Re: [zfs-discuss] Snapshots, txgs and performance

2010-06-11 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello there,
 I think you should share it with the list, if you can, seems like an 
interesting work. ZFS has some issues with snapshots and spa_sync performance 
for snapshots deletion.

[ ]
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Re: [zfs-discuss] SSD (SLC) for cache...

2009-08-30 Thread Marcelo Leal
Thanks Adam,
 So, if i understand well, the MLC SSD more appropriate for read cache is more 
theory than pratice right now. Right? I mean, SUN is just using SLC SSD's? 
 That would explain the only support for SLC on SUN hardware (x42xx) series.
 Thanks again.

[ ]
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Re: [zfs-discuss] When writing to SLOG at full speed all disk IO is blocked

2009-07-28 Thread Marcelo Leal
Ok Bob, but i think that is the problem about picket fencing... and so we are 
talking about commit the sync operations to disk. What i'm seeing is no read 
activity from disks when the slog is beeing written. The disks are zero (no 
read, no write).

 Thanks a lot for your reply.

[ ]
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Re: [zfs-discuss] When writing to SLOG at full speed all disk IO is blocked

2009-07-27 Thread Marcelo Leal
 Well, i'm trying to understand this workload, but what i'm seeing to reproduce 
this is just flood the SSD with writes, and the disks show no activity. I'm 
testing with aggr (two links), and for one or two seconds there is no read 
activity (output from server). 
 Right now i'm suspecting something with the network, because i did some ZFS 
tuning, and seems like i'm not getting the 100% utilization on SSD, and the 
behaviour is still happening. I need to confirm this, and will share with you.
 Thanks for your reply.

[ ]
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Another user looses his pool (10TB) in this case and 40 days work

2009-07-27 Thread Marcelo Leal
 That's only one element of it Bob.  ZFS also needs
 devices to fail quickly and in a predictable manner.
 A consumer grade hard disk could lock up your entire
 pool as it fails.  The kit Sun supply is more likely
 to fail in a manner ZFS can cope with.

 I agree 100%.
 Hardware, firmware, drivers, should be fully integrated to a mission critical 
app. With the wrong firmware, and consumer grade HD, disks failures stalls the 
entire pool. I have experience with disks failing and taking 2 or tree seconds 
to the system cope with (not just ZFS, but the controller, etc).

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zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] Fishworks iSCSI cache enabled...

2009-07-25 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 Somebody using iSCSI cache enable on 7000 series? I'm talking about 
OpenSolaris (ZFS) as an iSCSI initiator, because i don't know another 
filesystem that handles disk caches.
 So, that option was created for ZFS ;-)? 
 Any suggestions on this?


[ ]
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[zfs-discuss] When writing to SLOG at full speed all disk IO is blocked

2009-07-24 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all...
 I'm seeing this behaviour in an old build (89), and i just want to hear from 
you if there is some known bug about it. I'm aware of the picket fencing 
problem, and that ZFS is not choosing right if write to slog is better or not 
(thinking if we have a better throughput from disks). 
 But i did not find anything about 100% slog activity (~115MB/s) blocks IO from 
disks. Two or three seconds of zero read or write on disks...

 Thanks a lot for your time!

[ ]
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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS write I/O stalls

2009-07-01 Thread Marcelo Leal
 Note that this issue does not apply at all to NFS
 service, database 
 service, or any other usage which does synchronous
 Hello Bob,
 There is impact for all workloads.
 The fact that the write is sync or not, is just a question to write on slog 
(SSD) or not.
 But the txg interval and sync time is the same. Actually the zil code is just 
to preserve that exact same thing for synchronous writes.

[ ]
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[zfs-discuss] zio_taskq_threads and TXG sync

2009-06-16 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 I'm trying to understand the ZFS IO scheduler ( ), and why sometimes the system seems to be 
stalled for some seconds, and every application that needs some IO (most 
read, i think), have serious problems. What can be a big problem in iSCSI or 
NFS soft mounts.
 Looking at the code, i could get to the zio_taskq_threads structure, and to 
this bug report:
 And seems like it was already integrated to newer releases (i don't know since 
 Somebody could explain the real diff between the ISSUE and INTR, READ and 
WRITE changes, and maybe why in the first implementation were the same value 
for both? ;-)
 Another move that i did not fully understand very well, was the time between 
txg syncs, from 5s to 30s, what i think can make this problem worst, because we 
will have more data to commit.
 Well to much questions... ;-)

 PS: Where i can find the patches and attachments from the The files mention attach, but i can not find them.

 Thanks a lot for your time!

[ ]
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[zfs-discuss] ZFS and Amanda

2009-01-27 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 There is some project here to integrate amanda on opensolaris, or some howto 
for integration with ZFS? Some use case (using the opensource version)?
 The amanda site there is a few instructions, but i think here we can create 
something more specific to OS.
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[zfs-discuss] E2BIG

2009-01-26 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all...
 We are getting this error: E2BIG - Arg list too long, when trying to send 
incremental backups (b89 - b101). Do you know about any bugs related to that? 
I did a look on the archives, and google but could not find anything. 
 What i did find was something related with wrong timestamps (32bits), and some 
ZFS test on the code: zfs_vnops.c. But the error is EOVERFLOW...
 Thanks a lot for your time!
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Re: [zfs-discuss] NFS Block Monitor

2009-01-24 Thread Marcelo Leal
FYI (version 0.3):

[ ]

 Hello all..
 I did some tests to understand the behaviour of ZFS
 and slog (SSD), and for understand the workload i
 did implement a simple software to visualize the
  data blocks (read/write).
 I'm posting here the link in the case somebody wants
 to try it.
  Thanks a lot for your time.
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zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] NFS Block Monitor

2009-01-12 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all..
 I did some tests to understand the behaviour of ZFS and slog (SSD), and for 
understand the workload i did implement a simple software to visualize the data 
blocks (read/write).
 I'm posting here the link in the case somebody wants to try it.

 Thanks a lot for your time.

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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] How to find out the zpool of an uberblock printed with the fbt:zfs:uberblock_update: probes?

2009-01-07 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello Bernd,
 Now i see your point... ;-)
 Well, following a very simple math:

 - One txg each 5 seconds = 17280/day;
 - Each txg writing 1MB (L0-L3) = 17GB/day
 In the paper the math was 10 years = ( 2.7 * the size of the USB drive) writes 
per day, right? 
 So, in a 4GB drive, would be ~10GB/day. Then, just the labels update would 
make our USB drive live for 5 years... and if each txg update 5MB of data, our 
drive would live for just a year.
 Help, i'm not good with numbers... ;-)

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Re: [zfs-discuss] How to find out the zpool of an uberblock printed with the fbt:zfs:uberblock_update: probes?

2009-01-07 Thread Marcelo Leal
 Hello there... 
 I did some more tests.

You are getting very useful informations with your tests. Thanks a lot!!

