[ZION] Weather report for Alberta

2002-11-17 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Off-topic for the list as a whole, but I'm not sure how John will be
accessing his email while on the road. Here's the latest 4-day weather
report for Alberta. It's unseasonably warm, with daytime highs several
degrees above freezing and overnight lows ranging from -3oC in the south
to -13oC in the central and northern regions. Mostly sunny Sunday
through Thursday, with some cloudy periods. All highways report clear
and dry conditions with excellent visibility.

Edmonton weather for Thursday: variable cloud, high +2oC, low -9oC,
winds westerly at 20 kph, sunrise 08:03, sunset 16:33 (which means by
the time you get to Spruce Grove it will probably be dark).

Jasper is reporting mixed snow and rain with high +9oC, low -5 (that's
for Monday -- I don't have a 4-day forecast for Jasper). Prince George
is reporting rain and above-freezing highs and lows.

Looks like clear sailing!

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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[ZION] Moma, Dont' let your clumsy kids grow up to be research chemists (was: R

2002-11-17 Thread Marc A. Schindler
So why do we live in a right-handed universe (iirc -- the only organic
chemistry I had was in 2nd year high school chemistry...oh, and I almost
forgot, a semester of bonehead chem in university)? Are there
left-handed versions of even simple organics like, say, dextrose?

I do remember impressing friends in Gr. XII a few times, though. I had a
small bedroom in my Dad and step-Mom's basement, and next to it was my
Dad's study/studio (he's a writer and artist), which came complete with
stove and kitchenette, as the basement had been fitted out as a rentable
suite. Anyway, that was back in the days that most of you weren't around
for, la grande dactylographe! The manual typewriter!  And one of my
chores was to clean the keys from time to time. First step was to dab
them with this putty-like substance, and then you gently washed them
with 1,1,1 trichlorethane, which has a common name (it's a toluene, and
is dangerous to use in confined spaces and near open flames, so you
probably can't buy it anymore -- too many kids tried to sniff it, I
guess, and it would be even better, if that's the operative word, than
airplane glue). Anyway, that's the only half-fancy organic compound
whose name I memorized (well, along with deoxyribonucleic acid, but I
digress .

Another one of my chores (this was before my Dad was a member) once, was
to clean out the area behind the sink in the study, and an adjacent
cupboard area. My Dad had tried to brew his own beer (which is legal
here, as is wine-making for personal consumption) and a couple of the
bottles (stubbies for those Canadians who remember that old icon of
Canadian beer) had burst and turned the whole place into a mess. I had
to literally chisel one of the beer bottles out.

My Own Attempt at Being a Sorcer's Apprentice

This chapter comes after an earlier one,  when I was about 12 or 13 and
dropped what I originally thought was a blown-out match (which I'd been
using to light a my Bunsen burner) into what I thought was a large empty
tin (2 Imperial gallons, iirc)). The boom almost made me give up my own
private chemical research career. could have gone into  yes, I am dating
myself once again. I don't think you can get the fancy chemical sets
anymore -- most of the substnces are now tightly controlled

Interestingly enough, in those days, while I didn't like second-hand
smoke (and my step-Mom made him confine his smoking to the study
anyway), I remember watching him roll his own, using a gadget that's
kind of difficult to describe. However, you put a long (about a foot)
piece of paper, gummed along one edge, onto the bottom of this machine,
and then you'd add Player's tobacco from a can (that's a Canadian brand
-- one of the stronger ones that gives old tar a new meaning in the
Navy. Then you'd pull this lever, and a rubber sheet would turn this
into a foot-long, perfectly rolled (unlike yer typical rolling of
British Columbia's finest). It had cut marks along the lenth of the
tube-making part, which indicated where to cut the tube while it was
held fast. My Dad used an ordinary razor blade (the old Gillete style
double-edged, thin blades you put into your shaver) I was fascinated by
the device and once tried to make a candy cigarette once by putting
those teensy-weensy little candy balls (the best-known variety came in
silver and was hard, like a micro-ball bearing. It was just a goofy
experiment (I was either 15 or 16 at the time), and lifted one
outYup, all these little silver 'ball bearings spilled out across
the study floor. I tried sweeping them but they just got knocked about I
got to the step where -- that is, until it occurred to me to get a
vacuum to clean them up. I was exploring.

