Re: [zones-discuss] Add user in a zone - best practice

2009-12-30 Thread Ron Halstead

In Solaris/OpenSolaris, /home is the automounter's mount point for home 
directories. You could put home directories in /export/home or you could use 
the automounter. Home directories are still created in /export/home but the 
automounter mounts them in /home, using the guidelines below. There are 3 files 
involved in the automounter:

halstead:x:1000:1000:Ron Halstead:/home/halstead:/usr/bin/ksh93

# Master map for automounter
/net-hosts  -nosuid,nobrowse
/home   auto_home   -nobrowse

# Home directory map for automounter
*   sol11:/export/home/  # my hostname is sol11

Then start the automounter
svcadm enable autofs

Unfortunately, adduser does not read the automounter maps so it will still fail 
to create the home directory. You will have to do it manually. But then again, 
this is not a hardship for me as I create user accounts with vi, always have, 
always will (adduser didn't exist when I started).

I highly recommend O'Reilly's book, Managing NFS  NIS. Chapter 9 explains the 
automounter very well.

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Re: [zones-discuss] cli zone configuration

2009-06-13 Thread Ron Halstead
I use a 'here' document in ksh to do what you want. You could use variables to 
pass IP address and zone name to the script. See the attachment.

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Re: [zones-discuss] Automatic Backup Zones: zonebkp script v.0.2

2009-06-05 Thread Ron Halstead

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[zones-discuss] Patching a machine with local zones

2007-09-05 Thread Ron Halstead
When patching a machine with local zones, should the local zones be halted or 
left running? I can't seem to find a definitive answer.

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[zones-discuss] Re: lofi devices broken after patching

2007-06-19 Thread Ron Halstead
Hi Dan,
As I explained in my email to you, I did not know about the lack of persistence 
or the need for a startup script. I just now wrote the script. 

This post is to admit my error and let others know of the shortcoming of lofi 
Thanks again for your help.

BTW John C at Sun sent me the infodoc that covers lofi devices in zones. It is 
infodoc 80963. Thanks John.

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[zones-discuss] lofi devices broken after patching

2007-06-18 Thread Ron Halstead
On Friday, June 15, 07, I patched the global zone on a machine with 2 local 
zones. The global zone has 4 file systems connected (but not mounted) from a 
3320 storage array. Using lofiadm -a, i created 4 devices which I imported to 
the local zones - 2 to each zone. I then mounted the 4 file systems.

After patching and rebooting the global zone, the imported lofi devices would 
not mount. The error messages was mount: /dev/lofi/1 is not this fstype. The 
same error held for the other 3 devices.

ls -l /dev/*lofi/* in the global zone showed the devices present. I reran the 
lofiadm -a command and the devices were recreated, starting, again, with 
/dev/lofi/1 and not 5 which I expected. I was not specifying the disk device 
(c5todos0) and lofiadm creates them sequentially.

When all lofi devices were recreated, I ran mount -a in the local zones and 
voila, the file systems mounted. I suspect a bug in one of the applied patches. 
I have submitted a bug report (my case # 4106) but I'm hoping someone has seen 
this and can lead me to the fix (short of running lofiadm -a every time the 
global zone boots).

Thanks in advance - Ron
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[zones-discuss] Re: nevada zone with NAT and NFS

2007-05-02 Thread Ron Halstead
At least some of the servers that I can't access are using NFSv3

It has been my experience that NFSv4 on Solaris 10 and NFSv3 on other hosts, 
including NetApp filers, cause all sorts of problems. Either you get No 
Directory or the directory/files are owned by nobody.

We routinely modify /etc/default/nfs and set 
NFS_SERVER_VERSMAX=3 (or even 2)


The problem goes away after you restart nfs/client or nfs/server.

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[zones-discuss] Re: Preventing a Local zone hang from having to reboot the global zone

2007-04-11 Thread Ron Halstead
How about:

zoneadm -z zone reboot (from the global zone).

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[zones-discuss] Re: Preventing a Local zone hang from having to reboot the global zone

2007-04-11 Thread Ron Halstead

zoneadm -z zone reboot
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[zones-discuss] Re: nobody owns $HOME

2007-03-22 Thread Ron Halstead
Never mind, its the NFS version 4 problem. Network Appliance doesn't understand 
Sun NFS V4 too well. I changed /etc/default/nfs to NFS_CLIENT_VERSMAX=3 and 
rebooted the zone. The ownership of my home directory is now correct. I wonder 
how many more times I'm going to trip over this one?

Ron Halstead
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