 I found that not each uberblock_update() is also
 followed by a write to 
 the disk (although the txg is increased every 30
 seconds for each of the 
 three zpools of my 2008.11 system). In these cases,
 stays at the same value while txg is incremented by
  Are you sure about that? I mean, what i could understand for the 
ondiskformat, is that there is a correlation 1:1 between txg, creation time, 
and ubberblock. Each time there is write to the pool, we have another state 
of the filesystem. Actually, we just need another valid uberblock when we 
change the filesystem state (write to it). 
 But each sync command on the OS level is followed by
 vdev_uberblock_sync() directly after the
 uberblock_update() and then by 
 four writes to the four uberblock copies (one per
  copy) on disk.
 Hmm, maybe the uberblock_update is not really important in our discussion... 
 And a change to one or more files in any pool during
 the 30 seconds 
 interval is also followed by a vdev_uberblock_sync()
 of that pool at the 
 end of the interval.

 So, what is the uberblock_update? 
 So on my system (a web server) during time when there
 is enough activity 
 that each uberblock_update() is followed by
 I get:
   2 writes per minute (*60)

 I'm totally lost... 2 writes per minute?

  writes per hour (*24)
  2880 writes per day
 ut only each 128th time to the same block -
 = 22.5 writes to the same block on the drive per day.
 If we take the lower number of max. writes in the
 referenced paper which 
 is 10.000, we get 10.000/22.5 = 444.4 days or one
 year and 79 days.
 For 100.000, we get .4 days or more than 12

 Ok, but i think the number is 10.000. 100.000 would be a static wear leveling, 
and it is a non-trivial implementation for USB pen drives right?
 During times without http access to my server, only
 about each 5th to 
 10th uberblock_update() is followed by
 vdev_uberblock_sync() for rpool, 
 and much less for the two data pools, which means
 that the corresponding 
 uberblocks on disk will be skipped for writing (if I
 did not overlook 
 anything), and the device will likely be worn out
 I need to know what is the uberblock_update... it seems not related with txg, 
sync of disks, labels, nothing... ;-) 

 Thanks a lot Bernd.

 Marcelo Leal wrote:
  Hello Bernd,
   Now i see your point... ;-)
   Well, following a very simple math:
   - One txg each 5 seconds = 17280/day;
   - Each txg writing 1MB (L0-L3) = 17GB/day
   In the paper the math was 10 years = ( 2.7 * the
 size of the USB drive) writes per day, right? 
   So, in a 4GB drive, would be ~10GB/day. Then, just
 the labels update would make our USB drive live for 5
 years... and if each txg update 5MB of data, our
 drive would live for just a year.
   Help, i'm not good with numbers... ;-)
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Re: [zfs-discuss] How to find out the zpool of an uberblock printed with the fbt:zfs:uberblock_update: probes?

2009-01-06 Thread Marcelo Leal

 Hello Bernd,

 After I published a blog entry about installing
 OpenSolaris 2008.11 on a 
 USB stick, I read a comment about a possible issue
 with wearing out 
 blocks on the USB stick after some time because ZFS
 overwrites its 
 uberblocks in place.
 I did not understand well what you are trying to say with wearing out 
blocks, but in fact the uberblocks are not overwriten in place. The pattern 
you did notice with the dtrace script, is the update of the uberblock that is 
maintained in an array of 128 elements (1K each, just one active at time). Each 
physical vdev has four labes (256K structures) L0, L1, L2, and L3. Two in the 
begining and two at the end.
 Because the labels are in fixed location on disk, is the only update that zfs 
does not uses cow, but a two staged update. IIRC, the update is L0 and L2,and 
after that L1 and L3.
 Take a look:

 - The label is overwritten (in a two staged update);
 - The uberblock is not overwritten, but do write to a new element on the 
array. So, the transition from one uberblock(txg and timestamp) to another is 

 I'm deploying a USB solution too, so if you can clarify the problem, i would 
appreciate it. 

ps.: I did look your blog, but did not see any comments around that, and the 
comments section is closed. ;-)


 I tried to get more information about how updating
 uberblocks works with 
 the following dtrace script:
 /* io:genunix::start */
 printf (%d %s %d %d, timestamp, execname,
 printf (%d (%d) %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d,
  args[0]-ub_rootbp.blk_prop, args[0]-ub_guid_sum,
 args[1]-vdev_id, args[1]-vdev_asize,
 e output shows the following pattern after most of
 uberblock_update events:
 0  34404 uberblock_update:entry 244484736418912
 226475971064889345, 4541013553469450828, 26747, 159,
 0, 0, 0, 26747
 0   6668bdev_strategy:start 244485190035647
  sched 502 1024
 0   6668bdev_strategy:start 244485190094304
  sched 1014 1024
 0   6668bdev_strategy:start 244485190129133
  sched 39005174 1024
 0   6668bdev_strategy:start 244485190163273
  sched 39005686 1024
 0   6656  biodone:done 244485190745068
  sched 502 1024
 0   6656  biodone:done 244485191239190
  sched 1014 1024
 0   6656  biodone:done 244485191737766
  sched 39005174 1024
 0   6656  biodone:done 244485192236988
  sched 39005686 1024
 0  34404   uberblock_update:entry
 1231084219) 9226475971064889345, 4541013553469450828,
 26747, 159, 0, 0, 
 0, 26748
 0  34404   uberblock_update:entry
 1231084249) 9226475971064889345, 4541013553469450828,
 26747, 159, 0, 0, 
 0, 26749
 0  34404   uberblock_update:entry
 1231084279) 9226475971064889345, 4541013553469450828,
 26750, 159, 0, 0, 
 0, 26750
 0   6668 bdev_strategy:start 244575189866189
  sched 508 1024
 0   6668 bdev_strategy:start 244575189926518
  sched 1020 1024
 0   6668 bdev_strategy:start 244575189961783
  sched 39005180 1024
 0   6668 bdev_strategy:start 244575189995547
  sched 39005692 1024
 0   6656   biodone:done 244575190584497
  sched 508 1024
 0   6656   biodone:done 244575191077651
  sched 1020 1024
 0   6656   biodone:done 244575191576723
  sched 39005180 1024
 0   6656   biodone:done 244575192077070
  sched 39005692 1024
 I am not a dtrace or zfs expert, but to me it looks
 like in many cases, 
 an uberblock update is followed by a write of 1024
 bytes to four 
 different disk blocks. I also found that the four
 block numbers are 
 incremented with always even numbers (256, 258, 260,
 ,..) 127 times and 
 then the first block is written again. Which would
 mean that for a txg 
 of 5, the four uberblock copies have been written
 times (Correct?).
 What I would like to find out is how to access fields
 from arg1 (this is 
 the data of type vdev in:
 int uberblock_update(uberblock_t *ub, vdev_t *rvd,
 uint64_t txg)
 ). When using the fbt:zfs:uberblock_update:entry
 probe, its elements are 
 always 0, as you can see in the above output. When
 using the 
 fbt:zfs:uberblock_update:return probe, I am getting
 an error message 
 like the following:
 dtrace: failed to compile script
 zfs-uberblock-report-04.d: line 14: 
 operator - must be applied to a pointer
 Any idea how to access the fields of vdev, or how to
 print out the pool 
 name associated to an uberblock_update event?

