[Zope3-Users] Re: [Zope3-dev] z3c.formjs-0.2 and z3c.formjsdemo-0.2 released!

2007-07-18 Thread Darryl Cousins
Hi Paul,

Hey, very smooth. Congratulations.

I've committed a change to buildout.cfg removing z3c.form* develop eggs
which kinda spoilt the buildout.

Best regards,
Darryl Cousins

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] z3c.formjs-0.2 and z3c.formjsdemo-0.2 released!

2007-07-18 Thread Paul Carduner

The 0.2 versions of z3c.formjs and z3c.formjsdemo have just been released!
(for the blog version of this mail, see

For those who have not been following the development, z3c.formjs is a
package that extends z3c.form (written by Stephan Richter and Roger
Ineichen), adding JavaScript and AJAX functionality. More
specifically, it allows you to control JavaScript and AJAX from within
a presentation component like a form based view class. Alternatively
ala Stephan Richter,

   This package is designed to provide a Python API to common
Javascript features
   for forms written with the "z3c.form*" packages. While the reference
   backend-implementation is for the JQuery library, any other
Javascript library can
   be hooked into the Python API.

Here's what's new in the 0.2 release, taken straight from CHANGES.txt:

Version 0.2.0 (7/18/2007)

   * Feature: Registration of public AJAX server calls via a simple
 decorator. The calls are made available via a special ajax view on the
 original view.
   * Feature: Allow registering of JS subscriptions via a decorator within the
 presentation component.
   * Feature: Added a new CSS selector.
   * Feature: Implementation of AJAX-driven widget value validation.
   * Restructure: Completely overhauled the entire API to be most
easy to use and
 have the most minimal implementation.
   * Bug: The package is now 100% tested.
   * Feature: Implementation of AJAX request handlers in forms.


Version 0.2.0 (7/18/2007)

   * Feature: The new chatroom demo implements a simple chat client
in HTML and Javascript using the z3c.formjs package.
   * Feature: Validation demo showing off on the fly ajax field validation.
   * Restructure: Code updated to keep up with the changes in the API
of z3c.formjs.

Installation Instructions
To checkout the demo, perform the following commands:

svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/z3c.formjsdemo/tags/0.2.0 z3c.formjsdemo
cd z3c.formjsdemo
python2.4 bootstrap.py
./bin/buildout -Nv
./bin/demo fg

The demo will then be available at http://localhost:8080.
Alternatively, checkout the live demo at
http://demo.carduner.net:8080/ (please no slashdot posts)

Cheese Shop
Both of these packages are available on the Python Cheese Shop at

   * http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/z3c.formjs/0.2.0
   * http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/z3c.formjsdemo/0.2.0

Want to help?
This is by no means a one (or two (or three ( … ) ) ) (wo)man project
and I am very interested in what kinds of use cases other people have
and would like to see implemented or demonstrated. I am also very
interested in having other people join the fun and hack on some code.
z3c.formjs is in theory JavaScript library agnostic, and I would love
for that theory to be tested with a MochiKit rendering plugin or any
other type of rendering plugin. So, please if you are interested,
contact me at paulcarduner at gmail dot com or just make lots of noise
on zope3-users, zope3-dev, or #zope3-dev and we can discuss further
goals and tasks.
Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: Vedr. Zope 3 API documentation needs a new strategy

2007-07-18 Thread Jeff Kowalczyk
Luciano Ramalho wrote:
> ... abundant README.txt files scattered all over the source tree where
> the real documentation exists.

Doctest text files are the first and primary resource for me. Packages
published on PyPI with long_description from README.txt+CHANGES.txt are a
much-appreciated convenience.

I don't find ViewCVS to be great for browsing package sources. Trac or
something similarly capable at launchpad.net/zope providing source
browsing and a commit activity timeline would be helpful.

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] z3c.form 1.5.0 and z3c.formdemo 1.3.0 released!

2007-07-18 Thread Stephan Richter
Hello everyone,

I am pleased to announce new releases for z3c.form and z3c.formdemo. The 
latest changes were mainly driven by Paul Carduner's work on z3c.formjs and 
z3c.formjsdemo, but also by continued customer work.

Again for the curious and impatient ...

This time there is no new demo available, but the old ones still work as 

To run the demos do the following::

  $ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/z3c.formdemo/trunk formdemo
  $ cd formdemo
  $ python bootstrap.py
  $ ./bin/buildout -v
  $ ./bin/demo fg

Now you can access the demo under:


We now also have functional tests that check all the demos:

  $ ./bin/test -vp1

On the Javascript Front

A lot more progress has been made on this front. Look out for Paul's 
announcement! It will make up for the missing new demo in formdemo!



