Re: [Wikitech-l] Adding a gadget to VisualEditor

2019-09-19 Thread Marielle Volz
You might want to check out the VE parts of the graph extension. It sounds
like a good analogue for what you want to do, where there's a pop-up to
edit the JSON (as well as a visual component) that is interpreted as a Vega
graph, which is an external library ( Code
for the VE parts here:

The documentation for VE is largely auto-generated, i.e. for ContentAction:!/api/ve.ui.ContentAction
to if you haven't seen that page yet)

There's also #wikimedia-editing on irc although it tends to be a bit dead
as well, but still probably better than #mediawiki :).


On Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 2:38 PM Alain PERRY  wrote:

> Hello list,
> I was sent here from the #mediawiki IRC channel, I hope this is indeed the
> correct list to write to and ask you to please forgive me if it is not.
> First, a bit about myself: I'm no real developer, just a tech-savvy guy
> trying to build a wiki to document my employer's company inner workings.
> This last bit means documenting any piece of information we handle and our
> business processes in doing so.
> After testing a few wiki engines, I came to the conclusion that mediawiki
> with the cargo extension was what I was looking for. I also built a small
> extension to allow inclusion and edition of BPMN diagrams with the
> library. All in all, this is pretty basic.
> Then I came to the realization that if I wanted any lambda-user to be
> willing to contribute to the wiki content, I needed the Visual Editor.
> Deploying it was easy enough, and everything seems to be working fine at
> the moment.
> I however feel I should make it possible to include a BPMN diagram from
> the VE toolbar. Ideally, this will take the form of a "popup" that will
> include the modeler to edit the diagram. However, in order to
> achieve this goal, I have a whole damn lot to learn and to experiment with
> about VE.
> So I thought I should start with something a little humbler: a button that
> would just include some basic XML in the page (a special page already
> allows editing that part of the page, so this would already be convenient,
> though far from perfect). Using the gadgets example from the documentation
> on the mediawiki wiki, I'm able to insert content into the page. But that
> content is escaped if it includes XML and I have no idea from the API doc
> how to include something less basic than mere text (or than a given
> template, since the example actually shows how to do that).
> What I'm actually getting at is this: would someone with good knowledge of
> the API and some good old patience be willing to "tutor" me by giving
> pointers where I need them ?
> My first technical question would be this: I understand that my gadget can
> register a ve.ui.Command, that will in turn call a method on an
> ve.ui.Action object. I guess I should stick to the ContentAction one. But
> I'm not sure what the "content" parameter should contain if given an array.
> Is there, somewhere, some documentation I can read on this?
> Thanks a bunch for any help.
> Regards,
> --
> Alain Perry
> ___
> Wikitech-l mailing list
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Re: [Wikitech-l] [Engineering] [Breaking Change] MediaWiki-Vagrant now defaults to Debian Jessie

2017-03-16 Thread Marielle Volz
Another known issue is that Zotero doesn't work on Jessie because of its
dependency on a now deprecated Mozilla library called XULrunner [1], and as
a result citoid results will be a lot poorer. I'm not sure we ever really
resolved how to deal with this. Zotero is going to be removing the
dependency on XULrunner eventually, but I suspect our timeline is
significantly ahead of theirs. We discussed using Zotero's translators
ourselves natively, but never made any progress on it.[2]


On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 8:14 PM, Bryan Davis  wrote:

> The 'master' branch of MediaWiki-Vagrant will now provision and
> maintain Debian Jessie based VMs. The next time you fetch
> mediawiki/vagrant.git changes to your laptop or Labs VM and try to run
> `vagrant up` or `vagrant provision` it will complain that your Vagrant
> managed VM is not running the correct base operating system.
> There are two ways to deal with this:
> 1) Follow the instructions given to delete and recreate your VM. This
> is the most awesome long term thing to do, but may be annoying in the
> short term. If you have heavily customized the wikis running in your
> VM it is up to you to figure out how to backup things before you
> destroy your current VM and then restore the changes after you build a
> new Jessie-based VM.
> 2) Switch your git checkout to the 'trusty-compat' branch of
> mediawiki/vagrant.git. This trades short term efficiency for long term
> pain. The trusty-compat branch is not going away any time soon, but it
> will drift out of sync with Puppet changes on the master branch.
> See  for known issues with
> the Jessie conversion. The only two I'm aware of at this time are
> related to fundraising (T154264) and an NFS permissions mapping
> problem when installing ChangeProp on a VM with OSX as the host
> operating system and NFS shares enabled for Vagrant (T158617).
> Bryan
> --
> Bryan Davis  Wikimedia Foundation
> [[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]]  Sr Software EngineerBoise, ID USA
> irc: bd808v:415.839.6885 x6855
> ___
> Engineering mailing list
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Re: [Wikitech-l] Automatic gerrit authentication and retrieval of reviews

2016-10-21 Thread Marielle Volz
Yes, that would mean there would be no information from gerrit. including
information about unmerged reviews. In that case it is probably less than
ideal :).

On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 3:54 PM, Strainu <> wrote:

> 2016-10-21 16:08 GMT+03:00 Marielle Volz <>:
> > You can add multiple e-mails both to gerrit [0] and github [1]. As long
> as
> > the e-mail address you are making commits with is added to both accounts,
> > you can likely use your preexisting software directly on the mirrored
> > github repos[2]. For example, my contributions to the citoid repo, all of
> > which were made on gerrit, are also automatically* associated with my
> > github account [3]. You could add a throwaway email to both both gerrit
> and
> > github and set this as your git email [4] and then your e-mail will not
> be
> > publicly exposed anywhere.
> Hi Marielle,
> Thank you for your response, it was really informative. Your solution
> seems basically equivalent to skipping gerrit entirely, right? The big
> downside of that is that we can't evaluate changes that were not
> merged. We also can't score the commit based on parameters from the
> review (such as how many versions were uploaded, etc.)
> Strainu
> ___
> Wikitech-l mailing list
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Re: [Wikitech-l] Automatic gerrit authentication and retrieval of reviews

2016-10-21 Thread Marielle Volz
You can add multiple e-mails both to gerrit [0] and github [1]. As long as
the e-mail address you are making commits with is added to both accounts,
you can likely use your preexisting software directly on the mirrored
github repos[2]. For example, my contributions to the citoid repo, all of
which were made on gerrit, are also automatically* associated with my
github account [3]. You could add a throwaway email to both both gerrit and
github and set this as your git email [4] and then your e-mail will not be
publicly exposed anywhere. In both gerrit and github, the email you set as
your email in git is visible in your commits, as this is a property of git
itself, not of gerrit/github in particular.

*Because these are mirrored repositories, contestants *must star the
mirrored repository on github* [5] in order to have it associated with
their github account, because they didn't open the pull request directly on
github. This is the main issue as I see it, as it is an extra step and
people are fundamentally bad at following rules :D.


