Re: [whatwg] Missing HTMLSelectElement.autocomplete

2014-06-04 Thread Dan Beam
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 7:16 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Jun 2014, Matthew Noorenberghe wrote:
>> Is it intentional that there is no HTMLSelectElement.autocomplete IDL
>> attribute? Both  and  have it so there is currently
>> inconsistency.
> Woops. Totally an oversight on my part. When I added autocomplete to
> select recently, I forgot to fix that.
> Fixed. Thanks.
> On Wed, 4 Jun 2014, Luis Farzati wrote:
>> I would like to insist on the datalist proposition I posted on this list
>> (didn't caught any interest, though).
>> A datalist for select would enable to have the contents of a select
>> defined externally, and would also enable the reuse of this data.
>> I don't see why datalist can be applied to an input and not to a select.
> Don't worry, your e-mail is in the queue! Requests for features tend to
> take a bit longer for me to deal with than simple bug reports, though.
> On Wed, 4 Jun 2014, Dan Beam wrote:
>> It'd be nice to avoid more attribute accessors (and encourage authors to
>> use getAttribute() instead), but if  and  have them we
>> should probably be consistent.
> Can you elaborate on the cost of attribute accessors?

Namespace exhaustion (maybe form.autocomplete() would've worked
instead of requestAutocomplete() if autocomplete="" hadn't taken it?),
multiple ways to do things (vs getAttribute), longer
specs/IDLs/compile times.

Dan Beam

> --
> Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL
>   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
> Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] Missing HTMLSelectElement.autocomplete

2014-06-04 Thread Dan Beam
On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 6:13 PM, Matthew Noorenberghe
> Hello,
> Is it intentional that there is no HTMLSelectElement.autocomplete IDL 
> attribute[1]? Both [2] and [3] have it so there is currently 
> inconsistency.

I discovered the same issue while working on
Autofill/requestAutocomplete in Chrome and Ian Hickson mentioned it
was likely just an oversight.  Autofill in Chrome didn't always work
[well] with  tags, so I could see how Autofill-related stuff
like [autocomplete] could be out of date.

It'd be nice to avoid more attribute accessors (and encourage authors
to use getAttribute() instead), but if  and  have
them we should probably be consistent.

Dan Beam

> Thanks,
> Matthew Noorenberghe
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: HTMLFormElement#requestAutocomplete() should return a Promise

2014-04-24 Thread Dan Beam
On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 6:59 PM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:
> From: [] On Behalf Of Dan Beam
> > So just pass no argument at all (i.e. arguments.length == 0)?  I was
under the impression some type of value should always be returned (but I'm
biased by blink/v8's current implementation).
> It's equivalent, both for promises and for return values of functions.
Both `new Promise(resolve => resolve())` and `new Promise(resolve =>
resolve(undefined))`  give a promise whose fulfillment value is
`undefined`. In this sense `resolve` behaves like all non-evil JavaScript
functions, where evil is defined as "checking `arguments.length`" ;)

I've seen only positive feedback on this thread, so I've started
implementing in Blink.

Regarding the rejection argument: requestAutocomplete() can fail in a way
that doesn't map intuitively to the current DOMException names (e.g. the
invoking  has autocomplete="off" or isn't in a frame).  Adding new
names for these specific failure categories doesn't seem useful to the
platform.  Additionally, many potential failure causes may have the same
reason property[1] ("disabled" => SecurityError, WrongDocumentError?,
InvalidAccessError?)** and the terminology differs slightly ("cancel" =>

This seems confusing to web authors, so I propose a new type instead (in

 interface AutocompleteError : DOMException {
 readonly attribute DOMString reason;  // matches
AutocompleteErrorEvent's reason[1]

This new type would have a code of 0 (as other new exceptions have; code is
deprecated).  I've filed a bug to add this to the DOMException name

Dan Beam


** names with "?" are the closest existing error names I could find (but
aren’t great)

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: HTMLFormElement#requestAutocomplete() should return a Promise

2014-04-15 Thread Dan Beam
On Mon, Apr 14, 2014 at 9:44 PM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:
> From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Dan Beam
> > I propose requestAutocomplete()[1] should return a Promise.  This has
been requested since the creation of this API[2][3] and seems like a
natural fit.  Web authors can then call requestAutocomplete() like this:
> I strongly support this.
> > Null would be passed on fulfillment* and
> `undefined` would be better, as that is what normal JavaScript functions
return when they have nothing to return.

So just pass no argument at all (i.e. arguments.length == 0)?  I was under
the impression some type of value should always be returned (but I'm biased
by blink/v8's current implementation).

> >  {"reason": } would be passed
on rejection.
> Rejection reasons should always be instanceof Error:

Great, will figure out a way to subclass Error to provide some type of
"reason" property on the rejection argument.

