Re: [whatwg] [blink-dev] Intent to Ship: Scroll To Text Fragment

2019-10-24 Thread fantasai

On 10/9/19 8:10 PM, Nick Burris wrote:


Scroll To Text allows URLs to link to a piece of text in a webpage rather than 
just linking to an existing element fragment. The motivating use cases are to 
enable user sharing of specific content and allow deep-linking references to 

So, like, this sounds conceptually like a great feature to have for the Web.
But this

Edge: No signals

Firefox: No signals <>

Safari: No signals

makes it seem like you really haven't put much effort into figuring out where 
the other browser vendors stand on the issue. Given this is an Intent to Ship, 
I interpret not having figured out where the other vendors stand even at the 
coarse level of “excited to have spec, plan to implement”, “supportive but not 
prioritizing; will accept patches”, or “opposed to the feature in its current 
state” as not really caring what they think. You have contacts into these 
organizations; I am sure you could solicit such answers where there aren't any 
if you thought it was necessary.

Google engineers keep asserting that, no, we really care about standardization 
and moving the Web forward together with the other browser vendors. Look at 
the processes we made to help us do that! But Web standardization efforts have 
always tried to move forward on the basis of consensus. Meanwhile the attitude 
here seems to be ”There was a template for the positions of other browsers, a 
blank answer could be provided in the template, nobody reviewing it cares that 
there was a blank answer, so let's just ship the thing we (Google) want.”

If this was a blank code review in your template, I imagine you would try 
harder to get the reviewer's answer, and give a good explanation of your 
attempts and their failure if indeed you could not solicit a response, before 
asking for lgtm.

Yoav Weiss wrote:

When it comes to venue, the current spec's processing seems to be mostly 
monkey-patching the HTML and URL specs, indicating that WHATWG is probably 
the right venue for this to graduate to. At the same time, landing features 
in WHATWG specs require multi-engine commitment, and looking at Mozilla's 
2.5-months-old standards position issue doesn't really indicate implementer 
commitment, or anything at all. From a practical standpoint, it's clearer 
and easier for the spec to live as a standalone document rather than a 
WHATWG PR, while we're waiting for multi-engine commitment.

But, that in no means preclude collaboration. The spec is in WICG, which 
was built specifically to enable multi-vendor collaboration when incubating 
new ideas. I'm sure everyone would be thrilled to have your feedback directly 
there, to make sure we get this right.

I would like to point out a couple things:

1. WICG is explicitly billing itself an incubation venue, not a 
standardization venue. At the point you're planning to ship a feature, I think 
that qualifies as beyond incubation, yes? So continuing work there at this 
point would be inappropriate.

2. If the WHATWG rules for incorporating something are too stringent to allow 
standardization in a timely manner, maybe you should consider changing them? 
It's not like Google has no say in the WHATWG process. Perhaps something like 
“two implementation commitments *or* implemented in one browser with other 
browsers at least in favor of the feature and willing to implement it at some 
point in the future even if they haven't committed to apply their own 
resources yet” could be enough for inclusion.

To paraphrase Sir Tim Berners-Lee, process is a tool to help you do good work: 
if your process is inhibiting you from doing said work, you should fix said 
process. Allowing Google to do standardization work in an appropriate 
multi-vendor standards forum, and using that process to seek positive 
consensus on its proposals prior to deciding to ship, would be better than the 
circumvention of the standardization processes *and spirit* being demonstrated 
here, I would think.


[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-lists-3] Updated WD of CSS Lists Level 3

2019-08-16 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the CSS Lists Module Level 

This module contains CSS features related to list markers and counters: 
styling them, positioning them, and manipulating their value.

This update contains a major clean-up of the “Automatic Numbering with 
Counters” section, including fixing various sync errors against CSS2.1. It 
should now be usable as a reference for implementation.

[See also announcement on the previous update, which was a rewrite of the 
list-styling section: ]

Major areas of work left include:
  - Improving definitions for how list markers are positioned and
  how they impact layout. (This is largely undefined at the moment.)
  - Figuring out how to best support ol[reversed] list numbering for HTML.

i18n-related open issues include:
  - [syntax for marker-side]
  - ['direction' on markers]

a11y-related open issues include:

HTML-related open issues include:
  - reversed list decrement
  - reversed list start value

Please review the draft, and send any comments to , prefixed 
with [css-lists-3] (as I did on this message) or (preferably) file them in the 
GitHub repository at

For the CSS WG,

[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-lists-3] Updated WD of CSS Lists Level 3

2019-04-25 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the
CSS Lists Module Level 3:

The Lists module covers list-styling options such as changing counter styles
and marker position as well as automatic counters and numbering; Level 3
  * integration with the new counter styles in CSS Counter Styles L3
  * additional control over marker positioning
  * styling via the ::marker pseudo-element introduced in css-pseudo-4
  * the new counter-set property
  * the automagic 'list-item' counter, which allows referencing and manipulating
the default list numbers

Note in particular that the 'list-item' counter interacts with the automatic
numbering features in the HTML spec. See

This is a significant and overdue redraft of Level 3: some experimental features
were dropped and the whole draft has been streamlined and tightened up, shifting
the draft from "please don't try to implement this" to "pretty reliable". 
there are still some open issues against Chapter 4 (Automatic Numbering with
Counters), and we recommend continuing to use CSS2.1 as the definitive reference
for those features until L3 has been fully synchronized with it.

Significant changes are listed at:

Many thanks to Mozilla (Mats Palmgren, David Baron, and Emilio Cobos Álvarez)
for their detailed feedback this round.

Please review the draft, and send any comments to the www-style mailing list,
, prefixed with [css-lists-3] (as I did on this message) or
(preferably) file them in the GitHub repository at

For the CSS WG,

Re: [whatwg] [CSSWG][selectors-4] Updated WD of Selectors L4

2019-03-29 Thread fantasai

On 11/21/18 2:33 PM, Andrew Fedoniouk wrote:

:blank is quite bad as a state name

For example   shall be considered as not :blank as it has initial value 
deliberately set to blank string (empty string allowed).

This would match :blank.


[whatwg] [CSSWG][selectors-4] Updated WD of Selectors L4

2018-11-21 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of Selectors Level 4:

Selectors are patterns that match against elements in a tree and are used
as a core part of CSS and in DOM methods such as .querySelector()

This update adds, drops, and renames a number of selectors:
  * zero-specificity pseudo-class named :where()
  * :matches() renamed to :is()
  * :blank defined to select empty user input elements
  * :empty redefined to ignore whitespace-only text nodes
  * :drop() dropped due to removal of support in HTML
  * Added case-sensitive attribute value matching flag

In addition, the specificity rules for :is() and :nth-child() were altered
to use the most specific selector argument rather than the most specific
selector that happened to match. See
and discussion in

Changes since the February 2018 WD are all listed at:

One major issue that's open is redefining the way invalid selectors are
handled within `:is()` and similar pseudo-classes to ignore unknown
selectors rather than invalidating the entire style rule. See

Another series of open issues concerns the :visited pseudo-class and
how to balance security concerns with usability requirements. See e.g.

Please review the draft, and send any comments to the CSSWG mailing list,
, prefixed with [selectors-4] (as I did on this
message) or (preferably) file them in the GitHub repository at

For the CSS WG,

[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-display-3] CR of CSS Display Level 3

2018-08-28 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published a Candidate Recommendation and invites
implementations of the CSS Display Module Level 3:

CSS Display describes how the CSS formatting box tree is generated
from the document element tree and defines properties that control
the types of boxes thus generated.

New features since Level 2 include:
  * new two-keyword syntaxes for various display types
  * inline list-items
  * run-ins
  * 'display: contents' to replace an element with its contents

The draft also features
  * A normative description of the CSS box generation model
  * Definitions for blockification and inlinification
  * A glossary of key box model terms (largely extracted from CSS2.1)

Significant changes since earlier drafts are listed at:
Disposition of comments:

Please review the draft, and send any comments to the www-style list,
, prefixed with [css-display] (as I did on this
message) or (preferably) file them in the GitHub repository at

For the CSS WG,

Re: [whatwg] [CSSWG][css-scroll-snap] Updated CR of CSS Scroll Snapping Level 1

2018-08-14 Thread fantasai

On 12/25/2017 02:54 AM, fantasai wrote:

The CSS WG has published an updated Candidate Recommendation of the
CSS Scroll Snapping Module Level 1:

This module contains features to control panning and scrolling behavior
with “snap positions”.

This update renames the 'scroll-snap-margin' property to 'scroll-margin'
and applies it also to the target element of scrolling operations such
as scrollIntoView(), focus(), and navigating to #fragment.

Note that 'scroll-padding' is already applied generally:

A related concern was brought up that some DOM APIs define scrolling to
an element in a way that conflicts with scroll-snapping; such APIs should
allow for an element's snap position, if defined, to dictate the position
of an element to the viewport if no explicit argument is given to the

Significant changes are listed at:

Sorry, that URL should be


[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-sizing-3] Updated WD of Sizing L3, Last Call for Comments

2018-03-04 Thread fantasai

The updated text regarding intrinsic sizing of replaced elements
might be of interest here:

There's also an open issue about sizing iframes to their content:
It's tagged against Level 4, but we did just add handling for
 and .


 Forwarded Message

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the
CSS Intrinsic and Extrinsic Sizing Module Level 3:

This module extends the CSS sizing properties with keywords that
represent content-based "intrinsic" sizes and context-based
"extrinsic" sizes, allowing CSS to more easily describe boxes
that fit their content or fit into a particular layout context.

Significant changes are listed at:
and include
  * merging in the full definitions of all sizing properties
from CSS2.1 (min/max?-width/height) and css-ui (box-sizing)
  * more thorough definition of replaced element intrinsic sizes
and percentage sizing within indefinite containers
  * defining min-content and max-content to work on form controls
  * deferring the 'stretch' and 'fit-content' keywords to Level 4
(whose focus will be defining these keywords and 'contain')

Open issues include:
  * Adding more illustrations (help wanted)
  * Working out how calc() values including percentages work
on margins/padding/width/height/gaps when the container size
depends on this child box’s size (input wanted)
That is, currently when we are calculating the size of the
container we treat a percentage size as zero. Then once
the size of the container is established, we resolve the
percentage against that size. What should happen if we have
a size as calc(20% + 10px)? Do we ignore the 10px or honor
it in some way? What about calc(10px - 20%)?
for all open issues.

We expect to transition to CR soon, so this draft effectively
marks the beginning of a last call for comments period; we
will be accepting comments at least through the end of March,
and depending on the state of the draft, aim to transition to
CR sometime in April. (We will of course process comments
during CR as well, but would prefer to get them sooner rather
than later.)

(Note that the min-content and max-content keywords have already
been officially cleared for shipping prior to CR by the CSSWG
since their syntax was stable and their behavior was tied to
behavior exposed in existing CSS2.1 features.)

Please review the draft, and send any comments to this mailing list,
<>, prefixed with [css-sizing] (as I did on this
message) or (preferably) file them in the GitHub repository at

For the CSS WG,

[whatwg] [CSSWG][selectors-4] Updated WD of Selectors Level 4

2018-02-01 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of Selectors Level 4

Selectors is a pattern-matching syntax for identifying sets of elements
in a document, and is used e.g. for applying CSS declarations to elements
in a document tree.

This publication brings the /TR draft up-to-date with all of the WG
resolutions since 2013. Significant changes are summarized at:

This specification is now in the Refining stage: we don't expect any large
changes prior to CR, but will be continuing to address issues. Most features
are well-scoped, with significant open issues described in the draft to
solicit directed feedback.

One major focus of the next round of edits will be to update and improve
cross-references between Selectors and other Web standards (in coordination
with the editors of the DOM and HTML standards at WHATWG). If any of you
know of other specifications with incoming references to Selectors, please
let us know so that we can accommodate them, too!

In the meantime, please review the draft. You can send any comments to the
www-style list <>, prefixed with [selectors-4] (as I did on
this message) or (preferably) file them in the CSSWG GitHub repository at
We're hoping to address the remaining issues and issue a CR in the upcoming
months (but likely not before April).

Follow-ups to www-style.

For the CSS WG,

[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-scroll-snap] Updated CR of CSS Scroll Snapping Level 1

2017-12-25 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published an updated Candidate Recommendation of the
CSS Scroll Snapping Module Level 1:

This module contains features to control panning and scrolling behavior
with “snap positions”.

