Re: Fake gold bars! What's next?

2010-01-15 Thread Mercury
If I could get away with it, Id make me a few gold bars! ;o)

On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Sumerian.. wrote:

   *Fake gold bars! What's next?*
 By Dan Eden exclusively for
 http://www.viewzone .com/fakegold. html

 December 04, 2009


 It's one thing to counterfeit a twenty or hundred dollar bill. The amount
 of financial damage is usually limited to a specific region and only affects
 dozens of people and thousands of dollars. Secret Service agents quickly
 notify the banks on how to recognize these phony bills and retail outlets
 usually have procedures in place (such as special pens to test the paper) to
 stop their proliferation.

 But what about gold? This is the most sacred of all commodities because it
 is thought to be the most trusted, reliable and valuable means of saving

 A recent discovery -- in October of 2009 -- has been suppressed by the main
 stream media but has been circulating among the big money brokers and
 financial kingpins and is just now being revealed to the public. It involves
 the gold in Fort Knox -- the US Treasury gold -- that is the equity of our
 national wealth. In short, millions (with an m) of gold bars are fake!

 In October of 2009 the Chinese received a shipment of gold bars. Gold is
 regularly exchanges between countries to pay debts and to settle the
 so-called balance of trade. Most gold is exchanged and stored in vaults
 under the supervision of a special organization based in London, the London
 Bullion Market Association (or LBMA). When the shipment was received, the
 Chinese government asked that special tests be performed to guarantee the
 purity and weight of the gold bars. In this test, four small holed are
 drilled into the gold bars and the metal is then analyzed.

 Officials were shocked to learn that the bars were fake. They contained
 cores of tungsten with only a outer coating of real gold. What's more, these
 gold bars, containing serial numbers for tracking, originated in the US and
 had been stored in Fort Knox for years. There were reportedly between 5,600
 to 5,700 bars, weighing 400 oz. each, in the shipment!

 *What the Chinese uncovered:*

 Roughly 15 years ago -- during the Clinton Administration [think Robert
 Rubin, Sir Alan Greenspan and Lawrence Summers] -- between 1.3 and 1.5
 million 400 oz tungsten blanks were allegedly manufactured by a very
 high-end, sophisticated refiner in the USA [more than 16 Thousand metric
 tonnes]. Subsequently, 640,000 of these tungsten blanks received their gold
 plating and WERE shipped to Ft. Knox and remain there to this day.


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Re: Setting A Standard- Business and Celebrity US community

2010-01-06 Thread Mercury
This is going to sound very harsh from me, and I do feel sorry for Casey and
her friends(Total innocents born into SCUM) But I cant help but smile as I
think of her Daddy and Mommy grieving, Karma is wonderful!

On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 2:21 AM, Sumerian.. wrote:

PS: Johnson  and Johnson's, another product.S1000

 Model lashes out at Tila Tequila calling her a sick, sick girl
  [image: Jasmine Lennard (Getty Images)]

 A friend of *Casey Johnson* has sharpened her claws and lashed out at the
 late Johnson  Johnson heiress's fiancee *Tila Tequila* — calling her a
 sick, sick girl.

 British model *Jasmine Lennard* said she had tried desperately to save
 Casey, an openly lesbian socialite, from serious drug problems, but Tila got
 in the way, *Radar Online* reports.

 There was a car ready 24 hours a day to take her to the best rehab
 facility in the country.

 Jasmine, who said she was never romantically involved with Casey, told she tried to save the heiress with friendship.

 Casey was a fragile, beautiful, witty, wonderful girl who was desperately
 looking for love, she said.

 Jasmine's relationship with Casey went sour in December when she accused
 the heiress of stealing almost $30,000 in underwear and jewellery from her
 Hollywood home.

 Casey was arrested by police and charged with theft.

 Jasmine alleges it was after the arrest that reality TV star Tila Tequila
 latched onto Casey and exploited her vulnerability.

 Tila got a hold of her and said, 'hey, come out with me and we'll show
 them!' Jasmine said

 For her to die with this reputation, it's just not her ... Tila is a sick,
 sick girl.

 Less than a month later, Tila and Casey announced their engagement in a
 bizarre online video in which both appeared scantily clad.

 Tonight, my beautiful girlfriend has just asked me to marry her, and check
 out this rock, Tila said.

 Bam! That is a 17-carat diamond ring from my baby.

 It was Tila who broke the news of Casey's death via Twitter yesterday and
 then strangely retracted it by saying Casey was not dead but in a coma.

 Everyone please pray 4 my Wifey Casey Johnson, wrote Tila.

 She has passed away. Thank u for all ur love and support but I will be
 offline to be w/ family.

 Less than an hour later, Tila posted another tweet.

 I just got news that my fiance is not dead but currently in a coma!!! Omg
 please pray that she will make it! Hang in there my love please!!! she


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Re: Dubai Tower in 50 photos (officaly opened on 4th Jan 2010)

2010-01-05 Thread Mercury
Incredible photos!

You know where the money is

2010/1/5 Sumerian..


 --- On *Mon, 1/4/10, سحر الطبيعة* wrote:

 Subject: [waraqat] افتتاح برج دبي اليوم .. 50 صورة من أروع الصور الملتقطة
 للبرج الرائع

 Date: Monday, January 4, 2010, 3:26 PM

  * افتتاح برج دبي اليوم .. 50 صورة من أروع الصور الملتقطة للبرج الرائع +
 تقرير عن البرج*

  افتتاح برج دبي اليوم .. 50 صورة من أروع الصور الملتقطة للبرج

 [image: برج دبي]

 تم اليوم اليوم الاثنين 18 – 1 – 1431 الموافق 4 – 1 – 2010 افتتاح برج دبي
 المسمى ببرج خليفة ..

 أترككم مع تقرير عن البرج مع 50 صورة من أروع الصور الملتقطة للبرج ..

 *تقرير عن البرج:*

 دبي – ا ف ب – تفتتح دبي الاثنين البرج الذي يحمل اسم الإمارة

 ويرسم افقا جديدا للتصميم والبناء لكونه الاعلى في العالم،

 على امل طي صفحة موجعة من الانتكاسات التي هزت صورتها وبلغت ذروتها

 مع ازمة ديون مجموعة دبي العالمية. وشركة اعمار العقارية المملوكة جزئيا
 لحكومة الامارة

 والتي طورت برج دبي الذي ينتصب كمسلة ساطعة من الفولاذ والزجاج،

 لم تكشف قط عن الارتفاع الحقيقي للبرج وتكتفي بالقول انه يتجاوز عتبة
 الثمانمئة متر.

 ويتوقع ان يعلن الارتفاع النهائي في الافتتاح الرسمي مساء الاثنين خلال حفل

 سيقام بمناسبة الذكرى الرابعة لتولي الشيخ محمد بن راشد ال مكتوم مقاليد الحكم
 في دبي.

 والبرج الذي يرتفع لاكثر من 160 طابقا ويحتوي على 330 الف متر مكعب من

 و31400 طن متري من القضبان الفولاذية المستخدمة في هيكل البناء و57 مصعدا،

 تجعل منه هذه الارقام ايقونة عمرانية بكل معنى الكلمة. قدرت كلفة برج دبي

 الذي يمكن مشاهدته على بعد 95 كلم، عند بدء المشروع بمليار دولار

 لكن الكلفة الحقيقية تجاوزت هذا الرقم بحسب تقارير صحافية محلية.

 وقال بيل بيكر، شريك الاعمال الهيكلية والهندسة المدنية في شركة

 سكيدمور اوينغ اند ميريل (اس او ام) التي صممت البرج ومقرها شيكاغو

 لقد تعلمنا الكثير من برج دبي، ويمكنني القول انه بات بوسعنا ان نبني برجا

 بطول كيلومتر بسهولة. لقد حدد البرج مرجعية جديدة.

 واضاف لوكالة فرانس برس انه بعد فوز المكتب بمسابقة بناء البرج ظننا انه

 سيكون اعلى بقليل من اعلى برج في العالم (تايبيه 101 – 508 امتار)،

 الا ان العميل (شركة اعمار) ما انفك يطلب منا ان نزيد الارتفاع،

 ونحن قمنا بذلك مرات كثيرة. كنا نقوم بدوزنة التصميم وكانه آلة موسيقية.

 وتصميم البرج يتمحور حول بنية مثلثة الاضلاع يتوسطها هيكل ضخم من الاسمنت،

 ويضيق مدى البرج كلما ارتفع، وعلى مراحل متفاوتة بين الاضلاع الثلاثة،

 قبل ان يتحول في اعلاه الى هيكل معدني تعلوه مسلة ضخمة.

 والتصميم مستوحى ايضا من تويجة زهرة الصحراء التي تنمو في منطقة الخليج.

 ولعل ابرز تحديات البناء هو ضخ الخرسانة دون ان تتجمد على ارتفاع 605 امتار،

 وهو الارتفاع الذي يتحول بعده البرج الى هيكل معدني.

 من جهته، قال جورج افستاثيو الشريك المدير في اس او ام

 والمسؤول المباشر عن مشروع برج دبي ان البنية المثلثة الاضلاع،

 والمعروفة بواي شايب، تمنح اساسا متينا لبرج بهذا الارتفاع.

