[Zope] restarted zope and now not answering port 8080

2006-07-22 Thread Noah

Hi there,


so I just installed plone and stopped and restarted zope and found that
it no longer answers port 8080. there is nothing in the logs that
shows something is wrong. 

I see the zope daemon running it is not quitting.

I see a python2.3 process run by nobody that tacks up to 99% CPU about
every 10 seconds. 

any clues how I can go about troubleshooting this?


Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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Re: [Zope] restarted zope and now not answering port 8080

2006-07-22 Thread Noah

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 22. Juli 2006 00:34:24 -0700 Noah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi there,


so I just installed plone and stopped and restarted zope and found that
it no longer answers port 8080.  there is nothing in the logs that shows
something is wrong.

I see the zope daemon running it is not quitting.

I see a python2.3 process run by nobody that tacks up to  99% CPU about
every 10 seconds.

Kill the remaining process manually and restart again.


that didnt completely work.

---s nip ---

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/zope.sh start
Starting Zope
  Instance /a/www/Zope - . Unlinking stale socket 
/a/www/Zope-2.8/var/zopectlsock; sleep 1

No handlers could be found for logger root
. daemon process started, pid=24796

--- snip ---

still port 8080 eventually just closes without any pages being sent.



Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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Re: [Zope] restarted zope and now not answering port 8080 [solved]

2006-07-22 Thread Noah

Andreas Jung wrote:

--On 22. Juli 2006 00:42:05 -0700 Noah [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Kill the remaining process manually and restart again.


that didnt completely work.

---s nip ---

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/zope.sh start
Starting Zope
   Instance /a/www/Zope - . Unlinking stale socket
/a/www/Zope-2.8/var/zopectlsock; sleep 1
No handlers could be found for logger root
. daemon process started, pid=24796

--- snip ---

still port 8080 eventually just closes without any pages being sent.

I don't believe that! There is usually at least *something* in your 
event.log in case of a failuretrible check your logs.

thanks for pushing me to dig deeper.  although I did not find anything 
in the event.log . I did start zope with zopectl this time.  and while 
viewing the output I could clearly see that my  
TextIndexNG3/adapters/configure.zcml file was having some difficulties.

this has since been fixed and zope is running fine.

thanks Andreas.


Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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[Zope] cant log in using userinit user and logging issue

2006-07-21 Thread Noah


I am setting up zope for the first time and I still cannot log into to

I set the username password in the inituser file and placed it in the
/usr/local/www/Zope dir

I even regenerated the file and still I am not able to get in.

is there any logging I can turn on to really show what is going on

I see that the Z2.log file is scrolling but there is nothing to say
there is an erorr and why the authentication is failing?

clues please?

here is my current zope.conf logging:

--- snip ---

 level info
 path $INSTANCE/log/event.log
 level info

logger access
 level WARN
 path $INSTANCE/log/Z2.log
 format %(message)s

logger trace
 level WARN
 path $INSTANCE/log/trace.log
 format %(message)s

---s nip ---



Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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 http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )

Re: [Zope] Re: cant log in using userinit user and logging issue [solved]

2006-07-21 Thread Noah

Tres Seaver wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Noah wrote:

I am setting up zope for the first time and I still cannot log into to

I set the username password in the inituser file and placed it in the
/usr/local/www/Zope dir

I even regenerated the file and still I am not able to get in.

is there any logging I can turn on to really show what is going on here.

I see that the Z2.log file is scrolling but there is nothing to say
there is an erorr and why the authentication is failing?

clues please?

The 'inituser' file should be consumed at the next startup of Zope, at
which point the credentials you used to create the file should work.  E.g.:

  $ cd /var/lib/zope  # the "instance home"
  $ echo 'admin:123'  inituser
  $ bin/zopectl stop
  $ bin/zopectl start
  .daemon process started, pid=12345
  $ file inituser
  inituser: ERROR: cannot open `inituser' (No such file or directory)


thank you - that worked!

Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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[Zope] cant log in as admin

2006-07-18 Thread Noah


okay I've followed the directions on the zope website, in the PDF, and
the Zope/doc docs. Could not really find the proper cure.

Then I made an instance and placed it in /usr/local/www/Zope 

Started zope and the username and password does not work. 

there is an entry in Z2.log everytime I go to the link and everytime

What am I doing wrong?

the Zope/inituser is where I thought things should authenticate?

Anyways I must really be missing something.



Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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[Zope] installing zope with appropriate python version

2006-07-16 Thread Noah

Hi there,

I am attempting to install zope and currently there are two versions of
python on the machine 2.3.5 and 2.4.3. 

The zope installed is telling me it is going to use the older version
of python of 2.3.5 . Is this proper and welcome behavior?