This update renames the 'scroll-snap-margin' property to 'scroll-margin'
and applies it also to the target element of scrolling operations such
as scrollIntoView(), focus(), and navigating to #fragment.

Note that 'scroll-padding' is already applied generally:

A related concern was brought up that some DOM APIs define scrolling to
an element in a way that conflicts with scroll-snapping; such APIs should
allow for an element's snap position, if defined, to dictate the position
of an element to the viewport if no explicit argument is given to the

Significant changes are listed at:

Disposition of comments:

Please review the draft, and send any comments to this mailing list,
<>, prefixed with [css-scroll-snap] (as I did on this
message) or (preferably) file them in the GitHub repository at

For the CSS WG,

Re: [whatwg] [csswg][css-display] Updated WD of CSS Display L3

2017-02-02 Thread fantasai

On 02/02/2017 01:18 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 2/1/17 6:07 PM, fantasai wrote:

Wrt this particular issue, run-ins only run into other blocks; they
do not exist in or affect layout modes other than block-and-inline.

OK, so if I have a flex container with two kids, a run-in and a block, do I get 
one flex item or two flex items and why?  And
did that require any thought about interactions?

You get two flex items, because being in a flex container overrides the outer 
display type of an element:

In other words, the run-in/inline/block distinction is ignored within a flex 


Re: [whatwg] [csswg][css-display] Updated WD of CSS Display L3

2017-02-02 Thread fantasai

On 01/26/2017 12:10 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 1/25/17 10:48 PM, Florian Rivoal wrote:

Is it a general argument that adding more things to the platform always makes 
it harder down the road to add more things due
to having to figure out more interactions

It's not a general argument in this case.  It's a specific argument.
For example, adding any new display type has to consider how it
interacts with run-in.  Adding anything that rearranges things in
terms of layout (e.g. shadow DOM, flexbox, grid, etc) has to consider
how it interacts with run-in and whether the result makes any sense.

Wrt this particular issue, run-ins only run into other blocks; they
do not exist in or affect layout modes other than block-and-inline.


[whatwg] [csswg][css-display] Updated WD of CSS Display L3

2017-01-25 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the CSS Display Module 
Level 3:

This module describes how the CSS formatting box tree is generated from the
document element tree and defines the display property that controls it.
Additions since CSS2 include
  * a 'flow-root' value to create a block formatting context root (BFC)
  * a 'contents' value to discard the element's box but keep its children
  * inline list items
  * a 'run-in' layout model slightly less insane than the one proposed in CSS2.0

Significant changes are listed at:

We anticipate this being the last draft before the transition to CR,
therefore this is the "last call" for comments.

Please review the draft, and send any comments to the CSSWG mailing list,
<>, prefixed with [css-display] (as I did on this message)
or (preferably) file them in the GitHub repository at

For the CSS WG,

[whatwg] [css-display] CSS Display Review

2016-09-19 Thread fantasai

(I'm guessing you don't mind if I forward your comments to the ML.
Feel free to scold me for presumptuousness if not. ;)

CCing WHATWG for comments on HTML interaction (or any other comments
they may have); follow-ups to

On 08/29/2016 06:52 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 8/2/16 7:38 PM, fantasai wrote:

First one is 'display: contents':

This one is mostly a question for Mats.  That said, I think this
feature adds a huge amount of complexity, and I expect that some
of its interactions with HTML are not very clearly specced.  For
example, what should this do:




and what about:




Note that in Gecko the answer is different for those two cases,
more or less by accident.  Again, it's not clear to me that
either behavior is right or wrong per spec; the HTML spec basically
assumes there is no such thing as "display:contents" so its phrasing
is ambiguous in the presence of "display: contents", iirc.

If we _do_ want to ship this spec, we need to work with the HTML
editors to sort out these issues.

The HTML spec talks about child elements specifically, not about child
boxes. Furthermore its entire spec, except where explicitly noted, is
operating on the element tree. Therefore afaict, CSS properties--such
as 'display' and its values, whatever they are--should not affect
element relationships.

I've added some clarifying text to this effect. I expect it's not
controversial, but CCing HTML folks in case. :)

It's also not 100% clear to me how display:contents interacts with
table anonymous pseudos and whatnot.  It might be good to make that
more explicit (e.g. point out that the replacement in the tree
described for display:contents happens before any box generation and
box tree fixups or something).

Since anonymous box generation takes a box tree and fixes it up,
and these elements don't generate a box in the box tree, they
presumably don't have an effect on the anonymous box generation. :)
Added a note to clarify.

Second one is the 'hide' value of the currently-named 'box-suppress':

  If you think this is not particularly useful or urgent, I'll defer it.

This seems pretty underspecified. [...]

I do think it's useful to have this, but whether anyone ends up using
it, I have no idea.

If you think it's interesting and useful, please let me know your
thoughts on the proposed resolutions to the open issue:

OK, this answers some of my questions above.  It sounds like hiding a
cell _does_ rearrange which columns other cells are in, yes? What
about other interesting layout models (grid, flex, etc)?  What are the
interactions with those?

Since I'm proposing to define it in terms of abspos, the interaction
would be as defined for abspos in those modes. Grid and flex, specifically,
do not respond at all to containing abspos boxes.

Third one is the effect of out-of-flow elements on run-in sequencing:

I strongly believe we should not do run-in at all.  It's an insane
amount of complexity for a super-edge-case feature, as far as I can
tell.  Of course I've said this for years and it doesn't seem to affect
what the CSSWG is up to

There remains a demand for the feature, and since we have a *relatively*
sane model for it atm, it's been specced for implementer consideration.
So far my plan is to spec it insofar as I am able, since it is a feature
that's wanted and drop it from the spec if at any point it becomes a burden.

On the particular question of out-of-flow elements, I have no opinion,
because I haven't really put in the time to consider the implementability
of the various options.  And given my take on the overall feature I don't
think putting in that time would be a good use of my time, sorry.  :(

Heh, okay.

Lastly if you have thoughts on implementability of any options in the
discussion of the interaction of run-in and ::first-letter, let me know.

I think anything involving run-in sucks so much to implement and has
such low payoff that it should simply not be done. Again, it's not clear
to me which of the options here sucks _more_ to implement, but they both
suck a lot.

Alright. If you have no opinion, then probably the best idea is to leave
it undefined until someone tries to implement it...

P.S. Fwiw, there are two other open issues, one on syntax:

No strong opinions.


And one that is, afaict, a vocabulary issue but may affect something
(and probably only dbaron knows):

Looks like a plain bug in CSS2 to me, but I don't have it all paged
in well enough to say more...

So far no one I've aske

Re: [whatwg] [CSSWG][css-content] FPWD of CSS Generated Content L3

2016-06-21 Thread fantasai

On 06/20/2016 06:14 PM, Phillips, Addison wrote:

+I18N Core

Thanks for this. I have added this to I18N's radar [1]. Do you have a
due date for comments in mind? Or a general schedule?

Not really.


[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-content] FPWD of CSS Generated Content L3

2016-06-20 Thread fantasai

Okay, so it's *technically* not a FPWD, but since it's a near-complete
rewrite of the 2003 draft, I'm announcing it as one, since it warrants
that level of review. :)

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the
CSS Generated and Replaced Content Module Level 3:

This is the first draft of a complete rewrite of this module, and is
very rough. Major new functionality over Level 2 includes imports from
the GCPM module such as:
  * leaders
  * target-counters
  * named strings
  * bookmark control
plus a handy new syntax for alternate text:
  content: url(sparkle.png) / "New!"

We expect future work on this module to be pinning down the actual
syntax and behavior of all the exciting new features imported from
GCPM. For those who want to toy with implementations, most CSS->PDF
renderers already support a significant subset...

Significant changes since 2003 are listed at:

Please review the draft, and send any comments to the archived mailing
list <>, prefixed with [css-content] (as I did on this
message) or (preferably) file them in the CSSWG GitHub repository at

For the CSS WG,

[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-pseudo-4] Updated WD of CSS Pseudo-elements Level 4

2016-06-08 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the
CSS Pseudo-elements Module Level 4:

This CSS module defines pseudo-elements, abstract elements that represent
portions of the CSS render tree that can be selected and styled.

This somewhat-overdue publication includes the new ::marker pseudo-class,
as well as ::inactive-selection. Changes are listed at

Please review the draft, and either file comments in the CSSWG GitHub repo:
or mail them to <>, prefixed with [css-pseudo-4]
(as I did on this message).

For the CSS WG,

[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-cascade-4] Last Call for Comments on CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 4

2015-09-08 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the
CSS Cascading and Inheritance Module Level 4

This CSS module describes how to collate style rules and assign values to all
properties on all elements by way of cascading (choosing a winning declaration
among many) and inheritance (propagating values from parent to child).

Additions to Level 4 include:

  * introduced the 'revert' keyword, which rolls back the cascade
to the previous origin
[This had been dropped from L3 due to lack of implementer interest;
but there seems to be strong interest in it at this time.]

e.g. * { all: revert; } /* wipe out the entire set of author-level styles */

  * introduced supports() syntax for conditional @import rules

e.g. @import "fallback.css" supports(not (display: flex));

Since we have no open or anticipated issues, we plan to transition this
module to CR in about four weeks. We do encourage people to review the
draft, particularly the changes since L3, and send us comments.

Significant changes since the previous WD are listed at:
The editor's draft can be found at:

As always, please send any comments to <>, and please,
prefix the subject line with


(as I did on this message).

For the CSS WG,

[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-display] Updated WD of CSS Display L3

2014-09-27 Thread fantasai

About a fortnight ago, the CSS WG published an updated Working Draft of
the CSS Display Module L3:

CSS Display describes how the CSS formatting box tree is generated from the
document element tree and defines properties that control the types of boxes
thus generated.

Significant changes since CSS2.1 include:

  * Splitting 'display' into 'display-inside' and 'display-outside'
to independently control the layout mode inside the box and its
role in the parent formatting context, respectively.

  * Adding an independent noneness switch that does not overwrite
the box type declaration. (This will make it way more straightforward
to dynamically show/hide content.)

  * Reintroducing 'display: run-in', but with more reasonable behavior
(as in, you can better reason about it. yay!)

  * Adding a 'display: contents' value that eliminates the element's
own box and brings its children up to act as children of its
parent box.

  * Adding a handy glossary of key terms from CSS2.1 chapter 9.

Significant changes since the previous draft are listed at:

We have a couple of key issues open that we would particularly like
feedback on:

  A. Naming of the box-hiding-and-showing property. Please send us
  suggestions for improvement! (Or comments on what you like about
  the current name. We're pretty unsure atm, but want it to be
  easily understandable.)

  B. Run-in model: we're looking for a review by Boris Zbarsky ;) and
  also for comments on how best to handle out-of-flow elements between
  run-ins that form a sequence.

  C. Interaction of 'display: contents' and counter numbering:
  specifically, comments from implementers about the implementability
  of various options, and comments from authors about how they'd expect
  the numbering to behave.

  D. Figuring out an ideal interaction for the new show/hide switch
  and its equivalent (the 'speak' property) from CSS Speech.
  (Likely we'll make 'auto' depend on the value of 'box-suppress',
  but we're open to other considerations.)

Our plan going forward is to
  1. resolve all the open issues (obviously)
  2. defer the longhands of 'display' to another level [1]
  3. hopefully transition to CR in the next six months

Please send any comments to the archived www-style mailing list,, and please, prefix the subject line with


(as I did on this message). Also, please start a new thread; don't
reply to this one.

[1] It was a good exercise to split them, since we now have a properly
combinatorial understanding of how the various aspects of 'display'
interact. We plan to split them out again in a future level. But
there are combinations--like table cell flex containers--to this
that are very difficult to implement atm, and we can disallow at
a syntactic level if we retain only the shorthand 'display'. (The
show/hide switch, not being a longhand of 'display', will stay

For the CSS WG,

Re: [whatwg] `brand-color` meta extension

2014-08-19 Thread fantasai

On 06/26/2014 12:50 PM, Tobie Langel wrote:

On Jun 26, 2014, at 21:20, Marcos Caceres wrote:

On June 26, 2014 at 1:58:17 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. ( wrote:

Here's a first crack at a better spec:

Moved your text here:

Could we change the name to something a tad more neutral and
extendable, e.g.: ua-background-color? Like that, people that use the
Web for things other than brand promotion don't feel offended, and we
can add ua-color once devs start requesting it while keeping
consistent with CSS.