 واضاف لقد اعتمدنا هذا الشكل واستخدمنا عناصر من الهندسة الاسلامية

 والقناطر المستدقة، وكلما كنا نرتفع عاموديا، كنا نقلص الحجم للتخفيف من تاثير

 وعن تاثير الرياح ومدى تذبذب اعلى المبنى، قال افستاثيو انه مبنى هادئ جدا،

 فبعض العواصف لن تشعر بها على الاطلاق، وقد تشعر بالعواصف الاقوى،

 الا البرج في العموم اهدأ من كل الابراج الشاهقة الاخرى في العالم

 بالرغم من كونها اقل ارتفاعا منه. ونفذ اعمال البناء التي بدأت

 في 2004 تحالف بين سامسونغ الكورية وبيسيكس البلجيكية وارابتيك الاماراتية.

 والبرج يضم اكثر من الف شقة و49 طابقا للمكاتب اضافة الى فندق في طوابقه

 يحمل توقيع المصمم الايطالي جورجيو ارماني، فيما ستكون الطوابق العليا بحسب

 مكاتب اشبه بان تكون مكاتب للمراسم، اي انها ستستقبل اجتماعات رسمية ولن

 تستخدم ليعمل فيها اشخاص بشكل دائم.

 وقبل ايام من الافتتاح، اكد عدد من الوسطاء العقاريين لوكالة فرانس برس

 ارتفاع الطلب بشكل ملحوظ على وحدات البرج التي بيعت جميعها قبل سنوات،

 وذلك في نهاية سنة قاسية على القطاع العقاري في دبي، حيث انخفضت الاسعار بنسبة

 بعد سنوات من الارتفاع الحاد.

 الا ان انخفاض الاسعار في البرج كان بحسب هؤلاء اقل حدة.

 وقال رجل اعمال فلسطيني فضل عدم الكشف عن اسمه لوكالة فرانس برس

 لقد اشتريت عام 2008 شقة من غرفة نوم واحدة في الطابق الثمانين مقابل ثلاثة
 ملايين دولار،

 وبذلك تكون خسارتي نظريا كبيرة مع تدني الاسعار.

 الا انه قال ان امتلاك شقة في هذا المبنى يمنح شعورا من الرضا الذاتي.

 ووصل سعر المتر المربع ضمن المساحات التجارية في البرج في ذروة فورة الاسعار

 الى ما بين 4500 و5500 دولار.

 لكن مصاعب دبي المالية وتداعيات الازمة الاقتصادية على دبي ودول الخليج عموما،

 قد تخدم برج دبي بشكل غير مباشر اذ تؤجل طموحات اخرى لبناء ابراج تقفز فوق
 عتبة الف متر.

 ويعتقد البعض ان برج دبي سيكون آخر حبة في عنقود المشاريع العملاقة

 التي اشتهرت بها دبي، ومنها جزر النخيل الاصطناعية التي تطورها شركة نخيل

 جزئيا عن ازمة ديون مجوعة دبي العالمية التابعة لحكومة الامارة.

 وتقوم المجموعة حاليا بجهود لاعادة جدولة ديون بحوالى 22 مليار دولار

 بعد ان لامست التعثر الشهر الماضي وتجنبته بفضل تدخل امارة ابوظبي في آخر

 ومن المشاريع التي اعلن عنها في منطقة الخليج ويبدو مستقبلها اكثر من غامض بعد

 برج نخيل الذي قالت نخيل انه سيتجاوز 

Re: Leaving the USA

2009-12-10 Thread Mercury
Lots of baby boomers are (and have been) heading to South America for
retirement, Panama, Brazil, Peru

I could easily live in Brazil

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 5:54 PM, Sumerian.. wrote:

   For this case maybe yes.. But sometimes it is political or feeling
 unsecured. It is not easy anyhow.


 --- On *Tue, 12/8/09, xi* wrote:

 From: xi

 Subject: Re: Leaving the USA
 To: World-thread
 Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 8:56 AM

 I think migration relates to economy. So ...

 Peace and best wishes.


 On 8 dic, 11:08, Sumerian.. 
  Some more people have decided to leave USA.
  Doctors have been leaving the USA for years. Many now work at
  Caribbean vacation spots where patients can RR while getting a
  face life.
  Some specialize in other treatments that are too expensive in the
 US without insurance.
  Rich Martin
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Westcott2006@
  Date: Sat, 28 Nov 2009 11:57:19 EST
  Subject: Re: Leaving the USA, or staying and fighting the parasites
  Dear Bruce and Carl,
  Interesting discussion about whether to try and stay and fight within
  the USA, or to simply give it up as a lost cause, and try to build a
  new life elsewhere.
  For me, I was forced to leave, no choice, it was a few days a way from
  the goons grabbing to murder me in a US jail cell.
  Certainly life is much better here in Western Europe, than I ever knew
  it in the USA. - And I think Brazil will be one of the strongest
  countries in the near future.
  Now, I'm more than five years gone from the USA, so whatever potential
  is there for a true revolution in the US, needs to be judged by people
  like you there on the ground.
  No doubt the big crisis is coming ... Will it fall and crumble quickly
  like the old Soviet Union, will there be a great battle with lots of
  blood, or will the US simply sink into fascism without end?
  Interesting times indeed.
  Good luck to both of you, whatever you do and decide.
  Dr Les (Leslie) Sachs - Political refugee from US in Europe - Writer
  on US legal and media corruption - target of US threats of murder and
  smear campaigns - my journalism sites blocked by US orders against
  Google and internet search engines
  Author, 'Americans Murdering Their Judges', 'America's Corrupt Legal
  System', 'Foreign Companies Face US Court Corruption: Doing Business
  in the Big Bribery Nation', 'The CIA and Wikipedia', 'FAQ on US
  Judicial and Legal Corruption'
  Website about me by other European journalists, with links to the
  above articles:http://about-les-sachs. angelfire. com/
   _ _ _ _ _ _
  Dear Les and Carl:
  staying.  Don't yet know about you, Carl.  Western Europe sounds good;
  Brazil has its share of disparity and a cesspool factor that seems more
  Babylonian, which you, Carl, seem to abhor, than here.
  Oh well, I've committed to, perhaps relegated to, tank duty.
  --- On Mon, 12/7/09, 
  slick_ez...@yahoogroups.comhttp://mc/compose? http://mc/compose? wrote:-
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Re: The Economy is so good and healthy . . .

2009-11-30 Thread Mercury
So good to have you back again Mercury !  Great welcome !


 Peace and best wishes.


Hi Xi! :o)

How are you? Where are you?

For some reason I get emails from your group, But I cant post directly to
the group?

Ive been busy shopping for Christmas, which I love to do.

Painting the inside of my home, room by room. Thats always fun and looks
great when I am done! ;o)

Missed you

 On 30 nov, 21:43, Mercury wrote:
  *The economy is so bad - a truckload of Americans was caught sneaking
  into Mexico .  *
  They are all great
  On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 3:37 PM, Sumerian..
Zee Source wrote :
   The economy is so bad - that Bush is now sending his kids to Pakistan
   for graduate school
   The economy is so bad - that Cheney's undisclosed location is being
   disclosed as foreclosed by Hamid Karzai
   The economy is so bad - that I got a pre-declined credit card in the
   The economy is so bad - I ordered a burger at McDonalds and the kid
   behind the counter asked, Can you afford fries with that?
   The economy is so bad - that CEO's are now playing miniature golf.
   The economy is so bad - if the bank returns your check marked
   Insufficient Funds, you call them and ask if they meant you or them.
   The economy is so bad - Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading
   higher than GM.
   The economy is so bad - McDonalds is selling the 1/4 ouncer.
   The economy is so bad - parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies
   and learned their children's names.
   The economy is so bad - a truckload of Americans was caught sneaking
   into Mexico .
   The economy is so bad - Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting.
   The economy is so bad - Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore.
   The economy is so bad - the Mafia is laying off judges.
   The economy is so bad - Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen. . view/2009/ 11/30 finally...
   Congress says they are looking into this Bernard Madoff scandal.
   Oh Great!! The guy who made $50 Billion disappear is being
   investigated by the people who made $50 Trillion disappear into their
   friends' pockets!
   - Forwarded Message 
   *From:* Zee Source
   ***Sent:* Mon, November 30, 2009 9:57:13 AM
   *Subject:* . . . The Economy is so bad that . . .
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Re: Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries

2009-05-14 Thread Mercury

 Possibility #2: A rogue employee (or an evil plot from the top management)
 is present at Baxter, whereby live avian flu viruses were intentionally
 placed into the vaccine materials in the hope that such materials might be
 injected into humans and set off a global bird flu pandemic.

 It just so happens that a global bird flu pandemic would sell a LOT of bird
 flu vaccines. Although some naive people have a hard time believing that
 corporations would endanger human beings to make money, this is precisely
 the way corporations now behave in America's ethically-challenge d
 free-market environment. (Remember Enron? Exxon? Merck? DuPont? Monsanto?
 Need I go on?)

If I would have read this 10 years ago, I would think conspiracy nuts

But, When you look at the history of pharmaceuticals companies,(The
dark side) You will find the MOST unethical bunch of humans to walk
on this earth.

GREED rules our world. Sickness is a BUISNEES a Trillion dollar
buisness.  There is more money in sickness than all buisnesses

What do people fear the most? Death. How to make money from peoples
fears, Create a panic, Sell drugs!