By the time I was Grade VIII I had narrowed my interests to mathematics
or astronony. I ended up in mathematics. Officially my degree's is in
computer science, but when I took it, besides classes which were
actualknown as BSc

Stephen Beecroft wrote:

  Oh, NOW you've opened a can of worms. Ronn -- a short lecture on
  chemical nomenclature if you don't mind. What *do* those numbers
  before a chemical compound's name mean?

 I'm not Ronn, nor to I play him on TV, but I did take organic chemistry
 a couple of decades ago at BYU. Organic molecules are named by the main
 backbone or ring molecule -- in this case, xanthine -- with prefixes
 indicating the atoms or molecules/groups attached. Each atom or
 molecule/group named also has a number preceding it that identifies its
 position on the backbone molecule. If you have two of the same kind of
 group, you precede the identifier with di and give both numbers
 separated by a comma. Three of the same kind merits you a tri and all
 three numbers separated by commas, and so forth.

 Test Monday.


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Re: [ZION] Caffeine chemistry

2002-11-17 Thread Marc A. Schindler
¡muchos tacos! for the excellent primer -- this brings back memories of how
orderly the nomenclature of organic chemistry is. It has always appealed to the
obsessive-compulsive nature in me ;-) (but I'm serious about my thanks)

Stephen Beecroft wrote:

 Quick recap and primer for all interested parties (or should I say, both
 interested parties):

 Xanthine (ZAN-theen) is purine with oxygens bonded in the 2 and 6
 positions, that is, 2,6-dihydroxypurine. Ronn also referred to this as
 2,6-dioxopurine and as purine-2,6-dione, apparently following alternate
 (I would guess older) nomenclatures. Structurally, it's actually a
 fairly small, simple molecule. See
 http://www.serva.de/products/data/38420.01.shtml for details.

 If you take xanthine and bond methyl groups (CH3) to it, you get a
 family of substances called (unsurprisingly) methylxanthines. If you
 bond three methyls in the 1, 3, and 7 positions, you get
 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, also called caffeine. This is the best-known of
 the methylxanthines, which share some similar physiological properties.

 If you bond only two methyl groups instead of three, you get a related
 but slightly different molecule. Exactly which molecule you get depends
 on where you put the methyls:

 If you bond the two methyls to the 3 and 7 positions, you get
 theobromine, which Ronn tells us is the primary methylxanthine found in
 chocolate. Thus, when people tell you that chocolate doesn't contain
 any caffeine, they are technically correct, though wrong in spirit.
 Theobromine differs chemically from caffeine only by a single methyl
 group, and its stimulant properties are not dissimilar.

 If you bond the two methyls to the 1 and 3 positions, you get
 theophylline (1,3-dimethylxanthine), which Ronn tells us is more common
 in tea than in coffee or chocolate. It's also an asthma treatment
 because it's a bronchodilator, something Stacy apparently realizes. Ronn
 tells us that regular old caffeine can be used in a pinch as a
 bronchodilator, as well.

 If you bond the two methyls to the 1 and 7 positions, which was Ronn's
 missing family member, you get paraxanthine, or 1,7-dimethylxanthine.
 Unsurprisingly, this is a major caffeine metabolite, which is to say
 that this is one of the chemicals produced by your body when it breaks
 down caffeine. It's also identified as an adenosine receptor ligand,
 which means it ties itself to certain receptor sites. By the way, that's
 typically how psychoactive drugs work -- they attach themselves to
 various receptor sites.

 Does this mean that paraxanthine is a psychoactive drug? I don't know;
 maybe. Perhaps other xanthines or methylxanthines act as adenosine
 receptor ligands. Maybe that's ultimately how caffeine produces its
 effects on the brain. In any case, now you have some idea about caffeine
 (found in coffee) and three closely related chemicals, theobromine
 (found in chocolate), theophylline (found in tea), and paraxanthine
 (found in Starbucks customers).


Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
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Re: [ZION] Social Mormons (was: Liberal dems unveil...)

2002-11-17 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Oh, don't tell that to Quebeckers. It's their boisson national.

