Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-20 Thread Marlon K. Schafer

- Original Message - 
From: "Chadd Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "WISPA General List" 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 8:07 PM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list


Thanks for taking the time to reply with a well thought out professional
response to my questions.

Those are just 2 examples, both of which were posted right here on
this free list.

Sorry if what I was asking didn't come across the correct way. I am not
worried about the monetary value of what membership gives, that 

has been well advertised. There seems to be great support from vendors and
such to WISPA members.

>Looking from the outside it doesn't always appear that the ORG is
>able to uphold the code of ethics. This is mainly based off of
>discussions held on the freelist. I see comments from members,
>officers of the ORG that I feel do not uphold the above listed
>items from the code of ethics.

I'd really like to understand what you see that makes this a true

Just read some of the responses to this discussion that has been going on. 

think it is pretty obvious. Or if its not maybe I am reading more into
comments than I should be, if thats the case I apologize as I mentioned in
my previous post it is very difficult to interpret someones tone when
reading an email.

Here is a quote that I take as being non professional and I definalty 

think comments like this do anything to support WISPA, our industry and in
my opinion do nothing to add any credibility to WISP's in general.

""You've got this backward Peter.

""The question is, what value to they bring to WISPA?

I am not gonna "sell" you the organization.  But I will work on
answering this a little.

1. WISPA is right now working on a standard that will make CALEA
safe harbor VERY INEXPENSIVE for WISPs.  Not just members.  This is
an INDUSTRY solution.

Does WISPA seek input from members when dealing with issues like this? Or 

everything decided by a group of officers? In other words how does the ORG
run on a day to day basis, how are decisions made, how does it decide what
battles to fight, how does it determine what stance to take on issues?

Sure people have input.  Well, those that care to be involved anyway.  No, 
we don't go to the membership with everyday details etc.  When we file with 
the FCC etc. the committee (who's only really active member is me, still 
looking for real help on the committee!) we hash out what will be said, then 
put that out to the members then file.

When no one says anything about the filings etc. we move forward.  If anyone 
doesn't like what's being done or said, they either aren't speaking up or 
are not in the majority.


WISPA Wireless List:



RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-18 Thread Butch Evans

On Fri, 18 May 2007, Chadd Thompson wrote:

Sorry if what I was asking didn't come across the correct way. I am 
not worried about the monetary value of what membership gives, that 
information has been well advertised. There seems to be great 
support from vendors and such to WISPA members.

In that case, it seems the latter part of my response was a better 
answer to that part of your question.

Here is a quote that I take as being non professional and I 
definalty don't think comments like this do anything to support 
WISPA, our industry and in my opinion do nothing to add any 
credibility to WISP's in general.

""You've got this backward Peter.

""The question is, what value to they bring to WISPA?

Well, the point Marlon was making (I think) was that WISPA would be 
more of a benefit to all WISPs if all the WISP members joined in the 
effort.  I look at WISPA membership in a way that is similar to 
church membership (don't take that comparison too far... :-).  When 
I am looking for a church, I look for a place where I have 
opportunity to serve, as well as receive the things I need.  I think 
Marlon's point was similar (though he put it in a different way).

Joining WISPA should be only the first step.  Joining and then 
following through in helping to supply ideas and direction for the 
organization.  Ultimately, it is the board of directors that decide 
what WISPA does, but the board is elected by the membership and is, 
therefore, beholden to follow their ideas.  FWIW, the board is 
required in the bylaws to be comprised of a majority of WISPs. 
Vendors can hold a seat on the board, but the majority MUST be from 
the WISP membership.

Marlon (who you quoted) is a great guy, and a hard working leader in 
WISPA.  Perhaps I am speaking out of turn trying to explain his 
meaning, but that's what _I_ understood his post to mean.

1. WISPA is right now working on a standard that will make CALEA 
safe harbor VERY INEXPENSIVE for WISPs.  Not just members.  This 
is an INDUSTRY solution.

Does WISPA seek input from members when dealing with issues like 
this? Or is everything decided by a group of officers? In other 
words how does the ORG run on a day to day basis, how are decisions 
made, how does it decide what battles to fight, how does it 
determine what stance to take on issues?

Marlon, if I provide more information here than I should, you can 
slap me down on the other list.  :-)

I can give you a very brief synopsis of what we do on the CALEA 
committee.  When the issue of CALEA became forefront, we (WISPA) 
decided to try to make this less painful to WISPs.  For whatever 
reason (I can't say), CALEA was not addressed here on this list (may 
have been on the member list...).  Either way, by the time it was in 
front of us, it was too late to try to do much about it other than 
try to figure out a way to make it something that would not put a 
bunch of us (WISPs) out of business.  SO, several of us were asked 
by Marlon to try to create an industry standard that would be 
palatable for even the smallest WISP.  We took a list of questions, 
which was compiled from posts on this and other lists to the FBI to 
get clarification (answers) to those questions.  We, also, asked 
some questions that would help us to develop the industry standard 
that I mentioned above.  The initial result of that trip is the 
CALEA FAQ (  We are working now to 
finish some documentation that will assist WISPs in the decision 
making process for HOW they can bring their network into compliance 
with the eventual standard.  We will be releasing some things from 
this committee in the next few days that will be helpful as well 
(until the standard is completed and approved).  I'm not sure if 
this answers the question, but it's my story and I'm sticking to it! 

WISPA is run by a board of directors that is elected by the 
membership.  You see posts from time to time on this list asking for 
input, but I presume there is more of that on the members list.  I 
am a vendor member, so I am not privy to what is posted there.  I'll 
leave it to one of the board members to offer more information on 
the day to day stuff you are asking about.

Again Butch thanks for taking the time to respond in a 
professional, productive manner. I am sure it looks as if I am 
making excuses not to join, but if that was the case I wouldn't be 
here to begin with, it would not be worth my energy/time if I was 
not truly intersted in joining and supporting WISPA. I just have 
questions about how the ORG operates on a day to day basis, how 
decisions are made, where does the average joe fit in, etc etc.

Some of your questions will have to be answered by a board member, 
because I am not, nor am I privy to the members only list.  I can 
tell you that every member of the current board will accept the 
input that members provide as part of their decision making process. 
I don't know all 

Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-18 Thread George Rogato

Chadd Thompson wrote:

Does WISPA seek input from members when dealing with issues like this? Or is
everything decided by a group of officers? In other words how does the ORG
run on a day to day basis, how are decisions made, how does it decide what
battles to fight, how does it determine what stance to take on issues?


We really really want wisps to join participate get involved help advise 
and bring ideas to the table.

Some wisps help by sending a check and don't have the time to do much 
more than that. They don't even subscribe to this list. We  all are 
grateful to them as well.

But I think your active well thought out ideas and advice is a part of 
the consensus building that is needed to help lead WISPA in the right 

So yeah we want your input/help.

George Rogato

Welcome to WISPA
WISPA Wireless List:



RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-18 Thread Chadd Thompson

Thanks for taking the time to reply with a well thought out professional
response to my questions.

> Those are just 2 examples, both of which were posted right here on
> this free list.

Sorry if what I was asking didn't come across the correct way. I am not
worried about the monetary value of what membership gives, that information
has been well advertised. There seems to be great support from vendors and
such to WISPA members.

> >Looking from the outside it doesn't always appear that the ORG is
> >able to uphold the code of ethics. This is mainly based off of
> >discussions held on the freelist. I see comments from members,
> >officers of the ORG that I feel do not uphold the above listed
> >items from the code of ethics.
> I'd really like to understand what you see that makes this a true
> statement.

Just read some of the responses to this discussion that has been going on. I
think it is pretty obvious. Or if its not maybe I am reading more into
comments than I should be, if thats the case I apologize as I mentioned in
my previous post it is very difficult to interpret someones tone when
reading an email.

Here is a quote that I take as being non professional and I definalty don't
think comments like this do anything to support WISPA, our industry and in
my opinion do nothing to add any credibility to WISP's in general.

""You've got this backward Peter.

""The question is, what value to they bring to WISPA?

> I am not gonna "sell" you the organization.  But I will work on
> answering this a little.
> 1. WISPA is right now working on a standard that will make CALEA
> safe harbor VERY INEXPENSIVE for WISPs.  Not just members.  This is
> an INDUSTRY solution.

Does WISPA seek input from members when dealing with issues like this? Or is
everything decided by a group of officers? In other words how does the ORG
run on a day to day basis, how are decisions made, how does it decide what
battles to fight, how does it determine what stance to take on issues?

> 2. WISPA has been urging WISPs to file the 477 forms, which is
> important because it will make us, as an industry, a larger portion
> of the broadband deployment in the US (statistically) as far as the
> government is concerned.  Why is this important?  Besides being the
> law, government is working to insure that "every American has access
> to broadband".  If we are providing that service in an area and they
> don't know about it, they will still work on a way to get that
> access available.
> 3. WISPA has urged (on several occasions) WISPs to file comments on
> various spectrum issues that would be beneficial to WISPs.  WISPA
> has (as an organization) filed comments as well.  Because we don't
> have the $$ to hire a lobby, this is the best effort in this regard.
> Now it's time to ask YOU what YOU have done for our industry.  Have
> you filed comments on the issues that will impact your business?
> For the most part, over the past couple of years WISPA has.  Have
> you filed your 477?

Yes I have been sending in our 477 since it came out.
Tincans Wireless Internet

Yes I have commented on issues to the FCC with regards our industry. Some I
have heard about on this list and some I have heard about elsewhere.

> If you're not going to join, then just don't join.  Stop making
> excuses about "what are you doing"...You claim to be on the list
> since the beginning and you can't see what's been happening?  What
> advantage does WISPA offer you?  Give me a break.  WISPA has done a
> LOT, considering the $$ that they have to work with.  Either join or
> don't, but stop acting as though you need to be "sold" because you
> can't find anything on the website giving you what the value of
> WISPA is.
> FWIW, I do agree that WISPA needs to do a better job of selling
> itself on the website, but the point (in your case) is that you are
> just using it as an excuse, IMO.