The CDC has a chart on its web site that shows statistics on flu
deaths. The media uses this 35 thousand deaths every year from the
flu, IS BOGUS!!!  Granted the elderly are at a higher risk for
catching pneumonia from the flu, most likely from aspirating on thier
own secretions or food or drink. Because the elderly person is on his
death bed and had the flu at the time of death, THIS is what they use
as the cause of death! Even if that elderly person is in the last
stages of cancer, heart disease, whatever disease. This goes for the
disabled population as well.  Pneumonia is a dying persons friend! And
that holds true, even for today. But, yet the CDC(In which they have a
group of scientist, doctors sitting at the round table making
decisions on what vaccine to SELL, Most also work for the industry,
some like Dr Ofitt who has sat at the round table deciding what drugs
to inject into a newborn infant OWNS a patent on vaccines) USES this
number of deaths to scare the healthy population into BUYING a damn

This is like BUT much worse A car dealer telling you that you MUST
drive thier car or you will die, and get the corrupt government to
pass laws MANDATING that you drive that specific car! Even if you dont

On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 7:59 AM, Sumerian.. wrote:

 Could someone be trying to start more than one pandemic by releasing mixed
 viruses on us? After all, the Swine Flu virus was also mixed and the timing
 is VERY suspicious.

 Originally published March 3 2009

 Vaccines as Biological Weapons? Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter
 Vaccine Materials Sent to 18 Countries
 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

 (NaturalNews) There's a popular medical thriller novel in which a global
 pandemic is intentionally set off by an evil plot designed to reduce the
 human population. In the book, a nefarious drug company inserts live avian
 flu viruses into vaccine materials that are distributed to countries around
 the world to be injected into patients as flu shots. Those patients then
 become carriers for these highly-virulent strains of avian flu which go on
 to infect the world population and cause widespread death.

 There's only one problem with this story: It's not fiction. Or, at least,
 the part about live avian flu viruses being inserted into vaccine materials
 isn't fiction. It's happening right now.

 Deerfield, Illinois-based pharmaceutical company Baxter International Inc.
 has just been caught shipping live avian flu viruses mixed with vaccine
 material to medical distributors in 18 countries. The mistake (if you can
 call it that, see below...) was discovered by the National Microbiology
 Laboratory in Canada. The World Health Organization was alerted and panic
 spread throughout the vaccine community as health experts asked the obvious
 question: How could this have happened?

 As published on (http://www. newsip/showne. ..),
 serious questions like this are being raised:

 Baxter International Inc. in Austria 'unintentionally contaminated samples
 with the bird flu virus that were used in laboratories in 3 neighbouring
 countries, raising concern about the potential spread of the deadly
 disease'. Austria, Germany, Slowenia and the Czech Republic - these are the
 countries in which labs were hit with dangerous viruses. Not by bioterrorist
 commandos, but by Baxter. In other words: One of the major global
 pharmaceutical players seems to have lost control over a virus which is
 considered by many virologists to be one of the components leading some day
 to a new pandemic.

 Or, put another way, Baxter is acting a whole lot like a biological
 terrorism organization these days, sending deadly viral samples around the
 world. If you mail an envelope full of anthrax to your 

Re: Why no one puts Rumsfeld in prison yet?

2009-05-13 Thread Mercury

What is the latest NEWS in America

A woman!! A woman that is being tarred and feathered for speaking her
mind. A woman that has every right to her opinion and when she speaks
from her heart (So, even if it wasnt from her heart and she was just
trying to save face, with a few) Its still her right to feel the way
she does. But, the point is, THIS is what makes news in America! While
millions of children starve around the globe! Its disgusting.

You are right, Sumerian, We do live in  a very troubled world!

On May 13, 9:58 am, Sumerian.. wrote:
 Mercury; I believe the world is more troubled than what we think. Two 
 reasons: Non ethicals are running the economy/ banking / many churches  and 
 second they control the media to beautify their actions.

 Thank you for your interest and your appreciation.


 --- On Tue, 5/12/09, Mercury wrote:

 From: Mercury
 Subject: Re: Why no one puts Rumsfeld in prison yet?
 To: World-thread
 Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 5:34 PM


 This is an EXCELLENT article! Thanks for posting this.

  Unreported or Underreported Real Pandemics, Not Fake Ones Like Avian and 
  Swine Flu

 This is what makes me sick and I refuse to watch MSM, They dont give a
 crap about what  REALLY goes on in our world. The question is always
 why does MSM want to keep people in the dark.

  Other global pandemics include: 1.3 billion people live on less than $1 
  dollar a day, including
  over 500 million existing in absolute poverty according to the World
  Bank; another three billion survive on about $2 a day; poverty this
  extreme kills; starvation and famine kill about 15 million children 

 Thats hard to swallow.  15 MILLION children dying EVERY single year
 from starvation STILL and it continues.

 On May 12, 5:10 pm, Sumerian.. wrote:

  Unreported or Underreported Real Pandemics, Not Fake Ones Like Avian and 
  Swine Flu

  by Stephen Lendman

  Monday, 4 May 2009

  In his April 29 Global article, F. William Engdahl discussed 
  Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms
  and shed light on the current swine flu hysteria - hyped by the same
  folks who engineered the 2006 (H5N1) Avian Flu scare that had more bark
  than bite. But it proved hugely profitable for drug makers like Roche
  and Gilead Sciences, the company Donald Rumsfeld led as chairman from
  1997 - 2001 and remains a major shareholder. Although he won't discuss
  his private finances, he's likely benefitting handsomely from the
  current panic.

  Earlier Avian Flu reports were like the following: numerous ones from 
  public health journalists saying governments
  are thoroughly unprepared for a pandemic flu outbreak; as a result,
  it could lead to potential societal breakdown, chaos, and panic; Robert 
  Madelin, the EU's health and consumer protection department
  director-general, cited scientists' predictions of a potential two -
  seven million death toll worldwide, then saying: It's when and not if; 
  the World Bank estimating that an Avian Flu (H5N1) outbreak could
  kill up to 70 million worldwide and cause $2 trillion in economic
  losses; and a scary July 2006 report citing information
  like the above and more, then concluding: There have so far been no
  known cases of H5N1 (Avian Flu) in the US.When all was
  said and done, the global tempest was no more than a teapot maximum few
  hundred deaths, but, according to Engdahl, a Pentagon-initiated
  biowarfare project threatens something far graver. In an August 2008
  article titled The Pentagon's alarming project: Avian Flu Biowar
  Vaccine, he cited alarming evidence of a cooperative pharmaceutical
  industry-Pentagon effort to genetically weaponize the H5N1 virus, then
  unleash a selective pandemic through the process of mandatory
  vaccination(s) with an alleged vaccine offered as protection.

  If today's Swine Flu scare is for this purpose, indeed it is
  worrisome, but that remains to be seen. What's known is what Engdahl
  reported in his April 29 article:
  that In October 2005 the Pentagon ordered vaccination of all US
  military personnel worldwide against what it called Avian Flu, H5N1
  (and) budgeted more than $1 billion to stockpile the drug Oseltamivir,
  sold under the name Tamiflu. (At the time, George Bush asked) Congress
  to appropriate another $2 billion for Tamiflu stocks. This drug is no
  mild candy to be taken lightly. It has heavy side effects that
  potentially can kill.

  Nonetheless, during the current panic, its sales have skyrocketed,
  and that alone worries some enough to wonder what's more dangerous -
  the flu or the combination of the FDA approving potentially deadly
  drugs like Tamiflu, the dominant media hyping a non-existant threat,
  public health organizations terrifying people with heightened alerts

Re: Why no one puts Rumsfeld in prison yet?

2009-05-12 Thread Mercury


This is an EXCELLENT article! Thanks for posting this.

 Unreported or Underreported Real Pandemics, Not Fake Ones Like Avian and 
 Swine Flu

This is what makes me sick and I refuse to watch MSM, They dont give a
crap about what  REALLY goes on in our world. The question is always
why does MSM want to keep people in the dark.

 Other global pandemics include: 1.3 billion people live on less than $1 
 dollar a day, including
 over 500 million existing in absolute poverty according to the World
 Bank; another three billion survive on about $2 a day; poverty this
 extreme kills; starvation and famine kill about 15 million children annually;

Thats hard to swallow.  15 MILLION children dying EVERY single year
from starvation STILL and it continues.

On May 12, 5:10 pm, Sumerian.. wrote:
 Unreported or Underreported Real Pandemics, Not Fake Ones Like Avian and 
 Swine Flu

 by Stephen Lendman

 Monday, 4 May 2009

 In his April 29 Global article, F. William Engdahl discussed 
 Flying Pigs, Tamiflu and Factory Farms
 and shed light on the current swine flu hysteria - hyped by the same
 folks who engineered the 2006 (H5N1) Avian Flu scare that had more bark
 than bite. But it proved hugely profitable for drug makers like Roche
 and Gilead Sciences, the company Donald Rumsfeld led as chairman from
 1997 - 2001 and remains a major shareholder. Although he won't discuss
 his private finances, he's likely benefitting handsomely from the
 current panic.

 Earlier Avian Flu reports were like the following: numerous ones from public 
 health journalists saying governments
 are thoroughly unprepared for a pandemic flu outbreak; as a result,
 it could lead to potential societal breakdown, chaos, and panic; Robert 
 Madelin, the EU's health and consumer protection department
 director-general, cited scientists' predictions of a potential two -
 seven million death toll worldwide, then saying: It's when and not if; the 
 World Bank estimating that an Avian Flu (H5N1) outbreak could
 kill up to 70 million worldwide and cause $2 trillion in economic
 losses; and a scary July 2006 report citing information
 like the above and more, then concluding: There have so far been no
 known cases of H5N1 (Avian Flu) in the US.When all was
 said and done, the global tempest was no more than a teapot maximum few
 hundred deaths, but, according to Engdahl, a Pentagon-initiated
 biowarfare project threatens something far graver. In an August 2008
 article titled The Pentagon's alarming project: Avian Flu Biowar
 Vaccine, he cited alarming evidence of a cooperative pharmaceutical
 industry-Pentagon effort to genetically weaponize the H5N1 virus, then
 unleash a selective pandemic through the process of mandatory
 vaccination(s) with an alleged vaccine offered as protection.