On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 10:13 AM, Strainu  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm organizing a contest for people in Romania willing to contribute
> to Wikimedia code. [1] In order to automatically grade the
> contributions, we're using a tool already developed be our partners,
> ROSEdu, which reviews changes made on github [2][3].
> The current (github-based) workflow is:
> 1. The admins add a number of repositories that qualify for the contest
> 2. The paticipants login with their github account (using oauth)
> 3. The software retrieves all the pull requests they made to the
> relevant projects.
> 4. A number of points is assigned for each pull request using a
> predefined formula (based on the number of touched lines, if the
> change was merged etc.; can by customized)
> I need some guidance on how to replicate this workflow to Wikimedia's
> gerrit.
> I've read the API docs [4] and looked at the gerrit uploader [5] and
> it seems that retrieving the reviews is fairly straightforward, since
> all the reviews seem to be available through unauthenticated access.
> The real issue is how to match the user in the tool with the reviews
> without user intervention. Any ideas or advice are appreciated, but
> here are my thoughts on the issue:
> 1. Gerrit does not seem to support oauth authentication. I vaguely
> remember that the gerrit account used to be linked to the
> account. Is there any way I could use the auth to retrieve the
> gerrit account and/or authenticate to gerrit with it? The gerrit
> uploader seems to only use the mw account to put the username in the
> committer field and then uploads the change as itself.
> 2. The simplest (although not so secure) solution would be to ask
> people to submit their changes using the same email address used for
> their github account. This will only work if the user is willing to
> make their github address public (I'm not doing that, for instance).
> 3. Another idea would be to match the gerrit account with the github
> account. This sounds even less reliable.
> 4. Give up and ask the users to submit the email/user used for gerrit
> and check for cheaters manually (this should work as long as the
> number of contributors is small)
> Thanks,
>   Strainu
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> [4]
> [5]
> ___
> Wikitech-l mailing list
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Re: [Wikitech-l] VisualEditor roadmap - extensibility within MediaWiki?

2016-01-22 Thread Marielle Volz
I found Eran's gadget tutorial to be the most helpful piece of
documentation for getting a plug-in up and running quickly:

For converting a gadget to an extension, as others have mentioned, looking
at actual extensions were the most helpful.

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 8:19 AM, Eran Rosenthal  wrote:

> Good question (and no good answer) and I think it address to the weakest
> point of VE documentation  - it doesn't have enough code examples, or high
> view documentation.
> (the best answer you can get may be
> )
> My advice is to AVOID using this documentation - this is usually micro
> level documentation, and it is not enough.
> You should prefer to grep the codebase to get some working examples and
> craft it.
> Here is the example of graph:
> and old (possibly outdated) but good into and high level documentation for
> VE:
> On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 10:49 PM, Daniel Barrett 
> wrote:
> > Thank you! Which class on this page is the best starting point for
> > learning to write a plugin?
> >
> >
> >
> > DanB
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Wikitech-l [] On
> > Behalf Of Trevor Parscal
> > Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2016 11:28 AM
> > To: Wikimedia developers
> > Subject: Re: [Wikitech-l] VisualEditor roadmap - extensibility within
> > MediaWiki?
> >
> > VisualEditor is very extendable by design. You can do pretty much
> anything
> > you want with a plugin, and we've demonstrated this with many existing
> > plugins that provide all sorts of interesting features.
> >
> > The APIs for adding features to VisualEditor, while perhaps not as well
> > documented as we'd like them to be, have existed for years and are now
> > quite stable.
> >
> > We have seen extensions such as math, graph and score be integrated into
> > VisualEditor by developers who are relatively new to the code base.
> > However, direct communication with the team was still important to those
> > efforts.
> >
> > The documentation that does exist is generated from code comments, and
> the
> > VisualEditor code base is particularly well documented. There was
> > a supplemental documentation effort for OOjs UI this time last year, and
> I
> > think that worked out pretty well. This may be something we can do in the
> > next six months, but there are not yet any concrete plans to do so.
> >
> > Ed Sanders is a good person to be in touch with, along with others on the
> > VosualEditor team, who are easily reached on IRC. See the MediaWiki page
> on
> > VisialEditor for details.
> >
> > - Trevor
> >
> > On Thursday, January 21, 2016, Daniel Barrett  wrote:
> >
> > > I was looking through the VisualEditor roadmap (
> > > and did not
> notice
> > > anything about third-party MediaWiki extensions for the editor. Did I
> > > miss it?
> > >
> > > I do see plans for "non-Mediawiki" extensions (under "Release for
> > > third-party non-MediaWiki users"), and also for Mediawiki admins to
> > > "easily install and use VisualEditor" (under "Release for third-party
> > > MediaWiki users"), but nothing about extending it within MediaWiki. For
> > > example, adding a button or menu item to insert a particular parser
> tag.
> > >
> > > Is this by design?
> > >
> > > I did notice "Non-template transclusions" on the roadmap, which looks
> > like
> > > a way to insert parser tags & parser functions if you already know
> their
> > > name (the way template transclusions work right now). That will be a
> big
> > > help. However, for (say) inserting a given parser tag, it would be
> great
> > if
> > > we could easily add a button or menu item for it.
> > >
> > > Thank you very much for any info.
> > > DanB
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Wikitech-l mailing list
> > > 
> > >
> > ___
> > Wikitech-l mailing list
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Wikitech-l mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] GRAPH extension is now live everywhere!

