of the 
 action. You are just asking for trouble.
 User.userRoles is not a class property.  All that's exposed is the flattened 
 Okay, then that should be alright then, and I think nullify is the proper 
 setting for the non-class real relationships.

(I think I've now officially confused everyone, and kind of regret starting 
this thread...)  No, you want Cascade on the non-class real relationships (to 
remove the row in the join table), and Nullify on the flattened relationship—as 
Chuck noted, to remove the destination object from the flattened relationship.

 I don't _think_ I'm talking about anything particularly unusual here, just 
 the standard result of creating a many-to-many relationship with Entity 
 Modeler, with a join entity and Flatten relationships checked.
 Not unusual, just something that you really shouldn't even be thinking about.

Point taken, though someone has to think about it at some point.  I thought the 
default delete rule (Nullify) was wrong.  Turns out I was incorrect.  :-)


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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-16 Thread David Avendasora

On Nov 17, 2011, at 1:40 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:

 On 17/11/2011, at 2:54 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 17, 2011, at 7:48 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 On 17/11/2011, at 10:08 AM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a 
 relationship 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 
 'userRoles' from Role back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on 
 User, so I also have a 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Wait. Also?!? That's insane. That's two distinct relationships 
 representing the same DB information, and one is hiding a huge piece of 
 the action. You are just asking for trouble.
 User.userRoles is not a class property.  All that's exposed is the 
 flattened User.roles.
 Okay, then that should be alright then, and I think nullify is the proper 
 setting for the non-class real relationships.
 (I think I've now officially confused everyone, and kind of regret starting 
 this thread...)  No, you want Cascade on the non-class real relationships 
 (to remove the row in the join table), and Nullify on the flattened 
 relationship—as Chuck noted, to remove the destination object from the 
 flattened relationship.

Ahg! I was meaning nullify on the the UserRole.user and UserRole.role 
relationships. The User.userRoles() and Role.userRoles() should be cascade, 
owns and propagate PK. The User.roles(), Role.users() relationships … well, 
I'll take your word for it. Especially seeing as how you went and tested it. :-)

 I don't _think_ I'm talking about anything particularly unusual here, just 
 the standard result of creating a many-to-many relationship with Entity 
 Modeler, with a join entity and Flatten relationships checked.
 Not unusual, just something that you really shouldn't even be thinking about.
 Point taken, though someone has to think about it at some point.  I thought 
 the default delete rule (Nullify) was wrong.  Turns out I was incorrect.  :-)

But if you didn't flatten the relationship it wouldn't have been there to think 
about. That's what I'm trying to say. Flattening doesn't save time / work / 
grief, it just shifts it.

Dave ___
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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-16 Thread David Avendasora

On Nov 17, 2011, at 10:42 AM, Chuck Hill wrote:

 On 2011-11-16, at 3:38 PM, David Avendasora wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2011, at 5:34 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from Role 
 back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also have a 
 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Wait. Also?!? That's insane. That's two distinct relationships 
 representing the same DB information, and one is hiding a huge piece of the 
 action. You are just asking for trouble.
 I am hopeful that one of them is just in the model, you know, normal 
 flattening through a join table?  

I thought he was saying they were both class attributes. Since they're not, 
they are as safe as flattening can be. Safe as far as EOF is concerned, that is.

 Pick one. Get rid of the other. I vote for getting rid of the flattened 
 relationship. I find flattened relationships to be on the same level as 
 compound PKs. Sure they seem great, but eventually they come back to bite 
 you. They paint you into a long-term corner for short-term convenience sake.
 Except when hiding key only join tables.

In my experience key-only join tables are like not nearly as common as most 
developers think. Sure in a first draft of a model there's lots of key-only 
joins, but as the model matures and requirements and business logic becomes 
more clear, there is almost always another attribute to tack on there, like 
UserRole.status, or UserRole.type or… whatever.

 Proper relationship molding seems simple,
 Yep, just get them damp and put them someplace warm and dark.

Or make it a key-only join table with a compound PK and your model will begin 
to rot before your eyes.

 but it is full of subtleties and complexities and you can easily do things 
 that work fine in all but a few specific conditions and then they can 
 corrupt your data without you knowing it until it's too late. Having two 
 relationships that represent the same information makes database corruption 
 at least 10x more likely.
 Here's Dave's Rules of Happy Modeling™ *
 1) No flattened relationships
 2) No compound primary keys
 3) One path to data (no cyclical relationships)
 No  What if you have a Foo and want the Bar?

