Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-11-15 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
On 10/29/2011 04:01 AM, K. Peachey wrote:
 On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
 * However, I am now ensuring that we are more lenient with extensions
 developers than we are with people applying for core commit access.  We
 still, of course, watch out for security issues in submitted code samples!
 I might be reading this wrong, But isn't that exactly what we don't
 want, We want people building extensions even if they have bad
 security habits in SVN so we can teach them on how to correct them
 (and other generally improvements) so we know that they have improved
 the code they are offering to people.

K. Peachey, thanks for making that point.  I talked with Tim, Aaron, and
Chad about this, and you're right.  For extensions, the only criteria
for commit access are, should be, and now will be as listed at

 A demonstration that your request is made in good faith. For example, 
 someone may be employing you to work on MediaWiki, or you may be known to the 
 Wikimedia volunteer community by way of past work.
 Plans to contribute to MediaWiki or extensions in a substantial way.
 Programming skills appropriate for the type of work you propose to do. 
 Our community will help new participants, especially with MediaWiki-specific 
 skills, but we don't have time to train programmers from scratch.
 An account on this wiki ( with an authenticated email 
 address set in your Special:Preferences.

We will tell people about security issues we see in their code, and ask
them to promise to fix them in the future, but we won't use security
problems as a reason to turn them away.

We've also now unified the tools and extensions Subversion groups;
there were a few developers (declerambaul, giovanni, halfak, swalker,
whym) who were only in the tools group, and those developers now have
access to commit to extensions.

Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-29 Thread K. Peachey
On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 9:54 AM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
 * However, I am now ensuring that we are more lenient with extensions
 developers than we are with people applying for core commit access.  We
 still, of course, watch out for security issues in submitted code samples!

I might be reading this wrong, But isn't that exactly what we don't
want, We want people building extensions even if they have bad
security habits in SVN so we can teach them on how to correct them
(and other generally improvements) so we know that they have improved
the code they are offering to people.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-28 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
On 10/04/2011 12:02 AM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
 On 10/03/2011 07:19 PM, Benjamin Lees wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 Since a lot of people are applying,
 there are quite a few to get through.

 Out of curiosity, how many is a lot in this context?
 From viewing the OTRS queue archives: 25 requests in the last 40 days.
 That's about 4.3 applications per week.  This is up from about 29 in the
 last 60 days (3.4 apps/week), and 82 in the past 180 days (3.2
 apps/week, also the rate over the entire 20 months we've been using the
 OTRS queue).
 I believe all these stats exclude spam.
 You see why I'd like more developers reviewing commit access requests;
 the more requests we get, the more time the code review takes, and I'd
 like to spread that out more -- both as a TODO and as a learning
 And -- yay for our community that we're getting more frequent commit
 access requests!  Along with the line on going down,
 it's a sign of our development community's health and momentum.

Hmm, it looks like the web archive
left out my reply and thus the statistics.  :-(

To continue the rest of the thread: I recently talked with Chad, Tim and
Aaron about this thread, and about the situation regarding developer
commit access.  My conclusions:

* I'm not going to add any new technical process (such as a new queue
just for extensions developers, or more granular kinds of permissions on that focuses on SVN access/process, because that's
not worth it, because we are migrating to Git this year.
* However, I am now ensuring that we are more lenient with extensions
developers than we are with people applying for core commit access.  We
still, of course, watch out for security issues in submitted code samples!
* I'm also starting to explicitly encourage developers whom we're
denying core access to still work on core *in branches* and request
review.  This way, they can suggest improvements via SVN (instead of
having to use Bugzilla patches) and get feedback via CR.
* I have already been reaching out to other core developers to ask them
whether I should encourage certain patch submitters to apply for commit
access.  Now, I am increasing how often I privately ask other core and
extensions developers to review an applicant's code samples, and (if I
have reason to believe they've worked with the applicant) ask them
whether s/he's a reasonable person and a competent developer.  Getting
someone we trust to vouch for an applicant will enhance our web of
trust, and help Chad, Tim, and Aaron decide in an applicant's favor.

I believe these steps make developer access easier to get, while still
not adding substantially more post-commit code review workload.  Thanks.

Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Daniel Friesen
On 11-10-03 07:08 PM, Olivier Beaton wrote:
 It seems pretty straight forward to me,

 #1 Core access? Keep existing review process in place, could take 6
 months, sorry. Patches that will never get committed for you!
 #2 Extension access? Has a working extension attached to submission
 (has some .php files in it, no need for a code review here, the
 community will handle that) . Granted.  Create their account, and give
 them access to _only_ their extension directory.
SVN Doesn't work that way. We can apply limited restrictions like making
the wmf branch and trunk only accessible by specific groups.
But we can't create efficiently (I don't even know if it's possible at
all) create a separate right for each and every extension and give new
committers only access to their own extension.
So anyone that gets commit implicitly has the ability to screw up any
extension or tool other than phase3 or the wmf branch.
Besides, such a pattern would suddenly mean that instead of an extension
author going through review once, they'd have to go through review for
each new extension they make so that we can add the new directory and right.

 If you want to foster a more communal and helping extension community,
 when it comes to do core access reviews, use a script to spit out
 active people on svn, and if any of them only have access to their
 extension directory, pro-actively have a short sentence or two about
 if you should give them access to all extensions. If yes, let them
 know the happy news, maybe they will do something with it (likely not,
 even if they had it in the first place). Another metric might be if
 they have a lot of tickets for other core extensions with patches

 They can't be that destructive in their own space, and if they have a
 complete working extension, chances are people in the community will
 start using it, and invariably come into irc complaining if the
 quality is low, better to nip this one in the bud and get them into
 the code review process early. Like all the people being so helpful to
 me in IRC. I don't want to wait months to find out I've been doing
 things all wrong.

