Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

2009-04-27 Thread Uli Fouquet
Hi there,

Uli Fouquet wrote: 

 Gary Poster wrote:
  I'm concerned about the state of the zc.buildout template recipes.  I  
  want one.  I want some one-off files, specific to a certain project,  
  for which writing a standalone recipe feels very heavy.
  Here are the template recipes I found:
  collective.recipe.template (Wichert Akkerman)
  iw.recipe.template (Ingeniweb)
  inquant.recipe.textfile (Stefan Eletzhofer)
  z3c.recipe.template (Uli Fouquet)
  buildout_script (Nathan Yergler)
  z3c.recipe.filetemplate (Philipp von Weitershausen)


  However, on starting to hack on its documentation to sketch the 
  changes I wanted, I gradually realized that this was a fork of 
  collective.recipe.template. Since collective.recipe.template is 
  listed as BSD in (though I saw no explicit licensing 
  otherwise), placing z3c.recipe.template in the ZPL-only 
  repository is problematic.
  But meanwhile, I'm concerned about the state of
  IMO, Uli and Wichert should try to reconcile the licensing and
  issues (with Uli taking the lead in those discussions, ideally,
  he is the one who forked). z3c.recipe.template should be removed
  the repository, unless/until the licensing story is cleaned
 I removed the source from the repository and asked Wichert for how to
 proceed. If there's a lawyer in the house: how can one switch from BSD
 to ZPL for derivative works if both parties agree?

I negotiated with Wichert and we will focus on
collective.recipe.template from now on. I'll apply all changes,
extensions, docs and tests that went into z3c.recipe.template (in fact
only a few lines were copied from c.r.template) now to
collective.recipe.template (one template generator less).

Wichert does not want to switch the license to avoid license
proliferation. I can understand that.

So, if you want to contribute (I'd be happy to see this), you can use
c.r.template from now on. Having template generating support in stock
buildout, however, would also be nice.

Best regards,


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Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

2009-04-27 Thread Hanno Schlichting
Uli Fouquet wrote:
 I put the sources in a private repository meanwhile. I'd prefer to put
 the sources into Zope repository again, but if this is legally too
 difficult, they will stay hosted elsewhere.

Why not merge it back to the original recipe in the collective now? Just
 tell me your username and I'll give you collective access in
a matter of a day.


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Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

2009-04-27 Thread Uli Fouquet
Hi there,

Hanno Schlichting wrote:

 Uli Fouquet wrote:

  I put the sources in a private repository meanwhile. I'd prefer to put
  the sources into Zope repository again, but if this is legally too
  difficult, they will stay hosted elsewhere.
 Why not merge it back to the original recipe in the collective now?

That's exactly what's happening right now :)

  tell me your username and I'll give you collective access in
 a matter of a day.

Looks like I was just to dumb to use my collective access correctly.
Many thanks to all friendly people that offered help! And my apologies
to the collective admins, esp. gotcha!

Beside this it would really be nice, if one could share code at least in
the Zope-, Plone and collective repositories with less legal hassle. But
I guess this was already discussed extensively here, so I'd better shut
up ;)

Best regards,


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Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

2009-04-27 Thread Martijn Faassen

Uli Fouquet wrote:
 Beside this it would really be nice, if one could share code at least in
 the Zope-, Plone and collective repositories with less legal hassle. But
 I guess this was already discussed extensively here, so I'd better shut
 up ;)

Normally the way code is shared is not by copying it but simply 
importing it. :)

If you import, there's no problem building on BSD-licensed code from 
ZPL-ed code. Or LGPL-ed code either. Or vice-versa If you use code in 
any of those licenses relying on any other of those licenses, you'll 
just be able to use without concern. Only if you want to modify an 
underlying library do you need to think about the implications of the 

Only building on GPL-ed code has some issues, but from what I understand 
the Plone developers have done quite a lot of work on making sure stuff 
is BSD-ed or LGPL-ed now. I'd recommend against building libraries in that rely on a GPL-ed library for their operation (though I 
do not think it's formally disallowed).

Only if you copy code into our repository do you need to worry about 

For small snippets of about 10 lines or so I think a combination of fair 
use and surface-rewrites which typically are useful anyway will take the 
license worries away (but I'm not a lawyher).

Larger pieces of code than that, i.e. you're forking, you need to worry 
about the license when submitting it to But that's one of 
the reasons we *have* our copyright policy! But when you fork you need 
to worry about other things anyway.