Let me be more specific: don't model something where following the 
relationships ends you back at the *exact same instance* of an entity. 
Obviously you may end up back at the same Entity, but ending up at the exact 
same object means you've probably got something conceptually wrong in the model.

 4) Model Inheritance only as the very last resort.
 Pfft.  Use inheritance where is makes sense (Liskov sense, not for 
 implementation or when you really want a Role).

Let me clarify. Look at all the other possibilities for modeling the 
relationship between to Entities first and be sure they don't apply before you 
chose Inheritance. I've made the mistake of jumping to Inheritance to quickly 
more than once (you're shocked, I know). Unlike the fabled key-only join 
table, Inheritance sometimes is the right tool, but the developer should prove 
that two entities truly have an is-a relationship. Is-a relationships are 
very rigid and are difficult to change if/when you discover that it was wrong. 
Has-a relationships are much more flexible.

In fact, I'll posit that inheritance really doesn't exist in the real world so 
modeling a relationship as such is always flawed. There are just too many 
exceptions. Business requirements and logic are constantly shifting. 

With that said, all models are flawed by definition. They are models, not true 
representations of the real world. That is the art of data / entity 
relationship / object modeling. Discovering the model that most closely 
represents the real world, but is flexible enough to bend and shift with the 
inevitable changes to requirements. Inheritance limits that flexibility. 
Sometimes that is actually good, though.

Inheritance is much more useful as a code structure in the view and controller 
layer. There it is immensely useful and proper use of it usually increases 
flexibility and reusability.

 *Oftentimes you are stuck with an existing/legacy DB and it is great that WO 
 gives you the tools to work with a sub-optimal (from an OO perspective) 
 architecture, but you should be very hesitant to use those tools when 
 creating a new architecture.
 True.  But I want to hear more about relationship molding.   I wonder if 
 attributes would mold too….

I'd say a class-property Foreign Keys are simply made of mold. Compound PKs and 
FKs mold quickly, usually due to the moist heat of shifting business 

Dave ___
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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-15 Thread Paul Hoadley
On 10/11/2011, at 10:38 AM, Paul Hoadley wrote:

 Obviously you could look at each flattened relationship on a case-by-case 
 basis.  I'm just trying to tease out whether No Action would be correct 100% 
 of the time, as long as you had the right delete rules along the chain of 
 actual relationships that constituted the flattened relationship.

Come on Chuck, you know you want to jump in on this thread.  :-)

Am I so completely off-base here that no one wants to converse with the crazy 
person, or is this just something no one pays much attention to?


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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-09 Thread Ramsey Gurley

On Nov 8, 2011, at 8:34 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:

 I was recently reviewing an EO model of mine and noticed a flattened 
 relationship with a Nullify delete rule.  I recalled part of an exchange 
 between Davids Avendasora and LeBer earlier this year:
 And what should those be for the flattened relationship?
 I'm guessing that they should be nullify or do nothing
 Yes, only one delete rule should affect a given relationship. In fact, I 
 shy away from (nay, avoid completely) flattened relationships that hide 
 I am actually interested in. In general, 'one path to the object' is the 
 rule I 
 try to follow.
 So the advice is that the intended delete rule(s) should operate on the real 
 relationship chain, not shortcut via the flattened relationship.  That's 
 fine, but are Nullify and Do Nothing really interchangeable on a flattened 
 relationship, as it's almost suggested above?  It's important because the 
 default is Nullify, so all flattened relationships have that rule unless you 
 change them.  But depending on whether that rule is applied before or after 
 the rule(s) applied over the real relationship chain, Nullify might end up 
 giving you the wrong semantics.  Shouldn't all flattened relationships have a 
 Do Nothing delete rule (at least by default)?

Not all... at least not flattened many to many.  Those cascade.  Which led me 
to a surprising find as well.  The opposite side of that cascade is nullify, 
which I thought was incompatible with cascade.  But, evidently, it works and I 
can see why it would be needed on the other side of the delete.