Again Butch thanks for taking the time to respond in a professional,
productive manner. I am sure it looks as if I am making excuses not to join,
but if that was the case I wouldn't be here to begin with, it would not be
worth my energy/time if I was not truly intersted in joining and supporting
WISPA. I just have questions about how the ORG operates on a day to day
basis, how decisions are made, where does the average joe fit in, etc etc.

Chadd Thompson

WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-18 Thread Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181

This is really the meat of this argument:
"If you're not going to join, then just don't join.  Stop making
excuses about "what are you doing"...You claim to be on the list
since the beginning and you can't see what's been happening?  What
advantage does WISPA offer you?  Give me a break.  WISPA has done a
LOT, considering the $$ that they have to work with.  Either join or
don't, but stop acting as though you need to be "sold" because you
can't find anything on the website giving you what the value of
WISPA is."

Folks, don't join WISPA because of what WISPA can do for you.  That's not 
what WISPA is about.  Oh sure, we do what we can when we can, but the MAIN 
focus of WISPA is that of improving the OVERALL industry.  We're focused on 
better rules, better laws, better training etc.

We didn't form WISPA so that we could give you equipment discounts, free 
legal advice, insurance discounts, etc.  The day will come when those things 
are all possible, but it'll take large membership numbers to get there.

We formed WISPA because a unified voice was needed at the government 
interface level.  (I know what I speak of cause I was on the phone calls 
where John first talked about making a new true trade association.)

Certainly we've talked about all of the cool things that we can do for our 
members once we get enough of them together.  I think business insurance is 
a critical need for our industry and finding an agent with a company that'll 
work hard for our group would be a great benefit.  One day we'll get there.

Sitting on the sidelines looking for that "big sell" isn't going to get you 
to here from there.  YOU have to come to US.  YOU have to offer your time 
and money FIRST.  If you know of another trade org in which you can have a 
REAL voice, let me know.  I'd like to work less these days.  WISPA does the 
will of it's membership.  Yes, of course we pay attention to what non 
members are interested in, doing etc.  You are also a part of this industry. 
But at the end of the day, we do what the MEMBERS think is best for the 
WHOLE industry.  You can argue against the members wishes and you may indeed 
change everyone's minds.  It happens from time to time.  But that only 
happens because we're open minded and honestly have the industry in mind 
first, our own companies second.  The only way you get REAL power within the 
association is to join though.

Speaking of power within WISPA.  Wanna have some fun?  Read the by-laws 
closely.  The only ones with real power are the board members.  We can pay 
ourselves (not much but some).  We can send ourselves to every trade show 
out there, all expenses paid.  We can file any FCC or legislative docs that 
we want etc.  The membership CAN overrule the board on anything, but it'll 
be nearly impossible to do so.  Most orgs don't have ANY way for the 
membership to override the board other than an election.

The WISPA board does pay for trips to trade shows.  Not all expenses though. 
Just air fare and hotel usually.  Not always that either.  We've also helped 
fund trips to DC for our members when needed.  None of us has gotten one red 
cent in compensation for the time we spend on your behalf though.  The board 
is above reproach in every way.  We have a VERY top notch group of people. 
They have been beaten and bloodied, yet they come back for more and more. 
Why?  Because they believe in YOU and what YOU are doing for YOUR customers. 
We know that if YOU do better, so will we.

Hope that helps,
(509) 982-2181
(408) 907-6910 (Vonage)Consulting services
42846865 (icq)WISP Operator since 1999!

----- Original Message - 
From: "Butch Evans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "WISPA General List" 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 8:19 AM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

On Fri, 18 May 2007, Chadd Thompson wrote:

I am sorry but as I mentioned above I can not see from the outside what 
WISPA is doing or has going on. Maybe I am not paying close enough 
attention, I don't know.

I'll just mention TWO examples.  Direct $ for $ examples, too.  You may 
not be using these services, but they answer the question, and both were 
posted right here on this list.

1. Kris Twomey (even now) is selling the legal service of doing the filing 
for CALEA at $100 (or $125...I can't recall) for WISPA members.  He 
charges $250 to do it for NON WISPA members.  That is a direct $125 (worst 
case) savings.  If you use this service, the "real" cost of a WISPA 
membership is $125.

2. Frank Muto sells an email filtering service (Postini) and has offered 
to pay for your full WISPA membership with the pu

Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-18 Thread Mark Nash
Same here with Kris Twomey, and I AM now using Frank Muto's Postini
product... He gives a good discount to WISPA members, gave a 30-day trial,
and spent alot of time on the phone with me in training.  Now it's like
"Spam? What spam?" from my customers that I have turned it on for.

Mark Nash
350 Holly Street
Junction City, OR 97448
541-998-5599 fax

- Original Message - 
From: "Robert Norris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'WISPA General List'" 
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

> Well as a new member to Wispa I have already got back half my dues by
> Kris Twomey, and I am gonna look at Frank Muto's product.
> Robert
> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Butch Evans
> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:19 AM
> To: WISPA General List
> Subject: RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list
> On Fri, 18 May 2007, Chadd Thompson wrote:
> >I am sorry but as I mentioned above I can not see from the outside
> >what WISPA is doing or has going on. Maybe I am not paying close
> >enough attention, I don't know.
> I'll just mention TWO examples.  Direct $ for $ examples, too.  You
> may not be using these services, but they answer the question, and
> both were posted right here on this list.
> 1. Kris Twomey (even now) is selling the legal service of doing the
> filing for CALEA at $100 (or $125...I can't recall) for WISPA
> members.  He charges $250 to do it for NON WISPA members.  That is a
> direct $125 (worst case) savings.  If you use this service, the
> "real" cost of a WISPA membership is $125.
> 2. Frank Muto sells an email filtering service (Postini) and has
> offered to pay for your full WISPA membership with the purchase of
> some level of service with him.  I can't recall the specific
> details, but his offer makes WISPA membership absolutely free.
> Those are just 2 examples, both of which were posted right here on
> this free list.
> >Looking from the outside it doesn't always appear that the ORG is
> >able to uphold the code of ethics. This is mainly based off of
> >discussions held on the freelist. I see comments from members,
> >officers of the ORG that I feel do not uphold the above listed
> >items from the code of ethics.
> I'd really like to understand what you see that makes this a true
> statement.
> >Again please read this as an outsider looking in, trying to
> >understand what WISPA has going on or as done for our industry and
> >what the value is for me to join. I am not saying WISPA is not
> >doing or has not done anything for our industry. I just need some
> >help understanding.
> I am not gonna "sell" you the organization.  But I will work on
> answering this a little.
> 1. WISPA is right now working on a standard that will make CALEA
> safe harbor VERY INEXPENSIVE for WISPs.  Not just members.  This is
> an INDUSTRY solution.
> 2. WISPA has been urging WISPs to file the 477 forms, which is
> important because it will make us, as an industry, a larger portion
> of the broadband deployment in the US (statistically) as far as the
> government is concerned.  Why is this important?  Besides being the
> law, government is working to insure that "every American has access
> to broadband".  If we are providing that service in an area and they
> don't know about it, they will still work on a way to get that
> access available.
> 3. WISPA has urged (on several occasions) WISPs to file comments on
> various spectrum issues that would be beneficial to WISPs.  WISPA
> has (as an organization) filed comments as well.  Because we don't
> have the $$ to hire a lobby, this is the best effort in this regard.
> Now it's time to ask YOU what YOU have done for our industry.  Have
> you filed comments on the issues that will impact your business?
> For the most part, over the past couple of years WISPA has.  Have
> you filed your 477?
> If you're not going to join, then just don't join.  Stop making
> excuses about "what are you doing"...You claim to be on the list
> since the beginning and you can't see what's been happening?  What
> advantage does WISPA offer you?  Give me a break.  WISPA has done a
> LOT, considering the $$ that they have to work with.  Either join or
> don't, but stop acting as though you need to be "sold" because you
> can't find anything on the website giving you what the value of

RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-18 Thread Robert Norris
Well as a new member to Wispa I have already got back half my dues by using
Kris Twomey, and I am gonna look at Frank Muto's product.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Butch Evans
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:19 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

On Fri, 18 May 2007, Chadd Thompson wrote:

>I am sorry but as I mentioned above I can not see from the outside 
>what WISPA is doing or has going on. Maybe I am not paying close 
>enough attention, I don't know.

I'll just mention TWO examples.  Direct $ for $ examples, too.  You 
may not be using these services, but they answer the question, and 
both were posted right here on this list.

1. Kris Twomey (even now) is selling the legal service of doing the 
filing for CALEA at $100 (or $125...I can't recall) for WISPA 
members.  He charges $250 to do it for NON WISPA members.  That is a 
direct $125 (worst case) savings.  If you use this service, the 
"real" cost of a WISPA membership is $125.

2. Frank Muto sells an email filtering service (Postini) and has 
offered to pay for your full WISPA membership with the purchase of 
some level of service with him.  I can't recall the specific 
details, but his offer makes WISPA membership absolutely free.

Those are just 2 examples, both of which were posted right here on 
this free list.

>Looking from the outside it doesn't always appear that the ORG is 
>able to uphold the code of ethics. This is mainly based off of 
>discussions held on the freelist. I see comments from members, 
>officers of the ORG that I feel do not uphold the above listed 
>items from the code of ethics.

I'd really like to understand what you see that makes this a true 

>Again please read this as an outsider looking in, trying to 
>understand what WISPA has going on or as done for our industry and 
>what the value is for me to join. I am not saying WISPA is not 
>doing or has not done anything for our industry. I just need some 
>help understanding.

I am not gonna "sell" you the organization.  But I will work on 
answering this a little.

1. WISPA is right now working on a standard that will make CALEA 
safe harbor VERY INEXPENSIVE for WISPs.  Not just members.  This is 
an INDUSTRY solution.

2. WISPA has been urging WISPs to file the 477 forms, which is 
important because it will make us, as an industry, a larger portion 
of the broadband deployment in the US (statistically) as far as the 
government is concerned.  Why is this important?  Besides being the 
law, government is working to insure that "every American has access 
to broadband".  If we are providing that service in an area and they 
don't know about it, they will still work on a way to get that 
access available.

