Re: [Zope3-Users] There isn't enough context to get URL information.

2006-05-26 Thread Ron Bickers
On Thu May 25 2006 05:50, Achim Domma wrote:

 I try to figure out how to make attributes holding content objects
 accessible via the browser.

I'm working on the same thing, but I don't know how to make a view for the 
contents of the containers in the ZMI.

I have an Item object with 'prices' and 'options' attributes that are both 
BTreeContainer.  I'd like to have two menu items for Item (named Prices and 
Options) and have each display the contents of the respective attribute.  
How can I do that?

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] New annotations factory problems

2006-05-24 Thread Ron Bickers
On Wed May 24 2006 07:00, Martijn Faassen wrote:

 Ron Bickers wrote:
  I was trying to implement the new annotations factory in
  zope/annotation/README.txt but I'm getting a ForbiddenAttribute
  __annotations__ error when I try to view an editform for the
  Before, I had configured a trusted adapter, but since (I think) an
  adapter directive is not needed for this, I don't know how to make it
  trusted or otherwise fix the problem.
  Any ideas?

 These annotations still get registered using the adapter statement:


I tried this, but I'm still having trouble.  Perhaps I'm missing something 
simple.  I have the following:

An IItem interface and a class Item implementation that's attribute 

The annotation interface and class are as follows:

class IItemMiscInfo(Interface):

inStock = Bool(
title=uIn Stock,
description=uIs item in stock?,

class ItemMiscInfo(Persistent):

def __init__(self):
self.inStock = True

What am I supposed to use in the adapter directive as the factory?  If I 
put .item.ItemMiscInfo, I get TypeError: Missing 'provides' attribute 
when starting Zope.  If I add provides=.interfaces.IItemMiscInfo, I get 
the following error when trying to access the editform:

  File /usr/lib/zope-3.3.0_beta1/lib/python/zope/security/, line 
84, in __call__
adapter = self.factory(*args)
TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

The README says to do this:


I can do that in a debug session and it works as expected, I just can't 
figure out the rest.

What am I missing?

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] New annotations factory problems

2006-05-24 Thread Ron Bickers
On Wed May 24 2006 16:42, Tom Dossis wrote:

File /usr/lib/zope-3.3.0_beta1/lib/python/zope/security/,
  line 84, in __call__
  adapter = self.factory(*args)
  TypeError: __init__() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

 I haven't been following this thread, however from the error message it
 appears your adapter is missing the context (adaptee)...

   def __init__(self, context):
  # context is the IItem object to be adapted.

The README says the following:

Note that the annotation implementation does not expect any arguments
to its `__init__`. Otherwise it's basically an adapter.

And the example is defined as follows:

class Bar(Persistent):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 1
self.b = 2

That's why I didn't think the adapter directive would do the right thing, but 
all of this (Zope 3) is pretty new to me, so what do I know.

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] New annotations factory problems

2006-05-24 Thread Ron Bickers
On Wed May 24 2006 17:00, Tom Dossis wrote:

 Did you try something like... ?


 And corresponding zcml..


It's like magic!  Everything is working perfectly, now.  Thank you!

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Two content objects' simultaneous adding

2006-05-22 Thread Ron Bickers
On Mon May 22 2006 20:11, Tom Dossis wrote:

  Ok.  So now I'm wondering... what's the point in using createObject if I
  can just create an object the Python way?

 I guess createObject could be useful in an example such as a generic
 add-objects menu.  In this scenario it's probably be easier to deal with
 factory names.
 Otherwise I can't see why you shouldn't do it the python way if it's
 more direct/explicit.

So is it true then, if I have a class:

class MyObject(object):

And a factory defined in ZCML:

class class=.MyObject
  description=Create a new MyObject

MyObject() and createObject(me.MyObject) will do the same thing and create 
the same object?

If I recall from Zope 2 development, you couldn't just do the former, but 
it's been awhile and I remember just enough to taint my mind when working in 
Zope 3.


Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Two content objects' simultaneous adding

2006-05-20 Thread Ron Bickers
On Sat May 20 2006 04:47, baiju m wrote:

 I have two content objects (both are containers) but I cannot add one
 to another as give here :

 def create(self, data):
 square = Square() = data['name']
 square.description = data['description']
 company = Company() = data['companyname']
 company.description = data['companydescription']
 square['Comp1'] = company
 return square

 It was working in 3.2, now NotYet error is coming in 3.3. Here is the

I did this very thing a couple days ago in 3.3 and it works for me, except 
that I'm using to create the instances of my 
content objects.  So, maybe this:

from zope.proxy import removeAllProxies
from import createObject

def create(self, data):
square = removeAllProxies(createObject(uname.of.your.Square.Factory)) = data['name']
square.description = data['description']
company = removeAllProxies(createObject(uname.of.your.Company.Factory)) = data['companyname']
company.description = data['companyanydescription']
square['Comp1'] = company
return square

I'm not sure if/why the removeAllProxies is needed as I stole this procedure 
from the list archives.  Also, I'm about 1 week into my Zope3 development 
experience, so don't just take my word for it even if it works. :-)

Zope3-users mailing list

[Zope3-Users] New annotations factory problems

2006-05-20 Thread Ron Bickers
I was trying to implement the new annotations factory in 
zope/annotation/README.txt but I'm getting a ForbiddenAttribute 
__annotations__ error when I try to view an editform for the annotations.

Before, I had configured a trusted adapter, but since (I think) an adapter 
directive is not needed for this, I don't know how to make it trusted or 
otherwise fix the problem.

Any ideas?

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Install problem with Zope 3.2.1

2006-04-07 Thread Ron Bickers
On Fri April 7 2006 05:24, Kim L. Jacobsen wrote:

 I tried installing Zope 3.2.1. configure worked ok, but when ran make I
 got the following:

 I'm using Gentoo Linux and python 2.4.2.

I can't help with the error, but Zope 3 is in Portage and can be installed 
with a simple 'emerge zope' if you put net-zope/zope in package.keywords.  
Zope 3.2.1 isn't there yet, only 3.2.0.  However, making a 3.2.1 ebuild 
overlay is simple enough and works for me.

Zope3-users mailing list

Re: [Zope3-Users] Re: Re: Please Guido, pick me, pick me!

2006-02-02 Thread Ron Bickers
On Thu February 2 2006 16:05, Stephan Richter wrote:

 Yeah, but honestly I don't care. If people choose a technology on name
 recognition and not on technical merit, then it is their bad. However, I
 question the RoR hype. I wonder whether big companies seriously
 considering it; it has absolutely no track record. Zope 2 (and even 3) on
 the other hand is deployed on many huge sites and the risk of deploying it
 is low. Even deploying Zope 3 is a smaller risk than RoR.

It's hard to choose Zope 3 based on technical merit when it's not well-known 
that it's so different than the Zope 2 merits they've already decided they 
didn't like.

I've been using Zope since 1998, mostly because I loved Python programming 
and it just fit me.  I was excited to see Zope 3 in the works a few years 
ago, but frankly I didn't understand half of what the developers were 
talking about when they discussed what it was going to look like; it was 
over my head (and still is a bit), but I could tell it would be a different 
beast.  I figured I'd wait and see and happily continue using Zope 2.

Today, I see the mess that a Zope 2 site can turn in to, so I started looking 
at Zope 3 again.  The release announcements say it's ready for production 
use, but the website has no promotion of it whatsoever.  You have to dig 
several levels deep to see any mention that it's not just a new version of 
Zope.  The downloads page makes it look like nothing more than an upgrade 
and the one Zope 3 link under Developers says the wiki is for Zope 3 
development itself, not for those that want to use it.  I do have Richter's 
book (thank you, Stephan) and Philipp's book is on its way, but I'm having 
trouble finding any material online that isn't a hodge-podge of years old 
development notes.

I know Zope 3 is young, but this surprises me.  I would think ZC would at 
least want to mention their new production-ready killer app on the front 
page, and perhaps include *something* in the What is Zope? page.  But 
there's not one word about Zope 3's new technical merits.

There must be a good reason for this.  I know they didn't spend all this time 
building a great open source product for members-only.  The only thing I can 
think of is that perhaps they don't want to promote it while Zope 2 product 
compatibility isn't there yet.  With so many nice Zope 2 products around, I 
can see new users getting frustrated that none of them work in Zope 3.  Once 
some major Zope 2 products work in Zope 3, maybe things will change.

At any rate, I look forward to learning about Zope 3.  I hope it's as fun (or 
more) to work with as Zope 2 has been.

Zope3-users mailing list