Dan Beam

[whatwg] Proposal: HTMLFormElement#requestAutocomplete() should return a Promise

2014-04-14 Thread Dan Beam
Hey whatwg@,

I propose requestAutocomplete()[1] should return a Promise.  This has been
requested since the creation of this API[2][3] and seems like a natural
fit.  Web authors can then call requestAutocomplete() like this:

  form.requestAutocomplete().then(function() {
// form.submit() or some other success action
  }, function(errorDetails) {
// handle error based on errorDetails.reason (e.g. "cancel")

The returned promise would be resolved after the corresponding
"autocomplete" or "autocompleteerror" event is dispatched on the form.

Null would be passed on fulfillment* and

  {"reason": }

would be passed on rejection.

There should be little compatibility risk as requestAutocomplete()
currently returns undefined.

Thoughts?  Concerns?  Questions?

Dan Beam

* until I think of something useful for the success case...


[whatwg] Supporting more address levels in autocomplete

2014-02-21 Thread Dan Beam
While internationalizing Chrome’s implementation of
requestAutocomplete(), we found that Chinese, Korean, and Thai
addresses commonly ask for [at least] 3 levels of administrative
region. For example, in this Chinese address:

  Humble Administrator’s Garden
  n°178 Dongbei Street, Gusu, Suzhou
  215001 Jiangsu

the first-level address component is “Jiangsu” (province) as it’s the
first level below country, “Suzhou” is a prefecture level city (below
province), and “Gusu” is a district of Suzhou.

To support this address format and arbitrarily many administrative
levels, we propose adding new tokens to the autocomplete spec:
address-level-n, for arbitrary n. In the above example, Jiangsu would
slot into address-level-1, Suzhou address-level-2, and Gusu
address-level-3. There would be no value returned for address-level-4.
In some other cases, address-level-1 might be a province-level city
(like Beijing), and address-level-3 might be a county-level division.
Thus we think the least confusing way to handle addresses in this type
of system is with generic indexing. See [1] for more on Chinese

The current HTML spec supports “region” and “locality”. We feel these
should remain in the spec, as they are still useful for typical
Western addresses. In a typical Western address, address-level-1 would
align with “region” and address-level-2 would align with “locality”.

Compared to the alternative of adding another one-off such as
“dependent-locality” or “sub-locality”, we feel this is a more
descriptive and general way to tackle additional administrative levels
without making false implications about the semantics of the value
that is returned.

Questions, concerns, or feedback?

Dan Beam 
Evan Stade 


Re: [whatwg] asynchronous JSON.parse

2013-03-07 Thread Dan Beam
On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:18 PM, David Rajchenbach-Teller <> wrote:

> (Note: New on this list, please be gentle if I'm debating an
> inappropriate issue in an inappropriate place.)
> Actually, communicating large JSON objects between threads may cause
> performance issues. I do not have the means to measure reception speed
> simply (which would be used to implement asynchronous JSON.parse), but
> it is easy to measure main thread blocks caused by sending (which would
> be used to implement asynchronous JSON.stringify).

Isn't this precisely what Transferable objects are for?

Dan Beam

> I have put together a small test here - warning, this may kill your
> browser:
> While there are considerable fluctuations, even inside one browser, on
> my system, I witness janks that last 300ms to 3s.
> Consequently, I am convinced that we need asynchronous variants of
> JSON.{parse, stringify}.
> Best regards,
>  David
> > Glenn Maynard wrote
> >
> > (It's hard to talk to somebody called "j", by the way.  :)
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 2:06 AM,  wrote:
> >
> >> right now JSON.parse blocks the mainloop, this gets more and more of an
> >> issue as JSON documents get bigger
> >
> >
> > Just load the data you want to parse inside a worker, and perform the
> > parsing there.  Computationally-expensive work is exactly something Web
> > Workers are meant for.
> >
> > and are also used as serialization
> >> format to communicate with web workers.
> >>
> >
> > There's no need to serialize to JSON before sending data to a worker;
> > there's nothing that JSON can represent that postMessage can't post
> > directly.  Just postMessage the object itself.
> --
> David Rajchenbach-Teller, PhD
>  Performance Team, Mozilla