It's not the UA's color you're after here, it's the page's own
theming color, right? So theme-color or accent-color might make
more sense.

As a note, an old version of css3-ui used the term 'flavor' for
something similar. Unsure about following that precendent.

As another note, a request for something similar came up on the
CSSWG ML just recently:
In that case it's about retrieving the OS's notion of this color.


Re: [whatwg] several messages about the HTML syntax

2014-07-22 Thread fantasai

On 03/02/2008 03:02 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 31 Jul 2007, Philip Taylor wrote:

IE undocumentedly recognises some which nobody else does:


(I believe that list is complete.)

The first eleven were suggested on some
time ago but don't seem to have gone very far (except into IE).

I can see some legitimate users at and and maybe there's a few dozen or hundred
more elsewhere (but I can't measure it easily). There's some in text-art
at and quite a
lot in weird places like or that I don't understand
but that seem to all be on 2channel (or copied from it). I've no idea
how common they are in general.

Are these used significantly on the web, or would they be considered
highly useful if anyone knew they existed, or should HTML5 just ignore

I'm very skeptical about introducing entities for the codes that are
redundant with dir= and bdo (namely, lre, lro, pdf, rle, rlo).

I agree 100% with this rationale.

I don't know enough about the others to have an educated opinion. I can
set up a search to examine the data in more detail.

I don't know much about the others, but I can provide some info on ZWSP.
It is (as specced) equivalent to wbr. Specifically, it
  * defines a word break (line-breaking opportunity)
  * thereby breaks Arabic joining

For contrast:
  ZWSP - Breaks a word (and therefore also Arabic joining) with no visible 
  ZWJ  - Not a word break. Forces joining behavior.
  ZWNJ - Not a word break, but breaks joining.

ZWJ and ZWNJ are primarily useful for Arabic and other shaped scripts. I'm
not sure of the common uses for ZWJ, but ZWNJ is frequently used in Persian
to visually separate grammatical prefixes from the rest of the word (without
breaking the word or introducing extra space).

ZWSP is more likely to be used in Thai and related scripts, to define word
boundaries. Thai does not use spaces between words, so break opportunities
need to either be marked with ZWSP or found with a dictionary. Even in the
presence of automatic dictionary-breaking, however, there are ambiguous
cases which will need ZWSP to show the correct break-point.

There's further discussion about this in
I've no comment on concerns about compatibility with XML, but I can say
that I've typed zwsp; multiple times expecting it to work and find it
surprising that zwj; and zwnj; work, but zwsp; does not...


[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-cascade-3] Last Call WD for CSS3 Cascade

2013-07-31 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published a Last Call Working Draft of the
CSS Cascading and Inheritance Module Level 3:

This CSS module describes how to collate style rules and assign
values to all properties on all elements by way of cascading
(choosing a winning declaration among many) and inheritance
(propagating values from parent to child).

Notable additions since CSS2.1 include

  * cascading rules for scoped declarations

  * full cascade list including transitions, animations, and DOM
override rules

  * the 'all' shorthand to reset all CSS properties

  * the 'initial' and 'unset' keywords to restore initial state

Significant changes since the last WD are listed at:
and include changes to the 'all' shorthand to exclude bidi controls
and the replacement of the 'default' keyword with 'unset'
(with different semantics):
(The draft also received a reorg/editorial overhaul.)

Please send any comments to the www-style mailing list [1],, and  please, prefix the subject line with


(as I did on this message). The deadline for comments is

  ** 26 August 2013 **

Please let us know if you need an extension.

We would particularly appreciate review of this module from the
HTML and WebAPI communities. Thanks!

For the CSS WG,

[whatwg] [CSSWG][css-counter-styles] Updated WD of CSS Counter Styles

2013-03-18 Thread fantasai

The CSS WG has published an updated Working Draft of the CSS Counter
Style Module Level 3:

This spec documents the existing CSS 2.1 and 2.0 counter styles
in better detail, adds a handful of CJK and other list styles,
and adds an @counter-style rule which allows authors to define
their own counter styles.

Significant changes since the last WD are listed at:
Significant additions include:
  - the 'width' descriptor for, e.g. zero-filled counters
  - the 'speak-as' descriptor for customizing text-to-speech
  - the 'disclosure-*' styles, intended to be used for the
HTML details element and similar use cases
We'd especially appreciate a review of these additions.

We expect the next step to be Last Call.

Please send any comments to, and please, prefix the
subject line with


(as I did on this message).

For the CSS WG,

Re: [whatwg] Media queries for multichannel audio ?

2013-03-18 Thread fantasai

On 03/18/2013 05:18 PM, Mark Watson wrote:

Is there anything like this ?

I'd like a media element to be able to select the multi-channel
version of some audio only when the device will output multiple
channels and select a stereo version otherwise (rather than
downmixing). This would save network bandwidth as well as
providing better quality (if the custom-mixed stereo audio is
likely better than the end-device down-mixed version). Seems
like this would be handled in the resource selection algorithm
by checking if the media attribute of the source matches
the environment, but I can't find how to specific audio
characteristics in a media query.

I don't think such a thing exists, but you could request it
for Media Queries Level 4:

You'd want to post to www-style for that, though.


Re: [whatwg] Styling details

2013-01-02 Thread fantasai

On 04/08/2011 05:05 AM, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

One option is to define that the list-style-type 'disclosure-*' as magic values 
that mean to render a UA specific/platform
dependent widget.  But that differs from all other list-style-type values and 
doesn't seem quite right.

The CSSWG discussed and agreed to add these to the draft back in 2011.
Tab still hasn't edited it in, apparently. *pokes Tab*

CSS3-UI, however, uses the 'appearance' property to render native looking 

In theory, native widgets could be achieved instead by using a new 'appearance' 
value like:

   summary::marker { appearance: -x-disclosure; }

(Assuming the 'appearance' value handles the open/close states automatically, 
and any animations that would be expected of
native controls)

The only value of 'appearance' that actually works IIRC is 'none'.
I'm not sure I'd recommend it as a good way forward for anything
since it's not clear how other values are supposed to work.


Re: [whatwg] [html-media-capture] capture vs. accept ( LC-2642)

2012-11-16 Thread fantasai

On 11/16/2012 07:38 AM, wrote:


Is the WG response (see below) to your Last Call issue (LC-2642)  [1]
on HTML Media Capture [2] regarding clarification of accept and capture
[attributes of input] sufficient for us to close the issue?

If timeless and/or hixie are happy with it, I am satisfied.

A rough summary is that

1. Accept indicates what is to be captured (e.g. image/*) and Capture
   indicates the source type, there can be more than one source type
   for a given 'what'

Other than filesystem vs. live (which could be satisfied by a boolean),
I don't see how the values of 'capture' are adding any information beyond
what can (and should) be provided by 'accept'.

2. Conflict is avoided by precedence rule in the specification that
   the accept attribute takes precedence over the capture attribute

This is fair. I still don't see why you are duplicating the type
information, though. As a general design principle, it's better
to make it impossible for the user/author to provide invalid
combinations than to provide error handling for it.

Btw, thank you for your careful tracking of issues: I appreciate
your meticulousness in addressing them.



[2] (revised editors draft)

fantasai wrote:

I was wondering, how is 'capture' different from 'accept'? It seems to me the
following are equivalent:

   capture  accept
   camera   image/*
   microphone   audio/*
   filesystem   */*


Working Group Resolution (LC-2642):
No changes to the specification are needed, please see


Not only would this avoid duplication, it also avoids conflicts like

input capture=microphone accept='image/*'

I believe the spec does address this:

The HTMLInputElement interface's accept attribute takes precedence over
the capture attribute. That is, if the accept attribute's value is set
to a MIME type that is not accepted in a defined capture state, the user
agent must act as if there was no capture attribute.


[whatwg] [selectors4] drag-and-drop pseudo-classes

2012-08-14 Thread fantasai

The CSSWG discussed drag-and-drop pseudo-classes today. The current
proposal is to have three pseudo-classes:

  * One for the element representing the drop target that
would receive the item if it were dropped.
  * One for all elements representing possible drop targets
that could receive the item.
  * One for all elements representing drop targets that do
not accept this type of item.

We'd like comments on
  a) whether this is a correct and useful set of pseudo-elements
  b) what these pseudo-elements should be called, that would best
 (most clearly and succinctly) represent their functionality
 to authors using them

Name sets being considered:

Set A Set B   Set CSet D

 :drop   :can-drop:valid-drop  :valid-drop
 :no-drop:no-drop :invalid-drop:invalid-drop


Re: [whatwg] [selectors4] drag-and-drop pseudo-classes

2012-08-14 Thread fantasai

On 08/13/2012 11:55 PM, Ryosuke Niwa wrote:

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 9:19 PM, fantasai wrote:

The CSSWG discussed drag-and-drop pseudo-classes today. The current
proposal is to have three pseudo-classes:

   * One for the element representing the drop target that
 would receive the item if it were dropped.
   * One for all elements representing possible drop targets
 that could receive the item.

How do we find these elements? On one hand, if we're only supporting dropzone 
attribute, then adding new pseudo element seems
unnecessary. On the other hand, I can't think of ways to detect whether an 
element could return false or prevents the default
action on dragover/dragenter events without firing those events.

I don't know. I'm just going on what was asked for in the following thread. :)

The spec prose so far is this:
The definition is pretty generic; I'm happy to add details on how
exactly it should work with HTML, if someone can provide them.


Re: [whatwg] [selectors4] drag-and-drop pseudo-classes

2012-08-14 Thread fantasai

On 08/14/2012 03:03 AM, Sebastian Zartner wrote:

   * One for all elements representing possible drop targets
 that could receive the item.
   * One for all elements representing drop targets that do
 not accept this type of item.

This sounds like these two pseudo-classes would do exactly the opposite.
So why not use :not() for this case?

That question was asked and answered here:

Apparently an invalid dropzone is one that accepts drops, but not of this
type, so it's not exactly the same as :not(:valid-drop). I'm unsure if
it's necessary to add at this point, but can add it and mark at-risk for
the time being.


[whatwg] [css3-flexbox] Going to Last Call

2012-06-07 Thread fantasai

Just as a heads-up, the CSSWG is taking the CSS Flexible Box Layout module
to Last Call; all remaining open issues will be refiled as Last Call issues,
and the deadline for comments will be 3 July 2012. If you're planning to
review, please schedule time accordingly. :) The CSSWG would appreciate
comments sent earlier rather than later, since we are racing against some
software release schedules.

Assuming things go smoothly on the W3C side, the document should be published
at on Tuesday. Until then,
you can get a preview at

Please send any comments to with [css3-flexbox] and the
topic of your comment in the subject line. Known issues are being tracked
in Bugzilla [1] and discussion is on www-style [2].



Co-Editor, CSS Flexible Box Layout

Re: [whatwg] Why isn't the pattern attribute applied to input type=number?

2012-02-13 Thread fantasai

On 02/10/2012 11:39 AM, brenton strine wrote:

Regarding the an input with type in the number state, the spec states
that the pattern attribute must not be specified and do[es] not
the element. (

Why is it specifically blocked? Doesn't that encourage the use of a less
semantic text input type for numbers that need to be validated beyond
simple max and min?

What if you want the number to be either 13 or 16 digits long, as with a
credit card


or you want a US ZIP or ZP4 code which can either be n or n-


To get the pattern to validate, I have to (non-semantically) change the
input to the text state? I much prefer the current behavior of Firefox
(tested 9 and 10) which does validate the pattern.

As others have explained, zip codes and credit cards are strings composed
of digits, not numbers, and should thus use type=text. If, for example,
you enter '0035', it needs to be processed as '0035' not '35' or '35.00'.
For a number, they are all equivalent. For things like credit card numbers
and postal codes, they probably aren't.

The spec could perhaps benefit from an example of how /not/ to use
type=number here...


Re: [whatwg] di? Please?

2012-02-04 Thread fantasai

On 02/03/2012 12:22 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 10 Jan 2012, Hugh Guiney wrote:

As I understand it, the main reason for rejectingdi  was that it
solves a problem that is allegedly CSS's job, but as an author who uses
dls quite extensively, adding a grouping element would really make my
life a lot easier.