2015-05-06 Thread Marielle Volz
Right now you can only manually edit the JSON blob in VE (as in wikitext),
but we have a Google Summer of Code intern working on VE support this
On May 6, 2015 12:28 PM, David Gerard wrote:

 Is there a facility to use this in VE?

 On 6 May 2015 at 12:25, Jon Robson wrote:
  I think this is great but I'm still super super concerned about the
  for Embedded directly with graph. I'm concerned as if used this way
  risk making wikitext even more like code and more difficult for others to
  edit. Also having it inside the page makes it really difficult to
  extract/encourage remixing of the data...
  On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 4:32 AM, Brian Wolff wrote:
  On 5/5/15, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
   Starting today, editors can use *graph* tag to include complex
   maps inside articles.
   *Vega's demo:*
   *Extension info:*
   *Vega's docs:*
   *Bug reports:* - project tag
   Graph tag support template parameter expansion. There is also a
   service to convert graphs into images. Currently, Graphoid is used in
   the browser does not support modern JavaScript, but I plan to use it
   all anonymous users - downloading large JS code needed to render
   significantly slower than showing an image.
   Potential future growth (developers needed!):
   * Documentation and better tutorials
   * Visualize as you type - show changes in graph while editing its code
   * Visual Editor's plugin
   * Animation
   Project history: Exactly one year ago, Dan Andreescu (milimetric) and
   Robson demoed Vega visualization grammar
   usage in MediaWiki. The project stayed dormant for almost half a year,
   until Zero team decided it was a good solution to do on-wiki graphs.
   project was rewritten, and gained many new features, such as template
   parameters. Yet, doing graphs just for Zero portal seemed silly. Wider
   audience meant that we now had to support older browsers, thus
   service was born.
   This project could not have happened without the help from Dan
   Brion Vibber, Timo Tijhof, Chris Steipp, Max Semenik,  Marko Obrovac,
   Alexandros Kosiaris, Jon Robson, Gabriel Wicke, and others who have
   me develop,  test, instrument, and deploy Graph extension and Graphoid
   service. I also would like to thank the Vega team for making this
   Wikitech-l mailing list
  Hmm cool.
  One of the interesting things, is you can use the API as a data
  source. For example, here is a pie graph of how images on commons
  needing categories are divided up
  (One could even make that more general and have a template, which
  given a cat name, would give a pie graph of how the subcategories are
  divided in terms of number).
  Wikitech-l mailing list
  Jon Robson
  * @rakugojon
  Wikitech-l mailing list

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Re: [Wikitech-l] Types of allowed projects for grant funding (renamed)

2015-02-21 Thread Marielle Volz
I agree with Pine. The way I read the IEG strictures was that they would
reject projects that required might need any code review at all; whether
that's true or not it definitely discourages some projects that might be
really useful.

As it stands, most of the projects I read through in the last round seemed
to tend towards on-wiki exclusively, and to me it seemed that limited their
usefulness. For instance, there was one project which was on-wiki/labs only
which was similar to my FOSS OPW project, and a few responses to that was
that the more integrated approach was preferred- given that the OPW round
was already complete and the project still ongoing at that time it seems
fair, but if the two projects had been up for funding/approval at the same
time, then the issue of code review would have made it a fundamentally
un-level playing field.