I'm glad this fork got unforked! Thanks Gary for pointing it out, Uli 
and Wichert for unforking, and others for helping Uli getting access and 
the like.



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Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

2009-04-27 Thread Martin Aspeli
Gary Poster wrote:
 I'm concerned about the state of the zc.buildout template recipes.  I  
 want one.  I want some one-off files, specific to a certain project,  
 for which writing a standalone recipe feels very heavy.
 Here are the template recipes I found:
 collective.recipe.template (Wichert Akkerman)

FTR, this seems to be the de-facto choice in the Plone world, and it's 
quite well production-tested.

I didn't even know about the others. :)

 z3c.recipe.template (Uli Fouquet)

It's a bit disappointing that Uli created a new package rather than add 
the relatively minor feature missing from collective.recipe.template 
according to the PyPI page, although I agree the lack of tests is 
off-putting and should be fixed.

Still, since the package was based on the other one, I don't see why we 
couldn't have added tests to collective.recipe.template rather than fork 
it. :-/

 Since I don't find the prospect of creating yet another template  
 recipe attractive, and Philipp's z3c.recipe.filetemplate looks like it  
 can take my new features while maintaining backwards compatibility,  
 I'll try that next, I suppose.

What features do you want to add?

Why can't they (plus the tests) go into the original 


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See

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Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

2009-04-27 Thread Martin Aspeli
Uli Fouquet wrote:

 In the beginning my code should go into collective.recipe.template
 itself (Wichert agreed), but I wasn't granted committer access to the
 collective repository yet. Of course I requested to be approval and
 waited for weeks, but nothing happened.

I'm sorry to hear that! In general, access to the Collective is very 
unproblematic. Find an op in #plone on and they should 
be able to help you.

How did you request the access? Clearly, something's broken down.


Author of `Professional Plone Development`, a book for developers who
want to work with Plone. See

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Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

2009-04-27 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Hi Gary,

Previously Gary Poster wrote:
 Thanks Uli, Wichert, and Hanno for working out the legal bits!  And  
 thanks to Martijn and Martin for the other replies.
 On Friday I had moved to z3c.recipe.filetemplate, for the reasons I  
 had described then.  Philipp said I could run with that package.   
 However, I'd prefer to work with a more active project.  If there's  
 quick agreement on my additions to the collective recipe, and I'm  
 given commit access, I'll switch.  I don't have time for a bikeshed  
 discussion though, so if it descends much into that I'll stick with  
 extending Philipp's recipe for now, and maybe switch over later when  
 things settle down.

Commit access to the collective is very liberal and generally arranged
within 24 hours. Uli has both commit and pypi access for the package and
has already done a lot of work on it. Your contributions are very
welcome as well!

 If I built on collective.recipe.template, I'd make the following  
 - verify that the BSD licensing rules are followed (headers, license  
 inclusion, copyright statement, etc.), and fix if not.  I'd prefer if  
 a foundation (e.g., the Plone Foundation) had the copyright.  (TBH,  
 I'm more comfortable with the Zope Foundation repository because the  
 rules for copyright assignment are clearer AIUI, even if they are  
 breached sometimes, as was this case here.  But this isn't critical  
 for my usage or contribution.)

The BSD license has very little restrictions. It certainly does not
require licens statementsin every source file or so. Personally I find
those to be clutter. If there is a missing license file that should be

 - Add the ability to specify eggs and extra-paths the way you can  
 for scripts.  These supply the values for three predefined options  
 (available to the template).  If paths are the non-zip paths, and  
 all_paths are all paths, then the options woud be defined roughly as  
 given here:
  os-paths: (os.pathsep).join(paths)
  string-paths: ', '.join(repr(p) for p in all_paths)
  space-paths: ' '.join(paths)

I can see that being useful.