 For extension access there isn't many reasons why you can't make them
 an account on the spot and see how it goes, whoever is around and sees
 it first (even Sumana).

 I haven't used git, but won't you need to decide what gets comitted in
 git as well, no matter what they comit on their own HD? It will still
 be 'get it moved into a extension branch on git, have your revisions
 reviewed, get it into the extension distributor'. I see this applying
 no matter which way you go.
In git each extension, core, or other project is a separate repo.
Because of that whatever model we use with git it's possible to
efficiently let a user have access just to their extensions. So that
model you describe where anyone can have access to their own restricted
area, that's the potential git model, not reasonably possible with svn.

Additionally the plan seams to be to use gerrit to a large degree.
Apparently the plan is what Ryan calls a gated trunk. For something
like core when you push your commits in; Instead of the changes actually
being applied right away the changesets are instead put into the repo
but not applied to the master branch, and a new changeset shows up in
the gerrit interface. At that point the change can be reviewed by other
people, and will probably also be reviewed by scripts checking to see if
the change breaks any tests. After a reviewer has okay'd a changeset
gerrit merges that change into the main part of the repo.
At least that's my understanding of how the gerrit setup works from my
discussion with Ryan. I do need to bring up an e-mail about that.

 Just my 2c to the pile, now banking a dollar.
 - Olivier

~Daniel Friesen (Dantman, Nadir-Seen-Fire) []

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Olivier Beaton
I'm going to nip this one in the bud right away, and given that core
and extension SVN access is already separate already, I already know
we're making use of it. In your SVN auth file on the server:

username = rw
username = rw
username = rw

Done.  Right now I imagine for extension only access there is just 3
entries like the above, but for the whole extensions directory (I'm
guessing) and one for the whole repo.

And what review? You're not looking at code quality here, if they have
a working extension that they are releasing, do you really want them
pasting it onto the page on I keep hearing people saying they
want to check all those in. Where's the review there? At least with a
checkin people have the opportunity to give them real feedback instead
of being ignored and stagnate into obsoleteness on

And really I don't think you can really comit to maintaining every
extension every person makes forever. Let's be realistic here, it's
their extension, they will maintain it, and if not and it breaks after
a long period of time, you archive it with no activity somewhere in
/branches/archives or another plan.

What I'm saying is requesting access + having a finished extension
should mean someone can immediately just add them access.

You're right this means one request per extension, but after 2 you
should be asking yourself okay this person is contributing a lot to
the community, maybe we can give them access to the whole ext dir?
and actually review them.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 3:35 AM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
 On 11-10-03 07:08 PM, Olivier Beaton wrote:
 #2 Extension access? Has a working extension attached to submission
 (has some .php files in it, no need for a code review here, the
 community will handle that) . Granted.  Create their account, and give
 them access to _only_ their extension directory.
 SVN Doesn't work that way. We can apply limited restrictions like making
 the wmf branch and trunk only accessible by specific groups.
 But we can't create efficiently (I don't even know if it's possible at
 all) create a separate right for each and every extension and give new
 committers only access to their own extension.
 So anyone that gets commit implicitly has the ability to screw up any
 extension or tool other than phase3 or the wmf branch.
 Besides, such a pattern would suddenly mean that instead of an extension
 author going through review once, they'd have to go through review for
 each new extension they make so that we can add the new directory and right.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Daniel Friesen
On 11-10-04 04:29 AM, Olivier Beaton wrote:
 I'm going to nip this one in the bud right away, and given that core
 and extension SVN access is already separate already, I already know
 we're making use of it. In your SVN auth file on the server:

 username = rw
 username = rw
 username = rw

 Done.  Right now I imagine for extension only access there is just 3
 entries like the above, but for the whole extensions directory (I'm
 guessing) and one for the whole repo.
Ok. Let's see. Firstly most extensions don't use tags so we can omit
that, but we don't use /branches/extensions that way, it's more like
/mediawiki/branches/REL#_##/extensions/SomeExtension. We'll need an
extra line for each release, so say an extension was committed in 1.15
we'll need 4 entries now, and another when we branch 1.19.
Ok, pretending that we only give one user access to an extension, that
all extensions were committed in 1.15, and none use tags. We have 586
extensions inside /trunk/extensions/ currently.
Doing the math, 586 (extension count) * 5 (entries per extension; trunk
+ 4 REL branches) * 2 (lines per entry) = 5860...

So are you trying to seriously argue that ops should have to maintain
5860+ lines of config and add an extra 1172+ for every release we make,
just to restrict extension authors into their own extensions?

You are sane, right?

 And what review? You're not looking at code quality here, if they have
 a working extension that they are releasing, do you really want them
 pasting it onto the page on I keep hearing people saying they
 want to check all those in. Where's the review there? At least with a
 checkin people have the opportunity to give them real feedback instead
 of being ignored and stagnate into obsoleteness on

 And really I don't think you can really comit to maintaining every
 extension every person makes forever. Let's be realistic here, it's
 their extension, they will maintain it, and if not and it breaks after
 a long period of time, you archive it with no activity somewhere in
 /branches/archives or another plan.
There's a beautiful tool we have called 'grep'. Plenty of the breaking
changes we make in core are ones we make on purpose to improve the
system and are ones that it's rather simple to find extensions using the
old interface by doing a quick grep. Then we go through the ones using
the old problematic interface, change them to use the new code, then commit.
Tbh, if we threw unit testing into extensions we could make batch
changes and ensure extension compatibility with new versions of MW even
more confidently.