Re: [zfs-discuss] Practical Application of ZFS

2009-01-06 Thread Marcelo Leal
 - One way is virtualization, if you use a virtualization technology that uses 
NFS for example, you could add your virtual images on a ZFS filesystem.  NFS 
can be used without virtualization too, but as you said the machines are 
windows, i don't think the NFS client for windows is production ready. 
 Maybe somebody else on the list can say...
 - Virtualization inside solaris branded zones... IIRC, the idea is have 
branded zones to support another OS (like GNU/Linux/ MS Windows, etc).
 - Another option is iSCSI, and you would not need virtualization.


 ZFS is the bomb. It's a great file system. What are
 it's real world applications besides solaris
 userspace? What I'd really like is to utilize the
 benefits of ZFS across all the platforms we use. For
 instance, we use Microsoft Windows Servers as our
 primary platform here. How might I utilize ZFS to
 protect that data? 
 The only way I can visualize doing so would be to
 virtualize the windows server and store it's image in
 a ZFS pool. That would add additional overhead but
 protect the data at the disk level. It would also
 allow snapshots of the Windows Machine's virtual
 file. However none of these benefits would protect
 Windows from hurting it's own data, if you catch my
 Obviously ZFS is ideal for large databases served out
 via application level or web servers. But what other
 practical ways are there to integrate the use of ZFS
 into existing setups to experience it's benefits.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] How ZFS decides if write to the slog or directly to the POOL

2009-01-05 Thread Marcelo Leal
 Marcelo Leal writes:
   Hello all,
   Somedays ago i was looking at the code and did see
 some variable that
  seems to make a correlation between the size of
  the data, and if the
  data is written to the slog or directly to the
 pool. But i did not
  find it anymore, and i think is way more complex
  than that. 
For example, if we have a pool of just two disks,
 it's fine to write
  to the slog (SSD). But if we have a 20 disks pool,
  write to the slog
  will not be a good idea, don't you agree? But if
 someone has that
  configuration (20 disks and a slog), the ZFS code
  would not identify
  that, and write directly to the pool? 
   I'm asking this because i did some tests and
  seems like the SSD
  became a bottleneck... and i guess that even if the
 admin did make
  such mistake, the ZFS had the logic to avoid write
  to the intent log. 
Thanks a lot for your time!
   This message posted from
   zfs-discuss mailing list
 Hi Marcelo, you are right on and this is being
 tracked as :
 6706578 a single zil writer should not abuse the
 e slog

 Thanks, i did put a link here:

 Sun Storage 7000 line does already have a fix for



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Re: [zfs-discuss] Cannot remove a file on a GOOD ZFS filesystem

2008-12-31 Thread Marcelo Leal
Thanks a lot Sanjeev!
 If you look my first message you will see that discrepancy in zdb...

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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Cannot remove a file on a GOOD ZFS filesystem

2008-12-30 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,

# zpool status
  pool: mypool
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: scrub completed after 0h2m with 0 errors on Fri Dec 19 09:32:42 2008

storage  ONLINE   0 0 0
  mirror ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t2d0   ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t3d0   ONLINE   0 0 0
  mirror ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t4d0   ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t5d0   ONLINE   0 0 0
  mirror ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t6d0   ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t7d0   ONLINE   0 0 0
  mirror ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t8d0   ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t9d0   ONLINE   0 0 0
  mirror ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t10d0  ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t11d0  ONLINE   0 0 0
  mirror ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t12d0  ONLINE   0 0 0
c0t13d0  ONLINE   0 0 0
logs ONLINE   0 0 0
  c0t1d0 ONLINE   0 0 0

errors: No known data errors

-  zfs list -r  shows eight filesystems, and nine snapshots per filesystem.
mypool/colorado 1.83G  4.00T  1.13G  
mypool/color...@centenario-2008-12-28-01:00:00   40.3M  -  1.46G  -
mypool/color...@centenario-2008-12-29-01:00:00   30.0M  -  1.54G  -
mypool/color...@campeao-2008-12-29-09:00:00  10.4M  -  1.24G  -
mypool/color...@campeao-2008-12-29-13:00:00  31.5M  -  1.29G  -
mypool/color...@campeao-2008-12-29-17:00:00  5.46M  -  1.10G  -
mypool/color...@campeao-2008-12-29-21:00:00  4.23M  -  1.13G  -
mypool/color...@centenario-2008-12-30-01:00:00   0  -  1.16G  -
mypool/color...@campeao-2008-12-30-01:00:00  0  -  1.16G  -
mypool/color...@campeao-2008-12-30-05:00:00  6.24M  -  1.16G  -
 - How many entries does it have ?
 Now there is just one file, the problematic one... but before the whole 
problem, four or five small files (the whole pool is pretty empty).
- Which filesystem (of the zpool) does it belong to ?
 See above...

 Thanks a lot!
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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Cannot remove a file on a GOOD ZFS filesystem

2008-12-30 Thread Marcelo Leal
execve(/usr/bin/rm, 0x08047DBC, 0x08047DC8)  argc = 2
-1, 0) = 0xFEFF
resolvepath(/usr/lib/, /lib/, 1023) = 12
resolvepath(/usr/bin/rm, /usr/bin/rm, 1023) = 11
sysconfig(_CONFIG_PAGESIZE) = 4096
xstat(2, /usr/bin/rm, 0x08047A68) = 0
open(/var/ld/ld.config, O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT
xstat(2, /lib/, 0x080471C8)  = 0
resolvepath(/lib/, /lib/, 1023) = 14
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)= 3
mmap(0x0001, 32768, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ALIGN, 3, 0) = 
mmap(0x0001, 1380352, PROT_NONE, 
3, 0) = 0xFEE5
mmap(0xFEF97000, 32482, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, 
munmap(0xFEF87000, 65536)   = 0
memcntl(0xFEE5, 208132, MC_ADVISE, MADV_WILLNEED, 0, 0) = 0
close(3)= 0
mmap(0x0001, 24576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, 
munmap(0xFEFB, 32768)   = 0
getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, 0x08047818) = 0
getpid()= 3269 [3268]
lwp_private(0, 1, 0xFEF92A00)   = 0x01C3
sysi86(SI86FPSTART, 0xFEFA0014, 0x133F, 0x1F80) = 0x0001
brk(0x08063770) = 0
brk(0x08065770) = 0
sysconfig(_CONFIG_PAGESIZE) = 4096
ioctl(0, TCGETA, 0x08047D3C)= 0
brk(0x08065770) = 0
brk(0x08067770) = 0
fstatat64(AT_FDCWD, Arquivos.file, 0x08047C80, 0x1000) Err#2 ENOENT
fstat64(2, 0x08046CE0)  = 0
write(2,  r m :  , 4) = 4
write(2,  Arquivos . fil.., 13)  = 13
write(2,  :  , 2) = 2
write(2,  N o   s u c h   f i l e.., 25)  = 25
write(2, \n, 1)   = 1
This message posted from
zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Cannot remove a file on a GOOD ZFS filesystem