- Feature: Added a span around values for widgets in display mode. This allows
  for easier identification widget values in display mode.

- Feature: Added the concept of widget events and implemented a particular
  "after widget update" event that is called right after a widget is updated.

- Feature: Restructured the approach to customize button actions, by requiring
  the adapter to provide a new interface ``IButtonAction``. Also, an adapter
  is now provided by default, still allowing cusotmization using the usual
  methods though.

- Feature: Added button widget. While it is not very useful without
  Javascript, it still belongs into this package for completion.

- Feature: All ``IFieldWidget`` instances that are also HTML element widgets
  now declare an additional CSS class of the form "-field".

- Feature: Added ``addClass()`` method to HTML element widgets, so that adding
  a new CSS class is simpler.

- Feature: Renamed "css" attribute of the widget to "klass", because the class
  of an HTML element is a classification, not a CSS marker.

- Feature: Reviewed all widget attributes. Added all available HTML attributes
  to the widgets.

- Documentation: Removed mentioning of widget's "hint" attribute, since it
  does not exist.

- Optimization: The terms for a sequence widget were looked up multiple times
  among different components. The widget is now the canonical source for the
  terms and other components, such as the converter uses them. This avoids
  looking up the terms multiple times, which can be an expensive process for
  some applications.

- Bug/Feature: Correctly create labels for radio button choices.

- Bug: Buttons did not honor the name given by the schema, if created within
  one, because we were too anxious to give buttons a name. Now name assignment
  is delayed until the button is added to the button manager.

- Bug: Button actions were never updated in the actions manager.

- Bug: Added tests for textarea widget.


- Feature: Created functional tests for the demos.

- Feature: Moved all application ZCML declarations into a ZCML file called


Stephan Richter
CBU Physics & Chemistry (B.S.) / Tufts Physics (Ph.D. student)
Web2k - Web Software Design, Development and Training
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: Vedr. [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 API documentation needs a new strategy

2007-07-18 Thread Andrew Groom

Luciano Ramalho wrote:

And finally, the wiki Documentation page does not mention the abundant
README.txt files scattered all over the source tree where the real
documentation exists.

Yup, I agree that the README.txt's have a lot of useful info but how 
would you know to look for them if you were new to Z3 ? I also agree 
with the comment about PHP documentation - I can't stand PHP, but you 
can't argue with the size of the community that they must be doing 
something right, perhaps meeting the needs of the target audience ? :-)

I think Z3 is awesome, but is (IMHO) still not really ready for a larger 
audience than the devotees using it now, mostly because of little things 
like documentation.

Cheers, Andrew.
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: Vedr. [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 API documentation needs a new strategy

2007-07-18 Thread Luciano Ramalho

On 7/18/07, Benji York <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/Documentation help?

Not really. Before yesterday, there was no explanation about how to
access apidoc (I put that in the linked page APIDocTool yesterday).

The apidoc tool itself is limited. For debugging purposes, it might be
useful that the search is limited to registered interfaces. But while
reading about Zope 3 I wanted to check on IComponentArchitecture but
the search could not find it. I had to use grep to find it and learn
the path that I could use to browse to it in the apidoc:


And finally, the wiki Documentation page does not mention the abundant
README.txt files scattered all over the source tree where the real
documentation exists.



PS. BTW, I'd like to mention that besides the people who replied in
the list, I got pvt replies of people saying that they feel the same
way as I do about the current docs.
Zope3-users mailing list

Re: Vedr. [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 API documentation needs a new strategy

2007-07-18 Thread Benji York

Torvald Bringsvor wrote:

Very good point I think. The current documentation
makes me feel stupid, sometimes wanting to go in some
other direction than Z3.

Does http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/Documentation help?
Benji York
Senior Software Engineer
Zope Corporation
Zope3-users mailing list

Vedr. [Zope3-Users] Zope 3 API documentation needs a new strategy

2007-07-18 Thread Torvald Bringsvor

Very good point I think. The current documentation
makes me feel stupid, sometimes wanting to go in some
other direction than Z3.


