Re: [Xastir] script files

2017-03-07 Thread Tate KA7O
Of course, my previous assumes permissions are correct for your script.

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 2:02 PM, Tate KA7O <> wrote:

> Pathing.
> Linux does NOT do like Windows and search the current directory for
> commands.
> You can run "echo $PATH" to see what your environment's path is set to.
> If you run 'pwd'  you see where you are, currently. Possibly /home/
> I assume your scripts are located in "/usr/local/share/xastir/scripts/"
> Problem is, that script location is not in your systems 'Path' variable.
> So, you can either add it to your path, or be explicit when giving your
> commands.
> Two ways to do this:
> 1) Give the full path with the command: "/usr/local/share/xastir/scripts/
> or
> 2) if you're currently in a directory that contains the command/script
> (test with ls),
> then use: "./" (note the dot, slash at the beginning)
> "./" tells the interpreter to find the following command in the current
> directory.
> On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 1:44 PM, <> wrote:
>> I did a totally new install from git, but for some reason I can’t run the
>> get-“script files”, like get-NWSdata,, etc.
>> This is what I do:
>>   sudo get-NWSdata
>> responds from the system “command not found.
>> I know about the NWS has changed from http tp https, I changed the URL,
>> already
>> Any help would be appreciated , thanks Udo (KF4KUL)
>> ___
>> Xastir mailing list
> --
> Casper ARC - W7VNJ
> <>
> <>

Casper ARC - W7VNJ <>
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] script files

2017-03-07 Thread Tate KA7O

Linux does NOT do like Windows and search the current directory for

You can run "echo $PATH" to see what your environment's path is set to.

If you run 'pwd'  you see where you are, currently. Possibly /home/

I assume your scripts are located in "/usr/local/share/xastir/scripts/"

Problem is, that script location is not in your systems 'Path' variable.
So, you can either add it to your path, or be explicit when giving your

Two ways to do this:

1) Give the full path with the command: "/usr/local/share/xastir/scripts/"


2) if you're currently in a directory that contains the command/script
(test with ls),
then use: "./" (note the dot, slash at the beginning)

"./" tells the interpreter to find the following command in the current

On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 1:44 PM,  wrote:

> I did a totally new install from git, but for some reason I can’t run the
> get-“script files”, like get-NWSdata,, etc.
> This is what I do:
>   sudo get-NWSdata
> responds from the system “command not found.
> I know about the NWS has changed from http tp https, I changed the URL,
> already
> Any help would be appreciated , thanks Udo (KF4KUL)
> ___
> Xastir mailing list

Casper ARC - W7VNJ 

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] A good time for APRS at 9600?

2011-11-12 Thread KA7O


I think Bob's(?) comment earlier had more to do with some of the newer 
rigs that included 9K6. But, they weren't good, quality setups and 
included excessively long TXDELAY, as compared to most 9K6 setups. I 
don't remember all the details, as you say - it's been awhile. But there 
was a comment made about the expense of dedicated, 9K6 data radios with 
acceptable performance being a hurdle not widely over-come.


On 11/11/2011 09:20 PM, Guy Story wrote:

This  question comes up every so often.  I use to wonder the same thing years 
ago.  If memory serves me correctly, and I know this is not verbatim, WB4APR 
said that given the length of a posit in relation to the transmit time and the 
txdelay, 9600 does not really pay off.  The txdelay would eat up more time than 
the actual posit.

I do need to quantify something.  APRS traffic that has any real length to it, 
say a weather report, messages, or long beacons, would benefit.  A backbone 
between digipeaters where multiple stations are in a packet would benefit too.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Serial tnc and Prolific USB adaptor

2011-09-12 Thread KA7O


I use a Prolific USB to serial adapter with my KPC3+ and it works very 
well in Xastir for me. I run Xastir on Fedora and CentOS.

Couple things to watch:

1 - bring up a terminal shell
2 - put the USB adapter in a USB port
3 - as root, type: dmesg enter
4 - near the end of all the lines of info, you should see several lines 
that describe how the adapter was detected and how it was setup. One of 
those lines will tell you what it's 'serial' port is.