There are a number of places in HTML where it would be nice to be able to
group things together -- just look at how often people stickdivs in
their pages for no purpose whatsoever other than styling.

This shouldn't be necessary. It's a limitation of CSS.

The right solution is for CSS to provide some pseudo-element or other
mechanism that introduces an anonymous container into the rendering tree
that wraps the elements you want to wrap.

I don't think this is a CSS problem. I think it's an HTML problem.
It's not just that you might want to style definition items, you
might also want to tag them with an ID so you can use them as a
target anchor. Or pick them up and do interesting things with them
via script. But you can't do any of these three things because you
can't wrap them in an element.

Pseudo-elements are a non-trivial thing to spec, and a non-trivial
thing to implement, and a comparatively confusing thing to use. Yet
you're suggesting that we use them to solve a problem that is not
even entirely solved by a new pseudo-element, rather than defining
an appropriate HTML element for the job. So what is it about defining
a real element that is so problematic that we're considering a pseudo-
element here?


Re: [whatwg] Interaction of wbr and CSS white-space

2012-01-18 Thread fantasai

On 01/13/2012 03:45 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

On Thu, 15 Dec 2011, Boris Zbarsky wrote [edited for context]:

On 12/15/11 3:10 PM, Ian Hickson wrote [edited for context]:

I might be open to changing the current spec text -- presumably to
just definewbr  as follows, or something similar (though using
U+200B would probably affect text selection in a bad way):

nobr { white-space: nowrap; }
wbr { content: \200B; }
nobr wbr { white-space: normal; }

It seems plausible to me; we should run it by Elika.

I asked her on #css but she wasn't around.

I think it's fair to give me at *least* 15 minutes to respond? No? :-)

In the interests of moving on with this, I've changed the spec to the
above. I welcome implementation experience on whether this works. If it
doesn't, I'm happy to change it back.

Sounds okay to me.


[whatwg] [css3-images] Last Call Working Draft of CSS Images Values and Replaced Content Level 3

2012-01-13 Thread fantasai


The CSS WG published a Last Call Working Draft of the CSS3 Image Values and
Replaced Content module:

We believe there is some overlap of interest with HTML, and therefore we'd
appreciate your review of the features therein, particularly of the element()
notation and of the 'image-resolution' and 'image-orientation' properties.

Those interested in layout and sizing might also be interested in the
CSS - image size negotiation rules and the 'object-fit' property.

Note that replaced elements in CSS includes not just bitmap images, but
also SVG (external or embedded), video, applets, plugins, and other
foreign objects.

This module covers:
  - CSS gradients
  - using media fragments (image slices) in CSS
  - ltr/rtl annotations to images for automatic flipping
  - fallback URLs for images, for gracefully handling unsupported image types
  - element() notation for using an elements' graphical representation as an 
  - CSS - image size negotiation
  - 'object-fit' and 'object-position' for controlling aspect ratio preservation
  - 'image-resolution' for using custom or intrinsic image resolutions
  - 'image-orientation' to correct misoriented images

If you have comments on any part of the draft, please, send them to the mailing list. Please start a new thread for each issue,
and include [css3-images] in the subject line, as I did on this message.
This will help us track your comments.

The official deadline for comments is 7 February 2012. Let us know if you
need an extension so that we don't miss your comments.



Re: [whatwg] Interaction of wbr and CSS white-space

2011-05-16 Thread fantasai

On 05/14/2011 12:41 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

On 5/14/11 3:29 AM, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

For example, when mentioning URLs in the text of a document, you
normally want to prevent line breaks in them by default and only allow
line breaks at specific points, as in

Oops, my newsreader introduced a line break after a hyphen. And such
behavior is common in web browsers as well. So it is natural to wrap
urls in text in span class=url.../span with CSS rule .url {
white-space: nowrap; }.

Except that browsers don't support that, for the most part.

The problem you describe is one of breakpoint prioritization. I have no problem with 
wbr getting priority over breakpoints
that the browser determines itself. CSS3 Text has explicit language to the 
effect that not all breakpoint opportunities are
equal in section 7.1.

Anyway, the idea is to disallow line breaks (that would otherwise be
allowed by line breaking rules, whatever they might be in each
situation) _except_ where explicitly allowed by wbr.

This can be done by simply using white-space: normal and having UAs prioritize 
breaks at wbr over other linebreaks, no?

Yes, but you'd get unexpected breaks where nowrap isn't used.
IIRC (this is going back  10 yrs) wbr isn't supposed to have
a higher priority than spaces.

The HTML specs cannot dictate what CSS specs do

They're trying to, is my point. As an implementor I then have to reconcile the 
conflict somehow. My current plan if it's up to
me is to do so by completely ignoring the part of HTML5 that's conflicting with 
CSS here.

I agree that the HTML spec should not be trying to contradict or override
the CSS specs, and suggest that the HTML editor make a habit of posting
such issues to www-style to bring them to the CSS spec editors' attention
instead of merely writing overrides into the HTML spec...

So maybe the best way to convey the message is to remove the reference
to white-space and add a note on the _HTML_ element nobr (even if it
is kept as obsolete - the spec should still specify its meaning):
The wbr element specifies a line breaking opportunity even when used
inside a nobr element.

I would be fine with that, if it's useful. Is it useful?

Yes, if you wanted to control breakpoints, nobr...wbr.../nobr
was very useful.

I think it's possible to deal with the rendering requirements by

wbr { content: '\8203' /* zwsp */;
  text-wrap: normal; }

Slightly off-topic: in CSS3, there is an 'avoid' value for 'text-wrap',
which is designed to solve problems similar to those currently dealt
with by using nobr/wbr combinations.


Re: [whatwg] Interaction of wbr and CSS white-space

2011-05-16 Thread fantasai

On 05/16/2011 06:50 AM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

another would be adding a new text-wrap value that means exactly that, leaving 
up to the markup language to identify the allowed breakpoints.

I would prefer not to do this, if it's not necessary.

When I wish to say that characters like the hyphen - and
the percent sign % are not to be treated as breakpoints, as browsers
may treat them by default, what can I do?

Nothing at the moment, but that seems like something to specify via CSS 
text-wrap, not via markup.

Actually something to consider for 'line-break: strict', maybe.
Jukka, can you post to www-style about your considerations on
that point? It's rather off-topic here. (Add [css3-text] to the

No, because browsers treat a large number of non-whitespace characters
as allowing line breaks after them. Authors need something to prevent
ridiculous and distorting line breaks in, say, -1, %5, and f(1).

OK. I think that something belongs in CSS (or, going out on a limb,
should just be considered a quality-of-implementation issue). This
is not an HTML-specific problem.

CSS3 Text does recommend doing some kind of prioritization when allowing
breaks at punctuation other than spaces, so it is both a CSS issue and
a quality-of-implementation issue. :)

Another thing to ponder: I accept that wbr inside nobr should allow
breaking. Should wbr inside pre allow breaking?

That's an interesting one. I'd have to test like Netscape 4 to find out.

If wbr doesn't break in pre, then it seems the rule we want is either
  wbr { content: '\8203' /* zwsp */ }
  nobr wbr { text-wrap: normal; }
  wbr { content: '\8203' /* zwsp */; text-wrap: normal; }
  pre wbr { content: none; }

I'm leaning somewhat towards the second option.


Re: [whatwg] Browser full screen and CSS media types

2011-05-16 Thread fantasai

On 05/16/2011 12:02 PM, Andrew Scherkus wrote:

While following the other fullscreen thread [1], I remembered there was talk
of using a CSS media type for full screen.

Mozilla's proposal [2] mentions a new media type @full-screen.

Should this in any way extend to browsers that support a chromeless / F11
key full screen mode? Do we care to have any interaction between the full
screen API and the browser full screen mode?

For example, Opera switches the CSS media type to @projection and I believe
is the only browser to do so.

I believe the correct list for this discussion would be,
with [mediaqueries] in the subject line.


Re: [whatwg] Google Feedback on the HTML5 media a11y specifications

2011-02-08 Thread fantasai

On 01/24/2011 03:54 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Using existing CSS, it's easy to adapt text-shadow to produce a good outline -
just make four shadows, offset by 1px in each direction, and you're good.

It's been suggested that the spread argument from box-shadow be applied to
text-shadow. If implementers want to take that on, it can be part of CSS3
Text. Also there were proposals for a text-outline property, which would
do something similar, based on feedback from the TimedText WG.


Re: [whatwg] Making elements match the :active pseudoclass

2010-12-28 Thread fantasai

On 12/28/2010 04:27 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

states that the only elements which can receive the :active
pseudoclass are a handful of form elements and any other element which
is specially focusable.

This does not match any current browser.  All 5 of the major browsers
allow any element to be :active when clicked.  They do differ slightly
on how they determine when an element is :active, though:

* Firefox and Webkit make the target of clicks and all its ancestors :active.

I'll note CSS specs explicitly allow making the ancestors of the
activated element to also match :active.

* IE8 and IE9 make only the target of the click :active


does not turn green? That seems pretty broken.

* I'm not 100% sure about Opera's behavior, but it appears that it
finds the first ancestor of the target which would match an :active
rule, and makes that element :active.

That's... interesting.

FWIW, I think the behavior currently in the spec makes the most sense.
If the element has no behavior to activate, it doesn't make sense to
me for the element to ever match :active. And if there is behavior to
activate, it should be keyboard-activateable as well, not just mouse-

I'm also interested to know whether there's a web-compat issue here or
just a bug-compat issue, and what the implementers think.


Re: [whatwg] HTML6 Doctype

2010-09-07 Thread fantasai

On 08/29/2010 08:00 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 8:15 PM, David John Burrowes  wrote:

I agree that they don't have access to versioning info from within the 

But, CSS has some sense of versions (CSS, CSS2, and CSS3).  This gives me some
ability to say ah, SurfBrowser 1.0 and 2.0 supported CSS1, but with 3.0 they
supported some of CSS2 etc etc.

To be honest, no you can't.  Not with such large labels, at least.
You'll never be able to say X browser supports CSS3, but CSS3 isn't
a thing.  You can name individual modules only, which is equivalent to
naming large features of HTML.

How do you define a large feature of HTML?


Re: [whatwg] [Selectors4] Linked Elements, was: required attribute in label

2010-09-03 Thread fantasai

On 08/21/2010 10:23 AM, Christoph Päper wrote:

Someone on

This question is sort of CSS related, but I think it's worth bringing up here,
assuming it hasn't already been discussed.

I’m cross-posting to www-style, please follow-up there.

[required]:after {content:*;}

label for=name1Name/label
input id=name1 type=text required


There have been discussions about this problem on www-style in the past, 

It's already filed as something to look at for Selectors 4.


[whatwg] bidi embedding for block-level elements

2010-01-18 Thread fantasai

On 01/14/2010 12:49 AM, Simon Montagu wrote:

On 01/11/2010 11:35 PM, fantasai wrote:

On 11/26/2009 10:54 PM, Simon Montagu wrote:

I assume your Gecko example is using a very recent version of Gecko,
such as a nightly build or a beta of Firefox 3.6? I fixed this issue
only a few months ago.

The HTML standard does specify what to do in this case, see

When a block element that does not have a dir attribute is transformed
to the style of an inline element by a style sheet, the resulting
presentation should be equivalent, in terms of bidirectional formatting,
to the formatting obtained by explicitly adding a dir attribute
(assigned the inherited value) to the transformed element.

In practice, however, since browsers are not consistent, authors will
have to use CSS properties to achieve the expected results.

Does this mean applying unicode-bidi: embed to all block-level
Because that seems like it fulfill those requirements.

I was thinking in terms of applying unicode-bidi: embed ad hoc
whenever applying display: inline to a specific element, but applying
it wholesale to all block-level elements will also work, of course.

In that case, I suggest the we add it to the sample default style sheet for
HTML 4 in the CSS2.1 appendix, and recommend the HTMLWG add some wording
about block-level elements defining bidi embedding boundaries to the HTML5
spec (and perhaps using CSS's unicode-bidi: embed rule as an example).