--- Luciano Ramalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev:

> One of the first questions anyone needs answered
> when studying a new
> framework is "Where is the canonical reference for
> the API?".
> If you google for "zope 3 api documentation" the
> first link is Stephan
> Richter's mail of Jan/2004 announcing API doc. In
> it, there is the
> link:
> http://localhost:8080/++apidoc++
> However, that URL is not active by default, and it
> takes some research
> discover how to make it work.
> The second link returned by Google is this:
> http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/Documentation
> Here we find vague references to a certain API Doc
> Tool, but no
> explanation of how to enable it and access it (OK,
> that is a Wiki, so
> it's easy to fix; I'll start the APIDocTool page).
> The remaining links returned by Google are even less
> helpful, and on
> page 2 we get a link to Shane Hathaway's post titled
> "Zope 3
> Frustration"...
> Everyone expects the API documentation for a
> framework to be highly
> visibile in it's main web site.
> OK, I understand Zope 3 is undergoing a radical
> reorganization right
> now, which is a further push to descentralization,
> making the idea of
> locally generated API documentation even more
> attractive.
> But I think we *also* need the API published on
> Zope.org, for a few
> advantages that the apidoc tool will never be able
> to give us:
> - we need to be able to use Google to search the API
> documentation
> (even if the apidoc search worked perfectly, which
> it doesn't)
> - we need to be able to collaborate with comments
> and examples to the docs;
> The second point is really crucial. Just take a look
> at this page, *please*:
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.classobj.php
> Last year I had to do a project in PHP, and again
> and again the
> answers I was looking for were in the contributed
> comments and
> examples, even though their documentation is very
> compreehensive. The
> same amazing user participation can be seen in all
> 23 languages (!) in
> which the PHP API is documented.
> Contributing to Zope 3 docs must be made *much*
> easier than being a
> Zope 3 committer.
> Cheers,
> Luciano
> ___
> Zope3-users mailing list
> Zope3-users@zope.org
> http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope3-users

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] Re: View or content provider

2007-07-18 Thread Daniel Nouri
Hi Stephan!

Stephan Richter wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 July 2007 14:28, Daniel Nouri wrote:
>> plone.portlets introduces some two dozen (!) interfaces/concepts on top of
>> viewlets in order to implement the flexibility that it needs.  E.g. it
>> introduces an 'available' method/property that controls visibility, which
>> viewlets by themselves lack.  I imagine I could do this with less overhead
>> without viewlets (see my other mail), or IOW: viewlets don't seem
>> inherently flexible to me.
> Then you do not understand them. They are inherently flexible because content 
> providers are multi-adapters of context, request, and view and viewlets are 
> multi-adapters of context, request, view, and viewlet manager. Using adapted 
> objects as discriminators has opened totally new ways of developing UI 
> patterns in Zope 3. We have heavily learned from using those patterns and I 
> think the new z3c.form* framework benefitted a lot from it.

You make it sound like the more objects you adapt, the more flexible you
are.  Which is true to a certain extent, but at the same time, the more
objects you adapt from, the harder are the registrations to read and
understand and the more tedious they are to write (compared to e.g. CMF

Also, adaptation only works to a certain extent as a way to determine if a
viewlet should be displayed or not.  So even with four interfaces to adapt
from, I cannot register by permission or by a rule like "are there any news
items available".  I'm not saying that these use cases can't be solved
easily, it's just that the registry for viewlets doesn't have a way to
express them with adaptation alone.

BTW, what I've seen from z3c.form* looked quite impressive!  I'm sure that
your concepts work nicely for you there.  But maybe they are not the most
practical way to define my kind of page composition use case, which needs to
be highly customizable at runtime (vs. zcml time).

> As to portlets. When talking about portlets, the Web community refers usually 
> to features described in JSR 168. Viewlets have absolutely no ambition to 
> come even close to this. In fact, we specifically designed viewlets to do 
> much less with the intend to later implement portlets on top of them.
> To you viewlets might look extremely simple, in idea and implementation. But 
> this did not come over night and we said: Oh cool, let's use a 
> triplet-adapter to do content providers. Roger and I did an independent 
> implementation of viewlets, then fiercly discussed for nearly a week (people 
> attending the Tuebingen sprint can attest to this) the design goals and 
> implementation. The simple design of both, content provider and viewlets, is 
> thus a result of a deep understanding of UI development problem, not 
> something that was thrown together quickly. You know, often less is more!

I'm all for less is more!

> As to plone.portlets, I think they are heavily overengineered. Last time I 
> looked at its API, it was heavily bloated. This might be a result of being a 
> Plone package though, I do not know, but I would certainly implement them 
> much slimmer. 

Maybe the reason is that viewlets are not the best starting point for
Plone's use case?

In any event, I'm glad that viewlets exist, and I hope I'll soon have a
chance to use them in a way that they were designed to be used.  Currently,
in Plone 3, they are a source of frustration to me.  (And no, it's not
because Plone developers are inherently stupid :-P)


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