For me - it's often /dev/ttyUSB0 - but on occasion, it'll show as 

You can also use minicom -s enter to configure the serial port, remove 
all the modem crap and then 'exit' to minicom and access the serial 
device directly. Just another way to verify where it actually is.

I put whatever the current address is in my interface config for serial 
TNC in Xastir and away it goes!

HINT: as a matter of course, do not reboot Linux! There is usually NO 
NEED to do this, short of a kernel upgrade.

I also use a GPS receiver with a built in USB to serial adapter, 
depending on what is plugged in when or what's plugged in when I power 
the thing up, my GPS receiver and TNC port can all appear on a variety 
of ports. I've seen them go as high as dev/ttyUSB4 once.

Tate, KA7O

On 09/12/2011 09:17 PM, David wrote:

On 09/13/2011 12:46 PM, Jason KG4WSV wrote:

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 9:28 PM, wrote:

the adaptor is on /dev/ttyUSB0 but cant find out what ttyS port it is

You answered your own question - it's using ttyUSB0, not ttyS0.

ttySn is for hardware serial ports. ttyUSBSn is for USB/rs232 adapter
serial ports.

Hi Jason and all

when i go into the TNC config menu and put in /dev/ttyUSB0
it wont work...
when i restart the computer and start Xastir and check the Interface
Control menu
it shows .. Device 1 Serial TNC /T;0 or some other garbage

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Improvements

2011-06-18 Thread KA7O

On 06/17/2011 08:53 AM, Tom Russo wrote:

An option to configure to enable bad X server support or something might
be in order, though, since it was only one version of Xorg-server that was
the problem.

Yup, I like that. Default to the majority and then allow easy 'tweekage' 
for those that need it.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Fedora 15

2011-05-26 Thread KA7O


Good to know. My slow connection here is still downloading the ISO. 
Maybe by this weekend I'll catch up. (yes, even with a torrent).

Did you update the version numbers on the Wiki?

73, Tate

On 05/26/2011 06:02 AM, kevin.paetzold wrote:

Fedora 15 came out on Tuesday.  For those who are interested I have
successfully built and run xastir (from sources) on it with no issues.

xastir 2.0.1 has been configured to use the following
options and external libraries:

   ShapeLib (Vector maps) . : yes

   GraphicsMagick/ImageMagick (Raster maps) : yes (ImageMagick)
   pcre (Shapefile customization) . : yes
   dbfawk (Shapefile customization) ... : yes
   rtree indexing (Shapefile speedups)  : yes
   map caching (Raster map speedups) .. : yes
   internet map retrieval . : yes (libcurl)

   AX25 (Linux Kernel I/O Drivers)  : yes
   libproj (USGS Topos  Aerial Photos) ... : yes
   GeoTiff (USGS Topos  Aerial Photos) ... : yes
   Festival (Text-to-speech) .. : yes
   GDAL/OGR (Obtuse map formats) .. : yes
   GPSMan/gpsmanshp (GPS downloads) ... : no

xastir will be installed in /usr/local/bin.


Kevin (K1KWP)

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] USB to RS-232 issue

2011-04-30 Thread ka7o

This was working great. (Fedora 14 current update - Xastir from CVS today)

PL-1203 USB to RS-232 to a KPC3+ (serial, no KISS), but I was using a 
'keyspan' adapter. Switched to a 'no-name' PL-1203 adapter and now I can 
no longer 'open' the TNC under interfaces. However, I can access the TNC 
with this no name adapter using minicom just fine.

Is it as obvious as the adapter being a POS or am I missing something else.

Have changed permissions on /dev/ttyUSB0, set the sticky bit on xastir, 
deleted the interface and created new, even started Xastir as root - no 
joy. Any ideas on what else I can try other than getting my keyspan back?

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] USB to RS-232 issue

2011-04-30 Thread ka7o
Yup, PL2303 is correct. However, it seems it might not be a 'bug' per 
se. Seems it's becoming a larger problem. See below. FWIW, the 
'workaround' didn't work for me here.

I'll test here by going back a few revs in kernel - see what happens.


