Re: [WSG] Google and HTML5

2006-01-26 Thread Peter Asquith

Geoff Deering wrote:

Do others feel there are *elements* of presentation creeping back into 
the structure?

Absolutely, header and footer elements, to my mind, break the 
semantics of separating the presentation from content. Once you say 
this element represents the footer for the section it applies to 
surely you're suggesting the physical layout of the presentation?

The idea of aside has more merit since it describes the weight of 
the content with respect to the rest of the page but doesn't suggest 
placement on the page. And I agree that the idea of a nav tag seems 
sound assuming you agree that navigation is inherent to the content.

It looks like the draft has been prepared with a standard page layout 
strongly in mind (see: and that may 
not lend itself well to media that we may not yet have invented to 
display/experience the content.


Peter Asquith

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Re: [WSG] New to web standards and CSS

2006-01-06 Thread Peter Asquith

Hi Rosemary

This article by Eric Meyer may help keep the images from escaping from 
their containing blocks:


Rosemary Probert wrote:
I want to be able to put a series of images down the page - some left 
and some right aligned, and text in the opposite spaces.  It would be 
easy using tables - but I want to be able to use CSS for it.  And 
everything I try seems to end up in a bigger muddle!

Peter Asquith

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] controlling font size in form text box

2005-09-21 Thread Peter Asquith

Hi Janelle

If you set the font-family on the .box to verdana it then renders the 
same as your example below. Looks like the text input field is picking 
up the default sans-serif(?)


Janelle Clemens wrote:
My designer is on me to reduce the size of the font in the search box on 
the templates for our redesign.   But I can not get it to budge without 
getting too small.Does anyone know of a trick for this.   We have 
decided to use a fixed font (px or pt) for the search box text.   Two 
reasons:   1. to keep it constant when a viewer increases their browser 
font, and 2. using em was way to inconsistent cross browser.The text 
under the search box is the size my designer wants it to be.
.box {font-size: 9px;}
Thank you,


Peter Asquith

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] Tables and divs and soon

2005-09-06 Thread Peter Asquith

Al Sparber wrote:
I'm not evangelizing table-based layouts, although for real-world 
clients they sometimes are the right choice.

Presumably, in this case, the right choice is the choice that limits the 
up-front cost and training required to get to market? Surely promoting a 
questionable technique because it's easier to learn and gives almost 
instant gratification is a dubious one?

A bit like deciding that micro-surgery classes at medical school are a 
waste of time because once you've got a handle on amputation it'll solve 
most problems far quicker and under budget! Why bother getting bogged 
down and stressed with the finer points?

While I acknowledge that, if you understand the process, you *can* 
create valid table-based layouts, I don't believe you *should*.

In my opinion, a significant contribution to the correlation that John's 
identified is the sort of cut-and-paste style of page building that 
allies an incomplete understanding and an eagerness for results.

I've seen this often in software and web development - snippets of code 
are borrowed and used verbatim without the borrower necessarily 
understanding what they are doing. If the results *seem* OK then that's 
good enough.

It's far easier to try to get to grips with a page of mark-up with 
everything in one convenient HTML page than to have to understand the 
abstraction of separating the content from the presentation. Hey presto! 
A lovely table-based web page that IE in quirks mode renders as 
intended! Welcome to inner sanctum of web development.


Peter Asquith

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [WSG] Misbehaving DL in TD

2005-08-25 Thread Peter Asquith

Sean SPALDING wrote:

This page ( has a
styled DL in a table. In IE the 2nd, 3rd, etc DDs for each DT slip left
under the DT.

Any suggestions?

Hi Sean

One suggestion would be to float the dd elements right and use their 
width and right margin to achieve that end. I've appended the 
stylesheet, with the necessary changes, below. It was necessary to add a

clear: both;

to your .content img and .content h1 elements to prevent the image and 
heading leaping to the top of the cell as a result of the floated 
definition list elements.

Semantically I don't see anything wrong with this use of a definition 
list. It's entirely valid to have more than one description associated 
with a term.

The table-based layout is another matter, but then I guess you know that 
all too well!

Your profile.css would become:

.content td h1 {
   margin-top: 30px;
   text-transform : none;
.content dl {
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0 1em 0.5em;
  clear : both;
.content dl dt{
  width: 20%;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0 0.7em 2em 1em;
  font-weight: bold;
  float: left;
  clear: both;
.content dl dd{
  float: right;
  width: 70%;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0 3% 2em 0;
.content img,
.content h1{
  clear: both;


Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] implicit / explicit labels which is better?