[whatwg] table 'frames' attribute

2009-05-04 Thread fantasai

Section 10.2.6, i.e. The XHTML syntax: Rendering: Punctuation and decoration
contains some style rules for handling the [rules] and [frames] attributes
of the table element. I haven't reviewed it all in detail but this part

  table[frames=void]  tr  td, table[frames=void]  tr  th,
  table[frames=above]  tr  td, table[frames=above]  tr  th,
  table[frames=below]  tr  td, table[frames=below]  tr  th,
  table[frames=border]  tfoot  tr  td, table[frames=border]  tfoot  tr  
th {
border-style: solid;

is certainly wrong both per spec (HTML4) and implementation. It should be
removed. Also, you probably want to track Mozilla bug 43178 for this section
since we are actually planning to implement these attributes with CSS rules
unless we hit performance problems with that approach.

There's a collection of tests for these attributes here:
I should probably expand it to include tests for the empty string and junk
valuse, but that's what it is for now.


Re: [whatwg] table 'frames' attribute

2009-05-04 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 4 May 2009, fantasai wrote:

Section 10.2.6, i.e. The XHTML syntax: Rendering: Punctuation and decoration
contains some style rules for handling the [rules] and [frames] attributes
of the table element. I haven't reviewed it all in detail but this part

  table[frames=void]  tr  td, table[frames=void]  tr  th,
  table[frames=above]  tr  td, table[frames=above]  tr  th,
  table[frames=below]  tr  td, table[frames=below]  tr  th,
  table[frames=border]  tfoot  tr  td, table[frames=border]  tfoot  tr 
th {
border-style: solid;

is certainly wrong both per spec (HTML4) and implementation. It should be

Could you elaborate on how it is wrong?

Yeah, sure.

This attribute specifies which sides of the frame surrounding a table
will be visible.

It's not supposed to create any internal borders, just affect the borders
of the table itself. By contrast the 'border' attribute does create
internal borders, but you can see that called out specifically later in
that section.


Re: [whatwg] Selectors Tests and :enabled

2009-02-12 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Wed, 11 Feb 2009, fantasai wrote:

Given the state of current implementations and the fact that hidden input
elements do have distinct enabled and disabled states, I don't understand
the reasoning behind this change.

The idea was to match Selectors.
I see this has now changed. I will update HTML5 in due course to match 
the new text in Selectors.

(I'll also update my spec index to point to the link instead of 
the /TR/ page so that I don't make this mistake again.)

Ok. I'll ping you once we publish a new draft (which, hopefully, should
be within a week or two).


Re: [whatwg] Thoughts on HTML 5 - dialog

2008-05-14 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 13 May 2008, Zachary Carter wrote:
FWIW, in my first encounter with HTML5 dialog I assumed it meant a 
dialog box. This might be due to my experience with the dialog element 
in XUL[1], which is used for that. Also, dialog boxes are generally more 
common from my browsing experience, so I hadn't considered the 
alternative usage at first.

I agree that the initial name, if that's all you see, has the opportunity 
to confuse, but once you read what the element was really for, did the 
confusion continue to be a problem?

Of course most people using these elements won't be reading the spec.
It is quite likely that someone will assume dialog is the correct
tag to use for a CSS+JS dialog box.


Re: [whatwg] The dialog element and related topics

2008-05-07 Thread fantasai
 to indicate that a part 
 of the page was used as a dialog rather than part of the normal content 
 flow. ...

You could use dialogue instead of dialog. Dialog is an alternate spelling
of dialogue in common English, but IIRC dialogue is never used for dialog
boxes. I'm sure mpt can correct me if I'm wrong...


Re: [whatwg] Text APIs on canvas

2008-05-07 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

The idea is that only scalable (vector) fonts should be used, since 
otherwise things will quickly look ugly. I've made the spec require this.

Going forward the spec is likely to require effects such as adding text to 
paths, which will require vector data for all fonts used anyway. I don't 
want to mislead implementators into thinking bitmap fonts are in any way 
an option in this day and age.

Just fyi...

IIRC, Chinese and Japanese fonts often have to use bitmaps for smaller
pixel sizes. Shrinking the vector wouldn't be clear enough for high-density
characters: in many cases certain carefully-chosen strokes are left out in
the smaller sizes in order to make it legible. Judging from information
about Meiryo, it seems more recent font technology uses vectors + hinting
to solve the same problem... but maybe it's something to keep in mind.


Re: [whatwg] link rel=icon width= height=

2008-05-03 Thread fantasai

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

By contrast, I do not know of any actual need to determine the aspect 
ratio of an SVG icon or the duration of a sound icon. I do not know of 
cases where HI guidelines for particular platforms would recommend 
different choices of icon aspect ratio or sound icon duration. Thus, I 
suggest we limit ourselves to adding only the info that is actually 
known to be needed at this time. If UI innovation creates a need for 
more info, we can add it to the spec then.

That's fine, but we shouldn't pick a solution here that requires adding
attributes every time we have a similar problem.


Re: [whatwg] link rel=icon width= height=

2008-05-02 Thread fantasai

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

OK, I'm sure the last thing that is needed is more syntax suggestions, 
but here's an alternate proposal with no new attributes, specify size 
info as additional rel keywords:

link rel=icon scalable type=application/svg href=whatwg.svg
link rel=icon 16x16 32x32 type=image/microsoft.vnd.icon 
link rel=icon 16x16 32x32 64x64 128x128 256x256 512x512 
type=image/x-apple-icons href=whatwg.icns

link rel=icon 59x60 type=image/png href=whatwg.png

This would however effectively define an open-ended set of rel values, 
and also it is dubious whether a size can be considered a relationship.

I don't think it can. This seems pretty wrong to me: the right place for
this information would be, as Jeff Walden said, in the 'type' attribute.


Re: [whatwg] link rel=icon width= height=

2008-05-02 Thread fantasai

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

This might require that existing browsers cope correctly (or exploit 
duplication/error behaviors), but could a MIME parameter address this 
without needing another attribute at all?  That's the most narrowly 
scoped change I can imagine that would address the need.

link rel=icon type=application/svg; sizes=any href=whatwg.svg
link rel=icon type='image/microsoft.vnd.icon; sizes=16x16,32x32' 
link rel=icon type='image/x-apple-icons; 
sizes=16x16,32x32,64x64,128x128,256x256,512x512' href=whatwg.icns

link rel=icon type=image/png; sizes=59x60 href=whatwg.png

Restrictions on what a parameter value may be (basically can't contain 
any separators or whitespace) are a touch confounding here because you 
don't have any separators unless you quote; that probably factors into 
the equation here.

I'm not against using a MIME parameter per se, but it would have to be 
x-prefixed (unless we register it) and I'd strongly prefer a syntax that 
does not require use of nested quotes.

If I'm reading the spec correctly
you could use '+' as a separator.

For SVG icons, you'd probably want the ability to specify a ratio instead.
(And I suppose for sound icons, you'd want the length of the sound clip...)

Also, I didn't see anything in the spec about parameters needing to be
prefixed, only subtypes. Maybe I missed it.


Re: [whatwg] Proposal: target=_reference

2008-04-28 Thread fantasai

Křištof Želechovski wrote:
How about target=_guide instead?  
A reference is usually lengthy and unreadable; 
the designer should know better 
than to treat the poor user with a reference.

Or _notification. Most of what Matthew wants to use it for seems to be

How are you supposed to figure out the size of this thing? If it's
for footnotes and TOS and errors and help and what's-this all at
once.. they have different layout requirements. Footnotes fit fine
at the bottom, but notifications should be at the top. Small help
content could be anywhere, but extensive help content would fit better
on the side, especially on wide screens. Squeezing significant amounts
of text content into a top or bottom panel would make it hard to read:
that space is wide and short. And TOS pages need more space than any
of these if you're actually planning to read them, but they don't
need to be side-by-side with the original page: in that case a
floating box in the middle of the page would be ideal. Etc.


Re: [whatwg] Lowercase attribute values

2008-04-28 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 29 Aug 2005, Henri Sivonen wrote:

On Aug 28, 2005, at 09:56, Henri Sivonen wrote:

How should the lowercasing be performed? Using the locale-insensitive
Unicode case data or for ASCII only treating non-ASCII as an error?
On further reflection, it seems to me the latter has to be chosen at 
least for a parser that is intended to be used as a part of a 
conformance checker. Otherwise input type=RADİO ... would pass.

Good point. Ok, ASCII-only it is.

Can't find this in the spec atm, maybe it's on your to-do list. You
need to define what case-insensitive means. For some background,
you can see the relevant discussions for CSS


Re: [whatwg] several messages about quotations

2008-04-12 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:
Summary: I've made the spec require that any punctuation for q be 
included inside the element; I've added examples for q.

How would you define CSS pseudo-elements for open and close quotes in 
such a way that they would be implementable and would not match 
apostrophes and would correctly differentiate between open and close 
quotes in languages that use the same character for opening and closing 
and in languages that invert the direction of guillemets compared to 

I would introduce two pseudo-elements, ::quote-start and ::quote-end, 
which match one or more characters with the Quotation_Mark property (as 
per Unicode PropList) found at the start or end of an element, if such 
text is a direct child of the element (skipping White_Space characters).

I've started this idea down the path of the CSS working group.

Please send a message with your proposal to www-style for discussion and
CC www-international. (We use the wiki to track issues, not as a substitute
for mailing list discussion. Also, it would be important to have i18n people
involved since punctuation styles vary across languages and I'm not sure
Unicode's Quotation_Mark property is adequate.)


Re: [whatwg] Scaling

2008-01-14 Thread fantasai

Nikola Mitic wrote:

fantasai wrote:

Michael wrote (on www-style):

I have a fluid layout so it changes width because of the browser window.
There is the slight problem that some of the images I use might be too wide.
So I use max-width:100% to prevent this from happening.  This works great
when the image does not have a width or height attribute set.  The image
remains in proportion. (...) But if the height attribute is set, it retains
this height and the image goes out of proportion. 
I think we need some property for this (...)

Set img { height: auto; } and your images should size proportionally. 

Is there any way to prevent page from being pushed down by image height 
when full image get loaded if we didn't define exact image height?

Depends on the situation. You can put a container around the image that has a
fixed height, but it will leave extra space if the max-height: 100% kicks in.

If HTML5 defines the 'width' and 'height' attributes as suggesting the intrinsic
size of the image, browsers could use that information to calculate a tentative
aspect ratio. That would make it possible to size the unloaded-image box even
when one dimension is auto.


Re: [Whatwg] Request for HTML-only print link

2007-07-28 Thread fantasai

Sander wrote:


I'm not sure whether this has been requested before, but the link to the 
archives of this list seems to be broken at the moment, so I give it a 

I'd like to see an extension of the hyperlink to give it an HTML-only 
print function. Nowadays making a print link available from within a 
website always involves client-side scripting. This dependency should 
not be necessary for something like printing as it is basic 
functionality in most browsers (not sure about mobile devices though).

Websites shouldn't need to have a print link, they should provide a print
style sheet with link rel=stylesheet media=print src= UAs should
be automatically applying the print style sheet when printing.

.all .irrelevant .navigation .and .advertisement .classes {
  display: none;

* {
  background: white !important;
  color: black !important;

should do the trick on a lot of sites if the author just bothers to put
it there. Of course the author could make the print result pretty, rather
than just a text dump. There are very few cases where a separate document
would be necessary.


Re: [whatwg] Pre-defined classes and conformance

2007-05-11 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:

When an author uses a new class name not defined by either this 
specification or the Wiki page, conformance checkers may offer to add 
the value to the Wiki, with the details described above, with the 
proposal status.

It has been pointed out to me that the offers would drive developer crazy.

That and you'd get tons of thoughtless registrations by people trying to get
the conformance checker to shut up. Defining rel values makes sense. They're
only used if the author wants a specific behavior. Class values, on the other
hand, whether or not they're used with semantics in mind, their primary purpose
is as a style hook. They're the utility knife of the web design world. They're
used not only for semantically organizing page elements, but also as ways to
hang decorative images, tag elements for scripting, and work around innumerable
browser bugs and limitations. Trying to constrain their use is imho unwise.
When Tantek Çelik comes to the WHATWG or the HTMLWG and says I want a central
registry for class names, then make one. Until then, I suggest simply leaving
this domain to the μF guys (and gals).


Re: [whatwg] Should address be more general-purpose?

2007-03-08 Thread fantasai

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

An author element might kill several of these birds with one stone.

I'd rather see an attribution element than an author element.
It is more generally useful.


Re: [whatwg] article: do we really need this?