Plenty of extensions are rather simple. Plenty already work when they
commit. Plenty will continue working until a minor interface change
means they need a tweak to be made to them. And plenty of those tweaks
can be made en-masse. Along those lines we have plenty of extensions
that can be 'maintained' indefinitely simply by sitting in trunk with no
specific maintainer getting automatic i18n updates and small tweaks when
an interface changes.

The idea that only the extension's creator / maintainer would maintain
an extension is flawed in the first place. People like to use extensions
and people notice when they break, usually as the result of minor core
changes. Hence, even if an extension no longer has an actual maintainer
it may have people who have been using it. And all it takes to fix most
issues is one of them to poke someone to make a minor tweak to the
extension. A number of extensions may even be used by people who can
develop but wouldn't bother taking the task of maintaining the
extension. When an extension breaks generally one of them might happen
to notice it breaking, fix it, and commit that fix into trunk so that
they can use the functioning extension inside their own wiki.

 What I'm saying is requesting access + having a finished extension
 should mean someone can immediately just add them access.
;) and what I'm saying in our planned git workflow you probably won't
even need that much to get access.

 You're right this means one request per extension, but after 2 you
 should be asking yourself okay this person is contributing a lot to
 the community, maybe we can give them access to the whole ext dir?
 and actually review them.

 On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 3:35 AM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
 On 11-10-03 07:08 PM, Olivier Beaton wrote:
 #2 Extension access? Has a working extension attached to submission
 (has some .php files in it, no need for a code review here, the
 community will handle that) . Granted.  Create their account, and give
 them access to _only_ their extension directory.
 SVN Doesn't work that way. We can apply limited restrictions like making
 the wmf branch and trunk only accessible by specific groups.
 But we can't create efficiently (I don't even know if it's possible at

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Chad
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:29 AM, Olivier Beaton wrote:
 I'm going to nip this one in the bud right away, and given that core
 and extension SVN access is already separate already, I already know
 we're making use of it. In your SVN auth file on the server:

 username = rw
 username = rw
 username = rw

 Done.  Right now I imagine for extension only access there is just 3
 entries like the above, but for the whole extensions directory (I'm
 guessing) and one for the whole repo.

And I'm going to nip this one in the bud right here. Yes it is
technically feasible, but it isn't a scalable process at all.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Olivier Beaton
Oh boy. That was a bit uncalled for there, I'll try to reply to the
parts that were civil.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:51 AM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
 Ok. Let's see. Firstly most extensions don't use tags so we can omit

Why not? Extensions have versions, why shouldn't they use tags?

 but we don't use /branches/extensions that way, it's more like
 /mediawiki/branches/REL#_##/extensions/SomeExtension. We'll need an

Ah, I wasn't aware of that. That changes thing a little, as you so
nicely pointed out. Clearly from my example I wasn't proposing adding
5000 lines to a config file. Clearly. Why you insinuate that is beyond
me.  Like my mention of tags, I was assuming extension authors might
want to write branches for their code. I know I've done that a few
times when I wanted to try out bigger new ideas or directions. The
whole copy every extension at the point of branching as far as I
understand it, is so that you can always get the extension at the
version that existed during that release (and hopefully works and has
less bugs).

 There's a beautiful tool we have called 'grep'. Plenty of the breaking
That's fine for small updates and will undoubtedly keeps things
running for awhile, but I don't see that working out long term for any
reasonably complex extension. But I don't think I have to argue this
point, because either way you look at it, you want that code in svn.
You don't want to be sending people away, you want them checking it
into svn so you can do those small mass updates.

My ideas about access restrictions is meant to address this concern
with giving people svn access. It's so that you can give more people
access, more quickly, with less overhead (code review).

 The idea that only the extension's creator / maintainer would maintain
 an extension is flawed in the first place. People like to use extensions

Right, you want other people to take over maintaining an extension,
especially popular ones, if it gets abandoned. This is hard if you
don't get people to check in their extensions, for which you need to
give them access first and that's what this is all about.

 ;) and what I'm saying in our planned git workflow you probably won't
 even need that much to get access.

As I understand git (which is not very much), it will solve some of
these problems. Here's a workflow:

a) I'm coding my extension on my machine with my own repo for my
extension, I'm ready to do a release, I send it to the mw repo for
merging into the extensions branch
b) Who approves the merging into Does it have to pass a code
review just like core changes? Who will have the rights to do code
reviews and say ok it's ready now?

I'm all for code reviews, if there was a place I could submit my
extensions for review, I'd do it in a heartbeat, I'm new to and
I'd rather find out now if I'm doing things wrong or could do them
better, than in a few months maybe if someone happens to look at it
and feel I'm approachable enough.

In the end though if you make that code-review a show stopper you may
end up splitting the community a lot, instead of authors helping
authors it will be some authors gate keeping and blocking code from
others. If I make a feature or improvement to my extension that I've
coded and whoever is reviewing doesn't think it needs the feature...
really? is offering, or attempting to offer a really unique and great
service. Versioning, code reviews, and distribution. Even We'll help
you keep it up to date with core api changes!.

Sounds fantastic, but if you can't get people to check in their code,
and be able to have those checkins happen in a timely basis, people
won't use the service, and just see it as elitist instead of the great
thing it should be.

In the short term my suggestion stands. don't give them access to
branches/relX/extensions. That's not what I said.  If you'd rather
skip branches and tags altogether even that would be okay. Just give
them access to trunk/phase3/extensions -- once they prove themselves,
then extend that to all extensions and the rel branches extensions
folders like you currently do.