 If today's Swine Flu scare is for this purpose, indeed it is
 worrisome, but that remains to be seen. What's known is what Engdahl
 reported in his April 29 article:
 that In October 2005 the Pentagon ordered vaccination of all US
 military personnel worldwide against what it called Avian Flu, H5N1
 (and) budgeted more than $1 billion to stockpile the drug Oseltamivir,
 sold under the name Tamiflu. (At the time, George Bush asked) Congress
 to appropriate another $2 billion for Tamiflu stocks. This drug is no
 mild candy to be taken lightly. It has heavy side effects that
 potentially can kill.

 Nonetheless, during the current panic, its sales have skyrocketed,
 and that alone worries some enough to wonder what's more dangerous -
 the flu or the combination of the FDA approving potentially deadly
 drugs like Tamiflu, the dominant media hyping a non-existant threat,
 public health organizations terrifying people with heightened alerts,
 and government officials like Department of Homeland Security secretary
 Janet Napolitano saying: We are proceeding as if we are preparatory to
 a full pandemic even though: no evidence suggests one; flu epidemics are 
 extremely rare, certainly global ones with the potential to kill millions; 
 influenza (flu) is a common viral illness; it exists in numerous strains;  
 most remain infectious for about a week and produce symptoms
 including fever, coughing, nausea and at times vomiting - annoying but
 rarely life-threatening; and simple good health practices are more effective 
 than dangerous
 drugs, including frequent hand washing, use of disinfectants and
 detergents, and abstaining from high-risk foods like all GMO ones as
 well as beef, poultry, and pork - raised under unsanitary conditions on
 factory farms that are notorious breeding grounds for toxic pathogens.That
 said, major unreported or underreported pandemics abound, real ones.
 None, however, make headlines or arouse public or media concern. Below
 are some.
 Wars, Massacres, Genocide, and Violence
 Wars indeed are reported but not their toll, human or otherwise. In
 the past century 

The swine flu hoax

2009-04-27 Thread Mercury

I know some of of you are concerned, But lets take a look at this

The media is OWNED by Pharma, They receive MILLIONS just for
advertising its products. The same people that sit on the board in our
most TRUSTED main stream media ALSO sit on the boards of some of our
BIGGEST Pharmaceutical companies. Of course when there is an
opportunity to SCARE people (MILLIONS and MILLIONS of innocent people)
They will USE this to SELL thier PRODUCT! Its the worst kind of
Corporate Greed IMO!

A few years ago SARS broke out in Toronto. It WAS world NEWS just like
this new scare in Mexico.  I was getting my sons medication from Sick
Kids Hospital in Toronto at the time of the SARS scare. Remeber this
is the LARGEST children's hospital in North America!  When I called
for a refill, I would chat with the Doctors assistant about
EVERYTHING, she was a real GEM! I ask her about the SARS  epidemic
in Toronto where the hospital is, She told me that its just all media
hype, She actually wanted to laugh but was too angry at what the media
was doing to people. Whatever happened to the SARS epidemic in
Toronto? The same thing that is going to happen with the swine
epidemic! Its going to get buried after Pharma SELLS a few million
dollars worth of drugs to a very scared world of innocent people.

The population in Mexico is 109,955,400 out of that 1,000 people have
the flu That would be 0.1 percent of the population in Mexico
that has the flu And out of that, 20 deaths have been attributed to
the flu confirmed as the swine flu
What they also dont mention is, Did the patient die from an adverse
reaction to some new medication the hospital treated them with? Was
the patient already immune compromised? Perhaps ELDERLY or DISABLED?
But remember this is an EPIDEMIC to scare the most innocent victims,

The geographical spread of the outbreaks also concerned the WHO —
while 13 of the 20 deaths were in Mexico City, the rest were spread
across Mexico — four in central San Luis Potosi, two up near the U.S.
border in Baja California, and one in southern Oaxaca state.

The eight U.S. victims recovered from symptoms that were like those
of the regular flu, mostly fever, cough and sore throat, though some
also experienced vomiting and diarrhea.

Most likely they survived because they werent given drugs that KILLED
them! Adverse reactions JUST in the USA kill more than a 100,000
people EACH year! This number was taken from a study that was
published in a Peer Review prestigious Medical Journal!

Now what is a REAL epidemic? Air Pollution. Why doesnt the media
report on air pollution, WHY? Who pollutes our air the most?
Corporations! Number one killer IS Corporations that POLLUTE our air!

 Deaths from air pollution, including indoor and outdoor sources, have
been ranked as one of the top 10 causes of disability by the World
Health Organization (WHO) (5). In 1995, WHO (6) estimated that 460,000
avoidable deaths occur annually as a result of suspended particulate
matter, largely from outdoor urban exposures. In 1997, WHO joined with
the World Resources Institute (WRI) and others to estimate that,
annually, nearly 700,000 deaths are related to air pollution and that
about 8 million avoidable deaths will occur worldwide by 2020 (7).

What can you do to protect yourself, Dont pay attention to the media
for one, and take care of yourselves, eat healthy, wash your hands,
drink LOTS of water. It flushes TOXINS out of the body!

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Re: Who are the true priates Somalians or Americans?

2009-04-13 Thread Mercury
, hundreds of the dumped and leaking barrels
 washed up on shore. People began to suffer from radiation sickness, and
 more than 300 died.

 Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the UN envoy to Somalia, tells me: Somebody is
 dumping nuclear material here. There is also lead, and heavy metals
 such as cadmium and mercury – you name it. Much of it can be traced
 back to European hospitals and factories, who seem to be passing it on
 to the Italian mafia to dispose of cheaply. When I asked Mr
 Ould-Abdallah what European governments were doing about it, he said
 with a sigh: Nothing. There has been no clean-up, no compensation, and
 no prevention.

 At the same time, other European ships have been looting Somalia's seas
 of their greatest resource: seafood. We have destroyed our own fish
 stocks by overexploitation – and now we have moved on to theirs. More
 than $300m-worth of tuna, shrimp, and lobster are being stolen every
 year by illegal trawlers. The local fishermen are now starving.
 Mohammed Hussein, a fisherman in the town of Marka 100km south of
 Mogadishu, told Reuters: If nothing is done, there soon won't be much
 fish left in our coastal waters.

 This is the context in which the pirates have emerged. Somalian
 fishermen took speedboats to try to dissuade the dumpers and trawlers,
 or at least levy a tax on them. They call themselves the Volunteer
 Coastguard of Somalia – and ordinary Somalis agree. The independent
 Somalian news site WardheerNews found 70 per cent strongly supported
 the piracy as a form of national defence.

 No, this doesn't make hostage-taking justifiable, and yes, some are
 clearly just gangsters – especially those who have held up World Food
 Programme supplies. But in a telephone interview, one of the pirate
 leaders, Sugule Ali: We don't consider ourselves sea bandits. We
 consider sea bandits [to be] those who illegally fish and dump in our
 seas. William Scott would understand.

 Did we expect starving Somalians to stand passively on their beaches,
 paddling in our toxic waste, and watch us snatch their fish to eat in
 restaurants in London and Paris and Rome? We won't act on those crimes
 – the only sane solution to this problem – but when some of the
 fishermen responded by disrupting the transit-corridor for 20 per cent
 of the world's oil supply, we swiftly send in the gunboats.

 The story of the 2009 war on piracy was best summarised by another
 pirate, who lived and died in the fourth century BC. He was captured
 and brought to Alexander the Great, who demanded to know what he meant
 by keeping possession of the sea. The pirate smiled, and responded:
 What you mean by seizing the whole earth; but because I do it with a
 petty ship, I am called a robber, while you, who do it with a great
 fleet, are called emperor. Once again, our great imperial fleets sail
 – but who is the robber?



 UN envoy decries illegal fishing, waste dumping off Somalia com/article/ ALeqM5gVV_ gQDsp1m8v7nPcumV c5McYV-Q

 UNITED NATIONS (AFP) — The UN special envoy for Somalia on Friday
 sounded the alarm about rampant illegal fishing and the dumping of
 toxic waste off the coast of the lawless African nation.

 Because there is no (effective) government, there is so much irregular
 fishing from European and Asian countries, Ahmedou Ould Abdallah told

 He said he had asked several international non-governmental
 organizations, including Global Witness, which works to break the links
 between natural resource exploitation, conflict, corruption, and human
 rights abuses worldwide, to trace this illegal fishing, illegal
 dumping of waste.

 It is a disaster off the Somali coast, a disaster (for) the Somali 
 environment, the Somali population, he added.

 Ould Abdallah said the phenomenon helps fuel the endless civil war in
 Somalia as the illegal fishermen are paying corrupt Somali ministers or
 warlords for protection or to secure fake licenses.

 East African waters, particularly off Somalia, have huge numbers of
 commercial fish species, including the prized yellowfin tuna.

 Foreign trawlers reportedly use prohibited fishing equipment, including
 nets with very small mesh sizes and sophisticated underwater lighting
 systems, to lure fish to their traps.

 I am convinced there is dumping of solid waste, chemicals and probably
 nuclear (waste) There is no government (control) and there are few
 people with high moral ground, Ould Abdallah added.

 Allegations of waste dumping off Somalia by European companies have
 been heard for years, according to Somalia watchers. The problem was
 highlighted in the wake of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami when broken
 hazardous waste containers washed up on Somali shores.

 But world attention has recently focused on piracy off Somalia, which
 has taken epidemic proportions since the country sank into chaos after
 warlords ousted the late president Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991.