Why not loosen the strictures by saying projects with *some* minor amount
of code review would be allowed, with the added caveat that the proposal
would be rejected if the staff who would support it felt they couldn't
sustain the expected level of code review? That approach might be flexible
enough to include more interesting/useful projects as well as hopefully not
produce too dramatic of an impact on staff.

I also think Brian's idea of including a volunteer with +2 to do code
review on the grant application is a wonderful idea; I would add in that it
would also be possible for part-time contractors to do this as well. Even
if the person didn't have +2 on the repository, having a dedicated person
with experience in mediawiki do code review could lesson the load
considerably on staffers who would +2 it.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 9:26 PM, Brian Wolff wrote:

 On 2/21/15, Pine W wrote:
  (Now continuing this discussion on Wikimedia-l also, since we are
  discussing grant policies.)
  For what it's worth, I repeatedly advocated for allowing IEG to support a
  broader range of tech projects when I was on IEGCom. I had the impression
  that there was a lot of concern about limited code review staff time, but
  it serms to me that WMF has more than enough funds to to pay for staffing
  for code review if that is the bottleneck for tech-focused IEGs (as well
  other code changes).
  I also think that the grant scope policies in general seem too
  with regard to small grants (roughly $30k and under). WMF has millions of
  dollars in reserves, there is plenty of mission-aligned work to be done,
  and WMF itself  frequently hires contractors to perform technical,
  administrative, communications, legal and organizing work. It seems to me
  that the scope of allowed funding for grants should be similar to the
  of allowed work for contractors, and it would serve the purposes that
  donors have in mind when they donate to WMF if the scope of allowed
  purposes for grants is expanded, particularly given WMF's and the
  community's increasing skills with designing and measuring projects for

 That's actually debatable. There's grumbling about WMF code review
 practices not being sufficient for WMFs own code (or as sufficient as
 some people would like), and code review is definitely a severe
 bottleneck currently for existing volunteer contributions.

 However that's not a reason to have no IEG grants for tech projects
 ever, its just a reason for code review to be specifically addressed
 in the grant proposal, and for the grantee to have a plan. Maybe that
 plan involves having a (volunteer) friend who has +2 do most of the
 code review. Maybe that plan involves a staff member getting his
 manager to allow him/her to have 1 day a week to review code from this
 grant (Assuming that the project aligns with whatever priorities that
 staff member's team has, such an arrangement does not seem
 unreasonable). Maybe the grant includes funds for hiring code review
 resources (ie non-wmf people with +2. We exist!). Maybe there is some
 other sort of arrangement that can be made that's specific to the
 project in question. Every project is different, and has different

 I do not think expecting WMF engineering to devote significant
 resources to IEG grants is viable, as I simply doubt its something
 that WMF engineering is willing to do (And honestly I don't blame
 them. They have their own projects to concentrate on.). IEG's are
 independent projects, and must be able to stand mostly on their own
 with minimal help. I do think getting WMF to perform the final once
 over for security/performance of a project prior to deployment, at the
 end, is reasonable (provided the code follows MW standards, is clean,
 and has been mostly already reviewed for issues by someone in our
 community). At most, I think bringing back 20% time, with that time
 devoted to doing code review of IEGs, would be the most that we could
 reasonably expect WMF to devote (but even if they didn't want to do
 that, I don't think that's a 

Re: [Wikitech-l] Global user pages deployed to all wikis

2015-02-21 Thread Marielle Volz
Could we get uploading privileges allowed for normal users (such as myself)
on meta? Otherwise profile photos will require special privileges.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 10:09 AM, Hong, Yena wrote:

 [[m:Synchbot]] is what you are looking for.