2005-08-01 Thread Peter Asquith

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:

The belt and braces approach when using labels is to make the label 
both explicit (via for) *and* implicit (by wrapping the control in the 

label for=fooexplicit and implicit label input type=text id=foo 
name=foo //label

By including the element being labelled as part of the label's 
definition aren't the semantics of an implicit label just a little bit 
dubious (even if it does meet the DTD)?


Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Vertical Alignment + sliding doors

2005-07-28 Thread Peter Asquith

Hi Darren

Not entirely sure of the effect you're looking for, but

#navSub li a

looks to be missing a

width: 100px;

The effect of relying on max-width is that IE6/Win doesn't wrap the tabs 
and Opera 8.02/Win collapses all the a tags together on the left-hand 
side. Firefox 1.0.6/Win appears to render OK.


Darren Wood wrote:

Hello World!

I've been struggling with a vertical alignment issue...have a look at
the links below:
[line 86] [line 288]

i'm having an issue the with tab looking things at the bottom of the
body text [Observational research, Intercept amp; exit interviews,
Integration...]  Those are links, they are also dynamic (so I cant
just wack a class on the li's)...some of them wrap and some dont. 
What i want to do is have them vertically aligned regardless of

whether they're on one line or two...( hope that makes sense.)

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance
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Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Body tag background color changes

2005-07-18 Thread Peter Asquith

Absolutely; give your body tags an id representing the page:


body id=page1
body id=page2


Then add CSS entries for each page that requires a particular style to 
your stylesheet:

#page1 {
  background-color: #fff;
#page2 {
  background-color: #ffc;


Sarah Peeke (XERT) wrote:

Just wondering whether there was a way to include different body
background colors (for different pages) within the same css file.

Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] textarea: why rows and cols?

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Asquith

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
I agree with the thread starter that the visual display size of a 
textarea should really be defined via CSS. If these were maxrows and 
maxcols, it would be a case for having it in the HTML, but as it stands 
this seems to muddy the line a bit too much...

The need for the rows and cols attributes can be seen once you imagine 
the page without any CSS styling. Similarly, the requirement for the 
size attribute on a text input element and width and height on img the 

Ultimately CSS may not be available on all the devices for which we 
design and default rendering of unstyled elements will vary.

Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] textarea: why rows and cols?

2005-07-03 Thread Peter Asquith

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
Personally, I find this type of answer quite dangerous, as it leads to a 
slippery slope. Yes, the default rendering of browsers may be different 
when CSS is not available, but does that mean we then still have to 
stuff visual cues in HTML? The same rationale would warrant the use of 
font colours, sizes, etc, imho.

I know what you mean, Patrick, but I think of the rows, cols, etc as 
topological, rather than decorative. While text can be quite happily 
shown in monochrome with nothing but native styling it is not so easy 
to default the topology of the elements - how do you know, by default, 
how many characters should be visible to the user in a text field, for 
instance? So there is a distinction, which I think is sufficient, but 
there's a distinctly slippery slope near at hand!


Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Issue with CSS, Flash and FireFox

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Asquith

Also some issues with the navigation sliding of the plate in Safari  
It's true of, presumably, all browsers because your menus are absolutely 


Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Issue with CSS, Flash and FireFox

2005-06-02 Thread Peter Asquith

Chris Kennon wrote:
If he didn't see it before posting, how would it be all? I'm  curious 
about what seems to be a contradiction to absolute positioning.

Hi Chris

I think Jeff's doing a bit of live updating here of the example page, 
but when I looked the menus were being positioned absolutely relative to 
the page, but the other content of the page was being centred. 
Presumably on a 1024x768 the menu positioning looked right.


Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Multiple class names in older browsers

2005-06-01 Thread Peter Asquith

Seems to work fine in IE5.01/Win on XP SP2.


Maxine Sherrin wrote:

I need to find out if multiple class names, like this:
Were supported in older browsers, in particular IE5 and IE5.5.

Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Forms question

2005-05-23 Thread Peter Asquith

Leslie Riggs wrote:
What I want to understand is why is cols required by the W3C standard, 

 if the width can be defined in CSS?

The way I find it easiest to explain is to think about what happens if 
CSS was to be disabled in the browser, or the browser was incapable of 
processing CSS (take Lynx, for example). If the cols are not defined in 
the markup then what is the browser supposed to show?


Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Forms question

2005-05-23 Thread Peter Asquith

Leslie Riggs wrote:

Isn't the default 80 columns?