- Olivier

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Olivier Beaton
Is that a reply to Dan's branches/REL_*/extensions madness or a
legitimate having 1-3 lines in the config per extension author we are
trying out until they get full extension access is not a scalable
process? Depending on how many people are requesting access, I can see
how that could still be true.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Chad wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 7:29 AM, Olivier Beaton 
 I'm going to nip this one in the bud right away, and given that core
 and extension SVN access is already separate already, I already know
 we're making use of it. In your SVN auth file on the server:

 username = rw
 username = rw
 username = rw

 Done.  Right now I imagine for extension only access there is just 3
 entries like the above, but for the whole extensions directory (I'm
 guessing) and one for the whole repo.

 And I'm going to nip this one in the bud right here. Yes it is
 technically feasible, but it isn't a scalable process at all.


 Wikitech-l mailing list

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Yaron Koren

It's great to hear that Git, once MediaWiki switches over to it, will
solve some of the issues with granting access. Still, I assume no one
knows exactly when the change-over will come - and I also assume that,
even with Git in place, there will still be issues of access to the
official repository for each set of code.

So let me propose a technical solution that is hopefully fully
feasible: instead of separating out access by core MediaWiki vs.
extensions, separate it out as: 1) core MediaWiki, 2) extensions used
on public Wikimedia wikis, and 3) all other extensions. Or the
separation could even be just MediaWiki core + WMF-used extensions vs.
other extensions - two sets of code, separated by whether they're used
on Wikipedia and the like.

The group of extensions used on WMF sites, and the group of those that
aren't, are almost in two separate worlds - a bug or security hole in
the former could potentially impact hundreds of millions of people,
while such a bug in the latter would probably impact a few hundred or
thousand people at most. If that kind of split were made, I think
access to the non-WMF group could then be given almost immediately to
anyone who demonstrated a basic understanding of MediaWiki coding,
without any real fear of harm. The original extension under
discussion, AdManager, for instance, is not going to end up anytime
soon on a Wikimedia wiki, as you could guess from its name alone - so
any bugs in that code are literally about a million times less
important than bugs in extensions like FlaggedRevs.

Any new extensions would simply be grouped into the non-Wikimedia
group - the Wikimedia group would be an opt-in thing.

There is a potential gray area, of extensions that aren't used in
Wikipedia and the like but are used on helper wikis like and the WMF infrastructure wiki - Replace Text and
Semantic MediaWiki are two such extensions. Those could end up in
either slot; I think it would be fine either way.

This ties in to something else I've thought about for a while: that
maybe the CodeReview protocol should similarly be bifurcated, so that
non-WMF extensions like, say, SocialProfile, don't get the same level
of scrutiny as extensions like ParserFunctions. As an extension
developer, I'm grateful for all the helpful reviews that my commits
get - but if all that reviewing work is coming at the expense of the
reviewing of code that's used on WMF sites, then it seems like a waste
of resources.

Any thoughts on this idea?


WikiWorks · MediaWiki Consulting ·

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Happy Melon
On 4 October 2011 22:42, Yaron Koren wrote:


 So let me propose a technical solution that is hopefully fully
 feasible: instead of separating out access by core MediaWiki vs.
 extensions, separate it out as: 1) core MediaWiki, 2) extensions used
 on public Wikimedia wikis, and 3) all other extensions. Or the
 separation could even be just MediaWiki core + WMF-used extensions vs.
 other extensions - two sets of code, separated by whether they're used
 on Wikipedia and the like.

This would be great, apart from one thing: new extensions are installed on
WMF wikis on a fairly regular basis.  Moving extensions between SVN repos,
or even between separate branches, would be extremely disruptive right
across the board, so this disctinction would at best be accurate only at the
time the repository was reconfigured.  At worst, we'd end up forking
extensions once they were installed on the cluster, with all new development
being made to the WMF version while users of the old version are left to
rot, blisfully unaware that the code they are using is no longer getting any

 This ties in to something else I've thought about for a while: that
 maybe the CodeReview protocol should similarly be bifurcated, so that
 non-WMF extensions like, say, SocialProfile, don't get the same level
 of scrutiny as extensions like ParserFunctions. As an extension
 developer, I'm grateful for all the helpful reviews that my commits
 get - but if all that reviewing work is coming at the expense of the
 reviewing of code that's used on WMF sites, then it seems like a waste
 of resources.

This already happens, although more by default than through design.  Whole
swathes of commits to extensions and branches are already automatically
marked deferred in CR; usually that means that the amount of code review
it will receive is nil.  Our problems with code review are not due to the
distraction of random extensions!

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Yaron Koren
Happy Melon - I should have clarified how I thought this should be
implemented. I don't mean that any extensions should move locations -
the fact that everything is in one big /extensions directory is quite
helpful. I just mean that there should be some SVN settings so that
only users with a certain permission level can modify the code in
pre-specified directories under /extensions. I don't know much about
SVN administration, but I assume that you can restrict access in that
sort of semi-fine-grained way.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Brion Vibber
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Yaron Koren wrote:

 It's great to hear that Git, once MediaWiki switches over to it, will
 solve some of the issues with granting access. Still, I assume no one
 knows exactly when the change-over will come -

Current schedule is to start doing prelim conversion tests this month --
expect some stuff to play with by the New Orleans hackathon -- and start
seriously converting in November:

-- brion
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-04 Thread Brion Vibber
On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 4:29 AM, Olivier Beaton olivier.bea...@gmail.comwrote:

 I'm going to nip this one in the bud right away, and given that core
 and extension SVN access is already separate already, I already know
 we're making use of it. In your SVN auth file on the server:

 username = rw
 username = rw
 username = rw

Branched extensions are a bit differently handled, but as we're about to see
most of the time I think we can just skip worrying about them entirely. :)

I had a good talk with Olivier on IRC, and I think we understand a bit bit
better where we're coming from.