 -- Sent from Android --
 2015. 2. 21. 오후 5:56에 Emilio J. Rodríguez-Posada emi...@gmail.com님이

  2015-02-21 8:45 GMT+01:00 Pine W
   Is it necessary to request deletion of a local user page in order to
   the global page to be automatically transcluded?
  It seems so. In my case, I created years ago a lot of redirects to my
  English userpage from many Wikipedia languages, and now I have to request
  the deletion for all them. Not very useful.
  Can we get a special bot task in meta to request userpage deletion in
   *This is an Encyclopedia*
   *One gateway to the wide garden of knowledge, where lies The deep rock
   our past, in which we must delve The well of our future,The clear water
   must leave untainted for those who come after us,The fertile earth, in
   which truth may grow in bright places, tended by many hands,And the
   fall of sunshine, warming our first steps toward knowing how much we do
   *—Catherine Munro*
   On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 11:17 PM, MZMcBride wrote:
Erwin Dokter wrote:
On 20-02-2015 18:22, Dan Garry wrote:
 The feature is currently deployed and working. Simply set up your
 on Meta, and it'll display on all other wikis! :-)

After having played with it a bit, I must conclude there is one

I like to list my subpages locally, but that is not possible with a
global page.
I think what you're saying here is that if your global user page
{{Special:PrefixIndex/User:Example}}, this transclusion will expand
the context of the global wiki, not in the context of the local wiki.
The most annoying thing is that once you create the local
user page, the global one is gone forever... until you can get a
admin to delete the local copy again.

It would be much more practical if this worked like Commons
pages, where one can *add* content to the local description pages in
addition to the trancluded page.
Gone forever seems a bit hyperbolic. :-)  The use-case being solved
most directly is I don't want to create my user page or a pointer to
user page on over 800 wikis. I think the append model is interesting
consider, but I think it would likely need to be opt-in, perhaps via
interwiki transclusion.
I also don't know why the system is so inflexible in that only one
can act as the global home wiki. I know there are issues with the
wiki flag, but another approach could be in the form of using
{{meta:user:Edokter}}, which could point to any project.
Right, you're basically suggesting interwiki transclusion here. This
definitely a hard problem to solve, for the context reason alone.
In discussing global user pages, someone privately criticized the
implementation with basically the same theme of what you're saying
Namely, that global user pages are only solving a narrow use-case and
the more generalized problem of easy content distribution/re-use
needs to be addressed. I definitely agree, but here's why I pushed
project forward and why I'm happy with where we're headed:
1. Perfect is the enemy of the done. We have global user pages today.
   better approach for global user pages comes along in the future,
   switch to using that instead, for sure.
2. We're working on a more generalized solution:
   Nemo also pointed me toward
   which may interest you.
Please share your thoughts and feedback on the wiki or in Phabricator
on this mailing list. I think there's consensus that we have a
a problem that we want to solve and any help poking and prodding at
for solutions to this problem would be most welcome.
Wikitech-l mailing list
   Wikitech-l mailing list
  Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Global user pages deployed to all wikis

2015-02-21 Thread Marielle Volz
That's what I was going to do originally, but then I looked at my profile
picture on en wiki[1] I saw this message:

Do not copy this file to Wikimedia Commons.

While the license of this image or media file, uploaded and used on (a)
Wikipedia contributor(s) user page(s), may be compliant with Commons, its
usefulness to other projects is unlikely. It should not be copied to
Commons unless a specific other usage is anticipated.

I took that to mean that profile pictures in general were discouraged from
being placed in commons. If that's the case, then it makes sense for
profiles on meta to have the same policy.


On Feb 21, 2015 12:06 PM, Erwin Dokter wrote:

 On 21-02-2015 12:14, Marielle Volz wrote:

 Could we get uploading privileges allowed for normal users (such as
 on meta? Otherwise profile photos will require special privileges.

 We have Commons for that. Meta does not allow non-free or fair-use images

 Erwin Dokter

 Wikitech-l mailing list
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Re: [Wikitech-l] [Wikitext-l] Google Code-In 2014: Become a mentor and add tasks!