3. WISPA has urged (on several occasions) WISPs to file comments on 
various spectrum issues that would be beneficial to WISPs.  WISPA 
has (as an organization) filed comments as well.  Because we don't 
have the $$ to hire a lobby, this is the best effort in this regard.

Now it's time to ask YOU what YOU have done for our industry.  Have 
you filed comments on the issues that will impact your business? 
For the most part, over the past couple of years WISPA has.  Have 
you filed your 477?

If you're not going to join, then just don't join.  Stop making 
excuses about "what are you doing"...You claim to be on the list 
since the beginning and you can't see what's been happening?  What 
advantage does WISPA offer you?  Give me a break.  WISPA has done a 
LOT, considering the $$ that they have to work with.  Either join or 
don't, but stop acting as though you need to be "sold" because you 
can't find anything on the website giving you what the value of 

FWIW, I do agree that WISPA needs to do a better job of selling 
itself on the website, but the point (in your case) is that you are 
just using it as an excuse, IMO.

Butch Evans
Network Engineering and Security Consulting
My calendar:
Training Partners:
Mikrotik Certified Consultant
WISPA Wireless List:



WISPA Wireless List:



RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-18 Thread Cliff Leboeuf
Butch, I have also seen more valuable information shared amongst paid
members such as contracts for towers, roof rights and end-user
agreements. Each of these documents could be well-worth the annual fee

You also get voting rights which help you steer WISPA's direction.

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Butch Evans
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:19 AM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

On Fri, 18 May 2007, Chadd Thompson wrote:

>I am sorry but as I mentioned above I can not see from the outside 
>what WISPA is doing or has going on. Maybe I am not paying close 
>enough attention, I don't know.

I'll just mention TWO examples.  Direct $ for $ examples, too.  You 
may not be using these services, but they answer the question, and 
both were posted right here on this list.

1. Kris Twomey (even now) is selling the legal service of doing the 
filing for CALEA at $100 (or $125...I can't recall) for WISPA 
members.  He charges $250 to do it for NON WISPA members.  That is a 
direct $125 (worst case) savings.  If you use this service, the 
"real" cost of a WISPA membership is $125.

2. Frank Muto sells an email filtering service (Postini) and has 
offered to pay for your full WISPA membership with the purchase of 
some level of service with him.  I can't recall the specific 
details, but his offer makes WISPA membership absolutely free.

Those are just 2 examples, both of which were posted right here on 
this free list.

>Looking from the outside it doesn't always appear that the ORG is 
>able to uphold the code of ethics. This is mainly based off of 
>discussions held on the freelist. I see comments from members, 
>officers of the ORG that I feel do not uphold the above listed 
>items from the code of ethics.

I'd really like to understand what you see that makes this a true 

>Again please read this as an outsider looking in, trying to 
>understand what WISPA has going on or as done for our industry and 
>what the value is for me to join. I am not saying WISPA is not 
>doing or has not done anything for our industry. I just need some 
>help understanding.

I am not gonna "sell" you the organization.  But I will work on 
answering this a little.

1. WISPA is right now working on a standard that will make CALEA 
safe harbor VERY INEXPENSIVE for WISPs.  Not just members.  This is 
an INDUSTRY solution.

2. WISPA has been urging WISPs to file the 477 forms, which is 
important because it will make us, as an industry, a larger portion 
of the broadband deployment in the US (statistically) as far as the 
government is concerned.  Why is this important?  Besides being the 
law, government is working to insure that "every American has access 
to broadband".  If we are providing that service in an area and they 
don't know about it, they will still work on a way to get that 
access available.

3. WISPA has urged (on several occasions) WISPs to file comments on 
various spectrum issues that would be beneficial to WISPs.  WISPA 
has (as an organization) filed comments as well.  Because we don't 
have the $$ to hire a lobby, this is the best effort in this regard.

Now it's time to ask YOU what YOU have done for our industry.  Have 
you filed comments on the issues that will impact your business? 
For the most part, over the past couple of years WISPA has.  Have 
you filed your 477?

If you're not going to join, then just don't join.  Stop making 
excuses about "what are you doing"...You claim to be on the list 
since the beginning and you can't see what's been happening?  What 
advantage does WISPA offer you?  Give me a break.  WISPA has done a 
LOT, considering the $$ that they have to work with.  Either join or 
don't, but stop acting as though you need to be "sold" because you 
can't find anything on the website giving you what the value of 

FWIW, I do agree that WISPA needs to do a better job of selling 
itself on the website, but the point (in your case) is that you are 
just using it as an excuse, IMO.

Butch Evans
Network Engineering and Security Consulting
My calendar:
Training Partners:
Mikrotik Certified Consultant
WISPA Wireless List:


FN:Cliff LeBoeuf
ORG:Computer Sales & Services, Inc.
TEL;WORK;VOICE:(985) 879-3219
ADR;WORK;PREF:;;1162 Barrow Street;Houma;LA;70360;United States of America

RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-18 Thread Butch Evans

On Fri, 18 May 2007, Chadd Thompson wrote:

I am sorry but as I mentioned above I can not see from the outside 
what WISPA is doing or has going on. Maybe I am not paying close 
enough attention, I don't know.

I'll just mention TWO examples.  Direct $ for $ examples, too.  You 
may not be using these services, but they answer the question, and 
both were posted right here on this list.

1. Kris Twomey (even now) is selling the legal service of doing the 
filing for CALEA at $100 (or $125...I can't recall) for WISPA 
members.  He charges $250 to do it for NON WISPA members.  That is a 
direct $125 (worst case) savings.  If you use this service, the 
"real" cost of a WISPA membership is $125.

2. Frank Muto sells an email filtering service (Postini) and has 
offered to pay for your full WISPA membership with the purchase of 
some level of service with him.  I can't recall the specific 
details, but his offer makes WISPA membership absolutely free.

Those are just 2 examples, both of which were posted right here on 
this free list.

Looking from the outside it doesn't always appear that the ORG is 
able to uphold the code of ethics. This is mainly based off of 
discussions held on the freelist. I see comments from members, 
officers of the ORG that I feel do not uphold the above listed 
items from the code of ethics.

I'd really like to understand what you see that makes this a true 

Again please read this as an outsider looking in, trying to 
understand what WISPA has going on or as done for our industry and 
what the value is for me to join. I am not saying WISPA is not 
doing or has not done anything for our industry. I just need some 
help understanding.

I am not gonna "sell" you the organization.  But I will work on 
answering this a little.

1. WISPA is right now working on a standard that will make CALEA 
safe harbor VERY INEXPENSIVE for WISPs.  Not just members.  This is 
an INDUSTRY solution.

2. WISPA has been urging WISPs to file the 477 forms, which is 
important because it will make us, as an industry, a larger portion 
of the broadband deployment in the US (statistically) as far as the 
government is concerned.  Why is this important?  Besides being the 
law, government is working to insure that "every American has access 
to broadband".  If we are providing that service in an area and they 
don't know about it, they will still work on a way to get that 
access available.

3. WISPA has urged (on several occasions) WISPs to file comments on 
various spectrum issues that would be beneficial to WISPs.  WISPA 
has (as an organization) filed comments as well.  Because we don't 
have the $$ to hire a lobby, this is the best effort in this regard.

Now it's time to ask YOU what YOU have done for our industry.  Have 
you filed comments on the issues that will impact your business? 
For the most part, over the past couple of years WISPA has.  Have 
you filed your 477?

If you're not going to join, then just don't join.  Stop making 
excuses about "what are you doing"...You claim to be on the list 
since the beginning and you can't see what's been happening?  What 
advantage does WISPA offer you?  Give me a break.  WISPA has done a 
LOT, considering the $$ that they have to work with.  Either join or 
don't, but stop acting as though you need to be "sold" because you 
can't find anything on the website giving you what the value of 

FWIW, I do agree that WISPA needs to do a better job of selling 
itself on the website, but the point (in your case) is that you are 
just using it as an excuse, IMO.

Butch Evans
Network Engineering and Security Consulting
My calendar:
Training Partners:
Mikrotik Certified Consultant
WISPA Wireless List:



RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-18 Thread Chadd Thompson
Please don't take this in a negative tone because it is not meant to be, I
know it is hard to judge tone through an email.

> It astounds me that you would make the statement above but not
> understand why it is your obligation to pay the $25 a month it costs to
> pay your part. If you cannot pay $25 a month for the things we are doing
> then you are not seeing the bigger picture. You cannot afford not to pay
> your dues. I have saved several times more than I pay in dues with what
> I get from WISPA. If you don't then you have simply not looked at what
> we are offering..

I really don't know what WISPA is offering members as far as benefits. I am
looking at the WISPA web site as I type this. There is nothing on the web
site indicating what WISPA is doing and or has done since it has been
around. I may not be looking in the right place on the web site but all I
see is some general news. To get members you have to show people what the
value is to join. Again I know people are working on stuff in tbe background
but what? Maybe once someone joins they have access to different lists or a
different place on the WEB site that shows more of whats going on.

I guess my point here is that in my opinion WISPA needs to do a better job
of selling it self, showing what it's doing and what it has done for our

> So $25 per month is a deal breaker? Maybe you need a stronger
> association to work to find ways of making you more money. Then again if
> you cannot see the value then why would you join?

Again see my comments above, I really don't know what the value of WISPA is,
please exlpain to me what the benefits of membership are.

> >I am not a WISPA member and I don't consider myself a freeloader
> here. If I
> >give input to one person a month on a problem they are having I
> have pulled
> >my weight.
> >
> >
> Sorry. That is not enough. We need dues to do the work of what needs to
> be done in WISPA. We all help each other on the lists. That goes both
> ways  You never get help from people on the lists?

Yes I get help from others on the list. This was more of a reply to indicate
that normal interaction on the freelist should justify ones being there and
that as long as there is back and fourth assistance then someone is pulling
thier weight as far as the freelist goes.

> That does not help lobby for change in regulatory or legislative
> efforts. I work for free as basically an executive director for this
> organization, Marlon works for free  basically as a lobbyist. Rick
> Harnish runs 60 list servers for free. Matt Larsen runs the WISPA
> website. Do you think we do this so we can get an attaboy? We do this to
> help guys like you. We won't be here doing it for free forever. Who does
> the heavy lifting if we all decided to do it your way? Who pays the
> bills then?