2007-03-07 Thread fantasai

Elliotte Harold wrote:

Not much. section class=article is perfectly fine. My mind just 
happened to be in another spec at the moment where there were roles and 
not classes, so I happened to mention role where I probanly should have 
said class.

IMHO, predefined classes do not belong in HTML5. The class attribute is
already defined as user-defined, and it should remain that way to avoid

It's not really a question of whether article makes sense. The question 
is whether it makes *enough* sense. There are arguments for it, but 
they're very weak. I do not see a community crying out for this. I don't 
think it's going to help anybody all that much, and I'm afraid it's 
going to end up like address: a poorly understood, rarely used element 
that's misused more often than it's used properly.

address is a poorly understood, rarely-used element because it's
poorly-named. It represents the intersection of contactinfo and
attribution, which is neither particularly useful nor particularly
related to its name.

I suspect I could ask the same question of a few other elements as well. 
time and meter come to mind. They at least don't have any obvious 
equivalents already in the spec, and are obvious enough they perhaps 
won't be frequently misused; but do authors actually need these? Will 
they use them?

The meter concept is widely used already (think reviews and ratings).
As long as meter provides the necessary stylistic flexibility, it
should be a useful addition to HTML5. If it doesn't, though, or if it
makes styling more difficult than current methods, then it won't be
used much.

Dates are very often marked-up specially.[1] There's even a microformat
design pattern developed to embed ISO representations of the date
without compromising its readability:
The time element is much more appropriate for this than abbr.



Re: [whatwg] article: do we really need this?

2007-03-05 Thread fantasai

Elliotte Harold wrote:
Has there been any extensive discussion of the article element in Web 
Apps 1.0? It is currently described as:

represents a section of a page that consists of a composition that 
forms an independent part of a document, page, or site. This could be a 
forum post, a magazine or newspaper article, a Web log entry, a 
user-submitted comment, or any other independent item of content.

It seems sort of wishy washy. Most of the time what I think of as an 
article is a separate page with its own URL. This use case seems to be 
handled better by section, perhaps with a role attribute. Maybe a 
section is less independent than an article, but that's going to be a 
very fuzzy distinction, and really hard to explain, teach, and validate.

Is there some obvious use case for this element? Mostly to me it just 
seems to needlessly clutter the spec, especially  once you consider how 
it relates to potential sibling sections. I think I'd prefer to just 
drop it and stick with section.

This element would be extremely useful to someone with a screen reader.
It would create an implied UA hook for skip to main content, for one.
With multiple postings within a page, it would create a reliable way of
skimming the main sections (by reading the first bit of content on each
posting), even when there are no headers or when the postings themselves
have internal sectioning and headers (especially if those are inconsistent).

For printing, the article element would make it easy to cut out
extraneous content and print just the main content of a web page.


Re: [whatwg] contenteditable, em and strong

2007-01-10 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:

On Jan 9, 2007, at 23:29, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:

Henri Sivonen wrote:

I think using span with a style attribute is a bad idea in this case.
Italicizing a word or two in a paragraph is not incidental style that
could easily be considered optional.

Surely it /is/ an incidental style, since authors, publication houses,
and style guides vary in their preferences about when to italicize.
Surely it is the distinctions between foreign and native languages,
between emphasis and non-emphasis, between titles and non-titles, and so
forth, that are non-incidental, and that italicization imperfectly
reflects. The typography is not the message; it is only its shadow.

Granted, but italics and bold are more sticky properties of the text 
than e.g. font family, font size or column width, so it is a mistake to 
treat all style properties as being equally incidental and expendable.

It is a more essential part of
the text that should be preserved when the content is formatted for a
different display environment possibly with a different font.

How would a different font conflict with its italicization?

It wouldn't. My point was that italic and bold are stickier or closer to 
being part of content than the font.

That depends, actually, on the language. Browsing the Chinese journal
section of a university East Asian Library, I noticed that the Chinese
journals didn't use normal/italics -- instead they switched the style of
font between their equivalents of serif and cursive. Granted these switches
were on a per-paragraph level in the text I saw, but East Asian typesetting
tends not to use italics in general. They have other means of indicating
emphasis: various underlining styles, bold, (in Japanese) a switch to katakana,
and emphasis marks which are placed above/below/beside individual characters
in an emphasized phrase. East Asian texts also don't use italics for works
titles: they have a set of special punctuation for that. You can argue that
italics and bold should be strictly equivalent to em and strong because all
that matters is that their presentation is the same, but that argument doesn't
hold up for non-Latin texts. Restyling em sitewide to use 'text-emphasis'
instead of 'font-style: italic' would be a nifty thing on a Japanese website.
Restyling i the same way would just be silly.


Re: [whatwg] Ruby markup - Furigana Re: Presentational safety valves

2007-01-08 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:

On Jan 4, 2007, at 12:05, Karl Dubost wrote:

Le 4 janv. 2007 à 18:41, Henri Sivonen a écrit :
It doesn't matter much. It is rather clear that the ruby markup is 
intended for a particular Chinese and Japanese typographical device. 
You'd use the markup whenever you want to use that typographical 
device. Bothering authors with what they profoundly mean when they 
use the typographical device isn't particularly helpful.

Furigana is an annotation system.
And essential for learning the language at school.
Or read the kanjis that are too difficult to be known when browsing.

Right, but my point is that authors will use the ruby markup when they 
want the furigana typographic effect. It isn't helpful to insist on a 
particular semantic scope like, for example, requiring the ruby base to 
be considered difficult kanji.

Right. I have even seen cases where ruby is used to annotate English words
(base) with Japanese Kanji (ruby):

Ruby is a nifty annotation system if you want to mark up words in parallel,
as for pronunciation, or word-by-word translation, or grammatical labelling,
etc. The key difference from other annotation systems is that it can be
word-for-word without being awkward. (Imagine doing this with footnotes.)


Re: [whatwg] PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-06 Thread fantasai

Mark Baker wrote:

The real problem here AIUI - at least in the context of HTML 5's
inferred rel=feed bit - is not just entry documents, it's any Atom
document which wouldn't normally be considered a feed by a typical
user; something that most people would be interested in subscribing
to.  An example I gave on the whatwg list was an MHTML-like (MIME
multipart) package, but there are many other possible examples of
course; not all RFC 4287 feed documents are feeds in this sense.

If HTML 5 (and current practice) doesn't change, but we defer to them
for the specification of autodiscovery, then a new media type would be
one way forward.  But it should be reusable for all non-feed (i.e.
from a user POV, as above) Atom documents, not just entry documents;
perhaps application/atom-no-feed+xml.  It's an ugly hack, but it's
better than the alternative of many more specific Atom-related media
types, which atomentry+xml might set a precedent for.

Note that HTML 5's special handling of alternate+Atom is triggered on a
literal value for the 'type' attribute:

 # If the 'alternate' keyword is used with the 'type' attribute set to the value
 # 'application/rss+xml' or the value 'application/atom+xml', then the user
 # agent must treat the link as it would if it had the 'feed' keyword specified
 # as well.

That means rel=feed won't be implied on an Atom Entry document whether the
new MIME type syntax is chosen to be

It also won't be implied on an Atom feed document if the syntax
is used, as was suggested earlier. This gives us a way to say
  link rel=alternate href=[..] type=[atom]
without implying
  link rel=alternate feed href=[..] type=[atom]
and without dropping the 'type' attribute entirely (which was the other
solution pointed out on the whatwg list).


[whatwg] WA1: Link type index

2006-12-05 Thread fantasai

I believe the 'index' link type definition isn't quite right, considering
prior definitions of the term[1]. It seems to me that 'index' would be more
appropriate, given its prior definitions, for linking to things like CSS2.1's
list of properties (Appendix F).

I think that for the hierarchical root, 'top' (which was defined in HTML 3.2)
is more appropriate, both historically[2] and by virtue of its English

I also think that 'contents' and 'toc' should not be equated with 'top' because
they are not always the same thing. I would expect 'toc' or 'contents' from
to link to
but 'top' to link to , i.e. the homepage of the website.



Re: [whatwg] PaceEntryMediatype

2006-12-05 Thread fantasai

Thomas Broyer wrote:

There's no need to fetch every link if you base your assumptions on
the type= attribute (and *only* the type= attribute, not the
combination with any special rel= attribute value).

How does this solution deal with, e.g. hAtom?
The content type does not help you there. Some other meta-information
is necessary.

Fair enough. They still exist, though. Browser vendors aren't going to
stop supporting this. We would be just sticking our heads in the sand if
we ignored this.

Many things are marked as deprecated in earlier HTML versions, and
are still supported by browsers.
Also, as the misuse of rel=alternate is not machine testable, and
given that I don't propose banning the use of rel=alternate for
feed autodiscovery, I can't see how a browser vendor could stop
supporting this.

I agree that misusing alternate to link to feeds that are not an alternate
representation of the page should be non-conforming.

Of course yes, and they will be discovered based on the content-type,
and rel= will deserve its real role: describing the relationship
between the two resources (and not describing the other end of the

I agree that the feed link type is not /quite/ a proper link type--
it's more of a meta-content-type--but I've come to conclusion that the
problem it solves, and how neatly it solves it, eclipses this (subtle)
semantic distinction.

Definition of feed: a bag of items; the representation of a feed
generally exposes only the 10, or so, latest created or updated items.
You'll note that this has nothing to do with the feed format (Atom,
RSS, a Web log's homepage in HTML, etc.)
If a document was once linked from a feed's representation as an item,
it is an item of this feed, even if the feed's current representation
doesn't link to it anymore. The relationship still exists. This
relationship is I am an item of this feed or this is a feed within
which I once appeared. I propose representing it as rel=feed.


Anyway, if you link to something, there's a reason. This reason is
that there is a relationship between the current document and the
thing the link points to. This relationship is described in the rel=
It is *a* feed is not a valid reason, it doesn't describe a relationship.
This is an alternate representation of this page in a format you can
subscribe to is a valid reason: it's an alternate representation.
I am an item of this feed is a valid reason: I was once linked from
it, so you'll find other similar things you might be interested in
(because they are from the same author, or about the same subject,
etc. this is to be explained to the user using the title=
attribute, that's not something a machine has to know about).

That's an interesting relationship. Perhaps it could be expressed as
index feed within the context of WA1.0's current link type definitions.
In any case, I would like to see this use case definitively addressed.
Such a link would be the most appropriate default feed to subscribe to
from an entry page, if it were somehow clearly labelled.


Re: [whatwg] Editorial: dfn s/term given by the contents/term/

2006-12-01 Thread fantasai

Simon Pieters wrote:


The dfn element:

  The dfn element represents the defining instance of a term.
  The paragraph, definition list group, or section that contains
  the dfn element contains the definition for the term given
  by the contents of the dfn element.

Given the definition of defining term two paragraphs later, the term 
of the dfn element is not always the contents of the element. I suggest 
replacing the above text with:

  The dfn element represents the defining instance of a term.
  The paragraph, definition list group, or section that contains
  the dfn element contains the definition for the _term_ of
  the dfn element.

I'd just strike the contents.

  definition for the term given by the dfn element.


Re: [whatwg] many messages regarding image captions

2006-11-27 Thread fantasai

Michel Fortin wrote:

To me, a figure contains illustrative content attached to a document. It 
may be an image, a code sample, or a snippet of another document used as 
an example. I think it's important we do not try to narrow too much what 
can and what cannot be contained in a figure; that's the job of the 
author do decide.

For instance, lets say an author wants to put a paragraph in a figure. 
It could be to show how the font is rendered, in which case he may 
prefer to use a pixel or vector image because what is important is the 
shape of the characters; it may be to show a particular writing style, 
in which case it's much better to provide the paragraph as text directly 
as the text itself is the illustration. In any case, the author knows 
what he wants to illustrate, and we should allow him to use the best 
medium for that task.

Some examples of this kind of usage, albeit without the captions:


Re: [whatwg] Table integrity and conformance

2006-11-10 Thread fantasai

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

scope= will probably only be allowed for THs. Maybe it should be 
REQUIRED for THs that aren't in obvious locations (first row, first 
column, or whatever).

Maybe.  I think the spec should explicitly define how to determine which 
header cells are associated with each cell.  IIRC, the HTML 4 spec does 
define an algorithm like that, so maybe it could be improved.

The HTML 4 spec says to use TD for a cell that functions both as data cell
and an header cell. [1] For these cases, it would be necessary to allow
scope on TDs.