The big thing is to make sure that people feel like they're being fairly
communicated with.

I think we do have an available spot between full extensions read/write
access and host your files elsewhere for now -- and that go ahead and
commit to your extension directory X spot is a place we want to be to
attract and retain newbie developers.

(I should say, newbie members of the developer community! They may be old
hands we've just never interacted with before because they've been MediaWiki
*admins* and *users* out of our sight.)

The git stuff should place us squarely there: it should be trivial for
people to set up their own repositories to commit to that share our
infrastructure, with a little less work to do to migrate things into the
main community-maintained repositories.

In the meantime though we're still working in SVN; people who need SVN
commit access to get stuff done still need it, and we're still accepting
general requests, so it's good to make sure that people know what to expect
from us when they ask.

I suspect the primary case that would be nice to handle goes something like

Bob has written a MediaWiki extension BobsAwesomeExt that he'd like to share
with others. He wants it to be in MediaWiki's source control system for
archival purposes, making downloads easy, and to help it get future
maintenance (localization, security fixes, compatibility fixes) even if Bob
ends up wandering off later. If Bob ends up staying (which would be great!)
then this gives him an account to start with and a visible stream in
CodeReview to start interacting with other developers.

In SVN land, Bob mainly needs to be able to commit into
trunk/extensions/BobsAwesomeExt. In theory people could maintain version
branches for extensions but in practice almost nobody does except for
core contributors merging fixes so we don't really have to worry about
permissions on those branch or tag directories.

So it would probably not be too terrible a burden for us to stick some more
one-off extensions in in the short term, just with an eye for making sure
that we're capturing and keeping the code and developers who are already
knocking on the door.

What we *do* want to avoid is ending up with a full-blown
complicated-permissions setup on the current SVN; but I don't think we'll be
forced into slippery-slope territory by adding a few single-directory
single-user permission grants.

(In future git land, giving Bob full read-write access to the BobsAwesomeExt
main repository will let him do all the branch maintenance he wants, so this
would not be a permanent restriction.)

Now we'll still want to make sure we can consistently manage permissions on
the git repos, but we'll want to make sure we know how all that works before
speccing out that setup. :)

If you're not in a hurry but would like to prepare for moving an extension
into our git space when it's ready:
* stick your code on a public git host like github or gitorious
* you'll be able to push it -- with all history -- into MediaWiki's hosted
git space later

-- brion
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Jack Phoenix
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Yaron Koren wrote:

 I think developer accounts on the Wikimedia SVN repository should be
 easier to get.

I was under the impression that getting one *was* easy...but admittedly
things have changed quite a bit since 2008.

 When he requested access, this was the relevant part of the response
 from Sumana:

 Right now, we are not approving your request for commit access. I'm
 sorry. We'd like for you to get more practice writing code for
 MediaWiki, submit patches for review via Bugzilla attachments, and ask
 us for comments... Please come back and request access again in a few

 I don't know whether this is WMF policy now, or a personal decision
 from Sumana, or a decision made by someone else, but in any case I
 don't understand it.

I don't think it was Sumana's personal decision, as I believe that a group
of people decide what to do with pending commit access requests. In any
case, I would have to agree with your conclusion, as I did some review and
fixing on the mentioned AdManager extension.

  It seems to me that there are two valid reasons
 for not simply allowing everyone to get a developer account: the
 first, and major, reason is to prevent malicious users from
 vandalizing or deleting code. The second is to prevent
 well-intentioned but incompetent developers from checking in buggy
 and/or badly-written code that requires lots of fixes and review time
 by the reviewers. In both cases, the person's presence in SVN would
 cause more harm than good.

I'm sure that we've had some incompetent developers in the past, but
becoming a competent dev takes some time and work. :-)

 Clearly a higher bar is being
 applied here than what's spelled out in the
 documentation - which only says that we don't have time to train
 programmers from scratch:

Yeah, it certainly seems like that. If and when we want to encourage people
to share their code and receive various fixes, rejecting valid commit access
requests isn't the way to do that.

 It seems to me that if someone writes an extension that basically
 matches the MediaWiki guidelines, works, and does something useful,
 they should pretty much be granted automatic access to an account,
 because they will have proved that their presence will be a net
 positive overall. Any thoughts on this?


 And out of curiosity - is there a new policy in place?

I wouldn't know, as the process has changed over the years, but I have to
say that I liked it when commit access requests were on the
wiki ([[mw:Commit access requests]]) -- IMO it was a better and more
transparent way to manage commit access requests than an OTRS queue or
whatever is used nowadays; then again, I'm just giving suggestions here, I'm
not here to make any decisions as I'm not employed by the Foundation.

Thanks and regards,
Jack Phoenix
MediaWiki developer
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Happy Melon
On 3 October 2011 18:00, Jack Phoenix wrote:

  And out of curiosity - is there a new policy in place?

 I wouldn't know, as the process has changed over the years, but I have to
 say that I liked it when commit access requests were on the
 wiki ([[mw:Commit access requests]]) -- IMO it was a better and more
 transparent way to manage commit access requests than an OTRS queue or
 whatever is used nowadays; then again, I'm just giving suggestions here,
 not here to make any decisions as I'm not employed by the Foundation.