What has and what is WISPA lobbying for? What has WISPA successfully lobbied

> >As I have mentioned before, everytime I get ready to open up the
> wallet to
> >join crap like this comes up and makes me wonder if it is a good
> investment.
> >Talk of free listserver members being freeloaders and not
> supporting the org
> >is sure as hell not a good way to drive up membership.
> >
> >> What is the "feel good" way for us to convince you that the $3000 worth
> of free legal help we gave out for CALEA is worth the $250 a year? That
> is just one thing WISPA has done for WISPs lately. We constantly work to
> help. If you cannot see it then you just are not paying enough attention
> to what we do for you guys here.
> Scriv

I am sorry but as I mentioned above I can not see from the outside what
WISPA is doing or has going on. Maybe I am not paying close enough
attention, I don't know.

As far as a feel good way that I would be getting my $$ worth, for one thing
I think that seeing that the code of ethics was being upheld as defined for
the org would be a good starter.

We will conduct ourselves in such a manner as to bring credit to our
industry and enhance its reputation.

We will publicize our services in a professional manner upholding the
dignity of our profession. We will avoid all conduct, practices and
promotion likely to discredit or do injury to our field of endeavor.

We will strive to broaden public understanding and enhance public regard and
confidence in our Industry.

) Not disparage other members by statement or innuendo to clients or
prospective clients.

Looking from the outside it doesn't always appear that the ORG is able to
uphold the code of ethics. This is mainly based off of discussions held on
the freelist. I see comments from members, officers of the ORG that I feel
do not uphold the above listed items from the code of ethics.

Again please read this as an outsider looking in, trying to understand what
WISPA has going on or as done for our industry and what the value is for me
to join. I am not saying WISPA is not doing or has not done anything for our
industry. I just need

Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread John Scrivner

Chadd Thompson wrote:

I will say this though - if you aren't a member, how do you have a say
in what the Org does?


Because the org is speaking on the behalf of all WISPS not just WISPA
members. If the org is speaking on the behalf of all WISPS then all WISPS
should be able to have some input on what is being taken to the table,
member or not.

It astounds me that you would make the statement above but not 
understand why it is your obligation to pay the $25 a month it costs to 
pay your part. If you cannot pay $25 a month for the things we are doing 
then you are not seeing the bigger picture. You cannot afford not to pay 
your dues. I have saved several times more than I pay in dues with what 
I get from WISPA. If you don't then you have simply not looked at what 
we are offering..

I offered to help with whatever I could when WISPA started,
but I was never taken up on my offer of time.

We have committees. Our membership helps with dues and time. Why can't 
you offer a little of both?

We "my wife and I" have been in business for over four years now and have
just now gotten to the point that I could quit my Day job and focus on our
business. So yes the money is a big deal to some companies out there.

So $25 per month is a deal breaker? Maybe you need a stronger 
association to work to find ways of making you more money. Then again if 
you cannot see the value then why would you join?

I am not a WISPA member and I don't consider myself a freeloader here. If I
give input to one person a month on a problem they are having I have pulled
my weight.

Sorry. That is not enough. We need dues to do the work of what needs to 
be done in WISPA. We all help each other on the lists. That goes both 
ways  You never get help from people on the lists?

That does not help lobby for change in regulatory or legislative 
efforts. I work for free as basically an executive director for this 
organization, Marlon works for free  basically as a lobbyist. Rick 
Harnish runs 60 list servers for free. Matt Larsen runs the WISPA 
website. Do you think we do this so we can get an attaboy? We do this to 
help guys like you. We won't be here doing it for free forever. Who does 
the heavy lifting if we all decided to do it your way? Who pays the 
bills then?

As I have mentioned before, everytime I get ready to open up the wallet to
join crap like this comes up and makes me wonder if it is a good investment.
Talk of free listserver members being freeloaders and not supporting the org
is sure as hell not a good way to drive up membership.

What is the "feel good" way for us to convince you that the $3000 worth 
of free legal help we gave out for CALEA is worth the $250 a year? That 
is just one thing WISPA has done for WISPs lately. We constantly work to 
help. If you cannot see it then you just are not paying enough attention 
to what we do for you guys here.


WISPA Wireless List:



RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Chadd Thompson
> I will say this though - if you aren't a member, how do you have a say
> in what the Org does?

Because the org is speaking on the behalf of all WISPS not just WISPA
members. If the org is speaking on the behalf of all WISPS then all WISPS
should be able to have some input on what is being taken to the table,
member or not. I offered to help with whatever I could when WISPA started,
but I was never taken up on my offer of time.

We "my wife and I" have been in business for over four years now and have
just now gotten to the point that I could quit my Day job and focus on our
business. So yes the money is a big deal to some companies out there.

I am not a WISPA member and I don't consider myself a freeloader here. If I
give input to one person a month on a problem they are having I have pulled
my weight.

As I have mentioned before, everytime I get ready to open up the wallet to
join crap like this comes up and makes me wonder if it is a good investment.
Talk of free listserver members being freeloaders and not supporting the org
is sure as hell not a good way to drive up membership.

Chadd Thompson

WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Michael Erskine

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

You have shown your good nature many, many times George.  Thanks for
the hard work and peace making.

He is a good man.

  Are you sure you're not Canadian?

Peace making is not something peculiar to Canadians.  In fact that is what
American's do best.  We make peace.  Whether the bad guys want it or not.
;)  Once it was "Pax Romana", but no longer.  Now it is "Pax Americana".


Lonnie, you are one of the great Linux developers.  Is it really 
necessary to
let politics and opinion determine the direction you will take your 

Hey, nobody says you have to help us become compliant but I can assure
you that if you do not make your product meet a standard, you will loose
business on this side of that border.

Why let that happen?  We have to do what we have to do, just like Canada
had to do what it did when it pulled it's people from Iraq.  I don't think
anyone needs to blame anyone here...  Nobody needs to believe all sorts
of foolishness about what American WISPs have to do or what hoops we
have to jump through, either.

Why not jump through the hoops and get it over with.  If you have a good
product and it is profitable, it will be a better product and more 

to get the certifications taken care of, won't it?

WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Peter R.

Okay. So we have two parties here.
Those that are loud and boisterous.
And the lurkers and people who think WISPA has veered the wrong way.

Well, elections are June 15.

Your candidates are here:
Writing about what they see as the future.
Read it - and ask them questions.

Pick the board that will drive this bus where you want it to go.

Election rules are here:

You may have to actually pay to vote, but at $25 per month, that's easy.


Peter Radizeski
(813) 963-5884
WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181

- Original Message - 
From: "Lonnie Nunweiler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "WISPA General List" 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 12:56 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

I am not saying that CALEA is not real and I actually agree that is
required, BUT, did the group have to agree with the rushed timing and
especially agree to meet a standard that was not even defined?

Within the law, it's up to us to define the standard.

We met with the "customer" that can give us safe harbor status if they like 
our solution.  We also took the time and money needed to make sure that we 
could get the RIGHT answers to as many questions as we could.

They could have argued for some prior consultation to make sure the
requirements were not a hardship for their membership.

And how would anyone out here know what we did in that regard?  For the 
reccord, *I* talked to the FBI about CALEA and it's impact on our industry 
segment.  *THEY* knew that there would be problems with the independant 
operators but didn't know who to talk to and hadn't yet taken the time to 
find out.

We're building a standard so that compliance won't create a hardship for our 

 They owed that
duty to the members.

We fullfilled that "duty" as you call it.  We did tell them that CALEA, as 
things stand, is a disaster for our industry.  They know and understand. 
That's one of the reasons that they are working so closely with us to build 
a more affordable/lower impact solution for those that need it.

 Instead they mostly tried to beat up anybody who
spoke against any aspect of it, and as you just tried, to say the
speaker uppers were acting like hippies from the 60's and merely
wasting time.

Sigh.  Beating up?  I don't think so.  Sure, we called a spade a spade when 
people said that we were wasting our time in the wrong direction.  The time 
to protest is past, we have to comply now.  People fought the battle and 
lost.  It's law and it's not gonna go away.  So now what.  What can we DO??? 
(other than jumping up and down pitching a fit???)

 I believe in Government and Anarchy would be horrible,
so at some point Government must be prepared to listen to people,
especially an organization that purports to represent a large group of
people.  That is WISPA and that was what the group was organized for.

No, we were organized to make our industry better.  Part of that means that 
we're here to make our operators better.  Part of that means that they have 
the knowledge and skills needed to comply with the laws as they exist. 
There is NO way to change this law in time to deal with the compliance 

Some are content to sit on the sidelines and toss gas on the fires.  Others 
are more interested in building fireproof houses.  When we're working from a 
platform built on rocks instead of sand, we can be much more powerful.

No sense in wasting time fighting on the sand when solid ground is just a 
few steps away.  Granted, the solid ground in the case of CALEA is rocky and 
scary, it's also a bit of a hike to get to it.  But once there the ground is 
indeed solid.  And, once we're done with our work, there will be a nice easy 
to walk bridge to the solid ground.  You'll still have to walk there but 
it'll be a much easier trip.

Heck, to come back from that meeting and simply parrot everything that
had been told to the committee was a waste of time and money to even
go to the meeting.  To achieve what they achieved could have been done
with a conference call, or simply done nothing.

I can't believe anyone just said this out loud!  Wowsers.

We WENT there to learn answers to the questions that people have.  Bringing 
those answers back was one of the goals of the trip!  sheesh

Guess we should have just kept our heads in the sand and pretended that we 
didn't know our asses were on fire.  I'm floored by that paragraph.

The Telcos would never have sent a group and accepted an outcome like 

Um, that's completely wrong.  They've also been working closely with the FBI 
on CALEA compliance.  As an industry and in some cases individually.

I'll drop back to lurk mode now.  The level of hurt feelings is
growing, as evidenced by my private in basket.