Re: [whatwg] Table integrity and conformance

2006-11-10 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:

On Oct 27, 2006, at 16:21, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Fri, 27 Oct 2006 15:17:16 +0200, Lachlan Hunt 
That's fine for document conformance, but what about how browsers 
will handle it?  Is the spec still going to require browsers to 
render overlapping cells, or would it be possible to resolve this 
difference between HTML and XHTML rendering, as documented in CSS 2.1 


WHOA! How on earth did that end up in a CSS WG draft in general and in 
the CSS 2.1 draft in particular?

Easy: it didn't get removed.


Re: [whatwg] Table integrity and conformance

2006-11-10 Thread fantasai

Michel Fortin wrote:

Sometime, presentational information is needed to display a document 
correctly, and in those few cases where the presentation is tied to the 
content, I think it belongs in the markup. The align attribute, when 
used on table cells, covers one of those cases.

I think that is a stronger argument for keeping char than align.

Another argument for align is that CSS alone can't do anything useful
about alignment in columns, since inheritance only works through the
element tree. Of course, I'd prefer to see that fixed in CSS.


Re: [whatwg] Simple numbers

2006-06-13 Thread fantasai

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Quoting Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Maybe a number element would be valuable, both inside and outside
formulas, to provide format-neutral machine-readable numeric values:

n value=123456789.12123 456 789,12/n

So the machine can just infer the format inside from the locale.

What locale?


Re: [whatwg] image captions

2006-04-06 Thread fantasai

Alexey Feldgendler wrote:
On Thu, 06 Apr 2006 06:59:15 +0700, Michel Fortin  

   h1Figure 1: Some image found a
   pimg src=.../p

I'm afraid this won't degrade gracefully: the h1 would confuse the  
document outline facilities in today's user agents.

You could use h6. Just always use h6 for the figure caption.

Actually, I think WA should generally allow the use of h6 as a
terminal-level header, similar to the simplesect element in DocBook.
It's a useful markup construct sometimes, at least in my experience.


Re: [whatwg] image captions

2006-04-05 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 4 Apr 2006, fantasai wrote:

I'm wondering what WA1 considers appropriate markup for a figure with a 

   pimg src=image-equivalent-of-text alt=text title=caption/p

As Lachlan points out, putting caption text in an attribute isn't very
good design and it gets in the way of a lot of things: marking up the
text, styling it without having to be a web tech expert of your caliber,
etc. The alt attribute has similar problems, but at least there we have
object as an alternative.


Re: [whatwg] id and xml:id

2006-04-04 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:

I have now assessed the damage. It is not as bad as it looked like. :-)

Despite a flood of error messages, there were only three causes:
1) Can't have wild card attributes on wild card elements in the wild  
card content models of the script and style elements. (Not a big  deal. 
It is reasonable to restrict them to known style and script  languages.)

That seems odd. You should be able to say the content model of this element
is anything.

2) Jing complains about the IDREFness altering co-occurrence  constraint 
between valuetype and value on the param element.

3) It appears that in RELAX NG an attribute can't be allowed to take  
the empty string if the attribute has the IDREFS nature. This is a  
problem with the form attribute.


Does moving the choice up higher help any?


Re: [whatwg] id and xml:id

2006-04-02 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:
Since UAs handle whitespace in the id attribute inconsistently (see  
below), old specs imply or require whitespace trimming and ids with  
whitespace are unreferencable from whitespace-separated lists of ids,  I 
suggest adding the following language concerning document conformance:

The value of the id attribute must be a string that consists of one  or 
more characters matching the following production: [#x21-#xD7FF]| 
[#xE000-#xFFFD]|[#x1-#x10] (any XML 1.0 character excluding  

I'd rather see the id attribute restricted to an NCName token insofar
as possible. We can make an exception for Hixie's repetition templates,
but otherwise I think it should be compatible with the XML ID syntax.


  xsd:id {
pattern: \S*;

The concept of idness is a useful one for many tools, and even if
browsers don't care what characters there are, other tools do. We can't
express IDness in a schema if we insist on ignoring its syntactic


Re: [whatwg] id and xml:id

2006-04-02 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:

On Apr 2, 2006, at 18:56, fantasai wrote:

I'd rather see the id attribute restricted to an NCName token insofar
as possible. We can make an exception for Hixie's repetition  templates,
but otherwise I think it should be compatible with the XML ID syntax.

Do you mean common attrs should have a co-occurrence constraint that  
changes the datatype of the id attribute if the repeat attribute is  

Yes. Or, at the very least, if the repetition module is loaded.

I was planning on defining the datatype of the id attribute as
  xsd:string {
pattern = \S+

NCName with the exception that it allows [ and ] will be one huge  
regexp. (But doable, of course.) If that is what we want, the syntax  
should probably be
(Letter | '_') (NCNameCharWithout02D1and00B7)* (('[' | #x02D1)  ( 
NCNameCharWithout02D1and00B7)+ (']' | #x00B7)))?  ( 

with the XML 1.0 definitions of Letter and NCNameChar.

Cool, that would even catch mismatched brackets. :)

The concept of idness is a useful one for many tools, and even if
browsers don't care what characters there are, other tools do. We  can't
express IDness in a schema if we insist on ignoring its syntactic

I didn't bother to make that argument, because I thought changing the  
language to fit schemas wouldn't go down well with Hixie. :-)

(In I tried to bring a  
general less code and more reuse of correct code argument into it  
instead of only playing the it's incompatible with my schema  language 
of choice argument.)

It's not my schema language of choice, it's the top three (by a long
shot) schema languages in use for XML.

I wasn't even expecting to be able to do IDREF integrity checks in  
RELAX NG. I was planning on doing it in Schematron or Java. Besides,  
general IDREF integrity checking does not check that, for example,  the 
form attribute references only form elements and not just any ids.

I would want that in the RelaxNG schema because there are editing tools
that hook into RelaxNG, but not many (or any besides validators) that can
hook into Schematron (Glazou, for example, is working on a RelaxNG-driven
editor.) RelaxNG /can/ do IDREF integrity checks. The part about form
attributes referencing only form elements can be checked by Schematron.
From an authoring standpoint, the *most* useful part of IDREF integrity
checking is to check against typos, not against misinterpretation of the
idref attribute's intent. :)


Re: [whatwg] Select conformance

2006-03-30 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:

Single select:
Is it conforming for an option to be both selected and disabled? (I  
think it shouldn't be conforming.)

I agree with that.

And analogously: Is is conforming for a radio button to be both  checked 
and disabled if the whole set is not disabled? (This one is  harder to 
check, but anyway...)

No, I think it should be allowed. There are some cases where, e.g. some
previous option you picked forces certain other checkboxes either on or
off. They're disabled because you can't change them, but, some of them
might need to be on.

Is it conforming to have no option that is marked selected? (I think  
allowing this is safe.)

It is.
  User agents implementing this specification must select the first
   (non-disabled) option element of a single-select select element
   with no otherwise-selected items.

Hixie would have said something about it being nonconforming to have no
selected options at that point, and wouldn't have had multiple examples
of selects with no selected options, if that was what he meant.


Re: [whatwg] progress draft

2006-03-28 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 28 Mar 2006, fantasai wrote:

Another issue is the possible use of U+2212 MINUS SIGN intead of U+002D 
HYPHEN-MINUS. This last, at least, should be handled whenever the number 
is parsed from the text content rather than in an attribute.

In the text, negative numbers aren't supported (if you use the fallback to 
source the numbers, the minimum is fixed to 0 and the maximum must be 

Not for progress, but for meter, you should be able to.

# Note: The meter element should not be used to indicate progress (as in a
# progress bar). For that role, HTML provides a separate progress  element.

I think this should be normative.


Re: [whatwg] A better name than gauge for the element that shows a measurement

2006-03-21 Thread fantasai

Christoph Paeper wrote:

I'm not a native speaker and would have written it correctly. OTOH I 
never would have imagined the alleged AE spelling 'gage' [LEO], because 
I would pronounce that completely different: /gO:Z/ vs. /geIdZ/ [SAMPA].

I pronounce it gayj. So do most of the civil engineers I know.

As for spelling, I'm likely to use gage for e.g. 22-gage steel deck,
but I'm inclined to use gauge for fuel gauge. But that's just me.


Re: [whatwg] Comments and questions on Web Apps 1.0

2006-03-17 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:

To set metadata with meta elements, authors must first specify a  
profile that defines metadata names, using the profile attribute.

In my opinion, it would be useful to predefine the traditional names  
and Dublin Core.

Predefining the traditional names would be a good idea. As for Dublin
Core, I think they need to publish an XMDP profile.

In my opinion, marking up names of people and works in the same does  
not fit conventional presentational practice. On the other hand,  using 
cite only for source citations causes different titles of works  to be 
marked up differently. Using cite as a generic title of  work could 
be marginally useful for styling. Is there any evidence  that the way 
cite is currently defined is useful for any application?

I still think cite fails the explaining to mother test. 

Something else to think about: If cite is reserved only for source
citations, what markup do we use for generic title of work?


Re: [whatwg] diffed versions (CVS)

2006-03-01 Thread fantasai

Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Would it be possible to use (public) CVS or Subversion for the drafts that are
created so its easier to track changes in the document? Given that the document
is quite large it makes it hard to track fixes and additions. As a
reader/reviewer, I would have no idea what was done in the draft of 24 February
as opposed to the one from 22 February 2006...

Best thing would be if there was some list to which CVS diff-logs would be
e-mailed or so. Would make it a lot easier to track changes.

DreamHost does have cvs, so putting it in CVS is straightforward and quite easy.
Making the diffs available would be harder: DreamHost only allows access over
ssh, so anonymous access isn't possible. Bonsai could one option. Another would
be to make CVS mail the diffs to an archived announcement list, and that's
probably easier to set up quickly.

I would appreciate CVS diffs, too.


Re: [whatwg] rel/rev for form ?

2005-11-09 Thread fantasai

Henri Sivonen wrote:

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

He meant that the class names used should not be used to describe the
presentation, but rather describe the semantics.  It is, however, ok to
use stylesheets to add styles based on the classes.

eg.  These are bad practice:
 span class=bold red-border
 p class=blue-text
 div class=big bold

These are better:
 strong class=warning
 p class=summary
 h1 class=title (or simply h1)

Of course, the UA does not care about semantic class names. In both
cases, the UA only sees opaque strings that can be tested for equality
with strings present in CSS selectors.

The class names in the latter case may be semantic in the private
universe of the author, but they do not communicate semantics to
software developed by someone else without a prior agreement (possibly
in the form of a third-party spec) on the meaning of the class names.

While it's true that the UA does not understand the author's semantics,
the second example is better coding because it separates content and
style. To draw an analogy, if/else/while are all transformed to goto
statement during compilation but writing if/else/while is nonetheless
better C programming practice than writing gotos.


Re: [whatwg] rel/rev for form ?

2005-11-07 Thread fantasai

Mike Dierken wrote:

Dimitri Glazkov wrote:
As for the tags attribute discussion, you guys just 
invented a class attribute.

Well, that also was one suggestion, but 'class' is mostly for user interface
rendering, rather than purely semantic meaning. But it may not be necessary
or workable to have a 'purely semantic' attribute. Some web crawling system
would likely be able to figure out the semantic equivalence if enough people
used a small enough set of values for similar things.

If you look at a lot of the current icroformats work, they are using classes
on regular elements rather than 'rel' on links.

As Tantek likes to remind people: don't reinvent.


Re: [whatwg] [WA1] The a element could be empty

2005-09-03 Thread fantasai

Matthew Raymond wrote:

   How many user agents support Javascript but not CSS1? Does Lynx or
some other text-mode browser support Javascript? I'll have to look into

ELinks is experimenting with SpiderMonkey.


[whatwg] WA1: base

2005-09-02 Thread fantasai

# The href content attribute, if specified, must contain a URI (or IRI).

Can the href attribute be empty?

# User agents must use the value of the href attribute on the first base
# element in the document as the document entity's base URI

Current behavior is to use the nearest previous base element, be
it prior sibling or cousin, and this is interoperably implemented in
Mozilla and Opera. I think requiring that the first base apply to
previous as well as following elements is a good idea for head, but
you may need to investigate whether it is practical for base in

# In a head element, before any elements that use relative URIs, and
# only if there are no other base elements anywhere in the document.