2011-04-25: #12

I was hit with this problem using my GPS tracking application on a 
2.6.38 Kernel. After much researching it seems this is NOT a driver bug 
but a CHANGE in the kernel Serial API semantics.

What has happened is that the API now blocks when a Serial device is not 
indicating it is ready. This included 'open' on a serial device which 
now can block.

Since lots of RS232 serial devices do not bother with any control 
signals such as DCD (data carrier detect) they never indicate they are 
ready and open blocks. This is the 'HANG' we are seeing, There are 
several workarounds:

1. Wire the RS232 DCD signal correctly. This is often not an option. 
In my case I am reading from a GPS mouse which has a built in RS232 to 
USB convertor.

2. Open the serial device non-blocking and set the CLOCAL flag on the 
device. From the tty_ioctl documentation:

Marking a line as local

If the CLOCAL flag for a line is off, the hardware carrier detect (DCD) 
signal is significant, and an open(2) of the corresponding tty will 
block until DCD is asserted, unless the O_NONBLOCK flag is given. If 
CLOCAL is set, the line behaves as if DCD is always asserted. The 
software carrier flag is usually turned on for local devices, and is off 
for lines with modems.

In my code I open and explicitly set CLOCAL

qDebug ( devPath );
file = open(devPath.ascii(), O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
if ( file != -1 ) {
// serial port needs to be setup
struct termios term;
bool ok = tcgetattr ( file, term ) == 0;
cfmakeraw ( term );
term.c_iflag |= CLOCAL;
cfsetispeed( term, B4800 );
ok = tcsetattr ( file, TCSAFLUSH, term ) == 0;

Sadly after you 'open' a device non-blocking you cannot change it back 
to blocking. The simplist solution is to use a 'poll' before you 'read' 
to wait for new data to arrive.

// read byte from non blocking file
pollfd pfd;
pfd.fd = file; = POLLIN;
int ok = poll( pfd, 1, -1 );
if ( ok  0 ) {
 // poll failed
char buf[1];
ssize_t ch = read( file, buf, 1 );
if ( ch  1 ) {
 // read error

3. A third alternative, which I have not tried, is to use stty to set 
the serial device CLOCAL before your application starts.

Hopefully this help clear up the issue. I would recommend setting this 
bugs status to INVALID. Possibly the perceived regression on the USB 
serial drivers could be resolved in that they default to being CLOCAL 
which is what I assume was the case before. But another change to the 
Kernal semantics would probably just confuse the issue!

On 04/30/2011 06:52 PM, Jason KG4WSV wrote:

There's a bug in the PL2303 driver introduced in the latest kernel. Google the 
correct name (I think it's PL2303) and linux bug and you should get details and 
a workaround.


Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] USB to RS-232 issue

2011-04-30 Thread ka7o

On 04/30/2011 07:16 PM, ka7o wrote:

I'll test here by going back a few revs in kernel - see what happens.

Nope - no change by going back to an older kernel, one I know things 
have worked with in the past.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] USB to RS-232 issue

2011-04-30 Thread ka7o

I'll have to dig further, one I found was

modprobe -r pl2303
modprobe pl2303


On 04/30/2011 07:30 PM, Jason KG4WSV wrote:

On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 8:16 PM,  wrote:

Yup, PL2303 is correct. However, it seems it might not be a 'bug' per se.
Seems it's becoming a larger problem. See below. FWIW, the 'workaround'
didn't work for me here.

the workaround I recall involved a udev rule, IIRC.

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] USB to RS-232 issue

2011-04-30 Thread ka7o


found the workaround - the

modprobe -r pl2303
modprobe pl2303

dance does work - so long as you point the NEW serial TNC interface in 
xastir to ttyUSB0 and not ttyS0. ttySO simple doesn't exist, never will 
work no matter what workarounds are attempted.

This workaround was mentioned early in an Ubuntu thread mentioning the 
change in serial API semantics - apparently that really is the root of 
all this.

Thanks Jason!
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] USB to RS-232 issue

2011-04-30 Thread ka7o
Yup, it's a kernel module. But it appears the problem isn't really in 
the driver itself, but rather in a change in how the Kernel's serial API 
is used.