Hurt feelings?  No.  Not me anyway.  I'm certainly flabergasted though.  The 
idea that someone that's not willing to actively help, not involved in any 
of the processes would ever talk in the certain terms of one that's been 
there and done that isn't what I'd expect from you.  You make it sound as 
though you (and others arguing this same line) have been privy to all of the 
backgound information that those of us riding in the front of the bus can 
see.  We're up here busy steering the bus around the corners, making sure 

Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread George Rogato

Thanks Lonnie

 My only goal for WISPA is to unite us all, divided we fail. Even if 
I'm off base, I'm just one opinion.


Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

You have shown your good nature many, many times George.  Thanks for
the hard work and peace making.  Are you sure you're not Canadian?


On 5/17/07, George Rogato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:
 My suspicion is you'll
> get the support if you represent what people want.  People vote with
> their feet and pocketbooks.  I've seen a lot of good people leave.
> I've seen a lot of good people forced out because the GOB's could not
> stand them.  And I've seen a lot of good people (mostly everybody on
> this list) not support WISPA financially.

You know Lonnie, I consider you a friend of mine, but I just can't say
that I have seen that many people leave.
I have seen more people decide to join. Join means actually paying a
membership fee not just participate on list.

As for the good old boys.

I'm not so sure I see much of what you perceive you are seeing. Either
there is a whole other board list that left me out or it's just not the

I don't consider myself to be a good old boy. I think the other board
members who actually contribute behind the scenes do a wonderful job.
The hardest working guy on the board, and by far he IS the #1 hardest
working guy on the board is Marlon and he is leaving the board
voluntarily because of lack of time.

How many ways can you split Marlon up? I think Marlon thinks the board
is one way too many. And he has decided to open a position for someone
else to take a shot at doing something.

My respect for Marlon has grown 10 fold. Even if I disagree with some of
his opinions, I believe he is just trying his hardest best.

I would venture to guess that if we all put down our swords and shields
and forgot about those things in the past that have prejudiced us
against each other, we would be far more better off and this
organization would be an even better asset to the wisp industry.

I personally harbor no ill feelings against anyone. I may have my
opinions, but in no way shape or form do I have anything but goodwill
towards everyone.

Sure there are some of us here who are short, crude or rude or rush to
judgment, but we are after all just human and none of us are perfect. We
make mistakes.

I prefer to look past the faults that anyone has and look for the good
in everyone.

Lonnie, WISPA can still use your support. You asked certain things a
couple months ago as a prerequisite to again supporting WISPA with a
vendor membership and we have done these things mostly and want to
remind you that we are an organization of various opinions / ideas who
are just trying to do things that will make being a wisp that much 

There is no good old boys club.


WISPA Wireless List:



WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Lonnie Nunweiler

People were allowed a LOT of leeway in taking shots at Mark.  It got
very personal, very quickly and I have no idea if people were
reprimanded or not.  He was definitely excluded by attacks from a
select few who did not want any differing views.

Why does everything have to hit the fight or flight situation?  What
is wrong with discussion?

I do accept that the time for action was 2 years ago, so I propose to
just bow out of this whole discussion and I'll get back to work.


On 5/17/07, John Scrivner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

> I'm going out on a limb and will voice some things that have been
> suppressed.
> I get your point that you think I am a freeloader and do not
> contribute.  My problem for not joining is not a money one, but rather
> one of principle.
> I did get involved early on and saw that there was still an old guard
> of the good old boys.  They played favorites early on and still do.
> Is it proper to support that?  It would be very BAD for the Industry
> if one were to push and fight the GOB's, but, and this in not an
> excuse, I do not have to time for such fights.
> Do I support WISPA?  Partly.  When things like CALEA come up and
> people are sent to talk with the FBI and FCC, what is their game plan?
> What are they trying to do for the membership?

> I feel that WISPA should have taken a much harder line on that and
> other issues.  Any members who spoke against what the FBI and FCC told
> the WISPA group were quickly put down and isolated.  It was disgusting
> to watch.  It certainly was not a functioning democracy.  It was
> pretty heavy handed.

I am guessing the way Mark K was verbally beat up on the list by many
may have led to some of what Lonnie refers to as the "Good Old Boys"
heavy handed words. I guess I am the Prez of that GOB he refers to so
here is an excerpt from an April 22nd post in what I believe was my last
post toward Mark in regard to his stance on CALEA:

(Quote from April 22nd post "FCC Admits Mistakes In Measuring Broadband")
I think one of WISPA's jobs is to allow some open access for industry
debate and discussion about issues. I openly support having Mark and
others to air their ideas, even when, and especially when, those ideas
conflict with WISPA policy and/or views of leadership. This public list
is here to be that forum. To serve the industry we must hear from the
industry. WISPA is here to serve our members but it is more important
for us to serve the entire industry. That means we have to hear from
them and consider what is best for the industry as our first priority.
(End Quote)

Lonnie, am I part of that "GOB" or was my support of Mark (who was
speaking against the WISPA CALEA effort with great vigor) something you
missed previously? If you did not like my words back to Mark from time
to time then you should at least acknowledge that I publicly approved of
his right to speak out against the CALEA efforts and how WISPA was
handling them, despite my own personal feelings on the subject. Nobody
in WISPA leadership acted to stop any effort to protest CALEA. In fact
there was open support of the efforts of a Senator who was working on a
relief plan for small operators. Jack Unger was heading that up. Who was
helping small operators for relief of CALEA regulations? I argue it was
WISPA as much as anyone else. If you know of others who did more then
please send me a URL. Maybe I will send them a donation. Nobody wants
CALEA shoved up their backside but somebody has to do the heavy lifting.
Somebody has to cover the collective asses of the WISPs who might get a
lawful intercept order. That somebody happens to be the WISPA CALEA
Committee which is made up of a number of people who are working hard to
help. That is their only agenda in regard to the committee work being
done. I am sure some will profit from doing the work. Is there anything
wrong with that? I say NO. More power to them.

Lonnie, I have no problem with you kicking me or WISPA when it is
founded. I have my doubts you have a claim here. My advice to you is to
lead, follow or get out of the way.

WISPA Wireless List:



Lonnie Nunweiler
Valemount Networks Corporation
WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Matt Liotta

Sam Tetherow wrote:
Thanks for the link Peter, that answers my earlier comment to Matt 
concerning having 2 years to voice opinion.

I didn't mean we had 2 years. What I meant was that it was in 2005 
(almost 2 years ago) that the CALEA requirement was issued.


WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Matt Liotta

Sam Tetherow wrote:
I don't want to drag this topic up again, BUT ;)  Two years ago, did 
this apply to ISPs or just VOIP providers?  I don't remember anyone on 
the lists talking about CALEA being for anything other than VOICE in 
various forms, but maybe my memory is selective, wouldn't be the first 
and probably won't be the last time.
That was my point... no one was talking about it until it was too late. 
No blame meant; just pointing out that we collectively missed our 
I strongly disagree with this.  I am currently not operating under 
safe harbor, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to do so in the 
future.  I strongly believe that there should be an open CALEA 
standard that anyone can meet without having to pay someone a royalty 
for it.
I understand your position and respect it. I just disagree that WISPA is 
the organization to produce such a standard. Seems like Merit's effort 
is meant to achieve the same thing and is being more broadly backed.

WISPA Wireless List:



RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Jeff Broadwick
Well, that should bring JohnnyO out of the woodwork!  :-) 

-Original Message-
Behalf Of Lonnie Nunweiler
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 4:40 PM
To: WISPA General List
Subject: Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

You have shown your good nature many, many times George.  Thanks for the
hard work and peace making.  Are you sure you're not Canadian?


On 5/17/07, George Rogato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:
>  My suspicion is you'll
> > get the support if you represent what people want.  People vote with 
> > their feet and pocketbooks.  I've seen a lot of good people leave.
> > I've seen a lot of good people forced out because the GOB's could 
> > not stand them.  And I've seen a lot of good people (mostly 
> > everybody on this list) not support WISPA financially.
> You know Lonnie, I consider you a friend of mine, but I just can't say 
> that I have seen that many people leave.
> I have seen more people decide to join. Join means actually paying a 
> membership fee not just participate on list.
> As for the good old boys.
> I'm not so sure I see much of what you perceive you are seeing. Either 
> there is a whole other board list that left me out or it's just not 
> the situation.
> I don't consider myself to be a good old boy. I think the other board 
> members who actually contribute behind the scenes do a wonderful job.
> The hardest working guy on the board, and by far he IS the #1 hardest 
> working guy on the board is Marlon and he is leaving the board 
> voluntarily because of lack of time.
> How many ways can you split Marlon up? I think Marlon thinks the board 
> is one way too many. And he has decided to open a position for someone 
> else to take a shot at doing something.
> My respect for Marlon has grown 10 fold. Even if I disagree with some 
> of his opinions, I believe he is just trying his hardest best.
> I would venture to guess that if we all put down our swords and 
> shields and forgot about those things in the past that have prejudiced 
> us against each other, we would be far more better off and this 
> organization would be an even better asset to the wisp industry.
> I personally harbor no ill feelings against anyone. I may have my 
> opinions, but in no way shape or form do I have anything but goodwill 
> towards everyone.
> Sure there are some of us here who are short, crude or rude or rush to 
> judgment, but we are after all just human and none of us are perfect. 
> We make mistakes.
> I prefer to look past the faults that anyone has and look for the good 
> in everyone.
> Lonnie, WISPA can still use your support. You asked certain things a 
> couple months ago as a prerequisite to again supporting WISPA with a 
> vendor membership and we have done these things mostly and want to 
> remind you that we are an organization of various opinions / ideas who 
> are just trying to do things that will make being a wisp that much better.
> There is no good old boys club.
> Sincerely
> George
> --
> WISPA Wireless List:
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> Archives:

Lonnie Nunweiler
Valemount Networks Corporation
WISPA Wireless List:



WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Sam Tetherow
Thanks for the link Peter, that answers my earlier comment to Matt 
concerning having 2 years to voice opinion.

   Sam Tetherow
   Sandhills Wireless

Peter R. wrote:

You are comparing apples to grapes.
The telcos have an embedded base and have billions of dollars to force 
their issues.

FYI, the original order was in August 2005. So people actually had 
over 1 year to get ready.