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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-09 Thread Paul Hoadley
Hi Ramsey,

On 10/11/2011, at 4:24 AM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:

 On Nov 8, 2011, at 8:34 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 So the advice is that the intended delete rule(s) should operate on the real 
 relationship chain, not shortcut via the flattened relationship.  That's 
 fine, but are Nullify and Do Nothing really interchangeable on a flattened 
 relationship, as it's almost suggested above?  It's important because the 
 default is Nullify, so all flattened relationships have that rule unless you 
 change them.  But depending on whether that rule is applied before or after 
 the rule(s) applied over the real relationship chain, Nullify might end up 
 giving you the wrong semantics.  Shouldn't all flattened relationships have 
 a Do Nothing delete rule (at least by default)?

 Not all... at least not flattened many to many.  Those cascade.  Which led me 
 to a surprising find as well.  The opposite side of that cascade is nullify, 
 which I thought was incompatible with cascade.  But, evidently, it works and 
 I can see why it would be needed on the other side of the delete.

Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to create 
a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 'userRoles' 
from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from Role back to 
UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also have a 'roles' 
relationship on that entity.

Say I delete a User.  I want User.userRoles to Cascade.  And I want both 
UserRole.user and UserRole.role to Nullify.  And at that point, isn't the work 
done?  So in this case, wouldn't I want No Action on User.roles?  And hence 
isn't this a counter-example to your advice above?  (It may well not be—tell me 
if I'm wrong!)


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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-09 Thread Ramsey Gurley

On Nov 9, 2011, at 2:34 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:

 Hi Ramsey,
 On 10/11/2011, at 4:24 AM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:
 On Nov 8, 2011, at 8:34 PM, Paul Hoadley wrote:
 So the advice is that the intended delete rule(s) should operate on the 
 real relationship chain, not shortcut via the flattened relationship.  
 That's fine, but are Nullify and Do Nothing really interchangeable on a 
 flattened relationship, as it's almost suggested above?  It's important 
 because the default is Nullify, so all flattened relationships have that 
 rule unless you change them.  But depending on whether that rule is applied 
 before or after the rule(s) applied over the real relationship chain, 
 Nullify might end up giving you the wrong semantics.  Shouldn't all 
 flattened relationships have a Do Nothing delete rule (at least by default)?
 Not all... at least not flattened many to many.  Those cascade.  Which led 
 me to a surprising find as well.  The opposite side of that cascade is 
 nullify, which I thought was incompatible with cascade.  But, evidently, it 
 works and I can see why it would be needed on the other side of the delete.
 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from Role 
 back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also have a 
 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Say I delete a User.  I want User.userRoles to Cascade.  And I want both 
 UserRole.user and UserRole.role to Nullify.  And at that point, isn't the 
 work done?  So in this case, wouldn't I want No Action on User.roles?  And 
 hence isn't this a counter-example to your advice above?  (It may well not 
 be—tell me if I'm wrong!)

I looked a second time.  The cascade is actually on the non-class property.  
The flattened is nullify... so maybe it would work with no action.  I'm not 
recommending anything, just noting something I saw which seemed odd.

Ramsey ___
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Re: Delete rules on flattened relationships

2011-11-09 Thread Paul Hoadley
On 10/11/2011, at 8:25 AM, Ramsey Gurley wrote:

 Say I have two entities, User and Role, and a joining entity UserRole to 
 create a many-to-many relationship between them.  So I have a relationship 
 'userRoles' from User to UserRole (and a relationship 'userRoles' from Role 
 back to UserRole).  I flatten the relationship on User, so I also have a 
 'roles' relationship on that entity.
 Say I delete a User.  I want User.userRoles to Cascade.  And I want both 
 UserRole.user and UserRole.role to Nullify.  And at that point, isn't the 
 work done?  So in this case, wouldn't I want No Action on User.roles?  And 
 hence isn't this a counter-example to your advice above?  (It may well not 
 be—tell me if I'm wrong!)
 I looked a second time.  The cascade is actually on the non-class property.  
 The flattened is nullify... so maybe it would work with no action.  I'm not 
 recommending anything, just noting something I saw which seemed odd.

Sorry, not trying to pin you down to anything!  In my example above, because 
UserRole.role is Nullify, probably having User.roles set to Nullify would not 
make any difference.  I would have to work a bit hard to contrive an example 
where it mattered.  Say if UserRole.role was Cascade (obviously it wouldn't 
be)—then if User.roles was Nullify they would conflict, but if it was No 
Action, the Cascade would happen.

Obviously you could look at each flattened relationship on a case-by-case 
basis.  I'm just trying to tease out whether No Action would be correct 100% of 
the time, as long as you had the right delete rules along the chain of actual 
relationships that constituted the flattened relationship.


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