But, It's beyond my abilities to verify one way or the other. All I know 
is minicom and gpsd both work great - xastir don't.


On 04/30/2011 08:29 PM, Dale Seaburg wrote:

I ran into that problem when upgrading ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 about 3
weeks ago. My workaround was to go back to 10.04. I understand that
the Prolific PL2303 driver is part of the kernel. Too bad...

Dale. KG5LT

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] (no subject)

2011-04-03 Thread KA7O
File  Configure  Defaults  uncheck Pop up new bulletins and View
zero-distance bulletins


On 04/02/2011 11:46 PM, Alex Carver wrote:
 I've forgotten how to turn off the message window in Xastir.  It keeps 
 popping up with messages from various places but none of them are being sent 
 directly to me and it seems it's always the same messages, no new ones. I end 
 up dismissing the window every couple hours.  At this point I'm just annoyed 
 with it enough to want it gone completely.
 Some of them are not zero distance bulletins, they actually have a distance 
 listed in the dialog box so I can't just disable the zero distance bulletins.
 Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] th-d72a

2011-03-13 Thread KA7O

Under Fedora - the group is also 'dialout'

And, you can 'cheat' - a bit - as root, use a text editor and add your 
username to the 'dialout' line of the /etc/groups file.


On 03/13/2011 11:37 AM, Bob Nielsen wrote:

Not necessarily.  In Debian, the serial ports use the group dialout  (I 
recall UUCP was used in the distant past).  Also, /etc/profile is a script to create the 
default ~/.profile files.

Adding a user to the appropriate group is the correct way to do this (using the 
adduser command as root):

The syntax is  adduseruser  group

73, Bob N7XY

On Mar 13, 2011, at 9:22 AM, Gerald Hurt wrote:

Under Linux (I believe all flavors) add the group UUCP to your user profile
in /etc/profile and you will be given access to all serial ports without
having to change permissions or bypass Linux security.
73 de N0XVB
Xastir mailing list

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Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] NOOOBIE with Questions

2011-01-16 Thread KA7O

Fedora will not allow an install with out a password for the root user.

What, exact, yum command are you using? Do you see the ones in the 
'HowTo'? You can copy/paste them from the Howto to your terminal, 
special if typing arcane CLI details isn't your favorite past-time.

On 01/16/2011 03:19 PM, wrote:

Hi, I don't know if I entered a root password when I loaded Fedora. I attempt 
to use terminal and yum command and see langpacks, presto,refresh-packagekit 
Adding en US to language list - that's where it quits.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] OS network issue or?

2010-06-22 Thread KA7O

I've a mobile instance of Xastir up and running (CVS from this morning) 
on Fedora 13. I've got the regional radar working via I-net. The Tornado 
Warning icons and boxes from APRS-IS that're being gated by my home 
station are showing up via RF. I'm not connecting to an APRS-IS server.

As I was driving around today - observing weather stuff - trying to 
borrow open WiFi connections to get updated radar images, I noticed 
that as soon as I left the WAP I was connected to when Xastir started, 
and the laptop connected to another WAP, I could no longer get images. 
Other I-net things on the laptop worked with the 2nd WAP just fine (web 
browser, ssh, updates etc). This was repeatable and occurred with 
several WAPs around town.

Supposition and question:
It appears that Xastir is caching something unique to do with 
networking that doesn't apply after a move to a different WAP. Is that 
true or do I have something else going on? Any thing I can do to get 
around it, other than restarting Xastir at each re-connect?

Yes, I know - getting my own mobile I-net connection would be the best 
fix - but that's not in the cards for now.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Gpsd errors in xastir

2010-06-13 Thread KA7O

Hi John,

I also use a USB receiver (UniTraQ BT-5722) and gpsd with Xastir. I find 
it quite handy to use xgps (part of gpsd-tools on Fedora) to monitor sat 
status and the gpsd feed. And, fwiw, using a CVS update of Xastir 
compiled this evening - it's all working fine here.

As I understand it, gpsd passes along the serial $GPSx strings as 
they're received from the receiver. Not sure what 'new format' you're 
talking about.