(timeline here:

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

The Telcos would never have sent a group and accepted an outcome like 

WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread John Scrivner

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

I'm going out on a limb and will voice some things that have been 

I get your point that you think I am a freeloader and do not
contribute.  My problem for not joining is not a money one, but rather
one of principle.

I did get involved early on and saw that there was still an old guard
of the good old boys.  They played favorites early on and still do.
Is it proper to support that?  It would be very BAD for the Industry
if one were to push and fight the GOB's, but, and this in not an
excuse, I do not have to time for such fights. 

Do I support WISPA?  Partly.  When things like CALEA come up and
people are sent to talk with the FBI and FCC, what is their game plan?
What are they trying to do for the membership? 

I feel that WISPA should have taken a much harder line on that and
other issues.  Any members who spoke against what the FBI and FCC told
the WISPA group were quickly put down and isolated.  It was disgusting
to watch.  It certainly was not a functioning democracy.  It was
pretty heavy handed.

I am guessing the way Mark K was verbally beat up on the list by many 
may have led to some of what Lonnie refers to as the "Good Old Boys" 
heavy handed words. I guess I am the Prez of that GOB he refers to so 
here is an excerpt from an April 22nd post in what I believe was my last 
post toward Mark in regard to his stance on CALEA:

(Quote from April 22nd post "FCC Admits Mistakes In Measuring Broadband")
I think one of WISPA's jobs is to allow some open access for industry 
debate and discussion about issues. I openly support having Mark and 
others to air their ideas, even when, and especially when, those ideas 
conflict with WISPA policy and/or views of leadership. This public list 
is here to be that forum. To serve the industry we must hear from the 
industry. WISPA is here to serve our members but it is more important 
for us to serve the entire industry. That means we have to hear from 
them and consider what is best for the industry as our first priority.

(End Quote)

Lonnie, am I part of that "GOB" or was my support of Mark (who was 
speaking against the WISPA CALEA effort with great vigor) something you 
missed previously? If you did not like my words back to Mark from time 
to time then you should at least acknowledge that I publicly approved of 
his right to speak out against the CALEA efforts and how WISPA was 
handling them, despite my own personal feelings on the subject. Nobody 
in WISPA leadership acted to stop any effort to protest CALEA. In fact 
there was open support of the efforts of a Senator who was working on a 
relief plan for small operators. Jack Unger was heading that up. Who was 
helping small operators for relief of CALEA regulations? I argue it was 
WISPA as much as anyone else. If you know of others who did more then 
please send me a URL. Maybe I will send them a donation. Nobody wants 
CALEA shoved up their backside but somebody has to do the heavy lifting. 
Somebody has to cover the collective asses of the WISPs who might get a 
lawful intercept order. That somebody happens to be the WISPA CALEA 
Committee which is made up of a number of people who are working hard to 
help. That is their only agenda in regard to the committee work being 
done. I am sure some will profit from doing the work. Is there anything 
wrong with that? I say NO. More power to them.

Lonnie, I have no problem with you kicking me or WISPA when it is 
founded. I have my doubts you have a claim here. My advice to you is to 
lead, follow or get out of the way.


WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Lonnie Nunweiler

You have shown your good nature many, many times George.  Thanks for
the hard work and peace making.  Are you sure you're not Canadian?


On 5/17/07, George Rogato <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:
 My suspicion is you'll
> get the support if you represent what people want.  People vote with
> their feet and pocketbooks.  I've seen a lot of good people leave.
> I've seen a lot of good people forced out because the GOB's could not
> stand them.  And I've seen a lot of good people (mostly everybody on
> this list) not support WISPA financially.

You know Lonnie, I consider you a friend of mine, but I just can't say
that I have seen that many people leave.
I have seen more people decide to join. Join means actually paying a
membership fee not just participate on list.

As for the good old boys.

I'm not so sure I see much of what you perceive you are seeing. Either
there is a whole other board list that left me out or it's just not the

I don't consider myself to be a good old boy. I think the other board
members who actually contribute behind the scenes do a wonderful job.
The hardest working guy on the board, and by far he IS the #1 hardest
working guy on the board is Marlon and he is leaving the board
voluntarily because of lack of time.

How many ways can you split Marlon up? I think Marlon thinks the board
is one way too many. And he has decided to open a position for someone
else to take a shot at doing something.

My respect for Marlon has grown 10 fold. Even if I disagree with some of
his opinions, I believe he is just trying his hardest best.

I would venture to guess that if we all put down our swords and shields
and forgot about those things in the past that have prejudiced us
against each other, we would be far more better off and this
organization would be an even better asset to the wisp industry.

I personally harbor no ill feelings against anyone. I may have my
opinions, but in no way shape or form do I have anything but goodwill
towards everyone.

Sure there are some of us here who are short, crude or rude or rush to
judgment, but we are after all just human and none of us are perfect. We
make mistakes.

I prefer to look past the faults that anyone has and look for the good
in everyone.

Lonnie, WISPA can still use your support. You asked certain things a
couple months ago as a prerequisite to again supporting WISPA with a
vendor membership and we have done these things mostly and want to
remind you that we are an organization of various opinions / ideas who
are just trying to do things that will make being a wisp that much better.

There is no good old boys club.


WISPA Wireless List:



Lonnie Nunweiler
Valemount Networks Corporation
WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Peter R.

You are comparing apples to grapes.
The telcos have an embedded base and have billions of dollars to force 
their issues.

FYI, the original order was in August 2005. So people actually had over 
1 year to get ready.

(timeline here:

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

The Telcos would never have sent a group and accepted an outcome like 

WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Lonnie Nunweiler



On 5/17/07, Matt Liotta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:
> I am not saying that CALEA is not real and I actually agree that is
> required, BUT, did the group have to agree with the rushed timing and
> especially agree to meet a standard that was not even defined?
Specifically, CALEA does not require use of a standard to be compliant,
which is why none is defined. If you want safe harbor then yes, you are
going to need to use a blessed standard, but again that is not required.
My understanding is that WISPA was attempting to define their own
standard, get it blessed, and then allow the membership to use it as
opposed to the very complicated and expensive ATSI standard that exists now.
> They could have argued for some prior consultation to make sure the
> requirements were not a hardship for their membership.  They owed that
> duty to the members.  Instead they mostly tried to beat up anybody who
> spoke against any aspect of it, and as you just tried, to say the
> speaker uppers were acting like hippies from the 60's and merely
> wasting time.  I believe in Government and Anarchy would be horrible,
> so at some point Government must be prepared to listen to people,
> especially an organization that purports to represent a large group of
> people.  That is WISPA and that was what the group was organized for.
If the membership of WISPA wanted to lobby against CALEA then we had an
opportunity almost two years ago. Simply put, by the time CALEA got on
enough people's radar to matter there was no longer time to lobby
against it. Therefore, the only practical thing to do was to figure out
how to comply.

Personally, I don't think WISPA as an organization should work on a
CALEA standard. Every member WISP had to become CALEA compliant without
WISPA because of the deadline, so WISPA working on a standard now is
simply too late. The spectrum issues we were discussing and working on
with the FCC before CALEA came up seem much more important now that the
CALEA deadline has passed.


WISPA Wireless List:



Lonnie Nunweiler
Valemount Networks Corporation
WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Sam Tetherow


Matt Liotta wrote:

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

I am not saying that CALEA is not real and I actually agree that is
required, BUT, did the group have to agree with the rushed timing and
especially agree to meet a standard that was not even defined?

Specifically, CALEA does not require use of a standard to be 
compliant, which is why none is defined. If you want safe harbor then 
yes, you are going to need to use a blessed standard, but again that 
is not required. My understanding is that WISPA was attempting to 
define their own standard, get it blessed, and then allow the 
membership to use it as opposed to the very complicated and expensive 
ATSI standard that exists now.

They could have argued for some prior consultation to make sure the
requirements were not a hardship for their membership.  They owed that
duty to the members.  Instead they mostly tried to beat up anybody who
spoke against any aspect of it, and as you just tried, to say the
speaker uppers were acting like hippies from the 60's and merely
wasting time.  I believe in Government and Anarchy would be horrible,
so at some point Government must be prepared to listen to people,
especially an organization that purports to represent a large group of
people.  That is WISPA and that was what the group was organized for.

If the membership of WISPA wanted to lobby against CALEA then we had 
an opportunity almost two years ago. Simply put, by the time CALEA got 
on enough people's radar to matter there was no longer time to lobby 
against it. Therefore, the only practical thing to do was to figure 
out how to comply.
I don't want to drag this topic up again, BUT ;)  Two years ago, did 
this apply to ISPs or just VOIP providers?  I don't remember anyone on 
the lists talking about CALEA being for anything other than VOICE in 
various forms, but maybe my memory is selective, wouldn't be the first 
and probably won't be the last time.

Personally, I don't think WISPA as an organization should work on a 
CALEA standard. Every member WISP had to become CALEA compliant 
without WISPA because of the deadline, so WISPA working on a standard 
now is simply too late. The spectrum issues we were discussing and 
working on with the FCC before CALEA came up seem much more important 
now that the CALEA deadline has passed.
I strongly disagree with this.  I am currently not operating under safe 
harbor, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to do so in the future.  
I strongly believe that there should be an open CALEA standard that 
anyone can meet without having to pay someone a royalty for it. 

   Sam Tetherow
   Sandhills Wireless


WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread George Rogato

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:
 My suspicion is you'll

get the support if you represent what people want.  People vote with
their feet and pocketbooks.  I've seen a lot of good people leave.
I've seen a lot of good people forced out because the GOB's could not
stand them.  And I've seen a lot of good people (mostly everybody on
this list) not support WISPA financially.

You know Lonnie, I consider you a friend of mine, but I just can't say 
that I have seen that many people leave.
I have seen more people decide to join. Join means actually paying a 
membership fee not just participate on list.

As for the good old boys.

I'm not so sure I see much of what you perceive you are seeing. Either 
there is a whole other board list that left me out or it's just not the 

I don't consider myself to be a good old boy. I think the other board 
members who actually contribute behind the scenes do a wonderful job.
The hardest working guy on the board, and by far he IS the #1 hardest 
working guy on the board is Marlon and he is leaving the board 
voluntarily because of lack of time.