The biggest problem of the old queue was that it was simply neglected
for months at a time; my own commit access request was up there for over six
months before *anyone* looked at it *at all*.  I agree that it was more
transparent and maybe 'better'; but the most important requirement of the
system is that it *works* and is used.  If the OTRS queue works for the
current svn admins, then that's an important merit.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Platonides
Yaron Koren wrote:
 Neither of those cases apply here - the Ad Manager code was
 well-written, and it works. If you're curious, you can see for
 yourself the kinds of fixes and changes that were made to the code
 after it was checked in - all minor stuff, the only major thing being
 that the extension originally included support for MediaWiki 1.15,
 which people thought was unnecessary. Clearly a higher bar is being
 applied here than what's spelled out in the
 documentation - which only says that we don't have time to train
 programmers from scratch:

Maybe the request wasn't clear pointing to the existing Ad Manager 
extension, already copied to our svn. Or perhaps Sumana read it too 
quickly and missed it. Looks it shouldn't have been rejected.

 Note, by the way, that if there's a more stringent policy in place
 now, it's not being applied consistently, because the students in this
 year's Google Summer of Code got developer access after much less
 proof of programming ability.

I agree. GSoC students get accounts much easier than other people, and 
are generally worse developers at the beginning. OTOH, there are 
developers assigned to mentor them, so that may strike it out.

Equally, given your vouch for Ike, I think that the application should 

 It seems to me that if someone writes an extension that basically
 matches the MediaWiki guidelines, works, and does something useful,
 they should pretty much be granted automatic access to an account,
 because they will have proved that their presence will be a net
 positive overall. Any thoughts on this?

We want developer access to be easy. We want mediawiki extensions to 
live in our svn as far as we can.
There is even a project to use virtual machines as a development 
infrastructure. And extension access is not a big deal anyway.

 And out of curiosity - is there a new policy in place?

Not that I know of. Although Sumana is probably applying some consistent 
rules. Review of developer requests was more random before.

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Brion Vibber
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:30 AM, Yaron Koren wrote:

 I think developer accounts on the Wikimedia SVN repository should be
 easier to get. I say this because a consultant of ours at WikiWorks,
 Ike Hecht, asked for a developer account last week and was rejected.
 He created his first major MediaWiki extension, Ad Manager, recently,
 which I added to the repository a few weeks ago - you can see it here:


Specifically as regards stand-alone extensions we've generally been much
more liberal than for core -- perhaps Ike forgot to mention that this is for
maintenance of an extension that's already been committed and that several
people are vouching for him and his code?

Generally speaking...

TL;DR summary: we also want to make it easier to get involved; this is a
work in progress! :)

We're currently in a sort of no-mans-land in trying to make sure our
policies are reasonably responsive and consistent, knowing that we're
sitting just ahead of a planned migration from SVN to Git which will change
the permissions landscape.

In a Git world, it should become a *lot* easier to fully participate in the
development ecosystem without having to get an account manually approved and

Part of what us coders need about having a SVN account now is simply that
without direct checkin ability, you can't, well, check anything in. :) You
otherwise have to wait on other people to look at your code before it even
gets into the system, and your commit won't even have your name on it when
it gets there. :(

In git-land though, we can basically eliminate most of the distinction
between a submitted patch (floating around from Bugzilla, mailing list, or
IRC) and something that's been committed-but-not-yet-reviewed (the scary
world of CodeReview, where bad code can live on breaking other things until
people figure out how to fix it months later ;).

Commits will be fully labeled with the names of their creators, whether they
got committed straight to core by Tim Starling himself or whether they came
in as a pull request from someone who's forwarding work from someone we've
never seen before.

Review and fixes can happen on a custom branch -- fully versioned -- and be
merged in to mainline after further commits are made to tweak them.

Being able to maintain extensions as standalone git repositories will
further reduce the difficulty of getting in: setting yourself up with a git
account and creating repos for your extensions will become entirely
self-serve (no need to ask for every individual git permission).

We should end up in a better position to do both totally self-serve and
semi-curated work (eg, shared maintenance of translations and security

-- brion
Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Rob Lanphier
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:30 AM, Yaron Koren wrote:
 I don't know whether this is WMF policy now, or a personal decision
 from Sumana, or a decision made by someone else, but in any case I
 don't understand it. It seems to me that there are two valid reasons
 for not simply allowing everyone to get a developer account: the
 first, and major, reason is to prevent malicious users from
 vandalizing or deleting code. The second is to prevent
 well-intentioned but incompetent developers from checking in buggy
 and/or badly-written code that requires lots of fixes and review time
 by the reviewers. In both cases, the person's presence in SVN would
 cause more harm than good.

I'm going to leave it to Sumana for the more complete reply here (she
and I just spoke).  Sumana inherited our existing process, and she's
been running it about as well as it can be run.  I think she's
probably been uncomfortable breaking with tradition while she's
relatively new and there's a lot of stakeholders, but I think we've
got some room to break with tradition.

As it stands, we kinda backed into our current process.  When I came
on board, Tim had just moved over to OTRS.  I spent some time with him
understanding the process and figuring out how to speed things up,
eventually pulling in other developers.  Sumana took over the process
at this point, which basically involves a handful of folks (Tim, Chad,
and Aaron, I believe) quickly reviewing applications, and Sumana
helping to dispatch responses.  Since a lot of people are applying,
there are quite a few to get through.