From the DTD, my understanding is that cols is a required attribute but 
no default value is specified (see It could be 
that the defaults you refer to are browser defaults.


Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Semi-newbie: advice needed

2005-03-23 Thread Peter Asquith
Hi Mark
I'd have to say that the following three books are well worth having in 
your library:

Designing with Web Standards, by Jeffrey Zeldman (
Web Standards Solutions, by Dan Cederholm (
Cascading Style Sheets - the Definitive Guide by Eric A Meyer 

These three give you the rationale for the Web Standards approach, the 
practical implementation and the nitty-gritty of CSS, respectively.

Mark B wrote:
I'm an experienced HTML  CSS coder who has dabbled a little with the
XHTML/CSS way of doing things, but frankly, am a little lost. All the
tutorials I've found on the web assume that you are either experienced
and trying to do some advanced stuff, or are completely new and don't
know CSS. I'm looking for an online tutorial or book that will help me
go from the old ways to the new ways - help wean me off tables! :)
Can anyone offer suggestions? I'm sure many others on this list have
been down this path.
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Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Not and IE bug?!?

2005-02-09 Thread Peter Asquith
Hi Peter
Peter Flaschner wrote:
Well, the clearing didn't do it. At least not as I understand it.
If you're following the lead of the page you mentioned, you will find 
removing the

overflow: hidden;
line from the style sheet should solve your problem. By setting the 
height to zero and then hiding the overflow you're effectively removing 
the clearer block from the page layout. Setting visibility to hidden, on 
the other hand, allows the block to take its specified position and size 
but not be rendered by the browser. I.e. it still takes up the space it 
would have.

I note, too, that your example page contains multiple elements sharing 
the same ID. IDs must be unique for a given page.

Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] Not and IE bug?...follow up difference why a difference between IDs and classes?

2005-02-09 Thread Peter Asquith
Hi Devendra
Devendra Shrikhande wrote:
What is the advantage of the fact that IDs must be unique on a page? I am aware of the circumstance that if you need to repeat an ID, set is as a class, but have still not figured out the advantage of an ID.
This is an important topic. At first glance, it would seem that there is 
little need for an id attribute - why not use classes everywhere?

However, there's a semantic difference between ids and classes, which is 
this: it's basically the difference between individuals and groups.

An id identifies a specific individual element of the document markup 
and allows CSS to be written that addresses that element specifically. 
In addition, you can reference the id in DOM (Document Object Model) 
scripting to access an element using the getElementById() function.

A class, on the other hand can apply to many elements, not necessarily 
of the same type - you could have a class called warning that is 
applied to h1, p, li and so on to emphasize a warning condition, 
for instance. Another example (which is pertinent to the thread that you 
came in on) is where you want a class to clear floats. It may be that 
you need to apply that class on more than one occasion in a particularly 
fluid layout. By creating a clearer class you can apply it to any 
appropriate block element in order to clear the preceding floats.

Another thing to bear in mind is that ids have higher precedence than 
classes in determining what style is applied to a given element. This 
means that

#myid {
  color: blue;
.warning {
  color: red;
will colour the element
p id=myid class=warningHello!/p
in blue (despite the fact that the .warning directive appears later in 
the CSS cascade).

(To ensure that it's red you would need to add
#myid.warning {
  color: red;
to your stylesheet).
If you carefully lay out your document, with ids for all the main 
display blocks, you can set global class styles and then override them 
on a block-by-block basis via the blocks' ids. So, for instance it might 
be appropriate to display elements with the warning class differently 
in a main content block as opposed a summary block.

Eric Meyer covers this topic well on pages 36-38 of his Cascading 
Stylesheets The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition.

Having said all that, be wary of overusing ids and classes. By using CSS 
selectors carefully, a lot of unnecessary classitis can be avoided.

Hope that helps
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Re: [WSG] Navigation Help

2005-01-11 Thread Peter Asquith
Hi James
James Oppenheim wrote:
 I was wondering what the best way would be to achieve this sort of
If you're wanting to create the hover effect and implement the 
drop-down, where it's appropriate, you could wrap both the link and the 
drop-down list in a div and use the :hover pseudo-class to control the 
image roll-over. This would avoid having to use JavaScript to change the 
images on the a.

However, you would need to add something like Peter Nederlof's hover 
implementation for IE ( to allow you to 
specify CSS rules for the div hover.

Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] IE frustrations...