How many ways can you split Marlon up? I think Marlon thinks the board 
is one way too many. And he has decided to open a position for someone 
else to take a shot at doing something.

My respect for Marlon has grown 10 fold. Even if I disagree with some of 
his opinions, I believe he is just trying his hardest best.

I would venture to guess that if we all put down our swords and shields 
and forgot about those things in the past that have prejudiced us 
against each other, we would be far more better off and this 
organization would be an even better asset to the wisp industry.

I personally harbor no ill feelings against anyone. I may have my 
opinions, but in no way shape or form do I have anything but goodwill 
towards everyone.

Sure there are some of us here who are short, crude or rude or rush to 
judgment, but we are after all just human and none of us are perfect. We 
make mistakes.

I prefer to look past the faults that anyone has and look for the good 
in everyone.

Lonnie, WISPA can still use your support. You asked certain things a 
couple months ago as a prerequisite to again supporting WISPA with a 
vendor membership and we have done these things mostly and want to 
remind you that we are an organization of various opinions / ideas who 
are just trying to do things that will make being a wisp that much better.

There is no good old boys club.


WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Matt Liotta

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

I am not saying that CALEA is not real and I actually agree that is
required, BUT, did the group have to agree with the rushed timing and
especially agree to meet a standard that was not even defined?

Specifically, CALEA does not require use of a standard to be compliant, 
which is why none is defined. If you want safe harbor then yes, you are 
going to need to use a blessed standard, but again that is not required. 
My understanding is that WISPA was attempting to define their own 
standard, get it blessed, and then allow the membership to use it as 
opposed to the very complicated and expensive ATSI standard that exists now.

They could have argued for some prior consultation to make sure the
requirements were not a hardship for their membership.  They owed that
duty to the members.  Instead they mostly tried to beat up anybody who
spoke against any aspect of it, and as you just tried, to say the
speaker uppers were acting like hippies from the 60's and merely
wasting time.  I believe in Government and Anarchy would be horrible,
so at some point Government must be prepared to listen to people,
especially an organization that purports to represent a large group of
people.  That is WISPA and that was what the group was organized for.

If the membership of WISPA wanted to lobby against CALEA then we had an 
opportunity almost two years ago. Simply put, by the time CALEA got on 
enough people's radar to matter there was no longer time to lobby 
against it. Therefore, the only practical thing to do was to figure out 
how to comply.

Personally, I don't think WISPA as an organization should work on a 
CALEA standard. Every member WISP had to become CALEA compliant without 
WISPA because of the deadline, so WISPA working on a standard now is 
simply too late. The spectrum issues we were discussing and working on 
with the FCC before CALEA came up seem much more important now that the 
CALEA deadline has passed.


WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Lonnie Nunweiler

I am not saying that CALEA is not real and I actually agree that is
required, BUT, did the group have to agree with the rushed timing and
especially agree to meet a standard that was not even defined?

They could have argued for some prior consultation to make sure the
requirements were not a hardship for their membership.  They owed that
duty to the members.  Instead they mostly tried to beat up anybody who
spoke against any aspect of it, and as you just tried, to say the
speaker uppers were acting like hippies from the 60's and merely
wasting time.  I believe in Government and Anarchy would be horrible,
so at some point Government must be prepared to listen to people,
especially an organization that purports to represent a large group of
people.  That is WISPA and that was what the group was organized for.

Heck, to come back from that meeting and simply parrot everything that
had been told to the committee was a waste of time and money to even
go to the meeting.  To achieve what they achieved could have been done
with a conference call, or simply done nothing.

The Telcos would never have sent a group and accepted an outcome like that.

I'll drop back to lurk mode now.  The level of hurt feelings is
growing, as evidenced by my private in basket.


On 5/17/07, Jeff Broadwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I've been quiet through this whole thing, but I have to speak up here.

CALEA is a reality here, and I believe that something like it will soon be a
reality in Canada.  Shouting at the Capitol building from outside the fence
may feel good, but it gets nothing accomplished.  The FACT is that if you
want to be a service provider you need to have a plan for CALEA compliance.
It's everyone's right to say that it doesn't apply to them, but that doesn't
make them correct...and if they say it loud and often enough, others may get
the wrong idea as well.

We are involved heavily on the CALEA committee.  Has everything gone exactly
the way we would like?  No, but that's the nature of any committee (and
Wispa is really a large committee), and we are ok with that.  Overall, we've
been pleased to be part of forming Wispa's direction for CALEA compliance.
I believe that we are further along in our efforts, and that Wispa is
further along in the overall effort, because we joined in the process.

I don't think you are a freeloader.  Everything I see and hear says that you
are a great guy and a fine businessman.  You have been contributing to lists
for years and anyone who has been around knows that.

I hope that you join in, you'd be a terrific addition to the team.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Lonnie Nunweiler
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

I'm going out on a limb and will voice some things that have been

I get your point that you think I am a freeloader and do not contribute.  My
problem for not joining is not a money one, but rather one of principle.

I did get involved early on and saw that there was still an old guard of the
good old boys.  They played favorites early on and still do.
Is it proper to support that?  It would be very BAD for the Industry if one
were to push and fight the GOB's, but, and this in not an excuse, I do not
have to time for such fights.  There are other more important things to do,
so I lurk, and occasionally chime in when I feel something has been really
missed or has gone overboard.  It is better for me not to get into fights
and the Organization does need that either.

Do I support WISPA?  Partly.  When things like CALEA come up and people are
sent to talk with the FBI and FCC, what is their game plan?
 What are they trying to do for the membership?  All I saw was a few people
were star struck that they actually talked the HEAD of the FBI for CALEA.
BIG DEAL.  Those people put their pants on one leg at a time like we all do.
Did you tell these guys what would be best for the Industry?  Did you even
know what was good for the Industry?  Or did you take your hat in your hand
and come back and use all sort of tactics to get people to sign that they
would be ready for CALEA compliance, when in fact nobody even knew what that
would require?

I feel that WISPA should have taken a much harder line on that and other
issues.  Any members who spoke against what the FBI and FCC told the WISPA
group were quickly put down and isolated.  It was disgusting to watch.  It
certainly was not a functioning democracy.  It was pretty heavy handed.

In short, I have not seen the organization really go to bat for the
membership.  I can only imagine the crap that would hit the fan if the FBI
and FCC were to give the Telcos the same sort of treatment with regards to
time and unknown requirements that they gave to the WI

RE: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Jeff Broadwick

I've been quiet through this whole thing, but I have to speak up here.

CALEA is a reality here, and I believe that something like it will soon be a
reality in Canada.  Shouting at the Capitol building from outside the fence
may feel good, but it gets nothing accomplished.  The FACT is that if you
want to be a service provider you need to have a plan for CALEA compliance.
It's everyone's right to say that it doesn't apply to them, but that doesn't
make them correct...and if they say it loud and often enough, others may get
the wrong idea as well.  

We are involved heavily on the CALEA committee.  Has everything gone exactly
the way we would like?  No, but that's the nature of any committee (and
Wispa is really a large committee), and we are ok with that.  Overall, we've
been pleased to be part of forming Wispa's direction for CALEA compliance.
I believe that we are further along in our efforts, and that Wispa is
further along in the overall effort, because we joined in the process.

I don't think you are a freeloader.  Everything I see and hear says that you
are a great guy and a fine businessman.  You have been contributing to lists
for years and anyone who has been around knows that.  

I hope that you join in, you'd be a terrific addition to the team.  



-Original Message-
Behalf Of Lonnie Nunweiler
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

I'm going out on a limb and will voice some things that have been

I get your point that you think I am a freeloader and do not contribute.  My
problem for not joining is not a money one, but rather one of principle.

I did get involved early on and saw that there was still an old guard of the
good old boys.  They played favorites early on and still do.
Is it proper to support that?  It would be very BAD for the Industry if one
were to push and fight the GOB's, but, and this in not an excuse, I do not
have to time for such fights.  There are other more important things to do,
so I lurk, and occasionally chime in when I feel something has been really
missed or has gone overboard.  It is better for me not to get into fights
and the Organization does need that either.

Do I support WISPA?  Partly.  When things like CALEA come up and people are
sent to talk with the FBI and FCC, what is their game plan?
 What are they trying to do for the membership?  All I saw was a few people
were star struck that they actually talked the HEAD of the FBI for CALEA.
BIG DEAL.  Those people put their pants on one leg at a time like we all do.
Did you tell these guys what would be best for the Industry?  Did you even
know what was good for the Industry?  Or did you take your hat in your hand
and come back and use all sort of tactics to get people to sign that they
would be ready for CALEA compliance, when in fact nobody even knew what that
would require?

I feel that WISPA should have taken a much harder line on that and other
issues.  Any members who spoke against what the FBI and FCC told the WISPA
group were quickly put down and isolated.  It was disgusting to watch.  It
certainly was not a functioning democracy.  It was pretty heavy handed.

In short, I have not seen the organization really go to bat for the
membership.  I can only imagine the crap that would hit the fan if the FBI
and FCC were to give the Telcos the same sort of treatment with regards to
time and unknown requirements that they gave to the WISPA people.  Sure you
don't have the funds, but do you compromise everything until you get the
funds?  Or do you stand up for what is right and people either support you
or not?  My suspicion is you'll get the support if you represent what people
want.  People vote with their feet and pocketbooks.  I've seen a lot of good
people leave.
I've seen a lot of good people forced out because the GOB's could not stand
them.  And I've seen a lot of good people (mostly everybody on this list)
not support WISPA financially.  Does that tell you anything?  No you don't
need more Vendors, you need a reality check so you can get more members.
This whole idea that you need more Vendors because they pay the most is,
well, so commercial sounding.  I'm sure that business principles have to be
used to run and account for things, but to raise money?  No, that should not
be a business.


On 5/17/07, Peter R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (In response to Lonnie and Mac)
> 1) It takes money for an organization to do things.
> Sometimes vendors put up that money so that their customer base thrives.
> (Some times they do not).
> 2) It's always hard to get dues-paying members, especially when the 
> most value is the listserv.
> (Again, it ought to cost someth

Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Peter R.