2008-12-30 Thread Marcelo Leal
execve(/usr/bin/ls, 0x08047DA8, 0x08047DB4)  argc = 2
-1, 0) = 0xFEFF
resolvepath(/usr/lib/, /lib/, 1023) = 12
resolvepath(/usr/bin/ls, /usr/bin/ls, 1023) = 11
xstat(2, /usr/bin/ls, 0x08047A58) = 0
open(/var/ld/ld.config, O_RDONLY) Err#2 ENOENT
sysconfig(_CONFIG_PAGESIZE) = 4096
xstat(2, /lib/, 0x080471B8)  = 0
resolvepath(/lib/, /lib/, 1023) = 14
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)= 3
mmap(0x0001, 32768, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ALIGN, 3, 0) = 
mmap(0x0001, 1380352, PROT_NONE, 
3, 0) = 0xFEE5
mmap(0xFEF97000, 32482, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, 
munmap(0xFEF87000, 65536)   = 0
memcntl(0xFEE5, 208132, MC_ADVISE, MADV_WILLNEED, 0, 0) = 0
close(3)= 0
mmap(0x0001, 24576, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE|PROT_EXEC, 
munmap(0xFEFB, 32768)   = 0
getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, 0x08047808) = 0
getpid()= 5410 [5409]
lwp_private(0, 1, 0xFEF92A00)   = 0x01C3
sysi86(SI86FPSTART, 0xFEFA0014, 0x133F, 0x1F80) = 0x0001
brk(0x08067320) = 0
brk(0x08069320) = 0
time()  = 1230662014
ioctl(1, TCGETA, 0x08047ABC)= 0
sysconfig(_CONFIG_PAGESIZE) = 4096
brk(0x08069320) = 0
brk(0x08073320) = 0
lstat64(., 0x080469A0)= 0
xstat(2, /lib/, 0x08045F98)= 0
resolvepath(/lib/, /lib/, 1023) = 16
open(/lib/, O_RDONLY)  = 3
mmap(0x0001, 32768, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ALIGN, 3, 0) = 
mmap(0x0001, 151552, PROT_NONE, 
0) = 0xFEE2
mmap(0xFEE3F000, 13477, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, 
-1, 0) = 0xFEE43000
munmap(0xFEE2F000, 65536)   = 0
memcntl(0xFEE2, 13752, MC_ADVISE, MADV_WILLNEED, 0, 0) = 0
close(3)= 0
munmap(0xFEFB, 32768)   = 0
pathconf(., 20)   = 2
acl(., ACE_GETACLCNT, 0, 0x)  = 6
stat64(., 0x08046890) = 0
acl(., ACE_GETACL, 6, 0x08071C48) = 6
fcntl(3, F_SETFD, 0x0001)   = 0
fstat64(3, 0x080479A0)  = 0
getdents64(3, 0xFEF94000, 8192) = 80
lstat64(./Arquivos.file, 0x08046930)  Err#2 ENOENT
getdents64(3, 0xFEF94000, 8192) = 0
close(3)= 0
ioctl(1, TCGETA, 0x08046BBC)= 0
fstat64(1, 0x08046B20)  = 0
write(1,  t o t a l   0\n, 8) = 8
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Cannot remove a file on a GOOD ZFS filesystem

2008-12-29 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all...
 Can that be caused by some cache on the LSI controller? 
 Some flush that the controller or disk did not honour?
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zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] How ZFS decides if write to the slog or directly to the POOL

2008-12-29 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 Somedays ago i was looking at the code and did see some variable that seems to 
make a correlation between the size of the data, and if the data is written to 
the slog or directly to the pool. But i did not find it anymore, and i think is 
way more complex than that.
  For example, if we have a pool of just two disks, it's fine to write to the 
slog (SSD). But if we have a 20 disks pool, write to the slog will not be a 
good idea, don't you agree? But if someone has that configuration (20 disks and 
a slog), the ZFS code would not identify that, and write directly to the pool?
 I'm asking this because i did some tests and seems like the SSD became a 
bottleneck... and i guess that even if the admin did make such mistake, the ZFS 
had the logic to avoid write to the intent log.

 Thanks a lot for your time!
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zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] OpenSolaris panic while ZFS receiving (SXDE 89)

2008-12-19 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 I'm getting many OpenSolaris kernel panic while send/receiving data. I did try 
to create another pool and another host to test, and the same error. And the 
send side can be any server (i did test with four different servers, all build 
 The panic message:
--- cut here -
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 836849 kern.notice]
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver ^Mpanic[cpu2]/thread=ff000fe16c80:
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 683410 kern.notice] BAD TRAP: type=e 
(#pf Page fault) rp=ff000fe16700 addr=ff06b5989c10
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 10 kern.notice]
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 839527 kern.notice] sched:
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 753105 kern.notice] #pf Page fault
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 532287 kern.notice] Bad kernel fault at 
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 243837 kern.notice] pid=0, 
pc=0xf7dcd19a, sp=0xff000fe167f0, eflags=0x10202
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 211416 kern.notice] cr0: 
8005003bpg,wp,ne,et,ts,mp,pe cr4: 6f8xmme,fxsr,pge,mce,pae,pse,de
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 624947 kern.notice] cr2: ff06b5989c10
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 625075 kern.notice] cr3: 340
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 625715 kern.notice] cr8: c
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 10 kern.notice]
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]rdi: 
ff06b098ac40 rsi: ff06b5989bc0 rdx: 13
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]rcx:
3  r8: ff02d878eb00  r9: 1c8
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]rax:
4 rbx:79b7a rbp: ff00 0fe16890
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]r10:   
c03e3db44351bd r11:0 r12: ff06 a0c16188
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]r13: 
ff02d4530540 r14: ff06a2d37d38 r15: ff19 0b636d30
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]fsb:
0 gsb: ff02d597ab00  ds: 4b
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice] es:   
4b  fs:0  gs: 1c3
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]trp:
e err:0 rip:  f7dcd19a
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice] cs:   
30 rfl:10202 rsp: ff00 0fe167f0
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 266532 kern.notice] ss:   
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 10 kern.notice]
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe165e0 
unix:die+ea ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe166f0 
unix:trap+13b9 ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16700 
unix:cmntrap+e9 ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16890 
zfs:dbuf_write+ca ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe168e0 
zfs:dbuf_sync_indirect+ab ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16920 
zfs:dbuf_sync_list+5e ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16990 
zfs:dnode_sync+23b ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe169d0 
zfs:dmu_objset_sync_dnodes+55 ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16a50 
zfs:dmu_objset_sync+13d ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16aa0 
zfs:dsl_dataset_sync+5d ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16b10 
zfs:dsl_pool_sync+b5 ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16bb0 
zfs:spa_sync+20e ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16c60 
zfs:txg_sync_thread+226 ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ff000fe16c70 
unix:thread_start+8 ()
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver unix: [ID 10 kern.notice]
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 672855 kern.notice] syncing file 
Dec 12 17:10:33 testserver genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice]  142
Dec 12 17:10:34 testserver genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice]  20
Dec 12 17:10:35 testserver genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice]  2
Dec 12 17:10:57 testserver last message repeated 20 times
Dec 12 17:10:58 testserver genunix: [ID 622722 kern.notice]  done (not all i/o 
Dec 12 17:10:59 testserver genunix: [ID 111219 kern.notice] dumping to 
/dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1, offset 4194893824, content: kernel
Dec 12 17:11:08 testserver genunix: [ID 409368 kern.notice] ^M100% done: 346040 
pages dumped, compression ratio 2.47,
Dec 12 17:11:08 testserver genunix: [ID 851671 kern.notice] dump succeeded
- cut here --
I did find some messages that seems to be related, but with Sol 10. Do you 
think an update can solve 