It would be simpler to just require base to be before any elements
that use URIs period. It's easier to express, and there are no
invalidation surprises if one changes an absolute URI to a relative
one later on.


Re: [whatwg] [WA1] The a element could be empty

2005-09-02 Thread fantasai

S. Mike Dierken wrote:

An empty a element is semantically meaningless.

An a element can be a target of a link - it is addressable via a URI. Does
that count as meaningless?

The destination anchor of a link may be an element within an HTML document.
The destination anchor must be given an anchor name and any URI addressing
this anchor must include the name as its fragment identifier.

Destination anchors in HTML documents may be specified either by the A
element (naming it with the name attribute), or by any other element (naming
with the id attribute).

The A element no longer has a name attribute in HTML 5; the 'id'
attribute is a much better design, and is already well supported.


Re: [whatwg] Image maps: should we drop a coords=?

2005-09-01 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Mon, 11 Apr 2005, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

Yup, it is indeed nice; if image maps had been designed that way from the 
start it would make sense. But it's not _that_ much nicer than area, 
which we could define as allowing:

  object data=foo usemap=#foo
   map id=foo
 liarea coords=... href=...a href=../a

...which isn't much worse, and has the very important benefit of actually 
working in IE6.

And the perhaps less important disadvantage that it's impossible for a
machine to warn against the lack of alt text. With both area and a
in HTML 4, the spec was able to require 'alt' attributes on area,
because, given a coords=... to fill the mixed coords and fallback
role, area was not intended to be used in conjunction with other
fallback content. In what you're proposing, area also takes the role
of a coords=... and therefore takes no 'alt' attribute. The end
result is, there's no way to know if the author actually provided alt
text or is just throwing area into a mix of random block content.

*shrug* Just something to think about.

Another thing to think about: afaict, the HTML 4 spec doesn't say
whether or how the image map coordinate system scales when an image
is stretched or shrunk via CSS.


[whatwg] WA1: footer, header content models and blockquote

2005-08-24 Thread fantasai

The header and footer elements don't allow any sectioning elements,
which includes blockquote. However, headers and footers sometimes
include a short (but not inline) epigraph. How would you mark that


[whatwg] WA1: li processing

2005-08-23 Thread fantasai

# If the attribute's value cannot be converted to a number, it is treated
# as if the attribute was absent. The attribute has no default value.

The attribute's value is treated as if the attribute was absent doesn't
make a whole lot of sense to me. Did you mean a different 'it'?

# The value attribute is processed by the parent ol element, if there is one.
# If there is not, the attribute has no effect.

The first sentence makes no sense. What does it mean for an element to
process another element's attribute? I thought the UA processed the

Is the second sentence meant to imply that when the parent is not ol
the value DOM attribute reflects a missing 'value' attribute rather than
whatever value the 'value' attribute actually has? If so, you should make
it more explicit. If not, you should make /that/ explicit.

# Each subsequent item in the list has the ordinal value given by its value
# attribute, if it has one, or, if it doesn't, the ordinal value of the
# previous item, plus one.

The instructions in the ol section seem to omit any reference to the
number conversion step described in the li section.

Here's a suggestion:


   # If the value attribute is present, user agents must convert the
   # value to a numeric type, truncating any fractional part, in order
   # to determine the attribute's value. If the attribute's value cannot
   # be converted to a number, it is treated as if the attribute was
   # absent. The attribute has no default value.
   # The value attribute is processed by the parent ol element, if
   # there is one. If there is not, the attribute has no effect.


   | If the value attribute is present, user agents must convert the
   | value to a numeric type, truncating any fractional part, in order
   | to determine the attribute's numerical value. If the attribute's
   | value cannot be converted to a number or the attribute is missing
   | (or the parent element is not an ol element)?, then the attribute
   | has no numerical value.


   # Each subsequent item in the list has the ordinal value given by
   # its value attribute, if it has one, or, if it doesn't, the ordinal
   # value of the previous item, plus one.


   | Each subsequent item in the list has the ordinal value given by
   | its value attribute's numerical value, if it has one, or, if it
   | doesn't, the ordinal value of the previous item plus one.

(Either way, you should remove the comma before plus one.)


[whatwg] WA1: phrase elements content models

2005-08-22 Thread fantasai

Why do code and samp allow structured inline content while kbd only
allows strictly inline content?


[whatwg] Re: 1 webpage != 1 document

2005-08-16 Thread fantasai

Bronwyn Boltwood wrote:

Over on the pmwiki-users mailing list, we're having a discussion about
the use of heading tags in the sidebar and document structure.  You
can read the thread at  In
short, the pmwiki-users list is trying to decide how do we keep
headings used in the sidebar from wrecking the outline structure, and
from outvoting the page's real name in search engine indexes.  So
far the consensus is to stop using heading in the sidebar, and fake
them with some other element.  I feel that this is a lesser evil,
rather than a semantic improvement.

As I see it, the root problem here is that the model of a what webpage
is says that it's one document.  But when did you last see a
well-designed live webpage that contained *just* one document?  If the
W3C's site was constructed like that, we could only find other W3C
pages if they were linked in the body text, because there would be no
navigation links.  Logically speaking, navigation is never the page
content proper unless the page is a sitemap.

Best practice in web design demands plenty of site-related content in
every page, such as the masthead and navigation bar(s).  There may
also be document-related secondary content, like a sidebar for a
magazine story.  Evidently, real webpages contain more than just one
document each.

Does anyone else agree that the 1 webpage = 1 document idea is flawed?  

What if we had a way to mark content separate from the page's primary
document, so that user agents can recognize these site-related and
document-related chunks, and consider their heading structure
separately from that of the primary document?

You might want to take a look at what the WHATWG is doing with the
Web Apps 1.0 drafts. The sectioning elements and heading structure in
particular seem to address this problem. If you have suggestions for
improvement, of course you are strongly encouraged to comment on the
mailing list.


Re: [whatwg] Pattern Hint

2005-08-04 Thread fantasai

Dean Edwards wrote:

I know this has been suggested before, and was rejected, but I would quite
like to see a pattern hint attribute added to Web Forms 2.0. With more
complex input controls we should spare a thought for the poor user.

  # Authors should include a description of the pattern in the title attribute.
  # User agents may use the contents of this attribute when informing the user
  # that the pattern is not matched, or at any other suitable time, such as in a
  # tooltip or read out by assistive technology when the control gains focus.
  # When a control has a pattern attribute, the title attribute, if used, must
  # describe the pattern. Additional information could also be included, so long
  # as it assists the user in entering the field. Otherwise, assistive 
  # would be impaired.



[whatwg] WA1: xml:base

2005-07-24 Thread fantasai

The xml:base attribute, unlike the xml:lang attribute, is not listed
as a common attribute. It's also not listed as an element-specific
attribute on any element. However, the prose says to use xml:base
instead of base in XML documents. Could you specify more clearly
where the xml:base attribute is allowed in xHTML 5?


[whatwg] WA1: hr

2005-07-24 Thread fantasai

# 2.4.2. The hr element
# thematic separator. break. transition. hinge realignment. reconstruction,
# refinement, remodeling, reversal, revision, revolution. Maybe an 'html
# respite' or a 'hypertext rest'? .

I like transition a lot. Hinge realignment seems a little too obscure. :)

*flips through the H section of her English-Chinese dictionary, it being
 the only dictionary on hand around here*

How about Hint tRansition?

Other semi-useful H words include: hold, hook, horizon ...
Hint seems the most appropriate, I think.


Re: [whatwg] WA1: meta attribute requirements

2005-07-20 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, Christoph Päper wrote:

  h2Your todo list:/h2

...makes sense to me.

Traditionally empty items have been filled with N/A, ./., -, 
(empty), none etc. or in this case maybe nothing to do. It's not 
like HTML was the first system to reuire items in lists or cells in 

But that's a presentation issue. The list is semantically empty, it just 
happens to have Nothing to do rendered in its place. IMHO.

FWIW, I agree with Ian here.


Re: [whatwg] WA1: meta attribute requirements

2005-07-20 Thread fantasai

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Tue, 19 Jul 2005, Olav Junker Kjær wrote:

But the notion of conformance is still quite useful to authors and 
authoring tools. E.g. if a META-element without any attributes appears 
in a document, its clearly due to an oversight or a bug in some tool, so 
it would be useful to have a conformance checker or authoring tool flag 
this, even if a browsers will handle it somewhat gracefully (by ignoring 


I agree that we need to make conformance checking useful, of course. I 
disagree that a blank meta/ is necessarily a problem. Maybe the author 
wanted to add some attributes dynamically later. Maybe he wants the DOM of 
all his pages to be equivalent and at that point in his pages there simply 
is no metadata to give.


The difficulty is in walking the fine line between useful and 
over-constrained. For example, the fact that ol/ol is invalid in HTML4 
is a real problem.

Agreed with the last paragraph.

One way of drawing the line might be, does dropping this requirement
result in a semantically-meaningful representation? An empty list
represents an empty list. But a meta without a 'name', or a link
without a 'href': these, per spec, represent nothing. They do not even
provide any structural semantics as div and span do; the document
has the same semantics as if the element did not exist.


Re: [whatwg] WA1: rev attribute

2005-07-19 Thread fantasai

Matthew Raymond wrote:

Most common link types
out there are used with 'rel', but some 'rev' values can also be
useful. Here are some use cases:
  - rev=footnote for a link back from the footnote or endnote to
the source anchor in the main text
  - rev=help for a link to the part of the site that the help
text is about

   This is largely useless, as you are unlikely to start at a
help/footnote document and go to the document for which the help
document was written. The most common situation is that you clicked the
help/footnote like from the parent document, and therefore the
relationship is already established from the parent document.

Or maybe I just scrolled to the bottom after reading the whole text
straight through and want to jump to the context of the footnote
I'm now reading. (The footnote and its context could be in the same
document, too, y'know.)

  - rev=author on a personal site or resume for links to documents
s/he has written

   Here, you're using |rev| to replace missing metadata in the target
document. What happens when meta name=Author is defined in the
target documents? Does |rev| override? What would a UA do with the
information anyway? If there's a link, wouldn't there be text stating
that the creator of the personal site created the document the link is to?

I think you're missing the point here. 'rev' doesn't say anything more
about the linked document than 'rel' does. It's just a way of expressing
inverse relationships without having to pull out thesauri and latin
prefixes and excessive hyphens.

   At least with |rel|, you could harvest hyperlinks and put them into a
link toolbar. With |rev|, you're describing the relationship type of the
current document. Therefore, I really don't see what user agents are
supposed to do with |rev| and how they can create a useful interface
that can exploit this attribute.

The user agent doesn't need to do anything to make the markup useful:
if you look at XFN, for example, UAs didn't support any of it, but
authors still used the markup as hooks to for styling.

| meta name=refuting content=
|  Intelligent Design;

I don't think I need to say anything about how ridiculous a counter-
suggestion that is.


[whatwg] WA1: rev attribute

2005-07-18 Thread fantasai

The 'rev' attribute from prior versions of HTML is missing in WA1,
and I think it deserves not to be left out. Most common link types
out there are used with 'rel', but some 'rev' values can also be
useful. Here are some use cases:
  - rev=footnote for a link back from the footnote or endnote to
the source anchor in the main text
  - rev=help for a link to the part of the site that the help
text is about
  - rev=author on a personal site or resume for links to documents
s/he has written

See also
for a direction link types could go in which 'rev' would be useful.
Many of the link types suggested there would be easier to use with
rev for the reverse link than with a separate keyword that means
the inverse relationship.
  rev=refutation to link to the article one is refuting


[whatwg] WA1: style element content model

2005-07-18 Thread fantasai

# For styling languages that consist of pure text, user agents must use a
# concatenation of the contents of all the text nodes and CDATA nodes that are
# direct children of the style  element (ignoring any other nodes such as
# comments or elements), in tree order.

This does not give the intended behavior in the following two HTML documents:

 HTML document:

  style type=text/css
 .foo { content: foo/foo }

 HTML document:

  style type=text/css
 .foo { color: blue }

# For XML-based styling languages, user agents must use all the children
# nodes of the style element as the style.

Are HTML documents allowed to use such XML-based styling languages in
the style element as well?


[whatwg] WA1: base and href

2005-07-18 Thread fantasai

In HTML 4, the 'href' attribute of the base element is #REQUIRED.
Is there a reason why in HTML 5 it is not required?


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