 Somalia's coastal waters

Re: Whales and Dolphins are not Sentient Creatures

2009-03-28 Thread Mercury

Well I like to enjoy the little things, The things people take for
granted in life.
Take the Silvers in this world, Thay are always so negative!  Instead
of looking
at how those dolphins protected humans from great white sharks, He is
searching for a negative, and he will find one.  I feel sorry for
people like that.

Silver  CAN be sweet when he wants, But sometimes he is just annoying.

Iron, Silver, kinda close? :o)   I wonder why Silver uses the name
Silver. Maybe hes an old man and has silver color hair? Maybe hes
bald! :o)

You are excited about the econonmy, UmWhy? Are you not

On Mar 28, 7:59 am, xi wrote:
 Good morning !!!

 Of course, who would not enjoy that?

 Silver is a sweetheart, but he pretends to be an iron man.


 Not sure when things will be much worse. Indicators are falling  but
 its pace of fall does not change, yet there are some little signs of
 slowing down its pace of decline. In US economy we are in the
 recessionary crisis, maybe at the end of its first phase (part 1/4 of
 the letter U), maybe close to its bottom. Yet the hyperinflationary
 crisis is coming.  Maybe this year or maybe in 2010 things will be
 much worse, that crisis will be much worse. It might be in 2009 if US
 economy reaches its bottom this year or maybe in 2010 if not. But
 probably there will be some months of relief that in some extend will
 give a chance for people to get ready for the hyperinflationary

 The good news is that the rest of the world is getting ready for that
 hyperinflationary crisis. Or better, it has prepared that crisis
 before this one started. Then, the rest of the world might help a lot
 to pull US out. Let us see what happens, it is exciting for me.


 Peace and best wishes.


 On Mar 28, 12:29 pm, Mercury wrote:

  Good Morning Xi!! :o)

  Im glad you enjoyed it!!  Hopefully it will soften Silvers heart! :o)

  How can anyone not love dolphins?


  Things are going to get much worse this year?

  Thank you for EVERYTHING you do!


  On Sat, Mar 28, 2009 at 6:14 AM, xi wrote:

   Great video, Merc. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. It is great to be
   alive to learn that. Thank you very much Mercury !


   Peace and best wishes.


   On Mar 28, 1:25 am, Mercury wrote:
   The BEST Video on Youtube!

   On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Mercury wrote:

More!! Be sure to read the very last sentence!

Dolphins prevent NZ shark attack

A group of swimmers has told how a pod of dolphins protected them from
a great white shark off New Zealand's coast.

The lifeguards were training at a beach near Whangarei on the North
Island when they were menaced by a 3-metre shark, before the dolphins
raced in to help.

The swimmers were surrounded by the dolphins for 40 minutes before
they were able to make it safely back to the beach.

Marine biologists say such altruistic behaviour is not uncommon in

Lifeguard Rob Howes was in the water with two colleagues and his
teenage daughter.

It was an uncomfortable experience, as they were circled by a great
white shark, which came within a couple of metres.

He said around half a dozen dolphins suddenly appeared and herded the
swimmers together. The mammals swam in tight circles to create a
defensive barrier as the great white lurked under the surface.

The swimmers said the dolphins were extremely agitated and repeatedly
slapped the water with their tails, presumably to try to deter the
predator as it cruised nearby.

The drama happened in New Zealand three weeks ago, but only now are
the lifeguards telling their story.

It is a day they will never forget, especially for one of the
swimmers, who was on her first day as a volunteer.

They have no doubt that the dolphins acted deliberately to protect

Researchers have said they are not surprised. A marine biologist
insisted that dolphins, which are considered to be one of the most
intelligent mammals, like to help the helpless.

On Mar 27, 8:13 pm, Mercury wrote:
Dolphins save surfer from becoming shark’s bait
A pod of bottlenose dolphins helped protect the severely injured

Surfer Todd Endris needed a miracle. The shark — a monster great white
that came out of nowhere — had hit him three times, peeling the skin
off his back and mauling his right leg to the bone.

That’s when a pod of bottlenose dolphins intervened, forming a
protective ring around Endris, allowing him to get to shore, where
quick first aid provided by a friend saved his life.


Re: Whales and Dolphins are not Sentient Creatures

2009-03-27 Thread Mercury

More!! Be sure to read the very last sentence!

Dolphins prevent NZ shark attack

A group of swimmers has told how a pod of dolphins protected them from
a great white shark off New Zealand's coast.

The lifeguards were training at a beach near Whangarei on the North
Island when they were menaced by a 3-metre shark, before the dolphins
raced in to help.

The swimmers were surrounded by the dolphins for 40 minutes before
they were able to make it safely back to the beach.

Marine biologists say such altruistic behaviour is not uncommon in

Lifeguard Rob Howes was in the water with two colleagues and his
teenage daughter.

It was an uncomfortable experience, as they were circled by a great
white shark, which came within a couple of metres.

He said around half a dozen dolphins suddenly appeared and herded the
swimmers together. The mammals swam in tight circles to create a
defensive barrier as the great white lurked under the surface.

The swimmers said the dolphins were extremely agitated and repeatedly
slapped the water with their tails, presumably to try to deter the
predator as it cruised nearby.

The drama happened in New Zealand three weeks ago, but only now are
the lifeguards telling their story.

It is a day they will never forget, especially for one of the
swimmers, who was on her first day as a volunteer.

They have no doubt that the dolphins acted deliberately to protect

Researchers have said they are not surprised. A marine biologist
insisted that dolphins, which are considered to be one of the most
intelligent mammals, like to help the helpless.

On Mar 27, 8:13 pm, Mercury wrote:
 Dolphins save surfer from becoming shark’s bait
 A pod of bottlenose dolphins helped protect the severely injured

 Surfer Todd Endris needed a miracle. The shark — a monster great white
 that came out of nowhere — had hit him three times, peeling the skin
 off his back and mauling his right leg to the bone.

 That’s when a pod of bottlenose dolphins intervened, forming a
 protective ring around Endris, allowing him to get to shore, where
 quick first aid provided by a friend saved his life.

 “Truly a miracle,” Endris told TODAY’s Natalie Morales on Thursday.

 Think again!

 On Mar 26, 7:50 pm, silver wrote:

  At least that is what I think.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Whales and Dolphins are not Sentient Creatures

2009-03-27 Thread Mercury
The BEST Video on Youtube!

On Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 8:23 PM, Mercury wrote:

 More!! Be sure to read the very last sentence!

 Dolphins prevent NZ shark attack

 A group of swimmers has told how a pod of dolphins protected them from
 a great white shark off New Zealand's coast.

 The lifeguards were training at a beach near Whangarei on the North
 Island when they were menaced by a 3-metre shark, before the dolphins
 raced in to help.

 The swimmers were surrounded by the dolphins for 40 minutes before
 they were able to make it safely back to the beach.

 Marine biologists say such altruistic behaviour is not uncommon in

 Lifeguard Rob Howes was in the water with two colleagues and his
 teenage daughter.

 It was an uncomfortable experience, as they were circled by a great
 white shark, which came within a couple of metres.

 He said around half a dozen dolphins suddenly appeared and herded the
 swimmers together. The mammals swam in tight circles to create a
 defensive barrier as the great white lurked under the surface.

 The swimmers said the dolphins were extremely agitated and repeatedly
 slapped the water with their tails, presumably to try to deter the
 predator as it cruised nearby.

 The drama happened in New Zealand three weeks ago, but only now are
 the lifeguards telling their story.

 It is a day they will never forget, especially for one of the
 swimmers, who was on her first day as a volunteer.

 They have no doubt that the dolphins acted deliberately to protect

 Researchers have said they are not surprised. A marine biologist
 insisted that dolphins, which are considered to be one of the most
 intelligent mammals, like to help the helpless.

 On Mar 27, 8:13 pm, Mercury wrote:
 Dolphins save surfer from becoming shark’s bait
 A pod of bottlenose dolphins helped protect the severely injured

 Surfer Todd Endris needed a miracle. The shark — a monster great white
 that came out of nowhere — had hit him three times, peeling the skin
 off his back and mauling his right leg to the bone.

 That’s when a pod of bottlenose dolphins intervened, forming a
 protective ring around Endris, allowing him to get to shore, where
 quick first aid provided by a friend saved his life.

 “Truly a miracle,” Endris told TODAY’s Natalie Morales on Thursday.

 Think again!

 On Mar 26, 7:50 pm, silver wrote:

  At least that is what I think.- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Beyond Borders

2009-03-12 Thread Mercury
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Re: FBI: There are 1 million terrorists!!!

2009-03-12 Thread Mercury

FBI: There are 1 million terrorists!!!

I didnt realize there were so many CIA and FBI agents!

I shouldnt say that, I do know a CIA agent and hes cool.

On Mar 11, 5:05 pm, Sumerian.. wrote:
 Ludicrous Terrorist Watch List Now Contains
 Over 1 Million Names Children, airline pilots and
 respected professional deemed terrorist threats  Steve Watson  
 March 11, 2009
 Newly released figures show that one million names now make up
 the government’s terrorist watch list, a dramatic rise of around 32% in the 
 two years.
 Federal data show the rise comes despite the removal of 33,000
 entries last year by the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Center in an effort to 
 the list of outdated information and remove people cleared in investigations,
 reports USA Today.
 The statistics were provided by the screening center and the
 Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
 In May 2005, less than four years ago, the number of names on the
 list was 288,000. Since that time it has almost quadrupled, hitting 755,000 in
 May 2007 and 1 million as of March 2009.
 Those flagged on the watch list, established pursuant to the
 recommendations of the 9/11 Commission, can be blocked from flying, stopped at
 borders or subjected to other scrutiny.
 Civil liberties advocates and critics have charged that the list is far too
 expansive to be in any way effective.
 Reports have confirmed that the watch list contains the names of thousands of
 innocent Americans, including children, lawyers and even a retired Air 
 National Guard
 brigadier, now a commercial pilot for a major airline.
 We have previously highlighted the fact that a miniscule amount, less
 than 0.01% of Homeland Security cases are terrorism related.
 Other government watch lists, such as the so called “No Fly List” and the
 CAPPS II system, used by airlines and derived from the master terror list, 
 also come under heavy criticism for subverting the First and Fourth
 In some cases credit reports have been used in calculating the risk score,
 while the list has also been used to target political activists opposing the 
 penalty and the Iraq war.
 Once again we are reminded that the terrorist threat to America is vastly
 over hyped and is being used by a criminally controlled government as an 
 to police the world and foment a domestic police state to crush any dissent
 amongst the American people.
 Last year the chairman of a House technology oversight subcommittee
 warned that the database used to produce the government’s terror watch
 lists is “crippled by technical flaws,” and the system
 designed to replace it may be even worse.
 In a letter to the inspector general at the Office of the Director of
 National Intelligence, Rep. Brad Miller (D-NC) warned that the upgrade “if
 actually deployed will leave our country more vulnerable than the existing yet
 flawed system in operation today.”

 Sequence of events
 leading to the appearance of Antichrist. Daniel
 1) The hundreds of nations
 throughout the world are reorganized into 10 supernations (Verse 7); 2) 
 Antichrist arises (Verse 8a);
 3) Three of the original 10
 supernations is totally plucked up and destroyed (Verse

 The following feared
 and/or expected events will not occur until all 10 supernations are
 finally and completely established.
 1) The economy will not
 collapse until all 10 of these supernations are formed. This is not to say 
 the economy will be spared pain and agony as our leaders take us through the
 transition to a Fascist Economy, but a complete collapse will not occur until
 the final supernation is completed.
 2) World War III will not
 break out until all 10 of these supernations are formed; 3) The dissolution 
 of the American government, the
 suspension of all our guaraneteed liberties and the beginning of prison for
 dissidents and/or Patriots will not begin until after World War III begins;
 4) Guns will not be
 confiscated until after World War III begins; 5) Forced vaccinations which 
 will reduce our
 population dramatically will not begin until after World War III begins;
 6) Appearance of Antichrist
 and his False Prophet will not occur until after World War III ends. 
 with the prophecies of Matthew 24, this coming global war will produce the
 Masonic Christ (Antichrist) .  etc...

 SOLDIERS4JESUStalk- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com 
 If you haven't yet
 checked us out, you could be missing some good info

 SOLDIERS4JESUS2- subscribe@ yahoogroups. com  
 Antichrist will
 soon be making an appearance.  Keep up with the most recent updates
 that are leading to his arrival on the scene.

 Posted Mon, Tues, Thur,


 --- On Wed, 3/11/09, GeorgiaAnn wrote:

Re: For Mercury, and all: Hamburg Said to Be Obama’s Pick for FDA Commissioner

2009-03-12 Thread Mercury

I know more about the FDA than anyone on these boards, WHY?

Because. a good friend on mine was a investigator for the FDA for
many years before becoming a whistle blower. I met him many years ago
at a vaccine conference.  We exchanged many hours of phone
conversations and emails,  I told him everything I knew about certain
things that I had investigated, He offered me a job with his company
as a medical researcher. I turned him down as I felt my passion was
strictly devoted to my sons cause.  He taught me the ins and outs of
the FDA.

This was the worst choice Obama has made.

On Mar 11, 7:02 pm, xi wrote:

 March 11 (Bloomberg) -- Margaret A. Hamburg, a former New York City
 health commissioner, is President Barack Obama’s pick to run the U.S.
 Food and Drug Administration, a person familiar with the decision

 Joshua Sharfstein, commissioner of the Baltimore city health
 department since 2005, is expected to be named as deputy FDA
 commissioner, another person said.

 If confirmed, Hamburg, a physician and bioterrorism expert, would take
 the helm after a salmonella outbreak traced to peanut products led to
 nine deaths and sickened more than 660 people, and a year after
 recalls of a blood thinner with a sometimes deadly ingredient traced
 to China. Obama last month promised a full review of the agency, which
 regulates products that account for $1 trillion in consumer spending
 and range from lipstick to heart stents.

 “The FDA, as the nation’s largest regulatory agency, is on the hot
 seat to better protect Americans from a wide range of health risks,”
 said Shelley Hearne, managing director of the Pew Health  Human
 Services Policy Program, in Washington, in an e- mail before today.
 “Americans will be able to better trust the safety of their foods and
 pharmaceuticals knowing that what they eat and what they’re prescribed
 should be safer under Peggy Hamburg’s watch.”

 Public Health, Neuroscience

 Hamburg, 53, would go to the FDA with a background in neuroscience,
 drug research and public health. As New York City’s health
 commissioner from 1991 to 1997, she gained experience running a large
 bureaucracy. Hamburg also has worked within the federal health
 bureaucracy, researching AIDS at the National Institutes of Health and
 later as an assistant secretary at the Health and Human Services
 Department, where her responsibilities included strategic planning and
 the development and review of regulations.

 The choices were reported earlier by the New York Times.

 Hamburg sits on the board of Henry Schein Inc., a Melville, New York,
 distributor of medical products and services, including software.

 Sharfstein, 39, has served as commissioner of the Baltimore city
 health department since 2005, managing a $150 million budget and about
 800 employees. He made national headlines in March 2007 by petitioning
 the FDA to ban the marketing of over-the-counter cough and cold drugs
 to children younger than 6 because of the risk of side effects and
 lack of proven benefits. His year-and-a- half fight prompted companies
 to warn against use by infants and toddlers last October.

 Critic of Gifts

 Sharfstein has also criticized drugmakers over distributing gifts to
 doctors. In his first year at Harvard Medical School in 1992, he
 organized a drive for his fellow students to return textbooks paid for
 by Novartis AG’s generic-drug unit Sandoz. He also wrote a letter to
 the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine in 1997 complaining
 about Pfizer Inc. sponsoring a beer and billiards night for doctors in

 Hamburg comes from a family steeped in medicine and research. Her
 mother, Beatrix, was the first black woman to attend Vassar College
 and the first to earn a medical degree at Yale University, according
 to the National Library of Medicine. Her father, David, also a
 physician, headed the Institute of Medicine, an arm of the non-profit
 National Academies of Science that offers science-based advice on
 health issues, from 1975 to 1980.

 Agency Budget, Failures

 Hamburg would take over an agency with an annual budget of almost $2
 billion. Many lawmakers, including Rep. Rosa DeLauro, a Connecticut
 Democrat who chairs an FDA appropriations subcommittee, say the agency
 badly needs more funding. On Feb. 26, Obama proposed increasing the
 FDA budget for food safety to $1 billion, from $662 million in George
 W. Bush’s request for 2009.

 In recent years, the FDA failed to catch Chinese contamination of the
 blood thinner heparin, endured controversy over a politically driven
 delay in approving the over-the-counter contraceptive Plan B, and
 withdrew the painkiller Vioxx in 2004 after it was linked to heart

 The agency’s food safety-net has also been unable to stop or swiftly
 track food-poisoning outbreaks involving tainted spinach, jalapeno
 peppers and 

Re: Being silly

2009-03-03 Thread Mercury

Bezrio wants to save the PoochPerpingPrincess from Himself, The Lord
tranny! Talk about one big dysfunctional family!

God, the things I have learned on the internet! Yuck!

On Jan 14, 9:12 am, wrote:
 Super Mario :)

 Nintendo Choir (very funny)


 Peace and best wishes.


 On Dec 8 2008, 10:30 pm,

  Hey Mario

  But in the next life, Mario rescued the 

  Many years later ... Mario and the Princess moved to Brooklyn to start
  a new life.
  English version :

  Spanish version:

  I hope you liked them :)

  Peace and best wishes.

  On Dec 2, 4:34 pm, wrote:

   A love song for Mario Kart Wii

   Lyrics (from its source):

   You be my princess
   I'll be your toad
   I'll follow behind you
   on rainbow road
   Protect you from red shells
   wherever we go
   I promise.

   Noone will touch us
   if we pick up a star
   If you spin out
   you can ride in my car
   When we slide together
   we generate sparks
   in our wheels and our hearts

   The finish line
   is just around the bend
   I'll pause this game
   so our love will never end
   Let's go again

   The blue shell is coming
   so I'll go ahead
   If you hang behind
   it'll hit me instead
   but never look back
   cause I'm down but not dead
   I'll catch up to you

   Don't worry about
   Bowser or DK
   Eat this glowing mushroom
   and they'll all fade away


   to the mushroom cup
   and the flower cup
   and the star cup
   and the reverse cup


   If you are not familiar with Mario Kart and Wii, this might help:

   some history:

   And finally Mario Kart :)
   Moo mooing:

   Moo mooing:and now unnderstand that love song :)

   a race:

   and now understand that love song :)

   More pets :)

   I hope you liked it, or at least, I hope you do not think I am too

   Thanks for reading this message.

   Peace and best wishes.

   Xi- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Where is CINCY???

2009-03-02 Thread Mercury
Go READ a book!

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 4:35 PM, Kamakazee wrote:



 On Mar 2, 2:06 pm, Justice wrote:
  It means that farmers cannot use the seeds to propagate new plants.
  Even home farmers will not be able to use seeds to replant from the
  previous year if their crops are seed=free, but its worse for
  commercial farmers in low income areas.
  So seeds will have to be purchased, and they can be genetically
  engineered for the GOOD of us all.
  The best thing to do to combat this and other unscrupulous practices
  is to
  1) grow your own  start small so you will be successful.
  2) go to a nursery and get expert advice ==Mercury, on another thread
  you talked about having critters.  I am changing my advice to you on
  this thread.
  Go to a local nursery and get all of your supplies and your plants
  from them this first time. It will cost you a little extra money, but
  if you go around 10:00 or 11:00 in the morning, they will have time to
  talk you through the process and help you with all of your questions.
  Be sure they are amenable to organic stuff, ask them if they hierloom
  plants.  If not start out with the regular plants this time.  Later
  when you are better at it, you can go on line to hierloom seed
  companies and begin to grow the kinds of fruits and vegetables you'll
  never see at the market.  They will taste good, be better for you, and
  make great gifts for your family at Christmas when you decide to make
  jams and preserves.
  3) SAVE YOUR SEEDS.  Get small plastic containers or bags.  Remove the
  seed from the fruit, clean it well, dry it, and bag it for the
  following year.  You can do that with organic fruits you buy at the
  supermarket or save your seeds when you order then from the seed
  4) you can also start a compost heap in the corner of your yard.  You
  can buy one, or just start one using leaves and dried grass
  clippings.  with some bloodmeal and stirring it around once a week, by
  the end of a season you will have plenty of good stuff to add to your
  dirt to feed your plants.
  You can get really good at this Merc.  Maybe even start selling your
  best plants to good restaurants in your area.  It can be a form of
  egg money for you, or you can just share the bounty with the nice
  people around you.
  On Feb 22, 8:58 pm, Mercury wrote:
   Thank you, I am gald to know she and her family are fine!!! If you are
   reading this Cincy, I miss you and hope you come back soon!
   Sometimes I take little breaksfrom certain groups/people.
   What happens if we leave all fruits and veggies seedless. I really
   dont like this thought.
   On Feb 22, 9:46 am, xi wrote:
She took vacation from groups, that is what she told. And, yes, I
her too. But she told me that she and her family are fine.
For me, seeds is not an inconvenience at all. It is part of the
cycle, right?
Peace and best wishes.
On Feb 22, 3:06 pm, Mercury wrote:
 Is Cincy on vacation? I miss her.
 What is the purpose of having seedless fruit and vegetables? Is it
 much of an inconvenience for people to have seeds in thier fruit?
 worries me more then the current economy worries me.- Hide quoted
 text -
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Re: FDA bans natural sweetners to keep Rumsfeld's sales up.

2009-02-28 Thread Mercury

Buy a tomato plant --
 preferably cherry tomatoes since they are the easiest to grow.  Buy a
 tomato cage.

Just one tomato plant? I love cherry tomatoes, who would have guessed
they are the easiest to grow! Cool!

(If you have
 critters that come around at night you will need to protect your plant
 from them.)

Yes, we do have critters, so how do you protect your plants from them?

I am going to do this and I will send pictures as they grow! if they
grow! lol

Make sure the plant is getting lots of sun --
 at least 6 hours in a day -- don't plant it until after your last
 freeze (you can google it for your area).

I have a place on my patio that gets full sun.

Thank You Justice.  Very nice of you to explain all of this farming
stuff to me!!

And the planter, is my kind of gardening, it sounds like!! :o)

On Feb 28, 9:09 am, Justice wrote:
 No it's not -- go to Home Depot.  Find a large planter (very large --
 it should stand 2 feet high.  Buy some dirt (they have potting soil
 and organic soil -- buy the organic soil).  Buy a tomato plant --
 preferably cherry tomatoes since they are the easiest to grow.  Buy a
 tomato cage.

 Take it all home.  Put some rocks in the bottom of the planter (and
 remove the planter bottom that catches water.  Then fill it with dirt
 and plant your tomato plant (sink at least half of the plant into the
 dirt -- I know that looks counterproductive but it isn't).  Put the
 pot in a place where you don't mind if water leaks out.  (If you have
 critters that come around at night you will need to protect your plant
 from them.)

 Now push the dirt down to remove any excess air.  Then water it until
 all the dirt is soaked.  And water it every day or whatever it takes
 to keep the ground damp by not soaking.

 As it starts to grow, attach the cage or secure it around the pot and
 start training the tomato plant to grow around the cage.  Use the wire
 you get on a loaf of bread to secure the plant to the cage and make
 your connections lose.  Make sure the plant is getting lots of sun --
 at least 6 hours in a day -- don't plant it until after your last
 freeze (you can google it for your area).

 You will have cherry tomatoes that taste like candy.  And once you
 succeed at that, you'll find you can succeed at gardening.

 On Feb 25, 11:02 pm, Mercury wrote:

  Im lazy? :o)

  Its HARD work to grow tomatos! lol

  On Feb 25, 11:43 am, xi wrote:

   Cannot you? Why?


   Peace and best wishes.


   On Feb 25, 2:10 am, Mercury wrote:

I wish I could grow a tomato! :o)

On Feb 24, 10:36 am, xi wrote:

 Yes. I wish we could be smart enough to pick the best of all times. I
 miss veggies and fruit from land.


 Peace and best wishes.


 On Feb 24, 12:31 am, Mercury wrote:

  I wish I would have been born in the 1700's! Everything would be

  On Feb 23, 5:07 pm, Sumerian.. wrote:

   FDA bans natural sweetner just to convince Rumsfeld who is 
   getting a commision from sales of Asparatum.

   Stevia is natural and Japan in addition to 10 more countries 
   consumes it even with Coca Cola. so what is special about USA?
   In the early 1970s, Japan began cultivating stevia as an 
   alternative to artificial sweeteners such as cyclamate and 
   saccharin, which are suspected carcinogens.

   Today, stevia is cultivated and used in food elsewhere in east 
   Asia, including in ChinaKorea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia. It 
   can also be found in Saint Kitts and Nevis, in parts of South 
   America (Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay)
    (since 1984),


   In 1991, at the request of an anonymous complaint, the United 
   States Food and Drug Administration
   (FDA) labeled stevia as an unsafe food additive and restricted 
   import. The FDA's stated reason was toxicological information on
   stevia is inadequate to demonstrate its safety.[50]
   This ruling was controversial, as stevia proponents pointed out 
   this designation violated the FDA's own guidelines under which any
   natural substance used prior to 1958 with no reported adverse 
   should be generally recognized as safe (GRAS).
   Stevia occurs naturally, requiring no patent
   to produce it. As a consequence, since the import ban in 1991,
   marketers and consumers of stevia have shared a belief that the 
   acted in response to industry pressure.
   ( 1991: Bush in power)

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Re: For the record, I care very little about what the majority thinks..

2009-02-28 Thread Mercury

Where did you get this?

On Feb 28, 1:10 pm, Sumerian.. wrote:
 Sat, 2/28/09, Anomalous Biff wrote:

 The majority voted for George Bush..twice. .

 The majority turned off their brains to support/worship Obama.

 majority did nothing while a democratic congress went along with
 ruining the country all so they could ensure themselves victory in a
 presidential election.

 The majority are not involved.

 The majority are nothing more than pawns to be manipulated by those who are 

 The majority seem pretty much like they are nothing more than the mindless 
 drones of the Borg.

 I will not be assimilated.

 Good Luck To Us All!.

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Re: FDA bans natural sweetners to keep Rumsfeld's sales up.

2009-02-25 Thread Mercury

Im lazy? :o)

Its HARD work to grow tomatos! lol

On Feb 25, 11:43 am, xi wrote:
 Cannot you? Why?


 Peace and best wishes.


 On Feb 25, 2:10 am, Mercury wrote:

  I wish I could grow a tomato! :o)

  On Feb 24, 10:36 am, xi wrote:

   Yes. I wish we could be smart enough to pick the best of all times. I
   miss veggies and fruit from land.


   Peace and best wishes.


   On Feb 24, 12:31 am, Mercury wrote:

I wish I would have been born in the 1700's! Everything would be

On Feb 23, 5:07 pm, Sumerian.. wrote:

 FDA bans natural sweetner just to convince Rumsfeld who is getting a 
 commision from sales of Asparatum.

 Stevia is natural and Japan in addition to 10 more countries consumes 
 it even with Coca Cola. so what is special about USA?
 In the early 1970s, Japan began cultivating stevia as an alternative 
 to artificial sweeteners such as cyclamate and saccharin, which are 
 suspected carcinogens.

 Today, stevia is cultivated and used in food elsewhere in east Asia, 
 including in ChinaKorea, Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia. It can also 
 be found in Saint Kitts and Nevis, in parts of South America (Brazil, 
 Colombia, Peru, Paraguay, and Uruguay)
  (since 1984),


 In 1991, at the request of an anonymous complaint, the United States 
 Food and Drug Administration
 (FDA) labeled stevia as an unsafe food additive and restricted its
 import. The FDA's stated reason was toxicological information on
 stevia is inadequate to demonstrate its safety.[50]
 This ruling was controversial, as stevia proponents pointed out that
 this designation violated the FDA's own guidelines under which any
 natural substance used prior to 1958 with no reported adverse effects
 should be generally recognized as safe (GRAS).
 Stevia occurs naturally, requiring no patent
 to produce it. As a consequence, since the import ban in 1991,
 marketers and consumers of stevia have shared a belief that the FDA
 acted in response to industry pressure.
 ( 1991: Bush in power)

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Re: Miller Says 401(k) Plans Are High-Stakes ‘Crap Shoot’

2009-02-24 Thread Mercury

 It may take more than the worst bear market in 77 years to rattle U.S.
 retirement-plan investors.

Right before the baby boomers retire, how convenient!

I feel REALLY sad for the baby boomers!

On Feb 24, 12:10 pm, xi wrote:
 My comment: For US friends. Arable land with good water supply.
 Commodities. Grow food at home.

 That will not turn rich to anyone probably, but it can give a better
 life without dramatic troubles

 Peace and best wishes.


 Investors Sit Tight as Flaws in 401(k) Plans Exposed


 It may take more than the worst bear market in 77 years to rattle U.S.
 retirement-plan investors.


 On Feb 24, 5:29 pm, xi wrote:

  Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) -- House Education and Labor Committee Chairman
  George Miller said 401(k) retirement plans do not provide sufficient
  retirement security for many Americans and must be revamped.

  Miller, a California Democrat, recommended better disclosure of 401(k)
  fees and more objective marketing of retirement products to investors
  at a Washington hearing today on the effectiveness of existing
  retirement savings plans.

  Investors had $2.7 trillion in 401(k) accounts as of Sept. 30,
  according to the Washington-based Investment Company Institute, which
  represents mutual funds. The Congressional Budget Office estimated
  that workers lost $2 trillion over a span of 15 months from declining
  stock markets at an October hearing of the House Education and Labor

  “For too many Americans, 401(k) plans have become little more than a
  high-stakes crap shoot,” said Miller. “We are realizing that Wall
  Street’s guarantees of predictable benefits and peace of mind
  throughout retirement was nothing more than a hallow promise.”

  Miller questioned at the October hearing whether the U.S. had gotten
  its money’s worth from the estimated $80 billion in tax subsidies the
  retirement accounts receive each year. At the hearing, Teresa
  Ghilarducci, a professor at the New School for Social Research in New
  York, proposed replacing 401(k) plans with government-run retirement
  savings accounts.

  ‘Preserve and Strengthen’

  Today, Miller said “we must preserve and strengthen 401(k)s.” About 55
  million private-sector employees have defined-contribution retirement
  plans, in which workers are responsible for managing their own funds,
  according to the Center for Retirement Research in Boston. The 401(k)
  plans, which generally are tax-deferred savings accounts, are one of
  the most common retirement plans.

  John Bogle, founder of fund manager Vanguard Group, echoed Miller,
  saying, “the 401(k) plan is an idea whose time is come” yet “our
  existing defined contribution system is failing investors” because of
  high fees, low levels of saving, excess flexibility that permits
  cashing out and too much borrowing and inappropriate asset allocation.
  Bogle recommended a single defined contribution structure using low-
  cost annuities, among other options.

  Retirement savings are too exposed to market risk, according to Dean
  Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in
  Washington and another witness at today’s hearing. Baker proposed a
  government-run pension system providing a modest guaranteed rate of
  return, according to a statement released last night.

  Employees must work longer to extend retirement savings and social
  security could be stabilized and supplemented by target- date funds,
  said Alicia Munell, director of the Center for Retirement Research at
  Boston College, in prepared remarks. Target-date funds shift money
  into more conservative investments as an investor approaches
  retirement.- Hide quoted text -

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Re: Obama Beats Down Another Big Bush Lie

2009-02-22 Thread Mercury

LOL!  I cant get this right for the life of me!

Now why is my name nunya buisness, When I post from

On Feb 22, 8:55 am, Nunya Buisness wrote:
 Just testing..

 --- On Sat, 2/21/09, Justice wrote:

 From: Justice
 Subject: Re: Obama Beats Down Another Big Bush Lie
 To: World-thread
 Date: Saturday, February 21, 2009, 10:48 AM

 You used to post here as

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Where is CINCY???

2009-02-22 Thread Mercury

Is Cincy on vacation? I miss her.

What is the purpose of having seedless fruit and vegetables? Is it too
much of an inconvenience for people to have seeds in thier fruit? This
worries me more then the current economy worries me.

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Re: Volcker Says U.S. Economy May Suffer for ‘Long Time’

2009-02-21 Thread Mercury

I think what went up is the cost of insurance, medications(My sons
medication increased $300 dollars in the past six months for a three
month supply)

I haven't seen an increase in food, just the opposite really...I like
good bargains but I keep thinking prices will go down more and
moreand they are. Well with the great sales, they are!

On Feb 20, 6:21 pm, Sumerian.. wrote:
 Hi; very interesting comment and article.

 i am very astonished about this being reported:
 The cost of living in the U.S. rose last month for the first
 time in six months as the consumer price index rose 0.3 percent, the
 Labor Department said today in Washington.

  Astonished because, every constituent element of the cost of living went
 down like oil prices, raw materials, food etc

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Aspartame, Brain Cancer the FDA Approval Process

2009-02-21 Thread Mercury

The approval of Aspartame should never have been allowed. The only
reason it was approved was because of corruption, and is now causing
brain cancer in our citizens, I don't even want to think what it does
to a fetus!

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Re: Volcker Says U.S. Economy May Suffer for ‘Long Time’

2009-02-21 Thread Mercury

The last thing I would expect  to see, is the price climb for a new

I have noticed clothes, shoes and purses haven't come down in price,
This is true!! And of course medical care. Too bad medicine never goes
on sale! lol

My sil lost her job on Tuesday. The good news, They were prepared and
do have a huge savings to back them up, They also offered my sil a
severance package until June.

On Feb 21, 6:16 am, xi wrote:
 Welcome back (Mercury).

 This might explain this rise.

 New vehicle prices climbed 0.3 percent, the most in three years, and
 clothing costs also rose 0.3 percent. The cost of medical care
 increased 0.4 percent.

 (regarding car industry) Rents, which make up almost 40 percent of the
 core CPI, also accelerated. A category designed to track rental prices
 climbed 0.3 percent.

 Quoted from the article:
 U.S. Economy: Consumer Prices Rise for First Time in Six 

 Also this quote : Economists caution that disinflation could lead to
 outright deflation, which erodes profits and makes debts harder to
 repay. Still, others worry that in the longer term, the unprecedented
 fiscal stimulus and the Fed’s policy of buying more assets and pumping
 money into the financial system will reignite inflation. (My comment:
 This is the hyperinflationary crisis that awaits).

 Peace and best wishes.


 On Feb 21, 2:01 am, Mercury wrote:

  I think what went up is the cost of insurance, medications(My sons
  medication increased $300 dollars in the past six months for a three
  month supply)

  I haven't seen an increase in food, just the opposite really...I like
  good bargains but I keep thinking prices will go down more and
  moreand they are. Well with the great sales, they are!

  On Feb 20, 6:21 pm, Sumerian.. wrote:

   Hi; very interesting comment and article.

   i am very astonished about this being reported:
   The cost of living in the U.S. rose last month for the first
   time in six months as the consumer price index rose 0.3 percent, the
   Labor Department said today in Washington.

    Astonished because, every constituent element of the cost of living went
   down like oil prices, raw materials, food etc- Hide quoted text -

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2008-12-07 Thread Mercury . Sailor
   - From: Perplexed92
   -   To: Sailor.Girrl

   - 32 of 59
   - Dec-6

   Nah, my brother wasn't like your dad.  And I don't have perpes whatever
that is, nor do I have those nasty crusty sores from h er pes that you
apparently got from your dad.

Again, why didn't you just have an abortion or shoot him rather than take
out your mental illness on strangers your entire life?

   - From: Perplexed92
   -   To: Sailor.Girrl

   - 27 of 59
   - Dec-6

Must really blow to be you, mercury.  What a sad, pathetic person you are.
You really should talk to someone about that guilt for causing your son's
mental re ta rdation instead of taking it out on strangers.  Seriously.

   - From: Perplexed92
   -   To: Sailor.Girrl

   - 29 of 59
   - Dec-6

   Thanks for that; I  just posted it on the other board so everyone can see
after your posts are wiped clean from this one.

I guess it makes sense to you to make up lies about others so you don't
simply drown in your guilt about your son, huh?

   - From: Perplexed92
   -   To: Sailor.Girrl

   - 30 of 59
   - Dec-6

   The other person thats been on my leg all night comes from a crazy family
as well ,her father raped her and she needed an abortion,

Is THAT why your son is re ta rded?  Your dad raped you?  Here I thought it
was because you had him vaccinated.

Why didn't you have an abortion instead of spending 30 years blaming others
for your guilt?

   - From: Perplexed92
   -   To: Sailor.Girrl

   - 32 of 59
   - Dec-6

   Nah, my brother wasn't like your dad.  And I don't have perpes whatever
that is, nor do I have those nasty crusty sores from h er pes that you
apparently got from your dad.

Again, why didn't you just have an abortion or shoot him rather than take
out your mental illness on strangers your entire life?

   - From: Perplexed92
   -   To: Sailor.Girrl

   - 32 of 59
   - Dec-6

   Nah, my brother wasn't like your dad.  And I don't have perpes whatever
that is, nor do I have those nasty crusty sores from h er pes that you
apparently got from your dad.

   - From: Perplexed92
   -   To: Sailor.Girrl

   - 34 of 59
   - Dec-6

   Did your bucked teeth come from your dad making you blow him while your
teeth were still developing?

I'd have shot him in his sleep if I were you.  No child should have to live
with that kind of abuse.  My God...look what it's done to you.

Again, why didn't you just have an abortion or shoot him rather than take
out your mental illness on strangers your entire life?

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Time of my Life-

2008-11-09 Thread Mercury . Sailor
Time of my Life-David Cook (Beijing Olympics)

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