On 06/13/2010 03:12 PM, JohnD Thompson wrote:

Hi running Xastir  V1.9.9 compiled from svn 6/13/2010. GPSD V2.92-4
configured localhost 2947. I run mobile with laptop, and kiss tnc and USB
gps puck (bu353) I get errors when monitoring gps in interface control and
looking at the data in the lower left corner xastir reports 0 sats and fix
invalid. I suspect it is a error asscociated with the new format gpsd is
using but not certain. possibly there is a workaround I have not found? I
have 3Dfix and good gps data running XGPS, also have used this hardware
combination with success with older versions of xastir/gpsd. P.S. The OSM
support is fantastic, thank you.

Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Gpsd errors in xastir

2010-06-13 Thread KA7O

On 06/13/2010 07:43 PM, KA7O wrote:
...(part of gpsd-tools on Fedora)...

Sorry, that should read gpsd-clients, not tools.
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Open Street Map support (read this)

2010-06-09 Thread KA7O

You guys are AMAZING!!

I know of no other type of project of this scale that can respond to a 
problem, an idea and implement a fix not only this rapidly, but this 

I thought OSM support would be just a dream to be discussed for awhile 
and then might happen some day. And here it is.

Those of us that can barely tell a compiler from a init string Thank you!

This freak'n ROCKS! And it looks great too.

On 06/09/2010 12:55 PM, Curt, WE7U wrote:

Thanks to Jerry Dunmire, KA6HLD, we now have Open Street Map support
in Xastir. Woohoo!

For an interesting place to look, zoom in on a border and see what
differences you can find for roads crossing said border. For the
main Canadian border crossing north of me I can't see any difference
in the roads at all.

Thanks Jerry!

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] SmartBeacon setup/use (FIXED)

2010-06-08 Thread ka7o

 My mobile setup is a GPS receiver, KPC3+ and Xastir running on a Fedora
 laptop. GPSD handles the GPS info to Xastir and Xastir talks to the TNC
 via serial. Nope, not KISS. GPS is putting out GMC and other strings
 strings once a second.

 Watching the data from GPSD uxing xgps, I can see good data pouring out
 at the expected 1 per second rate. Usig TangoGPS, I get EXCELLENT and
 accurate tracks.

 SmartBeacon is enabled and default settings kept. However, I'm only
 getting posit updates about once every 10 minutes or so. Not what I'm
 used to seeing with SmartBeacon.

 Where should I be looking to get relevant, SmartBeacon controlled posits
 going out?


Found it!

File  Configure  timing  adjust the slider for GPS check Interval.

I put it down to 3 seconds from the default 60 seconds and now that
SmartBeacon has enough relevant data to do it's thing, I'm getting the
expected results.

(And yes, it was actually 60 seconds, not 10 minutes. What I get for not
watching the maps while driving.)

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] Demise of Tiger servers and use of OSM?

2010-06-07 Thread KA7O

On 06/07/2010 06:22 PM, Andrew Errington wrote:

We should seriously look at OSM ( as a backend map source for

I have mentioned it a couple of times here, and it surprises me that
no-one seems to be in the least bit interested.

How about it?




I'm totally for this idea. I've used OSM with the TangoGPS software 
and am quite pleased with it. This is a map that appears similar to 
Google Maps - itself an oft requested format for Xastir.

Including OSM support would effectively deal with these two issues in 
one go.

Now, a question could be - is OSM going to be around and reliable long 
enough to be worth the investment in time and effort? That's outside my 
paygrade to make that call. But, the prognosis is good from my limited 

Released under GPLv
Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] the fedora 12 right click problem fix?

2010-02-02 Thread KA7O


One upgraded laptop and a clean install on a desktop are working 
properly again!


On 02/02/2010 06:06 AM, Kevin Paetzold wrote:

For those who may care but have not been following this issue on other
forums there is a fix in test which you can get now by downloading and
installing these 2 packages.

73, Kevin (K1KWP)

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] latest from CVS is V 1.9.5 or 1.9.6 or 1.9.7 or 1.9.?