-- snip ---

# ./configure 

Configuring Zope installation

Testing for an acceptable Python interpreter...

Python version 2.4.3 found at /usr/local/bin/python
Python version 2.3.5 found at /usr/local/bin/python2.3

The optimum Python version (2.3.5) was found at

 - Zope top-level binary directory will be /opt/Zope-2.8.
 - Makefile written.

 Next, run make.

 snip ---

Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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[Zope-dev] Folding Zope Into an Install

2002-01-18 Thread Noah Friedland

Fellow Zopers:

I have recently completed a small app built on zope. I am trying to build an
inno setup install script that will install zope silently (with a
pre-determined master user/password). Any help on this would be greatly


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] can I turn off !--# syntax?

2000-10-26 Thread Noah

I'm working on a web site that uses Apache server side includes.
This is causing Zope to freak out because the SSI syntax is
identical to the alternate (older) Zope dtml syntax.
!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/includes/random_ad.pl"--

I thought of putting dtml-comment around them all, but
I am certain that my client would object.

Noah Spurrier

Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Not grocking RESQUEST.set syntax

2000-10-25 Thread Noah

I'm still not grocking the syntax for setting REQUEST fields.
I want to set a REQUEST field "filename" to be the value returned
by a ZSQL call. I want something like this (pseudo-code of what I want):

dtml-let FOO=MyFavoiteZSQLMethod
dtml-call "REQUEST.set('filename', FOO)" 
dtml-call some_other_thing_that_uses_filename

That does not work because FOO gets set to something like:
Shared.DC.ZRDB.Results.Results instance at 7760b0
I tried sticking this inside dtml-indtml-in to get
at the sequence-item, but I just ended up getting confused.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Simple Question?

2000-10-24 Thread Noah

This seems like a simple question.
How do I include a Method in a different folder?

I have two folders and two methods:



In my file "add_art_html" I want to add this code:
dtml-var /mojo/editor/edit
But when I try to view it I get a KeyError.
I also tried:
dtml-var '/mojo/editor/edit'

I tried some complicated things with dtml-call and
dtml-return, but I couldn't get this to work; although,
dtml-call /editor/edit at least did not give a KeyError.


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] Multiple queries in a ZSQL method?

2000-10-22 Thread Noah


I'm using MySQL.  I need to have a ZSQL Method that does an insert and a select in one 
After I do an insert I need to check the LAST_INSERT_ID to get the primary key of the 
record that I just inserted. Something like this:

insert into author
(id, name, sort_name, email, bio, initials)
dtml-sqlvar name type=nb,
dtml-sqlvar sort_name type=nb,
dtml-sqlvar email type=nb,
dtml-sqlvar bio type=nb,
dtml-sqlvar initials type=nb);

select LAST_INSERT_ID();

If I put this into two different methods then I'm afraid that I will have some
threading problems due to the fact that another client might come in and
do an insert using the database connection I was using. LAST_INSERT_ID
is safe as long as you have an unshared connection. Zope does
connection pooling, so I worry that using two separate ZSQL Methods
may not always work. And WILL NOT work if Zope gives me a different connection
for the second ZSQL call.

Is there a better way to do this?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope] ZClass derrived from Image does not call view from within dtml-var

2000-10-15 Thread Noah


I'm a Zope beginner. I'm trying to create an ImageTemplate ZClass. This will work
similar to an Image, but the user can insert it directly in DTML using dtml-var 
and it will get expanded into HTML (with formatting, img tag, caption, etc.)
This may be long and complicated, but I thought that #4 below was interesting
because it demonstrates how to get at base class methods even if you have
overridden them.

OK, here's the situation:
1. I created a ZClass derived from Image. 
2. I overloaded the index_html to add spit out some HTML instead of the image.
3. If I call an instance of the ZClass directly I get the expected results. 
The index_html is called and I get back some HTML.
4. To get to the image I created an External Method that calls the index_html
method of the my base class (Image):
# I create an External Method called IMG that calls this Python method:
def super_index_html (self):
 for classy in self.__class__.__bases__:
 if classy.__name__ == 'Image':
 return classy.index_html (self, self.REQUEST,\

So far, so good!

Now all I want to do is insert my ZClass in some DTML. Here's what happens:
1. I try to insert in instance of my ZClass into a DTML Method using:
dtml-var gato
2. The Publisher does not call the view method (index_html) of the object!
Instead it calls str() which is __str__ in Image and that calls Image.tag().
I can't overload __str__ because Zope does not allow a method to start
with _ underscore.

I ran this in the debugger, Publish.publish() (line 173) has this code:
 if result is not response: response.setBody(result)
This is where the trouble begins. setBody() calls str() function on the object.

How do I insert my ZClass into DTML now?


Zope maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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