I think the process could benefit from some transparency on both sides
of the equation.  I know from talking to her Sumana would love to have
a wider pool of developers to vet the list, and a more transparent
process would make that easier.  Those requesting access can help
things by being more transparent, too.  Developers who post to the
mailing list and participate in IRC will have a lot easier time
getting access (assuming they say sensible things in those venues).
It's a lot less scary giving access to someone when you have enough
information to speculate on what they're likely to do with it, and
they've proven that they play well with others.

Since we don't have a process for reversing our decision (has anyone
ever had their svn access revoked?), we're naturally going to be more
conservative about who we let in.

Anyway, as Brion says, we're likely to change things around pretty
substantially when we migrate to Git, anyway, so we shouldn't spend
too much time worrying about what svn access looks like for everyone.
I don't want to use that as an excuse to shut down any improvement,
but merely want to remind people of why we aren't likely to do
anything really radical in the short term.


Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Benjamin Lees
On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 Since a lot of people are applying,
 there are quite a few to get through.

Out of curiosity, how many is a lot in this context?

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Olivier Beaton
It seems pretty straight forward to me,

#1 Core access? Keep existing review process in place, could take 6
months, sorry. Patches that will never get committed for you!
#2 Extension access? Has a working extension attached to submission
(has some .php files in it, no need for a code review here, the
community will handle that) . Granted.  Create their account, and give
them access to _only_ their extension directory.

If you want to foster a more communal and helping extension community,
when it comes to do core access reviews, use a script to spit out
active people on svn, and if any of them only have access to their
extension directory, pro-actively have a short sentence or two about
if you should give them access to all extensions. If yes, let them
know the happy news, maybe they will do something with it (likely not,
even if they had it in the first place). Another metric might be if
they have a lot of tickets for other core extensions with patches

They can't be that destructive in their own space, and if they have a
complete working extension, chances are people in the community will
start using it, and invariably come into irc complaining if the
quality is low, better to nip this one in the bud and get them into
the code review process early. Like all the people being so helpful to
me in IRC. I don't want to wait months to find out I've been doing
things all wrong.

For extension access there isn't many reasons why you can't make them
an account on the spot and see how it goes, whoever is around and sees
it first (even Sumana).

I haven't used git, but won't you need to decide what gets comitted in
git as well, no matter what they comit on their own HD? It will still
be 'get it moved into a extension branch on git, have your revisions
reviewed, get it into the extension distributor'. I see this applying
no matter which way you go.

Just my 2c to the pile, now banking a dollar.
- Olivier

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
Caution: long!

On 10/03/2011 09:30 AM, Yaron Koren wrote:
 I think developer accounts on the Wikimedia SVN repository should be
 easier to get.

I agree.

 I say this because a consultant of ours at WikiWorks,
 Ike Hecht, asked for a developer account last week and was rejected.
 He created his first major MediaWiki extension, Ad Manager, recently,
 which I added to the repository a few weeks ago - you can see it here:
 When he requested access, this was the relevant part of the response
 from Sumana:
 Right now, we are not approving your request for commit access. I'm
 sorry. We'd like for you to get more practice writing code for
 MediaWiki, submit patches for review via Bugzilla attachments, and ask
 us for comments... Please come back and request access again in a few

I checked with Ike to ensure that he was okay with us discussing his
rejection in public -- he hadn't known, but said it was okay.  So I'm
pasting here in full the response I wrote to Isaac, after having Rob,
Chad, Tim, and Aaron review his request and code:

 Thank you for requesting commit access, and my apologies on the delay in
 (Developers have had their attention taken by issues around the
 deployment of
 MediaWiki 1.18 on a bunch of wikis.)
 Right now, we are not approving your request for commit access.  I'm
 sorry.  We'd
 like for you to get more practice writing code for MediaWiki, submit
 patches for
 review via Bugzilla attachments, and ask us for comments.  Please read
 Please come back and request access again in a few months.  Thank you
 for being
 part of the MediaWiki community, and please feel free to find us in the
 channel on FreeNode IRC for more detailed feedback.

The bits that were left out of the excerpt, but that I do think are
relevant: I pointed him to further reading, to help him improve his code
quality, and suggested that he talk with us on IRC for more detailed
feedback, again to help improve his code quality.  In general, this is
the kind of rejection notice I send, when Chad, Tim, and Aaron decide to
reject an applicant.  If an applicant has SQL injection or cross-site
scripting issues in their code sample, then I specifically advise them
about that using a templated text.

I would like to provide more constructive and specific feedback, but
since that would demand more time per request and we're usually
backlogged, I've chosen speed of response over length, and suggested to
rejected applicants that they ask for more feedback if they want it.
About a third do.

 I don't know whether this is WMF policy now, or a personal decision
 from Sumana, or a decision made by someone else

As others in this thread pointed out before I got to it -- I'm not the
one making the decisions on whether to grant access.  Right now it's
Chad, Tim, and Aaron.

 but in any case I
 don't understand it. It seems to me that there are two valid reasons
 for not simply allowing everyone to get a developer account: the
 first, and major, reason is to prevent malicious users from
 vandalizing or deleting code. The second is to prevent
 well-intentioned but incompetent developers from checking in buggy
 and/or badly-written code that requires lots of fixes and review time
 by the reviewers. In both cases, the person's presence in SVN would
 cause more harm than good.

That second point sometimes doesn't get enough attention: yes, when we
grant commit access, we are committing to keeping up with post-commit
review of that person's code.  If the person looks likely to make a lot
of mistakes, that adds to our load pretty substantially.  And so
reviewers get a bit fearful about saying yes.  (This of course ties into
our ongoing exhortations to code reviewers to be revert-happy, but
that's a little beyond the scope of this email.)