Ronn Blankenship wrote:

 At 12:12 AM 11/17/02, Rick Mathis wrote:
 At 07:56 PM 11/16/2002 -0800, Stacy wrote:
 It shocked me to realize that coffee has theophylline in it.  That's
 considered a medicine by doctors.  I think it dilates the
 bronchials.  Interesting.
 For what it's worth, I've used a couple of cans of Pepsi when I didn't
 have access to one of my inhalors to treat an asthma attack.  It may be
 all in my head, but it seemed to work quite well.  Tasted better than
 albuterol, too.

 How could you tell?  If you like Pepsi, clearly you have no taste . . .


 --Ronn! :)

 I always knew that I would see the first man on the Moon.
 I never dreamed that I would see the last.
  --Dr. Jerry Pournelle

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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
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Re: [ZION] Coffee, Tea or Eternity

2002-11-17 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Jon Spencer wrote:

 Not correct (so much nicer than saying Wrong! :-).  There was a letter
 sent out some time ago clarifying that caffeine is not prohibited by the
 WoW.  And I believe that the point of President Hinckley not contradicting
 Wallace on the caffeine question was to not get sidetracked.  I presume he
 felt it wasn't important.

Much better put. This was my impression when watching the show. He was merely
acknowledging the question in order not to disturb the flow of the conversation.

 There are lots of silly apostateisms that creep into our religion.  One is
 you can't drink any caffeinated beverages.  Another is that you have to pass
 the Sacrament tray with your right hand.  Some claim that you can't do
 anything that might be considered physical exercise on Sunday (like taking a
 walk with your family).  And there are many, many more.

 Perfect the Saints.  Proclaim the Gospel.  Redeem the Dead.  If you're
 addicted to caffeine, don't drink it, and don't eat chocolate.  Leave the
 nitpicking to someone else.  (And just to be clear, I am not speaking to
 Marc on this.  I'm just pontificating. :-)


Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] Coffee, Tea or Eternity

2002-11-17 Thread Paul Osborne
There are lots of silly apostateisms that creep into our religion.  One
you can't drink any caffeinated beverages.  Another is that you have to
the Sacrament tray with your right hand.  Some claim that you can't do
anything that might be considered physical exercise on Sunday (like
taking a
walk with your family).  And there are many, many more.

Chuckle. :-))

I don't let these things bother me. I drink my coke when I want and just
live my life. What others think is their own sorry problem although I
have virtually quit drinking cokes to avoid getting fat--or should I
say--unwanted extra weight. 

No offense to those who may be overweight. ;-)

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] Happy Sabbath

2002-11-17 Thread Paul Osborne
Show your Savior how much you love Him!

I was thinking today of how awful it must have been for Jesus to have
sweat blood from his brows. His face sweat as it were great drops of
blood falling to the ground and his anxiety levels were off the scale.
The burden was so heavy upon him that he sufferd both body and spirit in
a manner none of us could ever do.

I marvel that he did this for me and assume that he saw me in full

Paul O

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Re: [ZION] Coffee, Tea or Eternity

2002-11-17 Thread Paul Osborne
President Hinckley, twice, say on national television that we do not
drink soda with caffeine, 

I heard it too, but he is not speaking for me or my house. I have no
problem with cokes. Everyone must make their own choice and go with it.

Paul O

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RE: [ZION] Something Else To Ponder

2002-11-17 Thread Jim Cobabe

Stacy Smith wrote:
I've long suspected that psychoactive drugs, while helping someone to 
feel better, also lessens perception of personal revelation.  Am I 

We can experience genuine spiritual manifestations that are a result of 
the power and direct influence of God.  Many make misguided efforts to 
attain an elevated level of spiritual sensitivity by counterfeit 
methods.  But according to the teachings of prophets and leaders of the 
Church, our level of spiritual communion with Heavenly Father depends 
upon personal righteousness, and observance of the laws of the Gospel.

Mij Ebaboc

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[ZION] Social Mormons

2002-11-17 Thread Gary Smith
I had no idea that amino acids were left-handed. Then again, I had no
idea they even had hands!

Then again, how do we really know they are left-handed? Perhaps they have
their backs to us, and thus making them right-handed after all?