Re: [whatwg] Autocomplete and autofill features and feedback thereon

2012-11-21 Thread Dan Beam
On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:55 PM, Ilya Sherman  wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
>> On Tue, 16 Oct 2012, Ilya Sherman wrote:
>> > The payment instrument type is almost certainly appropriate to add -- it
>> > is included on almost every website that I've encountered that includes
>> > payment card fields.  It was an oversight on my part to omit it from the
>> > initial proposal.
>> It's redundant data, the credit card number itself says what type it is.
>> More importantly, I don't know how to store the information. What values
>> should we be expecting here? If a site has radio buttons "v", "m" and "a",
>> and another has a  with "4", "5", and "3", and yet another has
>> three buttons which set a type=hidden with the values "visa", "mastercard"
>> and "amex", how is the user agent to figure out what's going on? This
>> makes the magic needed around dates look positively easy.
> I agree that it's redundant data, but many websites ask for it separately
> anyway.  One common reason for this is that the website only supports a
> subset of all possible credit card issuers -- for example, many do not
> support DiscoverCard.  While the site *could* theoretically infer from the
> entered card number that the card is not supported, and show the user an
> error, most sites instead force the user to select the card type, and
> inform the user of unsupported card types by omitting them from the list.
> Regarding storing of the data: I think being able to fill the data is more
> important than being able to store it.  For example, Chrome stores just the
> card number, and not the type; but Chrome supports filling the type by
> inferring it from the stored card number.  For filling the card type, I
> think it's strictly easier than filling a  dropdown containing
> country names, since localization issues don't come into play as much.  The
> user agent is presumably not going to be able to handle *every* case; but
> in my experience, it's not too hard to handle many/most of the real-world
> cases.  Since this attribute is used just as a hint, esoteric difficult
> cases don't seem like enough reason to omit the card type as a known token
> in the spec.
>> > Finally, I have gotten a request to include a field type for bank
>> > account numbers, though I have only seen this info actually requested on
>> > a small handful of extremely prominent (and generally trusted) websites:
>> > Amazon, PayPal, and I think Google Wallet.
>> Is there any reason we shouldn't just treat bank accounts like just
>> another credit card, and use cc-number for these?
> Yes: Most websites that support credit card numbers as inputs do not
> support bank account numbers.  The few websites that do support bank
> account numbers use separate fields for these vs. credit card number
> inputs.  Labeling both fields identically would leave the browser unable to
> distinguish which field to fill with what info.
>> On Wed, 31 Oct 2012, Dan Beam wrote:
>> >
>> > The experimental implementation [1] has been updated to dispatch an
>> > "autocompleteerror" as per convention/your feedback.
>> "autocompleteerror" seems like it'd be fired for an error, not user
>> cancelation. User cancelation is usually called either "abort" or
>> "cancel". I think autocompletecancel is fine. It's consistent with
>> oncancel, which we used for . (Fullscreen's "error" event is for a
>> slightly different case, based on what the spec says.)
> There are also cases where we'd want to return actual errors.  For example,
> in Chrome, we are only planning to support this dialog for sites served
> over HTTPS and without security errors.  We might also want to fire an
> error in case the input fails to pass the form's validation requirements.
>  Should we use autocompleteerror for the errors, and autocompletecancel for
> user cancelations?  Firing separate events for cancelations vs. errors
> forces developers to check for each of these cases separately, which seems
> like a less convenient API than just checking for one sort of failure
> event.  Perhaps we should have a single event named something like
> autocompletefail or something like that?

I don't particularly care about the naming (fail vs. error), I just
knew we had a pre-existing *error event and agreed with Anne that I
might as well go with the convention (of 1).  I can change it quite
easily to whatever the consensus is.

I definitely agree to a single event.  It would be great to do this
and give enumerable failure reasons (if this is deemed secure enough).
 An example:

  enum ErrorCause {

This could be a property on the event (event.cause, event.reason?)
argument passed to the error event (kind of like DOM exceptions).
This seems akin to in CSS transition end events (and
disputably many other examples).

Re: [whatwg] Improving autocomplete

2012-10-31 Thread Dan Beam
On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 12:43 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 9:24 AM, Elliott Sprehn  wrote:
>> [...]
> I'm missing the scenario that requires such interference from a web
> developer. Can't a UA just offer to autocomplete a form for me once it
> finds one? (Or in other words, unless I'm missing something this seems
> like a solution without a provided use case.)

One great example use case is payments on the web.  A user agent has
greater knowledge of a user than a web site does and is more trusted.
With a small amount of code, web developers can implement an improved
checkout flow:

  Buy a frobber now!


With the addition of an imperative API, site authors can request a UI
from the browser for secure and simple data input and more efficiently
and effectively harness autofill data.

On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 3:09 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 26, 2012 at 10:01 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> When should the UA offer to fill in the form (e.g., to select which
>> address they would like to use for shipping this particular order)?
> Presumably on page load.

There are quite a few use cases we've thought of so far that would not
be possible if triggering this UI is uncontrollable by site authors.

Some examples:
- dynamically changing s based on user input (i.e. showing a
list of regions after a country has been chosen).  Extra/unwanted info
may show if the UI is only invoked on load. Also, third-party
widgets/scripts that create “Buy now” buttons that’d want to use this
new UI could insert hidden forms into the DOM dynamically after page
- with more than 1 form on the page (think login + registration +
payment) it'd be hard to accurately know which one to autocomplete on
- [hidden] forms triggering this UI on page load would probably be
unexpected, though some websites may want this behavior.  Letting the
author decide rather than relying on heuristics is much simpler to
implement and can be right 100% of the time.

An imperative API gives site authors the greatest amount of control
over when and what should be interactively autocompleted.  I think
we’ll be unable to accommodate all use cases if we prescribe when this
UI should be invoked.

>> In particular, Elliott wrote:
>>> Authors can also display
>>> no forms at all to users of a browser who implements this proposal for
>>> one click checkout experiences which are important on mobile devices.
> I guess in that case it would be nice to know the user agent actually
> did display some UI.
> Are we using "cancel" elsewhere by the way? Fullscreen uses "error" as
> suffix for the event type.

The experimental implementation [1] has been updated to dispatch an
"autocompleteerror" as per convention/your feedback.

Dan Beam