2010-01-18 Thread KA7O
I seem to remember a ways back Curt or someone saying that the version 
information that's compiled into Xastir is changed when the 
script is run. You'll see the updated version in the ./configure output, 
but only after is completed

Of course - if you're using pre-compiled binaries


On 01/18/2010 06:25 PM, Bob Nielsen wrote:

I just did a CVS update and during the 'make clean' process it started
to configure and said 1.9.7.

Bob N7XY

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] CVS install on Fedora12 - R click errors

2009-12-16 Thread ka7o
In rummaging through my junk pil...uh, garage - I found an older Fedora 9
box. I've upgraded it to F10, then to F11 and yesterday finished upgrading
it to F12.

Then I followed the Wiki howto and installed Xastir from CVS.

Everything is working fine - R click menus and all.

I'm on my way to the house for lunch, I'll bring back my laptop that had
the R-click menu issue - update it to current and reinstall Xastir. Who
knows - maybe Fedora released an update that has fixed this all for us.
I'll let you all know in a few hours what I find.

Tate, KA7O

 On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 05:56 -0800, Curt, WE7U wrote:

 I'm not even sure it's xorg related:

 I managed to get a working popup menu by accident.
 I had NumLock turned on and pressed right click. Instantly I got
 'Modifiers Found' popup and the actual popup that wasn't display before.
 Turning off numlock and closing the Modifiers popup, the actual popup
 works correctly now.
 Unfortunately closing xastir and starting it again (without numlock on)
 won't work the old issue remains.

 Any thoughts ?


 Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] CVS install on Fedora12 - R click errors

2009-12-16 Thread ka7o
OK, I'm stumped.

Desktop - a Dell of some flavor. Fully updated Fedora 12 via yum. Clean
Xastir install from CVS - R click menus work fine. No problems at all.

Laptop - HP of another flavor. Fully updated Fedora 12 via yum. Clean
Xastir install from CVS (I even deleted th ~/.xastir directory and started
fresh. STILL has the R-click problem. No menus show up. Arrow changes
direction - can not regain focus or use the mouse cursor outside the
Xastir box. I even went back and updated all the 'tar ball' stuff as
described in the Installation Notes/HowTo: for Fedora.

But, now I have two - nearly identical boxes - one with the problem, one
without. Something's gotta be different here. Anyone wanna guide me
through discovery?

AIM (kc7zru) or YahooChat (ntstate)

Tate, KA7O

 In rummaging through my junk pil...uh, garage - I found an older Fedora 9
 box. I've upgraded it to F10, then to F11 and yesterday finished upgrading
 it to F12.

 Then I followed the Wiki howto and installed Xastir from CVS.

 Everything is working fine - R click menus and all.

 I'm on my way to the house for lunch, I'll bring back my laptop that had
 the R-click menu issue - update it to current and reinstall Xastir. Who
 knows - maybe Fedora released an update that has fixed this all for us.
 I'll let you all know in a few hours what I find.

 Tate, KA7O

 On Mon, 2009-12-07 at 05:56 -0800, Curt, WE7U wrote:

 I'm not even sure it's xorg related:

 I managed to get a working popup menu by accident.
 I had NumLock turned on and pressed right click. Instantly I got
 'Modifiers Found' popup and the actual popup that wasn't display before.
 Turning off numlock and closing the Modifiers popup, the actual popup
 works correctly now.
 Unfortunately closing xastir and starting it again (without numlock on)
 won't work the old issue remains.

 Any thoughts ?


 Xastir mailing list

 Xastir mailing list

Xastir mailing list

[Xastir] What's the current 'preferred', Image or Graphics Magick?

2009-12-06 Thread KA7O
Hash: SHA1

I know there's been a 'favored' tool in the past due to API issues and
recently there have been some fixes.

What's the current preferred image tool - ImageMagick, GraphicsMagic or
do either now work as well as the other?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] CVS install on Fedora12 - R click errors

2009-12-06 Thread KA7O
Hash: SHA1

Yup - I'm getting more reports of this from some of the local Xastir
users in my Penguin Farm. It's most certainly a new 'feature' of F12.


On 11/29/2009 09:20 AM, Alan Crosswell wrote:
 OK, so it's not just me:-). Welcome to the club. I've already tested
 building with both lesstif and openmotif with identical results. Also
 with different window managers. I think it's something in the Xorg
Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] What's the current 'preferred', Image or Graphics Magick?