You know, it's kind of like building a house. When you are working on one
side of the house, and the nails are pointing the wrong way, you don't
throw them away. They are for the other side of the house

Then again, I've cut this board three times, and it is still too short!

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free.  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Short answer:  Most life on Earth uses left-handed amino acids

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[ZION] Hogwarts and all

2002-11-17 Thread Gary Smith
Richard Harris is a wonderful actor. I remember him in A Man Called
Horse, written by an acquaintance of mine who lived in Missoula MT, and
lectured to my high school literature class on her books. He was a great
Dumbledore, but I think he would be easier to replace than the guy who
plays Hagrid.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free.  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

 Question: my wife heard a rumor that the actor who played the
 big gentle giant guy that Harry hooks onto (the one who wanted
 a dragon in the first movie) has recently died in an accident.
 Anyone know if this is true? I hope not, as his character
 truly helps round out the movies.
Not as far as I know. Richard Harris, the actor who played Dumbledore, 
died a few weeks ago. (By the way -- and I don't think this qualifies as 
any sort of spoiler -- they should have made Hagrid about twice as big. 
Ah, well.)

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[ZION] Does America need to be destroyed in its current form?

2002-11-17 Thread Gary Smith
I believe the US government will fall eventually from bloat and
corruption. It may be that an outside attack will help it fall, but only
if the inside is rotten.

I don't have a problem with a state having an active government. Those
who don't like it can always move. But a federal government should only
step in when absolutely necessary (like during war or a depression), and
then step back afterward.

I think there are many good people still in government. However, the
rotten ones and radical ones have taken over the lecterns and pulpits, so
there is no true discourse today. I believe this to be true on both sides
of the aisle. I'm a strong believer in what George Washington warned us
about in his farewell speech: to beware political parties, and to only
vote for individuals, not political platforms. Because we now vote for
parties, people vote without thinking. They allow the party to move the
populace, rather than the people moving the agenda.  One can be led like
a dumb ox, or one can lead the dumb ox.  But the 10% rule comes in here.
One must be 10% smarter than the ox, in order to move it. Political
parties dumb down. They move from issues and ideas to just defending the
turf against the other guy. We've seen this from both major parties here
in the US.

It is hoped that people are righteous enough to be able to maintain our
government and freedoms without a major wake up. However, if our
government were to topple, I guarantee you that it wouldn't automatically
be replaced by another one based on our Constitution. Many groups will
jump in, telling how antiquated our Constitution is, and that it should
be replaced with a modern government (pick your poison: fascist,
communist, socialist, etc) that seems to be democratic, but is in reality
a totalitarian regime.  We see this today in Iraq, where all the people
just happened to vote for Saddam Hussein, who just happened to be running
unopposed, and where people can't actually cast a secret ballot, so will
have great incentive to vote for him.  Democracy/Republican government
becomes a formality, part of the ritual. It is like the whited sepulchres
that Jesus warned the Pharisees of becoming. They were pretty on the
outside, but the inside was full of dried up bones.

How easy will it be for the elders of Israel to step in and save the
Constitution when it hangs by a thread? Depends on how righteous the
Elders of Israel are, and how soon they step in to save the Constitution.
It may very well be that the Church members must go through severe trials
and purgings prior to being ready to establish a righteous government

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free.  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What is your current belief concerning the United States?  Does it need
be destroyed in its present form--White House, Congressional buildings, 
Pentagon, etc., as Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden think or should it 
remain with its current governmental structural architecture?  I know
the Constitutional government should remain, but there could be a radical

change in administration if all our forms of government become much
due to the House and Senate leadership being destroyed by these 
characters.  Will the future Congress be holding sessions in the parking

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[ZION] Does America Need To Be Destroyed As It Is In Its Current Form?

2002-11-17 Thread Gary Smith
Well, I'm guessing that Canada will eventually evolve into one.   

Europe and Asia seem to be going into a globalization realm, so I think
their nation states will eventually just be states/provinces in a giant

This I fear, though. It is too easy for a Hitler to step into power, and
with non armies to oppose, would wield power throughout the world.
Benevolently when possible, ruthlessly when necessary.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free.  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

To complicate the question, one might also ask what is the future of
nation-states in general?

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