 Neither of those cases apply here - the Ad Manager code was
 well-written, and it works. If you're curious, you can see for
 yourself the kinds of fixes and changes that were made to the code
 after it was checked in - all minor stuff, the only major thing being
 that the extension originally included support for MediaWiki 1.15,
 which people thought was unnecessary.

I believe the reviewers' opinion of this code differed markedly from
Yaron's, which is the reason for the rejection.

 Clearly a higher bar is being
 applied here than what's spelled out in the
 documentation - which only says that we don't have time to train
 programmers from scratch:

Yes, and that's wrong.  Once we straighten out what the actual criteria
should be (and I suspect they'll include a division between core and
extensions access), I'll want to update that page.

 Note, by the way, that if there's a more stringent policy in place

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
On 10/03/2011 01:48 PM, Happy Melon wrote:
 On 3 October 2011 18:00, Jack Phoenix wrote:

 ... I liked it when commit access requests were on the
 wiki ([[mw:Commit access requests]]) -- IMO it was a better and more
 transparent way to manage commit access requests than an OTRS queue or
 whatever is used nowadays; then again, I'm just giving suggestions here,
 not here to make any decisions as I'm not employed by the Foundation.

 The biggest problem of the old queue was that it was simply neglected
 for months at a time; my own commit access request was up there for over six
 months before *anyone* looked at it *at all*.  I agree that it was more
 transparent and maybe 'better'; but the most important requirement of the
 system is that it *works* and is used.  If the OTRS queue works for the
 current svn admins, then that's an important merit.

The current system gets applicants responses usually within a week,
sometimes two or three weeks.  During the old system it was sometimes
months.  Right now, we're backlogged, mostly because we skipped one of
the weekly commit access queue review meetings during the 1.18 deploy

I think another reason the current system works is because that weekly
meeting is only 15-20 minutes, so admins consistently attend them. :-)
Almost all of that time is code review and discussion of the candidate,
because I try to go into the queue ahead of time and look for incomplete
applications, ask for code samples, ask for ssh keys, and take care of
other administrivia.  So if we implement my proposal and you participate
in one of these meetings, your time won't be wasted.

Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
On 10/03/2011 05:18 PM, Brion Vibber wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:30 AM, Yaron Koren wrote:
 I think developer accounts on the Wikimedia SVN repository should be
 easier to get. I say this because a consultant of ours at WikiWorks,
 Ike Hecht, asked for a developer account last week and was rejected.
 He created his first major MediaWiki extension, Ad Manager, recently,
 which I added to the repository a few weeks ago - you can see it here:

 Specifically as regards stand-alone extensions we've generally been much
 more liberal than for core -- perhaps Ike forgot to mention that this is for
 maintenance of an extension that's already been committed and that several
 people are vouching for him and his code?

He mentioned the ad manager extension, and linked to it, but did not
mention that others were vouching for him.

 Generally speaking...
 TL;DR summary: we also want to make it easier to get involved; this is a
 work in progress! :)
 We're currently in a sort of no-mans-land in trying to make sure our
 policies are reasonably responsive and consistent, knowing that we're
 sitting just ahead of a planned migration from SVN to Git which will change
 the permissions landscape.
 In a Git world, it should become a *lot* easier to fully participate in the
 development ecosystem without having to get an account manually approved and
 Part of what us coders need about having a SVN account now is simply that
 without direct checkin ability, you can't, well, check anything in. :) You
 otherwise have to wait on other people to look at your code before it even
 gets into the system, and your commit won't even have your name on it when
 it gets there. :(
 In git-land though, we can basically eliminate most of the distinction
 between a submitted patch (floating around from Bugzilla, mailing list, or
 IRC) and something that's been committed-but-not-yet-reviewed (the scary
 world of CodeReview, where bad code can live on breaking other things until
 people figure out how to fix it months later ;).
 Commits will be fully labeled with the names of their creators, whether they
 got committed straight to core by Tim Starling himself or whether they came
 in as a pull request from someone who's forwarding work from someone we've
 never seen before.
 Review and fixes can happen on a custom branch -- fully versioned -- and be
 merged in to mainline after further commits are made to tweak them.
 Being able to maintain extensions as standalone git repositories will
 further reduce the difficulty of getting in: setting yourself up with a git
 account and creating repos for your extensions will become entirely
 self-serve (no need to ask for every individual git permission).
 We should end up in a better position to do both totally self-serve and
 semi-curated work (eg, shared maintenance of translations and security
 -- brion

I am looking forward to this.  But in the meantime, let's make sure we
clarify our ruleset.

Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

Wikitech-l mailing list

Re: [Wikitech-l] Making developer access easier to get

2011-10-03 Thread Sumana Harihareswara
On 10/03/2011 07:19 PM, Benjamin Lees wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Rob Lanphier wrote:
 Since a lot of people are applying,
 there are quite a few to get through.
 Out of curiosity, how many is a lot in this context?

From viewing the OTRS queue archives: 25 requests in the last 40 days.
That's about 4.3 applications per week.  This is up from about 29 in the
last 60 days (3.4 apps/week), and 82 in the past 180 days (3.2
apps/week, also the rate over the entire 20 months we've been using the
OTRS queue).

I believe all these stats exclude spam.

You see why I'd like more developers reviewing commit access requests;
the more requests we get, the more time the code review takes, and I'd
like to spread that out more -- both as a TODO and as a learning

And -- yay for our community that we're getting more frequent commit
access requests!  Along with the line on going down,
it's a sign of our development community's health and momentum.

Sumana Harihareswara
Volunteer Development Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation

Wikitech-l mailing list