2014-11-20 Thread Marielle Volz
Just randomly going through the list of all the CS1 citation templates I
found 2 with no template data out of the first 3 on the list i.e.

I may make use of some of those at some point so I could probably mentor

There are certainly lots of templates out there with no template data; it's
potentially a huge task. I can't see saying to someone pick a few out of
this list...

Is there a list somewhere of commonly used templates we should make sure
have TD?

I found this but it doesn't seem very mature...

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1:41 PM, James Forrester

 [Redirecting conversation about TemplateData to wikitech-l; wikitext-l is
 for parser and Parsoid discussion.]

 On 6 November 2014 22:56, Andre Klapper wrote:

  Could there be any Template(Data) related tasks that could be worked on
  by Google Code-In students? For example something like Fix five
  Templates from the list at  by doing ?
  I'm happy to help setting up such tasks if somebody volunteers to mentor
  (more than one mentor means less work for everybody) and if somebody
  could add some boilerplate text at

 ​It's possible, though writing TemplateData needs a reasonably strong grasp
 of the local community's expectations about template usage and all of the
 complexities that goes with that.​ CC'ed to Elitre and WhatamIdoing in case
 they might be interested in mentoring.

 James D. Forrester
 Product Manager, Editing
 Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. | @jdforrester
 Wikitech-l mailing list

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Re: [Wikitech-l] [Wmfall] Marielle Volz joins Wikimedia as Software Developer

2014-10-29 Thread Marielle Volz
So there's a user gadget which only works with en wiki because the
template fields are hardcoded in:

I made this approximately midway through the internship this summer so
use with caution :).

Under development is work on the TemplateData extension to map the
parameters in a given template to parameters from an external
application[1]. This will allow TD to describe the relationship
between the parameters produced by the citoid service, and the
templates' parameters, in a map.[2]

Also under development is a mediawiki extension.[3] This will use the
data from the TemplateData maps as well as a special Mediawiki
namespace message[4] to determine which template to use for each
citoid data type.

So the answer is that this is being designed to work on any mediawiki
installation in any language, by configuring it with a) a special
Mediawiki namespace message, and b) a map in each template's

As for non-wiki sites, the idea is the service itself, citoid, would
be useable any site. Right now it is heavily relying on Zotero[5] to
do most of the work, but also has a back-up scraper if Zotero doesn't
have a translator[6] available. We're also working on citoid to be
able to take any identifier, not just URL, such as DOI or ISBN or PMID
(or maybe one day title!)

Right now we have a special mediawiki format for citoid designed to
be used in conjunction with the TemplateData extension, but export is
also available in the native Zotero format[7], and we'll be adding
other export formats (such as CSL) as well.



On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Petr Kadlec wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 8:12 PM, Roan Kattouw

 To put that into perspective: she's working on a feature in VE that
 will let you paste in a URL to, say, a New York Times article, and
 will then automatically generate and insert a {{cite news}} template
 for you with all the right information (title of the article, author,
 date, etc.).

 Interesting and useful project! I wonder – will this work only on enwiki,
 or will it work in other languages and for other news websites around the

 -- [[cs:User:Mormegil | Petr Kadlec]]
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[Wikitech-l] OPW 8 Project Proposal: Improving References on Wikimedia

2014-03-18 Thread Marielle Volz
Hi Wikitech!

I'm mvolz on IRC and mediawiki, and I'm applying to round 8 of the FOSS
Outreach Program for Women.

I've been working as a web programmer for the last few years, but before
that I was an academic. I've been an active Wikipedia editor mostly in the
biological sciences since 2005. A frequent frustration of mine is the
inadequacy of citations in Wikipedia articles and the tedium of including
them, both on Wikipedia and elsewhere.

As part of the goal to make citing works easier, I'm proposing to make a
backend to produce citations given a URL, and then working with the
VisualEditor team to incorporate that into the VE insert references

My full project proposal can be found here:

Thanks, and see you around!

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