Lonnie Nunweiler wrote:

I'm going out on a limb and will voice some things that have been 

I get your point that you think I am a freeloader and do not
contribute.  My problem for not joining is not a money one, but rather
one of principle.

I did get involved early on and saw that there was still an old guard
of the good old boys.  They played favorites early on and still do.
Is it proper to support that?  It would be very BAD for the Industry
if one were to push and fight the GOB's, but, and this in not an
excuse, I do not have to time for such fights.  There are other more
important things to do, so I lurk, and occasionally chime in when I
feel something has been really missed or has gone overboard.  It is
better for me not to get into fights and the Organization does need
that either.

If you  - and supposedly everyone else on this list and some people that 
left - don't like the Org or what it stands for:

A) what are you doing here?
B) Why didn't you change it early on?
C) Is there an Org doing a better job?
D) What is it you want them to do?
(Besides go to the FBI and say we won't stand for it)

Do I support WISPA?  Partly.


When things like CALEA come up and people are sent to talk with the 
FBI and FCC, what is their game plan?

What are they trying to do for the membership?  All I saw was a few
people were star struck that they actually talked the HEAD of the FBI
for CALEA.  BIG DEAL.  Those people put their pants on one leg at a
time like we all do.  Did you tell these guys what would be best for
the Industry?  Did you even know what was good for the Industry?  Or
did you take your hat in your hand and come back and use all sort of
tactics to get people to sign that they would be ready for CALEA
compliance, when in fact nobody even knew what that would require?

You and other supporters of this line of thinking could have spoken to 
the Board, got on a plane, and spoken to the Head of the FBI CALEA 
yourself. (I get what you are saying, but again just riding in the 
backseat and pointing out that this is the wrong way to go, when you 
could be steering is weak). 

I watched another Org fold because no one wanted to challenge the GOB 
I will say this though - if you aren't a member, how do you have a say 
in what the Org does?

I feel that WISPA should have taken a much harder line on that and
other issues.  Any members who spoke against what the FBI and FCC told
the WISPA group were quickly put down and isolated.  It was disgusting
to watch.  It certainly was not a functioning democracy.  It was
pretty heavy handed.

There were maybe 4 people complaining - and I was probably the loudest 
critic, because at the time (pre-May 14) the discussion should have been 
on How to Comply.  You can discuss non-compliance all you want now.

Plus of the 4, how many stepped up and actually led anything or did 
There was a form letter sent to the list to get behind the Congressman, 
but no follow up, no nothing.

You want to go to the FCC, make an appointment and go.
(Don't give me the I'm too busy speech either, because everyone is busy).

In short, I have not seen the organization really go to bat for the


Sure you don't have the funds, but do you compromise
everything until you get the funds?  Or do you stand up for what is
right and people either support you or not?  

My suspicion is you'll
get the support if you represent what people want.  People vote with
their feet and pocketbooks.  I've seen a lot of good people leave.
I've seen a lot of good people forced out because the GOB's could not
stand them.  And I've seen a lot of good people (mostly everybody on
this list) not support WISPA financially.  Does that tell you

Lots.   It says I'll take what I can get for free - and not risk 
anything to improve my Industry.

But that's me being a hardcase.
It's too easy to say "until things change" or "I'm busy" or "the GOB".
Hog wash. You built a Wireless business, right? So how hard would it be 
to herd cats?

Especially when you tell me that you seem to have their pulse.

No you don't need more Vendors, you need a reality check so
you can get more members.  This whole idea that you need more Vendors
because they pay the most is, well, so commercial sounding.  I'm sure
that business principles have to be used to run and account for
things, but to raise money?  No, that should not be a business.


WISPA Wireless List:



Re: [WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Lonnie Nunweiler

I'm going out on a limb and will voice some things that have been suppressed.

I get your point that you think I am a freeloader and do not
contribute.  My problem for not joining is not a money one, but rather
one of principle.

I did get involved early on and saw that there was still an old guard
of the good old boys.  They played favorites early on and still do.
Is it proper to support that?  It would be very BAD for the Industry
if one were to push and fight the GOB's, but, and this in not an
excuse, I do not have to time for such fights.  There are other more
important things to do, so I lurk, and occasionally chime in when I
feel something has been really missed or has gone overboard.  It is
better for me not to get into fights and the Organization does need
that either.

Do I support WISPA?  Partly.  When things like CALEA come up and
people are sent to talk with the FBI and FCC, what is their game plan?
What are they trying to do for the membership?  All I saw was a few
people were star struck that they actually talked the HEAD of the FBI
for CALEA.  BIG DEAL.  Those people put their pants on one leg at a
time like we all do.  Did you tell these guys what would be best for
the Industry?  Did you even know what was good for the Industry?  Or
did you take your hat in your hand and come back and use all sort of
tactics to get people to sign that they would be ready for CALEA
compliance, when in fact nobody even knew what that would require?

I feel that WISPA should have taken a much harder line on that and
other issues.  Any members who spoke against what the FBI and FCC told
the WISPA group were quickly put down and isolated.  It was disgusting
to watch.  It certainly was not a functioning democracy.  It was
pretty heavy handed.

In short, I have not seen the organization really go to bat for the
membership.  I can only imagine the crap that would hit the fan if the
FBI and FCC were to give the Telcos the same sort of treatment with
regards to time and unknown requirements that they gave to the WISPA
people.  Sure you don't have the funds, but do you compromise
everything until you get the funds?  Or do you stand up for what is
right and people either support you or not?  My suspicion is you'll
get the support if you represent what people want.  People vote with
their feet and pocketbooks.  I've seen a lot of good people leave.
I've seen a lot of good people forced out because the GOB's could not
stand them.  And I've seen a lot of good people (mostly everybody on
this list) not support WISPA financially.  Does that tell you
anything?  No you don't need more Vendors, you need a reality check so
you can get more members.  This whole idea that you need more Vendors
because they pay the most is, well, so commercial sounding.  I'm sure
that business principles have to be used to run and account for
things, but to raise money?  No, that should not be a business.


On 5/17/07, Peter R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

(In response to Lonnie and Mac)

1) It takes money for an organization to do things.
Sometimes vendors put up that money so that their customer base thrives.
(Some times they do not).

2) It's always hard to get dues-paying members, especially when the most
value is the listserv.
(Again, it ought to cost something to be here. If they want free, go to

3) Be careful how you represent your relationship to vendors.
This is how one org received the reputation for being an RBOC tool.
You need a pro-member reputation.

4) That said, how many people on this list post more than once a week
and are NOT members?
How many lurk - read every message - but aren't members?

5) Most here don't understand the energy, effort, time and money it
takes to run an association.
If you give a hoot at all, you spend 2 to 5 hours daily on issues,
messages, board and committee stuff.
Then travel to DC. Travel to some shows to get the WISPA name under the
PR costs money, but to date are we doing any?
Rent, utilities and salary even for a part-time administrator would be
$30K per year (if outsourced to a certified association management

6) The problem becomes when there are parties here who do not 100% agree
with the direction of the org.
(And we have seen that problem recently). Unfortunately, the answer for
those that do not whole-heartedly agree is to pack their stuff and
leave. (Now that is real adult). This association is by and for the
members -- to do everything to help you thrive and survive.  You as
WISP's have responsibilities too - to comment, join, volunteer, steer,
and row the boat. If you don't want to do any (some) of that, why get
mad at the people and the direction? What did you do to steer?

[Note} And PLEASE don't give me the I'm-too-freaking-busy  or
I'm-too-poor to help. That is an excuse. If you use excuses, then you
might as well close shop now. Just fess up: I'm too selfish or It is
easier to be a back seat driver. (As a back seat driver, you don't pay

[WISPA] What is WISPA? was Promotion of services on-list

2007-05-17 Thread Peter R.

(In response to Lonnie and Mac)

1) It takes money for an organization to do things.
Sometimes vendors put up that money so that their customer base thrives. 
(Some times they do not).

2) It's always hard to get dues-paying members, especially when the most 
value is the listserv.
(Again, it ought to cost something to be here. If they want free, go to 

3) Be careful how you represent your relationship to vendors.
This is how one org received the reputation for being an RBOC tool.
You need a pro-member reputation.

4) That said, how many people on this list post more than once a week 
and are NOT members?

How many lurk - read every message - but aren't members?

5) Most here don't understand the energy, effort, time and money it 
takes to run an association.
If you give a hoot at all, you spend 2 to 5 hours daily on issues, 
messages, board and committee stuff.
Then travel to DC. Travel to some shows to get the WISPA name under the 

PR costs money, but to date are we doing any?
Rent, utilities and salary even for a part-time administrator would be 
$30K per year (if outsourced to a certified association management 

6) The problem becomes when there are parties here who do not 100% agree 
with the direction of the org.
(And we have seen that problem recently). Unfortunately, the answer for 
those that do not whole-heartedly agree is to pack their stuff and 
leave. (Now that is real adult). This association is by and for the 
members -- to do everything to help you thrive and survive.  You as 
WISP's have responsibilities too - to comment, join, volunteer, steer, 
and row the boat. If you don't want to do any (some) of that, why get 
mad at the people and the direction? What did you do to steer?

[Note} And PLEASE don't give me the I'm-too-freaking-busy  or 
I'm-too-poor to help. That is an excuse. If you use excuses, then you 
might as well close shop now. Just fess up: I'm too selfish or It is 
easier to be a back seat driver. (As a back seat driver, you don't pay 
for gas, can point out all the short comings, and claim you weren't 

7) If you are going to be in the Wireless Broadband Industry next year, 
join WISPA now. The more members, the more voice. Plus you get to vote 
for the new board.

7b) If you aren't going to join, and continue to be a free-loader, then 
don't complain that you don't like the direction. No potshots from the 
bleachers, okay?  If you don't like something, volunteer to work on it. 
Be a part of the Solution, not a piece of the problem.


Now, go sign up a customer, so you can join WISPA, since one client will 
pay for your membership dues.

Peter Radizeski

WISPA Wireless List:

