Allan Kaprow, 1927-2006

2006-04-06 Thread Kamen Nedev
Dear all,Allan Kaprow has passed away.Begin forwarded message:From: Reid Wood [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 6 de abril de 2006 02:06:46 GMT+02:00To: FLUXLIST@scribble.comSubject: Re: FLUXLIST: Re:Allan KaprowReply-To: Judith-Thanks for the information - sad news, as more and more of the artists who I feel connected to are leaving us.ReidOn Apr 5, 2006, at 7:44 PM, Judith wrote: Allan Kaprow passed away early this afternoon at home with his family aroundhim.He has been ill for about two years.  A memorial for him will be plannedlater this year.He has influenced many, many people, not just artists, and his memory willbe part of allour lives.  We are diminished by his loss.Judith A. Hoffberg   Kamen Nedevc/Pelayo Nº38, 5º Izda.28004 MadridEspaña(+34) 649 77 80 37[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://emitmedia.blogspot.com 


2006-02-04 Thread Kamen Nedev

This is sooo coool:

Cage! Radiohead! Cabaret Voltaire!

Gee, I'd sign up for their mailing list, if I could find the link...

Re: Happy Holidays, too!

2005-12-29 Thread Kamen Nedev


Missed his show in Barcelona with D.J. Spooky a few years back.
Thought I'd be able to catch him again sometime.


On 27/12/2005, at 5:25, Steve Dalachinsky wrote:

sad news

the great experimentor / quitarist/ musician/composer /  improvisor /


has passed away  on christmas   eve

Re: NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-20 Thread Kamen Nedev

Aye, caught the guy supporting Mogwai here in Madrid a couple of
years ago. Majestic. Almost stole the show. Eventually, he did an
encore with them: My Father, My King. Almost half and hour of
mindblowing sonic violence.

Hasn't kept me interested, though.



On 18/12/2005, at 2:38, phanero wrote:

you heard the Lesser + Kid 606 stuff? that track Catnap (speaking
of people
that is hot.. (to me) the track hydrophycyclic feels like your
coming in fast over mos eisely in a sky ambulance
OW.. that is HOD.. catnap is pure bootytremor, its all booty:

Kid 606 is one of the pseudonyms of 19-year-old Michael Trost
Depedro, a nine-fingered electronic musician living in San
Diego, with releases on the Vinyl Communications imprint. His
styles range from abstract Merzbow-like noise and digital
ramblings through obnoxious hardcore/gabber, grating techno, media-
error FX, the occasional fucked beat/break
combination, and, more often than not, combining most of the above
in one track. He attributes the diversity to
something like musical multiple personality disorder or creative
short attention span.

While the music suggests a repressed individual exploding
cathartically, the Kid stresses he is a really nice guy,
addicted to diet soda and Miami bass, with an obsession over
Opposite of Sex-era Christina Ricci. His first release,
Don't Sweat the Technics, was a 70-minute excursion delving into
diverse expressions of audio-fuckery. Glimpses of
gabber, abstract noise, and digital mucking about all come through,
incredibly noisy and obnoxious, yet almost hypnotic.
Nothing is spared the treatment, not even a cheeky department store
advert for a teen fashion show. Taken as a whole,
the Kid seems to be way ahead of himself on this one. The music
evokes the bizarre feeling that you've caught a glimpse
of future nostalgia.

The music is from the 21st century (not so far off anymore), yet
viewed from the perspective of a music historian of an
even later time. It's like catching a glimpse of the degradation of
a CD-R of mind-blowing music from the future, with
the sonic glitches and drop-outs not being intentional but part of
the decay process over the years. Confusing. His
other two releases, one split CD each with labelmates Lesser (my
bandmate/mentor/best friend) and Omnibot , are
outward extensions of what's found on his first release. The LSR/
KID-606 CD travels a more pounding, rhythmic route,
whereas the Omnibot release, (not my most inspired moments, some
from when I was 16), while keeping with an aggressive
rhythm, travels a harsher, crunchier route, and ends in a cacophony
of white noise. Kid 606, a.k.a. Tigerboy, Scsi Bear,
Ariel, Compact Digital Audio, and 1/3 of Disc with Matmos and Jay
Lesser, is set to unleash a bunch of new tracks and
remixes for labels Vinyl Communications, Alien8, and more . The Kid
was nice enough to engage in an interview via email
with Grooves.

Grooves: Wassup with the titling on your releases? They seem to be
really personal.

Kid 606: Absolutely, most definitely. I get all personal with song
titles, because if I wrote poetry, I would feel
extremely troubled! I am very sensitive, and to quote the Big Worm
(who was the big fat drug dealer/ice cream truck
driver) from Ice Cube's marvelous epic movie Friday, I don't like
people messing with my emotions. Pretty much the
only way I know of venting or at least thinking I am getting
something off my chest is by getting all Bukowski on the
song titles. All my song titles are about experiences and mainly
about being young (and dumb!) and weird relationships.
I also like them to not ever have a chance of showing up on another
artist's record, especially since I am super against
different artists using song titles over and over again (examples:
lies, fire, pain, despair, red, love),

Grooves: Are you trying to excise demons with tracks like Fuck off
Sarah or trying to convey a message/emotion, or am
I reading way too deep?

Kid 606: You can definitely never read too deep into any song title
or liner note on anything I do. Lots of musicians
just use random things and expect or hope people to attach meaning
to them or have it just be vague, but absolutely
everything I do has intricately planned and carefully placed
messages or emotions I am trying to convey. I kind of think
I get way too obsessive about it and am weirding out people
(definitely myself!), but I am pretty sure most listeners
don't even notice or care. It's also a comment on how electronic
music has almost done away with the need for song
titles, and they might as well be numbers that carry no meaning to
people and just signify the order which they are in.
I feel rebellious having a song title that has deep personal
meaning when the music is just me trying to figure out how
to make a beat sound as fucked as possible and have no bassline or
something. I have had people tell me that think a
certain song title means something to them or they think it is
really funny every 

Re: [_arc.hive_] NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-20 Thread Kamen Nedev
Hmmm, has anybody here ever tried a Theremin? Moog used to make a  
MIDI-compatible one, two. Sound...



On 19/12/2005, at 6:58, Alan Sondheim wrote:

Re the first paragraph, my apologies as well; we're going to Utah  
tomorrow and I'm a bit tense, also feeling physically ill. -

Needless to say I agree with you. I also think there are things  
like the old Casio midi sax - you blew into it, and so there's all  
sorts of possibilties for interfacing. Most Midi people though use  
keyboards; they can be taylored (misspelling but it's a great  
pun!), but the tendency is of course towards either cleanliness or  
controlled/chaotic noise...

Then there's granular synthesis which seems something else utterly  
different and exciting - Alan

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, mwp wrote:

(Thanks for the clarification, AS. I sometimes tend to read an  
implied hostility into people’s writings where it is not intended,  
as I am sure they sometimes unintendedly read it into mine. I’m  
very tense tonight for some reason. Sorry if I overreacted.)

My short, silly list was meant to apply to written compositional  
variables, or to switches on a foot pedal for live performance.  
For instance, you want a particular passage you are playing on a  
MIDI instrument to sound breathy, you press the ctrl-B button on  
the pedal. Crude, simple stuff, like a guitarist has with  
fuzzboxes, wahs, etc. only more localized and nuanced in the effect.

I don’t think that an Ayler of today would feel too deprived of  
his “black spirituality” if he was playing a MIDI instrument of  
sampled sounds. He simply would find workarounds to create the  
effects he wanted, and while he wouldn't be the Ayler we know and  
love, he still would sound marvelously human. Look at somebody  
like Sun Ra, who was playing a clunky old DX7 when I saw him a few  
times. I don’t think that the rise of session players using  
digital instruments has much to do with the coldness of today’s  
music, as there were plenty of cold, boring session players  
working in places like Hollywood and Tin Pan Alley many decades  
before there were commercial digital music programs and  
instruments. I see today’s “coldness” has as much to do with a  
basic shift in attitude towards performance, -- from an  
existential “being-in-the-world” attitude, such as you described  
so well, to a more aloof, canned one that you get in rap, raves,  
etc. I don’t see the latter necessarily as a musical regression of  
any kind, or as a diminishment in music’s spirituality. If that  
causes Ayler to spin in his grave, well, every new generation has  
that effect on its elders!

I haven't addressed your point about live vs computer at all, even  
though it was fundamental to what you were saying,  because I  
basically agree with you and see nothing to add.

being preposterously verbose, as always, and now I will shut up  
and go into a long self-imposed glottal hibernation...

On Dec 18, 2005, at 8:46 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, mwp wrote:
[Arggh, I feel the hostility meter starting to flutter into the  
red… If that’s the case, I’m outta here.]

No hostility intended.
Don’t know why such a list of commands wouldn’t cut it to bring  
some sense of life to a piece. Composers use such notations all  
the time to indicate precisely what they need from performers,  
and Talan M’s work is a composition, not a performance, however  
much he may intend it to sound “performed.” And there’s no  
reason these controls couldn’t be implemented live in real time  
with foot pedals or something, so there’s plenty of room for  
overlap between composition and performance.
It may well bring life into a piece. That's not what I was on  
about; of course I agree with you here.
I don’t believe improvisation can ever be totally in the  
“moment.” Improvisors are always recycling and borrowing from  
buried experience and spinning motifs, etc. The idea of the mind  
as blank slate creating order out of nothingness just doesn’t  
“cut it” for me.
No one ever said improvisation came out of a blank slate; of  
course it doesn't. But it is in real time, and all that recycling  
etc. - more important where you are in the piece - can't be a  
second-take; what you do then is what you get. And there's no  
'nothingness' - there are chops and what you're doing.
There's a whole politics behind this, which Ayler and New Thing  
music in general came out of. It came out of the black revolution  
of the 60s as well, and the rhetoric around it was part of it;  
with people like Baraka it entered linguistically into the pieces  
as well. And this politics was connected with notions of black  
soul, black body, black spirituality, even the black church. At  
least for myself, I can't put this aside. In other words  
improvisation - being-live-in-performances was _inherently_ part  
of the music of these musicians.

And by ctl doesn't cut it, what I meant was, take your 

Re: [_arc.hive_] NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-20 Thread Kamen Nedev


He not real, man. He one of them secret MIT AI Lab experiments from
back then in the 1960s. Ya thought AI was a bluff, didnt'ya? Well,
Alan, he's one of *them*. Mark V. Shaney was only a prototype. A
rather dumb prototype. But Alan? The Alan Sondheim project was for
real. But, I mean, he not real. The pictures? Ah, boy,  never used
one of them digital imaging tools, have ya?

Alan is a collective intelligence agent. He scans, reads in, analyses
the Net and spews back the results. Look at the timing of his posts.
Does he ever sleep? Sleep? Well, occasionally the sysadmin adjusts
his nice value. Otherwise, he's there. No, he's here.


(sorry, been drinking)


On 19/12/2005, at 17:44, Steve Dalachinsky wrote:

alan  do yo ever slow  down   like a cronenberg  film  you are waht

is that machine  attached to you computer dialisis  y

Re: [_arc.hive_] NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-20 Thread Kamen Nedev

On 20/12/2005, at 18:45, mIEKAL aND wrote:

Just got my son one of Moog's Theremins for his birthday  it was  
really hard to part with it, what a blast to play, it worked really  
well for communicating with my parrots.

An Etherwave? They're cool. I'm thinking of one of those spare parts  
kits they sell you (for more or less the same price). I just feel  
like welding things together. It's nice.

The Ethervox (no longer produced) was the one with MIDI connectivity.  
I got a toy one as a birthday present from my girlfriend (a musician  
here in Madrid makes them as a hobby). I real pain to tune and  
adjust, but, indeed, hard to part with at any time of the day.

Your parrots? I'm sure your son won't mind sharing it with you.




On Dec 20, 2005, at 5:10 AM, Kamen Nedev wrote:

Hmmm, has anybody here ever tried a Theremin? Moog used to make a  
MIDI-compatible one, two. Sound...



On 19/12/2005, at 6:58, Alan Sondheim wrote:

Re the first paragraph, my apologies as well; we're going to Utah  
tomorrow and I'm a bit tense, also feeling physically ill. -

Needless to say I agree with you. I also think there are things  
like the old Casio midi sax - you blew into it, and so there's  
all sorts of possibilties for interfacing. Most Midi people  
though use keyboards; they can be taylored (misspelling but it's  
a great pun!), but the tendency is of course towards either  
cleanliness or controlled/chaotic noise...

Then there's granular synthesis which seems something else  
utterly different and exciting - Alan

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, mwp wrote:

(Thanks for the clarification, AS. I sometimes tend to read an  
implied hostility into people’s writings where it is not  
intended, as I am sure they sometimes unintendedly read it into  
mine. I’m very tense tonight for some reason. Sorry if I  

My short, silly list was meant to apply to written compositional  
variables, or to switches on a foot pedal for live performance.  
For instance, you want a particular passage you are playing on a  
MIDI instrument to sound breathy, you press the ctrl-B button on  
the pedal. Crude, simple stuff, like a guitarist has with  
fuzzboxes, wahs, etc. only more localized and nuanced in the  

I don’t think that an Ayler of today would feel too deprived of  
his “black spirituality” if he was playing a MIDI instrument of  
sampled sounds. He simply would find workarounds to create the  
effects he wanted, and while he wouldn't be the Ayler we know  
and love, he still would sound marvelously human. Look at  
somebody like Sun Ra, who was playing a clunky old DX7 when I  
saw him a few times. I don’t think that the rise of session  
players using digital instruments has much to do with the  
coldness of today’s music, as there were plenty of cold, boring  
session players working in places like Hollywood and Tin Pan  
Alley many decades before there were commercial digital music  
programs and instruments. I see today’s “coldness” has as much  
to do with a basic shift in attitude towards performance, --  
from an existential “being-in-the-world” attitude, such as you  
described so well, to a more aloof, canned one that you get in  
rap, raves, etc. I don’t see the latter necessarily as a musical  
regression of any kind, or as a diminishment in music’s  
spirituality. If that causes Ayler to spin in his grave, well,  
every new generation has that effect on its elders!

I haven't addressed your point about live vs computer at all,  
even though it was fundamental to what you were saying,  because  
I basically agree with you and see nothing to add.

being preposterously verbose, as always, and now I will shut up  
and go into a long self-imposed glottal hibernation...

On Dec 18, 2005, at 8:46 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, mwp wrote:
[Arggh, I feel the hostility meter starting to flutter into  
the red… If that’s the case, I’m outta here.]

No hostility intended.
Don’t know why such a list of commands wouldn’t cut it to  
bring some sense of life to a piece. Composers use such  
notations all the time to indicate precisely what they need  
from performers, and Talan M’s work is a composition, not a  
performance, however much he may intend it to sound  
“performed.” And there’s no reason these controls couldn’t be  
implemented live in real time with foot pedals or something,  
so there’s plenty of room for overlap between composition and  
It may well bring life into a piece. That's not what I was on  
about; of course I agree with you here.
I don’t believe improvisation can ever be totally in the  
“moment.” Improvisors are always recycling and borrowing from  
buried experience and spinning motifs, etc. The idea of the  
mind as blank slate creating order out of nothingness just  
doesn’t “cut it” for me.
No one ever said improvisation came out of a blank slate; of  
course it doesn't. But it is in real time

Re: [_arc.hive_] NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album

2005-12-20 Thread Kamen Nedev
The band was a bit before my time, but everytime anyone mentions the  
Theremin, they pop up, so they must have been really interesting.

On 20/12/2005, at 19:59, David-Baptiste Chirot wrote:

oh yes--i had a friend who had a Theremin and have tried it--many  

years ago--
 does anyone remember the band Lothar and the Hand People?
they used a Theremin-
   there is a video of a documentary on Theremin--it was  on PBS Tv  
in the
middlle 1990s--you may easily find--(they had it at Blockbuster  
last time i

was in there--)

From: Kamen Nedev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: WRYTING-L : Writing and Theory across Disciplines
Subject: Re: [_arc.hive_] NEW [N]+Semble MP3 Album
Date: Tue, 20 Dec 2005 12:10:08 +0100

Hmmm, has anybody here ever tried a Theremin? Moog used to make a
MIDI-compatible one, two. Sound...



On 19/12/2005, at 6:58, Alan Sondheim wrote:

Re the first paragraph, my apologies as well; we're going to Utah
tomorrow and I'm a bit tense, also feeling physically ill. -

Needless to say I agree with you. I also think there are things   
like the

old Casio midi sax - you blew into it, and so there's all  sorts of
possibilties for interfacing. Most Midi people though use   
keyboards; they
can be taylored (misspelling but it's a great  pun!), but the  
tendency is

of course towards either cleanliness or  controlled/chaotic noise...

Then there's granular synthesis which seems something else utterly
different and exciting - Alan

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, mwp wrote:

(Thanks for the clarification, AS. I sometimes tend to read an   
hostility into people’s writings where it is not intended,  as I  
am sure
they sometimes unintendedly read it into mine. I’m  very tense  

for some reason. Sorry if I overreacted.)

My short, silly list was meant to apply to written compositional
variables, or to switches on a foot pedal for live performance.   

instance, you want a particular passage you are playing on a  MIDI
instrument to sound breathy, you press the ctrl-B button on  the  
Crude, simple stuff, like a guitarist has with  fuzzboxes, wahs,  

only more localized and nuanced in the effect.

I don’t think that an Ayler of today would feel too deprived of   
“black spirituality” if he was playing a MIDI instrument of   

sounds. He simply would find workarounds to create the  effects he
wanted, and while he wouldn't be the Ayler we know and  love, he  
would sound marvelously human. Look at somebody  like Sun Ra,  
who was
playing a clunky old DX7 when I saw him a few  times. I don’t  
think that
the rise of session players using  digital instruments has much  
to do
with the coldness of today’s  music, as there were plenty of  
cold, boring
session players  working in places like Hollywood and Tin Pan  
Alley many

decades  before there were commercial digital music programs and
instruments. I see today’s “coldness” has as much to do with a   

shift in attitude towards performance, -- from an  existential
“being-in-the-world” attitude, such as you described  so well,  
to a more

aloof, canned one that you get in rap, raves,  etc. I don’t see the
latter necessarily as a musical regression of  any kind, or as a
diminishment in music’s spirituality. If that  causes Ayler to  
spin in
his grave, well, every new generation has  that effect on its  

I haven't addressed your point about live vs computer at all, even
though it was fundamental to what you were saying,  because I   

agree with you and see nothing to add.

being preposterously verbose, as always, and now I will shut up   
and go

into a long self-imposed glottal hibernation...

On Dec 18, 2005, at 8:46 PM, Alan Sondheim wrote:

On Sun, 18 Dec 2005, mwp wrote:
[Arggh, I feel the hostility meter starting to flutter into  
the  red

If that’s the case, I’m outta here.]

No hostility intended.
Don’t know why such a list of commands wouldn’t cut it to  
bring  some
sense of life to a piece. Composers use such notations all   
the time to
indicate precisely what they need from performers,  and Talan  
M’s work
is a composition, not a performance, however  much he may  
intend it to
sound “performed.” And there’s no  reason these controls  
couldn’t be

implemented live in real time  with foot pedals or something, so
there’s plenty of room for  overlap between composition and
It may well bring life into a piece. That's not what I was on   
about; of

course I agree with you here.
I don’t believe improvisation can ever be totally in the   
Improvisors are always recycling and borrowing from  buried  
and spinning motifs, etc. The idea of the mind  as blank slate  

order out of nothingness just doesn’t  “cut it” for me.
No one ever said improvisation came out of a blank slate; of   
course it
doesn't. But it is in real time, and all

Re: text from Miami University (Ohio) performance tonight:

2005-12-02 Thread Kamen Nedev

This is brilliant. I've always been intrigued by the relationship
between 'live' art or performance and performative text.
Unfortunately, I never found a decent way to tackle it. I remember
trying to introduce a conflict between performance documentation and
the live act itself, but both strata just kept pulling things apart.
Come to think of it, maybe I should have just accepted the 'pulling
apart' and tried to let it find its own way. OK, I'm just babbling.



On 02/12/2005, at 5:55, Alan Sondheim wrote:

text from Miami University (Ohio) performance tonight:

Once We begin we march to our deaths yes yes we do or or do we do
we march
to our death? Is our death collective? Universal? One or many? I'm
I'm much better at sound than visual. No wait I meant to say much
at ... not at writing ... I'm much better not at writing. Wait,
you have
to see this. But I'm not so good at thinking. How does one do
at writing or something at thinking? Excuse me, I'm cold; my
are lost in a suitcase somewhere outside Chicago.You're early, we're
running tests here, although the performance won't be all that
If you look for about ten minutes you'll have had enough and then
you can
leave and make room for the lines of people outside. Signed, Henry
Potter. Man tries to climb so high and then He falls and falls ALAS
Man likes to fire off his Thing ALAS This is me playing a waltz.
was me stopping a waltz. This is Anja Schmidt. This is me and Sandy
Baldwin discussing the phenomenological distinction between analog
digital. This is me and Sandy Baldwin flying through the air
across the
river in New Jersey (from New York). We can fly. I should tell
you the
performance won't be any different from what you're seeing now,
I might be a bit more nervous, that's all. Graphics are graphics.
anyway these were done around the time of the scandal over the Abu
prison in Iraq. And some of the guards involved in that, they were
West Virginia. And this was produced near the area where the
guards, some
of them, were from. So it was natural for me to work with
disturbed, torn
bodies - here's another one - you might have already seen this last
- I'm supposed to start in six minutes but this is only forty seconds
long! I've used up all my material! FUCK! Maybe you'd like to hear
a kid
screaming. This kid from West Virginia can do this! I can't. I
don't know
how he does it. His family doesn't encourage him. You just can't get
enough of screaming kids! Think positive, think MARTHA STEWART!
(Have you
seen Wednesday's The Apprentice? I had to show this stuff instead.
I don't
know who got kicked off. Pleas see me later and letme know.) - on the
right, one of the major scenes of car wrecks in Orange County
That curve sneaks up on you! Ok, me, age fourteen. I knew a girl. I
for her. More of the West Virginia work. Somewhere between avatars and
shamans and the torture at Abu Gharayb there lies a whole politics. I
can't tell you the politicxs but I can tell you this/ These
figures were
animated by using motion graphics - a motion graphic device - by
with the mapping of the sensors that are placed on the body -
them - just as figures are rearranged in torture - just as torture
Merce Cunningham for another example) pays little attention to the
attitudes of the body. So the body - with the motion sensor stuff -
divided and splayed and redivied and the result is a remapping back
on to
bodies that makes little sense but for a kind of emotional economy
introduced, think of this as an introduction: MY NAME IS ALAN
!!!WWELL, hmm,
enough of that... See, what happened, my baggage was lost by American
HAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHHZ) and so I'm working without my
PLENIPOTENTIARIES - part of what I'm doing, trying to control these
- so they make some sort of sense - at times they seem to take
over, take
control - I'm wll aware of the sexuality/politics of the images,
I'm not
imagining things...I'm spoiling things, this is the grand finale
and it's
hardly just started. Terrific, so much stuff to look at. I'll try
and tell
yo what's here - the antenna movie in the upper left - searching for
places to set up low frequency radio antennas - they need to be
away from
civilization - in the wilderness away from power lines - the
you're hearing are fromm the radio somewhat modified - then the
of natural/industrial - two films going through my images trying to
those which fit (I think ) into oene or another - I've got two
running, gotta tkae one out - Let's listen to the kids. Okay it's like


2005-10-07 Thread Kamen Nedev


2005-10-07 Thread Kamen Nedev
Pete wanders off into the Back of Mind screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.l
Tip of TongueA blue-painted room, bare of furniture, with a corridor leading east.
You can see Susan and Marvin here.

Pete strolls in from the Back of Mind and breaks out crying.
Marvin wanders off into the Back of Mind screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.
weather man strolls in from the Back of Mind and breaks out crying.
Ralph strolls in from the Back of Mind and breaks out crying.
Susan wanders off into the Back of Mind screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.
Ralph wanders off into the Back of Mind screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.x meAs good-looking as ever.
Ralph strolls in from the Back of Mind and breaks out crying.talkt o marvinThat's not a verb I recognise.

George strolls in from the Back of Mind and breaks out crying.talkt o marvin
George wanders off into the Back of Mind screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.talkt o marvin
Ralph wanders off into the Back of Mind screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.talkt o marvin
Susan strolls in from the Back of Mind and breaks out crying.talkt o marvin
weather man wanders off into the Back of Mind screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.talkt o marvinThat's not a verb I recognise.

Susan wanders off into the Back of Mind screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.
Pete wanders off into the Back of Mind screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.
George strolls in from the Back of Mind and breaks out crying.
Ralph strolls in from the Back of Mind and breaks out crying.e
Back of MindA red-painted room, bare of furniture, with a corridor leading west.
You can see Pete, Susan, weather man and Marvin here.

Ralph strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.
Marvin wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.
weather man wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.
weather man strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.treecompass (6)  the north wall the south wall the east wall the west wall the northeast wall the northwest wall
 the southeast wall the southwest wall the ceiling the floor the outside the insideDarkness (19) (Inform Parser) (21) (Inform Library) (22) (LibraryMessages) (23) Tip of Tongue (25) 
 Marvin GeorgeBack of Mind (29)  weather man Ralph yourself Pete Susan

Marvin strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.putloi
Susan wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.
George strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.purk
weather man wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.purloi
weather man strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.purloin susanYou can't see any such thing.
purloin susan
Marvin wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.purloin susa
Pete wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.
weather man wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.purloin SusanYou can't see any such thing.

weather man strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.
George wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.purloin S
Susan strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.purloin M
Ralph wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.purloin MarvinYou can't see any such thing.

Pete strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.
Marvin strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.purloin lightYou can't see any such thing.

Pete wanders off into the Tip of Tongue screaming 'I've lost it, I've lost it!!!'.
Pete strolls in from the Tip of Tongue and breaks out crying.qAre you sure you want to quit? y

Re: layers

2005-09-28 Thread Kamen Nedev

On 9/28/05, Dan Waber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 layers layers

come come elucidate your thoughts

2005-09-22 Thread Kamen Nedev
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you arefinished talking, type RET twice.
Hi! I'm Eliza. What's your problem?
How do you do? What brings you to see me?

Why do you say what brings me to see you?
Why do you ask?
Is it because do I ask that you came to me?
We were discussing you--not me.
Earlier you said do I ask?
Oh, i said do you ask.
Maybe your plans have something to do with this.
You don't seem quite certain.
Is it because of your life that you say I do not seem quite certain?
Why are you concerned about my life that I say you do not seem quite certain?
Does it bother you that are me concerned about your life that you say I do notseem quite certain?
You're not really talking about me, are you?
You mentioned that do I ask?
We were discussing you--not me.
Is it because of the people you hang around with that you are going through allthis?
Oh, i hang around with that I am going through allthis.
When did you first know that you are going through all this?
Does that question interest you?
Is the fact that question interest me the real reason?
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
What makes you believe say do I have any psychological problems?
What answer would please you the most?
Are you sure that are me concerned about your life that you say I do not seemquite certain?
Why are you interested in whether or not I am sure that am you concerned about my life that I say you do not seemquite certain?
Does the fact that are me interested in whether or not you are sure that am meconcerned about your life that you say I do not seem quite certain explainanything else?
What makes you think I am sure that am meconcerned about your life that you say ix?
Are you sure am you concerned about my life that I say ix?
Would you prefer if I were not sure are I concerned about your life that you say ix?
Is it because I say ix that you came to me?
You're not really talking about me, are you?
How do you reconcile problems at school?
What do you think?
Is it because of any hobbies you have that you say what do I think?
We were discussing you--not me.
Earlier you said do I ask?
Oh, i said do you ask.
Perhaps this has something to do with your sex life?
What about your own sex life?
Have you been afraid of sex?
Have you been afraid of sex?
I would appreciate it if you would watch your tongue!
We were discussing you--not me.
Do you really think you were discussing me not you?
Oh, i really think I was discussing you not I.
You mentioned that you are going through all this?
You're not really talking about me, are you?
Possibly hangups you have are related to this.
We were discussing you--not me.
Is it because of your inhibitions that you say you were discussing me not you?
Why are you concerned about my inhibitions that I say I was discussing you not I?
Are you annoyed that are me concerned about your inhibitions that you say youwere discussing me not you?
Perhaps in your fantasies I am annoyed that am you concerned about my inhibitions that I say Iwas discussing me not you.
Have you been annoyed often?
Oh, i been annoyed often.
What causes you to be annoyed?
Are such questions on your mind often?
Why do you say question interest me?
What is it that you really want to know?
know what ? What makes you believe I might want to know know?
Have you asked anyone else?
Is it because of some problems in your childhood that you are going through allthis?
What about your own childhood that I am going through allthis?
When did you first know that you are going through all this?
Have you asked such questions before?
Are you sure that have I asked such questions before?
Why are you interested in whether or not I am sure that have you asked such questions before?
Is the fact that are me interested in whether or not you are sure that have Iasked such questions before the real reason?
Does it please you to believe I am sure that have iasked such questions before the real reasx?
Does the fact that have you asked such questions before the real reasx explainanything else?
You're not really talking about me, are you?
Earlier you said are me concerned about your life that you say I do not seemquite certain?
We were discussing you--not me.
How do you reconcile some problems at home?
What else comes to mind when you ask that?
What happened when I ask that?
Why do you ask?
Are you positive do I ask?
Would you prefer if I were not positive do you ask?
Do you really think that?
Oh, i really think that.

Re: as when I sleep most free of the adverbial

2005-09-22 Thread Kamen Nedev
This is really nice, Sheila _ a long, sweeping landscape in permanent movement. Hadn't read the list for a while (a couple of years?). This sounds different.


On 9/22/05, Sheila Murphy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
the adages themselves grow tanned to pax hominibusthen sung things loiter. are you anywhere near morning
(watch me drift to) lorca situ pacing floorspace if Ileverage siftlike reason as a way of confiscatingscenery itself.these ball peen flings turn almighty overtones intodefinite articles thus ice the Thames not near I
desertly inform my gentlers that the eastpace glowswhen only an endorphin set could liven rifts.go on and poach the daylights out of synchrony. I'mruned right where I'm planted where the blinds slant
up to help each visual retrieve metonymistencumbrances. unless less tidy daytime rings into ahelpmeet sensory induction.

come come elucidate your thoughts

2005-09-21 Thread Kamen Nedev
I am the psychotherapist. Please, describe your problems. Each time you arefinished talking, type RET twice.
Hi! I'm Eliza. What's your problem?
How do you do? What brings you to see me?