Re: [zfs-discuss] Lost Disk Space

2008-11-06 Thread Marcelo Leal
 A percentage of the total space is reserved for pool
 overhead and is not 
 allocatable, but shows up as available in zpool

 Something to change/show in the future?

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Re: [zfs-discuss] Enabling load balance with zfs

2008-10-31 Thread Marcelo Leal
I think the better solution is to have two pools, and write a script to change 
the recording destination time to time, or move the files after it. Like the 
prototype by Hartz.

 ps.: Is this a reality show? ;-)
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zfs-discuss mailing list

[zfs-discuss] DNLC and ARC

2008-10-30 Thread Marcelo Leal
 In ZFS the DNLC concept is gone, or is in ARC too? I mean, all the cache in 
ZFS is ARC right? 
 I was thinking if we can tune the DNLC in ZFS like in UFS.. if we have too 
*many* files and directories, i guess we can have a better performance having 
all the metadata cached, and that is even more important in NFS operations.  
 DNLC is LRU right? And ARC should be totally dynamic, but as in another thread 
here, i think reading a *big* file can mess with the whole thing. Can we hold 
an area in memory for DNLC cache, or that is not the ARC way?


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Re: [zfs-discuss] DNLC and ARC

2008-10-30 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello Neil,

 ZFS uses the DNLC. It still provides the fastest
 lookup of directory, name to vnode.

 Ok, so the whole concept remains true? We can tune the DNLC and expect the 
same behaviour on ZFS?

 The DNLC is kind of LRU. An async process will use a
 rotor to move
 through the hash chains and select the LRU entry but
 will select first
 negative cache entries and vnodes only referenced by
 the DNLC.
 Underlying this ZFS uses the ZAP and Fat ZAP to store
 the mappings.

 Here i did not understand very well. You are saying that ZFS uses DNLC just 
for one level?

 ZFS does not use the 2nd level DNLC which allows
 caching of directories.
 This is only used by UFS to avoid a linear search of
 large directories.

 What is the ZFS way here? One of the points of my question is exactly that... 
in an environment with many directories with *many* files, i think ZFS would 
has the *same* problems too. 
 So, having directories cache on DNLC could be a good solution. Can you explain 
how ZFS handles the performance in directories with hundreds of files?
 There is a lot of docs around UFS/DNLC, but for now i think the only doc about 
ZFS/ARC and DNLC is the source code. ;-) 


 Thanks a lot! 
 I was thinking in tune DNLC to have as many metadata (directories and files) 
as i can, to minimize lookups/stats and etc (in NFS there is a lot of getattr 
ops). So we could have *all* the metadata cached, and use what remains in 
memory to cache data.
 Maybe that kind of tuning would be usefull for just a few workloads, but could 
be a *huge* enhancement for that workloads.

  -- posix rules --

 On 10/30/08 04:50, Marcelo Leal wrote:
   In ZFS the DNLC concept is gone, or is in ARC too?
 I mean, all the cache in ZFS is ARC right? 
   I was thinking if we can tune the DNLC in ZFS like
 in UFS.. if we have too *many* files and
   directories, i guess we can have a better
 performance having all the metadata cached, and that
   is even more important in NFS operations.  
   DNLC is LRU right? And ARC should be totally
 dynamic, but as in another thread here,
   i think reading a *big* file can mess with the
 whole thing. Can we hold an area in memory
   for DNLC cache, or that is not the ARC way?
 zfs-discuss mailing list
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Managing low free space and snapshots

2008-10-30 Thread Marcelo Leal
 In the situation you have described, if i understood well, you would not have 
any space. When you take a snapshot, your snapshot is referencing the blocks 
older than it...
 You have a 500gb disk, and create a 5gb file, you got 495gb free space. 
 So you delete the file, you have 500gb again. But if you take a snapshot 
*before* delete the file, that file is still there (in the snap), and using 
space (5gb)... ;-)

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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] COW updates [C1]

2008-10-28 Thread Marcelo Leal
 Because of one change to just one file, the MOS  is a brend new one
 Yes, all writes in ZFS are done in transaction groups.. so, evertime there 
is a commit, something is really write to disk, there is a new txg and all the 
blocks written are related to that txg (even the ubberblock).
 I don´t know if i understood the other questions about updates in the MOS, 
128K uberblocks, and regular files... but the location of the active uberblock 
is on the vdev´s labels (L0...L3), and the label´s update is the only one is 
not COW on ZFS, because the location of labels are fixed on disks.
 The updates in labels are done following a staged approach = (L0/L2 after 
 And the updates to an uberblock are done by writing a modified uberblock to 
another element of the uberblock array(128).

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Re: [zfs-discuss] Disabling COMMIT at NFS level, or disabling ZIL on a per-filesystem basis

2008-10-22 Thread Marcelo Leal
I agree with you Constantin that the sync is a performance problem, in the same 
way i think in a NFS environment it is just *required*. If the sync can be 
relaxed in a specific NFS environment, my first opinion is that the NFS is 
not necessary on that environment in first place. 
 IMHO a protocol like iSCSI would have a much better performance in such 
situation, at least would be no caution to handle the consistency between other 
clients. That said, options are always good, and have the possibility to 
disable the ZIL per filesystem is more one *gun* in the world. And as always, 
can reach the cops and the bad guys. 
 Keep in mind that JB is trying to send to jail who is winning performance 
benchs without syncing to disks. ;-)
 Keep the good work in your blog!