2004-11-29 Thread Peter Asquith
Hi Darren
Your #container margin-right is -250 but this doesn't allow enough for 
the width and padding of your #sidebar (200px + 40px). With a 
margin-right of -250px you will only be able to have padding of 12px on 
each side of the sidebar. Increasing the margin-right to -280px will 
solve the problem.

Darren Wood wrote:
Hello all,
No one should ever have to ask these sorts of questions..but due to the 
pantsness of IE i have no choice
You may notice that the right nav drops down to the bottom of the 
document in IE.  I've been looking at the CSS for WAY too long so its 
all starting to look the same...and thus i cant find the offending bit 
of CSS.

Any help you may have would be greatly greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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Re: [WSG] IE frustrations...

2004-11-29 Thread Peter Asquith
Of course what I've written sounds daft (did I get enough sleep last 
night?) - You have to consider the padding in the #content div as well. 
The combined width of the #content and #sidebar padding, plus the width 
of the #sidebar must be less than the margin allowed.

Peter Asquith wrote:
Hi Darren
Your #container margin-right is -250 but this doesn't allow enough for 
the width and padding of your #sidebar (200px + 40px). With a 
margin-right of -250px you will only be able to have padding of 12px on 
each side of the sidebar. Increasing the margin-right to -280px will 
solve the problem.

Darren Wood wrote:
Hello all,
No one should ever have to ask these sorts of questions..but due to 
the pantsness of IE i have no choice
You may notice that the right nav drops down to the bottom of the 
document in IE.  I've been looking at the CSS for WAY too long so its 
all starting to look the same...and thus i cant find the offending bit 
of CSS.

Any help you may have would be greatly greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
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Re: [WSG] Drop Shadow

2004-11-24 Thread Peter Asquith
Hi Matt
The approach I've used in the past is very similar to Dan Cederholm's 
Faux Columns approach ( 
In this approach, where you know the width of the element that you want 
to shadow but don't know the height, you simply create a 1px high 
graphic of the correct width, including the shadow effect, and apply it 
via CSS as a repeating background image (using the repeat-y directive).

I use this on my site as well ( - feel free to 
examine the CSS to see how it's done.

Another very good example can be found at

Then, all you need to do is include a header and footer block that have 
background images to complete the effect.


Matt McCallum wrote:
Hi everyone,
I am a newbie, both to the list and to XHTML/CSS  Layouts.
I am working on a layout where all of the content is contained within
a fixed width box, centered horizontally, the height varies depending
on the content.
I would like to put a drop shadow around this container, to lift it
from the background of the page.
I would like to use a drop shadow image as opposed to filters.
I have read some excellent resources from ALA
( and then
progressed to Phil Baines method which is lighter
- However, for me there is a problem with these techniques:
The drop shadow image that you use has to be certain size, - it
basically has to be larger than anything that you are going to apply
the shadow to (for example, in the ALA method their shadow image is
800x600 pixels) - which is fine for photos and paragraphs, but I want
to apply the shadow to my whole site container, which could
potentially be 1600 pixels high, so this image would be too large to
download and it would be inefficient.
I have a visual example of what I am trying to achieve here:
I just wondered if any of you could steer me in the right direction
with this. Its probably a very simple solution that I am missing!
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Re: [WSG] This is really strange stuff, even for IE

2004-11-19 Thread Peter Asquith
Hi Ted
Validating the source sorts out the problem. There's a missing img end 
tag, several  that need to be amp; and some type=text/javascript 
missing from script elements. Adding those fixes the strange behaviour.

Interestingly, the source as it stands causes IE to break if you try 
resizing text with View | Text Size.


Ted Drake wrote:
I'm stuck on a strange behavior with IE.
For some reason, on only a few of our pages, the title of one of our form inputs will wrap and parts of the title will repeat.
Yeah, it's not the greatest description. 
Here's a sample page, naturally it looks fine in ff.
I want to think that it is something in the main body that is throwing it off, but I can't find it yet, I'd appreciate any help.

here's a page that is acting up:
Notice the title for initial trip deposit date and how sit date is repeated underneath the original mention.  
The extra sit date is not in the code.

Are there any Poirot's out there that can ferret out the offending code?
Ted Drake
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Re: [WSG] Z-Index in IE - Got a problem need help

2004-09-05 Thread Peter Asquith

Jay Hills wrote:
You can use Mozilla/Firefox/Opera to see what I mean at It works in Internet Explorer but the tabs
'flicker'. Is this a problem with the Z-index in IE or have I done something
else wrong with my CSS? link:
Hi Jay
Once you've dropped down a .sidecontent menu, in IE6, if you click 
elsewhere on the page, the hidden element leaps to the top of the 
z-order. I think the problem arises from using margins to effect the 
overlap. Additionally, due to the order of execution, this is also 
responsible for the flicker.