 - I have a directory of *.in files that will need to be processed,  
 with shared options, and put in another directory.  Therefore, I'd  
 like to be able to just specify the input directory and optionally the  
 output directory. globs, for filters, might be a nice-to-have.  I came  
 up with a spelling for all this that appealed to me for Philipp's  
 package (which has a constraint of I only use *.in inputs, and always  
 strip .in for the output).  WIth my variant of his spelling, I could  
 do everything I wanted with a line like
  files = *
  source-directory = templates
 Then in ``templates`` you would arrange the directory structure you  
 wanted, and make sure that your template files end with .in.
 I don't have a spelling I like as much for the input output  
 pattern of the collective recipe.  I'd be OK with input and output  
 being able to take multiple files:
  input = templates/etc/
  output = etc/foo
 That seems like it rocks the boat least for collective.recipe.template


 Unless I discover I need this, these are just ideas that I might do on  
 hobby time.
 - Extend/override other buildout sections.  Here's an example, with  
 Philipp's package.  Consider the following buildout::
   write(sample_buildout, 'buildout.cfg',
  ... [buildout]
  ... parts = message
  ... [template_defaults]
  ... mygreeting = Hi
  ... myaudience = World
  ... [message]
  ... recipe = z3c.recipe.filetemplate
  ... files = helloworld.txt
  ... extends = template_defaults
  ... myaudience = everybody
  ... )
 The message section now has values extended from the  
 section, and overwritten locally.  A template of
 ``${mygreeting}, ${myaudience}!`` would thus result in ``Hi, everybody! 

This feels more like a feature for buildout: I can see this being useful
for other recipes as well.

 - Define option values in Python.  This would have the os and sys  
 modules in the namespace, and would also have the buildout variables,  
 and would have the paths and all_paths from the ``eggs`` section above  
 so you could manipulate them as desired.
 interpreted-options = path-separator=os.pathsep
example-paths=' '.join('-t%s' %  
 p for p in paths)
 That would put ``path-separator`` and ``example-paths`` in the  
 recipe's options.

Again, this sounds more like a buildout extension. I've missed the
option to do shell escapes in buildout as well.


Wichert Akkerman wich...@wiggy.netIt is simple to make things.   It is hard to make things simple.

Re: [Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

2009-04-26 Thread Uli Fouquet
Hi there,

Gary Poster wrote:
 I'm concerned about the state of the zc.buildout template recipes.  I  
 want one.  I want some one-off files, specific to a certain project,  
 for which writing a standalone recipe feels very heavy.
 Here are the template recipes I found:
 collective.recipe.template (Wichert Akkerman)
 iw.recipe.template (Ingeniweb)
 inquant.recipe.textfile (Stefan Eletzhofer)
 z3c.recipe.template (Uli Fouquet)
 buildout_script (Nathan Yergler)
 z3c.recipe.filetemplate (Philipp von Weitershausen)
 First, on the basis of this list, it strikes me that a lot of people  
 want this functionality.  Putting template support into zc.buildout  
 itself would be nice.  I envision some APIs (like the ones in that zc.recipe.egg uses) that other recipes could use  
 easily.  I would even want recipes like the zc.recipe.egg script  
 recipe to allow specifying initialization code by identifying a  
 template (i.e., ``initialization_template = buildout_templates/foo``,  
 which would parse the given template and insert the code the same way  
 the ``initialization`` parameter works).

I was thinking about something like this for z3c.recipe.template as
well. Should be not too difficult. But, well, first the legal stuff ;)

 Second, there's no clear winner at the moment.  I happened to find  
 z3c.recipe.template, buildout_script, and z3c.recipe.filetemplate  
 first.  On the basis of those three, and the comments that  
 z3c.recipe.template made about collective.recipe.template,  
 iw.recipe.template, and inquant.recipe.textfile, I decided to settle  
 on z3c.recipe.template to be the package to which I would contribute.   
 It has tests, a variable substitution approach that seems to work well  
 with buildout, and recent development activity.

Glad you liked it :)

 However, on starting to hack on its documentation to sketch the  
 changes I wanted, I gradually realized that this was a fork of  
 collective.recipe.template.  Since collective.recipe.template is  
 listed as BSD in (though I saw no explicit licensing  
 otherwise), placing z3c.recipe.template in the ZPL-only  
 repository is problematic.

Yes, you're certainly right. Thanks for spotting this!

The history: although I started the project from scratch, I also copied
some central parts from Wicherts (very clean and straight) recipe. I'd
therefore consider it myself to be derivative work (or fork) of BSD
licensed code.

In the beginning my code should go into collective.recipe.template
itself (Wichert agreed), but I wasn't granted committer access to the
collective repository yet. Of course I requested to be approval and
waited for weeks, but nothing happened.

As we needed the extra-functionality in grokproject urgently and Wichert
had no time to implement it himself, I created a new project based on
Wicherts work.