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Re: [zfs-discuss] Disabling COMMIT at NFS level, or disabling ZIL on a per-filesystem basis

2008-10-22 Thread Marcelo Leal
 Bah, I've done it again.  I meant use it as a slog
 device, not as the ZIL...
But the slog is the ZIL. formaly a *separate* intent log. What´s the matter? I 
think everyone did understand. I think you did make a confusion some threads 
before about ZIL and L2ARC. That is a different thing.. ;-)

 I'll get this terminology in my head eventually.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Building a 2nd pool, can I do it in stages?

2008-10-22 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello there,
 It´s not a wiki, but has many considerations about your question:

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Re: [zfs-discuss] Disabling COMMIT at NFS level, or disabling ZIL on a per-filesystem basis

2008-10-22 Thread Marcelo Leal
  But the slog is the ZIL. formaly a *separate*
 intent log.
 No the slog is not the ZIL!
 Ok, when you did write this:
 I've been slogging for a while on support for separate intent logs (slogs) 
for ZFS. Without slogs, the ZIL is allocated dynamically from the main pool.

 You were talking about The body of code  in the statement: the ZIL is 
allocated ? 
 So i have misunderstood you...


 Here's the definition of the terms as we've been
 trying to use them:
 The body of code the supports synchronous requests,
 , which writes
   out to the Intent Logs
 Intent Log:
 A stable storage log. There is one per file system 
 An Intent Log on a separate stable device -
 - preferably high speed.
 We don't really have name for an Intent Log when it's
 embedded in the main
 pool. I have in the past used the term clog for
 chained log. Originally before
 slogs existed, it was just the Intent Log.
 zfs-discuss mailing list
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Disabling COMMIT at NFS level,

2008-10-22 Thread Marcelo Leal
 On 10/22/08 13:56, Marcelo Leal wrote:
  But the slog is the ZIL. formaly a *separate*
  intent log.
  No the slog is not the ZIL!
   Ok, when you did write this:
   I've been slogging for a while on support for
 separate intent logs (slogs) for ZFS.
   Without slogs, the ZIL is allocated dynamically
 from the main pool.
   You were talking about The body of code  in the
 statement: the ZIL is allocated ? 
   So i have misunderstood you...
 I guess I need to fix that!

 See? I think you are being a little dramatic...
 Ok, there is the ZIL (code), and the ZFS intent log.
 It's just inevitable that people will call the ZFS intent log.. ZIL for 
 But i respect you! You write the code... ;-)
 Let's go back to the point.

 Anyway the slog is not the ZIL it's one of the two
 currently possible Intent Log types.
 Sorry for the confusion: Neil.
 zfs-discuss mailing list
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Tool to figure out optimum ZFS recordsize for a Mail server Maildir tree?

2008-10-21 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello Roch!

 Leave the default recordsize. With 128K recordsize,
 files smaller than  
 128K are stored as single record
 tightly fitted to the smallest possible # of disk
 sectors. Reads and  
 writes are then managed with fewer ops.
 In the write ZFS is dynamic, but in the read? 
 If i have many small files (smaller than 128K), i would not waste time reading 
128K? And after the ZFS has allocated a FSB of 64K for example, if that file 
gets bigger, ZFS will use 64K blocks right?
 Not tuning the recordsize is very generally more
 space efficient and  
 more performant.
 Large DB (fixed size aligned accesses to uncacheable
 working set) is  
 the exception here (tuning recordsize helps) and a
 few other corner  
 Le 15 sept. 08 à 04:49, Peter Eriksson a écrit :
  I wonder if there exists some tool that can be used
 to figure out an
  optimal ZFS recordsize configuration? Specifically
 for a mail
  server using Maildir (one ZFS filesystem per user).
 Ie, lot's of
  small files (one file per email).
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  zfs-discuss mailing list
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Booting 0811 from USB Stick

2008-10-21 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 Did you make a install on the USB stick, or did you use the Distribution 
Constructor (DC)? 

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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Lost Disk Space

2008-10-20 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello there...
 I did see that already, talk with some guys without answer too... ;-)
 Actually, this week i did not see discrepancy between tools, but the pool 
information was wrong (space used). Exporting/importing, scrub, and etc, did 
not solve. I know that zfs is async in the status report ;-), but only after 
a reboot the status was OK again.
ps.: b89

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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Tuning for a file server, disabling data cache (almost)

2008-10-17 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 I think he got some point here... maybe that would be an interesting feature 
for that kind of workload. Caching all the metadata, would make the rsync task 
more fast (for many files). Try to cache the data is really waste of time, 
because the data will not be read again, and will just send away the good 
metadata cached. That is what i understand when he said about the 96k being 
descarded soon. He wants to configure an area to copy the data, and that´s 
it. Leave my metadat cache alone. ;-)

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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Improving zfs send performance

2008-10-15 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 I think in SS 11 should be -xarch=amd64.

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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS-over-iSCSI performance testing (with low random access results)...

2008-10-15 Thread Marcelo Leal
So, there is no raid10 in a solaris/zfs setup?
I´m talking about no redundancy...
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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Solved - a big THANKS to Victor Latushkin @ Sun / Moscow

2008-10-10 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 I think the problem here is the ZFS´ capacity for recovery from a failure.  
Forgive me, but thinking about creating a code without failures, maybe the 
hackers did forget that other people can make mistakes (if they can´t). 
 - ZFS does not need fsck.
 Ok, that´s a great statement, but i think ZFS needs one. Really does. And in 
my opinion a enhanced zdb would be the solution. Flexibility. Options.
 - I have 90% of something i think is your filesystem, do you want it?
 I think a software is  as good as it can recovery from failures. And i don´t 
want to know who failed, i´m not going to send anyone to jail, i´m not a 
lawyer. I agree with Jeff, really do, but that is another problem...
 The solution Jeff is working one, i think is really great, since it does NOT 
be the all or nothing again... I don´t know about you, but A LOT of times i 
was saved by the Lost and Found directory! All the beauty of a UNIX system is 
rm /etc/passwd after have edited it, and get the whole file doing a cat 
/dev/mem. ;-)
 I think there are a lot of parts in ZFS design that remembers me when you see 
something left on the floor at home, so you ask for your son why he did not get 
it, and he says it was not me.

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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] Solved - a big THANKS to Victor Latushkin @ Sun / Moscow

2008-10-10 Thread Marcelo Leal
 On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 06:15:16AM -0700, Marcelo
 Leal wrote:
   - ZFS does not need fsck.
   Ok, that?s a great statement, but i think ZFS
 needs one. Really does.
   And in my opinion a enhanced zdb would be the
 solution. Flexibility.
 About 99% of the problems reported as I need ZFS
 fsck can be summed up
 by two ZFS bugs:
 1. If a toplevel vdev fails to open, we should be
 able to pull
 information from necessary ditto blocks to open
  the pool and make
 what progress we can.  Right now, the root vdev
  code assumes can't
 open = faulted pool, which results in failure
  scenarios that are
 perfectly recoverable most of the time.  This needs
  to be fixed
 so that pool failure is only determined by the
  ability to read
   critical metadata (such as the root of the DSL).
 . If an uberblock ends up with an inconsistent view
 of the world (due
 to failure of DKIOCFLUSHWRITECACHE, for example),
  we should be able
 to go back to previous uberblocks to find a good
  view of our pool.
   This is the failure mode described by Jeff.
 hese are both bugs in ZFS and will be fixed.  