If you use the actual positioning of the .sidecontent elements (say, 
top: -25px;) instead of deflating the margin then the strange effects in 
IE go away.

I've created a mock up at 
which demonstrates this working.

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Re: [WSG] Best Aussie and Kiwi web standards designers

2004-08-25 Thread Peter Asquith
Darren Wood wrote:
Have a look at some of 
the sites coming out of NZ at the momentthe TVNZ Site[1] is a nice 
I'm also based in Auckland implementing web-based applications and doing 
my best to spread the web standards message. Good to see there are 
others out there.

I'm afraid, though, I have to take issue with putting forth the TVNZ 
site. I'm afraid it has to rate as one of the most disappointing site 
re-launches for a good while. Apart from being well wide of the web 
standards mark it takes an age to load on anything but a broadband 
connection. I know they changed the back-end to Cocoon, but I was hoping 
they'd grasp the web standards nettle and revamp the markup as well.


Peter Asquith

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Re: [WSG] Best Aussie and Kiwi web standards designers

2004-08-25 Thread Peter Asquith
Darren Wood wrote:
Thats my exact point.  
My apologies, I missed it!

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Re: [WSG] Why do web developers user Firefox?

2004-07-29 Thread Peter Asquith
It is, in my experience, best to start with the closest implementation 
to the standards you can find (in this case I choose Firefox/Gecko) and 
then code for the exceptional cases. If you start from an outlying 
position (for example IE 5/Win) and then try to work the other way you 
will find that your efforts will need to be much greater and your CSS 
will be much muddier. It is better to start with a 'pure' framework and 
then include the handling for exceptional cases in a modular fashion.

I also take issue with the practicality of installing all browsers that 
could possibly view your site given the variety of operating systems 
(have you tested using NetPositive on BeOS lately?) and devices.

Mark Harwood WebMail wrote:
A good developer should have all browser installed which everone he uses as his 
default is down to his personal prefrence neither give you an advantage over the
as we should all be looking at supporting them all!


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Re: [WSG] Why do web developers user Firefox?

2004-07-28 Thread Peter Asquith
Hi Helen
I use Firefox, in combination with Chris Pederick's Web Developer 
extension (, as 
my primary development browser. Firefox renders my markup and CSS as I'd 
expect it to be rendered, gives me good page information and has a built 
in DOM inspector. Once the Web Developer toolbar is included it becomes 
very easy to check on page structure, validation and the like.

Opera still has some rendering quirks and a somewhat more cluttered feel.
I know this isn't much help for your list but there's a certain je ne 
sais quoi about Firefox - it just feels right!

Peter Asquith

I'm putting together a list of web development tools and am wondering about
the following:
Why is the Firefox browser used by Web Developers?   What does it have that
makes it a good tool?  - over other browsers?  Why not Opera?
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks
Helen Rysavy
Designer / Webmaster
Learning Resources Division
Charles Darwin University
Northern Territory 0909
Tel: 8946 7779 Mobile: 0403 290 842
CRICOS Provider No: 00300K
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[WSG] XHTML 1.0 Transitional and autocomplete

2004-07-26 Thread Peter Asquith
Hi all
I'm in the process of validating the markup in a suite of on-line
assessment tools, which includes an ability measure. As you can imagine,
in situations where those being assessed share the same computer, it's
not acceptable for IE users with AutoComplete enabled to have the
previous candidate's answers defaulted!
The autocomplete attribute is not part of the XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD
and therefore any input tags containing autocomplete=off will not
The best I can think of is to sniff for IE (much as I'm loathe to revert
to last century's techniques) and insert the attribute on a case by case
basis. Does anybody know if there are workarounds for this or is this
just one of those things?
Peter Asquith
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Re: [WSG] FireFox 0.9 is out

2004-06-17 Thread Peter Asquith
Kay Smoljak wrote:
On Fri, 18 Jun 2004 12:44:35 +1000, Craig Stump [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I don't think this has been posted yet - but for those that don't know,
FireFox 0.9 is now officially out.

Make sure you completely uninstall any previous versions first - and
some people are reporting that it doesn't work properly even if they
follow all the instructions. It's running beautifully on my machine

I've installed it on XP and Win2K with no bother. A mate of mine lost 
his bookmarks during the upgrade but the key seems to be to make sure 
Firefox is shut down before attempting the upgrade.
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