Why do you say what brings me to see you?
Why do you ask?
Is it because do I ask that you came to me?
We were discussing you--not me.
Earlier you said do I ask?
Oh, i said do you ask.
Maybe your plans have something to do with this.
You don't seem quite certain.
Is it because of your life that you say I do not seem quite certain?
Why are you concerned about my life that I say you do not seem quite certain?
Does it bother you that are me concerned about your life that you say I do notseem quite certain?
You're not really talking about me, are you?
You mentioned that do I ask?
We were discussing you--not me.
Is it because of the people you hang around with that you are going through allthis?
Oh, i hang around with that I am going through allthis.
When did you first know that you are going through all this?
Does that question interest you?
Is the fact that question interest me the real reason?
Say, do you have any psychological problems?
What makes you believe say do I have any psychological problems?
What answer would please you the most?
Are you sure that are me concerned about your life that you say I do not seemquite certain?
Why are you interested in whether or not I am sure that am you concerned about my life that I say you do not seemquite certain?
Does the fact that are me interested in whether or not you are sure that am meconcerned about your life that you say I do not seem quite certain explainanything else?
What makes you think I am sure that am meconcerned about your life that you say ix?
Are you sure am you concerned about my life that I say ix?
Would you prefer if I were not sure are I concerned about your life that you say ix?
Is it because I say ix that you came to me?
You're not really talking about me, are you?
How do you reconcile problems at school?
What do you think?
Is it because of any hobbies you have that you say what do I think?
We were discussing you--not me.
Earlier you said do I ask?
Oh, i said do you ask.
Perhaps this has something to do with your sex life?
What about your own sex life?
Have you been afraid of sex?
Have you been afraid of sex?
I would appreciate it if you would watch your tongue!
We were discussing you--not me.
Do you really think you were discussing me not you?
Oh, i really think I was discussing you not I.
You mentioned that you are going through all this?
You're not really talking about me, are you?
Possibly hangups you have are related to this.
We were discussing you--not me.
Is it because of your inhibitions that you say you were discussing me not you?
Why are you concerned about my inhibitions that I say I was discussing you not I?
Are you annoyed that are me concerned about your inhibitions that you say youwere discussing me not you?
Perhaps in your fantasies I am annoyed that am you concerned about my inhibitions that I say Iwas discussing me not you.
Have you been annoyed often?
Oh, i been annoyed often.
What causes you to be annoyed?
Are such questions on your mind often?
Why do you say question interest me?
What is it that you really want to know?
know what ? What makes you believe I might want to know know?
Have you asked anyone else?
Is it because of some problems in your childhood that you are going through allthis?
What about your own childhood that I am going through allthis?
When did you first know that you are going through all this?
Have you asked such questions before?
Are you sure that have I asked such questions before?
Why are you interested in whether or not I am sure that have you asked such questions before?
Is the fact that are me interested in whether or not you are sure that have Iasked such questions before the real reason?
Does it please you to believe I am sure that have iasked such questions before the real reasx?
Does the fact that have you asked such questions before the real reasx explainanything else?
You're not really talking about me, are you?
Earlier you said are me concerned about your life that you say I do not seemquite certain?
We were discussing you--not me.
How do you reconcile some problems at home?
What else comes to mind when you ask that?
What happened when I ask that?
Why do you ask?
Are you positive do I ask?
Would you prefer if I were not positive do you ask?
Do you really think that?
Oh, i really think that.

Re: clarification

2005-09-19 Thread Kamen Nedev
Hmmm, what about gorilla warfare, then?

On 9/17/05, Ana Buigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-gorila: es un tipo de simio.-gorrilla: es un indigente que se coloca una gorra y pretende ayudar al
conductor a encontrar unsitio para aparcar, buscando una propina.-guerrilla: grupo de luchadores organizados, que no pertenecen a un ejercitooficial de un país.
Dictionary.comA list of the pronunciation symbols used in this Dictionary is given belowin the column headed AHD. The column headed EXAMPLES contains words chosen
to illustrate how the AHD symbols are pronounced. The letters thatcorrespond in sound to the AHD symbols are shown in boldface. Althoughsimilar, the AHD and IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbols are not
precisely the same because they were conceived for different purposes.EXAMPLESAHD EXAMPLESAHDpat bootpay out oucareârpop p
fatherä roarrbib b sauce schurchchship, dishshdeed, milledd tight, stoppedtpet thinthbee thisth
fife, phase, roughf cutgag g urge, term, firm, word, heard ûrhat h valve vwhich hwwithwpit yes y
pie, by zebra, xylemzpierîrvision, pleasure, garagezhjudge j about, item, edible, gallop, circuskick, cat, piquek butterr
lid, needle*l (nd'l)mum mno, sudden* n (sd'n)thing ngpot FOREIGN AHDtoe French feu, German schönFrench oeuf, German zwölfcaught, paw, for, horrid, hoarse**ô French tu, German überü
noise oiGerman ich, German ach, Scottish lochtookFrench bon (bô)In English the consonants l and n often constitute complete syllables bythemselves.**Regional pronunciations of -or- vary. In pairs such as for, four; horse,
hoarse; and morning, mourning, the vowel varies between (ô) and (). In thisDictionary these vowels are represented as follows: for (fôr), four (fôr,fr); horse (hôrs), hoarse (hôrs, hrs); and morning (môrning), mourning
(môrning, mr-). Other words for which both forms are shown include more,glory, and borne. A similar variant occurs in words such as coral, forest,and horrid, where the pronunciation of o before r varies between (ô) and ().
In these words the (ôr) pronunciation is given first: forest (fôrist, fr-).***The Dictionary uses to reflect that the preceding vowel is nasalized. InFrench four nasalized vowels occur, as in the phrase un bon vin blanc: AHD
( bô v blä)The American Heritage DictionaryPronunciation Key