 That´s it! It´s 100% for me! ;-) 
 One is the all-or-nothing problem, and the other is about guilty... ;-))

 There are some interesting possibilities for limited
 forensic tools - in
 particular, I like the idea of a mdb backend for
 reading and writing ZFS
 In my opinion would be great the whole functionality in zdb. it´s simple, and 
the concepts are clear on the tool. mdb is a debugger, needs concepts that i 
think is different in a tool for read/fix filesystems. Just an opinion... What 
does not mean we can not have both. Like i said, flexibility, options... ;-)

 But I haven't actually heard a reasonable
 proposal for what a
 fsck-like tool 

 I think we must NOT stuck in the word fsck, i have used it just as an 
example (Lost and Found). And i think other users used just as an example too. 
The important is the two points you have described very *well*.

(i.e. one that could repair things
 automatically) would
 actually *do*, let alone how it would work in the
 variety of situations
 it needs to (compressed RAID-Z?) where the standard
 ZFS infrastructure
 - Eric
 Eric Schrock, Fishworks
 zfs-discuss mailing list

 Many thanks for your answer!
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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZSF Solaris

2008-09-30 Thread Marcelo Leal
ZFS has not limit for snapshots and filesystems too, but try to create a lot 
snapshots and filesytems and you will have to wait a lot for your pool to 
import too... ;-)
 I think you should not think about the limits, but performance. Any 
filesytem with *too many entries by directory will suffer. So, my advice is 
configure your app to create a better hierarchy.

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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS on Hitachi SAN, pool recovery

2008-09-24 Thread Marcelo Leal
Just curiosity, why don´t use SC?

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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS send/receive filehandle issue

2008-09-09 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello Adrian,
 Thanks, i was using send/receive (that´s why i did put it on subject ;), and i 
did like to know if ZFS could have some solution for that as i said before. The 
send/receive is not an exact copy of the filesystem (creation time, fsid, 
etc) are different. So, the FH using that for composition, the ZFS has the same 
problem like any other filesystem (stale issue). 
 It was just a guess, as i was trying the same filesystem, maybe the 
references inside it would remain the same, and Solaris/ZFS could not be using 
the things that cause this issue... 
 ps.: I woul like to find my chat with the ZFS engineer. I should have 
misunderstood him.
 Thanks again!
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zfs-discuss mailing list

Re: [zfs-discuss] A question about recordsize...

2008-09-09 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello milek, 
 That information remains true?

ZFS algorithm for selecting block sizes 

The initial block size is the smallest support block size larger than the first 
write to the file. 
Grow to the next largest block size for the entire file when the total file 
length increases beyond the current block size (up to the maximum block size). 
Shrink the block size when the entire file will fit in a single smaller block. 
ZFS currently support nine block sizes, from 512 bytes to 128K. Larger block 
size could be supported in the future, but see roch's blog on why 128k is enough

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Re: [zfs-discuss] A question about recordsize...

2008-09-08 Thread Marcelo Leal
 On Fri, 5 Sep 2008, Marcelo Leal wrote:
  4 - The last one... ;-)  For the FSB allocation,
 how the zfs knows 
  the file size, for know if the file is smaller than
 the FSB? 
  Something related to the txg? When the write goes
 to the disk, the 
  zfs knows (some way) if that write is a whole file
 or a piece of it?
 For synchronous writes (file opened with O_DSYNC
 option), ZFS must 
 write the data based on what it has been provided in
 the write so at 
 any point in time, the quality of the result (amount
 of data in tail 
 block) depends on application requests.  However, if
 the application 
 continues to extend the file via synchronous writes,
 existing data in 
 the sub-sized tail block will be re-written to a
 new location (due 
 to ZFS COW) with the extra data added.  This means
 that the filesystem 
 block size is more important for synchronous writes,
 and particularly 
 if there is insufficient RAM to cache the already
 written block.

 If i understand well, the recordsize is really important for big files. 
Because with small files, and small updates, we have a lot of chances to have 
the data well organized on disk. I think the problem is the big files... where 
we have tiny updates. In the creation´s time of the pool, the recordsize is 
128k, but i don´t know if that limit is real for, let´s say, when we are 
copying a DVD image. I think the recordsize can be lager. If so, if in lager 
files we can have a recordsize of... 1mb? So, what happen if we would change 
after that, 1k?
 For asynchronous writes, ZFS will buffer writes in
 RAM for up to five 
 seconds before actually writing it.  This buffering
 allows ZFS to make 
 better informed decisions about how to write the data
 so that the data 
 is written to full blocks as contiguously as
 possible.  If the 
 application writes asynchronously, but then issues an
 fsync() call, 
 then any cached data will be committed to disk at
 that time.
 It can be seen that for asynchronous writes, the
 quality of the 
 written data layout is somewhat dependent on how much
 RAM the system 
 has available and how fast the data is written.  With
 more RAM, there 
 can be more useful write caching (up to five seconds)
 and ZFS can make 
 better decisions when it writes the data so that the
 data in a file 
 can be written optimally, even with the pressure of
 multi-user writes.

 Any other ZFS experts to answer the first questions? ;-)

 Bob Friesenhahn
 GraphicsMagick Maintainer,
 zfs-discuss mailing list

Thanks bfriesen!

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[zfs-discuss] ZFS send/receive filehandle issue

2008-09-08 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 Some way to workaround the filehandle issue with a send/receive ZFS procedure?
 In the ZFS begining, i did a conversation with some of the devel guys, and did 
ask about how ZFS would treat the NFS filehandle.. IIRC, the answere was: No 
problem, the NFS filehandle will not depend on the disk/path/creation... like 
ufs or other filesystems. So i thought (wrong maybe ;), all informations 
required to preserve the FH consistency would be on the filesystem itself.
 I did some tests with send/receive a filesystem from one node to another, 
changing the IP from one node to the other, and got the FH issue (stale), from 
a GNU/Linux client. 
 Any chance to have a working scenario like this, or for non-shared discs i 
need to have many pools, and in the case i want to migrate (portions of) the 
NFS services, i need to hot-swap discs (export/import the pool on the other 
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Terabyte scrub

2008-09-05 Thread Marcelo Leal
You are right! Seeing the numbers i could not think very well ;-)
 What matters is the used size, and not the storage capacity! My fault...
 Thanks a lot for the answers.

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Re: [zfs-discuss] send/receive statistics

2008-09-05 Thread Marcelo Leal
Thanks a lot for the answers!
 Relling did say something about checksum, i did ask to him about a more 
detailed explanation about it. Because i did not understand what checksum 
the receive part has to check, as the send can be redirected to a file on a 
disc or tape... 
 In the end, i think if we can import (receive) the snapshot, and that 
procedure ends fine, we are in good shape.
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[zfs-discuss] A question about recordsize...