 Since I don't find the prospect of creating yet another template  
 recipe attractive, and Philipp's z3c.recipe.filetemplate looks like it  
 can take my new features while maintaining backwards compatibility,  
 I'll try that next, I suppose.
 But meanwhile, I'm concerned about the state of z3c.recipe.template.   
 IMO, Uli and Wichert should try to reconcile the licensing and forking  
 issues (with Uli taking the lead in those discussions, ideally, since  
 he is the one who forked).  z3c.recipe.template should be removed from  
 the repository, unless/until the licensing story is cleaned up.

I removed the source from the repository and asked Wichert for how to
proceed. If there's a lawyer in the house: how can one switch from BSD
to ZPL for derivative works if both parties agree?

I put the sources in a private repository meanwhile. I'd prefer to put
the sources into Zope repository again, but if this is legally too
difficult, they will stay hosted elsewhere.

 And maybe we can start to settle on a common template approach soon.   
 This should be a problem that is solved for buildout canonically,  
 IMO.  I'll be happy to try and see if my features are generally  
 interesting, once I make them.

What features do you think of? I already had some requests for features
that were too 'special' so I refused to implement them. What I like with
Wichert's approach (and which I tried to perpetuate) is, that it does
simple things in a clear way and does not promise to do more. This way
it does not become overloaded/overengineered. I'd propose to keep it
this way.

The initialization-code feature you mention above, however, sounds like
an attractive extension (to whatever recipe or buildout itself).

Best regards,


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[Zope-dev] zc.buildout template recipes: concerns with [z3c|collective].recipe.template and other issues

2009-04-24 Thread Gary Poster
I'm concerned about the state of the zc.buildout template recipes.  I  
want one.  I want some one-off files, specific to a certain project,  
for which writing a standalone recipe feels very heavy.

Here are the template recipes I found:

collective.recipe.template (Wichert Akkerman)
iw.recipe.template (Ingeniweb)
inquant.recipe.textfile (Stefan Eletzhofer)
z3c.recipe.template (Uli Fouquet)
buildout_script (Nathan Yergler)
z3c.recipe.filetemplate (Philipp von Weitershausen)

First, on the basis of this list, it strikes me that a lot of people  
want this functionality.  Putting template support into zc.buildout  
itself would be nice.  I envision some APIs (like the ones in that zc.recipe.egg uses) that other recipes could use  
easily.  I would even want recipes like the zc.recipe.egg script  
recipe to allow specifying initialization code by identifying a  
template (i.e., ``initialization_template = buildout_templates/foo``,  
which would parse the given template and insert the code the same way  
the ``initialization`` parameter works).

Second, there's no clear winner at the moment.  I happened to find  
z3c.recipe.template, buildout_script, and z3c.recipe.filetemplate  
first.  On the basis of those three, and the comments that  
z3c.recipe.template made about collective.recipe.template,  
iw.recipe.template, and inquant.recipe.textfile, I decided to settle  
on z3c.recipe.template to be the package to which I would contribute.   
It has tests, a variable substitution approach that seems to work well  
with buildout, and recent development activity.

However, on starting to hack on its documentation to sketch the  
changes I wanted, I gradually realized that this was a fork of  
collective.recipe.template.  Since collective.recipe.template is  
listed as BSD in (though I saw no explicit licensing  
otherwise), placing z3c.recipe.template in the ZPL-only  
repository is problematic.

Since I don't find the prospect of creating yet another template  
recipe attractive, and Philipp's z3c.recipe.filetemplate looks like it  
can take my new features while maintaining backwards compatibility,  
I'll try that next, I suppose.

But meanwhile, I'm concerned about the state of z3c.recipe.template.   
IMO, Uli and Wichert should try to reconcile the licensing and forking  
issues (with Uli taking the lead in those discussions, ideally, since  
he is the one who forked).  z3c.recipe.template should be removed from  
the repository, unless/until the licensing story is cleaned up.

And maybe we can start to settle on a common template approach soon.   
This should be a problem that is solved for buildout canonically,  
IMO.  I'll be happy to try and see if my features are generally  
interesting, once I make them.

(Note: I could write about this on the distutils list but I'm not  
already subscribed there, and I suspect I have a better chance of  
catching some authors of the pertinent recipes over here, and some of  
this is about the repo.)

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