2009-12-06 Thread KA7O
Hash: SHA1

Cool, thanks Curt.

Updating the 'how to compile Xastir from CVS notes for Fedora 12' on the
web site - wanted to include good 'suggestions'.


On 12/06/2009 03:10 PM, Curt, WE7U wrote:
 On Sun, 6 Dec 2009, KA7O wrote:
 I know there's been a 'favored' tool in the past due to API issues and
 recently there have been some fixes.

 What's the current preferred image tool - ImageMagick, GraphicsMagic or
 do either now work as well as the other?
 I would lean towards GM unless it doesn't work for you.  Doesn't
 work for you has probably been changed by the last fix Tom did in

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Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] LaCrosse database program --- open2300db2APRS

2009-11-26 Thread Tate - KA7O


My Lacross station has been offlined for several months now. I would 
love to get it back up again.


On 11/26/2009 01:20 AM, Tom Russo wrote:

Is anyone here besides me actually using a (lousy) LaCrosse 23xx weather
station and the open2300db2APRS program we have bundled in the Xastir source?

I just upgraded the OS on my primary system and discovered that
open2300db2APRS started segfaulting afterwards.  Turns out there's a huge
error in how that code accesses the mysql database, and I'm amazed it ever
worked at all --- but it did for me for several years until tonight's upgrade.
Specifically, the code never actually issued the mysql_fetch_row command after
querying the database for weather data --- and then started pulling data out
of the row datastructure, and apparently got what it was expecting.  This
definitely doesn't work in the version of os that I updated to (MySQL 5.1.41
on FreeBSD 7.2, previously running MySQL 5.1.41 on FreeBSD 6.4 --- all I did
was recompile mysql on the new system, and boom, segfaults from

I'm pretty sure that the changes I had to make to my local copy of
open2300db2APRS to get it to work after the upgrade would be correct even for
older versions of mysql, and that it's likely it only worked because of a
fluke.  My change is merely to fetch the row after the query.

If anyone else is actually using this code now, lemme know.  I'll commit my
changes and work with you to make sure they don't break your currently working
build.  I can't imagine it will, but I figure a head's up is in order first.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] CVS install on Fedora12 - R click errors

2009-11-25 Thread KA7O
Hash: SHA1

On 11/25/2009 12:56 PM, Alan Crosswell wrote:
 I'll be curious to find out if you can get a right-click popup menu to
 work right with Xastir under FC12.

I can't. 4 different machines. Clean installs and upgrades from 11. A R
click on a map yields the changed cursor, but no pop up menu and no way
to get the focus of the cursor outside of the Xastir map.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Time

2009-06-12 Thread KA7O
Mmmm, I think most of us have either a GNOME or KDE toolbar across 
either the top or bottom of each desktop that has a clock in it - 
amongst many other things. Are you running a 'down sized' distro? What 
desktop manager do you use?


Keith Kaiser wrote:
On the other hand, adding the time to the upper or lower, right hand 
side of the title bar would not exactly be intrusive would it. I wasn't 
thinking of a watermark but a clock running on in Xastir and showing the 
time in one of the title bars.

Xastir mailing list

Re: [Xastir] Newbie APRS help

2009-03-26 Thread KA7O

Hi Mike,

I run a similar setup here in Wyoming. But I use aprsd for the 
server/igate duties and then just have xastir connect to my own local 
server. Digipeater duties are handled by the KPC3+ TNC aprsd uses.

Now that both aprsd and xastir are incuded in the Fedora repositories - 
it's almost trivial to setup. So long as you've a TNC that'll digipeat 
that is!

Good luck and enjoy!


Mike GM1WKR wrote:

Hi Folks,

I'm a newbie to APRS and want to set up a Digi and iGate but still have the
machine in runlevel three.  Then when I want Xastir I can start X.

I think I need Digi_ned, could someone provide me a sanity check thats
digi_ned will do the necessary and that Xastir will work as a client to
that?  Sorry if this is a silly question.

Many Thanks,
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