2008-09-05 Thread Marcelo Leal
 Assuming the default recordsize (FSB) in zfs is 128k, so:
 1 - If i have a file with 10k, the zfs  will allocate a FSD of 10k. Right? As 
zfs is not static like the other filesystems, i don´t have that old internal 

 2 - If the above is right, i don´t need to adjust the recordsize (FSB) if i 
will handle a lot of tiny files. Right?

 3 - if the two above are right ones, so the tuning of the recordsize is just 
important for files greater than the FSB. Let´s say, 129k... but so, another 
question: If the file is 129k, the zfs will allocate one filesystem block of 
128k and another of... 1k! Right? Or two of 128k?

 4 - The last one... ;-)
  For the FSB allocation, how the zfs knows the file size, for know if the 
file is smaller than the FSB? Something related to the txg? When the write goes 
to the disk, the zfs knows (some way) if that write is a whole file or a piece 
of it?

 Thanks a lot!

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[zfs-discuss] send/receive statistics

2008-09-04 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 Any plans (or already have), a send/receive way to get the transfer backup 
statistics? I mean, the how much was transfered, time and/or bytes/sec?
 And the last question... i did see in many threads the question about the 
consistency between the send/receive through ssh... but no definitive answers.
So, my last question is: If the transfer is completed (send/receive), i can 
trust the backup was good. The receive returning 0 is definitive?

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[zfs-discuss] Terabyte scrub

2008-09-04 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 I was used to use mirrors and solaris 10, in which the scrub process for 500gb 
took about two hours... and with solaris express (snv_79a) tests, terabytes in 
minutes. I did search for release changes in the scrub process, and could not 
find anything about enhancements in this magnitude. So i ask you... :)
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Re: [zfs-discuss] CIFS HA service with solaris 10 and SC 3.2

2008-06-22 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 i would like to continue with this topic, and after doing some research 
about the topic, i have some (many) doubts, and maybe we could use this thread 
to give some responses to me and other users that can have the same questions...
 First, sorry to CC to many forums, but i think is a relevant topic to all of 
them, so...
 Second, would be nice to clear the understanding on some topics...
 1) What the difference between the smb server in solaris/opensolaris, and the 
new project CIFS? 
 2) I think has an implementation of CIFS protocol, to make a 
unix-like operating system to be a SMB/CIFS server. Why don't use that? license 
problems? the smbserver that is already on solaris/opensolaris is not a implementation?
 3) One of the goals to the CIFS Server project on OpenSolaris, is to support 
OpenSolaris as a storage operating system... we can not do it with 
implementation, or smbserver implementation that is already there?
 4) And the last one: ZFS has smb/cifs share/on/off capabilities, what is the 
relation of that with all of that??
 5) Ok, there is another question... there is a new projetc (data migration 
manager/dmm), that is intend to migrate NFS(GNU/Linux) services, and 
CIFS(MS/Windows) services to Solaris/Opensolaris and ZFS. That project is on 
storage community i think...but, how can we create a migration plan if we can 
not handle the services yet? or can?
 Ok, i'm very confuse, but is not just my fault, i think is a little 
complicated all this efforts without a glue, don't you agree?
 And in the top of all, is a need to have an agent to implement HA services on 
it... i want implement a SMB/CIFS server on solaris/opensolaris, and don't know 
if we have the solution in ou community or not, and if there is an agent to 
provide HA or we need to create a project to implement that...
 See, i need help :-)

 Ok, that's all!

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[zfs-discuss] ZFS data recovery command

2008-06-17 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 In a traditional filesystem, we have a few filesystems, but with ZFS, we can 
have thousands..
 The question is: There is a command or procedure to remake the filesystems, 
in a recovery from backup scenario?
 I mean, imagine that i have a ZFS pool with 1,000 filesystems, and for some 
reason, i loose that  pool. ZFS has some command, so we can export the ZPOOL 
structure and recreate it quickly (to use a traditional backup software)?
 Actually, i have a lot of concerns about it. we are evaluating some backup 
softwares around here, and my concern is a scenario where for any reason i 
loose the pool. What features ZFS provides me for a recovery from that 
 What backup solutions you use? 
 There is some backup software that understands zfs send/receive? 
 A lot of questions :)
 Thanks for your time, 

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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS with raidz

2008-05-29 Thread Marcelo Leal
 If i have understood well, you will have a host with EMC RAID5 discs. Is that 
 You pay a lot of money to have EMC discs, and i think is not a good idea have 
another layer of *any* RAID on top of it. If you have EMC RAID5 (eg. 
symmetrix), you don't need to have a software RAID... 
 ZFS was designed to have a RAID solution to cheap discs! I think is not your 
case, and anything that is too much is not good. Generates complexity and 
loop... :)
 I think ZFS can trust on the EMC thing...
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Re: [zfs-discuss] cp -p gives errors on Linux w/ NFS-mounted ZFS

2008-05-16 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 I'm having the same problem here, any news?
 I need to use ACL's on the GNU/Linux clients. I'm using nfsv3, and on the 
GNU/Linux servers that feature was working, i think we need a solution for 
solaris/opensolaris. Now, with the dmm project, how we can start a migration 
process, if we can not provide the same services on the target machine?

 Thanks a lot for your time!

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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS cli for REMOTE Administration

2008-05-08 Thread Marcelo Leal
No answer... well, do you not have this problem or there is another option to 
delegate such administration? I was thinking if we can delegate a single 
filesystem administration to some user through ZFS administration web console 
 Can i create a user and give him administration rights to a single filesystem 
(and its snapshots, of course)?

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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS still crashing after patch

2008-05-05 Thread Marcelo Leal
 If you believe that the problem can be related to ZIL code, you can try to 
disable it to debug (isolate) the problem. If it is not a fileserver (NFS), 
disabling the zil should not impact consistency.

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[zfs-discuss] ZFS cli for REMOTE Administration

2008-05-02 Thread Marcelo Leal
Hello all,
 Some time ago i did write a simple script to handle on the fly 
filesystem(zfs) creation for linux clients 
( I was thinking in improve that 
script to handle more generic remote actions... but i think we could start a 
project on this:

 A client, text based, to execute remote administration on a given ZFS 
filesystem. This administration could be done from Linux/OSX/FreeBSD, for 

 I think the main use of such feature would be snapshot administration... Today 
we have a little problem managing snapshots on the server, not the creation, 
but the deletion of that snapshots. When the user exeeds the quota, or needs 
free some space, he cannot do it if that filesystem has snapshots.
 I just want your opinion, and maybe other solutions if i'm not seeing a more 
simple one. And if you agree with me, we could make a project proposal around 
this. What do you think?

 Thanks a lot for your time!

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